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General dream book

An analysis of several dream interpreters suggests that cutting your toenails is an omen indicating a future hopeless situation and an overly emotional reaction to it. This may be a device to work with low wages, which does not bring moral satisfaction, demotion, as well as other opposition to someone or something from the outside, which is clearly at odds with the interests of the dreamer. Reacting to the current negative environment can further aggravate the problem. A dream in which the dreamer cuts his nails warns him that he should keep his emotions under control.

Pedicure with another person

Interestingly, you can cut your nails not for yourself, but for another person. Or, on the contrary, get a pedicure from him. In this case, the third person may be familiar or not - both have their own meaning:

  1. A stranger cuts the dreamer's nails. This means an action from the outside that will lead to disappointed expectations - a failed deal, a loss in the lottery, and even a long-awaited purchase that was postponed for reasons independent of the dreamer.

  • insufficient preparedness for future events;
  • confronting your own child on some issue, which will cause a strong emotional reaction;
  • a sign that the son or daughter is trying to attract attention to himself because he needs help or support, but the dreamer does not notice this.

In other words, trimming your own child's toenails should alert you to current or possible future problems.

  1. Trim the nails of a deceased person. For impressionable people, carrying out such a ritual in a dream can be very frightening, but there is no need to worry unnecessarily. Trimming your nails in itself indicates the presence of difficulties or some kind of obstacle in relation to the person with whom you are interacting. A dead person as an opponent in a dream suggests that the problem has exhausted itself and there is an opportunity to establish business or family ties by approaching the issue without unnecessary emotions.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga great importance in a dream has a nail condition. A long and smooth nail plate promises a quick resolution of all matters, but sick and dirty nails can be a sign of imminent injury or deterioration general condition health.

Sometimes in a dream a nail is not cut, but broken - this is a sign of severe financial waste in the near future. But if the nail plate grows back and becomes longer than it was, then the money spent will soon be returned with interest. Perhaps some risky investment will pay off or expensive operation will be crowned with success.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller also believes that a lot depends on the condition of the nail, but he pays close attention to the length of the nail plate. Trimming a long plate indicates that a lot of effort will be needed to solve the problem, but if the trimmings disappear on their own, then the effort put in will ultimately be much less than it seemed at first.

Trimming toenails in a dream in itself is not negative phenomenon or an omen of something bad. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the near future he must exercise special caution in conducting business, communicating with loved ones, or achieving some of his own life goals. In this case, you should discard emotionality, since it can only aggravate the situation, but composure will help you find the right way out of the situation and make the right decision.

The very process of cutting nails in a dream should be remembered by the sleeper as if it were happening in reality. An insignificant and unmemorable dream means the occurrence of insignificant events. If the dream is vivid and cutting nails occurs painlessly in a dream, you should expect changes associated with relatives, partners or acquaintances.

What if you dream about cutting your nails?

Why do you dream of cutting your nails? Nails in dream books are interpreted in the same way and mean doing some kind of work. Moreover, if there is payment for this work, then you should not wait big money. The more trimmed nails you see in a dream, the greater the accumulation of accumulated cases and problems that will need to be resolved in the near future. These problems can be solved by themselves if in a dream you see how nails are cut, but the remains of them are not visible. If you see trimmed nails, then little effort will have to be made to resolve matters. If the nails of a sleeping person are cut, then quarrels and omissions with friends and relatives are soon possible. Is cutting your nails painful? This means that conflicts will inflict a deep mental wound on the sleeper.

The very process of losing nails in a dream is a sign of loss. If trimmed nails are scattered around the sleeping person, then this means confusion in personal affairs. You will need concentration, balance and a confident focus on solving personal matters.

To see someone cutting their nails in a dream means that unexpected illnesses or the inability to help someone in a difficult situation are possible in reality. Carefully cutting your own nails in a dream, and then picking them up and throwing them away is a harbinger of the onset of... real life calm and tranquility. The sleeper needs to focus on himself, his problems, think about the meaning of life, understand the situations happening to him, somewhere even philosophize and find that necessary thread in life that will lead him along the path of success and victories. Such a concentrated process of cutting nails promises unity of soul and body, finding the meaning of life and overcoming all obstacles in life. life path. Seeing dirty nails in a dream - bad sign. It is quite possible that envious people and gossip will appear.

What does it portend?

If you dream young man the way he cuts his nails - this means loneliness in solving problems, he should not rely on anyone in life and count on someone’s help. You will have to decide everything yourself. If a girl has a similar dream, then she will have to travel from her home; it may be a simple trip, but some separation from her homeland will happen. If in a dream a girl cuts someone’s nails, then in reality she will need to put in a lot of effort to achieve success. If you dream that your nails are trimmed and all the sharp corners are neatly removed, then you will experience unexpected and long-term success, honor and climbing the career ladder without much effort. If you see nails in a dream and are dissatisfied with the manicure done, then you should expect troubles that relatives or friends will help you deal with.

It is also important to see the condition of your nails in a dream. Clean and healthy nails- a good sign of quick success; dirty and broken nails will bring losses and illness. Pain when cutting nails in a dream promises mental anguish and significant losses, the pleasant process of cutting nails is a solution to pressing problems.

Cutting nails in a dream is a natural process in reality. This doesn't mean you have to wait for news of death or loss. dear people. Such a dream is interpreted as the need to deal more with one’s problems, to involve friends and relatives in solving them, or to provide assistance in solving pressing matters oneself.

Dreams can carry both positive and negative information. To determine which group the dream where you had to cut your nails belongs to, you need to take into account other details of the plot you saw and what you experienced.

Such a dream may indicate the presence of numerous unfulfilled tasks that should be resolved as quickly as possible. Another plot like this may mean that the dreamer is very worried about his reputation. Night vision of other people cutting their nails means that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved and you just need to come to terms with it.

Why does a child dream of cutting his nails?

If you had to cut your own child’s nails, it means that you will soon have to deal with numerous routine tasks. In addition, such a plot may mean that the dreamer is too protective of his child, and this may negatively affect his future life. One of the dream books interprets cutting a child’s nails as a symbol of unrealistic hopes.

Why do you dream of cutting your toenails?

Such a plot promises forced movements, for example, moving to another city or a business trip. If you had to cut another person’s toenails, it means that you will soon have to do some serious work, but the pay will be very disappointing. A night vision where someone cuts the dreamer's toenails is good sign, foreshadowing the appearance of a person in life who will help cope with difficulties.

Why dream of cutting your fingernails?

If you had to cut your fingernails, it means that in reality the dreamer will lose. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of material problems. A night vision of a familiar person cutting his nails warns that he may be setting you up. If a stranger cuts the dreamer’s fingernails, it means you should be on guard and protect your personal life.

Nails in a dream warn of one’s own or someone else’s aggression, danger, and conflicts. At the same time, they are a symbol of acquisition, rigorous progress towards the goal and low-paid work. Popular dream books will answer the question: why does the designated dream image appear in a dream?

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream about your own short nails? You have to work long and hard, but the reward will not justify the effort.

If you had a chance to get a manicure in a dream, then the dream book predicts a noble deed. Seeing broken or neglected nails means that a period of failure and illness is approaching.

Why do you dream about very dirty nails? If you fail to correctly assess the situation and take action in time, then you face dishonor and shame.

According to the dream book of the Winter spouses

In a dream, the condition of the nails indicates the main character traits of the dreamer and his usual behavior. Well-groomed nails hint: the ability to behave in society and good manners will help in the implementation of your plans.

Seeing nails painted with varnish can indicate cunning, slyness and deception. Did you see very long, and even sharp nails? There will be a quarrel. Why do you dream about broken nails? The dream book is sure: some conflict will cause long-term worries. Nibbled nails indicate powerlessness and uncertainty.

Did you have a chance to cut your nails in a dream? It is necessary to restrain your emotions and, in general, tame your explosive temper a little. Did you dream of a friend’s clean and neat nails? The dream book thinks that in business he will be just as honest and reliable.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream of nails with white dots on them? The dream book is sure that in the near future you will be able to buy yourself a new thing and experience happiness. Seeing blackheads is worse. This is a sign of small but annoying problems. If in a dream your nails become covered yellow spots, then get ready for illness. Did you dream that your nails fell off? You will quarrel with a loved one, lose money or lose your life itself.

Why do you dream of another person’s nails that have the indicated marks? In reality you will experience a bad attitude and envy completely strangers. Did you dream of a child who, in a daydream, is intently cleaning his nails? Meet someone who will have a strange influence on you. The same plot hints at excessive pedantry, which the dream book advises to get rid of.

According to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream about your nails? In a dream, they symbolize readiness for struggle, action, resistance, as well as domination over others. Have you seen very long nails? You'll end up in limited conditions, you will not be able to act due to strong interference from outside. Seeing your nails like this means that you are well aware of your inadequacy. You have done everything, but the results will be minimal.

What else do nails mean? Often this image betrays anger and a desire to resolve the situation by any means. At the same time, long nails, according to the dream book, indicate disappointed hopes, mistakes, and pointless actions, while short nails indicate hasty and therefore useless decisions. Did you dream of short-cut or broken nails? In reality, it will be possible to get rid of the problem, but this will not change the situation.

Why do you dream about sore nails, with dots, hangnails, peeling nails, etc.? In a dream they hint at liver disease and imbalance internal energy. This is a sign of a stop in movement and development, therefore the interpretation is always unfavorable.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream about your own fingernails? Any predictions about them have positive value. If attention is focused on the legs in a dream, then the interpretation of the dream is always negative.

Did you dream about very long nails? You will get into trouble and ask your friends for help. You can see chewed or very short nails before sad events. If you happen to cut your nails at night, then in reality you will find yourself in an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure done while you sleep is no better. The dream book believes that you will have to accept unfavorable conditions. If you dreamed that you were getting a pedicure, then difficult work will bring neither pleasure nor money.

Why do you dream about broken nails? You will be misled or all the secrets will not be fully revealed. Dreamed of sore nails or their complete absence? There is real need to be experienced. Seeing nails covered with red varnish in a dream means that you will make peace with your loved ones after a long feud.

What does it mean in a dream if needles are driven under the nails or nail plates are pulled out? In reality, you will be able to achieve success and take revenge on your offenders. Did you dream that you were painfully scratched by nails? Prepare for illness and failure. Was there dirt under your nails in your dream? Expect a decline in business and a quarrel with your loved one. If in your dreams you have grown cat's claws, then you will get into trouble by chasing dubious pleasure.

According to the new family dream book

Why do you dream about legs? The dream book prophesies work for a tiny reward. The interpretation is especially relevant if the nails in the dream were too short and unkempt. Did you dream about getting a manicure done? Approaching favorable period, when you can relax, have fun and show yourself.

Seeing dirty, unkempt nails can lead to a series of failures and illness. Dirty nails also symbolize dishonor. Dream book advice: soberly assess the situation and do not get involved in adventures if you are not confident in your own abilities.

Why do you dream about fingernails and toenails?

Did you dream of beautifully trimmed fingernails? The image promises respect and unexpected money. If your fingernails or toenails are larger than usual, you are equally likely to make a profit or experience grief. Shortly cut nails on the toes and hands signify poverty, loss, hasty decisions, and vanity. You can see very small nails before a major failure.

Why do you dream about unnaturally long fingernails and especially toenails? This is a sign of trouble, cruelty, and destruction of the soul. Nail too long thumb hands indicates a sinful fall. If, on the other hand, your fingernails and toenails have been cut short, then you don't really have the strength to fight. Moreover, resistance in a well-known case is fraught with even greater danger. Cutting your nails with your own hands in a dream can mean resentment, irritation, or a quarrel.

What do long nails mean?

Have you seen long shiny nails? Receive very unexpected news. It is also a symbol of business acumen and new connections. If in a dream you had incredibly long nails, then in reality get ready for major troubles.

The same plot points to a long test, when you literally have to “climb” with all your might. However, moderately well-groomed nails signify success, well-being, and prosperity. The described image also indicates the presence of literary talent and a penchant for learning.

I dreamed of nails painted with varnish

Why do you dream of a woman’s nails painted with varnish for a man? Danger awaits him. If you had to paint your nails with too bright a polish, then in reality you will embarrass yourself in front of your friends. Seeing nails painted with varnish in calm shades means that some problems will be resolved successfully.

Why do you dream about painting another character’s nails with polish? In reality, danger comes from strangers. At the same time, nails painted with varnish hint at the need to use proven methods rather than experiment. If a woman paints her nails in a dream, then she will have to hide something.

What do dirty, broken nails symbolize, breaking them

Did you dream about broken and neglected nails? If you get sick, a series of failures will begin in your business. Did you dream about how you were fiddling around in the garden and your nails became ugly dirty? Prepare for real disaster. Dirty, gnarled, broken nails foretell shame for the family due to the stupid behavior of his young member.

If you cut your nails yourself, you risk losing your lover. In a dream, breaking your nails literally means: you have chosen your own path and are forced to undergo trials. Completely broken nails indicate the end of the testing period.

Why cut, file, or do a manicure in a dream?

Did you dream about getting your nails in order? Take up a low-paying but noble occupation. Filing and trimming your nails in a dream also means that a labor-intensive and low-paying job will suddenly open up bright prospects for you.

If a woman dreamed that she was getting a manicure, then she can prepare for expensive purchases. Why dream if you had to cut and file long nails with a beautiful manicure? Prepare for illness, decline, lack of money.

I ended up biting my nails at night

If you happened to bite your nails in a dream, then the plot reveals complete powerlessness and apathy. At the same time, he also points to a pleasant gift. If you happen to bite your nails at night, then in reality a problem has arisen that you should seriously think about. The same plot promises the approach of events that will lead you into absolute confusion and deprive you of the ability to act soberly.

Why do you dream of scratching with your nails?

If you dreamed that you were scratching other characters with your nails, then a bad mood will give rise to nagging and irritation. If you were scratched in a dream, then get ready to experience heartache from the attacks of enemies. Why do you dream about someone scratching with your nails? Be careful: you will be stabbed in the back, it is possible that it will be a person known to you.

Did you imagine that ordinary nails suddenly began to grow and turned into animal claws? In reality, you will find yourself in circumstances that will literally force you to show your worst qualities. The same image warns of a difficult struggle, and sometimes hints at excessive aggression dreamer

Nails in a dream - how to interpret correctly

Maximum exact interpretation sleep can be obtained if you take into account all the nuances of the dream. It is necessary to decipher the condition, length, appearance nails, and also take into account the color of the coating and your own actions.

  • well-groomed – safety, well-being, health
  • beautiful - happiness in love
  • moderately long – satisfaction, stability
  • longer than usual - good profit
  • too long - tenacity, close wealth
  • grow before our eyes - extreme old age
  • grew up suddenly - life in luxury and wealth
  • short - disappointed hopes
  • shorter than usual - dissatisfaction, losses
  • too short - major losses, ruin
  • pure – success in business, profit, luck
  • dirty - melancholy, poverty, grief
  • curves - troubles
  • crumble - disease
  • turned green - death
  • sick - inability to act
  • exfoliated - lack of faith
  • ingrained - need, losses
  • with white dots - happiness, new things
  • with blacks - a bad disease
  • with hangnails - ineffectiveness of actions taken
  • no nails - ruin, complete loss of strength
  • biting nails - powerlessness, loss, disagreement
  • breaking - dishonor, self-harm, family squabbles
  • pull out - a confluence of bad events, up to the death of the dreamer
  • to cut your hair - resentment, losses, troubles
  • trim - family scandals
  • grab with nails - cruelty, aggression or glory, fame
  • doing a manicure - the desire to hide intentions, secrets
  • painting with varnish is dislike, bad habits, reluctance to get rid of them
  • scratching your nails - profit, thoughts
  • indicate - imminent changes
  • combing hair - honor, respect
  • scratch - rough sex, date
  • erasing varnish - meeting a dangerous person
  • nail polish - profit
  • white – worthy relationships, purity of thoughts
  • black – separation, melancholy, death
  • red – threat, passion, activity
  • pink – illusions, emotionality
  • purple – power, strength
  • yellow – insight, envy
  • orange – activity, pleasure
  • green – rest, relaxation
  • poisonous green – nervousness, overexertion
  • blue – danger, unrequited love
  • blue – daydreaming, fantasy
  • purple – strong passion, problems
  • golden – harmony, happiness
  • silver – mystical abilities, magic practice
  • purple – creativity
  • gray – disappointment, boredom
  • polish your nails - long-term relationship, wedding

If you happened to polish your nails in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to avoid unpleasant work.