Which honey is healthier: spring or summer? Which honey is healthier and better? The most useful varieties of honey for various diseases. The most useful varieties of honey

The benefits of honey cannot be overestimated - the healing properties of this product have been known for quite some time. Having many useful microelements(vitamins, minerals, enzymes), honey has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. There are many varieties of honey, so many people wonder which honey is the healthiest.

And we can answer this question unequivocally - natural honey is considered the most useful. To purchase such honey, you need to know some rules that help determine the quality of this product. It is also important to purchase honey from trusted sellers whose products are certified and have positive reviews from grateful customers.

When you are thinking and deciding what type of honey to buy, it is important to decide for yourself for what purpose it is needed. After all, different varieties of honey differ in their medicinal properties, helping to recover from various diseases. So what properties are inherent in the healthiest varieties of honey?

Buckwheat honey

This variety was recognized as one of the best. Its taste cannot be confused with the tastes of other varieties - after trying it, you can feel how it tickles the throat. It has a dark tint (usually its color ranges from dark yellow to dark brown). It is also considered the most useful for great content essential minerals and trace elements. Used for anemia, high blood pressure, stomatitis, infectious diseases and vitamin deficiencies.

Linden honey

This honey is distinguished by its unique aroma, extraordinary aroma and slightly yellowish color. Not only does it taste great, but it also has great healing benefits(has a bactericidal effect). Used for diseases of the ENT organs, burns, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. Crystallizes in 1-2 months.

Sweet clover honey

It has a white or light amber color, has an excellent taste with some bitterness and a vanilla aroma. It is rightfully considered a wonderful antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and sedative, relieves sleep disorders and helps improve lactation.

Acacia honey

This variety has virtually no color. After thickening, however, it acquires White color. It has a general strengthening effect, relieves insomnia, and helps in getting rid of diseases of the genitourinary system. It can be consumed even by diabetics and small children, since it contains fructose and does not cause allergies.

sainfoin honey

This variety has a rich aroma. It is transparent or has a light amber tint. After crystallization, which occurs rather slowly, the honey turns white. This is a very valuable variety because it contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Has a general strengthening effect, calms the nerves, improves metabolic processes and stimulates blood circulation.

Chestnut honey

Is different dark color and a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness. Does not crystallize long time. It has an antimicrobial effect, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and heart function, and is also used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Sunflower honey

It has a golden hue, wonderful taste and delicate aroma. Gets thick quickly. Includes high content vitamin A, has excellent bactericidal effect.

Heather honey

This variety will appeal to those who like a bitter taste. Its color ranges from dark yellowish to red-brown. It crystallizes quite slowly, after thickening it resembles jelly, but by stirring it, you can get liquid honey again. Contains a large amount of minerals, used for vascular diseases, nervous disorders and to improve appetite.

What honey to buy and for what disease (for what ailment) is it useful? Which honey is the healthiest, and which, on the contrary, will bring the least benefit? What types are there and what are their features?

In this article we will try to answer all your most important questions about honey...

IN daily diet For a person, honey must be present. After all, out of the twenty-four microelements needed by our body, this product contains twenty-two! You need to consume honey an hour and a half before meals and do not swallow it - keep it in your mouth for about twenty minutes until it dissolves like candy. You should not add it to hot tea or milk - the product loses its properties due to high temperature. miraculous properties, turning into an ordinary sweetness. It's better to eat it as a bite.

ACACIA – collected from white and yellow acacia flowers, it is one of the best varieties. Fresh honey is transparent, almost colorless, may have a yellowish tint, and upon crystallization it becomes white and fine-grained. Has a weak but pleasant aroma, very delicate delicate taste, retains its liquid appearance for a long time.

Medicinal properties: Used as tonic, as well as for insomnia, gastrointestinal, kidney diseases, diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Does not cause allergies.

1. For gastric and duodenal ulcers, acacia honey is dissolved in warm water, and take 1.5-2 hours before breakfast, lunch and 3 hours after dinner, adding 40-60 drops of 5% propolis tincture in 1/4 cup of warm water or milk.
2. For various eye diseases, honey is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:2 and used as drops and lotions.

BARBERRY – golden yellow in color, aromatic and delicate in taste.

Medicinal properties: Used as a valuable anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent, mild diuretic and choleretic.

1. Wound healing ointment from dried dried fruit and honey. Take 1 tbsp. marsh cudweed powder and grind thoroughly in a mortar with 1/2 cup unsalted butter and the same amount of honey. Use the ointment in the treatment of burns, wounds and ulcers.
2. An infusion of dried dried fruit with honey can also be taken orally - 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

BODYAKOVY (THISLE) - refers to first-class varieties. It may be golden, greenish or even colorless. It has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Medicinal properties: Used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic agent. Improves metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on neuroses and headaches.

HAwthorn – slightly bitter in taste.

Healing properties: Strengthens the heart vascular system, normalizes increased blood pressure. Useful after myocardial infarction, in the treatment thyroid gland, gastritis. Effective for cardiac arrhythmia. Has a calming effect.

1. For myocarditis, myocardiosclerosis, cardiac asthma, arrhythmia, a mixture of hawthorn honey with pomegranate juice is recommended - 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 glass. The course of treatment is 2 months, 100 g each. per day.

Cornflower blue – greenish-yellow or light yellow in color, aromatic, has a pleasant taste, with a slightly bitter taste reminiscent of almonds. It has excellent taste and medicinal qualities.

Medicinal properties: Used as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

1. For burns fresh potatoes rinse, peel and grate on a fine plastic grater. Add 1 teaspoon of cornflower honey to 1/2 cup of the resulting slurry, mix thoroughly, apply in a 1 cm layer on gauze pad, apply to the burned area of ​​skin and lightly bandage. After 2 hours, change the bandage. At night you can apply a bandage with propolis ointment, and during the day repeat the potato and honey applications. This remedy gives positive effect and for acne, old ulcers, eczema.

HEather – dark, red-brown, has a weak aroma, a pleasant tart or bitter taste. It crystallizes slowly, acquiring a dark color with a reddish tint.

Medicinal properties: Good antiseptic. It helps well with bronchial asthma, an excellent blood purifier and diuretic. A wonderful medicine for stones in the bladder and kidneys, rheumatism and gout. Has a general strengthening effect

1. To remove sand and kidney stones, prepare a collection: steelweed roots, juniper fruits, young birch leaves, greater celandine, cinquefoil - 20 g each; 4 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 1 liter. boiling water, leave, add 2 tbsp. spoons of heather honey and drink. Try to hold urination for as long as possible.

MOUNTAIN – usually dark, dark yellow and red brown color, very viscous, crystallizes slowly, tastes tart and bitter. Combines beneficial features medicinal and other natural honey plants growing in mountainous and foothill areas, therefore it is recommended as a general tonic.

Medicinal properties: Removes salts and toxins. Useful for stress and disorders endocrine system, cardiovascular diseases. Effective in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, and stomach.

MUSTARD – has a white or light yellow color, quickly crystallizes into a fine-grained mass. upon crystallization it acquires a yellow-cream tint.

Medicinal properties: Used to combat respiratory diseases. In addition, this type of honey helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, improves kidney function, and is used as a diuretic.

1. Soothing infusion for those quitting smoking. Take 20 grams. valerian rhizomes with roots, caraway fruits, fennel fruits, chamomile flowers and peppermint leaves. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed collection pour 0.5 liters. boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain and drink 1 glass with 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard honey 2 times a day.
2. For bronchial asthma, dissolve 1 part mustard honey in 2 parts distilled water and use for inhalation in a volume of 20 ml. for a procedure lasting 20 minutes. The course of treatment is up to 30 days, 2 procedures per day.

BUCKWHEAT – dark, brown-red. Contains iron. Specific taste and aroma.

Medicinal properties: Very useful for diseases gastrointestinal tract, organs respiratory system, indispensable for anemia. Buckwheat honey is an excellent antiseptic; when applied topically, it effectively treats trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, furunculosis and others skin diseases. Consuming this honey has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. With its help you can strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation and normalize blood composition.

1. For anemia, it is recommended to drink tea from linden flowers with buckwheat honey with the addition of 2 tbsp. spoons of red wine for 1 glass of tea. Buckwheat honey with milk is also effective: since 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey contains 100 calories and 1 glass of milk - 124 calories, resulting in a high-calorie medicinal product.

Sweet clover – light amber or white in color, has an aroma reminiscent of vanilla.

Medicinal properties: Indispensable for purulent-inflammatory processes. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Modern advances in medicine, in particular the widespread introduction of antibiotics, have pushed aside the use of honey. Meanwhile, it combines a variety of beneficial effects on the wound: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing. When honey is applied to a wound, blood flow and lymph outflow increase, creating Better conditions to nourish cells.

1. For hemorrhoids, sitz baths and the introduction of sweet clover honey through the rectum using an enema are recommended. For a bath, pour 5 liters into a basin. warm water, add 50 ml. infusion of chamomile, mint, coltsfoot or St. John's wort, 50 gr. sweet clover honey. For an enema, use a 30% solution of sweet clover honey.
2. When varicose veins veins 250 gr. Mash peeled garlic in a mortar and mix with 350 gr. sweet clover honey, leave for 7 days and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 40 minutes. before meals.

BLACKBERRY – transparent as water. It has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma.

Medicinal properties: Particularly useful for respiratory diseases and pneumonia.

GOLDENROAD – dark yellow or light brown.

Medicinal properties: Effective in treating inflammation Bladder and kidneys, with painful urination, at skin diseases, as well as for liver diseases. Has a stimulating effect on metabolism.

1. For kidney disease, it is recommended to consume 100 grams. honey with lemon juice and rosehip infusion - this relieves intoxication. When treating kidney diseases, honey is prescribed orally as recommended by the doctor. mineral water, better warm.
2. For liver disease, mix goldenrod honey with black currants 1:1 and consume 1 teaspoon per 30 minutes. before meals.
3. If you have a bladder disease, dissolve a teaspoon of goldenrod honey in 1/2 cup of boiled water and drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day (before meals). The drug is effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence.

WILLOW – golden yellow color. Pleasant aroma of blooming willow. Sometimes they download it in early May.

Medicinal properties: Used as a strong antipyretic, as well as for headaches, rheumatism, radiculitis.

CHESTNUT – dark in color, with a weak aroma and bitter taste. This is honey from Crimea, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. It can remain liquid for a very long time (more than a year).

Medicinal properties: Chestnut honey has the most pronounced bactericidal properties and therefore finds its use in the treatment of wounds and sore throats. Recommended for cardiovascular diseases and digestive disorders. Has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, promotes the secretion of bile and increases appetite. It is used for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, prostate, colds, and has a beneficial effect on the vascular system. IN folk medicine Chestnut honey is used as a remedy for bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases. Normalizes blood pressure and is effective in the treatment of kidneys and varicose veins.

1. For bronchitis, hoarseness, cough, mix radish juice with chestnut honey in a ratio of 2:1. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoon every hour.
2. If you have a sore throat, gargle with chestnut honey dissolved in water 3-4 times a day. 5-6 times a day for 10-15 days (one teaspoon per procedure), keep the honey in your mouth until completely dissolved.
3. When treating wounds and ulcers, mix 80 g. honey and 20 gr. fish oil; The ointment is applied to the wound as a bandage.
4. For purulent otitis and sinusitis, you need to take a sterile glass rod, use it to remove honey from the cell and instill 2 drops every 3 hours into one and then into the other nostril or ear.

Fireweed - has a transparent, slightly greenish color. The crystallization process begins a few months after pumping. After crystallization it becomes white and resembles lard in appearance.

Medicinal properties: Fireweed honey is useful for various diseases, including diseases of the mucous membrane and skin. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, therefore it is considered good remedy for colds and flu. In addition, it is useful to use fireweed honey for people susceptible to nervous disorders and neuroses. Fireweed honey is used as a soothing, anti-inflammatory and enveloping agent for gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. They successfully treat throat diseases, constipation, and chronic diseases of internal organs. IN Tibetan medicine used for diseases of the mucous membranes and skin. This honey stimulates hematopoiesis and increases the body’s protective properties, and dissolved in warm water has beneficial effect for insomnia and headaches, normalizes intestinal activity, useful for nursing mothers. Fireweed honey is very beneficial for men. It is recommended for enhancing male immunity.

CLOVER – light, almost colorless, transparent, sometimes with a greenish tint, with a subtle delicate aroma and pleasant taste. It quickly crystallizes into a solid, finely crystalline white mass. When crystallized, it forms a solid mass.

Medicinal properties: Most effective in the treatment of hypertension. Thanks to its tannins, it can be used under the most various inflammations mucous membranes. It is good for coughs and liver diseases, and is used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, and expectorant. Useful for atherosclerosis. It is considered an excellent blood purifier. Used for hemorrhoids, dietary nutrition, when exhausted, is especially good for restoring strength after illness or surgery. If you have problems with gynecology, clover honey will help. Women should also know that face masks based on this unique product wonderfully soften and nourish the skin.

1. For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis in 100 g. water add 3 tbsp. spoons of clover honey and 1 tbsp. spoon lemon juice. Place in a glass container with a tight lid and refrigerate. Take 1 teaspoon with 1/2 glass of warm water or tea 3 times a day before meals for 4 weeks.
2. For cough: juice of 1 lemon and 2 tbsp. pour spoons of glycerin with honey. If the cough is weak, take 1 teaspoon during the day; if it is strong, take 1 teaspoon in the morning, before lunch, at night and, if possible, at night.

LAVENDER - bees produce nectar from the light blue or bluish-purple flowers of Lavender officinalis. It has a golden color and is transparent. It has a delicate aroma and pleasant taste.

Medicinal properties: Beneficial effect on the liver, used as a choleretic agent.

1. For liver disease, 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of lavender honey in 1 glass of warm water; take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

FOREST – it is darker in color than meadow. It has a specific tart aroma and a characteristic taste.

Medicinal properties: Has pronounced anti-inflammatory, sedative effects. Useful for colds, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes of various localizations, coughs, neuroses, insomnia.

LINDEN – slightly yellow or greenish color, very fragrant.

Medicinal properties: Linden honey is used in the treatment of sore throat, runny nose, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, with weakening of the heart muscle, with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases, biliary tract and gynecological diseases. Renders good local action in the treatment of purulent wounds and burns. Has strong antibacterial properties.

1. For stomatitis, 25 g. Pour 500 ml of dried chamomile flowers (6 tablespoons) into an enamel bowl. boiled water, close the lid and leave for 15 minutes. into a boiling water bath. Then let the infusion cool, strain it, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials and increase the volume boiled water up to 500 ml., dissolve 2 tbsp in it. spoons of linden honey. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day after meals. The decoction can also be used as a lotion for ulcers, eczema, and burns.
2. For colds, 2 tbsp. Dissolve spoons of linden honey in 1 glass of warm milk. Take at night.

MEADOW – often golden in color. Pleasant aroma and taste. This is polyfloral honey, collected by bees from the nectar of a large number of meadow herbs.

1. For the treatment of wounds 1 tbsp. Thoroughly grind a spoonful of marsh cudweed powder in a mortar with a glass of unsalted butter and the same amount of honey. Use the ointment in the treatment of burns, hard-to-heal wounds and ulcers.

RASPBERRY – has a delicate aroma of raspberry flowers and a delicate taste of berries.

Medicinal properties: Extremely useful for colds, indicated as a prophylactic against influenza. When applied topically, it effectively treats stomatitis and inflammation of mucous tissues. Raspberry honey - very good remedy for children with impaired liver function and other diseases.

1. For flu and colds, mix freshly squeezed horseradish juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and take 1 tbsp before bed. spoon with warm water.

ORIGIN HONEY - light, very aromatic.

Medicinal properties: An excellent remedy for insomnia, improves brain activity, is also good for neuroses: calms the nervous system, also used as a prophylactic from atherosclerosis, improves intestinal motility. In addition, it has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, useful for those who have diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

DANDELION – early May honey. Yellowish color, pleasant taste and aroma.

1. For hypertension, mix 1 glass of juice with 1 tbsp. beets, 1 glass of horseradish juice, juice of 1 lemon and 1 glass of dandelion honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before bed for 2 months.
2. For hepatitis, mix 1 glass each of horseradish juice, red carrots, beets and dandelion honey with the addition of 30 ml. vodka and juice of 2 lemons; take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals for 30 days; repeat the course after 2 months.

FRUIT honey is the most delicate, delicate aroma and pleasant taste honey, colored in light amber tones.

Medicinal properties: Simply necessary for people suffering from coronary heart disease.

SUNFLOWER – golden yellow in color, has a faint aroma and pleasant taste. This type of honey tastes very pleasant in its liquid state, but, unfortunately, it quickly crystallizes, sometimes even in the honeycomb, without waiting for pumping. Candied sunflower honey is inferior in taste to buckwheat and May honey. Sunflower honey is usually sold at a lower price than other varieties, but its nutritional and medicinal properties are almost as good as them.

Medicinal properties: It is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the heart, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal colic. Sunflower honey is also useful for atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, and various neuralgia. It removes toxins from the body well and is often used as a diuretic.

1. For colds and flu, take a mixture of honey and lemon juice (100 grams of honey and the juice of 1 lemon).
2. As an expectorant: 6 g. add plantain leaves to a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes; cool, add 30 gr. honey Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
3. For lung diseases, take a glass of juice of red carrots, beets, horseradish, 30 g. vodka, 1 glass of honey, juice of 2 lemons, mix thoroughly and take 1 tbsp. spoon for 20 minutes. before meals.

FIELD - light yellow, sometimes yellowish-brown.

Medicinal properties: Has a calming effect on the nervous system, recommended for headaches, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and pain in the solar plexus.

RAPESE – light or yellowish, very thick. The taste is sweet, bitter, with a mustard aroma. Crystallizes quickly.

Medicinal properties: Effective for varicose ulcers; has a good diuretic effect. Dilates blood vessels in the brain, helps treat gastric ulcers.

1. For ulcers, lubricate the surface of poorly healing ulcers and wounds with honey and apply it in bandages.

BLUE – transparent, light, with a greenish-yellowish tint, has a very delicate aroma and pleasant taste. It has a high viscosity and crystallizes slowly.

Medicinal properties: Used as an excellent remedy for cardiovascular diseases and as a sedative for neuroses. Useful for rheumatism, osteochondrosis.

CELL is a 100% natural product. Honey is preserved in its natural container - honeycombs, by bees.

Medicinal properties: Has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the body. Chewing wax honeycomb helps clean teeth and disinfect the oral cavity.

PHACELIUM – light green or white. The taste is pleasant, delicate, delicate aroma. Crystallization is fat-like, fine-grained. When crystallized, honey turns white.

Medicinal properties: Successfully used as dietary product with gastrointestinal intestinal diseases.

1. For stomach diseases 100 g. aloe juice, 500 gr. well crushed kernels walnuts and 300 gr. mix honey well; take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Sainfoin – light amber in color, transparent, has a pleasant aroma and taste. Slowly crystallizes. When shriveled, it is a white lard-like mass with a cream or light greenish tint.

Medicinal properties: Known as a good general tonic. It has a diuretic, diaphoretic effect, strengthens capillary vessels. It is used for gastrointestinal and gynecological diseases, uterine bleeding, and also as a means of enhancing sexual function in men.

1. For impotence, mix freshly squeezed carrot juice with sainfoin honey 1:1. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

For any health condition (with the exception of allergies to honey), this excellent product is useful as a fast-acting restorative. At physical activity will add strength, since honey is very high in calories: 100 grams contains 315 kcal. But keep in mind that when heated to more than forty degrees, the miraculous properties of honey are lost. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it with hot tea.

Be healthy!


Which honey is the healthiest? Known fact: honey has a whole range of useful and medicinal properties. No matter what variety we are talking about, this product is all good. It is not only the main companion in the treatment of colds, but it also perfectly strengthens the immune system and relieves many diseases and ailments. Nowadays, there are many varieties of this beekeeping product, but which honey is the healthiest?

Which variety is the best?

Undoubtedly, every type of honey is useful, and although there are quite a lot of types, the most popular and most useful varieties. These include:

  1. Buckwheat. From the name you can understand that bees delight us with this species thanks to buckwheat, and this variety can be given the title “good honey”, since it helps with such a disease as anemia.
  2. Lime. A well-known variety for many people, because it is truly the most delicious honey, and also the best remedy for colds, and is also good for the heart.
  3. Clover. Is best friend for women, because it copes well with gynecological diseases.
  4. Donnikovy. One of the most useful varieties of product for respiratory diseases and has an excellent healing effect on wounds and boils.
  5. Mustard. This variety is truly valuable for people who suffer from asthma and bronchitis.
  6. Acacia. It has, perhaps, the most pleasant smell and incredible taste, but apart from this, this variety is a salvation for insomnia and intestinal diseases.
  7. Crimson. Everyone loves raspberries since childhood; they have a very pleasant taste, and raspberry honey is considered very tasty and is undoubtedly in demand among young children. It helps with colds and kidney problems.

These are the main varieties of honey, which are sometimes simply necessary for the treatment of various diseases. But in order to understand which honey is better, you should know that the most valuable is considered to be the honey of the first pumping. People can often hear that it is called May. Although it is rated ahead of all the others, it is quite difficult to find it and such a honey miracle will be quite expensive. But when answering the question, which honey is the best, you shouldn’t say one hundred percent that this is it.

Monofloral is considered another one of the rarest, and therefore one of the best. bee product, which is collected from only one plant species. This honey is good for the heart and helps with many diseases. But it is quite difficult for a non-professional to determine which honey is the best, and that is why you can easily fall for the tricks of an unscrupulous seller and buy not monofloral or first-pumped honey, but the most ordinary one, collected from various herbs and stored for quite a long time.

Many cannot consume honey because of a terrible allergy to this product, but in no case should one despair, since there is a way out. It is the acacia variety that should be consumed, since it does not cause allergies in any person, and has no less beneficial properties than many others, and also calms and restores well after a hard day at work.

How to choose the right honey?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the healthiest variety, you should purchase such a product exclusively at trusted points of sale, where the quality of the product sold, including for medical purposes, is confirmed by a special certificate.

You should be wary if you see this valuable product at a very low price, because this will be a clear sign of counterfeiting. A good and high-quality beekeeping product is best chosen by appearance by a person who understands little about it. This method is not 100% accurate, but it can help in choosing.

Most often, when making a purchase, people look specifically at the color of honey. It can vary from light yellow to dark, almost brown. And, as a rule, a person looks at honey, whose color is light and almost transparent, believing that it is the healthiest. This is an erroneous opinion, and the most useful honey, which is beneficial, is dark honey.

Ask the seller for a spoon to check the quality of his product. If the honey you want to purchase forms a mound, then this excellent honey, but if it forms a so-called pit, then this product is immature and should not be purchased.

There are several proven methods by which you can be sure of the quality of the product, but, unfortunately, it is absolutely impossible to carry them out at the counter where it is sold. A good beekeeping product flows smoothly and beautifully down the spoon, but a product that they want to literally “slip” to you will drip down unevenly.

If you decide to check its quality, after purchasing, in order to decide whether to buy it from this seller next time, you need to drop 5 drops of iodine into diluted water with honey. If it turns blue or slightly hisses, you can definitely say that it is of poor quality.

The highest quality product

The best a good product beekeeping means, of course, high-quality honey. In addition to the rules listed above, there are also the simplest, but one hundred percent options. Most best honey must be ripe, and to determine ripeness you just need to pour it into a spoon a small amount of. A mature and good beekeeping product will not flow from a spoon and will pour like folds.

Natural honey without various additives can be determined using the simplest stick, which is dipped into a jar of honey and then gradually taken out. When dripping, it should remain in the jar in an even heap, and not splash throughout the jar. A natural product should not foam, because according to medical standards, it is bactericidal.

When choosing, it won’t hurt you to take a small bottle of vinegar with you and ask to drop it on a spoon of honey, since most often chalk dust is mixed into it, which begins to actively interact with the vinegar and makes a characteristic sound, which should immediately scare you away.

Don’t be afraid to experiment when choosing honey, because conscientious sellers and producers will never be afraid of any check, since they have full confidence in its quality, but unscrupulous sellers Those who are only pursuing profit will undoubtedly be wary and will not allow you to carry out the necessary check.

How to properly preserve honey?

If you have chosen the best beekeeping product and want to preserve its beneficial properties, then you should know a few rules. The main rule is no light, because it interferes with the preservation of all the beneficial properties and vitamins contained in it. Therefore, it should be stored in some very dark closet or room.

Another important question is how to store it? There is a clear answer here - these are glass jars with screw-on lids. Honey tastes best in them. You should not store honey next to any foods, as it absorbs odors very well and loses its former taste.

Many people like to add honey to tea and drink it when they have a cold or simply as a pleasant addition to tea, believing that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. But this is a big misconception. When heated, it loses all its beneficial properties.

The most useful and high-quality honey is, undoubtedly, an absolutely natural product that will not harm health, as counterfeit can do. Using low-quality honey in your diet can lead to serious illnesses which can even lead to death.

So, which honey is the best? The answer here is extremely simple. Absolutely all varieties are healthy and the best in their own way! For each person, based on the disease, one variety is much better than the other, since for women it is clover. You should be careful when searching for a quality product and then you will definitely find your best type of honey and it will not disappoint you!

Going for natural product beekeeping to the store or market and when thinking about which honey is healthier, it is best to pay attention to your own needs or health problems. If you want to strengthen your overall health, prolong youth and saturate your body with beneficial substances that any type of natural honey is rich in, then you can choose absolutely any bee product. If you are concerned about certain ailments, then you need to understand the variety of varieties presented and choose the most suitable type. For example, knowing which honey is healthier for the stomach, you can get rid of many problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of natural honey

Natural honey contains about 60 valuable substances. It is based on sugar (fructose and glucose). Honey contains large quantities of enzymes responsible for metabolism, as well as salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. Among the microelements, the valuable product contains silicon and manganese, boron and aluminum, lithium and chromium, tin and zinc, etc. Honey contains organic acids (grape, lactic, citric, oxalic) and almost all the vitamins necessary for the productive functioning of the body .

When choosing which honey will be most beneficial for you, you should take into account the advice of apitherapy - the science of treatment with beekeeping products, which has a thousand-year history. Avicenna himself said that honey is a cure for a hundred diseases, and Pythagoras respectfully called it the drink of youth. Considering that the medicine is not only healing, but also tasty, you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of improving your health with the help of a unique product. For example, having learned which honey is good for potency, you can paint your intimate life with new colors.

Fireweed honey is a medicine for the stomach

Honey, which bees painstakingly extract from fireweed or fireweed, has a tart aroma and a greenish tint. It is he who best answers the question of which honey is healthier for the stomach. A unique product is indicated for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis with high acidity. The enveloping properties of fireweed honey are used in the treatment of gastric ulcers and chronic intestinal diseases. The product is also used for colds, constipation, and throat diseases. Fireweed honey, which best answers the question of which honey is healthier, contains organic acids, enzymes, mineral salts and inhibitors that successfully fight bacteria. Regular use of the product reduces acidity and suppresses gastric secretion, cleanses the mucous membrane.

Sweet clover honey is a delicious remedy for insomnia

If you are wondering what kind of honey would be better suited for insomnia, neurosis, headaches, pay attention to the sweet clover variety. This light amber or almost white honey has a light vanilla aroma and rich taste, is considered a good antiseptic, and has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The melilot product is shown, one of the most valuable on the list, answering the question of which type of honey is the most useful for diseases of the respiratory tract and throat.

Buckwheat honey for the heart

Are you wondering what kind of honey is good for your heart? Look for dark brown or reddish honey with a distinct taste and smell. You can recognize buckwheat honey after crystallization - it turns into a mushy mass. This variety of bee product, rich in protein and iron, has a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system, saves from anemia and kidney failure.

Linden honey for colds and flu

One of the most popular and fragrant varieties of honey is linden. It is he who saves better than any other from colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, sore throat, tracheitis. Linden gives honey strong diaphoretic, diuretic, antipyretic and expectorant properties. This variety is used as a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, healing agent for diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys, burns and wounds.

Clover honey - blood purifier

The question of which honey is good for the heart is answered by clover honey, which is rich in tannins. The transparent and almost colorless product has pronounced diuretic and diaphoretic, blood purifying and expectorant properties. Apitherapists recommend clover honey for atherosclerosis, hypertension and inflammatory processes. This variety will also be of interest to those who want to know which honey is healthier for the liver. Clover honey is also recommended for gynecological problems. It effectively relieves inflammation and stabilizes the microflora of the female genital organs.

Sunflower honey will help with intestinal colic

Do you want to cleanse your body while saturating it with nutrients, minerals and vitamins? Which honey is healthier for weight loss? This is a product obtained by bees living near sunflower fields. Honey from the nectar of this Pancake week plant removes toxins and waste from the body, has a bactericidal effect, and contains a record amount of vitamin A. The list of diseases for which sunflower honey is indicated is quite extensive. This is neuralgia and intestinal colic, liver and heart diseases, respiratory catarrh and influenza.

Honey as a source of beauty

Fans of natural cosmetics have long appreciated the unique properties of honey. It is added to masks for skin and hair, and used as a massage product. All valuable substances, which honey is rich in, actively penetrate the skin, stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, and saturate them with vitamins and microelements. Cleopatra knew this well, who considered the beekeeping product one of the “culprits” of her beauty and youth.

You can verify the unique effect of honey on the skin by using a simple and affordable recipe, the effectiveness of which can be the envy of expensive salon treatments. This is Cleopatra's bath. A cup of honey should be dissolved in a liter of hot (not boiled) milk, and the magic composition should be poured into the bath, the temperature of the water in which should be equal to the temperature human body(36-37 degrees). The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

Such a bath will help, but on a slightly reduced scale, and the skin of the hands, which is most exposed to moisture, temperature changes and other negative external factors. It is enough to mix a glass of warm water with a glass of milk and a teaspoon of honey and immerse your hands in the aromatic composition for 15 minutes. By doing this procedure several times a week, you will preserve the youth and beauty of your hands for a long time.

Rules for consuming honey

Honey, like any strong medicine, has contraindications. The main one is an allergic reaction to a valuable product. If you have it in your anamnesis, then you will have to refuse treatment with honey. For an allergy sufferer, even a small amount of bee product can cause a runny nose, hives, stomach upset, etc. Diabetics can eat honey after consulting their doctor. Everyone else should adhere to certain admission rules. The maximum daily dose, optimal for an adult, is 100-150 grams, divided into several doses. You need to take honey three hours after a meal or one and a half hours before it.

“Honey awakening” is very effective. Dissolve a teaspoon of the healing product in a glass of lukewarm water and drink on an empty stomach. For children, one or two teaspoons of honey per day is enough. You can add it to porridge, pour it over fruit or toast. It should be remembered that honey does not tolerate high temperatures. When heated, the healing product loses the lion's share of its usefulness, so if you like to treat yourself to tea with honey, then you should add it to a warm drink, not a hot one.

Whatever honey you choose, of course, provided it is natural and all storage rules are followed, you can be sure that the healthiest product will have positive influence for the whole body.

7 most healing varieties of honey

Honey has quite an interesting meaning. Translated, the word means enchantment or something endowed with magical properties. And this is not surprising, since this the only product, who is able to heal from any disease, bestow wisdom and youth. We present 7 of the most healing varieties of honey.

It is considered one of the best among all varieties of honey. Its taste can never be confused with any other: it tickles your throat every now and then when you taste it. Buckwheat honey is much darker than all other varieties: its color varies from dark yellow to dark brown. It is produced by bees from buckwheat flowers. If we compare buckwheat honey with light honeys, then it is twice as rich in microelements and amino acids, and therefore the most healthy.

The benefits of this honey are enormous: it treats anemia, hypertension, vitamin deficiencies, stomatitis, gastritis, skin diseases, colds, restores protein metabolism. Buckwheat honey is often used in cooking as a component of dough and the basis for compotes.

Its characteristic feature can be called the absence of color or a light amber tint, as well as an unusual aroma. This honey is characterized not only by high taste qualities, but also healing. Depending on where honey was grown, it has a completely different taste. Thus, linden honey collected in the Far East is distinguished by its most delicate taste, and that which was brought from the European part of the Russian Federation is characterized by a pungent bouquet, when the taste and aroma are palpable in the mouth and tickle the throat.

This honey is indispensable in the treatment of sore throat, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, runny nose, kidney diseases, stomach and intestines, burns and wounds.

This is truly the most famous variety of honey. One hectare of flowering acacia allows a bee to collect more than 1500 kilograms of honey. And from one tree, a bee family collects up to 8 kilograms of product. Upon pumping, this honey is colorless, but upon crystallization it gradually acquires a white tint. Characteristic difference This honey is that the content of glucose and fructose in it is almost equal.

Acacia honey is used as a general tonic and helps with gastrointestinal, kidney, and nervous system diseases. It is also an excellent remedy for insomnia and a sedative.

An ideal product for connoisseurs of bitter taste. It only gives off a slight bitterness, tart. The color varies from dark yellow to red-brown. Its differences are slow crystallization and strong viscosity. When it thickens, it begins to resemble jelly in consistency, in the middle of which a great amount air bubbles. But if you stir this honey, it will become liquid again. Extraordinarily rich in minerals.

Heather honey is effective in cases of lack of appetite, vascular diseases, and helps with diseases of the nervous system.

This is quite dark, thick honey, which has a pleasant bitterness. Its characteristic feature is that it crystallizes unusually slowly.

Chestnut honey has antimicrobial properties and is also found in beneficial influence on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. This honey significantly increases the body's defenses, helping to cope with kidney diseases. The main suppliers of chestnut honey in Russia are Altai, Kuban and Adygea.

It is distinguished by exceptional transparency and a light amber hue. This honey has an unusually pleasant smell and its taste is moderately sweet. It crystallizes rather slowly, changing color to white.
Sainfoin honey is considered a particularly valuable variety because it is unusually rich in vitamins, biologically active substances and minerals. It contains a lot of carotene, ascorbic acid and valuable enzymes.
This honey has a general strengthening effect, calms the nervous system, and strengthens capillaries.

Contains a great variety of substances that are beneficial for humans. It can have a completely different color: from light amber to white, which is characterized by a greenish tint. Sweet clover honey has a wonderful taste, harmoniously mixed with a slight bitterness. It is never possible to forget the aroma of this honey, which has a subtle hint of vanilla. It is known to be extremely popular among honey connoisseurs.
Sweet clover honey effectively helps with intestinal problems, venous diseases, relieves inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, dilates blood vessels, and normalizes metabolism. This product is an excellent solution for insomnia, as a sedative. If used in the form of compresses with propolis or a patch, it relieves pain from cuts, wounds, sprains and bruises.

Anna Prikhodko

Honey gingerbread, pancakes with honey, honey gingerbread - honey has become so firmly established in our lives and cuisine that we sometimes don’t even think about where it comes from. No, we remember about hard-working bees and flowers, but we don’t always know why this sweet substance is healthy and tasty. Bees produce honey from the nectar of flowers, countless of which they fly around during the summer.

We usually eat honey collected by domestic, “cultivated” bees, but honey produced by wild bees is no less tasty and healthy (remember, Winnie the Pooh was looking for it in a hollow tree?). This honey is distinguished by its taste - mature, tart, slightly sour, and its color - dark, cloudy, and its composition - it contains much more useful substances. But, unfortunately, there is very little honey from wild bees, and we usually use honey created by domestic workers.

Chemical composition of honey

In addition to being delicious, honey is also very healthy. Having a complex chemical composition, this product contains almost the entire table of periodic elements of Mendeleev: aluminum, chlorine, silicon, zinc, osmium, bromine and many other elements. It also contains vitamins and amino acids: vitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), C, E, PP, K, pantothenic acid and others.

It is impossible to say which honey is the healthiest, and it is also incorrect - each type or variety of honey has its own beneficial properties, its own advantages.

What beneficial properties does honey have?

The effect honey has on the body is beneficial and very mild, because it natural medicine, which is similar to chemical composition on blood plasma, it does not contain any additives foreign to our body. Honey has its origins a long time ago, and people have used it for healing for thousands of years.

  1. General strengthening. Honey is a strong natural immunostimulant. Strengthens the body's defenses and restores them after illness.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Reduces signs of the inflammatory process: swelling, pain. It is also used as a means for drawing out pus from boils and mastitis (mixed with rye bread or flour).
  3. Antimicrobial. The action is very pronounced. It is provided by inhibin, an antibiotic-like substance found in honey. It has long been known that honey is an excellent preservative: meat and fish were preserved when immersed in it.
  4. Wound healing. Used to heal wounds and burns. Often used for stomatitis (on mucous membranes), stomach ulcers.
  5. Nutritious. Contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, and is absorbed by the body without residue.
  6. Softening. Used in cosmetology in the form of masks and applications to improve the elasticity and plasticity of the skin. Probably everyone knows that if you apply a mixture of honey and salt to the skin in a bath, massage it a little, and then rinse it off, the skin becomes smooth and soft, like that of a small child.
  7. Fat burning. Added when preparing masks and wraps to combat cellulite.
  8. Normalizes metabolism.

The most useful varieties of honey

Let's look at the benefits of the most common types of honey for various kinds ailments, starting with the most potent.

Often when buying honey you can see on the label the words Monofloral (monofloral) and the name. This means that the bees that made this honey collected pollen from flowers of one type: fireweed, sunflower, linden, etc. Polyfloral or flower honey is called honey that was pumped out from hundreds of bees whose hives were located among herbs.

Main varieties of honey and their beneficial properties

Linden honey

As the name suggests, bees collect nectar from linden flowers. This honey is light yellow in color; when sugared (sugar crystals fall out), it becomes almost white. The taste is harsh, against the background of sweetness there is a tingling and tingling sensation in the tongue and throat. Linden honey is considered one of the most useful due to the fact that it has a very strong antibacterial effect and is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, heals wounds and burns. Linden honey can be used for treatment when no other type is available.

Buckwheat honey

Beautiful Brown, with a specific taste and smell. Once you taste buckwheat honey, you won’t confuse it with anything else: spicy, tart. It crystallizes quickly and does not remain transparent for long. This type of honey contains more vitamins and microelements than others. Buckwheat honey is very strong bactericidal properties, especially regarding staphylococci. Used for anemia, decreased body defenses, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acacia honey

The most common type of honey. Bees brought nectar from white and yellow acacia flowers. Fluid, slightly yellowish, turns white during crystallization, which occurs late. Very delicate taste, very fragrant. Everyone likes this honey. Has an antiseptic effect. Can be used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, nervous system, pustular diseases skin. For anxiety and insomnia, acacia honey is simply irreplaceable.

Sunflower honey

Yellow, thick, quickly crystallizing honey. It is “candied” within a month after collection. Contains many elements and amino acids, used in the treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs. But, unfortunately, this honey can only be found in the southern regions.

Sweet clover honey

Sweet clover honey is made by bees from the nectar of white and yellow sweet clover flowers. Almost completely transparent, only slightly yellowish, this honey is fragrant and tasty. None of the types of honey can compare with it in its properties: sweet clover honey contains the substance coumarin, which thins the blood and serves as a preventive measure for heart attacks and strokes. That's why patients with diseases of cardio-vascular system Doctors recommend consuming this type of honey regularly.

Chestnut honey

Dark honey with an original taste and slight bitterness is a natural antibiotic. It is successfully used for wounds, burns, and inflammatory processes in various organs. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Honey is thick and does not “candied” for a long time.

Angelica honey

Honey is quite rare. This natural antiseptic: stomatitis, gingivitis, ulcers of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in the body's defenses - this is the point of application of this product.

Dark red, very viscous, with a delicate, light aroma; unfortunately, this honey is very often counterfeited. Therefore, you need to purchase it from trusted places.

sainfoin honey

Sunshine in a jar – sainfoin honey is golden in color and transparent. When crystallized, it becomes a whitish-cream color and is no less tasty. Not as sweet as other types of honey, it has a very delicate floral aroma.

This honey is credited with the ability to enhance male potency.

This honey also has bactericidal properties and is used for inflammatory processes, and also note its antitumor properties.

Honey with beebread

Opaque, slightly sour, this is a very healthy type of honey. Due to the presence of beebread in honey, the protein composition of honey will increase. Absolutely indispensable for restoring the body's strength after past diseases, treatment of anemia.

Flower honey

It is also called meadow. This honey is light amber in color, very sweet and pleasant to the taste, and has a bright aroma. When “sugared” it turns into a yellow-cream mass.

To prepare this honey, bees collect nectar from various honey flowers. It has all the beneficial properties and contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

Fireweed honey

Fireweed or Ivan-tea is a plant with fragrant pink flowers, probably everyone knows it. This variety has an unusual color: brownish-greenish, opaque, and when sugared it turns into white snowflake flakes. Nevertheless, it is very tasty and healthy: for inflammatory diseases, indispensable for prostate diseases in men, and has an antitumor effect.

How to use honey correctly so that it only benefits our body?

  1. The most important thing is that the amount of honey consumed should not be calculated in kilograms, moderation is important.
  2. It is usually recommended to take honey in the morning, on an empty stomach by diluting it in a glass of water at room temperature, or simply dissolving it in your mouth.
  3. If observed nervous system disorders, insomnia– the most famous recipe is 1 tablespoon of honey diluted in a glass of warm milk.
  4. After drinking honey need to brush my teeth– the acid that forms in the mouth very quickly helps to develop caries.
  5. When honey is heated above 40 degrees, all its beneficial properties are lost, and it remains just a culinary product, so honey diluted in a glass of hot tea does not carry any useful load.
  6. Unfortunately, there are people for whom honey is contraindicated, or its use is limited. These are people with allergies to honey and bee products, patients with diabetes mellitus, patients with exacerbation chronic diseases. Also Honey is not recommended for children of the first year of life.
  7. Very carefully, only after consulting a doctor, you can use honey for patients with oncology, but honey with beebread is generally contraindicated for them - beebread enhances tumor growth.
  8. In order not to harm yourself and to use the product of working bees with benefit and pleasure, if you have any doubts, it is better to ask a doctor’s advice.

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins. It is difficult to find a more affordable, versatile product. Using it in the most different areas(medicine, body care, hair care), not to mention cooking, has been known since ancient times. What explains the effectiveness of this bee product? First of all - the composition. Honey contains more than 300 useful organic substances, vitamins, and minerals. Among them:

  • microelements (iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc);
  • organic acids;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • polyphenols;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • mineral salts;
  • maltose;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins B, PP, C, H.

The benefits of honey for the body

It acts on the body as a general tonic, tones, improves sleep (for insomnia or restless sleep), reduces aggressiveness, is effective for depression, headaches (migraines), increases resistance various diseases(primarily for colds), has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Also helps with minor burns or wounds, useful for high cholesterol. Consuming honey is recommended for problems with the digestive system; it improves blood and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and reduces the risk of cancer cells. The diet of people suffering from diabetes mellitus(replaces sugar in almost all products).

For heart

In order to strengthen the heart, increase the tone of the body, and improve the functioning of the organs of the circulatory system, the human body needs glucose. In this case, the beekeeping product is simply irreplaceable - it dilates blood vessels, improves blood composition, thereby improving blood flow.

For people with weakened heart muscles, honey is a way to “saturate” the body with the energy necessary for normal functioning. In addition, it helps reduce swelling and lower blood pressure.

For the liver

Nowadays, it is difficult to meet a person who has not had liver problems at least once. There are many reasons for this: poor environment, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition. The liver is the first one in the body to take the blow and is the only organ that is able to recover. Regular consumption of honey and other bee products also helps. This is possible due to the presence in its composition of a large amount active ingredients, which helps remove toxins and improve bile production.

For hair and face

The effectiveness of using honey for hair and face is explained by its composition and practically healing effect on the human body. Various masks are made on its basis - moisturizing, improving skin tone, refreshing, rejuvenating.

The microelements contained in honey help:

  • give hair shine, silkiness, softness;
  • accelerate hair growth, make it thicker;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • stop excessive hair loss.

This product helps in combating facial skin problems such as:

  • dryness – honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • dullness – makes the skin smoother, softer, gives a healthy appearance;
  • various inflammations (irritation, acne, rashes) - masks based on this product easily eliminate inflammatory processes and the effect remains for a long time.
  • small (first) wrinkles – rejuvenates the skin.

In addition to the above, honey masks(in combination with other products) help improve blood circulation, accelerate the processes of regeneration and cell restoration.

Contraindications for use

Despite the many advantages and enormous benefits for the body, honey, like any other product, has a number of contraindications.

  1. First of all, it should not be used by people prone to allergies, because it is a very strong allergen (which is why it is not recommended to be given to small children - up to 2-3 years old).
  2. Since this product contains a lot of fructose, it can have a bad effect on the pancreas. For people with such problems, it is better to limit its amount in the diet.
  3. At high temperatures (with diseases of the respiratory tract), it is not advisable to take honey - this can cause a deterioration in the body’s condition.
  4. If consumed in excess, it can lead to metabolic disorders and further obesity or, in the worst case, to diabetes.
  5. This product can be stored for a year - after which it cannot be consumed.

Despite the fact that many people prefer to drink tea with honey when they have a cold, this is not recommended - adding honey to hot water (tea), it loses its properties and becomes poisonous.

The most valuable and delicious varieties of honey

It is impossible to say exactly which of the varieties (and there are many of them today) are the most delicious or healthy. But among the most popular and frequently used are the following:

Lime Its main effect is antibacterial. It is effective for various colds, weakened immunity, decreased tone body. Recommended for problems with the digestive and genitourinary systems.
Buckwheat According to many experts, this variety is one of the most valuable. This is due to the fact that it is used for the prevention and treatment of organs of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), hypertension, anemia; helps with a weakened body (lack of vitamins).
Acacia This type - unlike the others - is the least allergenic, therefore it is allowed for consumption even by small children and people with diabetes.
Donnikovy has a wide range of applications. It is recommended for wound healing (cuts, burns), spasmodic pain; has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect; Recommended even for use by nursing mothers (to increase milk supply).

Beneficial properties for men

The positive effect of consuming bee products for males has long been known. Honey helps with problems with potency, normalizes the functioning of the organs of the male reproductive system, reduces the risk of such problems. unpleasant phenomenon like impotence.

The following types of product are considered the most effective and beneficial for men's health:

  • chestnut – helps eliminate various inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • floral – helps normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • so-called Turkish honey (product of Marmaris);
  • Jasmine, marjoram, and orchid are also recommended for use.

For women

This product is widely used in cosmetology (for wraps, masks, creams), medicine (in the treatment of gynecological diseases, diseases of the nervous system), and dietetics. Most useful for women's health The following varieties are considered:

  • clover - effective in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system (fibroids, erosion, mastopathy); it also moisturizes well and saturates the skin with nutrients;
  • mountain - used in the treatment of colds, in case of malfunctions of the endocrine system; removes toxins and harmful substances from the body well, restores the functioning of the nervous system (in case of exhaustion, excessive fatigue);
  • cellular – increases immunity, tone, resistance to infections and diseases; used in masks with a rejuvenating effect.

For children

For children under 2-3 years of age, eating honey is not recommended, since this product is quite allergenic. But further introducing it into the diet (in reasonable quantities) is only beneficial. Acacia is considered the most suitable for use by children (due to the minimal risk of allergic reactions and beneficial properties) and linden (to strengthen the immune system, eliminate symptoms of colds) varieties. It is also good to give children Forbs (based on various wildflowers and herbs).

Health Recipes

There are many recipes (known for a long time and modern) based on honey. They have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. Such recipes are used for treatment together with medications. They are often used as additional funds or at the final stage of treatment. The most popular are the following recipes.

Honey with cinnamon and lemon for myocardium

For this recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • cinnamon - half a stick or a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

To prepare, add cinnamon hot water, let cool to 40 degrees, then add the rest of the ingredients, mix everything well. Take half a glass of the drink on an empty stomach (in the morning) and before bed (an hour after meals).

It is not advisable to take the medicine for those who have stomach problems, exacerbation hypertension, allergy to bee products.

Ischemia mixture

The following mixtures can be used to treat ischemia:

  1. Mix one glass of honey and rose hips well, consume 3 times a day (30 minutes before meals), a teaspoon.
  2. Honey with garlic - for this, take 300 grams of liquid honey, 200 grams of garlic (chopped and crushed), mix the ingredients and leave for 10 days. Regularity of administration: one teaspoon before meals (3 times a day).

Composition for angina pectoris

In order to prepare the medicine, you will need:

  • honey - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • aloe - 3 leaves.

Rosehip decoction

To prepare the decoction, you should take:

  • rose hips - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 spoons;
  • boiled water - 1 l.

Boil water, add berries, boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the broth, squeeze out the fruits, leaving to infuse for a day. Add honey before use. Drink three times throughout the day.

Nuts with honey

One of the most healthy mixtures. For cooking you should take nuts (you can different types), grind in a blender, add honey (any honey to your taste). Mix well and you can use it.

There is another recipe - take shelled nuts and mix with honey in a 2:1 ratio. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon three times a day (30 minutes before meals).

Face mask recipes

Honey-based face masks make the skin more elastic, soft, moisturize it, add shine, and help with inflammatory processes.

These types of masks are considered the most popular.

With aspirin

  1. Take one aspirin tablet, a teaspoon of honey, a little water (about 30 grams). Everything is mixed and applied to the skin. The result is a calming effect, skin dullness is eliminated, and tone increases. It can be used as a scrub.
  2. 3 tablets, a teaspoon of honey, water (50 grams). The ingredients are mixed. The mixture is applied to the face with light movements and left for 15 minutes. This mask Helps well with acne and redness.


The following recipes are widely used in practice:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to a napkin and apply to your face. Duration - 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water. The mask helps with blackheads, acne, and redness.
  2. Take a lemon (twist together with the peel), add honey (1 tablespoon). Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Rinse everything off with water. This mixture improves skin tone and gives it healthy color, blush.

Hair masks

Such masks are effective for dandruff, dull hair, excessive dryness, and brittleness. They help make strands thicker and more voluminous. They have a good effect on hair growth and scalp condition.

Based on honey and eggs

To prepare you need to take: one spoon of honey, an egg, mix everything well, apply to your hair. Wrap in a towel. Leave on the strands for half an hour. Wash your hair.

With yeast

Take 2 tablespoons of dry yeast, half a glass of milk (to pour the yeast), a teaspoon of any liquid honey. Everything is mixed and applied to the strands (for 45 minutes). Then the hair is washed with warm water.

Cognac based

For this mixture you will need 0.5 cups of cognac, one tablespoon each of honey and salt. Mix all ingredients and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Apply to the hair and scalp and leave the mask on for one hour. Then the hair is washed.

Mustard-honey mask for hair growth

For the recipe, take 2 tablespoons of mustard, honey, olive oil. Everything is mixed, applied to the hair (duration - from 20 to 40 minutes - depending on the sensations). At the end, wash your hair well.

Honey plus onion to strengthen hair

For this recipe you will need 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey and onion juice; The ingredients are mixed, then the mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Duration - 20 minutes, after which the hair is rinsed with warm water.

With added egg

Such mixtures are good in the fight against the first wrinkles. Popular recipes:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of honey and one egg and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water.
  2. Egg white, honey (tablespoon), 2 tablespoons of plain flour - mix, apply to face and neck (for 20 minutes). Then wash with warm water. If desired, you can apply a light nourishing cream.

Honey is one of the most ancient remedies for beauty and health. It is used in medicine (for the prevention and treatment of diseases of almost all body systems), cosmetology (hair, face, body), dietetics (allowed even in the diet of people on a diet). There are many varieties of it, each of these types is useful and effective. Known healing properties this bee product for women's and men's health. Even children are allowed to eat honey. But, in addition to its positive properties, it has contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting treatment or using it as a prophylactic agent.

In contact with

Bee honey is one of the most valuable and healthy products on our tables. Its nutritional and medicinal properties are difficult to overestimate, and its taste palette can be endlessly surprising. But every time before purchasing a new portion of this precious natural gift Many people are faced with the question, which honey is the most useful and valuable, or more precisely, which honey helps with which diseases?

After all, by making the right choice, you can significantly help your body strengthen and maintain health. We present to your attention an overview of the most useful varieties of bee honey, from which you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Depending on how many species honey is collected, it can be monofloral (from the Latin word Flores - “flowers”), that is, produced from the nectar of flowers of one plant species, and polyfloral - from several. Mono varieties are extremely rare. Most often, the type of honey is determined by the dominant plant.

If you ask the beekeepers themselves which honey they consider the most important for health, they will tell you that there are many of them. And they will be right, since the question of which honey is the most valuable and healthy is rhetorical. Below is a table showing which honey helps with which diseases.

And yet, it makes sense to name the most popular in folk and official medicine varieties of honey. These include acacia, linden, buckwheat, sweet clover, mustard, mountain, and sunflower. Also of interest are new varieties developed special methods- they are distinguished by a very high number of biologically active compounds (multivitamin, hematogenous, milk, ginseng).

Do not forget to get acquainted with the rules, because it largely depends on them whether this or that variety will retain its valuable qualities. The bee product is especially beneficial in combination with berries, for example, sea buckthorn, cranberries. But at the same time, not only new useful properties appear, but also storage conditions change.

Acacia honey

This is one of the best varieties to date. Bees collect it from both white and yellow acacia. IN fresh until the mass is sugared, it is transparent or with a slight yellowish tint. In this liquid state, honey lasts for a relatively long time. After some time, when crystallization occurs, the honey nectar becomes almost white and has a fine-grained structure.

Acacia honey has a delicate aroma and taste. Fans of this variety claim that this is the most healthy honey. It is used for general strengthening body, treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. To treat inflammation of the stomach and intestines, honey is dissolved in warm water and drunk before meals (an hour and a half). To enhance the effect, add 40 to 50 drops of propolis tincture to the solution.

At regular use Acacia honey helps reduce insomnia. For this purpose it is taken with warm milk before bed. One of the advantages of this product is its hypoallergenicity.

Linden honey

This variety has a pale yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tint. The aroma of linden honey is pronounced and is not lost during long-term storage. It is widely used in folk medicine.

We can say that this is the most useful honey for colds, problems with the heart, stomach, liver, and kidneys. Linden honey has high antiseptic qualities and is used to treat stomatitis, burns, wounds, and various inflammations of the skin.

Buckwheat honey

Externally, it is dark brown honey with a reddish tint. Buckwheat honey has its own unique taste and aroma. Indications for its use are anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. This variety is also useful for external use: it is a good antiseptic and accelerates the healing of purulent wounds, abscesses, and skin inflammations.

To improve the condition of anemia, use tea from linden color with the addition of buckwheat honey and red wine.

Sweet clover honey

One of the most aromatic varieties with vanilla notes. The color of sweet clover honey is white or amber. Its pronounced bactericidal properties are used in the treatment of purulent and inflammatory skin processes.

For varicose veins, use the following recipe: chopped garlic (250 g) is mixed with sweet clover honey, left for a week and then taken 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Mustard honey

It has either an almost white color or a yellowish tint. When sugared, honey changes color to yellow with a creamy nuance and becomes fine-grained. Mustard honey is useful for treating diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma.

In the latter case, honey is not only eaten, but also inhaled with it: honey is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:2 and used for inhalation for 20 minutes. In addition, this variety has a diuretic effect and is good at removing harmful substances, toxins and waste from the body.

Sunflower honey

The honey mass has a golden-yellow hue, a pleasant taste, but a weak aroma. When fresh, it does not last long and already in the honeycomb it begins to become sugary. Despite the fact that this is one of the cheapest varieties, it can be called the most useful and valuable, as it helps with many diseases.

It is used for diseases of the heart, stomach and intestines, respiratory organs, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, atherosclerosis. It is also useful for cleansing the body, as it removes toxic substances and has a diuretic effect. For colds and flu, it is recommended to take sunflower honey (100 g) with lemon (1 piece).

Which honey helps with which diseases - Table

Varieties obtained by express method

These types of honey are obtained using an accelerated method. And if regular honey is collected only in summer, then express honey can be collected in spring, autumn and even winter (in greenhouse conditions). To date, more than 85 such varieties are known. Which honey is the healthiest in this category?


It's enriched various vitamins, especially vitamin C. It is useful to use for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as for vitamin deficiency and loss of strength.


Such honey is healthy and valuable, as it is enriched with an additive obtained from the blood. This is the best honey for anemia.


It has increased nutritional value, as it contains milk components. Honey is good for children, as well as for anyone who is debilitated by illness.


Honey contains juice obtained from the root of the famous tonic plant ginseng. This honey is the most useful and valuable for hypotension, neurasthenia, fatigue, decreased appetite, general weakness. But ginseng honey undergoes crystallization very quickly - while still in the honeycomb.

Both the description and the table show which honey helps with which diseases and this allows you to make a choice. There are also significant health benefits natural honey with valuable nutritional supplements. These varieties can be purchased in stores healthy eating or in Ayurveda online stores - medomix with ginger(this product contains only two components - honey and ginger), original in its own way honey mix with cocoa beans, and also no less tasty and healthy medomix with prunes and walnuts.

It is worth knowing that in addition to the listed useful natural and express varieties, there is currently also artificial honey: watermelon, melon, pumpkin, date, corn. These varieties are obtained by evaporating the pressed juice of ripe fruits. This is a valuable healthy honey, but many medicinal properties that are inherent natural analogue, it doesn't have it. Therefore, when deciding for yourself which honey is the most beneficial and valuable for health, you should first consider the true bee product.

Good health to you! Nadezhda Goryunova