Russian expectorant medicine. Medicines with reflex action. The best mucolytic expectorants

Cough is one of the typical symptoms ARVI in children and adults, but this is not a complication, but a protective reaction of the body to a progressive infection.

He is auxiliary, which allows, during a cold, to remove harmful phlegm and microbes from the body, thereby facilitating the breathing process. This leads to the conclusion that a cough should not be treated, but rather should be tried to make it productive.

When choosing an effective and inexpensive cough syrup, you first need to focus on symptoms.


Syrup is the optimal remedy for treating cough. It has a number of advantages: dosage form Suitable for infants, convenient in dosage, pleasant to the taste. Cough syrups come in three types: expectorant, mucolytic, and antitussive. .

  1. Antitussives, as well as combination drugs - indicated for dry, nonproductive cough, disrupting sleep and appetite (see article antitussives for dry cough)
  2. Expectorants - indicated for productive coughs when the sputum is not thick or viscous.
  3. Mucolytic - indicated for productive cough, but with thick, difficult to separate, viscous sputum.

Antitussives cannot be used for treatment simultaneously with mucolytic drugs, however, there are combination drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

How do expectorant syrups work?

Expectorants (mucolytics) thin the mucus, which helps you cough up. Many experts believe that the most effective method thinning sputum - drink more water.

However, you can also use an expectorant cough syrup containing agents such as guaifenesin, which help thin and remove mucus. Cleansing respiratory tract ultimately leads to relief from cough. The most common side effects of mucolytic drugs are nausea and vomiting.

Cough syrups for children under one year old

Small children do not have sufficiently developed bronchi to expectorate mucus on their own, so there is a high risk of it stagnating in the respiratory tract and making it impossible to breathe normally.

Therefore, all cough syrups for children less than a year old contain substances that actively promote the removal of phlegm, are milder in effect and are usually pleasant to the taste. Syrups for little ones suppress the cough reflex and gently soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

  • Gedelix - thins mucus and has an antispasmodic effect. A drug plant origin. Its main component is ivy extract. Price 356.00 rub.
  • Prospan - used to get rid of both dry and wet coughs. Made from dry ivy extract. Price 550.00 rub.

All cough syrups for children under one year of age are used under the supervision and with the permission of the pediatrician.

Cough syrup for children from 1 to 2 years old

Starting from one year, the list of permitted medicinal drugs is expanding significantly.

  1. — it is obtained from the extract of mallow flowers and plantain leaves. Can be prescribed to children under two years of age if they have a dry cough caused by an upper respiratory tract infection. Price 256.00 rub.
  2. Dr. Theis - syrup contains extracts of mint and plantain. It has a gentle effect on the child’s irritated bronchial mucosa and effectively removes viscous mucus. Price 200.00 rub.
  3. Travisil is a herbal remedy that has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Recommended for tonsillitis, pharyngitis or bronchitis. Price 226.00 rub.
  4. - mucolytic and expectorant. It has secretomotor, secretolytic and expectorant effects. It is benzylamine, a metabolite of bromhexine. Price 124.00 rub.

The above products are suitable for children aged 1 to 2 years.

For children from 2 years old

Children over two years old can be given:

  1. Gerbion;

The first has already been discussed above. The second drug has an antitussive and expectorant effect. However, it should not be taken at the same time as medications for dry cough.

For children from 3 years old

In addition to the above syrups, from 3 years old you can use:

  1. — a combined preparation of plant origin; has bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Price 164.00 rub.
  2. — the active substance of this drug is butamirate. It is used for non-stop dry cough (similar to whooping cough). Price 213.00 rub.

Syrup with coltsfoot and plantain can be used to treat older children. This drug effectively relieves inflammation, spasm, and swelling of the bronchial mucosa.

Best cough syrup for adults

Many specialists prescribe the same cough medications because they have proven their effectiveness and are in demand among customers. Among the inexpensive and effective cough syrups are:

  1. Mucolytic (expectorant) drugs - Althea Syrup, Ambrobene, Herbion, Ascoril, Pertussin, .
  2. Means for cough suppression- Glycodin, Sinekod.
  3. Combined medications - Codelac neo, .

It is impossible to say which drug is the most effective, since all drugs have different composition and affect each organism differently.

Doctor Mom syrup is used to treat pregnant women and young children when it comes to dry cough due to bronchitis. Sticky sputum that is difficult to separate becomes easier to expectorate, and inflammation decreases.

The drug contains no components that can harm the baby in the womb, so you should not question the safety of the product. The effectiveness of treatment is achieved thanks to the following plants in the composition of the medicine: ginger, turmeric, elecampane, licorice, basil, aloe.

Gedelix syrup

Qualitative natural preparation. The action is fast and very effective. Does not contain sugar or alcohol, so it is suitable for people with diabetes and small children. There are practically no contraindications. It is used for dry coughs, it eases its course, helping to release sputum. Due to the content of ivy extract, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Renders noticeable effect already within the first three days of use.

Another undoubted advantage Gedelix syrup - antispasmodic effect. That is, the drug reduces excessive tension in the bronchial wall and brings its muscles to normal tone. This effect of the syrup appears in the first ten hours.

The action of Eraspel cough syrup is based on blocking receptors and affecting smooth muscles. It is believed that cough occurs in the following way. During inflammation, substances are formed in the body that lead to bronchospasms and coughing.

The syrup reduces discomfort, relieves respiratory function and removes mucus. Erespal is used in the treatment of dry and wet cough.


Good medicinal product From cough. In just a few days it can turn even the most severe dry cough into a wet one. Due to its effect on cough receptors, it gradually thins mucus and promotes its elimination.

If phlegm has accumulated in the respiratory tract, then after taking the drug the person will begin to cough more, thereby removing it from the body.

Dr. Theiss

Syrup, which, in addition to plantain, also includes chamomile, lemon balm, thyme and ascorbic acid suitable for use at night, for more good sleep. Not recommended for children under one year old. Pregnant and lactating women only after consulting a doctor.


Antitussive with butamirate as active substance. Available in the form of drops (prescribed from the age of two months) and syrup - it is prescribed only to children aged three years and older. Prescribed in case of a painful, dry, non-stop cough (as with whooping cough).

It has strong cough suppressant properties, so it should be used until sputum begins to disappear (but not more than 7 days), after which treatment with expectorants can be continued. Due to the lack clinical trials not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.


Lazolvan is prescribed to children and adults for dry cough. Ambroxol, the most popular remedy for cough, is the active ingredient in this syrup.

Contraindications: The drug is universal, it is prescribed even to allergy sufferers and sufferers diabetes mellitus, since it contains no sugar or alcohol. IN in rare cases, the drug is prohibited due to individual intolerance and for pregnant women in the first trimester.

Syrup Prospan

Easily thins mucus, soothes coughs, and promotes rapid removal of mucus. The suspension is recommended for children three months of age. Active ingredient The drug is ivy extract.

Sinekod is also effectively used to treat mucusless (that is, dry) cough. His main component– butamirate, which actively affects the cough centers and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Licorice root syrup

Old proven herbal preparation mild action. It works, but its capabilities are not always enough to effectively counteract as a single agent, but it is an excellent additional and background assistant for lesions of the bronchi and lungs.

Take as much fluid as possible to prolong and improve the healing effect.

Nowadays there are a large number of different drugs on sale in the form of tablets, syrups and drops. Taking cough expectorants can cure it, but after a while it develops again. In order for coughing to occur as rarely as possible, it is important to understand which expectorant drug to choose to remove phlegm.

The need to take expectorants

Every person has had a cough since childhood. Typically, this disease develops in the autumn and spring, and spreads especially actively in schools and kindergartens. Even we're talking about O physiological cough, then expectorant medications may also be required.

IN healthy body, the glands of the bronchi and trachea produce glandular secretions, which help the organs of the respiratory system resist damage from viruses and bacteria. It also helps to expectorate small foreign particles that enter with the exhaled air.

Sometimes a person does not pay attention to how he swallows about 100 ml of mucus produced per day. But as the infection develops, the volume of sputum produced increases to 1.5 liters per day.

It becomes an excellent breeding ground for microbes. At the same time, the body tries to get rid of the secretion, causing coughing. And expectorants help dilute the secretion, making it easier to remove from the body.

Expectorants are required to reduce the viscosity of sputum and increase the speed of its removal from the respiratory system, and most importantly, from the lumen of the bronchi.

A certain amount of mucus - approximately 100 ml - is constantly in the respiratory tract. This secret plays a protective role in in good condition does not cause concern to a person who swallows a large portion of it throughout the day.

With inflammation of the respiratory system, sputum becomes viscous and its volume increases. Due to inflammation, specific cells that line mucous surfaces are unable to push through mucus.

Thus, the secretion accumulates and is difficult to separate. Thick sputum is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. Also, during stagnation, normal gas exchange is disrupted and respiratory processes, and the cough increasingly irritates the respiratory tract. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to use effective expectorants that dilute mucus - they reduce its viscosity, helping to remove it faster.

Groups of cough medications

By influence on human body Cough expectorants are classified into:

  • secretomotor – having a reflex effect, stimulating expectoration;
  • secretolytic or mucolytic - which have a direct effect on sputum.

Secretomotor - these antitussives and expectorants cause irritation directly to the cough center, located in medulla oblongata. Due to the activation of this center, mucus production begins to increase. In addition, the cough reflex is triggered.

They simultaneously irritate the mucous membranes in the stomach and provoke an increase in the functions of the glands that produce bronchial secretions. This increases the peristalsis of the bronchioles.

We should not forget that the cough center is also vomiting, so these cough medications sometimes provoke nausea with vomiting. These include: licorice root, eucalyptus essential oil, thermopsis, sodium benzoate.

Tablets with the main component thermopsis are considered a popular drug with secretomotor action. Reflex expectorants stimulate the production of sputum in the bronchi, which means it will be more liquid and easier to come out. This process may be accompanied unpleasant symptoms– lacrimation and nasal congestion.

Mucolytic medications or expectorants direct action influence mucus, diluting it. They are required when thick sputum forms, which is very difficult to separate and interferes with free breathing. Bromhexine is considered an effective remedy from this group.

Mucolytics are mainly used for:



    bronchial asthma;

    in case of blockage of the bronchial lumen with mucus.

Another popular mucolytic is ambroxol. These drugs are synthetic. There are also expectorants combination medications. They help well with the development of a non-productive dry cough.

These funds may have different effect. As a rule, they are taken simultaneously with antibacterial and antiviral drugs, according to indications, they can complement therapy with antipyretics, decongestants, vitamins and immune modulators. The doctor also needs to consider the compatibility of all medications used.

What is the difference between expectorants and antitussives?

Cough tablets, if they are expectorants, help thin the mucus, making it less thick, facilitating its removal from the body, but antitussives work in a completely different way. They usually affect the cough center, suppressing its functions and blocking the main reflex.

Antitussive medications can only be used for dry cough barking cough, the main symptom of which is the absence of even a minimal volume of secretion.

When carrying out therapy, it is important not to confuse one cough with another and not to start taking inappropriate medications, which can greatly aggravate the condition.

Expectorant medications like ambroxol and similar drugs It is prohibited to take together with cough suppressants that affect parts of the brain.

Popular expectorant medications

As a rule, such drugs contain the following components: herbal infusions, herbs, etc. But only a doctor can determine a specific cough expectorant. At the same time, he pays attention to the form of the lesion and the severity of the disease, to general health patient, on the nature of the mucus secreted when coughing and on the development additional pathologies and complications.

Usually herbal medicines and products prepared according to folk recipes, are not dangerous to health and cannot cause harm, but sometimes they turn out to be ineffective. More attention needs to be paid to potent medications synthetic origin, which has many contraindications and side effects on the body.

Almost all of these medications treat only symptoms, but some relieve inflammation and prevent bacteria from multiplying if they are detected during the diagnosis of the disease.

Mucolytics of synthetic origin fight coughs that occur with bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis. They are often prescribed for use by premature babies and also by infants who have deficient processes for the synthesis of a substance that stabilizes the alveoli in the lungs.

The most popular mucolytic drugs include:

    Bromhexine – effective remedy, most often it is indicated for people with tracheal and spastic bronchitis. Bromhexine is synthetic analogue natural component Vasicin, which dilutes and removes mucus well.

    After entering the human body, the drug is quickly absorbed in the blood and, after some metabolic reactions, is converted into the substance ambroxol. Cough medicine is available in the form of syrup or drops, tablets, and also as a solution for inhalation.

    The drug begins to act a day after the start of therapy - sputum becomes less thick, the functioning of the ciliated epithelium is normalized, the amount of mucus increases and the process of its discharge stabilizes, it becomes easier to cough it up.

    Bromhexine also has a positive effect on the stability of the alveoli during breathing. To his side effects include: allergies and dyspepsia. IN modern medicine the drug is considered outdated and is therefore prescribed in rare cases.

    Ambroxol is a drug that helps protect the mucous surfaces of the respiratory tract from negative external stimuli, including from infections. This is the best expectorant, which is actively used in medical practice.

    Thanks to its effect on the patient’s body, the mobility of the hairs of the ciliated epithelium improves, making the sputum less thick. Increased mucosal surfactant production helps prevent sedimentation pathogenic bacteria on cells and tissues.

    Ambroxol is a metabolite of Bromhexine, so their characteristics are the same. It fights inflammation well, and is often used as a prophylaxis before and after surgery.

    Ambroxol is available in tablet form and is suitable for the treatment of wet cough in both adults and children. Children under the age of 1 year are shown special baby syrup at a dose appropriate to the age group.

    Acetylcysteine ​​or ACC - got its name from the name of the main active ingredient. This has proven itself with positive side a mucolytic that thins viscous mucus in the bronchi, removing it from the respiratory tract.

    ACC is usually prescribed for infectious lesion respiratory system with additional formation large quantity thickened mucus - bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis media, sinusitis.

    ACC is used for therapy cold cough, in addition, it is required in complex treatment more severe pathologies - tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, etc.

    Acetylcysteine ​​– effective component, and medicines based on it are in the form of powder or soluble tablets. Side effects include possible allergies, the risk of developing shortness of breath and spasms in the bronchi.

    Carbocisteine ​​is a mucolytic drug that helps cleanse the bronchi from viscous mucus. It liquefies it, splits and dissolves it, and if difficulties arise with expectoration, it slows down its formation. This drug and him various analogues help restore the health of mucous surfaces by regenerating them.

    Cough remedies for adults do not cause spasms in the bronchi and are therefore considered safer than ACC. A day after the start of therapy, the first results become noticeable - the removal of sputum is facilitated, breathing is normalized and the manifestations of cough are reduced.

There is another group of cough medications - these are combined agents. They are considered potent and are indicated only in difficult situations, are prescribed only by a doctor.

It thins thick mucus and causes it to be removed, while at the same time weakening the cough reflex, providing an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory system.

Expectorant herbal remedies

In pharmaceuticals, herbal combination medications that dilute sputum are very popular. They contain, in various combinations, medicinal herbs. At the same time, the efficiency is not inferior synthetic products, A natural base allows use in pediatrics.

The most famous means include:

    Stoptussin-Fito, made on the basis of thyme, thyme and plantain extract.

    Cough syrup based on coltsfoot and plantain, it also contains eucalyptus oil.

    Dry mixtures with licorice and marshmallow root extracts, anise oil.

    Amtersol with licorice root and thermopsis.

    Gedelix, Gerbion – syrups natural origin made from ivy. Its presence in the composition allows you to quickly dilute sputum, eliminate spasm in the bronchial muscles, removing secretions. Strong remedies it is permissible to use simultaneously both dry and wet cough.

    Dr. Theiss - cough syrup with plantain in it. It helps with any type of cough, relieving inflammation, soothing irritation and killing pathogenic microorganisms. The product helps well as an addition to the main treatment.

    Preparations based on thyme extracts gently soften secretions and remove them from the respiratory tract. They relieve swelling of the throat, dilate the bronchi, relieving a debilitating cough.

TO natural remedies We can also include those medications that our mothers and grandmothers successfully treated:

    Pectusin is an expectorant with a base of eucalyptus leaf oil, acting as an antiseptic, relieving sore throat and having an expectorant effect.

    Breast elixir based on anise seed oil, licorice and solution ammonia- the most classic expectorant medicine. For adults and children, it is used in a dose of 20–40 drops according to the severity of the disease, 3 times a day.

    Licorice syrup - take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

What medications can children take?

Children are usually prescribed drugs based on herbal ingredients. And only the attending physician prescribes a suitable strong expectorant. Before prescribing medications, parents can implement some traditional methods that won't cause harm children's body: give a child something to drink warm milk with honey, soda or goat fat.

Here is a list of drugs that are most often prescribed by a specialist:



    Doctor Mom.



Some of the listed remedies can be used as inhalations. The modern pharmacy market is full different drugs, so you shouldn’t take the first one you come across without consulting your doctor. In this diversity, it’s easy to get lost on your own and harm your health. It is better, at the beginning of the development of pathology, to visit a specialist and receive suitable prescriptions for correcting health.

Very often appears with a viral or bacterial infection upper and lower respiratory tract. The cough reflex is necessary for humans and performs protective function. It helps push mucus out of the respiratory tract along with the causative agent of the disease. Expectorants are required when the body cannot independently remove mucus from the bronchi.

Strong expectorant: action and difference from an antitussive

Expectorants help quick removal sputum. During illness the immune system is activated, a viscous secretion begins to be released in the bronchi. This secretion binds all microbes and viruses that enter the respiratory tract, and then, with the help of peristalsis of the pulmonary muscles, it is pushed out of the bronchi. We observe this process as a coughing attack. But sometimes coughing is unproductive. That is, the sputum is so viscous that it is impossible to push it out of the bronchi.

A strong expectorant is intended to make this process easier. If the secretion is actively secreted and binds microbes, but is not excreted, the effect will be the opposite. Created favorable environment, where these bacteria and viruses will actively multiply, increasing the inflammatory process.

The action of expectorants has several directions:

  1. Liquefaction of sputum. To make viscous sputum easier to remove, it needs to be made more liquid. The drugs contain substances that change the structure of sputum, making it more liquid and watery. This greatly facilitates the process of expectoration.
  2. Increased secretion. The drugs enhance the functioning of the bronchial glands, increasing the amount of secretion secreted. A large volume of liquid sputum is much easier to remove.
  3. Increased peristalsis. To remove sputum, it is necessary to strengthen the peristalsis of the bronchioles and the work of the ciliated epithelium that lines the bronchi. When contracted, the cilia that are located on the bronchial mucosa push mucus to the surface.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect. Most modern expectorants simultaneously have an anti-inflammatory effect on bronchial tissue, helping to destroy pathogenic microbes.

Expectorants and antitussives are completely different in action and composition. Antitussives suppress the cough reflex when coughing, but expectorants not only do not eliminate the cough, but also intensify it in order to remove accumulated mucus.

Indications for use

Expectorants can be prescribed for any respiratory disease that is accompanied by increased production of viscous sputum. It is very important that the medications and dosage are prescribed by a doctor. For effective treatment it is necessary to make a diagnosis, determine the type of cough and identify the pathogen.

Mucolytics can be prescribed both for a wet cough, so that sputum is eliminated faster and recovery occurs, as well as for a dry cough, in order to transform it into a wet, productive one. However, for dry coughs during ARVI and influenza, mucolytics are usually not prescribed.

  • . Inflammation of bronchial tissues can be acute and chronic. There are viral, infectious, allergic, tuberculous bronchitis. Any type of it is accompanied by a cough. Usually this is a dry, exhausting cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. To relieve the inflammatory process in the bronchi, expectorants are prescribed to remove mucus.
  • . Pneumonia is usually caused by bacteria, so pneumonia cannot be treated without antibiotics. The cough with this disease is usually dry, but then accompanied by the discharge of purulent, viscous sputum. To liquefy it and effective removal mucolytics are prescribed.
  • . A highly contagious disease that occurs mainly in young children and is accompanied by convulsive severe cough. You can get rid of the disease with the help of suitable antibiotics and drugs to remove mucus from the bronchi.
  • Bronchial asthma. This disease occurs in many people, but its symptoms are always individual. Most often, there is a severe coughing attack, which leads to shortness of breath or an attack of suffocation, a state of panic.
  • Bronchiectasis. This pathology is accompanied by thickening and enlargement of the bronchial tube, which occurs as a result of tissue damage. For a long time Symptoms may be absent and appear only as a result of infection. A wet cough and an abundance of sputum occur very often in this case.

Despite the fact that all expectorants are aimed at removing sputum, they are not identical in their mechanism of action. The products have different compositions and prices. Sensitivity to a particular drug may also vary. Secretolytics, mucolytics, expectorants - all this can be combined with the word “expectorants”. However, pharmacists are accustomed to separating these drugs.

There is no exact classification of expectorants, but they can be divided into several groups according to their mechanism of action:

  1. Annoying. When the drug enters the stomach, it irritates its walls, which reflexively leads to irritation of the bronchial glands. The sputum begins to be released more abundantly and becomes more liquid, and as a result it is expelled with a cough. Typically these are drugs plant based(marshmallow, thermopsis, essential oils). Such drugs are contraindicated for people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. They are also prescribed with great caution during pregnancy.
  2. Receptor. These drugs contain substances that do not irritate the gastric mucosa, but immediately act on the bronchial tissue. The mechanism of action is the same, but they are gentler on the stomach. Typically these substances include potassium iodide and ammonium chloride.
  3. Sulfhydryl. These drugs are not primarily aimed at enhancing secretion or peristalsis; they act directly on sputum, breaking it apart. chemical bonds, eliminating its viscosity. The mucus becomes less thick and easier to remove. Usually these drugs are prescribed simultaneously with other mucolytics.
  4. Based on vasicin. Vasicine is a substance of plant origin, a synthetic analogue of which is bromhexine. This substance has a complex effect, that is, it simultaneously enhances the production of secretions, destroying the mucopolysaccharides in it, reducing its viscosity, and also enhances the work of the ciliated epithelium. This group of drugs is considered the most effective and popular for treating cough.

The most popular expectorants

The choice of expectorant drugs in pharmacies is very large. There are a number of drugs that have already proven effective in treating wet and dry cough. However, it is worth remembering that all cases are individual. Neither the advice of friends nor advertising should become the determining factors when choosing a drug. Particular care should be taken when selecting medications for pregnant women and children.

The instructions for the drug indicate age category and the possibility of use during pregnancy. Most drugs can be taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, but are contraindicated in the first.

Review of drugs:

  • . Acetylcysteine ​​is potent drug for the treatment of cough. It is prescribed for such serious illnesses like tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis. Available in the form effervescent tablets, powder, injection, solution for inhalation. However, the drug has irritant effect on the walls of the stomach, so it is not prescribed for peptic ulcers or gastritis. May cause an allergic reaction; it is prescribed extremely rarely during pregnancy.
  • . A drug based on ambroxol. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, and for children - in the form of a solution. Prescribed for almost any respiratory disease. During pregnancy and in childhood up to 6 years (in tablets) and up to 2 years (in syrup), the drug is not prescribed. Side effects include allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders.
  • . The effects of bromhexine and ambroxol are similar. After absorption into the blood, bromhexine turns into ambroxol after some time, therefore big difference There are no drugs in action. The drug is well tolerated by adults and children, side effects causes very rarely, but has a number of contraindications. Available in tablet form.
  • . A mucolytic that is often prescribed for various acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. Available in the form of syrup and tablets. Contraindications include peptic ulcer stomach, cystitis, childhood up to 2 years, first trimester of pregnancy.

Folk expectorants

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for liquefying and removing mucus. Since many drugs contain herbal ingredients, it is possible to partially replace medications with folk remedies.

But it is worth remembering that many herbs cause a strong allergic reaction, which is especially undesirable during pregnancy.

Effective folk remedies:

  1. Breast collection. For dry and wet coughs, herbs are often used: licorice, marshmallow, oregano, coltsfoot. An infusion is prepared from the herbs and drunk throughout the day. However, it is worth remembering that each herb has its own contraindications. For example, medicinal root Licorice is contraindicated in case of serious liver diseases, and during pregnancy it can lead to increased uterine tone and miscarriage.
  2. Onion. Onions have long been used to treat infections. Onion juice has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. To get rid of a cough, you need to mix a tablespoon of liquid natural honey and one medium onion, grated on a fine grater. You need to take the medicine one teaspoon after meals.
  3. Garlic. A medicine based on garlic and milk will help remove phlegm. A couple of cloves of garlic need to be chopped and boiled in milk. A glass of the resulting product is divided into three times and drunk throughout the day.
  4. Radish and honey. This remedy is considered one of the most effective. Radish juice has long been used to treat coughs and respiratory diseases. The radish is cut and the middle is removed so as to form a bowl. Liquid honey is poured there and left for several hours. The medicine is taken one teaspoon at a time. But only black radish juice can be used to prepare an expectorant.

You can learn more about how to treat a cough with radish and honey from the video:

Folk remedies for cough cannot be considered harmless. They require compliance with a certain dosage and consultation with a doctor. If allergy symptoms appear during treatment or the cough worsens, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

You also need to remember that not all diseases can be cured solely with prescriptions. traditional medicine. For example, treatment of pneumonia and tuberculosis requires antibacterial drugs. Self-medication can be dangerous.

One of the first signs of the beginning colds is a cough and, unfortunately, it can continue for a very long time. If it is not completely cured, then very serious complications may arise in the future. Therefore, it is worth understanding which drugs really help and whether a very high price for them is always an indicator High Quality and a 100% positive result.

What types of expectorant medications are there?

When infected respiratory organs The amount of mucus produced may change significantly. In order to remove phlegm, it is necessary to carry out therapy with appropriate medications. In pharmacies, the selection of these drugs is simply huge, and their prices vary greatly. There is an opinion that only the most expensive medicines can help get rid of such ailments as cough. But this is not true at all. It is definitely possible to purchase and, most importantly, be cured with cheap medicines; you just need to correctly determine the type of cough and the advanced stage of the disease.

Expectorants are produced and used in order to remove phlegm from the respiratory system as quickly as possible, which is formed due to diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and trachea.

Types of expectorants:

Experts divide all expectorant drugs into two subtypes:

  • Those that cause sputum discharge;
  • Those that liquefy it.

A choice of cough medicines is provided in the form of tablets and syrups, lozenges.

The list of the most popular, inexpensive, but effective expectorant drugs and plants includes:

Expectorants and treatment for dry and wet cough

Dry cough is the most difficult type of cough to treat. Therapy in in this case longer, since first from a dry cough you need to switch to a wet one so that the sputum begins to separate. Here the correct treatment would be to contact a specialist, but before contacting him, you can use licorice root in a diluted form.

Effective expectorants for dry cough are divided into secretomotor and mucoregulatory. The latter precisely have a diluting effect.

A wet cough, or, in other words, wet, can be treated much faster, because it is already accompanied by sputum production, which indicates that the body is cleansing itself.

Expectorants for wet cough include the following medications:

In general, when treating any type of cough, expectorant syrups in most cases have a more effective beneficial effect, enveloping the sore throat.

Folk remedies for any type of cough

The most inexpensive means are expectorants for dry coughs and wet coughs, prepared independently according to proven folk recipes.

Along with folk remedies for expectoration, folk remedies are successfully used. One of the most famous recipes is medicinal syrup with honey and black radish:

This is indeed a very effective remedy, but if you have allergic reactions to honey, then it can be replaced with sugar. Their medicinal properties, the resulting juice will not be lost.

Another effective way treatment - preparing a drink from milk, baking soda, honey and one spoon of butter.

An excellent and completely inexpensive method is to prepare medicinal decoction. Its components: milk and oats. Boil a glass of oats in half a liter of milk until it is completely boiled, take the resulting pulp 6-7 times a day, using a large spoon.

Use of inhalations

Specialists in medical field claim that when correct use With inhalations, the body recovers much faster. The main thing is to know what medications to choose for inhalation and how long this procedure should last.

Inhalation is an excellent method for treating coughs due to pneumonia, asthma, and bronchitis. It is important that the drugs used in this medical procedure, act exclusively on the respiratory tract and do not penetrate the blood.

Inhalations can be done different ways: breathe over a saucepan with hot water or use special equipment for this action, purchased from pharmacy chains. That is, it is quite possible to treat yourself with inhalations at home.

The main advantages of this method:

  • when a cough appears, you can definitely begin treatment on your own, preventing it from developing into a severe form;
  • after the procedure, you can immediately go to sleep without going out into the cold, which is completely unacceptable;
  • ideal for children, since at home they tolerate therapeutic actions much more calmly.

Inhalations cure cough directly with steam, which penetrates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and removes inflammation. At correct selection medications and the use of an inhaler, rapid dilution and discharge of sputum occurs, which means speedy recovery the body as a whole.

It is recommended to add the drug to both water and saline. It can be herbal remedies, aroma oils. When treating a dry cough, the most inexpensive and effective is Salbutamol - it soothes an irritated throat and affects the faster discharge of sputum. Price – 150 rubles. And when treating a wet cough, the main task is to separate and remove mucus from the respiratory tract; for this you can add Lazolvan or more cheap remedy- Furacilin. The price of the drugs is 300 and 120 rubles, respectively.

In order to cure a cough completely, it is important to follow correct sequence during inhalation.

The beginning of the cold season invariably causes the spread of colds and infectious diseases, causing various types of cough. An important condition to alleviate the condition is to select an effective remedy. To choose effective medicine for cough in adults, you need to know the exact cause of development pathological process, and take into account the peculiarities of its course.

Expectorant cough medicine for adults

Expectorants are used for wet coughs to thin mucus and stimulate its release. Among these medicines the most popular are:

  • Ambroxol.
  • Ambrobene.
  • Gedelix.
  • Gerbion.
  • Lazolvan.
  • Pertussin.
  • Licorice root syrup.
  • Stoptussin-Fito.

The listed drugs are mainly produced in the form of syrups. In addition to them, tablet forms have expectorant properties - Thermopsis herb extract, Bromhexine, ACC(Acetylcysteine).

Each expectorant cough medicine for adults has its own mechanism of therapy. Some exhibit an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, causing reflex stimulation of the bronchial glands and increased production bronchial secretion. Others directly affect the bronchi and increase the volume of mucus they produce.

During treatment, it is important to remember that expectorants should not be used simultaneously with antitussives. IN otherwise the likelihood of bronchial blockage increases.

The best cough medicine

To determine a cough, it is necessary to take into account the type of pathology and the characteristics of the course of the disease. For dry, barking coughs, they will be highly effective. syrups:

  • Bronholitin;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Codelac Phyto;
  • Sinekod.

Bronholitin provides a strong antitussive and bronchodilator effect. By expanding the bronchi, it stimulates breathing and eliminates swelling of the mucous membranes.

Bronchicum used in complex therapy. Has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. In addition to syrup, it is available in the form of lozenges, emulsions, gels, and elixirs.

Codelac Phyto used to treat dry cough of various etiologies And bronchopulmonary diseases. The combination of thermopsis, licorice and thyme in its composition ensures enhanced results and safety of treatment.

Sinekod– an effective cough medicine for adults, which has a direct effect on the cough center. This tool helps improve spirometry, normalizes breathing, and is not addictive.

In tablet form apply Libexin, Stoptussin. Libexin is not inferior in effectiveness to Codeine, exhibits a bronchodilator effect, has local anesthesia. Does not cause addiction and does not inhibit respiratory processes.

Stoptussin is combination drug, created on the basis of guaifenesin and butamirate. The drug enhances the production of secretions by the bronchial glands, diluting it. In addition, it has a calming effect on nerve endings bronchial mucosa, which provides a pronounced antitussive effect.

Well proven Chymopsin in powder for inhalation, Stodal in syrup. The first remedy has antiseptic properties and helps eliminate purulent discharge and in the fight against the consequences of bacterial and viral infections. Stodal – homeopathic medicine herbal, equally effective for various types cough.

Cheap cough medicine for adults

When choosing effective drug for cough, you must first of all focus on products from well-known manufacturers. High price medicine does not always indicate its effectiveness. It is often determined by the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the location of the manufacturer.

Drugs from foreign pharmaceutical companies often have the highest prices. However, their composition does not differ significantly from domestic analogues based on identical active ingredients.

For adults, it often has a price that is affordable for any budget:

  • Mukaltin– from 20 rub.
  • Ambroxol– from 45 rub.
  • Bromhexine– from 25 rub.
  • Bronholitin– from 50 rub.
  • Halixol– within 120 rubles.

Having a reasonable price, these drugs provide a pronounced quick effect, used in complex treatment various diseases respiratory system. The effect of Halixol is observed within 30 minutes after ingestion. Ambroxol is successfully used in the complex therapy of pneumonia, bronchitis, and tracheitis.

Strong cough medicine for adults

A hysterical cough often occurs as a result of laryngitis, pharyngitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia. As it progresses, it leads to dysfunction vocal cords, hoarseness and temporary loss of voice. The patient experiences severe night attacks, vomiting, painful sensations in the chest.

IN similar cases need to be selected strong medicine cough for adults. The choice of such drugs is quite large. For a dry cough, the following will have a pronounced effect:

  • Glycodin;
  • Cofanol;
  • Tussin Plus;
  • Butamirat;
  • Bronchoton;
  • Codelmixt;
  • Paxeladine.

With a wet cough, the effect is accelerated Mukobene, Mucomix, Doctor Mom, Bronchorus, Eucabalus, Suprima Broncho, Flavamed.

In particular severe cases to suppress severe attacks drugs based on narcotics are used (Codeine, Hydrocodone, Demorphan, Codipront). Treatment with such drugs requires the approval of a doctor.

Inexpensive cough medicine for adults

A high-quality and effective cough medicine for adults often does not require buyers to spend significant sums of money. Exist medications, which are direct analogues of advertised expensive drugs. At the same time, they are not inferior in basic properties to the famous originals.

If you want to save money and get positive result can be purchased inexpensive medicine cough for adults:

  • Prothiazine;
  • Lorraine;
  • Hexapneumin;
  • Helicidin;
  • Levopront;
  • Sedotussin;
  • Tusuprex;
  • Omnitus.

These drugs are effective for dry cough, exhibit a mild anesthetic effect, dilate the bronchi and prevent the occurrence of spasms.

For expectorant The following budget drugs will secretly help increase its production and reduce viscosity:

  • Medovent;
  • Fluditek;
  • Phlegamine;
  • Bisolvan;
  • Broxin;
  • Ambrolanlasolvan;
  • Fullen.

All of the medications listed are not narcotic, in most cases they are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

Cough medicine for colds

If you have a cold that is accompanied by a cough and a rise in body temperature, you will need medications to simultaneously relieve these symptoms. There are combined pharmaceuticals, which also allow you to fight a runny nose and general malaise:

  • Solpadeine.
  • Codefemol.
  • Hexapneumin.

The new product is very popular Angin-Gran, relieving intense symptoms of colds and coughs. This granular preparation is created on a homeopathic basis, combining herbal and mineral components. The product helps reduce the intensity of sharp spasmodic exhalations caused by inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. Signs of relief appear in most patients within the first day of its use.

Another effective medicine for coughs and colds – Italian drug Rinofluimucil in spray form. This product is easy to use, helps reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa with simultaneous anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects.

Variety of modern medical supplies makes it easy for adults to choose an effective cough medicine. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion below.

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