Recipes for inexpensive and delicious desserts with photographs. Dessert. Dessert Recipes

Each of us loves to drink coffee or tea with something sweet. This not only lifts your mood, but can also be an alternative to snacking. But what to do if you really want something sweet, but don’t have time to prepare it? In such cases, quick desserts for tea will come to the rescue.

Banana cake with crackers

We would like to offer you a quick dessert for tea in 2 minutes. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Cookies (ideally you need to take crackers) - 350 g.
  2. Three bananas.
  3. A glass of sour cream.
  4. Any berries for decoration.
  5. Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.

Take a flat dish and place a layer of crackers on it. We will use sour cream whipped with sugar as the cream. Grease the cookies with sour cream, and then place a banana slice on each cracker. You can then repeat the layers until you run out of ingredients. The top layer can be decorated with any berries. So a quick dessert for tea is ready (in 2 minutes). If time allows, you can put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes to make it even tastier.

Sweet quick rolls

Quick and can be made for tea from Armenian lavash and (you can take regular or boiled). In addition, you will also need grated and melted chocolate and any fruit. The rolls are prepared very simply and quickly.

The pita bread must be unrolled and placed on parchment, greased with condensed milk or chocolate spread on top, then lay out a layer of chopped fruit, then chocolate. Then you need to very carefully roll the pita bread using parchment and put it in the refrigerator for a while. After about ten minutes, the dessert can be served, having previously been cut into separate rolls.

Quick fruit cakes

What could be better for tea than cakes? We invite you to master the recipe for a quick dessert for tea. To prepare, we need yogurt or cream (200 g), any fruit (300 g), sugar (to taste) and cocoa.

Add cocoa and sugar to the yogurt (add more sugar if you prefer). Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Next, take the fruits that you love and cut them into small slices. Mix them with the yogurt mixture. Now you can crumble the cookies and add them to the prepared mixture. Please note: the more cookies there are, the thicker the mixture will be. Therefore, its quantity will directly depend on your taste preferences. Mix the whole mass well and form it into balls if it is thick. If you like a more delicate and liquid consistency, then you can fill a tall glass with the mixture, you get a very beautiful dessert. To make the sweet look like a cake, you should place cling film in the glass and fill it with the contents. After this, turn the container over onto a plate and remove the packaging. You can decorate the top with cookie crumbs, crushed nuts, powdered sugar or cream.

Potato cake

The famous potato cake is an excellent quick dessert for tea without baking. This sweetness can also be prepared in the summer heat, when you don’t want to bother with baking and turn on the oven.


  1. Cookies - 120 g.
  2. Condensed milk - 2/3 cup.
  3. Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  4. Butter - 120 g.

The cookies must be crushed; for this you can use a meat grinder or blender. You should get a homogeneous crumb. In a separate bowl, mix soft butter, cocoa and condensed milk. Once the mixture turns into a homogeneous paste, you can add the crushed cookies. Mix the ingredients first with a spoon and then with your hands. Now you can shape the cakes; they can be round, oval or any other shape. Finished products should be rolled in cocoa or crumbs. Ideally, you should place the dessert in the refrigerator for a short time, but if guests are standing on your doorstep, then feel free to serve the treat on the table.

Chocolate pie

If you think that at home you cannot prepare a quick dessert for tea in the microwave in five minutes, then you are very mistaken. We invite you to replenish your supplies with a similar recipe.

Ingredients (amount of components is indicated in tablespoons):

  • 4 spoons of flour.
  • 2 spoons of sugar.
  • 2 spoons of cocoa.
  • 2 spoons of milk.
  • 2 tablespoons butter.
  • 1 egg.

In order for the dessert to be prepared really quickly, it is necessary to bake it in portioned cups. In a small volume, the cake bakes very quickly. But if you want to make a big pie, you can simply pour the prepared mixture into the mold.

Mix sugar and flour in a ceramic bowl, add cocoa. Separately, beat the egg (based on the fact that we will need one egg for each cup) and add it to the cup. Mix all ingredients. Then melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath, add it to the mixture along with the milk. After mixing the ingredients, serve the cups. The dessert is baked for just five minutes, after which it can be served.

Quick and pumpkin

When discussing quick desserts for tea, it is impossible not to remember the delicious and healthy pie with pumpkin and raisins. It cooks very quickly and turns out incredibly tasty.


  1. Margarine - 270 g.
  2. Pumpkin (you can put apples or pears instead of pumpkin) - 120 g.
  3. Sour cream - 270 g.
  4. Cottage cheese - 230 g.
  5. Flour - 0.4 kg.
  6. Raisins - 120 g.
  7. Sugar to taste.
  8. Two eggs.
  9. Baking powder.

Mix one egg with margarine and cottage cheese and add the mixture to the flour with baking powder. The finished dough can be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, boil the pumpkin pieces a little in sweet water.

If you use pears and apples for cooking, you do not need to boil them. We take out the dough, roll it into a layer and put it into a mold, forming sides (the mold must first be greased with oil). On top we beautifully lay pieces of pumpkin (without syrup), steamed raisins and sprinkle with sugar. Now let's prepare the filling. To do this, mix sour cream and egg, add a spoonful of flour. Fill our cake with this cream and send it to bake. The finished dessert will have a golden crust on top. Cut the cake into portions and serve. A delicious and quick dessert for tea is ready.

Homemade sweets “korovka”

The best quick desserts for tea are sweets. We suggest making “Korovka” milk sweets at home.


  1. A glass of milk.
  2. Three tablespoons of honey.
  3. One and a half glasses of sugar.
  4. Half a teaspoon of citric acid.
  5. A tablespoon of butter.

To cook birches, use a thick-bottomed pan. Pour milk into it and bring it to a boil. Then add butter and sugar. Cook the mixture over very low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the mass thickens slightly and darkens, you need to add citric acid and honey and continue to boil (without ceasing to stir). After five minutes, turn off the gas, pour the caramel mass into molds and put it in the freezer. The candies thicken very quickly. For variety, you can add nuts or dried apricots to the molds, then the dessert will have a more interesting taste.

Sour cream cake with strawberries

A simple, quick dessert for tea without baking can be made from berries and sour cream.


  1. A can of condensed milk.
  2. A pack of cookies.
  3. Fat sour cream - 800 ml.
  4. A pack of gelatin (20 g).

We dilute gelatin according to the instructions. In a separate bowl, beat sour cream with sugar. Next, place the broken cookies on the bottom of the mold (preferably a springform pan). Fill it with a mixture of gelatin and sour cream on top. Decorate the cake with fresh strawberries, placing them so that only the tops with green tails peek out from the mass. Then we put the form in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the dessert will harden and can be served.


Among the readers there will probably be many admirers of the famous Bounty bar. However, such a simple and quick dessert for tea can be prepared at home.


  1. Cookies - 230 g.
  2. Half a glass of water.
  3. Cocoa - two spoons.
  4. Half a glass of sugar.
  5. A teaspoon of cognac.
  6. Butter - 90 g.
  7. Coconut flakes (several packs) - 90-100 g.
  8. Powdered sugar - 90 g.

To prepare dessert, you can take coconut cookies, then it will have an even more pronounced taste. It needs to be broken, and not too finely.

Pour water into a separate bowl, add sugar and cocoa and bring the mixture to a boil. The sugar should completely dissolve. Once the mixture has cooled a little, you can pour in the cognac. After this, pour the mixture into the broken cookies and knead the chocolate dough. Do not pour out all the liquid at once, do it gradually so that the dough does not turn out too liquid. Spread the resulting mass on parchment in an even layer. On top we apply a layer of white filling consisting of a mixture of powdered sugar, coconut and butter. Now the layer must be very carefully rolled into a roll and placed in the freezer for half an hour. Cut the finished dessert into pieces and serve.

Cottage cheese and banana dessert

For those who love quick desserts for tea, the recipe for the following dish should certainly be of interest.


  1. Cottage cheese - 270 g.
  2. One banana.
  3. Two tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  4. Spoon of almonds.
  5. A spoon of grated chocolate.
  6. A teaspoon of instant coffee.

Preparation should begin by brewing instant coffee, which we will need chilled. Next, grind the cottage cheese with a blender until smooth so that there are no lumps left in it. Cut the banana into pieces and add it to the curd mixture along with powdered sugar. Mix everything and pour coffee in there. The dessert is sprinkled with grated chocolate and almonds on top and then served.

Rolls with chocolate and banana

Some quick desserts for tea are prepared in a very original way. We would like to present to your attention one of these recipes. You've probably never tried a dish like this before. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Banana.
  2. Toast bread - three pieces.
  3. Egg.
  4. One hundred grams of wine.
  5. Two tablespoons of sugar.
  6. Two tablespoons of flour.
  7. Vegetable oil.

Cut the banana into pieces and place them in a saucepan, adding sugar. Pour some water and cook the mixture, stirring, over low heat. Then you can add wine and continue to simmer until the banana softens. Then the mixture can be ground in a blender into a homogeneous puree, or it can be left in its original form.

We cut off the crusts of each piece of bread; we only need the crumb. Next, press each slice with a rolling pin to increase its size and make it thinner. Then place a few spoons of banana mixture and a piece of chocolate on the slices. Wrap the bread in a roll and dip it in the egg, then roll it in flour or breadcrumbs. Next, fry the rolls in vegetable oil on all sides. Place the finished dessert on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Once the rolls have cooled, you can decorate them with powdered sugar.

Curd soufflé

What’s good about quick desserts for tea (recipes with photos are given in the article) is that their preparation requires a minimum of time and ingredients, and the result is amazing. Curd soufflé cooked in the oven is exactly such a dish.


  1. Cottage cheese - 260 g.
  2. Flour - 40 g.
  3. Sugar - 70 g.
  4. Four eggs.
  5. Lemon zest.

You need to start cooking by preheating the oven. We will need heat-resistant molds, which must first be greased with oil.

Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl. Add a little zest, vanilla, three yolks and flour. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with powder until stiff, and then carefully transfer them into a container with cottage cheese. Mix the whole mass and place it in molds, which we put in the oven. In ten minutes the soufflé is ready.

Sweet nuts

Sweet nuts prepared at home are perfect for tea.


  1. A glass of walnuts.
  2. Two tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Butter - 50 g.

In a dry frying pan, fry the walnuts, remembering to stir them. As soon as they acquire a golden hue, they need to be removed from the heat and covered with a towel. After a couple of minutes, you can lightly peel the skins from the nuts. And then put them back into the frying pan with butter and sugar. The nuts must be stirred all the time until the caramel thickens. After this, the sweets can be served.

Chocolate mousse

As a dessert, you can serve chocolate mousse with tea. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  2. Ricotta - 320 g.
  3. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

All ingredients must be placed in one bowl and blended with a blender until smooth. You need to beat for about five minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place the finished dessert into portioned transparent containers and place in the refrigerator. The chilled mousse can be served, garnished with grated chocolate and a mint leaf on top.

Quick cake in a frying pan

Cake in a frying pan is an excellent quick dessert. The recipe will appeal to those housewives who do not have an oven or have little time to prepare sweets.

The dessert has a special feature. To prepare it, cottage cheese is used, which is added not only to the dough, but also to the cream. Therefore, the cake turns out light airy and not very sweet.

Ingredients for the dough:

  1. Cottage cheese - 220 g.
  2. One egg.
  3. Flour - 320 g.
  4. Sugar - a tablespoon.
  5. Vinegar, soda.

Ingredients for cream:

  1. Cottage cheese - 210 g.
  2. One egg.
  3. Milk - 240 g.
  4. Sugar - a tablespoon.
  5. Butter - 120 g.
  6. Lemon zest.

Let's start cooking with custard. Combine the egg with sugar and flour. Gradually add milk and mix everything well. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, remembering to stir constantly.

Now you can move on to preparing the dough. The cottage cheese must be ground very well with sugar and egg. After this, add slaked soda. But it’s better to add flour in small portions, since you want to get a dough that is not liquid, but at the same time dense. The finished dough should be divided into eight parts, roll out a cake from each, piercing with a fork. Each layer must be fried in a frying pan until golden brown on both sides. While the cakes are still hot, they need to be trimmed to the desired size.

Now it's time to return to the cream brewed at the beginning. You need to add butter, cottage cheese and beat the mass with a mixer. Then grease the cakes with cream, gradually assembling the cake. Place the finished dessert in the refrigerator.

Recipes for very quick desserts that are very tasty and look elegant and festive.

Candies with banana filling

cookies - 1 pack
boiled condensed milk - 1 tbsp. (with a slide)
half a banana
2 tbsp. walnuts (chopped)
white chocolate - half a bar
1. First you need to crush the cookies. You can do it in a blender. I'm a rolling pin.
2. Add a full spoonful of boiled sushchenka to the crushed liver. Mix well into a homogeneous mass.
3. Cut the banana.
Option 1. Make a cake out of the mixture and add a piece of banana. Form a ball.
Drizzle dark chocolate on top and the cake is ready. Roll in nuts.
Option 2. I poured these chopped nuts into this mass and knead. I made a sausage, flattened it, and placed pieces of bananas in the middle. The edges were pinched. I rolled it so that it was round and even. Cut it into pieces.
I melted half the tile and dipped the sides in chocolate. I sprinkled more crushed cookies on top.
I put it in the freezer for a few minutes to let the chocolate harden.

Homemade chocolate

cocoa - 5 tbsp.
butter - 50g.
sugar – 6-8 tbsp.
flour - 1 tsp.
milk - 5 tbsp.
vanilla sugar – 1/4 tsp.
ground nuts or other nuts to taste and as desired
1. Mix cocoa and sugar. Add 1 tbsp. milk and stir until smooth. Pour in the remaining milk. Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring continuously. 2. Once the cocoa has boiled, add the butter, reduce the heat to low and bring the mixture to a boil.
3. Remove the pan from the heat and add flour through a fine sieve. When the flour is completely dissolved, bring to a boil again.
4. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Add vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.
5. Pour the chocolate into ice molds, after greasing them with butter.
6. If you wish, you can add any chopped nuts to the chocolate.

Quick cookie cake with custard

Shortbread cookies - 500 g
milk - 700 ml;
sugar - 1 glass;
egg yolks - 4 pieces;
wheat flour - 2 tbsp. without top;
vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
You can make a delicious cake without baking. For this we need cookies and custard. Any shortbread cookie is suitable: for tea, coffee, baked milk.
Adjust the amount of sugar in the cream to your taste.
Combine the cooled yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar and flour in a bowl. Grind thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.
Heat the milk, add the egg mixture.
Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
Stirring continuously, bring to a boil. Cool.
Warm the remaining 100 ml of milk slightly. Dip each cookie completely into the milk for 3-4 seconds. During this time, the cookies will be soaked in milk, but will not have time to become soggy. Leave a few livers dry to decorate the cake.
Place the milk-soaked cookies on a flat plate or tray.
Cover the cookies with a layer of cooled cream.
Alternate layers of cookies and cream. You can add fruit. I added banana. Based on the result, I can say that I didn’t have enough sourness. Next time I'll add kiwi or cherries.
Soak the top layer and sides of the cake with cream.
Grind the remaining cookies into crumbs and sprinkle on the cake. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
The cookie cake is ready.

No-bake desserts require a minimum of time to prepare, but they turn out very tasty, tender, and impressive. A variety of recipes will allow you to quickly make a cake, pastry, pudding or other delicacies for every taste.

Curd dessert with gelatin without baking

This easy, healthy treat will be a great alternative to cakes and sweet pastries. The delicate curd flavor of the dessert is complemented by strawberries.

You will need:

  • 150 g pasty cottage cheese;
  • 150 g yogurt (preferably homemade);
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml chilled boiled water;
  • 200 g ripe strawberries;
  • 50 g packaged strawberry jelly.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Plain gelatin is soaked in 50 ml of cold water, left until it swells, then heated over low heat until the granules dissolve.
  2. Mix yogurt and sugar separately. Leave for 10 minutes until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Place cottage cheese into the yogurt mass and beat with a mixer.
  4. Gelatin is gradually introduced into the curd composition.
  5. The finished base is poured into a muffin tin lined with cling film and put in a cool place until the jelly hardens (approximately 3 hours).
  6. Strawberries are washed, cut into larger pieces and placed on a curd dessert.
  7. The jelly from the package is diluted in hot water according to the instructions. The resulting mass is poured over the berries.
  8. Before serving, keep the dessert in the refrigerator for another 3 hours.

Cooking from cookies and condensed milk

This cake is very easy to make: just mix the ingredients and put them in the refrigerator until the morning.

Required components:

  • 600 g shortbread cookies;
  • 160 g hazelnuts;
  • 350 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 ml high fat cream;
  • 200 g butter.

Recipe step by step:

  1. The cookies are broken into small pieces.
  2. The hazelnuts are fried in a dry frying pan until golden.
  3. The butter is softened at room temperature and mixed with condensed milk. Add cream and beat everything together with a blender.
  4. Roasted nuts and pieces of cookies are placed in the creamy mixture. Stir with a spoon.
  5. Prepare a dessert from cookies without baking: transfer the base into a bowl, compact it with a spoon, and cover with cling film on top. The dish is put in the refrigerator.
  6. After 6 hours, the film is removed and the bowl with the contents is turned over onto a serving plate.

Chocolate puddings with raspberries

This is an unusual, but easy-to-prepare dessert that will look impressive and appetizing on any holiday table.


  • 0.4 l milk;
  • 40 g cocoa powder;
  • 40 g starch (preferably corn);
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 300 g raspberries (fresh or frozen).

Cooking method:

  1. Milk is heated over low heat to 50 °C.
  2. Add starch, cocoa and 40 g of sugar. Beat thoroughly with a blender.
  3. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and poured into molds.
  4. The workpieces are cooled first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  5. Raspberries are ground with the remaining sugar.
  6. The frozen dessert is decorated with raspberry puree and whole berries.

Instant banana dessert

Chocolate covered bananas will delight any child, so they will always be appropriate at a children's party.

You will need:

  • 4 bananas;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 120 ml fat milk;
  • 50 g coconut flakes;
  • 100 g walnuts.


  1. Bananas are peeled and each is divided into 3 parts. The pieces are threaded onto skewers.
  2. The preparations are placed in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  3. Melt the chocolate bar in a steam bath. The glaze is poured into a glass.
  4. Cold bananas on sticks are dipped in warm chocolate and rolled in chopped nuts and coconut.
  5. The dessert is placed vertically and placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Tip: to make the glaze easier, you can add 20 ml of cream or vegetable oil to the chocolate.

Strawberries in chocolate

Juicy sweet berries and bitter chocolate combine perfectly in this dessert. You can prepare it in a few minutes.

Required ingredients:

  • 350 g large ripe strawberries;
  • 100 g white chocolate;
  • 200 g dark chocolate.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Each berry is washed and dried with a napkin. The sepals are not torn off.
  2. Both types of chocolate are melted separately in a steam bath, after breaking the bars into pieces.
  3. Cover a baking sheet or board with parchment.
  4. Prepared strawberries are dipped in dark chocolate.
  5. Using a toothpick and white chocolate, draw patterns on the berries.
  6. Then they do the opposite: the strawberries are dipped in white glaze and decorated with dark glaze.
  7. The finished berries are placed on parchment and transferred to the cold for 2 hours.

No-bake cake “Broken Glass”

This dessert will surprise all guests with its spectacular appearance. It can be prepared in different ways, but always use a sour cream-gelatin base and multi-colored jelly, which in the cut of the cake resembles shards of glass.

Required components:

  • 2 purchased sponge cakes;
  • 20 g granulated gelatin;
  • 120 ml drinking water;
  • 3 packages of ready-made jelly: orange, cherry, apple;
  • 0.5 kg of fat sour cream;
  • 100 g sugar.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Gelatin granules are poured with cold water and after 40 minutes placed in a water bath. Heat, stirring continuously, until the granules dissolve.
  2. Place the sour cream on the table in advance to warm it to room temperature, then beat it with sugar with a fork.
  3. Gelatin is added to the sour cream mixture and mixed.
  4. Colored jelly is cut into large pieces.
  5. Roughly (not finely) chop 1 cake.
  6. The crushed components are combined with sour cream and gelatin mass.
  7. The resulting composition is placed in a cake pan. Place the remaining cake on top, pressing lightly.
  8. The dessert is put in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  9. Before serving, immerse the pan with the finished cake in boiling water for 30 seconds, then turn it over onto a serving plate.

Potato cake in 5 minutes

According to this recipe, the cake is prepared only from healthy products, so it can be included in the diet.

You will need:

  • 400 g oatmeal;
  • 200 g medium fat cottage cheese;
  • 180 g applesauce;
  • 70 g cocoa powder;
  • 40 ml of natural brewed coffee;
  • 40 ml coffee liqueur;
  • 5 g cinnamon powder.

Preparation progress:

  1. Dry the oatmeal in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes. Add cinnamon and stir.
  2. The cooled flakes are ground in a coffee grinder.
  3. Beat cottage cheese and apple puree in a food processor.
  4. Liqueur and coffee are poured into the curd-apple mass and cocoa powder is poured.
  5. The resulting composition is combined with ground oatmeal. Stir until smooth.
  6. Oval cakes are formed from coffee dough.
  7. Finished products are sent to the refrigerator for 7 hours.

Homemade cheesecake with mascarpone

This dessert is similar in structure to a soufflé. It has an airy consistency and a delicate vanilla aroma.


  • 200 g heavy cream;
  • 0.5 kg mascarpone cheese;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 300 g of cookies “For coffee”;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 160 g sugar;
  • 15 g granulated gelatin.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Place cookies in a bag and roll over them to form crumbs.
  2. Gelatin is poured into 50 ml of water and heated so that all the granules disperse.
  3. Mascarpone is combined with cream and sugar, then gelatin is carefully poured in. The ingredients are mixed with a whisk.
  4. The butter, softened at room temperature, is ground with crushed cookies.
  5. Cover the springform pan with baking paper and place the prepared cream in it.
  6. Place the dessert in the cold for 1 hour to allow the gelatin to harden.
  7. Place a cookie base on top of the frozen cream. The cheesecake is removed again to harden for 5 hours.
  8. The mold with the finished dessert of cottage cheese and cookies is covered with a flat plate and turned over so that the cheesecake is on the platter.

French charlotte without baking

This dessert is made from ready-made sponge rolls. It turns out very tender, light and fragrant.

Required Products:

  • 3 rolls with apple or vanilla filling;
  • 400 g fattier cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 kg 20% ​​sour cream;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 300 g sweet and sour apples.

Cooking process:

  1. Gelatin is poured into a bowl with 120 ml of water.
  2. Knead the cottage cheese with a fork or grind through a sieve.
  3. The resulting mass is combined with sour cream and two types of sugar. Mix with a mixer until smooth.
  4. The apples are washed and cut into small cubes.
  5. The cake pan is covered with thin film.
  6. Store-bought rolls are cut into thin pieces. They fill out the form. Some of the rolls are left.
  7. When the gelatin swells, it is heated over medium heat, stirring continuously, then cooled and added to the curd and sour cream mass. Beat again with a mixer.
  8. Sliced ​​apples are placed in the cream.
  9. Pour the apple-curd mixture over the base of the rolls. The remaining circles are used to cover the filling.
  10. The container with the dessert is wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  11. The frozen cake is turned over onto a flat plate.

Curd mousse with berry sauce

The delicate taste of the airy curd soufflé is complemented by the sourness of the berries.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 ml yogurt without additives;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 120 ml low-fat cream;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 2 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 7 g corn starch;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 0.5 kg of any seedless berries.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Gelatin is soaked in water.
  2. Cottage cheese is mixed with yogurt.
  3. Beat the chilled whites with 20 g of sugar until stiff foam.
  4. The yolks are mixed with the remaining sugar, vanilla and salt.
  5. Starch is stirred into cream and added to the sweet yolk mass. The mixture is simmered over low heat until thickened. Cool.
  6. The custard is combined with the curd and yoghurt mass.
  7. Lemon juice is poured into the swollen gelatin. The composition is heated in the microwave for one and a half minutes.
  8. The gelatin mass is poured into the curd mixture, stirring quickly.
  9. The dessert is put in the refrigerator.
  10. After an hour, whipped whites are added to it. You should end up with an airy mass that is placed into ice cream bowls.


  • 380 g of cookies with baked milk flavor;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 130 g butter;
  • 40 ml milk;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 200 ml whipping cream;
  • 5 ml rum extract;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 250 g Mascarpone cheese.


  1. Using a food processor, grind the cookies into crumbs.
  2. Add melted butter, cocoa, 30 g of sugar, milk, water.
  3. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. Combine cream, Mascarpone, remaining sugar and rum extract. Beat everything until thick.
  5. Raisins are added to the cream.
  6. The cooled base is rolled out into a rectangle.
  7. Cream is spread over the entire surface of the dough.
  8. The workpiece is rolled up using parchment paper and put in a cool place for half an hour.
  9. The finished roll is decorated with confectionery topping. Before serving, cut into small portions.

Sweets- this is temptation, pleasure, temptation, something that improves our mood and makes us a little happier, something that pleases and inspires. Of course, if you are worried about your health and figure, you need to be more careful with them, but sometimes you need to allow yourself this little weakness! In addition, modern cooking has come up with so many different recipes for dietary and low-calorie sweets, where you can certainly find your favorite one.

In more scientific terms, sweets are confectionery products or high-calorie food products containing a lot of sugar. They have a pleasant taste and smell that is very difficult to resist.

Absolutely everyone adores them - from the youngest to the oldest. Sweets are easily absorbed by our body, are stored for a long time and are well stored, and contain many carbohydrates, which provide us with a lot of energy.

Sweets are often served for dessert - along with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. At celebrations, weddings, and corporate events, certain types of sweets are served on separate tables, being a decoration and an obligatory component of the holiday.

Depending on the ingredients used in the preparation process, sweets can be sugary and floury. The basis for sugary sweets is sugar, honey and various syrups. The basis of flour sweets is flour with all kinds of spices and fillings.

Sweets are, first of all, a variety of homemade sweets. There are a whole lot of varieties of candies - these are bars, sweets, caramels and lollipops, candies with different fillings, truffles, toffees, roasted candies, waffle, chocolate, milk and fruit candies and many, many others.

As a rule, the main components of all sweets are carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.), quite a bit of proteins, fats, and a drop of vitamins and minerals. Although, this applies to most candies. However, if you and I prepare homemade sweets from dried fruits, honey and nuts, then, of course, their nutritional value will be completely different.

Recipes for original and amazing sweets, which are updated daily with new products on the site - a wonderful alternative to sweets from supermarket shelves. And what is very important is that in homemade sweets you will probably not find any additives, preservatives, stabilizers or dyes that are harmful to our health.

Handmade sweets are the best gift for any occasion, an excellent decoration for a festive table and an indispensable delicacy for children of all times and peoples.

How to make candies yourself - beautiful, natural, tasty, not inferior in taste or appearance to their similar counterparts? It's so easy! Moreover, the process of making homemade sweets is so exciting that for many housewives, making sweets becomes a real hobby, which allows you to always have a sweet treat on hand for family, friends, children and work colleagues.

We want to bring to your attention only the most delicious and interesting recipes for making homemade sweets, which can turn even the most ordinary tea party into a real holiday - Truffle candies, sweet sausage, homemade caramel, homemade marmalade, homemade Raffaello, homemade Toffee candies, candied orange peels , cranberries in sugar, kozinaki, homemade toffee, lard in chocolate, homemade marshmallows, candies with prunes, soufflé, pastille, Grillage and many, many other recipes with photographs and step-by-step photo recipes.

Sweets made with your own hands, moreover, with love, have a special, unique taste and will undoubtedly appeal to everyone - a sweet tooth, a chocoholic, and even those who adhere to a diet and watch their figure.

Healthy low-calorie sweets made from dried fruits, nuts, with pieces of carrots, pumpkin, with all kinds of spices and honey do not in any way contradict the main principles of a healthy and proper diet.

Quick desserts come in handy when you want to have a little celebration, treat yourself to something sweet, but you don’t have much time to prepare and you don’t have the slightest desire to spend the whole day in the kitchen.
If this sounds familiar to you, then the recipes for simple desserts that I have collected on this page will help you out. A selection of seven simple desserts, tasty and quick to prepare, will be useful to any, even the most demanding housewife.

Quick tiramisu


  • 200 g low-fat fermented milk cottage cheese;
  • 200 grams of shortbread cookies;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon coffee;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa;
  • bag (10 g) vanilla sugar.


Using a blender, mix sour cream, cottage cheese and sugar until smooth, add vanilla sugar.
Brew strong coffee and, dipping cookies in it, place them in the prepared container for dessert. This could be a wide glass, a small salad bowl, or a regular cup.
Place pieces of cookies on the bottom of the vessel, then cover with curd cream, and again place a layer of cookies, and then cream. Sift cocoa onto the surface of the top layer of cream through a strainer. Tiramisu is ready in a hurry.


  • 1 can (400 g) boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • a glass of any nuts;
  • 1 thin pita bread;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered sugar.


Keep the butter at room temperature until it becomes soft.
Chop the nuts with a rolling pin and mix them with condensed milk and soft butter.
Spread the resulting mixture onto the pita bread, roll it tightly and place in the refrigerator for an hour.
Cut the pita bread into small cross-sections, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and enjoy a simple dessert in a hurry.

Quick cottage cheese and apple soufflé


  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 apple;
  • some raisins (optional).


It is better to twist the cottage cheese through a meat grinder several times. Grate the apple on a coarse grater, add cottage cheese, egg and mix everything well.
Prepare molds that can be used in the microwave. Place the mixture into the molds, filling them to the very top. Place in the microwave for 6-7 minutes.
You can also bake the soufflé in the oven for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Check readiness by pressing your finger on the surface of the soufflé. If a mark remains, then you need to finish baking your dessert a little more quickly.
Cool the finished soufflé and enjoy!


  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 3 rings of canned pineapple.


Add gelatin to the milk and leave for a while to swell, and then heat, but do not bring to a boil.
Beat cottage cheese, powdered sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar until smooth and fluffy.
Slowly pour in the milk with dissolved gelatin, mix thoroughly and add the diced pineapple, mix again.
Place the resulting curd mass in small molds, which are placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
The dessert can be eaten either from the mold or turned over onto a plate and decorated with fruit or chocolate. In order to easily remove the dessert without damaging it, you need to dip the mold in hot water and then turn it over.

Dessert with ginger and mango


  • 2 mangoes;
  • 3 cm ginger root;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • 1 fig;
  • some fresh mint.


Peel the ginger root and cut into thin slices. Place it in a saucepan with a glass of water, add sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat, add a few mint leaves and leave for 15 minutes to allow the syrup to absorb its flavor and cool. Then strain the syrup.
Peel and cut the mango into pieces, place in a dessert bowl and pour in ginger syrup. After this, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Peaches and other fruits can be used instead of mangoes. The finished dessert can be decorated with mint leaves and chopped figs.


  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 20 g gelatin.


Pour gelatin with water and leave for half an hour to swell. After this, mix milk, honey, cocoa and gelatin and place on low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, but do not bring to a boil.
Remove from heat, add cottage cheese and use a blender to blend until smooth.
Pour into molds and refrigerate for 4 hours, or better yet overnight. The low-calorie dessert is ready. You can decorate it with berries and fruits.


  • 5 bananas;
  • 1 orange;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped nuts;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rum or cognac;
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg.


Melt the butter in a frying pan, add sugar, nutmeg, stir and keep over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.
Peel the bananas, cut them in half lengthwise, and place them in the frying pan with the caramel, cut side down. Cook over low heat for a few minutes, then place on a plate.
Squeeze the orange juice into another frying pan and add its zest, simmer over low heat until syrup forms, pour in the rum, stir and remove from the heat.
Pour the resulting orange syrup over the bananas and sprinkle with nuts. Caramelized bananas are best served with scoops of ice cream.

What kind of desserts do you whip up? Please share your sweet experience in the comments on our website and with your friends on social networks.