Herbal laxatives. Review of mild laxatives. The most effective laxative medications

Now you can buy anti-constipation pills at any pharmacy. The choice of laxatives is huge. Each product has its own composition, properties, indications and contraindications, and they can have different effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose the right pills for constipation? First you need to figure out what type they are divided into and what their difference is.

Tablets for constipation, inexpensive and effective, are divided into those with an irritating effect and those with a mild effect (prebiotics) on the human gastrointestinal tract.

To choose the right medications for the treatment of constipation, it is recommended to consult with your doctor to choose a drug that is suitable for your individual needs. In addition, you need to read the instructions for the drug and study the side effects of the tablets and contraindications.

The difference between drugs with irritating effects and slow-acting or mild laxatives (prebiotics) is described in the table.

Anti-constipation tablets with irritating effects, inexpensive and effective Mild anti-constipation medications
Actions1) quick action (1 dose is enough);
2) the active substances in the composition help to quickly relieve constipation;
3) stimulate intestinal function.
1) have a slow but effective laxative effect;
2) stimulate the urge to defecate;
3) leave a long-lasting and lasting effect.
Contraindications1) not prescribed for chronic constipation;
2) should not be taken by children and women during pregnancy and lactation;
3) it is forbidden to take for acute gastritis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, and bleeding.
The product has no contraindications. Suitable for use by young children, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects1) the drug should not be taken for a long time to avoid depletion of colon receptors and weakening of tone;
2) with prolonged use of such laxatives, addiction begins;
3) pain appears in the gastrointestinal tract.
Prebiotics have practically no side effects; flatulence may occur, which goes away after some time.

Irritating drugs are considered the most effective treatment for constipation. Evening administration of the drug in the morning leads to bowel movement.

Mild medications are considered the safest and most effective remedies for constipation. They are food components that enter the intestines without being digested in the stomach and promote the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Irritating laxatives for constipation are inexpensive and effective

Tablets for constipation, to solve a delicate problem, effectively and quickly acting and inexpensive, can be chosen from a list of drugs that irritate the intestines.


Compound: The active substance in the drugs is bisacodyl.

Additional components: starch, lactose, wax, glycerin, magnesium stearate.

Action laxative drug Dulcolax: when the drug enters the intestines, a large amount of mucus is formed in it, irritation and stimulation of the intestinal walls occurs.

The duration of action before obtaining the effect ranges from 5 to 12 hours.

Properties: has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates peristalsis, stimulates mucus production.

Release form: tablets, rectal suppositories (suppositories).

Country of issue: Germany

Average price in Russia varies from 220 to 270 rubles.

The drug Bisacodyl

The drug contains the main active substance - bisacodyl, as well as additional components: powdered sugar, magnesium stearate, talc and wax.

Action of the drug Bisacodyl: the product has a laxative effect. The effect of use (defecation) must wait about 5-10 hours.

Bisacodyl tablets are the best remedy for constipation in terms of price-quality ratio - at an inexpensive price, they have a pronounced effect

Properties of Bisacodyl boil down to the fact that it irritates the stomach with the help of an active substance, softens and removes feces.

Release form: Available in tablets and rectal suppositories.



Excipients water, starch, lactose, talc appear.

Action of the drug: tablets for constipation Weak, inexpensive and effective in their action. Action time is from 10 to 12 hours.

Properties: affects the intestinal mucosa, enhances peristalsis, and helps speed up bowel movements.

The product is available in white tablets and drops for oral administration.

Country of issue: Russia

average price from 100 to 130 rubles.


Compound: The active substance is sodium picosulfate.

Additional components: water, sorbitol, hydrochloric acid.

Action of the drug Laxigal: laxative.

Time of action: 10-12 hours

Properties: The drug passes through the stomach without changing its appearance, stimulates intestinal motility, eliminates constipation, and is not addictive.

Available in the form of drops for oral administration.

Country of issue: Czech Republic

average price 250 rubles.


Compound: active substance – sodium picosulfate.

Auxiliary components: water, citric acid, sodium benzoate, sorbitol.

Action: laxative

Time of action: 10-12 hours

Properties: The drops are taken orally, after which, when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they irritate the intestinal walls, enhance peristalsis, accelerating the process of bowel movement.

Release form: The drug is available in drops for oral administration.

Country of issue: Germany

average price can reach 500 rub.


Compound: The main active ingredient is lactulose.

Excipients: water, fructose, citric acid.

Effect of the drug Lactusan: the drug is considered a bifidogenic laxative.

Time of action: The effect occurs after 2-3 days of taking the drug.

Properties: Lactusan promotes the growth and restoration of the intestinal microflora. Inhibits pathogenic microorganisms. When taking a course of antibiotics, it preserves beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Release form:

  • pills;
  • syrup.

Country of issue: Russia

average price– 280 rub.


Compound: The active substance of plant origin is psyllium husk.

Action of the drug: crushed psyllium husk in the composition of the drug swells in interaction with liquid, irritates the intestinal walls and leads to natural bowel movements.

Time of action: After oral administration, the drug begins to act within 6-8 hours.

Properties: The drug helps to quickly get rid of constipation, has an irritating effect on the intestines, helps soften and liquefy stool, and normalizes stool.

Suitable for pregnant women and children, as directed by a doctor. Available in the form of capsules of 10 pcs.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: the price is relatively small, up to 130 rubles.


Note! Senadexin - tablets for constipation, inexpensive and effective; according to reviews, they differ from other drugs in their affordable price and quick effect.

Compound: A herbal preparation based on sena leaves and Alexandria leaf.

Action of the drug: Has a laxative effect

Time of action: 8-10 hours

Properties: contracts the intestinal walls, irritating them, preventing the absorption of liquid into the intestinal walls, enhancing the laxative effect, stimulating rapid bowel movements.

Release form: Available in tablets.

Country of issue: Ukraine

Average cost: 25 rub.

Soft tablets

Important to remember! When choosing a laxative, you must adhere to the principle: “Move from weaker to stronger.” Experts recommend that it is better to start treating constipation with mild medications.

When choosing a laxative you need:

  1. Find out the exact cause of constipation.
  2. When prescribing treatment for constipation for a long period of time, choose drugs specifically designed for constipation, inexpensive and effective means for long-term treatment and do not inhibit the intestinal microflora.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions for taking medications (morning, afternoon, night).


Compound: active substance - Lactulose.

Action of the drug: has a mild laxative effect.

Time of action: 2-3 days.

Properties: after taking the drug, metabolism in the intestines accelerates, pressure inside the intestines increases, fluid begins to accumulate, which helps push out feces.

An acidic environment is formed, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. Pathogenic intestinal flora dies.

Release form: syrup, tablets.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: from 200 to 450 rub.


Compound: main substance – Lactulose, purified water, lactose.

Action of the drug: mild laxative.

Time of action: The dosage is selected individually, the duration of administration is up to 2 weeks.

Properties: the main active substance - lactulose - is not broken down in the stomach and reaches the intestines unchanged.

Normalizes stool and microflora, promotes gentle cleansing of the intestines.

Release form: Available in the form of syrup, 250 ml and in tablets of 30 pcs.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: 300-350 rub.


Compound: active substance: lyophilized bacteria.

Additional components: water, inulin, gelatin.

Action of the drug: the drug with a complex of prebiotics and probiotics has a mild laxative effect.

Time of action: It is recommended to take the drug 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Properties: normalizes intestinal microflora, promotes natural bowel movements, improves digestion, restores stool, improves immunity, kills pathogenic flora.

Release form: capsules

Country of issue: Bulgaria

Average cost: 500 rub.


A herbal preparation intended to improve peristalsis, cleanse the intestines, remove excess fluid, and promote weight loss.

Compound: rhubarb root, cassia tora seeds.

Action of the drug: normalizes the flora of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes digestion and improves metabolism.

Time of action: course intake, for 20-30 days.

Properties: activates metabolic processes, normalizes stool, eliminates constipation.

Release form: the drug is available in capsules.

Country of issue: China.

Average cost: 400-800 rub.


Compound: active substance – inulin, fructose, glucose, gymnema extract.

Action of the drug: has a laxative effect, improves metabolic processes.

Time of action: Admission of coursework, 1-2 months.


  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the number of beneficial bacteria;
  • normalizes stool.

Release form: tablets, powder.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: up to 300 rub.

Herbal anti-constipation tablets

Anti-constipation tablets, inexpensive and effective, such as herbal laxatives are most in demand among buyers as they are suitable for long-term use and do not cause side effects.


Compound: based on senna.

Action of the drug: has a laxative effect.

Time of action: from 6 to 12 hours


  • improves intestinal motility;
  • causes the onset of defecation;
  • normalizes stool;
  • cleanses the intestines from stagnation.

Tinasen is available in the form of tablets.

Country of issue: Hungary

Average cost: 50 rub.


Compound: senna leaf extract

Action of the drug: mild laxative.

Time of action: 6-10 hours

Properties: has laxative properties. Improves peristalsis, accelerates bowel movements. Promotes gentle bowel movement.

Release form: dispensed in tablets.

Country of issue: India

Average cost: 200 rub.


Compound: based on medicinal plants - aloe and buckthorn bark.

Action of the drug: laxative to relieve symptomatic and acute constipation.

Time of action: within 8-12 hours.

Properties: used to eliminate intestinal obstruction, soften stool, and normalize stool.

Release form: pills

Country of issue: Poland

Average cost: up to 300 rub.


Compound: medical bile, artichoke, turmeric

Action of the drug: choleretic, laxative

Time of action: Course treatment, 10-20 days.

Properties: improves metabolism, relieves constipation caused by intestinal atony.

Release form: pills

Country of issue: Vietnam

Average cost in Russia: about 250 rub.


Compound: based on rhubarb root powder

Action of the drug: used as a laxative

Time of action: 6-10 hours

Properties: improve colon motility, irritate the intestines, leading to a gentle release of the intestines.

Release form: in tablet form

Country of issue: Poland

Average cost: 50-80 rub.

Dietary supplements to stabilize the functioning of the digestive system

Dietary supplements are widely used among constipation remedies and tablets, which are inexpensive and effective. They have a beneficial effect on digestion, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity and the body’s protective functions in the fight against viruses and bacteria.


Compound: based on senna leaves, kelp, plantain, dill fruits

Action of the drug: has a mild laxative effect and stimulates peristalsis.

Time of action: The treatment takes place in courses, the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.


  • improves intestinal function;
  • restores and normalizes the natural intestinal flora;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Release form: the drug is available in the form of tablets, syrup, bars and tea bags.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: The cost of packaging in the form of tablets will be up to 150 rubles.


Compound: The supplement contains live beneficial bacteria.

Action of the drug: mild laxative, supplement for restoring intestinal microflora.

Time of action: taking the drug as a course course for 1 month.


  • improves digestion and speeds up bowel function;
  • normalizes microflora;
  • inhibits pathogenic flora.

Release form: in capsules

Country of issue: Canada

Average cost: 250 rub.

The article provides a brief description of tablets for constipation, effective, expensive and inexpensive. All of them are divided by time of action, indications and duration of administration.

To obtain the desired effect, it is important that the treatment and pills are prescribed by a doctor familiar with the patient’s medical history. Self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences and worsen the problem.

Tablets for constipation are inexpensive and effective:

How to choose the right laxative:

The pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of laxatives to combat constipation. At the same time, in most cases, doctors recommend their patients to use a mild laxative.

It is thanks to such medications that the necessary therapeutic effect is achieved. Only in case of serious problems with stool is it advisable to use stronger drugs.

When is the use of mild laxatives justified?

Constipation is defined as a delay in natural bowel movement for more than 2 days.

Indications for the use of effective mild laxatives are:

  • defecation delay;
  • the need to cleanse the intestines before diagnostic procedures or surgery;
  • acute poisoning;
  • infection with worms;
  • the presence of a large number of fecal stones in the intestines;
  • poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle.

Using a mild laxative is an alternative to an enema, which cleanses only the lower intestines. The use of carriers allows you to cleanse the entire large intestine and free it from toxins.

How does a soft remedy differ from a regular one?

Mild laxatives differ from regular laxatives in that their action begins quickly and lasts a long time. At the same time, the medicine does not cause irritation to the intestinal mucosa and is well tolerated by patients without addiction.

The composition of a mild laxative is selected so that it leads to the softening of feces and their removal. Such drugs are suitable for the treatment of constipation in children, pregnant women and bedridden patients.

What effective and inexpensive drugs exist?

For an easy and gentle solution to the problem of constipation, it is recommended to take such inexpensive, gentle and effective medications as:

  1. Prelax. This remedy stabilizes the processes occurring in the intestines and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. Suitable for treating constipation in young children and the elderly.
  2. Guttalax. This drug is indicated for the treatment of constipation in children, pregnant women and the elderly. There is no overdose of the drug and there is no risk of complications. Frequent use of this drug is not recommended.
  3. Microlax is a mild rectal remedy for the treatment of constipation. The laxative effect occurs within a few minutes. There is no possibility of overdose.
  4. Forlax is a powder used for constipation 2 times a day. A long course of treatment in adults is allowed.
  5. Regulax is a drug that contains only natural ingredients of plant origin. It has virtually no contraindications, but is prescribed with caution during pregnancy. Mainly used in cases of chronic constipation.
  6. Bisacodyl and its analogues are used for the symptomatic treatment of constipation.

Release forms

Laxatives are available in the following forms:

  1. Pills. This is the most common and convenient form of laxative use. The tablets contain additional excipients - talc, xylitol and starch.
  2. The suspension contains solid parts of the active substance, which are distributed in ethyl alcohol, water or glycerin. Suspended products are also used for newborns.
  3. Gel is a relatively new type of preparation. The active substance is dissolved in the base with alcohol, petroleum jelly and glycerin.
  4. Powder is a loose form of a medicinal product intended for dissolution in water.
  5. Candles are used at the site of the pathological process. They are inserted into the rectum. Candles have a quick and mild effect.
  6. Microenema is a new drug for administration into the rectum.
  7. Drops are a liquid form of a laxative. Allows you to accurately calculate the dosage of the active component.

What medications are not addictive?

For chronic constipation, non-addictive medications that can be taken for a long time are relevant. If the medicine becomes addictive, after prolonged treatment it will stop working and the person will become constipated again.

The following medications are suitable for the treatment of constipation and do not cause an addictive effect in the patient:

Fast-acting remedies

The following products have a quick effect:

  1. Magnesium sulfate. The urge to have a bowel movement occurs within 40 minutes after administration. The product can also be used after surgery.
  2. Saline enteral solution (or intestinal lavage). This is a drug that is made from distilled water and a set of mineral salts. This is the most powerful laxative because its effect begins within 15 minutes. A laxative is used to cleanse the intestines of salts and toxins.
  3. Lactulose quickly dilutes stool during constipation; the necessary laxative effect of the drug occurs within a few hours.
  4. Sodium sulfate begins to act in the intestines within an hour. The drug is contraindicated in persons with severe hypernatremia, that is, high sodium levels in the blood.

All these fast-acting medications are also indicated for use for chronic constipation.

Preparations for weakened and bedridden patients

For bedridden patients, the following remedies are indicated:

  • intestinal irritants (senna leaves, Senade, Glaxenna, Bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate);
  • herbal laxatives (buckthorn bark);
  • salt products (magnesium sulfate);
  • prebiotics.

These drugs should not be overused because they may cause delayed bowel movements to become regular.

Medicines for elderly patients

For older people, there are the following medications:

  1. Agents that irritate the intestinal mucosa (Guttalax, Phenolphthalein, castor oil).
  2. Drugs that inhibit fluid absorption processes (magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary medicinal salt).
  3. Means for increasing the volume of stool (fiber).
  4. Softening agents (vegetable oils and liquid paraffin).

Natural remedies

Laxatives include the following herbs:

  • plantain seeds (prohibited for asthmatics);
  • fenugreek seeds;
  • dandelion leaves and roots;
  • gerbil;
  • senna;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • zhoster;
  • caraway and dill seeds;
  • bloodroot;
  • borage.

Anti-constipation herbs are available at the pharmacy. At home, they are brewed according to the instructions and consumed at night. In the morning you can expect a therapeutic effect.

How to choose a laxative for yourself

The drug for each day must be selected based on the following rules:

  • analysis of the cause that led to the development of constipation;
  • an optimal but effective dose that is not addictive (the dosage is usually prescribed by a doctor);
  • a certain medicine with the mildest effect that the doctor will prescribe;
  • a good laxative should be active in all parts of the intestine;
  • It is better to give preference to prebiotics.

Indications for use

The usual purpose of laxatives is to combat constipation and quickly normalize stool.

However, medications can also be taken to combat excess weight. To normalize body weight with the help of a laxative, you need to opt for drugs and foods rich in fiber. They do not cause side effects and can be used by anyone who wants to lose weight.

The use of Bisacodyl for weight loss is not advisable. In large doses and with long-term use, it causes serious addiction, from which it can be very difficult to recover. Senna leaves, magnesia and vegetable oils (primarily castor) should be used with caution.

It is advisable to use mild laxatives in the postoperative period, because it is at this time that patients experience stool retention. For this purpose, medications that help soften stool and stimulate peristalsis are suitable. The use of rectal suppositories is indicated.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

Laxatives have certain contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to take medications in the following cases:

  1. Acute sensation of pain in the abdomen. It may indicate a serious illness that requires urgent medical attention. Such conditions include appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, peritonitis, and acute intestinal obstruction.
  2. An increase in temperature without the presence of intestinal pathology requires urgent consultation with an infectious disease specialist. It is necessary to pay attention to cases of body temperature rising above 38 °C.
  3. Loss of body weight. In this case, one should suspect that a person has a malignant process in the organs of the digestive tract.
  4. Accumulation of a large number of large fecal stones in the large intestine. In this case, laxatives will not only not soften them, but will also cause great harm.
  5. Bleeding from the intestines. This is indicated by sharply pale skin of the mucous membranes, the appearance of black feces (melena), and exacerbation of inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

Side effects of the drugs in question include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • drug diarrhea;
  • decreased amount of potassium and sodium in the blood;
  • kidney damage;
  • dehydration;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • changes in the electrocardiogram;
  • disruption of absorption processes;
  • melanosis of the large intestine;
  • obstruction;
  • itching in the anus;
  • liver inflammation.

Most of these effects occur when the drugs are used incorrectly.

The use of laxatives should only be as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication causes harm to the body. Long-term use of medications should be avoided to prevent addiction.

How to choose tablets to treat constipation when the market offers such a wide choice?

When choosing a medicine, each of us wants to get a safe and effective remedy.

At the same time, no one wants to overpay for much-needed medications.

We will talk about the most effective and inexpensive drugs for cleansing the intestines in this article.

How to choose a laxative?

When choosing tablets, you need to determine which class is required, take into account side effects and contraindications:

  1. it is important to find out the active ingredients and study the annotation;
  2. for chronic constipation, it is better to choose prebiotics to restore microflora and stimulate intestinal function.

What drugs are there to cleanse the intestines and how do they work?

Tablets for relieving constipation have different spectrums of effects. First you need to find out the cause of constipation, and then choose a drug:

Watch a video about choosing a laxative:

Effective and inexpensive fast-acting tablets


This laxative medication contains bisacodyl, a derivative of diphenylmethane.. Activates peristalsis, causing an increase in the volume of electrolytes and fluid. Helps ease defecation by softening and increasing the volume of feces and normalizing intestinal motility.

The desired effect is achieved after 6-12 hours.

Available in the form of tablets with a coating that dissolves in the intestines. The tablets are taken orally and must be taken with large volumes of liquid.:

  1. children over 10 years old and adults take 1-2 tablets;
  2. at the age of 4-10 years – 1 tablet.

ADVICE: Do not take Dulcolax with food, which causes a decrease in the acidity level of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Common side effects are:

  • diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, colitis;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • excessive sensitivity, angioedema.

Contraindications include:

  • bisacodyl intolerance;
  • obstruction in the intestines;
  • obstructive conditions;
  • exacerbation of pathologies;
  • acute inflammation;
  • dehydration;
  • stomach ache;
  • age up to 4 years.

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting a fairly fast action, and can be used by children from 4 years of age.

The disadvantages include a large number of contraindications and addiction after long-term use.

The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 230 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.


The medicine has a laxative effect. The principle of function is determined by an increase in the production of mucus in the intestines, an increase and acceleration of its work.

Stimulates nerve endings in the mucous membrane. Effective 6-8 hours after administration.

Release form: coated tablets. Take 1 tablet orally in the evening before bed. If there is no effect, then the dose is increased to 2-3 tablets. Children over 6 years old are prescribed 1 tablet in the evening.

Side effects:

  • bloating, nausea;
  • abdominal pain, heaviness;
  • excessive loss of water with long-term use;
  • decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure).


  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute inflammation in the peritoneum;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • insufficient potassium;
  • bleeding;
  • acute cystitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

The advantages include speed of impact and low price.

The downside is that it has an irritating effect on the intestines and is addictive.

Average cost of the drug for 30 tablets. – 30 rub.


The drug is classified as a contact medication. Normally, sulfatases are synthesized by beneficial bacteria, breaking down components into simple elements. When microflora sulfatases and Slabilen components combine, metabolites appear that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Peristalsis increases, water absorption decreases. No spasms during bowel movements.

Available as coated tablets. Doses and features of use are selected for each individual separately. Taken orally in the evening before bedtime.

Side effects - diarrhea.


  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • bleeding;
  • dehydration;
  • children under 4 years old.

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the absence of spasms in the intestines under the influence of drugs, and the permissibility of use from 4 years.

Cons: a large number of contraindications.

Average cost for 20 tablets. – 170 rubles.


This laxative drug gives results 10-12 hours after administration.

ATTENTION: The active form, which is formed due to hydrolysis under the influence of intestinal microbes, directly excites the nerve endings of its tissue, thus accelerating the passage of feces and reducing the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Available in the form of drops, not in tablet form. Taken orally before bedtime:

  1. from 10 years and older – 12-24 drops;
  2. at the age of 4-10 years – 6-12 drops.

Among the negative effects:

  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • dehydration;
  • decreased water balance;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • impotence.

Contraindications include:

  • strangulated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding;
  • dehydration;
  • acute inflammation;
  • children under 4 years old;
  • hypersensitivity.

Advantages: liquid form, which is easier and faster absorbed by the body, can be taken from 4 years of age.

Cons: contraindications, irritating effect on the intestines.

Cost for 10 ml – 170 rubles.


This medication is a derivative of triarylmethane. Affects only the large intestine. The active ingredients stimulate receptors in the large intestine.

The effect develops after 6-12 hours.

Taken orally with plenty of water in the evenings:

  1. children over 10 years of age and adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets;
  2. at the age of 4-10 years – ½-1 tablet.

Side effects:


  • strangulated hernia;
  • obstruction;
  • acute inflammation;
  • bleeding;
  • spastic constipation;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • dehydration;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • cystitis;
  • allergy to components.

The advantage is that the drug acts only on the large intestine in a fairly short time.

Disadvantages: impossibility of taking it in the first trimester and a large list of contraindications.

Average price 240 rub. for 20 tab.

Watch a video about Guttalax laxative tablets:


The medication increases the absorption and excretion of ammonia molecules. Lactulose activates the growth of acidophilic microbes and stops the proliferation of proteolytic microbes. There is a decrease in the synthesis of toxins.

Self-medicating constipation is not a good idea. If problems occur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

The effect is achieved after a few days of taking the tablets.

Available in tablet form. Used with food:

  1. adults require 4-5 tablets 2 times a day;
  2. children over 5 years old – 1 tablet. 3 times a day.

Side effects: on the first day of use, flatulence may occur, which goes away after 3 days.

IMPORTANT: Among the contraindications: galactosemia and allergies to the components of the drug. Advantages in a small list of side effects and contraindications, mild effect on the intestines, possibility of long-term use.

Disadvantages – cost and inability to accept children under 5 years old.

The average price is 290 rubles per package.


Due to the content of plantain husk, the medicine has a gentle effect on the intestines and normalizes stool during diarrhea.

Plantain swells and irritates intestinal receptors, which causes peristalsis to normalize, increasing the volume and softening of feces.

The effect is achieved after 6-10 hours.

Available in capsule form. Can be used regardless of food intake. The dose is adjusted by the doctor based on the effect obtained. Suitable for long term use.

Side effects: bloating, feeling of fullness in the intestines. They pass on their own.

When taking Defenorm, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Among the contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe diabetes;
  • age up to 12 years.

Advantages of the drug: natural composition, possibility of long-term use, low number of adverse reactions.

Disadvantages: inability to accept children under 12 years of age.

The average cost is 150 rubles.


Anthraglycosides, when broken down into anthronols and anthrones, irritate the intestinal receptors. As a result, the absorption of water and electrolytes is disrupted. This helps increase the volume of stool and soften it. This speeds up peristalsis.

The required effect is achieved after 8 hours.

Release form: tablets. Use once a day with water. Dose size for adults: 1-2 tablets. Children – 1 tablet. The course is selected by the doctor.

Side effect:

  • stomach ache;
  • anorexia;
  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • hematuria;
  • atony;
  • digestive disorders.

Among the contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • bleeding;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal pathologies.

Pros: use for chronic constipation, natural ingredients, can be used from 6 years of age, cheap drug.

Cons: a large number of contraindications, impossibility of long-term use due to dehydration.

Average price – 25 rubles.

Poslabin Lactulose

Under the influence of the medication, the flora in the intestine changes, and the number of lactobacilli increases. This increases acidity in the intestinal lumen, stimulates work, and increases the volume of feces. The result is a laxative effect without affecting smooth muscles and mucous membranes..

Available in tablet form. The dose is selected individually.

Contraindications include galactosemia and allergies to the products in the composition.

Side effects are minor and go away on their own.

Cost – 105 rubles for 30 tablets.


This probiotic is a lyophilized mixture of kefir fungi and lactobacilli, containing lactobacilli acidophilus. The tablets have an antimicrobial effect. Acipol regenerates natural microflora, helps normalize the synthesis of vitamins and other active substances.

Produced in capsule form. Prescribed for children from 3 months and adults. It is taken orally without biting. Doses and duration are selected individually. Children 3 months old – 3 years: 1 capsule 2-3 times per day. Children over 3 years old and adults -1 caps. 3-4 times a day.

There are no side effects. Contraindications include hypersensitivity.

Pros: no side effects, can be used by children from 3 months.

Cons: price.

Cost – 320 rubles for 30 capsules.

What chewable capsules are there for constipation?

A medicine called Fitolax is available in the form of chewable tablets. It has many advantages, and compared to laxatives, it not only regenerates stool, but also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients:

  • senna extract;
  • apricot pulp;
  • dill seeds;
  • plantain.

This drug is classified as a dietary supplement that can be taken for chronic constipation, which manifests itself due to minor dysfunction. Usually prescribed for indigestion and intestinal atony.

Features of use during pregnancy

ATTENTION: You should not take constipation pills during pregnancy. Almost all of them irritate intestinal receptors, which can cause uterine contractions.

Preparations with lactulose are allowed only under the supervision of a doctor.

Medicines for children

Children are more often prescribed syrups than tablets. But among drugs in the form of tablets we can distinguish:

  • lactulose-based prelax and normolact;
  • Duphalac (based on natural ingredients).

Only a doctor should select the appropriate medicine. You should not conduct experiments; it is better to consult a specialist if health problems arise.

Stories from our readers

Conquered hemorrhoids at home. It's been a month since I forgot about my bumps. Oh, I tried so many methods - nothing helped. How many times did I go to the doctors, but they prescribed me useless medications over and over again, and when I returned, the doctors recommended surgery. I finally got over my illness, all thanks to this article. Anyone who has hemorrhoids should read it!

Video: how to treat hemorrhoids?

Long-term diets, indigestion, poor nutrition and stress often lead to constipation. Many do not take this factor seriously and only note the presence of discomfort. However, such bowel disorders can cause serious health problems. There is a risk of microcracks forming in the colon and the development of hemorrhoids.

Why laxative tablets are better than others

Pharmacies offer consumers a wide range of laxatives and each of them has its own pros and cons. The main disadvantage of means that cause defecation is the inability to eliminate the main cause of difficult feces.

Fast acting laxative tablets. You will find a list of effective drugs in the article below.

Weak therapeutic effects help partially solve the problem stagnation of feces. That is why, when you need to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is important to choose the most effective and safe fast-acting laxative tablets. A list of the best remedies will be presented below.

Solid dosed preparations are convenient under any circumstances: at the workplace, at home, during a trip. All you have to do is put a bottle or blister pack of laxatives in your pocket or purse, and there is no need to be afraid that the product will crumble, spill or be crushed.

When taking tablets, you will not need to use measuring cups, special spoons, or additionally dilute the drug for fear of miscalculating the dose. In addition, the tablets have a long shelf life.

According to the basic recommendations for the use of drugs from the list of fast-acting laxative tablets, take 1-2 pieces in the morning or evening. When the body expends little energy and is at rest, the effectiveness of the drug increases significantly.

Note! Fast-acting laxative tablets, the list of which is quite large , pose a threat to the human body. Therefore, they should be taken only in emergency circumstances. They block the normal absorption of beneficial salts and minerals and prevent the removal of fluid from the body.

Top 5 best laxative tablets

The following drugs are especially popular:

  1. Dulcolax. The medicine was produced in Germany and is available in the form of tablets with a rapid laxative effect. The main active ingredient is the substance bisacodyl, which has an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa.

In the thick section, the drug provokes mucus to actively secrete, stimulates wave-like contraction of the walls of the colon. The urge to pass stool can be felt 4-5 hours after taking a laxative.

At night, the effect of the drug slows down and is fully activated after 8 hours. The gastro-resistant coating of the tablets allows them to dissolve slowly and resist the effects of gastric juice for a long time.

The drug is prescribed for stool disorders caused by decreased intestinal motility, with the development of hemorrhoids and the formation of microcracks in the anus, during preparatory manipulations for surgery. The drug is contraindicated for: bleeding, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy, pathological changes in the digestive system, children under 5 years of age.

  1. Guttalax. The drug has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility and has a laxative effect. The main active ingredient is sodium picosulfate monohydrate.

The drug is prescribed to patients with difficulty defecating due to loss of intestinal tone and motility, with constipation caused by drug treatment, to normalize stool with dilation of rectal veins and the formation of nodes, cracks in the anal canal, during difficult bowel movements due to dysbacteriosis and long-term diet.

The drug should not be taken if: colon obstruction, chronic and complex diseases of the abdominal cavity, individual intolerance to the active ingredients and children under 5 years of age.

  1. Senadexin. The drug contains natural substances, including senosides A and B. The active component, synthesized from the hay grass, improves intestinal motility, irritating the nerve formations (receptors) and does not contribute to addiction. After chewing the tablets, the urge to defecate occurs after 5-8 hours.

The medicine does not have a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive system. The course of treatment can last up to 5 days without side effects or addiction. The dosage of the drug is calculated by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of the body.

The drug is prescribed to children with caution; it can be taken from 6 years of age. Senadexin is safe and well tolerated. Side effects occur in rare cases. An overdose can lead to dehydration and intestinal atony.

  1. Bisacodyl. The drug is a laxative. The action of the main substance bisacodyl is the intense stimulation of wave-like contractions of the intestinal walls. Bisacodyl activates the process of releasing a translucent sticky mass from cells, which improves the removal of feces from the large intestine. It has proven effective in the treatment of colon atony, and also as a remedy against constipation in the postoperative period in bedridden patients and pregnant women. In addition, bisacodyl is used to cleanse the intestines before diagnostic tests.

The tablets are taken once a day before bedtime. The action develops within 10 hours. The medicine should not be taken for acute inflammation and tortuosity of hemorrhoidal veins, cystitis, bleeding, serious inflammatory processes of the digestive organs, intestinal obstruction, and strangulated hernias.

  1. Guttasil. The active ingredient is sodium picosulfate monohydrate. The drug enhances peristalsis of the intestinal walls and has a laxative effect. The tablets have a contact mechanism of action and begin to affect the body after the monohydrate is activated by bacterial enzymes. The tablets are not absorbed until they enter the colon.

Medicine is prescribed for diseases of the colon that require facilitation of the process of excretion of feces, during preparatory measures for surgery. Contraindications are identical to the prohibitions on taking the above drugs.

Which pills are most effective for chronic constipation?

Many people suffer from chronic constipation, which is accompanied by the inability to have normal bowel movements for 2 days. It is characterized by the passage of a meager amount of hard and dry feces.

Signs of chronic constipation include:

  • delayed emptying for 2 days or more;
  • mass of excrement released is less than 40 g;
  • stool has increased hardness and dryness, which leads to injury to the anus and the development of inflammatory processes;
  • after going to the toilet, there is no feeling of complete bowel movement;
  • attempts are accompanied blockage of feces in the rectal passage;
  • the patient feels the need in intense and frequent attempts.

Chronic constipation can be overcome with medication in combination with diet. To do this, the diet includes dried fruits in the form of dried apricots, prunes, vegetables, berries and fruits. In the morning it is recommended to drink 15 g of unrefined vegetable oil, and during the day eat 2 tbsp. l. honey At night you will need to drink freshly squeezed carrot or beet juice.

As for medications, for chronic constipation The following products have proven themselves to be effective:

  • Senadexin;
  • Lelax;
  • Laxigal;
  • Picolax;
  • Duphalac (suitable for children and elderly patients).

What pills are best to take for acute constipation?

Acute constipation may occur due to stress or disturbances caused by changes in diet.

Acute pathology also occurs in the following cases:

  • violations in the formation of excrement volume;
  • weakening motor activity and intestinal contractions;
  • violations coordinated cooperation of the nervous and muscular systems of the intestine during the release of excrement.

Treatment of acute constipation involves eliminating the root cause of its development. In the absence of visible results of therapy with folk remedies and drugs, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

In case of sudden acute constipation, medications such as:

  • Laxacodil;
  • Stadalax;
  • Regulax;
  • Weak.

Which quick-acting remedy is safe for pregnant women?

It is difficult to find safe, fast-acting laxative tablets. The list for pregnant women does not have a variety of choices. Constipation during this period occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and compression of the colon by the enlarged uterus.

Fast-acting laxative tablets for pregnant women include:

  • Senade;
  • Phytomucil;
  • Microlax;
  • Lactobacterin.

Drugs that cause irritation of the intestinal walls are strictly contraindicated for women carrying a fetus.

Preparations that contain rhubarb can cause digestive disorders in pregnant women.

Activated carbon is considered an effective remedy during pregnancy. The dosage is calculated according to the following example: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Take 2-3 times a day before meals.

When should you use fast-acting laxative tablets?

You can take the drugs from the list of quick-acting laxative tablets when orgasm really requires it. For example, before a diagnostic examination or before surgery.

In general, it is worth taking quick laxative tablets from the list recommended by experts in extreme cases, when difficult bowel movements continue for more than 48 hours.

Otherwise, overactivity caused by the action of the active components of the drug leads to a depressed state of the intestines, which means that with a long course of treatment, it will simply refuse to work on its own.

Carefully! Many women resort to these drugs to lose weight, which is very unsafe. Laxatives cannot activate the body's metabolism and burn excess fat deposits. On the contrary, digestive function deteriorates, nutrients are no longer absorbed by the body, and dehydration occurs.

Fast acting laxative tablets. List of effective drugs

Pharmacies stock various forms of laxatives. Anti-constipation tablets are most popular due to their ease of use. All types of laxatives differ in their effects on the body and intestines. This makes it possible to individually select a drug, taking into account the specifics of the disorders.

There are 4 types of laxatives:

  1. Annoying. Fast-acting laxative tablets from the list of effective drugs are representatives of the irritating category. This group of products is made both from substances of plant origin and based on synthetic components. Due to the rapid impact on intestinal motility and irritation of its mucous membrane, defecation occurs freely. Regular use of such tablets is contraindicated.
  2. Osmotic. An important problem with constipation is the solid state of excrement, which complicates normal exit from the anus. Osmotic agents provide moisture to the intestinal lumen, which softens the excrement and fills it with fluid. The increased volume of masses puts pressure on the intestinal walls and promotes normal bowel movements. Tablets of this group are not recommended for people with acute and chronic heart problems.
  3. Prebiotics and bulk preparations. Prebiotics also have a laxative effect. The main advantage of such drugs is that they practically do not dissolve under the influence of gastric juice, but are absorbed directly in the colon. The synthesis of fermented milk microorganisms is activated.

This leads to normal digestion of all food elements, moisture is attracted, and the volume of excrement increases. Laxatives reach the large intestine quickly and also increase the volume of feces, which promotes natural bowel movements. These drugs contain synthetic and natural substances.

Expert opinion: which tablets are better to choose

Before choosing a remedy from the list of fast-acting laxative tablets, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the cause of constipation and begin treatment.

Common causes of difficult bowel movements include:

  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle due to the specifics of work;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stress.

Depending on the cause, specialists prescribe complex treatment.

For adults, when treating constipation, doctors recommend medications such as:

  • Guttalax;
  • bisacodyl tablets;
  • Senadexin.

The most suitable products for children are from the group of prebiotics:

  • Acipol;
  • Duphalac.

Important to remember! The quick action of laxative tablets cannot completely eliminate the cause of constipation. This assistance is one-time, and difficult emptying is the first sign of more significant health problems.

If constipation occurs, you can use effective tablets that have a gentle effect on the body and relieve the problem. However, if you have constant difficulties going to the toilet, it is recommended to consult a doctor for recommendations.

Useful video about fast-acting laxative tablets (list)

Which laxative to choose: tablets, syrup or microenemas - watch this video:

Laxatives pros and cons in this video:

People who often have difficulty defecating know how painful and unpleasant it is. This article will talk about the most effective and natural laxatives for constipation. Despite the fact that today you can buy any pills in pharmacies, many people still prefer to be treated using only natural, proven remedies that will bring benefits and will not cause any harm to the body.

We will introduce you to excellent traditional medicine recipes, tell you how to do self-massage, which has a positive effect on intestinal motility, teach you how to use rectal suppositories, etc. But before we start talking in detail about medications for constipation, let's look at the reasons why they occur.

What causes constipation

This is a rather complex topic, because there are many factors that influence the occurrence of difficulties with bowel movements. Still, finding the reason is extremely important! This will make it much easier to choose effective laxatives for constipation. Reviews about certain recipes or medications can be both positive and negative. Those. What works great for some people is often completely useless for others. Often such a difference of opinion is caused by an incorrectly identified cause that provoked a malfunction in the body. Here are a number of negative factors that contribute to constipation:

Insufficient amount of fiber in the diet.

Insufficient intake of water into the body.

Taking certain medications that may cause constipation as a side effect.

Lack of movement during the day.


Diseases of the endocrine system.

A special category is the elderly. Their bowel problems can be caused by weakening of the abdominal muscles. And the following information will be of interest to those who are looking for natural laxatives for children. When babies have constipation, parents sometimes lose their heads and simply don’t know what to do. Meanwhile, in order to get rid of the problem, it is enough for the child’s mother to reconsider her diet. In infants who are bottle-fed or mixed-fed, difficulties with bowel movements may arise from switching to another milk formula, as well as due to a lack of fluid entering the body.

Traditional treatment for constipation

Laxatives for constipation are very important. We can divide such medicinal drugs into several types:

1. Medicines that can irritate the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. They often add various medicinal plants, castor oil, as well as some synthetic substances (phenolphthalein, isafenin, etc.).

2. Frequent constipation is well treated with drugs that soften stool in the intestines. These products include various oils (olive, Vaseline, almond, castor and even regular sunflower).

3. To help adults suffering from delayed bowel movements, medications are often used to help enlarge the intestinal cavity, on the one hand, and, on the other, to liquefy its contents. These properties are found in seaweed, magnesium sulfate, and salt supplied from the Czech Republic.

Laxatives for constipation, used regularly and uncontrollably, can be harmful. Here are a number of side effects:

  • Getting used to laxatives. Gradually, the body refuses to respond to the drug, which leads to a constant increase in dosage.
  • Constant use of strong laxatives can lead to dehydration and removal of important salts and trace elements from the body.
  • Intestinal tissue can change under the influence of powerful drugs, which can subsequently trigger the occurrence of a tumor process.

Natural laxative products

Laxatives for constipation - natural, harmless and ensuring regular, problem-free bowel movements - are always preferable to chemical medications. Fortunately, there are many foods that can help relieve constipation. Here is their list:

Fruits: plums, apples, tangerines, peaches and grapes.

Dried fruits: figs, prunes, dried apricots.

Vegetables: zucchini, beets, onions, carrots, cabbage (cauliflower or Brussels sprouts).


Grain bread.

Dairy products.

Pickled white cabbage.

Vegetable oil.

Natural laxatives from the pharmacy

Pharmacies sell many plant-based laxatives. They are very convenient to use, as they allow you to avoid the tedious process of preparing your own medicine at home. All you need to do is follow the instructions exactly. These laxatives include such best remedies for constipation as:

- "Kafiol" - contains senna fruits and leaves, figs, plums and vaseline oil.

- "Mukofalk." The basis of this medicine is plantain seeds.

- "Laminarid" is a preparation made from seaweed.

- "Senade" - based on senna.

- "Musinum" - this drug contains: anise, buckthorn bark, senna powder and boldo leaves.

- "Agiolax" - it successfully combines plantain seeds and senna powder.

Suppositories "Rectactive" are made on the basis of horse chestnut.

The most modern treatment for constipation is Exportal. Lactitol in its composition allows you to stimulate the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, serving as a nutrient medium for it. Also, when “eating” it, bacteria release extremely useful organic acids, of which the most beneficial for intestinal health is butyric acid. Exportal acts delicately and provides treatment for constipation with benefits for the intestines, providing a laxative effect and serving as a prevention of further problems with bowel movement.

This list is far from complete. The pharmacy assortment is constantly updated with new natural laxatives.

How to relieve constipation in a small child

First of all, I would like to say that it is best to entrust the choice of laxatives for constipation in children to a doctor. After all, a child’s body is much more tender and vulnerable than that of adults. Here we can give only a few recommendations that cannot do any harm. If the baby hasn’t really gone to the toilet once all day, then he can be helped with a microenema. To do this, you need to purchase the smallest rubber bulb-syringe at the pharmacy.

The contents of the enema are saline or soap solution. To prepare it, take warm boiled water (10-15 ml) and dissolve a small piece of soap (for children) or a pinch of salt in it. The tip of the syringe is lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream and carefully inserted into the baby's anus (not deep), the contents of the enema are released into the rectum slowly. Usually one such procedure is enough to empty the intestines. If the baby does not feel better, he needs to be shown to a specialist.

If constipation is observed in a small child who has already been introduced to complementary foods, then you can add a little prunes to the diet - this is an excellent natural product that has a mild laxative effect.

Treatment of constipation in older people

In old age, people often begin to experience difficulty defecating. Natural laxatives for constipation in the elderly are, first of all, properly selected foods that can regulate intestinal activity. It is useful for older people to eat fresh yogurt or biokefir every day, as well as dishes that contain an abundance of fiber (mashed beets and carrots, vinaigrette, bran, etc.).

In the morning on an empty stomach, it is useful to drink half a glass of water at room temperature, and immediately before breakfast eat one tablespoon of sunflower oil. Here is a well-proven recipe for a natural laxative: dried apricots, prunes (400 g each, etc.) and figs (300 g) need to be minced in a meat grinder, gradually adding senna (1 pack). Add 100 g of honey and a little lemon juice to the resulting mixture. This laxative is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, one tbsp. spoon (maybe a little more or less) and wash it down with half a glass of regular cold water.

Rectal suppositories

What other laxatives can be used for constipation? Suppositories, which can be bought in our pharmacies, are considered one of the safest and most effective drugs. True, it is not recommended to use them too often, because... constant strong irritation of the colon receptors entails a weakening of their sensitivity, as a result of which the suppositories cease to have the desired effect.

Suppositories should be inserted into the rectum in the morning, about fifteen minutes after breakfast. Before doing this, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the contraindications that are set out in the instructions included with the drug. If you urgently need to get rid of constipation, try purchasing Bisacodyl (inexpensive domestic suppositories), Dulcolax or glycerin suppositories at the pharmacy.

Laxative folk remedies for constipation: herbal recipes

Traditional medicine suggests treating constipation with herbal infusions. Here are some effective recipes:

1. You need to chop and mix 50 g of joster fruits and black elderberry flowers. Next one art. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with boiling water (1 cup) and put the broth on low heat for 5 minutes. The cooled and filtered drug should be drunk in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (before bed) one glass at a time.

2. To prepare the next decoction you need anise and fennel fruits (10 g each), buckthorn fruits (60 g) and licorice root (20 g). The herbal mixture is crushed and mixed. Next one art. a spoonful of mixed herbs is poured with boiling water and placed on the stove, as in the previous recipe. Take half a glass in the morning and evening. This decoction is very effective in helping with constipation in pregnant women.

3. Buckthorn bark, holly cassia leaves, joster leaves (30 g each), licorice root and anise fruit (10 g each) are crushed and mixed together. Brew one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and leave the broth to infuse. You need to drink half a glass of this medicine before going to bed at night.

What else can you do at home?

Laxative folk remedies for constipation are not limited to herbs. The following tips will help you in trouble:

You can try to make excellent medicine from ordinary potatoes. To do this, peeled tubers are grated and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp. You need to drink a quarter glass every day.

Sauerkraut brine helps relieve constipation. It should be drunk warm, half a glass daily. By the way, sauerkraut itself also has a pronounced laxative effect.

In the morning, while your stomach is empty, you can drink honey water. It is prepared simply: honey (1 tablespoon) is dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature.


People who are prone to constipation are recommended to do a simple daily abdominal massage. Nothing special, you just need to lie down, relax and massage your stomach with stroking circular movements around your navel in a clockwise direction. Why this way and not the other way? The fact is that food moves in the intestines clockwise. If you massage against this movement, you risk either diarrhea or even more severe constipation.

Normalization of intestinal microflora

Now you know many effective remedies for constipation. Now let's see what can be done to prevent these painful conditions. Let's talk about normalizing the intestinal microflora. For normal functioning of the intestines, it must contain 90% beneficial bacteria and only 10% putrefactive bacteria. With frequent constipation, this ratio is disrupted and putrefactive microorganisms begin to predominate.

To correct the situation, you need to “seed” the intestines with beneficial bacteria. This can be done by regularly eating yoghurts containing healthy live cultures, acidophilus milk, and kefir. To normalize the microflora, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Colibacterin, Bifikol, Baktisubtil and other drugs.


If you notice that you need stronger and stronger laxatives for constipation, which is happening more and more often, then this should be a reason to visit your doctor. Perhaps you have some serious illness that needs urgent treatment. Don't delay your visit to the doctor!