What to take for uric acid. Causes of elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. Level of uric acid in the blood

Many people, after taking tests, hear from the doctor about an increase in uric acid levels. Naturally, they have a question about what is needed to withdraw uric acid from the body folk remedies, as well as what medications are needed. You should not delay the beginning of solving this problem, as it may become a harbinger of the development of serious pathological conditions. If your health worsens, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

The purpose of uric acid in the body

Before asking yourself how to reduce it, you need to understand what it is and why the body needs it. This is a substance with chemical compounds that are formed after proteins and purines have broken down. During normal functioning, the body independently regulates its balance by excreting it through the kidneys. The actual synthesis of the substance occurs in the liver.

If a person is healthy, a certain number of indicators of uranium salts will be found in his genetic material during examination. If they begin to accumulate, they will cause harm, manifested in the development of such pathological conditions as:

  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • spasmodic pain in muscles and joints;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism.

For this reason, it is extremely important to know how to remove uric acid from joints, other organs and tissues.

The normal level of uric acid in the body for adults is 150–350 Akmol/l, for children – 120–320 Akmol/l. For this reason, when the content of a substance increases to the above norm, it is necessary to ask how to reduce its amount. It is important that the consultation is carried out by a specialist who has sufficient experience in such situations.

Dangerous effects of the substance

Exceeding the level of the substance is called the medical term “hyperuricemia”. Most often, the condition occurs when a person develops gout. In such situations, uric acid must be removed not from the joints, but from the tissues and organs. Leaving an increased accumulation of salts in them is very dangerous, as any specialist will tell you. Reducing uric acid levels is necessary in order to prevent the development of such consequences as:

  • disturbance of mental activity;
  • intense pain in the head area;
  • increased risk of developing a stroke;
  • development of superficial varicose veins;
  • formation of arterial type hypertension.

When a specialist, instead of hyperurecemia, voices the diagnosis of “uric acid diathesis,” we are talking about an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. In such situations, a person’s condition may be accompanied by the following conditions:

  • instability of the nervous system;
  • disturbance of mnestic processes of the brain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased level of perseverance.

The task of removing uric acid from the body belongs to the kidneys, however, this can cause the development of urolithiasis or contribute to the appearance of sand in the pelvis. Periodically, a decrease in indicators occurs after the substance is excreted through saliva, after which tartar begins to form.

Symptomatic manifestations

To start talking about removing uric acid from the body, you first need to pay attention to the signals it gives to a person. So, symptomatic manifestations increasing the level of acid in the genetic material are:

  • redness of the skin, the occurrence of eczema, psoriasis (applies to small children);
  • increased pain in the joints, the appearance of wounds for unknown reasons;
  • pain in the groin, cystitis (usually observed in men);
  • pathological conditions of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • inflammatory processes in the gum area;

  • formation of a large number of dental stones;
  • rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area;
  • sleep disorders;
  • state of increased fatigue.

If you experience even a few symptoms, you should consult a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. After this, the doctor will tell the patient in detail how to remove uric acid from the body.

Causes of increased uric acid levels

To understand how to lower uric acid in the blood, it is necessary to determine the reasons for its increase.

The main ones include:

  • disruption of the protein breakdown process;
  • pathological conditions of the kidneys;

  • improper organization of the diet;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • starvation;
  • constant stressful situations at work and at home.

Naturally, there are certain pills and other medications that can improve a person’s well-being. However, getting rid of gout and other symptoms on your own is strictly prohibited. In such cases, the situation can worsen several times, and therefore treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.

Removal of uric acid in gout

When wondering how to reduce the level of a substance in the body with gout, it is worth remembering that just taking medications will not help. It is necessary to adjust your diet, undergo a course of medication, accustom yourself to do therapeutic exercises, and also adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, the disease will progress, and medications will not help the patient.

Traditional methods

  • plums;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • potato;
  • apricot.

It is worth giving up sweet carbonated water, compotes with sugar, and using alkaline water instead. mineral water. In addition, you must avoid eating foods such as:

  • smoked meats;
  • alcohol;
  • pickles;
  • sugar;

  • spicy seasonings;
  • grape;
  • salad;
  • rhubarb;
  • sorrel;
  • turnip;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplants.

However, patients often seek help when nutritional correction alone will not change anything in their health. better side. In such cases, a comprehensive diet is used, drug treatment and implementation of complexes therapeutic exercises.


Therapeutic exercises are useful for gout and increased quantity urates in the body for the reason that it prevents muscles and joints from stagnating. By moving, they are developed, and therefore, all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated and gradually returned to normal. Naturally, using only therapeutic exercises will not give quick positive results.

It is important not only to use physical activity for good, but also to select it taking into account other characteristics of the body. Cardio exercises are more suitable for some, while strength exercises or classes with special equipment are more suitable for others. Care about own health This is to prevent the deterioration of the condition in the presence of certain diseases.

Gout in Latin is called arthritis urica. This disease is caused by a malfunction in the process of metabolism and excretion of purine in the body, which leads to an increase in the level of uric acid in the body. intercellular fluid and blood flow. It is because of this that this disease has another name - urinary gout, the essence of which, as well as methods for its relief, we will try to consider in this article.

ICD-10 code

M10 Gout

Causes of urinary gout

The disease primarily discussed in this article is a disease of the strong half of humanity, although women are not immune from it. In most cases, it is diagnosed after forty to fifty years, but there are also cases of earlier diagnosis. The causes of urinary gout are quite numerous, we will name only the main ones.

  • During this period, the amount of estrogen in the body decreases, which leads to disruption metabolic processes, including purines.
  • Hereditary predisposition to this disease.
  • Joint injuries.
  • Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  • Obesity. The more extra pounds, the more difficult problem and a higher risk of developing pathology.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Organ transplantation.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Long-term use a number of medicines.
  • Frequent diets with a sudden change in diet.


To effectively deal with the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to know the pathogenesis of the disease that we had to face. This is the only way you can count on complete cure or transferring the disease into remission. If the pathogenesis is not clear, a specialist can only act on the symptom, which will improve the patient’s condition, but not solve the problem as a whole.

The basis of the problem is an increase in uric acid levels in the patient’s body. Research shows that it is quite common to identify a catalyst that triggered the development of of this disease impossible.

But the mechanism of disease progression itself can be traced. Uric acid is produced by liver purines. It is then distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream. The main organ for its removal from the body is the kidneys, which, along with urine, also remove the substance of interest to us.

A smaller amount of uric acid is adsorbed into the intestines, where intestinal bacteria work with it.

Blood uric acid levels healthy person are no more than 6.8 mg/dl. If this indicator is higher, the doctor indicates this state body as hyperuricemia.

With an increased content of this element in human blood, the formation of needle-shaped salt crystals, called monosodium urates (MSU), begins on their basis. The higher the uric acid level, the higher the risk of the formation of such conglomerates.

When these compounds are deposited in the joints, they cause inflammatory process, accompanied by the appearance of other pathological symptoms.

Symptoms of urinary gout

Manifestations of the disease in question may result in the following pathological deviation:

  • Pain localized in the joints and adjacent tissues.
  • Pain symptoms intensify with any movement in problem area. Mostly this discomfort intensifies at night and in the morning.
  • Swelling of the affected area.
  • Height temperature indicators locally at the site of the lesion.
  • Hyperemia of the skin at the site of the diseased joint. The dermis becomes smooth and glossy.
  • Chills may appear and be observed small stature body temperature indicators.
  • Deterioration in the general condition of the body and appetite.
  • If the pathology is advanced, then growths appear and continue to grow, localized in the affected joint.
  • It is possible to immobilize an element of the musculoskeletal system.

In most cases, urinary gout symptoms affect one joint, but variations are possible.

First signs

Usually the first signs of the disease that begin to bother a person are the formation, manifestation and growth of nodular formations (tophi), the appearance in the joint discomfort, edema.

Consequences and complications

If you do not maintain normal levels of uric acid, allowing it to remain in excess for a long time, you can get the formation of needle-shaped salt crystals. The consequences of their growth are the formation of conglomerates, which contribute to the manifestation of the inflammatory process and the pathological symptoms described above.

Uncontrollable excess uric acid leads the patient to aggravate the situation. Complications of this pathology can be described as follows:

  • Tophi deposits, causing unbearable pain, which intensifies with any, even slight, touch.
  • Transition of the disease into a chronic form.
  • Defeat blood vessels. This primarily concerns the heart and kidneys.
  • Destruction of the tissue structure of the sore spot.
  • Hyperemia, the appearance of a “glass surface” effect.
  • Deformation of the articular apparatus.
  • Gradually physical activity the joint is reduced to “no”.
  • Increase in size of tophi.
  • Proliferation of connective tissue fibers.
  • Sclerotic changes in the human body.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Changes in kidney function.
  • This process also affects the development of diabetes mellitus, cataracts, and dry eye syndrome in the patient.

There are frequent cases when concomitant diseases of this pathology are nephrosclerosis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, as well as renal dysfunction. With less frequency, but it is still possible to observe complications affecting the respiratory system, radiculitis, pharyngitis, allergies, lumbago.

However, with timely and correct implementation therapeutic treatment you can count on a fairly high quality standard of living.

Diagnosis of urinary gout

It is possible to correctly diagnose the disease by having in hand full picture pathology that occurs after general examination sick. Direct diagnosis of urinary gout consists of a number of studies:

  1. Finding out the patient's medical history.
  2. Visual examination of the patient. Presence of tophi.
  3. Lab tests.
    • Analysis of synovial fluid.
    • Urine tests.
    • Blood test to determine uric acid levels.
  4. Instrumental diagnostics.
    • Radiography.
    • Ultrasound examination.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or computed tomography (CT).
  5. Differential diagnosis is the exclusion of other diseases that have similar symptoms.


It is impossible to make a diagnosis without laboratory research, allowing to assess the level of uric acid in the patient’s organs and systems and the severity of the destruction to which the body has suffered under the influence of pathology. The following tests are required:

  • General and biochemical research blood tests will allow you to evaluate the blood formula, its quantitative components, including uric acid levels. The presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • General and biochemical tests of urine.
  • Carrying out an analysis of synovial joint fluid and the contents of tophi (if uric acid crystals are found, therefore, the diagnosis of gout is confirmed).

Laboratory studies are quite informative. They allow you to recognize, evaluate and monitor the process of formation and utilization of uric acid.

Instrumental diagnostics

Not enough modern medicine without help medical equipment. Instrumental diagnosis of the disease of interest to us can be recognized by a number of medical techniques. The most popular are:

  • X-rays allow you to evaluate the condition of bones, connective tissues and other components of the joint, as well as the degree of destruction and their deformation. X-ray allows you to identify tophi ranging in size from 0.5 mm to 3 cm in diameter, and other associated diseases.
  • Doppler ultrasound is an examination carried out to study the state of blood flow in the vessels invaded in the area of ​​interest. Such a study is especially informative during the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  • CT scan. This technique visualizes the processes taking place in the area of ​​interest.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The method is similar to the previous one. Allows you to view the joint in 3D dimension. At the same time, the produced package of photo frames makes it possible to use the survey results more than once.
  • If the clinical picture of the disease is unclear, the patient is prescribed scintigraphy with technetium pyrophosphate. A special substance is injected into the patient's blood - a marker, which selectively settles in places where urates are concentrated, which allows, through subsequent scanning, to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Instrumental diagnostics are prescribed to almost all patients who have complaints of joint pathologies.

Differential diagnosis

Diagnosing gout is sometimes difficult even for an experienced, qualified doctor. Therefore, differential diagnosis is the analysis of as many diverse examinations and test results as possible. This is the only way to get a complete picture of the pathology and differentiate the disease in question from other pathologies that have similar symptoms.

Analysis of the patient's medical history and examination results makes it possible to diagnose not only gout itself, but also the stage of destruction at which it is located. After all, it is on this basis that we can talk about adequate, effective treatment or preventive measures that can maintain the patient’s body in remission.

The specialist must be able to evaluate the clinical picture of the disease. The main criterion in this is the staging of the pathology. Mostly, if the patient has already consulted a doctor with complaints, the patient is diagnosed with one of three stages of the disease:

  • Hyperuricemia, deposition of urates in the elements of the musculoskeletal system. At this stage of the pathology, the patient’s body can remain for more than one year without showing symptoms. But in medicine there are cases where the disease still manifested itself even without an increase in the level of uric acid substances in the body.
  • Accumulation of urates in tissue structures. Urates are crystalline neoplasms that, even if present in small quantities, can cause discomfort to a person. It is with their appearance that pathological symptoms begin to gradually appear and increase.
  • Exacerbation of the process caused by the inflammatory process occurring in the tissues. The patient reaches this level only if the accumulation conglomerates become significant. They not only injure neighboring tissues, but also cause resistance from the affected organism.

The main burden of this disease, in addition to the musculoskeletal system, also falls on the kidneys. But this fact is discovered after several years of the disease.

Treatment of urinary gout

Modern possibilities allow a gout patient to offer a number of diverse methods for relieving the problem. At the same time, they can be treated as traditional classical medicine, and to non-traditional methods. Treatment of urinary gout can be carried out using the following methods:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment.
  • Surgical treatment.
  • Homyopathy.
  • Massages and therapeutic exercises.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Using traditional medicine recipes.

You just need to remember that any therapy must be agreed with your doctor. Otherwise, the patient risks only aggravating the situation, which will be much more difficult to stop. And the consequences of self-medication can lead the patient’s body to irreversible processes.

Medicines for gout and high uric acid

Once the diagnosis is established, the doctor can begin prescribing a treatment protocol for the disease. Medicines for gout and high uric acid are conventionally divided into relief of two main stages. Initially, drugs are prescribed that reduce the intensity of pathological symptoms. At the second point, the attending physician begins to treat the pathology or preventive measures, which will help bring the disease in question into remission, which will avoid relapse.

The treatment protocol includes medications from several pharmacological groups.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed mainly during an exacerbation to relieve the severity of the process. The following drugs can be used: butadione, motrin, ketoprofen, dexibuprofen, reopirin, sulindac, indomethacin, naproxen, diclofenac, voltaren, and a number of others

Indomethacin is a powerful inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis, which has antipyretic and analgesic properties, usually taken after meals in the amount of 25 mg two to three times a day. If therapeutic effectiveness of treatment is not observed, given dosage can be increased to 100–150 mg daily, divided into three to four doses.

Contraindications to this pharmacological agent include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, peptic ulcer of the digestive mucosa, renal failure, bronchial asthma, pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Glucocorticosteroid (hormonal) drugs, steroid hormones, synthesized by the adrenal cortex. Powerful anti-shock, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory characteristics. But they must be prescribed very carefully, since these drugs also show immunosuppressive characteristics that reduce protective forces body, increasing the likelihood infectious lesions the patient's body, impair blood clotting.

The most commonly used drugs are prednisolone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone and others.

Prednisolone ointment is recommended to be applied to the damaged joint a small amount, rubbing lightly into the skin one to three times throughout the day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, based on the effectiveness of the result.

Contraindications to this pharmacological agent include individual intolerance to the components of the drug, herpes, peptic ulcer of the digestive mucosa, renal failure, Cushing's syndrome, bronchial asthma, bacterial, fungal or viral pathologies of the skin, ordinary or rosacea, pregnancy and lactation.

Anti-gout medications are required: allopurinol, urodan, colchicum-dispert, allomaron, colchicine and others.

Drugs that remove uric acid

It is also worth noting that the treatment protocol also includes drugs that remove uric acid from the body. They allow you to reduce its level, which helps speed up the treatment process and promptly improve the patient’s condition. These drugs include: probenecid, allopurinol, blemaren, sulfinpyrazone and their analogs.

Allopurinol, an active anti-gout drug, effectively reduces the level of uric acid in the patient’s blood.

It is prescribed in an amount directly dependent on the level of uric acid. The minimum dosage of the drug is 100 mg, the maximum is 800 mg. Usually on average this level is 200–400 mg daily, divided into one or two doses.

This requires monthly monitoring of serum uric acid levels.

Contraindications for this medicine include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, renal failure, pregnancy and breastfeeding of the newborn.

Traditional treatment

The experience of our ancestors allows us to use traditional treatment to rid the patient of many pathologies. This judgment also applies to our problem.

Numerous folk recipes are able to relieve such a patient from pain, lead to regression of the inflammatory process and effectively combat the accumulation of uric acid in the blood. But it is worth noting that treatment with alternative medicine methods does not lead to complete recovery. They are able to reduce the severity of symptoms or maintain the patient’s body in a state of remission.

However, they can only be used with the permission of a doctor, since some of them can negatively affect the action of a number of drugs, reducing their effectiveness. ethnoscience- this is secondary, supporting, auxiliary treatment diseases.

Here are a number of recipes that allow you to get positive dynamics of treatment.

  • Turnip compresses. Boil or bake this root vegetable until soft. Knead. You can add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower or any other mixture to the resulting consistency. vegetable oil. The “medicine” is placed on the diseased area skin. The top is secured with cloth. If the integrity of the skin at the joint site is compromised, such applications are prohibited.
  • A wonderful cure for this pathology are beekeeping products. Used as ointments based on bee venom, so directly yourself bee stings, which are done in the area of ​​the affected joint. But this technique is only suitable for a patient who is not allergic to bee products.
  • Ten-minute baths with the following composition have proven themselves to be effective: add aromatic oils such as rosemary (or pine), juniper, drop by drop into hot water. tea tree(or naioli tree), cajuput. After the bath, you should do a small massage of the heated area with one of the same oils.
  • Similar baths can be taken with a combination of grape and lavender oils, taking one drop at a time.
  • In such a situation, you can drink apple decoction. Peel the apple, remove seeds and peel, chop and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for half an hour, strain, and drink a couple of cups between meals. Before the next use, the decoction should be heated in a water bath. Take warm.

Herbal treatment

Nature has given us a great variety of plants with medicinal properties. Herbal treatment also helps solve the problem discussed in this article. But the only difference is that they will not be able to bring the therapy to the complete recovery of the patient, but will be able to improve his condition, especially during an exacerbation. We are ready to voice only a few recipes from the numerous medicinal list.

  • High cupping effect is shown poplar buds, crushed and combined with Vaseline (ratio 1: 4). The resulting ointment should be applied to the sore joint once or twice a day. This will ease the pain and relieve the aggravation.
  • An excellent anti-inflammatory remedy is ginger root tea. One to two teaspoons of grated product per cup of boiling water, taken three times a day, is enough to feel a surge of strength and prevent the development of the disease.
  • Steam a couple of teaspoons of St. John's wort with a liter of just boiled water. Wrap up and leave to brew for two to three hours. To reduce uric acid levels in the blood and as a pain reliever this medicine should be taken three times a day, 50 ml. The duration of such therapy can be several months.
  • Celery root, taken in the amount of one tablespoon and placed in half a liter of boiling water, is also effective. Two hours of infusion and the decoction is ready. It should be drunk three to four times a day 30 minutes before meals. Properties are similar to the previous recipe.
  • Chamomile infusion baths are also suitable.


Modern homeopathy is not “fortune telling on coffee grounds”, but the research and production of alternative medicine drugs, put on an industrial basis.

In relation to the treatment of the disease discussed in this article, homeopathic doctors are ready to offer whole list medicines that, even if they do not lead a person to full recovery, will help eliminate pathological symptoms, improving the patient’s condition.

When diagnosing gout, homeopaths may recommend the following homeomedicines:

  • Bryonia Alba - has proven itself in relieving inflammation in joint tissues, as well as in cases of limited mobility.
  • Colchicum – relieves swelling and stops the inflammatory process. The basis of the drug - medicinal plant Colchicum
  • Formic acid – perfectly removes pain syndrome for rheumatism and gout, it has a warming effect on joint tissues and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Potassium carbonate is an effective pain reliever.
  • Lithium Carb – removes perfectly joint pain, burning sensation.
  • Urea pura – relief of acute manifestations of gout and gouty eczema. The drug is made on the basis of urea.

Drugs alternative medicine designed to stimulate the patient’s body’s own healing powers.

Surgical treatment

But with a number of clinical pictures, doctors cannot do without more radical measures. If the size of the tophi is significant and it interferes with the movement of the joint, causing the person unbearable pain, or the disease has progressed so far that there is deformation of an element of the musculoskeletal system and tissue destruction, doctors come to the decision of surgical intervention.

In such a situation, surgical treatment may involve excision of the pathological formation or its removal along with the affected joint, followed by prosthetics.


It is better to prevent any disease or attack than to deal with the problem later. To prevent relapse of gout, prevention of this disease is necessary. Specialists studying this problem, recommend:

  • You need to carefully review your diet. There should be such a patient on the table minimal amount foods rich in purina.
  • Minor sports loads: morning warm-up, light jogging or walking. A set of exercises should form a muscle corset. It will help relieve pressure on your joints by transferring some of the stress onto yourself.
  • If the patient has a sedentary job, this should be compensated by regular exercise.
  • It is necessary to take a sufficient amount of fluid to ensure normal removal of uric acid from the patient’s body. This is about 2.5 - 3 liters of liquid per day.
  • Relieve heavy loads and intense twisting.
  • It is necessary to normalize your weight, avoiding extra pounds. After all, this is an additional load on the supporting system.
  • Avoid injury.
  • You should not wear narrow and uncomfortable shoes. It injures the joints of the foot.
  • Forecast

    Medical statistics show that the prognosis for gout is quite favorable. The vast majority of people with this diagnosis suffer predominantly from the pathological symptoms of accompanying diseases rather than directly from gout. The exception is the period of exacerbation. But the sooner they are accepted effective measures, the easier the patient tolerates the attacks, and the faster the period of remission begins.

    As the same statistics show, many patients diagnosed with gout also suffer from urolithiasis (a metabolic disorder leading to the formation urinary stones) and/or nephrolithiasis (kidney stones and sand). In more severe cases renal failure can be observed and it is this that can cause death, and not the disease discussed in this article.

    “Take care of your health from a young age!” This catchphrase, perhaps, like no other characterize the essence of the problem. If a person has led a healthy lifestyle since childhood, following proper nutrition, then the likelihood of developing the disease discussed in this article is minimal. And even if it so happens that urinary gout is diagnosed, it is much easier for such a person to stop the attack and keep the disease in remission. But another category of patients should not give up. If the disease is established, then correct execution recommendations of a specialist, you can live to a ripe old age, leading quite high-quality active life without feeling inferior. We wish you good health and a full, rich life!

    ICD-10 code

    According to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD code 10), microcrystalline types of arthritis, which include urinary gout, have their own individual code - M10. This category was described in more detail:

    • Idiopathic gout is coded M10.0.
    • Lead type of pathology – coding M10.1.
    • Drug-induced gout - coding M10.2.
    • A disease associated with a malfunction of the kidneys - coding M10.3.
    • Secondary pathology- M10.4 encoding.
    • Disease of unspecified origin - code M10.9.

In gout, uric acid is deposited in the form of crystals in the joints and soft tissues, causing inflammation. All medications that are used for gout and high uric acid are divided into uricodepressive, uricosuric and combined. Today you will learn how to reduce uric acid in gout and avoid progression of the disease.

Allows you to reduce the level of uric acid in gout by reducing its synthesis from purines. They are used if the cause of the disease is increased synthesis of uric acid by the liver:

  • "Allopurinol." Is structural analogue xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that takes part in the synthesis of uric acid (converts hypoxanthine into xanthine, and xanthine into uric acid). The dosage is prescribed depending on the level of hyperuricemia, usually starting with 100 mg per day (1 tablet), gradually increasing to 300 mg if necessary. You can take no more than 8 tablets per day. Side effects may occur such as skin rash and dyspepsia. The drug should not be taken until an acute attack of gout is relieved, as this may provoke the development of further attacks;
  • Orotic acid. Active substance- potassium orotate is a vitamin-like substance that has a positive effect on purine metabolism. Take 0.5-1 tablet (500 mg) 3 times a day an hour before meals. The duration of the course is about a month.


These are drugs that remove uric acid in gout, and thus reduce uricemia. They are used if the disease occurs due to impaired excretion of urate by the kidneys. Uricosuric drugs for gout are prescribed with preserved renal function and the absence of urolithiasis:

  • "Probenecid". The mechanism of action is inhibition of reabsorption (reabsorption into the blood) of urates, which leads to increased excretion. Available in the form of 500 mg tablets. Treatment begins with 250 mg 2 times a day, after a week it can be increased to 500 mg. If the effect of treatment does not occur, the dose can be increased to a maximum of 2 g per day. In the future, the intake is continued at a minimum effective dosage. The drug is not used to relieve an acute attack; it may cause an exacerbation;
  • "Anturan". The active ingredient is sulfinpyrazone. Like Probenecid, it reduces the reabsorption of uric acid in the proximal tubules of the nephron. Take 100-200 mg 3 times a day. If there is no effect, then the dosage is gradually increased to 800 mg. Be sure to take enough liquid during use. It should not be taken together with salicylates, as this reduces the uricosuric effect of the drug. Contraindication is pathology digestive tract(peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum), kidney and liver disorders;
  • "Benzobromarone". Available in the form of 100 mg tablets. Initial dose - 0.5 tablets. (50 mg) 1 time per day, if the effectiveness is insufficient, 100 mg can be used. To prevent the development of urolithiasis, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Usually the drug is well tolerated, side effects such as nausea and diarrhea, and allergic rash rarely occur;
  • "Ugly." The drug contains lithium salts and piperazine, which form readily soluble compounds with uric acid. Then the formed complex is easily removed from the body. Release form: granules. Take a teaspoon before meals 3 times a day. Contraindication for use is diabetes And increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug.


These are tablets for uric acid for gout, which simultaneously reduce its synthesis in the liver and increase excretion by the kidneys:

  • "Allomaron". It combines two active ingredients - allopurinol and benzbromarone. This combination allows for a more effective reduction in uric acid levels. The initial dose is 1 tablet (100 mg allopurinol, 20 mg benzbromarone), if ineffective, gradually increase to 2-3 tablets per day. Cannot be accepted this remedy with impaired renal function, hypersensitivity to any of the components. Side effects that may occur: allergic reactions, dyspepsia, peripheral blood disorders (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), liver and kidney damage.

It is impossible to completely cure gout, but with proper nutrition and adequate pharmacotherapy, long-term remission and a significant improvement in quality of life can be achieved.

Video “How to treat gout”

In this video, experts will talk about how to effectively treat gout.

AVISAN (Avisanum)

Contains a sum of substances obtained from the fruits of Ammi Visnaga L..

Pharmachologic effect. It has antispasmodic (relieving spasms) properties. By relaxing the muscles of the ureters, it promotes the advancement and passage of ureteral stones.

Indications for use. Spasm ( sharp narrowing lumen) of the ureters, renal colic.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.05-0.1 g 3-4 times a day after meals for 1-3 weeks.

To make it easier to remove stones from urinary tract It is recommended that the patient be given a large amount of fluid while taking Avisan. In the absence of contraindications from of cardio-vascular system and kidneys, the patient drinks 1.5-2 liters of water or tea within 2-3 hours. This technique is repeated after a few days. The patient should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effect. IN in some cases dyspeptic symptoms(digestive disorders).

Release form. Film-coated tablets, 0.05 g in a package of 25 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place, protected from light.

ALLOPURINOL (AUopurinolum)

Synonyms: Milurit, Apurin, Zilorik, Allopur, Atizuril, Foligan, Goticur, Lizurin, Petrazin, Prinol, Pyral, Purinol, Uridoside, Uriprim, Xanthurate.

Pharmachologic effect. By inhibiting xanthine oxidase, it inhibits the synthesis of uric acid, which helps reduce the urate content in the serum and prevents its deposition in the kidneys.

Indications for use. For the treatment and prevention of diseases accompanied by hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood) and the formation of urate stones (consisting of uric acid salts): primary and secondary gout, urolithiasis with the formation of calculi (stones) containing urate, primary and secondary hyperuricemia.

Method of administration and dose. Orally after meals, 0.1 g 3-4 times a day, the daily dose can be increased to 0.8 g (in four divided doses).

In severe cases of gout, with significant deposits of urate in the tissues and high hyperuricemia (over 7 mg%), up to 0.6-0.8 g is prescribed in fractional doses (no more than 0.2 g per dose) for 2-4 weeks, then switch to maintenance doses (0.1-0.3 g per day), which are given long-term (for several months).

When you stop taking allopurinol, uricemia (increased uric acid in the blood) and uricosuria ( increased excretion uric acid in the urine) return to the original level, so treatment must be long-term. Gaps in taking the drug for more than 2-3 days are undesirable.

When treating with allopurinol, it is necessary to maintain diuresis (urination) at a level of at least 2 liters per day; It is desirable that the urine reaction be neutral.

Side effect. At the beginning of treatment, an exacerbation of the disease, sometimes dyspeptic symptoms (digestive disorders), eosinophilia (increased number of eosinophils in the blood), skin rashes, fever ( sharp increase body temperature).

Contraindications. Renal failure with impaired excretory function, pregnancy.

Release form. Tablets of 0.1 g in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

BENZOBROMARON (Benzobromarone)

Synonyms: Normurat, Khipurik, Dezurik, Azabromaron, Exurat, Maksurik, Minurik, Urikonorm, Urikozurik, Urinorm.

Pharmachologic effect. Benzobromarone has a strong uricosuric effect (increases the excretion of uric acid). The effect is mainly due to inhibition of the absorption of uric acid in the proximal (located in the central part of the kidney) renal tubules and an increase in the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. In addition, the drug inhibits (suppresses the activity) of enzymes involved in the synthesis of purines. Under the influence of benzobromarone, the excretion of uric acid through the intestines is enhanced.

Indications for use. Used for hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood) (for arthritis / joint inflammation / with hyperuricemia, hematological diseases, psoriasis, etc.) and gout.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribed to adults orally during meals, starting from 0.05 g (50 mg = "/2 tablets) 1 time per day, and if the urate level in the blood is not sufficiently reduced - 1 tablet per day.

At acute attacks gout is sometimes prescribed in short courses of 1/2 tablet 3 times a day for 3 days.

During treatment, to prevent the deposition of calculi (stones) in the urinary tract, the patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Side effect. The drug is usually well tolerated. In some cases it is possible gastrointestinal disorders(diarrhea), allergic skin reactions. With gout, joint pain may intensify in the first days; in these cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Contraindications. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, severe liver and kidney damage. The drug should not be prescribed to children.

Release form. Tablets of 0.1 g in a package of 30 pieces and tablets containing 0.08 g (80 mg) of micronized benzobromarone (hipuric).

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light.


Synonyms: K-Na hydrogen citrate, Soluran.

Pharmachologic effect. Helps neutralize urine, allows you to maintain pH (an indicator of the acid-base state) within 6.6-6.8, which creates optimal conditions to increase the dissolution of uric acid. Long-term use The drug leads to the dissolution of uric acid stones and prevents their appearance.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis with a predominance of urates, prevention of the formation of uric acid stones.

Method of administration and dose. Doses are set individually, on average 3-6 g (1-2 dosed spoons) 2-3 times a day after meals. The drug is diluted in water or fruit juice. Treatment is carried out under the control of urine pH 3 times a day using the indicator included with the drug.

Alkaline urine (pH above 7.0) should be avoided, as this promotes the formation of phosphates.

Side effect. Rarely - disorders from gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications. Chronic urinary tract infection with urea-splitting bacteria

acute and chronic renal failure, circulatory failure.

Release form. In a package of 300 g with a dosed spoon, a control calendar and an indicator for determining pH. Composition per 100 g of granules: anhydrous citric acid - 39.90 g, potassium bicarbonate - 32.25 g, anhydrous sodium citrate - 27.85 g.

Storage conditions. In a well-closed container in a dry place.

Knotweed (Herba Polygon! avicularis)

Contains flavonol glycosides - quercetin, hyperoside, avicularin; tannins.

Pharmachologic effect. Anti-inflammatory and promoting the removal of calculi (stones).

Indications for use. As an anti-inflammatory agent that promotes the passage of stones for stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Method of administration and dose. Used as an infusion (10.0:20.0-15.0:20.0) 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

During treatment, to prevent the deposition of stones in the urinary tract, the patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Release form. Packaged in 100 g.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place.

MADDER EXTRACT DRY (Extractum Rubiae tinctorum siccum)

Extract from rhizomes and roots of perennials herbaceous plants madder dye ( Rubia tinctorum L.) and Georgian madder (Rubia iberica Fisch.), fam. madder (Rubicea). Contain at least 3% anthracene derivatives.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an antispasmodic (relieving spasms) and diuretic effect; promotes loosening of urinary stones containing calcium and magnesium phosphates.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis disease.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.25-0.75 g 2-3 times a day in 1/2 cup warm water. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Side effect. Colors urine reddish.

Release form. Tablets of 0.25 g in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a well-closed container.

TABLETS "MARELIN" (Tabulettae "Marelinum" obductae)

A combined preparation containing dry madder extract, dry horsetail herb extract, dry goldenrod extract, single-substituted magnesium phosphate, corglycon, kellin, salicylamide.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an antispasmodic (relieving spasms) and anti-inflammatory effect. Promotes the removal of kidney stones (stones), consisting of calcium oxalates and calcium phosphates. Reduces or relieves pain during renal colic. With an alkaline reaction of urine, the pH (an indicator of the acid-base state) shifts to the acidic side.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis disease.

Method of administration and dose. If stones are present, take 2-4 tablets 3 times a day orally (before meals) daily for 20-30 days. Treatment is carried out in repeated courses with an interval of 1-1.5 months.

To prevent relapse (re-deposition of stones) after surgical removal stones or their spontaneous passage are prescribed 2 tablets

3 times a day every day for 2-3 months. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 4-6 months.

For patients with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is prescribed after meals (dyspeptic symptoms /digestive disorders/ and exacerbation of peptic ulcer are possible).

Contraindications. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis (kidney disease).

Release form. Tablets containing: dry madder extract - 0.0325 g, dry horsetail herb extract - 0.015 g, dry goldenrod extract - 0.025 g, single-substituted magnesium phosphate - 0.01 g, corglycone - 0.000125 g, kellin - 0. 0025 g, salicylamide -0.035 g, coated, in glass jars of 120 pieces.

Storage conditions.


Pharmachologic effect. Antispasmodic (relieving spasms), anti-inflammatory and diuretic (diuretic) agent.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis disease.

Method of administration and dose. Orally, half an hour before meals, 3-4 drops (for an attack, 20 drops) on a piece of sugar; for frequent attacks, 10 drops 3 times a day.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, increased fluid intake into the body is recommended simultaneously with taking the drug. In the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the patient should take at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (mineral alkaline water, tea, fruit juices).

Contraindications. Glomerulonephritis (kidney disease), severe renal dysfunction, gastric ulcer.

Release form. In bottles of 10 ml. Ingredients: madder root tincture - 0.093 g, magnesium salicylate - 0.14 g, essential oils - 5.75 g, ethyl alcohol - 0.8 g, olive oil up to 10 ml.

Storage conditions. Under normal conditions.

MAGURLIT (Magurlit)

Pharmachologic effect. The drug is designed to shift the pH (an indicator of the acid-base state) of urine towards an alkaline reaction, as well as to inhibit the formation and dissolution of stones consisting of calcium oxalate, as well as a mixture of uric acid with calcium oxalate.

Indications for use. Magurlit is used to dissolve and prevent the re-formation of urinary stones in cases with persistent acidity of urine (pH less than 5.5).

Method of administration and dose. Taken orally. The average dose for adults is 6-8 g per day (2 g early in the morning, 2 g in the afternoon and 2 or 4 g late in the evening). Take with water (or fruit juice).

To further clarify the dose, the urine pH is determined daily using the indicator paper included with the drug, comparing the color with the attached color scale; The pH of fresh urine, determined in the morning, afternoon and evening before taking the drug, should be correct dosage be in the range from 6.0 to 6.7-7.0. Exceeding this value is necessary

avoid, since alkaline urine (pH above 7.0) can form phosphate stones. To maintain the pH at the specified level, the dose of the drug must be selected individually.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, increased fluid intake into the body is recommended simultaneously with taking Magurlit. In the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the patient should take at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (mineral alkaline water, tea, fruit juices).

The drug can be used for a long time - continuously or intermittently.

Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

Side effect. During treatment, disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract may be observed, usually resolving without stopping the course of treatment.

Contraindications. Chronic infections urinary tract, circulatory failure (due to the large amount of sodium and potassium in the drug).

Release form. In bags of 2 g of the drug in a package of 100 pieces with the attachment of indicator papers, a color scale and tweezers.

Storage conditions. In a well-packed container.

OLIMETHIN (Olimetinum)

Synonyms: Enatin, Rowatin, Rowachol.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic (relieving spasms), choleretic effect.

Indications for use. Kidney stones and cholelithiasis.

Method of administration and dose. Orally before meals, 2 capsules 3-5 times a day. For the purpose of prevention (after stones pass), 1 capsule per day for a long time.

Contraindications. Urinary disorders, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis(kidney disease), hepatitis, gastric ulcer.

Release form. Capsules of 0.5 g in a package of 12 pieces. Composition of one capsule: peppermint oil - 0.0085 g, purified turpentine oil - 0.01705 g, essential calamus oil - 0.0125 g, olive oil - 0.46025 g, purified sulfur - 0.0017 g.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place, protected from light.


50% solution of the heavy fraction of essential oils (from pine or spruce needles) in peach oil.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an antispasmodic (relieving spasms) effect on the muscles of the urinary tract, and a bacteriostatic (preventing the proliferation of bacteria) effect.

Indications for use. Kidney stone disease, renal colic.

Method of administration and dose. Orally, 5 drops 3 times a day with sugar 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks; for renal colic, up to 20 drops of sugar once.

Side effect. Large doses of the drug can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, hypotension (lowering blood pressure).

Contraindications. Nephritis, nephrosis (kidney diseases).

Release form. In bottles of 25 ml of a 50% solution in peach oil.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool place.

SULFIN PYRAZONE (Sulfmpyrazone)

Synonyms: Anturan, Anturanil, Anturidin, Enturan, Pirocard, Sulfazon, Sulfison, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. It is an active uricosuric (uric acid-removing) agent.

Indications for use. Used to treat gout. Increases the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys, especially in the first stage of treatment.

Method of administration and dose. It is usually prescribed orally in a daily dose of 0.3-0.4 g (in 2-4 doses). Take after meals; It is advisable to drink it with milk.

It should be taken into account that small doses of salicylates weaken the uricosuric effect of sulfinpyrazone. The drug enhances the effect of oral anticoagulants, oral antidiabetic agents, sulfonamides, and penicillin.

Side effect. Usually sulfinpyrazone is well tolerated, but exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenum.

At the beginning of treatment for gout, attacks may become more frequent. When prescribing a course of treatment, it is first necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of fluid into the body and alkalize the urine (taking sodium bicarbonate); if the urine is acidic, calculi (stones) may fall out in the urinary tract.

Contraindications. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hypersensitivity to butadiene and related drugs, severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

Release form. Tablets 0.1 g.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light.

URODAN (Urodanum)

Pharmachologic effect. The lithium salts and piperazine included in the drug in combination with uric acid form easily soluble compounds and promote its removal from the body.

Indications for use. Gout, urolithiasis, chronic polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints).

Method of administration and dose. Orally before meals, a teaspoon in 2 glasses of water 3-4 times a day. Use for a long time (30-40 days). If necessary, repeat the course.

Release form. Granules 100 g. Composition: piperazine - 2.5 g, hexamethylenetetramine - 8 g, sodium benzoate - 2.5 g, lithium benzoate - 2 g, disodium phosphate (anhydrous) - 10 g, sodium bicarbonate - 37.5 g, tartaric acid - 35.6 g, sugar - 1.9 g.

Storage conditions. Regular.

UROLESAN (Urolesanum)

Pharmachologic effect. Combined herbal preparation. It has antiseptic (disinfecting) properties, increases diuresis (urination), acidifies urine, increases the secretion of urea and chlorides, enhances bile formation and bile secretion, improves hepatic blood flow.

Indications for use. Various shapes urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, salt diathesis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis(kidney disease) and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), cholangiohepatitis (combined inflammation of the liver and bile

ducts) and dyskinesia (impaired mobility) of the biliary tract.

Method of administration and dose. 8-10 drops per lump of sugar under the tongue 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and lasts from 5 days to 1 month. For renal and hepatic colic, a single dose can be increased to 15-20 drops.

Side effect. Slight dizziness and nausea are possible. In this case, plenty of hot drinks and rest are prescribed.

Release form. Orange glass dropper bottles, 15 ml. Composition per 100 g: fir oil - 8 g, peppermint oil - 2 g, castor oil - 11 g, alcohol extract of wild carrot seeds - 23 g, alcohol extract of hop cones - 32.995 g, alcohol extract of oregano herb - 23 g , trilona - B 0.005 g.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +20 °C.

PHYTOLYSIN (Phytolysinum)

Blend of aqueous herbal extracts and essential oil, containing flavone derivatives, inositol, silicates, saponins, cineole, borneol, terpineol, camphene, etc. Contains plant extracts: parsley root, wheatgrass rhizome, horsetail grass, birch leaves, knotweed grass, etc., as well as peppermint oil , sage, pine, orange and vanillin.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bacteriostatic (preventing the proliferation of bacteria) effect, and also facilitates the loosening and removal of urinary calculi (stones).

Indications for use. Inflammation of the urinary tract, kidneys, renal pelvis and Bladder, loosening urinary stones and facilitating their excretion in the urine.

Method of administration and dose. A teaspoon of paste is dissolved in 1/2 cup of warm sweet water. Take 3-4 times a day after meals. Take for a long time.

Contraindications. Acute inflammatory diseases kidneys, nephrosis (kidney disease), phosphate lithiasis (phosphate kidney stones).

Release form. Paste in tubes of 100 g.

Storage conditions. In a cool place.

ETAMIDE (Aethamidum)

Synonyms: Ethebenecide.

Pharmachologic effect. Inhibits the reabsorption (reabsorption) of uric acid in the renal tubules, promotes its excretion in the urine and reduces its content in the blood.

Indications for use. Chronic gout, polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints) with impaired purine metabolism, urolithiasis with the formation of urates.

Method of administration and dose. Orally after meals, 0.35 g 4 times a day for 10-12 days. After a 5-7-day break, treatment is continued for 7 days. If necessary, the dose is increased as prescribed by the doctor.

Side effect. Possible dyspeptic and dysuric (digestive and urinary disorders) phenomena that go away on their own.

Release form. Tablets of 0.35 g in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place.

An increased level of uric acid in human blood (hyperuricemia) is the result of an increase in its production by the body, or a decrease in the level of its excretion (withdrawal) through the kidneys.

Consequences increased content uric acid in the blood

Uric acid is created when the body breaks down purine nucleotides produced by improper metabolism protein in the body. High concentrations its presence in the blood serum can lead to the following diseases:

  • gouty arthritis (deposition of crystallized urea in the joints);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal failure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypertension and coronary heart disease);
  • endocrine disorders - diabetes.

Signs and causes

Pain and inflammation in the joints of the big toes as signs of high uric acid

The main signs of high uric acid are the appearance of pain and inflammation in the joints of the big toes - gouty arthritis, which is a consequence of the deposition of crystals of this substance in the cartilage tissues.
Elevated levels of uric acid lead to purine deposits in all vital important organs and in the muscles. Blood vessels lose elasticity, pain may often appear when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, and angina pectoris develops.

Purines, accumulating in brain tissue, reduce the level of intellectual activity, lead to frequent headaches, education varicose veins veins

The main factors influencing the increase in uric acid levels:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Obesity.
  • Heredity.
  • Leukemia.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Psoriasis
  • Hodgkin's disease, anemia, preeclampsia, hypothyroidism.

The main ways to remove uric acid from the body

A medical method for removing uric acid from the body

Why the level of purines is elevated, and how uric acid is removed from the body at home, is of interest to the majority of people suffering from this disease. But it is necessary to understand that only a specialist can quickly and accurately determine the causes of the disease, analyze the symptoms and exclude the factor of heredity. Effective diagnosis is necessary, and neglecting a visit to the doctor is strictly not recommended.

The most effective method of removing uric acid from the body is to use medications However, before determining the type of drug, the doctor should test a daily urine sample. This makes it possible to determine the reasons why uric acid is elevated and understand how to effectively remove it.
The main drugs used for high uric acid are divided into two main groups.

  • Diuretics – providing an increase in the volume of blood filtration by the kidneys, which promotes the excretion of purines. This group includes Lasix, furosemide and their analogues.
  • Blockers – inhibit the liver’s function in producing uric acid. The principle of their action is based on reducing the number of enzymes that contribute to its formation. Such drugs also ensure the removal of uric acid from the body. These include allopurinol, colchicyl and their analogues.

Important! The main condition for prescribing medications to increase the excretion of uric acid is to examine a urine sample. Correct treatment can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Hyperuricemia is a relapsing disease that can be successfully controlled by natural means without the need for expensive chemical medications.
The important question is how naturally reduce uric acid without the use of drugs.
There are many natural ways to remove uric acid.

Weight loss

Drinking water will stimulate kidney function

An important point for controlling uric acid levels is not being overweight. Weight loss is safe method relieving inflammatory conditions and reducing blood vessel dysfunction in patients. Obesity contributes to disorders of the pancreas and the development of gouty arthritis.

Physical activity

While exercise is not recommended during a joint flare-up, once your gout is under control, exercise is essential as an adjunct to healthy image life. Exercise also helps prevent further attacks of arthritis by increasing blood circulation and normalizing purine levels, which primarily occurs by stabilizing insulin levels.
In addition, physical activity and special exercises will help strengthen your immune system, increase vascular tone and improve insulin resistance.


Drinking water can help optimize uric acid filtration rates, effectively diluting it and stimulating the kidneys to eliminate it from the body through urination.
Regular consumption of large amounts of water helps reduce the risk of relapses of gouty conditions. During the day you need to drink at least 8-12 glasses of liquid.

Excluding purine-containing foods from the diet

Red meat with high content purines

  • red meat;
  • meat by-products (liver, etc.);
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • Sahara;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • baked goods made from premium flour;
  • lettuce, sorrel and legume products.

It is worth highlighting separately the need complete failure from drinking alcoholic beverages, which contribute to a rapid rise in uric acid levels and attacks of gout.

Apple cider vinegar as a means of detoxifying body tissues

Apple vinegar - natural remedy, promoting general detoxification of body tissues, including the removal of purines. Malic acids can effectively destroy purine deposits and restore the acid-base balance. It provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects apple cider vinegar.
Important! You should not overuse vinegar, as this can lead to hypokalemia (low potassium levels). General recommendations for the use of apple cider vinegar - 1-2 teaspoons per 250 ml of liquid.

Baking soda normalizes acid-base balance

Sodium bicarbonate, in other words - ordinary baking soda, is useful for normalizing the acid-base balance and making purine elements soluble. This promotes its excretion through the kidneys.
Apply baking soda stands by dissolving half a teaspoon in 250 ml. water, three to four times a day. The course of such treatment should not exceed two weeks, and is not recommended for elderly people and hypertensive patients.

Lemon juice is alkaline

It seems strange, but lemon juice does not increase acidity in the blood, but, on the contrary, has an alkaline effect. Combined with its high vitamin C content, lemon juice is effective means to remove purine from the body.
One lemon must be squeezed into a container with 250 ml. liquids and consume once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, for at least two weeks.

Olive oil contains mono-unsaturated fats, vitamin E and envelops

Vegetable oils, including the most popular - sunflower seed oil, when heated or in contact with oxygen, transform into rancid fats, which destroy an important element - vitamin E, which is necessary to prevent the development of hyperuricemia.
Olive oil contains mono-unsaturated fats that do not break down when heated, as well as large amounts of vitamin E and antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Cherries and other berries

Cherries are rich in potassium and are good for reducing uric acid levels.

Cherries, tart cherry juice, cherries, strawberries, blueberries are an excellent source of potassium and good known remedy reducing uric acid levels and relieving gout attacks. These berries contain an enzyme that neutralizes excess purines and contains a large amount of antioxidants, and also reduces inflammation.

Strawberries, blueberries and grapes also have high alkaline properties, which dissolve purines and their crystals, helping to eliminate them through urination.


It is worth remembering that elevated uric acid can lead to severe consequences for the whole body. The terrible result of the lack of timely treatment can be not only gout, but also cardiovascular disorders, diseases of the digestive system and nervous system.

The main reasons for increased uric acid levels may be different. Only a visit to the doctor will help diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. But preventive methods are definitely necessary.
Thus, regular light exercise active image life, proper nutrition and treatment with folk remedies, help accelerate the release of uric acid and prevent its further formation in excessive quantities.
The main thing to understand is that if uric acid is elevated, treatment must be started as quickly as possible.