Archetypes of successful men: what kind of women do they need? Archetypes of men

Female and male archetypes

There are four main aspects of the feminine and masculine self, and each relates to one of the four functions of consciousness.
The self becomes holistic when all these different aspects develop independently and are ultimately integrated within each individual.
Feminine Self. Every woman is an area of ​​embodiment of the feminine energy of desires and instinct. This is the archetype of nature and life, earthly and erotic. There are four aspects of female potential related to the four functions of consciousness: Mother (affect); Princess (emotions); Amazon (intelligence); Priestess (intuition). Just as the feminine sphere compensates for masculine characteristics, so femininity complements masculinity. An effeminate emotional man living with an Amazonian woman is not that uncommon. The advantage of such a man is that any somatic pathology in him proceeds more favorably, which is generally typical for women compared to men.
Male Self. He is the embodiment of logic, intellect, and spirit of consciousness. In archaic societies this principle is less developed than in civilized societies. The so-called modern man strives for extreme discrimination, totalitarianism, quickly becomes, having power, overly critical and unfair, moralizes and goes astray into dry intellectualization. This process is repeated again and again in each subsequent generation. In the male Self there are four main aspects of realization, each of which relates to one of the four functions of consciousness: Father (affect); Eternal Youth (emotions); Hero (intelligence); Magician (intuition).
1. Mother. The protective maternal image of a woman, her domestic qualities - maintaining a home, cooking, creating comfort, the ability to be loving and attentive. The collective social aspect of femininity. For women of this circle, it is important to reveal and develop the protective side of femininity. The prototype of Gaia and Demeter in Greece, Isis in Egypt, Kali in India. Objective truth of nature
Great Mother, Mother Earth. This archetype is equivalent to the Wise Old Man and represents feminine wholeness, or potential wholeness. It should not be confused with the female potential that is motherhood. In this way, children actually born can help develop the maternal aspect of character. However, this is not necessary, since this aspect of personality is internal and spiritual and can be cultivated in different ways, in particular, in the absence of children, it can be realized in pedagogical behavior. The character in this archetypal space becomes holistic, integrating various aspects of femininity.
Terrible Mother. The possessive, destructive side of motherhood, which can arise as a result of the mother’s hyperprotective understanding of her role. Such a mother hinders the growth of the individual, his development and the formation of independence. A mother who holds her child close to her with overprotective love may appear in the children's dreams in an animalistic and destructive form; or it may be the mother's own dream, with grunts reminiscent of a pig or whining sounds reminiscent of a wolf. The dream may depict a terrible aspect, indeed bringing back memories of being punished by one's mother in childhood. Perhaps a threatening dream could be a symbolic defense against incest.
The archetype of the Terrible Mother is also the image of an angry goddess, such as Kali.

2. Father. The figure is the embodiment of authoritarianism, law, order, social customs, patterns of behavior associated with society, as well as male protection. Everyone's real-life father contributes to the formation of the image of an ideal father. The grandfather can take on this role.
Giant Ogre. Hypostasis ambivalent to the father. A possessive father who threatens the individual. Any problems related to discipline during a period of disobedience when one must submit for fear of punishment. These ideas can be transferred to relationships with a real father, but in the case when the individual does not recognize the existence of the Father archetype in himself. If he is able to see the problems in himself (including the potential of the father), he is able to translate the negative and destructive aspects of a given archetype into something positive. Corresponds to Saturn devouring his children.

The Family Circle is associated with the colors of the earth: black, brown, green. The basic experience is sensation (affect), that is, an attraction to a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances. The behavioral reaction to a sensation also has the character of an outburst. In general, there is an increased interest in sensational incidents.
The need for sensation is important for anticipating unexpected events - an important quality for the family. Carriers of nuclear forms of such archetypes are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, as well as affective psychoses. The symbolism of this circle includes a tree, the earth as such, a house. Colors green and brown. The main element is earth.

3. Princess. This quality of a woman is based on love and personal relationships. This is the mythology of a flirting girl. The qualities of spontaneity and warmth inherent in this image gradually develop and mature. An image awaiting love through suffering (Sleeping Beauty) and self-sacrifice, which are equivalent to male initiation.
Temptress. Attractive historical figures in dreams, mainly Greek or Roman, as well as Japanese geishas. Temptress, siren, image of erotic fantasies, hetaera.
4. Young man. The male equivalent of a Princess. And since it contains youthful components, it can be the source of further growth into a Hero and ultimately into a Wise Old Man, thus embodying all aspects of the Self. The dynamics of the archetype are possible only through transformation and the pain of initiation.
Tramp. Wanderer, tramp (known for collecting driftwood in dreams). An image that embodies the influence of vital energy, the end of the period of boyhood.
Hunter. An inquisitive love of adventure versus patience, sacrifice and devotion.
The main mental characteristics of the circle are emotions and mood, which depend on the circumstances. The main element is fire, colors are red, orange.

5. Amazon. The personification of intellectual qualities in a woman. If this is the main component of a woman's character, then she will be a career woman and a companion to a man.
Female hunter. This is the type of career woman who bullies a man. Such a mythology develops if a woman is frustrated in her claims, which she then projects onto a particular man, or if a woman fails in the development of other important aspects of femininity.
6. Hero. The courage and initiative of the individual, his will. This aggressive male principle is universal and ambivalent; it is only filled with social resonance. More often, heroism, as opposed to villainy, is attributed to the characteristics of altruism.
The villain. This archetype is perceived as egoistic. In the symbols of this system, the positive idea of ​​resurrection is used as a weapon for torturing and beating people; even love in this archetype is realized in a necrophilic aspect.
The main mental functions of the circle are intelligence and calculation, the basic element is air. Color - white and any pastel colors embodying the dissolution of color in white.

7. Priestess. This aspect of femininity is quite rare. As a primary function, it should theoretically fade away after puberty, but women who manage to cultivate it become outstanding. The inner world for them is a large part of reality, they try to realize it in creativity. The Great Priestess corresponds to the goddess of the night Isis (Juno) - the second lasso of the Tarot.
Witch or sorceress. Primitive, undeveloped intuition that separates a woman from the integral spiritual sphere. The witch as a figure in dreams can refer to negative aspects of femininity, especially the Terrible Mother. Her magical intuitive power is perceived by others as something destructive.

8. Wise Elder. A general archetype for the complete Self of a man. The Wise Old Man often appears when an individual or dream hero is in a hopeless, desperate situation from which only the spirit can lead him, often reviving the energy resources of the unconscious. He is often a source of inspiration and enthusiasm, insight and understanding for those around him.
Trickster/Black Wizard. This figure is as elusive as intuition. The figure of the subverter, the mockingbird, the destroyer of values, the god Hanuman, Loki, probably corresponding to Ivan the Fool and Pinocchio (Joker). The archetype is characterized by a certain higher understanding of values ​​at the level of the inseparability of good and evil. The ideology of an evil wizard, who, nevertheless, forces you to turn to the world of good.

These four groups of archetypes constitute a kind of genetic concentrate of culture. Being born with the same set of archetypes, we can probably talk about a certain predisposition to the implementation of a specific axial archetype, which manifests itself under the influence of the environment. However, character is rarely so crystallized that one archetype emerges in it. The axial archetype is like destiny, which, although destined, can still be modified by man precisely because he can realize other archetypes. There is probably opposition between archetypal constructs, which in turn can be a source of development.
The arrows show that the opposition of archetypes, which, by the way, can act in everyday life as distrust of the bearers of specific psychological and behavioral qualities of other people, is at the same time a source of transformation of one archetype into another. That is, a trickster can become a father, and a young man a hero, and vice versa. These transformations are associated both with initiation and, therefore, individuation, and with stress.
It is likely that in different periods of history, selection gives preference to specific archetypes, that is, there is a time of Heroes, Family Fathers, travelers or young dreamers. Literary characters, heroes popular in specific historical times, embody those properties of the era that correspond to the population’s need for specific axial behavior. Yesterday it could be the image of a poor and deceived girl, tomorrow - a young man who, at the age of 16, began to command a division.
Meanwhile, the founders of great religions are perceived as individuals who have gone through all or almost all of the central archetypes and integrated them into a unique unity. Wisdom is usually understood as the ability to understand all archetypal constructs, while greatness is perceived as the ability to bring them to a common denominator.

Subconscious ideals of women and men.

Everyone has a different understanding of what it means to be an ideal woman or an ideal man. Some strive for perfect forms, others seek perfection in “content”. Some fall in love with bitches, others marry a good housewife. It turns out that male and female ideals have their own exact archetypes and parameters, trying to correspond to which any person will definitely find his true love.

Why are some people loved so much more than others? Why are some people loved for years and decades? And why, on the contrary, with others it turns out that some kind of fleeting passion is encountered, flares up and fades away. And the very evolution of love that they talk about is not happening?

According to Carl Gustav Jung, an archetype is a kind of prototype that lives in each of us. And each of us has these archetypes like how each of us has two arms, two legs, one head. In exactly the same way, in each of us, in men and women, lives the quaternary archetype of a genuine woman and the quaternary archetype of a genuine man.

For women, love is based on four pillars - on the so-called four archetypes of a true woman. If you can embody all these four archetypes, and if you timely and appropriately demonstrate the four hypostases or four facets of your feminine essence to a man who needs it, then you definitely have no barriers, you are able to make anyone fall in love with you, because this element, this is indestructibility.

Eve archetype - earthly beginning

Everything begins, everything starts not with emotions, not with love. It all starts with what Jung called the archetype of Eve, or the earthly woman who is able to give birth, raise, who is able to support her husband, do housework, and so on. Perhaps it is boring and prosaic. But you probably know such reliable, down-to-earth, surprisingly cozy women, to whom men who are fed up with doll beauties then willingly go. It is these women that people marry, although they do not always establish passionate relationships with them. Therefore, the first thing you must find in yourself is some kind of earthly principle that will allow a man to see in you support and hope, to see something that will actually allow him to really exist in this world that is not very convenient for survival.

Elena archetype – pronounced eroticism

The second hypostasis, which received the name “Helen” from the same famous Greek beauty, because of whom the Trojan War began. Elena is passion, Elena is sensuality, Elena is pronounced eroticism. Elena is sex, but sex is not physiological, but unrestrained at its beginning. This is really the ability to love, to enchant with your love, to drive you crazy, and even often to lead you astray from the true path. Unfortunately, with the image of Elena we are now increasingly beginning to associate the image of a certain bitch. Elena is not a bitch. Elena is truly sensual, almost volcanic. And a bitch is a manipulator who uses her Elena abilities to somehow control other people.

There is a principle: if what you do is for the benefit of another, it is help. If you do this without taking into account the opinions of others and for your own sake, this is manipulation. They live with bitches, fall in love with bitches, but they rarely marry bitches, because no one wants to have a snake in bed for a long time. And therefore the bitch in itself can even be an attractive object. But, alas, it creates such monstrous situations around you that you are unlikely to be able to withstand it for a long time. Nevertheless, she is often set as the standard of a woman.

Archetype of Mary - morality and reliability

The next level of development of the feminine principle is called “Mary”. This is morality and this is reliability. Morality does not mean that she will be submissive and faithful to you, and will endure and endure bullying. No, on the contrary, she will very clearly put you in place, on the right path, if necessary, she will take up arms and protect your family. These are the same Marys who, together with their husbands, endured the most terrible journey through a country filled with Indians, moving to the wild west. The same ones who created settlements. Those who really could be not just an earthly support, not just an emotional volcano of passions, but the other half on which you can rely, with which you can live. And if you discover this in yourself along with the first two, in this case you are already a very serious contender for the attention of men and long-term love.

Archetype of Sophia - wisdom

For the last few centuries, we have been living with an overly pronounced male logic, forgetting about female wisdom, about female intuition, about the fact that it is a woman who is capable, without reading books, without doing any research, to intuitively comprehend the essence of what is happening. And it is no coincidence that they said that any stupid woman, without really trying, is capable of becoming a worthy friend to a genius. If you discover this wisdom in yourself, if you throw out of your head the nonsense that only logic can explain this illogical world... by the way, the world is irrational. I wonder how you are going to know it in a rational way? It's like measuring the area of ​​a ball with a hard ruler, something like this. So in this case, there really will be no obstacles for you in realizing yourself as an amazing, dazzlingly beautiful woman who gives happiness to others and creates happiness for herself in this world.

Four ideals of a true man

In any normal woman there also live four standards, four ideals of a genuine man. If a man combines them in himself, he becomes truly amazingly attractive to any woman and is able to arouse the love of any woman. These four archetypes can be expressed in four models.

The first ideal is an athlete

Why are women so enamored with muscles? Why, in fact, the most erogenous male organ for a woman is often not the one you are thinking about now, but, oddly enough, muscular male buttocks - this is according to a study by sexologists. Why does a normal man still try to take care of himself in some way? Yes, because intuitively any woman will appreciate him from the point of view of potential masculinity. The main task of a woman is to continue her family on earth. And therefore, any woman intuitively assesses how worthy this person is from the point of view of this first function - procreation.

The second ideal is the hero

Previously, a man really had to achieve a woman, fame, success and so on, because he achieved something. There was a model of the hero's journey, people left to do something, to achieve something and prove to themselves and others that they were worthy, including perpetuation in posterity. And now all this has degenerated, unfortunately, nowadays the place of the hero has been replaced by idols - those same pop boys (and sometimes it is not even clear whether they are boys, who attract increased attention from girls (with whom it is also not clear whether they are girls) and who are the object of mass worship. These idols, unlike heroes, are disgusting life partners, spoiled by female attention and incapable of true reliability and fidelity.

The third ideal is the professor

Wisdom, naturally, comes a little earlier than holiness (although for women it was the other way around), because, probably, all women are tired of hopelessly stupid men who, at best, repeat the slogans they read on the Internet. In general, this is the stupidity of the world when even our communication comes down to two phrases on Twitter, Facebook, when the most we can notify others about is that I woke up today, the birds were singing, and I was in a good mood. This mind, which is becoming so rare, is truly an amazing beginning, which can sometimes even atone for the absence of the first two. Because you know an interesting study by Harvard psychologists: nerds, offended by women’s inattention, turned to psychologists with a request to find out why women pay so little attention to them. Psychologists have proven that women love intelligence very much, but, unfortunately, three or four sexual signs are enough for an ordinary man to pay attention to a woman - a look, a sigh, pressing, holding a hand in hand, and so on. And many highly intelligent men react to the eighth or ninth, and by this time the woman is already tired of demonstrating that she is actually interested in him. As one of the women said: why should I lift my skirt in front of him so that he understands that I really want to be with him?

Ideal Four – Saint

And the last beginning is morality. We all need loyalty and reliability in this windy world. Morality that really allows you to walk hand in hand, solve problems and really help each other on this long journey of life. When, as a result of dating, a woman becomes not a toy, not a housewife, not just some kind of bodyguard in a skirt who protects from life’s adversities, but who becomes a true life partner with whom you want to live, with whom you want to wake up together, and when you feel great happiness the fact that after many years this person still remains with you, because he is here - the one that you and only you need.

Harmony of four principles

If you learn to manifest all these four principles in yourself, if you are appropriate in the manifestation of these four principles, you will be loved and you will be loved. The conditions for you to be able to love are your four principles. And the conditions for being loved are their appropriate manifestation. Because it’s no secret: many women who are too carried away by Elena’s status offer only their body and passionate emotions to their husband, who needs advice from the wise Sophia. Conversely, a person who wants affection finds out that he is actually greeted by a housewife with her hands covered in washing powder and who has just been rummaging through the washing machine.

From time immemorial, men have realized themselves as warriors, philosophers (teachers), merchants, peasants (farmers), monarchs, monks and slaves.

Seven social and professional roles, seven male archetypes. Of course, there may be much more of them, but for the sake of convenience, protecting ourselves from excess information, we will focus on this lucky number.

Each of the male archetypes concentrates a certain energy, basic desire, focus, motivation, and tools for achieving success. It is important for you and me to understand that all seven archetypes are present in every man in a certain proportion.

Each male archetype describes one of the facets of male power. Therefore, by comprehending your beloved through archetypes, you will finally see him “in full glory.”

So, all seven archetypes are present in every man. One or more are more pronounced, others are weaker. And this circumstance creates the unique individuality of your chosen one. Individuality, colored by his temperament, level of education and culture, life experience.

Warrior archetype. In this archetype, open active struggle comes first. For a warrior, both the process of combat and the result—victory—are important. Feat is important for a warrior. “I fight because I fight,” said the legendary Portoe.

However, a warrior does not fight just for the sake of the process. The theme of justice is important in this archetype. A true warrior fights for the victory of justice. Even if he is involved in a dubious military campaign, he should still have confidence that he is doing the right thing. At least from my point of view.

The archetypal nature of the Warrior is to fight for justice. Under the influence of this archetype, a man becomes active and aggressive. But at the same time generous. Generosity, of course, extends only to the area of ​​action of ideas about justice.

It is important to distinguish between universal human values ​​and justice in the Warrior’s mind. These two categories do not always agree with each other. A warrior protects, fights for what he considers fair and right.

Another aspect of the Warrior archetype is the attitude towards one's own territory. On the one hand, he guards and defends his territory. On the other hand, he seeks to expand its borders and seize foreign territory. For him, someone who has a certain territorial right and any benefits in general is a potential enemy, a factor, on the one hand, restraining his activity, on the other hand, provoking its manifestation.

A warrior feels great on the front line. Everything is clear there: there is an enemy who needs to be defeated, there are soldiers who need to be commanded. As for the rear issues, here the warrior does not feel so confident; there are too many “halftones”, assumptions, and intrigues. The Warrior archetype does not have the resources to weave intrigues; this is the prerogative of another archetype.

The Warrior archetype gives a man the opportunity to acutely sense two main processes: excitation and inhibition. Excitement culminates in battle, inhibition occurs in the intervals between battles. The usual mode of an ancient warrior: fight - feast. For example, it is known that the famous Cossacks between military campaigns indulged in gluttony and alcohol abuse.

Two basic processes for a warrior - excitation and inhibition - exist in close interrelation. If the braking is taken away from him, he will burn out in battle. If excitement, the feeling of struggle, conflict, and the opportunity to accomplish a feat are taken away from him, he degrades.

If a man has a strongly expressed Warrior archetype, conflict will be vital for him. Life for him is a war, consisting of large and small battles, from which he must emerge victorious. Such a man will be inclined to deliberately provoke others into conflict: cause irritation, invite him to “measure strength.” For him, life lies in the fight, and the best entertainment is a good fight.

A man with a strong Warrior archetype will see a woman primarily as a trophy. He will definitely have to win her. And she, on the one hand, must provide his rear, but on the other hand, must constantly support in him the desire to conquer her. He will consider her betrayal as betrayal, allowing the enemy into his territory. What is the penalty for treason among real warriors? Only death.

So, the Warrior archetype in a man stimulates an active desire to conquer, argue, fight, conquer, protect, and fight for justice. The Warrior archetype activates in a man the desire to win and, for this, to improve his own physical and mental nature.

The Warrior archetype, like the God of War inside a man, helps maintain tone, a constant state of readiness for action.

Archetype of the Philosopher (Teacher). Philosophers and teachers explain the structure of the world and pass this knowledge on to others. The basic desire formed by this archetype is the desire to know the truth, objectively comprehend reality, and create a model of the world and society. This archetype encompasses the search for a formula for life, love, and the motivation of human actions.

“The tendency to analyze, to construct abstract judgments is the reason that he [a man] has more access to abstract theoretical activity, free from the viscosity of sensory perception: he can think abstractly, generally, abstractly, finding in this a certain satisfaction from the shuffling and combination of the concepts that occupy him . A man always tries to put the characteristics of the phenomenon he observes or studies into the categories of space, time, causality; “The “wonderful” behavior of the object irritates and hurts him until he puts a minimal, but “objective” basis under it,” these words of the St. Petersburg psychotherapist Alfred Shchegolev can be safely attributed to a man in whom the Philosopher archetype is strongly expressed.

Famous men, creators of philosophical, social, political and psychological theories, had a pronounced archetype of the Philosopher, Teacher. “In everything I want to get to the very essence, in work, in the search for ways, in heartfelt turmoil,” wrote Boris Pasternak. This desire is caused by the action of the Teacher archetype.

If it is important for a Warrior to win, then for a Philosopher it is to find confirmation of his theory, his views, his rightness. Having created a certain model, he explains from its perspective what is happening around him. If a certain phenomenon does not fit into his concept, he either develops, complements his theory, or declares it an exception to the rules, confirming the rules. It happens that a man with a pronounced Philosopher archetype is very sorry to part with a “beautiful theory”; he desperately defends it with the energy of a warrior and can even give his life for it.

The Philosopher archetype forms in a man, on the one hand, the desire to explain the world. On the other hand, pass on the fruit of your thoughts to others.

Others for the Philosopher are colleagues (teachers) and students. A man with a strong Philosopher archetype definitely needs students. He will explain to them in detail and thoroughly, achieving complete understanding, the structure of the world from the standpoint of his theory.

Also, a man with a strong Philosopher archetype needs colleagues - he can argue with them. During the discussion, he finds new arguments to support his position. If he is convincing, some colleagues will “convert to his faith.”

As for relationships with a woman, the Philosopher archetype creates in a man the desire to find a student. One that he, with the help of his knowledge and wisdom, will be able to snatch from the captivity of delusions, illiteracy and illusions. For which she will invariably experience a legitimate feeling of gratitude, admiration and worship. The main quality for a companion of a man with a strong Teacher archetype is the ability to listen and heed. You may not understand something, modestly ask clarifying questions, but you cannot argue. This is a privilege of colleagues.

The Philosopher (Teacher) archetype helps a man explain the world and transfer this knowledge to others. Moreover, this can be done not only seriously, but also with a sense of humor. As some jesters did, and now the successors of their work are humorists and satirists.

Merchant archetype. The contribution of merchants to the creation of the economic system can hardly be overestimated. Moving from place to place, they extended threads of communication not only between people, but also between cultures and ethnic groups.

Going on a journey requires a certain amount of adventurism; in order to make trade transactions, it is necessary to subtly sense the psychology of the partner and the buyer and find a special approach to each; to create the conditions for prosperity, you need a flexible mind and combinatorial abilities; To survive loss of goods and force majeure, the player's passion is often necessary.

Therefore, the Merchant archetype carries within itself adventurism, flair, flexibility, communication skills, intuition, a subtle understanding of other people’s psychology, a creative mind, combinatorial abilities, ease, artistry and amazing abilities
pull" money.

Anyone in whom the Merchant archetype is strong can easily build clever combinations to acquire money and be a gambler. But he is not attached to money and can easily part with it. For the Merchant, money is a means to achieve certain goals. He turns money into goods, goods into money. The Merchant archetype is not characterized by greed.

Among literary heroes, a striking example of a man with a strong Merchant archetype is Ostap Bender, a great schemer. These are also the heroes of OTenry, great swindlers, great businessmen, heroes of the films “All-in”, “The Scam”, “The Thomas Crown Affair”, “Bluff”. Take a look - enjoy it.

The dominant passion of a man with a strong Merchant archetype is the passion for the game. He manages to build a clever combination to get money and use manipulative technologies easily and naturally. Moreover, the Merchant archetype gives a man a special charm, magic, charm, so people want to work with him and build relationships.

Merchants have always had strong concepts of honor (“an honest merchant’s word”). Therefore, the Merchant archetype carries with it ideas about ethics in business. Who you can play with and who you can’t; who can be manipulated and who cannot; to what extent one can enrich oneself at the expense of another - a man with a pronounced Merchant archetype feels all this intuitively. The code of honor formed by the Merchant archetype is not described anywhere, but every man in whom this archetype is strong has clear ideas about it.

Another strength contained in the Merchant archetype is the ability to cooperate. At all times, merchants united in guilds, unions, and brotherhoods. Take, for example, the brotherhood of the Blackheads, which included unmarried, successful merchants. Anyone who was part of this brotherhood could count on the help of their brothers. The ability to cooperate among ancient merchants was determined by vital necessity.

So, on the one hand, the Merchant archetype gives a man creative commercial individualism and adventurism, and on the other hand, the ability to collaborate, to honestly cooperate with partners.

As for relationships with women, this archetype does not burden a man with constancy. A change of scenery, environment, interesting intrigue, game - this is what interests a man with a pronounced Merchant archetype. If a woman is part of this, he will be interested in her. But he will not tolerate any boredom or excessive stability. A woman living next to a man with a pronounced Merchant archetype will have to carefully make reserves “for a rainy day,” turning to them in difficult times (and “presenting” this as the man’s merit for making savings). In addition, she will have to forgive him for his frivolity and occupy her mind with the creative process of creating a game with her lover.

The Merchant archetype gives a man good sensitivity, thanks to which he can comprehend the subtle female nature. Therefore, a man with a strong Merchant archetype knows how to court beautifully, unconventionally, elegantly, be attentive and sentimental. The Merchant archetype also gives a man excellent acting skills, so he can be different. This circumstance is especially attractive for many women. Women told me in confidence that the best lovers are men with a strong Merchant archetype.

The Merchant archetype, if dominant in a man, makes his life a real Adventure. The road and change are constantly calling him. He is a real fortune hunter.

Archetype of the Peasant. Farmers tend to live a sedentary lifestyle. The main thing for them is a feeling of constancy and stability. The peasant understands natural cycles well, knows when to start sowing, when to make hay, when to harvest. He is hardworking and adapted to monotonous work, pragmatic and calculating.

A good peasant knows how to stock up and, if he’s lucky, knows how to sell part of the harvest. For the ancient peasant, it was important to survive, feed himself and his family, and continue his life, giving birth to numerous offspring.

If the Peasant archetype is strongly expressed in a man, he will be stingy and unpretentious; he will always have funds set aside “for a rainy day”; he will have the ability to be content with little. He will be able to work patiently, denying himself many things, in order to acquire a valuable thing and build his own house. Children are of particular value to him as the successors of his family, his work, his traditions.

For the archaic peasant, traditions, rituals, and memorable dates meant a lot. Carrying elements of ancestral memory, they ensured stability of existence and development.

The Peasant archetype does not contain the energy of adventurism. Therefore, men with a strongly manifested Peasant archetype do not like changes, risky operations, or innovations. They trust their instincts and life experience, traditions, and stereotypes more than the recommendations of “cool” experts.

Peasant cunning, ingenuity, common sense and optimism are often demonstrated by heroes of everyday and satirical fairy tales. True, this does not prevent them from being too trusting sometimes.

A good home, a well-fed family, having your own subsistence economy, your own land, stability - these are the main values ​​of the Peasant archetype. One might even think that this male archetype does not contain conflict or struggle. But that's not true. The ancient peasant had to fight. His enemies were the elements, insects, and hostile tribes. If necessary, he could protect his home and family, and even give his life for it. Despite the fact that the value of life is very high for him. If he lost his home and crops, he found the strength, courage and patience to start all over again.

If the Peasant archetype is weakly manifested in a man, he will lack practicality, the ability to patiently make savings, and wait for “his time”; What will be missed is that special feeling of support, stability, confidence that comes not from within, but “from the earth itself.”

As for relationships with a woman, the Peasant archetype creates in a man the desire to marry a “good housewife” who will be moderately beautiful, pragmatic, thrifty, resilient and hardworking. Next to him there should be a woman who affirms with her existence the ideas of stability, healthy pragmatism and procreation. True, women told me that the Peasant archetype makes a man greedy.

For example, one lady said: “This Peasant in my husband got me! Imagine, we saved money for a long time, and finally we went to the store to buy me a coat. Bought. Then we went to another department and took more boots. Then we bought another small teapot. I was happy. But when we left the store and got into the car, my husband counted the money, and then the whole way itched about how much we had spent.

And by the way, we even saved money! I don’t understand how it’s possible not to enjoy shopping, but to think about how much we spent!”

So, the Peasant archetype gives a man the desire for stability, procreation, finding his own home, his own farm, his own family. Thanks to the Peasant within himself, a man has the ability and patience to do monotonous work day after day, to resist boredom and routine.

Archetype of the Monarch. Crowned, just, God's deputy on earth, wise, far-sighted, perspicacious; thinking for his subjects, taking responsibility not only for himself, but also for the lives of the entire people, the state; able to take care of his subjects, see more than they do, think cleaner than them - this is far from a complete list of qualities and abilities that the Monarch archetype carries.

The Monarch archetype creates in a man a desire to provide patronage, take responsibility, occupy a leading position, and lead people; allows you to be generous to the weak, make grand gestures and royal gifts.

A monarch cannot be a monarch alone. He needs a retinue, courtiers, courtiers. And they certainly have a significant influence on him. But all decisions are made only by him, and no one else. He alone is the master of the situation, who is rarely mistaken and sees everything in advance.

Men with a pronounced Monarch archetype carry within themselves the entire set of these wonderful qualities and aspirations. But this archetype also gives rise to social dependence. A man’s well-being depends on his social achievements, status, authority, and ability to influence events. Collapse in society can lead to personal collapse if the influence of this archetype is too strong. After all, the worst thing for a monarch is deprivation of his throne.

Women, as a rule, dream about men with a pronounced Monarch archetype, rightly believing that with him they will be like behind a stone wall. However, it is important to remember that the companions of the great shared with them not only blessings, but also difficulties, as well as the vicissitudes of the royal character, the pain for the state and the stupidity of their subjects.

The Monarch archetype in a man can manifest itself not only as generosity, responsibility, political and strategic wisdom. This archetype sometimes shows its shadow side of the “eastern despot” in a man. In this case, the man begins to believe that absolute power, the absolute right to truth and judgment belong only to him. Those around him, especially those closest to him, should not show any unauthorized liberties, have no right to criticize his position and decisions, and all their actions should be under his vigilant control.

The Monarch archetype does not give a man abstinence in relation to the weaker sex. In archaic times, when monarchs were considered the viceroys of the gods, their “sacred duty” was to embrace as many women as possible with their masculine power. Of course, the heart of a monarch may belong to a true queen, but the body to many concubines.

Thanks to the Monarch archetype, men love compliments addressed to them (even turning into praises and solemn hymns).

This archetype allows a man to clearly feel and experience his own creative masculine power, and also constantly strive for power - over himself, others, and circumstances.

Monk archetype. A monk, a hermit, an enlightened person devotes his life to Serving a higher idea (usually one). The highest idea can come from Subtle or Social reality. This idea could be God, a Beautiful Lady, Goodness and Justice, a bright future for humanity, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and others.

This archetype forms faith in a man, even sometimes obsession, frenzy in aspirations. It gives you the strength to follow your idea, find others like yourself, and consistently implement it.

A man in whom the Monk archetype is strongly expressed can easily endure loneliness. He can even be called an individualist. He forms around himself a special aura of his own world, to which not everyone has access. Only to those chosen ones who have proven their loyalty or dedication to the idea.

As for relationships with women, this archetype gives a man the power of abstinence. If the archetype of the Monk in a man is strongly expressed, then he will strive either to remain alone or to find a faithful associate who shares his views and is ready to sacrifice herself to his Service.

So, this archetype gives a man a special sensitivity to high ideas and the strength to serve them.

Slave archetype. Slave, servant, serf, serf, proletarian - at different times this archetype showed the world different faces and roles. The basic principle here is the lack of responsibility, the ability to control your life. The master decides everything for the slave. On the one hand, this is humiliating. This circumstance led to various uprisings, ending in invariable tragedy, but on the other hand, it was convenient. You don’t need to think for yourself: I did what I was told.

Conflicting tendencies were intricately intertwined in the slave: the desire to free himself, fear, the desire to be in the role of a master, the dream of a freebie...

Unfortunately, for a long time, the Soviet political system deliberately destroyed the positive component of this archetype. And it strengthened his shadow side: lack of will, irresponsibility. Many women complain about their husbands and sons precisely because this archetype dominates disharmoniously in them (“He is weak-willed, irresponsible, he doesn’t need anything, I have to decide everything myself,” etc.).

Thanks to the harmonious action of this archetype, a man can adapt to society, as they say, “live in the system,” and obey someone else’s will. A harmoniously developed Slave archetype helps a man to serve with joy, to serve with pleasure. If a man has a weak expression of this archetype, it will be difficult for him to work under someone’s leadership, obey rules, and meet expectations.

“I’d be glad to serve, but being served is sickening!” - exclaims Chatsky. As a rule, the weakly expressed Slave archetype is compensated by the Monarch archetype. And he, as you know, prefers to set the rules himself, and those who try to put pressure on him... you understand.

So, the Slave archetype gives a man the power of submission. How he disposes of it depends on many circumstances.

That's it, dear women. Now you know how we are “wired”. The individual expression of archetypes is superimposed on a man’s temperament, experience, features of his early development, and his general cultural level. And with all this you have to deal with... What do you think about it?

Tatyana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva
Dmitry Frolov


An archetype is a symbol, a concept that combines instincts, images, body, and psyche. Belonging to a certain archetype has a serious impact on the worldview, position and life scenario of any person. The dominant archetype in the psyche sets a person’s type of thinking and actually becomes a model of behavior that determines the fate of its bearer.

Why dominant? Because a person can contain up to 3 archetypes, each of which has its own scenarios, reflected in ancient Greek myths. Naturally, the archetypes themselves received the names of the gods of Ancient Greece.

There are also female archetypes. For a woman, knowing the basic archetypes can be very useful. And men should also get to know their God better.


Poseidon also seeks to acquire his own kingdom. However, emotionality, interest that quickly flares up and goes out, and momentary decisions made under the influence of feelings do not allow Poseidon to achieve much in life. This is the price to pay for excessive sensitivity and a vibrant spiritual life.

Like the ruler of the underworld, the bearer of the Hades archetype is immersed in his own world and does not seem to be interested in the world of people, is not present in it. Hades is an introvert. He is detached and withdrawn.

Jung believed that people belonging to this archetype have extremely developed intuition. They very subtly feel the background of any events around them, feel the deep essence of people, although outwardly they do not betray their emotions.

Apollo men are pleasant conversationalists; they are harmonious and diplomatic. Adoring precision and order in everything, Apollo pays little attention to the emotional side of life. After all, he is extremely practical, and in everything he is guided by logic, reason, and not by passing emotions and feelings. Even in relationships with women.

Lively, talented, agile, quickly and clearly thinking, the Hermes man embodies all the worst traits of the fickle god. He wants everything at once, and is ready to go after it all in several directions at once. And in all of them at the same time.

To charm, to lure into the net of his charm - Hermes does this superbly. Unfortunately, he himself does not feel anything and therefore is completely unable to care about the feelings of other people.

Eccentric, passionate Ares lives only for today. His mind is instincts, his strategy is emotions and feelings. From birth he is distinguished by emotionality, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and later by intense sexuality. With such qualities, it is not surprising that Ares cannot stand loneliness.

Introverts who are always worried about something, living in the grip of emotions, creative, subtle and vulnerable personalities, often Artists with a capital “A” - these are the representatives of the archetype of the craftsman god Hephaestus. Hephaestus never becomes a team player. He simply cannot stand pressure from authority or a group, and it is difficult for a Hephaestus man to communicate with people.

The contradictory emotional extrovert Dionysus, who dominates in a man, forces his carrier to always be a little “too much.” Too attractive, too flamboyant, too feminine, too provocative, too childish. Dionysus is restless and always tries to change something.

Dionysus does not like male companies. And men rarely accept him as “one of their own.” This cheerful God prefers the company of female friends to the male team.

But why and why find out which of the ancient gods lives in a man, shuffles his life scenarios and behavior patterns? And besides, knowing the archetype of a man, the reasons for some of his actions, it is much easier to understand and accept him for who he is.