Alcohol poisoning symptoms. Symptoms of typical alcohol intoxication. Vodka poisoning, how not to get poisoned during a celebration

Good day, dear readers!

I assume that if you start reading this article, then perhaps the time of day is not very good. But still, if you read these lines after alcohol poisoning, then everything is not so bad. You just need to adjust your health a little, and I hope you will find the rules for this adjustment for yourself - first aid for alcohol poisoning in this article.

Without delaying you any longer, let’s begin to look at the symptoms, causes and first aid for alcohol poisoning.

At the beginning it is worth saying that alcohol intoxication is different from alcohol poisoning. Of course, in essence, intoxication is also an intoxication of the body, since the symptoms of intoxication are not the norm of its functioning, but still, let’s distinguish between these concepts.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • violation of movement coordination;
  • lethargy, impaired concentration;
  • eyes become shiny;
  • speech disorders - the voice becomes loud, speech is slurred, unclear;
  • emancipation, a person becomes overconfident in his capabilities, and often overestimates them;
  • The boundaries and measure of alcohol consumed disappear.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • abdominal pain, ;
  • dizziness, ;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • increased sweating, tearing and salivation;
  • red eyes due to burst blood vessels eye whites;
  • , painful appearance.

Severe alcohol poisoning - symptoms

If alcohol enters the body after severe alcohol intoxication, severe intoxication of the body develops, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart, the pulse becomes weak;
  • lips and skin begin to turn blue;
  • oppressed respiratory system, asthma attacks may develop;
  • Consciousness is impaired and severe dizziness occurs.

At this stage, if you do not stop the further entry of alcohol into the body, you do not provide the first medical care and do not deliver the victim to medical institution, coma occurs, which can be fatal.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Among the most common reasons Alcohol poisoning is classified as:

- consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages, the so-called “alcohol substitute”, small dose which can seriously harm your health;

- consumption of drinks based on ethyl alcohol (ethanol): medical alcohol diluted with water, colognes, lotions, tinctures.

- drinking alcoholic beverages in excess;

- drinking alcohol on an empty stomach;

- consumption of liquids based on butyl, amyl, methyl, propyl and other types of alcohol.

What to do if you are poisoned by alcohol? First aid for alcohol poisoning or severe alcohol intoxication includes the following recommendations:

1. Call an ambulance or try to transport the victim to a medical facility yourself. The faster this is done, the faster doctors will be able to begin the procedure for removing alcohol from the human body, and, if necessary, begin the resuscitation procedure.

2. Gastric lavage. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to begin rinsing the stomach until the alcohol is absorbed into the blood and completely absorbed by the body.

It is advisable to call for gastric lavage. To do this you need to drink 2-3 glasses of warm boiled water and press with 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. If the patient does not have an ulcer, you can add a little soda to the water, this will improve overall effect. If possible, vomiting should be induced until the vomit becomes watery.

Important! For mild alcohol poisoning, rinsing with vomiting can be skipped. IN in this case You can take medications to remove alcohol from your body, as well as generic drugs for alcohol poisoning (point 6), which will do their job perfectly.

3. Lay the victim down. The less the victim moves, the slower the alcohol will spread throughout the body. Just position the patient so that when he vomits, he can freely turn his head to the side, otherwise there is a risk of vomit getting into the Airways. Remove tight clothing from the patient and provide free access to air. When, cover the person with a warm but light blanket.

4. Detoxification of the body. After gastric lavage, it is necessary to remove the remaining toxins or alcohol (poisoning product) from the body.

To cleanse the body of the poisoning product, you need to take an adsorbent: “Activated carbon” (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), “Atoxil”, “Smecta”, “Enterosgel”, “Enterosorb”.

Important! You cannot give drugs to a person in case of poisoning if he is in an unconscious or inadequate state, so that he does not choke on them.

5. Drink. For a strengthening and cleansing effect on the body, after the above procedures you can give the patient a drink sweet tea with , coffee or milk.

6. To relieve symptoms hangover or alcohol poisoning can be taken the following means: “Biotredin”, “Limontar”, “Metadoxil”, “Alka-Seltzer”.

7. In case of loss of consciousness. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is necessary to give him a sniff of ammonia and make sure that his tongue does not stick into the respiratory tract. In the absence of ammonia, you can rub ears, which will provoke blood flow to the head and help awaken the patient.

8. In case of cardiac arrest. In case of cardiac arrest, begin resuscitation actions - and. In this case, every second is worth its weight in gold.

Important! If the victim has lost consciousness or has a weak pulse, or the heart has stopped, call immediately ambulance!

The most in an effective way prevention of alcohol poisoning is complete failure from alcoholic beverages, except for use as prescribed by a doctor. Other methods of prevention include:

- do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, eat before drinking and have a good snack;
- know your dose and don’t drink more;
- do not purchase alcoholic drinks in dubious places, so to speak “from under the counter”;
- if you see a familiar drink at a super discount in a store, think twice, perhaps it’s a palenka that they want to get rid of quickly;
- Don’t drink alcohol with soda;
— when drinking alcohol, do not reduce the strength of the drink;
- Do not combine alcohol with smoking.

Who shouldn't drink at all?

Tragic consequences can occur if a person drinks alcohol following cases:

- pregnancy, as well as 90 days before planning a pregnancy;
- upon acceptance medicines;
- during rehabilitation after treatment for alcohol addiction;
- for allergy sufferers;
- children, as well as persons under 21 years of age, because At this time, the formation of the body is still taking place.

And remember, share food poisoning, which end in death, occurs in more than 50% of cases.

How did you, dear readers, manage to overcome alcohol poisoning?

Tags: alcohol poisoning symptoms, alcohol poisoning causes, what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, first aid for alcohol poisoning, remedies for alcohol poisoning, drinking in case of poisoning

Today we will talk about:

Poisoned by alcoholic drinks can not only the person suffering from, but also the one who took it for the first time. In fact, for poisoning to develop in the body, it only takes one large dose of alcohol to drink (especially if a person has an individual intolerance to alcohol). Read more about symptoms and first aid for alcohol poisoning later in the article.

Alcohol poisoning: first signs

All symptoms of alcohol poisoning are divided into two subgroups:

1. Symptoms that occur immediately after drinking alcohol (after 1-2 hours).

2. Signs that develop within a few days after the onset alcohol intoxication in organism.

It is worth noting that the degree of alcohol poisoning varies for each person. This largely depends on weight, gender (men tolerate alcohol better), as well as acceptable dosages of alcohol that a person is used to drinking.

It is important to know that the most vulnerable to alcohol poisoning are young girls and boys who start drinking alcohol for the first time. They have not yet developed a protective reaction of the body, so intoxication, like poisoning, occurs very quickly and is extremely difficult.

Alcohol poisoning can occur only when the alcohol content in such drinks is more than twelve percent. According to research, a dosage of alcohol in the blood of 4 to 15 g/kg is already lethal for humans and can easily cause death.

The following are the first signs of alcohol poisoning:

1. A person develops an unhealthy shine in the eyes. Self-esteem also increases significantly, at which point he ceases to be shy and can say things that he would not allow himself to say in a sober state (this is the reason why most quarrels occur with the participation of a person intoxicated).

2. Due to the rush of blood, the face becomes red.

3. Attention and reaction speed decrease.

4. The person begins to speak loudly, sometimes drowsiness occurs.

5. Sweating increases.

6. Personality characteristics that are not noticeable in a sober state may become aggravated. At the same time, they can be both positive and negative.

After the initial manifestation of alcohol poisoning, the second stage develops. It occurs when taking large dose alcohol and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. A person experiences dizziness and headache.

2. Observed muscle weakness and impaired consciousness. There may also be breathing problems.

3. Watery eyes.

5. The patient may experience fever and hand tremors.

6. If the body reacts to poisoning, then the person may experience nausea and vomiting, and bowel dysfunction.

It is worth noting that some people perceive alcohol poisoning as a common occurrence, which is a mistake. In fact, this is a rather serious condition that can lead to respiratory paralysis and even coma. It is for this reason that if signs of poisoning appear, a person needs to call a doctor and provide first aid.

The last stage of poisoning is considered the most severe. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. The patient may develop convulsions, hallucinations and cold sweats.

2. The person may lose consciousness.

3. Often the patient begins to choke due to respiratory spasm and paralysis.

4. A person in such a state does not control himself and cannot assess the situation in which he is.

5. Chills and increased blood pressure may occur.

If a person shows obvious signs of alcohol poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the patient’s condition should be at least slightly stabilized and toxins should be removed from his body (at least partially).

First aid measures include the following:

1. Examine the person. Ask him how he is feeling.

2. Rinse the stomach. To do this, you need to induce vomiting in a person by ingesting soda solution or water with potassium. This will help remove toxins from the stomach before they begin to be absorbed further into the body.
3. Give a person a lot of liquid, but only when his swallowing reflex is working normally.

4. Ensure inflow fresh air, unbutton your shirt, loosen the belt on your pants.

5. If breathing stops, clean oral cavity and do artificial respiration.

6. If the patient experiences cardiac arrest, then it is necessary to indirect massage myocardium. This is very complex procedure, which needs to be performed by a trained person. IN otherwise, from such measures the patient can only get worse.

Also, before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to measure the patient’s pulse and blood pressure in order to provide doctors with more detailed information about the patient's condition.

When providing first aid, it is important not to harm the person. Therefore, you are prohibited from doing the following:

1. You cannot induce vomiting, nor rinse the stomach of a person when he is unconscious. The same applies to treating him with tablets (until the doctor arrives, it is better not to give the patient any medications at all, except for activated carbon).

2. You should not leave the patient unattended, because he could get worse at any moment.

3. You cannot lay a person on his back, because this way he can choke on vomit.

4. It is prohibited to lift a person, force him to move, take a shower, etc. This will further disrupt thermoregulation and can only worsen the patient’s condition.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning largely depends on the symptoms and general severity of the patient’s condition. Traditional therapy provides the following:

1. Taking hepatoprotectors to reduce toxic effects on the liver.

2. Gastric lavage.

3. Sometimes administration of saline and glucose is prescribed.

4. If the nervous system is damaged, antipsychotics can be used.

5. Taking adsorbents to reduce intoxication of the body. It can be different drugs, but most often Enterosorb, Enterosgel and Activated carbon.

6. Prescribing antiemetic drugs.

Further therapy is carried out based on the observed symptoms and complications that arise. With timely first aid and medication treatment, the patient can be cured of alcohol poisoning, even if he was in serious condition.

Prevention of alcohol poisoning

Prevention of alcohol poisoning consists of following the following advice from a narcologist:

1. You cannot drink alcohol on an empty stomach. It is better to eat something hot before this so that it “envelops” the gastric mucosa. This way you will protect yourself from intoxication of the body and the development of ulcers.

2. Do not drink alcohol in large doses. A glass of wine won't do anything bad, but the same can't be said about a whole bottle drunk in one sitting.

3. You should not drink alcohol when poor nutrition, as well as during the course of acute diseases gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol and ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis and pancreatitis are considered a particularly dangerous “duet”.

4. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during the period when a person is being treated with medications that, when combined with alcohol, can cause severe adverse reactions in the liver and nervous system. This is an important taboo that applies to almost all strong drugs.

5. You should not take alcoholic drinks whose quality you doubt. You should also not buy them from places without a license.

6. To prevent poisoning, it is better not to drink alcohol that was prepared at home or does not have a specific place of production.

7. After drinking alcohol, it is prohibited to take antidepressants, sleeping pills and analgesic medications.

8. Do not mix drinks of different degrees.

9. After drinking alcohol, you need to eat a lot and drink fluids to reduce negative impact alcohol on the body.

Moreover, if you want to protect yourself as much as possible from alcohol poisoning and all subsequent complications after that, you should give up alcohol completely. This will be the best prevention.

Alcohol intoxication, even in small doses, destroys the body. Medical science divides it into 3 stages. The signs to determine the degree of poisoning and how you can help the victim are described below.

In blood healthy person alcohol content is within 0.4 ppm. If this figure is by any means external reasons rises, this phenomenon Medical science considers it poisoning. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication are determined not only by external signs. In addition, there is a real struggle going on in the body. It resists, fights and removes the toxin.

Liver enzymes begin to intensively break down alcohol in order to remove it through the kidneys. But the breakdown process requires a certain period, and if another dose of alcohol has been taken, there is not enough time for elimination. As alcohol accumulates, it poisons every cell of the body.

Alcohol intoxication produces symptoms that differ depending on the degree of poisoning. The phases replace each other if the dose of alcohol increases.

IN mild degree the person remains adequate. Him good mood, he is cheerful, talkative and cheerful. The skin turns slightly red, the pupils dilate.

TO medium degree a person gradually loses control over himself, begins to perceive what is happening inadequately, commits rash acts, wants feats or simply a showdown. Coordination of movements is impaired, gait is unsteady. Afterwards, activity begins to decline and is replaced by fatigue. Man falls asleep quickly heavy sleep, and by morning a hangover may develop.

From an excessive amount of toxins, the third, most severe and dangerous stage occurs. The person is disoriented in space.

He cannot move or walk independently and has no complete control over his body. Urinary and fecal incontinence are possible. If severe alcohol intoxication is not treated promptly, breathing problems may occur. coma, cardiac arrest.

In cases of mild poisoning, hangover syndrome is often absent. Middle phase characterized by complete lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, heaviness in the head, irritability and headache. Performance decreases mental processes slowed down, impaired coordination of movements is preserved.

After severe alcohol intoxication, a person experiences narcotic amnesia, physical inactivity, and insurmountable weakness.

What should be treated?

Treatment of alcohol intoxication, tactics and choice of remedies depend on the degree of poisoning of the body. Light therapy and moderate degrees of intoxication can be carried out at home. The first phase comes just as quickly and passes just as quickly. The body copes. A cup will be enough strong tea or coffee, and the person will get in shape.

If the poisoning is closer to average, alcohol intoxication will help drinking plenty of fluids. This way, the body will quickly remove the breakdown products of alcohols and restore the water-salt balance. How to relieve the syndrome with medication is listed below. You can help with an adsorbent and a painkiller. If blood pressure has become higher than normal, the victim can take antihypertensive. For symptomatic treatment, modern pharmaceutical market offers a sufficient range of drugs against hangover syndrome. These are Limontar, Metadoxil, Zorex, Yantavit.

It is good if the treatment is supplemented with warm or contrast shower, bed rest And long sleep. If symptoms do not disappear within 2-3 days and your health does not improve, it is recommended not to delay and consult a doctor. Perhaps the poisoning provoked an exacerbation of some chronic process.

To recover from a severe form of intoxication, you will need to take the patient to the toxicology or drug treatment department of the hospital.

But before medical attention, the victim needs to be provided with emergency assistance:

  • lay on one side; the person should not choke while vomiting;
  • hold a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to your nose for a few seconds;
  • if possible, rinse the stomach.

All further activities must be carried out under control medical worker. In a hospital setting, the victim is usually prescribed intravenous infusions of drugs that remove toxins and restore normal functioning of the body.

It is important to remember that severe therapy at home folk remedies unacceptable. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences or death.

Symptoms of a chronic process

Chronic alcohol intoxication of the body is pathological condition, in which the systematic consumption of alcohol in doses dangerous to the body leads to toxic damage to internal organs and is accompanied by mental disorders.

Objective signs by which you can identify a person suffering from chronic alcohol intoxication:

  • overweight or underweight;
  • short-term arterial hypertension;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • violation venous circulation in the arms and legs;
  • amyotrophy;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • enlarged parotid glands;
  • increased sweating;
  • palmar erythema (severe redness of the skin as a result of dilated capillaries);
  • venous network on the conjunctiva;
  • hyperemic face;
  • degeneration of the palmar tendons;
  • enlarged liver;
  • on skin traces of injuries, burns, frostbite.

If a person has 6 or more of these signs, we can assume that he is chronically ill.

Permanent alcohol intoxication is characterized by the presence of the so-called post-intoxication alcohol syndrome(PASS).

Its main features:

  • anxiety, agitation;
  • paleness and moisture of the skin;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • hyperemic face;
  • complaints of headache;
  • desire to drink alcohol;
  • swelling lower limbs and faces;
  • nervous tension;
  • increased fatigue and irritability;
  • heavy salivation;
  • decreased sex drive.

Patients with chronic form intoxication, hospitalization is indicated specialized departments hospitals where patients will undergo symptomatic treatment, detoxification measures. Home therapy in this case is unacceptable and can further aggravate an already difficult situation.

This video will introduce you to the main symptoms of alcohol intoxication and methods of treating a hangover.

It is important to remember that, according to statistics, 90% of children with mental and physical pathologies are born to drinking parents, a third of all mental illness associated with chronic alcohol intoxication. Abuse reduces human life for almost 20 years.

Poisoning by alcohol and cheap alcohol is a real threat that poses a danger not only to lovers of strong drinks. And it is very important to distinguish simple intoxication from alcohol intoxication in time. In many cases, this can save your life or your loved ones. What are the symptoms of alcohol intoxication and what to do if you are poisoned by your favorite alcoholic drink?

Myth: You can’t get poisoned by expensive elite alcoholic drinks...

Truth: even high-quality alcoholic drinks in large doses can cause symptoms of poisoning.

Why does alcohol cause poisoning?

During the digestion of food in the intestines naturally 0.4 ppm alcohol is formed. This amount is considered normal. But any excess of this dose acts on the body as a poison and leads to alcohol intoxication. Main toxic substance which is contained in alcoholic drinks is ethanol(ethanol).

When ethanol enters the body, it suppresses the activity of the central nervous system. The higher its concentration in the blood, the more it inhibits the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain. This explains the appearance characteristic features alcohol intoxication and poisoning.

A single dose of alcohol of 4-12 g per kilogram of weight is considered fatal. But this indicator is very individual and depends on various factors: body weight, age, gender, predisposition, strength and quality of the drink, from general condition human health.

Myth: People become less susceptible to alcohol as they age...

Truth: older people are more susceptible to the effects of alcoholic substances due to the instability of the body's water-salt balance.

For convenience, scientists calculate the norm for each in ppm. This is one thousandth of the substance in the body. The legal limit of alcohol in the blood for drivers is 0.16 ppm. To determine the norm used, it is enough to undergo a blood or urine test, or use a compact breathalyzer, which will show the result right on the spot.

For whom is alcohol poisoning more dangerous? It is difficult for scientists to say for sure who - a man or a woman - is more susceptible to the effects of toxic substances in alcohol. This applies to both original alcoholic drinks and counterfeit ones. It can definitely be argued that children, the elderly, people with stomach diseases or of cardio-vascular system, as well as pregnant women and the fetus during gestation.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Poisoning with alcohol products is developing rapidly. Therefore, if you do not provide timely assistance, then a person under the influence of toxins will quickly lose consciousness or even fall into a coma. A person in this state cannot sit, stand, or perceive information independently.

This is radically different from a simple sleeping drunk, because a person in an alcoholic coma cannot be awakened by slapping, screaming or cold water. If he manages to remain conscious, the only sign of functioning will be non-purposeful movements of the head or limbs towards the painful stimulus. There are also other signs of alcohol poisoning that distinguish this state from ordinary intoxication:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • body cramps;
  • partial or total loss consciousness and inability to communicate;
  • slow breathing rhythm (less than 8 breaths per minute);
  • failure of the respiratory rhythm (pauses between breaths for more than 10 seconds);
  • sharp decline body temperature;
  • blueness and pallor of the skin.

There are several stages alcoholic coma which are accompanied by a number of symptoms:

    with superficial coma the human body is warm and has more or less healthy color. The pupils of the eyes are constricted, but react to light stimuli. When trying to bring a person back to consciousness using ammonia, he reacts with quite active movements of facial expressions and hands, but does not come to his senses. Also observed copious discharge saliva and uncontrolled urination. Arterial pressure in this state is higher than expected.

    coma moderate severity differs in amplification listed symptoms, as well as relaxation of muscle tone throughout the body. The reaction to the test with ammonia is much weaker.

    in deep coma the skin becomes very pale, sometimes blue. Hands and feet become cold. Often reactions to external stimuli No. The pupils of the eyes are constricted, and when breathing fails, they dilate. Blood pressure drops to a critical level.

In addition, at any stage of alcohol poisoning, the tongue can become stuck, blocking the airways. Due to lack of air, as well as saliva or vomit entering the trachea, a person may stop breathing and even die.

Also, signs of poisoning from alcohol surrogates depend on the type of toxic substance used in the drink. In particular, there are cases when a person was poisoned by consumed cosmetic and perfumery substances: perfume, cologne and others.

Often dishonest manufacturers use, instead of ethanol, a cheaper but very dangerous substitute for the body - methanol. It is used for batteries in cars and other equipment. The main symptom of methanol poisoning is vision problems that quickly turn into blindness. Later, headaches appear, pain in the limbs, heart function is disrupted and consciousness becomes clouded, uncontrollable symptoms appear.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

It is important to know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning. At a critical moment, this can save your life or the life of someone nearby.

The first thing to do is to carefully place the victim of alcohol intoxication on the bed. It is necessary to force the person to lie on his side. It is dangerous to place him on his back or stomach, as there is a risk of saliva or vomit flowing into the respiratory tract. When vomiting, you need to mechanically clean the oral cavity using available means: napkins, handkerchiefs, towels, etc. Then you need to press your tongue so that it does not stick.

Myth: first of all, in case of alcohol poisoning, you need to take a drug to cleanse the stomach...

Truth: in the first hours of intoxication with low-quality alcohol, especially methanol, activated carbon or similar products will not help due to the rapid development of substances in the body...

If you suspect that stomach contents have entered the trachea, bend the patient over and tap his hand on the back between the shoulder blades. This will cause a cough and clear the airways.

Depending on the person’s condition, the following measures must be taken:

  • Make an attempt to bring the person to consciousness using ammonia. It is not recommended to touch the cotton wool with ammonia or the bubble itself to the skin of the face in order to avoid chemical burn. If you manage to wake up the patient, you need to give him a warm drink. clean water(3-4 cups) with 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 cup. Then you need to induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon or in another way. When the vomiting attack ends, the person should drink strong, hot tea.
  • If the patient does not come to his senses under the influence of ammonia, you need to call an ambulance immediately. In this case, it is not recommended to call artificial vomiting to cleanse the stomach.
  • In a state of superficial coma, the emergency doctor will flush the person's stomach with a gastric tube, and after that he will quickly return to consciousness. In case of a coma of moderate or severe severity, the patient requires urgent hospitalization in the toxicology department. The doctor is also obliged to give the patient an antidote to neutralize harmful substances: injection of 4-methylpyrazole, oral dose folic acid or 30% ethanol (oral or intravenous).

His life depends on how quickly a person with alcohol poisoning is given first aid.

Intoxication is a process in which the body becomes oversaturated hazardous substances, resulting in damage to internal organs. You need to be able to recognize the symptoms of alcohol poisoning in order to provide first aid and not harm the patient further.


How and why does alcohol intoxication occur?

Severe intoxication occurs when no more than 150 ml of anhydrous alcohol is in the blood. Death occurs with a concentration of 300 ml of ethanol in the blood, equivalent to 96%.

Mechanism of action of alcohol:

  1. Alcohol enters the stomach and begins to be absorbed from there.
  2. After the stomach, ethyl begins to act on the small intestine.
  3. After one and a half to two hours, alcohol in the blood reaches its maximum concentration.
  4. Small substances contained in ethanol penetrate the edge that separates brain tissue and blood vessels.
  5. Alcohol gets into nervous system. Intoxication occurs.
  6. Alcohol starts to affect everything internal organs.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Manifestation of alcohol poisoning in several stages:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • strong

The first signs of intoxication

Poisoning on initial stage appears as follows:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • the logic of movements is disrupted;
  • the secretion of sweat, saliva and tears increases;
  • the whites of the eyes change color to red;
  • heavy, noisy breathing;
  • frequent urination or, conversely, its absence;
  • nervous excitement, euphoria;
  • pupil dilation.

Alcohol affects absolutely the entire human body. There is not a single internal organ that does not suffer when consuming alcoholic beverages.

Severe alcohol poisoning

When strong, he stops controlling his actions. Internal organs begin to wear out, and then completely stop performing their functions.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • suffocation;
  • weak pulse;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

The person may then fall into one of two phases of coma - superficial or deep.

Symptoms of superficial coma:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • suffocation;
  • high salivation;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • movement eyeballs floating;
  • pupils of different sizes;
  • defensive reaction to stimuli;
  • the whites of the eyes and face are purple;
  • pain threshold is reduced.

In case of alcohol poisoning, the symptoms of a deep coma may be as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • blue skin;
  • low body temperature;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • breathing is rare and weak;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • there is no pain sensitivity;
  • decreased tendon reflexes.

The video explains why you should not abuse alcohol. Filmed by Brain Time channel.

What affects the severity of alcohol poisoning?

There can be one reason influencing the effect of alcohol; sometimes several factors can provoke poisoning at the same time.

Conditions that may affect intoxication:

  1. Additives and impurities in ethanol. By adding furfural, ethylene glycol and other components, the effect on the body increases.
  2. Hunger. Consuming alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach increases the absorption of alcohol into the blood. It is recommended to eat food containing carbohydrates before drinking.
  3. Drinking alcohol and medicines simultaneously. Do not mix alcohol with sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antidepressants, or painkillers.
  4. A condition of the body that reduces liver function. This condition may include pregnancy, fatigue, overwork, diabetes and pancreatic disease, unbalanced diet.
  5. Age. Older people and young children are most susceptible negative influence alcohol on the body. In the elderly, the liver function responsible for dehydration does not work well enough, and in children it is not yet formed.
  6. Individual intolerance. Most often this occurs in the Mongoloid race. This is due to the slow operation of the enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of ethanol.
  7. Dose of drink. The body does not have time to process the incoming alcohol. Ethanol and breakdown products accumulate, affecting the internal system.
  8. Human gender. Women are more susceptible to the effects of ethyl on the body.
  9. Weight. Fat people are less susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol than thin people.
  10. The time it took for alcohol to enter the body.
  11. Diseases of internal organs.
  12. The quality of alcohol and the strength of the drink.
  13. Genetic factors.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning?

The very first thing to do is call an ambulance. Fatal outcome Alcohol intoxication is detected in 53% of cases.

Urgent Care

If it is not possible to call a doctor right away or it takes too long for help to arrive, in such a situation you should begin to act on your own.

First aid to the victim:

  1. Lay the person on his side and fix the tongue with the handle of a spoon or with your fingers wrapped in a napkin. This will prevent the tongue from sinking and provide a path for vomit to exit.
  2. If the person does not regain consciousness, apply a cotton swab with ammonia to the nose.
  3. If breathing stops, perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration. 2 breaths and 30 presses chest. Repeat the cycle until the patient begins to breathe.
  4. Induce vomiting. You should drink two glasses of salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Use a drug that causes nausea or put pressure on the root of the tongue. It is more effective to carry out the procedure in the first hours after consuming alcohol.
  5. Rinse the stomach. Drink as much water as possible and press on the root of the tongue. The procedure is repeated until the vomit is clear. As in the previous paragraph, this should be done in the first hours.
  6. Increase the patient's body temperature. Dress warmly, cover with a blanket or take to a warm room.
  7. Restore the balance of water and minerals. Drink pickle juice or mineral water. Thanks to minerals, toxins are eliminated from the body faster.
  8. If poisoning occurs methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol, you should drink ethyl alcohol. Acting as an “antidote,” ethyl alcohol will stop the formation of toxic elements. Take high-quality alcohol in the following dosage: 200 ml of cognac, whiskey or vodka. 40-50 ml of vodka every three hours.
  9. Take an adsorbent - a drug that absorbs types of toxins. Such a home assistant should always be in your first aid kit.

The most popular adsorbents are presented in the table.

White coal, 150 rub. Enterosgel, 400 rub. Activated carbon, 50 rub. Polysorb, 400 rub.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning

It is not worth treating intoxication at home. This can aggravate the situation, and only a doctor can prescribe injection solutions after examining the patient. Therapy is prescribed depending on the condition of the victim and other factors.

Treatment options:

  • instillation with a solution of electrolytes and sugars;
  • antispasmodics;
  • analeptics, psychostimulants;
  • plasma replacement medications;
  • solutions that stop intoxication;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • nootropics, hepatoprotectors;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • solutions restoring acid-base balance;
  • polyionic drugs;
  • drugs that reduce heart rate.

What should you not do if you have alcohol poisoning?

You should be careful not to worsen the sick person's condition.

In case of intoxication alcoholic drinks forbidden:

  1. Accept cool shower. At drunkenness The thermoregulation of the body is disrupted, the body experiences a lack of heat.
  2. Unconsciousness is a contraindication for gastric lavage and inducing vomiting.
  3. Don't leave a person alone. Perhaps the tongue will sink and suffocation will occur. Vomit may not come out, but go back into the body, and the patient may choke.
  4. Do not force the patient to get up or walk. This is unnecessary stress for the body.
  5. Treat with alcohol. Exception: poisoning occurred with methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol.
  6. Place the person on their back.

Prevention of alcohol intoxication

Before drinking, you should take preventive measures:

  1. Do not drink questionable alcohol - a surrogate.
  2. Monitor the increase in temperature if there are several drinks consumed. Do not drink different types of alcohol in one evening.
  3. Snack often. Eat a hearty meal before drinking.
  4. Do not drink alcohol-containing products while taking medications.
  5. Do not drink alcohol if you have gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. If you are overtired, it is also better to stop drinking alcohol.
  7. Avoid using large doses.

Possible consequences

Drinkers experience complications of chronic diseases and the emergence of new ones:

  • acute toxic hepatitis;
  • acute liver failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • Mendelssohn's syndrome is a condition in which suffocation develops in the respiratory system due to the entry of gastric secretions into the passage.


The video, shot by the JitZdorovo channel, shows how alcohol affects internal organs and what to do the next day after drinking alcohol.