Pressotherapy when the result is visible. Pressotherapy - what is it with before and after photos. How does lymphatic drainage massage help for weight loss? Indications for the use of this massage

The popularity of hardware cosmetology is growing every year; its ratings are driven by scientific and technological progress and its colossal achievements. Lymphatic drainage body massage is chosen by women of all ages, as the aesthetic procedure tightens, tones, and rejuvenates the skin.

What is pressotherapy for the body?

Press massage is an innovative procedure that affects the lymph and blood. Under the influence of compressed air produced by a special apparatus, systemic blood circulation is enhanced, as a result of which congestion in the dermis disappears, and biological fluid flows through the vessels with particular intensity. In addition, the dry air of pressotherapy activates fat cells, promotes their removal and splitting of the subcutaneous layer.

If you are interested in pressotherapy, a knowledgeable cosmetologist will tell you what it is. The specialist will also tell you in detail what beneficial properties this aesthetic procedure still has. IN in this case we're talking about about the following cosmetic effects of the procedure:

  • dermis rejuvenation;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • activation of blood flow in deep veins;
  • excretion free radicals;
  • getting rid of cellulite on any part of the body;
  • prevention of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • providing the skin with a natural shade.

Pressotherapy – results

The indications for the procedure have already interested many women, but doubts are still present. If you are interested in what pressotherapy gives, it’s time to focus on this issue Special attention. Under the influence of compressed air produced from special apparatus, it is as if excess moisture is “squeezed” out of the body and body fat. Photos of women after undergoing procedures not only arouse keen interest, but also inspire many doubting young ladies.

Representatives of the fairer sex can count on the following therapeutic and cosmetic properties pressotherapy according to affordable price:

  • elimination of increased swelling of the limbs;
  • increased tone vascular walls;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • elimination of abnormal muscle hypertonicity;
  • normalization of water metabolism cellular level;
  • getting rid of the feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • complete cleansing body after the procedure.

Pressotherapy - contraindications

When choosing this innovative method, you need to consult not only a cosmetologist, but also a local therapist. Compressed air under pressure can be harmful to health, worsen general state clients of a cosmetology salon. It is important to know all the contraindications to pressotherapy in order to avoid troubles after performing or entering a cosmetic procedure. This:

  • heart failure;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • presence metal elements or a pacemaker in the body;
  • infectious, purulent, inflammatory processes of the dermis in the acute stage;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • open fractures;
  • tuberculosis of any form;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys.

Pressotherapy procedure

To perform hardware lymphatic drainage, you need to visit a beauty salon, where there is a specialized installation for such sessions. In addition, it could be a private aesthetic clinic in the city or a medical center with cosmetology salon and certified specialists. Pressotherapy is considered a painless procedure, and the weight loss process is obvious after the first session. The result of the procedure depends on modern equipment and the chosen weight loss system.

The aesthetic effect of pressotherapy is determined by the features skin, overweight and problem areas. The procedure is inexpensive, so everyone can afford to take the full course. In the absence of contraindications, doctors perform a series of pressotherapy sessions in the following sequence, guaranteeing a quick and lasting cosmetic effect:

  1. To perform lymphomassage of the body, the patient must put on a special suit in deflated form (first the pants on the legs), and then on the stomach and other parts of the body.
  2. During pressotherapy, lie down on the couch and occupy only horizontal position body, relax mentally before the procedure.
  3. The suit is filled with air to a certain level, which is adjusted by the cosmetologist and the selected program.
  4. During the cosmetic procedure, the cosmetologist alternates different pressure air in the suit, according to a certain time interval.
  5. The duration of pressotherapy is up to 30 minutes, and during this time the lymphatic and circulatory system work in enhanced mode.
  6. Women and men can use pressotherapy if they have problems with overweight bodies.

Pressotherapy device

It is impossible to carry out such a procedure at home, since during the cosmetic session special equipment is used in the form of a vacuum suit with air vents and an air supply system. Modern apparatus for lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy has a high cost, so not all interested patients can afford this method of weight correction at home. In addition, in the beauty salon you can always get a discount on the second and subsequent procedures. Structurally, this progressive apparatus consists of two components:

  • dry air filling suit;
  • compressed flow supply system;
  • couch for the procedure.

Pressotherapy price

Many patients prefer to order and buy dubious weight loss products in an online store and eagerly leaf through colorful catalogs of virtual resources. It is better to find out how much the pressotherapy procedure costs in order to get the desired cosmetic effect 100%. The price of one session varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles, it is recommended to undergo up to 8-10 procedures.

Pressotherapy: before and after photos

Photos of women who completed the full course cosmetic procedures compressed dry air inspires one to perform great deeds, since in such a progressive way one can change beyond recognition. Pressotherapy for legs quickly removes everything problem areas, helps to get rid of " orange peel", any skin irregularities and disgusting fat folds.

Video: pressotherapy with infrared heating

Pressotherapy is an innovative procedure in the field of cosmetology and medicine. It is one of the methods of physiotherapy. The hardware pressotherapy procedure consists of mechanical effects on the venous and lymphatic system person. There is also manual pressotherapy. Reviews from doctors claim that the procedure can be performed manually by a massage therapist. But due to the duration and regularity of the session, the hardware method has gained the greatest popularity.

What is pressotherapy?

Pressotherapy is one of the types of lymphatic drainage. Its essence is to massage the whole body with electrical impulses. During the procedure, a special suit is worn with sections for the arms, legs, waist, and hips. Computer program alternates the supply of air pulses. The effect of pressotherapy is similar to a “squeezing” massage. Only it is not done by hand, but with the help of a machine. Alternating compression and vacuum, pulse frequency - from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

During the procedure, the person assumes a horizontal position. The device, using air supply to the sections, creates a feeling muscle contractions. The computer doses the load on the body, changing the density and permeability of tissues.

Pressotherapy helps restore lymph flow. Reviews from doctors say that the procedure will help correct the figure, reduce excess weight, eliminate swelling, and normalize venous outflow.

Why is pressotherapy needed?

Pressotherapy is otherwise called pulse barotherapy. It helps in the fight against hypertension. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle can restore muscle elasticity with the help of pressotherapy. Pulse massage allows you to optimize venous outflow and stimulate the movement of lymph through the vessels.

Pulse barotherapy is often prescribed after liposuction. It not only helps reduce swelling, but also narrows the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic.

Difficult blood supply and stagnation of lymph lead to the accumulation of waste and toxins in the body. After the procedure, the outflow of blood and lymph is restored, slagging is reduced, and the appearance of cellulite disappears.

Technique of the procedure

During the procedure, the patient wears a special suit. Depending on the problem areas, its segments can be fixed, for example, only on the legs, waist, buttocks. In general, the costume consists of gloves, a jacket, boots, and a belt. The patient assumes a horizontal position.

During the procedure, the suit is filled with air. The computer program doses the air supply individually. Wave-like, circulating effects on the legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks help to activate blood supply.

Air pressure lifts blood and lymph upward. Liquids begin to circulate more intensely. As pressure decreases, blood vessels dilate and the metabolic process in the tissues and cells of the body intensifies. excreted in sweat and urine.

Professional cosmetologists confirm that after a course of pressotherapy, the condition of the skin improves, lymph flow and blood flow are normalized. Excreted from the body excess liquid, swelling and cellulite are reduced.

Infrared heat treatment

Infrared pressotherapy allows you to combine two methods: mechanical compression and thermal heating. Cosmetologists consider this type of procedure to be the most effective.

Infrared heating increases sweating. Therefore, you should drink before the procedure and throughout the day. more water(2 liters). With sweat, decay products are removed from the body, and subcutaneous cellulite deposits are reduced. Infrared heat helps relieve muscle tension and makes the skin elastic.

Indications for pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • muscle strain (after sports or hard work);
  • local fat deposits;
  • sagging skin;
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling after injury.

Pressotherapy is used as prophylactic from thrombosis, varicose veins veins Treatment is prescribed by a doctor from 10 to 15 procedures. They are not done every day, but with an interval of 2-3 days. If necessary, a repeat course is prescribed no earlier than after 5 months. The procedure lasts a minimum of 20 minutes, a maximum of 45 minutes.

Pressotherapy is best performed for those people who are contraindicated for other effects on muscle tissue(ultrasound, manual massage, electrophoresis, electrical stimulation). The gentle effect of pulse barotherapy leads to general improvement well-being, lightness, vigor.


After just one session it provides positive influence pressotherapy on the body. Reviews from doctors warn that you should not self-medicate. Using a home device is only possible after consulting a therapist.

Contraindications for the procedure are:

  • purulent skin lesions;
  • fractures;
  • open wounds;
  • hemophilia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • edema of renal or cardiac origin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • recent thrombosis;
  • mental illness (epilepsy);
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • vascular damage in diabetes mellitus.

Effect after pressotherapy

The effect of pressotherapy is that air, when supplied into the suit, affects subcutaneous fat, muscles, venous, Taking into account problem areas, a local effect on a specific part of the body is possible.

In general, pressotherapy has an anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, and decongestant effect on the body. Blood circulation is activated and intercellular fluid. Sweating increases significantly, which allows you to remove waste and toxins from the body.

Pressotherapy device allows you to stimulate work lymph nodes, activates microcirculation in blood vessels. The procedure helps improve immunity and stress resistance. Disappear venous meshes on foot.

Pressotherapy allows you to normalize weight and correct your figure. Reviews from doctors indicate that the procedure is completely painless. It helps you feel a surge of strength and is useful for the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases.

Reviews from doctors about pressotherapy

The opinions of doctors agree that influencing the body through pressotherapy helps improve a person’s general condition.

  1. Metabolic processes are restored.
  2. Swelling decreases.
  3. Weight normalization occurs.
  4. The body's protective properties are activated.
  5. The appearance of cellulite is reduced.
  6. Restored in the body.

Therapists and cosmetologists say that the essence of the procedure is massage. It eliminates stagnant venous and lymphatic phenomena. This physiotherapeutic procedure provides preventive effect on the body.

After 45 years, women begin to experience hormonal changes, which leads to slight swelling. Lack of daily sports exercises and a sedentary lifestyle lead to stagnation. The procedure is designed to improve skin condition, blood and lymph microcirculation. It is ineffective as a means of losing weight.

Doctors report that a home pressotherapy device is a good cosmetic product. But it should not be made a panacea for all diseases. Before performing pressotherapy at home, be sure to consult a doctor.

Procedure in beauty salons- expensive. But it can replace several sessions of manual massage. Be sure to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day during the course of pressotherapy.

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure every day. It is necessary to give the body rest. Only after 2-3 days should you continue the course.

In an effort to achieve ideal forms women adhere different diets, visit fitness centers, and even resort to plastic surgery.

To correct the figure, cosmetic anti-cellulite creams and specialized massage are used.

Anti-cellulite massage helps not only to get rid of cellulite deposits, but also to restore performance and vitality the whole body.

The formation of cellulite is explained by the changeable hormonal levels women. The situation gets worse when sedentary life and eating disorders. Without bringing these two points back to normal, starting an anti-cellulite massage is simply pointless.

The purpose of the massage is to restore blood flow and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous tissues.

Thus, anti-cellulite massage is healing. As a result, gas exchange begins to occur more actively in skin cells, and excess water and toxins, regeneration is accelerated.

The skin becomes more elastic and tightened, swelling subsides.

By area of ​​application

According to the area of ​​influence, anti-cellulite massage is classified into:

  1. general superficial (for minor correction and prevention);
  2. local (work separately with each problem area);
  3. local healing (combines the removal of toxins).

By method of implementation

According to the method of implementation, they are divided into the following types:


  • hydromassage (using pressurized water);
  • pneumomassage (variable air pressure);
  • vibration massage.
Variations of manual massage can be carried out independently at home, the main thing is to follow correct technique execution. Hardware types of massage are prescribed in specialized salons and performed by qualified specialists.

What is pressotherapy?

Pressotherapy is a relatively new and increasingly popular procedure for getting rid of cellulite, which is a type of pneumomassage.

The essence of the method is to influence the lymphatic system with compressed air. Hence the second name of the procedure - lymphatic drainage massage.

The pressotherapy device, invented by a Dutch scientist, is based on the stimulating effect of intermittent air pressure on the removal of excess lymphatic fluid.

During this absolutely painless procedure Toxins and waste are removed along with the liquid, fat breakdown is activated, and at the same time blood circulation and cell metabolism improve.

Pressotherapy is also used in treatment complexes for the initial stages of varicose veins and tissue swelling. This purpose is determined by the ability of compressed air to relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels.

Observations and testing of the device indicate the ability of the technique not only to break down fatty conglomerates under the skin, but also to directly combat excess weight. During the sessions, fluid is intensively displaced, and excess weight goes away along with it.

How is pressotherapy done?

Pressotherapy is carried out exclusively in a specially equipped salon room under the supervision of a trained specialist. Although they are now producing devices for home use, they need to be treated with caution.

The patient puts on a sealed suit with compressed air valves, which are voluminous rubber “boots” extended either to the waist or to the chest.

The design and external execution of the suit depend on the manufacturer, but in general, despite its apparent bulkiness, it is quite comfortable.

The session takes place in a lying or reclining position on a special chair, so you can completely relax and unwind.

A visual aid on how the pressotherapy procedure is carried out in a beauty salon.

After turning on the device, compressed air begins to flow through the cuffs into the valves and the suit gradually inflates. However, no painful sensations or feeling of discomfort.

The air pressure alternates from high to low with a given rhythm. The interval between pressure drops can vary from 2 to 0.5 minutes: the shorter the interval, the more intense the rhythm.

Thus, parts of the body are not compressed by air (as in a tonometer cuff), but begin to be massaged by different flows.

The duration of the procedure is determined individually and ranges from 20 to 45 minutes. The course may include up to 10–15 procedures per six months. After each procedure, a break of 2–3 days is determined. The effectiveness of the course depends on individual characteristics body and degree of obesity.

Pressotherapy of the legs and abdomen is in greatest demand. After the procedure, the patient notices weightlessness in the legs and lack of stiffness.

Despite the fact that pressotherapy refers to hardware view massage, its technique and the nature of the action are very close to manual massage. In parallel with solving the problem of cellulite, a massage effect is applied to the muscles, reducing tension and relaxing. As a result, performance increases and muscle tone normalizes.

Pressotherapy can be successfully combined with anti-cellulite creams and wraps, which increases its effectiveness.

Advantages of this type of massage

Under the influence of compressed air, blood circulation improves, blood cells are actively saturated with oxygen, saving tissues from oxygen starvation.

The effect on the lymphatic system is accompanied by cleansing the body of toxins and decay products. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a healthy color.

Improved blood supply

Without having a direct effect, pressotherapy indirectly helps normalize digestion by restoring metabolism.

Restoration of lymph flow has a positive effect on general health and the body's immune system.

Normalization of muscle tone

Strengthening muscles and normalizing their tone, relieving spasms - all this affects performance and recovery after exercise.

The relaxation effect, which is noted by every patient, helps relieve emotional stress and stress.

Getting rid of cellulite

After full course There is a complete disappearance of cellulite. The skin becomes elastic and firm. The general strengthening and healing effect is reflected in mood and well-being.

General strengthening effect

Pressotherapy is used for recovery after injuries and operations. In the first months of pregnancy, the procedure is prescribed to relieve swelling in the legs.

The effect of the procedure can be noticed after the first session. After the full course, the achieved result lasts for a long time, allowing you to forget about problems with your figure.

Pressotherapy differs from other types of anti-cellulite massage complex impact on the body, affecting important systems cleansing and no side effects.

Indications and contraindications

The main purpose of pressotherapy is to combat cellulite and overweight. However, it is also prescribed in other cases. As already noted, this effective method Relieving swelling and preventing varicose veins.

Very often, pressotherapy is used to restore tissue after liposuction.

The vaso-strengthening effect and stimulation of blood circulation make it possible to use this method in general therapy in the treatment of venous insufficiency. In addition, this type of massage is prescribed to athletes to restore muscles after high loads and when overworked.

The pressotherapy technique is gentle and soft action is an alternative to other methods with similar effects.

Pressotherapy can be included in medical complex for arthrosis, arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, disorders nervous system and insomnia, intestinal motility disorders.

Pressotherapy also has a number of contraindications that arise from the nature of the device’s operation. Thus, the procedure is prohibited for hypertensive patients, patients oncological diseases suffering from cardiovascular, renal and liver failure.

Pressotherapy should not be prescribed for bleeding (including during menstruation), inflammatory processes, for fractures, bruises and dislocations, skin diseases And purulent wounds, elevated body temperature.

Pressotherapy is contraindicated for people who have had a heart attack or stroke, as well as those suffering from aneurysm and deep thrombosis. You should also refrain from the procedure in the last stages of varicose veins and angiopathy in patients diabetes mellitus. The presence of vascular atherosclerosis can also be a reason for refusal of the procedure.

The ban on pressotherapy also applies to pregnant women, starting from 4 months, as well as to carriers of electronic implants.

It is not recommended to rely entirely on the presented list of contraindications; in any case, you will need to consult your doctor.

It is possible that you will need to go through additional examination and get tested. That is why the use of pressotherapy at home should be alarming.

Pressotherapy is still a new direction in the fight against cellulite, but it is of considerable interest to women.

Some reviews are filled with delight in the procedure and admiration for the result, while others, on the contrary, cast doubts and a negative attitude.

In any case, this is the experience of one specific person, his feelings, understanding and opinion. How effective the massage is becomes clear only after use. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a slender, fit figure after your first visit to the salon.

In addition, I would like to note once again that the procedure is used as a corrective procedure after normalizing weight through diets and exercise.

The resulting effect from the course will quickly disappear if you do not monitor your diet and active image life.

Maintain skin in good condition You can also use a manual anti-cellulite massage with honey or cosmetics, so the results from pressotherapy will last longer.

For those who like to experiment, it is worth paying attention to all contraindications and listening to the recommendations of specialists.

If there is even the slightest risk, it is better to abandon the experiment or postpone it to another time when health problems have been eliminated.

Pressotherapy can also be used as a general strengthening procedure to keep the body in good shape and cleanse it of toxins. In this case, it can be carried out during fasting diets.


In conclusion, we note that pressotherapy is an innovative method of combating cellulite, which has managed to prove itself from the best side. The results of such a procedure can exceed any expectations.

But you shouldn’t overuse the courses—it’s advisable to follow the recommendations and take them no more than every six months. Beauty is in health, so the most important thing is not to harm it!

64 864 0 Hello! In this article we talk about another procedure of hardware cosmetology - pressotherapy. We will introduce you to contraindications, tell you about the benefits and harms, and also show you photos before and after the procedure.

What is pressotherapy

- a hardware massage procedure using compressed air. The main effect of pressotherapy is on the lymphatic system.

Pressotherapy is called pneumomassage, lymphatic drainage massage, pneumatic drainage, barocompression.

The pressotherapy procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and a pneumatic suit. The compressed air method was discovered in the 19th century, and the first pressotherapy apparatus appeared only in the 20th century in Holland.

The operating principle of pressotherapy is based on the supply of high and low pressure through the cuffs of the pneumatic suit. The procedure is completely controlled; compressed air is applied intermittently. With the help of pressotherapy, active lymphatic drainage is carried out, a positive effect on metabolic processes is carried out, waste and toxins are removed.

As you know, lymph plays a big role in cleansing the body of toxins and foreign bodies and is responsible for protective barriers. Pressotherapy has a beneficial effect on lymphatic and blood vessels, on the condition of the skin, muscles, subcutaneous fat layer.

The pneumatic suit, through which compression pressure is supplied, consists of several parts, which are removable cuffs - gloves, belt, shoes, corsets, boots.

Pressotherapy is beneficial appearance and the internal state of the body.

Effect of pressotherapy:

  • Improving skin elasticity;
  • Active circulation of blood and lymph;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Stabilization of water balance;
  • Weight loss;
  • Fight cellulite;
  • Reducing volumes;
  • Reduced swelling;
  • Restoration of venous flow;
  • Improving the tone of cells and tissues.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for pressotherapy Contraindications
presence of cellulite;skin diseases;
overweight;renal failure and kidney disease;
early stage of varicose veins and venous insufficiency;oncology and benign neoplasms;
swelling of soft tissues;tuberculosis;
presence of hematomas;diabetes;
figure correction;pregnancy and breastfeeding;
chronic fatigue;diseases of internal organs;
recovery after heavy physical exertion.cardiovascular diseases;
unhealed fractures.

How is pressotherapy performed?

Types of pressotherapy

Lymphatic drainage pressotherapy is highly effective for weight loss and cellulite. Besides, compression massage used to restore the body after some severe injuries and operations, after a stroke and for many joint problems.

There are two types of pressotherapy:

  • comprehensive— when pressotherapy is carried out on the entire body, in a one-piece suit similar to an astronaut’s suit;
  • selective— pressotherapy on individual problem areas, carried out using separate cuffs.

Stages of pressotherapy

Step 1. Preparation for the procedure— mandatory consultation with a specialist to identify contraindications, presence chronic illnesses, identifying problem areas.

Step 2. Pressotherapy procedure— a special suit or cuffs are put on problem areas. Selected optimal mode impact. The procedure is painless. Compression pressure is applied to problem areas in waves, alternating high and low pressure. From this effect, blood and lymph begin to circulate more actively, cells get rid of toxins and their breakdown products.

  • The effectiveness and results of pressotherapy are noticeable almost immediately after the first procedure.
  • No rehabilitation period is required, nor is it required special care. After the procedure, you can lead your normal life.
  • The duration of the session is approximately 30-40 minutes. Pressotherapy is suitable for any age and gender in the absence of contraindications.
  • Pressotherapy individual areas body: pressotherapy of the legs (thighs, buttocks, calves), pressotherapy of the abdomen, pressotherapy of the arms allows you to eliminate the fat layer in these areas, tighten the skin, and get rid of cellulite.

The effect of pressotherapy lasts for several months to six months. Supported by physical fitness through training and balanced nutrition, the results of pressotherapy last longer.

One session of pressotherapy can replace 15-20 sessions of manual (manual) massage.

How to do home pressotherapy

Until relatively recently, pressotherapy was only salon procedure. Modern developments in the field of hardware cosmetology made it possible to create portable devices for pressotherapy at home. Using such a device, you can perform pneumomassage on individual parts of the body.

Before performing pressotherapy at home, it is also necessary to undergo a consultation and examination with a specialist.

Portable devices for pressotherapy are smaller, more compact, easier to use and relatively expensive.

Salon devices have greater functionality, multi-mode, and additional parameters for controlling the procedure.

Possible complications and side effects

During any procedure it is possible side effects. During pressotherapy they can also be observed:

  • increased urination;
  • sometimes the formation of hematomas.

Complications can arise if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, if the specialist is insufficiently qualified, or if existing chronic ailments are hidden.

  • Pressotherapy for varicose veins: Pneumomassage is used to prevent varicose veins and in its early stages. In other cases, pressotherapy is not recommended at all or with careful dosage, duration and frequency. It is also possible to use compression stockings during a session.
  • Pressotherapy for menstruation : since pneumomassage activates blood and lymph circulation, it is contraindicated during menstruation, otherwise it can cause heavy bleeding.
  • Pressotherapy for gynecological diseases is possible only after consultation with a doctor. For most of these “sores”, pressotherapy is contraindicated (cysts, fibroids, etc.).

Compatibility and comparison with other procedures

  • Pressotherapy and manual massage hardware massage is more effective in its effectiveness. As already noted, one session of pneumomassage replaces about 20 manual procedures. However, if there are contraindications or due to individual characteristics, the question of what is better - pressotherapy or massage - will be answered by a specialist.
  • Pressotherapy and cavitation— these procedures perfectly complement and enhance each other. They are used in combination, alternating in stages.
  • Pressotherapy and myostimulationfull compatibility procedures and enhancing the effect. Also used in combination. There are courses of “pressotherapy + + cavitation” procedures.
  • Infrared pressotherapy is also an effective way to correct the body, based on a set of pressotherapy procedures and infrared radiation. The so-called “infrared pants” can significantly enhance the breakdown of fat, have a similar effect to pressotherapy active action to circulatory and lymphatic vessels. Read:
  • Wrap along with pressotherapy, it enhances the anti-cellulite effect, helps tighten skin and muscle tone. There is also a course of procedures consisting of a complex infrared therapy, pressotherapy and wraps.
  • Pressotherapy or- also compatible procedures. The choice between these procedures depends on the desired effect and the problem of the body. The presence of contraindications is important.
  • Vacuum pressotherapy— combines vacuum massage and pneumatic massage. Gives enhanced effect, quick loss excess weight and lasting effect.

The correct course of figure correction: cavitation + LPG massage + pressotherapy

Useful articles:

To get rid of excess weight, you don’t always need to sweat for hours in the gym or sit on strict mono-diets. Pressotherapy allows you to remove cellulite, fat accumulations on the stomach and back, without the slightest effort.

What is pressotherapy

Pressotherapy – the latest technique for weight loss, which uses a special physiotherapy device. The point of application of the device is the lymphatic and excretory systems. The method is based on the injection of air into problem parts bodies.

During pressotherapy, the patient wears a special suit. A vacuum is created in it with the help of compressors - air is pumped in. During this, point pressure occurs on the lymphatic and blood vessels. It should be noted that the intensity of pressure changes, which provides additional “autonomous” muscle work.

The outflow of blood and lymph, as well as tension in the muscles, help remove excess moisture and get rid of cellulite, which causes fluid accumulation. Some devices are additionally equipped with heating. This massage speeds up metabolism and significantly increases the rate of removal of toxins and waste products from the body.

At the second stage, pneumocompression changes the pressure downward. Because of sharp jump, the vessels dilate significantly, thereby ensuring increased blood and lymph flow to the extremities. Thanks to this technique, vacuum allows you to completely solve the problem of hypoxia and stagnation of intercellular fluid.

Video: Why is pressotherapy necessary?

Contraindications and indications for pressotherapy

The benefits of pressotherapy have been proven repeatedly - many reviews claim that this particular procedure helped completely get rid of cellulite. But the hardware technique has a wide range of applications.

Cellulite is the main indication for pressotherapy

When is pressotherapy prescribed:

  • For cellulite grade 2 or higher;
  • In case of metabolic disorders, deterioration of blood flow in the extremities;
  • This is one of the few techniques that is acceptable for strengthening blood vessels in vegetative-vascular dystonia. To eliminate the “cold feet” syndrome, special boots are even put on the massager, which will improve local blood flow;
  • If you have sagging skin after weight loss or pregnancy, loss of elasticity or uneven color. Any physiotherapy is designed to improve metabolic processes in tissues. Pressure massage allows you to short time tighten the skin of the abdomen, restore its natural tone and even out the color;
  • During obesity. A course of pressotherapy consisting of 10 sessions can be an excellent substitute for liposuction. Already after the first procedure, noticeable results are visible: volumes disappear and the skin tightens.

But there are also some contraindications in order to carry out vacuum massage. Pressotherapy is not recommended for breastfeeding(in particular, you should not wear overalls - they also massage the chest muscles, which is undesirable during lactation).

Direct contraindications are any diseases of the excretory or metabolic system. These are diabetes, tuberculosis, menstrual period, other ailments of the lymphatic and excretory system. It is not recommended to carry out vacuum massage of the limbs if there is open wounds, fresh tattoos (up to 3 weeks) and exacerbation of chronic skin diseases.

Devices for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage

You can even conduct a pressotherapy session at home if you buy a special massage device, cuffs and a body suit. Let's look at the most popular devices.

– one of the most famous professional devices for conducting a pressotherapy session. The set also includes trousers and a jacket. This therapeutic device has a very wide range of effects - from the prevention of varicose veins to getting rid of stage 3 cellulite. Air is pumped into the suit with an overlap; it is possible to select a specific compressor operating mode (there are 24 of them in total). Air flow can be continuous or change the pressure every 15 seconds.

– a professional device designed for lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy. The set includes pants, shorts and a jacket to work different parts of the body. If you put on the suit completely, 8 zones will be worked on simultaneously. This Korean device is most often found in specialized cosmetology or medical centers. It is believed that he demonstrates top scores, in comparison with similar devices. The price of Doctor Life Lymph Tron varies from 3200 to 3500 USD. e.

– a universal device for pressotherapy. The unique design provides not only treatment wide range diseases associated with metabolism, but also carrying out a variety of procedures. This device is configured in the following modes:

  • Cavitation;
  • Lymphatic drainage massage (pressotherapy);
  • Anti-cellulite effect;
  • Head and neck massage to eliminate fatigue and others.

A total of 13 programs and 8 operating modes.

Another device used in beauty salons is. Its characteristics include highly economical operation, versatility and a wide range of settings. The device operates in the modes of pneumomassage, cavitation, heating and many others.

It has significant differences with the devices described above. Firstly, these are specialized systems designed to prepare the athletes’ bodies for serious stress or, on the contrary, to recover from stress. Secondly,

– this installation performs 3 functions at once: lymphatic drainage massage, infrared heating and electrical stimulation(LPG). The technical basis is the Pretherapy System technique. The effect after using the IV Beauty Tool is characterized by duration and high effectiveness. In one procedure you can combine several modern techniques for weight loss.

In addition, it is a unique device. In addition to pressotherapy, it also offers body wraps and heating. Suitable for massage against tired legs, heating after hypothermia, accelerating metabolism.

– a pressotherapy device equipped with 4 chambers. Its main advantages over professional devices with 8 compartments are simplicity and accessibility. Even a beginner can use it. Even easier to use – IB-9102. Beauty Sport. His instructions include only 3 operating modes and a three-chamber vacuum system.

Best suited for home pressotherapy. The kit includes fixation cuffs, suits, and attachments for percussion therapy. The cost of such a device is up to $1000, but in efficiency it is not inferior to professional machines. Some experts note that it is a portable analog Airmoon.

Even more affordable - Happy System. This device is designed for lymphatic drainage of the legs and pressotherapy of the lower abdomen. Compared to many other devices, it is sold for practically nothing – up to $300. The device saves you from fatigue and swelling of the legs, varicose veins, hypothermia and many other problems. Its use is only advisable at home. IN professional conditions it lacks power.

Video: pressotherapy devices for home use

Pressotherapy procedure at home

Shock wave massage or pressotherapy can easily be performed at home. To do this, you need to purchase a suitable massage unit and a special suit (if it is not sold as a set).

Step-by-step instruction how to do pressotherapy at home:

  1. First you need to take a warm bath, stretch the treated areas, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to them;
  2. Afterwards you need to lie down comfortable position and fix the cuffs on the body. Boots or a suit must fit tightly on the limbs, otherwise the vacuum effect will not be achieved;
  3. Next, the device is configured desired effect and the compressor turns on. It is important to set the appropriate operating mode (constant, continuous, etc.). It depends not only on your needs, but also on the state of your body. For example, for hypothermia, a constant regime is recommended, and for weight loss, on the contrary, a periodic regime is recommended.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes, otherwise bruises may remain on the body. It is important to understand that after pressotherapy some symptoms may appear. side effects. This is bruising and redness (on sensitive skin), trembling in the arms or legs, in in rare cases- headache.

Photos before and after

A description of the effects after pressotherapy would not be complete without before and after photos. To make sure how useful and effective the procedure is, we have prepared photographs of the results after shock-vacuum therapy.