How to massage your back and legs. Back massage technique at home. Vacuum back massage

Massage is a wonderful way to relax, which also has a healing effect if done correctly. It helps maintain youth and energy. Allows you to get rid of accumulated fatigue. During a massage, the body relaxes, blood circulation is normalized, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Creating an appropriate environment

Since massage is aimed mainly at obtaining pleasure and maximum relaxation, that is why before doing it, you should create the most favorable conditions for this. Here's what they include:

  • a massage table, which at home can be replaced with any hard surface; it should be covered with a non-slip blanket made of natural material, and a small pillow should be placed under the head of the person being massaged;
  • a suitable atmosphere, which consists in creating the most comfortable ambient temperature and air humidity for a person; before performing a massage, the room must be ventilated;
  • a suitable environment - to do this, dim the lights in the room, play relaxing, calm music, and, if desired, light candles or an aroma lamp;
  • Prepare everything you need for a massage - massage oil or cream, towel.

Once everything is ready, you can begin the massage itself.

What massage techniques are there?

Russian massage technique includes 4 main techniques, which include:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • vibration and impact techniques.

For a non-professional massage therapist, the correct implementation of these techniques will be quite sufficient; you should not try to perform something more complex, since with an incorrect massage you can achieve the opposite effect and cause serious harm to health.

Back massage technique

Professional massage requires special training, but it doesn’t take much to make your loved one feel good and help them relax. Try to do everything carefully and without strong pressure, focus on the sensations of the person being massaged and follow his instructions. Massage techniques include the following:

  1. Before the procedure, take a little warm massage oil in your palms and gently apply it to your back. Any massage should begin with light, stroking movements, gradually making them more intense. Make the movement from bottom to top along the central part along the spine, but without touching it itself. At the top of the back, the stroking movements should be expanded, capturing the shoulder area. Continue these movements for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Start longitudinal movements, starting from the spine, from the lower back to the sides. At the same time, work the sides well. Duration – 5 minutes.
  3. After this, proceed to rubbing - make the same movements in direction as indicated in the first two paragraphs, but using your fingertips. Do it for 10 minutes.
  4. The next stage is kneading. In order to perform continuous kneading, the hands must be in the same plane, but in contact with each other. The tissues on the back are deeply grasped, with one hand you need to move them away from you, and with the second hand - towards you. Then make a shift in the opposite direction. In this case, the movements should smoothly flow from one to another. Do everything carefully, working all areas of your back for 10 minutes.
  5. You can supplement the massage with vibration movements, for which one hand remains on the massaged area, and the second moves along the part of the body, without leaving the surface of the back.
  6. The final stage of the massage is percussive techniques, which include tapping, chopping movements and patting. Initially, we perform tapping, for which we make gentle blows with our fingertips or fist. We continue with chopping movements - using the edges of our palms, we gently tap the entire back area. And we finish by clapping our palms. All these techniques should not cause pain and should not be performed for long - no more than 5 minutes.
  7. You should finish the massage where you started - with light, stroking movements.

Movements can be combined and complemented with each other.

Basic rules of massage

When performing a massage, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  • It is forbidden to do massage for many diseases, first check the list of those diseases for which it is unacceptable;
  • Massage with caution if there are moles;
  • Do all the movements that you perform during a massage carefully, without unnecessary pressure, be interested in the sensations of the person being massaged in order to avoid unpleasant health consequences;
  • all movements should be uniform, smooth, with a clear rhythm, avoid abruptness and long stops - this will help a person relax as much as possible;
  • After a massage, you should not get up immediately; you must cover the person being massaged with a towel and let him lie down for a while.

If you are worried about back pain, it is best to contact a professional massage therapist or sign up for a massage course, after which you will be able to please your family with a quality massage all the time.

Helped us:

Elena Mikheeva
Clarins Skin Spa Therapist

Elena Gorshkova
Body shaping and massage specialist Real Clinic

According to the masters, home massage is no less effective than professional massage, and it’s much easier to do. Typically, the procedure includes stroking, rubbing, patting and pinching of varying degrees of intensity. The main thing is to understand what and, in fact, why you are doing this, and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Please note that such manipulations are strictly contraindicated for people with skin and acute cardiovascular diseases. Feverish states are also not for experiments. "Also Do not massage areas with birthmarks and pronounced varicose veins, enlarged lymph nodes. Belly - during pregnancy, hernias, kidney stones, during menstruation,” warns Elena Gorshkova.

Before any self-massage, take a shower and remove foreign objects from yourself: rings, watches, bracelets. Use olive oil, you can mix it with essential oil. Work with both hands, if, of course, you want to properly work out all the problem areas. Attention, always move from bottom to top - in the direction of lymph flow (unless the instructions indicate otherwise). This way you will intensify its flow, which will lead to the removal of old cells, metabolic products, and excess fluid.

As a rule, during a home procedure, blood circulation increases, muscle tension is relieved, and brain function improves. With the help of a home massage you can both invigorate and relax yourself. It's all about what moves you use. “Short, strong ones excite the body, and long, slow and more or less light ones, on the contrary, calm them down. Repeat the latter 5-6 times,” teaches Elena Gorshkova.

1. How to do anti-cellulite massage at home

  • First of all, warm up your muscles in a hot shower and cleanse your skin with a scrub.
  • Then rub the problem areas with a brush or mitten until they become red.
  • Ready? Apply an anti-cellulite product to them.
  • Now start moving with stroking movements from bottom to top (start from your feet). Add pressure in the calf area to improve lymph and blood flow.
  • Gradually increase the pace and pressure. Keep in mind that even if only the upper thigh is affected by cellulite, you should still treat the entire surface of the leg.
  • Leave the areas of the lymph nodes, groin, popliteal and armpits untouched.
  • To make everything work, practice massage 2-3 times a week (30-60 minutes each). A course of 8-10 procedures is more than enough.

Result: Blood circulation improves, a lymphatic drainage effect appears, the appearance of stretch marks and “orange peel” is prevented, and volumes are reduced.

2. How to do a relaxing massage at home

  • Take a bath or shower to relax your muscles.
  • Now take the oil - cosmetic oil marked “Relax” will do just fine. And start applying the product with soft, non-pressing movements.
  • Move strictly from bottom to top.

Result: The general emotional state will improve, the muscles will relax, the lymph flow will accelerate, and therefore the removal of all harmful substances from the body.

3. How to massage your feet at home

  • Pre-steam your feet in a bath (you can add a herbal infusion to the water) and make yourself comfortable.
  • Ready? Dry your skin and apply any rich cream so that your hands glide well.
  • Start rubbing and stroking your feet, try to stretch each toe. Work in the direction of blood flow (read - towards the heart).

Result: A good relaxing effect is guaranteed. The thing is that there are energy channels on the feet: for example, the thumb is responsible for the head, and the middle index finger is responsible for the eyes. In addition, such self-massage improves blood circulation, prevents arthritis, and relieves fatigue, tension, and stress. And it strengthens the entire body as a whole.

4. How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

  • Any techniques for kneading muscles are prohibited. Otherwise, the massage will interfere with the effective functioning of the lymph vessels, and the operation will fail.
  • Apply oil (warm if possible) to your skin.
  • Rub and stroke it with slow, smooth, soft movements - from top to bottom or in a circle. The procedure takes only 15 minutes, and it would be good to do it every other day.

Result:“This technique is a salvation for all those who have a sedentary job,” hints Elena Mikheeva. As a result, the functioning of the lymphatic system is normalized, immunity increases, skin elasticity improves, and swelling disappears. Cellulite prevention included. “Lymphatic drainage massage cleanses the body from the inside and normalizes the water-salt balance, thanks to which blood and lymph circulation improves,” adds Elena Gorshkova.

5. How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

  • Cover the epidermis with tonic oil (look for the “Tonic” stamp on the product packaging).
  • Ready? Now, with both hands, begin to warm up the muscles with counter movements. Gradually move up from below.

Result: Immunity will improve greatly. This massage is also often used to prevent psycho-emotional disorders.

A back massage is an excellent way to relieve fatigue after work.

You can learn how to do a back massage yourself after familiarizing yourself with it.


  • in the event that there is an infectious disease or any other disease that causes an increase in body temperature;
  • if cancer is diagnosed;
  • there are dermatological fungal and inflammatory diseases, with pronounced phenomena on the skin;
  • there is bleeding, thrombophlebitis or aortic aneurysm.

Preliminary preparation

There are conditions that must be met before starting the session:

  • the room in which the massage session will be performed should be ventilated and warm;
  • The person you are giving the massage needs to be laid on his stomach; the surface needs to be flat and hard. You can place a small pillow under your chest and head. The ideal option is a special massage table; if this is not available, a hard couch will do, or you will have to lay a “foam” mat on the floor for doing gymnastics;
  • your hands should be warm and clean, your nails should be cut so as not to damage the skin when doing massage and not cause pain;
  • before taking a massage you need to take a shower;
  • prepare massage cream or oil, paper towels or napkins. It is necessary to apply oil to the skin only in cases where there is hair in the massage area or the massage therapist’s hands may become sweaty during the session. The oil does not need to be poured directly onto the skin in the massage area; it must first be warmed in the palm of your hand.

Basic Rules

There are several rules that the one who will do the massage needs to know:

  • movements during the massage should be directed towards large lymph nodes, in the direction of lymph flow;
  • during the massage, do not put pressure on the spine and kidney area;
  • the back muscles should be relaxed during the procedure;
  • the massage therapist’s movements should not cause significant pain; if the partner complains of pain, the intensity of the effect must be reduced;
  • you need to maintain speed and rhythm - no more than 26-28 movements in one minute, fast massage movements cause excitement, while slow ones promote;
  • Massage movements should be alternated: after the power ones, techniques with a soft impact should follow, and each should be repeated 5 times or more. There should be no pauses between performing different techniques.

Where to begin

The back is conventionally divided into zones:

  • lumbosacral - located from the coccyx to the lower rib;
  • thoracic - from the lower rib to the upper edge of the scapula;
  • cervical-collar - from the upper edge of the scapula to the base of the skull.

It is better to start a massage session from the lumbar region and gradually move higher and end it in the cervical-collar area.

Classic back massage

This technique begins the back massage. The palms of both hands, with a gentle movement from the tailbone to the shoulder blades, move along the spine, capturing the scapular area, and return down the sides. Such movements are done 3-4 times in order to warm up the skin and back muscles.

A straight-line movement of the surface of the palms, along the spine and clasping the sides. These movements must be done at least three times; they promote deeper tissue heating, increased blood and lymph flow, and improve tissue nutrition.

That technique consists of three actions: grabbing the muscle with your fingers, squeezing and rolling, and actually kneading. This movement has the same effect as rubbing, it completely relieves fatigue and muscle tension.

Hands spaced 3 cm apart make sawing movements with the edge of the palm in opposite directions and move along the entire back along the spine. After this, in the transverse direction, then on the sides, repeat these movements 2-3 times on each side. This movement also helps warm up the muscle tissue.

Pressing movement with the base of the palm in the direction from the lower back to the shoulder blades. On each side there are three lines, repeat at least three times. And the same movement can be done along the lateral surfaces of the back in the direction from the pelvis to the armpit, 2-3 times.

This movement is done in the area of ​​the sacrum next to the spine, work 4-5 times, and additionally do squeezing in the same area with the heel of the palm up to 5 times.

These movements are performed in the direction from the sacrum towards the shoulder blades, they are repeated 3-4 times on both sides:

This movement is done with the pads of the fingers spread apart. Promotes tissue stretching and muscle stimulation.

It is performed with both hands, using movements with the edge of the palm. Hands should be 2 to 4 cm apart from each other.

It is performed with the hands, palm part, fingers closed together, thus forming an air cushion that absorbs shock.

This movement with the hands, fingers clenched into a fist, is performed with the elbow sides of the hands.

Performed with both hands, the movement is similar to sifting through a sieve, helping to relax tense muscles.

The movement that gives the body vibration is done with the base of the palm, or perhaps with the pads of the fingers.

The set of movements may vary, but the massage should begin and end with stroking.

You can massage the neck area yourself.

The following movements are suitable for this:

  • stroking, straight and grasping;
  • rubbing in a straight line and in a circle;
  • planing;
  • sawing;
  • tapping and patting;
  • kneading - great attention should be paid to this movement.

If you learn self-massage techniques, you can independently relieve fatigue in the neck muscles, which will serve as the prevention of such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Thoracic spine

It is difficult to massage this area on your own; you will have to ask someone close to you about it.

To massage the chest area, the partner needs to be laid on his stomach on a hard surface.

Place your arms along your body, palms up.

All movements are carried out along the spinal column in the direction from the line of the lower rib to the upper edge of the scapula.

All the techniques described above are used, which can be repeated 5-8 times. Both sides of the back are massaged separately. On each side, the massage lasts up to 10-15 minutes.

How to massage your lower back

Of course, it is better for someone else to do the lower back massage, but if this is not possible, then you will have to do it yourself.

It must be remembered that you should not make any movements directly on the spine and try not to put pressure on the kidney area.

Self-massage can be done while sitting, on a stool or on a chair - “on horseback”, facing the back.

You need to start the massage with stroking along the spine, in the direction from the tailbone to the lower rib. These movements can be done simultaneously on 2 sides and repeated on both sides 3-4 times.

After this, work the lateral parts of your back and begin to perform the following techniques:

  • rubbing and kneading;
  • “sawing”, “chopping” - done with both hands, with the edge of the palm (from the side of the thumb);
  • squeezing with fingertips in the sacral region; pat;
  • effleurage - this movement is performed with the inner sides of the hands (from the side of the index finger); shake;
  • vibration.

You need to end the massage session with the same technique you started with - stroking.

If you have to sit at a computer all day, drive a car, or work in difficult conditions, these simple self-massage techniques can help prevent diseases of the lumbar spine.


In addition to classical and other types of manual massage, an original type of so-called cupping massage is also practiced.

The principle on which this type of massage is based is a reflex reaction of the skin and deep tissues to the action of discharge (vacuum) that appears inside the jar when air is removed from it.

The jar sticks strongly to the skin, causing the skin to turn red and blood circulation and lymph flow to increase. This helps cure inflammatory diseases and has a good effect on muscles and skin.

You can use rubber cans - the air from which is removed by strong compression of the rubber shell, and the skin is drawn inside under the influence of a vacuum. You can also use glass jars, the air from which is removed when the alcohol burns inside (previously, such jars were used to treat lung diseases).

Contraindications the same as for classical massage.


  • hypertension;
  • headaches with sleep disturbances;
  • rehabilitation after injuries of the spine and limbs;;
  • skin restoration, resorption of scars and cicatricial formations;
  • elimination of pain in diseases of the spine.

It is also used for cosmetic purposes, to remove fat deposits and prevent the formation of cellulite.

Before the cupping procedure, the skin must be pre-warmed. This can be done using a bath or a regular massage session.

For back massage, the jar is placed on either side of the spinal column at a distance of 2-3 cm from the spinous processes.

The jar is moved from the lumbar area to the cervical-collar area. When the can moves up, with slight pressure, a tubercle of skin should form in front of it, and the can moves down without effort. Move the jar rectilinearly and in a spiral. And in the cervical region, the jar is moved in a circle, in the center of which is the 7th cervical vertebra. In a clockwise direction, you need to make 12-15 movements. The upper back is massaged by moving the jar from head to shoulders, on different sides of the spine, avoiding touching it itself.

This type of massage relieves lower back pain; the can moves parallel to the spine in a straight line and in a spiral.

For bronchitis and pneumonia, cupping massage facilitates the removal of mucus and promotes rapid healing.

Cups should not be placed on the spine itself, on the mammary glands, on the bends of the elbow and knee joints, on the area of ​​the kidneys and heart, on the inner thighs and in the armpit.


The usefulness of regular massage is greatly enhanced if done with honey.

Honey is good for the body, as it contains bioactive substances and microelements; thanks to massage, all these beneficial substances nourish the skin and start the cleansing process, drawing out excess moisture and toxins from the skin.

Before a massage with honey, you need to take a shower and use a scrub to free the skin from the dead stratum corneum. It's a good idea to go to the sauna before the massage.

First you need to do a test - apply a small amount of honey to the skin of the forearm. If the skin turns red from contact with honey, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, you will have to refuse the massage. An allergy to bee products is a direct contraindication to honey massage; contraindications to regular massage are also taken into account.

A massage with honey, like a regular massage, can be done at home. To do this, you need to know the basic movements that are done during a back massage.

The procedure begins, as always, with stroking. A thin layer of honey is applied to the heated skin and the massage continues. After kneading movements, you need to collect the resulting white pulp with rubbing movements and sharply remove your hands from your back. You need to wash off this mass, which contains waste and toxins removed from the skin, from your hands, after which the massage procedure can be continued. At the end of the massage, you need to take a shower and moisturize your skin with cream.

Honey massage will help get rid of pain due to osteochondrosis, but at the first session an aggravation may begin, caused by increased blood circulation and blood flow to the sore spot.

For this reason, you should not stop treatment; with each session, the pain will weaken and as a result:

  • back pain may disappear;
  • the condition will improve if there are pulmonary diseases or chronic bronchitis;
  • fat folds will be significantly reduced;

The use of massage as a restorative and therapeutic procedure affects the entire body. Your sleep will improve, your mood will rise and energy will appear, which we, modern people, so lack for a normal life.

Our spine is easily vulnerable. His lumbar region bears the main load.
When we lift weights, wash floors, or move furniture, our spinal discs suffer from enormous pressure.

The cause of pain can be any little thing - an unsuccessful turn of the body or an awkwardly lifted bag.
Lack of movement and excess weight, a backpack that is too heavy or uncomfortable shoes - factors that seem insignificant at first glance become important with age.

How to do a back massage correctly

Back massage is perhaps the most popular, since it is back pain that we most often complain about at the end of the working day. A back massage that does not require special skills or prior preparation is suitable for home use. At the same time, a high-quality back massage will relieve tension from the entire body, get rid of pain, feelings of discomfort and stiffness, and also provide the opportunity to move fully and confidently.

So, how to properly massage your back? All movements should be smooth, soft, painless. In addition, it should be understood that along with the pleasant sensations of a back massage, it is a significant investment of time and energy on the part of the massager.

Preparatory stage. Place the person who is about to have a back massage on a table at a height that is convenient for you. Place a pillow under his chest.

The position of the massaged person is lying on his stomach, arms along the body, head turned towards the massage therapist, but if this position is difficult, you can sit on a chair facing the back.

If necessary, lubricate your hands and the patient's back with massage oil. To do this, it is better to prepare massage oil in advance. It can be anything: grape seed oil, almond oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil or peanut oil. You can also add a few drops of essential oils that have healing effects to regular oils. There are many aromatic compositions, for example for the treatment of back pain:

Warming composition - camphor, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, marjoram, oregano, pine essence or resin.
. Oils that soften and stimulate blood circulation - nutmeg oil, juniper, petitgrain oil, rosemary.
. Muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory oils - lavender, thyme, clary sage.

Mix all ingredients in equal proportions, then add to the base oil. Before the massage session, the oil should be warmed up and then applied to the palms.

The back is conventionally divided into three areas:

  • lumbar- from the coccyx to the lower edge of the costal arch;
  • back- from the lower edge of the costal arch to the upper edge of the scapula;
  • collar- from the upper edge of the scapula to the base of the skull.

The procedure itself is also divided into three stages. During the first and second stages, a massage is performed on the left and right sides of the lower back and back, i.e. First one side is massaged, then the other, on the third - massage of the collar area.

On average, the left and right sides of the back are massaged for approximately 15 minutes, the collar area - 8 - 12 minutes, depending on the physique of the person being massaged.

When performing a massage, it is important to use not only a certain form, i.e. certain techniques and their sequence, but also feel, “listen with your hands,” stop at places that require it and work through them efficiently, then the result will be appropriate.

Back massage technique

To carry out a classic back massage, it is enough to adhere to a certain sequence of techniques, roughly speaking, “two slams, three stomps,” and after one completed circle of movements, these techniques are varied in different sequences with fewer repetitions, stopping at more painful and tense places.

Perhaps in different schools some techniques and their sequence are slightly different, but the essence remains the same. This is one of the existing forms:

Start the massage with a light, straight line stroking. Using two palms, move from the lower back along the spine and spread your hands over the shoulder blades, returning them down the edges of the back.

The movement should be light and soft, the palm seems to “flow around” the surface of the back. 3-4 movements are enough.

Next step - trituration surface of the palm, you can use straight and grasping, 3 movements each.

The third trick is "sawing" edge of the palm. For optimal heating of the entire massaged surface, use perpendicular, longitudinal, along the spine, and sawing on the side of the massaged side. The number of repetitions is 2 - 3 times.

We move to one side and work with it for 10 minutes, then work with the other side

We carry out straight squeezing with the base of the palm, in the direction from the lower back to the shoulder blades, along three lines on the massaged side, 3 times.

Next move - squeezing with finger pads in the sacral region near the spine, after 4 - 5 runs, can be supplemented by squeezing the heel of the palm in the same area, also 4 -5 times.

Next use "planing" along the intercostal spaces. It is carried out with the pads of all fingers, slightly spread, from the spine downwards, and moving from the pelvis to the shoulder blades. 3-4 runs from bottom to top are enough.

Continuously go to squeezing around the scapular area. This can be a combination of dotted squeezing with the thumbs, a deep heel of the palm, or two. This area is distinguished by its soreness, so high-quality work is necessary here. Use 3 - 4 techniques, 5 - 6 repetitions.

Next move - kneading along the long back muscle, from the pelvis to the head - we “pinch off” a piece of muscle tissue of the lumbar region on one side of the spine and “roll” it up to the cervical region, moving the index and thumb of one hand, then the other. Repeat this technique 3-4 times, covering different areas of the back.

Let's do the same on the other side of the spine. After this, rub your back with your palms.

At the end of this stage, you can spend time on the spine, working the long muscle on both sides, using several kneading and squeezing techniques, alternating them differently, with fewer repetitions - 1 - 2 times.

We finish the massage of the main back area patting. In order for the pats to turn out correctly, you need to relax your hands by half. And tap your palms all over your back.

After working on both sides, move on to the collar area.

Start massaging this area from light, varied rubbing, moving into sawing both sides, from the shoulder to the base of the skull. Sawing 3 times on each side, but alternating once.

Followed by squeezing with fingertips near the spine, from the bottom of the trapezius to the base of the skull, repeat 3 to 4 times.

After that use kneading using the “double bar” method ( one hand weighs down the other to increase the impact) on each side, from the shoulder to the base of the skull, effectively grasping the muscle. Alternate once on each side, 3 to 4 times in total.

Next you can apply squeezing with the heel of the palm, from the base of the skull to the shoulder, along the trapezoid, alternating sides. 5-6 movements on each side are enough.

Use spot kneading of the base of the skull with your fingertips, try not to pull the hair.

Finish the massage with light rubbing and stroking, gradually reducing the intensity.

This massage is one of many that exist and may not be the best, but it can cause a worthy positive effect.

Massage of the back and lower back is recommended for the prevention of various diseases of the spine, including the treatment of osteochondrosis. Lower back massage perfectly relieves fatigue that has accumulated after a busy day and stimulates blood circulation in the kidneys. This massage is simply necessary for those people who spend most of their time sitting.

Back and lower back massage from Dr. Kolpakov.

In addition, the following techniques can help effectively relieve tension and get rid of pain:

Thanks to such techniques, blood flow in muscles and organs increases, reduces fat deposits, and activates biological stimulants.

A properly performed massage will normalize your tired muscles, have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and, of course, will lift your spirits. After all, a massage session, among other things, is a very pleasant relaxing procedure.

That's all, be healthy!

The human body always needs a massage. It would be nice to learn this art on your own, because turning to professionals is not always possible. Let's learn the basics of proper massage together and delight our loved ones with our skills.

We have already mastered the rules of massage thanks to the article ““. Let's start practicing and start by learning how to do a proper back massage.

Firstly, every person can handle it without accidentally causing harm to the person being massaged. The skin on the back is quite dense and has few biologically active points.

Secondly, it is the back that most often needs a massage. Especially for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, slouch, and mostly sit at work. Their muscles are constantly tense, which often causes back and lower back pain.

Thirdly, this massage does not require complex technical movements. Doing a proper back massage is not at all difficult, at least technically. Even simple stroking (which is also a massage technique) can help you relax.

Fourthly, back massage is the only type of massage that cannot be done by self-massage.

So find someone to practice on and let’s get started.

Doing a back massage correctly

1. We start with superficial stroking.
From the lower back to the shoulders and back, we make stroking movements with the entire palm. When moving from top to bottom, apply more intense pressure, and when moving from top to bottom, on the contrary, lightly touch. Now we stroke the shoulders with movements from the neck to the forearms.

2. Now we move from superficial to deep stroking.
The movements during this stroking are intense and are performed with the ribs of the palms. Keep your arms parallel to each other, spread them in different directions. The trajectory of movements should be diagonal, from right to left and from left to right.

3. Let's start rubbing. The movements are similar to superficial stroking, but are done from the sides to the spine. Rub your shoulders and neck especially intensively. It will be better if you rub one side first and then the other.

4. The next stage is kneading. Grab the folds of the skin of the back with your fingertips, about 4-5 cm each. But not very tightly, otherwise it will be more of a tingling rather than kneading. The spine should not be touched; knead each side of the back separately, but with both hands.

5. Now apply pressure. Place your thumbs on your back on each side of the spine 3 cm and press. You need to press lightly. Count to 5 and remove your fingers. Walk this way up and down your entire back.

6. Vibration. Lightly touching the back muscles, make circular movements with your fingertips, moving from the lower back to the neck.

7. The massage is almost finished. Finish it with the first point, that is, superficial stroking.