After breaking your ankle, it hurts to walk for a long time. Why is rehabilitation necessary? Recovery after fractures of the lower leg bones using external means

If your leg hurts after a fracture, what to do, how to eliminate the unpleasant symptom? In this case, it is necessary to determine the severity of the syndrome and the general condition of the person. If your leg hurts severely after an injury, the likelihood of developing a fracture increases. When pain appears after applying plaster, consultation with a specialist is required. The symptom can be eliminated through drug therapy.

Swelling is the most common symptom when a serious limb injury occurs. Modern medications will help get rid of pronounced swelling. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used.

There are several methods to eliminate leg swelling after a fracture. This can be done through:

  • folk methods;
  • traditional medicine;
  • alternative techniques.

Traditional methods involve the use of various ointments, gels and creams after removing the plaster. Their action is aimed at improving lymph flow and blood flow. It is advisable to use products based on heparin and ketoprofen. Anti-inflammatory drugs have a special effect.

Leg swelling after a fracture is actively eliminated through physiotherapeutic procedures. To obtain maximum effect, they must be combined with medications. Among physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis, electrical stimulation and UV irradiation are especially popular.

It must be said that traditional methods of eliminating swelling after removing plaster is a long process. The doctor may prescribe the use of ketoprofen or ichthyol ointment. The products have a pronounced warming effect. Their use improves blood flow and lymph outflow. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, they need to be used 2-3 times a day. How long the swelling lasts depends on the nature of the injury.

In addition to traditional methods, the specialist prescribes hydromassage. It has a beneficial effect on damaged tissues and increases blood supply. Thanks to this effect, swelling after an ankle fracture disappears much faster.

The optimal “set” of procedures is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the degree of damage to the limb.

A fracture is the most painful injury, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the bone. The recovery period is long, during which the leg swells and there is severe pain. There are different types of fractures, the most common of which are closed and open.

After first aid and plaster application, a long period of rehabilitation begins. During recovery, the person experiences severe pain, and the leg swells. Basic methods will help you get rid of all the “delights” of injury.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs take the leading position in eliminating pain and swelling after a leg fracture. They can reduce the severity of symptoms and alleviate a person’s condition. Particularly popular are Ibuprofen and Naproxen Sodium. Taking them will reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.

If the pain in the leg is unbearable, the doctor may decide to prescribe narcotic painkillers. These include Oxycodone and Gyrocodone. They can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor in a certain dosage. They relieve pain and swelling after a broken leg in a short time. Most drugs have a negative effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, so they must be used with extreme caution.

Traditional methods of eliminating swelling after a broken leg are especially popular. For these purposes, pharmaceutical mumiyo and horse fat are used. Much depends on a person’s nutrition. All actions of the victim should be aimed at accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissue. For this purpose, minerals, vitamins and microelements are actively used.

Traditional methods must be used with caution. If your leg still swells after using them, you should go to the hospital. This may indicate the development of an inflammatory process.

Main objectives of rehabilitation

A competent recovery course will tell you how to relieve swelling after a fracture. Any damage is accompanied by rehabilitation. The duration of recovery depends entirely on the nature of the injury and the professionalism of the rehabilitation physician.

The main objectives of rehabilitation are:

  • prevention of muscle atrophy;
  • prevention of vascular changes;
  • elimination of lymphostasis;
  • improved limb mobility;
  • increasing the elasticity of ligaments;
  • muscle strengthening.

After a serious fracture, the leg hurts, so the recovery course involves fighting this symptom. All this is achieved through a competent combination of physiotherapeutic procedures, rubbing and wearing a special bandage. Under this influence, the foot begins to actively recover.

One of the common complaints in the practice of an orthopedic traumatologist is discomfort in the ankle area. The doctor has to make a differential diagnosis among the many causative factors that can cause pain in the ankle joint. And the patients themselves are interested in knowing what it may indicate, even before a specialist tells them about it.

  • Causes
  • Pain when walking
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Video on the topic


The anatomical structure of the area of ​​the lower third of the lower leg and ankle is so complex that there are more than enough reasons for troubles to arise. Taking this into account, even an experienced specialist will not immediately be able to understand why the ankle joint hurts, what to do about it, and in general, whether any measures are needed.

After all, there are really a lot of reasons and they are all of a different nature:

  1. Traumatic injuries: soft tissue bruises, sprains and tears of ligaments and tendons, complete and incomplete (cracked) fractures of the ankles or talus, hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the joint), dislocations and subluxations of the ankle joint.
  2. Inflammatory diseases: tendinitis and tendovaginitis (inflammation of the tendon and its vaginal membrane), ligamentitis (inflammation of the ligaments), arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis.
  3. Rheumatic and systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, ankle damage with systemic lupus erythematosus, often lead to pain in the ankle joint.
  4. Metabolic disorders - gout and gouty joint damage.

Often the cause of pain in the ankle area is arthrosis of the joint or subluxation. Subluxation most often occurs in people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, do little sports, or are overweight. This is due to the fact that with a sedentary lifestyle, ligaments and muscles atrophy.

Arthrosis is a serious disease that requires treatment. If left untreated, the joint will eventually become deformed, resulting in loss of motor function. It can occur in completely healthy people, however, the main reasons are: high load on the joint, dislocations and sprains of muscles and joints, arthritis, gout and congenital disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

To recognize signs of arthrosis development in yourself, you need to analyze the place and time of pain. Pain usually occurs when walking or when increasing stress on the leg. Throughout the illness, pain will become more frequent even in the absence of any stress. Crunch, inflammation and limitation of joint movements are also accompanying factors of arthrosis.

And also: tuberculosis and arthritis with leukemia, Crohn's disease, viral diseases, chronic venous insufficiency, lumbar ischialgia (irritation of the spinal nerves with osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias). Fracture of the heel bone (calcaneus). When a fracture occurs, the arch of the foot thickens and the patient cannot move. Hence the sharp pain in the ankle area.

Pain when walking

Often there is no sensation in the joint area at rest. At the same time, the ankle joint hurts when walking. In some cases, it may be purely point-by-point. In another part of patients, it spreads to the entire affected area, including deep structures. In such situations, you can immediately exclude inflammatory, rheumatic, gouty and other causes of pain, since in such cases it should be at rest. Loads lead to its intensification.

It turns out that the main cause of pain in the ankle when walking is various traumatic injuries. If we talk about complete fractures of the ankles or talus, then it is unlikely that a person will be able to walk normally if they are present. It’s another matter if pain in the ankle joint is caused by so-called cracks.

At the same time, patients walk, but they are constantly bothered by pain in one point. Similar symptoms are observed when ligaments are sprained or torn. In all these cases, the pain syndrome must necessarily be accompanied by local swelling, which increases in the evening against the background of stress.

Some time after their occurrence, if the treatment regimen and timing of ankle immobilization are not followed, secondary ligamentitis may occur. This means that you should never re-injure tissues in which healing processes are actively occurring. Otherwise, they will become inflamed. It can continue to remind itself for a very long time (about 3-5 months), but only when performing certain movements (walking, squats, turning the foot), leading to pain in the ankle joint.


Firstly, in order to stop being tormented by pain in the ankle joint once and for all, you need to monitor your lifestyle. Active sports, healthy eating, hardening, outdoor recreation, regular medical procedures are the main components of healthy joints. Secondly, these are systematic visits to an orthopedist-traumatologist.

You need to know what is happening to your body in order to live in harmony with yourself.
An important method of prevention is body weight control, since all of our weight rests on the ankle area. It is necessary to avoid foot injuries: wear comfortable, comfortable shoes, protect yourself from accidental injuries.


Before undertaking any therapeutic measures, be sure to consult a traumatologist and perform an x-ray of the affected joint in two projections. But, if a situation arises that it is not possible to do this in a timely manner, then there are some undifferentiated approaches to the treatment of pain in the ankle joint.

Ideal for this:

  • painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: analgin, ketalgin, ketanov, dikloberl, movalis, etc.;
  • local applications of ointments based on the indicated drugs: remisid, diclak gel, deep relief, fastum, finalgon;
  • Fixation of the diseased ankle joint is mandatory. If the pain bothers you at rest, then it is better to do this with the help of plaster splints. In case of pain when walking, use special orthoses and ankle braces or a regular elastic bandage;
  • When ankle joints hurt, physiotherapeutic treatment brings excellent results. You can use UHF, electrophoresis, shock wave therapy, massage and water procedures;
  • compresses. They may contain a semi-alcoholic solution or dimexide at a 25% concentration;
  • glucocorticoids. When the ankle joint hurts, rather than treating it for a long time with standard methods, it is better to perform a blockade with prolonged forms of these drugs (Kenalog, Diprospan). The effect will not take long to appear.

Most often, treatment occurs as follows: the patient is provided with a state of rest, and, after taking medications prescribed by the doctor, when inflammation and pain in the ankle area subside, therapeutic exercises begin. It also occurs in a calm, horizontal state of a person. Massage, stretching, and physical exercise are the main components of physical therapy. The entire aerobics course is compiled for each patient individually by his doctor. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

Every doctor will say that in addition to medications, for a complete recovery, special courses of yoga and massage may be required, which are important. They should be given a lot of time if you want to get rid of joint pain forever. I would like to note that pain in the ankle joint is a common occurrence today. Every year there are more and more people suffering from arthrosis, arthritis, and inflammatory diseases. All the small, seemingly unimportant problems add up to one big one, as a result of which unpleasant and unnecessary diseases appear. Take care of your health!

Recovery from an ankle fracture

To preserve the function of the ankle joint after an ankle fracture, not only timely treatment, but also proper rehabilitation is of great importance. After the fusion of damaged areas of bones and removal of the plaster cast, complications arise due to prolonged immobilization of the limb.

Ankle stiffness and soft tissue swelling in the area of ​​injury, lameness and low exercise tolerance are common negative consequences of injury. To prevent complications and restore normal motor activity of the foot, rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is important, which is prescribed and developed by a traumatologist or rehabilitation specialist.

What is an ankle fracture?

Ankle fracture is considered one of the most common lower extremity injuries. The ankle is the tubercle in the lower third of the leg bones. The medial malleolus is located on the inside of the ankle joint and is the bony protrusion of the tibia. The lateral malleolus is located on the outside of the ankle and, accordingly, is the bony protrusion of the fibula. The junction between the bones of the lower leg and foot has a weak ligamentous apparatus, and at the same time bears a large load. The risk of fractures in the ankle area is especially high when playing sports, wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, or being overweight.

An ankle fracture can be open or closed. Diagnosis of a fracture and determination of its type is carried out using radiography. An open fracture is the most severe type of injury, in which the bones injure soft tissues and come out through the wound surface. A closed feather does not form an open wound, it can be with or without bone displacement. A fracture without displacement is less likely to cause complications and heals within 2-3 weeks. An injury with bone displacement takes longer to form a callus. Sometimes surgical intervention is performed to give the anatomically correct localization of bone fragments. These circumstances extend the recovery period.

Activities during the rehabilitation period

After applying a cast to the limb, the patient is recommended to rest and limit physical activity for 1-2 weeks after the injury. Rehabilitation measures are carried out after the end of the period of immobilization of the injured ankle joint. The plaster is removed after first taking a control x-ray to ensure complete fusion of bone fragments and the formation of a full callus.

To restore lost functions and develop the ankle, which has been in a stationary position for a long time, massage, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe some physical therapy exercises before removing the plaster cast if the fracture healing dynamics are positive. This approach helps to shorten the rehabilitation period and increase the effectiveness of restoration measures after plaster removal.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed immediately after the end of the period of immobilization of the ankle joint. The impact of physical factors on the fracture area improves blood flow, activates metabolic processes, reduces swelling of soft tissues, and has an analgesic effect. After the cast is removed, the ankle, foot, and lower third of the leg usually have a swollen appearance with areas of bruising and hyperpigmentation. Movements in the ankle joint are difficult and painful, the lower limb cannot perform a full support function, and while walking, lameness is evident in the affected leg.

Timely administration of physiotherapy relieves tissue swelling, helps resolve congestion and hematomas, and normalizes lymph movement and venous outflow. Periodic pain in the area of ​​the affected limb, which intensifies when walking, is effectively eliminated by injecting anesthetics directly into the ankle area using physical methods. The restoration of full joint function occurs in a short time without the development of complications, so you should not refuse to use physical procedures during the rehabilitation period. Electrophoresis with novocaine or lidase, phonophoresis with hydrocartisone, magnetic therapy, amplipulse, ozokerite, UHF are prescribed, 10-15 procedures per course of treatment.


Massage of the affected limb is prescribed as soon as possible after removing the plaster cast. During the procedure, anesthetic ointments and gels are used to reduce discomfort - the ankle area is sensitive after the ankle fracture has healed. Thanks to massage techniques, swelling of the foot is reduced, blood circulation in the area of ​​injury is improved, and metabolism in the muscles and joints is normalized. The course of treatment during the rehabilitation period is prescribed from 10 to 20 sessions, depending on the severity of the fracture. After the procedure, an elastic bandage is applied to the ankle joint. The foot and ankle area can be massaged independently, while the force of influence must be strictly dosed, and the technique must be agreed upon with a rehabilitation doctor.


Therapeutic gymnastics exercises are considered the main method of restoring lost functions after an ankle fracture. Classes begin during the period of immobilization under the supervision of the attending physician and continue after removal of the plaster cast in exercise therapy groups at medical institutions. You can exercise at home after mastering the training methodology, performing the exercises correctly, with a gradual increase in the amplitude of movements and the duration of the workout. Thanks to physical therapy, the damaged ankle joint is developed after a long period of immobilization, the muscular-ligamentous system is strengthened, and full motor activity is restored. The return of lost functions in case of a non-displaced ankle fracture occurs after 1-1.5 months. For injuries with displacement of bone fragments, rehabilitation time can reach 3-6 months.

Features of exercise therapy at different stages of ankle fracture healing

To quickly return the patient to full motor activity and prevent undesirable consequences of an ankle fracture, exercise therapy is prescribed both during the period of immobilization and after removal of the plaster cast. The basic principle of physical therapy at each stage of rehabilitation is a gradual increase in load, regularity of exercise, and painless movements during training.

Exercise therapy while wearing a cast

After 10-14 days, the attending physician prescribes simple exercises, which are first done in bed, and then while moving with the help of crutches.

  1. Tighten the muscles of your lower leg and thigh with rest intervals 20-30 times until you feel tired and warm in your leg.
  2. Move your toes every hour for 10 minutes.
  3. Sitting on the bed, alternately lift the sore and healthy leg to the maximum possible height 5-7 times.
  4. Standing on your healthy leg, lean your hand on a crutch, a wall, or the back of a chair. Swing your affected leg forward, backward and to the side 7-10 times.
  5. Without changing the starting position, lift the sore leg forward and hold it for 1-3 minutes. Do the same exercise when lifting your lower limb to the side.

You need to exercise three times a day, gradually increasing the number of exercises and time spent on training.

Exercise therapy after removing the plaster cast

The plaster is removed if the bone processes are completely fused in the correct position. This usually occurs 3-6 weeks after the injury, depending on the severity of the ankle fracture. During the rehabilitation period, the intensity of the load increases significantly, and therapeutic exercises become more varied. An individual training program is created for each patient. Classes are held in exercise therapy groups at clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

Here is an example of exercises for rehabilitation after an ankle fracture:

  1. Alternately walk on your heels and toes for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Squat as deeply as possible 3-7 times, first with your heels off the floor, and then try not to lift your heels off the hard surface.
  3. Jump left and right and back and forth 8-15 times.
  4. Run at a side step and in place for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Stand either on the inside or outside of your foot 10-15 times.
  6. Roll a gymnastic stick, a glass bottle, or a tennis ball with the foot of your sore leg.
  7. Grasp a pencil or pen with the toes of your sore foot.
  8. Pull your socks towards you and then in the opposite direction 10-15 times.
  9. Jump onto a step platform or step 3-10 times.
  10. Take the stairs.

At the beginning of the rehabilitation process, physical therapy classes are prescribed every other day, then training is carried out daily.

Restoring the function of the ankle joint after removing the plaster cast is as important as timely immobilization of the limb when a fracture occurs. Correctly carried out rehabilitation allows you to fully restore the range of motion in the joint, eliminate swelling and pain in the area of ​​injury, and prevent the appearance of lameness.

With the intensity of the pain of fractures, the main role is played not by the person’s age, but by the duration of the fracture - the greater it is, the higher the sensitivity of the nerve fibers.

You can speed up the restoration of nerve pathways and alleviate the discomfort associated with this using massage procedures that use special gels and ointments. They quite effectively improve the condition of tissues after fractures and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Among folk remedies, nettle has proven itself well - it needs to be rolled through a meat grinder and placed on the site of an aching fracture, covering the paste and carefully bandaging it to the body.

Causes of pain from old fractures

Very often, old fractures begin to ache after physical activity, since bone tissue loses a large amount of nutrients and metabolic processes in it are disrupted. The degenerative changes of senility also lead to this - they become thinner, and old injuries begin to ache even more. Excess body weight also leads to a similar problem - if an obese person has ever broken a leg, then the site of the fracture will subsequently be subject to increased stress associated with greater weight. This will also lead to pain.

To prevent old fractures from causing complications in the form of periodic aching pain, it is imperative to strengthen the bones with the help of calcium supplements and dosed physical activity.

Also, old injuries in the form of fractures can hurt in the presence of impaired collagen synthesis, diseases of the circulatory system (with leukemia or lymphogranulomatosis), bone tumors, autoimmune and infectious diseases, osteomyelitis, allergic reactions, hormonal reactions and impaired collagen synthesis in the body.

Called a violation of the integrity of the bone, which occurs as a result of injury or pathological process. Fractures can be open or closed. After first aid, which includes fixation of bone fragments, a period of callus formation and rehabilitation of damaged tissue begins. The beginning of this period is usually accompanied by very severe pain. Traditional medicine offers a number of remedies to relieve pain.

You will need

  • - fir oil;
  • - mumiyo;
  • - horse fat;
  • - comfrey;
  • - interior lard;
  • - swamp cudweed;
  • - copper plate;
  • - egg yolk.


It is a very effective remedy. Take 100 grams of comfrey root, grind it into powder and pour in 200 grams of melted interior fat. Place the dishes in the oven on low heat (60-80 degrees) for 3 hours. Leave for another 12 hours, then heat slightly and strain. Apply this ointment 3-4 times a day around the fracture. Course – 4-5 weeks.

An infusion of marsh cudweed also significantly enhances regenerative processes in tissues, relieves pain, relieves

Muscle tissue plays an essential role in the normal functioning of the leg, so it should always be toned in daily training.

In this case, the flow of blood increases, and with it oxygen and nutrients. If this does not happen for one reason or another, including as a result of damage followed by the application of plaster, problems begin.

Types of rehabilitation after a fracture and removal of plaster

Depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, the rehabilitation period can last from 7 to 21 days; medicine offers the following rehabilitation conditions for a speedy recovery of the patient after an ankle fracture:

  • massages;
  • electromagnetic therapy (heating, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure);
  • hydrotherapy;

Treatment of an ankle fracture

Treatment of a non-displaced fracture involves standard immobilization. In this case, the risk of complications is negligible, but nevertheless possible.

The treatment of a displaced ankle fracture is based on repositioning the bone fragments and putting them in the right order.

After surgery, the lower limb is fixed with a plaster cast for 2-3 weeks. After this time, a control photograph is taken.

If the callus is clearly visualized, the plaster is removed.

Often this procedure does not cause complications, but in some cases they do occur. The main signs of complications are:

  1. Swelling of the leg.
  2. Aching pain in the foot.
  3. Change in skin color.

If after removing the plaster there remains a slight swelling, it means that blood circulation is slowly being restored. Because of this, the leg can not only swell significantly in the evening, but also hurt at night.

Alcohol lotions, which are given once every 2-3 days for a long time (5-6 months), have a good analgesic effect.

A lotion with dexamethasone, analgin and dimexide has an effective therapeutic effect against ankle swelling. To relieve inflammation and pain, diclofenac must be added to such a compress. Such lotions can be done an unlimited number of times.

When edema appears after a limb fracture, treatment includes medications, physiotherapeutic and traditional methods.

Ankle rehabilitation at home

Ankle rupture

To fully restore the ankle after breaking the integrity of the bone, it is necessary to perform rehabilitation not only in the hospital, but also at home. Most often they resort to physical therapy, massage, and nutrition correction.

You must first consult with your doctor about how to conduct self-therapy.


Physical education will help develop joints and muscles and restore them to motor activity. Thanks to it, the consequences of plaster are eliminated - swelling, impaired blood and lymph circulation, and the limb is strengthened, after which it will be easier for the patient to learn to walk.

Proper use of the leg after a broken ankle should be performed immediately after the cast. It is also recommended to start doing exercises at this time.

The duration of gymnastics on the first day should be 5-10 minutes, the load is minimal. As time increases, you should gradually increase your movements and try to stand on your leg with almost your full weight.

You can do the following exercises at home:

  1. Standing on your healthy leg and holding onto a chair or other support, you need to swing forward, backward, right, left. Movements should be carried out carefully, without rushing.
  2. Lying on the bed or sofa, we pull our socks towards ourselves, away from ourselves and move our toes.
  3. It is necessary to walk longer - on your heels, toes, walking barefoot on stones is useful.
  4. Sitting or standing with your bare foot, you need to roll the ball - to the side, forward, left, right, pressing on it with your foot.
  5. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. To begin with, train your step at home, under the supervision of family and friends.
  6. Starting position: standing, back straight. Holding onto a chair, you need to slowly lift your sore leg up. After doing 5-10 repetitions, you can rest.
  7. Lying on a hard surface, we raise our legs, stretch out our socks and begin to pull them towards ourselves - away from ourselves. During the exercise, we monitor our own well-being; if it becomes painful, we stop.

Complications after applying a plaster cast

Any immobilization of a limb causes changes in blood circulation, lymphostasis and changes in muscle tone. All this leads to complications that can be divided into several groups.

Complications caused by decreased muscle tone

This type of pathological condition includes swelling of the limb, changes in muscle volume and weakness of the foot when you want to step on it.

This complication has a bad effect on the course of the fracture, as it entails a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation and blood stasis due to dilation of the veins of the limb.

This condition must be corrected as soon as the first symptoms appear that can lead to this.

Signs of decreased muscle tone under a cast:

  1. Numbness of the limb.
  2. Itchy skin.
  3. Periodic muscle pain.
  4. Oncoming joint pain.

It is necessary to distinguish muscle pain from bone pain. When you move your leg, the muscle hurts. At rest, when the muscles are relaxed, the bones often hurt. If there is a tendency to pain of this nature, you should urgently seek medical help. Delay may have a negative impact on the future functioning of the limb.

The plaster may have been applied incorrectly and its position needs to be corrected. If the cast is removed after an ankle fracture several days ahead of schedule, then it is necessary to apply a tight bandage with an elastic bandage and try to limit the movement of the ankle and knee joint.

During the rehabilitation period, muscle tone should be restored by 50% within a few days, and by 100% over the next 10-20 days.

Complication caused by impaired circulation and lymphatic drainage

Very often the plaster cast is applied very close to the skin of the leg. This leads to compression of the superficial veins of the limb. Gradually, the blood that enters the leg through the arteries does not return to the heart through the veins.

This leads to blood stasis and oxygen starvation of soft tissues, and the skin and nails on the feet gradually begin to turn pale and blue.

Signs of circulatory failure in a leg under a cast:

  1. Numbness of the limb.
  2. Change in skin color on visible areas of the leg.
  3. Goosebumps crawling under the cast.

If there are 2 of the above signs, you must immediately contact a traumatologist at your place of residence, since poor circulation can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Sometimes complications have multi-layered causes, the treatment of which takes an integrated approach.

Sometimes, even after timely removal of the cast for an ankle fracture, the swelling persists for a very long time. The cause of such prolonged edema may be a violation of the blood supply in a separate artery or blockage of a superficial vein.

To identify the condition, an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the lower limb is performed. With this study, the cause of circulatory problems can be determined within a few minutes.

It is also necessary to check the correct healing of the fracture, because breaking an unformed callus can sometimes be almost painless.

If your leg hurts at the site of the ankle fracture after removing the cast, you should urgently take several x-rays in different projections. Using this study, you can easily determine the integrity of the bone.

Sometimes, even before the cast is removed, the affected leg hurts, the ankle visibly swells and the color of the skin of the leg changes. The cause of this condition may be infection of the wound.

Patients are often diagnosed with erysipelas, which is caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus. This condition can be treated exclusively with antibiotic therapy.

Prevention of re-edema

To prevent the appearance of swelling in the leg after removal of the cast and full recovery, it is necessary to avoid sudden and significant stress, beware of repeated injury, even minimal, eat foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and also drink less fluid for some time.


You say, “What does nutrition have to do with it?” But the fact is that there are products that accelerate the healing of bone and cartilage tissue. These include foods rich in calcium - everyone knows that this is cottage cheese, sour cream, and all dairy products.

But not everyone knows that during and after fractures it is very useful to eat strong broths and jellied meat.

It is advisable to take vitamins containing calcium and vitamin D.

Pain after a broken leg is a common occurrence. It is most often complained about by people who have suffered an ankle or hip injury, and they cannot cope with such pain for quite a long time.

To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, immediately after removing the plaster cast, it is necessary to begin rehabilitation activities. And it is better to do this under the guidance of an experienced rehabilitation doctor. If, after removing the cast, you do not try to restore the leg, then the pain may persist for a very, very long time.

Why is rehabilitation necessary? It helps not only to get rid of severe pain and swelling, which most often appear at night, but also performs such tasks as:

  1. Prevention of muscle atrophy.
  2. Elimination of vascular disorders.
  3. Elimination of disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  4. Improved leg mobility.
  5. Increasing the elasticity of ligaments.
  6. Strengthening muscles.
  7. Restoring the physiological function of the leg.

Therefore, to the question of what to do when your leg hurts after a fracture, the answer is very simple - begin to gradually develop the limb and return to your usual way of life.

Wearing a bandage

After an ankle fracture, it is recommended to wear a brace to relieve pain. At the same time, the device fits tightly around the leg and does not allow recurrent fractures, sprains or other unforeseen problems to develop.

When wearing the bandage throughout the day, the patient notices that the pain in the legs began to gradually decrease. After all, the main reason why a leg hurts after a fracture is the stress that falls on the previously broken bone.

In this case, the bandage takes part of the load on itself, which has a positive effect on both general well-being and the rehabilitation period.

Taking painkillers

How long does a leg hurt after a fracture? Here everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body, including age, gender, the degree of callus formation and the method used in treatment.

Many people, after removing the cast and experiencing pain in the leg, begin to take all kinds of medications. However, this treatment cannot be called effective, since the drugs only relieve pain, but do not affect other factors at all. And as soon as the effect of the drugs wears off, the pain returns again.

Complete nutrition

What to do if your leg hurts after a broken ankle? The most important thing here is to establish a nutritious diet that contains vitamins, minerals and protein. For example, to properly supply the body with calcium, it is necessary to regularly eat foods such as:

  1. Cow's milk.
  2. Kefir.
  3. Eggs.

It is also necessary to eat a lot of greens, vegetables and fruits every day. But calcium alone is not enough to form good callus. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins C and D. They can be replaced by modern vitamin-mineral complexes, which must be selected according to age.

Other methods

Water and mud therapy is best carried out at specialized resorts that help cope with a wide variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But before going to such a resort or sanatorium, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Physical therapy can be considered no less effective. Correctly selected exercises help to develop the limb after a long stay in a plaster cast and relieve pain, because after a fracture the leg can hurt for quite a long time.

Mechanotherapy is another frequently used method in the rehabilitation of fractures not only of the tibia, but also of other parts of the leg - knee, hip, toes. In this case, it is better to conduct classes in a specially equipped room, under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Rehabilitation is not complete without it. This is a branch of medicine that can use a variety of methods, both fairly common and little-known, but no less effective. Among them, special attention should be paid to massage, electrophoresis, hydrotherapy, and cryotherapy.

Homeopathy in the modern world is increasingly used during the rehabilitation period after fractures. However, in order to choose the right drug, you must contact an experienced specialist and consult with your doctor.

And, of course, one should not exclude herbal medicine – herbal treatment – ​​from the methods of combating pain. In this case, the most commonly used herbs are comfrey, birch leaves, cedar resin, fir oil, sedum, and rose hips. But this method can only be used by those who do not have allergic reactions to these plants.