Principles of drug therapy. Contraindications to the use of medicinal plants

Common chicory (Cichorium intubus L)

Compositae family.
Popular names: Blue flower, roadside grass, shcherbak, blue flower of Petrova, Petrov's whip, Solntseva grass, meadow grass, black companion, papavka, autumn bitterness, Tatar color, chicory grass.

Common chicory is a perennial herbaceous powerful plant, over one meter high.

The stem is erect, there is a basal rosette of strugoid pinnately divided leaves with hard petioles, the root is fleshy.

Stem leaves almost entire, oblong-lanceolate.

At the ends of the branches are light blue flower baskets, consisting of 12-20 blue reed bisexual flowers. The fruits are seeds.

Blooms from July to autumn.

Grows on hills, along roads, on borders. Cultivated for industrial and economic purposes. The chicory root contains the extractive substance cichorin, as well as tannins, resin, essential oils, fat, choline, insulin.

Preparations from chicory improve digestion, have cholagogue. Used to make chicory - a coffee substitute.

Chicory is widely used in folk medicine various countries. The plant increases the excretion of urine and bile, regulates metabolism in skin diseases, enhances digestion, stimulates appetite, enhances the activity of the heart, slows down the rhythm of heart contractions, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and stops diarrhea.

Chicory also has a mild laxative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. A decoction of seeds has analgesic, diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.

water infusion and a decoction of the roots is used as a remedy that improves the activity of the stomach and intestines and general metabolism, stimulates appetite, as well as for diarrhea, liver disease, and jaundice.

In German folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, spleen, cholelithiasis, urinary incontinence, weak activity of the stomach and intestines, gastrointestinal catarrh, constipation, hemorrhoids and various skin diseases: boils, abscesses, acne, rashes - associated with metabolic disorders. For skin diseases, an infusion of herbs is also used externally in the form of lotions, washings and baths.

Chicory herb ash mixed with sour cream is used for rubbing against eczema. To remove scabs in eczema and reduce and stop the inflammatory process, lotions from a strong decoction of grass are used until the scabs are completely removed and the inflammatory process stops.

Mode of application.

♦ Pour a tablespoon of crushed root with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 3-4 times a day for 1/4 cup before meals to improve appetite, with enterocolitis, gastritis and as a diuretic.

♦ 4 tablespoons of a mixture of crushed rhizomes and aerial parts of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for one hour and strain. Use externally to treat eczema, purulent wounds, boils, acne, skin rashes. Used for baths with diathesis in children, washing and lotions. The bath is taken at night. The procedure (washing, lotion) is repeated 2-3 times a day.

♦ Steamed grass pillows are applied to inflamed areas 2 times a day with intense inflammatory processes.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Chicory may be contraindicated in people with stomach ulcers and duodenum, with gastritis, a tendency to nervous excitations. Drinks based on chicory root dilate blood vessels and increase blood pressure.

Our brain is a unique biological "computer", the work of which is still a mystery to scientists. Its most complex neural systems control thousands of processes in the body. Like other organs, our "gray cells" are often the target of various diseases. Epilepsy is one of the most serious. It manifests itself in paroxysmal violations of the most important vital functions of a person: motor, mental, mental and vegetative.

Causes and symptoms of epilepsy

There are quite a few external and internal causes that can provoke the development of epilepsy. Based on the data of long-term observations, doctors identify the most common:

hereditary predisposition;

Birth trauma and intrauterine damage to the fetus;

Severe mental trauma;

Congenital pathologies of brain development;

Diseases of the blood vessels;

Head injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis;

Infectious and alcoholic poisoning of the brain.

Typical epilepsy symptoms- large and small seizures of a convulsive nature. They can be provoked by excitement, fear, overwork, weakening of the body by a serious illness. Sometimes seizures happen without external causes which does not give the patient the opportunity to adequately prepare for them.

big attack epilepsy begins with a sudden loss of consciousness. The person falls with a groan or a cry. He has a sharp muscle tension, his head throws back, his face turns blue, his pupils dilate and do not react to light. There is involuntary clenching of the jaws and fists, bending of the arms and stretching of the legs. After that, spasms of the muscles of the head and limbs begin. Gradually, the cramps weaken and the muscles relax. The patient falls asleep or, on the contrary, regains consciousness, not remembering what happened to him.

>b> A small attack is characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness (for a few seconds) and loss of memory about what happened. Convulsions and others movement disorders however, they may be absent.

Quite often (in about 50% of cases) an epileptic seizure is preceded by a transient period of acute mental disorder. Experts called it the sacred term "aura". Her symptoms can vary widely. Some patients experience general malaise, chills or fever. Others experience an increase in heart rate headache or dizziness.

Often aura stage characterized visual hallucinations or monotonous automatic movements that a person makes: marking time, circling, scratching, aimlessly sorting out closely spaced objects.

Frequency of epileptic seizures - important indicator the severity of the disease. At mild form epilepsy occurs no more than 1-2 seizures during the year. Severe course illness can cause several attacks throughout the day.

Diet and treatment of epilepsy with phytotherapy

For such a complex brain disease, there is no universal method of treatment. Only the complex use of modern medications, a special diet and herbal medicine can defeat epilepsy or stop its progression.

- "provocateurs" of seizures - alcohol and nicotine should be completely excluded;
- you should not eat dishes with an excess of spices, salt and spices;
- it is highly desirable to remove smoked products from the daily menu;
- do not eat too cold and hot dishes;
- do not drink a lot of liquid (no more than the physiological norm - 2 liters per day);
- reduce to a minimum the consumption of beans, peas and other legumes;
- give up carbonated drinks;
- avoid fatty foods and limit meat.

In addition, you need to radically change the diet, increasing the number of meals up to 5 times a day and reducing portions. For epilepsy, foods rich in vitaminAT 6 ( wheat germ, carrots, nuts, rice, beef liver, goat and cow's milk, yeast, egg yolk, fresh herbs). The types of heat treatment recommended by nutritionists are boiling and baking. vegetable juices and fruits must be on the daily menu, but you will have to say goodbye to flour and sweet dishes, strong tea and coffee.

Important note: After eating, a person usually wants to lie down and sleep. With epilepsy from habit afternoon nap must be strongly rejected!

Traditional medicine, based on herbal medicine, offers a wide range of effective means of combating epilepsy. Herbalists' recipes contain not only one-component remedies for the treatment of this disease, but also complex collections of herbs that give positive effect. To begin with, consider the most affordable:

1. Elementary fast and everything available recipe: juice squeezed from ordinary onions reduces the number of attacks and reduces their severity. It should be drunk before meals. Dose for adults - 1 tablespoon, for children - 1 teaspoon. But the garlic patient with epilepsy should be removed from the diet.

2.A complex proven collection of herbs of the following composition: valerian roots 1 part, elecampane 2, peony 1, mint leaf 3, white mistletoe 1, sweet clover grass 3, oregano 3, St. hop cones 1. Infusion preparation: 1 tablespoon collection with a slide brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink half a glass of infusion during the day between meals. The course is 3 months, a break of 2 weeks and can be repeated. The infusion of the collection can be combined with alcohol tinctures (extracts) listed below, thus enhancing the treatment and separately prepared water infusion of shiksha.

3.Alcohol tincture of shoots and leaves of mistletoe. They drink it in 20-30 drops, diluting them in 50-100 ml of water. Reception frequency - 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals.

4.Water infusion of shiksha (crowberry). It is prepared by pouring 1 tablespoon of the herb into 1 glass of water. After boiling on low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes in an insulated bowl and strain. Take 4-5 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

5.Alcohol tincture of valerian. The recipe for its reception for adults: dilute 15-20 drops a small amount water. Drink 3 times a day and at bedtime. Children's dosage is determined based on age (the number of drops of tincture should be equal to the number of years).

6.Alcohol tincture of cyanosis root blue - at very frequent seizures, severe epilepsy. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 50 grams of cyanosis roots, pour 500 ml of 40% alcohol and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Strain. Take 10-15 drops per 50-100 ml of water 1-3 times a day (depending on the severity of the disease) 15-20 minutes after eating. Children 2-8 years old the dose for 1 dose is 1 drop for 1 year of life. The course of taking valerian and cyanosis extracts is 1 month. Break 1 month and you can repeat.

7.Alcoholic extract of peony root, also prepared in a ratio of 1:10 with alcohol. Take 20-30 drops per 50 ml of water 3-4 times a day before meals. Long-term use up to 6 months is possible, or as an alternative for alternating with valerian or cyanosis extracts.

Valerian can also be used for cooking therapeutic (soothing) baths:

3 tablespoons of valerian roots are poured into 2 liters of water. After boiling them for 1 minute on low heat, insist for 1 hour. The broth is poured into the bath with warm water, filled to 1/3 of the volume. Duration of reception - 15 minutes. You need to do this procedure before going to bed. Adults can take such baths daily. Children in valerian broth are bathed every other day.

The above collection of herbs and tinctures have contraindications. Before use, be sure to read the enclosed instructions, because. almost all plants are potent. They should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as with individual intolerance to one or more components of the composition. The exception is the harmless shiksha herb, which can be given to both young children and nursing mothers (individually during pregnancy). For the treatment of young children (from 1 year old), the collection of herbs is done without poisonous mistletoe leaves, lily of the valley leaves and wormwood grass; when brewing, a weaker solution should be prepared.

Alcoholic epilepsy

This type of disease can be treated using the following set of proven recipes:

Taking powder from the root angelica(0.5 grams three times a day, diluted with 100 ml of water).

Root dandelion and chicory take in equal proportions with ground barley, oats, rye and oak acorns, peeled. All components are mixed and brewed with boiling water. The resulting drink is drunk three times a day.

The soles of the feet are rubbed with lemon juice.

Symptomatic epilepsy

Develops as a result neoplastic diseases brain, abscesses, encephalitis, meningitis, vascular problems and inflammatory granulomas. Treatment of this type of epilepsy begins after elimination of the cause which called her. For example, in the presence of cystic formations brain V complex treatment targeted collections of herbs are necessarily included (for example, No. 89 “For cystosis”) and antitumor tinctures - Black Walnut, Todikamp, ​​Maclura, etc. The complex should be compiled by an experienced herbalist, taking into account all the features of the disease and concomitant diseases.

Additional recipes for herbal preparations used in epilepsy

Good aid to the main course of epilepsy treatment - herbal tea, which in equal weight parts includes: peppermint leaf, lemon balm leaf, hop cones, elecampane root and sweet clover. 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and incubated for 30 minutes. On the day you need to drink 2 glasses of this infusion.

To prevent seizures, you can use this simple recipe:

Mix 1 teaspoon of dried wormwood, chamomile flowers and oregano. Bay fitosbor 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 4 hours. After straining, drink 1 cup 4 times a day. The duration of admission is one month. After that you need to do month break and repeat the course two more times.

To combat major epileptic seizures, herbalists recommend the following recipe:

Take one part of the roots of valerian, rhizomes of elecampane and calamus. Add to them 2 parts of mistletoe. Pour 1 tablespoon of the resulting collection with 1 cup of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Take 3 times a day, drinking 1/3 cup.

Linden flowers, marsh cudweed, white mistletoe, lemon balm and motherwort will help to cope with small attacks. Therapeutic collection is obtained by mixing all these ingredients in equal proportions. 1 tablespoon of the resulting herbal remedy is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take ½ cup 2 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Few people know that the nondescript roadside blue flower is the famous chicory used to produce a coffee substitute. And many scientists and healers of antiquity knew about the magnificent healing properties this plant.

Description of the species and distribution

Chicory ordinary refers to herbaceous perennial plants. Chicory root is spindle-shaped and very fleshy and large (up to one and a half meters), when cut, it releases milky juice.

The erect stem of chicory has a ribbed surface, sometimes reaches a height of 120 centimeters, and branches very strongly.
Chicory leaves are collected in rosettes, basal leaves have a notched, pinnatipartite or weakly lobed structure, tapering towards the base. The mid-stem leaves are sessile, lanceolate, alternate with sharp-toothed edges and a wide base, while the upper leaves are more entire and have a lanceolate shape.

Bisexual chicory flowers are located in baskets, always singly along the tops of the plant and in the axils of the upper leaves. Chicory flowers have a blue tint, although white and pinkish species are found, the petals are ligulate with 5 cloves. The period of abundant flowering falls on June-September. After flowering, a fruit is formed - an achene, usually triangular or pentagonal. Its length is small, only two or three millimeters, slightly oblong and has a brown or lighter shade.

Chicory ordinary is an excellent honey plant. He is also very responsive to the presence sunlight so after five in the evening it is very difficult to find open chicory flowers. Common chicory grows almost everywhere: it can be found in the European, Asian part of the Eurasian continent, in Africa, New Zealand, Australia. Very often, chicory is found in meadows, along roads, ditches, and sometimes forms quite abundant thickets.

Collection and preparation

IN medicinal purposes mainly chicory roots are used, grass is less often used, namely flowers and tops of the plant. Root harvesting is done in autumn period. They are dug up, washed cold water get wet from excess moisture. After the roots are cut into pieces, including along and laid to dry. Drying of the roots can be done both in the open air and using drying equipment.

Finished dried roots can be stored for up to two years.
Chicory grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant. To do this, cut off the upper parts of the stems (approximately 30 cm in size). Chicory herb can also be dried on fresh air or dryers. The shelf life of chicory herb is less than the roots, only one year.

medicinal properties

Traditional medicine has found a fairly large number of applications for chicory. Thus, grass, roots and seeds are used to treat the stomach, liver, intestines, bladder, spleen, and chicory-based preparations are used as a sedative for hysteria and epilepsy, and they also treat hemoptysis and anemia.

A decoction of chicory seeds has an antipyretic, diaphoretic and even analgesic effect. Chicory flowers in the form of an infusion have a calming effect on hyperexcitability, reduce pain in the heart. Fresh Juice chicory was used to treat malaria, anemia. Chicory herb in the form of a decoction is added to baths for the treatment of eczema and diathesis, as well as for the treatment of joints. The same chicory herb is used as a poultice for the treatment of abscesses, and in the form of ash, in combination with sour cream, is used for different kind skin lesions, including psoriasis and eczema.

In general, chicory is familiar traditional healers from ancient times. There is evidence that many scientific papers the most ancient scientists-healers there is a mention of chicory.

Chicory is an excellent coffee substitute and, unlike the latter, it is much healthier. The use of chicory instead of coffee helps to cleanse the body, remove accumulated toxins and toxins, radioactive substances, improves digestion and even speeds up metabolism.

Chicory has a positive effect on gastric motility and the digestive process in general. So, common chicory helps to improve the functioning of the stomach when digesting hard-to-digest food.
The elimination of toxins is due to the fact that chicory has a beneficial effect on the liver, enhancing its functions.

Healing recipes

Chicory has incredible beneficial properties, so, with daily use chicory improves skin condition and general condition person.
The easiest way to consume chicory is to make a decoction.

  • Root decoction: Thoroughly grind chicory roots in the volume of one tablespoon, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for about half an hour. The resulting broth after cooling should be filtered and taken before meals in a tablespoon three times a day. Such a decoction perfectly helps to improve appetite and the digestion process in general, and is also an excellent choleretic and diuretic.
  • An infusion of chicory roots is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes of the bladder, skin diseases. Infusion: a full tablespoon of crushed root is poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted in a closed container for several hours. After the infusion is filtered, the remnants of the steamed root are squeezed out and consumed half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. The infusion is also recommended for the treatment of gallstone disease or an enlarged spleen.
  • Chicory juice also has a lot of useful properties, as it treats anemia and skin diseases (acne, diathesis, eczema, pustular skin diseases), and also serves as a sedative. Chicory juice: for the preparation of juice, only young shoots at the budding stage are used, which are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is squeezed through a rag or several layers of gauze and boiled for a couple of minutes. After that, honey is added to the boiled juice and taken one teaspoon up to four times a day.
  • Lotions from chicory roots help to cure diathesis, including in children older than two years. Lotion: prepare a mixture of roots and aerial parts of chicory, taken in equal parts. Boil four tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a glass of water for thirty minutes. After, as usual, cool and squeeze. Baths or douches taken at night. The duration of treatment is at least three days.
  • To improve or even restore vision, a mixture of chicory, parsley, carrot and celery juices is used. A glass of this juice mixture per day at constant use for several days (or weeks for serious vision problems), gives excellent results for various visual defects.

For the treatment of anemia, the following recipe is used:
Add a teaspoon of chicory juice to half a glass of milk. This mixture must be taken at least three times a day for a month and a half. After taking a week break and repeat the course.

With arrhythmia, you can try this method:
Finely chop the chicory root and take one teaspoon, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, close the container with a lid and leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Then strain and add honey. Take before meals half a cup three times a day.

For gastritis:
Finely chop the flowers and stems of chicory and take a couple of tablespoons. Pour the indicated amount of the mixture with a liter of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain and drink half a glass three times a day.

For the prevention of laryngitis, bronchitis and the treatment of lung diseases:
Grind chicory root in advance and add motherwort herb in a 1:1 ratio. A mixture of motherwort and chicory in the amount of three tablespoons (tablespoons) pour two glasses hot water and set aside to infuse for fifteen minutes. Drink like regular tea throughout the day.


Chicory roots have no particular side effects and are not toxic.
Prolonged use of chicory preparations may cause increased excretion gastric juice and also diuresis. The use of herbal preparations, including chicory, should not be used in the treatment of children under the age of two years. Individual intolerance may be present.

  • Peppermint leaves.
  • Hop cones.
  • Creeping thyme herb.
  • Sweet clover grass.
  • Marigold flowers.
  • Grass lovage.
  • Rose pyrethrum flowers.

  • Calamus roots.
  • Water hyssop herb.
  • Melissa officinalis herb.
  • Plantain leaves.
  • Viburnum berries.
  • Linden flowers.
  • Yarrow herb.
  • Dill or fennel seeds.
  • Hawthorn flowers.
  • Birch buds.
  • Sorrel leaves.
  • Dog-rose fruit.

Recipes from traditional healers

  • 80 ml of sage juice.
  • 20 ml apple cider vinegar.
  • 160 ml beet kvass.
  • 20 drops before breakfast.
  • 25 drops at lunch time.
  • 30 drops before dinner.

Treatment of epilepsy, schizophrenia Collection with chicory

Treatment of epilepsy, schizophrenia Collection with chicory, recipe with photo

The collection has an anticonvulsant, sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, diuretic effect.
Valerian root 2 parts.
Common chicory root 3 parts.
Oregano herb 3 parts.
Common thyme herb 2 parts.
Leaves and flowers of common motherwort 3 parts.
Melissa officinalis herb 3 parts.

Grind all herbs included in the collection.
Take 3 tablespoons of the crushed mixture, pour 2 cups of water, boil over low heat in a sealed container for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain.

Drink a decoction of 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for the following diseases:
- with epilepsy,
- nervous stress
- neurasthenia,
- schizophrenia in remission as a sedative for sleep disorders and nervous excitement,
headaches in old age
- with tinnitus
- insomnia.

Oregano herb is contraindicated during pregnancy, heavy menstruation V menopause.
Thyme herb is contraindicated during pregnancy.

The photo shows Chicory ordinary.

Feature articles


Curb the black sickness!

A brain disease characterized by recurrent seizures is perceived by most of us as a severe, incurable disease. However, this opinion, entrenched in the mass consciousness, is refuted by Vladimir Alekseevich Karlov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Member of the Medical Society of Great Britain and the New York Academy of Sciences, in his article on the role concomitant treatment factors in the complex of modern antiepileptic therapy.

Don't encourage disease!
As you know, "the retinue plays the king." This expression also applies to epilepsy, whose seizures are often provoked by her "companions". Excitation of brain cells leads to their excessive bioelectric activity. It causes a variety of seizures, similar to those that arise from electrical discharges. The most severe seizures. Depending on the part of the brain where the discharge occurs, muscle tension is replaced by convulsions, the patient's face acquires a bluish tint (hence the old name " black sickness"). Provocateurs can be overexcitation, overwork, stress, lack of sleep, alcohol. It is they who often play the role of a trigger for the onset of the next attack of epilepsy.
sleep deprivation bad dream- at first glance, this is a mere trifle, trifles. However, for an epileptic, the normal eight-hour night rest - the most needed medicine. Therefore, you will need evening walks in the fresh air, otherwise - a reception sedatives- valocordin, infusion of valerian, wild peony. But discos, with their loud rhythmic music, flickering light, crowd, are clearly contraindicated.
The glare of the sun on the waves of the sea, the flickering of bright flashes of light outside the window of a moving train also serve as risk factors for some forms of epilepsy. Naturally, they are easy to avoid, for example, with the help of tinted or special glasses, and those who suffer from epilepsy are better off avoiding overheating in the sun. And many hours of sitting at a computer or in front of an ordinary TV, with its flashing frames, will also have to be left.
In physical education, you also need known limitations. Climbing, swimming, including scuba diving, boxing are contraindicated. It is better to give preference to walking, gymnastics and weightlifting, which contribute to the suppression of the epileptoid activity of the brain.
Seizures are stimulated and malnutrition. "Vodohlebam" should reduce fluid intake. An addiction to spicy, salty foods usually increases fluid intake. There is a delay in the body and swelling of the brain tissue, intracranial pressure increases, and then another attack follows. But the worst enemy of epileptics is alcohol. That is why doctors advise using decoctions for treatment, and tinctures and extracts in alcohol must be diluted.

Herbs, herbs.
Sick epilepsy herbal preparations with a calming and mild diuretic effect are shown.
Novopassit, for example, is a complex of dry or liquid extracts of lemon balm, hawthorn, valerian, hops, black elderberry, passionflower and excipient guaifenesin, which reduces the state of mental tension, as well as fear. Novopassit is taken 1 tablet or 1 teaspoon with juice, tea three times a day.
An extract is prepared from the shoots of passionflower (meat red passion flower), which has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, has an anticonvulsant effect. It is usually prescribed for 20-30 days, 20-40 drops three times a day.
Traditional medicine recommends different ways to help these patients. Collections of various medicinal plants provide a versatile and mild effect, complementing the basic therapy and helping to reduce the dosage pharmaceuticals. For the most part, these are collections of 6-8 plants, including calamus, yarrow, tansy and viburnum, elecampane tall, St. John's wort, licorice naked, peppermint, blue cyanosis, lemon balm, plantain. To prepare the infusion 1-2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are poured into a glass of water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. Reception - 1/3 cup three times a day. Course - 3-6 months.
Soothing properties have, for example, an infusion of valerian roots: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed roots is poured into 1 cup of cold boiled water, insist 6-8 hours, drink 1 tbsp. spoon (children - 1 teaspoon) three times a day. The course is 1.5-2 months. In addition, every other day take a 15-minute bath before going to bed from a decoction of valerian roots (a handful of roots per 1 liter).
The motherwort has also proven itself well: 2 teaspoons of the crushed above-ground flowering part are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons before meals 4 times a day.
With increased excitability, insomnia, an infusion of evading peony roots (marina root) is prepared: 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials is poured with boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container and taken 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. An overdose is dangerous. If there is no wild peony, you should use pharmacy tincture(30-40 drops three times a day, the course is 30 days) or, at worst, take a dark red garden specimen of the plant. IN last case fresh petals and leaves (100 g each) insist in 200 ml of alcohol for 2 weeks and take 10-15 drops, diluting them with water, three times a day for half an hour before meals.
In Siberia, Transbaikalia and Primorye, as an anticonvulsant, the rhizome of Baikal skullcap or black crowberry is often used in the form of a powder and in a decoction. A single dose is 3-10 g. Usually, 20 g of the branches of this evergreen shrub collected during flowering are infused for 1 hour in a glass of boiling water and then drunk 1/3-1/2 cup before meals three times a day. Chernobyl roots collected during flowering are suitable for the same purpose: 30 g of roots are poured into 0.5 liters of beer and boiled for 5 minutes, drunk until the sweat stops.
Compliance with the simple rules that I have listed allows you to most often achieve improvement. For most patients, the disease does not interfere with life at all. full life and work productively. However, those who have lived without seizures for at least 3-4 years and whose electroencephalography confirms the absence of epileptoid brain activity can consider themselves cured.

Only together
A friendly association "doctor, patient and patient's environment" is a necessary condition for success in the fight against epilepsy. Everyone on the team has a role to play. The doctor determines the drug treatment strategy. Note that a universal remedy that can eliminate all types of epileptic seizures has not yet been found. But an effective combination different medicines, if necessary, is realistic, although it requires careful selection of combined drugs that affect the concentration of anticonvulsants in the blood.
Modern medicine can reduce the frequency of seizures and even stop them completely. Now about 20 drugs are used, the selection usually begins with the appointment of one of the basic ones (finlepsin, valproate, tegretol, depakine).
Despite high efficiency, anticonvulsant drugs give side effects: drowsiness, lethargy, allergic rash and others. And here the patient himself, strictly following medical recommendations, should act as a partner of the doctor. And the patient, it happens, stops taking the pills, becoming a violator of the much-needed continuous and long-term treatment. Deviations can exacerbate the disease and even lead to the so-called status epilepticus, that is, attacks that repeat one after another or one, but protracted, and sometimes with a fatal outcome.
I advise in the evening, in advance, to prepare the necessary tablets for the next day. In addition, an alarm clock or cell phone call can serve as an assistant reminding you of the time to take the medicine.
The help of relatives and friends of the patient is also an important component of the treatment program. The complicity of others is simply necessary so that the patient does not feel isolated, cut off from other people and does not suffer from an inferiority complex.
In everyday life, it is important to know how to properly provide first aid to the patient. During an attack with loss of consciousness, do not try to hold it and move it to another place. To prevent a person from injuring himself, to avoid injury, put something soft under his head, unbutton clothes that make it difficult to breathe. And don't try to open your jaw, put pills in your mouth, or pour in water.
If the attack lasts more than 5 minutes or recurs, medical attention is required.

According to the magazine " healthy image life" №12 for 2008


Chicory is a perennial herb that belongs to the Compositae family. You can meet this grass on wastelands, on roadsides, on the banks of ditches. Chicory blooms in early to mid-summer; raw materials can be harvested throughout the summer. The fruits of chicory are achenes.

This plant is actively used in folk medicine because of a number of its amazing properties. Moreover, all parts of this plant are used for the manufacture of medicines.

The chemical composition of the plant

The composition of the roots and flowers of chicory includes proteins, sucrose, fructose, levulose, alkaloids, resins, pectin, inulin polysaccharide, bitterness, and B vitamins. The leaves and stems boast the presence of lactucin and lactucopicrin in their composition.

The use of chicory in folk medicine

TO useful properties such a medicinal plant as chicory can be attributed laxative, choleretic, diuretic, sedative, analgesic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, astringent, antimicrobial and antiallergic. Already from this impressive list, one can understand that the plant is actively used by traditional medicine to treat the most various organs and systems of the human body.

It has a beneficial effect on our immune system stimulates secretion and peristalsis in organs digestive system, lowers blood sugar levels diabetes improves appetite and heart function. It is used to treat various diseases of the liver, kidneys, spleen and gastrointestinal tract.

With the help of chicory, traditional medicine advises treating such ailments as inflammation of the bladder, gastritis with hyperacidity, chronic constipation, enterocolitis, anemia, problems with urination, some skin diseases. The plant has the ability to calm our nervous system, therefore it is used to treat hysteria and epilepsy. In addition, chicory will overcome general weakness, suitable for the treatment of coughing up blood.

An infusion of the flowers of this medicinal plant will save you from pain in the heart area, and the juice from malaria. Baths based on chicory are recommended by folk medicine in case of eczema, diathesis, joint problems. Poultices with chicory are effective tool from boils. An infusion of chicory herb will cure festering wounds and furunculosis.

Contraindications to the use of medicinal plants

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Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Epilepsy is a severe, often incurable disease of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the formation of foci of increased nervous activity in the brain. According to medical statistics, in about 30% of cases, the manifestations and frequency of epileptic seizures are not amenable to medical correction. However, folk methods for the treatment of epilepsy, according to numerous reviews, are quite effective for relieving the symptoms of this serious illness.

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Principles of drug therapy

Epilepsy can present at any age, but in most cases similar diagnosis is placed in the first 10 years of a child's life. There are a lot of reasons for the development of the disease: from intrauterine pathologies to severe injuries and infections.

The main symptom of this pathology are epileptic seizures. Their course and clinical picture differ depending on the localization of the focus of increased nervous activity in the brain. Usually, seizures are accompanied by unconscious actions, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

To date, there is no drug that can permanently heal this disease. For the treatment of all forms of epilepsy, certain medications are used that have quite strong side effects. The dosage of the drug is selected individually for each patient, taking into account his age. The course of therapy can last for years.

Completely renounce medical methods treatment should not be, however, to “help” the pills is quite within the power of folk remedies for epilepsy. However, it is worth considering that some herbs can aggravate side effect drugs, therefore, before using funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Aromatherapy treatments

The smell of myrrh resin, better known as frankincense, helps to cure epilepsy very effectively. Getting it is quite simple - just go to the store at any church. For use, a regular aroma lamp is suitable. But it must be remembered that the smell should not be too intense and sharp. If the condition worsens, the appearance of a headache, it is recommended to immediately ventilate the room.

The methods of aromatherapy of epilepsy include a pillow specially prepared for the patient. It is recommended to add a mixture of plants such as:

  • Peppermint leaves.
  • Hop cones.
  • Creeping thyme herb.
  • Sweet clover grass.
  • Marigold flowers.
  • Grass lovage.
  • Rose pyrethrum flowers.

On such a pillow, a person suffering from epilepsy can sleep constantly.

Treatment of epilepsy with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and minerals

Mild forms of epilepsy can be alleviated regular use infusion of valerian root. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself. It is necessary to wash, clean and grind the root of this medicinal plant in a coffee grinder or blender. Then take 10 g of raw materials, pour 200 ml cold water and leave overnight. The main advantage of this infusion is that it does not contain alcohol, so it can be used to treat both adults and children. You need to drink it 3 times a day, adults 1 tablespoon, children - a teaspoon.

Also, with a similar type of disease, a decoction of grass and lavender flowers is recommended. 5 g of dried crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of water and boiled for several minutes, left for 1 - 2 hours and strained. You need to drink it 2 times in the afternoon (for example, after dinner and before bedtime), 20 ml each.

The so-called stone oil has become widely known among folk remedies for epilepsy. This mineral can be found in the highlands. It contains a complex of magnesium salts and other minerals. Stone oil has long been used to treat epilepsy (in those days the disease was called "falling") in oriental medicine. To prepare a drinking solution, you need to take 2 g of this stone and pour 2 liters of water. The drink is recommended to drink one glass on an empty stomach three times a day. A course of treatment stone oil is a month.

Sufficiently effective for stopping and getting rid of epileptic seizures, a decoction of Siberian shiksha grass. You need to prepare it this way:

  1. 10 g of dried herb pour 200 ml of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then insist the broth for about half an hour.
  2. Strain the drink, squeeze the grass, and put it in the refrigerator. In the future, it is used to prepare an additional portion of the drink.
  3. Take a decoction of 50 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.
  4. After the drink runs out, you need to make a new one. To do this, the grass stored in the refrigerator must again be poured with the same amount of water. But it is recommended to boil it a little longer (6 - 7 minutes), the infusion time should also be increased.
  5. It is necessary to continue taking a decoction of shiksha grass in the same way. You can reuse raw materials as long as the drink remains yellow-green. But the boiling time should not exceed 10 minutes, and it is advised to insist no longer than an hour.
  6. The course of admission is 30 days

According to reviews of people who used Siberian shiksha to get rid of epilepsy, the attacks stopped shortly after the start of treatment. However, to consolidate the effect, it is required to repeat the intake of the decoction for one month 4 times a year.

A beneficial effect on the patient's body has an infusion of peony roots. They must be thoroughly washed, cleaned, dried and crushed. 20 g of roots should be poured with 600 ml of hot water and left for half an hour. The decoction is best prepared in a thermos. You need to drink a drink of 10 ml immediately before meals three times a day.

Also, for the treatment of epilepsy, traditional medicine advises such medicinal plants:

  • Calamus roots.
  • St. John's wort grass.
  • Water hyssop herb.
  • Melissa officinalis herb.
  • Plantain leaves.
  • Viburnum berries.
  • Linden flowers.
  • Yarrow herb.
  • Dill or fennel seeds.
  • Hawthorn flowers.
  • Birch buds.
  • Sorrel leaves.
  • Dog-rose fruit.

For the treatment of epilepsy caused by long-term use of alcohol, powdered angelica rhizome and take a small pinch three times a day. You can also prepare your own coffee drink from crushed chicory, acorns, dandelion root, barley grains and oats. You need to brew "coffee" with boiling water and drink it three times a day.

Recipes from traditional healers

You can also use folk remedies from famous doctors. So, Vanga recommended baths with the addition of a decoction of mowed meadow grass for epilepsy. She also offered this recipe: take a piece of cloth, mix olive oil, melted wax and foundation. Soak the cloth with this mixture and apply it to the spine.

The healer Ivan Prokhorov advised using an infusion of violets or wolf's bast. A decoction of violets is prepared from a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for at least 2 years. To make an infusion of wolf's bast, you need 4 - 5 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for a few minutes. You need to drink a drink for 1 tsp. before bedtime.

What to do with frequent seizures

For the treatment of epileptic syndrome, which is accompanied by frequent seizures, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  • 80 ml of sage juice.
  • 20 ml apple cider vinegar.
  • 5 g chopped valerian root.
  • 5 g crushed cherry gum.
  • 160 ml beet kvass.

You need to drink it 40 ml every one and a half to two hours.

You can also make alcohol tinctures of mistletoe, Rhodiola rosea or Mary root. It is recommended to insist them for at least three weeks. Drinks with mistletoe or radiola should be drunk for 10 days, 4 drops daily on an empty stomach. Mary root tincture must be used according to the scheme:

  • 20 drops before breakfast.
  • 25 drops at lunch time.
  • 30 drops before dinner.

In addition, in addition to medicines and folk remedies for epilepsy, it is very important to follow a proper diet. Doctors strongly recommend eliminating alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated drinks from the diet, and quit smoking. The main part of the diet should be given to vegetables and fruits.

People diagnosed with epilepsy need constant physical activity. Since many sports can provoke an attack, it is better to give preference to swimming, yoga, and relaxing breathing exercises.


Neurologist, former Researcher BelNII of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physiotherapy, phytotherapist, student of K.A. Treskunov - Natalia Viktorovna Komarova.

The term "epilepsy" first appeared in the edition of Avicenna's manuscripts in Baghdad in the 11th century. AD The Greek word "epilepsy" means "I seize". It reflects the state of being caught or struck and suggests that some external force takes possession of a person and strikes him. In the view of ancient people, such a power was a god, or a demon, therefore epilepsy was considered as God's punishment for committed sins, sometimes it was called demonic, since the sick were considered "possessed" by an evil spirit, and, naturally, only God could get rid of the disease. Another name for epilepsy is also known - "falling" disease, since during an attack, patients fell.

Currently, epilepsy is considered chronic disease of the brain, occurring in the form of predominantly convulsive seizures with loss of consciousness and personality changes (“viscosity” of thinking, anger, vindictiveness, etc.). Epilepsy may be independent disease(the so-called genuin epilepsy) or symptomatic (due to inflammatory diseases tumors, brain injuries, etc.).

This is one of the most common neuropsychiatric diseases, according to various sources, epilepsy affects from 1 to 2% of the population.

According to the characteristics of seizures and the course of epilepsy, its numerous forms are distinguished. However, we will focus on only a few of them in more detail. Large convulsive seizures (grand mal) are characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness and symmetrical tonic, and then clonic contractions of all voluntary muscles, while the patient falls, biting of the tongue, foam from the mouth, and sometimes urinary incontinence are possible. The patient regains consciousness after a few minutes, and then falls asleep. After awakening, headaches, lethargy, weakness are not uncommon, patients do not remember what happened.

Absences - small seizures (petit mal) begin suddenly and last less than 30 seconds, the gaze freezes, all activity, including speech, food, gestures, stops. The patient does not answer questions. The attack ends as suddenly as it began, after which the patient is able to continue the interrupted activity.

In the treatment of epilepsy great importance have a regime of work and rest with a sufficient duration of night sleep, a categorical prohibition of alcoholic beverages, including beer. Numerous observations have shown that alcohol is the main factor that provokes seizures. Excess fluid intake is also limited, especially drinks such as cola, spicy and salty foods. The menu should be varied, containing a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, since the fiber they contain contributes to better intestinal motility and the elimination of constipation, and vitamins contribute to the normalization of metabolism, which, due to damage to the liver and other organs as a result long-term use anticonvulsants, these patients are often impaired.

Recommended active image life. Activity is the antagonist of seizures, more often seizures appear when patients are inactive, sleeping, or resting. Physical education is shown, gymnastic exercises not only contribute to the harmonious development of patients, during muscular activity a number of enzymes are activated that improve oxidative processes and blood supply to the brain, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) phenomena are eliminated, the tone of the cerebral cortex increases, during a period of intense activity a new focus of excitation is created in it, which suppresses the activity of the epileptic focus, thereby preventing the onset of seizures. AI Boldyrev pointed out that the condition of young people who were not amenable to treatment with antiepileptic drugs significantly improved after physical education, seizures became less frequent, working capacity increased, and mood improved. Occupational therapy also favorably affects the patient's condition. It activates compensatory mechanisms, prevents intellectual degradation, reduces the frequency and severity of seizures. Psychotherapy is also important, which affects not only pathological manifestations, but also on the personality of the patient, his behavior in life, the establishment of relationships in the family.

And, of course, a special role belongs to phytotherapy (herbal treatment). It combines antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, sedative, and anticonvulsant effects. It affects mood by reducing depression and eliminating neurotic manifestations as fatigue, irritability, anxiety, fears. Having a general strengthening effect, phytotherapy helps to expand the possibilities of adaptation (adaptation) of the patient, significantly reducing the destructive effect of stress. In addition, individually selected herbal preparations help to correct the patient's condition, not only eliminating the side effects of drugs, but also relieving the patient of other, so-called concomitant diseases which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the course of epilepsy.

Many anticonvulsant and antiepileptic plants have been used in folk medicine for centuries. However, so far there are no scientifically developed indications and contraindications for their use. According to my dear teacher K. A. Treskunov, the convulsive epileptic seizure lies acute disorder microcirculation and edema of the motor cortex. The result is compression and hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) motor neurons, their sharp excitation followed by extreme inhibition. With a small seizure leading role plays a short-term spasm of arterioles in the motor cortex. Based on this, for the treatment of episyndrome, we used plants that restore microcirculation and reduce swelling. Herbal treatment has proven effective in both large and small attacks.

37 patients were treated. In 25 patients, the seizures stopped and did not recur. The follow-up period ranged from 3 to 20 years. In other patients, attacks became less frequent and less pronounced. In some patients, the frequency of major seizures did not decrease, but there was a significant improvement in the condition: headaches, lethargy and depression disappeared.

In our arsenal, we have several "typical" collections developed and patented by K. A. Treskunov. They allow for a complete anti-inflammatory treatment, restore blood supply to the brain and reduce intracranial pressure. The most effective are individually selected preparations taking into account the correction of concomitant diseases and multicomponent antiepileptic preparations. Here is the recipe for one of them:

1. Grass cudweed swamp

2. Grass of common poland (Chernobyl)

Z. Grass sweet clover

4. Heather Grass

5. Herb wild chicory

6. Herb oregano

7. Grass Potentilla Goose

8. Melissa officinalis herb

9. Blood red hawthorn fruit

10. Roots of angelica officinalis

11. Corn silk.

12. Scotch pine buds.

13. Black elderberry flowers.

14. Medicinal marigold flowers

15. Herb yarrow

16. Grass violet tricolor

17. Field violet grass

18. Grass maryannik oak

19. Large plantain leaf.

20. Common juniper fruit

21. Grass agrimony ordinary

22. Herb horsetail

23. Grass meadow cornflower.

24. Leaf coltsfoot

25. Flowers and leaves of fireweed (willow-herb) angustifolia

26. Peppermint leaf

27. Cowberry leaf

28. Horse chestnut leaf.

29. Red clover flower

ZO. May rosehip fruit

31. Tansy flower

32. Great celandine herb

ZZ. Grass succession tripartite

34. Herb sage officinalis

35. Grass mountaineer bird

Z6. Hypericum perforatum herb

37. Grass meadowsweet

38. Water shamrock herb

39. Calamus Roots

40. Dandelion herb officinalis

41. Peony Roots

42. Roots of burnet officinalis.

43. Marsh cinquefoil grass

44. Small-leaved linden flower

45. Rhodiola rosea root

46. ​​Far Eastern lure root

47. Eleutherococcus senticosus root

48. Manchurian Aralia Root

49. Leuzea safflower root

50. Valerian root

51. Couch grass root

52. Grass geranium meadow

53. Baikal skullcap herb

54. Blue cornflower grass

55. Wormwood grass

Let's give some examples from practice.

Patient T., aged 42, complained of headaches, dizziness, poor sleep, a sudden sensation of "flies" before his eyes, blurred vision, attacks of loss of consciousness that occur daily, and sometimes several times a day without apparent reason. Examination in the neurological clinic revealed no pathology. EEG without features. Medical treatment gave no effect. The patient was assigned the following collection:

I. Angelica roots

2. Peony roots

3. Herb initial drug

4. Herb oregano

5. Dill seeds

6. Chernobyl grass

7. Chamomile flowers

8. Red clover flowers

9. Herb motherwort

10. Melissa herb

11. Hawthorn flowers

12. Grass cudweed marsh

1Z. Calamus roots

14. Leaves coltsfoot

15. St. John's wort

16. Birch buds

17. Grass agrimony

18. Plantain leaves

19. Mordovnik grass

20. Cyanosis Root

21. Grass knotweed

22. Grass knotweed (knotweed)

23. Horse sorrel

24. Potentilla goose

25. Yarrow herb

After 2 months of taking the collection, headaches significantly decreased, dizziness and twitching of the eyelids disappeared, mood improved, and at the same time, the skin around the eyes cleared of papillomas. Attempts to stop taking medication and herbal collection, or their irregular intake led to the occurrence of precursors of an attack in the form of a sensation internal trembling. Frightened by the resumption of seizures, the patient began taking herbs. Regular intake of herbs for 5 years allowed me to completely get rid of seizures and headaches.

Patient M., aged 11, daily disturbed by large convulsive seizures, small - 2-3 times a day. The cause of the epilepsy could not be determined. Against the background of taking anticonvulsant drugs, he suffered from headaches, dizziness, lethargy, lethargy, inability to concentrate, and therefore he was forced to drop out of school. Assigned collection of herbs:

    blackcurrant leaf

    birch buds

    juniper fruit

    Hop cones

    bearberry leaf

    Lingonberry leaf

    Plantain leaf.

    nettle leaf

    Dog-rose fruit

    Horsetail herb.

    Grass of Poland ordinary (Chernobyl).

    Chamomile color

    Grass sweet clover

    Yarrow herb

    herb oregano

    dill fruits

After 9 days, the frequency of seizures decreased, and after a month they stopped completely, despite the fact that after the start of herbal treatment, the patient stopped taking the medicine. The EEG returned to normal only after 6 months. A significant improvement in the general condition made it possible not only to finish school and college, but also to work successfully. The patient was observed for 20 years, the attacks did not recur, but periodically continued to take herbs for prevention. But not always herbal treatment is so successful. In girls during puberty and in girls it is often observed excess accumulation in the body of sex hormones - estrogen, which leads to a delay in the tissues, including the nervous fluid. As a result, the occurrence of epileptic seizures is more frequent in premenstrual period. There is even the term "menstrual epilepsy" which emphasizes the connection of epileptic seizures with the menstrual cycle.

Patient M., 10 years old, suffered from generalized convulsive seizures since childhood. The frequency of attacks is 2-3 times a month. Assigned collection of herbs:

1. Black currant leaf

2. Birch buds

Z. Juniper fruits

4. Lingonberry leaf

5. Bearberry leaf

6. Large plantain leaf.

7. Nettle leaf

8. Rose hips cinnamon

9. Wild strawberry leaf

10. Herb horsetail

11. Grass stonecrop caustic

12. Ledum herb

13. Grass of Poland ordinary (Chernobyl)

14. Rhizome and roots of cyanosis azure

15. Chamomile color

16. Yarrow herb

17. Dill fruits

18. Herb motherwort

19. Blood red hawthorn

After three months of taking the collection noted an improvement general well-being, attacks became less frequent and proceeded easier, headaches decreased, sleep improved. Despite the fact that the patient constantly took herbs, after 2 years, simultaneously with the onset of menstruation, convulsive seizures reappeared. Medication and herbal treatment only reduced the frequency and severity of seizures.

Patient T., 43 years old. Since childhood, generalized epileptic seizures with a frequency of 1 time in 2 months have been disturbing, but she has not received anticonvulsant therapy. She applied for an appointment due to heavy uterine bleeding against the background of uterine fibroids. The following fee has been assigned:

Yarrow herb

Valerian roots

Sheet coltsfoot

Motherwort herb

St. John's wort

Chicory roots.

Plantain leaf

Oak bark

Hawthorn flower

Grass of succession

Viburnum bark

Nettle leaf.

I took an infusion of the collection for a year, as a result, they stopped and uterine bleeding and epileptic seizures.

In general, herbal treatment in women was less effective than in men. With the help of herbs, it was possible to achieve a cessation of seizures in 5 patients (without drugs), in another 5 patients it was possible to significantly reduce the dose of anticonvulsants (but there were no seizures only against the background of taking medications). However, all patients noted an improvement in their general condition, a decrease or disappearance of headaches, normalization of sleep, the disappearance of dizziness, and a decrease in the manifestations of concomitant diseases. And what is especially interesting, after 3-4 months of treatment with herbs, there was a positive dynamics on the EEG, which usually could not be achieved with the help of medications.

Thus, herbal treatment is the most physiological corrector of disorders in the body, the most adequate therapeutic and prophylactic, economically viable and accessible to most of our fellow citizens.


    A.I. Boldyrev. Epilepsy in adults. M. Medicine, 1984

    K.A. Treskunov "Essays on clinical phytology and herbal medicine", Chernogolovka, 2001

    K.A. Treskunov In the journal. "Physical culture and sport", No. 7, 2004, p.15