Medicines for nerves and stress. A good fast-acting sedative for nerves - synthetic origin. Questions for students to independently prepare for class

Every day, most people face situations that cause tension in the nervous system. Such shocks cause stress - the most common disease of our time. According to statistics, every second woman and every third man suffers from a mental disorder, but only a few of them seek help from specialists. This is due to the fact that stress is not perceived by people as serious violations. However, research by scientists has shown that frequent nervous shocks cause the development of chronic stress, accompanied by constant unreasonable anxiety.

Factors that irritate nervous system, there are many, so almost no one is immune from stress. Elevated physical exercise, health problems, conflicts in the family and at work, as well as other reasons lead to disturbances in the rhythm of life. Similar condition psychologists call it " decompensation " We are talking about mental disorders provoked by increased exposure to external stimuli.

Signs of the disease

Chronic stress causes deterioration not only of emotional but also physical well-being. Patients experience the following psychological changes:

  • increased irritability;
  • severe anxiety;
  • sensitivity and tearfulness;
  • anxiety;
  • anxiety and bad feelings;
  • tension;
  • memory loss;
  • attention disorder.

Emotional deviations are complemented by somatic disorders:

  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • changes blood pressure;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • abdominal spasms.

When identifying most listed symptoms we can confidently talk about the development of a mental disorder. Modern and effective medications for stress and anxiety will help you cope with the problem.

Below is a list of popular and well-proven medicines with detailed characteristics.


A new generation drug, a synthetic anxiolytic, effectively restores anti-stress resources human body, due to which it does not cause dependence and addiction in patients. In comparison with many sedatives and anticonvulsants, Afobazole does not have an adverse effect on physical activity and does not suppress the activity of the nervous system. After taking it there are no such side effects, such as weakness, drowsiness, memory loss, absent-mindedness. In addition, Afobazol successfully copes not only with the psychological manifestations of stress and anxiety, but also eliminates somatic disorders associated with the development of mental disorder.

Treatment with this drug helps restore the natural processes of inhibition and excitation. The effect of Afobazole is gradual, therefore, to achieve a lasting result of therapy, it is necessary to take tablets in courses. The duration of treatment can range from two weeks to several months.

Afobazole has pronounced anti-anxiety properties, so it is often used for prevention by women with PMS and people suffering from VSD. The drug helps during treatment for alcohol and nicotine addiction.

Indications. Stress, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders, generalized anxiety disorders.

Contraindications. Increased sensitivity to active ingredients drug.


A tranquilizer from the group of anxiolytics, a derivative of diphenylmethane, has moderate sedative properties, and also has antiemetic and antihistamine effect. Atarax is a synthetic drug that helps improve mental activity, in particular memory and attention. The tablets effectively eliminate anxiety, relieve nervous tension and relieve insomnia. When taking the drug, a decrease in muscle tone and relaxation is observed.

Indications. Anxiety, increased irritability, psychomotor agitation, itchy skin.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the components of Atarax, porphyria, pregnancy and lactation, hereditary intolerance galactose.


The drug is a mild daytime tranquilizer with sedative properties. Chemical structure The product is close to the body’s natural metabolites. The action of Adaptol is expressed in the elimination and significant reduction of irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and fear. The calming effect of the tablets does not affect coordination of movements and does not suppress the activity of the central nervous system. There is no muscle relaxant effect and no feeling of euphoria.

Adaptol enhances the effect of sleeping pills and fights the manifestations of insomnia. The calming effect is combined with a nootropic.

Indications. Neuroses, emotional instability, stress and anxiety, nicotine withdrawal, cardialgia.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients, pregnancy and lactation.


A benzodiazepine derivative, an anti-anxiety tranquilizer. Grandaxin is not a sedative or muscle relaxant. There is also no anticonvulsant effect. The drug stimulates the activity of higher centers of the nervous system and normalizes psychovegetative reactions. Treatment with Grandaxin makes it possible to eliminate autonomic symptoms stress and anxiety.

Indications. Alcohol withdrawal, psychopathic disorders, accompanied by manifestations of anxiety, nervous tension, disorders of the autonomic system, apathy and physical weakness.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, aggressive-impulsive psychopathy; apnea syndrome, pregnancy and breastfeeding, respiratory failure.


Nootropic with moderate psychostimulating and tranquilizing effects. Treatment with Phenibut gives persistent positive results, reduces the severity of anxiety and restlessness, eliminates tension and fear, and helps normalize sleep. The drug reduces the frequency and degree of manifestations of nervous asthenia, relieves headaches and other autonomic disorders. There is also an improvement in mental activity and performance.

Phenibut is widely used in the treatment of both chronic and acute stress.

Indications. Anxiety-neurotic conditions, psychopathy, neurosis obsessive states, enuresis, stuttering and nervous tics in children, insomnia, complex treatment alcoholism, Meniere's disease.

Contraindications. Increased sensitivity.

Phenibut should be used with caution when peptic ulcer and erosion of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in liver failure. The advisability of taking pills during pregnancy and lactation is determined by the attending physician.


An active anxiolytic belonging to the group of nootropics, which is often used in the treatment of mental disorders caused by intoxication of the body and the influence of other unfavorable factors. Tenoten effectively calms and copes with anxiety, fear, and restlessness. Does not suppress mental and physical activity, normalizes cerebral circulation. The drug prevents the development of depression, strengthens the nervous system, improves memory and increases attention.

Indications. Organic and functional lesions of the central nervous system, accompanied by anxiety, fear, nervousness and restlessness, memory and attention disorders, decreased mood and apathy.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to Tenoten components, pregnancy and period breastfeeding, children under three years old.

Medications for stress and anxiety can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription, but they are recommended to be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Today it is almost impossible to do without sedatives, since the pace of life has increased and has a negative impact on certain categories of people.

For many, current conditions create serious problems. However, a person is afraid to admit them and tries to deal with his health alone, without confessing to either his loved ones or a doctor. He chooses drugs for nerves, often without knowing what they are exactly aimed at, being content only with the choice of a pharmacist from a pharmacy.

However, there is a large number of medicines with their own indications and contraindications. Cheap and imported, strong and weak. The choice of drugs should be taken responsibly.

Types of drugs

All drugs with sedative properties are usually called sedatives. They are divided into the following groups:

  • Sedatives natural (plant) origin. As a rule, they consist of extracts of valerian, lily of the valley, passionflower, and motherwort. All these components act gently and reduce the excitatory processes of the nervous system.
  • Antidepressants are drugs from the psychotropic group. Used for severe depression. Especially strong drugs– Azafen, Bifol, Pyrazidol. Aimed at normalizing emotional and general mental state.
  • Antipsychotic drugs – neuroleptics. The most effective are Tizercin, Truxal, Aminosin. Designed to eliminate acute neuroses, insomnia, and excessive psychomotor agitation.
  • Barbiturates are the most potent depressant, only when treating adult patients. They are quite dangerous, as they can suppress the activity of the nervous system and cause addiction. They are sold only with a doctor's prescription. Usually this is Seduxen, Relanium - they relieve increased anxiety and stress, without causing drowsiness.
  • Anxiolytic drugs (tranquilizers). This is a group of synthetic psychotropic drugs, which can with maximum effect relieve the patient from increased anxiety, groundless fears and phobias, relieve nervousness, overcome stressful conditions. Medicines based on benzodiazepines, which can be addictive, therefore should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor. These include drugs: Amitriptyline, Lorazepam, Diapesam, Frizium.
    Among the named sedatives, the safest are drugs based on plant components, since they expose the patient to a lesser extent to the risk of dependence on medications, they have few contraindications. Medicines with synthetic composition have a strong sedative effect,

Among the listed sedatives, the safest are those containing plant based, they have a minimum of contraindications and rarely cause side effects. Synthetic medicines with a strong sedative effect in case of overdose, they have a toxic effect on the body, and with prolonged use they cause drug addiction, so you can’t just buy them at the pharmacy. Such drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

How it works?

All types sedatives are designed to inhibit the functioning of the nervous system and reduce the degree of excitatory processes. At the same time, they relieve aggression, irritability, tearfulness, and scandalousness. These medications provide full functionality to the autonomic nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular system, reduce sweating, eliminate trembling of the limbs, and have a positive effect on the intestinal tract.

An important advantage calming tablets you can say that they allow you to fall asleep better. Moreover, these drugs are not hypnotics and do not affect the rhythm of the cerebral cortex. However, the drugs have a positive effect on a person’s sleep, help them fall asleep faster, and relieve concerns about external or internal stimuli.

Sedatives, acting in conjunction with sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and painkillers, increase the potency of the effect. Therefore, successful combinations of drugs allow you to reduce the dosage of the more severe ones in terms of influence and side effects.

Sedative medications are used to treat neuroses and neurasthenia. How additional funds can be used to eliminate sleep disorders. IN various combinations used with other drugs in the early therapeutic stages of treatment of cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, intestinal infections, climacteric syndrome.

Sedatives without prescriptions

In an ideal situation, each sedative is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Because the breakdown- sometimes evidence of a much stronger mental illness, and irritability sometimes indicates the presence hormonal imbalances or other diseases of internal organs.

However, the population is accustomed to choosing their own medications. Their list is growing every time, and the market is growing. Let's get acquainted with the spectrum sedatives presented in pharmacies.

Over-the-counter sedatives do not have serious side effects. They are not dependent on medication. These are the tablets:

      • Tenoten;
      • Triftazin;
      • Adaptol;
    • Adonis bromine;

    Let's look at a few of them as an example.

  • Afobazole

  • Belongs to the group of tranquilizers, with powerful sedative effect. The maximum effect in the fight against nervousness, irritation, fears, allows you to relax and fall asleep well. Taking the drug helps to cope with anxiety disorders and their causes, symptoms - tremor, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, intestinal problems. The product has few contraindications and is not recommended for people with high sensitivity. Cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.
  • Tenoten

  • The drug belongs to nootropics, i.e. provides antidepressant assistance, is a pronounced sedative, allows you to better cope with high mental stress, and improves mood. In addition, the tablets eliminate severe anxiety and nervousness. Taking these medications does not slow down a person’s activity, does not cause drowsiness, on the contrary, has a positive effect on memory, relieves psychosomatic disorders. The drug has no side effects, only on individual components.
  • Phenibut

  • A drug from the nootropic group. Its action is aimed at improving intellectual and physical activity and brain function. The medicine stabilizes the general emotional background, relieves insomnia.
    Thanks to their sedative properties, the tablets help fight anxiety, nervousness, eliminate vegetative disorders, anxiety, nervous tics and stuttering in children. Not recommended for people with medical conditions gastrointestinal tract, liver failure, during pregnancy and lactation. Give to children with caution, not under two years of age.
  • It is difficult to say which medications are better, since each individual person requires a different type of sedative. The choice of medication is purely individual. Depends on the reasons that cause signs of anxiety and neurosis. In addition, the price of the tablets also influences the choice of treatment.
  • Good sedatives of plant origin

    Medicines based on herbal components are the most harmless, non-toxic, have less effect on the bile ducts and pancreas, and do not burden the liver. ethnoscience has developed over centuries, which is why there are a large number of proven recipes, in which the properties of herbs have repeatedly proven themselves best sides in the treatment of nervous disorders. Today, without a doubt, scientists have learned to correctly combine plant raw materials with chemical ones, increasing the effectiveness of the drug without making it more dangerous or harmful.

  • So, the most popular means of combating nerves are medications based on valerian. For creating similar drug They use rhizomes and roots, sometimes leaves and stems of the plant. There are varieties of the product: tablets, extract, capsules, alcohol tincture, filter bags for tea, rhizome briquettes. All of them are aimed at reducing the excitability of the nervous system, normalizing sleep, enhancing sleeping pills. Intestinal spasms are reduced. Use alcohol tincture more effective than tablets. Just forty drops per 80 kilograms of the patient’s weight - and from nervous condition and there was no trace left. Provided, of course, that the person does not drink alcohol or other psychotropic drugs. Too much dosage will cause heart problems.
  • Preparations based on passionflower (passionflower incarnate). They are used to normalize sleep, get rid of groundless fears and phobias, increased anxiety, irritability, eliminate obsessive states and ideas. This is possible due to the presence of alkaloids and flavonoids in passionflower. Passion flower also has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects. With the help of this herb, medications for menopause are created (Alora in syrup or tablets), which can reduce stress, heart rate, and relieve headaches.
  • Another popular type is motherwort-based preparations. Sedatives from it are alcohol tincture, as well as drops consisting of motherwort and lily of the valley. There are also motherwort herbs and extract tablets.
  • For a nervous state and vegetative-vascular dystonia, peony tincture is used. And preparations with St. John's wort have sedative and antidepressant properties. Examples of such drugs are Deprim, Negrustin, Neuroplant tablets.

    Combined sedatives

    If the raw materials are combined, the effectiveness of the tablets increases. That is, they use various herbs and plant mixtures.

  • For example, the drug Fitosed. It consists of motherwort, oats, lemon balm, sweet clover, hawthorn, hops, and the base is alcohol. The medicine reduces stress and anxiety, harmonizes the mental state, eliminates the symptoms of insomnia, and reduces the level of fatigue. May be available in capsules or tincture. Do not use during lactation, as well as in case of circulatory disorders. Not recommended for pregnant women. Not recommended for long trips. Treatment usually takes place over a period of ten to thirty days.
  • Sedariston - prescribed for the appearance of autonomic neuroses. Consists of St. John's wort, valerian, lemon balm.
  • Valocormid is a remedy for cardiac neuroses with bradycardia. The drug is based on the components - lily of the valley, belladonna, valerian, menthol and sodium bromide.
  • Valoserdin is a mixture of peppermint, ethyl ester of bromoisovaleric acid, oils of oregano, phenobarbital. Produces a calming effect, reduces heart rate, removes intestinal disorders. It is used for nervousness of the cardiac system, pain and increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and insomnia. Over-the-counter.
  • Nervoflux is a mixture brewed in tea. It includes orange flowers, lavender, valerian rhizome extract, hop cones, mint leaves, licorice root. Typically used for sleep disorders and chronic stress.
  • Valosedan - necessary for excitatory processes of the nervous system, stress, neurosis. The inhibitory properties are increased thanks to doses of sodium barbital, as well as hawthorn, rhubarb, valerian contained in the medicine, ethyl alcohol, hops.


    Several years ago, stories were popular about how soldiers in the army were given bromine tincture in their tea. This was allegedly done with the aim of eliminating nervous breakdown and reducing the sexual urges of young conscripts.

  • Sedatives based on bromine or bromides actually inhibit some processes in the central nervous system, balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition. They are usually inexpensive and come in the form of drops or mixtures.
  • However, you should not overdo it with the dosage and time of taking these medications. If you do not control the consumption process, you will probably get poisoned. The phenomenon is known as bromism. The main signs of such poisoning are a dry cough, runny nose for no reason, skin rashes in the form of acne, and lacrimation.

    Alternative remedy

    One of the long-known remedies for nervousness is magnesia. A 25% magnesium sulfate solution is used from high pressure inside the skull hypertensive crisis. If the solution is administered orally, a sedative or hypnotic effect will be achieved. Magnesia relieves pain in smooth muscles, reduces pain syndrome in the uterus and intestines. At high dosages poisoning is possible, which can only be cured with calcium chloride.

    Homeopathic medicines

    Homeopathic sedatives are usually presented in mixtures vegetable herbs when adding sweeteners. The tablets usually dissolve in the mouth, the substances are absorbed and begin to work almost immediately after administration.
    Examples of such tools are:

    • Lorazepam;
    • Diazepam;
    • Bifol;
    • Fluoxetine;
    • Buspirone;
    • Sandoz;
    • Bromazepam;
    • Seduxen;
    • Aminazine;
    • Tizercin;
    • Phenazepam;
    • Amitriptyline;
    • Relanium.

    Phenazepam and Diazepam are among the most powerful tranquilizers that act comprehensively and are aimed at anticonvulsant, sedative, and hypnotic effects. These drugs treat severe neuroses, mental disorders and pathologies.

  • The disadvantages of such drugs from the groups of tranquilizers, neuroleptics, and antidepressants are that the drugs can cause dependence and addiction if the dosages are not followed. Side effects are also possible. Complications in the digestive, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems are possible.

    Cheap medicines

    Sedatives supplied by pharmacy chains are available in fairly large quantities, and there are also a huge variety of names. However, there are effective inexpensive tablets and drugs that won't help serious consequences for the family budget. These are the following drugs:

    • Valerian (from 20 rubles);
    • Glycine (from 40 rubles);
    • Bromcamphor (from 90 rubles);
    • Motherwort (from 24 rubles);
    • Adonis Brom (from 80 rubles);
    • Peony extract (from 80 rubles).

    Adonis bromine

    It consists of potassium bromide, a glycoside that is isolated from the medicinal plant - adonis. The drug is prescribed when a person is sick with vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurotic syndrome, which may be accompanied by rapid heartbeat, increased anxiety, tremors of the limbs, and excessive sweating. The medicine is used for sedative and cardiotonic purposes. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation, peptic ulcer disease, fructose intolerance.

Based on amino acids, sold in tablets, consumed by resorption under the tongue. Its action is aimed at calming, reducing anxiety, relieving psycho emotional stress. Taking medication helps improve intellectual capabilities, helps social adaptation, has a calming effect, and the drug is antitoxic. Glycine affects mood, reduces the degree of conflict and irritability, and helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and autonomic system. Allows you to overcome sleep disorders, helps to rehabilitate after a stroke. In adolescents, taking medications reduces aggressiveness and helps students withstand high mental stress.


Bromide. The purpose of the drug is to enhance inhibition processes and eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and brain, and normalize cardiac activity. Tablets are taken orally. They have a calming effect, reduce agitation, improve sleep, normalize blood pressure and heartbeat. Contraindicated in children under 7 years of age and in patients with liver and kidney failure. Separately, it is not recommended if you are sensitive to some components of the drug.

When choosing a sedative, one of the main factors should be not only the moderate cost, but also the guaranteed safety of the drug. Therefore, before purchasing any of the sedative medications, it is important to consult with a specialist and identify contraindications.
During the treatment period, it is important to maintain the dosage and follow the instructions.

Almost all people face stressful situations, neuroses, fears and anxiety. If left untreated, this condition can lead to mental disorders. To avoid this, it is important to visit a psychotherapist in time, who will select the most safe pills from nerves. Mild neuroses and depression can be treated with herbal preparations, and serious illnesses nervous system require prescription medications.

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    Drugs for adults

    To treat diseases of the central nervous system, drugs with sedative effect. Their action is to suppress excitation processes and activate inhibition. The drugs in this group do not have a hypnotic effect, but facilitate the process of falling asleep. They are distinguished by pronounced calming and anti-anxiety effects.

    Sedatives have a gentle effect on the body and are not addictive. They can enhance the effect of painkillers and sleeping pills. Minimum side effects makes it possible to use such drugs in the treatment of elderly people.

    Most sedative medications have natural composition, which makes them as safe as possible. However, you should not self-medicate - it is better to visit a psychotherapist who will diagnose accurate diagnosis and pick up optimal dosage medicines.


    Among the best sedatives and tranquilizers. Improves mood, has a positive effect on memory and thinking, relieves anxiety disorders and stimulates mental abilities. Indications for use are:

    • Anxiety disorders.
    • Neurasthenia.
    • Insomnia.
    • Vegetovascular dystonia.
    • Premenstrual syndrome.
    • State of quitting smoking.

    The drug has virtually no side effects and is not addictive. Thanks to these properties, Afobazole is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Its use is prohibited during pregnancy and under the age of 18 years. The recommended dosage per day is 30 mg. The course of treatment is from 14 days.


    A drug that has calming properties and has a completely natural composition. Made from extracts of valerian, mint and lemon balm. The sedative has the following readings for use:

    • Irritability.
    • Anxiety and fear.
    • Insomnia.
    • Mild neuroses.

    Persen does not cause addiction or side effects. It does not reduce concentration and speed of thinking. Take 2-3 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks. Contraindications include age under 12 years, pregnancy, arterial hypotension and cholelithiasis.


    The best anti-anxiety drug with a tranquilizing effect. Negrustin has a natural composition, the main component of which is St. John's wort. Indications for use:

    Anti-anxiety drug without hypnotic effect must be used in a course of 1 month. He doesn't provide negative influence on mental abilities and does not reduce concentration, but it will not be able to relieve anxiety immediately. The effect after its use is observed only after a few weeks.


    A good remedy for nervous tension on natural basis. Helps quickly calm nerves and relieve stress. Its effect can be noticed within half an hour after consumption. Must be used when:

    • Neurasthenia.
    • Insomnia.
    • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
    • Increased excitability.
    • Anxiety, excitement and fear.

    Novo-Passit affects the speed of thinking and concentration. The course of treatment is from 14 days. Daily dosage– 3 tablets. Contraindications are increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug, epilepsy, myasthenia, age up to 12 years. It is usually well tolerated, but can cause dizziness, drowsiness and gastrointestinal upset.


    Homeopathic medicine with calming and anti-anxiety effects. Does not impair concentration and mental abilities. It is used for neurotic conditions, stress, irritability and anxiety. Helps improve memory and increase resistance to stressful situations.

    It does not cause side effects and has a small list of contraindications. These include:

    • Age up to 18 years.
    • Pregnancy period.
    • Lactose deficiency.

    Tenoten must be used in a course, the duration of which is 1 month. You can take up to 4 tablets per day. The first result is observed only a few weeks after the start of the course.


    Herbal preparation based on St. John's wort extract is the most natural antidepressant. Its purpose is relevant when:

    • Mild depression.
    • Anxious states.
    • Low mood.
    • Increased sensitivity to climate and weather changes.

    Deprim must be used for at least 3 weeks to achieve a lasting effect. Recommended dosage is 3 tablets per day. Contraindications for use are:

    • Severe depression.
    • Taking other antidepressants or antiretroviral drugs.
    • Age up to 6 years.

    During treatment it is forbidden to drink alcohol. If Deprim does not have the desired effect after 3 weeks of use, it is recommended to consult a doctor and choose another medication. The drug affects concentration and speed of thinking.


    Most effective drug for the treatment of neurasthenia at home. Prescribed for asthenic and anxiety states, insomnia, anxiety, fear and anxiety. Helps with mild depression and dizziness caused by dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.

    Contraindications to taking Phenibut are individual intolerance, liver and renal failure, period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is well tolerated, but if the dosage is exceeded, it may cause drowsiness. During therapy you should not drink alcohol.

    The course of treatment ranges from 2 weeks and depends on the person’s mental state. Take 0.5 g 3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 0.75 g. While taking Phenibut, it is necessary to monitor liver function indicators and the morphological composition of the blood.


    Plant-based capsules for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. The drug has the following properties:

    • Normalizes sleep and mood.
    • Improves mental abilities.
    • Renders positive impact on the psycho-emotional state.
    • Promotes the production of serotonin.

    Anti-stress is recommended for use during periods of psycho-emotional and physical overload. The duration of treatment is 1 month, after which a break is taken for the same period and the course is repeated. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and is well tolerated.

    For children

    Self-prescribing anti-anxiety medications to children is prohibited. Their use is justified only in the presence of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Before using the products You need to visit a pediatrician and neurologist.

    A list of drug names used to treat anxiety in children includes:

    • Pantogam.
    • Glycine.
    • Corvalol.
    • Valerian.

    The choice of medication depends on the child’s age, diagnosis and presence allergic reactions. The safest are natural-based remedies, but for severe anxiety conditions they will not help, so the doctor selects a synthetic medicine.

    Adolescents are usually treated with herbal medicines. They help eliminate increased aggression and anger, are good for sleep and have minimal contraindications. These include:

    • Persen.
    • Phenibut.
    • Leovit.
    • Citral.

    To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, it is necessary to follow a daily routine, have sufficient sleep and eat well. Parents should control the time their child spends on the computer and other gadgets. The general climate in the family and the presence of understanding play an important role in the health of adolescents.

    Prescription drugs

    During prolonged anxiety disorders and neurasthenia, you need to contact a psychiatrist who will select the most effective medicine.The most powerful sedatives are prescription drugs the following groups:

    • Tranquilizers. They have a calming and sedative effect, eliminating feelings of fear and anxiety. Affects the speed of thinking and attention. These include Buspirone Sandoz, Diazepam, Adaptol, Grandaxin.
    • Neuroleptics. Used in treatment protracted depressions, epilepsy and neurotic conditions. The most popular of them are Haloperidol, Aminazine, Vertinex.
    • Antidepressants. Normalize mental and emotional state person. They are used to treat depression, schizophrenia and chronic alcoholism. The best antidepressants are Fluoxetine, Clofranil and Rexetine.

    These medications have a quick sedative effect; they must be taken according to the instructions for use. If the dosage is exceeded, they have a toxic effect on the body. Long-term use Prescription medications can cause addiction and dependence.


    There are a large number of pills for nerves and stress. They differ current staff and the effect it has. Pick up the right medicine is possible only after diagnosis, which requires consultation with a psychotherapist.

    Currently visit qualified specialist can be done anonymously.

Stress has become an integral part of our lives. Chronic stress, anxiety and fears drive us into a corner, contributing to the manifestation of insomnia, neuroses and depression. Spicy and chronic stress can provoke all sorts of diseases, among which the most dangerous is cancer.

Causes and manifestations

IN modern life There are many reasons that can trigger the occurrence of neurosis. If you dig deeper, stress and neuroses arise from conflict between inner desires person and the opportunity to realize them in life. The trigger factor can be either one traumatic situation of great force or chronic troubles that unsettle a person.

The main causes of neuroses and stress include failures at work (men suffer more), unfavorable marriages, unconscious internal conflicts, stressful work (doctors, teachers, hospice workers), chronic diseases and many others.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of temperament and mental stability, but even the most resilient of us sometimes need help to successfully cope with stress.

Neuroses are the most common type among all mental disorders, but most of these patients seek help from family doctors or therapists, or tries to treat his illness on his own.

Stressful conditions are characterized by the occurrence of the following conditions:

  • insomnia, shallow and intermittent sleep;
  • increased or decreased appetite (even to the point of absence);
  • feeling depressed, tired, empty, physical weakness; headaches, decreased memory and attention;
  • increased irritability, depression, high sensitivity to stress factors, excessive vulnerability;
  • tearfulness, tearfulness, feeling of melancholy, increased anxiety, emotional lability;
  • fatigue and inability to concentrate;
  • decreased libido.

Autonomic disorders may also occur: palpitations, sweating, hand tremors, fluctuations in blood pressure, and intestinal problems.


Stressful conditions need to be treated comprehensively and competently, since self-medication in in this case not the best the best choice, since it is very easy to suppress the symptoms, but not get rid of the very cause of stress: do not try to fight it yourself - this will not help you cope with the problem, but will only worsen the situation!

There is a certain list of drugs that help get rid of neurosis and stress.

AfobazoleA synthetic drug, the action is aimed at a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mildly stimulating effects. Afobazole reduces anxiety, tension, and vegetative manifestations. This medicine is available in tablets and is not addictive. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.300 rub.
AtaraxThe drug is a daytime tranquilizer (anxiolytic). Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Atarax tablets have a moderate sedative, antiemetic, and antihistamine effect. This medicine improves memory and attention, relieves anxiety, and helps get rid of itching in eczema and dermatitis. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier and is not prescribed during pregnancy.270 rub.
GrandaxinA daytime tranquilizer, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives, mainly has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect and does not have a sedative (calming), muscle relaxant, or anticonvulsant effect. Used to normalize psychovegetative reactions, eliminates autonomic disorders. It has an average stimulating activity on the higher centers of the nervous system. Dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.From 203 to 607 rubles.
AdaptolIt is a mild tranquilizer, it does not have a hypnotic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also increases performance and mental activity. Can be used as a daytime tranquilizer. Adaptol is available in tablets.600 rub.
TenotenNootropic drug with antixiolytic activity. It has a calming and anti-anxiety effect without causing hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Mainly used for chronic intoxications, hypoxia, with various violations blood circulation of the brain. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.196 rub.
PhenibutA nootropic drug that has a moderate tranquilizing, psychostimulating effect, reduces the manifestations of nervous asthenia and vagovegetative symptoms, moderately increases physical activity and mental activity. Phenibut tablets help reduce anxiety, tension, worry and fear, and normalize sleep physiology. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. This drug is used in the treatment of acute and chronic stress.123 rub.
NovopassitA drug plant origin, contains extracts of valerian rhizomes, hop cones and old flowers. Shots well nervous excitement, restores sleep.280 rub.
PersenA sedative (calming) drug, of plant origin, has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Contains extracts of valerian rhizomes, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.320 rub.
AzafenA drug from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Improves mood and has a mild sedative effect. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.192 rub.
AmitriptylineA drug from the group of inhibitors of neuronal monoamine uptake. Helps get rid of depression of any etiology, as well as with severe neurosis with a predominance of the anxiety componentFrom 38 to 62 rubles.

If you are prescribed any of these drugs, it is very important to take it full course, which was prescribed by the attending physician. This should be done to consolidate the effect and prevent possible relapses.

Patients with severe cases of neuroses must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Separate groups of drugs

The main drugs for treatment are divided into two groups - those of plant and synthetic origin. Medicines from the group of psychotropic drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist, these include antidepressants, antipsychotics, nootropics and tranquilizers.


Antidepressants are drugs belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs. They are used to eliminate symptoms of depression, reduce feelings of melancholy, anxiety, relieve feelings of apathy and lethargy, reduce internal emotional stress, and normalize sleep and appetite. Basic antidepressants include the following drugs- fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), fevarin and azaphene. Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist, starting with small doses, the duration of treatment is several months to consolidate the effect. Antidepressants also have side effects - hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, itching, weight gain, and more. These medications are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.


Nootropics are drugs that have a specific effect on the nervous system and are neurometabolic stimulants. Nootropics stimulate human mental activity, activate cognitive function brain, increase learning ability, and also increase the brain’s resistance to damaging factors (for example, hypoxia). A prominent representative of this group is piracetam. The group of nootropics also includes glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), phenotropil, mexidol. These drugs (except GABA) are available without a doctor's prescription. Glycine is available in tablets and is successfully used to treat stress and neuroses.


This group medicines, which are used to reduce symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fear and emotional stress. This occurs due to a decrease in excitation processes in the subcortex of the brain. There is also a mild sleeping pill and sedative.


Neuroleptics are antipsychotic drugs. They affect the higher centers of the brain. To the group antipsychotic drugs includes chlorpromazine, eglonil, clopixol, sonapax. Neuroleptics have different action on the body - they calm, reduce the threshold of reactions to stimuli, help reduce symptoms of psychomotor agitation and tension, reduce the level of fear, anxiety and aggression. They suppress productive symptoms in schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations). Prescribed only by a psychiatrist and dispensed at a pharmacy according to prescription form with doctor's orders.

Herbal preparations

Herbal sedatives can be produced in the form of various herbal preparations and in tablets, capsules, and syrups. Herbs that have a sedative (calming) effect: chamomile, sage, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort. There are tablet forms of motherwort and valerian.

Non-drug methods

In addition to using medications, it is necessary to model your lifestyle. First, you should get rid of stress factors if possible or change your attitude towards them.

Try to get enough sleep. After all chronic lack of sleep is also a powerful stress factor. You should also start playing sports. Firstly, it helps keep the body toned and balanced. Secondly, this is another way to organize your thoughts and throw out negative energy.

We all have quite difficult experiences from time to time. life situations, which greatly exhaust the nervous system. Against the background of stress, anxiety may increase, insomnia and other problems may occur. unpleasant symptoms. Of course, there is no point in tolerating such health problems, and it is best to get rid of them, making your life more harmonious and calm. But sometimes it seems you can’t do without medication. Today we will tell readers of Popular About Health what anti-anxiety medications can be purchased without prescriptions, and we will provide a list of such medications.

Today, the list of anti-anxiety medications that can be freely purchased at pharmacies is quite limited. All “strong” medications are available only by prescription. However, there are a number of drugs that are still freely available.

Calming pills for anxiety


One of the available and effective anti-anxiety drugs is Afobazole. Its use helps:

Get rid of anxiety, concern, fears and bad feelings;

Neutralize irritability with tension, fearfulness, tearfulness;

Improve mood;

Neutralize the bodily symptoms of anxiety (in muscles, sensory organs, cardiovascular system etc.);

Improve concentration and memory.

It is worth noting that Afobazole does not give an effect immediately, but only after five to seven days of use, and the maximum result is achieved after a month of therapy. The use of Afobazole cannot cause addiction.

The drug has a minimum of contraindications, presented by:

Allergy to its components;

Pregnancy and lactation;


You need to take three Afobazole tablets (30 mg) per day, dividing them into three doses. Duration of therapy is two to four weeks.


This medicine also belongs to the group of anxiolytics - anti-anxiety drugs. A good sedative for anxiety. The manufacturer claims that taking Tenten tablets allows you to:

Achieve a calming and anti-anxiety effect;

Avoid hypnogenic or muscle relaxant results;

Improve tolerability various loads on the psyche;

Neutralize the effects of hypoxia (acts as a neuroprotector, optimizes learning processes and has a positive effect on memory).

Tenoten has a minimum of contraindications; it cannot be used for:

Allergies to its components;

Under 18 years of age;

Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The medicine is available in the form of lozenges. They need to be taken one or two at a time, kept in oral cavity until completely dissolved. Reception should be carried out twice a day, it is possible to increase the frequency of use up to four times a day. The duration of therapy with Tenoten can range from one to three months. Sometimes doctors extend the duration of treatment to six months. If necessary, the course of treatment with the drug can be repeated after one to two months.

It is worth noting that Tenoten is not capable of causing dependence and unwanted effects, with the exception of possible symptoms individual intolerance (allergy).


This drug also helps with anxiety. According to the instructions, this is a herbal medicine that will help cope with depressed mood and anxiety, and also help restore vigor and performance. Deprima tablets are based on St. John's wort extract. The medicine has a cumulative effect, therefore, the maximum effect can be achieved only when taken every day for several weeks. The therapeutic result from such treatment becomes noticeable after ten to fourteen days of use.

Deprim has a minimum of contraindications; it is not prescribed:

During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Children under adulthood;

If you are allergic to its components.

For achievement desired effect tablets should be taken one at a time three times a day, washed down a small amount water.

There are a number of drugs on sale that are similar to Deprim in composition and mechanism of action:


Deprim forte;


Gelarium Hypericum, etc.

Herbal sedatives

Many people are helped to cope with anxiety by medications based on extracts of various medicinal plants. Just such means apply Persen, containing extracts of valerian, lemon balm, and mint. Its use allows:

Calm down;

Cope with increased nervous excitability;

Reduce the severity of anxiety or neutralize it;

Eliminate irritability.

Persen has few contraindications:

Allergy to its components;

Children under twelve years of age;

Low blood pressure;

Deficiency of lactase, sucrase;

Lactose and fructose intolerance;

The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, they need to be taken two or three times a day. Maximum duration course of therapy – one and a half to two months.

They also have different sedative qualities:


Tinctures of valerian, peppermint, motherwort and hops.

To more effectively combat anxiety on your own, you can also take a closer look at the following medications:



Rhodiola rosea;



If you feel like you can't cope with negative consequences stress, be sure to consult a doctor. You may need to use more serious medications under the supervision of a specialist.

If you can go to the doctor one of these days and you are worried about what to take for anxiety right now, then you know the answer to your question. It’s simple, anyone who has carefully read the text will be able to list without any problems some of the herbs for anxiety that are part of the above-mentioned remedies. Here you can brew them according to the instructions on the package.


Video “Dmitry Kovpak on how to get rid of anxiety and fear”

Video “How to get rid of anxiety and anxious thoughts?”