Inexpensive solution for foot odor. Effective remedies for sweaty feet

Sweaty, foul-smelling feet cause a lot of trouble for a person suffering from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Moreover, these problems are related not so much to physiology as to psychology. When their feet sweat, people feel embarrassed to wear open shoes in the summer, they try not to take off their shoes when visiting or in a store to try on shoes. We will review the most effective pharmaceutical remedies for sweating and foot odor.

The causes of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor in men, women, and adolescents are:

  • synthetic socks, tights, insoles;
  • insufficient foot hygiene;
  • closed shoes and wearing them in a warm room;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • reinforced physical exercise;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • foot fungus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • skin diseases.

Before choosing a remedy for sweating feet, you need to find out the cause of the disease, and then take action. You should consult a dermatologist who will give useful recommendations for foot care and will prescribe a prescription for the necessary medicine.

Initially, the doctor prescribes sedatives, since increased sweating often develops against a background of anxiety and stress. Such drugs include motherwort and valerian tincture. Only for people with increased excitability, these remedies do not really help.

The dermatologist also prescribes bromides or tranquilizers. The disadvantage of these medications is that they are quickly addictive and usually their use is limited to 21 days. Such drugs relieve well increased excitability, stress and anxiety, which are common reasons hyperhidrosis.

Help with this disease products containing atropine. They act on sweat glands and sweating is significantly reduced. But it should be noted side effects in the form of decreased visual acuity, constipation, headaches.

The most popular and effective drugs

Today you can buy foot odor remedies at the pharmacy without any problems. The pharmaceutical industry offers wide choose drugs that help fight hyperhidrosis.


A good remedy for sweaty feet, capable of destroying bacteria on the feet and toes. It is an antiseptic, dries the skin, and reduces sweat production. You should be aware that the drug contains formaldehyde, which is toxic if it gets into Airways irritates them. Formidron is best used in the morning, applying it to clean, dry feet and between the toes. Use the drug no more than twice a day for no more than a month. It is forbidden to use it if there are lesions on the skin or if there is a tendency to be allergic to the components of the drug.

Formaldehyde-based anti-sweating foot product. Formagel is applied to the interdigital areas of the foot for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off warm water. The drug is effective for two weeks, then the procedure should be repeated. Formagel is used for no more than 3 days. Longer use may lead to dry skin or chemical burns. In the presence of open wounds, damage or allergic reactions the product should not be used.

Teymur's pasta

This is one of the most effective remedies for sweaty feet. Has a deodorizing, disinfecting and drying effect. The paste contains zinc oxide, which disinfects the skin, boric acid, which has a disinfectant effect, and talc, which dries well. Apply a thin layer of the product to dry, clean feet before bedtime and rub in until full penetration into the skin. The disadvantages of the ointment include the fact that it stains the laundry.


A therapeutic cream against foot odor that can destroy harmful bacteria and reduce sweat. The effectiveness of the drug cannot be reduced even by increased physical training and adoption of water procedures.


This drug is usually used to treat genitourinary system, but it can also be used to prevent your feet from sweating. Apply it to dry and cleanly washed feet using a cotton swab, focusing Special attention interdigital areas. After treatment, you must wear warm socks. In the morning, feet should be washed with warm water and sprinkled with talcum powder.


It is an effective remedy for foot odor. Slows down the growth and reproduction of bacteria and foot fungus. This cheap powder is sold in any pharmacy. You can treat your feet with it and pour it into your shoes at the same time.

A popular antiperspirant to prevent your feet from sweating. Eliminates unpleasant odor, the leg remains dry. However, you should not use it frequently, since Drisol clogs the sweat glands and skin pores.

Pasta Lassara

One of the best means from sweaty feet. Dries the skin, eliminates inflammation, soothes. This anti-sweat product creates a thin protective film on the skin of the feet, absorbs excess moisture, keeping feet dry for a long time. The paste contains zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, starch, and salicylic acid.


Preparations based on starch, talc, boric acid, burnt alum is great for getting rid of odor and sweaty feet. The powder slows down the growth of fungus and bacteria and absorbs sweat.

In order to get rid of sweat and foot odor, it is not enough just to use medicinal pharmaceutical products. It is necessary to take care of the hygiene of your feet, carefully choose socks, tights and take care of shoes so that your feet feel comfortable. So it is better to treat shoes or boots with water-repellent cream; the inside of the shoes should be dried and treated weak solution potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or vinegar.

Anti-sweating agents and bad smell legs, pharmacy chains and modern pharmaceuticals offer a large number of. Their choice depends on the cause of such trouble as hyperhidrosis. An individually selected remedy for sweating and foot odor will keep your feet dry and clean, and they will stop smelling. A person will regain self-confidence, because now you can safely take off your shoes without fear of leaving a sweaty mark or scaring others with a disgusting smell.

Not everyone can find an affordable and effective remedy for sweaty feet. For a long time get rid of the problem excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor was very difficult, since on pharmaceutical market There were simply no drugs available to combat this disease. But today the most popular ones are widely represented on the pharmacy shelf. various means against hyperhidrosis. All that remains is to choose which of them is the most effective.

Top 5 pharmaceutical remedies for sweaty feet

Modern remedies for foot hyperhidrosis, available in the form of gels, ointments, powders and sprays, have complex action. They normalize work sweat glands, prevent the growth of bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors. The use of the following drugs shows good results:

These products are equally effective for both men and women. In most cases, with the help of these drugs you can completely get rid of the problem of foot hyperhidrosis. But if no result is observed even after long-term use, you should definitely consult a doctor: excessive sweating may be a sign of a disease internal organs, and in this case, medications for sweaty feet may indeed be powerless.

Antiperspirants for foot hyperhidrosis

To eliminate foot hyperhidrosis, special medical antiperspirants are often used, which not only mask the unpleasant odor, but fight the growth of bacteria and reduce excessive sweating. As a rule, the main active substance such agents is aluminum chloride, which has astringent properties. The higher its content in the drug, the higher its effectiveness. However, you need to keep in mind that this substance can penetrate the human body and, according to some data, cause harm to health.

One of the most popular and well-known antiperspirants in this segment is Dry Dry, produced in spray form. The product is applied to clean, dry feet 1 hour before bedtime, and washed off with water in the morning. It is recommended to use Dry Dry as needed, but not more often than every 2 days. An analogue of this spray is the Maxim antiperspirant roller, produced in the USA. It is used in the same way as Dry Dry.

The main competitors of Maxim and Dry Dry are Odaban produced in Great Britain. This is a powerful antiperspirant produced in different forms. Experts say that this remedy much safer than its analogues, as it prevents the penetration of aluminum chloride into the pores. To treat sweaty feet, it is recommended to use Odaban in the form of a spray and powder. Sprayed antiperspirant is used in the same way as Dry Dry, and the powder must be used to periodically treat shoes. According to the manufacturers, the effect of using Odaban lasts on average about 6 months. A big advantage of the product is its safety for pregnant and lactating women.

Features of the use of such funds:

  1. Medical antiperspirants cannot be used if you are allergic to the components of the drug and various injuries skin.
  2. The product should not be applied daily or for long periods of time.
  3. In order to exclude harmful effects antiperspirants on the body, it is necessary to take a break from use.

Traditional methods of treating leg hyperhidrosis

For hyperhidrosis of the legs, it is also useful to use folk remedies. These can be not only baths and powders, but also infusions for internal use, which cleanse the body and improve blood circulation, normalizing the functioning of the sweat glands.

As practice shows, these products can be used both to prevent excessive sweating and in combination with medications in the treatment of hyperhidrosis varying degrees gravity.

One of the most effective ways Chamomile baths can help get rid of sweaty feet. For the procedure, you need to prepare a decoction of 7 tbsp. l. dried flowers of the plant and 2 liters of boiling water. The feet are dipped into the warm infused liquid and kept in the container until the water cools down.

For achievement tangible effect It is recommended to carry out at least 7 procedures. You can also use oak, willow and birch buds for herbal baths.

As powders, use a mixture of regular table salt and starch. Boric acid powder also works very well: you need to treat your feet with it before going to bed for 2-3 weeks. For application to sweaty feet, use and alcohol tinctures, and one of the most effective is considered to be tincture of birch buds. To prepare it you will need a handful of plant materials and 1 glass of vodka. The mixture is infused for 10 days, after which it is used to treat the feet 2 times a day for 1–2 weeks.

An effective folk remedy for sweating and foot odor for internal use is an infusion of dried sage, mint and nettle herbs. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. each plant and brew in 400 ml of boiling water. The infused healing liquid is drunk for a month. Before starting to use the product, you must ensure that there are no contraindications.

With the help of modern medications, powerful antiperspirants and proven folk recipes, you can get rid of foot hyperhidrosis quickly and easily, but we must not forget that any remedy requires strict adherence to the instructions, and in some cases, medical consultation.

A responsible approach to treatment guarantees the desired result and reduces the risk of side effects.

According to statistics, every second person has to deal with an annoying and very common problem - feet sweat a lot and smell bad. An unpleasant problem is excessive sweating of the feet, a specific bad odor emanates from the feet, which makes a person feel constrained, deprives him of confidence, forces him to refuse many activities and wonder: how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor.

Causes of unpleasant foot odor

In fact, sweat has no odor, because more than half of its composition is water. The problem of repulsive foot odor is caused by bacteria that use sweat secretion for their vital functions. Therefore, to neutralize all odors, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of bacteria.

Therefore, you first need to determine the cause of foot odor and only then deal with it. In fact, there are only two reasons for the appearance of a characteristic foot odor: hygienic and medical.

Human skin sweat glands secrete sweat, which, when evaporated, plays an important role in the regulation temperature regime body, as well as in removing toxic substances from the human body. Therefore, it is very important to maintain personal hygiene and shower daily. Because of various circumstances, often associated with certain diseases, increased sweating on the feet becomes main reason specific foot odor.

The main causes of unpleasant foot odor can be:

  • fungus on the sole;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • circulatory diseases;
  • elderly age.

In addition, other factors can serve as a source of a specific odor:

  • causes wearing low-quality shoes, because shoes made from cheap artificial materials create insufficient ventilation of the skin of the feet;
  • heavy physical activity can provoke increased work of the sweat glands;
  • not systematically carried out hygiene procedures is an ideal prerequisite for the development of microbes and bacteria harmful to health;
  • not daily cleaning of shoes that may have mass on them dangerous microorganisms;
  • heatwave;
  • excessive consumption of hot spices and adding spices to food;
  • the appearance of mycosis on the legs - this disease causes a violation water-salt balance skin, which is why a not very pleasant and foul aroma appears.

How to get rid of unpleasant foot odor

Sometimes getting rid of an unwanted odor can be quite simple; you just need to choose the right comfortable shoes that will provide good circulation air, and the skin of the legs will allow you to breathe freely. To do this, you need to purchase shoes only made of genuine leather.

If foot odor appears due to mycosis, then this particular disease should be treated to get rid of the problem. To solve the problem, you should consult a dermatologist who will advise necessary drug for treating fungus.

Often, a nasty foot odor can be provoked by a pathological predisposition in the body. The disease hyperhidrosis is profuse sweating, which is characterized by a violation of the secretion of sweat glands. Often this is excessive sweating, however, sometimes a decrease in sweating can be observed.

In most cases, such a violation occurs during nervous overstrain and distinguish between general and localized forms of the disease. In this situation, it is necessary to use methods that will be aimed at neutralizing the unpleasant odor or helping to reduce sweating.

For proper treatment hyperhidrosis, you need to consult a doctor and check your body for abnormalities in the functioning of organs and the functioning of all systems. Based on the results of the examination, the specialist will recommend how to cope with this unpleasant problem. Usually, during treatment, special pharmaceutical ointments and creams that help fight sole odor.

Traditional recipes for foot odor

How to get rid of foot odor at home?

When the problem of the characteristic odor emanating from the feet prevents you from living fully and feeling confident, you can use available funds It is easy and without any harm to your health to recover from the disease forever. The main thing is to remember that cleanliness and proper care of shoes will provide protection from many diseases and problems, including the specific smell of feet.

Famous folk recipes from foot odor

Using simple available tools:

  • Regular coarse table salt, which is generously poured into shoes and kept for three days.
  • Special shoe insoles made so that the skin can “breathe” freely.
  • Carnation inflorescences that are simply placed in shoes. Lavender has proven itself to be an effective air freshener.
  • Infusions and decoctions from a variety of field medicinal herbs. Usually tea leaves are used for this green tea, chamomile flowers, rose hips, medicinal sage. To prepare the infusion, take a few tbsp. spoons of dry herb and pour a liter of boiling water, and leave for a while to infuse. To obtain a composition with a higher concentration, the infusion should be boiled for 5-7 minutes. Various herbs are also used to prepare combined formulations, taking one part of each herb. This infusion should be used to rinse your feet every day. The result will be even more effective if you steam your feet in the broth, this will also help remove dead particles and dead cells upper layers skin on the soles.
  • Baking soda (for light skin) or crushed tablets activated carbon(for shoes dark color). To do this, the powder is poured into cotton socks and left in the shoes overnight.
  • You can try regularly taking foot baths with oak bark decoction, a generally recognized natural deodorant.
  • For treatment similar problems you can prepare a decoction from kombucha. Also, many preparations are prepared based on it to remove bad odors. Remedy for hygiene care for the legs based on the mushroom is prepared from one liter of boiled water and several tbsp. spoons of kombucha and used as a rinse, as well as for applying lotions.
  • A solution of ordinary black tea, in which the feet should be soaked for five minutes.
  • An excellent effect is obtained from the use of essential oils, a few drops of which on the insoles will not only neutralize the bad aroma, but also destroy dangerous microorganisms. Eucalyptus, cypress, lavender, peppermint and others oils are well suited for these purposes.
  • You can also prepare a solution that will help well with large allocation sweat. To do this, you need to mix vinegar and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio, and use this mixture to wipe your soles every evening.
  • A solution of vodka and ammonia, which is used to wipe the inner surface of shoes.
  • Proven and proven folk way- usage warm solution baking soda, in which you keep your feet for 20 minutes.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate, in which you should thoroughly wash your feet and leave until completely dry, perfectly destroys microbes.
  • If you have foot fungus, homemade sour cream will help get rid of it. For this purpose, sour cream is applied to the entire foot every evening and washed off after 20 minutes. The procedure must be done before complete cure fungal disease. It is possible to replace sour cream with cream or kefir; it would be nice if such dairy products contained a high percentage of fat content. You can also purchase any anti-fungal ointment-cream for foot care. Once you are cured of a fungal disease, you will be able to forget forever about the problem of foul-smelling feet. As a rule, it is this disease that provokes the appearance of a bad odor.

Pharmacy remedies for unpleasant foot odor

When washing your feet with soap and water is not enough to neutralize odor and reduce sweat, you can use special cosmetics- antiperspirants or deodorants for shoes, or foot spray from profuse sweating, but it is better to use both means at the same time. They can get rid of unwanted odor for a long time, because when applied to the skin, special substances will block the sweat channels. You should take into account the fact that high-quality and good products are not cheap, and inexpensive fakes will not be of any use. Not only will they not get rid of sweaty feet, but they will also poorly mask the characteristic nasty aroma.

High-quality creams, ointments and sprays for feet mainly contain menthol, an admixture of camphor, grape leaf extract, calendula flowers, and chestnut fruits. It may also contain rutin, which has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening the walls of capillaries, which has a very beneficial effect on the condition and health of the legs.

Another effective remedy that helps to cope well with increased secretion sweat, are natural alum, which needs to be crushed into powder, poured into cotton socks and walked for 30 minutes. Baths are also prepared with alum, from 1/4 teaspoon of alum powder and one glass hot water. A fairly effective product prevents the proliferation of microorganisms that cause an unpleasant foot odor.

We take care of foot hygiene

Special attention pay attention to regular foot hygiene, which must be washed every day, using antibacterial soap. Good effect obtained from ordinary, unscented, dark-colored laundry soap, which will not only remove all odors, but also completely destroy all germs. You also need to wear clean socks every day, preferably natural ones, made of cotton, and tights, because hosiery They can absorb not only bad odors, but also dirt.

Taking care of your shoes to avoid foot odor

It is necessary to constantly clean your shoes from dirt and do not forget to wipe them from the inside. cotton swab, soaked in soapy water. To be able to change and wash your shoes more often, you need to acquire several pairs per shift. It is very important that after washing the shoes are well dried from the inside, because a humid environment is an ideal place for the proliferation of millions of dangerous microorganisms that cause a fetid odor. Storing poorly dried shoes can lead to the formation of mold, which also spoils expensive high-quality shoes and emits a specific musty aroma. You can dry your shoes using newspapers, which should be changed every hour to speed up the drying process, or a special electric shoe dryer (an ultraviolet dryer not only dries moisture well and destroys bacteria, but also the bad aroma of sweat, and also provides antifungal treatment). And to prevent moisture from getting inside your shoes during rainy seasons, it is better to use a special water-repellent spray and do not forget to constantly coat your shoes with impregnation.

Removing unpleasant odors from faux leather shoes

If you prefer to wear shoes made of leatherette, be prepared to periodically have to decide how to remove the unpleasant aroma from your shoes. Artificial leather and synthetic fabric practically do not allow air to pass through, so your feet cannot fully “breathe” even in new shoes, and the problem of a specific aroma will certainly affect you. Dealing with the “odors” of sweat and removing ingrained odor must be done in a comprehensive manner - combining proper care for shoes and the skin of the feet, while using special deodorants, shoe spray or folk recipes.

To avoid having to deal with the specific aroma of leatherette shoes, you need to properly care for them and remember to follow some tips:

  • Always place your shoes on the balcony for ventilation. You need to have spare shoes so you don't have to wear the same pair all the time.
  • In winter, the aroma can be removed from shoes by exposing them to the cold from time to time. Frosty air will help remove the unpleasant aroma, however, you need to be careful - very low temperature may harm some artificial leather products.
  • To remove the smell of sweat from sneakers, sports shoes can be washed, however, if this is allowed by the manufacturer.
  • Often, shoes begin to “smell” due to poor quality insoles, which absorb the smell of sweat.
  • To similar situation to get rid of a bad odor - it will be enough to replace dirty insoles with similar ones made of natural material.
  • You can also put in scented insoles, which will act as a “built-in deodorant.” Special charcoal-impregnated insoles also do a great job with “bad” odors. They need to be changed once every three months.

Special products for shoes that neutralize odors

Shoe deodorant helps get rid of the specific odor of leather or shoe glue emanating from a newly purchased pair, and with a set of additional measures it can also remove the stench that arises from old worn shoes.

On the modern market, shoe deodorants are presented in the form of:

  • The spray is affordable, easy to use and quite functional. Copes well with removing not only unwanted strong odor sweat and moldiness, and thanks to the presence of special components in the composition, it disinfects and treats fungal disease sole skin.
  • A stick is a deodorant for shoes in the form of a pencil, which removes the foul odor well, however, during use it is not particularly practical, because if you regularly lubricate the inner surface of the shoe with the stick, the pencil may break.
  • Tablet deodorant was developed relatively recently and the miracle product is aimed mainly at professional athletes. The aromatic component of the drug is capable of within three hours to remove bad odors and help effectively remove the presence of sweat and remove mold. The tablets contain components that regulate the microflora of the sole, cure foot fungus and dangerous bacteria. You can purchase this product at a sporting goods store.
  • Manufacturers also produce scented pads that neutralize odors and special shoe polish, although they can rarely be found in stores.

The effectiveness of shoe disinfectors can be tested exclusively in practice, taking into account personal characteristics. Such special means are intended only for use on the inner surfaces of shoes. It is necessary to apply the products in the evening so that the shoes are dry in the morning.

Preventive measures against odor in shoes

  • Systematic airing of shoes immediately after wearing, especially sports shoes.
  • Use insoles only from natural materials, changing them periodically.
  • Purchase products from trusted manufacturers and made from high-quality natural materials that can provide foot ventilation. Thanks to this, your feet will not sweat, sweat, and this will protect them from the formation of fungus.
  • Mandatory drying of wet shoes to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that live and actively reproduce in a humid environment.
  • Regularly wash your shoes not only on the outside, but also on the inside using special products.
  • Mandatory personal hygiene. Be sure to wash your feet with soap and pat dry with a towel before putting on your shoes.
  • Be sure to wear clean socks every day, trying to choose products made from natural materials.
  • Use only comfortable shoes and the right size.
  • At work, change into replaceable shoes.
  • Use special deodorants for shoes to remove odor and at the same time a cream that deodorizes the skin of the feet.
  • In hot weather, instead of closed shoes, it is better to wear sandals and sandals.
  • Sports shoes should be washed periodically washing machine- this will refresh it.

All adults have sweaty feet, this is normal. This is how the body gets rid of excess heat and metabolic products. U healthy person fluid secreted by the skin glands appears during physical activity, in the heat, and with excitement. Maintaining hygiene – the right remedy from sweating and foot odor. However, a timely shower or clean socks do not always save the situation. Sometimes the “aroma” coming from shoes indicates medical problems.

Why do my feet sweat?

An unpleasant smell comes only from those who forget about hygiene - this is what many people think, looking askance at their acquaintances who exude “amber.” At the same time, the sweat of a healthy person – even very concentrated, even very “masculine” – has no odor. Secret skin glands 98% consists of water, the remaining 2% comes from chemical substances, including proteins and lipids on which bacteria love to multiply. So the cause of the stench is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms, and not the sweat itself.

Do you shower regularly, change clothes often, wear comfortable shoes, do not respect leatherette and other artificial materials, and are your socks constantly damp from sweat? Then start examining the body. Heavy sweating feet, an unpleasant odor occurs when:

How to get rid of sweaty feet and bad odor

About 80% Russian citizens, as surveys show, they begin the battle against unpleasant odor by generously spraying the body with deodorant. Well, the average person is embarrassed to complain to the doctor about the smell of their feet. Understanding the reasons sometimes comes too late. A person is admitted to the hospital with advanced mycosis or missed initial stage hormonal disorder.

Shoe selection

With women's logic, when ladies come for winter shoes and leave with high-heeled shoes, everything is clear. However, not all men can boast the right choice: They often buy shoes a couple sizes larger. No, not for growth. It's just that as you go up in size, the width of the shoe automatically increases, so it feels like it fits better. When choosing shoes, remember:

  1. Large shoes place more stress on your joints.
  2. Wearing shoes of a smaller size deforms the feet, leads to varicose veins, and increases sweating and foot odor.
  3. In the evening, a person’s feet become “swollen,” so take your shoes at the time of day you plan to wear them. Ideally.
  4. When trying on shoes, be sure to walk in them - when walking, a person’s foot lengthens a little.
  5. Forget about shoes from artificial fabric: Genuine Leather“breathes”, and when worn, “adjusts” to the foot of a particular person.
  6. If you don’t want to give up heels, then at least choose comfortable shoes. Wearing stilettos with cramped calves and even cheekbones, but with your head held high, is not heroism, but self-mutilation.
  7. Wear even comfortable shoes with heels for no more than 4 hours.
  8. Don't trade your shoes with your friends. Shoes are a personal thing.
  9. Be sure to dry your winter or demi-season shoes after each wear and remove the insoles.
  10. Have changeable shoes at work.
  11. Membrane shoes are worn only with thermal socks or socks containing synthetics. Wool and membrane are incompatible - this combination causes your feet to get cold and sweat a lot.


Even people who do not suffer from foot odor must practice good hygiene. If you have excessive sweating or extremity odor, especially remember these rules:

  • wash your feet twice a day - this is the minimum;
  • After playing sports, take a shower;
  • When washing your feet, do not forget about soap;
  • after water procedures, be sure to rub yourself with a towel, wear clean underwear and shoes;
  • to avoid becoming infected with fungus in any in public places wear shoes;
  • eat less sour, spicy foods, sometimes sweat has an unpleasant odor due to improper eating behavior.

Professional remedy for foot and shoe odor

If you are sure that hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor are not the result of choosing the wrong shoes or poor hygiene, go to a dermatologist. The doctor will rule out the presence of fungal infections of the skin of the legs and prescribe adequate treatment or will redirect you to another specialist - an endocrinologist. This doctor will report the presence or absence hormonal disorders. Did you fail to identify the cause of sweaty feet or unpleasant odor? Then get ready for doctors to offer you to reduce sweating by injecting Botox, performing electrophoresis, or even surgery.

Medical and hygiene products

Drug treatment prescribed depending on the cause of sweating and bad smell. If the problem is a lack of zinc, you will be offered vitamins; if you have mycosis, you will be prescribed antifungal drugs. Kills bacteria well and dries the skin of the feet the following means:

  1. "Lavilin." An excellent ointment that has no odor of its own. So you can use it even during the day. Helps to permanently get rid of excessive moisture in feet even in one application.
  2. Lavender oil. It has a pungent, albeit pleasant smell, best used at night. Included in creams. It will not relieve hyperhidrosis so quickly, but it will cure mycosis.
  3. "Teymur's paste" will help reduce the activity of microbes. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days.
  4. Spray "Formidron" - feet will stop smelling after one use. First, remove the dirt, then treat your feet with a spray. The drug costs 14-20 rubles.

Massage and gymnastics

Stroking the skin and physiotherapy can also become good remedy from sweating and foot odor. True, only in the case when hyperhidrosis is not associated with a fungal infection. Foot massage is carried out 4 times a week, it is better to do gymnastics daily. Both – after carrying out hygiene procedures. Put away increased sweating and the smell can proper organization working day.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are not inferior in effectiveness to fashionable drugs, but are cheaper. Powders, ointments, essential oils, “green pharmacy”, vinegar, burnt alum, the ubiquitous “Furacilin” tablets.


These remedies will relieve you of hyperhidrosis, unpleasant foot odor, and will also be an excellent way to relax:

  • Sagebrush. For a glass of wormwood you will need two liters of very hot water. Insist for 10 minutes, spend twice as much time on the procedure itself.
  • Chamomile. Foot baths made from chamomile infusion will relieve you of unpleasant odor. For 4 cups of flowers you will need 2 liters of boiling water. Keep your feet in the broth until it cools down.
  • Sage. The plant, like the previous one, is not only a threat to sore throats, but also a sure remedy for odor in shoes and sweaty feet. 2 tbsp. l. pour 3.5 cups of boiling water over the herbs. Cool, lower your legs into the basin.


  • Calming collection. This decoction can be used both in the form of baths and internally. Take 2 tbsp. l. sage, nettle, mint. Pour 2 cups boiling water over the herbs and boil for a minute. Orally - on an empty stomach (1-2 times a day), do anti-odor baths only at night.
  • Oak bark. It removes sweating and foot odor well. Add 4 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. bark, boil for 5 minutes, let brew. Do it at night for a whole week.
  • Rose hip. Pour over the berries cold water(1/2 cup per liter of liquid). Cook for 15 minutes. (fire should be low). Let the broth brew for the same amount of time, then dilute it with 2 liters of hot water. You need to treat the smell of your feet for 20 minutes.


Any baby powder left? Send an antiseptic, which perfectly dries the skin, to combat wet feet and unpleasant odor. After a shower, dry your feet well, sprinkle your feet generously with powder, working well between the toes. Put on socks and warm your feet with a hairdryer. You can use this method at night or during the day. Sweep hot water. Absorbs moisture well and prevents odor:


Sweaty feet is a very common problem that occurs frequently among people. There can be quite a few provoking factors - synthetic shoes, violation of personal hygiene rules, stress. This condition causes a lot of inconvenience. Properly selected pharmaceutical products for sweating feet can cope with the pathology.

To eliminate redundancy, you need to determine the causes of the problem. Any medicines They only help hide the smell and stop the production of sweat. If the provoking factor is not eliminated, the disease will return again.

However, today we know a lot effective medicines which significantly improve the patient's condition.

Pasta Teymurova

This substance helps to cope with the main cause of unpleasant odor, namely sweating. Thanks to the use of this medication manages to dry out the skin. This is achieved due to the presence of acids in the composition - boric and salicylic. This medicine also contains formaldehyde, which is considered the main component. In addition, it includes mint oil, which gives it a pleasant smell.

Important! For optimal results, apply the product to clean, dry skin. Depending on the tolerance of the ingredients included in the product, it can be kept from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Then it is recommended to rinse off the composition with warm water.

Thanks to this procedure, you will be able to achieve a good result that will last for 6 hours. This manipulation is repeated once a day for 3-4 days. To avoid addiction, after the specified time, you need to take a break for 20-30 days. Then the use of the product can be repeated.

5 days

This substance can be purchased at any pharmacy. Thanks to its use, it is possible to achieve good results 5 days after the start of systematic use. As a result, increased sweating and unpleasant odor disappear immediately. long time– for about 6 months.

The drug contains acids - boric and salicylic. It also contains additional ingredients. These include menthol, camphor, magnesium carbonate and zinc stearate.

Read also:

To cope with excessive sweating, just place the powder from special bags in your shoes. After which it must be worn for at least 4-5 hours.


This is an effective antiseptic drug, the main ingredient of which is formaldehyde. It is actively used when excessive sweating of the feet occurs. The action of the medicine is aimed at reducing the work of the sweat glands. However, it is prohibited to use this remedy too often, as there is a risk of addiction. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease significantly.

To achieve maximum results, the drug is applied to the legs. They should first be washed and dried well. After 30 minutes, it is recommended to wash off the product. Positive effect medication lasts 2 weeks.


This medicinal product made on the basis of . This substance copes well with increased sweating, tightens pores and eliminates fungal infections . Due to this, it is possible to perfectly improve the condition of the legs.

This product is available in powder form. It is recommended to mix it with warm water before using it. The feet are immersed in the resulting solution for a quarter of an hour.


This substance has a medicinal effect. Thanks to its use, it is possible to cope with fungal infections and destroy bacterial microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor.

In composition and use, this substance resembles 5 days cream. Borozin too produced in the form powder, which is recommended to be placed in shoes. The instructions say that the product penetrates perfectly into the structure of the epithelium. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a long-lasting effect.

After completing the procedure, feet should be wrapped in a towel to remove moisture from the feet. Then it is enough to keep your feet in the open air. This composition should be used three times a week until it is completely eliminated. unpleasant aroma. Subsequently, such baths are done once a week for preventive purposes.


At all this medicine designed to combat pathologies of the genitourinary tract. However, it is very successfully used to treat excessive sweating. Most often it is used to eliminate hyperhidrosis of the legs.

Read also: Powder for sweaty feet: a list of the best and proven remedies

In the morning, the medicine is washed off with warm water, after which the feet are sprinkled with talcum powder. If the skin has high sensitivity, it is recommended to mix the medicine with water.

Important! Before using the product, you need to make sure that there are no fungal infections, wounds or cracks on the skin. IN otherwise healing procedures should be carried out.


This cream does not cause clogging of sweat glands and copes with pathogenic microorganisms which cause an unpleasant odor. Literally a couple of weeks after the start of therapy, excessive sweating will be eliminated.

When the drug is absorbed into the skin, you can safely play sports or perform water procedures. All this will not reduce the effectiveness of the substance. The medicine contains extracts from plants with antibacterial effect and vitamins. At the same time, the product is excellently economical - 1 bottle lasts for about a year.

Cosmetical tools

In pharmacies you can find many cosmetic products that help cope with this problem. Thanks to systematic application special creams can eliminate excessive sweating and unpleasant odor.

Deo Control

This product successfully copes with excessive sweating, giving your feet freshness. It can be used by both men and women. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with the unpleasant odor. The product contains essential oils, zinc and paraffin.

The drug should be applied once a day. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the fingers, as inflammatory processes This area is most often affected. It is important to consider that if there is damage to the skin, it is prohibited to use the substance.


This cream has a non-greasy consistency. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin and does not leave behind a sticky feeling. At the same time, the product has a pleasant citrus scent and gives your feet freshness. To cope with the problem, the cream is applied 2 times a day.


The cream from this manufacturer is excellent regulates sweating and reduces it. The achieved results last for a week.

The substance contains special microparticles. They enter the ducts of the sweat glands and help reduce sweat synthesis.