Caucasian Shepherd or Alabai difference. The largest alabai in the world - characteristics and photos. Which breed do you like best?

Central Asian wolfhound, Central Asian or Turkmen shepherd dog - these names belong to one animal, which is simply called alabai. Its appearance dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. Harsh living conditions have formed certain characteristics in the Alabai dog breed, which can be assessed even from photographs.

Description of Alabai

Dogs are famous for their size and character. The height of bitches at the withers reaches 60 – 69 cm, weight 40 – 65 kg. Males grow to 65 – 78 cm and weigh 55 – 79 kg. The parameters are written in the standard. Appreciate the full power of the Alabai, compare the dog in the photo with a person when an adult stands on its hind legs!

Wolfhounds have different coat colors: brindle, white, red, light gray or black. It is better to look at the appearance in the photographs. But let's focus on the ears and tail. Interestingly, based on the remains of the shepherd's ancestors, they determined that docking was carried out 4 thousand years ago. The tradition continues, although animal rights activists are trying to eradicate it.

What do you think, should dogs’ ears and tails be docked? Write in the comments.

How much an alabai eats per day depends on its age, health status and caloric content of food. The general rule for dogs is: puppies 5 – 7% of body weight, adults – 3.5%. Feed 1-2 times a day. Each dish consists of 50% meat, the remaining half is vegetables, fruits, cereals, and dairy products.

On average, an adult Alabai, one of the largest dogs in the world, eats about 5 kg of food per day.

Free - freedom

Historically, shepherd dogs were bred to be guard dogs. They served in the pastures, accompanied caravans, and prevented people from entering homes. In performing these functions, individuals were subjected to strict natural selection. “Guardian genes” were passed on to new generations.

This gave the Alabai dog breed the physical characteristics that we see in the photo. The lifestyle of the ancestors also affected the character of the wolfhounds. A reserved but fearless pet is loyal to its owner and is ready to protect its breadwinner, his family and home. However, the animal is freedom-loving and requires a certain approach. Only an experienced dog breeder can handle raising a dog.

The question often comes up on forums: is it possible to keep an Alabai on a chain? Dog handlers recommend avoiding this method of keeping most breeds. The wolfhound often begins to experience depression or fits of anger. An enclosure is being set up for him.

Even the largest Alabai in the world is characterized by adequate behavior. He is ready to fight, but will only attack if necessary. Interestingly, shepherds independently determine the territory that they should protect.

When there are uninvited guests in their area, dogs can become aggressive. Where are the borders? This is a secret from others and the owner.

Comparison of breeds by size

You will see a story about the largest alabai and its photos below. It should be noted that there are larger pets than the Alabai. Let's look at how the sizes of different dogs compare and find out which breeds are in the lead.

Who is bigger: Tibetan Mastiff or Alabai?

The shepherd's guard colleague, the mastiff, also shows restraint towards people. A distinctive feature of this breed is its ability to live in a family and friendliness. The character and size of individuals are determined by the same protective instincts.

Males at the withers reach at least 66 cm, females - 61 cm. According to average indicators, wolfhounds are inferior to mastiffs by 1 cm.

Malamute or Alabai, who is bigger?

Malamutes played the role of sled dogs in the Eskimo tribe in Alaska. Pets require frequent walks. Keeping it in the country is dangerous for the garden beds. Under natural conditions, Malamutes feed on rodents, so they love to rummage in the ground.

The standard height for males is 63.5 cm, for females - 58.5. Those. Alabai are larger than Malamutes.

Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd - who is bigger?

The mountain cousin of the wolfhound was used to accompany the herd. A Caucasian man can withstand bad weather conditions. In communication with people it is adequate with proper training. You cannot leave your dog alone with children.

The way of life in natural conditions has developed a special model of behavior. A shepherd dog can be in a state of absolute calm, jump up sharply, pounce, and calm down again. The minimum height at the withers for males is 68 cm, for females – 64 cm. On average, Caucasian males are larger than Alabais.

Who is bigger: St. Bernard or Alabai?

According to the standard, the height of St. Bernard males reaches 90 cm, females - 80 cm. Despite their impressive parameters, these pets get along well with humans. They are easy-going, easy to train, and play with children.

Dogs have an outstanding sense of smell and endurance, which is why they participate in rescue operations during avalanches. Who is bigger than St. Bernard? The answer is obvious, because the rescuer is superior to the Asian not only in size, but also in mass. The weight of individuals is at least 70 kg. This is the largest dog breed.

Alabai - Bulldozer

This is the name of the largest alabai in the world, and here is its photo. The giant lives in the Stavropol Territory with the owner Alexander Khudyakov. The dog has been participating in dog fighting since the age of three and has achieved serious results. The master's house is hung with certificates and diplomas.

Adult Alabai dog - photo with a person

The largest alabai in the world became the Pride of Russia, the Champion of Russia, and the winner of international competitions. Now Bulldozer is retired, but maintains an active lifestyle. He gets along well with the children of the owner and his guests. If desired, you can ride on your back. And the wolfhound’s first offspring have already grown up and achieved good results in competitions.

At 9 years old, the Alabai captured in the photo has the heaviest weight in the world - about 130 kg. When rising on its hind legs, its height reaches 2 meters. All won titles and personal achievements are the result of daily hard work. Every day the Bulldozer covers tens of kilometers, the walk lasts 6 hours.

To appreciate the Alabai, the world's largest dog of its kind, watch the video.

Alabai in the photo appears as a majestic and powerful pet, although not the largest in the world. It is important to remember that keeping such a dog has many nuances. It takes experience, time, effort and patience to train her.

Choosing a dog for fights. Leave your sentimentality towards animals, I ask you to answer only those who really know about dog fights. There are only Alabai and Caucasian to choose from. It is possible to train an animal and buy a quality puppy. Please describe all the pros and cons of the breeds in combat. If anyone really helps, they will receive special thanks. Don’t offer any babies, rats, or erks of any kind. Waiting for an answer.


dick is stronger




Before choosing - Caucasian or Central Asian? The question is not at all so clear-cut. We asked it in two versions. The first one is in the sense of “who should I buy?” We have already written that in most cases an Asian is more flexible, while a Caucasian has a more explosive character. But the Caucasian is more impressive in appearance and more reliable as a security guard. We once had to be present at a completely egregious case of judicial tactlessness, to put it mildly. Finishing the judging of the Asian rings, the Slovak expert, who had already amused the audience enough with his antics and crawling on all fours, suddenly declares: “Whoever wants a smart dog takes an Asian, whoever wants a fool takes a Caucasian!” This is in front of the Caucasian rings and in the presence of their owners! One of the spectators surrounding the ring shouts: “What difference does it make?” The expert readily explains: “If a person climbs over a fence, a Caucasian will immediately kill him, but an Asian will first think for a second and then kill him.” The same voice, shouting over the audience’s laughter, asks the same question: “So what’s the difference!?” This case is very indicative and very well illustrates the abyss of knowledge and understanding of wolfhounds by foreign “all group” “specialists.” But there is another meaning of what we asked question. Are Caucasians and Asians one breed, or two? Far from the problems of cynology, this question may seem at least strange. But! Indeed, there are officially two breeds registered by the FCI - the “Caucasian Shepherd Dog” and the “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”. We will not repeat ourselves, once again proving that they are not shepherd dogs (“sheep dogs”), whose functions are herd management (German, Scottish, Belgian and other shepherds), and shepherd dogs, whose main function is to protect the herd. More than enough has already been written about this in the domestic canine literature by such authoritative specialists as Krasnova, Eisenberg, Mychko, Belenky and many others. But this is not the problem. It would be dishonest to readers not to note the fact that some experts consider wolfhounds to be one breed after all. And although the authors themselves tend to divide wolfhounds into two breeds, emphasizing their common origin and close relationship, we will still dwell on this in more detail. So, there are two trends: “delimiting” and “unifying”. Supporters of the first insist on emphasizing the differences between a Caucasian and an Asian: the structure of the skulls (primarily), colors, coat, and psyche. Considering wolfhounds in this way, they are sometimes overly keen on distinguishing between intra-breed types, singling out Caucasians as Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, dividing them into long-haired (mountain), transitional and short-haired (steppe or lowland), and these, in turn, into the Gergeti, Gorban, Dagestan types etc. , Turkmen Asians (Alabai), Uzbek, Kazakh, etc. But it is probably fair to say that in factory conditions this division is already quite arbitrary. Supporters of “unification” tendencies (and this point of view is supported by very authoritative experts - experts on wolfhounds) fundamentally These dogs are called “shepherd dogs” or “wolfhounds of Asian origin.” And their arguments are also very convincing. We will return to the problems of the official status and classification of wolfhounds. And at the end of this chapter, we would like to warn novice wolfhounds against a primitive solution to the problem: if shaggy and with a tail, it means a Caucasian, and if short-haired, without a tail or black, it means Asian! The fact is that Caucasians also often have their tail docked, while Asians have the length of the guard hair reaches 8 centimeters, and black Caucasians are very valued in Armenia, although from the point of view of the compilers of the standard k.o. This is a disqualifying fault.


I will answer you this way: 1. The best match pitmen knock down both Alabais and Caucasians.2. The Caucasian Shepherd is better due to its thicker coat. Although in battle everything depends on the dog itself, and not on the breed... the better protection of the body of Caucasians allows them to receive less damage.3. Take a Caucasian Shepherd from dogs of a special fighting line.4. If you want more victories, buy a sheep, raise it with a Caucasian and before the start of the battle let him smell the wool of this sheep. Or better yet, challenge the enemy to fight in front of a herd of sheep...5. According to shepherds, Caucasians often become winners. Again, these are just general statistics.6. The main key to success is training. You need to train strength, endurance, bite and tactics. Remember point 6, and force the person you hire to train the animal to do everything! 1. Force – traction of a cart with a load. 2. Endurance - running after a car (don’t try to follow a big one - a Caucasian will drag you to hell, this is a stupid machine) 3. Bite - the dog should chew food regularly + teach how to rip a tire. 4. Tactics is the most difficult factor, you need a dummy of the enemy dog... in short, there are many ways.7. Look for a good trainer. By observing all 7 factors, your dog will be a champion. How do I know this? Because shepherd dogs most often do not train properly... and only a few can afford to train them. you!


The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a breed of dog whose region of origin is the Caucasus. Today, the guarding qualities of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are the most sought after in the breed. However, not every dog ​​has an innate ability to guard, and it is passed on only genetically. I saw both dogs in kennels and still the Alabai is stronger! His paws and build are stronger! Although a canine specialist can say more precisely! The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai, Turkmen Wolfhound) is an ancient breed of dog bred in the regions of Central Asia - Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Used for herding, security and guard duty. An important feature of the breed: the Central Asian Shepherd Dog can enter into battle only in cases of obvious danger to the protected property - property or the owner himself, or when attempting to violate the boundaries of the protected zone.


You're just a weirdo if you're from a different letter!


In all seriousness, among aboriginal dogs there are separate lines of fighters (not guard dogs, not wolfhounds, but fighting dogs). Among and you need to look. And who exactly is stronger: a Caucasian or a Central Asian depends on the individual qualities of individual dogs: one is stronger and more massive, the other is lighter and more agile.


go to the ring yourself

The question itself about choosing a dog for fights indicates the inadequacy of the questioner

Both shepherd dogs - Caucasian and Central Asian - have the same security functions and are able to scare off a potential intruder with just their appearance. The dogs are large, powerful, hardy. When comparing breeds, it is difficult to accurately determine who is stronger, the Alabai or the Caucasian Shepherd. Each variety has its own advantages.


Comparison of Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs makes it possible to identify similarities between them. They primarily concern the exterior of animals and their purpose.

In appearance, the dogs are similar in large dimensions, which is clearly visible in the presented photos.

  • alabai 0.65 -0.80 m and 40-80 kg;
  • Caucasian 0.60-0.75 m and 45-75 kg.

Both shepherds are guard dogs. They were bred to look after flocks of sheep in pastures, escort trade caravans, and guard homes. Life in the natural environment has developed in animals unpretentiousness, the ability to quickly adapt to conditions, endurance and immunity to disease.

The need to protect the owner’s property determined the style of behavior - wary, attentive. One of the names of the dogs is wolfhound, indicating their ability to engage in open combat with the gray predator and defeat it.

Caucasians and Central Asians are distinguished by self-esteem, nobility and self-will.


Differences between representatives of the breeds are noticeable in the character and behavior of individuals. The Caucasian wolfhound is a self-sufficient individual who does not like to be subordinated. The owner must show will and restraint in order to force him to respect himself and unquestioningly carry out commands. At the same time, the Caucasian’s devotion extends exclusively to the owner; other people are perceived by him as strangers.

Alabais are also used to living in freedom, but they are more attached to people and not only to one owner, but to the whole family. The dog is tolerant of children and other pets in the house. He is not inclined to show aggression unnecessarily. It is difficult for Alabai to be alone; he misses his family.

On average, the lifespan of the Central Asian Shepherd is slightly longer than that of the Caucasian: 13 and 11 years, respectively.

Thus, if we compare the two breeds, then the Alabai is better suited for living in a house with a family. But the Caucasian will prove himself to be an unrivaled watchman for protecting the territory. He is more aggressive and independent.

The advertisements for sale also offer crossbreeds. A mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd Dog inherits the external features of its parents. He is large, shaggy, adapted to life on the street. However, with a mixture of two different breeds, the character of the cub may be unstable.

In the photo is a mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd

Who is stronger?

Large, powerful dogs with similar characteristics are attracted not only for security activities. They are often forced to take part in dog fights. The confrontation between a Caucasian and an Asian is considered the most unpredictable, since it is difficult to predict in advance who will be stronger.

Both dogs have the same benefits.

  • The Caucasian wolfhound is fearless, aggressive, lightning fast, and smart.
  • The Central Asian wolfhound is decisive, brave, fast, rational.

The Caucasian is the first to enter the fight. It is easier to anger him and set him on the enemy. In the heat of battle, he quickly loses his head and acts more instinctively than deliberately.

Alabai strives to win the battle in order to gain the approval of his master. He thinks through his actions. His main tactic is to harass the enemy with constant attacks, and then show an iron grip.

Which breed do you like best?

Caucasian Shepherd or Alabai: the difference

The comparison shows that the differences between the Alabai and the Caucasian Shepherd appear primarily in the temperaments of both animals. The Caucasian is an independent creature who values ​​his freedom and is not accustomed to obey, often allowing himself to ignore everyone except his master. He needs a lot of space for physical activity. He makes a good watchdog, because he is smart and has a tendency to protect his owner from any dangers. Can be aggressive, rush at strangers and bite painfully.

Caucasians do not require special care; they live quietly on their own, without additional care. The average lifespan of such a dog is 11 years.

Alabai also needs freedom. He is much more obedient, eager to receive his master's attention. He loves not only the person who tamed him, but also the entire family in which he lives. Gets along well with other pets and does not offend small children. Patient and quite flexible, not prone to aggression. Loves to demonstrate all his dexterity and courage. Lives for about 13 years.

The difference between the Caucasian Shepherd and the Alabai is obvious: the first breed is much more aggressive, impetuous and freedom-loving than the second.

Who is bigger: Alabai or Caucasian?

Alabai is a dog of impressive size, with a height of as much as 65 cm. Some adult dogs reach 80 cm. They weigh from 40 to 80 kg.

The Caucasian is slightly smaller: his height is approximately 60 cm, rarely exceeding 75 cm. Weight ranges from 45-75 kg.

So who is bigger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd? Overall, Alabai. Much is determined by nutrition, intensity of exercise and regularity of walks. It is important to note that bitches are shorter and thinner than cables.

Who is stronger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd?

It doesn’t matter whether an Alabai or a Caucasian lives with you: each of the breeds will protect you if necessary. If you compare the Caucasian Shepherd and the Alabai, it turns out that the dogs have almost the same strength indicators. The difference is noticeable only in the manner of their behavior. The Caucasian quickly gets angry, attacks the enemy without hesitation, and acts fearlessly. He is superior to the Alabai in intelligence, he can understand and even predict the tactics of the offender.

Alabai is somewhat larger, and this is its advantage. He reacts with lightning speed and is ready to do anything to earn praise. Thinks through his actions in advance, hits powerfully, bites hard.

Alabai outperforms his no less worthy opponent, but not in strength, but in thoughtful tactics that help him win even the most brutal fights.

Alabai or Caucasian: who to choose?

It is impossible to say for sure which is better: the Alabai and the Caucasian are completely different dogs in character. If you are going to raise your pet alone, you can safely choose a devoted Caucasian. Be careful when buying it for a home with children: they may not be able to make friends. If your family also wants to take part in raising a new pet, consider purchasing a more friendly Alabai. Your own behavior also plays a role. Alabai people tend to want to show off. They get used to doing rash acts if they are constantly provoked to do so. Remember: imbalance can lead to tragic consequences.