The best cure for foot odor. Remedy for foot odor: the best local preparations, medicated ointments and oils

The human body is covered with millions of sweat glands. These glands are distributed unevenly throughout the body - most of them cover the skin of the palms and feet. The secretion secreted by the glands does not have a characteristic odor.

Unpleasant body odor in men and women is the result of the active activity of rapidly multiplying bacteria, whose favorite habitat is moisture and heat removed during sweating. The situation with unpleasant odor of feet and shoes can be aggravated by fungus that has settled on the feet, constantly freezing toes and frequent colds.

As the problem grows, many begin to worry about the question: how to get rid of foot odor and excessive sweating, or is it forever?

Despite the fact that this problem most often does not indicate any disorders in the body, excessive sweating must be controlled. The following measures will help eliminate or minimize sweating and unpleasant odor from feet and shoes, as well as prevent their reappearance. They must be observed regularly.

Additional help in combating the problem at home will be provided by folk remedies (baths and solutions of medicinal herbs) and pharmaceutical preparations. Before using the latter, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Foot hygiene

Feet should be washed daily and thoroughly with antimicrobial soap using a pumice stone for exfoliation and a rough washcloth (brush). The main effect of such procedures is aimed at “depriving” bacteria of food - dead skin particles and, thereby, getting rid of the microbes themselves.

After such a water procedure, it is important to dry your feet, since moisture in any form (be it sweat or moisture after a shower) is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. To best dry your feet, you can use a hairdryer.

Disinfection of feet

It is advisable to treat clean, dry feet with disinfectants and deodorants. For these purposes, a special antiperspirant for feet or a regular antibacterial product for hands is suitable, which will eliminate germs and prevent their proliferation, and therefore the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Foot deodorant can be used every time you wear socks with shoes. As a rule, deodorants contain aluminum salts, which slow down sweating from the glands. Spray the entire surface of your feet with aerosol deodorant. If the deodorant is made in solid form, it can be rubbed into the skin of the feet and fingers, like a simple cream.

Comfortable shoes and clean socks

In summer, shoes should be as open as possible; it is not recommended to wear socks and rubber shoes in the heat, which will only increase the already excessive sweating. It’s good if the shoes have a wicker, fabric or perforated covering so that your feet can “breathe” in them.

In winter, shoes and socks should be chosen from natural fabrics and materials: socks should be made of 100% cotton or wool, and shoes should be made of leather and natural fur. Socks must be changed every day; It’s better if you also have a pair of shoes available to change.

Proper nutrition

The presence of certain foods in the diet can contribute to increased sweating and, as a result, increased unpleasant odors. These products include: garlic, onions, tea, coffee, cola, spices, nicotine and alcoholic beverages.

Traditional methods for reducing foot sweating

Salt baths

It is useful to wash your feet 3-5 times a day in cool salted water at the rate of ½ cup of salt per 1 liter of water.

Tea baths

You can reduce sweating and remove odor with a tea bath. To prepare it, two tea bags of black tea without additives should be poured with a liter of boiling water and, putting on fire, boil for another 15 minutes. Dilute the resulting tea decoction with 1-1.5 liters of water to a comfortable temperature and place your feet in it for 15 minutes.

Contrast baths

Contrasting foot baths will help reduce blood flow to the feet and, thereby, reduce the level of sweating. You should alternately direct the shower head onto your feet, first with cool water and then with warm water, gradually increasing the amplitude of temperatures (bring cool to cold, and warm to hot).

Oak bark decoction

To prepare the decoction, you need to take three tablespoons of oak bark, which is sold in pharmacies, and pour half a liter of water into it. Then put on fire, boil, and then cook over low heat for 13-16 minutes. Let the broth brew, then strain and dilute it with boiled water in equal parts.

After the feet have been washed with soap, immerse them in a bath with oak infusion for 15 minutes. Approximately 10-12 such procedures will help get rid of sweaty feet forever.

Decoction of birch buds

Take 50 g of birch buds and place them in a glass container, pour half a liter of vodka. After ten days of infusion in a cool, dark place and periodic shaking, the birch solution will be ready for procedures. Thoroughly wipe the soles and toes of your feet with a cotton pad soaked in the resulting mixture three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Clary sage decoction

Pour three tablespoons of sage into two glasses of boiling water and leave for an hour. The decoction is used as a foot bath.

Soda compress

You can also eliminate foot odor using baking soda by dissolving one tablespoon in a glass of hot water. Cotton socks should be moistened with the resulting solution and put on feet that have been previously treated with the same solution. After an hour and a half, remove the compress and rinse your feet under running water at room temperature. The course of treatment with a baking soda solution is 1.5-2 weeks.

Essential oils

Essential oils of sage, eucalyptus and pine, mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin of the soles of the feet, combat unpleasant odors coming from sweaty feet.

Boric acid

You can also reduce excessive sweating at home with the help of orthoboric acid, which you sprinkle on your feet, rub your toes, and then put on your socks. In the evening before going to bed, socks should be removed and the remaining composition should be washed off with warm water. The course of treatment is 1-3 weeks.

Snake Highlander

This remedy has long been used for excessive sweating. Pour a tablespoon of knotweed herb into one liter of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day.

Carrot juice with pepper

Mix carrot juice with juice squeezed from bell peppers in a 1:1 ratio and take one-third of a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is one month.


Pour one tablespoon of mint leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and wipe the skin of the feet with the prepared decoction.

Sloe flower decoction

Pour two teaspoons of collected flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 6-7 hours. Drink one third of a glass of infusion 3 times a day.

Stearin powder

Stearine should be poured into cotton socks and walked throughout the day. After just a couple of days of such procedures, not a trace will remain of sweating and unpleasant odor.

Vinegar baths

You can remove unpleasant foot odor using a bath, the preparation of which requires one liter of vinegar (9%). It should be heated to the highest temperature tolerable for the skin, then poured into a basin commensurate with both feet. Immerse your feet in a vinegar bath and hold for 10-13 minutes.

After the procedure, clean your feet with pumice stone, rinse and wipe dry. Shoes that are saturated with an unpleasant odor can also be treated with a solution of 9% vinegar.

Apple vinegar

This is the most common and effective method of combating heavy sweating. Thoroughly washed feet with soap should be dried with a towel previously soaked in apple cider vinegar. It helps destroy bacteria, improve skin tone and restore acid balance.

Medicines for foot odor

Teimur paste

The action of this antiseptic is aimed at eliminating sweating, skin rash and hyperhidrosis of the feet. Rub the paste into well-cleaned and dried skin of the feet for 2 minutes once a day. The course of treatment is 4-5 days.


This drug is aimed at reducing sweating by clogging the sweat ducts, so its uncontrolled use can lead to allergies.


This product helps not only reduce sweating and eliminate unpleasant foot odor, but also neutralize the fungus at an early stage of the disease.


This antiseptic is used to disinfect operating instruments and hands, as well as to treat infected wounds. The drug has successfully proven itself as a means of suppressing the functions of the sweat glands, due to which many people manage to get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor.

It is important to remember that Formidron contains formaldehyde, a strong carcinogen that can cause an allergic reaction and dry out skin tissue. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to observe moderation.

Hello, dear readers! We often notice an unpleasant odor coming from our feet. This is unpleasant not only for our family and colleagues, but also for people who are next to us in transport or in any enclosed space. Let's look at what to do if your feet and shoes stink, and how to get rid of the smell in a short time.

Unpleasant foot odor is a problem for half of humanity. But the difficulty is that many consider this to be a completely normal phenomenon. However, the stink does not appear only because the feet sweat a lot. The reason most often lies in a banal foot fungus.

Thus, odor control products should eliminate pathogenic microbes and prevent excessive sweating. What should you use if you encounter this problem?

The cheapest and most accessible remedy is Furacilin. It can be found in pharmacies in the form of tablets or solution. If you purchased tablets, dissolve 2 pieces in 2 liters of warm boiled water. Soak your feet in the bath for 10 minutes. Don't wipe! Wait for it to dry. When using the solution per 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons are enough.

Other medications for sweaty feet also help:

  • Teymurov ointment. The product contains formaldehyde, boric and salicylic acids. These components dry out the skin of the feet well. Menthol in the ointment helps eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Formagel. Antiseptic based on formaldehyde. The medicine reduces the activity of the sweat glands. However, it is often not recommended to use it: the medication is addictive.
  • "5 days". A drug based on a complex of ingredients: boric and salicylic acids, talc, camphor, zinc stearate, menthol. The medicine has a drying effect and has a pleasant smell.

Antifungal ointments also help cope with the problem:

  • Lamisil. A drug containing terbinafine. The medicine effectively fights fungi and lichens that affect the nail plate and skin. Once the fungus disappears, the smell also goes away.
  • Cream "Green Pharmacy". This is a medicine with an antifungal and deodorizing effect. It dries the skin and eliminates bacteria and fungi, the activity of which leads to an unpleasant odor.
  • Exoderil. The main substance is naftifine hydrochloride. It destroys fungal cells, not only eliminating foot stink, but also relieving itching and irritation.
  • Clotrimazole. Effective anti-fungal cream. It disrupts the integrity of their cells, causing microorganisms to die.

  • Kanespor. A medicine based on bifonazole. Inhibits the activity of fungi. After the death of microorganisms, the skin rejects them.
  • Nizoral. Drug with ketoconazole. Along with the fungi, the feeling of burning and inflammation goes away.

Folk remedies will help cope with the unpleasant odor:

  • Tar or laundry soap. The product has antibacterial properties. After washing your feet, dry your skin thoroughly by patting it with a towel.
  • Natural fresheners. They don't get rid of the problem, but they do help reduce the stink. Carnation or lavender flowers have this effect.
  • Herbal infusions and decoctions. Sage, chamomile, and green tea are good for sweating feet. To prepare a decoction for the bath, you need to pour 3-4 tablespoons of the raw material into a liter of hot water. Boil the mixture for a few minutes, cool and strain. Wash your feet with the resulting decoction daily. Use kombucha infusion in the same proportion.
  • Essential oils (mint, eucalyptus, lavender). These substances not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also have antiseptic properties.
  • Vinegar with alcohol. Mix both liquids in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe your feet with the resulting solution daily.

Perhaps folk recipes will not completely cope with the problem, but they will certainly reduce the discomfort.

In teenagers

During adolescence, especially in boys, the problem of sweating feet may increase. During this period, hormonal changes occur in the body. In males, the amount of skin secretions increases, which provokes sweating and creates a favorable environment for the development of fungus. Less often, but an unpleasant odor occurs in girls.

Since young people often have to stay indoors in the presence of many people, the question of how to remove the smell arises. Use the above remedies, not forgetting about folk recipes. Change your socks often and wipe your feet with antiseptics.

In children

Foot odor can also occur in babies. This fact clearly indicates an internal imbalance in the body or a lack of proper hygiene.

To eliminate the problem in children, follow the recommendations:

  • Change your baby's underwear more often.
  • Wash your feet regularly with herbal decoctions, wipe your feet with antiseptic solutions.
  • It is undesirable to use formaldehyde-based ointments, as they can be toxic to children.
  • Take your child to see a pediatrician: your baby may have problems with internal organs.
  • Use antifungal ointments: Fungus is a common problem in children.

What to do with shoes?

If there is an unpleasant odor from the feet, the difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that the stench comes not only from the feet, but also from the shoes. Most often, sneakers remind you of yourself, since feet sweat faster in sports shoes.

The question of how to remove the smell can be solved using the following methods:

  • Change your insoles often. They are the ones that absorb the most sweat. It is better if the insoles are made from natural ingredients, for example, with a charcoal layer.
  • Wipe the inside of the shoes with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
  • Use special shoe deodorants in the form of sprays, treating the inside of your shoes with them.
  • Wipe the inside of your shoes with rubbing alcohol every day for a couple of weeks.
  • In the evening, pour baking soda (sea salt, activated carbon) into your shoes or boots. These substances perfectly absorb sweat.
  • Wash your shoes with soapy water and dry thoroughly.

If your shoes stink, these methods will definitely help overcome the discomfort. If the article was useful to you, tell your friends about it on social media. networks. See you again, dear readers!

Extreme sweating is a problem for many girls. We suggest considering which folk remedy for sweating feet is most effective, popular recipes for the treatment of hydroperhidrosis, as well as advice from doctors on how to eliminate this problem.

Traditional medicine against sweating

There are many traditional methods of treatment, with the help of which not only eliminates unpleasant foot odor, i.e. hydroperhidrosis, but also the reasons for its appearance. The following tools can be used:

  1. Herbal decoctions;
  2. Mineral mixtures;
  3. Alcohol tinctures.

Helps great against unpleasant foot odor wormwood baths. This plant is known for its strong aroma, but when cooked it becomes lighter. You will need a glass of dry wormwood herb and two liters of hot water. Fill the plant with liquid, leave for a few minutes, then strain and steam your feet.

The same applies to chamomile infusion, it not only helps eliminate unpleasant odor, but also relieves tension in the legs and provides an antibacterial effect. For a liter of boiling water you will need two glasses of chamomile flowers.

Baths made from sage. This plant is known for its disinfectant quality, while its flowers relieve tension, eliminate sweating and soften the skin. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the herb into three glasses of boiling water, let it brew, and steam your feet in the resulting broth. This technique also helps with excessive sweating of the hands.

Many folk remedies for sweaty feet do not have any odor at all, but nevertheless, they work no less effectively than fragrant ones. For example, a decoction of oak bark has good astringent properties, and it normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands of the legs. For two liters of water you need to take three tablespoons of tree bark, steam it in hot liquid, and then strain thoroughly.

In addition to soaking your feet in baths, we also recommend drinking herbal teas. For example, snake knotweed is very effective. This plant needs to be poured with about a liter of water, not boiling water, but hot, left for one day, then strained thoroughly. Drink a glass on an empty stomach.

Good reviews about cosmetic essential oils tea tree oil, this product perfectly eliminates germs and bad foot odor. You need to dilute three drops of oil in olive or sunflower ether, taken as a basis. We heat the solution and steam our feet in it. Repeat twice a week.

A fairly reliable remedy for excessive sweating of the skin of the feet is salty water. If you also have itchy feet, you can dilute three tablespoons of sea salt and a spoonful of table soda in a bowl. Then we dissolve the minerals in water and lower the legs there. We repeat this action once a week.

This is an excellent medicine boric acid. You need to buy a sachet of this medicine and sprinkle it on the skin between your toes and on your feet. It is advisable to do this every time before leaving the house - then the problem of sweating will be solved by itself.

Women's forums often advise using simple glycerin. It will ensure normal deo-control of the epidermis, soften it and make the feet very smooth. You need to do a simple pedicure, then steam your feet in chamomile or mint, then wipe them with pumice and apply glycerin. Leave it overnight.

To get rid of sweaty feet forever, you need to sprinkle your socks and tights with the drug Stearin. This is not a cosmetic product, but after several procedures it helps to completely solve the problems of hydroperhidrosis.

A simple home remedy for sweaty feet is apple cider vinegar 3 percent. You just need to rub your feet with this product every evening, do not rinse off. Afterwards we put on cotton socks. In the morning, repeat if necessary (if you do not sprinkle with medicinal powders).
Video: how to get rid of foot odor

Professional products

Professional treatment for sweaty feet is, in any case, more effective than home treatment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with ranking of the most popular drugs:

  1. DEO-control anti-sweating foot gel from Amway. This is a fairly effective remedy, its effectiveness has been proven by many girls. It copes well with both the problem of odor and sweat, but at the same time it takes a very long time to be absorbed and can leave marks on light-colored socks and stockings;
  2. Five Days Cream. This medicine is sold in pharmacies; it is almost impossible to find it in cosmetic stores. It is called that because, according to the manufacturers, in five days the problem of hydroperhidrosis on the legs will be solved;
  3. Oriflame Feet Up foot deodorant spray. The main advantage of the product is that it is very easy to apply and quickly absorbed. In addition, with the help of this perfume you can also refresh your shoes;
    Photo – Anti-sweat products
  4. Vichy deodorant cream “7 days”. This is another revolutionary anti-sweating medicine that will cure you within a week. It can be applied as a deodorant - by sprinkling it on your feet, or spreading it over the epidermis like a cream;
  5. “Super Antipot” is a cream not only against excessive sweating, but also against fungus. It provides a long-lasting freshness effect while keeping your feet and toes completely dry;
  6. Hexamethylenetetramine or Utropin - it is not recommended to use it on its own; doctors inject it into the skin using acupuncture or a body mesotherapy roller;
  7. Antiperspirant talc ODABAN (ODABAN) has pronounced antibacterial properties, while it normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands and copes well with unpleasant odors;
  8. Ointment Malavit. This is an ointment-gel that has pharmaceutical properties similar to the action of Utropin. Thanks to the action of active substances, the gel helps to reduce the work of sweat glands, refresh the feet, and improve the smell of the feet;
  9. Formagel is probably the best remedy for excessive sweating of the feet, which helps get rid of the problem in a matter of days. It is prescribed by dermatologists even for children and adolescents;
  10. Formidron is another medical medicine that perfectly disinfects feet, giving them softness and a long-lasting feeling of freshness. It has a very affordable price and good reviews.
  11. Fernomid will help you get rid of calluses, warts on the feet, sweating and other similar problems. But you need to be careful with this medicine; it contains Formaldehyde, which can cause a severe allergic reaction and inflammation.

Before using any of these medications, it is better to first consult with your doctor. Also write in the comments how you use an effective remedy for sweating feet.

The unpleasant odor emanating from the feet worries many people. If it is present almost constantly, then even the most confident person gradually begins to feel self-doubt and acquires additional complexes. When feet sweat, this smell can spread very actively, even when a person is wearing shoes. And if the shoes get wet, the aroma spreads even faster and over impressive distances. As a result, constant anxiety, nervousness, and lack of self-confidence significantly complicate a person’s life, make him feel uncomfortable and experience constant fear that in certain conditions he will have to take off his shoes.

An unpleasant smell also causes inconvenience to the loved ones of a person with such problems. Below we will talk about the causes of foot odor, as well as how to quickly and effectively eliminate the most common causes of unpleasant odor at home.

Why is there an unpleasant odor?

The development of an unpleasant odor can be associated with both a number of natural causes and pathological factors.

Natural causes

Sweat glands are located on the surface of the skin and provide a very important function for the body - thermoregulation . It is with the work of the sweat glands that the appearance of odor is associated. When the ambient temperature is high and a person wears socks and warm shoes, the work of the sweat glands is activated. As a result, the unpleasant aroma becomes more intense.

Every day the body produces up to 200 ml of sweat. But the liquid itself, which the sweat glands produce, does not have an unpleasant odor, since it contains mainly water and only 1% ammonia , acids, chlorine and salts. The appearance of odor is due to the fact that active life activity develops in sweat bacteria , for which it is a very suitable environment. Naturally, in socks and shoes that people constantly wear, bacteria multiply very actively, because there is a warm and humid environment.

Each person, even in such a situation, has an individual aroma. For some people it can be mild and barely noticeable, for others it can be sharp and intense.

And some people suffer from excessive sweating because their sweat glands work too intensely. If such a problem exists, foot hygiene and hygiene rules in general must be carefully observed. This will help prevent bad odors.

Pathological causes

Certain pathologies can also provoke this problem:

  • nail fungus and ;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • nerve diseases, experiences, phobias;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • unbalanced diet.

Therefore, if problems with unpleasant foot odor suddenly begin, and this has not been observed before, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After all, it is likely that this unpleasant symptom is a sign of a serious illness.

There are also provoking factors that may cause bad foot odor:

  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
  • insufficiently frequent change of tights and socks;
  • preference for synthetic products - tights, socks;
  • constant wearing of shoes made of non-natural materials;
  • preference for closed shoes;
  • wet shoes, socks, tights.

Fungal diseases of the feet

When infected with nail or foot fungus, the disease does not always develop. If the body comes into contact with a fungal agent with a strong immune system , then it protects against the development of the disease. But if the immune response is weak, then when infected, the fungus actively spreads, and subsequently it is very difficult to fight it.

If you suspect a fungal infection, you should contact a specialist. Initially, the doctor must assess the patient’s condition and, depending on the type of fungus and the severity of the patient’s condition, prescribe a treatment regimen. In such a situation, the following means are used:

  • antifungal tablets (,);
  • antifungal sprays (, Turbix );
  • anti-fungal cream (,);
  • nail polishes with antifungal action (,).

If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations and follows the instructions for using the prescribed medications, then he will be able to get rid of the unpleasant disease. In this case, you must carefully follow all the rules of foot hygiene. Also bad smell will help overcomeantifungal treatment of shoes and socks, disinfection of linen.

How to get rid of foot odor?

Those who are bothered by unpleasant foot odor, of course, constantly wonder how to get rid of foot odor at home. First of all, you need to find out the reasons why sweat on your feet smells unpleasant. And only then can you get the correct answer to the question of how to treat the disease that led to such a symptom, or how to remove a strong and pungent odor using folk remedies.

If we are talking about a disease, deodorants and creams will not help overcome this problem.

But if a person is healthy, then it is necessary, first of all, to reconsider the attitude towards personal hygiene. The answer to the question of how to get rid of foot odor in men and women is simple: any anti-odor product should be used after washing your feet and replacing tights or socks.

Very often, with a more strict application of a number of hygiene principles, the question of how to get rid of sweaty feet forever becomes closed:

  • It is important to wash your feet morning and evening, doing it very thoroughly. It is advisable to rinse your feet with cold water after washing.
  • You regularly need to cleanse the skin of your feet and toes from dead cells, for which scrubs and peeling are used.
  • You need to dry the skin between your toes very carefully after washing your feet.
  • You should wear only socks and tights made of high-quality material - natural or with a very slight inclusion of synthetics.
  • If a person is interested in the question of how to get rid of odor in shoes, he should reconsider his attitude towards choosing it. You should buy only high-quality pairs made from natural materials. It should fit perfectly.
  • Those who are interested in how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes should take into account that this largely depends on changing socks and tights quite often. This needs to be done every day.
  • Shoe care is also important. The inside must be treated with antiseptic solutions. For this you can use a solution potassium permanganate .

Foot products

For care, you need to choose the right products for foot odor. You can use anti-sweating deodorant or buy deodorant cream at the pharmacy. This remedy for foot and shoe odor is used every day.

On the advice of a specialist, you can buy at the pharmacy an ointment for foot odor and sweat or a medicine for foot sweat and odor ( Cream “5 days” , "Green Pharmacy" and etc.). However, you cannot use such products all the time - you need to take into account the recommendations contained in the instructions.

Also effective and correctly selected product for sweat and foot odor, which is used for shoes.

Finally, a suitable folk remedy for odor of feet and shoes can also be beneficial - these are baths, infusions, powders.


Taking into account the mechanism of action, deodorants are usually divided into:

  • antiperspirants;
  • normalizing sweat secretion;
  • flavorings (they mask the smell);
  • medicinal.

They are produced in several forms:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • spray;
  • talc.

Antiperspirants block sweat glands, so they cannot be used around the clock. You should provide “rest” to the skin of your feet, which should breathe normally for some time.

Products that normalize sweat production do not block the sweat glands, but at the same time maintain a minimum level of sweating.

Therapeutic deodorants prevent the growth of bacteria, thereby eliminating the cause of the odor. Such agents also cannot be used all the time: after all, bacteria gradually develop resistance to one or another agent.

Any deodorant is applied to clean and dry skin of the feet. After application, you need to wait until it is absorbed or dry, and only then put on tights, socks or shoes. The product should be washed off thoroughly in the evening, before going to bed.

Lotion and foot cream

Manufacturers offer many different creams that are used to prevent excessive sweating. Unlike some other products, the cream can be used constantly. But first you need to find the perfect product. If the cream is chosen correctly, it not only prevents sweating, but also nourishes and softens the skin of the feet. Here are some popular foot creams that work effectively:


Produced by an Israeli company Hlavin" The product contains talc, ethylhexylglycerin , triethyl citrate , potato starch, arnica, chamomile, calendula. The cream has no odor. After application, the product protects against sweat for seven days. It acts comprehensively, destroying fungus and bacteria.

Apply a little cream to pre-washed and dried foot skin, rubbing it in evenly. You should not wet your feet for several hours, and when the product is absorbed, you can lead your usual lifestyle, observing all the rules of hygiene. Reapply only when an unpleasant odor appears.


The cream is produced by a Swedish company " Scandi Line" Available in the form of a clear liquid containing aluminum chloride hydrate , denatured alcohol. These components act to create a protein-aluminum plug. As a result, the sweat glands function normally, but sweat is released from other places in a normal amount. It is also excreted through the kidneys.

If you follow all the rules of application, the product protects against sweat for 3 to 5 days. Apply the product one hour before bedtime to dry and clean skin. You should wait until the skin dries. After this, you cannot wash, but in the morning you can safely carry out all hygiene procedures.

Galeno Pharm “5 days”

Contains zinc oxide , which dries the skin and also has an astringent and disinfectant effect. Also contains cetyl alcohol , helping to retain moisture in the skin. Camphor , which is also included in the product, is an antiseptic. And menthol gives freshness to the skin and cools the feet. All active ingredients act in a complex, while reducing the activity of sweat secretion and relieving a person of pathogenic microorganisms.

You need to apply the “5 days” cream to dry skin of your feet every day. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime. It should be taken into account that this product has a slightly greasy consistency, so you need to apply it in a small amount so that the cream has time to be completely absorbed.

Deo-control cream from "Kalina"

Consists of a special complex " OilCARE", which includes natural oils of cocoa, shea butter, lavender, tea tree, as well as, . The cream effectively fights pathogenic microflora, protecting the skin with an invisible film. It should be applied after the person has taken a shower and the skin is completely dry. Rub the product into the skin of your feet and fingers until it is completely absorbed. Reapply the cream after the next wash, or when the smell of sweat appears.

Cream "Green Pharmacy"

An antifungal and deodorizing agent that contains, zinc oxide , camphor , tea tree oil. When using it, a drying effect is also noted. Protects against sweat for five days. Apply, like all other products, to clean and dry skin. Recommended for use after bathing procedures or visiting a sauna.

Remedies for foot odor from the pharmacy

Pasta Teymurova

Doctors often prescribe this drug to people who are concerned about excessive sweating. It effectively dries the skin and disinfects it, as it contains contain and , zinc oxide , talc

Apply to clean and completely dry skin. It is important not to wipe it with a towel, but to wait until the skin dries on its own. Rub it into the skin of the feet, between the toes, doing this before bed for 2-3 minutes. You can use the paste for 3-4 days, after which you take a break. If necessary, this course of treatment can be repeated.

Lavender oil

A natural antiseptic that not only refreshes the skin, but also effectively fights fungus. The oil is used by adding it to foot baths. Prepare such a bath using water at room temperature and adding about 5 ml of lavender oil to it. To get the maximum effect, the oil must first be diluted in a base liquid (milk will do), since the oil does not dissolve in water. The bath should be taken for 20 minutes. This procedure is practiced once every 2-3 days.


The composition contains formaldehyde, which acts as an antiseptic and also has a deodorizing effect on the skin. It is produced in the form of a liquid, so you need to dose and apply the product very carefully. It should be used once a day, rubbing into previously washed and dried problem areas. It is important to note that if used for too long, the skin may become dry.

Benzoyl peroxide lotion, gel (5 and 10%)

This drug is used according to the instructions for the purpose of treatment. But it is also effective in combating unpleasant foot odor. The active component benzoyl peroxide inhibits the reproduction of anaerobic flora. The product should be applied by lightly rubbing once a day, doing this with massaging movements. It is important to apply the product between your fingers. Used once a day, duration of use is up to three months.

Burnt alum

The medicine contains potassium-aluminum alum , which are processed to turn them into powder. Alum is a sweat adsorbent; it can neutralize fungi and bacteria, as well as reduce the activity of sweat glands. Their anti-inflammatory effect is noted. Alum is also used as a powder, for which dry and clean skin is treated with powder. The powder should be applied in the morning, and in the evening its remnants should be thoroughly rinsed off.

Due to its antiseptic effect, it effectively eliminates the cause of unpleasant odor. pour a small amount into each sock, carefully distribute it over the entire surface and put the socks on dry and clean feet. Every evening on days when boric acid is used, you need to wash your feet very thoroughly and put your socks in the wash. Boric acid is used every day for a week, after which you need to take a break for a week. Further repetition of the course is allowed.

There are also folk methods with which you can significantly improve the situation.

  • Lemon peels. Citrus peels contain essential oils that dry the skin and give it a pleasant aroma. They are also capable of destroying fungus. Fresh crusts are rubbed in your hands to release the essential oil. It is applied to clean and dry skin. Other essential oils are also effective - peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, cypress, etc.
  • Starch. It can be used if there are no other means at hand. It is applied as a powder to clean and dry skin of the feet, after which socks are put on. Starch helps remove excess sweat and prevent odor.
  • Oak bark. An infusion is prepared from it, which produces a tanning effect, narrows the sweat glands, and dries the skin. Infusion prepared from 2 tbsp. l. bark and 1 liter of boiling water, should stand for 20 minutes, after which it is added to the foot bath. This procedure is carried out for 10 minutes daily.
  • Sea salt. Baths with its addition help dry and deodorize the skin, eliminate bacteria and fungi. Foot baths with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt should be done every evening for 10 minutes. After completing the procedure, your feet should dry without wiping with a towel.
  • Laundry soap. You can wash your feet in cold water with laundry soap, which reduces sweat and effectively fights germs. To avoid drying out the skin, you should not use this soap for more than five days.
  • Carnation flowers. They are placed in shoes to neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • Decoctions and infusions of herbs. They are used daily for evening foot washing or for baths. To prepare decoctions and infusions, use sage, chamomile, rose hips, green tea, etc. You can use each herb in turn or prepare a combined decoction.
  • Tea mushroom. The product prepared from it is used for baths and lotions. To prepare a solution, add 3 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l kombucha.
  • Alcohol and vinegar. They are mixed in equal proportions and wiped with this solution on clean feet, as well as between the toes.
  • Soda. 1 tsp. soda is dissolved in a glass of water, after which cotton swabs are soaked in it and placed between the fingers for a while. Rinse your feet with the remaining solution. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening throughout the week.


So, those who are bothered by bad foot odor must, first of all, take care to carefully follow all the rules of personal hygiene. If there is no improvement for some time, you should consult a doctor to find the cause of this phenomenon. With the right approach to treatment, this problem can be eliminated.

Sweaty feet, wet socks, the repulsive smell of sweat emanating from feet and shoes cause a lot of unpleasant moments for any person. People with such problems stop visiting people, are embarrassed to choose a pair of new shoes in a store, and try to stay away from their colleagues at work. Often the cause of foot hyperhidrosis lies in basic lack of foot hygiene. If this is not the case, then this pathology indicates a serious disease of the body. Therefore, before starting treatment for excessive sweating of the feet, the true cause of its occurrence should be established.

Anti-sweating medications

If you consult a dermatologist, he will not only write a prescription for the necessary medications to get rid of sweating and foot odor, but will also give some useful recommendations on how to get rid of such problems.

First of all, the doctor will prescribe sedative (calming) medications. These include herbal remedies that have a calming effect on the body and nervous system. For example, it could be valerian tincture, peony root, motherwort. However, for a patient with increased excitability and sensitivity, such medications will not bring much benefit.

If sedatives against hyperhidrosis fail to help, then the dermatologist will prescribe tranquilizers or bromides. The problem is that these pills quickly become addictive to the body, and their use is limited to three weeks.

The advantage of such drugs is that they perfectly help the patient cope with increased excitability, anxiety, and stress. After all, nervous overstrain often causes the development of hyperhidrosis.

The next group of anti-sweating drugs contains a substance such as atropine. Atropine acts directly on the sweat glands, therefore the secretion of sweat is significantly reduced. When treated with it, side effects may occur in the form of blurred vision, headache, and constipation.

Unfortunately, despite the wide range of medications used against sweating feet, they rarely achieve good results.

Pharmacy products


Formidron is an effective medicine that contains the active substance formaldehyde. This component is an excellent antiseptic. It not only destroys bacteria that accumulate on the feet and toes, but also prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. In addition, the drug has the following properties:

  • dries the skin of the feet well and reduces sweating due to the tannins it contains;
  • reduces unpleasant odor of feet and shoes.

The drug is most effective when used in the morning. Formidron is applied to cleanly washed and thoroughly dried feet and interdigital areas of the feet with a cotton pad. The composition can be used no more than twice a day.

Formaldehyde is a toxic substance that, together with alcohol vapor, can enter the respiratory tract and cause irritation. The course of treatment can last a month. The medicine should not be used if you are allergic to the components included in the drug or if you have open sores on the skin.


This drug is also made on the basis of formaldehyde, but the result of its use lasts much longer. Before using it, you must thoroughly wash your feet with soap and wipe them dry. Then apply the product with a cotton pad to the areas between the toes and toes. After drying, a film forms, which should be kept on the skin for at least 40 minutes and then washed off with warm water. The effect of application lasts up to two weeks, after which the procedure is repeated.

If there is increased sweating of the feet, Formagel can be used for up to 3 days. Frequent use of the gel can lead to dry skin and even burns. It is not recommended to use if you have allergic reactions to the components of the substance or if you have open wounds.

Pasta Teymurova

This ointment is one of the most famous remedies in the fight against sweating. It deodorizes, disinfects and dries the skin. The zinc oxide contained in the composition disinfects the skin, destroying infection, talc dries it well, and boric acid disinfects without causing irritation. Constant use of the ointment for half a month significantly reduces sweat production.

Apply the paste to pre-washed dry skin in a thin layer. After this, you need to rub it in for a few more minutes. It is better to carry out this procedure at night, and in the morning wash off the remaining paste with running water. It should be remembered that the ointment leaves small marks on the bed linen.


This cream, without clogging the sweat glands, destroys harmful bacteria that cause a strong odor and reduces sweating of the feet for a period of two weeks. After the drug is absorbed into the skin, neither increased physical activity with profuse sweating, nor water procedures can reduce the effectiveness of Lavilin. It contains extracts from antibacterial medicinal plants and vitamins. Lavilin is very economical; one jar lasts for a whole year.


This drug is intended for the treatment of the genitourinary tract, but it is also successfully used to treat sweating. It is mainly used against sweating feet. Apply the product with a cotton swab to clean and completely dry feet. Particular care should be taken to treat the skin between the fingers. After the procedure, you need to put on warm socks on your feet.

In the morning, the drug is washed off with warm water, and the feet are sprinkled with talcum powder. For very sensitive skin, the medicine can be diluted with water. Before using the drug, there should be no cracks, fungus, wounds or damage on the skin. Otherwise, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment of the skin. Depending on the severity of the disease, a positive result may last a whole month. The ampoule is enough for one use.

Borozin and Drisol

Borozin is an effective remedy for unpleasant foot odor, which effectively slows down the growth of fungal bacteria. You can buy it at almost any pharmacy. This is a powder that reduces foot odor and sweating. It is not necessary to treat your feet with it, you can simply pour a little Borozin into your shoes.

To get rid of foot odor, you can also use Drisol antiperspirant. However, infrequent use is recommended, because it clogs pores and sweat glands.


Powder helps get rid of sweaty feet and shoe odor. In addition, they are a preventive measure against foot fungus. The main components for powders are often starch, boric acid, talc, burnt alum, and boric acid. The powder is applied to the feet, between the toes and poured into the socks. It absorbs sweat and eliminates odor, inhibits the growth of bacteria and reduces sweating.

Shoe care

To get rid of hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your hosiery and the condition of your shoes. The appearance of an unpleasant odor may be the first signal of the development of a fungal infection. To avoid this situation, try using water-repellent products that will prevent your shoes from getting wet and bacteria from multiplying.

If you still cannot prevent the appearance of a strong odor, wipe the inside of the shoes with a solution of manganese, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. But this should be done carefully, especially if you are processing dress shoes.

Tea tree oil is very effective in combating unpleasant shoe odor. To do this, dissolve a few drops of the product in water, treat the cleaned inner surface and leave the shoes to dry. Tea tree oil eliminates all odors and perfectly disinfects shoes. If you did not achieve the desired result the first time, repeat the procedure.

An effective way to prevent unpleasant odors is to replace old insoles with new ones. It is best to dry them daily separately from your shoes. There are also special antibacterial insoles on sale. They contain activated carbon, which absorbs excess moisture and odor. You can also buy deodorant insoles, which you simply need to put in your shoes and leave for several hours.

There are a lot of remedies to get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat and excessive sweating of the feet. Their choice and effectiveness depend entirely on the individual characteristics of each organism.