Cough syrup with difficult to separate sputum. Wet cough without fever in an adult: causes and treatment. Cough preparations with difficult to clear sputum

Most people treat colds on their own, without the help of a doctor. The symptom that accompanies respiratory diseases, is a cough. It can be productive or unproductive. But sometimes the cough becomes atypical, that is, one in which it is very difficult to clear sputum. Sputum in the bronchi not only slows down the healing process, but also bothers the patient severe attacks cough. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.

U healthy people sputum is released in small quantities. It helps cleanse the body of dust and germs that enter the respiratory system. But during illness, sputum changes its properties. in adults may have different reasons. The sputum itself that comes out is also different. What it could be:

  • purulent;
  • white or yellow;
  • sputum interspersed with blood.

What diseases are indicated by a dry cough with difficult to clear sputum:

Also this symptom often bothers smokers and people working in the chemical or cosmetics industry.

Heavy expectoration of mucus when coughing is a symptom of the following diseases:

  • asthma;
  • pneumonia,
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • exacerbation after a respiratory infection.

This symptom may bother people living in areas with very polluted air.

The color of the sputum will help determine the cause of the disease.

  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • constant smoking.
  • fungal infection;
  • tuberculosis.

Treating a cough on your own without finding out the cause is very dangerous. If treatment is started quickly in adults or children, the sputum will begin to disappear and the patient will begin to recover.

What treatment can the doctor prescribe?

The emphasis in treating cough in a child or adult is to eliminate its root cause. Medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician after a complete examination and diagnosis. Preferably drugs are prescribed that... Among them:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Mukobene;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Acestine.

Most of these drugs contain sodium salt, which helps soften mucus and make it less viscous. But these drugs are not recommended to be taken;

  • with high blood pressure;
  • people with adrenal diseases;
  • patients with ulcers;
  • when there is blood in the sputum.

Treatment of cough with difficult to clear sputum in a child is treated with syrups, for example, from licorice root.

If the patient is sick, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Bronchocode.

IN severe cases treatment with antibiotics is carried out. The course of therapy is prescribed only by a doctor. Drugs to treat symptoms are prescribed individually.

Review of drugs

To treat a cough with sputum that is difficult to clear, medications are prescribed that include the following substances:

  1. Carbocysteine;
  2. Ambroxol (or bromhexine);
  3. Acetylcysteine.

Carbocisteine ​​activates contractions respiratory muscles, improves the functioning of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and softens sputum. Preparations that contain the substance:

  • Bronchocode;
  • Mucodin;
  • Mucosol;
  • Brokatar.


  • pregnancy;
  • kidney, gastrointestinal and bladder diseases.

Sodium salt (or) softens sputum, but at the same time increases its volume. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Preparations that contain it:

  • Mukobene;
  • Acestine.


  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the kidneys and their appendages;
  • discharge with blood.

Or bromhexine have almost the same effect. They dilute mucus and improve its removal from the respiratory tract. Preparations:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Flavamed;
  • Bronchosan;
  • Bromhexine.

These medications should not be taken by pregnant women or people with stomach ulcers.

In addition to the above-mentioned medications, there are lozenges, for example, Mucaltin. Althea root syrups and Pertussin syrup are also quite effective. They are recommended for use by children.


As adjuvant therapy. This method It is advisable to do this using a nebulizer - a special device. But they also use improvised means, for example, a saucepan or a kettle. For inhalation use:

  • medicinal herbs;
  • essential oils;
  • saline solution;
  • medicines;
  • mineral water.

Doctors also recommend “natural inhalation” - a hike in the forest or a trip to the sea. This tool will help soften phlegm and remove it from the body. But, like any method of treatment, inhalations have a number of contraindications. They cannot be done:

  • babies;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • with nosebleeds;
  • people with cardiovascular disease;
  • for problems with the respiratory system.

Treatment with inhalations alone will not provide good result. This should be carried out in combination with the main therapy.

Traditional treatment as an additional method

They have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. Therefore, it is advisable to include them in the main course of treatment. What recipes are used to eliminate cough with difficult to clear sputum:

  • Infusion from pine buds. Pour a tablespoon of kidneys into a glass of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Take half a glass in the morning and evening. The course of treatment can last one month.
  • Milk with honey. TO warm milk add a spoonful of honey and a spoon butter. It is advisable to drink before bedtime.
  • Add a spoonful of linden honey and radish juice to the milk. Stir and heat. Take a spoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Pour boiling water over a spoonful of chopped and dry figs and leave over low heat for 20 minutes. Can add lemon juice. Take several times a day.

Rubbing with warming ointments also helps. The patient needs to drink a lot and eat foods with vitamin C. Raspberry or viburnum tea will not hurt.


It is possible to protect yourself and your children from illness and cough. Of course, nothing can give a 100% guarantee, but if you follow these recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of disease:

  1. Hardening. Walking on fresh air, water treatments strengthen the immune system. The room temperature should not exceed 22 °C.
  2. Physical activity helps the body increase resistance to infections.
  3. Air humidification. Dry and warm air dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and causes harmful microbes to enter the body.
  4. Proper nutrition. Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins increase the body's immunity. During colds, you can take a vitamin course.
  5. Avoid crowds of people.
  6. Hygiene of the body and hands especially.

It is also advisable for adults to reduce their consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. These tips are not a guarantee that the disease will bypass you or your child. But they will help you cope with the disease easier and recover faster.

A wet cough is a common symptom that accompanies most infectious diseases of the ENT organs. It occurs as a result of the need to remove phlegm from the body. A wet cough is also called a productive cough. This is due to the fact that it copes with its functions and excess secretion leaves Airways.

Attention! If a cough with sputum lasts no more than 5 days, is not paroxysmal in nature and does not cause severe discomfort to the patient, there is no point in using antitussive drugs.

Why does a wet cough occur?

The reason is the formation of excess mucus in the respiratory tract. This may be a consequence of a violation of its outflow, allergies or an immune reaction to an infectious agent. Wet secretion affects the larynx or bronchi. As a result, the signal is transmitted along the nerve endings to the so-called cough center in the brain. From there comes a return signal, which, in turn, causes.

Sputum is removed, its pressure on the nerve endings. As it accumulates, the cycle repeats. can not only form in the lower respiratory tract, but also flow down from the paranasal sinuses.

What diseases lead to the development of a wet cough?

The main reasons include:

  • . The disease affects the bronchi, it hallmark is a cough that lasts several weeks. Bronchitis easily becomes chronic and requires complex treatment.
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses also often leads to a wet cough. Usually the patient is bothered by a runny nose, common symptom is also headache. Traditional remedies cough will not help here, since mucus is not formed in the throat, but in the sinuses of the nose.
  • . This serious disease, most often requiring hospitalization. It is accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath.
  • . The disease is an inflammation of the tonsils. The pathogen reaches their surface as a result of infection or is present there in the composition normal microflora. Sore throat is accompanied by intoxication and migraine.
  • . The cause is substances that do not represent serious danger themselves - pollen, perfume, powder. But upon contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it causes the same reaction immune system, as an infectious agent. Allergies are characterized by a cough with sputum without fever, and the discharge is usually profuse and watery. Along with these symptoms, rhinitis and sneezing are observed.

  • Congestive heart failure. During the disease, secretions accumulate in the bronchi as a result of disruption water-salt balance. It provokes a strong wet cough. The disease is characterized by swelling, seizures, and shortness of breath.
  • Cardiac asthma. There may be blood in the sputum. The cause of the disease is heart failure. As with bronchial asthma, it is characterized by night attacks, accompanied by fear, panic, and increased heart rate.
  • Lung abscess. Very dangerous disease, which can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning) and even death of the patient. As a result of the action of an infectious agent, foci form in the lung cavity purulent inflammation. The cough is accompanied by the release of a large amount of sputum with an unpleasant odor.
  • Sarcoidosis of the lungs. Malignant disease, affecting the lymphatic and glandular tissue of organs. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood. As noted in the Therapist's Diagnostic Handbook (authors: A.A. Chirkin, A.N. Hams and etc.), “disorders of the immune system play a major pathogenetic role”. Cough with sputum appears in the second stage of the disease, and may be accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

Elements of self-diagnosis – types of wet cough

The symptom can be divided into the following groups depending on its course and the nature of the sputum:

Principles of therapy

The main thing in the treatment of cough with sputum is to eliminate the cause of the disease, reduce the severity of the symptom, and increase its effectiveness. This requires medical diagnosis. The otolaryngologist must examine the throat and prescribe biochemical tests, if necessary, x-ray.

At infectious process will help cure cough:

  • Taking antibiotics or immunomodulatory drugs.
  • Use of local antiseptic drugs.
  • Symptomatic treatment.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Surgical intervention (removal of tonsils, cauterization of mucous membrane).

At allergic cough may be shown:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Antitussive drugs.
  3. Hyposensitizing therapy – correction with small doses of the allergen.

Malignant degeneration of lung tissue requires constant monitoring and consultations with a pulmonologist and oncologist.

For sarcoidosis the following is prescribed:

  • Drugs that suppress the activity of the immune system.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antioxidants.

If ineffective conservative therapy surgery is prescribed, which may involve removal of the tumor or the entire affected organ (lung).

Cardiovascular diseases require correction of the causes that caused it. Treatment tactics are based on the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease.

Important! During an exacerbation of acute congestive heart failure or cardiac asthma, it is necessary to give the patient nitroglycerin and position him so that his head is elevated. If the condition is stable, all other actions should be postponed until the doctor arrives.


These drugs are active if the cause of the cough is a microorganism of a bacterial or fungal nature. In some cases, they are prescribed to prevent secondary infection if the disease causes a serious weakening of the immune system (for example, with the flu). In order to unambiguously choose a drug, you need to know what species the pathogen belongs to. However, appropriate tests (bacterial culture, ELISA, PCR) are rarely carried out in a clinic setting. Therefore, common practice is to prescribe antibiotics against the most common pathogens or broad-spectrum agents. The most characteristic of them are:

  1. Ampicillin. Acts on gram-positive and some gram-negative organisms. Selected species staphylococci have the ability to produce beta-lactamase enzymes. They destroy natural and synthetic penicillins, which include ampicillin. Accordingly, it is useless against such bacteria.
  2. Bioparox. These are one of the few antibiotics specifically intended for local action. It comes in aerosol form . Bioparox is prescribed for infectious diseases characterized by a mild course.
  3. Klacid. The drug contains clarithromycin, V highly active against pathogens atypical pneumonia. Research on the drug Klacid is ongoing, but the results are very encouraging. In experiments it demonstrates low toxicity and effectiveness.
  4. Amoxicillin. Similar in mechanism of action and spectrum of antibacterial activity to ampicillin. However, it contains clavulanic acid, which inhibits the activity of beta-lactomase enzymes secreted by microorganisms.
  5. Levofloxacin. The drug has wide range activity, insensitivity (resistance) to it is rarely developed. It is a highly effective drug; in studies from 2009-2011, it demonstrated a significant increase in the percentage of recovered patients compared to other antibiotics. However, his side effects, application in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation have not been fully studied. This limits the scope of prescription of the drug.


This group of drugs is divided into several varieties:

  • Secret faces.
  • Mucolytics.
  • Agents that stimulate mucociliary transport.

The choice of medication depends on the nature of the secreted secretion. If the contents are thick, drugs of the first two groups are indicated; if sputum is difficult to separate, they are supplemented by taking drugs from last group. Some modern synthetic drugs may have combined action. May also be useful natural remedies, since they are low-toxic and practically do not cause complications. It is better to offer children wet cough syrup.

To the most effective and safe drugs include:

It also has a beneficial effect on sputum separation. For this procedure you can use:

  1. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage;
  2. Soda solutions;
  3. Iodine-salt solutions.


Histamine is an essential participant in allergic reactions. Its excess can also be found in asthma, diseases of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, when treating allergies, drugs from this group are primarily prescribed. First generations histamine blockers had a large number of side effects, they influenced the work nervous system, caused drowsiness. Modern means For the most part, they are devoid of such shortcomings. These include:

  • Fecosphenadine. It is suitable for use from 6 years of age . Side effects are rare. The drug is administered orally.
  • Loratidine. Also available in tablet form. It has a fast and long-lasting effect, the first effect occurs after 30 minutes and lasts throughout the day. The drug is approved for use from birth, but it is better to give it to children under 2 years of age not in tablet form.
  • Cetirizine. The drug can cause drowsiness in 16% of cases. Important! There is as yet unconfirmed evidence of its potential to cause serious harm to health.. Cetirizine is prescribed to adults and children from 6 months to prevent symptoms of seasonal and year-round allergies.

  • Dimentidine. Along with the antiallergic effect, it has a slight sedative (calming) effect. The drug is prescribed to children from 1 month, but up to a year it is necessary to take it under the supervision of a specialist.

Cough remedies

When a symptom occurs in attacks and does not bring relief, but causes pain due to irritation of the surface of the larynx, it makes sense to take antitussive medications together with restorative drugs. The principle of their operation is basically the same. They suppress coughing with sputum, affecting (directly or indirectly) the corresponding centers in the brain. TO similar drugs can be attributed:

  1. Licorice root extract;
  2. Codeine and medications containing it;
  3. Stroptussin;
  4. Terpencode.


Physiotherapy is one of the most “non-classical” areas of treatment. Not all doctors are favorable towards its use. It consists of influencing the affected organs and tissues to study a certain wavelength. It may have different nature– sound, electrical, light.

In some cases, physiotherapy is combined with local medicines. There is evidence that electricity when exposed to living tissue, it can increase its permeability to applied drugs. This method is called phonophoresis.

Action infrared lamps consists mainly of warming up. They are often used for sinusitis. Local boost temperature promotes blood flow to the affected organ and accelerates metabolic processes.

Other treatments

Rest therapeutic agents and the approaches are specific depending on the underlying disease not related to the ENT organs or characterized severe course. They do not eliminate the cough directly, but fight the causes that caused it. How to treat a patient is usually decided during a consultation of several specialists: pulmonologist, cardiologist, surgeon, oncologist, etc.

At various diseases Taking vitamins may be indicated restoratives, special diet or daily routine. Many ailments arise against the background of incorrect functioning of the immune system, which, in turn, is a consequence of stress, poor nutrition, neglect to your own health.

Video: causes of cough and its treatment, “Doctor Komarovsky”

Cough, especially chronic cough, significantly reduces the quality of life of patients, disrupting sleep, physical and intellectual activity. A severe cough can lead to a number of complications (hemoptysis, vomiting, urinary incontinence), the most serious of which is spontaneous pneumothorax. It should be kept in mind that long-term increase intra-abdominal pressure promotes the formation of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall.

At productive cough the main task is to ensure effective drainage of the bronchi, facilitating maximum removal of sputum.

In some cases, a productive cough may be ineffective; the reasons for this may be:

  • insufficiently expressed cough reflex;
  • sputum viscosity is too high;
  • low power of the air stream during a cough impulse;
  • not enough deep breathing(promotion of secretion in the bronchi is proportional to the depth of breathing).

Therapeutic options

Drugs that stimulate expectoration (secretomotor) enhance the physiological activity of the ciliated epithelium and the peristaltic movements of the bronchioles, promoting the movement of sputum through the respiratory tract and its subsequent elimination. The achieved effect is usually accompanied by increased secretion of the bronchial glands and a slight decrease in sputum viscosity.

Facilities reflex action(preparations of thermopsis, istoda, marshmallow, terpinhydrate, etc.) A number of drugs with reflex action partially have a resorptive effect: they contain essential oils and other substances are released through the respiratory tract and cause increased secretion and dilution of sputum. Resorptive agents (sodium and potassium iodide, ammonium chloride, partially sodium bicarbonate, etc.), absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, are secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, stimulating the bronchial glands and causing direct liquefaction of sputum.

Mucolytic (secretolytic) agents have the ability to dilute sputum as a result of the breakdown of complex mucins, and thereby reduce its viscosity and facilitate evacuation.

  • Proteolytic enzymes.
  • Amino acids with SH group.
  • Mucoregulators (bromhexine, ambroxol hydrochloride)


  • have mucolytic and expectorant effects.
  • stimulate the regeneration of ciliated cells of the ciliated epithelium, increase its activity.
  • stimulate the synthesis of surfactant and block its breakdown.

In order to relieve cough and speed up the clearance of the respiratory tract, it was developed domestic drug Codelac ® Broncho, its effects are due to the pharmacological properties of its components. Ambroxol hydrochloride (active metabolite of bromhexine) - stimulates the formation of low-viscosity tracheobronchial secretions by changing the chemistry of sputum mucopolysaccharides, improves mucociliary transport by stimulating motor activity cilia of the ciliated epithelium. Ambroxol's ability to increase the synthesis and secretion of surfactant and block its breakdown is significantly higher than that of bromhexine. Providing positive influence on surfactant production, ambroxol indirectly increases mucociliary transport (reducing the adhesion of bronchial mucus), which, in combination with increased secretion of glycoproteins (mucokinetic effect), causes a pronounced expectorant effect. Taking the drug has a significant effect on the viscosity of sputum, its purulence and airway patency.

The peculiarity of ambroxol is its lack of ability to provoke bronchospasm.

Sodium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antiviral effect. Due to the presence of antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activity, it has a cytoprotective effect.

Thermopsis extract has an expectorant effect, reflexively increases the secretion of the bronchial glands.

Sodium bicarbonate reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates the motor function of the ciliated epithelium and bronchioles.

Thus, the drug Codelac ® Broncho, thanks to pharmacological properties the components included in its composition are capable of simultaneously influencing several links pathological process, which is very valuable in clinical practice.

Treatment of cough should begin with eliminating its cause. General recommendations: sufficient fluid intake, humidified air in the room.

Important! It is necessary to assess the nature of the cough, and in case of a productive cough, the nature of the bronchial secretion, identifying the presence or absence of bronchospasm. Treatment of cough is not limited to suppressing it!

Indications for use: respiratory tract diseases with difficulty in sputum discharge:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • COPD;
  • bronchiectasis.

Dosage regimen

  • Adults and children over 12 years of age: orally during meals, 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 4-5 days without a doctor's prescription.

Based on materials from the magazine “Consilium medicum”

The most dangerous type of cough is considered to be one in which sputum does not come out. In this case, mucus clots accumulate in the bronchi and can cause more severe inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to remove difficult-to-separate sputum quickly, since due to difficulties with its removal, the cough may become dry, and over time, wheezing may appear in the lungs.

Sputum does not come out when coughing: symptoms

How do you understand that the mucus is not coming out?

The symptoms are:

  1. Sensation of viscous mucus in the throat. It seems to you that your whole throat is clogged with mucus, but it is so sticky that it is impossible to cough it up;
  2. Labored breathing. Due to the large crowd thick mucus it becomes more difficult to breathe in the bronchi and nasopharynx;
  3. Dry cough;
  4. Wheezing in the bronchi. They occur when viscous mucus accumulates in the bronchi and does not leave.

Sputum does not come out when coughing: reasons

As you already understand, in most cases the sputum does not come out because it becomes too viscous.

This can happen for several reasons:

For this reason, sputum becomes more viscous and does not move well down the throat.

Also, the viscosity of sputum can be caused by certain diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma. Treatment in this case should be strictly medicinal;
  2. Violation of the structure of the respiratory organs;
  3. Allergy. In this case, you must first get rid of the allergen and only then remove sputum;
  4. Inflammation paranasal sinuses. If you suspect that this is the problem, then you urgently need to seek help from an ENT specialist;
  5. Spicy or chronic laryngitis, or pharyngitis;
  6. Pneumonia;
  7. Pulmonary edema.

If you suspect such serious illnesses, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo necessary examination. It must be understood that treatment folk remedies V in this case may not be effective.

Treatment of cough with difficult to clear sputum: pharmaceutical preparations

To thin the mucus, it is recommended to use expectorants, which can be found in a huge number in pharmacies. A good remedy is Bromhexine. The release form of the drug is tablets or syrup. You need to take it three to four times a day, one tablet. This dosage is recommended for adults and children under ten years of age.

For children aged six to ten years, it is recommended to take one tablet three times a day. Between the ages of two and six years, the drug should be taken half a tablet three times a day. As for children under two years of age, they are recommended to give the drug in syrup. The syrup is also recommended for those who suffer from sore throat.

Treatment can also be carried out using ambroxol preparations. An effective remedy is Ambrobene. The release form of the drug is tablets, syrup. Dosage for adults – one tablet three times a day for the first two to three days. Once symptoms begin to ease, take one tablet twice a day.

Children are recommended to use syrup for treatment. For children aged five to twelve years, take five milliliters two to three times a day, from five to two – two and a half milliliters three times a day. Dosage for children under two years of age is two and a half milliliters twice a day.

Poor sputum removal when coughing: traditional methods of treatment

Among traditional methods treatment similar problem Inhalations are the most popular. It is best to inhale with potato steam. To prepare such a procedure, you need to boil the potatoes in their jackets and breathe in the steam.

Attention! Breaths should be deep and measured. You also need to make sure that the vapors are not too hot, since in this case you can burn the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Inhalation treatment can also be done with ready-made pharmacy fees. They should include Pine cones, eucalyptus, thyme and Birch buds. Pour boiling water over the dry mixture and leave for half an hour. Then heat the product until hot and breathe in the fumes. Dry cough will also go away after this procedure.

You can make mustard plasters at night. This will warm you up chest and the phlegm will come off easier.

Attention! Mustard plasters should not be placed on the heart area. You should also check whether you have an individual intolerance to this method.

Diluting sputum that is difficult to separate is also possible with the help of a cocktail of honey and boiled milk.

You need to prepare it as follows: dissolve a tablespoon of buckwheat honey in a glass of hot milk. This mixture should be taken before bed.

After you have drunk the mixture, you need to wrap your throat with a warm scarf and go to bed. It is advisable not to talk after you have taken the last sip, so that the heat remains in the bronchi longer. In this case, the treatment will be more effective.

Remember that poorly cleared sputum when coughing can cause serious inflammation in the nasopharynx. Therefore, you should not hope for chance and think that bronchitis will resolve on its own.

Go for a consultation with a doctor, go through full examination and treat such a disease with early stage. The main thing is that treatment is timely. Good luck!

Inflammation of the respiratory organs is not always accompanied by an increase in temperature. The mucus that accumulates in the bronchi is coughed up, periodically clearing the lumen for oxygen to enter. If a cough with sputum without fever appears in an adult, treatment should begin only after determining the cause.

Causes of cough with sputum without fever

Cough is not a disease, but only one of the many symptoms of respiratory disease in humans. The reflex is caused by foreign particles, mucus, bacteria and others pathogenic microorganisms. If at first there was a dry cough that irritated the surfaces, over time it transforms into a wet cough with the release of liquid secretion.

Wet cough is a mucus produced by the protective lining of the bronchi. Together with sputum, microbes and their waste products are removed from the respiratory tract.

Mucus color

Depending on the chemical composition, the thick liquid that separates can have a variety of shades - from transparent to brown and even black.

Know! The color of the sputum indicates the underlying causes of the cough. Some diseases can give mucus a putrid odor.

Cough with gray or brown mucus

Bronchitis, sinusitis or sinusitis are characterized by coughing up mucus with purulent brownish patches. Chronic course These diseases can lead to irreversible changes in the body, so the help of a doctor in such a situation is mandatory. The remission stage occurs without a rise in body temperature.

A bacterial infection caused by smoking provokes a wet cough with gray-brown sputum. Toxic substances absorbed into the epithelium of the respiratory tract can cause cell degeneration, cancer of the larynx or tongue.

Green or yellow sputum

Green sputum when coughing appears in cases where an infectious disease develops into chronic form. Shade is forming purulent discharge. Bacterial pneumonia, sore throat stains the coughed up secretion in a light green color.

Transparent or white secret when coughing means presence viral infection. Yellow sputum will be separated from a common cold, ARVI with secondary bacterial infection.

Cough with rust-colored or bloody sputum

Sputum containing blood clots may indicate acute form bronchitis, pneumonia or infectious damage to the vessels of the throat, larynx. Prolonged cough with blood indicates malignancy respiratory system. This symptom is characteristic of central or peripheral lung cancer, bronchial tumors. On late stages an oncological process with tissue breakdown may produce black sputum.

Attention! Sometimes a one-time cough with rust-colored sputum can be a consequence of previously eating chocolate, fruit, or drinking compote or juice. If the attacks do not recur, there is no cause for concern.

If the sputum is colorless or white

Infection of the lungs with the tuberculosis bacillus greatly reduces human immunity. The color of expectorated mucus is white. Also, secretion with white sputum may be a consequence of taking antibiotics or indicate the presence of fungal disease in organism.

Transparent or white viscous sputum is discharged with bronchial asthma, allergic reactions body. In this case, it is important to eliminate the irritant that provokes the attacks.

Attacks during the day

The time the cough intensifies depends on the cause. Morning attacks can mean smoker's bronchitis, runny nose, sinusitis. If painful cough accompanies a person throughout the whole day, tracheitis, bronchitis or cough is suspected bronchial asthma. In some diseases (bronchiectasis), the cough can be long and painful. It is not always possible to clear your throat completely.

Important! Smoker's bronchitis leads to deformation of the bronchi. Their changes provoke a prolonged cough with mucus in the morning.

No fever or runny nose

A wet cough without fever or runny nose can occur with acute respiratory infections and other pathologies:

  • swelling or inflammation of the respiratory organs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neoplasms in the lungs and mediastinum;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary infarction;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant tumor;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nicotine poisoning;
  • smoker's bronchitis.

For a child, the list is supplemented by other provoking factors:

In any case, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Who to contact and diagnosis

First, you should make an appointment with a therapist. First of all, the doctor will draw up clinical picture illness by interviewing the patient. If you suspect serious pathologies, the therapist will refer the patient to a pulmonologist, phthisiatrician or oncologist.

A specialist will prescribe a course for the patient necessary tests And diagnostic procedures. It could be:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Mantoux test or Diaksintest;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • bacteriological culture of sputum.

Attention! When the causes of cough are clarified and accurate diagnosis, the doctor will draw up a treatment plan and tell you what to do to reduce attacks.

Treatment with medications

Get rid of infectious disease possible through complex measures. A prolonged cough without fever caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics. Doctors use the following means:

  • penicillins (Augmentin, Flemoklav, Amoxicillin) destroy bacteria;
  • macrolides (Sumamed, Clarithromycin) interfere with the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria resistant to penicillin;
  • Cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Suprax, Cephalexin) suppress the growth and reproduction of infection and are effective for bronchitis.

Additionally, antiseptic drugs are prescribed, which, in combination with antibiotics, promote quick recovery patient (Miramistin, chamomile infusion, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine). You need to gargle several times a day.

Know! To eliminate allergic spasm of the bronchi and swelling of the mucous membrane, you should take an antihistamine.

A wet cough is the path to recovery. Constant expectoration of mucus is necessary to remove mucus that accumulates in the throat and respiratory organs microbes

There are various means that promote complete separation and removal of mucus:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Thermopsis;
  • Bronchicum-S;
  • Codelac Broncho;
  • Pertussin;
  • Gerbion.

If, after taking medications, a severe cough does not stop, and sputum is difficult to clear, you should switch your attention to thinning drugs - ACC, Fluditec.

Important! Not all products sold in pharmacies are suitable for treating wet cough. But all medications have contraindications. To avoid overdose or poisoning, it is advisable to consult a doctor first.

Mucolytic agents

Difficult sputum must be dealt with special compounds. Prescribed medications to thin mucus:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​powder;
  • Fluimucil solution;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronchicum.

Some products based on herbal ingredients(coltsfoot, thyme).

Inhalations for adults

Physiotherapy is prescribed as an auxiliary measure. Inhalation based on medicinal herbs helps a lot:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • marshmallow root.

Know! The procedure is carried out at home using a nebulizer. If it is not possible to purchase an inhalation device, you can use a physiotherapy room in a medical institution.

Treatment with folk remedies

Get rid of a debilitating cough that is not accompanied by elevated temperature, you can do it at home using recipes traditional medicine. Among the plants there are quite a lot of herbs that have expectorant and mucolytic effects.

Treatment with folk remedies helps cope with infection, clears mucus from the respiratory tract, and helps restore immunity. Effective methods recognized:

  1. Potato compresses. A vegetable boiled in its jacket (3-4 tubers) is peeled and mashed with a fork. Mixed with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, apply to a double layer of gauze. The material with contents is placed on right side chest of the patient, cover him with a warm blanket or rug. After 20 minutes, the compress is removed. The procedure is repeated daily before bed for a week.
  2. Medicinal tincture. Boil 20 g of plantain, mint, thyme and marshmallow root in 0.3 liters of water for about 10 minutes. Then the contents are cooled and filtered. Add honey to the resulting liquid and stir well. Use 1 tbsp. l. before meals several times a day.
  3. Syrup from natural products. Mix puree from a couple of bananas with honey (3 tbsp), add 1 tbsp. l. onion juice. After mixing, you need to consume 1 tsp. 5-6 times daily.

Attention! Honey, lemon, onion, garlic are the first helpers in the fight against infectious diseases. During the cold season, these products should be consumed without waiting for a cold to appear.


Forecast at wet cough without fever in adults is favorable. There will be no trace of the disease if the cause is identified in a timely manner and treatment is started. After all, a cough is just a symptom of the disease.

Advanced forms of diseases usually lead to major changes in the body and transformation into more severe pathologies. If the source of coughing attacks is a tumor, the outcome of treatment will depend not only on the timeliness therapeutic actions, but also on the type of neoplasm.


A wet cough and runny nose may mean a common cold. But in other situations, such a symptom signals a serious illness in the body. If you have a strong wet cough for 3-5 days, but there is no fever, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. The same applies to sick children.

Important! In children, diseases develop faster than in adults, since the immune system is not yet fully formed.

In order to prevent diseases, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • ventilate the living space at least twice a day;
  • take vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs;
  • try not to come into contact with infectious patients;
  • There is healthy foods, fruits vegetables;
  • rest, follow a daily routine.

Preventing a disease and its complications is much easier than treating them long time. Paying attention to your health will allow a person to avoid serious problems with health in the future.