Which is better chicken or turkey? Turkey meat is an excellent cure for depression. Which is better: turkey or chicken

Meat products- a product that will always be in demand. Meat is not only nutritious and delicious product, but also a source of animal protein - the main building element of the body, the restriction of which in the diet is fraught with deterioration in health. Every time you approach the meat counter, you will be surprised at how diverse the range of meat is - beef, pork, rabbit, turkey and chicken. Each of them is useful in its own way, for example, rabbit meat is considered dietary product Pork and beef are considered fattier. What can you say about the differences between chicken and turkey meat?

Turkey meat - composition and properties

Turkey is a dietary, easily digestible meat that is a source of many vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It contains high-quality animal protein, amino acids, vitamins K, B, E and PP.

Turkey meat is not high in calories and is very fatty product, therefore it can be safely included in the diet. The benefit of the product is that it removes cholesterol, improves hematopoiesis, stimulates brain function, improves metabolism, and saturates the body with calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

One of the main benefits of eating turkey is that it helps fight cancer.

Chicken meat - composition and properties

Over the years, chicken has been considered more useful product than beef and pork, since it contained less fat and was an easily digestible meat product, rich in proteins and amino acids. Eating chicken meat does not cause an increase in cholesterol and controls blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

In addition to proteins and fats, the meat product contains vitamins B, A and E, and minerals - potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Thanks to this balanced composition, a person retains wellness and his body is fully functioning. Chicken meat - perfect option nutrition of children, the elderly and patients during the postoperative or rehabilitation period.

Turkey and chicken are poultry of the pheasant family, because in many ways the properties of their meat are similar. Meat products have excellent taste, contain a minimum of fat and have no a large number of calories. As therapeutic nutrition both chicken and turkey are ideal, as they are considered easily digestible product. In two types of meat the amount of cholesterol is minimal.

Turkey and chicken meat should be consumed by those who suffer from obesity, diseases of cardio-vascular system, women during pregnancy and lactation.

Differences between turkey and chicken meat

Meat products have significant differences, which relate to their calorie content, composition and taste.

Calorie content

Turkey meat contains 276 kcal, while the cholesterol content is minimal 210 mg per 100 g of product. The most high-calorie part is the wings, since it is very problematic to remove the skin from them, but it contains 387 kcal and is fatty, and fat interferes with the absorption of calcium. The lowest calorie meat is breast, 130 kcal; this part of the bird contains neither fat nor carbohydrates, only protein and water.

Chicken has less calories than turkey, so the calorie content of the breast is 115 kcal, and the carcass contains about 195 kcal, broiler is fattier, and therefore its calorie content is higher - 219 kcal. The average cholesterol content is 89 mg per 100 g. Thus, chicken is considered lower in calories and contains less cholesterol than turkey meat.


Both chicken and turkey contain vitamins B, A and E, only the latter contains much more of them. Turkey meat contains 1.5 times more iron than chicken meat, and 1.5 times more phosphorus than fish. Turkey contains three times more calcium than chicken, the same goes for sodium, so when using salt and spices, you should be very careful, since turkey meat does not require the same salting as chicken meat.

By consuming turkey meat, you can forget about sleep problems, since the tryptophan contained in the product helps fight sleep disorders. In this regard, it should be noted that turkey meat is more preferable in the diet than chicken. This is also due to the fact that while chickens are growing, antibiotics and hormones are added to their feed so that they get sick less often and quickly gain weight. You should not make broth from chicken bought in a store, as it contains all the “chemicals” that were used to fatten the bird. Largest quantity harmful substances concentrated in chicken legs and skin.

Taste qualities

In principle, we can say that the taste of chicken and turkey meat is mostly similar. The only difference is that the latter is a little fatter. Much depends on the quality of the meat, unfortunately, due to the conveyor type of chicken production, it taste qualities worsened. The living conditions for chickens leave much to be desired; they live in cramped pavilions and their main food is feed with special additives.

Chickens are not allowed outside and are not given food green grass, wheat and other grains, which of course negatively affects the taste of the bird. Turkey has richer taste, because turkeys are kept on poultry farms, and not in cages, and their diet is much richer, because without a balanced and vitamin-rich diet, birds simply begin to die out.

Which meat tastes better: turkey or chicken?

    It’s strange, but my answer will contradict everything already given. For many years we raised both chickens and turkeys, which means it was possible to compare homemade turkey and chicken meat, without hormones and additives. We all think chicken tastes better - it is softer, richer in taste. Turkey meat is tougher, leaner. The advantage of turkeys in terms of product yield is that a good turkey can easily pull 20 kg, while it is difficult to expect significant weight from a chicken. Turkey meat is healthier and more dietary than chicken, maybe that’s why many people consider it a delicacy?

    They say turkey tastes better than chicken. Moreover, it tastes noticeably better.

    It's a matter of taste. I think that turkey meat seems more tasty and tempting, because everyone is just used to chicken meat, it already seems boring. But if you cook the chicken deliciously with a side dish, add a little spice...mmm...delicious!

    By the way, I believe that chicken meat is softer than turkey meat. Not long ago I cooked turkey broth, and the meat took a very long time to cook. And it still remained a little harsh. But it's delicious, that's true. How can you compare? These two types of meat have their own advantages. A matter of taste.

    Turkey meat is much tastier + very hard to get. By at least, all the people I've met say turkey tastes better.

    Although, for someone chicken tastes better, it all depends on the person, but if you look at the average opinion, it’s turkey.

    As they say, you just don’t know how to cook it!

    Chicken and turkey meat are quite similar in composition; turkey meat has less fat and cholesterol. The taste of the dish directly depends on the taste of spices and seasonings, on their use. Real gourmets eat meat with a minimum of spices, or without them at all, and only in this way can we talk about whose taste is better. But here comes another dilemma, everyone has different tastes, some like sour, some like sweet, etc. So your question has no answer. This is all purely individual. Although turkey has one big plus for me, it has much more meat per unit of bones than chicken. Everything else, as they say, is a matter of taste and color.

    The taste and color, as they say... As for the taste, I can say that meat that is fresh, not frozen, but chilled is tastier. If the bird was pumped with antibiotics and hormones, then such meat will not be tastier than that raised on natural products.

    It must be said that turkey meat is much healthier than chicken. Turkey contains a lot of zinc and iron, which is absorbed better than beef. For hypertensive patients, turkey is useful because it contains a lot of sodium, which enhances metabolism, and you can salt turkey meat less, which is also useful for patients suffering from hypertension.

    The taste of real turkey (raised without chemicals) is much richer and richer. Chicken is more light meat: It seems like I’ve eaten, but there’s no heaviness, and I don’t feel particularly full either. Turkey is usually more nutritious and high in calories.

    And turkey, as already mentioned, has more benefits:

    Of course this is a matter of taste! Even my husband and I have a different opinion on this matter! For example, I like turkey meat more, it seems to me that turkey meat is more like rabbit meat than chicken. It is a little tougher than chicken meat. I really like turkey meat, the only minus is that it is much more expensive than chicken meat. And my husband can’t say that he loves chicken, but he doesn’t like turkey at all!

    One fat chess grandmaster said: An elephant is as much stronger than a knight as a turkey is tastier than a chicken! He was thinking.

    I think that this is primarily a matter of taste and where you got the meat plays a very important role. For me, for example, from a market or a store, both chicken and turkey are absolutely not tasty and resemble cotton wool. It is impossible to eat them, they have some kind of chemical taste. If you take poultry then both chicken and turkey are delicious and cannot be compared. For example, I’d rather eat broth from chicken, but dumplings can be made from turkey. Cutlets, both chicken and turkey, are delicious. Turkey meat is simply considered more dietary than chicken meat. If you always eat only turkey, then chicken will seem like a delicacy. And so each bird is good in itself.

Turkey and chicken fillets are not only appreciated by many culinary specialists, but are also favorite products among most nutritionists and adherents sports nutrition. This is primarily due to the low calorie content of chicken fillet and idea.

Useful properties of turkey

The meat of this bird is distinguished not only by its wonderful taste, but also by its optimal protein and mineral composition, and is also a truly dietary product. Magnesium contained in turkey meat helps avoid problems with nervous system, selenium interferes with development oncological diseases, and also has a rejuvenating and tonic effect. Poultry meat contains almost twice as much iron as beef, and phosphorus - almost the same amount as in sea ​​fish. With all these advantages, turkey is low-calorie product, is easily absorbed by the human body and almost never causes allergic reactions.

Calorie content of turkey fillet and other nutritional indicators of poultry meat

On average, the calorie content of this bird is 195 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. It largely depends on the type of meat or type of offal, for example:

  • 112 kilocalories – calorie content of turkey fillet;
  • 125 kilocalories – the calorie content of a bird’s heart;
  • 152 kilocalories – calorie content of poultry legs;
  • 275 kilocalories – calorie content of turkey liver.

The calorie content of turkey fillet is the lowest compared to other parts of this bird. In addition, if you use breast without skin to prepare the dish, the calorie content of the product will be even lower - only 95 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. In this case, the calorie content of the boiled fillet will be 70-80 kilocalories - this is due to the fact that during the cooking process some of the calories remain in the broth.

Poultry fillet is rich in protein. On average, per 100 grams of product there are up to 22-30 grams of protein and up to 12 grams of fat, the remaining components are unsaturated fatty acid and water. The product is also valued for its low cholesterol content - up to 75-95 mg per 100 grams of product.

Poultry meat is considered an ideal basis for composing therapeutic diets and diets for weight loss. Use with caution this product Only those who must monitor the amount of protein in their diet should. For example, patients suffering renal failure, hypertension and gout, you shouldn’t feast on turkey too often. And people with hypertension You should also pay attention to the fact that poultry meat is rich in sodium, which means salt should be used in small quantities when preparing turkey dishes.

Useful properties of chicken

Unlike turkey, chicken can be found in any store - be it a huge supermarket or a small grocery store. Chicken meat is rich in protein, B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, zinc and cobalt. The meat of this most famous bird in our area is higher in calories than turkey meat, but some of its parts are used in dietary nutrition - for example, chicken fillet.

A variety of poultry fillet dishes are favorites of many athletes. Being an excellent source of protein, chicken meat is not particularly fatty, which means it can be included in weight loss diets.

Calorie content of chicken fillet and poultry in general

On average, the calorie content of chicken is 240 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The same amount of chicken meat contains up to 19 grams of protein, up to 20 grams of fat and up to 1 gram of carbohydrates; the rest of the bird is water.

The calorie content of chicken fillet is two times lower than that of poultry carcasses as a whole - it is 114 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

To those who adhere dietary nutrition, you should know that the most The best way To cook chicken fillet is to boil it. During the cooking process, some of the calories remain in the broth, so the calorie content of the boiled poultry fillet will be about 95 kilocalories. A noteworthy fact is that one hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet contains daily norm cobalt for humans.

Poultry is a favorite meat for many. It is tasty, not greasy, and also inexpensive (when compared with beef, veal, rabbit, etc.). Many housewives ask the question: which is better to buy meat, chicken or turkey? To understand this issue, it is worth making some comparisons.

Comparative analysis of chicken and turkey meat

Comparison by fat content

Turkey is rightfully the most dietary meat, among all possible types meat, including chicken. It contains up to 5% fat (whereas pork tenderloin can contain up to 52% fat, beef up to 41%, and chicken up to 20%). In addition, turkey meat is characterized least amount saturated fat - 100 g of meat contains 0.5 g of fat.

Comparison by protein content

A large amount of proteins is found in turkey meat rather than chicken. Turkey also contains methionine and amino acids, which promote the absorption of proteins. Unfortunately, chicken does not have such values.

Comparison of calcium and cholesterol amounts

100 grams of turkey meat contains about 32 mg of calcium, while in chicken meat this figure is 11 mg. Turkey also has lower cholesterol levels. This meat is more balanced in the ratio of saturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Summing up the comparison between chicken and turkey meat, it is worth noting the following points:

  • Turkey has less saturated fat, cholesterol and lower calorie content;
  • turkey is easier to digest by the human body;
  • turkey contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, E, iron, calcium and phosphorus;
  • turkey requires less salt when cooking, as it contains a large amount of sodium;
  • Turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Turkey meat is more expensive.

Well, it seems the answer to the question is that chicken is healthier or turkey, obviously!

Expert opinion: which is healthier – chicken or turkey?

To make sure that it’s better to choose turkey, let’s turn to specialists. Nutritionists will definitely say - eat turkey and they will be right. In addition to all the above-mentioned features of this meat, turkey also has others important indicators. For example, people who eat this meat are not in bad mood. Turkey contains tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of the pleasure hormone. In addition, such meat - great product for people suffering overweight. It is recommended even for small children, as it does not cause allergies at all. The low fat content allows turkey to be consumed by hypertensive patients and diabetics.

Turkey has unique property reincarnation. Cook, for example, pork and add a few pieces of turkey to it. When you eat such a dish, you will never realize that there is turkey in it. It can take on the taste of any meat during the cooking process.

The uniqueness of meat lies in the fact that it has absolutely no contraindications, therefore it does not cause any harm to the body. It also has some medicinal properties. For example, it prevents the development of cancer cells.

This meat can be cooked in various forms. It is used to make cutlets, meatballs, casseroles, dumplings, sausages, snacks, salads, schnitzels, etc. It is baked, stuffed with fruits and vegetables, and served with sweet and sour sauces. There are really a lot of cooking options.

So, chicken and turkey meat are healthy and tasty in their own way. But, if you have a choice, then it is best to give your preference to turkey.

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