Ointment for lacerations. Wound healing ointments for the skin with a quick effect. Folk remedies

Healing ointment for open wounds is used not only for rapid healing, but also to eliminate a cosmetic defect. Wounds are a common occurrence in the life of every person. They can appear in the form of cuts, abrasions, after minor or major operations.

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Healing ointment for the effective treatment of open wounds

Any wound is a damage to the integrity of the skin. Open injuries go through three stages of healing. At first, the wound should clean itself.

After this, the inflammatory process begins. Depending on how well the self-cleaning took place, the inflammatory process can be more or less pronounced. The last stage is granulation and wound healing.

The main criterion for choosing agents is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. It is important that the composition dries the skin, disinfects the surface and promotes tissue regeneration.

Ointments containing an antibiotic have shown to be most effective for open wounds:

  1. Levomekol. Healing ointment for open wounds, capable of penetrating to the source of infection, has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Ichthyol ointment. Has local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Eliminates itching, accelerates tissue regeneration processes.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment. Despite the unpleasant odor, it was highly praised for its antiseptic properties. Suitable for application to open wounds in case of purulent processes.
  4. Methirulacil. Has a strong analgesic effect.
  5. D-panthenol. One of the most common types of ointments. It has a high content of vitamins and promotes skin regeneration.
  6. Solcoseryl. Contains a natural biological component that promotes collagen synthesis.
  7. Baneocin. It has earned popularity due to its high efficiency. Contains 2 types of antibiotics.

Directions for use and permissible dosages

Each ointment or cream for healing cuts has its own characteristics in terms of application method and timing of use. It is important to strictly follow the dosage and not exceed the permissible period of use of medications. This is due to the fact that many ointments contain strong antiseptic components and antibiotics.

Levomekol ointment is applied only to the cleaned surface in a thin layer. When using it for open wounds, it is allowed to use the ointment in the form of a compress on a sterile napkin. Multiplicity of applications from 2 times depending on the complexity of the situation. The treatment period ranges from 5 to 14 days.

Ichthyol ointment can be used in two ways. In the first case, it is applied to the damaged area and rubbed until a feeling of warmth appears. In the second, the ointment is applied in a thin layer and covered with a napkin. Bandages are changed daily. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Vishnevsky ointment is applied to open wounds in a loose layer, so that the entire damaged surface is filled. Dressings are carried out 2-3 times a day.

Methirulacil is applied to the damaged area 1-2 times a day. To enhance the effect, it allows the use of film or compress paper. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. After this, you should take a break for 10 days and then repeat the course as necessary.

D-Panthenol cream or ointment can be used several times a day until symptoms disappear completely. When treating cracked breasts, the ointment is applied after each feeding of the child.

Solcoseryl cream or ointment is applied 1 to 3 times a day. It can be used under a bandage. The duration of treatment depends on complete healing of the wound and the appearance of scar tissue. After this, it is recommended to use drugs to resolve scars.

Baneocin is applied to damaged areas of the skin 2 to 4 times, depending on the form of the drug. The main requirement is not to exceed the maximum permissible dosage of the active substance. It is 1 gram per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

We influence the resulting abrasions

Abrasions are the type of injury that occurs most often, especially in childhood. To prevent them from causing trouble, it is important to apply the healing composition on time.

It will relieve inflammation, disinfect the surface, and heal microcracks in the skin.

Thanks to the action of the ointment, infection of the deeper layers of the skin will be prevented, and the formation of a scar or scar after the skin has healed:

  1. Balm Rescuer. This remedy is one of the most popular for treating minor abrasions, wounds and burns. It contains sea buckthorn oil, beeswax components and other active ingredients. Thanks to the action of the Rescuer, the pain syndrome goes away and the skin calms down. It promotes wound healing. The main advantage of the product is its safety. The rescuer is suitable for use in early childhood, pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The keeper. Created on the basis of propolis, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, lavender oils. It contains vitamin E. The product is an analogue of Rescue Balm. Suitable for treating bruises, abrasions, small wounds, cuts, skin rash. It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.
  3. Cream D-Panthenol. The product is an analogue of Bepanten. Suitable for healing the skin, eliminating inflammation and dryness. Shown to be highly effective for dermatitis, burns, and damage to the integrity of the epidermis. Actively used in gynecology.

When treating abrasions, products that do not contain local antibiotics and hormonal substances are used. The main task of creams and ointments is local anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration.

The best remedies for cuts

A cut is a very unpleasant type of skin injury. Often short in length, it may vary in depth. As a result of constant movement, the skin separates, which contributes to slow healing of the wound.

To treat deep cuts, it is necessary to use products that will promote skin regeneration. Medical glue BF-6 has shown high efficiency for this type of damage.

The glue is applied in a thin layer to the wound. As a result, a thin film is formed that does not get wet in water. This allows the patient to lead a normal life without worrying about bacteria getting into the wound. Glue is actively used in surgery and dentistry. It does not cause an allergic reaction and promotes rapid wound healing.

The action of the glue is based on the seamless connection of the skin. The code shrinks under the action of glue. Thanks to the antiseptic and disinfecting properties, the inflammatory process in the wound stops. Complete healing occurs within 3-4 days.

In addition to medical glue, Streptocid ointment has received positive reviews in the treatment of cuts. It has an antiseptic effect. Balm Rescuer will relieve pain, disinfect the wound and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

Apollo gel also showed high effectiveness. It contains miramistin and anicolaine, which provides it with high antiseptic and analgesic properties. Ointments and gels for treating cuts require applying a sterile bandage to the wound and constantly replacing it.


Effective and fast-acting ointments

Wounds appear very often. Sometimes they occur in inconvenient places, where they need to heal as quickly as possible. In such a situation, it is necessary to use a proven remedy. There are a number of remedies that have shown high effectiveness for treating various types of injuries.

They have a wide spectrum of action and give instant results:

  1. Baneocin. In the pharmacy you can find it in the form of an ointment or powder. The powder form is most effective for primary skin damage. The presence of corn starch allows you to create a protective crust on the wound. Antibiotics protect against infection. After the protective layer of the skin appears, Baneocin ointment is used. It contains 2 types of antibiotics and lanolin. This combination helps prevent cracking of the crust on the wound and the penetration of microbes. The product is suitable for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, boils, umbilical wounds and other types of skin damage.
  2. Eplan. The product has received the title of universal due to its wide range of applications. It is distinguished by a strong anti-infective effect. Eplan has an analgesic effect and significantly reduces skin recovery time. The product is suitable for use at different stages of healing, for burns of varying severity, frostbite, eczema, and herpes. Eplan has become widespread due to its release forms.

Using Lokoid ointment

Lokoid is a hormonal-based drug. Its main task is the treatment of superficial non-infected skin diseases. It has shown the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Most people who have used the product note that Lokoid quickly relieves itching, reduces swelling, and helps eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin.

The drug should not be applied to skin where there are open wounds or scratches.

This drug is available in the form of ointment and cream and is intended for use in children after 6 months. It has been praised for its effective anti-itch, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

This cream is prescribed only for damage to the upper layers of the skin, since it does not have a serious cumulative effect and does not work if the infection spreads to the deeper layers of the dermis.

It should be noted that this drug is not suitable for the treatment of open skin lesions.
It is indicated for psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, seborrhea.

Products for weeping wounds

A weeping wound differs from other types of skin injuries in its appearance. The tissues are not only injured, but also blood or ichor is constantly released at the wound site. The presence of infiltrate makes the surface of the wound constantly moist.

Such wounds appear more often as a result of thermal, chemical or sunburn. They can be the result of bedsores in bedridden patients, skin inflammation, calluses or corns. Causes of weeping wounds include abraded skin or an open cut.

When treating weeping wounds, the first task is to clean and dry the surface. The release of ichor is a positive thing. It allows bacteria to come to the surface, but at the same time it is a big risk for infection.

For this reason, the wound is cleaned with antiseptic compounds and dried. After this, a healing composition is applied; it should be noted that it is forbidden to use cream for a weeping wound.

Only gel or ointment is allowed.

Wound healing ointments:

  1. Gel Fuzidin. This product belongs to the category of bacteriostatic antibiotics. Suitable for the treatment of weeping wounds, burns, furunculosis, purulent diseases. Relieves tissue swelling, reduces inflammation, heals tissue.
  2. Levosin ointment. The product is suitable for external use only. The main effect is antibacterial and anesthetic. The main contraindication to this remedy is individual sensitivity. The ointment can be used during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a physician.
  3. Solcoseryl gel. The product is easily absorbed. It does not create a film on the surface of the wound. Thanks to the action of Solcoseryl, the wound quickly dries out and is cleared of purulent formations. The composition of the gel activates the regenerative functions of the skin, which promotes rapid healing.

In addition to the listed ointments and gels, there are other drugs on sale. Only the attending physician can prescribe the most suitable one. Levomikol ointment has been highly praised by practicing surgeons for its effectiveness.

Post-operative ointments and creams

In the postoperative period, it is necessary to pay special attention to the process of tissue regeneration and restoration. It is necessary to remove the possible inflammatory process and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the suture area.

In the normal state of the body, the postoperative suture closes quickly.

The entire recovery period can be divided into several stages:

  1. Formation of a collagen layer. It is necessary to strengthen the scar and eliminate skin defects.
  2. Transition of the epithelial layer of skin throughout the wound. Already 5 days after the operation, tissue functions are restored if there is no infection.
  3. Contraction of skin tissue. The final stage of recovery, when the entire wound contracts and heals.

In order for these stages to pass faster, it is necessary to use ointments and creams.

Depending on the complexity of the seam, they are divided into two categories:

  1. For shallow, surface seams. Products with a simple composition are used. Their main task is to soften and absorb the scar.
  2. For deep seams. Hormonal compounds are used.

In addition, all ointments contain vitamins, essential oils, and minerals that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help lighten the scar:

  1. Stellanin ointment belongs to the new generation category. It promotes rapid healing and relief of inflammatory processes.
  2. Levomekol. This ointment is well known. It falls into the affordable category. Suitable for use after suture removal. It is distinguished by its bactericidal effect.
  3. Dioxysol. This drug has shown effectiveness in the treatment of inflamed sutures, abscesses, paraproctitis, purulent sutures and fistulas. The product contains lidocaine, so Dioxyzol has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an anesthetic effect.
  4. Bepanthen cream. Suitable not only for healing scars, but also other types of wounds. It activates regenerative processes in tissues, which promotes rapid healing.

Real customer reviews

According to patients, the most effective were publicly available healing ointments for wounds, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, for minor abrasions, diaper rash, shallow skin damage, burns, D-Panthenol ointment or its analogue Bepanten turned out to be most in demand.

They have antiseptic properties, soothe the skin, and relieve irritation. These ointments are suitable for use in childhood, pregnancy and lactation. Balm Rescuer is also good for treating burns, cuts, and open wounds. It has earned positive reviews due to its natural composition.

For wounds with purulent discharge, the most effective were Vishnevsky ointment, Solcoseryl, Baneocin, Eplan.

In the case of resorption of postoperative scars, the most positive reviews were about Levomekol ointment. It is actively used in surgery and has a bactericidal effect.

It is worth noting that for each specific case it is necessary to select an ointment together with a specialist. Only the attending physician will prescribe a drug that will allow the wound to heal as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Everyday life is not complete without injuries, which result in scratches, wounds and burns. Such problems cannot be completely eliminated; their unpleasantness must be minimized. Using creams and ointments for wound healing, you can speed up the healing process and avoid complications.

Ointments for wound healing in the initial stage of the wound process

Regardless of the mechanism of wound formation, the biological healing process consists of three stages: inflammation, regeneration, and. At each stage, drugs developed specifically for this phase of the wound process should be used.
For purulent wounds, ointment preparations should not be used in the first two to three days, as they will interfere with the separation of exudate and complicate the process of cleansing the wound.

At the inflammation stage, wound infection should be prevented using ointments and creams with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. These include 1% iodopyrone ointment, Betadine, Levomekol, Levosin, Nitacid. 0.5% miramistin ointment suppresses the activity of not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi, so it is justified in the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time. Streptolaven ointment has the ability to dissolve dead tissue, making it indispensable in the treatment of burns and trophic ulcers. Since a wound is not only inflammation, but also pain, it is recommended to use anesthetic agents such as Methyluracil and Trimecaine.

What ointments are used in the regeneration and scar formation phase

At the second stage of the wound process, discharge from wounds becomes less abundant, and damaged tissue begins to recover. You can speed up regeneration with the help of creams and ointments “Solcoseryl”, “D-Panthenol”, “Bepanten”, “Actovegin”. Solcoseryl and Actovegin contain a natural biological component - hemoderivat, which has the ability to quickly heal wounds by stimulating cell growth and collagen synthesis. Cream and ointment “D-Panthenol” and “Bepanten” contain a substance that normalizes cellular metabolism, increases the elasticity of collagen fibers and restores the skin.

“Rescuer” has an excellent bacteriostatic and wound-healing effect, which contains exclusively natural ingredients: sea buckthorn and turpentine oil, propolis, purified wax, healing essential oils.

"D-Panthenol", "Rescuer" and "Levomekol" can be safely used to treat all categories of patients, including newborns, pregnant and lactating women.

It should be remembered that only minor wounds, burns and cuts respond well to self-treatment. For more extensive damage or wounds caused, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Ointment for purulent wounds is used to get rid of infiltrative and necrotic formations, drawing out the infectious effusion of ulcers. Since the best ointments combine a complex of effective medicinal properties, you should have an idea about these antipurulent drugs.

An external antiseptic that draws out suppuration and promotes the breakthrough of painful formations with their subsequent accelerated regeneration. The drug is described as an ointment for purulent, non-healing wounds. In medicine it is called more precisely - balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky.

The product is used:

  • in the treatment of carbuncles, boils, abscesses;
  • in the treatment of wound surfaces of burn origin;
  • in the treatment of lymphadenitis, purulent wounds.

Use for non-healing wounds - if the disease is accompanied by an accumulation of pus, then the ointment successfully draws out the purulent contents from the wound. The composition is used only externally in the form of applications, dressings, compresses and drying tampons.

Too long use of the ointment provokes excessive dryness of the treated surface and the appearance of pronounced redness in the folds of the skin.

Balsamic liniment has a very unpleasant smell and causes irritation at the site of its application.

The ointment is applied to gauze, which is applied to the festering wound. The top of the napkin is covered with cotton wool and fixed.
Average price from 36 rub.


Levomekol has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative effects. This is an ointment for purulent wounds with an antibiotic, which helps draw out the pus and heal the wound. For treating inflamed or festering wounds, it is preferable to use levomekol ointment, since its antibacterial activity and reparative properties are high.

The universal remedy is used:

  • against skin rashes;
  • for burns and frostbite;
  • with purulent wounds on the skin;
  • for cuts and abrasions.

A medical napkin with a generous layer of levomekol is applied to the festering wound; the napkin is covered with a sterile cotton pad on top, which is bandaged or covered with a bandage. All necrotizing areas of wounds are carefully filled with a wound-healing consistency.

Levomekol is not used simultaneously with other ointments with the same effect. The use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the anti-inflammatory drug.

Possible side effects:

  • burning;
  • local swelling;
  • hives.

Cost from 65 rub. up to 81 rub. per tube.

A traditional remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds is an active substance that exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties on the deep layers of soft tissue. Providing a therapeutic effect, it has a keratostatic and antipruritic effect.

As an antiseptic:

  • draws pus from under the skin in case of any wounds and inflammations;
  • relieves inflammation and softens the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • used for purulent formations and inflammations;
  • used for skin infections;
  • for abscesses it is used to accelerate the maturation of boils.

Ichthyol ointment is not applied to an open wound.

When treating purulent wounds, they are covered on top with sterile gauze or a napkin and the bandage is secured with a medical bandage. The bandage is replaced with a new one after 8-10 hours.

The effectiveness of the active substance of the drug has no analogues.
Streptocide is destructive against microorganisms, gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, spherical bacteria.


  • in the treatment of purulent wounds, infected burns;
  • for the treatment of sore throat, cystitis, pyelitis, enterocolitis, and infectious diseases;
  • for the prevention and treatment of wound infections.

The powder is applied either directly to the wound or sprinkled on gauze, which is used to cover the wound surface and left on the skin overnight or for several daytime hours.

Development of side effects:

  • depression;
  • headache;
  • hematuria, blood in the urine;
  • fever, jaundice;
  • intestinal colic;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • crystalluria, salt crystals in the urine;
  • dyspepsia, belching, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn.

The cost of streptocide is from 80 rubles.

Syntomycin liniment is a thick gelatinous composition. The composition of the drug is not an ointment.

  • allows you to stop the inflammatory process, remove swelling;
  • used for burns of various sizes and degrees;
  • promotes the regeneration of infected wounds, injuries and burns, frostbite, which are associated with infection.

When applying the ointment to large areas of the body, alcohol consumption can initiate tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, and convulsions.

Turundas made of gauze soaked in synthomycin are placed in the fistula passages. Tampons with the drug are injected into the cavity of the purulent wound for a therapeutic effect.
The frequency of treatment and the frequency of application of the ointment depend on the degree of skin inflammation and the concentration of the drug itself.

The average price in pharmacies is 75 rubles.

The bactericidal composition is effective in healing poorly healing festering ulcers or infected burns. The drug is produced in the form of an ointment for external use; it is used for the early healing of purulent wounds that are in the first stage of the wound process.

For dosed antiseptic treatment of purulent tissue, a napkin is soaked in the ointment, which is then applied to the inflamed area, where it is fixed with bandages.

Bandaging is carried out every day until the wound is completely clear of ichorous contents.

Before applying ointment wipes, dead tissue is removed by treating the affected area with hydrogen peroxide.

The agents of the drug do not accumulate in tissues and body fluids.
If necessary, levosin is injected into purulent cavities through a catheter using a syringe. The ointment does not have local irritant properties.

The side effect is an allergic reaction similar to a skin rash.

The average price of ointment is 83 rubles.

Mafenide acetate ointment 10%.

Indications for use:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • purulent wounds;
  • infected burns;
  • bedsores.

The ointment layer is usually 2-3 mm, the dressing is changed 3 times a week, or, in case of excessive pus, daily.

The antiseptic is applied to the wound, from where it penetrates through areas of the skin with impaired blood circulation into the systemic circulation. In addition to applying the ointment to the wound surface, the drug is injected into the purulent cavity using tampons and applying a bandage.

Before changing the dressing with ointment, if the gauze has dried to the wound surface, it is recommended to soak it with an antiseptic solution. Traumatization of the regenerated epithelium may be accompanied by profuse bleeding.

When combined with other drugs, cross-hypersensitivity with the active components may occur.

In pharmacies from 45 rubles.

Therapeutic agent in a glass aerosol can with a continuous valve, 55 g each.

It contains sea buckthorn oil, which has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antibacterial effect.


  • Inflammatory processes after cryodestruction;
  • Bedsores with disrupted cellular nutrition processes;
  • Burns of varying degrees;
  • Long-term non-healing, infected wounds.

Combination treatment with drugs with antibacterial action is possible. After each procedure of spraying the drug, a two-hour rest is required.

An overdose of the drug hypozol can cause allergic reactions.
Manifestations of hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug are possible.
Hyposol, available without a prescription.

Package price from 300 rub.

An external preparation of a transparent or whitish color of uniform consistency for external use. The ointment is a combined preparation, the active components of which have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and antibacterial properties.

Indications for required use:

  • ulcers with varicose veins;
  • wounds with the addition of bacterial inflammation;
  • infected burns;
  • pustular processes on the skin;
  • erysipelas of any localization.

When using hyoxyzone with purulent wounds, the following must be taken into account. Do not apply ointment to the bleeding surface. For mild pustular processes, the drug should be applied frequently and in a thin layer, at least 4 times a day. The use of the ointment kit over large areas without the advice of a specialist is not recommended.

Contraindications for use:

  • fungal infection on the skin;
  • intolerance to any ingredient in the complex;
  • allergy to a component of hyoxysone;
  • redness and burning at the site of application for sensitive skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Long-term use of the medication, as well as its application to large inflamed surfaces, can lead to side effects.

The price in pharmacies ranges from 32 to 54 rubles per pack.

The ointment composition normalizes the structural functions of the skin and mucous membranes and promotes rapid epithelization. When used, the state of the autonomic nervous system is regulated, providing a pharmacological effect, wound healing and anti-inflammatory.


  • trophic ulcers, wounds, pustular skin lesions;
  • skin itching, burns, including sunburn;
  • thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization;
  • open wounds of an unspecified area of ​​the body.

The composition is applied externally to purulent areas of the skin. The period of changing the active substance in the bandage is 2-3 times a day.

As a contraindication for use, this is hypersensitivity, which is an undesirable excessive reaction of the immune system to the effects of Edas-202m.
No side effects were identified.

As a symptomatic remedy, the ointment is compatible with any pharmacological agents.

The average cost is 142 rubles.

As a rule, after skin damage, hemostatic agents, antiseptics and dressings are first used. Then they turn to wound healing agents that complement the complex of treatment of wounds, abrasions and burns, stimulating and accelerating the restoration of damaged cells.

There are several options for healing damage. If the edges of the wound are in close contact with each other and no bacteria have entered it, it will quickly heal by primary intention, leaving virtually no trace. If the edges of the wound do not touch tightly or an infection has entered it, healing will occur by secondary intention, through suppuration and the formation of special granulation tissue that will fill the defect. In this case, the wound will take longer to heal, and a scar may form. Superficial wounds and burns heal under a scab, or crust, under which new skin cells form.

During regeneration - healing - new cells are formed to replace damaged ones, and this requires additional energy, good blood circulation at the site of damage, increased amounts of nutrients and vitamins. All this is part of the means that accelerate healing.

General rules

You can treat minor wounds, household and sunburns, abrasions and scratches yourself at home. Animal bites, contaminated or deep wounds and burns of more than 3% of the body surface area (palm is approximately 1%), as well as second-degree or higher burns in which blisters form, require mandatory medical examination, including to decide on the issue of protection against tetanus and rabies.
Before applying wound healing agents, the damaged surface is treated with a disinfectant - an antiseptic, for example 3% hydrogen peroxide, 0.1%–0.5% aqueous solution of potassium permanganate or MIRAMISTIN. Hands must be clean.

You cannot use cotton wool as a bandage - only a bandage or gauze, because small fibers of cotton wool that have dried to the wound are difficult to remove and not completely, which slows down healing. If the bandage has dried to the wound, under no circumstances should you tear it off with force - you should soften it by moistening it with 3% hydrogen peroxide, otherwise you can damage the delicate layer of the new epithelium. Treatment is correct if over time the damage decreases in size, becomes drier and more superficial. If, on the contrary, the wound increases in size or there is no improvement within 5–7 days, and there is also redness or swelling of the edges, pain, and increased body temperature, then the treatment is not proceeding correctly and it is necessary to consult a surgeon.

The required amount of wound healing agent is applied directly to the wound or on a napkin, but the tube should not be touched to the wound.

All wound healing products are stored in a cool, dark place; open packaging is not used for more than 4 weeks.

Types of wound healing drugs

Preparations based on dexpanthenol

  • BEPANTHEN and BEPANTHEN-PLUS, D-PANTHENOL, DEXPANTHENOL, DEPANTHENOL, PANTHENOL-SPRAY. The release forms are also varied: cream; ointment, which, unlike cream, has a thicker base; lotion; solution for external use; aerosol spray for non-contact application to the burn surface.

Dexpanthenol is provitamin B5, which plays an important role in metabolic and energy processes in cells; When damaged, the need for it increases sharply. It is known that dexpanthenol stimulates the growth of the epidermis - the upper layer of skin cells and mucous membranes, and also has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. This is manifested by accelerating the healing process and reducing discomfort and pain. It penetrates well and deeply into the skin when applied topically due to its physical properties.

The drugs are approved for use in children from birth.

The cream is used for daily care of skin prone to dryness and cracking, to soften chapped skin, as well as to treat minor abrasions, sunburn, reddened and irritated skin. The drug is easily and quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. Apply it with light rubbing movements to clean, dry skin 1-2 times a day. The cream can be used for a long time.

The ointment is used to treat minor injuries, diaper rash and abrasions, mild burns, skin irritations, to accelerate the healing of wounds under a crust or scab, for the treatment and prevention of diaper dermatitis. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the site of injury 1-2 times a day, using a bandage or open method.

With the help of lotion, damage is treated without compromising the integrity of the skin in large areas, for example after sunburn. It has a slight cooling effect. Using a cotton swab, apply the lotion to clean, dry skin 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the damage and averages up to 10–14 days.

An aerosol for external use, for example PANTHENOL-SPRAY, is convenient to apply to large lesions immediately after an injury or burn: it will also relieve pain and burning without retaining heat from the burn; application by spraying will not cause discomfort to the baby. The drug is used once or several times a day, spraying it from a distance of 10–20 cm so that the entire surface of the lesion is covered with foam. Shake the bottle well before use. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease.

A solution of this drug for external use will speed up the healing of damage to the baby’s oral mucosa: it must be diluted with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio and applied 2-3 times a day to the site of damage to the mucous membrane, moistening a cotton-gauze swab with the prepared solution.

Preparations based on dexpanthenol are well tolerated, very rarely they can cause an allergic rash and itching; in this case, the drug should be discontinued. These drugs are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, for the treatment of contaminated wounds.

If there is a risk of infection or contamination of the wound, abrasions, or small cuts, you can use BEPANTEN-PLUS cream, which contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine. It will destroy bacteria that have entered the damaged area. A thin layer of cream is applied to the affected surface pre-treated with an antiseptic 1-2 times a day, openly or using a bandage. The cream is approved for children from 1 year. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol.

  • 10% METHYLURACIL OINTMENT contains the active substance METHYLURACIL, which normalizes nucleic acid metabolism, improves tissue nutrition, accelerates the growth and maturation of new epithelium. METHILURACIL also has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. The ointment is approved for children from birth; when applied externally, it is not absorbed into the blood, acting at the site of application. METHYLURACIL OINTMENT is used in the complex treatment of 1st-2nd degree burns, small superficial and long-term wounds, diaper rash and inflammatory skin changes. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected area every day 2-3 times a day, no longer than 15-20 days. The ointment is well tolerated; skin allergic reactions or dizziness occasionally occur. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  • ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL for external use have good wound-healing properties. The active ingredient in them is an extract from the blood of calves, purified from foreign proteins, in the form of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids. The mechanism of action of these drugs is to locally improve metabolism, increase oxygen consumption, improve blood circulation, which accelerates the healing of damaged skin and mucous membranes. ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL for external use are approved for children from the first days of life. The drugs are used in the complex treatment of 1st-2nd degree burns, including sunburn, as well as frostbite, cuts, abrasions, scratches, cracks and ulcers, and long-term non-healing wounds.

ACTOVEGIN is available in the form of a 20% gel and 5% cream and ointment, SOLCOSERYL - in the form of a gel and ointment. The choice of form depends on the stage of healing of the wound or burn. Treatment begins with the gel: it is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the wound, previously cleaned and treated with an antiseptic, 2-3 times a day for an average of 5 days, using a bandage or open method. The gel creates a protective film on the surface, from which the active substances are locally well absorbed, and at the same time the access of oxygen to the wound is not impeded. At the beginning of treatment with the gel, the baby may experience local discomfort due to an increase in discharge from the wound: this is not evidence of intolerance to the drug. If the burning sensation continues to bother the baby for more than one day, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor. The use of the gel is continued until granulations form - new bright red tissue at the site of damage and the wound dries out.

When the wound begins to heal and become covered with epithelium, treatment can be continued with 5% ACTOVEGIN cream for a few more days, applying it in a thin, even layer 2–3 times a day, and then with ACTOVEGIN or SOLCOSERYL ointment 1–2 times a day under a bandage or in an open manner until complete wound healing. On average, 14 days of using these products is enough.

The drugs are well tolerated; side effects such as mild itching, allergic rash, and urticaria are occasionally possible. In this case, the medications are stopped and the child is given antihistamines, for example FENISTIL, ZIRTEK in an age-appropriate dosage.

ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL for external use are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. These drugs should not be mixed with other ointments, since in this case their therapeutic effect is reduced, and they should not be applied to contaminated wounds, because they do not contain antimicrobial agents. Cases of overdose are unknown.

In case of damage to the outer shell of the eyes - the conjunctiva and the front part of the eyeball - the cornea, you can use special eye forms of ACTOVEGIN or SOLCOSERYL gel: this will speed up healing and reduce the risk of scarring. These forms are approved for use from 1 year. The gel is squeezed out of the tube into the affected eye, 1 drop 3-4 times a day, for a course of up to 7-10 days.

  • Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from the fruits of the sea buckthorn plant. It has the appearance of an orange oily liquid rich in trace elements, fruit acids, flavonoids and carotenoids, which protect cell membranes from damage by free radicals and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues. The oil also has an anti-inflammatory, moderate antibacterial effect, softens dry and soothes irritated skin, and protects against ultraviolet exposure. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat burns, including sunburn, long-lasting wounds and ulcers, frostbite, diaper rash, and stomatitis. The medicine can be used externally from birth.

After treating the affected area with an antiseptic, apply a gauze bandage moistened with sea buckthorn oil, change it every other day until granulations appear in the wound. Minor damage can simply be lubricated with oil once a day. At the site of its application, the skin turns orange. Sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat stomatitis by lubricating ulcers on the oral mucosa 2-3 times a day. The oil should be used with caution in children with an allergic predisposition: a rash or redness or a burning sensation may appear at the site of application. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

  • LEVOMEKOL ointment contains CHLORAMPHENICOL, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and METHILURACIL, which accelerates wound healing and has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect at the site of injury. The presence of these two substances simultaneously enhances the effect of each of them. The water-soluble ointment base draws pus from the wound onto itself.

LEVOMEKOL can be used in children from 1 year of age. It is used externally to treat wounds, burns, cuts in case of infection and development of suppuration, to cleanse purulent-necrotic masses and reduce swelling. A sterile gauze pad is impregnated with the ointment and applied to the injury site after treatment with an antiseptic, securing it with a bandage or adhesive plaster. The dressings are changed once a day until the wound is cleared of pus and granulations appear. LEVOMEKOL is well tolerated; occasionally, allergic reactions in the form of skin rash may develop; in such cases, the drug is discontinued. It is contraindicated in case of intolerance to CHLORAMPHENICOL and METHYLURACIL and under the age of 1 year.

  • CONTRACTUBEX is a combination drug for the treatment of scars. It makes them less noticeable or eliminates them completely. Available in gel form in tubes of 20 and 50 g, it contains HEPARIN, ALLANTOIN and onion extract, which promote the proper formation of scar tissue, accelerating its maturation. At the same time, HEPARIN and onion extract dissolve rumen fibrin, an integral part of scar tissue. HEPARIN also prevents the formation of new fibrin; ALLANTOIN prevents the formation of a rough scar, making its structure more orderly. The serol base of the gel leaves a thin protective film on the surface of the scar; it protects sensitive scar tissue from damage.

CONTRACTUBEX can be used from birth to treat various scars and scars: large - hypertrophied; keloids - red shiny, constantly increasing in size; atrophic - too tight on the skin. The drug is also used to prevent the formation of irregular scars after operations, injuries and burns.

The sooner you start treatment with the gel, the better and more pronounced the effect will be, so it is recommended to apply the drug a few days after the wound has healed. The gel is applied to the skin only after the wound has completely healed, and not on granulation. Granulation tissue looks fleshy-red, juicy, fine-grained, it is often covered with a cloudy, gray-greenish coating or discharge. Touching it easily causes bleeding due to its tenderness and large number of blood vessels. In later periods, granulations become paler, denser, granularity disappears, the volume of granulation tissue decreases, and finally in its place only a whitish or white-pink dense scar remains. Granulations are difficult to confuse with a keloid scar: the latter usually protrudes above the skin level and has a sharp border with healthy tissue. Often the scarring process is accompanied by itching, pain, and burning. Due to its tendency to constantly grow, the size of the scar can be several times larger than the size of the wound. If you are unsure whether it is granulation tissue or a scar, you should consult a doctor.

It is better to first wipe the scar area with a cotton swab moistened with warm water, or steam it a little: then the active substances will better penetrate deeper. The gel is applied to the surface of the scar 2-3 times a day and rubbed in with gentle massaging movements from the center to the edges until completely absorbed. For large or dense scars, it is advisable to apply a pressure bandage with gel on top. The duration of the course depends on the age of the scars: for fresh scars, 1 month is enough, for old ones – up to 6 months or more, because metabolic processes in the skin occur relatively slowly. The natural components of CONTRACTUBEX allow it to be used for a long time without any risk. When treating fresh scars, it is important to avoid ultraviolet irradiation, exposure to cold and intense massage at the site of application.

The drug is well tolerated; side effects such as an allergic rash or itching are very rare. If the application regimen is followed, an overdose is impossible. CONTRACTUBEX is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.