How to find a job without education in our time: solving the problem. How to find a good job - a detailed guide for those who want to get their dream job

To find interesting professions that will be hired without a diploma, we scoured job search sites. Some vacancies where you can work without special education turned out to be so cool that you can send your resume right now.

Working for food

The first group of professions for which certificates are not needed are associated exclusively with natural talent. To become a taster, you need sensitive receptors and a love of food. The most attractive jobs are related to sweets and what to wash it down with.

Cake taster

The confectionery factory of Christoph Laermans was looking for a person who could eat 2.5 kg of sweets a day. For employment, a medical record and the absence of allergies were required, and the company provided a salary, a discount on factory products and paid for a gym membership.

Tea tester

A tea taster is a person who tastes tea. Such employees are needed when a company is going to purchase a batch of goods: they determine how high-quality tea suppliers offer. And for this you have to travel to India, Africa, China and in general to all tea-producing countries.

The tester also drinks tea after purchasing: he checks whether the taste has changed after transportation and packaging at the factory.

When we were given this vacancy to select a candidate, the requirements were as follows: first, to love tea, second, to have a certain physiological sensitivity, the ability to determine astringency and aroma. It should be noted that the salaries are high: this profession is rare.

Natalia Storozheva, General Director of the recruitment agency Perspektiva

There is no training for a profession anywhere in Russia, so the company itself recruits people and sends them to study abroad. Then all you need is experience and more experience.

Work for travel

Not everyone can be a taster if the tea from a bag tastes no different from rare loose leaf tea. To become a traveler, you need much less natural talent, if you have the desire.

Tourism manager

A fairly common vacancy for which special education is not required. It is precisely this kind of “dirty” work in tourism that will become a replacement for any university.

A plus of the job is the opportunity to go on special study tours, which are usually held out of season. The downside is the low starting salary, but there is an opportunity to develop and become an expert in areas.

Olga Evstratova, commercial director of the Caribbean Club company

The manager communicates with clients, studies offers from hotels and guides in different countries and makes sure that clients’ expectations coincide with the capabilities of the host.

Recreation Director

This is apparently the highest stage of development for a tourism manager. The One to Trip company offers everyone over 18 years of age with a foreign passport and passable English to perform crazy tasks. Then you must report on the trip, not to your superiors, but to the whole world: tell the details and give advice to the company’s subscribers.

Professional traveler

A vacancy similar to a recreation director: a person with knowledge of English, a foreign passport, active and sociable is required.

The traveler needed to deliver hornbeams (orders from our users), communicate with customers and conduct interviews with them, write a blog about profitable purchases abroad, tips and experiences of our users, create content for our social networks and help other travelers.

Daria Rebenok, founder of Grabr

An additional point in the job requirements is love for. We need a person for whom “Black Friday” is not the name of a horror movie, but the event of the year.

Work for interest

Making money from a hobby is not only about making soap and baking custom cakes. There are also unexpected options.

Car navigator

Roman Gerasimov, co-driver of the FONBET Trophy-Team, author and presenter of the “Motorsport in Faces” project, spoke about this profession.

To become a navigator, you must first get to the nearest competition as anyone: a spectator to understand whether you like this type of motorsport, an assistant judge to find out how the race is organized from the inside, a pilot if you have your own car. The main thing is to understand that you are ready to endure all this.

Roman Gerasimov

In trophy raids, the navigator is the “eyes” of the crew; he is the one who knows where to go, and also monitors the time, instruments and works with sports documents. Additionally, if the car gets stuck, the co-driver works with an electric winch, jack and shovel to free the car.

At the initial stage, you need to study navigation devices, competition rules, terms and tools. It is important to work on your physical fitness because moving through the swamps is difficult.

Payment for a navigator’s work at the initial stage may be small; it depends on the experience and reputation of each specific specialist. Outstanding representatives may be noticed by major sports teams and hired permanently. The navigator's workload is sporadic, usually on weekends, when trophy raids are more common. That is, you can combine it with other work.

Profession without name

This is a job for those whose hobby is idleness.

Alexander Malafeev, HR director of the Urgent Money company, says: “A couple of months ago, one of my friends on Facebook published a vacancy as part of his sociological project. He could not come up with a name for this vacancy, because the main functional responsibility of this position was that you need to sit at an empty office desk all day and do nothing. It was necessary to understand how long an ordinary average citizen would endure such torture for money, as well as what his motivation was. I’ll say right away that there were enough responses.”

Party King

In April 2016, the JoyME mobile application was looking for a candidate for the position of "Party King". Responsibilities: know everything about entertainment, fashion shows, crossfit, races and parties in Moscow. The king of parties had to attend all these events (although this is not always easy), make contacts and attract app users, and at the same time look for partners for further business development. Education did not matter, but the ability to pass any face control was needed.

Work that helps

There is such a profession - helping people. For example, look after the dog while the owners are away, walk it if the owners are busy, comb it, and even teach the dog to talk. The service helped with the selection of such professions, where they often look for unusual helpers:

  • A person who makes friends between a cat and a dog.
  • A responsible man who will remind you three times a day that it’s time to take your medications.
  • A cheerful girl who will play the role of a significant other in front of relatives at a family evening.
  • A music lover who can create an original playlist with comments.
  • A diligent person who completes a big puzzle.

And this is not counting the standard requests to take a turn or help with cleaning. You are unlikely to make a career in this field, but if you like helping people, then why not make money from it.

HR is the opposite

Recruitment specialists learn right away “in the field”, where they have to evaluate people. Typically, an HR manager works with applicants. But sometimes the “wrong” HR is required.

Elena Sentsova, HR manager at STS Group, says: “STS Group specializes in outsourcing and leasing of personnel, as well as outstaffing. Shift work is common at our facilities. The shift lasts 45, 60 days or more - at the person’s choice. Then the employment agreement with him is closed.

This is done by employees of an unusual profession - managers for working with dismissed people. The manager for working with the dismissed is a secretary in reverse. He sees off shift workers on vacation and makes the process as comfortable as possible. Later he calls people and offers to continue cooperation. This kind of care bears fruit: more than half of the specialists return.”

You can work as a manager for laid-off workers without education. The main requirements for such specialists are a positive outlook on life, sociability, and the ability to establish contact with people of even the most complex character.

We found all of the listed professions in less than a week. And these are not all the cool positions that don’t require a diploma. Tell us in the comments what vacancies for “ignoramuses” you have seen.

“If you don’t study, you’ll go to work as a janitor!” Many of us as children were scared by our parents or teachers with this phrase. Perhaps this is why the professions of janitor and cleaning lady are In second place by “unpopularity” among Russians. At the same time, these are perhaps the most famous professions that can be mastered without even graduating from a technical school. This category also includes work as a loader, courier, newspaper delivery person, cloakroom attendant, watchman, watchman, conductor, promoter, car washer, dishwasher, call center operator... But this is not a complete list.

Despite the fact that the profession of a salesperson, cashier, seamstress, baker, painter, waiter, for example, can be obtained in college, technical school or courses, it is possible to perform duties in these professions without vocational education. This is evidenced by numerous job advertisements for applicants without experience and without special education. The fact is that such blue-collar professions can be mastered directly on the spot, especially if the organization is ready to train a new worker in the necessary skills.

Those with the talent of a musician, singer, artist or photographer (with talent, not just a camera) can also start earning money without graduating from college or university. You can start building a career right after school or even while studying. At the same time, thanks to your creative abilities, you may be able to achieve great success in this area. For example, world-famous actors Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Bill Murray at one time dropped out of college (in specialties far from acting) for the sake of their first roles.

However, talent alone is not enough for all creative professions. In order to build a career as a journalist, television or radio presenter, it will not be superfluous to obtain a higher education, even if not in your specialty. After all, these people must be erudite and be able to correctly and harmoniously express their thoughts orally or in writing. The same applies to the managerial profession.

Judging by the advertisements on specialized websites, most often employers post vacancies in the following professions marked “without specific training” or “without education”:

  • loader,
  • cleaner/janitor,
  • courier,
  • secretary (administrator, personal assistant),
  • sales manager, customer service manager,
  • shop assistant,
  • Sales Representative,
  • call center operator (taxi dispatcher),
  • driver,
  • waiter,
  • security guard
  • copywriter
  • promoter
  • finisher

Apparently, due to a shortage of personnel, some organizations are ready to hire even nurses and educators “without special education.”

Young people often cannot get a job because they do not have the relevant experience. But to get it, you first need to work somewhere. You can find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. In this article we will figure out where to go to work without experience in order to break this vicious circle.

Network marketing

Many yesterday's students who are looking for where to go to work, in the end, begin to engage in network marketing. The main character traits that are necessary for such activities are sociability and sociability.

Many network companies sell low-quality goods, so if you decide to try your hand in this direction, look for a young company that has recently been operating on the market. It is almost impossible to achieve success in large companies.


Lately we often hear from young people: “I don’t know where to go to work because they don’t have experience or special education.” You can get a job as a salesperson in a store right after school. Of course, everyone wants to sell some kind of equipment or fashionable gadgets and get a big salary. But the easiest place to start is with food. Over time, when you gain experience, you can look for another, more prestigious place.

The main thing is that you will be able to gain invaluable knowledge and experience in the field of trading, which will become an indispensable skill for you in the future.


This is an excellent profession for those who do not know where to go to work without work experience. Waiters earn good money, especially if they work in an establishment where rich people gather. In addition to a decent salary, clients give them tips. You can also earn extra income by catering for private parties and other holiday events.

The work of a waiter is quite difficult both physically and mentally. Keep in mind that you will be on your feet for about 13–15 hours. In addition, you must smile and communicate politely with all customers. Of course, this work is not suitable for everyone, but it’s worth a try, you have nothing to lose. And even negative experience is also experience.

Fast food

When a person is asked the question of where to go to work without experience and education, the thought immediately comes to mind - as an employee in a fast food establishment. This is hard work because many people eat at fast foods every day. To serve them, employees have to spend the whole day on their feet, without sitting down for a minute. Basically, students and young people who have no experience work part-time in such institutions. They receive a small but stable salary. This option is good, but only as a temporary part-time job. Young people need to develop and look for more favorable working conditions.


Security guard

This position is suitable for both men and women who are looking for a place to work without experience. Typically, such employees are hired for security in shops and supermarkets. No experience or training is required for this. It is enough to simply agree with management. Usually there is no problem with this, but you will pay less. Security guards in nightclubs and restaurants receive good salaries, but scandals and fights often arise there.

Shop assistant

To master such a profession, you need to be able to communicate with people and have certain knowledge about the product you are selling. Salespeople in hardware stores and car dealerships earn good salaries. You can find a vacant vacancy through advertisements on the Internet or in the media.


Restaurants usually invite young attractive girls who speak foreign languages ​​to this position. They help guests choose a seat in the hall, decide on an order and select drinks. This is a good, fairly prestigious job that brings good income.


A woman who goes on maternity leave naturally interrupts her work activity. For young mothers who do not know where to go after maternity leave without experience, there are many vacancies on the labor market. Many companies offer them flexible hours or part-time work. For example, you can get a job as an operator to answer customer calls or as a dispatcher for a taxi service. In this case, you can work remotely from your home phone.

Working specialties

If you don’t know where to go to work without experience and education, don’t be upset. There are many blue-collar jobs that are taught on the job. The demand for them is huge, so you can easily find a vacancy. Of course, this is hard work, but you will receive a stable high salary. If you study at the same time to get a higher education, you can quickly make a good career.


Many companies hire couriers who deliver orders from the seller to the client. This is not a very prestigious position, but couriers receive a good salary for their work. This option is suitable for those who are looking for where they can go to work without work experience. When applying for this position, you should remember that the courier bears full responsibility for the cargo. If he damages the goods, their cost will be deducted from his salary. But if you take your business seriously, you can earn a good income.

Jobs for girls

Representatives of the fair sex often ask the question of where a girl without experience should go to work. You need to look in places where employees are always needed, for example, you can get a job in a supermarket as a salesperson or cashier.

If you want to work in your profession, but they won’t hire you without experience, try getting a job as an assistant to a relevant specialist. This is where the knowledge you acquired at the university will come in handy and, most importantly, you will be able to gain valuable experience. This is an excellent option for yesterday's students who are interested in where they can go to work with a higher education immediately after graduation.

Office Manager

Young people who are looking for options where they can go to work with education experience certain difficulties in finding employment. The easiest way is to get a job as an office manager. This specialist is engaged in office work, replacing other employees when they are absent, that is, he carries out all kinds of assignments.

After a while, if the company management does not offer you a position in your specialty, you can move to another organization, since the work book will contain a record that you have experience. And this is very important for future employment.


Making money remotely online has a lot of advantages. You receive a good salary, a flexible schedule and at the same time do not depend on your superiors. You can stop at any time to do household chores. You will not receive a reprimand or warning for this. A freelancer does not have to compete for a more prestigious position with competitors and communicate with people who are unpleasant to him.

From some institutes, HR never invites students: they are not satisfied with their behavior and level of knowledge.

The phrase “higher education is a must” is present in almost every vacancy announcement, unless we are talking about blue-collar jobs. But does this mean that without higher education you can forget about a career? Indeed, in fact, often a year of work experience means more than five years of sitting in lectures.

“They hired a person for the position of regional manager, with a higher education, but no work experience,” says an employee of the trading company. - So he doesn’t really understand the difference between a supervisor and a merchandiser. And the position of “merchandising supervisor” causes complete paralysis of consciousness in him.”

Why do they require higher education?

Higher education in itself is not a guarantee of successful employment, experts say. “There are often situations when a candidate’s professional experience and qualifications play a greater role than whether he or she has a higher education diploma,” says Olga Kolesnikova, head of the finance and consulting group of the permanent staff recruitment department of the Coleman Services recruiting agency.

However, Victoria Borisova, a recruitment consultant at the Etalon personnel center, adds that if an employer has to choose between two candidates with good work experience, and one of them has a higher education and the other does not, then most likely he will will give preference to the first candidate.

“The fact is that having a higher education implies that the candidate has special knowledge, a broad outlook, the ability to analyze a large amount of information and draw adequate conclusions. In addition, studying at a university develops the skills of independent work, time management and self-control,” explains Absolut Bank HR Director Sergey Deryabin.

True, there is another opinion on this matter. HR people know how star-studded some graduates of prestigious universities are, whose ambitions are not always supported by the necessary knowledge.

“Indeed, many vacancies require special knowledge, which, as a rule, a person can only obtain at a university,” says the HR manager at the forum. - At the same time, studying at the institute leaves a very big imprint on a person, and not always positive. I work with interns, and there are institutes from which I never invite students: I already know how they will behave and what level of knowledge they have.”

When is higher education compulsory and when is it not?

An employer's requirements for an employee's qualifications are strictly individual and depend on the area in which the applicant will work and the position. “A number of professions require a higher education. Most banking specialties require employees to have deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Therefore, banks usually prefer candidates with higher education. Moreover, for some positions in the bank, having a higher education is mandatory,” states Sergei Deryabin.

And Victoria Borisova emphasizes that a specialist without a higher education cannot apply for vacancies in the fields of top management, economics, marketing, participate in the development of new technologies, etc., “since a large amount of knowledge that will be needed for work can only be obtained at the university."

But higher education is not always a fundamental condition for hiring, experts remind.

For example, the position of sales manager does not require extensive special knowledge, unless we are talking about a very narrow segment. And often the employer expects from the candidate, first of all, the ability to effectively sell, communicate and interest the client, says Olga Borisova.

In order to work as a customs declarant, secondary specialized education is also sufficient, and sometimes just courses in this specialty. Experience and personal qualities play a key role in the decision to hire for such a job, says Olga Borisova. She recalls a case when “a large foreign company hired a specialist with a secondary specialized education, but possessing all the necessary skills and impressive experience, as a declarant, and thereby “outplayed” several candidates with higher education.”

Should I send my resume?

According to Victoria Borisova, in some cases, without a higher education, sending a resume to a vacancy where higher education is indicated as a prerequisite (especially a highly specialized one) is simply pointless. And in others it is absolutely acceptable.

“The latter especially applies to people in creative professions, such as designers. The main criterion for evaluating these candidates is not their education, but their work. If a specialist is talented, has good experience and many creative ideas, then he can bring much greater benefit to the employer than a person who does not have similar qualities but has a higher education,” she says.

“You can safely send your resume to the employer if your practical experience meets the employer’s expectations,” confirms Olga Kolesnikova. - We had a candidate who did not have a higher education, but worked for a long time in a Western company. When considering her candidacy for the position of accountant, the fundamental criterion was her extensive practical experience and an excellent recommendation from a previous employer.”

Not all applicants have a higher education. However, they are masters of their craft, work efficiently and receive good wages. “If a person is “in the right place”, loves his profession and wants to develop in it, then no matter what education he has, he always has a chance to be realized in his favorite business,” Victoria Borisova sums up.

Natalya Poletaeva

Don't know where to get money for education? Education loan.

  • Career, Work, Study

How to find a job without education: useful tips

Of course, having a special education is a factor that greatly facilitates the opportunity to find a good, well-paid job and further successful career growth. But what about those who, for various reasons, were unable to obtain secondary specialized or higher education?

Don't get upset and give up. Recently, employers have been more interested in those employees who have the desire to work, experience and high ambitions. For many business managers, a diploma means less than the responsibility, energy, creative thinking of an employee and his potential, in general.

The main thing when going through an interview is to be able to show the employer all your strengths.

What field of activity should I choose without having the appropriate education?

There are areas of activity in which education is not required. For example, consumer services and trade, public utilities, catering establishments, factories and factories always offer jobs. Employers do not require education from an applicant for a vacancy of this kind; more often they welcome the presence of special skills or work experience. Naturally, the prestige of such work is low. But do you need to start somewhere?

In the future, there is a real opportunity to demonstrate your business skills and get a promotion. Often waiters become administrators, salespeople become right-hand men, deputy store owners. In addition, it is never too late to enroll in an educational institution of the appropriate profile. It will only take a few years to get an education and take the first steps in building a career. The main thing is to decide in which direction to move.

If you clearly know what you want and have the opportunity to spend some time acquiring at least the initial skills of the profession, it makes sense to enroll in some courses. For example, hairdressers, manicurists, bartenders, florists, etc. This will be a good start for further successful activities.

Even if you do not have any certificate of completion of courses, and there is no way to get one, you can still find a job without education. Think about what you do really well?

Perhaps you know how to take interesting photographs, massage, bake delicious pies or buns. Try offering your services to your friends first, place ads on the Internet and on city notice boards. Work, improve in the direction you have chosen, make useful connections, and maybe in the future this activity will become your personal small business. The first step to financial independence can be creating your own business. For example, open a small retail outlet. This, of course, will require some financial investment. Next, all that remains is to complete the paperwork and purchase equipment. And the first step towards the intended goal has been taken.

People who are familiar with the Internet can try to find work online. There are many options: website creation and design, copywriting, blogging, etc. You need to be prepared for the fact that at first your earnings will be low.
In order to earn more on the Internet, it is worth completing courses in computer design and computer graphics. Today, the services of a web designer are widely in demand on the Internet, so it makes sense to master this area.
Looking for a job without having the appropriate education.

Where can a person without education look for a job? You can use the following resources: vacancy announcements in employment magazines and newspapers, Internet job portals. They contain many advertisements for jobs that do not require education or experience.

Contacting recruitment agencies. This path is ineffective, since they are mainly engaged in the selection of qualified personnel.
State employment centers will always find you a job, but they most often offer low-paid positions.
Finding a job through relatives and friends. This path can be effective, since nowadays reputable enterprises often hire employees based on recommendations.

If lack of education is the only reason preventing you from getting a good job, offer the employer a compromise option. You are hired, and you go to study at the correspondence department of a higher educational institution. Many managers are interested in developing a specialist, since the personnel policy of some enterprises is to train their own personnel. To do this, the company sends personnel already working at the enterprise for training.

To find a job without education and get a job, you need to be able to present yourself correctly at an interview.
First impression is one of the main criteria by which an employer decides whether to hire you or not. First of all, you need to look neat and businesslike. At an interview, bright, provocative clothing and makeup are absolutely inappropriate. You must show up for the interview at the appointed time.

Listen carefully, without interrupting, to the employer. At the end of the conversation, ask all the questions you are interested in: salary level, work schedule, opportunities for professional and career growth. It is necessary to show self-confidence, determination and willingness to conscientiously and accurately fulfill the responsibilities assigned to you. Try to create a positive atmosphere during the conversation, be interested primarily in the work, not the salary.

People looking for work and without special education need to be careful and picky, as there is a real possibility of meeting unscrupulous employers. Always choose proposals that contain a specific list of what the job applicant should do and the requirements for him. Be wary of job advertisements that list too high a salary.

If you are unsuccessful in your job search, be persistent and purposeful, don’t give up, and you will achieve your desired goal. It may not be possible to find a prestigious high-paying job right away, the main thing is that you have a job. Persistence, the desire to work and earn money will help you achieve high results in your chosen field of activity.
The post was created with the support of, where a professional tax consultant will give you valuable advice on running a profitable business.