What foods can diabetes patients eat? Nutrition for diabetes - prohibited and permitted foods, sample menu for the week. Natural bee honey

Patients with diabetes must adhere to dietary restrictions. Ban on certain types products exist for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diet - most important aspect counteracting complications of diabetes mellitus. Dietitians recommend excluding fast carbohydrates, which are based on monosaccharides, from the diet. If the intake of these substances into the body cannot be limited, then in type 1 diabetes, the consumption of simple carbohydrates is accompanied by the administration of insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the uncontrolled intake of easily digestible carbohydrates into the body causes obesity. However, if at diabetes mellitus Type 2, the patient has hypoglycemia; eating carbohydrates will increase the sugar level to a normal level.

Guidelines for dietary nutrition are formulated individually for each patient, the following positions are taken into account when developing a nutrition system:

  • type of diabetes;
  • patient's age;

What foods should you not eat if you have diabetes?

Certain categories of food products are prohibited:

  • Sugar, honey and artificially synthesized sweeteners. Sugar is very difficult to completely eliminate from the diet, but it is very important to reduce the intake of sugars in the body. You can use special sugar, which is sold in specialized departments of products for diabetics;
  • Butter and puff pastry pastries. This category of food contains an excessive amount of simple carbohydrates and therefore can complicate the course of diabetes with obesity. Will be useful for diabetics Rye bread, products made from bran and wholemeal flour.
  • Chocolate-based confectionery. Milk chocolate, white chocolate and candies have a very high sugar content. For diabetics, it is permissible to eat dark chocolate containing at least seventy-five percent cocoa bean powder.
  • Fruits and vegetables containing a lot of fast carbohydrates. Quite a large group of products and therefore it is important to remember the list of what you cannot eat if you have diabetes: potatoes, beets, carrots, beans, dates, bananas, figs, grapes. Such food sharply increases the level of glucose in the blood. The following vegetables and fruits are suitable for a diabetic's diet: cabbage, tomatoes and eggplants, pumpkin, as well as oranges and green apples;
  • Fruit juices. It is allowed to consume only freshly squeezed juice, heavily diluted with water. Packaged juices are “outlawed” for a reason high concentration natural sugars and artificial sweeteners.
  • Food with high content fats of animal origin. It is better for diabetics not to eat large quantities of butter, smoked meats, and fatty soups with meat or fish.

Diabetics can eat nutritiously, satisfying the taste requirements and needs of the body. Here is a list of food groups indicated for diabetes:

As mentioned earlier, type 2 diabetes, if you ignore your diet, can lead to obesity. To keep body weight under control, a diabetic should consume no more than two thousand calories per day. The exact number of calories is determined by the dietitian, taking into account the patient’s age, current weight and type of employment. Moreover, carbohydrates should be the source of no more than half of the calories received. Do not neglect the information that food manufacturers indicate on packaging. Information about energy value will help create the optimal daily ration. As an example, here is a table explaining the diet and diet.

On the importance of diet therapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Many people underestimate the importance of proper nutrition in complex treatment any disease. In the case of diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, this should not be disputed at all. Indeed, it is based on a metabolic disorder, which is primarily caused by malnutrition.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that in some cases of this disease, diet therapy may be the only correct method of treatment.

The diet for diabetes mellitus should be aimed at reducing carbohydrates in the diet, which are quickly absorbed, as well as fats, which are easily converted into carbohydrate components or compounds that aggravate the course of diabetes and its complications. If these basic conditions are met, this will partially or completely normalize metabolic processes and blood glucose levels. This will eliminate the disease, which is the main pathogenetic link in the development of manifestations of diabetes mellitus.

What do you eat if you have diabetes?

The very first concern of most diabetic patients is to ask the doctor about foods that can be consumed daily. It is necessary to focus on vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. After all, if you exclude the use of glucose as the main source of fast energy, this will lead to rapid depletion of the body’s natural reserves of energy substances (glycogen) and protein breakdown. To prevent this from happening, the diet must contain a sufficient amount of protein foods, vitamins and microelements.

Beans for diabetes

It is one of the most powerful sources of these substances. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed on it as the main donor of protein and amino acid components. It is especially worth noting the healing properties of white. Many diabetics treat it very indifferently, because they do not know how much interesting dishes You can prepare from this product. They will turn out to be not only healthy, but also tasty. The only limitation for eating beans is their ability to produce powerful gases in the intestines. Therefore, if a person has a similar tendency, it is better to use beans as a nutritious product on a limited basis or combine them with taking enzyme preparations, which will almost completely eliminate gas formation.

Regarding the amino acid composition of beans, its most valuable components are tryptophan, valine, methionine, lysine, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine. Some of these amino acids are essential (those that are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food). Among microelements, vitamins C, B, PP, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and iron are of primary importance. All of them are very important for the normal functioning of the body in conditions of elevated blood glucose levels. Beans also have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, since these compounds are represented mainly by fructose and sucrose.

Porridge for diabetes

The most important place in a diabetic's diet belongs to buckwheat. It is consumed in the form of milk porridge or as a component of a second course. The peculiarity of buckwheat is that it has virtually no effect on carbohydrate metabolism, since it maintains glucose levels at a constant level, and does not cause its sudden rise, as happens when consuming most foods.

Other porridges that are recommended for diabetes are oatmeal, wheat, corn and pearl barley. In addition to the rich vitamin composition, they are very easily digestible and are treated with digestive enzymes. As a result, a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism with normalization of glycemic levels. In addition, they are a good energy substrate and an essential source of ATP for cells.

What fruits can you eat if you have diabetes?

This group of foods should have a special place in diabetes. After all, it is in fruits that the most fiber is concentrated, vital essential vitamins and minerals. Their concentration is several times higher than that in other food products. Carbohydrates are represented mainly by fructose and sucrose; they contain virtually no glucose.

As for specific fruits that are recommended to be consumed for diabetes, it is worth pointing out special value just some of them. After all, not everything is allowed to be consumed. Favorite fruits for diabetics include apples and peaches, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dried apples), berries (all types). and sweet melon contain slightly more carbohydrate components and should be consumed in moderation.

Tangerines, grapefruit and lemon

This is the set of fruits that every diabetic should focus on.

Firstly, they are all very rich in vitamin C. This compound is one of the most important in the functioning of enzyme systems and strengthening the vascular wall.

Secondly, all citrus fruits have very low. This means that the content of carbohydrate components in them, which affect blood glucose levels, is very low.

Their third advantage is the presence of strong antioxidant abilities, which prevents the negative effect of hyperglycemia on the body's cells, slowing down the progression of diabetes complications.

Regarding tangerines, there are small notes for their consumption. First of all, the fruits must be fresh. They are consumed raw or freshly prepared from them. It is better not to buy juices, especially in regular stores, as they contain sugar and other carbohydrate components that can increase glycemic levels. Lemon and grapefruit are also consumed as a separate product or freshly squeezed juice, which is added to water or other foods.

What can't you eat if you have diabetes?

The most important thing that every diabetic patient should remember is what he should not consume as a food product. It is better not to use those that are not known to be safe. Otherwise, such actions can lead to the development of hyperglycemia with transition to hyperglycemic and other types of coma, or accelerate the progression of complications of diabetes mellitus. The list of prohibited foods is clearly presented in table form.

Is it possible to have honey, dates and coffee for diabetes?

These foods are among the favorites of many people. Naturally, when diabetes develops, it is very difficult to give up those irreplaceable “life companions” that accompanied a person every day. Therefore, it is very important to shed light on the true effects of coffee, honey and dates on diabetes.


First of all, it is worth dwelling on the role of honey in carbohydrate metabolism and its effect on glucose levels. A lot of contradictory and ambiguous data is published in various publications and articles. But it is worth noting the main points from which logical conclusions will follow. Honey itself contains a very large amount of fructose. This carbohydrate component does not have the ability to greatly influence glucose levels. It should also be noted that the absorption and metabolism of fructose requires insulin, which in type 2 diabetes is not able to fully carry out its main function. This can lead to increased glycemia in diabetics, which is not typical for a healthy person.

Based on the above data, we can draw the following conclusions about honey for diabetes:

    Honey can and should be eaten daily;

    The daily amount of this food product should not exceed 1-2 tablespoons;

    It is best to consume honey in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water. This will facilitate its conversion into glycogen, which will become the main source of energy and nutrients for the body for the whole day.


Dates are another controversial food for a diabetic diet. On the one hand, the high content of easily digestible carbohydrates and the high calorie content of this food product should cause a strict refusal to consume them. On the other hand, rich vitamin composition, especially vitamin A and potassium, are very important for preventing diabetic complications.

    Diabetics with severe cases of this disease should not use them at all;

    In case of mild diabetes or its good correction with diet and tableted hypoglycemic drugs, a limited amount of dates is allowed;

    The daily amount of fruit in case of permitted intake should not exceed 100 grams.


No one can dispute its beneficial properties. But we must not forget about its harm. It is better to give up coffee if you have diabetes at any stage of development of this disease. First of all, this applies to strong drink or any concentration of it at severe course diabetes during insulin therapy.

And although coffee has virtually no direct effect on carbohydrate metabolism, it stimulates the vasomotor center and has a direct relaxing effect on the vascular wall, which leads to the dilation of heart vessels, skeletal muscles and kidneys, while the tone of the cerebral arteries increases (causing a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain, which is accompanied by a decrease in cerebral blood flow and oxygen pressure in the brain). Drinking weak coffee in small quantities great harm will not bring moderate severity to the body with diabetes.

Nuts for diabetes

There are foods that are literally concentrates of certain nutrients. Nuts are one of them. They contain fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D-3, calcium and a lot of potassium. In the treatment of diabetes, these substances occupy a special place, as they directly affect carbohydrate metabolism, reducing glycemic levels.

In addition, under their action, damaged cells are restored internal organs, which stops the progression of diabetes complications. Therefore, any nuts are considered vital foods for diabetes. It is advisable to consider the effect of certain types of nuts on this disease.


It is an essential nutrient for the brain, which in diabetes suffers from a deficiency of energy compounds. After all, glucose, which is the main source of energy for brain cells, does not reach them.

When a product is rated low glycemic index, this means that when you consume it, your blood sugar level rises slowly. The higher the glycemic index, the faster the blood sugar level rises after eating the product and the higher the immediate blood sugar level will be after eating the food.

Therefore, all foods with high GI should be excluded from the diet! The only exceptions are those products that, in addition to their effect on carbohydrate metabolism, have good healing properties in the treatment of complications of diabetes. In this case, despite the glycemic index, which is slightly higher than average, their use is not prohibited, but only limited. At the same time, it is advisable to reduce the overall glycemic index of the diet at the expense of other, less important foods.

According to the generally accepted classification of the glycemic index, it can be divided into the following types:

    Low – the indicator ranges from 10 to 40 units;

    Medium – numbers fluctuate from 41 to 70 units;

    High – index numbers above 70 units.

Thus, thanks to the glycemic index, you do not need to spend a long time with nutritionists and endocrinologists to select the right diet. Now every diabetic, with the help of specially designed tables that indicate the glycemic index of each food product, is able to choose the diet that suits him specifically. In this case, not only the benefits for the body will be taken into account, but also the patient’s desire to eat a specific food product at a certain moment.

A person himself can regulate his diet, taking into account the glycemic index and the increase in blood glucose levels due to their consumption. After all, diabetes is not a disease of one day, but of a lifetime. You need to be able to adapt to it, first of all by correct selection dietary nutrition.

Table (list) of foods with high and low glycemic index

Low glycemic index foods

Medium Glycemic Index Foods

High glycemic index foods

Diet No. 9 for diabetes

Basic diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus, table No. 9 according to Pevzner is used. The main purpose of its purpose is to correct carbohydrate metabolism and prevent deviations in lipid and protein metabolism in the body against the background of elevated glucose levels.

The general characteristics of diet No. 9 look like this:

    Reducing the calorie content of food by reducing carbohydrates and lipids (fats) of animal origin;

    Elimination of sweets and sugar as the main sources of easily digestible carbohydrates;

    Limiting the use of kitchen salt and spices;

    Preference for boiled and stewed dishes instead of fried and smoked ones;

    Dishes should not be too hot or cold;

    Fractional and most importantly regular meals at the same time;

    Use of sweeteners: sorbitol and xylitol;

    Moderate fluid intake (daily amount 1300-1600 ml);

    Clear use of permitted foods and exclusion of prohibited ones, taking into account their glycemic index.

Recipes for diabetes

In fact, there are so many of them that a separate book is needed to describe them. But some of them can be discussed as part of the introductory article.

In fact, there is no need to resort to any standardized dishes. After all, you can come up with them yourself. The main thing is that they are prepared from approved food products.

Sample weekly menu for diabetes

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Diabetes is a disease characterized increased level blood glucose, affecting thousands of people. There is still debate about what you can’t eat if you have diabetes, and what you can, what factors influence the development of diabetes and the best way to treat it. The disease is a dangerous metabolic disorder.

From the history of the disease

Symptoms of diabetes: thirst on the one hand, or, in scientific terms, polydipsia, and fluid loss on the other. The Greek physician who gave the disease its name compared it to a siphon due to the constant process of losing and regaining fluid levels in the body. Much later, in the 17th century, scientists noticed that blood and urine in diabetes can be sweet, so the second Latin word “sugar” was attached to the name. In the 19th century, Oscar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering, observing a sick dog, established that diseases or removal pancreas directly influence the development of the disease, but insulin secreted by the pancreas can be used to treat diabetes. But having found this out, they were disappointed that in some patients the insulin levels were, on the contrary, too high.

Types of disease

In 1936, the first works appeared that divided diabetes into two different diseases: types 1 and 2. The disease can occur in mild, moderate or severe form. At mild form fluctuations in blood sugar are minimal, so the body can be supported by diet. Average degree Treated with diet and oral medications. Severe degree is high level glycemia and significant fluctuations in sugar. Insulin therapy will be needed here. The first type of diabetes was previously called insulin-dependent, but now this name is rarely heard. Due to the destruction of pancreatic cells for a number of reasons, insulin levels are very low. This most often affects people under 40 years of age and children.

The first type of diabetes is considered the most severe, requiring not only diets, but also constant consumption of insulin, which is administered at certain hours prescribed by the doctor. It's painless, but not very pleasant. The dose should be calculated so that it is sufficient to interact with glucose in the body.

Extrapancreatic, the second type of diabetes, occurs when the interaction of insulin with other cells of the body is disrupted. The second type of diabetes affects smokers, the elderly, people who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Diabetes is dangerous not only in itself, but also because of its complications. Hypoglycemia caused by exercise, alcohol consumption, poor diet, in the worst case requires injection into the muscle special drugs, in a milder form, requires the patient to drink a solution of sugar or a sweet drink. Ketoacidosis caused by side infections and malnutrition, requires urgent hospitalization before the vital functions of the body are affected. Hyperosmolar coma occurs in older people because their sense of thirst is impaired. Prolonged dehydration and changes in kidney function without proper treatment lead to death. Lactic acid coma occurs due to lactic acid accumulating in the blood. Occurring against the background of other diseases, it also leads to serious consequences.

The main way to control the disease, besides diet and medications, is constant monitoring. Glucose levels change throughout the day, so patients use strips that determine its level in the urine. Recently, glucometers (devices with an indicator plate that require just a couple of seconds and a drop of blood to operate) have been introduced.

Does diabetes require a separate diet?

People with diabetes have to watch their diet throughout their lives. In insulin-dependent groups and people belonging to the second group, the diet is largely similar, although you should be aware of some differences.

Patients of the first category, as a rule, eat almost all foods, but in limited quantities, naturally, avoiding sweets and fried or spicy food, and fatty meat and smoked products. To protect not only the thyroid gland, but also other organs, intestines, liver, stomach and kidneys, it is useful not only to monitor what you eat, but also when.

That is, eat by the hour. In patients of the first category, scheduled meals also depend on taking insulin by the hour; they cannot do otherwise. It is difficult for people who are accustomed to eating a lot to immediately limit themselves, so it is recommended to eat often, dulling the feeling of hunger. With diabetes, what seemed so useful all your life becomes harmful to a person. Honey, bananas, grapes, raisins should practically disappear from the diet.

Doctors are still different countries There are debates about the dangers and benefits of dates. The most latest research have proven that dates can be consumed to curb hunger for sweets, but in very minimal quantities. So, one date a day will not harm; on the contrary, it will affect the vision and general well-being of the patient. Protein and fiber slow down the absorption of glucose, so you need to consume foods containing them in large quantities. Protein is found in vegetables. It is better to give preference to zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin: they have less carbohydrates. Less often, but you can still eat carrots, beets, beans, and peas.

If we talk about bread, it should be whole grain, with bran or added seeds, for example, sunflower. Fruits and potatoes in any form, except fried, are also not prohibited. You can pamper yourself with soy, lentils, various types of fish, and sometimes lean meat. Those who think that replacing fatty meat with broth is good for the body are mistaken. Butter You can’t eat it, but you can easily get used to it by replacing it with a vegetable one.

To prevent bland food from causing disgust at first, nutritionists recommend sprinkling it with soy sauce, which adds flavor to the food. Lovers of black tea and coffee will have a hard time; they will need to get used to doing without these drinks. They need to be replaced with compotes, juices, mineral water, and herbal solutions. Juices should be diluted with water before drinking. You can drink large quantities of about 2 liters.

Figure 1. Table where each product is equated to a certain number of bread units.

Alcohol, as in almost all diseases, is contraindicated, but if you still cannot give it up on holidays, then it is better to drink dry wine or beer, especially for diabetics of the second group.

It is especially difficult for patients because, even taking care of their sugar and calorie levels, they are not immune from dietary mistakes. Often, when buying food in stores, it is difficult to determine the sugar content in it, even as indicated on the package, it may be less than in reality, especially in such familiar and healthy products like cottage cheese, milk, yogurt or cheese. The main thing in a diet is not only the products and timing of consumption, but also consistency. Any sudden change in diet or failure can lead to an increase in glucose levels. That is why patients with diabetes prefer to keep a food diary, where they record their diet and all its adjustments. With the advent of diabetes mellitus, the term “bread unit” was introduced. This is a conventional measure of 25 grams of bread, equal to 12 carbohydrates. Patients are allowed to consume up to 25 units of bread per day. You should absolutely not eat more than 7 bread units at a time.

For this purpose, a special table was introduced (Fig. 1), where each product is equated to a certain number of bread units.

A healthy diet is good because by choosing the right individual diet, insulin-independent patients can manage with virtually no medications.

Even if you are well aware of your disease, the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and treatment, the patient will never be able to create a diet for himself regarding what he cannot eat with diabetes and what he can.

After all, the smallest details are taken into account: age, previous illnesses, the course of diabetes mellitus, the duration of the disease, the person’s well-being, the state of his body at the time of the disease.

Lucky number nine

Still, diet number nine is most often recommended for the insulin-dependent group of people. In this case there are the following contraindications in food:

  • spicy snacks (pepper or mustard);
  • candies, sugar, jam and all possible sweets;
  • butter dough, semolina, rice and pasta;
  • alcohol;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • sweet fruits and juices;
  • cream, cheeses, fermented baked milk, sweet yogurt, baked milk;
  • fatty meats and fish.
  • eggs one per day;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • sausages with minimum quantity fat;
  • fish and vegetable dishes;
  • greenery;
  • berry dishes;
  • poultry dishes, except duck and goose;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat and millet porridge;
  • steam cutlets, meatballs and meatballs;
  • baked fish;
  • diet puddings;
  • dumplings and zrazy;
  • boiled meat.

Unfortunately, no doses of insulin and medications will not help without proper nutrition. Having entered the individual mode in a timely manner, a person gets used to it and no longer imagines another life.

In addition to the fact that proper nutrition, excluding prohibited foods, helps the body fight disease, it gives a person lightness, energy and good mood. Tasty food and properly prepared can also be useful. As a rule, only after getting sick does a person understand this. And having understood once, he lives with this truth and even under the condition full recovery, not ready to change anything in my diet.

Such a disease endocrine system, like diabetes, is associated with a lack of insulin in the human body. According to the WHO classification ( World Organization healthcare) the disease is divided into type 1 (insulin-dependent) and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent). Their symptoms are similar: constant thirst, increased appetite, frequent urination. The main cause of the disease is the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates and fats over a long period of time. The main therapeutic factor at any stage of diabetes mellitus is dietary nutrition.

What is nutrition for diabetes

Special menu for diabetics is developed at any stage of the disease, but nutritional recommendations may vary. The diet is especially important for patients with type 1 diabetes, because they have a high probability of coma during decompensation and even death. For type 2 diabetics, special nutrition is prescribed, as a rule, for weight correction and for a stable course of the disease. Basics dietary ration at any stage of the disease:

  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) must be balanced;
  • the amount of calories received should be equal to the energy expenditure of the diabetic;
  • food should be rich in vitamins, so natural vitamin carriers should be additionally introduced into the diet: dietary supplements, brewer's yeast, rosehip decoction and others.

How to eat with diabetes

When a doctor prescribes a daily diet for a diabetic, he is guided by the patient’s age, gender, level of physical activity and weight category. Basic principles of dietary nutrition - limiting sweetened foods and prohibiting hunger strikes. The basic concept of a diet for diabetes is a bread unit (XU), equivalent to 10 g of carbohydrates. Nutritionists have developed sets of tables indicating their quantity per 100 grams of any product. The diet for patients with diabetes includes a daily meal with a total value of 12 to 24 XE.

The diet for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 is different. In the first case, a low-calorie diet is necessary to prevent complications of the disease (25-30 kcal / 1 kg of weight). Strict diet regimen must be followed strictly by diabetics. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are allowed a subcalorie diet (1600-1800 kcal/day). If a person is overweight, the number of calories is reduced to 15-17 kcal / 1 kg of weight.

  • remove alcohol, juices, lemonade from your diet;
  • reduce the amount of sweeteners and cream when drinking tea and coffee;
  • choose unsweetened foods;
  • replace sweets with healthy foods, for example, instead of ice cream, eat banana dessert(beat frozen bananas with a mixer).

Diet for type 2 diabetes

Even at the initial stage of the disease, you need to adhere to nutritional rules. In diabetics who do not follow a diet, cells become less sensitive to insulin as a result of consuming large amounts of carbohydrates. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood increases and constantly remains at high levels. Dietary nutrition for type 2 diabetes helps restore cells' ability to absorb sugar.

Basic diet rules:

  • replacing sugar with sweetener substitutes in the amount permitted by the doctor;
  • preference for desserts containing vegetable fats(yogurt, nuts);
  • meals of the same calorie content;
  • eating more carbohydrates in the morning.

For type 2 diabetics, a daily fluid intake of 1.5 liters is recommended. The digestive tract should not be overloaded, so overeating is excluded. Don't think that a few glasses of alcohol and some sweets won't cause complications. Such failures nullify all efforts and can provoke a critical condition requiring resuscitation measures.

Authorized Products

It is not difficult to understand the diet of a type 2 diabetic. You just need to know which foods are allowed to be eaten in limited quantities, and which ones need to fill most of the diet. Knowing about the methods of preparing dietary dishes and the correct combination of permitted ingredients, it is easy to build high-quality nutrition that is aimed at maintaining a stable condition of the patient. For convenience, a diabetic should always have a table hanging in his kitchen:


Always allowed

Allowed limited (1-3 times/week)

Green buckwheat steamed with boiling water. You can have 40 grams of dry cereal 1-2 times/week.

Root vegetables, greens, vegetables, legumes.

All vegetables growing above the ground, including all types of greens and mushrooms.

Celery root. raw carrot, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip, sweet potato, radish. Lentils, black beans – 30 grams 1 time/week.

Berries, fruits.

Lemon, avocado, cranberry, gooseberry, red currant, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry. It is better to make fruit sauces and seasonings.

All other berries not on an empty stomach and no more than 100 grams / day.

Olive, almond, peanut oil for salads. Fish fat, Cod liver.

Linseed oil.

Fish, meat, eggs.

Small fish, seafood. Eggs – 2-3 pcs. / day. Veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, offal (stomachs, liver, heart).

What foods can not be eaten

Unsuitable food will aggravate the condition of a diabetic and provoke a spike in sugar. A patient with type 2 diabetes should not eat:

  • Sweet. The black list includes sugar and all products containing it in excess. We must forget about ice cream, chocolate, marmalade, jam, sweets, preserves, halva and other sweets.
  • Bakery. Sweet bakery products are prohibited: muffins, cookies, rolls, white loaf and bread.
  • Fat-containing foods. Fatty foods can greatly increase your glucose levels. For this reason, a diabetic should avoid duck, pork, lamb, lard, mayonnaise, and cream. You should also exclude sweet yogurt, fatty cottage cheese and cheese.
  • Semi-finished products. They contain a large number of flavorings, stabilizers, and flavor enhancers. You should not eat fish sticks, ready-made industrial cutlets, dumplings, sausages, and sausages.
  • Trans fats. Their use will harm not only the diabetic, but also healthy person. Prohibited products include margarine, confectionery fat, spread, French fries, hot dogs, burgers, and puffed corn.
  • Fruits. It is not recommended to consume some fruits and dried fruits. Among them are dried apricots, dates, figs, raisins, persimmons, melon, grapes, bananas.

Menu for the week

For many patients, switching to a low-carbohydrate diet becomes a challenge, especially if the person did not restrict himself in food before the illness. You need to get used to it gradually. When switching to foods for diabetics, you should first abandon the most harmful ones, reducing their quantity to a minimum. Sample menu for patients with type 2 diabetes:

Day of the week

First dinner

Second dinner


Oatmeal (150 g), black bread toast, carrot salad(100 g), green tea (200 ml).

Baked apple(2 pcs.).

Chicken fillet (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g), beetroot soup (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Fruit salad (200 grams).

Broccoli (100 grams), cottage cheese (100 grams) tea (200 ml).

Low-fat yogurt (150 ml).

Boiled fish(150 g), cabbage salad (150 grams), tea 200 ml.

Mix of steamed vegetables (200 g).

Vegetable soup (200 g), steamed chicken cutlets (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Low-fat cottage cheese with raisins (150 g), rosehip decoction (200 ml).

Baked rabbit (150 g), boiled egg, tea (200 ml).

Ryazhenka (150 ml).

Buckwheat (150 g), bran bread, tea (200 ml).

Apple (1 pc.).

Vegetable stew (150 g), boiled meat (100 grams), compote (200 ml).

Stewed cabbage (200 grams).

Meatballs (150 g), Steamed vegetables (150 g), rosehip decoction (200 ml).

Low-fat kefir (150 ml).

Rice porrige(150 grams), 2 pieces of cheese (100 g), coffee (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Fish soup (200 ml), stewed cabbage with mushrooms (150 g), compote (200 g).

Cabbage salad (150 grams).

Buckwheat (200 grams), rye bread, tea (200 ml).

Milk (200 ml).

Carrot and apple salad (150 g), cottage cheese (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Baked apple (2 pcs.).

Goulash (100 grams), vegetable stew (150 g), jelly (200 ml).

Fruit mix (150 grams).

Baked fish (150 g), millet porridge (150 g), tea (200 ml).

Kefir (200 ml).

Oatmeal (150 g), carrot salad (150 g), tea (200 ml).

Orange (1 pc.).

Stewed liver (100 g), vermicelli (150 g), rice soup (150 g), jelly (200 ml).

Apple (1 pc.).

Squash caviar(150 g), pearl barley porridge (100 g), rye bread, compote (200 ml).

Homemade yogurt (200 ml).


Stewed beets (150 g), 2 pieces of cheese (100 g), coffee (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Pilaf (150 g), stewed eggplant (150 g), black bread, cranberry juice(200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Steamed cutlets (150 g), pumpkin porridge (150 g), vegetable salad (150 g), tea (200 ml).

Kefir (200 ml).

Diet for type 1 diabetes

Insulin-dependent disease is diagnosed when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. Nutrition for type 1 diabetes consists of consuming a certain ratio of BJU. An indicator of food choice is their glycemic index, that is, an indicator of the effect on blood glucose levels. Daily rate high-carbohydrate foods should make up 2/3 of the entire menu.

Diabetics should choose slow carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest. These include mushrooms, durum wheat pasta, cereals, legumes, and some vegetables. Protein foods should not exceed 20%, and fats – 15%. With concomitant obesity, it is necessary to enrich food with root vegetables with a minimum calorie content. If the liver is damaged, limit the consumption of extractives (soybeans, oatmeal, cottage cheese). If the cardiovascular system suffers, then the patient needs to give up salt.

What foods can you eat if you have diabetes?

A therapeutic diet for people with type 1 diabetes is aimed not only at lowering blood sugar, but also at reducing the likelihood of other pathologies. Patients are allowed to include in their diet:

The product's name

With bran, rye, whole grain.

Soups, broths.

Vegetables, low-fat fish, meat, chicken, okroshka, borscht, rassolnik.

Meat, poultry.

Rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey without skin.

Pike, pike perch, cod, ice cod, navaga, jellied dishes.

Any cabbage, beets, carrots, bell peppers, lentils, green pea, beans, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, beans, eggplants, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes (only for first courses).

Berries, fruits.

Strawberries, lingonberries, rowan, raspberries, cranberries, currants, peach, plum, pomegranate, cherry, grapefruit, lemon, orange, apples, pears, quince.

Buckwheat, oatmeal.

Low-fat dairy products and milk.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk.

Prohibited Products

As with type 2 disease, diabetic nutrition involves limiting certain foods. Among them:

  • sugar-containing products;
  • strong broths, meat fats;
  • semolina, pasta, rice;
  • smoked meats, marinades, pickles;
  • conservation;
  • confectionery, baked goods;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • sweet fruits, dried fruits;
  • alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks.

Menu for the week

For diabetes mellitus you need Special attention devote to preparing food. You can boil, stew, or steam them. Under no circumstances should you fry, and it is not advisable to bake in the oven.. Sample menu for the week:

Day of the week


Buckwheat on water (150 g), cabbage salad (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Apple (1 pc.).

Borsch (150 g), boiled chicken (100 g), berry jelly (200 ml).

Cheesecakes (150 g).

Cabbage schnitzel (100 g), rye bread (1 piece), kefir (200 ml).

Barley (150 g), grated carrots (100 g), mineral water (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml).

Pumpkin soup (100 g), vegetable stew (150 g), asparagus salad (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Orange (1 pc.).

Rice casserole (150 g), boiled quail egg, fermented baked milk (200 ml).

Boiled fish (200 g), cottage cheese (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Fish soup (200 g), boiled broccoli (150 g), rye bread, jelly (200 ml).

Curd casserole (150 g).

Meatballs (100 g), vegetable stew (150 g), yogurt (150 ml).

Baked pumpkin (200 g), coffee with milk (200 ml), slice hard cheese(50 g).

Apple baked with honey (2 pcs.).

Porcini mushroom soup (200 g), cauliflower salad (150 g), dried fruit compote (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml).

Boiled meat (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g), beet juice(100 ml).

Barley porridge(150 g), beet salad (150 g), whole grain bread, tea (200 ml).

Apple jelly (150 g).

Bean soup(200 g), stewed liver(100 g), brown rice (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Orange (1 pc.).

Zucchini pancakes (150 g), cottage cheese (100 g), chamomile tea (200 ml).

Lightly salted salmon (150 g), boiled egg, tea (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Stuffed cabbage rolls without rice (150 g), borscht (200 g), rye bread, jelly (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml).

Chicken fillet (100 g), green peas (150 g), stewed eggplant (150 g), milk (150 ml).


Buckwheat porridge (150 g), stewed chicken (100 g), rye bread, tea (200 ml).

Baked apple (2 pcs.).

Cabbage soup (150 g), chicken cutlet (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Curd casserole (150 g).

Pumpkin puree soup (200 g), chicken cutlets (100 g), tomato salad (150 g), kefir (150 ml).

During pregnancy and lactation

While expecting a child, a woman may develop gestational diabetes. The cause of the disease is genetic predisposition to reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin. After delivery, carbohydrate metabolism often normalizes, but the risk of diabetes mellitus in the woman and child exists. To prevent danger, during pregnancy and lactation you must strictly monitor your diet:

  • exclude simple carbohydrates, limit complex ones;
  • consume pasta and potatoes in small quantities;
  • remove fried foods from your diet, fatty foods, refuse semi-finished products, sausages;
  • steam, bake, stew food;
  • eat every 2-3 hours;
  • drink up to 1.5 liters of plain water per day.


Don't think that diet food will necessarily be tasteless. There are many recipes for diabetics that people who do not suffer from this pathology will gladly use. Many dishes that are intended for patients suffering from insulin deficiency are used by nutritionists in weight loss programs. Below are some recipes.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 195 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: English.
  • Difficulty: high.

Pumpkin is necessary for diabetes mellitus, because this product has a lot useful elements And low calorie content. Thanks to its low calorie content, the orange vegetable helps normalize and keep body weight under control. Eating pumpkin improves organ function digestive tract, helps cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.


  • pumpkin – 300 grams;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and boil. When ready, let cool and puree.
  2. Mix pumpkin puree with honey and yolks. Sift the flour and add gradually.
  3. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add salt. The mass should be thick.
  4. Fold the whipped whites into the dough. Place the pumpkin mixture in a mold greased with sunflower oil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the pudding for 30 to 40 minutes.

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 86 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: low.

The use of beans for diabetes reduces glucose levels, improves metabolic processes cellular level. Legumes contain a variety of nutrients, enzymes, amino acids and do not put stress on the pancreas. Reducing blood sugar levels is achieved through a unique ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids. This type of legume has the same properties as insulin.


  • white beans– 1 glass;
  • dried mushrooms – 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat cream – 100 g;
  • cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. 8 hours before cooking, cover the beans with cold water. Then drain the liquid, pour in 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Dried mushrooms fill with water 30 minutes before cooking. After swelling, cut into slices and cook in the same liquid.
  3. After the beans boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, add salt and spicy spices, and reduce the heat. After 15 minutes, add finely chopped vegetables to the soup.
  4. When the beans are ready, add half a portion of boiled mushrooms to them. The second half must be sautéed with butter, but not combined with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Remove the cloves and puree the soup in a blender until smooth. Fried mushrooms, cream and herbs will decorate the dish.


A correct, rational and carefully balanced diet is a key factor in maintaining systemic stable compensation carbohydrate metabolism. Unfortunately, on this moment There are no effective medications that could completely rid a person of diabetes, so it is diet, along with correct mode day and, if necessary, by appointment medicines, can help the patient live life comfortably and without danger to health.

Medical nutrition

Doctors have known about the need for a diet for diabetes for a long time - it was therapeutic nutrition in the pre-insulin era that was the only effective mechanism to combat the problem. The diet is especially important for patients with type 1 diabetes, where the likelihood of coma during decompensation and even death is high. For diabetics with the second type of disease, nutritional therapy is usually prescribed for weight correction and a more predictable stable course of the disease.

Basic principles

  1. Basic concept therapeutic diet for diabetes of any type is the so-called bread unit - a theoretical measure of the equivalent of ten grams of carbohydrates. Modern nutritionists have developed special sets tables for all types of products indicating the amount of XE per 100 grams of product. Every day, a patient with diabetes is recommended to take products with a total “value” of 12–24 XE - the dosage is selected individually, depending on the patient’s body weight, age and level of physical activity.
  2. Keeping a detailed food diary. All foods consumed must be recorded so that, if necessary, the nutritionist can make adjustments to the nutritional system.
  3. Multiplicity of receptions. Diabetics are recommended to eat 5–6 times a day. At the same time, breakfast, lunch and dinner should account for 75 percent of the daily ration, and the remaining 2-3 snacks should account for the remaining 25 percent.
  4. Personalization therapeutic nutrition. Modern science recommends individualizing classic diets, adjusting them to the patient’s physiological preferences, regional factors (a set of local dishes and traditions) and other parameters, while maintaining a balance of all components rational nutrition.
  5. Substitution equivalence. If you change your diet, then the selected alternative products should be as interchangeable as possible in terms of calories, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The main groups of components in this case include products containing predominantly carbohydrates (1), proteins (2), fats (3) and multicomponents (4). Substitutions are possible only within these groups. If the replacement occurs in (4), then nutritionists make adjustments to the composition of the entire diet; when replacing elements from (1), the equivalence in terms of the glycemic index must also be taken into account - the XE tables described above can help with this.

Products strictly prohibited for diabetes

Modern dietetics, armed with advanced diagnostic methods and research into the effects of substances and products on the body, for last years significantly narrowed the list of products absolutely prohibited for consumption by patients with diabetes. At the moment, dishes based on refined purified carbohydrates, sweets and sugar, as well as products containing refractory fats and a lot of cholesterol are absolutely contraindicated.

There is a relative ban on White bread, rice and semolina porridge, as well as pasta - their consumption can be strictly limited. In addition, regardless of the type of diabetes, alcohol is completely contraindicated.

In some cases, strict adherence to a diet for type 2 diabetes helps to completely compensate for carbohydrate metabolism and not use medications. For diabetics with type 1 and other types of diabetes, therapeutic nutrition is considered and is an important element of complex treatment of the problem.

Types of diets for diabetes

  1. Classic. This type of nutritional therapy was developed back in the 30-40s of the twentieth century and is a balanced, albeit strict, type of diet. A striking representative of it in domestic dietetics is “Table number 9” with numerous, later variations. This type of nutritional therapy is suitable for almost all diabetics with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  2. Modern. The principles of individualization and the peculiarities of the mentality of individual social groups have given rise to a wide variety of menus and modern diets, with less strict prohibitions on individual species products and taking into account new properties discovered in the latter, which made it possible to introduce previously conditionally prohibited products into the daily diet. The main principle here is the use of “protected” carbohydrates that contain a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. However, it is worth understanding that this kind of therapeutic nutrition is selected strictly individually and cannot be considered as a universal mechanism for compensating carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Low carb diets. Intended primarily for type 2 diabetics with increased body weight. The main principle is to exclude as much as possible the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, but not to the detriment of health. However, it is contraindicated for children, and it should also not be used for people with kidney problems(late-stage nephropathies) and diabetics with type 1 diabetes and severe hypoglycemia.
  4. Vegetarian diets. As shown experimental studies at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, vegan types of diets with an emphasis on a significant reduction in the consumption of foods rich in fats not only help to reduce body weight, but also reduce. A large number of whole vegetation, rich in dietary fiber and fiber, in in some cases turns out to be even more effective than recommended specialized diets, especially vegetarian system nutrition implies a significant reduction in the total calorie content of the daily diet. This in turn significantly reduces the risk metabolic syndrome in prediabetic conditions, it can act as an independent preventive agent and effectively fight against the onset of diabetes.

Menu for every day

Below, we will look at the classic diet menu for diabetics of the 1st and 2nd types of the disease, which is optimally suited for patients with mild and moderate forms of diabetes. In case of serious decompensation, tendency and hyper- and hypoglycemia, an individualized therapeutic nutrition plan should be developed by a nutritionist taking into account human physiology, current health problems and other factors.


  1. Protein - 85–90 grams (sixty percent animal origin).
  2. Fats - 75–80 grams (one third of vegetable base).
  3. Carbohydrates - 250–300 grams.
  4. Free liquid - about one and a half liters.
  5. Salt -11 grams.

The nutritional system is fractional, five to six times a day, the daily maximum energy value is no more than 2400 kcal.

Prohibited Products:

Meat/cooking fats, strong sauces, sweet juices, baked goods, rich broths, cream, pickles and marinades, fatty meats and fish, canned food, salty and rich cheeses, pasta, semolina, rice, sugar, jams, alcohol, ice cream and sweets sugar-based, grapes, all varieties of raisins and bananas with dates/figs.

Allowed products/meals:

  1. Flour products - rye and bran bread, as well as inconvenient flour products.
  2. Soups - borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable soups, as well as stews made with low-fat broth are optimal for therapeutic nutrition. Sometimes - okroshka.
  3. Meat. Lean varieties of beef, veal, pork. Chicken, rabbit, lamb, boiled tongue and liver are allowed to a limited extent. From fish - any lean varieties boiled, steamed or baked without vegetable oil.
  4. Milk products. Low-fat cheeses, fermented milk products no added sugar. Limited - 10 percent sour cream, low-fat or half-fat cottage cheese. Eggs should be consumed without yolks, or at least in the form of omelettes.
  5. Cereals. Oatmeal, pearl barley, beans, buckwheat, egg, millet.
  6. Vegetables. We recommend carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers and tomatoes. Potatoes - limited.
  7. Snacks and sauces. Salads from fresh vegetables, tomato and low-fat sauces, horseradish, mustard and pepper. Limited - squash or other vegetable caviar, vinaigrette, jellied fish, seafood dishes with a minimum of vegetable oil, low-fat beef jellies.
  8. Fats - limited vegetable, butter and ghee.
  9. Other. Drinks without sugar (tea, coffee, rose hip decoction, vegetable juices), jellies, mousses, fresh sweet and sour Exotic fruits, compotes. Very limited - honey and sweets with sweeteners.

Individual components of the menu below are subject to replacement according to the principles of equivalent substitution within the above groups.


  • We have breakfast with two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, to which you can add some berries.
  • The second time we have breakfast with one glass of one percent kefir.
  • We have lunch with 150 grams of baked beef, a plate vegetable soup. For garnish - stewed vegetables in the amount of 100–150 grams.
  • Having an afternoon snack fresh salad made from cabbage and cucumbers, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil. Total volume - 100–150 grams.
  • We have dinner with grilled vegetables (80 grams) and one medium baked fish weighing up to two hundred grams.


  • We have breakfast with a bowl of buckwheat porridge - no more than 120 grams.
  • The second time we have breakfast with two medium-sized apples.
  • We have lunch with a plate of vegetable borscht and 100 grams of boiled beef. You can wash down your meal with compote without adding sugar.
  • We have an afternoon drink with a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • We have dinner with a bowl of fresh vegetable salad in the amount of 160–180 grams, as well as one boiled lean fish (150–200 grams).


  • We have breakfast with cottage cheese casserole - 200 grams.
  • Before lunch, you can drink a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • We have lunch with a plate of cabbage soup, two small fish cutlets and a hundred grams vegetable salad.
  • We have an afternoon snack with one boiled egg.
  • Let's have dinner with a plate stewed cabbage and two medium-sized ones, meat cutlets, cooked in the oven or steamed.


  • We have breakfast with a two-egg omelet.
  • Before lunch, you can eat a cup of low-fat or unsweetened yogurt.
  • We have lunch with cabbage soup and two units stuffed peppers based on lean meat and permitted cereals.
  • We have an afternoon snack with two hundred grams of casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese and carrots.
  • We have stewed dinner chicken meat(two hundred gram piece) and a plate of vegetable salad.


  • We have breakfast with a bowl of millet porridge and one apple.
  • Before lunch we eat two medium-sized oranges.
  • We have lunch with meat goulash (no more than one hundred grams), a plate of fish soup and a plate of pearl barley.
  • We have an afternoon snack with a plate of fresh vegetable salad.
  • We have a good dinner stewed vegetables with lamb, total weight up to 250 grams.


  • We have breakfast with a bowl of bran-based porridge; you can eat one pear as a snack.
  • Before lunch, it is permissible to eat one soft-boiled egg.
  • We have lunch with a large plate of vegetable stew with the addition of lean meat - only 250 grams.
  • We have an afternoon snack with a few permitted fruits.
  • We have dinner with a hundred grams of stewed lamb and a plate of vegetable salad in the amount of 150 grams.


  • We have breakfast with a bowl of low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount berries - only up to one hundred grams.
  • For second breakfast - two hundred grams of grilled chicken.
  • We have lunch with a plate of vegetable soup, one hundred grams of goulash and a bowl of vegetable salad.
  • We have an afternoon snack with a plate of berry salad - up to 150 grams in total.
  • We have dinner with one hundred grams of boiled beans and two hundred grams of steamed shrimp.

Useful video

Nutrition for diabetes