What artery is the pulse in the neck? How to calculate the pulse in different parts of the body? What heart rate is considered normal?

If you learn to measure your pulse correctly, this will allow you to determine your heart rate without any instruments or special devices. This skill will greatly help you if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, and you should constantly keep it under control.

How to find your pulse

How to measure your pulse

To measure your pulse, hold a digital watch or watch with a second hand in your other hand. Note your heart rate, which is equal to the number of beats per minute. Also note the strength of the pulse (pronounced, weak) and rhythm (regular or intermittent).

Instead of waiting a full minute, you can note your heart rate for 15 seconds, and then multiply the resulting value by 4.

How to decipher pulse

Normal pulse (NP)- this is the heart rate when you are at rest: 70-100 beats per minute for children under 18 years old, 60-100 beats per minute for adults. This is a fairly large spread, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism. However, if the NP exceeds or falls below the specified values, this is a cause for concern.

Maximum heart rate (MP)— limit values ​​of heart rate. To calculate MP, use this formula: 220 - (Your age)

Pulse under load (PPN)- this is the heart rate that is average during physical activity. As a rule, it is equal to 60-85% of the MP. Regular physical exercise has a beneficial effect on strengthening the cardiovascular system and helps keep the PPP in the normal zone.

  • It is best to lie still for one minute before taking your heart rate.
  • If any degree of irregular heart rate occurs, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Do not palpate both carotid arteries at the same time, because this can reduce blood flow to the brain.
  • Do not press too hard on the neck while palpating the carotid artery, as... this exposure may stimulate a reflex mechanism that will slow the heart rate.

We hear its beating in the chest, we feel an increase in rhythm, but the best way to monitor cardiac activity on our own is to measure the pulse. It is no coincidence that even in schools children are taught how to correctly find the pulse and practice this skill in medical training classes. True, without regular practice the skill is forgotten, and many only remember that the pulse can be felt on the wrist. To fill in the gaps and remember how to correctly find and measure bullets, read our tips.

Pulse, or heart rate (HR), is the reflection of the heartbeat in the blood circulation. A completely natural phenomenon, considering that the heart causes blood to circulate rhythmically through the circulatory system. Each time the heart pumps out blood, the blood vessels fill more, and this can be felt by touching their walls. This can only be done where the vessels are as accessible to touch as possible, that is, there is no fat or muscle layer between them and the thin skin. That's why, before measuring your pulse, you need to find the right place to take it.

  • Arterial pulse is the vibration of the walls of the arteries, that is, the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the internal organs.

There are not many places on the human body where these conditions are met. And there are even fewer ways to measure pulse that are available in everyday (non-clinical) conditions. In fact, you can measure your pulse yourself only by palpation, that is, using superficial tactile sensations. You can find and palpate the pulse in the following places on the body:

  • At the wrist: the most common, or radial pulse (radial artery pulsation).

measuring the finger on the hand Most often, the pulse is measured precisely on the radial artery, in the area of ​​the wrist, passing so close to the skin that it is visible to the naked eye. You can find and check the pulse in this place at any time, even for yourself:

  1. Turn your left hand palm up. It is the left one - in most cases they try to find the pulse on it. Ideally, the pulse on both hands should be the same, but in practice on the left hand, located closer to the heart, it can be seen better.

The radial artery in the wrist is a prominent but not the thickest artery in the human body. Therefore, it may not be palpable if a person has lost consciousness or lost a lot of blood. In such circumstances, the pulse is measured at the carotid artery and proceed as follows:

carotid pulse

  1. The patient should not be in an upright position; sit him up or lay him on his back.

Finding and measuring your pulse is important, and in some situations, simply necessary. Pulse is one of the main signs of life, and in less extreme circumstances it helps to monitor health status, the performance of sports training, etc. As is known, normally the pulsation frequency corresponds to the frequency of the heartbeat (contraction of the heart muscle). And when palpating the pulse, it is important to know how to count the pulse correctly, and what pulse is considered normal:

  • 60-90 beats per minute for a healthy adult;
  • Emotions. The stronger they are, the faster the pulse.

Pulse measurement algorithm. Where is the pulse felt?

The main organ in humans is the heart. Its average mass is grams. Every person, by looking at his fist, can get an idea of ​​the size of his heart.

Heart function indicator

Statistics show that the heart rate of people who lead a sedentary lifestyle is 20 percent higher than those who exercise regularly. The heart of the former makes about 14 thousand extra contractions during the day and wears out faster. Trained athletes have prepared their hearts for an economical mode of operation: it contracts less often and rests longer.

The pulse of each person reflects the work of the heart and the body as a whole, shows whether it is fully saturated with blood, as well as with such an essential element as oxygen. Normal heart rate indicators should not exceed the upper limit - 90 beats in 60 seconds. Otherwise, this is already a painful ailment that must be controlled and treated with medications. If your heart rate is under 100 beats per minute there is no need to worry too much, but if your heart rate is above this number then something should be done to reduce the heart rate.

How to measure pulse correctly?

To find out your real heart rate, you need to follow a certain pulse measurement algorithm: it should be counted accurately for 60 seconds and no less. The rule is that during the measurement process arrhythmias may occur, in which a different number of beats is possible in each quarter of a minute. You should know that the pulse is lower when a person is in a lying position. Before determining this indicator, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages, coffee or tea, eat or smoke. The most accurate indicators characteristic of the body are found out in the morning after a night's sleep and on an empty stomach.

Regular monitoring of the pulse will help not only recognize the onset of the disease, but also normalize some abnormalities in the body, and also help eliminate poor health.

What should you do if your heart rate increases?

If you clearly feel every beat of your heart, or how the blood pulsates where the pulse is detected, most likely you have tachycardia. Wherever you are, you should stop before taking your pulse on your arm. A high measurement rate should be alarming, but, nevertheless, there is no need to panic. First of all, what needs to be done is to drink cold water, sit down or lie down, that is, introduce the body into a resting phase. After resting a little, count your pulse again. If it returns to normal, you can continue with your daily activities. Such moments, which occur occasionally, do not pose a threat to health or life; they occur even in completely healthy people. This is a short-term tachycardia caused by nervous unrest, lack of sleep, stress or overwork.

How to lower your heart rate?

If the heartbeat does not decrease even after rest, take sedatives, which are available in your home medicine cabinet, to reduce it. The most suitable drugs for this are:

Fresh air will help lower your heart rate, so if you feel unwell, first open the windows and get some fresh air. It is better if someone present does this. It is also necessary to check your blood pressure, as high blood pressure can also cause rapid heartbeats. In this case, take your blood pressure medicine.

Properties of pulse

Frequency is the number of perceptible pulse beats in 60 seconds. The easiest way to measure them is on your wrist. It should be remembered that in a lying position the pulse is always lower than when sitting or standing. The main thing is to always have the same body position when measuring. The time of day also affects your heart rate. By the evening, the pulse usually becomes faster, for example, if in the morning it is 70 beats per minute, and in the evening - 90 beats - this is a common phenomenon that corresponds to the norm. How to count your pulse correctly? If you are trying to accurately determine your pulse rate, then you should definitely measure it not for 15 seconds, increasing the result by 4 times, and not for half a minute, increasing it by 2 times, but exactly 60 seconds. If arrhythmia is present, then during this period it will certainly appear at least once.

Conclusion: the pulse measurement algorithm is based on performing this procedure at the same time, in the same position and for 60 seconds, only in this case you can find out its objective frequency. Optimal heart rate: from 60 to 90 beats per minute. With a pulsation of 100 beats per minute and above, tachycardia occurs, and below 60 beats per minute, bradycardia develops. This pulse is observed in athletes or well-trained people. If a person is far from sports training and has low heart rates, his body does not accept the required amount of oxygen and substances necessary for the full functioning of all organs.

Rhythm, strength and tension

The pulse is counted for at least 60 seconds in order to find out its rhythm. If it is not stable during the measurement, then this condition is called arrhythmia.

Pulse filling. A fairly common complaint from patients is that it is difficult for them to find where the pulse can be felt in the wrist. This indicator depends on the stroke volume of the heart; if it decreases, then the pulsation weakens. Weak pulsation indicates heart failure.

Pulse voltage - reflects the effort required to feel it. The level of tension is directly dependent on blood pressure.

And one more property is the height of the pulse. A rather complex property that reflects the amplitude of vibration of the artery wall. If we consider the reasons for the appearance of a high pulse, then, first of all, it is caused by insufficiency of the aortic valve.

Pulse measurement algorithm

The pulse measurement technique is quite simple to use. Let's consider the most common way to measure the pulse on your hand.

  • when determining the pulse on the wrist, you can use all the fingers on the palm, with the exception of the thumb, since it has its own pulse;
  • find the measurement site on the radial artery, located on the inside of the arm, using the pads of two fingers;
  • place them directly under your wrist on the thumb side and press slightly until you feel the blood pulsate under your fingers;
  • look for a place where the heartbeats are more distinct.

Algorithm for measuring pulse if a person is unconscious and the pulse at the wrist cannot be felt. In this case, proceed as follows.

  • find the pulse in the carotid artery. To do this, place your index and middle fingers in the hollow between the throat and the large muscle on the neck;
  • press lightly until you feel where the pulse is in your neck;
  • Hold a stopwatch or watch with your other hand.

If you don't have a watch handy, you can use the Cleveland Clinic's heart rate technique, which recommends finding the number of heartbeats in 15 seconds, quadruple the result to calculate the number of heartbeats in 60 seconds. You can also count the beats for 30 seconds and double it.

You can also measure heart rate in the temple or chest area, but these options are less accurate and common.

Determine your optimal heart rate. For adults, it is considered normal beats per minute. For children under 18 years of age, the normal heart rate is beats per minute. The pulse measurement algorithm involves determining not only frequency, but also such indicators as strength and rhythm.

Check the strength of the pulse, whether it is strong or weak. When you feel your pulse, you must determine whether it is weak, sluggish, strong or too fast.

Check the rhythm, which is a measurement of the heart's pulsations and the intervals between them. If the pulsation is uniform, then the pulse rhythm can be characterized as normal. If you feel a missed pulsation or other unusual behavior, it means that there is something wrong with your heart and you need to find the cause in a medical facility.

If you can't find a pulse

  1. Use the pads of your fingers rather than holding them around your wrist.
  2. Touch different points and stay for 2-3 seconds on each until you feel the pulse
  3. Vary the amount of pressure on your wrist. You may need to press harder or weaker to catch the pulsation.
  4. Point your hand down, especially if you previously held your hand up at head level. The difference in blood pressure will help reveal your pulse.

Determining your maximum and target heart rate

The maximum heart rate is used to calculate the target, that is, the most effective, at which physical activity provides maximum benefit to the body. To determine this indicator yourself, use the following formula: age. This will be the maximum frequency. Perform various physical exercises for half an hour, then measure your pulse again. The figures for maximum and potential heart rates should be almost equal. Calculate your target heart rate. It is equal to 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This indicator is in this range, because each person has different physical shape and training.

Today, programs have been developed for smartphones and heart rate monitors in the form of a bracelet for measuring pulse. Install the desired program and determine your heart rate following the instructions in the instructions.

A lot of smart fitness bracelets have appeared that read information about the state of the human body, have not only a heart rate monitor, but also a pedometer, sleep tracking function and calorie counting.

Pulse on the carotid artery: anatomy, determination technique, deviations from the norm

Counting the pulse in the neck in the area of ​​the carotid artery is the fastest and most easily accessible method that allows you to suspect clinical death in an unconscious person and begin timely measures to resuscitate the victim. In other words, the presence of a pulse in the carotid artery indicates that the person is alive. That is why a medical worker of any specialty, and just an ordinary person, should know how to quickly feel the carotid artery.

Anatomy of the carotid artery

The carotid artery, along some of its length, is adjacent rather superficially to the skin, so it can be easily and quickly palpated, and thus assess the presence or absence of cardiac activity in a person. This technique allows you to avoid wasting valuable resuscitation time trying to get to the chest and listen to heartbeats on the anterior chest wall.

So, the carotid artery is a paired blood vessel originating directly from the aorta on the left (more precisely, from its arch), and from the truncus brachiocephalicus on the right (brachiocephalic trunk). On both sides, the carotid artery, at this length called the common carotid artery, heading upward, passes to the right and left of the esophagus and trachea, and also slightly anterior to the cervical vertebrae.

Closer to the upper surface of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (the most protruding part of the larynx, also called the “Adam's apple”), the common carotid artery divides into two branches - external and internal. From this level, the external branch is accessible to palpation, since it is covered only by the skin, subcutaneous fat and fascia, in contrast to the internal branch, which extends into the thickness of the muscles. It is on the external carotid artery that you can feel the pulsation by lightly pressing it against the deeper muscles of the neck.

anatomy of the carotid and cervical arteries

How to determine the pulse on the carotid artery?

The technique for determining the pulse consists of the following manipulations. Before palpation begins, it is necessary to free the neck from clothing and visually determine the area of ​​the carotid triangle, the edges of which are the lower jaw, the midline of the neck and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In this case, it is better to turn the victim’s head in the opposite direction. The side of palpation does not matter, and palpation can be carried out both on the right and on the left. In order to feel the pulse, you need to place two or three fingers (II, III and IV) at the point between the angle of the lower jaw and the anterior surface of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Next, when pulsation is detected, the main characteristics of the pulse are assessed - rhythm, filling, tension, and the pulse rate per minute is calculated.

Pulse assessment along the entire length of the carotid artery on both sides is used in patients with suspected thrombosis, atherosclerosis, carotid aneurysm, as well as in cases of suspected heart disease such as aortic insufficiency. In the latter case, rhythmic pulsation in the area of ​​the carotid artery is noticeable visually and is called carotid dancing.

In a person who has suddenly lost consciousness, checking the carotid pulse is necessary to determine whether cardiac arrest has occurred and whether immediate resuscitation is required. In this case, the pulse in the carotid artery is not detected on both sides.

Video: determining the pulse on the carotid artery

Absence of carotid pulse

A situation where a person has no consciousness and no pulse in the carotid artery indicates that the person has had a decrease in blood pressure to 0 mmHg due to cardiac arrest. Further actions in this case consist of immediately performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) according to the ABC protocol - A (Airway) - ensure airway patency, B (Breathing) - start artificial respiration, C - (Circulation) - start chest compressions. It is necessary to carry out artificial respiration and cardiac massage at a rhythm of 2:15 until blood flow is restored and a pulse appears in the carotid artery or until rescuers (medics) arrive, or within 30 minutes from the heartbeat stopping.

Figure: performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the absence of a pulse in the carotid artery

Causes of other deviations from the norm

Feeling the pulse in the carotid artery can reveal many hidden diseases that have not yet been diagnosed in the patient. But for this it is necessary to palpate the external carotid artery along its entire length, and not just at the angle of the lower jaw. For this technique, it is necessary to line up all four fingers of the hand, except the thumb, between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. After palpating one area, the fingers are smoothly moved upward to examine another area.

carotid artery stenosis due to atherosclerosis

Thus, with stenotic narrowing of the lumen of the carotid artery caused by an atherosclerotic plaque, the pulse becomes tense (that is, it is difficult for the doctor to compress the artery until the pulse completely disappears), and the artery itself can be palpated as a lumpy, compacted formation.

A low (not full) and soft (not tense) pulse in the carotid artery on both sides may indicate the patient is developing acute myocardial infarction or myocarditis. A thread-like pulse is detected in cases of severe myocardial damage and is a sign that cardiac arrest may occur at any time.

With a carotid artery aneurysm, you can feel a pulsating round formation, characterized by a high-fill pulse, that is, a high “height” of pulse fluctuations.

With hypertension, with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, as well as with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, the pulse in the carotid artery becomes frequent, full (high filling) and tense.

Figure: types of pulse on the carotid artery

Due to the fact that palpation of the pulse on the carotid artery is a simple and at the same time diagnostically valuable technique both in emergency situations, when a person may actually die, and when examining stable patients, it should not be neglected, especially when examining elderly cardiac patients.

How to find your pulse?

The human physiological body is designed in such a way that it has many places where the pulse can be determined. Pulse is the degree of tension in the vascular wall, resulting as a result of myocardial contraction. By feeling the pulse, you can determine a number of physiological characteristics of the activity of the cardiovascular system of the human body (the rhythm of myocardial contraction, speed, frequency, periodicity and force of contraction of the heart muscle). The pulse is also determined in the artery (a blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to organs and tissues).

Pulse search technology includes a number of several important rules. It is strictly forbidden to use the thumb to determine the pulse, since physiologically the thumb has its own pulsation, which can mislead a person inexperienced in anatomical subtleties. It is necessary to take this point into account if you are going to measure the pulse of another person. By using your index and middle fingers, you ensure the accuracy of the data received.

To obtain the most accurate readings, it is necessary to palpate the femoral and carotid arteries. This method allows, in contrast to palpating the pulse in peripheral blood vessels, to obtain the most accurate characteristics of the activity of the human cardiovascular system.

With low blood pressure, the pulse can be detected in the femoral and carotid arteries, and in the peripheral blood vessels, upon palpation the pulse may be completely absent, which is the norm in this condition.

Almost everyone knows the location of the carotid artery. The most optimal place for determining the pulse on the carotid artery is the conventional intersection of lines drawn from the earlobe and chin on the right or left side.

When palpating in the groin area, you can feel the pulsation of the femoral artery.

To find the radial artery, you need to position your palm so that it looks up; the artery can be found near the thumb on the wrist.

The most difficult artery to locate is the branchial artery. Place your thumbs between the shoulder and elbow on the inside of the arm.

Technique for measuring pulse at home

Pulse is an important indicator of the health of the cardiovascular system. Its main function is to reflect the rhythmic vibrations of the walls of blood vessels, which depend on heart contractions.

Pulse indicators provide information about the condition of blood vessels. Irrhythmic contractions can signal various heart pathologies that require immediate treatment.

It is very important to know how to measure your pulse at home. This will give you the opportunity to always monitor your health.

The normal heart rate for a healthy person is beats per minute. In newborns, the pulse is much higher; the permissible value is within 170 beats per minute.

Algorithm for performing the manipulation

The algorithm for measuring pulse is quite simple:

  1. Remove clothes and watches from the person being examined; nothing should interfere with the passage of blood through the vessels.
  2. Wash and dry your hands.
  3. Take a horizontal position, but if necessary you can sit down or lie down.
  4. Prepare a stopwatch. It is better to count the pulse wave in a minute; if necessary, you can reduce it to 30 seconds, and the data is multiplied by 2. If you reduce it to 15 seconds, you should multiply by 4. It is important to understand that an approximate count may not be accurate, especially with arrhythmia.
  5. At the same time, three fingers need to press the radial artery of the subject. Do not take measurements with your thumb, as the results may be distorted due to the sensation of your own pulsation.
  6. After the pulse is felt, you need to start counting the contractions. In case of arrhythmia, the count is carried out only per minute. In normal condition, it is possible in 30 or 15 seconds, followed by multiplication by 2 or 4.
  7. Report the results and write them down on the observation sheet.
  8. Wash and dry your hands.

When measuring your pulse yourself, it is better to choose a sitting position. There may be minor changes in indicators, but they do not play a big role.

If irregularities in the pulse are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment. Arrhythmia may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

In addition to heart rate, you can evaluate the filling of the vascular bed - pulse wave density. And also tension - the force with which the artery must be pressed to lose contraction.

Analysis of pulse characteristics makes it possible to determine an increase or decrease in blood pressure. With high blood pressure, the pulse is tense. When low - thread-like.

Rules for measuring the indicator

In order to get the most correct result, it is important to exclude the influence of negative factors. Heart rate is not measured in the following cases:

  1. The person is in a state of emotional overexcitation.
  2. Some time after taking a hot bath or swimming in the pool.
  3. After physical activity, playing sports.
  4. On an empty stomach or after a heavy meal.

The above factors directly affect the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and the obtained indicators will be unreliable. Therefore, it is worth considering the basic rules of measurement and the fact that the pulse slows down immediately after a person wakes up and before going to bed.

The maximum is reached in the afternoon. Thus, the pulse should be measured two hours after sleep. It is best to do this in the morning, in a lying position.

The patient must be in a comfortable emotional state. In addition, the frequency of contractions is constantly changing. You can get a reliable result if you measure your pulse at the same time throughout the week.

Technique of the procedure

The technique of measuring pulse is that by adhering to all the above rules, pulse can be measured in different parts of the body. In most cases, it is felt on the radial artery, in the lower part of the arm.

This is blood flow from the side of the thumb. Experts consider the location of this point to be optimal from the examination site and from the organs being examined.

The pulse is measured with three fingers - index, middle and ring. The areas where you can place your fingers can be found by leaving a space the width of your thumb between the small bone facing the thumb and the index finger placed on your hand.

The fingers must be strictly placed on the hand, their pressure must be different. Place your index finger on the surface of the skin, and press the middle finger slightly into the muscle tissue. The ring finger should be pressed deep, almost to the bone.

Such actions make it possible to achieve three different levels of heart rate measurement.

Methods for determining pulsation

The pulse can be measured in the neck, where the carotid artery is closest to the skin.

It's not as convenient as checking your pulse on your arm. There are times when it is difficult to detect pulsation in these places.

Therefore, you need to know other points:

  • brachial artery - palpable in the area of ​​the elbow, in the fossa;
  • carotid artery - lateral surface of the neck;
  • above the arch of the foot - the pulse is felt in the fossa located above the center of the foot;
  • in the popliteal fossa;
  • femoral artery - the inner surface of the thigh in the groin.

No matter in what area you have to feel the pulse, the measurement algorithm remains the same.

How to measure pulse on your hand

In the modern world, everyone should know how to measure the pulse on their hand on their own:

  1. The procedure should be performed in the first half of the day or at lunch on an empty stomach.
  2. Before self-examination, you should give up alcohol, tea, coffee, and intimacy.
  3. Carefully examine your left wrist, find a vein on it. It is usually clearly visible - a thin blue stripe under the skin.
  4. Touch it with the fingertips of your right hand. Press down a little.
  5. As soon as the pulse is felt, set the stopwatch and start counting.

How to determine the pulse on the carotid artery

The carotid artery is one of the important elements of the human circulatory system. It is through its branches that blood flows to the brain and supplies it with oxygen and all the substances necessary for the full functioning of the body.

The vessel is of great importance, since the pulse is most often measured through the carotid artery. The place where the carotid artery can be felt is on the anterior lateral surface of the neck.

There are cases when the vessel on the wrist is affected by sclerotic plaques. At the same time, it is impossible to feel the pulse on the hand. In such a situation, it is important to know how to determine the pulse in the carotid artery.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The person must be placed on a horizontal surface or seated on a chair with a backrest.
  2. Then place your middle and index fingers on your Adam’s apple and slowly palpate until you find a soft depression on the side of the thyroid cartilage. It is in this place that the beating of the artery can be heard.
  3. A stopwatch is prepared to record the time and count the number of beats per minute.

The vessel should be probed very carefully so as not to provoke a receptor reaction and a decrease in blood pressure by pressure. It is very important for everyone to know where the carotid artery is located so that, if necessary, they can measure the pulse of themselves and other people.

What heart rate is considered normal?

The normal heart rate is different for men and women. For the fairer sex, it is within the range of beats per minute. For men - 60-80.

It is also important to understand that children's hearts beat faster than adults'. It is considered the norm of beats per minute.

In athletes who are accustomed to intense and prolonged physical activity, the heart muscle is usually enlarged. Therefore, it contracts more slowly - once per minute.

This phenomenon does not relate to pathology, but, on the contrary, in one beat a trained heart distils a larger portion of blood than the heart of a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, it wears out less and remains young much longer.

What do the increased indicators indicate?

A rapid pulse is tachycardia. This phenomenon can signal various nervous disorders and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. If a rapid pulse is accompanied by arrhythmia, this is especially unpleasant.

To avoid dangerous complications, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist and not delay treatment if abnormalities are detected. In the case where there is no pathology, you should simply avoid stressful situations and excessive physical exertion.

If a specialist reveals more serious disorders during the examination, you will have to take a closer look at your health.

An important point will be changing your usual lifestyle and giving up bad habits. After all, heart pathologies most often arise due to constant stress and abuse.

Normalizing the nervous system, eliminating harmful foods from the diet and more rest in the fresh air will help restore the correct rhythm.

Slow heart rate

If the heart beats slower than normal, this also indicates disturbances in its functioning. The frequency of heart beats once per minute is medically called bradycardia.

There are several reasons for its appearance:

  • chemical poisoning;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • exhaustion of the body during prolonged fasting.

With a slow heart rate, a person experiences the following symptoms:

Bradycardia can cause fainting and cardiac arrest. An abnormally slow heart rate is more dangerous than a fast heart rate. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a cardiologist.

Diagnostics by pulse

Systematic measurement of pulse makes it possible to identify disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system at an early stage and prevent complications. By feeling the pulse in your hand, you can listen to which finger beats the loudest and identify other pathologies.

  1. If the pounding is strongest under the index finger, this may indicate problems with the intestines.
  2. Under average - a malfunction of the spleen or gall bladder.
  3. Unnamed means possible pathologies of the kidneys or genitourinary system.
  1. The pulse is best felt under the index finger - disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Under average, liver function may be impaired.
  3. Under the ring finger on the right hand, as well as on the left, there are disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys or genitourinary system.

It is important to understand that only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis, and independent measurements and identification of deviations from the norm is a signal to contact him and undergo a professional examination.

There is no need to prescribe treatment for yourself, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Increased heart rate can occur with weather changes or with age, which does not require adjustment.

Knowing how to measure your pulse yourself is important for everyone. After all, the heart is the only organ of the human body that never rests. His muscle contracts constantly.

Their frequency may change with age, weather conditions, and depending on the general condition of the body.

The measurement algorithm is simple; the procedure can be carried out at home independently, both for loved ones and for yourself. Thus, it is possible to promptly identify disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor changes in heart rate during sports so as not to overload your body.

When carrying out the procedure, it is important to take into account that the pulse should be felt rhythmically, and the beats should follow each other in jerks.

In some cases, a slight arrhythmia appears when inhaling. If it disappears when you hold your breath, then this does not apply to pathology. In any case, deviations from the norm are a reason to go to the doctor.

We hear its beating in the chest, we feel an increase in rhythm, but the best way to monitor cardiac activity on our own is to measure the pulse. It is no coincidence that even in schools children are taught how to correctly find the pulse and practice this skill in medical training classes. True, without regular practice the skill is forgotten, and many only remember that the pulse can be felt on the wrist. To fill in the gaps and remember how to correctly find and measure bullets, read our tips.

Pulse, or heart rate (HR), is the reflection of the heartbeat in the blood circulation. A completely natural phenomenon, considering that the heart causes blood to circulate rhythmically through the circulatory system. Each time the heart pumps out blood, the blood vessels fill more, and this can be felt by touching their walls. This can only be done where the vessels are as accessible to touch as possible, that is, there is no fat or muscle layer between them and the thin skin. That's why, before measuring your pulse, you need to find the right place to take it.

  • Arterial pulse is the vibration of the walls of the arteries, that is, the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the internal organs.

There are not many places on the human body where these conditions are met. And there are even fewer ways to measure pulse that are available in everyday (non-clinical) conditions. In fact, you can measure your pulse yourself only by palpation, that is, using superficial tactile sensations. You can find and palpate the pulse in the following places on the body:

  • At the wrist: the most common, or radial pulse (radial artery pulsation).

measuring the finger on the hand Most often, the pulse is measured precisely on the radial artery, in the area of ​​the wrist, passing so close to the skin that it is visible to the naked eye. You can find and check the pulse in this place at any time, even for yourself:

  1. Turn your left hand palm up. It is the left one - in most cases they try to find the pulse on it. Ideally, the pulse on both hands should be the same, but in practice on the left hand, located closer to the heart, it can be seen better.

The radial artery in the wrist is a prominent but not the thickest artery in the human body. Therefore, it may not be palpable if a person has lost consciousness or lost a lot of blood. In such circumstances, the pulse is measured at the carotid artery and proceed as follows:

carotid pulse

  1. The patient should not be in an upright position; sit him up or lay him on his back.

Finding and measuring your pulse is important, and in some situations, simply necessary. Pulse is one of the main signs of life, and in less extreme circumstances it helps to monitor health status, the performance of sports training, etc. As is known, normally the pulsation frequency corresponds to the frequency of the heartbeat (contraction of the heart muscle). And when palpating the pulse, it is important to know how to count the pulse correctly, and what pulse is considered normal:

  • 60-90 beats per minute for a healthy adult;
  • Emotions. The stronger they are, the faster the pulse.

The pulse is the result of the work of the heart, which continuously circulates blood throughout the body day and night. Our health directly depends on the work of this organ, because lack of nutrition of any part of our body can lead to a weakening of its functions and consequences in the form of insufficiency. And if blood flows poorly to the brain, this can lead to a heart attack or stroke and, as a consequence, a sad outcome.

But let’s not scare you, but let’s start studying the rules for finding the pulse and becoming familiar with the indicators of norms and deviations. With this knowledge you can help not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

In what cases is it necessary to determine the pulse?

First of all, this may be needed when providing first aid. If a person is unconscious, heartbeats will tell you whether he is alive or not, and what actions should be taken. Also, the pulse will indicate the patient’s condition; the less it is palpated, the more severe it is.

With the help of heartbeats, surgeons determine the patient’s condition during operations, especially complex ones, on which life depends. If the pulse quickens or, conversely, decreases, this can threaten health and lead to serious consequences.

But it is equally important to know your heart rate. Especially if you lead an active lifestyle. During training, an important aspect is to maintain a normal heart rate so as not to force the heart to work beyond normal.

If you suffer from heart disease, are overweight, have high cholesterol, or have other preconditions for complications of the cardiovascular system, then your daily duties should include measuring your pulse. For any deviations, you should consult a doctor.

Even if you are a healthy person, it will not be superfluous to know your heart rate and maintain it. Since this is the basis of longevity and a happy life. Knowing how the heart behaves under increased load, stress or at rest, you can easily determine any deviation that may arise.

Where to look for a pulse

In a healthy person, the pulse should be palpable in any large and medium-sized arteries. But the most accurate indicators can be obtained only in a few places:

  1. Carotid artery. The largest of all. It runs symmetrically on the left and right sides of the neck under the lower jaw. To find it, feel with your finger the place that is located midway between the chin and earlobe.
  2. Femoral artery. It runs from the abdominal and along the groin area. You can feel it if you place your fingers on the place where the thigh begins and a fold forms with the lower abdomen.
  3. Radial artery. This method is the most common. You've probably seen him in films and in life safety classes. The pulse can be found at the base of the thumb on the wrist.
  4. Branchial artery. Sometimes the pulse cannot be felt in accessible places. This happens for various reasons and should be found in a hard to reach place. This includes the branchial artery. It runs along the path from the shoulder to the elbow between the biceps and triceps. If you place your fingers under the muscle, you should feel your heart contracting.

There are several other places where you can determine your pulse if you cannot detect it using standard methods. These include the temple area, the back of the foot, the shoulder, the areas around the navel and around the eyes. But these indicators can determine very few facts.

Rules for finding pulse

To tell not only whether a person is alive or not, but to learn a lot of interesting things about his health, you need to know how to measure the pulse correctly. There is a set of certain rules for this:

  1. Measure contractions with three fingers: index, middle and ring fingers;
  2. A large vessel passes through the thumb, which with its pulsation can confuse you;
  3. Measure the pulse on your arm when it is located at the height of your heart;
  4. The heart rate changes when changing from standing to sitting and vice versa, therefore, when measuring contractions, do not sit down or stand up, but remain in the same position as you were;
  5. Do not squeeze the vessels with force;
  6. Count the number of contractions within 10 seconds and multiply the resulting number by 6 - this will be the approximate number of beats per minute;
  7. Pay attention to the rhythm of the contractions, whether they occur at regular intervals or not;
  8. Do not put too much pressure on the carotid artery, as it supplies the brain.

If, when measuring, the pulse is difficult to palpate, the blood vessels are too dense, an excessively fast or slow heartbeat or rhythm disturbance is detected, then you should immediately consult a doctor to investigate problems in the cardiovascular system and the functioning of individual organs.

What are the normal heart rate indicators?

The normal heart rate differs between women and men. If for the weaker sex it fluctuates within a minute, then for the stronger it is 60-80. It is also worth considering the age and period of day in which the measurement is taken. For example, in the morning from 8 o'clock until noon the pulse reaches its highest speed, closer to three o'clock in the afternoon it becomes slower and after that it picks up speed again to reach its maximum by 6-8 o'clock in the evening.

In a standing position, the number of contractions per beat increases compared to if you were lying down, and sitting speeds up by 4-6 beats. Physical activity, overexcitement, hot spices, caffeine, hot drinks and food also make the heart beat faster.

The maximum heart rate should not exceed the individual norm. It is very easy to calculate. Subtract your age from the number 220 and you will get the exact answer. If you take half of the resulting value, you will find out your minimum acceptable rate. The average indicator that you should have at rest and in full health can be obtained if the maximum indicator is multiplied by 0.7, and if you are over 60 years old, then by 0.6.

It should be noted that a reduced heart rate is not such a terrible indicator as an increased one. If you have tachycardia, that is, a rapid heartbeat, sooner or later it will have a negative impact on the functioning of the entire body, so you need medical supervision.

What else is important to know about pulse

Not only the speed of the pulse matters, but also its rhythm. If the beats occur spontaneously, it is called an arrhythmia. In this case, the pulse may be either rapid or slow, shortness of breath, dizziness and pain in the chest area may be present.

This symptom indicates the presence of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, or occurs due to nicotine or alcohol addiction, stress, or taking medications. In some places the pulse may be difficult to feel. This may indicate a lack of nutrition in certain organs and requires consultation with a doctor.

Close attention should be paid to a pulse that is too weak or thready. This indicator indicates serious health problems and requires urgent hospitalization, as it can lead to a sad outcome.

Measuring your pulse daily will not take you much time and effort, but in case of health problems, it will be the first signal about problems in the body, will help identify the disease at an early stage and cure it without any problems. Take care of your heart and be healthy.

Video: how to determine a person’s pulse on the carotid artery

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Over the course of a lifetime, the average person eats 30 tons of food; if you imagine this in volume, then the weight of all the food eaten in a lifetime is equal to the weight of 8 elephants.

Pulse measurement algorithm. Where is the pulse felt?

The main organ in humans is the heart. Its average mass is grams. Every person, by looking at his fist, can get an idea of ​​the size of his heart.

Heart function indicator

Statistics show that the heart rate of people who lead a sedentary lifestyle is 20 percent higher than those who exercise regularly. The heart of the former makes about 14 thousand extra contractions during the day and wears out faster. Trained athletes have prepared their hearts for an economical mode of operation: it contracts less often and rests longer.

The pulse of each person reflects the work of the heart and the body as a whole, shows whether it is fully saturated with blood, as well as with such an essential element as oxygen. Normal heart rate indicators should not exceed the upper limit - 90 beats in 60 seconds. Otherwise, this is already a painful ailment that must be controlled and treated with medications. If your heart rate is under 100 beats per minute there is no need to worry too much, but if your heart rate is above this number then something should be done to reduce the heart rate.

How to measure pulse correctly?

To find out your real heart rate, you need to follow a certain pulse measurement algorithm: it should be counted accurately for 60 seconds and no less. The rule is that during the measurement process arrhythmias may occur, in which a different number of beats is possible in each quarter of a minute. You should know that the pulse is lower when a person is in a lying position. Before determining this indicator, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages, coffee or tea, eat or smoke. The most accurate indicators characteristic of the body are found out in the morning after a night's sleep and on an empty stomach.

Regular monitoring of the pulse will help not only recognize the onset of the disease, but also normalize some abnormalities in the body, and also help eliminate poor health.

What should you do if your heart rate increases?

If you clearly feel every beat of your heart, or how the blood pulsates where the pulse is detected, most likely you have tachycardia. Wherever you are, you should stop before taking your pulse on your arm. A high measurement rate should be alarming, but, nevertheless, there is no need to panic. First of all, what needs to be done is to drink cold water, sit down or lie down, that is, introduce the body into a resting phase. After resting a little, count your pulse again. If it returns to normal, you can continue with your daily activities. Such moments, which occur occasionally, do not pose a threat to health or life; they occur even in completely healthy people. This is a short-term tachycardia caused by nervous unrest, lack of sleep, stress or overwork.

How to lower your heart rate?

If the heartbeat does not decrease even after rest, take sedatives, which are available in your home medicine cabinet, to reduce it. The most suitable drugs for this are:

Fresh air will help lower your heart rate, so if you feel unwell, first open the windows and get some fresh air. It is better if someone present does this. It is also necessary to check your blood pressure, as high blood pressure can also cause rapid heartbeats. In this case, take your blood pressure medicine.

Properties of pulse

Frequency is the number of perceptible pulse beats in 60 seconds. The easiest way to measure them is on your wrist. It should be remembered that in a lying position the pulse is always lower than when sitting or standing. The main thing is to always have the same body position when measuring. The time of day also affects your heart rate. By the evening, the pulse usually becomes faster, for example, if in the morning it is 70 beats per minute, and in the evening - 90 beats - this is a common phenomenon that corresponds to the norm. How to count your pulse correctly? If you are trying to accurately determine your pulse rate, then you should definitely measure it not for 15 seconds, increasing the result by 4 times, and not for half a minute, increasing it by 2 times, but exactly 60 seconds. If arrhythmia is present, then during this period it will certainly appear at least once.

Conclusion: the pulse measurement algorithm is based on performing this procedure at the same time, in the same position and for 60 seconds, only in this case you can find out its objective frequency. Optimal heart rate: from 60 to 90 beats per minute. With a pulsation of 100 beats per minute and above, tachycardia occurs, and below 60 beats per minute, bradycardia develops. This pulse is observed in athletes or well-trained people. If a person is far from sports training and has low heart rates, his body does not accept the required amount of oxygen and substances necessary for the full functioning of all organs.

Rhythm, strength and tension

The pulse is counted for at least 60 seconds in order to find out its rhythm. If it is not stable during the measurement, then this condition is called arrhythmia.

Pulse filling. A fairly common complaint from patients is that it is difficult for them to find where the pulse can be felt in the wrist. This indicator depends on the stroke volume of the heart; if it decreases, then the pulsation weakens. Weak pulsation indicates heart failure.

Pulse voltage - reflects the effort required to feel it. The level of tension is directly dependent on blood pressure.

And one more property is the height of the pulse. A rather complex property that reflects the amplitude of vibration of the artery wall. If we consider the reasons for the appearance of a high pulse, then, first of all, it is caused by insufficiency of the aortic valve.

Pulse measurement algorithm

The pulse measurement technique is quite simple to use. Let's consider the most common way to measure the pulse on your hand.

  • when determining the pulse on the wrist, you can use all the fingers on the palm, with the exception of the thumb, since it has its own pulse;
  • find the measurement site on the radial artery, located on the inside of the arm, using the pads of two fingers;
  • place them directly under your wrist on the thumb side and press slightly until you feel the blood pulsate under your fingers;
  • look for a place where the heartbeats are more distinct.

Algorithm for measuring pulse if a person is unconscious and the pulse at the wrist cannot be felt. In this case, proceed as follows.

  • find the pulse in the carotid artery. To do this, place your index and middle fingers in the hollow between the throat and the large muscle on the neck;
  • press lightly until you feel where the pulse is in your neck;
  • Hold a stopwatch or watch with your other hand.

If you don't have a watch handy, you can use the Cleveland Clinic's heart rate technique, which recommends finding the number of heartbeats in 15 seconds, quadruple the result to calculate the number of heartbeats in 60 seconds. You can also count the beats for 30 seconds and double it.

You can also measure heart rate in the temple or chest area, but these options are less accurate and common.

Determine your optimal heart rate. For adults, it is considered normal beats per minute. For children under 18 years of age, the normal heart rate is beats per minute. The pulse measurement algorithm involves determining not only frequency, but also such indicators as strength and rhythm.

Check the strength of the pulse, whether it is strong or weak. When you feel your pulse, you must determine whether it is weak, sluggish, strong or too fast.

Check the rhythm, which is a measurement of the heart's pulsations and the intervals between them. If the pulsation is uniform, then the pulse rhythm can be characterized as normal. If you feel a missed pulsation or other unusual behavior, it means that there is something wrong with your heart and you need to find the cause in a medical facility.

If you can't find a pulse

  1. Use the pads of your fingers rather than holding them around your wrist.
  2. Touch different points and stay for 2-3 seconds on each until you feel the pulse
  3. Vary the amount of pressure on your wrist. You may need to press harder or weaker to catch the pulsation.
  4. Point your hand down, especially if you previously held your hand up at head level. The difference in blood pressure will help reveal your pulse.

Determining your maximum and target heart rate

The maximum heart rate is used to calculate the target, that is, the most effective, at which physical activity provides maximum benefit to the body. To determine this indicator yourself, use the following formula: age. This will be the maximum frequency. Perform various physical exercises for half an hour, then measure your pulse again. The figures for maximum and potential heart rates should be almost equal. Calculate your target heart rate. It is equal to 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This indicator is in this range, because each person has different physical shape and training.

Today, programs have been developed for smartphones and heart rate monitors in the form of a bracelet for measuring pulse. Install the desired program and determine your heart rate following the instructions in the instructions.

A lot of smart fitness bracelets have appeared that read information about the state of the human body, have not only a heart rate monitor, but also a pedometer, sleep tracking function and calorie counting.

Technique for measuring pulse at home

Pulse is an important indicator of the health of the cardiovascular system. Its main function is to reflect the rhythmic vibrations of the walls of blood vessels, which depend on heart contractions.

Pulse indicators provide information about the condition of blood vessels. Irrhythmic contractions can signal various heart pathologies that require immediate treatment.

It is very important to know how to measure your pulse at home. This will give you the opportunity to always monitor your health.

The normal heart rate for a healthy person is beats per minute. In newborns, the pulse is much higher; the permissible value is within 170 beats per minute.

Algorithm for performing the manipulation

The algorithm for measuring pulse is quite simple:

  1. Remove clothes and watches from the person being examined; nothing should interfere with the passage of blood through the vessels.
  2. Wash and dry your hands.
  3. Take a horizontal position, but if necessary you can sit down or lie down.
  4. Prepare a stopwatch. It is better to count the pulse wave in a minute; if necessary, you can reduce it to 30 seconds, and the data is multiplied by 2. If you reduce it to 15 seconds, you should multiply by 4. It is important to understand that an approximate count may not be accurate, especially with arrhythmia.
  5. At the same time, three fingers need to press the radial artery of the subject. Do not take measurements with your thumb, as the results may be distorted due to the sensation of your own pulsation.
  6. After the pulse is felt, you need to start counting the contractions. In case of arrhythmia, the count is carried out only per minute. In normal condition, it is possible in 30 or 15 seconds, followed by multiplication by 2 or 4.
  7. Report the results and write them down on the observation sheet.
  8. Wash and dry your hands.

When measuring your pulse yourself, it is better to choose a sitting position. There may be minor changes in indicators, but they do not play a big role.

If irregularities in the pulse are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment. Arrhythmia may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

In addition to heart rate, you can evaluate the filling of the vascular bed - pulse wave density. And also tension - the force with which the artery must be pressed to lose contraction.

Analysis of pulse characteristics makes it possible to determine an increase or decrease in blood pressure. With high blood pressure, the pulse is tense. When low - thread-like.

Rules for measuring the indicator

In order to get the most correct result, it is important to exclude the influence of negative factors. Heart rate is not measured in the following cases:

  1. The person is in a state of emotional overexcitation.
  2. Some time after taking a hot bath or swimming in the pool.
  3. After physical activity, playing sports.
  4. On an empty stomach or after a heavy meal.

The above factors directly affect the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and the obtained indicators will be unreliable. Therefore, it is worth considering the basic rules of measurement and the fact that the pulse slows down immediately after a person wakes up and before going to bed.

The maximum is reached in the afternoon. Thus, the pulse should be measured two hours after sleep. It is best to do this in the morning, in a lying position.

The patient must be in a comfortable emotional state. In addition, the frequency of contractions is constantly changing. You can get a reliable result if you measure your pulse at the same time throughout the week.

Technique of the procedure

The technique of measuring pulse is that by adhering to all the above rules, pulse can be measured in different parts of the body. In most cases, it is felt on the radial artery, in the lower part of the arm.

This is blood flow from the side of the thumb. Experts consider the location of this point to be optimal from the examination site and from the organs being examined.

The pulse is measured with three fingers - index, middle and ring. The areas where you can place your fingers can be found by leaving a space the width of your thumb between the small bone facing the thumb and the index finger placed on your hand.

The fingers must be strictly placed on the hand, their pressure must be different. Place your index finger on the surface of the skin, and press the middle finger slightly into the muscle tissue. The ring finger should be pressed deep, almost to the bone.

Such actions make it possible to achieve three different levels of heart rate measurement.

Methods for determining pulsation

The pulse can be measured in the neck, where the carotid artery is closest to the skin.

It's not as convenient as checking your pulse on your arm. There are times when it is difficult to detect pulsation in these places.

Therefore, you need to know other points:

  • brachial artery - palpable in the area of ​​the elbow, in the fossa;
  • carotid artery - lateral surface of the neck;
  • above the arch of the foot - the pulse is felt in the fossa located above the center of the foot;
  • in the popliteal fossa;
  • femoral artery - the inner surface of the thigh in the groin.

No matter in what area you have to feel the pulse, the measurement algorithm remains the same.

How to measure pulse on your hand

In the modern world, everyone should know how to measure the pulse on their hand on their own:

  1. The procedure should be performed in the first half of the day or at lunch on an empty stomach.
  2. Before self-examination, you should give up alcohol, tea, coffee, and intimacy.
  3. Carefully examine your left wrist, find a vein on it. It is usually clearly visible - a thin blue stripe under the skin.
  4. Touch it with the fingertips of your right hand. Press down a little.
  5. As soon as the pulse is felt, set the stopwatch and start counting.

How to determine the pulse on the carotid artery

The carotid artery is one of the important elements of the human circulatory system. It is through its branches that blood flows to the brain and supplies it with oxygen and all the substances necessary for the full functioning of the body.

The vessel is of great importance, since the pulse is most often measured through the carotid artery. The place where the carotid artery can be felt is on the anterior lateral surface of the neck.

There are cases when the vessel on the wrist is affected by sclerotic plaques. At the same time, it is impossible to feel the pulse on the hand. In such a situation, it is important to know how to determine the pulse in the carotid artery.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The person must be placed on a horizontal surface or seated on a chair with a backrest.
  2. Then place your middle and index fingers on your Adam’s apple and slowly palpate until you find a soft depression on the side of the thyroid cartilage. It is in this place that the beating of the artery can be heard.
  3. A stopwatch is prepared to record the time and count the number of beats per minute.

The vessel should be probed very carefully so as not to provoke a receptor reaction and a decrease in blood pressure by pressure. It is very important for everyone to know where the carotid artery is located so that, if necessary, they can measure the pulse of themselves and other people.

What heart rate is considered normal?

The normal heart rate is different for men and women. For the fairer sex, it is within the range of beats per minute. For men - 60-80.

It is also important to understand that children's hearts beat faster than adults'. It is considered the norm of beats per minute.

In athletes who are accustomed to intense and prolonged physical activity, the heart muscle is usually enlarged. Therefore, it contracts more slowly - once per minute.

This phenomenon does not relate to pathology, but, on the contrary, in one beat a trained heart distils a larger portion of blood than the heart of a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, it wears out less and remains young much longer.

What do the increased indicators indicate?

A rapid pulse is tachycardia. This phenomenon can signal various nervous disorders and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. If a rapid pulse is accompanied by arrhythmia, this is especially unpleasant.

To avoid dangerous complications, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist and not delay treatment if abnormalities are detected. In the case where there is no pathology, you should simply avoid stressful situations and excessive physical exertion.

If a specialist reveals more serious disorders during the examination, you will have to take a closer look at your health.

An important point will be changing your usual lifestyle and giving up bad habits. After all, heart pathologies most often arise due to constant stress and abuse.

Normalizing the nervous system, eliminating harmful foods from the diet and more rest in the fresh air will help restore the correct rhythm.

Slow heart rate

If the heart beats slower than normal, this also indicates disturbances in its functioning. The frequency of heart beats once per minute is medically called bradycardia.

There are several reasons for its appearance:

  • chemical poisoning;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • exhaustion of the body during prolonged fasting.

With a slow heart rate, a person experiences the following symptoms:

Bradycardia can cause fainting and cardiac arrest. An abnormally slow heart rate is more dangerous than a fast heart rate. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a cardiologist.

Diagnostics by pulse

Systematic measurement of pulse makes it possible to identify disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system at an early stage and prevent complications. By feeling the pulse in your hand, you can listen to which finger beats the loudest and identify other pathologies.

  1. If the pounding is strongest under the index finger, this may indicate problems with the intestines.
  2. Under average - a malfunction of the spleen or gall bladder.
  3. Unnamed means possible pathologies of the kidneys or genitourinary system.
  1. The pulse is best felt under the index finger - disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Under average, liver function may be impaired.
  3. Under the ring finger on the right hand, as well as on the left, there are disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys or genitourinary system.

It is important to understand that only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis, and independent measurements and identification of deviations from the norm is a signal to contact him and undergo a professional examination.

There is no need to prescribe treatment for yourself, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Increased heart rate can occur with weather changes or with age, which does not require adjustment.

Knowing how to measure your pulse yourself is important for everyone. After all, the heart is the only organ of the human body that never rests. His muscle contracts constantly.

Their frequency may change with age, weather conditions, and depending on the general condition of the body.

The measurement algorithm is simple; the procedure can be carried out at home independently, both for loved ones and for yourself. Thus, it is possible to promptly identify disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor changes in heart rate during sports so as not to overload your body.

When carrying out the procedure, it is important to take into account that the pulse should be felt rhythmically, and the beats should follow each other in jerks.

In some cases, a slight arrhythmia appears when inhaling. If it disappears when you hold your breath, then this does not apply to pathology. In any case, deviations from the norm are a reason to go to the doctor.

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Pulse on the carotid artery: anatomy, determination technique, deviations from the norm

Counting the pulse in the neck in the area of ​​the carotid artery is the fastest and most easily accessible method that allows you to suspect clinical death in an unconscious person and begin timely measures to resuscitate the victim. In other words, the presence of a pulse in the carotid artery indicates that the person is alive. That is why a medical worker of any specialty, and just an ordinary person, should know how to quickly feel the carotid artery.

Anatomy of the carotid artery

The carotid artery, along some of its length, is adjacent rather superficially to the skin, so it can be easily and quickly palpated, and thus assess the presence or absence of cardiac activity in a person. This technique allows you to avoid wasting valuable resuscitation time trying to get to the chest and listen to heartbeats on the anterior chest wall.

So, the carotid artery is a paired blood vessel originating directly from the aorta on the left (more precisely, from its arch), and from the truncus brachiocephalicus on the right (brachiocephalic trunk). On both sides, the carotid artery, at this length called the common carotid artery, heading upward, passes to the right and left of the esophagus and trachea, and also slightly anterior to the cervical vertebrae.

Closer to the upper surface of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (the most protruding part of the larynx, also called the “Adam's apple”), the common carotid artery divides into two branches - external and internal. From this level, the external branch is accessible to palpation, since it is covered only by the skin, subcutaneous fat and fascia, in contrast to the internal branch, which extends into the thickness of the muscles. It is on the external carotid artery that you can feel the pulsation by lightly pressing it against the deeper muscles of the neck.

anatomy of the carotid and cervical arteries

How to determine the pulse on the carotid artery?

The technique for determining the pulse consists of the following manipulations. Before palpation begins, it is necessary to free the neck from clothing and visually determine the area of ​​the carotid triangle, the edges of which are the lower jaw, the midline of the neck and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In this case, it is better to turn the victim’s head in the opposite direction. The side of palpation does not matter, and palpation can be carried out both on the right and on the left. In order to feel the pulse, you need to place two or three fingers (II, III and IV) at the point between the angle of the lower jaw and the anterior surface of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Next, when pulsation is detected, the main characteristics of the pulse are assessed - rhythm, filling, tension, and the pulse rate per minute is calculated.

Pulse assessment along the entire length of the carotid artery on both sides is used in patients with suspected thrombosis, atherosclerosis, carotid aneurysm, as well as in cases of suspected heart disease such as aortic insufficiency. In the latter case, rhythmic pulsation in the area of ​​the carotid artery is noticeable visually and is called carotid dancing.

In a person who has suddenly lost consciousness, checking the carotid pulse is necessary to determine whether cardiac arrest has occurred and whether immediate resuscitation is required. In this case, the pulse in the carotid artery is not detected on both sides.

Video: determining the pulse on the carotid artery

Absence of carotid pulse

A situation where a person has no consciousness and no pulse in the carotid artery indicates that the person has had a decrease in blood pressure to 0 mmHg due to cardiac arrest. Further actions in this case consist of immediately performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) according to the ABC protocol - A (Airway) - ensure airway patency, B (Breathing) - start artificial respiration, C - (Circulation) - start chest compressions. It is necessary to carry out artificial respiration and cardiac massage at a rhythm of 2:15 until blood flow is restored and a pulse appears in the carotid artery or until rescuers (medics) arrive, or within 30 minutes from the heartbeat stopping.

Figure: performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the absence of a pulse in the carotid artery

Causes of other deviations from the norm

Feeling the pulse in the carotid artery can reveal many hidden diseases that have not yet been diagnosed in the patient. But for this it is necessary to palpate the external carotid artery along its entire length, and not just at the angle of the lower jaw. For this technique, it is necessary to line up all four fingers of the hand, except the thumb, between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. After palpating one area, the fingers are smoothly moved upward to examine another area.

carotid artery stenosis due to atherosclerosis

Thus, with stenotic narrowing of the lumen of the carotid artery caused by an atherosclerotic plaque, the pulse becomes tense (that is, it is difficult for the doctor to compress the artery until the pulse completely disappears), and the artery itself can be palpated as a lumpy, compacted formation.

A low (not full) and soft (not tense) pulse in the carotid artery on both sides may indicate the patient is developing acute myocardial infarction or myocarditis. A thread-like pulse is detected in cases of severe myocardial damage and is a sign that cardiac arrest may occur at any time.

With a carotid artery aneurysm, you can feel a pulsating round formation, characterized by a high-fill pulse, that is, a high “height” of pulse fluctuations.

With hypertension, with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, as well as with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, the pulse in the carotid artery becomes frequent, full (high filling) and tense.

Figure: types of pulse on the carotid artery

Due to the fact that palpation of the pulse on the carotid artery is a simple and at the same time diagnostically valuable technique both in emergency situations, when a person may actually die, and when examining stable patients, it should not be neglected, especially when examining elderly cardiac patients.

The main organ in humans is the heart. Its average weight is 250-300 grams. Every person, by looking at his fist, can get an idea of ​​the size of his heart.

Heart function indicator

Statistics show that the heart rate of people who lead a sedentary lifestyle is 20 percent higher than those who exercise regularly. The heart of the former makes about 14 thousand extra contractions during the day and wears out faster. Trained athletes have prepared their hearts for an economical mode of operation: it contracts less often and rests longer.

The pulse of each person reflects the work of the heart and the body as a whole, shows whether it is fully saturated with blood, as well as with such an essential element as oxygen. Normal heart rate indicators should not exceed the upper limit - 90 beats in 60 seconds. Otherwise, this is already a painful ailment that must be controlled and treated with medications. If your heart rate is under 100 beats per minute there is no need to worry too much, but if your heart rate is above this number then something should be done to reduce the heart rate.

How to measure pulse correctly?

To find out your real heart rate, you need to follow a certain pulse measurement algorithm: it should be counted accurately for 60 seconds and no less. The rule is that during the measurement process arrhythmias may occur, in which a different number of beats is possible in each quarter of a minute. You should know that the pulse is lower when a person is in a lying position. Before determining this indicator, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages, coffee or tea, eat or smoke. The most accurate indicators characteristic of the body are found out in the morning after a night's sleep and on an empty stomach.

Regular monitoring of the pulse will help not only recognize the onset of the disease, but also normalize some abnormalities in the body, and also help eliminate poor health.

What should you do if your heart rate increases?

If you clearly feel every beat of your heart, or how the blood pulsates where the pulse is detected, most likely you have tachycardia. Wherever you are, you should stop before taking your pulse on your arm. A high measurement rate should be alarming, but, nevertheless, there is no need to panic. First of all, what needs to be done is to drink cold water, sit down or lie down, that is, introduce the body into a resting phase. After resting a little, count your pulse again. If it returns to normal, you can continue with your daily activities. Such moments, which occur occasionally, do not pose a threat to health or life; they occur even in completely healthy people. This is a short-term tachycardia caused by nervous unrest, lack of sleep, stress or overwork.

How to lower your heart rate?

If the heartbeat does not decrease even after rest, take sedatives, which are available in your home medicine cabinet, to reduce it. The most suitable drugs for this are:

  • "Validol";
  • "Valocordin";
  • valerian infusion;
  • infusion of dog nettle;
  • "Corvalol".

Fresh air will help lower your heart rate, so if you feel unwell, first open the windows and get some fresh air. It is better if someone present does this. It is also necessary to check your blood pressure, as high blood pressure can also cause rapid heartbeats. In this case, take your blood pressure medicine.

Properties of pulse

Frequency is the number of perceptible pulse beats in 60 seconds. The easiest way to measure them is on your wrist. It should be remembered that in a lying position the pulse is always lower than when sitting or standing. The main thing is to always have the same body position when measuring. The time of day also affects your heart rate. By the evening, the pulse usually becomes faster, for example, if in the morning it is 70 beats per minute, and in the evening - 90 beats - this is a common phenomenon that corresponds to the norm. How to count your pulse correctly? If you are trying to accurately determine your pulse rate, then you should definitely measure it not for 15 seconds, increasing the result by 4 times, and not for half a minute, increasing it by 2 times, but exactly 60 seconds. If arrhythmia is present, then during this period it will certainly appear at least once.

Conclusion: the pulse measurement algorithm is based on performing this procedure at the same time, in the same position and for 60 seconds, only in this case you can find out its objective frequency. Optimal heart rate: from 60 to 90 beats per minute. With a pulsation of 100 beats per minute and above, tachycardia occurs, and below 60 beats per minute, bradycardia develops. This pulse is observed in athletes or well-trained people. If a person is far from sports training and has low heart rates, his body does not accept the required amount of oxygen and substances necessary for the full functioning of all organs.

Rhythm, strength and tension

The pulse is counted for at least 60 seconds in order to find out its rhythm. If it is not stable during the measurement, then this condition is called arrhythmia.

Pulse filling. A fairly common complaint from patients is that it is difficult for them to find where the pulse can be felt in the wrist. This indicator depends on the stroke volume of the heart; if it decreases, then the pulsation weakens. Weak pulsation indicates heart failure.

Pulse voltage reflects the effort required to feel it. The level of tension is directly dependent on blood pressure.

And one more property is the height of the pulse. A rather complex property that reflects the amplitude of vibration of the artery wall. If we consider the reasons for the appearance of a high pulse, then, first of all, it is caused by insufficiency of the aortic valve.

Pulse measurement algorithm

The pulse measurement technique is quite simple to use. Let's consider the most common way to measure the pulse on your hand.

  • when determining the pulse on the wrist, you can use all the fingers on the palm, with the exception of the thumb, since it has its own pulse;
  • find the measurement site on the radial artery, located on the inside of the arm, using the pads of two fingers;
  • place them directly under your wrist on the thumb side and press slightly until you feel the blood pulsate under your fingers;
  • look for a place where the heartbeats are more distinct.

Algorithm for measuring pulse if a person is unconscious and the pulse at the wrist cannot be felt. In this case, proceed as follows.

  • find the pulse in the carotid artery. To do this, place your index and middle fingers in the hollow between the throat and the large muscle on the neck;
  • press lightly until you feel where the pulse is in your neck;
  • Hold a stopwatch or watch with your other hand.

If you don't have a watch handy, you can use the Cleveland Clinic's heart rate technique, which recommends finding the number of heartbeats in 15 seconds, quadruple the result to calculate the number of heartbeats in 60 seconds. You can also count the beats for 30 seconds and double it.

You can also measure heart rate in the temple or chest area, but these options are less accurate and common.

Determine your optimal heart rate. For adults, it is considered normal 60 -100 beats per minute. For children under 18 years of age, the normal heart rate is 70-100 beats per minute. The pulse measurement algorithm involves determining not only frequency, but also such indicators as strength and rhythm.

Check the strength of the pulse, whether it is strong or weak. When you feel your pulse, you must determine whether it is weak, sluggish, strong or too fast.

Check the rhythm, which is a measurement of the heart's pulsations and the intervals between them. If the pulsation is uniform, then the pulse rhythm can be characterized as normal. If you feel a missed pulsation or other unusual behavior, it means that there is something wrong with your heart and you need to find the cause in a medical facility.

If you can't find a pulse

  1. Use the pads of your fingers rather than holding them around your wrist.
  2. Touch different points and stay for 2-3 seconds on each until you feel the pulse
  3. Vary the amount of pressure on your wrist. You may need to press harder or weaker to catch the pulsation.
  4. Point your hand down, especially if you previously held your hand up at head level. The difference in blood pressure will help reveal your pulse.

Determining your maximum and target heart rate

The maximum heart rate is used to calculate the target, that is, the most effective, at which physical activity provides maximum benefit to the body. To determine this indicator yourself, apply the following formula: 220 - age. This will be the maximum frequency. Perform various physical exercises for half an hour, then measure your pulse again. The figures for maximum and potential heart rates should be almost equal. Calculate your target heart rate. It is equal to 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This indicator is in this range, because each person has different physical shape and training.

Today, programs have been developed for smartphones and heart rate monitors in the form of a bracelet for measuring pulse. Install the desired program and determine your heart rate following the instructions in the instructions.

A lot of smart fitness bracelets have appeared that read information about the state of the human body, have not only a heart rate monitor, but also a pedometer, sleep tracking function and calorie counting.


Hello. About a year and a half ago, a strange small trembling or pulsation appeared in the upper part of the body. It's hard for me to localize it, but it's roughly in the upper part of the sternum and neck. More in the neck, it seems to me. It is present during the day, but is practically unnoticeable when moving, and appears when you remain motionless - for example, before going to bed. It feels vaguely like a muscle cramp, only the pulsation is much more frequent. Sometimes it seems that even her Adam’s apple seems to vibrate a little. It does not cause pain, rather it is simply annoying with its intrusiveness. It does not coincide with the heart rhythm, it is much more frequent. With her appearance, the tremors of the hands slightly intensified. There was nothing preceding the appearance of the trembling - it just started one day, that’s all. I read that this may be related to the thyroid gland - I checked it (for another reason), ultrasound and tests did not show anything special: normal size of the gland, TSH - 2.502 µIU/ml. I am 25, male, height 185, weight 81, generally sedentary lifestyle, I don’t take any medications. I understand that I still can’t do without an in-person examination, but I will be grateful if you at least tell me what exactly I need to examine or what it might even be. Thank you very much in advance.