Althaea roots beneficial properties and contraindications. Althaea officinalis: properties and applications. Marshmallow root and leaves. Decoction and infusion of marshmallow. Althaea officinalis for the chest. The use of marshmallow in cosmetology

People call marshmallow differently: marshmallow, wild Rose, rolls, slime-grass. This plant is distributed almost throughout the entire planet, and it is not strange that in every region this medicinal herb they call it by their own name. But many names are not the only feature of marshmallow. Much more impressive is the list of beneficial properties that have been attributed to this herb since the 9th century BC. This plant was cultivated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who gave the plant its name - Althaea, which means “to heal.”

Botanical characteristics

Althaea is a plant from the mallow family, that is, its closest relative is the same mallow that decorates flower beds and gardens.

In the wild, marshmallows are typically found in damp areas near swamps, lakes, riverbanks and meadows, although some herbalists have successfully introduced this herb to their gardens. Marshmallow is distributed throughout almost all of Europe and Asia; it grows on the American continent and in northern Africa. Experts have counted 12 varieties of marshmallow, but only three of them have medicinal properties: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), Armenian marshmallow (Althaea armenica) and hemp marshmallow (Althaea cannabina).

Marshmallow is a perennial herb with tall (sometimes up to 2 meters) erect stems. Externally, the plant is very similar to decorative mallow. The leaves of this herb are elliptical in shape, dissected into 5 or 3 segments, soft to the touch, as if covered with a felt layer. The stem is also fleecy. The rhizome consists of a main woody root and a large number of fleshy laterals.

Throughout almost the entire summer, this herb pleases the eye with rather large pale pink flowers, which are located in groups along the entire length of the stem. By the way, marshmallow begins to bloom only in the second year of life. In autumn, fruits appear: one disc-shaped polysemane can contain from 15 to 25 flat, dark gray seeds.

Chemical composition and beneficial features The other two varieties of marshmallow (Armenian and hemp) are identical to marshmallow. The Armenian marshmallow has fluffier leaves, and this herb grows mainly in the Crimea and the Azov region. Hemp marshmallow has narrower leaves and bright red flowers. And you can find this grass in the south of Ukraine and on rocky slopes among bushes in Crimea.

Chemical composition

Useful for humans chemical elements researchers find them in all parts of the plant, but their maximum concentration is concentrated in the roots, which are actually used by pharmacists and herbalists most often.

The roots of any marshmallow contain the most (almost 35% of the composition) and (approximately 37%). The mucilaginous substances in the plant are usually polysaccharides, which, as a result of hydrolysis, are converted into galactose, dextrose, arabinose and pentose. By the way, in smaller quantities, but still quite a lot of mucus was found in grass leaves (within 12-13%) and in flowers (up to 6%).

In addition to starches and mucous substances, scientists found a high content of betaine, lecithin, mineral salts and healthy oils in marshmallow roots. The amount of micro and macro substances in this part of the plant is also impressive. Marshmallow roots are a treasure trove. In this part, researchers also found some reserves of nitrogen, lead, and. The leaves of the grass are rich in essential oils, rubber-like substances, carotene and.

What are the benefits of marshmallow?

Althaea belongs to those plants about the beneficial properties of which one can write treatises. And all because it has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems. For example, marshmallow is good for the digestive, respiratory, genitourinary systems, it has good analgesic properties and copes with diseases oral cavity, eyes and skin, restores the integrity of mucous membranes human body, helps to resist viral diseases, strengthens the immune system. And recent research suggests that marshmallow may be beneficial for people with diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.

Unique in terms of healing properties are the mucus contained in marshmallow. Researchers often compare them to mucus from chemical composition both are almost identical. Marshmallow mucus is useful for tissue regeneration, reducing inflammatory processes, and has mucolytic properties.

In addition, marshmallow root treats sore throat, jaundice, candidiasis, urinary problems, removes stones from Bladder. Compresses from the decoction are useful for joint pain, tremors in the limbs, muscle pain, they relieve swelling, including in places of insect bites.

By the way, marshmallow extract is useful for people with overweight, because it reduces appetite and creates a feeling of fullness. During diets, marshmallow is useful as a means of improving intestinal motility and removing toxins from the body.

On the Internet there is information about another amazing ability of marshmallow - to increase size female breast. They say that the miracle remedy should be prepared from the crushed root part and (a glass of hot milk per tablespoon of dry root) and drunk twice a day. Researchers are in no hurry to ridicule this recipe, since marshmallow actually has the property of regulating hormonal levels in the human body. However, the result of taking such natural medicine if it does, it will not be very noticeable and only after several months regular intake. But for women during PMS or menopause, this marshmallow ability will come in handy.

Use in pharmacology

Marshmallow root has been known in medicine for centuries. Hippocrates mentioned the healing properties of the herb, and in the Middle Ages this medicine was used by Paracelsus, Albert the Great, the Arab healer Avicenna, as well as the Benedictine monks, who specially grew marshmallow in their gardens.

Official pharmacology as remedy Usually uses marshmallow roots and seeds. By the way, the popular cough medicine “Mukaltin” is made from marshmallow. Preparations based on marshmallow extract for internal use have enveloping properties, due to which they are considered useful for damage to the gastric mucosa. Many remedies for the treatment of gastritis with increased acidity They basically contain marshmallow, since the mucus of this herb, reacting with HCl in the stomach, increases its viscosity and covers the walls with a dense layer digestive organ, protecting it from the effects of acid. In pharmacies, marshmallow products are presented in the form of infusions, syrups, mixtures, herbal preparations, and extracts.

Use in folk medicine

As already mentioned, it is the roots of this herb that have pronounced healing properties, although in many folk recipes Marshmallow greens are also used.


Water infusions from marshmallow roots (1 tablespoon and a glass of boiling water, infused in a water bath for 20 minutes) are the most popular folk weapon against sore throat and other throat diseases. This medicine is good for rinsing the mouth in case of inflammation of the gums or damage to the integrity of the mouth. mucous membrane. By the way, for treating the throat, the infusion is suitable both as a gargle and for oral administration (10-20 ml every 2-3 hours, you can add a little).

For tracheitis, bronchitis and some other ailments respiratory tract in children, good results gives the intake of syrup from marshmallow roots. This product can be bought at any pharmacy, or you can make it yourself at home. Herbalists prepare this medicine as follows: sugar syrup add dried marshmallow roots crushed into powder (in a ratio of 98:2). When the powder gets wet, the mixture is stirred and heated well over low heat. After cooling, the medicine is ready for use.

The root part of the marshmallow is often included in herbal teas intended to treat stomach or duodenal ulcers. At the very popular recipe This type contains equal parts of the roots of marshmallow, comfrey (larkspur) and licorice (). Brew tea from a tablespoon of herbal mixture and a glass of hot water for 5 minutes, which is recommended to drink before bed.

Traditional healers recommend using a decoction of the roots to wash wounds, burns, and pustules on the skin. This remedy is useful for external use with furunculosis and dermatomycosis. To treat tuberculosis, it is recommended to drink milk decoction marshmallow root.


Juice from fresh marshmallow leaves (usually juicy greens collected in early summer) is also useful medicine. If you take 20 ml of marshmallow juice three times a day (sweetened a little with honey), you can cure bronchitis, persistent cough, gastritis, enterocolitis, diarrhea, cystitis. This remedy is useful for asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis and many other diseases. The juice of the herb is useful for external use. They are advised to wash their eyes, burns, and pustules.

A decoction of a mixture of leaves and roots can be used as a mild laxative, a medicine for enterocolitis, or to gargle a sore throat.

Decoctions and infusions from the flowers of this herb have the same effect as preparations from marshmallow roots.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to everything said above, marshmallow is also useful in cosmetology. In particular, as a means to relieve irritation and inflammation on the skin, to accelerate cell regeneration and moisturize the skin, treat acne and acne. For dry skin, for example, lotions made from an infusion prepared from a glass of boiling water and one and a half tablespoons of dry crushed roots will be useful. It is useful to wash the skin with the same product after shaving, peeling or vacuum massage. Marshmallow leaves have antioxidant properties that prevent skin aging, restore its healthy glow and beautiful color.

For hair, marshmallow is useful as a remedy against baldness and stimulating the growth of new hair. A remedy made from marshmallow seeds and vegetable oil(1 tbsp seeds per 150 ml oil). It is useful to rub this mixture into the scalp 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment consists of 15-20 procedures.

Contraindications and possible harm of marshmallow

The list of contraindications for taking marshmallow-based drugs is small, but it still exists. So, this herb should not be consumed when pulmonary diseases accompanied by complications respiratory function, at varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic constipation, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to properly collect and prepare

Herbalists usually harvest marshmallow roots, which are considered the most beneficial part of the plant. According to the rules, the roots should be dug up either in late autumn (after the above-ground part dries out) or in early spring (before the grass begins to grow). Conscientious herbalists never take the entire root of the plant, but leave about a third of the rhizome so that the marshmallow can continue to grow and reproduce. If you adhere to this rule, then after 3-4 years the plant will grow again to its previous size.

The roots of the marshmallow are quite large and strong, so you will need a shovel for harvesting. For medicinal purposes, only the succulent lateral roots are taken; the central woody one is not suitable for use. Fresh roots should be mucous, with a faint odor and a sweetish taste. The collected roots are cleared of soil, washed, divided into pieces of 25 cm, if they are very thick, then cut into several pieces lengthwise. Some herbalists also remove the gray skin from the roots before drying. The prepared raw materials are dried in the oven (at temperatures up to 50 degrees) or in well-ventilated areas. However, when dried in the open air, the roots are prone to rotting. Well-dried raw materials can be stored in a linen bag or in an airtight package for 3 years.

Flowers and leaves have a less pronounced healing power. But if you harvest these parts of the plant, it is recommended to do so only in initial stage grass flowering.

Interestingly, in some regions marshmallow is used not only for treatment, but also for food. In particular, fresh young leaves are added to salads, older ones are boiled, stewed, added as herbs in soups and stews. If roots are added to dishes, they are only boiled.

Althaea is a delightful crop. Its stems are used to produce paper and rope, a natural dye obtained from the flowers is used to dye wool, and the oil from the seeds is useful in the chemical industry (added to varnishes and paints). But besides this, marshmallow is a useful medicinal herb, the correct use of which will help get rid of many diseases.

Nature generously gifts us with many medicinal plants, with the help of which we can completely do without. pharmaceutical drugs. Among them is marshmallow. In pharmacology, marshmallow root is more often used, although its above-ground part has no less useful properties; you just need to know when to harvest them. The plant is now forgotten by many, although it is used in folk and official medicine. And they began to rarely plant it at their summer cottage, but in vain - marshmallow can replace a wide range medicines.

This plant has been known since ancient times for its healing properties, since such ancient healers as Galen and Hippocrates, and later Avicenna, mentioned and praised it in their works, and treated all kinds of ailments with it. This plant was considered a friend of both the rich and the poor, since it was available to anyone.

In the wild, the plant can be found on most parts middle zone Russia, Central Asia, northern Africa. Prefers to grow in sunlit places near ponds and rivers or in damp areas.

Althea - perennial herbaceous plant from the mallow family. Look at the photo to see what the plant looks like.

Chemical composition

Althaea officinalis is a leading plant in the content of all kinds of mucus, thanks to which all kinds of ulcers are treated. In addition to mucous substances, it contains quite a lot of starch, sugars, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, lecithin. Contains carotene (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid, mineral salts, etc.

The amount of nutrients in a plant depends on the time of year. So in the summer there are more of them in the above-ground part of the plant, and by autumn - in the roots. But it is still believed that greatest number useful substances are contained in the rhizome of the plant; there are fewer of them in the leaves, stem and flowers.

In terms of chemical composition, and primarily in terms of the amount of mucus-containing substances, marshmallow is equivalent.

Medicinal properties

  • peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, and aqueous solutions in large doses they act even better, especially with increased stomach acidity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the larynx, tonsils;
  • skin diseases - externally in the form of lotions for psoriasis, eczema, boils, burns, acne;
  • in the form of rinses for inflammation in the oral cavity and as enemas for diarrhea and colitis.

The plant has a softening and expectorant effect. Infusions and syrups with marshmallow root soothe dry coughs, which is beneficial for treating coughs with inflammatory diseases bronchi and lungs - laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, as well as for and .

And the anti-inflammatory effect helps to cope with the infection faster, improving general state body and increasing resistance to infections.

Preparations with marshmallow root help with hair loss, healing substances strengthen hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth and increasing hair volume.


Marshmallow is a plant for which no contraindications are described, but you must be careful when using preparations from it. You need to be careful:

  • If there are allergic reactions and individual intolerance;
  • Pregnant and lactating women should under no circumstances abuse drugs containing marshmallow;
  • It is not recommended to use infusions and syrups with marshmallow root prepared at home for children under 3 years of age. IN similar situations buy syrup at the pharmacy and be sure to read the instructions for use;
  • When treating a cough with marshmallow root, it should not be combined with other stronger ones. synthetic drugs: Possible deterioration and complications.

How to prepare and store?

All parts of the plant are medicinal (leaves, flowers, stem), but pharmacologists prefer to collect the roots of the plant, since it contains the highest concentration of beneficial substances.

If you decide to harvest the above-ground part of the plant, then it is better to harvest the raw materials in June-July, that is, at the time when the plant is blooming. Moreover, it is recommended to collect leaves, flowers, and stems separately. Dry them in a ventilated place under a canopy to prevent contact with sun rays for raw materials.

Harvesting of roots is carried out in September-October, when the stems of the plant have already withered and dried out. It is better to harvest roots that are 2 years old: the plant begins to bloom in the second year, but the roots of a 3-4 year old plant become hard and woody, and the supply of healing substances in them decreases.

After being removed from the ground, the roots are shaken off, the side shoots are removed, washed and left to dry for 2-3 days. The dried roots are then cut into small pieces and left to dry in a ventilated room or in a dryer at a temperature of no more than 40º, otherwise the healing substances will be destroyed. Dry the roots until they break.

Store dried raw materials in tightly closed glass jars or paper bags in a dry place for no more than 2 years.

Medicines and uses

Infusion for cough

3 teaspoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of warm water, allowed to brew for an hour, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours when coughing.

Infusion for skin diseases

1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 1 glass boiled water, cooled to room temperature, leave for an hour to infuse, strain. Moistened into infusion gauze pad and applied to the sore spot in the morning and evening.

Vodka tincture

The tincture has a high expectorant effect and anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

To prepare it, pour 20 grams of crushed roots into 0.5 liters of vodka and place in a dark place, tightly closing the container with a lid. Leave for 10 days, then strain. Before use, dilute 10-15 drops of tincture in warm water, take before meals three times a day.

Marshmallow root decoction for coughs

For 1 cup of boiling water add 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry roots and leave to soak in water for another half hour. Leave to cool for 10 minutes, strain. Bring the resulting decoction to a volume of 200 ml boiled water. Should be taken hot, 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Marshmallow root syrup

The syrup is convenient to give to small children - sweet taste the medicine will not cause negative reaction to take medication.

The syrup can be prepared in two ways:

  1. Add sweet to the newly prepared infusion fruit juice, mix and give your child a teaspoon when coughing several times a day. The course is no more than 10-15 days.
  2. To 100 ml of just prepared infusion add 200 g granulated sugar and boil for at least 1 hour.

  1. Marshmallow root extract is a dark amber-colored powder that can be added when preparing preparations;
  2. Mucaltin tablets - contains marshmallow root extract and sodium bicarbonate (soda);
  3. Medicinal collection No. 1: marshmallow roots + coltsfoot leaves + oregano herb. For cough 1 tbsp. l. collection is brewed hot water, insist, filter. Take 50 ml no more than 4 times a day.
  4. Medicinal collection No. 2: marshmallow roots + licorice roots + elecampane roots. 2 tsp. Smechi is brewed in a glass of hot water, infused, and filtered. Take half a glass warm every 3 hours.

If necessary, you can prepare an infusion of marshmallow flowers for children, and the effect will only be if you make an infusion of fresh flowers.

How to grow marshmallow in your garden?

Althea is an unpretentious plant, but for planting choose a sunny place with moist, fertile soil. The plant propagates by dividing the bush or by seeds. Propagation by rhizomes can be carried out in spring or autumn.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early spring. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water for a day. Sowing is done to a depth of 2 cm, the distance between seeds is at least 50 cm.

The plant does not require any special care; it is enough to periodically loosen the soil around the seedlings and remove weeds.

Dear readers, today you learned about such a medicinal plant as marshmallow, how to prepare medicines from the roots of marshmallow, and even how to grow it on your own plot. If you don’t want to grow it, then buying it at the pharmacy will not be difficult, especially since the price of these drugs is not high, ranging from 30-60 rubles. Be healthy!

Is there a person on our planet who has never sneezed, caught a cold, or coughed? There are no such people, and they are unlikely to appear. How do we treat ourselves? Tablets, injections, poultices and inhalations? Right. But there is still one very delicious medicine, or rather, its substance called syrup. Children swallow this medicine without tears. And among cough syrups and traditional healers, and doctors from official medicine value marshmallow syrup, the instructions for use of which are no more complicated than a children's book.

Let's recognize marshmallow in nature

Wild rose (do not confuse with the Brazilian series!), kalachiki, mug - this is all marshmallow. The photo will help you not to make a mistake and pick a bouquet of not decorative flowers, but medicinal herbs. It grows in fields, steppes, lawns, swamps, near rivers in Ukraine and Russia. Here, now there, now one at a time, now in bunches, marshmallows with white and pink flowers grow. From a distance, they could be mistaken for buttercups or mallows, if not for the two-meter woody stems, studded along the entire length with inflorescences of these flowers, similar to wild roses too.

The leaves of the marshmallow are round, with teeth and soft fibers. And the seeds are hidden in a disc-like box. Both leaves and flowers can be used for treatment. But most of all, the marshmallow root has found recognition, medicinal properties and the contraindications of which were also appreciated by Avicenna, who dedicated the plant ode of praise, and Theophrastus, and Dioscorides. Mentions of it can be found even in myths, where the root is credited with powerful healing power. It’s not for nothing that the Greeks call it Althaca, which translates as “multi-useful” or “able to heal.”

The roots of the marshmallow are brownish-brown, short, but quite thick. Raw materials are collected in the fall in bushes, in floodplains and even in swamps, when the stems and mineral underground waters have given all the useful substances to the roots. The plant is perennial, so do not completely dig up the root. Leave at least a quarter of it so that the marshmallow will recover again in the spring. And yes, choose plants that are at least 2 years old. You can identify them by the color of their roots. The richer and darker it is, the older the marshmallow.

Like, marshmallow root needs to be dried well. First in a suspended state, and then in the oven (50 degrees), after cutting into longitudinal strips. You can use the prepared raw materials for 3 years. And then go again in search of the treasured root, but in a different place - give the plant time to recover away from you. Although in 3 years it has probably already rested...

Treating cough with marshmallow

Many mothers, many grandmothers buy pharmacy marshmallow cough syrup for children, the instructions for which are extremely simple:

  • Children under six years old are given half a teaspoon of syrup diluted in 25 milliliters of water 5 times a day.
  • The dosage for children under 12 years of age is a teaspoon of syrup in 50 grams of water, also 5 times a day.
  • Children over 12 years old can drink a tablespoon of syrup diluted in 100 grams of water, also 5 times a day.

The mucolytic effect of cough syrup is explained by the components that make up the marshmallow roots. These are mucous substances, starch, carotene, oleic, linoleic and linolenic oils, asparagine and betaine. And polysaccharides, also found in marshmallow, swell in a humid environment and envelop the walls of the bronchi, intestines, and stomach.

Dried marshmallow root extract (2%) and sugar syrup (98%) are what is included in marshmallow syrup. Instructions for use for children instruct them to drink it when dry and barking cough, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and even whooping cough. This medicine has practically no contraindications, so doctors sometimes advise pregnant women to drink it if they suddenly catch a cold. But it all depends on the individual tolerance of the plant.

Adults can take tablets instead of syrup - they also contain marshmallow root and are called, well, guess what... “Mukaltin”.

Cough syrup and chest packs

If marshmallow syrup is so strong (reviews indicate that in 4-6 days you can completely get rid of a cough without using strong drugs and antibiotics), let's prepare it at home.

Syrup recipe

Place a paper filter (take a coffee filter) into a jar and put 2 grams of crushed marshmallow root into it. Pour it with a substance consisting of 1 part wine alcohol and 45 parts water (1 gram and 45 grams). Pass everything that drains through the filter with the roots again. Do these manipulations for about an hour. As a result, a little less than 40 grams of tincture will remain. Add 63 grams of sugar to it and dissolve it on the stove.

In order for the syrup to clear not only the bronchi, but also the nose, and prevent the neck from becoming inflamed, you can add a couple of drops to it. We received homemade pharmaceutical syrup. It can be given to children. After all, wine alcohol was needed only so that the root would give up its benefits, and even on the stove, its remains had already evaporated.

Breast collection with oregano and coltsfoot

Take one part and two parts for 2 parts of marshmallow roots. Mix. In a ladle, brew a large spoonful of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain and drink this half a liter in 3 doses every three hours


For one part of marshmallow roots, take 4 parts of motherboard, 6 parts of oak bark. Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture in half a liter of boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain. Gargle as often as possible.

You can also drink an infusion of marshmallow root. It is effective, but bitter, so sweeten a tablespoon of the medicine with honey.

Breast mixture with elecampane and licorice root

Take in equal parts roots, marshmallow and . Boil 2 teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of water. Drink half a glass of the decoction every three hours.

Here are a few more herbs that have an expectorant effect.

  • Marshmallow and licorice root, anise fruit, pine buds, sheet .
  • , licorice root and marshmallow root. Instructions for use are the same as for previous recipes.

We treat marshmallow and other ailments

Marshmallow helps not only with coughs. Its use turned out to be quite effective for other ailments:

  • pneumonia and laryngeal edema;
  • stomach ulcer and gastritis;
  • burns and colitis;
  • healing of wounds and inflammations on the skin. To speed up the process, add mallow flowers and sweet clover leaves;
  • ringworm and duodenal ulcer;
  • prostate adenoma and mastopathy;
  • diarrhea and increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enuresis and enterocolitis.

Marshmallow successfully copes with various dermatological problems, ranging from acne and pimples to psoriasis and eczema. We make lotions: leave 2 large heaped spoons of root in half a liter of warm water for an hour.

Inflammation sciatic nerve It cannot be treated with either heating or massage. But marshmallow lotions will help: soak 3 small spoons of roots in a quarter liter for 8 hours cold water. The same lotions will help with myositis and conjunctivitis.

The following recipe will save you from joint pain: pour a tablespoon of roots into a glass of water for an hour. To neutralize bitterness, add honey or sugar. Drink 3 teaspoons up to 5-6 times per day. The same technique can be used to remove kidney stones, adenoma or cystitis.

But marshmallow is not useful for everyone; medicinal properties and contraindications go hand in hand.

It should not be taken by pregnant women (only with the permission of a doctor), those suffering from constipation, or those with pulmonary insufficiency.

Polyhedral marshmallow

“I didn’t sneeze,” said the Owl from the legendary cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. For which we congratulate her. And we give “no-cost” recipes with marshmallow root, so that you are beautiful, with clean skin and a shock of thick hair.

A slim body

The action of marshmallow root is compared to the action of flaxseed - it has a laxative effect. And the mucus contained in the root envelops the walls of the intestines and stomach, gently cleansing them of all the nastiness that has settled during the holidays or gluttony. In addition, this film prevents fats from being absorbed into the blood. Finding no other way out, the fats are removed using the only way left for them.

Recipe: take a large spoonful of chopped root into a glass of boiling water. Boil for half an hour. Drink cooled 20 minutes before eating. Drink the entire glass of broth per day. Prepare a new portion every two days.

Beautiful face

We make a tonic for washing against inflammation, irritation, peeling, increased sweating and diaper rash. It can also be used on dry skin as it does not contain alcohol.

Recipe: take a spoonful of roots in a glass of cold water and leave for half an hour.

Thick and long hair

A mask that should be done at least a couple of times a week will strengthen your hair. Its advantage is that, in the absence of essential oil, it does not give the hair a greasy shine, and since it does not, it does not bake. And the result is stunning.

Recipe: take 3 tablespoons of marshmallow roots per glass of water. After an hour, strain and rub the infusion into the scalp after bathing.

If desired raw root marshmallow can be added to salad. Why not? We add mustard seeds or to give the dish some spiciness and piquancy. And boiled roots are used in porridge, rolls, bread and even jelly.

Even technologists have discovered marshmallow. They use its flowers (pigments) to color their wool; oil extracted from fruits in the production of paints and drying oils; and the woody stems become part of paper and hemp ropes.

This is our marshmallow, it’s for both adults and children.

Althaea officinalis L.

IN modern medicine marshmallow medicinal use found as an anti-inflammatory, enveloping, emollient and expectorant.

Althaea officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the malvaceae family, dicotyledonous class. The marshmallow plant is 80 - 150 cm high, densely pubescent, with a powerful branched rhizome, an erect stem, sometimes several stems branched in the upper part, with pink, less often white flowers. The flowers are like mallow, only smaller, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, located in the axils upper leaves. The leaves are unevenly toothed, pubescent, velvety, alternate.

The fruit of the marshmallow is a flat disc-shaped dry polysperm of 8 - 25 disintegrating fruitlets that ripen in July - October.

It is found in the middle and southern part of the European territory of the country, in the south of Siberia, in the Crimea in wet places in meadows, along ditches, along river banks, among bushes, in forests.

Althaea officinalis is grown in specialized farms over large areas in Altai and Kuban.

Marshmallow blooms from June to September, the grass - the above-ground part of the plant - is collected during flowering. The main medicinal raw materials are rhizomes and roots, which contain up to 35% of mucous substances related to polysaccharides, which determines the use of marshmallow in medicine and determines the main medicinal properties of marshmallow preparations.

Marshmallow roots contain a lot of starch, cane sugar, pectin, as well as the amino acids necessary for the human body: asparagine up to 19.8% and betaine up to 4%. Marshmallow roots are harvested in the spring in March - May or in the autumn in September - November after flowering. The roots are trimmed, quickly washed in running water, then cut and dried in a warm, ventilated room, in good weather outdoors or in a drying cabinet at a temperature of 35 ÷ 40°C, spread in a thin layer. Store in a dry place, shelf life 3 years.

Marshmallow has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. The ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus (372 - 287 BC) wrote that this plant “is given for fractures and coughs with sweet wine and applied to abscesses along with olive oil" Althaea was used as a medicinal plant back in the 4th century BC. e. They were treated in Ancient Greece and Rome, and in the Middle Ages it was already grown in monastery gardens.

The scientific name of the genus Althaea and the Russian generic name marshmallow comes from the Greek word alihainein, which means to heal - based on the medicinal healing properties of the plant. The scientific species name officinalis means pharmaceutical, medicinal.

Marshmallow root medicinal properties Application of marshmallow root

In official and folk medicine, preparations from marshmallow roots are used for tracheitis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough; for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; with inflammation of the bladder, inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

The mucous substances included in the marshmallow preparations cover the mucous membranes with a thin layer, protecting them from irritation, resulting in reduced inflammation and improved tissue regeneration of the mucous membranes in diseases of the respiratory system, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer. stomach and duodenum.

For respiratory diseases, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia;

for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, especially with increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diarrhea:

1. Marshmallow root infusion:

Two tables. spoons of crushed marshmallow roots are poured into a glass of cold boiled water and left for 4 hours. Take 1 tbsp as an expectorant 5-6 times a day. spoon.

Children can be given the infusion 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.

2. Marshmallow root decoction:

Two tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over crushed marshmallow roots, boil for 30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken warm, 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

Marshmallow infusion and decoction are used externally for compresses, poultices, enemas.

For inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat, for washing the eyes, for inflammation of the eyelids use infusion and decoction of marshmallow root.

For pulmonary tuberculosis use a decoction of marshmallow roots in milk.

An infusion and decoction of marshmallow flowers and leaves is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, inflammation of the eyelids, for gargling.

An infusion of marshmallow herb is used for colds and inflammatory processes:

One tbsp. l. crushed leaves, flowers, stems of marshmallow, 1 tbsp. l. coltsfoot leaves, pour a glass of boiling water in an enamel or glass container, close the lid, place in a water bath (the container larger capacity with boiling water). Boil for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain, bring the volume to the initial volume. Drink 1/3 cup with honey 3-4 times a day.


Hypersensitivity to marshmallow drugs, allergic reaction.

Watch a short video:

We treat the lungs with marshmallow

The use of marshmallow in cosmetology

Marshmallow has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its rich biological content active substances, anti-inflammatory, astringent properties Marshmallow plants are successfully used in cosmetology.

For oily facial skin with acne, prepare a water infusion:

Pour one or two tablespoons of crushed marshmallow root into 1 glass of cold boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use for compresses and lotions - removes inflammatory process, skin irritations.

For oily skin prone to acne, masks made from finely ground marshmallow leaves are very useful.

For abscesses, poultices made from marshmallow leaves and flowers help well.

A little more about marshmallow medicinal use

In medicine, marshmallow roots are used in the form of powder, dry extract and marshmallow syrup.

The medicinal properties of marshmallow are widely used by the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacies have medications based on marshmallow root:

  • marshmallow syrup;
  • marshmallow roots;
  • breastfeeding with coltsfoot, licorice, elecampane;
  • breast teas with licorice, anise, sage and other medicinal plants.

Marshmallow herb - basic active substance Mucaltin tablets.

The roots, young shoots and leaves of marshmallow are eaten raw and boiled, and used to prepare salads and jelly. Ground roots are added to the dough when baking bread.

Althaea officinalis is a good honey plant.

Marshmallow stems contain about 13% coarse bast fiber; they can be used for weaving strong ropes and mats.

Marshmallow may be suitable for the paper industry.

Marshmallow flowers contain the dyes malvin and melvidin; from the flowers a permanent dye is obtained for dyeing wool red, and also, depending on the additives, dark blue, gray and purple tones.

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Use healing properties medicinal plants and traditional medicine recipes and always be healthy!

Althea is healing plant, the beneficial properties of which were discovered back in the last century. The grass and flowers of the crop were used for creating cough medicines. Today, marshmallow is used in the manufacture of medicines that can be found in any pharmacy.

The medicinal herb is also called marshmallow and mallow. Tinctures and syrups from the plant have a beneficial effect on the human condition. Thanks to vitamins and useful elements Contained in flowers, greens and roots, marshmallow has an anti-inflammatory, strengthening, tonic and wound-healing effect.

Description of medicinal herb

Althaea officinalis is a perennial plant reaching a height of 1.5−2 m. Young shrubs are characterized by the presence of one stem, and older specimens may have 8−10 shoots. New branches pointing upward grow from the main thick stem.

Soft leaves with velvety edges have triangular shape. They are located on the shoots alternately. Young leaves are distinguished by a silvery tint, old leaf plates have a rich green color. A large number of velvety needles are covered with new leaves. The silvery fluffiness leaves the leaves over time, which become green in color. The leaf blades are distinguished by irregular denticles.

Flowers are collected in bunches on common short peduncles. The double calyx has 5 leaves, and the subcups of the outer sepals have 8-12. The corolla consists of 5 white or pink petals. The fruits are flat and resemble small disks. Marshmallow begins to bloom in early June, and numerous seeds ripen by September.

IN natural conditions the plant grows in Russia, Ukraine and the North Caucasus. Althaea is found in Central Asia and some European countries. You can find it among thickets of bushes, in meadows, near rivers, lakes and other bodies of water.

Culture is used not only in medical purposes. Althaea is widely used in Food Industry. The leaves, peeled from the calyxes, are stewed, boiled or consumed in fresh by adding it to salads. Boiled roots complement side dishes and vegetable dishes.

Procurement of raw materials

Find marshmallow in natural environment It’s not easy, but ready-made raw materials can be purchased at any pharmacy. Some summer residents prefer to grow medicinal herbs on their own plots.

The plant has well developed root system. The complex rhizome includes a woody stem and many fleshy shoots, which are used to make medicinal raw materials. Leaves and flowers are also harvested.

The crop is difficult to remove from the soil manually, so you will need a shovel for the job. Using the tool, cut out a square with a perimeter of 20x20 cm and a depth of a shovel bayonet. The lump of earth with the plant is turned out, the rhizome is cleared of the substrate. Upper part The bush is cut off, and the roots are washed and cut into pieces.

Blank different parts marshmallow:

Specimens that have reached two years of age should be stocked. Glass or metal containers are selected for medicinal raw materials. It is necessary to store marshmallow root in a dark and dry room. With increased humidity, the properties of the plant deteriorate. If mold appears on the surface of the material, then it is thrown away. The shelf life of the product does not exceed 3 years.

Plant composition

The medicinal properties and contraindications of marshmallow root have been studied based on the composition of the plant. Useful material have a beneficial effect on the human body and help in the treatment of many diseases.

Included marshmallow root presence noted:

A large amount of mucus and starch is found in the rhizome of the plant. It is the marshmallow root that is of great benefit to the human body. The leaves are rich in essential oil and vitamin C. The flowers contain solid essential oil. High content noted fatty oil in marshmallow seeds.

Beneficial features

Althaea officinalis has been used since ancient times. The rich chemical composition makes the plant effective for many diseases. Plant mucus has an enveloping effect and stays on damaged tissues for a long time, preventing them from becoming irritated. The rhizome of marshmallow is most often used for medicinal purposes.

Beneficial features marshmallow root:

Scientists have noted the beneficial properties of marshmallow for weight loss. Correct Application remedies will help you reset overweight and make your figure attractive.

Syrup, infusion, and decoctions are prepared from mallow. Ready-made medications can be purchased at any pharmacy. Some people prefer to do healing potions at home.

Contraindications for use

Medicinal herbs may cause side effects, therefore, before using the product you should carefully study the instructions. Adults and children should take the medicine in the indicated dosages. Children under 1 year of age can be treated with marshmallow root only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications for use marshmallow root:

  • Serious impairment of the respiratory function of the lungs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Constipation;
  • Early pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance.

You should not take drugs with marshmallow components in combination with codeine and other drugs that suppress the cough reflex. An overdose of the medicine may cause nausea and vomiting. In this situation, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and stop using marshmallow.

Application for children

Alteika, a mixture with marshmallow for children, is used as a secretolytic that stimulates the function of the respiratory tract. The medicine can be combined with other drugs if they are allowed according to the instructions. Marshmallow-based syrup is sold without prescriptions, but experts recommend purchasing the product only after examination by a doctor to avoid side effects.

As stated above, Medicine should not be given to infants, unless the pediatrician prescribes it. For children under 6 years of age, the mixture will help cope with cough if they take half a teaspoon of the product 3-4 times a day. For children from 6 to 12 years old, the dosage is increased to 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day. Teenagers and adults need to consume 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day. The mixture should be diluted in clean water in proportions of 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of liquid. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cough syrup with marshmallow root is natural herbal remedy, which can be used to treat children without fear. Reviews about this drug are usually positive.

Healthy recipes

Prepared from marshmallow rhizome useful tinctures, ridding the body of various diseases. The necessary ingredients can be found at a pharmacy or store.

Recipes for products with marshmallow:

Althaea is often included in herbal teas, intended for treatment colds and diseases of the stomach and intestines. Syrup from herbal ingredients can be used not only by adults, but also by children. By following the instructions for using marshmallow, you can quickly restore immunity and overall health.

In autumn and spring I often get sick, it’s especially painful wet cough. I always bought pharmacy tablets, which were of little help. A friend recommended cough syrup based on marshmallow rhizome. Excellent product, pleasant to taste. The cough and minor sore throat went away quickly. I read on the Internet about the properties of this plant, and now I use it not only for coughs, but also during exacerbations of gastritis. The pain goes away at the very beginning of using the drug.

My daughter often has inflamed tonsils, which can only be cured with a decoction of marshmallow flowers. The infusion is prepared from 1 tablespoon of flowers and 100 ml of water. The contents must be brought to a boil and then cooled. I strain the flowers and add a teaspoon to the infusion. liquid honey and mix the ingredients thoroughly. I give the consistency that has cooled to room temperature to the child for rinsing. My daughter’s pain and inflammation go away quickly.

I always prepare tinctures and decoctions with marshmallow root when someone in the family is sick. My son is 7 years old, I don’t want to experiment with pharmaceutical chemistry. Best for children natural remedies . You can buy ready-made syrup at the pharmacy or make it yourself.