How to douse yourself with cold water on the street. Hardening the body with cold water for beginners. Douse yourself with water, to your health! What are the benefits of dousing and what should you consider?

Dousing with water is approved by Ayurveda, and one can point out a whole list of benefits that a person receives when performing this procedure correctly.

Benefits of cold dousing:

  • cleanses consciousness, because it has the power to wash away all negative external and internal;
  • warm water cleanses only the gross body, then cool water tones thin body, removing the influence of sleep and dreams;
  • gives strength and the ability to achieve active longevity;
  • increases mental performance, determination and peace of mind;
  • eliminates mental obstacles on the path to a happy life;
  • drives away melancholy and bad thoughts;
  • promotes rapid removal of toxins from the body;
  • gives the necessary tone for the whole day.

Thus, the benefits of cold dousing are enormous; it has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental and spiritual side.

The main causes of colds due to unsuccessful douching:

  • fear of cool shower, wrong attitude when pouring water;
  • uneven pouring cold water individual parts bodies;
  • interruption of dousing with cold water (it must be done until the body gets used to it);
  • rapid uneven contact with cold;
  • eating food immediately before cold dousing. For example, if you eat sweets beforehand, chocolate, coffee, water, berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries), this will weaken the body’s immunity;
  • if you eat grain foods, legumes, vegetables, dairy products before cold dousing, then the fire of digestion will be extinguished, and undigested remains food will fill the body with toxins;
  • fussiness when exposed to cold (rush to work);
  • bad mood, namely: rudeness, irritability, resentment, depression;
  • excessively long stay under a cold shower with a bad mood, decreased mental or physical tone.

Question: I am also an expert in matters of hardening, as I have been doing this for 2 years when I come home after work. However chronic sore throat I couldn’t cure myself.
Answer: Working out in the evenings can be dangerous to your health, especially if you are prone to colds. It is better to do cold dousing early in the morning. As for chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, they usually occur if there are any violations in the hardening technique.

Question: I try to harden myself very carefully and protect my throat and neck from cold water.
Answer: This is where you are making a very big mistake. On the contrary, it is imperative to pour over the entire body. Do not be afraid, it is almost impossible to cause harm by pouring cold water, provided that all the listed rules are followed.

Question: I douse the whole body, but without the neck and head.
Answer: In this case, you will not be able to be healthy. Hardening must be carried out with the head, otherwise unsuccessful douches will result and colds are simply inevitable.

Question: And my wife has a very long hair, and if she wets her head every morning, her hair will take a very long time to dry. Therefore, your advice is practically impossible for her to implement.
Answer: In this case, you can use a special rubber cap. If you hide your hair in it, both coarse and fine dirt will be washed off from the body, and only fine dirt from the head. In this case, the benefits of cold dousing will continue. Ayurveda recommends that women wash their hair once every 4-7 days.

Question: It’s not clear how fine dirt will be washed off through the cap.
Answer: Water also affects us in a subtle sense, so if you try dousing your head and not getting your hair wet, it will still refresh the mind and cleanse the senses.

Question: What other recommendations can you give for cold dousing?
Answer: You can try to explain in general the dousing technique and how to carry it out in different home conditions.

Preparing for cold water dousing

Before the cold douche, you should try to have a friendly attitude and wish everyone happiness and health. If you are very irritated by something, then you should not immediately go into the shower, you need to sit down for a minute and tune in.

Rules for performing dousing:

1. It is best to douse with water every day, at approximately the same time.
2. While pouring, enjoy the cool water. It is effective to douse yourself with the words: “May the strength that cold water gives me make all people happy and healthy.”
3. The dousing should end immediately after the whole body gets used to the cool water and breathing normalizes.
4. If you accept cold shower, then during contact with cold there is a natural holding of breath. Don't interfere with her. When you hold your breath correctly, the chills stop. Hold your breath while inhaling if you have a tendency to increase blood pressure, rudeness, lack of restraint, fussiness, and inability to rest. Hold it as you exhale when there is decreased mental and physical tone, depression, apathy, high sensitivity, and slowness.
5. Try (especially at the beginning of pouring) to slowly change the temperature of the water.
6. Afterwards, wipe your entire body dry.

Options for proper dousing:

1. Shower temperature- pleasant coolness. After preparation, take off your clothes, stand in an empty bath, direct the stream to your feet. Slowly lift the shower from the foot to the groin along the front right leg. Before the stream rises, the area of ​​the body being doused must get used to the cold. Finish slightly above the groin. Repeat on the left leg.

Then pour over the back surface from the heel to the lower back, alternately on both legs. Then shower from bottom to top along the sides of your legs to your waist. Continue pouring your hands. The sequence is the same - from the hand to the shoulder, first along the front surface of the right and left arm, then along the back and ending with the side surface of the arms.

After arms and legs, move on to dousing the body. Starting from the lower back, the shower slowly rises along the spine to the top of the head. On a short time stop the promotion at the beginning thoracic spine (between the neck and chest), on the back of the head (the convex part), on the top of the head.

When the entire back has become accustomed to the cold, we continue dousing the front of the body. Raise the shower from the front from the groin to the top of the head. At the same time, hold it in the area for a short time solar plexus, jugular fossa, bridge of the nose, upper forehead, crown. Then the armpits are poured, groin area. Slowly run a stream of water along the side surfaces of the head - from the temporal to the occipital areas.

Time proper dousing is selected individually until a comfortable state is achieved. In this state, breathing calms down, chills, aches, pain stop, discomfort upon contact with cold. Approximate time proper dousing for 3-10 minutes, with hypertension- 10-20 minutes. This version of dousing is combined with physical exercise.

2. For those who do not have a shower room. The whole body is wiped well soaked in cold water with a towel, in the sequence recommended for the first dousing option. You need to wet your hair well.

Gradually the wiping time increases. Finish wiping as you get used to the cold. After the procedure, you need to wipe yourself dry.

3. If there is no bathroom. Pouring water is performed in the morning on fresh air. When you go outside in your clothes, you can first do a light warm-up. Undress, stand barefoot on the ground. If it is concrete, then it is better to do the pouring in slippers. First you need to wet your feet and hands. After this, while standing, pour several buckets of water on the body alternately in front and behind. At the end of the procedure, a state of addiction should occur. Next you need to quickly dry yourself off and relax for 20-30 seconds and try to get used to the air temperature. At this time, it is best to wish everyone happiness.

4. Pouring for children under 5 years old. It is better to combine water procedures with body massage, before and after dousing children. The water temperature should be pleasant for the child, and the type of massage must be agreed upon with the doctor. After the massage, plunge your entire body and head into the water. Do this carefully so that the child does not have negative reaction. The water temperature can even be higher than body temperature. Gradually, unnoticed by the child, reduce it over 1-2 months.

If the child reacts negatively to dousing, raise the temperature by 1-3 degrees. If he doesn't like bathing with his head, pour water from a mug onto his crown. Water should drain from all sides.

Finish the procedure immediately after you feel accustomed. After wiping yourself dry, do a massage. Perform the entire complex every day, morning and evening.

5. For signs of a cold, infectious diseases . Do not eat for 2 hours before showering. Get ready, get into the shower with warm water, and douse yourself in the sequence indicated for the first option. After this, make the water cool and repeat everything again.

When addiction occurs, douse yourself in the same way, but with hot water. While in a hot shower, the best thing to do is think about the vast sky. This thought helps release excess energy.

When a fever occurs, make the water cooler than before the first decrease in water temperature. Quickly repeat the sequence of the first option. In this case, there should be aches in the body, intermittent breathing, with delay.

As soon as you get used to the water temperature, immediately take a hot shower, starting from your limbs and ending with the top of your head. Then accept warm shower. Wipe yourself dry.

After the procedure, do static exercises without delay. If you have a severe cold or high temperature, you can repeat the entire complex 3-4 times a day.

6. With prolonged experience of dousing. Perform this procedure in the morning once a day. In this case, there is no need to take a shower, since unloading occurs very quickly. After lightly rubbing yourself, you need to pour 2-3 buckets of ice water over yourself. After this procedure, you can do dynamic exercises. Cold dousing is best done outdoors barefoot.

If you stopped dousing yourself and there was a break for more than a week, do not rush to do option 6, otherwise you will cause harm by dousing with cold water - start with the first option of dousing. Do it until you feel back in shape.

You should know that dousing yourself with cold water after the Sun has gone down can reduce mental tone and worsen your well-being. Therefore, in the afternoon it is best to douse yourself with either warm water or a contrast shower.

Question: My neighbor is constantly freezing, and even warm water seems cold to him. Are there any options for dousing him in the morning?
Answer: Yes, such people can be doused with warm water. For anyone with sore joints, spine or severely weakened immunity, it is better to use a warm shower for dousing. However, if afterward you feel not cheerful, but lethargic, you will still have to lower the water temperature. A cheerful and active state after a shower is a sign of a properly performed douche.

Question: When else, besides the morning, can this procedure be done?
Answer: The Vedas recommend any strong desecration ( bad thoughts, quarrel, after going to the hospital, places where negative information accumulates) remove by dousing.


  • always after the act of defecation (passed in a big way);
  • after work, especially if it involves physical or mental defilement. If you come after work, then first you need to do a cold douse and only after that eat. IN evening time For everyone, except hypertensive patients, it is better to do this not with cold, but with cool or warm water. If your joints or spine do not hurt, then you can wash in a contrast shower;
  • if you were very nervous or talked to a person of a very dirty mind;
  • after visiting a crematorium, cemetery, infectious diseases hospital, prison or some dirty place;
  • after rubbing the body with oil;
  • after long stay in the sun;
  • before visiting the temple.


  • within two hours after eating;
  • after prolonged hypothermia;
  • at high body temperature;
  • with a severe cold;
  • with severe skin damage by a purulent infection;
  • during treatment of scabies;
  • before a long walk in cold air, wind, or rain.

Question: And if I came from the infectious diseases hospital and froze, then what should I do?
Answer: In this case, douse yourself with hot water and you will thus get out of this situation.

Conclusion: live without dousing in the morning happy life almost impossible. Moreover, in Vedic culture a person who does not take a bath in the morning is considered defiled and therefore is not allowed to visit temples. When a person makes it his rule to douse himself in the morning and after severe desecration, the purity of his consciousness increases significantly, and this gives a surge of happiness and optimism.

In any business, a person needs motivation. The practice of hardening helps improve health and strengthen. To do this, you need to know how to properly start dousing yourself with cold water and enjoy the process.

Where to start pouring?

It is always difficult and scary to start, but the positive results from this procedure will delight you. How to decide to harden your body and not give up? Use some tricks:

  • The first rule: make a promise to yourself to perform a cold water douche every morning (you can reinforce your promise by telling close friends about your intention);
  • Buy a bucket or watering can for yourself, douse it in the morning;
  • Keep a calendar for the month. After the procedure, put a tick on your calendar (research shows that 3 weeks is enough to develop a new habit);
  • Notice for yourself what positive changes are happening.

By dousing yourself with cold water, you can heal your body and recharge yourself with positivity. The main thing is to believe in your willpower and decide on a useful experiment.

Water hardening techniques

Cold water is a great workout for the body. You can choose the pouring method that suits you. There are several methods:

  1. Washing or wiping with cold water. This is the most common and easily accepted method by the body. Rubbing can be partial (waist-deep) or general (whole body). You should choose a comfortable water temperature (35 C). Drip water onto your skin; if the temperature of the water is not felt, then it can be considered indifferent;
  2. Wrapping up. The essence of hardening is that a person is wrapped in a damp sheet, then covered with a completely warm blanket. Carried out under the supervision of a physician;
  3. Pouring. This is done by pouring cool water from a ladle or bucket. After the procedure, wipe dry;
  4. Shared baths. They start with an indifferent temperature and reduce it over time. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes;
  5. Souls. Have mechanical and thermal effects;
  6. Bathing. You can swim in cool or cold water. Bathing tones the skin, relaxes;
  7. Russian bath. Pouring with cool water after a bath.

Pouring – excellent home therapy. It is important to approach the issue of hardening seriously. Follow the rules that will help make the procedure pleasant and beneficial for the body:

  • It is better to do the dousing in the morning after waking up, this way you will invigorate your body;
  • Start gradually and slowly, a sharp and unusual change in temperature can create stress for the body, the dousing process will not be enjoyable. If you start incorrectly, there is a risk that you will abandon the idea;
  • For the first 7 days, pour only the feet and legs up to the knees; as you get used to it, pour over other parts of the body;
  • Before a cold shower, warm your body with warm water;
  • Start hardening at a comfortable (indifferent) temperature;
  • Avoid drafts when pouring;
  • After the procedure, rub your body and do exercises;
  • You should not take a hot or warm shower after dousing;
  • The psychological attitude is very important in the hardening process. Enjoy a cold shower and step out of your comfort zone. Think about the positive effects of hardening;
  • If you have chronic diseases, consultation and permission from a doctor to perform procedures is required.

A competent approach to dousing with cold water will give strength, energy and strengthen the immune system.

The benefits of cold water hardening

Procedures have a positive effect on the entire body
dousing. Proven medicinal effects dousing with cold water:

  • Improves mood, relieves;
  • We don't always wake up full of energy for a new day. Exposure to cold water “cleanses” the body and mind, making a person resistant to external influences. Dousing yourself with cool water in the morning will make you cheerful and fill you with strength;
  • Strengthens the immune system.
    The explanation is that if the body is exposed to cold, it tends to warm up and increase metabolism. In response, activation occurs immune system and the formation of leukocytes. It makes sense that people who practice cold showers are more resistant not only to flu or colds, but also to more serious health problems;
  • Improves blood circulation, increases hemoglobin levels.
    Blood circulation ensures the transport of oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body. Poor circulation leads to insufficient tissue nutrition and various health problems. Thanks to rapid breathing and heartbeat, the blood circulation process accelerates, the amount of oxygen in the body increases;
  • Regulates body temperature. Dousing provokes thermogenesis - the creation of internal body heat, also useful if you suffer;
  • Stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss.
    When a person is exposed to cold, the body tries to produce energy, which it uses to create internal heat. This is done by burning fat, resulting in weight loss;
  • Improves skin and hair.
    With cold shower you will get a very cheap but effective home lymphatic drainage to improve the condition of your skin. Hot water depletes the skin of the body, and cold strengthens the body and acts as a micro-massage.

Pouring cold water has a number of advantages:

  • This is a daily willpower exercise because the body will fight the cold, but the result is worth it;
  • Taking a cold shower improves your breathing, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood, making you energetic and activating your brain so you can think better;
  • Taking cold showers twice a day increases testosterone production in men.

The first step to good health is hardening. If you fall in love with a cold shower, you will be rewarded.

Is there any harm from dousing?

The dousing procedure must be taken seriously. It is important not to cause harm to health. A cold shower will not be beneficial if:

  1. You violate the recommended dousing time and allow the body to become hypothermic;
  2. There are diseases of the nervous system. A recommendation and permission from the attending physician is required;
  3. You suffer from chronic diseases. During an exacerbation, a cold shower can worsen the patient’s condition;
  4. You suffer from colds and flu. You need to wait for recovery, then resume dousing;
  5. The surface of the skin is damaged, there are wounds;
  6. You don't comply general rules for dousing with cold water.

How to harden children by dousing

The issue of hardening children worries all mothers and fathers. Parents know that hardening is an excellent prevention of colds, heart and respiratory diseases.

Hardening of children

For children under one year old, a method of gradually reducing the water temperature when swimming is recommended. The temperature should be reduced by 0.5-1 C every five days. You should start at 37 C. To prepare a small body for hardening, you can rub the body in the morning with a soft towel or a child’s bathing mitten. The temperature of the water for wetting should be at least 36-37 C, the temperature is gradually reduced. Rub your baby with gentle massage movements. Such methods will prepare the baby for other types of hardening.

Older children can start dousing with cold water. For effective and successful hardening, use the following simple tips:

  • It is important to do the procedures daily;
  • You need to temper yourself gradually;
  • Reduce the water temperature every 5-7 days. But it must be no less than 28 C;
  • It is preferable to start in the warm season;
  • The dousing procedure should bring pleasure to the child, and in no case frighten him;
  • If the child cries during the procedure, it is worth postponing hardening for a while;
  • Praise and encourage the child during the procedure, talk about the benefits;
  • If your child is sick, wait full recovery and only then continue dousing;
  • Take moderation in everything, follow the rules and advice;
  • Be sure to consult your pediatrician before you start.

Most best example for a child, these are the parents. Practice pouring cold water and your baby will do it with you. Hardening has a beneficial effect on the human body. But when practicing dousing, study the rules and features of the procedures.

The benefits of pouring cold water in a bath

Pouring cold water in a bath - effective method in the fight against, helps normalize heart function, increases the overall tone of the body. Thanks to increased sweating waste and toxins are removed.

A ladle of cold water after the steam room will give you vigor and an unprecedented boost of strength. The contrasting combination of temperatures has a positive effect on the human body, eliminates excess weight, and removes cellulite.

Hardening in a bathhouse can be practiced by anyone, at any age, if there are no individual contraindications. Dousing in a bathhouse will bring maximum benefit, if the hardening rules are followed.

Is dousing possible for osteochondrosis?

This question concerns people suffering from back pain and cervical spine. In case of osteochondrosis, hypothermia is contraindicated. But when the right approach you can do douses. Tips on how to carry out procedures:

  1. You should pour over the back area in an even, wide strip. Start the procedure from the head;
  2. A contrast shower is recommended. First, douse with warm water, then cold, starting from the feet;
  3. After dousing, rub your back with a dry towel, making massage movements;
  4. The process should be enjoyable. If it causes discomfort or you feel it, stop the procedure immediately;
  5. After completing the procedure, you need to warm up the body: wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink a cup of hot tea;
  6. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, dousing is prohibited;
  7. With your doctor's permission, you can replace it with rubbing.

Contraindications to hardening with cold water

Contraindications to water hardening

Pouring cold water is beneficial. For many this is an axiom. But sometimes it can have negative health effects. In what cases and to whom douches should not be carried out:

  • Prohibited for heart diseases: ischemia, tachycardia;
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • For infectious diseases;
  • If you have oncology;
  • With open form of tuberculosis.

Reviews of people hardening with cold water

Every person dreams of being healthy and having beautiful and well-groomed skin. Every year everything more people begin to practice hardening. Positive effect obvious.

On websites and forums you can find a huge number of people who were satisfied with the result of dousing them with cold water. Some, on the contrary, noted a deterioration in their health. It cannot be said that this type of hardening is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Parents practice this method to strengthen children's immunity, saying that this is the most effective method.

Water is the source of life and health, with the right approach and positive attitude you will get a positive result and pleasure from hardening.

Hardening with cold water:

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In order to strengthen your body and ensure maximum resistance to disease, you need to harden yourself - this truth is known to everyone. One of the hardening methods is dousing with cold water. Let's consider what this technique does to the body, what are the mechanisms of action, what benefits are expected from it, and whether it can cause harm.

Description and history of the technique

Influenced by evolution human body learned to tolerate temperature changes, extreme cold and intense heat. For this purpose, nature carefully provided him with the appropriate mechanisms. Recent centuries and the steady improvement in the quality of life have greatly pampered man, although they have increased his life span and survival rate. Mechanisms and reflex reactions they fade out as unnecessary, and people lose the gifts of evolution, which have now become unnecessary.

The knowledge that hardening improves health has never ceased to be relevant; ancient people also actively used it to strengthen the spirit, cultivate will and discipline, and, supported by various moral and ethical standards, it has reached our time.

Ancient sources tell us about the use of various measures related to the effects of cold not only on adults, but also on children. It was with the light hand of Hippocrates that such a direction in medicine as cryotherapy - cold treatment - arose. Barbarians, for example, the Scythians and Vikings, used snow and water from cold springs for this; more enlightened civilizations gave their citizens baths and baths with heated water and cold pools.

Bathing in a Russian bath also involves contact with very contrasting temperatures. The process of immersing a baby in water during baptism in the first days of life is nothing more than the beginning of the hardening of a new person.

Did you know? The elite school Gordon Stone, in the north of Scotland, educates the children of British aristocrats, and even the heirs of the crown. Conditions at the school are very ascetic: students have to all year round take a cold shower, sleep open windows even in winter time and always wear shorts.

IN Russian Empire Water treatment first reached a scientific level when Sebastian Kneipp’s book “My Water Treatment” was published in 1886 in Zhitomir. The ideas of the Bavarian priest, who was able not only to overcome his own illnesses, but also to popularize his experience, in particular, laid the foundation for such an extreme trend as winter swimming.

In 1905, B. Kaminsky’s book “Friend of Health” was published in Kyiv, and in 1906 in St. Petersburg, Platen published a work entitled “New in Hydrotherapy.” All these books have been reprinted many times and have not lost their relevance to this day. Those who wish can still purchase them.

Hardening is training of innate mechanisms:
  • heat generation;
  • heat transfer;
  • heat exchange;
  • thermoregulation.
It strengthens the body and its systems, improves metabolic processes and increases resistance.

Short-term exposure to cold water on the skin, an organ with the most large area– causes powerful stress, which instantly releases the body’s internal reserves. This includes innate mechanisms designed to quickly restore a comfortable balance, causing an acceleration of metabolic processes and blood flow to the internal organs.

Important! An immune system trained in this way will provide strong resistance to seasonal illnesses and other ailments.

Existing methods

As for hardening with cold water, several different methods, from which everyone can choose something suitable:

Did you know? The Zen Buddhist healing practice “108 steps along a stream” is thousands of years old. The monk had to perform this exercise in any weather to strengthen his health. 108 is a sacred number for Buddhists, and it is this number of steps taken that will be sufficient to activate the body’s capabilities.

  • contrast dousing involves using warm water first, and then cold water, the temperature of which is at least 15 degrees lower than the previous one. This method does not entail such severe stress as with a regular douche, however, thanks to temperature changes, the body develops excellent resistance to infections;
  • dipping is perhaps the most radical method, which involves complete immersion in cold water and staying there for 3-4 seconds. Beginners are recommended to start training in the bathtub, while diving into the ice hole is practiced by more experienced and advanced adherents of the method - “walruses”.
All available methods come down to two principles of influencing the body:
  1. Gradual decrease in water temperature.
  2. Gradual increase in the area of ​​skin areas to be irrigated.

The benefits of a hobby and what it gives

Adherents and adherents of cold dousing, as well as doctors, note the many benefits obtained as a result of this practice.

  • It has been proven that cold dousing strengthens the immune system human and increases the resistance of his body various infections– viral and bacterial. Due to the effect of low temperatures on the skin, the level of lymphocytes in the blood increases, designed to destroy pathogens, and monocytes, which absorb and process pathogenic cells alien to the body.
  • The sharp narrowing of blood vessels due to exposure to cold temperature and their subsequent expansion wonderfully train their walls and improve blood circulation, causing it to move faster. Improving blood circulation also contributes to increased breathing and, as a result, enrichment of the blood with oxygen. This provides prevention cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, varicose veins and others.
  • Increased blood circulation helps improve human cognitive abilities: memory, concentration, performance and others.
  • The stress shock provided by a cold shower helps mobilize the body to protect itself from external cold and at the same time produce internal heat. Such exercises significantly improve ability to thermoregulate, and the body is able to adequately protect itself in adverse conditions.
  • Thanks to the shock reaction to a cold shower, blood circulation improves, breathing quickens, body systems become toned, and their oxygen supply increases. Thanks to these processes, it improves attentiveness.
  • Under the influence of cold temperatures it activates brown fat, which is responsible for the production of thermal energy. To warm the body and protect it from hypothermia, it produces calories, and excess weight is steadily decreasing. In addition, improved blood circulation helps reduce the subcutaneous fat layer, called cellulite. Low temperatures cause brown fat to work 15 times more actively, and daily dousing for a year will allow you to lose up to 4 extra pounds.

  • Stress and depression are ominous companions modern man. They are caused by the constant acceleration of the rhythm of life, increased responsibility and other attributes of today. Reducing stress levels is by no means a whim in the current circumstances, but a reasonable protection of the mind and body from harmful influence: constant fatigue, headaches, insomnia, anxiety and others. Stress tolerance is stimulated by a low temperature stimulus. This reduces the content uric acid in the body, and at the same time the level of the antioxidant substance glutathione increases. These processes reduce overall stress levels.
  • Cold douches help successfully at depressive states . The mechanism of action is as follows: cold activates the so-called “blue spot” in the brain, which promotes the production of the hormone norepinephrine, the main enemy of depression. In parallel, during cold dousing, another process occurs: receptors located on the skin send a large number of electrical impulses into the brain, stimulating it and providing an antidepressant effect.
  • Unlike hot water, cold makes hair smoother, shiny and healthy looking. It protects them from fragility, protecting them from moisture loss. The beneficial effects of extremely low temperatures on the skin have been known since ancient times and are actively used in cosmetology. Cold tightens pores and gives skin healthy color, brings her into tone.
  • Taking a cold shower after an intense workout muscles Lactic acid is removed from them, which causes discomfort called sore throat. In addition, tissue swelling is reduced, and muscle contraction, which occurs directly during dousing, significantly improves lymphatic drainage.
  • Compliance with the regime of daily cold dousing is wonderfully educational willpower which is required in all areas of our lives. It has been proven that training it is similar to training a muscle.
  • A daily cold shower will provide you with a boost of energy and excellent well-being for the whole day.

Did you know? In a normal state, an adult person in one day releases an amount of heat sufficient to bring 33 liters of water at zero temperature to the boiling point.

How to start dousing with cold water

It is quite difficult to decide to douse yourself with cold water, especially if you have never done this before - a person cannot make up his mind and puts off the procedure.

Important! Since dousing with cold water significantly invigorates, it is optimal to do this in the morning, when a boost of energy is more than appropriate. In the evening, excessive tone is unnecessary, but it is quite appropriate to immerse yourself in cool water legs. This procedure will relieve fatigue, relax, and calm the nerves.

Important! It is important to ensure that the water drains quickly and that your feet do not remain immersed in it to avoid hypothermia.

Beneficial features

If you understand exactly how dousing affects the body, then the following processes occur: the skin, with the help of receptors located on it, perceives cold temperature, they instantly transmit information to the brain. Taking care of the proper supply of oxygen to the organs, the brain initiates a constriction of peripheral blood vessels, which causes blood to flow away from skin, while being intensively supplied with blood internal organs. Thus, metabolic processes are enhanced, and the body gets a shake-up.

When the water stops cooling the skin, the brain perceives this as the danger has passed and resumes normal blood flow.

For men

Cold dousing has a positive effect on production male hormone– testosterone, which inevitably affects both libido and muscle mass. In addition, cold dousing improves the quality of seed material and improves the ability to conceive healthy offspring.

Nature provides that the male gonads are not located in the body cavity, and they require a temperature lower than that maintained throughout the body. At the same time, modern studies conducted in different countries, and not related to each other, have proven that it is the effect of cold water that improves both libido and sperm quality.

Did you know? In the 19th century, some doctors prescribed cold baths to reduce libido, “burning carnal desires.” This was a deeply flawed practice that had the exact opposite effect.

For weight loss

To warm up due to exposure to cold water, the body needs to generate a sufficient amount of heat for this. This process is quite energy-intensive, and the body uses its existing reserves, previously set aside “for a rainy day.” These are the notorious body fat on beautiful female figures. At the same time, so-called “brown fat” is produced, which, unlike stored fat reserves, helps produce energy and improves metabolic processes in the body.

What does pouring cold water on your feet do?

The relaxing foot soaking procedure stands out. Unlike the morning douche, which charges a person with vigor and efficiency for the whole day, the evening douche of the legs up to the knee relaxes the muscles, allows you to tone the blood vessels, fighting daytime fatigue, and promoting better sleep.

In addition, as a result of such an effect, the entire body is hardened no worse than when the whole body is doused; in any case, its resistance to diseases increases, and it is strengthened to a significant extent.

Did you know?About 10% of people have an unusual foot structure in which the second toe is longer than the first. This feature is called Morton's finger. By the way, the Statue of Liberty has just such a foot.

You can soak your feet:

  • using a shower for a few seconds;
  • placing your legs one at a time under a stream of cold water from the tap;
  • water your feet with cold water from a ladle or bucket;
  • immersing your feet in a container of cold water.
No one but you can determine how long the procedure should take. Should rely on own feelings and avoid discomfort. Some find it comfortable to cool their feet for a minute, others cannot stand it for more than 5-10 seconds. However, there are people who this procedure they react the other way around, and she invigorates them. If you are one of them and cannot fall asleep for a long time due to excessive vigor, you should reschedule the event of dousing your feet to an earlier time.

The effect of pouring cold water on the brain: benefits and harms

Cold dousing affects the body through the nervous system. From the science of embryology it is known that the skin is related to the nervous system and brain tissue, since they develop from the same germ layer. Being the outer shell of a person, it protects him from external influence, and is a certain way of connecting the body with environment. Experiencing the impact of any, even the most insignificant irritant, it instantly transmits information to the brain, which, at lightning speed, despite the will, and sometimes even the consciousness of a person, reacts properly, issuing appropriate commands to the necessary departments and areas of the body.

Cold water falling on a large area of ​​skin in a small unit of time quite strongly irritates the skin receptors, and each of them sends an electrical impulse to the brain: it’s cold, you need warmth! Small in size, but not in importance, the hypothalamus is the “conductor” of the processes occurring in the body, immediately giving commands to all systems: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, metabolism, and so on. The hypothalamus “manages” emotions, the change of sleep and wakefulness, appetite and thirst, increase and decrease in body temperature, and its stimulation through irritation of skin receptors makes it work at full strength, bringing it out of the half-asleep morning state.

As a result of the reaction to stress, the adrenal glands release stress and energy hormones - glucocorticoids, and even earlier adrenaline is released. These own hormones large quantities and on a regular basis can cause significant harm to the body, since they stimulate rapid energy production. As a result, there is a large load on the vessels, and their frequent stimulation leads to damage.

The function of the adrenal glands, which produce glucocorticoids (immune system antagonists), also decreases, which should be especially taken into account by people with cancer, autoimmune, vascular and acute respiratory diseases.

It should be remembered that exposure to cold temperatures is stress, and stress, stimulating the functions of the body here and now, gradually depletes them in the future, so moderation is a virtue that should guide adherents of cold dousing.

Pouring rules

To prevent dousing from negatively affecting you, it is advisable to adhere to some rules:

  • Before performing the procedure, warm up, for example, do warm-up and gymnastic exercises;
  • during the cold season, you should not shower yourself outside for longer than 10 seconds; in your own bathroom this can be done for up to 1-2 minutes;
  • You should start dousing yourself with 30-degree water, gradually lowering the temperature and bringing it to 15-10 degrees;
  • You should not douse yourself before going to bed, as this can cause excessive alertness and insomnia;
  • if you decide to douse your head, under no circumstances should you keep it under a cold shower: only instantly, and only from a bucket;
  • you should rely on logic and common sense, and not start right away with radical ways, but gradually accustom your body to stress;
  • It’s better to start in the warm season;
  • if you shower in a room, the temperature in it should be 20 degrees, and take care in advance about the absence of drafts;
  • after getting wet, wipe yourself dry, put on dry clothes and warm yourself up: freezing should not be allowed;
  • do not forget to set yourself in a positive mood before the procedure: it should only be performed in a good mood, and in no case with the fear of getting sick or doing something wrong - dousing should be enjoyable.

How to properly temper children

If you start hardening a child only after a year, you can harm him and, at a minimum, frighten him greatly by dousing him with a cold stream. Hardening should not be a separate procedure to strengthen the body, it should become a way of life, into which cold dousing organically fits.

When bathing your baby from birth, make it a habit to shower him at the end of a bucket or ladle with water a degree or two less than the one from which he came out. Gradually lower the temperature of the water for dousing, but remember that the water in the bath should not be warm and comfortable, it should stimulate the baby to actively move to warm up, and not to relax in a comfortable warm bath.

Important! Hardening procedures should bring pleasure, and not frighten or cause tension. Before exposing your child to the stress of low temperatures, make sure that he gets used to them and likes them.

Contraindications and precautions

Cold douches are not indicated for everyone; there are categories of patients who should not expose their body to such stressful effects. Strict contraindications to this practice are:

  • renal pathologies;
  • tumors, including malignant ones;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism and gout;
  • heart diseases;
  • existing acute and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Despite the fact that adherents of traditional medicine and adepts of cold dousing recommend practicing it in any condition, you should still listen to common sense and not douse yourself:

  • when something aggravated chronic illness, since from a stressful shock its symptoms can intensify many times;
  • if the skin is damaged due to any disease or mechanical stress;
  • with ARVI and influenza, additional hypothermia will be extremely dangerous, which will cause a significant blow to the immune system;
  • people suffering from a disorder eye pressure, should not be exposed to contrasting temperature effects, as it can lead to retinal detachment;
  • it is advisable to refrain from dousing people who suffer from high or low blood pressure;
  • women during menstruation should not begin dousing procedures, since cold can provoke inflammatory processes at this vulnerable time;
  • before starting the procedure, make sure you have everything you need to prevent hypothermia, which can cause you harm instead of the expected benefit;
  • Remember moderation and do not get carried away with extreme methods, which have a sufficient number of disadvantages.

Everyone enjoys being healthy, and it is commendable when a person takes it up with enthusiasm. However, overzealousness will not bring any benefit in such a situation. difficult issue as stimulation of immune and hormonal processes, therefore you should carefully study the information, and it is highly advisable to consult your doctor before starting procedures.

We have all heard about how useful dousing with cold water is - they say that a hardened body is able to resist colds and even almost infections. But is this really so? What is hidden behind dousing with cold water - benefit or harm?

Pouring cold water is practiced as a healing prophylactic, which hardens the body, making it less susceptible, first of all, to colds. However, this method of maintaining the body has a rather controversial reputation, because it is not suitable for everyone.

Moreover, this is not the only controversial point in this problem: there are many methods on how to harden better. For example, there are many followers of the theory of dousing with cold water according to Ivanov’s system (according to it, it is necessary to harden at a water temperature below 11°C). Although there are also many people with negative experience in this practice. So you can find out whether dousing will benefit you or not only after you try it on yourself.

Only healthy people can start pouring themselves, and there are not so many of them, because today almost every person has some kind of chronic disease. Therefore, before starting active actions, you should check with medical specialists.

There are contraindications for dousing with ice water:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased or decreased arterial pressure(by the way, many naively believe that dousing with cold water for hypertension can help cope with the problem, but this is not so. In best case scenario you will achieve nothing even in a year, and at worst, you will harm yourself);
  • ARVI, flu, colds;
  • heart attacks, strokes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • the presence of lesions on the skin and skin diseases themselves;
  • any chronic disease in the acute stage.

There is a widespread belief among people that dousing with cold water is extremely beneficial. Practitioners of such hardening usually talk about the same thing.

  1. You will feel better overall. The body will seem to be rejuvenated, and all processes in it will “start” again.
  2. Will give a boost of energy great mood. Even the very awareness that you are leading healthy image life, will saturate you with energy.
  3. The metabolic process is activated.
  4. The condition of the skin will improve.
  5. All internal organs will work better, due to improved blood supply nutrients and oxygen will flow to them in greater quantities.
  6. You will be less susceptible to colds.

Of course, it’s hard not to succumb to persuasion, especially when they promise rejuvenation of the body for 5-10 years and blooming health. Hardening can indeed provide these “bonuses,” but only to an absolutely healthy person.

We are used to hearing rave reviews about dousing with cold water. But few people think that constant hypothermia of the body can greatly worsen health. Many doctors claim that the boost of energy received immediately after the procedure is only a temporary phenomenon.

Many who start to bleed, instead of getting the desired effect, get sick the very next day. Of course, you can say that something was done wrong. But it is also possible that the immune system is simply not ready for hardening. How can it harm?

  1. If you do not follow the rules and douse yourself with too cold water, you can get bronchitis or pneumonia.
  2. Over time, adrenal function deteriorates due to a decrease in the level of secreted hormones.
  3. Blood vessels also suffer, since adrenaline, which is actively produced in a stressful situation for the body (when a tub of cold water is poured onto the body), contributes to the formation of blood clots.
  4. Heart problems may begin, especially if your heart is weak.
  5. The risk of developing breast cancer in women increases.
  6. All hidden sores can come out.

Even if it seems that long time you are used to being doused with cold water and feel better, this may only be an appearance, and the consequences may not appear immediately, but after several years.

How to douse yourself if you decide?

How to start dousing yourself with cold water? First of all, you must choose the appropriate hardening method for you. There are 2 main options here.

  • Gradually lowering the water temperature during each procedure (that is, first pour cool water on yourself, the next day - a degree colder, etc., until you reach completely cold water).
  • You can start dousing yourself with ice water right away, but, of course, not completely, but partially: first only your feet, the next day - your knees, on the third - all your legs from the hips. So, day by day, the hardening zone will grow, and then it will be possible to douse yourself completely.

It’s better to act gradually and smoothly, so the first method seems more adequate. The hardening procedure should only take a few seconds. You should not use the shower for dousing. It is best to have some kind of bucket or big basin and douse yourself with cold water from it. This must be done abruptly, completely pouring out all the water, and in no case in a thin stream. Then you should rub yourself thoroughly with a towel. After the procedure, do not cool down; relax on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket - this way your body will recover faster from stress. You can make yourself some hot tea. Try to toughen up every day, but if you feel worse, stop pouring yourself.

Each person’s body is individual, so it is difficult to predict how pouring cold water will affect you specifically. If you doubt the miraculousness of this action, then it is better not to start. There are many hardening fanatics, and they will all unanimously talk about the benefits. But human health is already fragile, so think a hundred times whether it’s worth experimenting with it.

Human vitality is connected with water, because our body consists of it on average 65%. Everyone knows that you need to drink water every day and as often as possible - its benefits have been said many times. But this amazing liquid can heal the body not only from the inside.

Hardening procedures, known to mankind since ancient times, also work very effectively, allowing you to get rid of many ailments, even those incurable by medicine. Many centenarians believe that the secret of their longevity, physical and moral health lies in dousing with cold water. This is what we will talk about today, since cold dousing procedures must be carried out correctly - then the miraculous healing properties of water will be revealed to you in full, and harm and aggravation of the disease will be avoided.

Why do you need to harden your body? What processes start in it at the moment of dousing with cold water?

Through hardening, the body learns to adapt without serious consequences

endure extremely low or extremely high temperatures. It is important to harden yourself, because you can usually cope with low temperatures an unhardened person cannot and dies from hypothermia, even if he had life-saving equipment. To avoid this outcome, it is important to develop natural thermoregulation abilities. This enhances the body's anti-cold and anti-stress resistance, mobilizes its protective capabilities, strengthens nerves and improves blood flow in tissues.

Seasoned people get sick much less often, and if they do get sick, the healing process is significantly faster. In the event of a threat to life, a hardened body is able to begin to reproduce heat through thermogenesis.

You can temper yourself in different ways, but the simplest and most in an accessible way is to carry out daily dousing with low temperature water.

Under the influence of cold water, skin receptors are irritated, which instantly transmit impulses to the brain and nervous system. As a result, stimulation of the hypothalamus begins. This tiny area of ​​the brain is responsible for a number of the most important life processes - the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, the gastrointestinal tract, the course of metabolic reactions, the usefulness of sleep, maintaining body temperature, our emotional condition, appetite. Activation of these processes through dousing is one of the most effective ways removing the body from the state chronic drowsiness and fatigue.

How does the body react to temperature changes?

At the moment of direct dousing with cold water, the body suffers a shock - adrenaline begins to be actively produced, and the blood vessels of the skin sharply narrow. At the moment of their short-term compression, blood is forced out of the skin into the body, saturating the internal capillaries, which gradually begin to die after thirty years, especially if a person neglects physical activity. Dead blood vessels impair blood supply to organs and accelerate the aging of the body. That is why it is so important that they are periodically filled with blood, restored and renewed. Then the vessels dilate again. These manipulations with blood vessels lead to increased blood flow and blood supply to organs and tissues (as evidenced by redness of the skin), their supply with oxygen and useful substances. Pouring cold water is a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels.

Another positive aspect of dousing is the increased production of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands - hormones that give the body energy and vigor. It’s not for nothing that after the dousing procedure people begin to smile more often!

Is there an optimal water temperature for dousing?

For dousing, water with a temperature below +11°C is best suited. From more high temperatures there will be no benefit.

The greatest effect will be achieved when dipping or dousing with water from +6°C and below. The duration of exposure should be at least half a minute, and ideally a minute or two. During this time it will happen sudden jump body temperature, heated from the inside, up to 42°. And then she will return to normal again. A person will hardly feel the temperature difference, but that’s all pathogenic microbes will be destroyed during this time.

How to dare to douse yourself?

For many, fear becomes a natural barrier to such hardening. We promise ourselves that next week We’ll definitely start dousing, but as the deadline approaches we come up with more and more excuses, citing household chores, being busy at work, bad feeling or simply the lack of the proper attitude. How do you even start?

Perhaps someone you know will want to join in the dousing with you. And together it will be much easier to start, and not so scary.

You can motivate yourself by visiting a hardware store and purchasing a dousing bucket. Then, looking at it every time, you will remember this promise. This will also be a great incentive.

Pouring techniques

There are several methods of hardening by pouring cold water:

  1. We lower the degrees.

You should not immediately rush into ice water(especially for beginners). Just start dousing with a comfortable water temperature, and then gradually bring it to the required 10-11°. More often this method is used when they begin to harden children. Although experienced “douchers” do not recognize this method of hardening, because, in their opinion, it is not so effective and can complicate some diseases. The following method is more acceptable for them.

  1. Partial cold exposure.

Immediately begin pouring cold water, but not the entire body, but individual parts of it. You need to start with your feet, after a week, pour your feet up to the knees, after another week - up to your hips, etc. After 5-6 weeks, you will already be able to pour yourself from head to toe.

  1. Contrast douche and contrast shower.

The essence of these techniques is simple - first we douse ourselves warm water, and then with water, which will be about 15° colder than the first.

  1. Dipping in cold bath or an ice hole.

At home, you can take a dip in a bathtub filled with cold water. The duration of full immersion is 3-4 seconds. But diving into an ice hole better for people with an impressive winter swimming experience.

Hardening in a bath

And finally, we can’t help but mention the notorious Russian baths. After all, the question is whether contrast procedures When visiting the bathhouse, it rises very often. Our ancestors loved to dive into an ice hole immediately after the steam room. Now it has been replaced by a contrast shower or the same dousing with cold water.

The answer is simple: in the absence of contraindications for visiting the bathhouse and for cold douches, this hardening technique will only bring benefits! On the one hand, increased sweating in the steam room perfectly cleanses the body. And the subsequent cold douse is a good shake-up for the whole body and the immune system in particular. Temperature contrasts are effective in the fight against cellulite and extra centimeters on the waist (women, take note!).

Modern saunas even have a special bucket into which cold water is automatically supplied. When you are ready, just pull the lever and you will be doused with cool water. Although this method contrast hardening Best suited for experienced douchers.

For beginners, it is better to follow these rules when dousing in a bathhouse:

  • The dousing should not be carried out after the first entry into the steam room, but at the end bath procedures when the body is warm and sweaty;
  • It is better to pour water from a basin using a ladle;
  • The water temperature should also be reduced gradually;
  • cold dousing should be short-term;
  • pour over the head carefully so as not to cause an attack of intracranial pressure surges;
  • After dousing, you need to dry yourself with a towel or let the body dry naturally.

The best period for introducing hardening is summer-early autumn. In winter, the body already spends a lot of energy on warming itself, and in the summer-autumn period it will be much easier for it to endure cold douches.

You need to start dousing yourself not with aggressive forms. The method of lowering degrees, short-term, is well suited. contrast shower or partial cold exposure.

Initial temperature water procedures according to hardening it should be about 20°.

Before dousing, you need to be in a positive mood, drive away bad thoughts - then the water will be “charged” with positivity, and its healing power will increase.

You need to shower in the morning. This will give you strength and vigor, which will be enough for the whole working day. In the evening, you can dip your feet in cool water to relax, relieve fatigue, and calm your nerves.

In winter, you can practice walking barefoot in the snow - this is both hardening and foot massage with a simultaneous impact on many biological active points, concentrated in this area.

Pouring rules

  1. Step by step. Reducing the temperature and increasing the area of ​​dousing should be done gradually.
  2. Systematicity. It is important to carry out the dousing session with a certain regularity.
  3. Moderation. You need to pour yourself with preservation common sense– you should not immediately climb into ice water by force, delay the dousing procedure, or douse yourself during an exacerbation of illness. At the time of dousing, the skin should turn pink and not acquire a bluish tint.
  4. It is better to leave the beginning of water procedures for the summer.
  5. Make sure there is no draft in the room - otherwise you may get sick.
  6. The room temperature should be maintained at 20°.
  7. It is better to pour yourself from a bucket or a ladle so that the water is smoothly distributed throughout the body. The duration of the douche is from half a minute to two minutes.
  8. At the end of the douche procedure, warm your body - rub yourself with a towel, then put on dry clothes and drink tea. You need to enjoy dousing, and freezing will not contribute to this in any way.
  9. Remember to have positive thoughts before dousing. A positive attitude, and not the fear of catching a cold, is what is important.
  10. It is not recommended to drink coffee before dousing - it increases the amount of stress hormones, which leads to anxiety and increased excitability of the central nervous system.

The benefits of cold douches

What is the secret of the benefits of dousing with ice water? Why is he credited with being the reason for longevity and preservation of human youth and health?

As already mentioned, the benefit is primarily that a sharp short-term increase in body temperature kills many diseased cells and pathogens.

Thanks to the stimulation of the hypothalamus, the body begins to work more smoothly - it literally “restarts”.

Increased blood flow leads to effective removal“unnecessities” - toxins, wastes, pesticides, radionuclides, nitrates. The tone of the veins increases, swelling disappears. That is why dousing with cold water is indicated for varicose veins.

Launch metabolic processes and fat burning processes helps in weight loss.

Elimination of stagnation.

At the moment of cold exposure, weakening occurs positive charge body, which creates conditions for the proliferation of certain bacteria. And pouring cold water helps neutralize them, charging the body with negative ions.

As a result of dousing, the heart becomes stronger and arrhythmia goes away.

Changes also occur in the composition of the blood - the amount of red blood cells and leukocytes.

The body’s resistance to radiation exposure is also strengthened, and its radiation immunity is mobilized and activated.

Cold douses serve as a cancer prevention, and if the disease is present, they help increase the chances of recovery.

It is best to introduce children to hardening procedures from a very early age -
before they go to kindergarten. After all, it is there that they constantly begin to pick up all sorts of illnesses.

When bathing your newborn baby every day, begin to gradually lower the water temperature - from 36° by only half a degree every 6-7 days. Watch how the child reacts - it is important that he, too, feels comfortable in such water.

As they grow older, teach children to wipe themselves with cool water (starting at 36° and lowering the temperature by a degree every five days), and you can start dousing yourself at preschool age. It is important to control emotions here - do not scare him or freeze him.

Follow these rules:

  1. Children should be taught to shower themselves in the summer.
  2. A preliminary consultation with a pediatrician is required.
  3. Dousing children also needs to be done regularly.
  4. A child should not be afraid of dousing - inspire him, study with him the benefits of dousing, and support the words with personal examples.
  5. Children should not be doused during illness.
  6. The optimal temperature for dousing children under 8 years of age is 20°. Upon reaching the age of 13, you can reduce the water temperature to 16°.

Harm and contraindications of cold douches

Not everyone can use such a hardening technique without harm to health. If you think sensibly, then dousing is only suitable for healthy people– for the purpose of prevention and improvement of well-being.

But the list of contraindications for dousing with cold water is very long:

  • epilepsy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • pregnancy;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • chronic infections;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • impaired blood flow to the brain;
  • post-stroke or post-infarction condition;
  • diabetes;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • ARVI, colds and flu;
  • wounds or ulcers on the skin;
  • oncology.

If you really want to, you can replace the cold douche with a rubdown - but with the permission of a doctor.

Why, in these cases, can dousing with cold water be harmful and even dangerous? The fact is that this type of hardening still plunges the body into a state of short-term stress. The release of glucocorticoids, which give vigor and energy and at the same time are stress hormones, if systematic, can cause addiction and exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Excessive amounts of glucocorticoids and adrenaline often lead to increased thrombus formation in capillaries and microvessels. It’s no coincidence that “walruses” suffer heart attacks so often.

Instant immersion in ice water often causes cardiac arrest. Spasm of blood vessels in the skin, muscles and the whole body may occur. A sudden increase in blood flow can place excessive stress on an unprepared heart. The result is an attack of angina, stroke, heart attack, even cardiac arrest.

Thousands of years ago, man was accustomed to endure the cold, so dousing and being in cold water were the norm for him. Modern people are very different - the slightest changes in atmospheric pressure or temperature do not have the best effect on their health. Follow the rules of dousing, maintain moderation, and avoid hypothermia (cold exposure for more than 2 minutes begins to destroy blood vessels and suppress the immune system). And 5 minutes in twelve-degree water can cause severe hypothermia, which greatly increases the risk of death.

Video about the benefits of dousing