What to do if you have a cold in your kidneys. Diet and drinking regime. How to treat cold kidneys

There are many kidney diseases, the cause of which was banal hypothermia.

That is why, before starting treatment, the doctor must establish an accurate diagnosis.

As such, the concept of “kidney cold” does not exist. Colds are ARVI and influenza-like illnesses.

However, cold kidneys are a fairly common occurrence, the symptoms of which are similar to colds.

The reasons are banal

Often with ARVI and other processes inflammatory in nature the virus penetrates through the urinary organs, which leads to inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Signs of a cold may appear on only one kidney, or may affect two organs.

Thus, kidney colds can occur due to the following factors:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • recently previous illness flu or colds;
  • penetration of infection into the body.

About how healthy kidneys should work:

Features of symptoms

The symptoms in this case are similar to colds. A patient who has a cold in the kidneys experiences an increase in body temperature, feels chills or, on the contrary, fever, and also complains of pain throughout the body.

Additional signs of cold kidneys:

  • severe pain in the lumbar region;
  • migraine;
  • change in urine color (it becomes darker);
  • the appearance of swelling on the face and limbs;
  • problems with urination;
  • constant desire to drink.

Pyelonephritis and colds go hand in hand

As a rule, hypothermia may cause. In this case, the patient may begin to feel characteristic pains in the lumbar area, nausea and vomiting.

If the kidneys have recently become cold, a serous type of disease develops. In this case, the kidneys increase in size, and the specialist can, through various studies quickly identify pathology.

If nothing is done in this case, the inflammation can develop into pyelonephritis. purulent type, which is quite difficult to cure.

help yourself

If you have been to a cold place and are concerned about the health of your kidneys, you should take preventive action. First of all, try to move to a warm and dry place.

At the first signs, consult a doctor immediately!

It is necessary to understand that kidney pathology that occurs against the background of hypothermia will not go away as common cold.

If not assigned correct treatment, the disease can become chronic.

At this stage, large areas of tissue are affected, complications arise, which is dangerous to health and life.

That is why you need to contact a highly specialized specialist as soon as possible who will conduct necessary examinations and make the correct diagnosis. Modern diagnostic methods include the following:

  1. and blood(both general and biochemical analysis, which allows you to detect an increased concentration of ESR).
  2. , which makes it possible to determine changes in their size and identify the presence of affected tissues.
  3. In some cases (especially with severe hypothermia) may be prescribed kidney biopsy.
  4. Also held examination of the patient. The specialist should pay attention to bluish skin, as well as increased The lymph nodes in the groin area. A clear sign of cold kidneys is the appearance of a skin rash.

Modern approach to treatment

As for treatment, it consists of bed rest (regardless of where the patient is undergoing the course - in a hospital or at home).

In addition, a specialist may prescribe medications with antibacterial effect and antibiotics.

What and how exactly to treat a person with cold kidneys is decided only by a doctor! Independent choice is not allowed.

If necessary, hormonal drugs are prescribed. To normalize the functioning of the urinary tract, various herbal teas and fruit drinks (in particular, a decoction of lingonberries or sage).

Medications for people suffering from kidney disease can be purchased at the pharmacy. For inflammatory diseases herbs such as, bear ears, St. John's wort and some others.

Before consuming herbal infusions, be sure to consult an allergist. Experts recommend giving preference to those preparations that have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

In order to avoid allergic reaction, it is advisable to first use a smaller amount of decoction than indicated in the instructions.

To remove painful sensations in the lumbar region, the patient can take antispasmodic drugs. After consulting a doctor, ointments with a warming effect can be applied to the lower back.

We should also not forget about medications that improve the functioning of the immune system. Hypothermia often occurs due to reduced immunity.

This is why taking vitamins and special drugs simply necessary for such patients. Thus, the doctor prescribes complex treatment, which, if all conditions are met, will bring the desired effect.

In most cases it is enough conservative treatment. However, if it happened severe frostbite, the doctor may resort to surgical intervention(in this case, nephrectomy is used, that is, removal of the kidney).

Some tips and rules that will help a person who has a cold in their kidneys to recover at home:

  1. Warm baths are very beneficial which should be taken regularly. Duration water procedures should not exceed 15 minutes. Baths with added salt are perfect for relieving painful sensations. This remedy is not the main one, but an auxiliary one. IN warm water can add Not a large number of mustard to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. You should also warm the lumbar area and keep your feet in hot water. All this is allowed if the patient does not have a high temperature.
  3. If you have blown your kidneys, further hypothermia should not be allowed. This means that it is better not to go outside during this period.
  4. You must follow a special diet(the so-called table number seven). This means that you need to limit your consumption of overly spicy and salty foods. It is also necessary to eat as little protein food as possible during this period. The fact is that protein is difficult to digest, which means it puts a lot of stress on the organs. genitourinary system.
  5. During the period of illness and subsequently, try to consume large amount of liquid.

After the acute phase of the disease has passed, the doctor can prescribe treatment in a sanatorium-resort setting, as well as very effective physical therapy.

take care of yourself

The main preventive measure is to avoid hypothermia. lumbar region. This means that this area should always be closed during cool weather.

Doctors recommend wearing long jackets and high-waisted trousers in winter and autumn. If you are traveling to cold places (such as winter fishing), it is recommended to wear special thermal underwear or a warming belt made of natural wool.

In addition, treatment of the main symptoms must be carried out immediately to avoid death.

Possible complications

If treatment is not started in time, the following diseases may occur:

That is why at the first signs of illness, as well as immediately after severe hypothermia, you need to consult a specialist.

Thus, a kidney cold is enough serious phenomenon, which should not be treated carelessly. The results of hypothermia will not go away like a common cold, so you need to immediately switch to bed rest and begin intensive treatment.

The term “kidney cold” refers to various inflammatory diseases having similar symptoms with colds: headache, weakness, malaise, fever and chills. In addition, they often occur against the background of viral infections. respiratory infections or some time after the illness.

For diseases associated with cold kidneys, symptoms viral infection are supplemented by the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, frequent urge to urinate with sharp decrease the amount of urine excreted per day. And also signs of a kidney cold are the presence of discomfort and a burning sensation when urinating, cloudy urine, with the presence of blood, sand or small stones in it.

The most common inflammatory process (inflammation renal pelvis, calyces and kidney parenchyma) occurs as a result of hypothermia, viruses penetrating the blood and activating pathogenic microflora - staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus or coli, as well as due to bacterial infection (past tonsillitis, scarlet fever, rheumatic diseases).

Cold: symptoms

Pathogenic bacteria cause an inflammatory process in tissues - pyelonephritis, pyelitis or glomerulonephritis. These diseases are known as kidney inflammation. The inflammatory process can be one-sided or affect both kidneys.

Acute pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammatory process that affects the renal parenchyma (the organ tissue itself), pelvis and calyces. Symptoms of cold kidneys are a sudden increase in temperature to 39-40 C, chills, heavy sweating, headache, and severe with the addition of nausea, vomiting and an increase in headache. And also signs of cold kidneys appear in the form of deterioration general well-being(increasing weakness and malaise), thirst, urination problems (due to inflammation and swelling of the ureters) and the appearance of cloudy urine, with the presence of blood, salts and sand in it.

Most often, acute pyelonephritis occurs against the background of or after acute purulent processes (angina, endocarditis or purulent gynecological diseases) or if available chronic diseases (chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis, subacute septic endocarditis and endometritis, adnexitis).

Chronic pyelonephritis can occur as a consequence of untreated acute pyelonephritis or with complete absence treatment (primary chronic pyelonephritis), especially if these are acutely cold kidneys and the symptoms occurred against the background of a viral or bacterial infection, and subsequently manifested themselves only as periods of unexplained fever during exacerbation of the disease. IN in this case diagnosis of the disease often presents great difficulties and is revealed only with complete comprehensive examination patient.

Glomerulonephritis is a complex inflammatory process with predominant defeat glomerular vessels. Most often this disease occurs after tonsillitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever or infections of the upper respiratory tract(pneumonia, purulent bronchitis), as well as after hypothermia of the body in a humid environment, so-called “trench” nephritis.

With glomerulonephritis, the symptoms of a kidney cold manifest themselves in the form of swelling on the face, against the background of severe pallor skin(face of a “nephritic”), the appearance of blood in the urine and increased blood pressure. If the kidneys have a cold, then the symptoms of glomerulonephritis in individuals young may manifest as signs of heart failure (shortness of breath during exercise, heart pain), ECG abnormalities, and the appearance of blood and protein in the urine.

What to do?

If there are signs of presence inflammatory process You should consult a urologist to diagnose the disease. It must be remembered that a kidney cold is not just a seasonal disease, but an inflammatory process that requires clarification of the diagnosis and thorough treatment. Therefore, if you have a cold in your kidneys, only a doctor can decide how to treat it based on laboratory and instrumental methods research.

Laboratory tests of the patient's urine and blood can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. If on early stage A kidney cold has been diagnosed, treatment will be more effective. Urinalysis and bacterial cultures determine the pathogen that caused the inflammation and will facilitate the selection of the appropriate antibacterial drug; a biochemical blood test will show the functional capacity of the kidneys. And with the help of X-ray and ultrasound examination You can determine the condition of the kidneys and ureters, the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, stones or sand.

“Kidney cold” is a collective concept. It involves infections and inflammations in the kidney tissues that occur after local or general hypothermia. When a person has a cold in the kidneys, the symptoms in men and women are usually similar, but there are certain differences. Pathological signs should not be ignored, since the disease can have many serious consequences.

As for the factors that provoke pathology, it is easy to catch a cold in the kidneys if you are in cold and damp places, in a draft. This leads to severe hypothermia legs and pelvic organs.

Causes and consequences

So, is it possible to get a cold in your kidneys, many patients ask. Experts answer unequivocally: it is possible. It is always worth remembering that low temperature external environment entails a slowdown in blood circulation and constriction of blood vessels, and this reduces immune protection and causes congestion in the capillaries of the kidneys. Against the background of the described condition, pathogenic bacteria, which are always present in the body, begin to multiply intensively.

Ignoring the thermal regime is the most common cause of a “kidney cold,” but its symptoms can also appear after a person has had an acute respiratory infection or the flu. Kidneys often hurt during a cold, as well as after a sore throat, scarlet fever or rheumatic disease.

This is natural, since the inflammatory process occurs after bacteria enter the body. That is why the “natural filters” of the body often suffer if the pathologies have not been completely treated or the patient has violated the doctor’s instructions.

After drug therapy the kidneys are under attack. Most of the inflammatory and infectious diseases treated with antibiotics. The drugs increase the load on a person’s kidneys, and against this background the risk of pathologies increases. In men, signs of kidney inflammation are also found against the background of prostate adenoma, prostatitis in the relapse stage, or due to the presence of urinary tract stones.

Whatever the causes of a kidney cold, they ultimately lead to the appearance of one of these diagnoses on a man’s record:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • tubulointerstitial nephritis.

In each case indicated, the process covers various areas organs. For example, acute pyelonephritis is characterized by inflammation in the area of ​​the calyces and pelvis, and from there pathological process may spread to the entire surface of the kidney.

Glomerulonephritis is characterized by damage to the vessels of the glomerular region. Tubulointerstitial nephritis affects the tissue around the glomeruli, causing severe swelling. Symptoms and therapy for such pathologies have their differences, but also have many common features.

Symptoms in men

Basically, most patients are faced with pyelonephritis, which has acute or chronic form. If the kidneys are blown out or the man is hypothermic, then acute pyelonephritis occurs. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with urination;
  • purulent or bloody discharge;
  • pain, burning of the genital area;
  • , chills and fever;
  • periodic pain in the lumbar region.

But when these symptoms are ignored for a long time, acute form pyelonephritis becomes chronic. This disease is characterized by a sluggish course, it attracts little attention, but over the years it can lead to the development renal failure.

It is worth noting: the child’s symptoms will be almost the same, but often the boy is not able to clearly formulate what is bothering him.

Parents should be wary of their baby's tearfulness and heat The child has. If urination is impaired against this background, there is every reason to suspect kidney disease in the baby.

Therapeutic measures

Symptoms alone are not enough to make a diagnosis, since nephritis can be confused with other diseases of the genitourinary system. First of all, the doctor sends the patient for a urine test. Pathological changes unmistakably indicate the onset of the inflammatory process. So, with pyelonephritis and protein in the urine, the concentration of red blood cells may also increase.

The density of urine is also taken into account: acute pyelonephritis it is less than the specific gravity of plasma, and in chronic cases their density is the same. Laboratory research help distinguish pyelonephritis from glomerulonephritis.

When the shade of urine is similar to meat slop, this is reason to suspect glomerulonephritis, but the presence of flakes in the urine indicates pyelonephritis.

In addition, urine culture is carried out, without which it is impossible to select effective antibacterial agents for treatment. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. The procedure is indicated to assess the condition of the kidneys, as well as to understand whether neoplasms and urolithiasis can be excluded.

When the kidneys are inflamed and painful, immediate treatment is required. For nephritis, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, supplemented vitamin complexes and herbal medicine. Antibacterial drugs drink for at least 5 days, and in case staphylococcal infection– 10–14 days. This duration is due to the need to completely destroy the inflammatory focus (thereby preventing relapse and transition to a chronic form). It is important to avoid the emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

Often prescribed in parallel with antibiotics

  • detoxification solutions for blood purification;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • sulfa drugs;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • antipyretics;
  • diuretics.
  • corn silk;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • bear ears;
  • lingonberry leaf;
  • cranberries;
  • bearberry;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • knotweed;
  • horsetail

During therapy, it is important to adhere to a special diet (table No. 7) and maintain bed rest (even if the disease is treated at home). If the patient does not have severe renal failure, it is necessary to drink a lot of water and limit the consumption of salt and spices, since the latter provoke thirst and lead to metabolic disorders in the kidneys. Onions, garlic and spices are also prohibited because they increase blood pressure.

When a man has kidney pain and there is reason to suspect nephritis, he should quickly seek qualified help and undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

If, for a cold of the kidneys, therapy is carried out at home, then it is worth understanding that the responsibility for the success of such treatment lies purely with the patient himself.

When deciding for yourself the question: how to treat cold kidneys, a person must understand well that this is a rather serious problem and, as a rule, requires the intervention of a specialist. Self-medication can only be done as a preventive measure or in a situation where it is no longer possible to endure pain in the lower back.

Causes of the disease

Often, signs of a cold in the genitourinary system appear after hypothermia. But this only happens if pathogen, which destroys the kidneys, bladder and urinary canal, was already in the patient’s blood before. In addition, there must be a weakening protective functions immune system. The coincidence of all 3 factors causes kidney disease.

Colds are caused by bacteria causing pneumonia, ARVI, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. The human body may first be attacked by a virus, and only after the immune system has weakened is it attacked by bacteria.

Viruses can enter the body not only through respiratory system, but also through the genitals. They cause diseases of the genitourinary system such as urethritis, cystitis and no less dangerous STDs.

Also via reproductive system You can become infected with Candida fungus. Most often it develops in a woman’s body, but it does not disdain to exist in male body. So men also get thrush.

To summarize, when listing the causes of kidney colds, it can be emphasized that any disease of a viral or bacterial nature can become an impetus for the development of pathology. Simply because the human body is extremely defenseless precisely during the period of fighting the pathogen.

The mechanism for the development of the disease is always the same: after hypothermia, a spasm of the blood vessels that supply the kidneys with blood begins; accordingly, they begin to be poorly supplied with blood, oxygen, and beneficial microelements. The functions of organs weaken, and this is precisely the best time for dangerous microorganisms - they invade the kidneys and organs located next to them.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of cold kidneys appear within a few hours after coming home from cold street. First, urination is disrupted - it becomes frequent or, conversely, rare. In this case, threads of blood appear in the urine or it becomes cloudy and changes color intensity.

Then there is pain in the lower back. Gradually it spreads to the entire circumference of the torso around the waist. The pain can be aching or jerking. The patient's body temperature rises and chills begin. Sometimes a person falls into a fever, accompanied by delirium.

Disruption urinary system leads to the appearance of swelling on the legs, arms and even on the patient’s face. The skin is covered small rash. Appears from the mouth bad smell ammonia. This substance accumulates as a result of impaired kidney function.

Present general intoxication body. It causes nausea and vomiting in humans. The patient is rapidly losing weight because his metabolism is disrupted. A person with diseased kidneys has sharply deteriorating vision. Weakness develops when physical activity. A person has difficulty climbing stairs, even to the second floor.

It is important to understand that kidney colds do not always appear immediately. Pathology needs several days to develop recognizable symptoms, so when they appear, it means that the disease has already reached its climax and the person urgently needs health care.

Everyone knows perfectly well what No-Shpa helps with - it relieves pain. But you cannot suppress pain without finding out the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic, and this condition will take much longer and more difficult to treat. So in this context, the question of what “No-Shpa” helps with can be answered this way: it temporarily relieves pain, but delays the time of onset accurate diagnosis.

Complications from cold kidneys in men

Diseased kidneys will not heal on their own. They must be treated, otherwise they can develop very dangerous diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis is first acute and then chronic.
  2. Kidney stones.
  3. Glomerulonephritis.
  4. Cystitis - acute and chronic.
  5. Hydronephrosis - similar pathology often becomes a consequence urolithiasis when the conglomerate closes the lumen of the ureter.

But the most unpleasant complication of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system for men is inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis is capable of strong successful man quite quickly make a weak, infertile impotent with low self-esteem. Again, there is a risk of developing prostate cancer.

Complications from cold kidneys in women

In general, complications in women are almost the same as in men. Except that constant inflammation of the kidneys can lead a woman to the formation of tumors on her ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes. It happens that an undetected tumor turns from benign to malignant over time.

Thus, a common kidney cold can lead to female body To cancer.

Diagnostic measures

A nephrologist diagnoses and solves the problem of how to treat cold kidneys. First of all, he collects anamnesis, finding out how and where the patient might have caught a cold, what symptoms he has, the nature of the pain, and much more.

Then the patient is examined by palpating the organs abdominal cavity and kidneys. After this, the patient undergoes urine and blood tests. Mandatory instrumental study functioning of the urinary system. For this purpose it is used ultrasound scanning or CT scan. These methods allow you to see not only the organ, but also various neoplasms in it, and foreign objects. For example, stones, sand, polyps and so on.

Emergency help

If the cold has caused severe and extremely painful complications, the patient will need emergency medical care. You need to understand that sharp pain from hydronephrosis, for example, can cause painful shock in a person and, as a result, cardiac arrest.

Therefore, when a person has a cold in his kidneys, he has not yet been prescribed antibiotics, but the pain has begun to drive him crazy, we need to ease his suffering. First of all, an ambulance is called. And while the crew is on the way, you can give the patient 2 tablets of No-Shpa. This will temporarily relieve the pain, but it is clear that it will not cure.

Baralgina or Spazmalgona tablets also help well against spasms. You can administer such drugs intramuscularly, checking the instructions. The patient should be given warm tea or water, since the exchange of fluids in the kidneys should not stop.

Many people ask whether it is possible to warm cold kidneys, because this relieves spasm and pain. But we must not forget that warming up internal organs in the case of infectious diseases, it only increases the affected area. So temporary relief may turn out to be serious complication. Only a doctor should decide how to treat cold kidneys.

Principles of treatment

When a person has a cold in the kidneys, antibiotics are not the only medicinal drug. Therapy involves the use of several types of medications that perform a variety of functions in the treatment regimen.

In addition to antibiotics, the patient takes diuretics prescribed by the doctor. Antiviral drugs are prescribed and the pain is relieved with a course of antispasmodics or analgesics. The dose is set depending on the patient’s well-being.

Kidney tablets have different names: “Urolesan”, “Canephron”, “Fitolysin”, “Cyston”, and are used according to individual indicators. This takes into account the patient’s condition, the severity of the pathology, age and even gender.

If a person elevated temperature body, then he accordingly takes antipyretic drugs - Paracetamol or Aspirin.

If the patient’s condition does not improve for a long time, therapy is carried out hormonal agents. To cleanse the blood harmful impurities and to relieve intoxication, an IV is placed.

To improve the patient's well-being, the lower back is treated with warming creams and ointments. The immune system the body is strengthened by a complex of vitamins and useful microelements.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with drugs is allowed alternative medicine. The fact is that folk remedies for the kidneys are made up of plants, so dangerous overdose the patient is not in danger. But on the other hand, the effectiveness of such treatment is not clearly expressed, so it makes sense to use such methods in combination with prescribed medications.

So, treatment of cold kidneys with folk remedies:

  1. It is not for nothing that oats are considered the food of long-livers. A decoction of it has been used to treat kidneys for many centuries. It’s easy to prepare: 50 g of oats are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left to steep in a thermos. After 12 hours, the infusion can be filtered and drunk 200 g at a time 3 times a day. By the way, and oatmeal affects the patient therapeutic effect. That is why it is included in the patient’s diet for the entire period of treatment.
  2. You can also brew millet in a thermos. Such cereals are almost as healthy as oats. A decoction of millet is prepared as follows: 50 g of cereal is boiled in a liter of water for 5 minutes. The product should be allowed to brew for 3-4 hours. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Sage decoction with 1 spoon of wine and honey - excellent medicine with hypothermia. Ancestors knew how to treat cold kidneys quickly and pleasantly. This product is prepared simply: 3 tbsp. l. sage are brewed in 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Then the infusion is filtered, and wine and honey can be added to taste. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

An herbal decoction can consist of several plants, the combined effect of which is much more effective. This collection usually includes St. John's wort, Birch buds, corn silk, chamomile, horsetail and a number of other herbs.

What to do if you have a kidney cold and how to treat it: preparations from natural products

If painful spasms occur in the lower back, you can begin to healing procedures. Here the method of treatment is suggested by logic. After all, how can you catch a cold in your kidneys? Hypothermia. Therefore, immediately after it you need to take hot bath. The main thing is not to overdo it - you can take it no longer than 15-20 minutes. For greater effectiveness, you need to add sea salt to the water.

To suppress inflammation, you can add a little mustard to the hot bath water. Currently, there is debate about the effectiveness of this method of therapy, because the skin does not allow water to pass through and, accordingly, drug particles dissolved in it. However, no one denies that inhaling water vapor with the same mustard is an excellent way to cure a cold, which is ultimately what is required.

We must not forget about special diet for the duration of the entire course of treatment. It is advisable to stick to it after treatment. First of all, you can't use alcoholic drinks and smoke. You can't eat fatty fried meat. You need to remove from your diet all foods containing preservatives and dyes, such as smoked sausage, canned food, chips.

Secondly, you need to drink a lot of water, preferably mineral water, but only after examination by a doctor and on his recommendation. After all, some species mineral water may cause kidney stones. In any case, water flushes the kidneys, removing harmful and dangerous microorganisms. In addition, the blood becomes more liquid, which means it can penetrate even the thinnest capillaries, carrying with it oxygen and microelements.


In order not to learn the names of kidney pills and go to doctors with endless complaints about pain and others unpleasant manifestations pyelonephritis and urolithiasis, you need to take care of it in advance. After all, it is much easier to prevent pathology than to treat it with expensive drugs.

First of all, we must protect bottom part backs from drafts, especially in the heat of summer, when a person entering from the street enters the air-conditioned air of the room.

Clothing must be appropriate for the season. There is no need to wear short blouses and jackets that do not cover the stomach and waist in the winter cold. Feet should always be dry. Especially during the cold season. You cannot sit on a cold surface - curbs, stones, steps.

It is necessary to take a warm bath at least once a week, preferably with sea ​​salt. To reduce the likelihood of the virus entering the body, you need to wash your hands before eating, do not use someone else’s dirty dishes and personal hygiene items - a towel, toothbrush, razor, and so on.

You need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day. And just water, not soda, not coffee, much less beer, but water - clean and still. To improve blood supply to the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to regularly exercise, walk or run. This is especially important for modern people, due to the nature of their work, they spend almost the entire day in a sitting position. Moreover, it is not the intensity or duration of training that plays an important role, but its regularity. For example, a 30-minute run in the evenings or an hour-long walk.

Kidney colds can become a serious problem if not given proper attention. After all similar condition may be complicated by other, more serious pathologies that require serious treatment.

Any type of cold is unpleasant for a person, but if a runny nose can be tolerated on the legs, then a cold of the kidneys is very serious illness. So we decided to tell you what to do if your kidneys are blown, folk remedies that help speedy recovery and relief of symptoms. Symptoms of the disease are pain in the kidney area, radiating to the groin, rectum, side, on the side of the affected kidney, temperature, changes in urine. If the remedies you use at home do not give the desired result within three days, consult a doctor immediately!

What to do if your kidneys are blown - general recommendations:

An unpleasant kidney cold requires attention to this organ. Follow a kidney-friendly diet - less salt and artificial food, carbonated drinks, protein products. If you are sure that there is no complication of the cold bacterial infections, you can apply thermal procedures to the kidney area - for example, tie a warm woolen scarf on the lower back.

What to do if your kidneys have blown out - folk remedies:

Kidney colds can be cured with so-called kidney herbs and their fees. Here are the recipes.

1. Lingonberry. Any lingonberry products are useful, but good effect gives jam from this berry and infusions and fruit drinks. It perfectly relieves inflammation and cleanses the blood.

2. Herbal teas and infusions. We offer collection from two strong means- bearberry and birch buds.The herbs are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water and the infusion is drunk in a third of a glass, three times a day. The course of treatment is at least ten days.

Video: Draft, what to do if you have a strained neck, back, etc.?

Here's a short summary of what to do if your kidneys have blown out, folk remedies and recommendations for a speedy recovery.

Interesting fact.

The beneficial properties of berries such as lingonberries, strawberries, cranberries are very good for treating kidney inflammation and Bladder. They have a mild diureticand diaphoretic properties, and also stimulate the immune system, increase hemoglobin, make elastic vessels. And their biggest advantage is taste qualities, a real tasty medicine.

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