Mother and stepmother a decoction of what. Coltsfoot: medicinal properties and contraindications. Cough syrup

In cosmetology it is difficult to find a better hair product than coltsfoot. A decoction of this herb almost immediately destroys dandruff, hair becomes strong and shiny.

External use of preparations based on camel grass helps eliminate various skin diseases (erysipelas, ulcers and boils).

For women, podbela leaves help relieve mastitis. So does she.

Important! Tea from coltsfoot is a powerful tool with seasonal weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency.

For cystitis

Coltsfoot is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. Therefore, it is advisable to use it to get rid of various ailments genitourinary organs. It will help relieve pain and spasms.

You should do douching (enemas) with a decoction of damask grass.

  1. To do this, place 12 g of herb in 450 ml of water and let the mixture boil.
  2. The drug should be infused for about 50 minutes - during this time the temperature of the infusion will reach 37 degrees.
  3. The procedures are carried out daily just before going to bed.

Along with enemas, you should take 14 ml of coltsfoot broth three times a day.

For sinusitis

– very unpleasant illness, which is accompanied by a constantly stuffy nose and severe headache. To alleviate the suffering of the patient, you can use coltsfoot as follows:

  • add 6 g of herb to 170 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. After that, the warm solution should be inhaled through each nostril in turn;
  • Fresh Juice instill 4 drops three times a day;
  • make powder from dried roots. Inhale it to trigger sneezing.

You can prepare a collection for inhalation. Place coltsfoot and eucalyptus leaves in a small saucepan. Add 470 ml boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes in a tightly closed container.

Pour out part of the strained broth - you need to drink 22 ml three times a day.

Heat the rest of the broth and pour into a heating pad. Inhale the steam coming out of the hole alternately through your mouth and nose. Inhalations must be repeated every morning and evening. The duration of one procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes.

For hemorrhoids

Quite difficult to treat. Specialized, expensive medications and ongoing procedures are required. And sometimes surgical intervention.

But there is an ancient recipe that has helped many people get rid of this disease.

  1. Collect at dawn.
  2. Grind in a wooden mortar.
  3. Pour in equal amount alcoholic drink(pure moonshine).
  4. Place in a cool, dark place for a day.
  5. After which the product should be used to lubricate problem areas.

Improvement occurs after 7 days.

Sitz baths are good for hemorrhoids.

First you need to mix:

  • coltsfoot;
  • oregano and;
  • linden and alder inflorescences;
  • wheatgrass and steelgrass root;
  • hop cones.

All ingredients should be taken equally. For 1500 ml of boiling water you will need 22 g of the mixture. After half an hour, the mixture will brew and can be diluted with 4-5 liters of warm water. You should stay in the bath no longer than 20 minutes.

Important! Alcohol tincture can cure alcoholism (even without the knowledge of the patient). To do this, add 10 drops of the drug to any drink.

For prostatitis

It is a complex disease and requires an integrated approach. For treatment, you can use various herbal preparations.

  • underbel;
  • lingonberry and birch leaves;
  • sage;
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • horsetail;
  • nettle.

All herbs are taken equal mass fractions. The mixture (12 g) must be brewed with 375 ml of boiling water. The decoction must mature for at least 4 hours. Take 120 ml with food.

Mix coltsfoot with leaves and inflorescences of sweet clover, add centaury. Each herb will need 3 g. Pour 210 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 6 times a day, 65 ml.

The course is 20-27 days. During treatment, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

For gastritis

To treat gastritis, you need to prepare the following decoction.

  1. Mix 4 g of camouflage grass and yarrow.
  2. Pour the collection with 210 ml of boiling water.
  3. The medicine will be infused for 55 minutes.
  4. Drink 1 sip before and after meals.

For another collection, mix in equal quantities pobel, watch, eucalyptus, nettle, chamomile and alder inflorescences, anise fruits.

Pour boiling water (355 ml) over the collection (13 g). The broth will take 3 hours to mature. Treatment should be continued for 32 days.

Important! Coltsfoot leaves can be a great help during picnics and hikes. Fresh grass can be used to lubricate the bite areas. Or apply to your temples in case of a sudden headache attack.

For hypertension

Podbel decoction helps fight hypertension, atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. The mixture should be drunk in the first half of the day, 65 ml.

To enhance the effect, you can make a complex collection:

  • camouflage grass;
  • hop;
  • valerian root;
  • all parts of the strawberry bush;
  • calendula, viburnum, clover (inflorescences);
  • mint;
  • Dill seeds.

From the resulting collection, take 12 g and mix with 185 ml of boiling water. The broth should be infused throughout the night. Then drink 55 ml before each meal. This medicine can be used for a long time – up to 15 weeks.

For pharyngitis

For this you should prepare a mixture of 2 parts podbel and 1 part mint. Pour 220 ml of boiling water. Use as a rinse and solution for inhalation.

  1. You should gargle at least 3 times a day.
  2. Inhalations must be carried out 4 times a day. The duration of each is approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Taking the juice three times a day helps a lot.

You can drink tea from the leaves of the casserole grass during meals. To prepare 1 cup of drink you will need 6 g of raw materials.

For bruises

Most quick way to get rid of a bruise - apply a sheet of white paper to the sore spot with the cool side.

You can also crush the leaves into a pulp and secure it to the sore spot with a bandage or adhesive plaster. You can keep this compress throughout the night.

Important! Coltsfoot should not be used for serious liver diseases. This herb is also dangerous for children under 2 years of age.

For arthritis

For inflammatory processes in the joints, you should wrap the sore spots with fresh leaves of damask grass. This will help relieve pain.

This recipe may seem very simple to treat such complex disease. But traditional healers They consider it the most effective for getting rid of arthritis.

To continue treatment during the cold season, you must do alcohol tincture from flowers of camouflage grass. They should be crushed together with the stems and filled with ammonia. The mixture will be ready in 30 days.

After which it can be strained and used externally to lubricate inflamed areas.

For varicose veins

It should be treated inside and out.

To prepare a decoction, add 12 g of casserole grass to 185 ml of water. Keep on low heat for 12 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, you can start taking the medicine. The medicine should be taken three times, 15 ml each.

For compresses, you should use the gruel remaining after straining the broth.

For colitis

Colitis is a disease known to many. Often traditional treatment does not bring relief. Nature has many remedies that effectively help with this disease.

  1. Dry the leaves.
  2. Grind until powdery.
  3. Take 2 g of medication three times a day.
  4. It is better to drink it with hot milk or honey water.

Enemas with a decoction of camouflage flowers also help well. 470 ml of boiling water requires 23 g of raw materials. The medicine takes 55 minutes to infuse. After straining, dilute with water (1:4).

Collection for the treatment of colitis

  • (flowers) – 20 g;
  • pobel (leaves) – 17 g:
  • chamomile (inflorescences) – 9 g.

Brew 14 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, you can drink 70 ml. Repeat the intake twice more per day.

For abscesses

For the treatment of abscesses the best remedy is fresh juice of kamchuzha grass - lightly mash the leaves in your hands and apply to the affected area.

You can also make compresses by soaking natural fabric in a decoction of podbel.

If abscesses are located throughout the body, you should take baths with the addition of infusion. Brew 55 g of herb in 2.5 liters of boiling water. Then pour it into the bathing water.

Abscesses can be the result of disorders within the body. Therefore, you should prepare medicinal tea.

  1. Mix mint leaves, plantain and coltsfoot 3 g each.
  2. Pour the collection into 175 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Divide the resulting decoction into 55 ml portions, which should be drunk throughout the day.

Important! Preparations based on podbel should not be taken more than 45 days a year.

If accompanied by rashes, you should prepare medicinal bath. It will require flowers and leaves (170 g) and boiling water (2.7 l). The decoction should be left to steep for at least 4 hours. Then heat it up a little and pour it into warm water.

It will take 8 to 10 procedures, with a break of 2 days.

When allergic asthma it is necessary to make up the following composition:

  • camouflage grass, licorice, pine buds– 15 g each;
  • calendula, dill seeds, marshmallow, wild rosemary, string - 7 g each.

Displace, take 27 g of the mixture and brew 175 ml of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After infusion (45 minutes) and straining, add water to the original volume. Take 45 ml several times a day.

For pyelonephritis

Coltsfoot in combination with honey will help you cope.

  1. On water bath place a mixture of 6 g of herb and 185 ml of boiling water.
  2. After boiling, the broth should be strained and cooled slightly.
  3. Add 6 g honey.
  4. Divide the resulting product into 3 equal parts.

The best barrier to any disease is strong immunity. To enhance protective functions Very interesting dishes can be prepared from podbel.

For preparing quick and delicious salad you need to mix the grated raw carrots(90 g) with thoroughly washed fresh coltsfoot leaves (25 g). Add salt and 45 g of kefir.

Kamchatka grass soup

  1. Wash the herb leaves and chop (100 g).
  2. Peel and cut potatoes (200 g).
  3. First put the potatoes into boiling water. And after a few minutes add coltsfoot.
  4. Bring the soup to a boil. Then remove from heat. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Before serving, add sour cream (butter).

Podbel leaves also make excellent lean cabbage rolls, stews and roasts.

Camchus grass not only allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of many ailments. But also to make the treatment tasty and enjoyable.

Coltsfoot is a plant widespread throughout middle lane Russia, it is used in folk and official medicine. Unpretentious, ubiquitous flowers are used to treat diseases. respiratory system, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urination, and lavage purulent wounds and rinsing the mouth.

Coltsfoot - composition and beneficial properties

Coltsfoot - perennial, herbaceous plant from the aster family, thanks to its characteristic features The plant is easy to distinguish even to the most inexperienced person. Thus, coltsfoot flowers bloom at the very beginning of spring, before the leaves appear - it is recommended to collect them in April - May, depending on the area of ​​growth. And the second distinguishing feature– the unusual surface of the leaves, smooth and pleasant to the touch on top and prickly-rough below, makes it easy to distinguish the plant in mid-summer, when you need to collect the leaves of the medicinal plant. Collect leaves and flowers with caution, as the plant can accumulate toxins and salts heavy metals. Plants growing near major highways, near industrial enterprises and other similar places should not be collected for treatment. Leaves are torn off, always with a petiole, at least 3-5 cm long, and flowers - with a receptacle. Plant materials should be dried in the shade, on fresh air, until completely dry, it is recommended to store in fabric or paper bags for no more than 3 years.

Flower baskets and leaves of coltsfoot contain a large number of useful substances:

  • phytosterones are complex natural compounds that are called a natural “analogue” of cholesterol. Plant lipids help control blood cholesterol levels and enhance growth muscle mass, increase immunity and have antioxidant properties;
  • tannins– have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and vasoconstrictor effects, used to stop bleeding, disinfection and “drying” wound surfaces and foci of inflammation;
  • essential oils – plant essential oils have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, destroy viruses, fungi and protozoa, and also prevent the development of inflammation and the spread of infection;
  • mucus - a mixture of plant pectins and mucus, penetrating into the upper respiratory tract, forms a protective film on the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. This helps protect the inflamed mucosa from irritation and the introduction of microbes into the tissue. This protection accelerates healing and reduces tissue inflammation;
  • polysaccharides – complex carbohydrates envelop the irritated mucous membrane, soften inflammation and accelerate recovery;
  • organic acids - these substances slow down cell aging, accelerate tissue regeneration, prevent the development of purulent processes and strengthen the immune system;
  • Tussilyagin is a specific coltsfoot glycoside that thins mucus in the bronchi and improves the removal of mucus from the lower parts of the lungs.

Indications for use

The rich chemical composition of the plant determines the amount of its beneficial properties. Thus, inconspicuous yellow flowers and green leaves, similar to large burdocks, can help with more than 30-40 diseases.

Most often, coltsfoot is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract – for almost any inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, runny nose, asthma attacks and increased body temperature, you can use coltsfoot. Decoctions and infusions of the plant have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, expectorant and antiseptic properties. It is especially useful to use coltsfoot preparations for bronchitis, pharyngitis and other diseases in which the patient suffers from a dry cough. Due to the high content of glycosides and mucus, they envelop the inflamed mucous membrane, reducing its irritation, and by thinning the mucus and increasing the movements of the cilia lining the bronchi, lower sections the lungs are cleared of phlegm faster. Also, coltsfoot, as one of the components, is used in the treatment of such serious illnesses, like tuberculosis, emphysema and silicosis;
  • Inflammatory skin diseases– decoctions, infusions and fresh juice of the plant are used externally for treatment erysipelas, wounds, abrasions and ulcers. Such decoctions have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate tissue healing. Baths and lotions with coltsfoot are useful for dermatological diseases, varicose veins and trophic ulcers;
  • Dental diseases– coltsfoot helps reduce pain, get rid of unpleasant odor and speed up recovery from stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract – coltsfoot will also help with gastritis, enterocolitis and others inflammatory diseases stomach and intestines;
  • Diseases genitourinary system – cystitis, hemorrhoids and rectal fissures are also indications for the use of coltsfoot. For these diseases, the plant is used for preparing baths, enemas and douching;
  • Less commonly, decoctions and infusions of coltsfoot are used for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous system and joints. Thanks to high content essential oils In coltsfoot, plant preparations have antihypoxic and antioxidant effects, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.


Coltsfoot is a plant with a rich chemical composition, very powerful and effective. Therefore, it should be used with caution, only according to indications and without exceeding the recommended dosage.

Coltsfoot cannot be used to treat:

  • children under 2 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with exudative eczema in the acute stage;
  • patients with liver and kidney failure;

Because of high concentration glycosides and their ability to accumulate in the body, coltsfoot drugs should not be taken orally for more than 6 weeks in a row. The break after the course of treatment should be at least 4-6 months.

Traditional medicine recipes

Infusion of coltsfoot leaves– it is used to gargle for diseases of the respiratory tract, dental diseases and diseases Bladder and rectum, the infusion is also drunk for bronchitis, laryngitis, and bronchiectasis. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of dry leaves into 1 tablespoon of boiling water, leave covered for 30 minutes, then filter.

Take the infusion for colds, 1 tbsp 4-6 times a day, for 7-10 days.

To rinse the throat and mouth, use a warm infusion, 3-4 times a day, until complete recovery.

Infusion of inflorescences– infusion of flower baskets is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. To prepare the infusion, pour 20 grams of dried inflorescences into 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and infuse in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. Before use, filter and take 1/2 tbsp orally 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Chest collection - one of the most effective means for respiratory diseases. It is quite difficult to prepare - for this you need 20 grams of dry coltsfoot leaves, 40 grams of dry marshmallow root, 15 grams of licorice root, 10 grams of anise seeds, mullein flower and 5 grams of violet root. All the plants need to be mixed, then take 20 grams of the mixture, pour 3 tablespoons of boiling water, leave to brew for 30-60 minutes and strain. Take the collection 1/2 tbsp 4 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 10 days.

Leaf decoction– 15 g of dry leaves are poured into 1 tbsp of boiling water, brought to a boil in a water bath and boiled for another 10-15 minutes.

Take a decoction for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. For these diseases, drink 1 tablespoon of the decoction up to 6 times a day.

The decoction is also used to treat diathesis in children over 2 years old, 1 tsp 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Tea from coltsfoot– it is drunk when dry prolonged cough. They prepare coltsfoot tea in the same way as regular tea. green tea. 1 tbsp of dry leaves is poured into 1 tbsp of boiling water and drunk warm. The coltsfoot drink should not be drunk for longer than 2-3 weeks in a row.

Leaf powder– dry leaves of coltsfoot are crushed to make powder. It is taken 1/3 tsp 3 times a day for colds accompanied by cough. Sometimes cigarettes with coltsfoot are recommended for severe dry cough, shortness of breath and toothache.

Fresh Juice– in the spring and summer, fresh juice of coltsfoot leaves is used to strengthen the immune system and treat vitamin deficiency. For this purpose, in June–July they collect fresh leaves plants, thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. The leaves are crushed in a blender and diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Take the juice 1 tsp or 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days per season.

Compresses– used for skin diseases. To prepare compresses, pour 5 tablespoons of dry leaves into 1 tablespoon of boiling water, leave under the lid for 30 minutes, then apply the paste from the leaves onto a gauze compress. Apply the compress to the inflamed skin at night for 10-14 days.

Decoction for preparing baths, enemas and douching– when preparing a decoction for external use, pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves into 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 40-45 minutes, then cool and filter. Baths are taken daily for 15-20 minutes at night, enemas and douching are done 2 times a day, with a warm decoction, for 10-14 days.

Coltsfoot (in Latin called - Tussilago farfara) - widespread and known since the emergence of medicine medicinal plant. Its recipes practical application can be found in the works of the founders of medicine, and the leaves and flower baskets of the plant are included in the register of medicinal raw materials in many (more than 15) countries of the world.

Coltsfoot can be found in floodplains and forest edges almost everywhere, especially in the European part of the continent. It is noteworthy that the flowers appear first, and after the plant has finished flowering, the leaves begin to grow.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Leaves and flower baskets are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are harvested in the first half of summer, and the flowers in the spring (from April to May). Drying of medicinal raw materials is carried out under canopies, protecting from direct sun rays, or using artificial heat (the temperature in the dryers must be maintained within 30 - 35 °C).

As for harvesting leaves, they must be collected fully developed, without the abundant felt pubescence characteristic of young leaves. When harvesting, you should also take into account the fact that plants growing in open, sunny areas are richer in healing components than those growing in the shade.

Medicinal raw materials are stored in paper bags or bales. Valid period storage of raw materials - 3 years.

Main active ingredients of coltsfoot

The flower baskets of the plant are rich in phytosterols (stigmasterol, taraxanthin, etc.). The flowers also contain vitamins and tannins.

Phytosterols are also present in the leaves of coltsfoot, and, in addition, a number of organic acids (tartaric, gallic, malic, etc.), mucous and tannins, saponins, vitamins and flavonoids are found in them.

Pharmacological action of coltsfoot drugs

Since ancient times, coltsfoot has been valued as a remedy for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, as eloquently demonstrated by Latin name"tussilago", which means "cough reliever". To this day, the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system is a priority in the use of drugs manufactured using coltsfoot.

Water extracts of coltsfoot have emollient and expectorant properties, increase sweating, and are also harmful to many pathogenic microorganisms. The use of coltsfoot is not limited to the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia - it is often included as one of the ingredients in the preparation of multicomponent preparations used for tuberculosis, lung abscesses, emphysema and silicosis (an occupational disease associated with prolonged inhalation of silica-containing dust).

Clinical studies of the influence of water extracts of coltsfoot have shown that their use often leads to an increase in bronchial tone, therefore it is advisable to introduce components with antispasmodic properties (plantain, chamomile, wild rosemary, etc.) into the preparations in order to compensate for the tendency to bronchospasms.

Traditional medicine actively uses coltsfoot, and not only for the treatment of respiratory diseases - its preparations are used for gastritis and inflammatory processes on the intestinal mucosa. It is prescribed externally for the treatment of purulent wounds, tumors, and some skin diseases.

Preparations (dosage forms) of coltsfoot

- Herbal infusion(leaves). Prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials per glass of boiling water. Infusion time is half an hour. Prescribe 1 tbsp. per appointment (up to 6 times a day). An infusion of leaves is effective in the treatment of bronchitis and bronchiectasis, lung abscess and laryngitis.

- Infusion of flower baskets. For 1 liter of boiling water, 20 g of raw materials (flowers) are required. The preparation must be prepared in a sealed container to avoid loss of volatile components. Infusion duration is 45 - 60 minutes. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of certain gastrointestinal diseases, mainly inflammatory in nature(100 ml 3 - 4 times a day). Externally - in the form of gargling.

- Leaf decoction. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over 20 g of dried raw materials, bring to a boil, and simmer for about a quarter of an hour. Prescribed (up to 6 times a day; 1 tbsp per dose) for inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease, etc. The drug is used in the treatment of childhood diathesis (prescribed 1 tsp, up to three once a day).

- Chest collection. The collection includes marshmallow rhizomes, coltsfoot leaves, licorice root, anise seeds, mullein flowers and roots of Iris Florentine (irris) in a ratio of 40:20:15:10:10:5. Instead of orris root, violet root can be substituted. Brew the mixture at the rate of 20 g medicinal mixture for 2 or 3 cups of boiling water. Take up to 4 times a day, half a glass. The product has expectorant and antimicrobial properties.

- Cigarettes. Used for suffocating spasmodic cough. A small amount of crushed raw materials (leaves) are rolled into a cigarette (in tissue paper) and smoked. Another option is to inhale smoke from leaves smoldering on a hot surface.

- Garbuz potion. The remedy proposed by a famous healer is recommended for external treatment various diseases skin, hemorrhoids, neuralgic and muscle pain, for douching for oncology of the female genital area, etc. For preparation you will need: 50 g of Kermek and elecampane root, and 2 g of Spanish fly powder. The mixture is infused in 1 liter of 25% ammonia for 14 days. When the ammonia solution is ready, prepare a decoction of a mixture of herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, celandine, yarrow, coltsfoot (50 g of each per 1 liter of water). Cook in a sealed container for 15 - 20 minutes. Mix the strained broth with an ammonia solution and store in the refrigerator (in a glass container with a tightly sealed stopper).

Upper respiratory tract diseases

- Cough. Prepare 3 drugs:

1. Collection: mix 20 g of pine buds, tricolor violet (herb), coltsfoot (leaves), wild rosemary (shoots), sage leaves, chamomile flowers and elecampane root. Pour the herb collection with water (1.5 liters), cook after boiling for 10 minutes.

2. Sugar syrup: for 3 tbsp. sugar - the same amount of water.

3. Eucalyptus decoction (per glass of water - 1 tablespoon of raw material). Boil for a quarter of an hour.

Immediately before use, mix 1 tbsp. decoction of herbs and 1/2 tbsp. eucalyptus decoction and sugar syrup. Take in the indicated dosage 5 times a day. Even the most persistent cough goes away within 3 days.

- Colds . For relax general condition, and also in order to speed up recovery, a collection is recommended. The composition includes chamomile flower baskets, rose hips, coltsfoot leaves, plantain, linden blossom (respectively in parts 5:10:10:20:25). Grind all components and mix thoroughly. For 250 ml of boiling water you need to take 4 tsp. medicinal mixture (dosage is indicated for a single dose). Leave for 10 minutes. Use three times a day before meals. If desired, and if there are no contraindications, you can sweeten with honey.

- Bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Prepare a collection of elecampane roots, thyme and St. John's wort, taken equally, coltsfoot leaves and wild rosemary shoots. For 1 liter of boiling water you will need 5 tbsp. medicinal collection. Pour boiling water over the raw materials in the evening (in a thermos) and leave until morning. Drink half a glass three times a day, preheat.

- Chronical bronchitis . Peel 2 kg of onion, pour 1 liter cold water and cook at moderate boil for 2 hours. Add 200 ml of honey to the broth and cook for another hour. Next, add leaves of coltsfoot, string and plantain (2 tsp each), roots of elecampane, flowers of hawthorn, marigold and linden, and mint leaves to the broth. After half an hour, remove from heat, and after cooling, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. The drug should be taken half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp.

The healing properties of coltsfoot in gynecology

- Omission female organs . Collection: primrose and elecampane roots, coltsfoot leaves (1 teaspoon of each herb per one and a half glasses of water). Cook after boiling for 15 minutes, filter. Add if necessary boiled water(bring the amount of liquid to the original volume). It is recommended to take the product three times a day, 100 ml.

- Mastitis. For 1 kg of rye flour you will need 100 g of crushed leaves of mistletoe and coltsfoot, 50 g of celandine (grind the herbs into powder). Knead the dough with whey. Apply poultices at night.

- Inflammation of the uterine appendages(adnexitis). Composition of the collection: coltsfoot leaves and sweet clover grass - 1 part each; juniper berries, elecampane roots and egg capsule rhizomes - 2 parts each; marsh cudweed and arnica flowers - 3 parts each; wintergreen leaves - 4 parts; hawthorn (fruit) - 10 parts. For half a liter of boiling water you will need 2 tbsp. collection Leave in a thermos overnight. Take up to 8 times a day, 50 - 70 ml.

- Uterine fibroids. Collection: coltsfoot leaves, elecampane root, horsetail - 1 tbsp each; mystic root, St. John's wort, hawthorn fruits - 2 tbsp each; motherwort herb - 3 tbsp; rosehip (fruit) - 5 tbsp. Herbal collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, and then simmer in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Use three times a day before meals.

Digestive tract problems

- Flatulence. Prepare a collection: wormwood (2 parts), sage and dubrovnik (3 parts each), horsetail (4 parts), green elderberry bark (5 parts), silver cinquefoil rhizomes (5 parts), coltsfoot leaves (6 parts ), black elderberry leaves (8 parts). Pour 1 liter of white wine 40 g herbal mixture, cook in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Accept medicinal drug 100 ml before meals.

- Gastrointestinal diseases. Scald fresh coltsfoot leaves with boiling water, grind through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Dilute the resulting juice in half with boiling water, boil for 2 - 3 minutes and remove from heat. Take the drug 1 tbsp. three times a day. The juice is also recommended for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases. Treatment is carried out in courses of 7 - 10 days.


As an additional treatment oncological diseases Traditional healers recommend collecting the following composition: elderberry flowers - 50 g, 100 g each of calendula and coltsfoot leaves, as well as 200 g of sunflower marginal petals. Brew in the following ratio: 1 tbsp. for 200 ml of boiling water. Prescribe the drug three times a day, half a glass. Maximum duration continuous course of treatment - 2 months.

External use of coltsfoot

- Alopecia. Brew 2 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. a mixture consisting of nettle leaves and coltsfoot. After infusing for half an hour, use to rinse your hair. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day.

- Calluses, cracked feet etc. Grind and mix fresh leaves of coltsfoot, alder and plantain, put in shoes instead of insoles.

Side effects and contraindications

Treatment and use of coltsfoot is not prescribed during pregnancy, as well as for children under 2 years of age.

Basic active ingredients, which are part of medicinal raw materials, as recent studies show, can have Negative influence to the liver. Obviously, it is undesirable to prescribe treatment using its drugs in the presence of liver diseases (alcoholism, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.). 1" :pagination="pagination" :callback="loadData" :options="paginationOptions">

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at a wonderful medicinal plant - coltsfoot, as well as its medicinal and other beneficial features, application, contraindications, composition and treatment with mother and stepmother. So…

Coltsfoot - description

Coltsfoot (lat. Tussilago) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family.

Other plant names: common coltsfoot, mother grass, butterbur, whitebur, two-faced burdock, water burdock, camouflage grass, cold burdock, near-river grass.

Prefers to grow in moist and clay soils— along the banks of rivers and lakes, in meadows, along embankments, etc. Mother and stepmother are the first to feel the beginning of spring, bloom as soon as the snow melts, brightly yellow flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter. When ripe, the flowers turn into fluffy heads similar to.

The rhizomes of the plant are creeping and thick. Leaves appear only after flowering, in the form of a rosette, on long and thick petioles. The leaves vary in size, often the size of an open palm. Below they are covered with a layer of white hairs, and above are smooth, dark green. When touched, the leaf appears cold on top and warm on the bottom.

IN folk medicine Coltsfoot treatment is used both independently and as part of a collection. Flowers and young leaves are used for treatment. Flowers are harvested in early spring (during flowering), and young leaves immediately after flowering, ripening and shedding of seeds. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Chemical composition of coltsfoot

The medicinal properties of mother and stepmother are due to the rich composition of this plant.

Coltsfoot contains the following substances:

  • mucus (up to 8%, is the main component), its hydrolysis produces glucose, galactose, pentoses and uronic acids;
  • bitter glycosides (2.63%);
  • triterpene saponins;
  • organic acids (gallic, malic, tartaric, ascorbic);
  • sterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol, etc.);
  • flavonoids (rutin, hyperoside);
  • polysaccharides (inulin, dextrin);
  • carotenoids;
  • potassium, iron, ;
  • traces of tannins and essential oils.

Also, coltsfoot accumulates and concentrates copper, selenium, bromine and silver.

The healing properties of coltsfoot

The use of coltsfoot is advisable for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • sore throat;
  • cough (“dry” and “wet”);
  • bronchitis;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • , bladder and kidneys;
  • mastitis;
  • wounds and burns;
  • purulent infections;
  • - , and etc.;
  • nervous disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • dandruff and hair loss.

In addition, mother and stepmother has the following beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • emollient and expectorant;
  • enveloping;
  • astringent;
  • diaphoretic.

Benefits and medicinal properties Colts and stepmothers are numerous, but, unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Contraindications to taking coltsfoot:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 2 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (may disrupt fetal development or cause miscarriage);
  • women in case constant delay menstrual cycle;
  • liver diseases -,;
  • at simultaneous administration antipyretic drugs, dietary supplements, etc.

Side effects from taking coltsfoot:

  • stomach ache;
  • intestinal disorders;

If detected side effects You should stop taking coltsfoot immediately!

In any pharmacy you can buy ready-made raw materials with instructions for use.

Decoction of leaves. 1 teaspoon of coltsfoot leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Brew the raw materials in an enamel bowl and place on low heat or a water bath. Heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

For bronchitis, inflammation of the throat and lungs, as an expectorant that helps soften and expel mucus, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals for 2 days.

For inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and heart disease, you should take 1 tbsp of this decoction. spoon 6 times a day, before meals.

Water infusion of flowers. Pour 20 g of coltsfoot flowers into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain and take 100 ml 3 times a day for coughs and stomach diseases. It can also be used as a gargle and for the treatment of laryngitis in children.

Vodka tincture. Mix dried coltsfoot flowers in equal proportions with vodka in a glass container (jar or bottle). Leave to infuse for 7 days in a dark place. You need to take the tincture 30-40 drops once a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Coltsfoot tincture strengthens the immune system and stimulates metabolism.

Fresh Juice. Pour boiling water over young coltsfoot leaves and grind in a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting pulp and add the same amount of water (1:1), boil for 2 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals. It is useful to take the juice for hypovitaminosis, as well as for hypovitaminosis, by instilling 2-3 drops into the nose per nostril.

Powder. Pour the coltsfoot powder into a hot frying pan and inhale the rising smoke. This procedure helps with a suffocating cough.

Mother and stepmother treatment

Important! Before using coltsfoot, be sure to consult your doctor!

. Pour 5 g of coltsfoot leaves into 2 glasses hot water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day an hour before meals.

, shortness of breath. Pour 15 g of coltsfoot leaves into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, drink 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours.

, . 2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over spoons of herbs, let stand for 30 minutes and strain. Gargle with the resulting warm infusion 3-6 times a day.

. Take 3 parts of ground coltsfoot flowers, 2 parts of thyme and 1 part. Mix, 1 tbsp. Place a spoonful of the mixture in an enamel bowl and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let stand for a few minutes, strain, add. Drink this tea after meals.




Rice. 4.23. Flowering shoots

Coltsfoot leaves-folia farfarae

Coltsfoottussilago farfara l.

Sem. Compositae– asteraceae (compositae)

Other names: water burdock, red burdock grass, icy burdock grass, mother grass, one-sided burdock, forest burdock grass, double grass, early grass, flowering grass.

perennial herbaceous plant height 10-25 cm.

Rhizome creeping, juicy, branched, with thin roots. In early spring, numerous flowering shoots grow with underdeveloped scale-like leaves, which bear one apical basket (Fig. 4.23.).

Flowers in baskets they are golden-yellow: the marginal ones are false-ligulate, the middle ones are tubular.

Fetus- tetrahedral achene with a long white tuft.

Basal leaves, used as raw materials, develop later, after the fruits ripen (Fig. 4.24.).

Rice. 4.24. Basal leaves

They are long-petiolate, broadly ovate with a deep heart-shaped notch at the base, 10-15 cm in diameter, angular, unevenly toothed, rather dense, bare above, with white soft felt pubescence below. The venation is palmate with noticeable three bundles of veins (Fig. 4.25.).

It blooms in April - May, the fruits ripen in May - June.

Coltsfoot composition




Chemical composition of coltsfoot

  • polysaccharides – mucus (5-10%),
  • inulin,
  • dextrin,
  • as well as bitter glycosides (2.6%),
  • sitosterol,
  • saponins,
  • organic acids,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • carotenoids,
  • traces of essential oil,
  • flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • pyrrolizidine alkaloids in trace amounts.

Properties and uses of coltsfoot




Pharmacotherapeutic group. Expectorant.

Pharmacological properties of coltsfoot

Coltsfoot drugs provide:

  • expectorant
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • emollient and
  • disinfectant effect.

Anti-inflammatory and emollient effect caused by mucus. Spreading over the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, mucus forms a protective film that protects the epithelium from the irritating effects of cold, bacterial toxins, viruses, and irritating food ingredients. Activity decreases under the protective film of mucus inflammatory process, regenerates damaged epithelium, its functions and cilia movements are normalized.

Saponins and organic acids dilute pathological secretions of the respiratory tract, formed as a result of inflammation, the activity of microorganisms and viruses, promote their faster evacuation, cleanse the respiratory tract and restore gas exchange.

Anti-inflammatory effect is enhanced carotenoids and tannins. The sum of coltsfoot polysaccharides per experimental models inflammation gives a clear anti-inflammatory effect, the most pronounced anti-exudative effect.

In terms of anti-inflammatory activity, coltsfoot polysaccharides are not inferior to indomethacin, although their pharmacodynamics are different.

Application of coltsfoot

An infusion of coltsfoot leaves is used in complex treatment sick

  • bronchitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • emphysema,
  • to prevent exacerbations,
  • prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications.

Infusion of coltsfoot is also used for

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract,
  • chronic runny nose,
  • at occupational diseases lungs and for their prevention.

Usually coltsfoot leaves are included in the collections.

In addition, coltsfoot is used orally in the form of aqueous extracts for gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, colitis.

For furunculosis, pustular rashes make lotions, compresses, wash the affected areas of the skin.





Spreading. The Eurasian species, widespread in all regions of the European part of the country, is common in Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Habitat. It grows on the banks of rivers and streams, coastal cliffs, screes, in damp ravines, along railway embankments, along highways. The plant forms dense thickets in places.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




Preparation. The leaves are collected in the first half of summer (June - July), when they are still relatively small, tearing off a part of the petiole no more than 5 cm long. You should not collect leaves that are too young, have pubescence on the upper side, or leaves that are affected by rust fungi and are beginning to turn yellow. Affected leaves are selected from freshly harvested raw materials, laid loosely and transported.

Rice. 4.25. Coltsfoot and possible impurities: coltsfoot: 1 – leaf from the top side; 2 – sheet with bottom side;
3 – felt burdock leaf;
4 – hybrid butterbur leaf.

Along with coltsfoot, there are often other plants from the Asteraceae family, whose leaves are similar in appearance, but are not used in medicine (Fig. 4.25.). Butterbur, or false hen (Petasites spurius (Retz.) Reinchb.), has triangular-heart-shaped leaves, with woolly patchy pubescence above, snow-white, white or whitish-yellow felt below.

Butterbur, or hybrid hen (Petasites hybridus (L.) Gaertn.) has large rounded-triangular basal leaves, deeply cut at the base, almost bare above, grayish-white, soft-felt below.

Felt burdock (Arctium tomentosum Mill.) has entire, oblong-ovate leaves (basal), with a clearly defined main vein.

Security measures. Not required. The plant actively reproduces by seed and vegetatively, using rhizomes. When harvesting, it is necessary to leave some of the leaves.

Drying. The leaves are dried in attics under an iron roof or in the open air under a canopy, spread out in a layer of 1 sheet with the pubescent side down. In the first days, it is recommended to turn them 1-2 times a day to ensure even drying. Artificial drying is allowed at a temperature of 50-60 ºС. The raw material easily absorbs moisture and turns brown, so it must be protected from dampness. The end of drying is determined by the fragility of the leaf petioles.

Standardization. GF XI, issue. 2, art. 16 and Change No. 1.

Storage. In a dry place on racks, packed in bags or bales. Shelf life up to 3 years.

External signs of raw materials




Whole raw materials

A mixture of whole or partially crushed leaves.
Leaves round-heart-shaped, notched along the edge and unevenly sparsely and finely toothed, glabrous above, white-tomentose below with an abundance of tangled long hairs.
The length of the leaf blade is usually 8-15 cm, the width is about 10 cm, the length of the petiole is about 5 cm. The leaves should not be too young, i.e. should not have dense pubescence on the upper side.
Petioles thin, grooved on top, often with preserved felt pubescence.
Color The leaves are green on the upper side and whitish-gray on the lower side.
Smell absent.

Crushed raw materials

Pieces of leaves various shapes passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm.
Color greyish green.
Smell absent.
Taste slightly bitter with a mucous sensation.





Looking at the top side of the sheet from the surface it is clear that the epidermis consists of large polygonal cells with straight, often clearly thickened side walls. Above the veins, the epidermal cells are elongated, the rest are isodiametric. Cuticle thick, wrinkled-folded, longitudinally folded above the veins.
Cells of the lower epidermis small, with strongly sinuous walls. Cuticle thin, wrinkled-folded, longitudinally folded above the veins. The epidermis is raised above the air cavities, with 1-2 stomata located here.
Stomata large, oval, anomocytic type. On the upper side of the leaf, stomata are rare and have 4-5 peristomatal cells; on the lower side - numerous, with 7-9 parastomatal cells arranged radially. On both sides of the leaf, the cuticle forms a radial fold around the stomata.
Top side of the sheet almost naked, the lower one is covered with numerous simple hairs. The hairs consist of a short base formed by 3-6 small cells and a long terminal, cord-like, highly convoluted cell.

Rice. 4.26. Microscopy of a coltsfoot leaf

The hairs are intertwined with each other. The spongy mesophyll tissue has the character of an aerenchyma - its cells are arranged in single-row chains, forming large air-bearing cavities (Fig. 4.26).

Rice. 4.26. Microscopy of a coltsfoot leaf:

A – epidermis of the upper side of the leaf;
B – epidermis of the underside of the leaf;
B – cross section of a leaf: 1 – upper epidermis; 2 – palisade fabric; 3 – spongy tissue; 4 – lower epidermis; 5 – hair; 6 – stomata; 7 – air cavity.

Numerical indicators of raw materials




Whole raw materials

  • Humidity no more than 13%;
  • total ash no more than 20%;
  • browned leaves no more than 5%;
  • leaves affected by brown rust spots, no more than 8%;
  • mineral impurity no more than 2%.

Crushed raw materials

  • Humidity no more than 13%;
  • total ash no more than 20%;
  • ash, insoluble in a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid, no more than 10%;
  • pieces of browned leaves no more than 5%;
  • pieces of leaves with brown rust spots no more than 8%;
  • particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm, no more than 20%;
  • particles passing through a sieve with holes measuring 0.5 mm, no more than 5%;
  • organic impurity no more than 2%;
  • mineral impurity no more than 1%.





  1. Coltsfoot leaves, crushed raw materials. Expectorant.
  2. As part of the collection (chest collection No. 1 and No. 2; expectorant collection; diaphoretic collection No. 2).
  3. Cough syrup with coltsfoot and plantain, syrup (component – ​​extract).
  4. Elixir "Vivaton" (component - extract).