Reviews of Ariant stores. Dangerous microorganisms were found in Arianta products. Rospotrebnadzor has taken over the Chelyabinsk oligarchs. “Wine is a culture, and it must be brought to people”

Ariant Food Industry Center LLC is a loud name, with nothing behind it, from products of the lowest quality to incompetent top management.
The company is located at Chelyabinsk, st. Radonezhskaya, 5.
When applying for employment, a FIXED-TERM employment contract is concluded for 3 months. After three months, they practice extending the “probationary” period for another 3 months, and this happens as follows: on the last day of a three-month fixed-term contract, the HR director calls with the words: “We have decided to extend your probationary period for another three months, whether you are happy with it or not.” ?”, thus putting the employee at a dead end, of course 90% agree, because they are not ready to lose their job the next day, a gross violation of the law.
Fixed-term and open-ended employment contracts are concluded at the minimum wage, the rest of the salary is divided into the main and additional bonus. If an employee becomes disliked by the company, I close off his wages under the employment contract, that is, the minimum wage, and this happens in fact! That is, an employee works for a whole month expecting to receive a full salary, but in fact receives twelve thousand. (minimum wage) And the most important thing is that you can’t undermine it, that is, the bonus is always closed at the discretion of the manager! Everything is in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
In advertisements for vacancies and later during interviews, they promise a good, competitive salary, stipulating that the amount will be less during the probationary period. We recall the practice of extending the probationary period to six months. After the probationary period, there is simply no such information about what the bonus part consists of, and by what indicators it is closed. The bonus depends on the mood of the GENERAL DIRECTOR! That is, not even from the mood of the immediate supervisor. Without receiving full salary, the answer to the question WHY? You won't find it. Once on the “carpet” of the general director, you will stand and prove what you did to receive the bonus in full? It is impossible to prove this, because there is only one correct and expert opinion and it is his. The salary promised at the interview is not paid, it remains the same amount as it was during the probationary period, you simply do not deserve more.
The General Director and Director of the Sales Department consider themselves the best salespeople in the Russian Federation! Remaining in their places, they simultaneously perform the functions of marketers, designers, buyers, sommeliers, sales people, event organizers, which means that none of these blocks are being worked out qualitatively.
What do the “best salespeople” sell? Wine carbonated drinks “Villa Blanca”, “Charm Valley” and a large number of products whose names also mean nothing, like the previous two. The portfolio of this company includes whiskey drinks wrapped in beautiful packaging, but the contents are full of fusel with the smell of acetone, the back label indicates that the spirits are aged in oak barrels, but there is not a single barrel on the production site. The expectation is that the buyer is so stupid that you can write anything on the label and it will sell.
When you leave TsPI-Ariant, don’t count on your bonus being covered.

The Ariant wine holding, considered one of the largest owners of vineyards in Europe, increased its land area by 40%, adding 2.5 thousand hectares in the Krasnodar Territory.

Before the deal, Agrofirm Yuzhnaya, part of the Ariant wine holding of Chelyabinsk businessmen Alexander Aristov and Yuri Antipov, owned 6 thousand hectares of vineyards in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory. The new lands are 2.5 thousand hectares in the Anapa district of the Krasnodar Territory, Roman Gribanov, head of the holding’s press service, told RBC. About 1,1 thousand hectares of this area are occupied by vineyards, the rest is vineyard land, he specified.

The rights to lease land until 2062, previously owned by the bankrupt company SPK im. IN AND. Lenin”, was sold at auction in mid-May for 145.5 million rubles. The bankruptcy trustee Artem Vakhrushev told RBC that the only applicant for the lease was Uralplastik LLC from the Perm Territory, and a contract was concluded with it. The representative of Arianta calls Uralplastik a friendly company with which a sublease agreement will be concluded. Uralplastic itself did not respond to RBC’s request. The President of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia Leonid Popovich also knows that the deal was in the interests of Ariant.

Ariant was the largest owner of vineyards in Russia even before the deal. For comparison: its closest competitor, the Crimean Massandra, has 4 thousand hectares. This year, Ariant plans to plant another 500 hectares of new vineyards, says Gribanov. Establishment costs are approximately $10 thousand per hectare.

Dear Crimea

One of the reasons why the owners of Ariant decided to expand the business is the construction of a road to Crimea, Aristov conveyed through the press service. The route will touch the vineyards of Agrofirm Yuzhnaya on the Taman Peninsula. Part of the land will fall within the right of way of the road approach to the Kerch Bridge, a representative of Rosavtodor (the construction customer) confirmed to RBC. The area of ​​the agricultural firm's land subject to seizure will be about 16 hectares, he says, the exact volume and boundaries of the plots will be determined after the design is completed. In case of seizure of land for state needs, the company will be paid the compensation required by law, said a representative of the Office of Viticulture, Winemaking and Alcohol Industry of the Krasnodar Territory.

Growing new vines to replace those lost will take several years. But the owners of Ariant are not offended by the state: “The fact that the road to Crimea will pass through our lands will bring a lot of positive aspects,” Aristov is sure. Now Ariant is planning to build two chateaus in the Krasnodar region with the aim of developing wine tourism. One chateau, a champagne wine factory with a production capacity of up to 20 million bottles per year, will be located in the Anapa region, not far from Anapa airport, where Ariant leases new land. The second is next to the road to Crimea. “In Taman, near the new bridge to Crimea, we are building “Chateau Taman”, and all people who go on vacation to the peninsula will be able to drop by to see us,” Aristov explains the idea. “The number of Russians going to the resorts of Crimea will grow every year, and we will be able to popularize both wine culture and our brand more massively and efficiently.”

Who owns the vineyards of Russia

“Ariant is the locomotive of viticulture in Russia,” says Pavel Titov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abrau-Durso. “At one time they received a good raw material base in Kuban.”

Ariant itself calls itself the largest owner of vineyards not only in Russia (here he is the leader in grape harvesting), but also in Europe. According to Popovich, there are no clear statistics, but he has not heard of larger European wine-growing farms owned by one owner.

Before the annexation of Crimea in Russia, according to Rosstat, there were 62.4 thousand hectares of vineyards, of which Ariant accounted for almost a tenth of all areas. Now, taking into account the vineyards of Crimea, there are 86.5 hectares in Russia. To provide 90% of its own wine from its own grapes, Russia needs 350 thousand hectares of vineyards, notes Pyotr Romanishin, general director of the Fanagoria group, one of the largest Russian wine producers.

In 2014, the Yuzhnaya harvest amounted to 65.8 thousand tons of grapes. This is 16.4% of all grapes harvested by Russian agricultural enterprises. In second place is the Crimean Massandra, nationalized last year. Last year, 16 thousand tons of grapes were harvested on 4 hectares of its land, Yanina Pavlenko, general director of Massandra, clarified to RBC. In third place is the Kuban “Phanagoria” (2.7 thousand hectares of vineyards and 29.6 thousand tons).

“Ariant” and “Fanagoria” were the first to believe in Russian viticulture and began to plant their own vineyards,” says Popovich. Over the past five years, Ariant has invested $70 million in vineyards, says Aristov: “This is serious money. 12 years ago, when we started our grape business, such amounts could have been used to buy metallurgical plants.”

Non-public leader

The owners of Ariant are non-public people; they do not like to talk about their business and almost never give interviews. Aristov and Antipov started business in the late 1980s; it was not connected with wine at all. The main revenue of the holding, named after the first letters of their surnames, still comes from ferroalloy plants: Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant (according to SPARK, its revenue in 2013 amounted to 29.2 billion rubles) and Kuznetsk Ferroalloys (revenue in 2014 year - 16.4 billion rubles). In the Urals, their holding is also known for its meat products under the Ariant brand.

The partners began producing alcoholic beverages in 1996, when they launched the “Food Industry Center - Ariant” plant, built independently. At first, wine was bottled on it from other people's wine materials. But in 2001, the partners bought seven wine-growing farms in the Krasnodar region, two years later merging them into the Yuzhnaya Agrofirm.

In 2003, the state-owned stake in Abrau-Durso CJSC (70%) was transferred to the management of Ariant; Chelyabinsk residents bought the remaining shares from private individuals. But three years later, Aristov and Antipov unexpectedly sold this asset to businessman Boris Titov (now a business ombudsman). “At that time, we were probably not ready to invest and develop it,” explains Aristov. “When we bought Abrau-Durso, it was an almost bankrupt enterprise that just lay there.”

Everything is so, confirms Boris Titov’s son, Pavel, who headed the board of directors of Abrau-Durso: “Ariant” probably did not see an opportunity for development in it, but we, on the contrary, saw it.” After 2006, the Titov family bought shares from the state and now controls the company.

In 2003, Ariant bought the Kuban-Vino plant, built back in 1956; the enterprise had to be seriously modernized. According to Aristov, over the past ten years the holding has invested about $100 million in the wine business.

Now Ariant is the only large producer in Russia that produces wine almost entirely from its own wine materials. The holding also sells wine materials to other producers, including the same Abrau-Durso.

Ariant's revenue in 2014 amounted to about 6 billion rubles, says Aristov (a company representative could not clarify whether this amount includes VAT). For comparison: Abrau-Durso’s revenue according to IFRS in 2014 amounted to 5.3 billion rubles. The revenue of the St. Petersburg company “Sparkling Wines” for the same period was about 5 billion rubles. (without VAT), the main owner of the company, Vasily Dragan, told RBC. The revenue of Fanagoria, Ariant's closest competitor in still wines, is 2.9 billion rubles. (SPARK data).

Ariant owns two wine production plants: Kuban-Vino LLC in the Krasnodar Territory and the Food Industry Center - Ariant (CPI - Ariant) in Chelyabinsk. According to Rosstat, in 2014 the two enterprises produced about 1.5 million dal of still wines and about 1 million dal of champagne and sparkling wines. In the ranking by production volume provided by the Center for Research of Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, Kuban-Vino in 2014 took seventh place in still wines, and TsPI-Ariant took sixth place in sparkling wines.

Read the text about changes in the Russian wine market in the new RBC magazine No. 6 for 2015, which went on sale on May 28.

“Wine is a culture, and it must be brought to people”

Ariant co-owner Alexander Aristov talks about his investments in winemaking

Alexander Aristov was born in August 1949 in the small town of Plast, Chelyabinsk region. The businessman does not like to give interviews; he answered questions about his wine holding through the press service.

- You have been investing in the wine business for a long time. Why did you become interested in this industry?

I have always been confident that such a developing and cultural country as Russia would definitely begin to switch to a healthy lifestyle in which wine would replace vodka. That's what's happening now! Today we can safely say that the Ariant wine holding is No. 1 in viticulture. And not only in Russia, but also in Europe - with such a volume of vineyards. In 2015, Ariant will produce 68 million bottles of alcohol.

- But why then in 2006 did you sell Abrau-Durso to Boris Titov?

At that time, we were probably not ready to invest and develop it. When we bought Abrau-Durso, it was an almost bankrupt enterprise that just lay there. At this point we were actively investing in viticulture. And “Abrau-Durso” without vineyards in our picture of the world, in our business development strategy - it was an enterprise that had no development prospects. At that time, the vineyards were owned by the state, there were few of them, and we did not see prospects for development. Therefore, we focused our attention on the Taman Peninsula, on the development of viticulture. Over the past five years alone, we have invested $70 million in Taman vineyards. This is serious money. 12 years ago, when we started our grape business, such amounts could have been used to buy metallurgical plants. We sold Abrau-Durso without the slightest conflict and are still in excellent relations with its owners. Moreover, we are preparing wine materials for Abrau-Durso.

Are you expecting qualitative changes in the wine industry - in connection with the annexation of Crimea, the sharp fall in the ruble exchange rate last year and the general patriotic upsurge?

I believe that even before the rise of the dollar and the policy of import substitution in Russia, significant changes took place in the wine industry. The most important thing is that over the past ten years, Russians’ very attitude towards wine has changed. The mass consumer began to consume less strong alcohol, gradually increasing purchases of wine and champagne. This is a very good trend for winemakers. Over the past ten years, domestic winemaking has made great progress, and today truly high-quality Russian wines are offered on the market of our country. Moreover, both large manufacturing plants and small wineries. The latter offer for sale “garage” wine in the full sense of the word, where the owner is both a winemaker and a worker. They produce a small volume of wine, but they are really interesting, worthy wines.

The production of domestic wine and champagne is growing, which cannot be said about vodka. Vodka is stagnating, this can be seen in the reports, in the numbers. The consumer's priority is changing, and this is the most important change that has occurred. This situation will allow people who deal with grapes to see the market’s desire for their product and invest in the further development of vineyards. Develop more interesting varieties, use more advanced and expensive technologies. All this will definitely lead in four to five years to the next cardinal, qualitative leap in the industry.

- What does it take for businesses to start investing more actively in this industry?

Today, the only large region ideal for grape production is the Krasnodar Territory. Not Dagestan, not the Rostov region, where grapes also grow. The Krasnodar region is a more stable area for viticulture in terms of weather. And what has already been done by regional authorities in the Krasnodar Territory and federal programs to date has already made a great contribution to the development of the industry. But the efforts of regional authorities alone are still not enough! There are good examples of how in other countries of the world, with each bottle of wine sold, a certain state fund is replenished, the funds of which are then used to develop the industry and help winegrowers. In every country in the world that is able to grow grapes, the concept of “own wine” is very prestigious and important, it is the health of the nation, it is a cultural heritage that is cultivated by the state. It’s good that in Russia today very important legislative changes are being worked out that regulate the zones in which grapes grow, as they say in France - appellations.

My opinion is that the EGAIS for wine should be abolished, because wine is a different product, it is not vodka or cognac. Wine is a weak alcohol, it is a culture, and it must be brought to people, and not put up as obstacles.

- What was the consolidated revenue of your wine division last year?

About 6 billion rubles, and this year we reach about 10 billion rubles.

- How much was the total investment? Did they pay off?

Over the past ten years, investments have amounted to about $100 million. They have not yet paid off. We work in stages, step by step. Decent investments have been made, and then the company invests in its development from the profits.

- Do you intend to expand production?

We want to plant about 2.5 thousand more hectares of grapes and are planning to build two chateaus. This is Chateau Taman on the Taman Peninsula and a new enterprise in the Anapa region. With tourist areas, with wine tourism. Because we see enormous potential in agrotourism on the Russian coast.

Part of the road to Crimea through Taman will pass through the territory of our vineyards. This is also why we bought 2.5 thousand hectares of land for the development of viticulture in the Anapa region. Moreover, this project will include the launch of a new wine production and a wine tourism zone near the resort village of Vityazevo, not far from the Anapa airport. And in Taman, near the new bridge to Crimea, we are building “Chateau Taman”, and all people who go on vacation to the peninsula will be able to stop by. So the fact that the road to Crimea will pass through our lands will bring a lot of positive aspects. The number of Russians going to the resorts of Crimea will grow every year, and we will be able to popularize both wine culture and our brand more widely and efficiently.

The Ariant agricultural holding was caught violating sanitary standards in the production and sale of meat products. The company tried to challenge the administrative punishment in court, but lost the proceedings in two instances. Meat products that are hazardous to health could reach consumers. An inspection by Rospotrebnadzor showed that the company’s semi-finished meat products, which were presented in the Arianta branded store in Revda, had twice the content of microorganisms, “which may threaten the health of consumers.” In the production shops of the agricultural holding, inspectors found dirt, biological waste dumped on the floor, and dirty dishes. One of the glaring facts is that the intestines for future semi-finished sausages were washed in vats that were not connected to running water. The company also supplied grains that were used for the production of canned meat - the product was not pre-washed in running water. Arianta products are supplied to the shelves of several regions of Russia, including the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, and were recognized by arbitration as “possibly threatening to harm the health of consumers.” Now the oligarchs are reminded of previous violations of laws, and the project in the Sverdlovsk region is on the verge of failure.

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Sverdlovsk Region in the courts of two instances proved the non-compliance with sanitary standards of retail premises and products of the Ariant agricultural holding (owned by Chelyabinsk businessmen Alexander Aristov and Yuri Antipov). According to the materials of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region, Rospotrebnadzor inspectors checked a branded store of the Ariant trademark in Revda, where 7 violations were identified at once, for which the company was issued an order to bring to administrative responsibility.

In the Revda store, the rules for storing meat products, including temperature conditions, were violated. Sellers cut and weighed raw meat in the same place where finished meat products were cut. One of the blatant violations was that customers of the store were sold chilled pork loin with a bone, in which the permissible content of microorganisms was twice as high. During the trial, Ariant's lawyers insisted that when taking product samples and conducting laboratory tests, sanitary doctors violated GOST requirements, since the sample of the seized pork was not sealed. “The evidence obtained from laboratory tests is inadequate,” company representatives said.

Nevertheless, the court found the analysis of the quality of the agricultural holding’s products to be reliable. “The excess of the hygienic standard for the content of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (KMAFAnM) per gram of product, revealed during the inspection, indicates its poor quality, and therefore a possible threat of harm to the health of consumers,” the Sverdlovsk arbitration court decided.

At the same time, sanitary doctors came with a scheduled inspection to the Arianta production workshops in Chelyabinsk, where they immediately discovered 30 violations. The enterprise, located at 48 Kopeiskoe Highway, did not have the necessary list of production facilities necessary for the safe production of high-quality food products. For example, conditions were not created for processing the intestines used as casings for semi-finished sausages. The intestines were processed directly in a china (a special trolley-tank) in a room where there is no water supply. Non-meat components that are used to produce canned food have also not been properly processed. “They prepared the cereals in China directly in the workshop for the production of canned products, while the cereals must be washed under running water, in addition, the cereals were not pre-treated with a magnetic separator to remove foreign impurities,” Rospotrebnadzor of the Chelyabinsk region told the publication.

Inspectors talk about poor quality cleaning of the premises in which Arianta products are prepared. “The cleaning of the floors in the offal and head cooking area is poor. The floors were dirty, slippery, with grease residue. In the room for the accumulation and storage of production waste, during the inspection, bones, fat and other waste were located directly on the floor, since the storage tank was overfilled,” an interlocutor from Rospotrebnadzor described the situation at the Chelyabinsk plant.

Pravda UrFO sent a request to the Ariant press service asking for comment on the described situation, but at the time of publication of the material there was no response to the request.

Let us remind you that this is not the first time that the Ariant company has been accused of violating Russian legislation. Past claims from officials and inspection bodies were related to work in the construction of their own agricultural facilities. In particular, the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure of the Chelyabinsk Region in the summer of this year inspected the construction of a deboning workshop of an agricultural holding in the Fedorovka microdistrict (northeast of the Serozak crossing in Chelyabinsk). . However, during the on-site inspection it turned out that the meat shop had long been completed.

The company received permission for construction in May 2016, but, according to the contractor’s work log, construction began in August 2014, and the builders completed the facility in September 2015. Businessmen Alexander Aristov and Yuri Antipov used a similar scheme when starting the construction of a large pig-breeding complex in the north of the Sverdlovsk region. They began implementing investment projects in Serov without receiving a full package of permits. In particular, according to the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, work started without a state expert report on the environmental safety of the facility. Eventually

Hello. Please tell me why the sausage in the package is 310 g. Is it more expensive than the same sausage for 1 kg? The packaging is the same, the sausage is the same, but the price is different? What's the catch? Or is it more convenient to deceive the buyer? Very sorry, disappointed! But I would like to hear the answer. Thank you. Contact phone number: 8-952-51-79-792.

We rent retail space starting from 50 sq. m up to 100 sq. m for 800 rub. for 1 sq. m. in a one-story building of 300 sq. m. m (the entire building rent is 180,000 rubles per month) in a powerful residential area in Yekaterinburg on the street. Bilimbaevskoy, 31, cor. 3, el. power 35 kW, tel.: 8 (343) 2135994 2715855.

Hello! I was in Chelyabinsk and visited ARIANT stores. There are always some events going on there. For example, 3 days ago I bought pate, and they gave me another one for free. I spent a long time finding out whether the expiration date was running out, etc. The sellers told me that their promotions are a common thing, and even more so before the New Year. Why don't we have shares? The product is the same, but the attitude towards customers is different.

Good afternoon Please provide information on the cost of frozen pork, purchase prices depending on supply volumes, and the maximum possible supply volume per month. Also interested in logistics conditions. Please send the price list and information about the terms of cooperation by e-mail: [email protected].

Hello, could you email me the price list of your products?!

The head of TD Ariant turned out to be the smartest, he came from MAVTA. Events did not take long to wait. Branded stores began to transform into VIP Self-service stores - they look like general stores! The other day, people in the Leninsky district noticed that prices for sausages and sausages were higher than in our branded stores. At the moment there is a crisis in Ariante, there are not enough workers, drivers and forwarders are leaving due to low wages and a large volume of work. This BOSS wasn’t there - we lived well, we couldn’t get a job...

It’s interesting, but at exhibitions you present the same products, no one in my family would eat such sausages, I had to feed street cats, and 1 kg of this product costs 179 rubles, for what??? Barcode 4 660007 100460.

Now I bought sausage in your store at the address: Zwillinga, 63 (or nearby) between the stop. Evteeva and the stadium, the sellers placed the control scales directly under the air conditioner, water drips directly on them, this was done for sure, with the intention that buyers would not double-check the body kits, the control scales almost never worked there, now I did it and they are ruined faster, calculate from them for repairs, otherwise they will continue to do this, the store is constantly underweight, the sellers are rude, a regular buyer of your products...

The largest producer of ferroalloys in Russia, the Ariant group, is going to “feed the country and the whole world.”

According to Yuriy Antipov, co-owner of the holding, proceeds from the sale of metal go to the development of agricultural farms and shops

Businessman Yuri Antipov and his partner Alexander Aristov began creating consumer cooperatives in the late 1980s: they produced and sold nails, mineral fertilizers, and sausage. In the mid-1990s, the Ariant group was formed, named after the first letters of the partners' surnames: in 1996 they launched a plant for the production of wine and sparkling water, and in the same year they became shareholders of the largest ferroalloy plant in Russia - the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant. In the early 2000s, the group bought another ferroalloy plant, vineyards and a winery in southern Russia, and expanded its agricultural complex. For several years she was the largest shareholder of Abrau-Durso, but then sold her stake. Now Ariant is the largest producer of ferroalloys in Russia, one of the largest wine producers and the largest owner of vineyards

“The factories will build subsidiary farms”

>- Just recently, this summer, you approved sites for two of your large agro-industrial complexes - they will be located in the Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions, next to your ferroalloy plants. Why did you decide now to launch large-scale projects worth up to 30 billion rubles?

We are developing our factories: we are building furnaces in Serov, Novokuznetsk and Chelyabinsk. We are leaders in the domestic and, perhaps, global ferroalloys market. At the same time, we are trying to implement investment programs that are related to agriculture and pork production - this is the trend that both the country and us need today.

You have a large complex in the Chelyabinsk region. In 2013, you were in ninth place in the country in pork production, and in 2014 - in fourteenth. Because many other companies have introduced large pig farms. And Ariant is starting new projects only now - why?

We have completed the entire cycle [in the Chelyabinsk region] and understand what it consists of. To understand this, we first had to try: to build new farms, slaughterhouses, feed mills, elevators, etc. in one place - where we live. And then replicate it. Now we see that we have profit, that there will be growth, there will be sales, everything will happen. So now we move on. Just a farm, a separate farm, doesn’t mean anything - everything needs to be done as a whole. You must not only produce a product, you must deliver it to the consumer, provide good service, a good price, and then it will be a product that deserves trust. If, when we started in Chelyabinsk, we started building in Kemerovo or Sverdlovsk, it would be wrong. Because I wouldn’t have had enough strength, and I didn’t have that much experience yet.

How did you choose the areas?

The connection with the factories is obvious. The plant makes money. They can be taken for dividends, or they can be invested in development. If you take it, then you eat it. If you invest, you move on and develop.

But you probably also looked to make sure there were no major competitors nearby?

No. On the one hand, I would like to have “biosafety”. That is, if an outbreak of the disease breaks out, so that this does not happen in our company in other regions [if an outbreak of African swine fever occurs, the entire livestock is destroyed]. Secondly, in order to build and finance a project for the same 12–15 billion rubles [before the August fall in the ruble exchange rate, the cost of each project was estimated at 10 billion rubles], it is necessary for some team to monitor it, build it, operate it. Being here in Chelyabinsk, I myself will never be able to manage an enterprise that is located in Vladivostok or Khabarovsk. And in Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo we have formed teams. There is someone there to rely on, there are leaders there who can pull this off. Factories will build their own subsidiary farms, which will generate profits in the future.

That is, a situation is possible when an agricultural enterprise generates profit that goes into metallurgy, if necessary?

By itself. Today our agricultural company [Agrofirm Ariant LLC] is a subsidiary of two metallurgical plants - ChEMK [Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant] by 50% and Kuznetsk Ferroalloys by 50%.

But it wasn’t like that before, the agricultural company was closed personally to you and members of your family with Alexander Mikhailovich Aristov.

Yes. But an agricultural company would not be able to invest such amounts of money today; by definition, it would not have enough funds. All projects consist of 30% of our own funds and 70% of borrowed funds. And our banks would not have given so much money to ordinary agricultural producers. But if there is a guarantee for her from CHEMK and others, then of course. And then you have to prove that there will be a profit: they [the banks] constantly ask me whether there will be a profit or not.

What banks do you usually work with?

Usually we have state banks - Gazprombank, Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank. And Alfa [private Alfa Bank]. We don’t even try to work with others, because they won’t be able to finance us in the required amount. Let's take livestock, for example. Here, as of January 1, 2015, we had 320 thousand pigs. As of January 1, 2016, there will be about 500 thousand. In order to increase the livestock population by even 100 thousand, it is necessary to invest $10 million. Neither farmers nor small enterprises can afford this. But with the participation of the state, banks, investment companies, this clamp can be pulled out, but not so.

You have said before that only large enterprises in Russia can engage in agriculture.

It seems to me that our country lacks structural changes and a general strategic line. The first thing we need to do is try to feed the whole world. First feed yourself, and then the whole world. I have no doubt that we will feed ourselves. But only large enterprises can do this. Or medium-sized enterprises that have secured sales.

By the way, are your branded stores included in the Ariant agricultural company?

Certainly. And it will be the same there [in the Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions], and there is nowhere without it. As an owner, I would like not to engage in trade. Because it just distracts from production. But the networks have already ruined more than one entrepreneur; everyone in the world has already stepped on this rake. Therefore, I want to have my own network where I cannot be ruined. In my understanding, we should sell 70% of our products through our own stores and only sell 30% [outside].

But are you still building a local network, only for your projects in the regions?

Only for yourself. I am not going to replace Pyaterochka, or Magnit, or Walmart, because this is a different business. And to organize a retail outlet where our products are sold is, of course, yes. At the same time, provide them with high-quality bread and milk, and create a small real store near the house. And the man came, took some bread, took milk, a piece of meat and went home.

What is "Ariant"

Formally, the Ariant group does not exist: there is no legal entity with that name. The Ariant Group is the conventional name for the assets of Chelyabinsk businessmen Alexander Aristov and Yuri Antipov. All assets are equally divided between the founders of the group and their family members. Ariant has two main areas of activity: ferroalloys and food products. The company owns the three largest ferroalloy plants in Russia: the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, Kuznetsk Ferroalloys in the Kemerovo Region and the Serov Ferroalloy Plant in the Sverdlovsk Region. The total revenue of these three plants in 2014 exceeded 70 billion rubles. The holding's product line can be divided into three more divisions. The first is the production of meat products: pig farms and a plant for the production of semi-finished meat products and sausages in the Chelyabinsk region. The second is the Ariant branded chain of stores, consisting of approximately 550 points in the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk regions and Bashkiria. This is the largest chain of meat stores in Russia in terms of revenue and sales area. Third division - wine holding "Ariant"


“We spent a long time explaining ourselves, but in the end they heard us.”

>- This spring you closed a deal to purchase the Serov Ferroalloy Plant - the third largest ferroalloy plant in Russia. But you tried to buy it many years ago?