What anesthesia is used to perform blepharoplasty? Under what anesthesia is blepharoplasty performed most safely? Stages of surgery under local anesthesia

Adequate pain relief during eyelid surgery is necessary to ensure patient comfort and minimize any discomfort associated with making incisions and suturing soft tissue. Many patients are interested in the approach to pain relief: what anesthesia will be used and whether it poses a danger, for example, in case of allergies, as well as which anesthesia is best to choose for themselves.

How is anesthesia performed during eyelid surgery (what anesthesia is used in blepharoplasty)?

There are three possible pain relief options:

  1. Local administration of anesthetics;
  2. Intravenous administration of painkillers and agents with a relaxing and sedative effect. These two methods can be combined with each other.
  3. General inhalation and intravenous anesthesia with complete “switching off” of consciousness.

For local anesthesia, anesthetic is injected to varying depths of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the areas where the incisions will be made are saturated with the drug. This leads to a temporary disappearance of pain sensitivity in the desired areas.

Intravenous anesthesia provides an excellent opportunity for the patient to feel completely relaxed, get rid of the fear of the operation process itself, but at the same time be able to answer the doctor’s questions or evaluate the aesthetic result of the intervention at any time. The right combination of drugs and careful selection of dosage can achieve the effect of shallow sleep. As a result, the process of the operation itself is forgotten and there are no unpleasant associations associated with it.

The use of inhalational anesthetics together with intravenous anesthesia is used for large-scale plastic surgeries with a long duration, where correction of the shape of the eyelids is only one of the components.

To accurately answer the question of what anesthesia is used to perform blepharoplasty, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the operation, the patient’s health status and his attitude towards various types of surgical interventions (for example, a tendency to fear and panic attacks), as well as his wishes and allergic history. Only after all these factors have been taken into account will the attending doctor, together with the anesthesiologist, decide which anesthesia for eyelid surgery is best to use in your case.

Pain relief for blepharoplasty: which anesthesia to choose?

The decision must be made together with the doctor. He will tell you about the expected duration of the operation, find out your wishes, and find out about the presence of concomitant diseases and allergies.

Those who are afraid of the very fact of surgical intervention and want to simply fall asleep and wake up when it is already done can give preference to intravenous anesthesia with the use of painkillers and sedatives. In this case, the specialist uses a combination of long- and short-acting anesthetics, which allows the anesthesia effect to remain for some time after the operation.

What anesthesia is used to perform blepharoplasty for allergies?

You must tell your doctor in advance about the presence of an allergy, especially about such facts of its manifestation as swelling. You can also undergo allergy tests for certain types of anesthetics (lidocaine, bupivacaine, etc.) in advance. When the doctor gets acquainted with the results of such hypersensitivity tests, he will select the safest combination of drugs that can be used for anesthesia in your case.

Blepharoplasty is the correction of the upper and lower eyelids. During plastic surgery, bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids are removed.

Surgery is performed both under local anesthesia and with the help of medicated sleep.

Anesthesiologists argue that performing surgery under local anesthesia is more appropriate than using medicated sleep, but only if surgery is performed on one of the eyelids - upper or lower.

In addition, the choice of type of anesthesia will be influenced by the complexity of the operation.


Local anesthesia for blepharoplasty, first of all, helps to avoid the risk of complications that may appear after general anesthesia.

Its action is aimed at blocking nerve impulses, which allows for loss of temporary sensitivity of the eyelids.

Before the operation, sedative therapy is prescribed along with anesthetics, which allows you to completely eliminate anxiety and relax.


When performing local anesthesia, the risk of complications is minimized.

Within a few hours the patient can leave the hospital, whereas with general anesthesia you will need to remain under the supervision of medical staff for 24 hours.

The rehabilitation period with the use of local painkillers will take less time, in contrast to medicinal sleep, and after about 10 days the patient will be able to almost completely return to their normal lifestyle.

When is it appropriate to use general anesthesia?

For transconjunctival aesthetic plastic surgery, general anesthesia is required, since the incision is made from the inside of the eyelids.

When performing plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids at the same time, surgeons still recommend resorting to medicated sleep.

Correction of two eyelids at once is more difficult for the patient, and the operation itself takes twice as long.

Photo: Before and after surgery


Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is performed using one of two methods:

  • application;
  • injection.

The application or superficial method involves applying an anesthetic drug to the area where surgery will be performed. The nerve endings become numb and sensitivity is completely lost.

Injection or infiltration anesthesia is carried out by injecting an anesthetic under the skin into the area where the operation will be performed.

Sedatives are often administered along with anesthetics to make the patient completely relaxed.

Necessary tests

Before undergoing blepharoplasty, regardless of the type of anesthesia, it is necessary to undergo an examination and tests.

When using local anesthesia, the doctor is provided with:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis:
  • coagulogram;
  • blood for sugar;
  • examination for HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography (preferably within the last six months).

Only if all the necessary tests and examinations are available can an operation be scheduled. In addition, before surgery, consultation with a therapist and anesthesiologist is necessary.

Video: How the operation is performed


Before using local anesthetics, preparation for surgery will not require any complex manipulations.

The patient needs:

  • do not drink alcohol the day before surgery;
  • refrain from smoking;
  • inform the surgeon about taking all medications over the past 3 days;
  • in some cases, the doctor may prescribe sedatives a few days before the procedure, the use of which is mandatory.

Immediately before the operation, the plastic surgeon:

  • marks the areas of skin that will be removed;
  • the face is wiped with a disinfectant;
  • then the surgical areas are pinched or an anesthetic gel is applied.

After these manipulations, the doctor begins to perform blepharoplasty. The time of the operation largely depends on the complexity of the operation. Most often, the procedure does not take more than 20–40 minutes.

Is it painful to have blepharoplasty under local anesthesia?

When performing blepharoplasty under local anesthesia, the tactile sensitivity of the nerve endings is completely lost, so the patient does not feel pain.

At the same time, you can still feel the touch of a scalpel and the moment of suturing.

Painful sensations can only be present at the moment of injection with the injection method.

Once the procedure is completed, the patient is given an anesthetic injection.

After the operation, the anesthesia gradually wears off and discomfort appears.

Important! If you experience severe pain, burning or itching after blepharoplasty, you should immediately contact your supervising doctor.

Are there any contraindications?

Since blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is still a surgical intervention with the use of mandatory anesthetics, there is a list of contraindications for which the operation is not performed.

Any surgical intervention is contraindicated for persons suffering from:

  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • eye diseases (glaucoma, dry eye syndrome);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blood diseases (thrombocytosis, hemophilia, etc.);
  • mental disorders;
  • malignant tumor.

If the patient is terrified of going under the surgeon’s scalpel while conscious, general anesthesia can be performed at the patient’s request.

What you need to know about the postoperative period

After the anesthetic wears off, the patient should know that pain cannot be completely avoided.

If you experience severe discomfort, your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

In the first days, swelling of the eyelids appears, and in some cases the formation of hematomas is possible. The patient experiences pain in the eyes.


When performing local anesthesia, there is also a risk of complications. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the anesthetic used may occur.

With the injection method, due to a doctor's mistake, an anesthetic can be injected into a blood vessel. In this case, the patient experiences pain and burning, and the formation of severe swelling and bruises is possible.

Incorrect calculation of the drug leads to an overdose, which causes a toxic reaction. A high concentration of local anesthetic in the blood is no less life-threatening than during general anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty lasts 2–3 weeks. During this time, the patient should:

  • limit eye strain;
  • in the first days, do not make sudden movements or bend over;
  • limit physical activity;
  • avoid thermal procedures and direct sunlight;
  • wear sunglasses;
  • do not use cosmetics;
  • do not wash your face until the stitches are removed;
  • do not wear contact lenses.

Following simple steps will help prevent the development of such unpleasant complications as extensive hematomas and suture dehiscence, which will require repeated surgery.

Anesthesia or general anesthesia

Which method of anesthesia will be used during blepharoplasty largely depends on the wishes of the patient.

After passing all the necessary tests and consulting with a doctor, it is decided which type of anesthesia is more appropriate.

Since this operation does not represent a serious surgical intervention, in the absence of any contraindications and with the consent of the patient, local anesthesia is performed.

The risk of complications with local anesthesia is minimal, in contrast to the use of medicated sleep.

Modern anesthetics and sedatives completely relieve the patient from feelings of anxiety and relieve pain during the operation, putting him into a light sleep.

General anesthesia induces sleep, and awakening occurs after all the manipulations. As a rule, the patient does not remember any parts of the surgical procedure.

Coming out of medicated sleep is much more difficult than with local anesthesia.

In any case, the patient can decide for himself whether to use general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

What problems does blepharoplasty solve?

Eyelid surgery in most cases is the correction of various age-related changes: hernias of the lower eyelids (commonly called bags under the eyes), sagging skin, wrinkles. Depending on the indications, plastic surgery of the lower, upper or both eyelids is performed. In more rare cases, blepharoplasty is used to correct birth defects and change the shape and size of the eyes.

Where do bags under the eyes come from?

With age, some people's soft tissues (skin, orbicularis oculi muscles) lose their elasticity. Subcutaneous fat accumulates, resulting in the formation of hernias or so-called bags under the eyes. The formation of hernias is influenced by genetic predisposition and lifestyle - poor nutrition, lack of sleep, overwork, stress, alcoholism. Some women face this problem after giving birth. Sometimes, due to anatomical and genetic predisposition, hernias occur in adolescence at 15-16 years old and can be corrected then.

What types of eyelid surgery are there?

There are two main types: classical and transconjunctival. The classic version is performed on the lower and upper eyelids: the hernia and overhanging skin of the upper eyelid are removed. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty only relieves hernias. It is usually done at the age of 30-35, when there is no sagging skin yet. After such an operation there are no scars left, because the incision is made under the skin, on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. It is done with a scalpel or laser. Operations in both cases give the same results. The laser makes the operation less traumatic, as it immediately seals the vessels, the bleeding stops, and bruises do not form.

The type of blepharoplasty is chosen according to the indications: if you need to have plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids due to a hernia and excess skin, then it is recommended to do a classic operation. Yes, after a classic operation, white stripes remain on the eyelid, but it is not possible to remove excess skin in any other way.

Is it possible to get rid of hernias without surgery? For example, adjust your diet and rest regime?

A hernia, if it has formed, will not go away on its own. If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, gets enough sleep and eats right, but has bags under his eyes, this is an aesthetic problem that requires a surgical solution. But many live with bags under their eyes and are successful in all respects.

What still makes you go for plastic surgery?

Patients say that this cosmetic flaw really prevents them from feeling confident at work and at home. They are irritated by bags, drooping eyelids, and feel physically uncomfortable. Moreover, men undergo blepharoplasty not much less often than women. But the men hide the fact that they went through the operation. And women are increasingly no longer ashamed of aesthetic operations and openly talk about them.

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications may include severe cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, progressive myopia, oncology and other diseases that pose an immediate threat to life.

Does blepharoplasty require special preparation?

They prepare for it in the same way as for any other operation. The preparatory complex depends on the method of anesthesia: local or general. Before surgery with local anesthesia, it is enough to undergo standard examinations: blood tests for biochemistry, general tests for infections and coagulogram (clotting). You may need to consult a therapist or specialist who is seeing you for some chronic disease. For example, see a cardiologist for heart problems. If the operation is planned under general anesthesia, an ECG, fluorography or chest x-ray and consultation with an anesthesiologist will be needed.

What determines the choice between general and local anesthesia?

How difficult is blepharoplasty?

It has been done for a long time and is well proven; it does not pose a danger to life and health. But any wound can fester, become inflamed, and the stitches can come apart. Most often we are talking about aesthetic complications. Jeweller's precision is needed, then scars will not be noticeable and the patient will be satisfied. But various asymmetries occur, including inversion of the lower eyelid. This occurs due to the cutting of an excessive amount of soft tissue of the skin, then the cartilage of the lower eyelid cannot stand it and pulls down. Ophthalmological complications are also possible. The mucous membrane is indirectly affected, sometimes conjunctivitis, keratitis, lacrimation, and dry eyes develop. But these are rather exceptions to the rule and are quite rare.

Is it possible to correct the consequences of an unsuccessful operation?

Any unsuccessful scar can be corrected, but only after six months. If the postoperative suture is torn, it must be sewn up immediately. It will look unaesthetic, but you will have to be patient. After six months, you can make a correction.

How quickly does the patient leave the hospital and return to normal life?

If the operation was performed under anesthesia, the patient remains in the hospital overnight and goes home the next day. You can leave after surgery with local anesthesia within a few hours.

As a rule, sutures are removed on the 4-5th day. They usually return to work after two to three weeks, when the swelling goes away. Some go to work the day after surgery. It depends on whether the patient wants to hide the operation or not. After 2-3 months, no traces remain. All scars completely disappear.

Are there any peculiarities of recovery after eyelid surgery?

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate; after plastic surgery, bruising and swelling appear. On the 4-5th day the swelling goes away, but the bruise remains for 10-14 days. The average recovery time is 2-3 weeks. For some it heals faster, for others it heals more slowly. No special medications are prescribed after surgery. At the patient's request, physiotherapy is performed to speed up healing. Before the stitches are removed, you cannot wash your face because of the special bandages on your eyelids. For two weeks after surgery, you must remain calm and avoid lifting heavy objects. You can resume sports activities after a month.

Does eyelid surgery solve the problem for life or does it need to be repeated periodically?

It all depends on your lifestyle. As a rule, this operation is repeated after 10-15-20 years.


Experts often have different opinions. Where one recommends blepharoplasty, another recommends a forehead lift and lipolifting, a third recommends thread lifting, a fourth recommends correction with endotins, and a fifth thinks that deep peeling will help you. At the same time, everyone will convincingly prove that they are right, citing many reasonable arguments. Whose recommendation to choose is up to you.

Personal experience

Tatyana, 49 years old, veterinarian

I had lower eyelid hernias. I felt uncomfortable because of this. At first I wanted to remove only the hernia of the lower eyelids, but then I decided to tighten the upper eyelid and completely put my eyes in order. I had surgery about 4 years ago.

The operation took place under local anesthesia. It is quite painful and generally an eerie feeling. The most difficult test is being injected with painkillers before surgery and pulling out hernias. Then the excess skin is cut off and stitched. The operation lasts 30-40 minutes. Then I lay with ice for about an hour or two. Anesthesia before the eyes and after the operation is felt quite strongly: the eyes see double or triple. I walked staggering, as if I was carrying a vessel of water and was afraid of spilling it. I went home the same day.

Before the stitches were removed, I slept for 3 days, half-sitting; sleeping as usual (especially on my side), bending over, making sudden movements, and lifting anything heavy during this period is prohibited. If blood rushes to the eyelids, a hematoma may form. After 3 days, the stitches were removed. I had no bruises or hematomas, only a slight yellowing, and, of course, fresh scars stood out under my eyelashes. After 2 weeks I went back to work. Almost nothing was noticeable. The only thing is that the shape of the eyes changed after the operation, became more rounded, and thin seams under the eyelashes still remain.

Maxim Osin:I recommend performing upper and lower eyelid surgery under general anesthesia. And local anesthesia is used when it comes to surgery of only one eyelid; when correcting both eyelids at once, surgery under local anesthesia is difficult to tolerate. White stripes-scars on the eyelids really remain forever.

Nina, 46 years old, manager

In the first days after the operation, I went on business, left the house, went to the car, it seemed to me that it was faulty. I leaned over to check if everything was okay. The blood rushed to the face and a hematoma formed on the eyelid. I had to cut it again and clean it out. This still left a stain. As a result, I had this operation again, but with a different doctor.

Maxim Osin: When bending over, a bruise sometimes forms, and the stitches may come apart. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid such situations: do not bend over too much so that the blood does not rush to your face, do not understand heavy weights, etc. But this is not a rule, but rather a matter of chance. For some this happens, others behave as usual after the operation and no problems arise. Of course, it's better not to take risks.

Anastasia, 38 years old, housewife

Six days ago I had blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids (transconjunctival). I look at myself in the mirror and it seems that my eyes are completely different now. One eye looks more open than the other, and the stitching on it seems to be pulling. And it feels like the seam on one eye is lower than on the other. The operation was performed by a good surgeon, according to reviews from his patients. And I myself can’t believe that a surgeon could allow such a defect in his work. Relatives console me, they say that I am finding fault with myself, others cannot see my contrived shortcomings.

Maxim Osin:A week after the operation, it is impossible to assess the result. It will be visible only a month later. In this case, the defect may be caused by swelling and will disappear over time.

Victoria, 42 years old, accountant

I had upper blepharoplasty 3 months ago. One eye was more open than the other, and there was excess skin hanging over one eye. It seemed to me that the doctor removed too little. I thought that I would have to operate on this eye again, but then gradually everything fell into place. Now everything is fine, although the seams are at different levels. On one eye the seam is completely invisible, on the other - if you know about it. As I was told, the seams may be slightly asymmetrical, since the eyes and folds of the upper eyelid do not have symmetry.

Maxim Osin:Indeed, if there is asymmetry before surgery, it persists after it.

Alla, 45 years old, lawyer

I chose my surgeon quite carefully. The doctor needs to instill confidence. During the consultation, the doctor truthfully explained that he would not be able to perform transconjunctival blepharoplasty on me. I'm over 40, so I need to do classic blepharoplasty. It will leave behind excess skin, which you will have to deal with later. But he promised to remove the bags under my eyes and showed me how beautiful I would be after the operation. She was operated under general anesthesia. A week after the operation, the stitches on the upper eyelids were more noticeable than on the lower ones. One eye was watering, I couldn’t see well - there was a feeling of a foreign body, so I used special drops. A week later, there was almost no scar under this eye, under the other it was barely noticeable, but a bag remained, as if there was no operation. It resolved only after 5 months.

Maxim Osin:The patient's age is important. If a person is over 40 years old, there is drooping eyelids and wrinkles, then transblepharoplasty cannot solve all problems - you need to choose the classic option. The bags and swelling disappear completely after a month, but sometimes they can remain for a longer time. Everything here is very individual.

Anna, 42 years old, manager

Just a couple of months ago, I took bags under my eyes for granted. I went to a cosmetologist to get a Botox injection. The cosmetologist said that hernias under the eyes can be removed and advised a doctor. I read reviews on the Internet and came across the concept of “transconjunctival blepharoplasty.” I went for a consultation, where a surprise awaited me: it was too late for me to do this type of plastic surgery, only the classics. On the 3rd day after the operation, the swelling had almost subsided, leaving only yellow bruises under the eyes. Everything looked pretty decent, only there was a clear wrinkle under the right eye, but it was there before the operation.

Maxim Osin: Transconjunctival blepharoplasty can only get rid of hernias. It is done at the age of 30-35, when there is no such problem as sagging skin. Later, more radical solutions are needed, so classic blepharoplasty is done, it removes wrinkles.

Especially for men

Mikhail, 37 years old, manager

Two weeks ago I had lower eyelid surgery. There were no indications to operate on the upper . There are no longer any traces left, except for barely noticeable scars in the corners of the eyes. I think they will disappear in a couple of weeks. Everything took place under local anesthesia. There is an unpleasant feeling from the first injection, as during dental treatment, and then when the hernia is pulled out. I can't say it hurts, but rather unpleasant. In general, everything is painless: both the operation itself and after it there is no pain. I even regretted that I did not come in my own car.

Maxim Osin: Indeed, if the upper eyelid does not droop, then you can limit yourself to plastic surgery of the lower one. This operation is quite easy under local anesthesia.

Good day to you!

Based on recent memories, I would like to tell you about my blepharoplasty. I myself was looking for the most detailed review, so I will try to describe everything to the smallest detail.

I dreamed of surgery for a long time, because I got my dad’s eyes with a drooping upper eyelid, and I constantly heard: “Why are you so sad? Did something happen?” If you are reading, then most likely you are familiar with this. I am 27 years old. The age is no longer young, but it’s not fading either, so when else, if not now, should you start becoming a beauty?)

The general plan "BEFORE" photo is just this. You can see that the skin lies on the eyelashes.

By the will of fate, I ended up in the city of Noyabrsk and found out that “Doctor - Golden Hands” operates with them. And that’s it, I decided - here and as soon as possible.


Place of operation - Central City Hospital of Noyabrsk

Unfortunately, the site rules prohibit disclosing the name of the plastic surgeon.

The cost of the operation is 13,705 rubles.

The cost of the ward is 5781 rubles/day

The cost of tests is 3824 rubles.

The cost of medicines is 2500 rubles.

Plastic surgeon.

Of course, I reviewed all his available works, a couple of broadcasts from operations on Instagram, found out that he is constantly improving his skills, first went for Botox, for a consultation, and was confirmed in my decision. During the operation, I trusted Georgy Yuryevich more than myself.


At the consultation, the doctor looked at me, told me about the operation, set a date (in 6 days, luck was favorable to me, since the appointment was half a year in advance), and gave directions for tests. He told me to take gel glasses and sunglasses with me. You will also need a robe and personal hygiene products if you stay in the hospital overnight.

By the way, the operation was scheduled 5 days before menstruation. It is not recommended to be so close to it, but I had no choice.

The next day at 8 a.m. I arrived at the hospital with directions, paid at the cashier and got in line.

You only need to donate blood from a vein (several tubes):

Day of surgery 06/19/2017

At 8 am I came to the hospital to register. The procedure, as it turned out, was long: get a referral from the head nurse, fill out a medical history, pay, go to the ward. By the way, I ate and drank for the last time the night before (I don’t know how correctly).

The nurse said she would give the history to the doctor, and he would accept it as time permits. That is, I sat and waited. I took a photo of the peephole BEFORE:

And then they came for me)

First they gave me an intravenous antibiotic. Then in the ward they had to undress completely, including underwear and all jewelry, put on a robe and go to the operating room.

Somehow everything happened so quickly that fear didn’t have time to come to me)


In the room in front of the operating room, I again took off everything and wrapped myself in a sheet, they put rag shoe covers on my feet, and a cap on my head. And let's go...

The operating room looks creepy, large, bright, tiled (maybe it’s just for me). I lay down on the table. The nurses were preparing instruments. I still haven't seen my doctor. A quiet panic began. And then I hear him: “Hello.” I don’t remember the last time I was so happy)))

The doctor took a photo and marked my eyes. I lay down again, they covered me with something heavy, wrapped my head, wiped my face....

The doctor said the operation will last 45 minutes.

It was approximately 12.30.

I had local anesthesia .

First, an anesthetic injection with adrenaline in the eyelid, as it seemed to me, at several points - it hurts a little, but you can endure it for a few seconds.

Then I felt a strong hand press on my forehead (I didn’t immediately realize that they were cutting me at that time). Absolutely no pain. Only very bright light when the skin was cut.

And stitching - you only feel the tension of the skin.

The second eye is naturally all the same.

Experiences and struggle with them.

I’ll say right away that everything related to surgical manipulations, even on the screen, makes me tremble and feel weak throughout my body. And yes, now I feel like a heroine)

What do I need helped me control myself :

1. Complete trust in the surgeon.

2. No pain.

3. Beautiful eyes in the near future.

4. Music in the background)

5. Pride in your resilience.

6. Almost sleepless night (due to anxiety I hardly slept and sometimes dozed off during the operation).

After operation.

While they were taking me to the ward, twice I crawled from couch to couch, then to the bed.

The doctor said to lie with your head elevated for 3-4 hours, apply cold for 20 minutes every hour. They immediately put ice on me while my glasses were freezing.

At 2 p.m., lunch was brought, and soon the doctor arrived. I sat up and opened my eyes for the first time. I could only look down) The doctor said everything was fine and allowed me to eat.

At about 4 p.m., I felt a sharp rush of blood to my eyelids, and they began to swell. The seam in the corner of the nose began to bleed. My eyes were watering. As it turns out, this is the norm.

At 19:00 I was allowed to go home, where I immediately went to bed.

Day one 06/20/2017

It was not possible to get a good night's sleep, half sitting and controlling myself so as not to roll over on my side. I put an orthopedic pillow on a regular pillow and fixed my head as best I could.

I was prepared for the fact that I wouldn’t be able to open my eyes at all, because the swelling grew for 2-3 days, but it wasn’t that bad. I went to the dressing room, where everything was washed and a new bandage was applied. It was already possible to go about your business. Only I could see very poorly through the slits, and only if I lifted my chin.

Day two 06/21/2017

The swelling began to subside... fall down along with the hematomas. It's a little easier on the eyes. But there was another problem - a bruise on the white of his right eye. It doesn't interfere, but it looks scary. I never part with my sunglasses even when visiting (my relatives know and understand, but it’s still a sight).

Connected care:

Lyoton - 3 times a day on the lower eyelid for bruises.

Aloe Gel - on halves of a cotton pad and as patches under the eyes. I read that aloe resolves bruises and also moisturizes.

Lymphatic drainage massage - lightly pressing your fingers, without stretching anything, along the orbital bone.

Day three 06/22/2017

Bandaging again. Emoxipin (3 times a day) and Tabrodex (6 times a day) were prescribed to be dropped into the eyes.

You can even look almost up. Feels like the patch is rubbing. The seams don't itch.

And again oh-oh-oh! The right eye does not close completely. I really hope this is due to swelling.

Day four 06/23/2017

It’s noticeable how my eyes bloom and the swelling goes away))

Blepharoplasty is intended to correct the shape of the upper and lower eyelids. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia or medicated sleep.

Doctors believe that anesthesia is preferable to blepharoplasty under general anesthesia. Especially if the operation is performed only on the upper or lower eyelid. Her the advantage is to minimize risks that may occur after drug-induced sleep. Plus, the person is given sedative therapy, as a result of which nervousness and anxiety are completely relieved.

Blepharoplasty can be performed under regional anesthesia. It eliminates sensation in the entire part of the body that is undergoing surgery.

This operation itself is not large-scale, lasting from half an hour to 40 minutes.

Tests before surgery:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • analysis for allergic reactions to anesthesia;
  • fluorography.

The person must also undergo consultations with a therapist and an anesthesiologist.

Preparation for surgery:

  • you should not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before the intervention;
  • smoking is prohibited;
  • notify doctors about the medications you are taking. Among them may be those that reduce blood clotting. They must be excluded 3 days before surgery;
  1. He uses a special marker to mark future cuts;
  2. The skin is disinfected;
  3. Next, they inject or apply an anesthetic;
  4. Blepharoplasty is performed directly.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty under anesthesia is simple. But a complete absence of pain cannot be avoided. Recommendations for recovery:

  • do not strain your eyes;

What anesthesia is used to perform blepharoplasty?, depends on the client’s wishes and the doctor’s opinion after the test results. It is preferable to carry out under local anesthesia.

Pros and cons of anesthesia options:

    • Under local. With it, the risk of complications is much lower: it does not affect the entire body, the sedative effect eliminates anxiety before and during surgery, there is no pain. After blepharoplasty under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic within a few hours, if all indicators are normal. Rehabilitation takes much less time - up to 10 days. Afterwards, the patient almost completely returns to his normal life.

Minuses: you will have to endure the pain of the injection; a person can feel the touch of a scalpel, suturing. This type is suitable for those who are afraid of not waking up after general anesthesia, have contraindications, and can also switch their thoughts well and be distracted from everything that is happening.

    • Under general. Direct indications for medicinal sleep include: transconjunctival aesthetic plastic surgery, when the incision is made from the inside of the eyelid; blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids at once. Advantages of general anesthesia: the patient sleeps peacefully, the operation goes smoothly for the surgeon and staff. A person waking up after upper eyelid blepharoplasty under general anesthesia does not remember any parts of the operation.

Full recovery usually takes more than two weeks. And immediately after the intervention the patient will have to spend about a day in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. The pain after any type will be the same. Bruising and slight swelling may appear, which will go away on its own after a few days.

Read more in our article about blepharoplasty under anesthesia.

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What anesthesia is used for eyelid blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is intended to correct the shape of the upper and lower eyelids. With its help, you can make your look more open, remove bags under the eyes and change the shape of the incision. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia or medicated sleep.

Doctors believe that anesthesia is preferable to blepharoplasty under anesthesia. Especially if the operation is performed only on the upper or lower eyelid. Its advantage is to minimize the risks that may arise after medicated sleep. Plus, the person is given sedative therapy, as a result of which nervousness and anxiety are completely relieved.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

It is also possible to perform blepharoplasty under regional anesthesia. It eliminates sensation in the entire part of the body that is undergoing surgery. This may be used for particularly sensitive patients.

This operation in itself is not large-scale. The removed tissue takes up only a few grams. It can last from half an hour to 40 minutes, depending on the complexity of the goal.

Preparatory stage

Before undergoing blepharoplasty, the patient will have to undergo a certain set of tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood glucose level analysis;
  • HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • analysis of allergic reactions to anesthesia;
  • fluorography.

The person must also undergo consultations with a therapist and an anesthesiologist, who will take a complete medical history of the client.

Preparing for surgery is nothing complicated. It is important to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • you should not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before surgery;
  • smoking is prohibited;
  • the surgeon and anesthesiologist must be aware of all medications the patient is taking. Among them may be those that reduce blood clotting. They must be excluded 3 days before surgery;
  • A few days before blepharoplasty, take sedatives.

Right before the operation, the surgeon performs the following manipulations:

  • He uses a special marker to mark future cuts;
  • the skin is disinfected;
  • Then they inject or apply an anesthetic drug.


Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty under anesthesia is simple. But a complete absence of pain cannot be avoided. Doctors can always prescribe additional medications.

To avoid complications, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • do not strain your eyes;
  • the first two days it is forbidden to bend over a lot and move sharply;
  • you need to protect your eyes from the sun, harsh and bright light, it is better to use dark glasses;
  • You can’t get the seams wet, that is, wash your face or put on makeup;
  • temporarily stop wearing contact lenses.

What anesthesia is better?

Under what anesthesia to perform blepharoplasty depends on the wishes of the client and the doctor’s opinion after the test results. Since the operation is not a complex intervention, it is preferable to perform it under local anesthesia. Each type has its own pros and cons.

Under local

The risk of complications is much lower. Local anesthesia does not affect the entire body as a whole. Accompanying sedatives completely eliminate the patient’s anxiety before and during surgery. The man is half asleep.

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is performed using two methods:

  • by injection;
  • applique.

In the first case, a special composition is applied to the skin, which blocks the nerve endings. The second involves injecting an anesthetic under the skin. They may also give you an injection of a sedative at the same time.

Performing blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is not painful, since tactile sensations are completely lost. There may be unpleasant moments during injection. The patient can feel the touch of a scalpel and sutures. After the operation is completed, an anesthetic injection is given.

After blepharoplasty under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic within a few hours if all indicators are normal. In addition, the rehabilitation period is much shorter than with general treatment. It lasts up to 10 days. Afterwards, the patient almost completely returns to his normal life.

  • you will have to endure pain from an injection in such tender places as the upper and lower eyelids;
  • the client hears and sees everything that happens around;
  • local anesthesia resembles pain relief during dental treatment, that is, the person feels that something is being done to him.

This type is suitable for those who are afraid of not waking up after general anesthesia, have contraindications, and can also switch their thoughts well and be distracted from everything that is happening.

Watch this video about how blepharoplasty is performed using combined anesthesia:

Under general

These disadvantages may be unacceptable for the patient, so some choose medicated sleep. But there are also direct indications for performing blepharoplasty under general anesthesia. These include:

The advantage of general anesthesia is that the patient sleeps peacefully, the operation goes smoothly for the surgeon and staff. In addition, pain after any type of anesthesia will be the same. Bruising and slight swelling may also appear, which will go away on its own after a few days.

A person waking up after upper eyelid blepharoplasty under general anesthesia does not remember any parts of the operation.

Full recovery usually takes more than two weeks. Moreover, immediately after the intervention, the patient will have to spend about a day in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Blepharoplasty is not a complex operation, therefore, to reduce risks and facilitate the recovery period, it is performed under local anesthesia. But the final decision depends on the patient’s opinion and test results, the desired result. A painful recovery awaits in both cases.

Useful video

Watch this video about blepharoplasty under mini anesthesia: