Benefits of dried black currants. Collection of black currants. How to use black currants in cooking

Black currant is considered a pantry of health, it ranks in first place in terms of usefulness, and taste qualities has magnificent. Its taste and aroma cannot be confused with anything, even with eyes closed. What are the benefits of blackcurrant for the human body? medicinal properties and it has contraindications - we’ll look into it.

Chemical composition of black currant berries

One look at chemical composition enough to appreciate great benefit from its use for the health of our body. Black currants contain:

  • Vitamins (C, groups B, A, E, K, P, D.)
  • Macro and microelements (iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others).
  • Organic acids (citric, malic, salicylic, phosphoric, others).
  • Pectins, sugars.
  • Essential oils, tannins, phytoncides.

Blackcurrant is a champion in many ways:

  • In terms of vitamin C content, it is second only to rose hips, and is far ahead of all citrus and other fruits. 15 g ripe berries enough to provide the body with its daily requirement. This great amount ascorbic acid- a very important element in the composition of these fruits, as it brings a person the most great benefit. Helps strengthen the body's protective properties, reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and normalize work nervous system, eliminating headaches and much more.
  • Vitamin P content (which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, hematopoiesis, bile secretion function of the liver, normalization of blood pressure, better absorption of ascorbic acid) she also has a record. Just 100 g of black currant contains about 10 daily norms for humans.
  • In terms of the presence of vitamin E, the berries are second only to sea buckthorn and chokeberry.
  • These berries are also among the leaders in the amount of tannins and pectins.

Its calorie content is not high - about 63 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

What are the benefits of black currant berries, their contraindications

Blackcurrant berries have a unique taste, their consumption is extremely beneficial for the human body. Therefore they are often used in traditional therapy for the prevention and treatment of illnesses.

What are the benefits of black currant fruits? They are used as a means:

  • Anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic.
  • Vitamin, tonic, stimulating metabolic processes in the body, increasing appetite.
  • Hematopoietic, blood purifying and vasodilator.
  • Diuretic.
  • To enhance immunity and destroy influenza viruses.
  • As a multivitamin for hypovitaminosis, anemia, cough.
  • To increase hemoglobin in the blood (grind the berries with sugar). IN recovery period after operations, serious illnesses.
  • As an anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic medicine for colds, coughs, hoarseness (pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over 1 tbsp of berries, leave for 1 - 1.5 hours, take 1 glass 3 - 4 times a day). For severe cough (mix juice with honey or sugar).
  • To cope with a sore throat (gargle with juice diluted with water).
  • To improve performance gastrointestinal tract, stopping colic, treating dysentery, diarrhea (decoction of dry berries).
  • In the form of fresh juice for stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis (with low acidity), metabolic disorders, kidney diseases.
  • To prevent heart and vascular diseases. To reduce high blood pressure, prevention of atherosclerosis: grind the berries with sugar (ratio 1:2), take three times a day, 1 s. l. grated berries with 3 c. l. water.
  • For prevention and treatment oncological diseases.
  • To improve memory, prevent Alzheimer's disease.
  • How natural remedy treatment skin diseases(dermatitis, diathesis).
  • During menopause, painful periods.
  • To improve skin condition, combat overweight, wrinkles.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of black currant leaves

Not only the fruits of this shrub, but also the leaves and twigs have beneficial properties.

Black currant leaves are rich in vitamins, phytoncides, minerals, essential oils, and tannins. They contain even more ascorbic acid than berries. Thanks to such a rich composition, they have amazing healing properties and are effectively used in traditional medicine. The leaves are used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antiseptic, diuretic, and cleanser.

Blackcurrant leaves in the form of infusions and decoctions are recommended for speedy recovery after serious illnesses, operations, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure, preventing cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. It will also help improve vision, kidney function, liver function, gastrointestinal tract, and diabetes.

Tea with blackcurrant leaves

The most common use of blackcurrant leaves is vitamin tea, which improves immunity. Brew 1 s. a spoonful of dry leaves or 2 ts. l. chopped fresh with 1 liter of boiling water (if desired, add 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, preferably green, without aromatic additives). Let it brew for 20 minutes and drink wonderful tea!

At the dacha, I often brew tea as follows: in a mug (0.5 liter volume) I put a bag of ordinary green tea and 5 - 6 currant leaves. I pour boiling water over it, let it sit until it cools a little - it turns out wonderful drink- fragrant, useful.

Treatment with blackcurrant leaves

Currant leaves are used in the treatment of:

  • Colds, coughs, bronchitis, as an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic medicine. Prepare an infusion from the leaves (1 tbsp of boiled water, pour 1 tbsp of dry leaves, leave for 20 minutes), drink like tea (preferably with honey). For hoarseness or sore throat, gargle with the infusion. During the cold season, it is recommended to take 50 ml of blackcurrant leaf decoction daily to prevent colds and flu.
  • Anemia (anemia), urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Pour 5 - 6 s. l. crushed leaves in a liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take 5-6 times daily, 1 glass (can be with honey or sugar).
  • Rheumatism, gout. Brew 1 s. l. leaves (chopped) 1 tbsp. boiling water Wrap up, leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink half a glass 4-5 times a day.
  • Hypertension. Pour 30 g of dry leaves with half a liter of boiling water. After infusion, drink 100 ml three times a day.
  • Skin ailments (rashes, irritations, prickly heat). Take a medicinal bath with a decoction of currant leaves, which is no less effective than a bath with a string.

To prepare infusions and decoctions, you can use not only fresh leaves, but also dry. For drying, it is better to collect young May leaves, they contain more medicinal substances. Dry in a ventilated area or under a canopy in the open air. Store for no more than 2 years; beyond that, the beneficial properties are lost.

Black currant, contraindications

Contraindications for using black currant leaves are the same as for eating berries. Leaves, like berries, can cause harm to the suffering human body.

IN modern world Home canning has taken on a slightly different meaning. Previously blanks for the winter were a necessity; it was very difficult to live without pickles, jams and marinades. Today, supermarket shelves offer us jams and canned salads for every taste at any time of the year. But most of them are prepared by dishonest manufacturers; the product contains a lot of preservatives, flavor enhancers, and flavorings. That is why today's housewives still continue to make twists - in order to enjoy tasty, and most importantly, healthy and safe treats in winter. And one of them is currant jam. It's unique and valuable product, which contains an incredible amount of ascorbic acid. Currants are indispensable for colds and flu, it is not only effective, but also delicious medicine for children. In this article we will talk about the benefits of currants, their contraindications and in a healthy way consumption of this berry.

The benefits of black currant for the body

Currants have several varieties; black currants are considered the most useful and valuable. It contains vitamins, microelements, malic and citric acids, tannins, flavonoids, glucose and fructose. Most often, currants are valued for high content vitamin C in its composition. The beneficial properties are concentrated not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves of the bush - they are often used to make decoction. How does currant affect the human body?

A large amount of vitamin C makes currants an indispensable fighter against colds and flu. Regular consumption of currants provides a powerful preventive effect - the immune system is able to resist external bacteria and viruses. Eat only 20 berries a day to fully satisfy your body's need for ascorbic acid.

Currants, and especially a decoction of its leaves, have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Just add a few currant leaves to the kettle along with the tea leaves - this will help reduce the temperature and cope with the disease much faster. In addition, there is a special variety of currant - fragrant. Its leaves have a breathtaking aroma; dry them to enjoy the smells of summer in winter.

Currants have an excellent effect on the functioning of the human nervous system. That is, pour boiling water over a handful of currants and drink this mixture along with the berries. This will help you calm down, get rid of anxiety and nervous tension.

Currant berries have a powerful diuretic effect. This is useful for cystitis and kidney diseases. In addition, a decoction of currant leaves is useful in the fight against swelling and bags under the eyes.

Currant berries are used all over the world as one of the strongest remedies for heartburn. Currants gently extinguish acidity in the stomach and prevent it from being thrown into the esophagus. Regular consumption of currants will completely relieve you of these unpleasant symptoms.

Black berries are good for diabetics, as currants are able to regulate and normalize blood sugar levels.

Scientists have long proven that currants enhance the effect of certain groups of antibiotics, for example, drugs of the penicillin group.

Berries are useful to use for intestinal disorders - they gently suppress the development of harmful bacteria, remove waste and toxins, relieve flatulence, bloating and diarrhea, and protect against abdominal pain.

Very often, currants are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Drink one teaspoon of currant juice 3-4 times a day. This will help soften the cough, facilitate the expectoration process, and speed up recovery from bronchitis and tracheitis. Sometimes currant juice is recommended to drink for tuberculosis in order to soften a debilitating cough.

Currant juice has a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect. Therefore, it is often used to gargle for sore throat and tonsillitis. Dissolve a teaspoon of juice in a glass of warm water and get incredibly effective and strong medicine. It can also be used to wash wounds, disinfect cuts, rinse your mouth for stomatitis, etc.

IN fresh berries ah currants contained a large number of folic acid, which is so necessary for women during pregnancy. It reduces the risk of developing fetal neural tube pathologies.

Drinks made from currants, raspberries and rose hips are certainly served in hospitals and maternity hospitals to speed up rehabilitation period patients.

Fruit drinks and compotes made from currants are very useful for hypertensive patients - they help improve heart function and stabilize blood pressure.

I would especially like to note the benefits of currants in cosmetology. The juice of this amazing berry is often rubbed onto the skin – it has a whitening effect. With regular procedures you can get rid of age spots, freckles and unwanted tanning. Bactericidal properties currants help cope with acne and other inflammations on the skin. Malic and citric acids perfectly suppress activity sebaceous glands, make the skin matte. A large amount of ascorbic acid helps cope with sagging skin, making it firm, elastic and smooth.

Diluted currant juice is used to rinse hair - this makes it softer, smoother and shiny. Rub currant juice into the skin of your hands after washing or cooking - this will soften the skin and get rid of rough areas on your fingers. Currant juice perfectly strengthens nails - just lubricate the plates with it every day for a month. Very soon you will notice that your nails have stopped peeling and breaking, and you will be able to grow them to a decent length.

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Contraindications to the consumption of black currants

Blackcurrant is a universal product that is a must-have will find application in your house. Currants are safe for pregnant women and children. However, there are precautions that should be taken.

Blackcurrant increases blood clotting due to its high content of vitamin K. Therefore, people with a tendency to form blood clots should avoid the berries. If you have had a heart attack or stroke, currants should also be excluded from your diet.

For gastritis with high acidity, currants can be dangerous and should not be eaten.

Stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders are direct contraindication to eating currants.

During pregnancy, you can eat currants, but only in limited quantities - no more than 150 grams per day.

If the currants are not from your garden, you should pay close attention to their quality - farmers often water the bushes with pesticides and nitrates. The presence of harmful chemicals in fruits can be checked using a special tester. If you are confident in the quality of currants, then you should find out how to eat them correctly.

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How to prepare and preserve currants

Of course, it is most beneficial to eat berries in fresh. But, unfortunately, the bush bears fruit only once a year, and we want to preserve the benefits of black currant for the entire autumn-winter period. If you make jam or compote from currants, unfortunately, the berries will lose the lion's dose of their useful substances. The fact is that vitamin C is destroyed when heat treatment. Therefore, the most in a useful way Preserving vitamins is freezing currants. You can freeze the berries whole, or you can make delicious and healthy jam. To do this, grind the berries in a blender or meat grinder, add sugar, pour the delicious medicine into plastic bottles and put it in the freezer. Defrost in winter as needed. It's better to freeze currants in small portions, that is, it is more convenient to pour into small 0.5 liter bottles.

Black currant berries are widely used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. The berries are used to prepare jellies, mousses, preserves, compotes, fruit drinks, syrups, pie fillings and many others. delicious desserts. But the benefits of blackcurrant lie not only in its amazing aroma and deep taste. It's also incredible healthy berries, which even a child will not refuse to be treated with!

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Video: beneficial properties of black currant

Blackcurrant is considered the most useful berry all over the world for maintaining health and beauty. She has amazing feature save all your valuable qualities absolutely in any form: boiled, dried, frozen. The berries have a very pronounced aroma, from which the name (“currant”) was derived.


Where can blackcurrant be used? The benefits and harms of this berry for the body have already been discussed several times. It is recommended to include it in daily menu at dietary nutrition. They say that black currant has everything essential microelements to promote fat burning.

  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Antioxidants that fight aging of the body.
  • Potassium – normalizes heart rhythm and restores the necessary water balance in the body.
  • B vitamins – normalize the functioning of the nervous system and remove toxins.
  • Copper is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Manganese – improves the functioning of the immune system and promotes normal growth and bone formation.

Benefits of berries

  • For the prevention and treatment of gastritis.
  • During the period of colds, vitamin deficiency.
  • After operations, so that the body recovers faster.
  • For heart disease.
  • In order to lower the pressure.
  • For the treatment of cough, tuberculosis.
  • The berries are recommended for older people with impaired vision.
  • For liver and kidney diseases.
  • To suppress depression and improve brain function.
  • In cosmetology, in order to preserve youthful skin.
  • When fighting bleeding gums.

It is worth noting that the benefits and harms of black currants appear not only when consuming the berries, but also the leaves themselves. They can be brewed like tea - the result is a very healthy, tonic and cleansing drink.

In cosmetology, black currant is used for external use. Masks and lotions for the skin are prepared from it, vitamin complexes for hair.

Harm to berries

What kind of berry is this - black currant? Benefits and harms of this product have been studied for many years. The following negative reactions of the body that its use can lead to have been identified:

  • The berry should not be eaten in large quantities, especially for children. The fact is that the product can contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Excessive consumption of blackcurrant aggravates stomach diseases.
  • Berries should not be consumed by people who have a tendency to thrombosis. Black currant significantly increases blood clotting.

Black currant: benefits and harm for expectant mothers

Pregnant women simply need vitamins. A very popular berry for consumption today is black currant. The health benefits and harms of this product during pregnancy are controversial.

Benefits for expectant mothers:

  • Thanks to the large amount of vitamins in the berries, it will be easier for a woman in labor to maintain her immune system in good shape.
  • It relieves swelling well.
  • Prevention of colds (good replacement for antibiotics).

Possible harm to expectant mothers:

  • Problems with emptying the stomach (constipation).
  • Exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Allergy may occur.

Is black currant recommended at night? The benefit or harm from its use depends entirely on individual characteristics body expectant mother. It is for this reason that if you really want to eat berries, it is better to do it in the first half of the day. Then you can check your body’s reaction and find out whether you can consume these berries in the future.

Calorie content of black currant

There are 44 kcal per 100 grams of berries. This is approximately 2% of the recommended daily intake. The table shows energy value currants in other units of weight.

The benefits and harms of black currant are individual for each person. Don't eat more berries than you allow daily norm- And Negative influence the product will not affect you.

Dish recipes

In what dishes can black currants be used? The health benefits and harms of this berry have already been described above, now let’s figure out what can be prepared from it.

Some recipes:

  • Refreshing fresh juice is a very tasty drink that will improve your mood and refresh you during the hot season. To prepare you will need: a glass of cherries, a little watermelon pulp and a glass of black currants. All ingredients are mixed well in a blender, an ice cube is added. The refreshing fresh juice is ready.
  • Expectant mothers can prepare healthy cookies for themselves. It's very fast, tasty and healthy. Take some cottage cheese, add flour, black currants, and a little sugar. Cottage cheese should be fatty. Mix everything well. The mass should be approximately the same as for cheesecakes. Now put everything on a baking sheet using a spoon. You can also put everything in molds to make cottage cheese muffins. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Contraindications for use

We examined in detail the benefits and harms of black currants. Berries should be consumed with extreme caution. IN last week It is recommended that a pregnant woman completely eliminate the product from her diet, as this may cause intolerance to the product in the child in the future.

Black currants should not be given to children under 7 months of age. Later, to start getting acquainted with the product, try making compote from it. If the child has not noticed an allergic reaction or problems with stool, then you can gradually add berries to the puree.

In what cases is the use of black currant strictly contraindicated:

  • At risk of stroke or heart attack.
  • At increased acidity stomach.
  • During the period of exacerbation of gastritis.
  • For ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  • At high level blood clotting.
  • For hepatitis.
  • If an allergy to berries was previously noticed.

Now you know the benefits and harms of black currants. Any product may cause negative reaction body if consumed in larger quantities than the daily norm allows. It is for this reason that you need to eat black currants in small portions, preferably in the morning. It is important to remember that everything should be in moderation, and the vitamins contained in various berries, including.

Blackcurrant grows almost everywhere. It’s rare that a front garden can do without this plant. It looks unremarkable, and not everyone likes the taste. However, this berry is very healthy; it contains a lot of vitamin C and iron. Most often it is used to make preserves and jams, but it also keeps well frozen. And the most important thing is that after going through processing, currants do not lose their beneficial qualities.

The benefits of black currant

Those who are well versed in traditional medicine consider currants to be a real cornerstone of health. And all because it is simply over-enriched with vitamins.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, to meet the daily requirement, you only need to eat twenty berries. In addition to vitamin C, currants are also rich in anthocyanides, vitamins E, B, phosphorus, calcium, keratin, iron and so on.

However, not only berries are useful. The entire bush can, to one degree or another, exert positive action on the human body. For example, young currant leaves are collected and brewed as tea. They have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. They don't have to be brewed fresh. If desired, it can be dried and used either alone or together with other herbs for brewing.

Among other things, currants perfectly strengthen the immune system and help prevent heart and vascular diseases. Capable of curing diseases such as FLU, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis. Decoctions of currant leaves are irreplaceable for pyelonephritis and cystitis. In small portions it is useful for stomach diseases.

Black currant can affect the human body in the following ways:

  • lowers temperature;
  • has a calming effect;
  • is a good diuretic;
  • cleanses the body;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • can have an anti-inflammatory effect;

Thanks to such a wide range of uses, currants help in the fight against many diseases. These can be diseases both inside the body and outside.

Currant berries excellent remedy against heartburn. It doesn’t matter in what form, frozen or fresh, they will quickly relieve your symptoms. And if you consume them constantly, the annoying problem will go away completely. In addition to the fact that this will completely relieve you of heartburn, it will also help strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity.

Black currants should be eaten by people suffering diabetes mellitus. Because it is able to regulate blood sugar levels.

I also found currants wide application in cosmetology. Due to the high kerotene content, both the berry itself and decoctions and extracts are used as the basis for masks and balms. It perfectly fights pigment spots and cleanses the skin.

Harm of black currant

It is advised to exclude black currants from the diet for people predisposed to blood clots. This is due to the fact that it contains vitamin K, which increases blood clotting. It is because of this aspect that doctors recommend that people who have suffered a stroke or heart attack refrain from using it in food.

Currants increase juice secretion in the stomach. Therefore, if a person suffers from high acidity, you need to be careful.

And one more limitation is individual intolerance.

Contraindications for black currant

Without a doubt, black currant is a healthy and even necessary berry for everyone to eat, due to many factors. However, it is introduced with extreme caution children's diet. The thing is that its berries can cause an allergic reaction, the appearance of dermatosis and in the most severe cases swelling of the respiratory tract. To avoid negative consequences, berries are given to children in quantities of several pieces, and then all that remains is to observe the body’s reaction. If nothing happens during the day, then there is no reason for concern.

You can select following reasons reasons why you should not eat blackcurrant berries:

  • It is forbidden to eat currants if you have hepatitis.
  • If a person has increased acidity in the stomach.
  • Ulcers of the intestines, stomach, duodenum, gastritis.
  • Pregnancy. In this case, black currants should not be completely excluded from the diet. But the amount of berries consumed should be strictly limited. The daily serving size should be discussed with your doctor. It depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman.

Blackcurrant during pregnancy

As mentioned above, pregnant women are not prohibited from eating black currants. For them, the most important aspect is to choose the right portion. After all, an excess of vitamins sometimes has a much worse effect on a person than their deficiency.

So what are the benefits of currants for pregnant women? What does she not do:

  • Helps cope with abdominal upset, namely getting rid of diarrhea.
  • Currants are great at helping moisture leave the body. And this helps get rid of swelling.
  • One of the most important things for pregnant women is immunity. This is the health of both the child and the mother. Currants perfectly strengthen it and help protect against viral seasonal illnesses such as colds or flu.
  • Currant berries or a decoction of young leaves help normalize blood pressure and improve heart function.

Can children eat blackcurrants?

This is very complex issue, requiring special attention. Children's body is structured completely differently than an adult. And he perceives everything differently. It would seem that there could be no problem here. These are berries and they are only good for you! However, not all so simple. And there are many various aspects, which are worth paying attention to before introducing both currants and any other berries into your child’s diet.

You should start with what you need to know if your child has a predisposition to chronic diseases stomach or intestines. If yes, then you should postpone your acquaintance with the berry. Since, due to its characteristics, it can provoke the disease at an early age.

Another important aspect is the tendency to allergies. If your child suffers from this condition, do a reaction test first.

So that the first delicacy of berries does not turn into sad consequences for the child, acquaintance with them should be organized correctly. Doctors say that you can start giving berries to children as early as seven months.

It is best to give currants to your child without any impurities or additives. This will help him know the real taste of the berry.

And, of course, if the currants are not from your front garden, pay attention to the manufacturer. It is best to take berries from friends or private individuals. Since there is little benefit from berries from a greenhouse or large-scale production.

Treatment with black currant

Blackcurrant as a cure for hypertension

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • black currant 600 g;
  • honey 5 tbsp;
  • medicinal mineral water (Esentuki, Borjomi);

Prepare as follows:

  1. Mash the currants until mushy; you can grind them in a blender.
  2. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly again.
  3. Add water to the currant pulp and mix.

It should be a thick drink. It should be consumed in small portions, several times a day.

Juice as medicine

Blackcurrant is wonderful auxiliary for colds and viral diseases. And its juice works great against coughs. All you need to do is warm the juice a little and add a spoonful of honey to it. It is good to drink this mixture before bed.

Blackcurrant juice also helps get rid of sore throat. Just dilute it boiled water and gargle several times a day.

The benefits and harms of black currants for the human body have long been a stumbling block among doctors. Some argue that there is no berry more valuable, others passionately assure that the value of the berry is exaggerated, and for some people it can provoke unwanted problems with health. Let's try to understand everything in more detail.

Medicinal properties

The health benefits of black currants are endless. After all, this berry is a storehouse of vitamins, say nutritionists, raw foodists, homeopaths and traditional medicine specialists. This plant is amazing because not only the berries are eaten, but also the green leaves of this unpretentious shrub. The fruits are used to make jam and syrups, which are used for colds, weakened immunity and increased fatigue. The presence of rutin in blackcurrant berries, which strengthens the cardiovascular system, makes it indispensable in the treatment of atherosclerosis, blood and kidney diseases.

Fruit composition

What vitamins are in black currant berries?

  • B vitamins: 1, 2, 6, 12, which makes it indispensable for restoring the nervous system and skin diseases.
  • Vitamin C. Currants hold the record for the content of this vitamin among all fresh foods. Just 20–30 berries can satisfy daily requirement body.
  • RR. Indispensable for general health cells and cholesterol removal. By dilating blood vessels, this important vitamin removes toxins and promotes active and harmonious metabolism.
  • Beta-carotene, which normalizes hormonal background and is prophylactic in case of cancer.
  • Vitamin A - powerful antioxidant, improving vision and immunity.
  • Vitamin H, which is necessary for diabetic patients, as it is involved in the processing of glucose. It is considered the “vitamin of female beauty.”
  • Folic acid. Fresh blackcurrant berries are full of this important substance. Therefore, the fruits are strongly recommended for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Folic acid also removes heavy metals from the human body, such as mercury and lead. Therefore, people in toxic industries are also recommended to eat it to reduce harm.

We can talk for a long time about the health benefits of black currants. It is effective against diseases digestive system, thanks to tannins, for rheumatological problems, removing uric acid from the body, as well as for hypertension and diabetes. Therefore, every family should keep a jar of blackcurrants, grated with sugar, in case of a flu epidemic.

What micro- and macroelements are present in the berry?

Mineral substances necessary for human health are present in large quantities in currants. Every 100 g of berries contains:

  • potassium (350 mg) eliminates oxygen deficiency, balances water balance in organism;
  • fluoride (17 mcg) improves performance circulatory system and improves the condition of teeth;
  • calcium (36 mg) – cholesterol regulator, an important component skeletal system, stabilizes almost everything important systems body;
  • iron (13 mg) is high hemoglobin, excellent skin condition and good brain activity;
  • copper (130 mg) helps absorb iron and eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
  • boron (50 µg) is involved in the formation bone tissue And correct exchange substances;
  • phosphorus (33 mg) is one of the most important elements in metabolic processes, controls the functioning of the nervous system;
  • magnesium (31 mg) is responsible for normal heart function and muscle tone.

Are there any benefits to the leaves?

Yes, and a big one. Summer residents and lovers of conservation know this. When preparing pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, every housewife knows that it is necessary to add a few green blackcurrant leaves for the elasticity of the vegetables and a characteristic crunch.

A drink made from the leaves is in demand among lovers herbal teas and folk recipes for diseases. After all, such a composition is an excellent diaphoretic and antiviral agent, which removes excess uric acid from the body. If your metabolism is disturbed, then blackcurrant leaf tea will help normalize it. It is especially effective in combination with thyme and hawthorn. The most interesting thing is that the leaves contain more vitamin C than the berries. However, few people know about this.

Baths from a decoction of leaves are also used for skin rashes, and for swelling, and for bruises, gout and psoriasis, as well as for general weakness body caused by physical activity.

Who shouldn't eat blackcurrants?

Despite obvious benefit blackcurrant, it also causes harm, but only for a limited number of people. Firstly, it is an allergic reaction to the fruit. Secondly, this berry is not recommended for people with an increased tendency to varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and high blood clotting.

It is also undesirable for people with high acidity, stomach ulcers and acute gastritis. However, all the defeats digestive tract There is a taboo on eating this berry. For hepatitis different types Black currants are prohibited for consumption, as well as after strokes and heart attacks of various types.

Use in folk medicine

If you rub fresh currant juice into the nail plate, then very soon your nails will become strong and will stop peeling and breaking.

For colds, tea made from black currant leaves, raspberries, elderberries and rose hips is the most effective and safe remedy for children. In addition to its powerful antiseptic properties, this tea is an excellent diaphoretic that helps remove toxins from a sick body.

Berries ground through a meat grinder and mixed with a small amount honey will boost your immunity in a matter of days. They can be added to cereals or fruit salads, in tea, or simply eaten with a slice of bread.

In what form is it best to eat?

The best thing, of course, is fresh blackcurrant in any form. But at the same time, this berry is notable for the fact that it does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen and dried. With short heat treatments, vitamins are also preserved, but with prolonged exposure to heat, vitamin C is destroyed. Therefore, if you have a choice: make jam or freeze it, then it is better to choose the second option. There will be more benefits, but less hassle, which is also an important factor.

You can also dry the berries in a dryer, and if you don’t have one on the farm, in the oven with the door ajar, at a temperature of 30–40°. When the berries, when squeezed, do not stick to your hands and release juice, turn off the oven. After this, the currants must be kept for another day in a ventilated, dry room, scattered on paper or newspaper. Then pack in linen bags and store in a dry place.

Blackcurrant, grated with sugar, is also a good option for storing berries. IN winter time Such mixtures are excellent for raising hemoglobin and immunity, as well as for preventing influenza during epidemics; there is no harm from such preparation.

The benefits of black currant for children

Up to seven months, it is better for babies to abstain from this berry to avoid an allergic reaction. Then it can be gradually introduced into complementary foods, immediately welding it. The high content of microelements and vitamins in black currants is very important for young children. Therefore, there is no need to ignore or fear it. This is especially true for children prone to colds and anemia.

Blackcurrant grows almost everywhere. It’s rare that a front garden can do without this plant. It looks unremarkable, and not everyone likes the taste. However, this berry is very healthy; it contains a lot of vitamin C and iron. Most often it is used to make preserves and jams, but it also keeps well frozen. And the most important thing is that after going through processing, currants do not lose their beneficial qualities.

The benefits of black currant

Those who are well versed in traditional medicine consider currants to be a real cornerstone of health. And all because it is simply over-enriched with vitamins.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, to meet the daily requirement, you only need to eat twenty berries. In addition to vitamin C, currants are also rich in anthocyanides, vitamins E, B, phosphorus, calcium, keratin, iron and so on.

You should start with what you need to know if your child has a predisposition to chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines. If yes, then you should postpone your acquaintance with the berry. Since, due to its characteristics, it can provoke the disease at an early age.

Another important aspect is the tendency to allergies. If your child suffers from this condition, do a reaction test first.

So that the first delicacy of berries does not turn into sad consequences for the child, acquaintance with them should be organized correctly. Doctors say that you can start giving berries to children as early as seven months.

It is best to give currants to your child without any impurities or additives. This will help him know the real taste of the berry.

And, of course, if the currants are not from your front garden, pay attention to the manufacturer. It is best to take berries from friends or private individuals. Since there is little benefit from berries from a greenhouse or large-scale production.

Treatment with black currant

Blackcurrant as a cure for hypertension

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • black currant 600 g;
  • honey 5 tbsp;
  • medicinal mineral water (Esentuki, Borjomi);

Prepare as follows:

  1. Mash the currants until mushy; you can grind them in a blender.
  2. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly again.
  3. Add water to the currant pulp and mix.

It should be a thick drink. It should be consumed in small portions, several times a day.

Juice as medicine

Black currant is an excellent remedy for colds and viral diseases. And its juice works great against coughs. All you need to do is warm the juice a little and add a spoonful of honey to it. It is good to drink this mixture before bed.

Blackcurrant juice also helps get rid of sore throat. Just dilute it with boiled water and gargle several times a day.

Black currant is a very tasty and also healthy berry.

Due to its extraordinary properties, black currants are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

It can be eaten not only for dessert, but also as a

prevention of various diseases.

What are the benefits of black currant?

In general, you can not sin against the truth if you say that black currant is a real pantry, the key and the path to your health.

Currant berries contain vitamins B and P, provitamin A - carotene it contains up to 3% mg. There are also pectin substances, essential oil and phosphoric acid, tannins and potassium salts, iron and phosphorus. Black currant leaves also have medicinal properties, as they contain copper and sulfur, magnesium and manganese, phytoncides, a large amount of essential oil and vitamin C - as much as 250 mg, which is the daily requirement. If we talk about vitamin C, then there is even more of it in black currants than in other plants. In order for your body to replenish daily dose vitamin C, you only need to eat 20 blackcurrants. Medicinal purposes can be achieved by using both leaves and berries.

Black currant, useful qualities which consist not only of vitamin content, but can even prevent cancer, as well as various diseases of cardio-vascular system. In addition, black currants will not weaken mental abilities in older people.

If we compare the fruits of black currants with other berries, then in terms of the content of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances it surpasses any fruit and berry crop many times over. Not long ago, scientists were able to find out that blackcurrant will help you don't get sick diabetes mellitus That’s why so often, for any illness, doctors prescribe that, in addition to medications, you drink fruit drinks and compotes made from blackcurrant, and also eat its berries when they are in season.

Blackcurrant is also useful because it not only protects the body from cancer, but also from Alzheimer's disease. Also, black currants will allow you to maintain sharp vision for a long time.

Many people know the beneficial properties of black currant, which is why the leaves of the bush are often used in the treatment of liver diseases and kidney stones, and in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Eating such berries is also extremely useful for atherosclerosis.

It should also be noted that great content vitamin C is very important for healthy body. Vitamin C and anthocyanidins have antioxidant properties. The benefits of black currant include both disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Very often, blackcurrant juice is used to treat sore throat. By the way, ethnoscience I went even further - decoctions of blackcurrant leaves relieve both fever and diarrhea.

Scientists did not even argue about the benefits of this berry - it was unanimously recognized as the most useful. Of course, currants will easily and quickly increase resistance to various diseases.

It is also very good that when canning black currants, making compotes and jams, the berry retains absolutely all its beneficial properties.

And another benefit of black currant is that it can restore after very serious illnesses or even operations. Usually, the attending physician recommends blackcurrant juices for such patients.

If you suffer from diseases such as hypertension and anemia, stomach ulcers and bleeding gums, gastritis, then be sure to prepare yourself a decoction of berries, they will help you cure the disease. If you have skin diseases and rashes, then you should try taking baths with concentrated decoctions of black currant leaves.

In addition, such infusions are recommended as a means to quickly rid the body of puric and uric acid. In addition, doctors often prescribe such drugs as a laxative and diaphoretic, as rehabilitation treatment metabolic disorders and to stop bleeding. If you are tormented coughing, try drinking Fresh Juice from black currants with a little honey.

The benefit of black currant is also that it helps maintain beauty. For example, to make your feet stronger and less likely to break, take fresh blackcurrants and rub them on your nails and the skin around the nails.

Also, black currant will help you get rid of age spots and freckles; if you don’t like them, you need to wipe your skin with fresh juice, it will make your skin a little lighter.

Benefits and beneficial properties of black currant

In addition to all the above properties, black currant is also used in the preparation of delicious teas. If you add a little blackcurrant leaves to herbal or even regular tea, it will boost your immunity short time, and will also have a general strengthening agent.

These leaves contain many healing properties, since they contain both biologically active tannins and essential oils, phytoncides and vitamins.

It must be said that blackcurrant leaves contain even more vitamin C than berries.

Therefore, they are used both as a tonic and as an antiseptic.

In addition, such leaves also have antirheumatic, diuretic, and cleansing properties.

What are the benefits of black currant?

Its leaves are also used for gout, gastritis, as well as the most various diseases of cardio-vascular system. An infusion of currant leaves is usually used as a remedy. This is a very mild diaphoretic and diuretic; in recommended doses it is completely safe for health.

The benefit of black currant lies in the fact that traditional medicine makes full use of decoctions of branches, leaves, and berries of black currant to treat various dermatitis, eye diseases and exudative diathesis. For example, previously scrofula in a child was treated only with black currant leaves.

In order to prepare a blackcurrant infusion or decoction, you must take fresh or pre-dried blackcurrant leaves. Of course, it is best to take young leaves for these purposes. At the beginning of spring, pick young blackcurrant leaves and prepare a tonic drink that will contain a huge amount of vitamins. It is easy to prepare such a drink - you need to take boiled water and mix it with any very sour juice. After this mixture you need to pour washed fresh currant leaves, the drink needs a whole day to infuse, and then you can strain the resulting infusion and add sugar to it. Drink half a glass of infusion every day.

The benefit of blackcurrant is also that you can make fruit vinegar from its leaves. You need to take fresh blackcurrant leaves, put them in a jar, add cold but boiled water, mixed with sugar - add 100 grams of sugar per liter of water. Everything is covered with gauze. The leaves must be fermented for 2 months, and then they must be strained and bottled.

Black currant, the benefits of which are undeniable, is also used for cooking medicinal baths for rashes and skin diseases.

Blackcurrant leaves have very aromatic leaves, which is why they are often used in home canning. Very often, housewives preserve not only vegetables with the addition of black currants, but also the leaves themselves, then they are added to salads and meat, to fish - for piquancy and to make dishes more fortified.

In order to pick leaves for canning, you should choose large, but tender leaves without galls. They are washed, placed very tightly in a jar, and then filled with brine. The brine is prepared as follows: you need 300 grams of salt per liter of water. Afterwards, the dishes should be covered with linen cloth and stored in the cold. Those who care very much about their health, and at the same time love the most unusual dishes, must add blackcurrant leaves for cooking. They add a special taste and aroma to any prepared dish.

Blackcurrant, whose beneficial properties benefit not only people, is also good in the garden - after all, many insects and pests cannot tolerate quite strong pleasant aroma black currant - it simply scares them away, and your harvest remains intact.

Contraindications for black currants

For some diseases, black currants remain prohibited. Since it has a very high content of vitamin K and phenolic compounds, this berry should never be consumed for diseases such as thrombophlebitis. In general, too long and uncontrolled consumption of black currant can even lead to increased blood clotting. Black currant is also contraindicated when high acidity stomach, with exacerbation of diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. Of course, everyone knows that fresh currant juice helps in the treatment of liver diseases, but still, if you have hepatitis, you cannot eat black currants.

It should also be noted that blackcurrant juice should not be drunk after a stroke or heart attack, as well as in cases of thrombosis.

If you give children 100% undiluted blackcurrant juice, it can cause severe allergic reaction. But if you drink this juice in very moderate doses, it will soon be able to increase your hemoglobin.

Many experts believe that it is better to avoid black currants during pregnancy altogether, and all because of the high content of vitamin C in them. In fact, black currants during pregnancy are possible. But only no more than a handful of berries daily. It is better not to consume currant juices and fruit drinks for pregnant women.

Beneficial properties of black currant and treatment

Blackcurrant is very good for your health. The fact is that she has the richest vitamin composition, and this is precisely what will explain its beneficial properties. Black currant is in second place among fruit and berry crops in terms of vitamin C content. Only one rose hip is ahead of it. Currants contain simply a huge amount of vitamin C. They also contain vitamin PP and iron, citric acid and potassium, malic acid and many other useful organic acids in smaller quantities. In addition, it contains pectins and sugars, tannins.

Black currant treats atherosclerosis, kills Staphylococcus aureus, treats kidney disease and anemia, metabolic disorders. By the way, phytoncides in blackcurrant act not only on Staphylococcus aureus, but also on pathogens of fungal diseases, as well as on pathogens of dysentery.

At the same time, the benefit of black currant is that if you use it water infusion, you will be able to increase your immunity and fight viruses of groups A and B, and also make it easier to tolerate viral diseases. The only caveat is black currant During pregnancy, it is not used to treat viral diseases.

It is also known for certain that black currant stimulates the activity of the intestines and stomach, improves peristalsis and relieves colic.

If there are any nervous disorders, then you should take fresh berries, not black currants, but red currants. These berries are used as an excellent multivitamin remedy for various vitamin deficiencies and anemia, for coughs and viral diseases. You can also drink syrup from fresh berries - it is usually taken for whooping cough and throat diseases, and for hoarseness - the syrup quickly restores your voice.

For coughs and colds, for hoarseness and inflammation, you need to drink black currants as follows - 1 tablespoon of berries per glass of boiling water. After this, this remedy should be infused in a wrapped container. Let it stand like this for 2 hours. Afterwards you can take the resulting infusion 1 or 2 glasses 4 times a day.

You can treat scurvy with black currants - you need to take young branches and cut them smaller, brew them and drink them instead of tea.

In addition, black currant leaves can be used as an excellent diuretic for urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and cystitis. You need to take 5 or 6 tablespoons of finely chopped leaves, pour one liter of boiling water over them, then leave in a warm place for about an hour. Even this drug is taken one glass at least five to six times a day. If you like sweets, you can add a little honey to the infusion.

If you are treating gout or rheumatism, you need to take one tablespoon of leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for 2 hours, strain. Afterwards you need to drink half a glass 5 times a day.

You should also drink fresh currant juice for inflammation of the stomach and its mucous membrane, with low acidity. In case of metabolic disorders, such juice simply brings maximum benefits.

Harm of black currant and contraindications.

The only thing that can be said about the dangers of blackcurrant is that it should not be consumed if you have thrombophlebitis, because. due to its high content of vitamin K and phenolic compounds, blood clotting ability can increase!

Be healthy!

You can read more information about the benefits and harms of berries

" Currant

Blackcurrant is a member of the gooseberry family. It gained popularity several centuries ago when people learned about its health benefits.. It got its name thanks to the aroma exuded by berries and leaves (in Old Russian “currant” - “ strong smell"). Let's get to know beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of this berry.

The small black currant berry hides an incredible amount of vitamins inside:

  • Vitamin Cpowerful tool to strengthen the immune system. Most of it is preserved even when currants are frozen. In combination with vitamin P, it will help prevent atherosclerosis;
  • Vitamin A (carotene) improves metabolism, helps strengthen the immune system, accelerates healing processes, as an antioxidant is important in the prevention of cancer;
  • Vitamin E accelerates tissue regeneration processes, promotes the absorption of vitamin A, prevents blood clots, strengthens the immune system, and participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • Vitamins K increase blood clotting, which is especially important for patients with postoperative period;
  • B vitamins provide normal work nervous system, support the activity of the immune system.

Black currants are also rich in other beneficial organic substances:

  • Macro- and microminerals: zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, etc. are important for the good functioning of all organs, energy production and tissue repair;
  • Tannins have diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Pectins prevent the development of inflammatory processes, prevent the appearance of neoplasms in cells, and promote the removal of toxins;
  • Phytoncides counteract the development of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Folic acid reduces the impact of the harmful effects of radiation on human body, is a catalyst for removing toxins and heavy metals(such as lead, mercury, cobalt);
  • Cellulose contributes to normalization digestive processes and the functioning of the stomach and intestines, prevents the occurrence of cancer, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Organic acids stimulate intestinal peristalsis, limit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Black and red currants are similar in the composition of vitamins and microelements, differing only in the concentration of a particular substance. In addition to the above, red currants are a source of serotonin and coumarin, which have antitumor and analgesic effects.

Contraindications for use

In addition to benefits, currants can also cause harm. Black currant is not recommended for thrombophlebitis, since increased content Vitamin K in berries enhances blood clotting.

Currants, both black and red, should not be consumed for gastritis, stomach ulcers (with high acidity), or inflammation of the duodenum. It is dangerous if you have hepatitis, the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Currants, both red and black, are a highly allergenic product. Therefore, pregnant women and young children should approach its use with special caution, as there is a high risk of developing allergic reactions.

Medicinal properties of black currant

The health benefits of berries for men and women

Eating black currants has positive impact for immunity. The reason for this is the high content of vitamin C. 50 g of freshly picked berries contains its daily requirement for a person.

Black currant berries are useful to use when suffering from diphtheria, dysentery, as they have a strong antimicrobial effect. They also enhance the effect of antibiotics on the human body several times.

For intestinal disorders, upper respiratory tract and kidney infections, it is recommended to drink blackcurrant juice. Freshly squeezed juice should be diluted with a small amount boiled water. The juice can be preserved for future use, making preparations for the winter. To do this, sorted, washed and well-dried berries are crushed, poured with distilled water and boiled for 5 minutes. The mixture is filtered through a sieve and poured into sterilized jars, which are screwed on with lids (for 1 kg of berries - 200 ml of water). The juice can be sweetened if desired.

Dried blackcurrant accelerates the cleansing of the body from radioactive particles and heavy metals(cobalt, lead, mercury, etc.) In order to dry blackcurrant berries, they must be carefully sorted, leaving only whole and healthy-looking ones, rinsed thoroughly and dried on a cloth that absorbs moisture well. Next, the berries are placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and placed in the oven at 60°C for 3-4 hours, with the cabinet door slightly opened. After the drying time has passed, if the berries do not release juice when squeezed, it means they have reached the stage of readiness. Dried currants are stored in linen bags, hermetically sealed containers made of glass or tin.

Most of the vitamins in currants are preserved both when dried and frozen. Therefore, you can stock up on berries for the winter without fear of losing their healing properties.

Leaf infusion recipes

Beneficial substances are also found in blackcurrant leaves, from which infusions with medicinal properties are made. What concentration of infusions should be? For stomach ulcers and gastritis, you can use the tincture prepared according to old recipe: 20 young fresh leaves are poured into 1 liter of dry red wine, infused for 20 days, taken 100 g before meals.

For rheumatism and gout: 3 tablespoons of chopped leaves are steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for about an hour in a thermos. Take 100 ml shortly before meals.

Infusion of 2 tablespoons of leaves and a glass of boiling water, stimulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines, relieves constipation, dysbiosis, hemorrhoids, suppresses the urge to vomit.

A warm infusion of currant leaves helps with infectious and colds: sore throat, bronchitis, ARVI, influenza, reduces cough. To prepare medicinal tea, 2 tablespoons of leaves are steamed in a glass of boiling water. The mixture is heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. Take a sip before meals.

The course of skin diseases can also be eased and accelerated with the help of blackcurrant leaves. A bath with the addition of a decoction of black currant leaves will be useful for various dermatitis, skin itching, rashes, eczema (boil 50 g of leaves with branches with 1 liter of water for 3 minutes and filter). An infusion of blackcurrant leaves helps eliminate prickly heat in children, relieves them of skin rash and diathesis (6 tablespoons of leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused overnight in a thermos).

At chronic fatigue , to strengthen the body and restore strength in the postoperative period, it is recommended to use black currant, elderberry and blueberry leaves mixed in equal parts. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour in a thermos. Used as tea.

Medicinal properties of red currant

Benefits of berries, juice recipe

Used as tonic, helps with colitis, anemia, has a diuretic effect, accelerates the removal of toxins, relieves constipation.

Juice prepared from red currant berries has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves peristalsis, and helps eliminate chronic constipation. In hot weather, this juice can easily quench your thirst, and when inflammatory processes on the contrary, it will help reduce the temperature. In addition, it has general strengthening properties, and also helps get rid of nausea and suppress the gag reflex.

To prepare juice: Brew 60 g of red currant berries in a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. After straining, the infusion is ready for use.

Use of leaves in folk medicine

Red currant leaves also have healing properties. It would seem, what benefit can they bring? In the treatment of cystitis 50 g of leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water and left in a thermos for several hours. Take half a glass 3-5 times a day.

Currant decoction is an effective anti-inflammatory agent

Diuretic effect will have an infusion of 20 g of leaves brewed with a glass of boiling water. Drink it 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Thus, currants must be present in the diet; the medicinal properties of its berries and leaves will help cope with many ailments. However You should not get too carried away with its use, especially in case of thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes, regardless of the variety, be it Chinese or golden currant, because everything is good in moderation.