Medicinal and cosmetic properties of red clover: rejuvenating the body in the simplest way. Clover

Red clover is quite widely used in folk medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. They treat jaundice, joint diseases, colds, coughs and others. It is often used to prevent the symptoms and consequences of menopause. It is believed that red clover purifies the blood, improves blood circulation, and is a mild diuretic and choleretic agent.

Red clover is a familiar perennial plant belonging to the legume family. It can be found in almost many places and at many latitudes, right up to the gray latitudes.

Clover blooms also for a long time: from May-June until September. After flowering, an ovoid fruit ripens, similar to a bean, containing only one seed inside.

Beneficial properties of red clover

The leaves and flowers of the plant contain:

Many vitamins: C, group B, carotene and others;

Mineral compounds;

Organic acids;



Flavonoids improve fat metabolism, which is useful for treating and lowering cholesterol levels and preventing atherosclerosis.

It improves blood circulation and facilitates the delivery of oxygen to tissues and cells.

In addition, it contains phytohormones similar to the female hormone estrogen.

Phytosterols are hormone-like substances that may have active anticancer effects. In terms of phytoestrogens content, it is superior to soy, which contains only one isoflavone.

Tea made from the leaves and flowers of the herb has effective mild diuretic and choleretic properties. It will be useful in reducing potency in men.

Red clover use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, red clover is used as:








Having anti-inflammatory properties, clover flowers are often used for skin diseases and rheumatism. Due to the presence of salicylic acid, it is brewed for porridge, whooping cough and other lung diseases: bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma.

To treat various diseases, ointments or decoctions are prepared from it, which are used in the form of compresses and poultices.

Decoctions from the herb help with anemia, and it is recommended to drink from the roots for hernia, tumors and inflammation of the appendages.

It is used as a hemostatic agent for hemorrhoids, heavy periods, and bleeding.

Lotions from the decoction help cope with migraines and headaches. The same lotions can be applied to the eyes of those who work a lot at the computer or whose work involves a lot of strain on their eyesight.

This medicinal plant reduces tinnitus and dizziness, and helps reduce high blood pressure.

A decoction, infusion, or tincture diluted in water is used to rinse the mouth and throat for various inflammatory diseases.

Medicines prepared from this herb can be used both topically on the skin and internally. In folk medicine it is used to make:

Decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures;

Red clover traditional medicine recipes

Red clover is a popular medicinal plant not only here. It is used for treatment among cultures of many nations and its use for medicinal purposes goes back hundreds of years. It's time to get acquainted with some folk recipes for use.

Infusion for the eyes

You can drink this infusion to improve your vision and make lotions with it to relieve fatigue.

Clover grass – 3 teaspoons

Water – 1 glass

Pour boiling water over the herb and leave for at least 1 hour. Strain and drink a quarter glass 20 minutes before meals 4 times a day.

As a lotion, moisten cotton pads or gauze pads with the broth and apply to the eyes for 15 minutes. They will help relieve dry eye mucosa and pain.

Tincture for atherosclerosis

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers and leaves into 500 ml of vodka. Close the lid and leave for 10-14 days in a dark place. Strain and store in a dark glass container.

Take a tablespoon daily at night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks and a break of 10 days. Then drink for another 2 weeks.

Infusion for cough

Pour two glasses of dried herbs into a liter of boiling water and leave until the water cools. Drink 100 ml warm when coughing or bronchitis. The same decoction can be used to gargle a sore throat and make lotions to heal wounds.

Infusion for headaches

Brew a tablespoon of clover flowers and leaves with 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Filter and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

This decoction can be drunk for anemia and atherosclerosis.

Tea to improve lactation

Mix 10 grams of dried clover flowers and the same amount of dried St. John's wort, 20 grams of black currant leaves. Grind and brew as tea. Drink throughout the day.

Blood thinner tea

Brew 5 dried inflorescences with a glass (250 ml) of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink tea, adding 2 cups of honey to it throughout the day.

Clover contains coumarins, which help “dissolve” blood clots, thereby preventing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Clover root decoction

This decoction is drunk for inflammation of the appendages and cancer. Pour 10 grams of crushed roots with hot water (100 ml) and boil in a water bath for half an hour.

Strain and add boiled water to the original volume. Take no more than 5 times 1 tablespoon during the day.

Decoction with clover seeds

The decoction is useful for men with weakened sexual function. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of red clover seeds (beans) is poured with dry red wine (1 glass) and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Then filter and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.

For vitamin deficiency, loss of strength

The healing drink is prepared as follows. Brew 3 tablespoons of dried herbs in a 2-liter thermos and leave to brew for 4-5 hours.

Strain the finished infusion. Add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste.

A tonic drink can be prepared together with rose hips. It is also better to brew in a thermos.

For the drink, take 100 grams of crushed rose hips and 2 tablespoons of clover. Infuse for 7-8 hours and filter.

Drink 100-125 ml twice a day after meals.

For skin diseases, prepare an ointment by taking red clover grass crushed into powder. The powder is mixed with butter or any fat, solid oil, such as pork or coconut oil. The ratio of herbs should not exceed 10-15 percent, for example, for 100 grams of finished ointment, take 75 grams of oil and 15 grams of herb.

Red clover contraindications

However, despite its many medicinal properties, treatment is not indicated for everyone. Those who have a tumor should treat it with caution. Although in folk medicine it is used to treat some types of malignant tumors, but not all. In some types, it can lead to tumor growth and aggravate an already serious illness. In addition, there is currently no scientific evidence of successful cancer treatment.

In diabetic patients, it may lower blood sugar levels.

It is prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women to be treated with red clover.

You should not take birth control pills and treat with this plant at the same time, as it contains phytoestrogens, which can affect the production of estrogen, which in turn can lead to disruption of the natural balance of chemicals in the body and, as a result, unpleasant side effects.

Preparations containing clover lower blood pressure, so it is contraindicated for low blood pressure.

You should always remember that clover contains coumarins, which thin the blood, which can lead to bleeding, including internal bleeding.

The most common side effects when treated with red clover preparations can be:

Headaches and muscle pain;

An allergic reaction in the form of swelling, itching and other symptoms;

It can have an effect on the liver, which can be identified by the following symptoms:

Abdominal pain in the upper right side of the stomach;

Yellow spots on the eyes or skin;

Urine too dark.

If unpleasant symptoms or side effects appear, stop taking the medications and consult a doctor. And before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

Clover is a well-known meadow plant. It is often mentioned in fairy tales and stories; it is believed that the milk of a cow that grazed in a meadow with clover will be especially tasty and healing.

Clover blooms beautifully - with bright, crimson cones; landscapes with blooming clover meadows are simply delightful. But this cute little flower has tremendous power and benefits. This was known hundreds of years ago, and to this day clover is included in many medicinal herbal preparations. Clover is even compared to ginseng, it helps so well. The stems, leaves, roots and flowers of red clover are used for treatment. They are harvested during the flowering period.

Medicinal properties of red clover

Red clover is an ancient medicine against cancer. The substances included in its chemical composition suppress tumor growth and slow it down. There are known cases of complete recovery from cancer, while red clover was included in the list of medicines used. It can also be used to prevent the development of cancer, as well as after treatment, to support the body to prevent relapse.

It is believed that red clover is especially effective against breast cancer in women., with ovarian cancer, damage to the lymph nodes. Red clover is also used for diseases such as mastopathy, which may precede oncology. Clover helps lumps in the breast dissolve.

Red clover has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which significantly expands its scope of application. It is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gout, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, intestines), viral and bacterial diseases of the ENT organs (sore throat, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infection), influenza, colds, rheumatoid arthritis. Preparations based on it or containing this plant help relieve inflammation, restore tissue affected by the disease, and eliminate infection.

Red clover can also be used as an effective expectorant.. It thins and removes mucus well, so it is prescribed for bronchitis and pneumonia. Red clover is also used for whooping cough. This plant helps stop or relieve the suffocating, incessant cough that characterizes this infectious dangerous disease.

Red clover is also known to have diuretic properties. It can be used as the main medicine against edema and genitourinary infections, and also as an auxiliary, for prevention. Red clover removes excess water from the body well; it is not only a diuretic, but also a diaphoretic.

Traditional medicine successfully uses red clover to treat dermatological diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. It helps to heal and eliminate rashes, reduce their number or area of ​​damaged skin, and prolong the period of remission. Red clover can also help with baldness and stop or slow down alopecia. Research has also confirmed that it stimulates the production of natural collagen in the epidermis, which rejuvenates the skin, restores its elasticity, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Red clover helps cleanse the body of toxins and removes harmful substances. It provokes urine and sweating, dilutes bile, and cleanses the intestines.

Red clover's ability to relieve pain has also been noted. It helps with arthritis, vasculitis, joint pain, menstrual pain, colic.

I use clover for anemia and physical exhaustion; it actively participates in hematopoiesis and helps restore the body’s strength.

Effect of clover:

- antitumor;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antimicrobial;
- antifungal;
- anti-sclerotic;
- antiallergic;
- choleretic;
- hemostatic;
- expectorant;
- astringent;
- diuretic;
- sweatshop.

Contraindications to the use of red clover

Like any medicine, preparations with red clover should be used strictly as directed and recommended by a doctor.

Contraindications for use are pregnancy and lactation, age under 3 years, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, kidney stones, heart attack, stroke.

The use of red clover in traditional medicine recipes

For general strengthening of the body, treatment, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, prevention of cancer

To prepare an alcohol tincture, take one glass of red meadow clover flowers and pour 500 ml of vodka over them, leave for 2 weeks in a dark, dry place. The infusion should be shaken once every 5 days.

Clover tincture is drunk in a course - three times a month with breaks of 10 days. The medicine is taken one teaspoon on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals.

For hypertension

Take 3 tablespoons of dried red clover flowers and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them, cook in a water bath for 10 minutes and leave for half an hour. The decoction is filtered and taken three times a day, 75 ml.

For pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough

To quickly prepare the medicine, prepare an express tincture. A glass of clover flowers and leaves is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left in a thermos for 24 hours, shaking it periodically. The result should be a very cool infusion - filter it, add the same amount of vodka, and leave for another couple of hours. After this, take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. For children, you don’t need to add vodka, just use the infusion.

For mastopathy, ovarian tumors

Take 3 tablespoons of crushed clover roots, 3 tablespoons of flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for an hour. Strain and drink the decoction throughout the day, diluting it with water. This treatment should be carried out in conjunction with drug therapy.

Clover for skin - from wounds, abscesses, psoriasis, boils, dermatitis

For treatment, squeezed brewed clover is used, the amount depends on the area of ​​skin damage. The flowers are poured with boiling water, left for an hour, then squeezed out and wrapped in gauze. The compress can be left overnight. You can also take baths with red clover infusion.

Red clover, which is familiar to everyone and literally grows under our feet, can work wonders. Its medicinal properties were also used by Avicenna, who used red clover flowers to cure many ailments.

Red clover is often used to prevent osteoporosis, blood clots, and to relieve menopausal symptoms. What other useful and medicinal properties does this herb have, how to use it and prepare medicinal preparations, you will learn from this article.

Red clover where it grows description

When going for a walk in the park or in your countryside, you are sure to come across this plant. Most often it can be seen in meadows, along paths and roads, lawns or forest edges.

Red clover or red clover is a perennial plant belonging to the Legume family of the Clover genus. The branched stem can reach a length from 15 to 45-55 centimeters. The inflorescences are ovoid, loose, tubular, red or light red. It blooms from June to September. Small trifoliate leaves are covered at the edges with small delicate fibers.

It grows throughout Europe. England, America, the northern part of the African continent. In our country it grows almost throughout the entire territory, starting from the European part and ending with the Far East and Kamchatka.

Red clover is a very valuable plant for soil science: it fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere, thereby improving the soil. This property of grass is used to renew pastures.

What are the benefits of red clover?

There are more than 125 active chemicals in red clover. The most important are:




Phenolic acids;

Essential oil;


Amino acids;


Fatty acid.

In addition, it contains:





This is not a complete list of all useful substances. Among the vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, vitamin E, thiamine, and riboflavin should be noted.

During the flowering period, the most calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen-free substances are found in it. It also contains potassium, magnesium, chromium and other mineral salts.

Isoflavones (formononetin, daidzein, biochanin A, genistein and others), found in flowers and leaves, have an estrogen-like effect. Due to their similarity to estrogens, they are often called phytoestrogens. This property is used in hormone replacement therapy. Isoflavonoids improve the condition of blood vessels, improve the elasticity of large arteries, and help reduce blood pressure in women during the postmenstrual period.

Salicylic acid has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Flavones and flavonoids are among the most powerful antioxidants. The flavonoid pterocarpan, found in the leaves of the herb, gives them fungicidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you consume red clover in the form of tea, you can get a significant portion of antioxidants, which protect the body from the oxidative effects of free radicals and serve as a preventive measure for many infectious, viral and bacterial infections.

The beneficial substances contained in this plant can cleanse the body of harmful substances, toxins and waste.

Red clover medicinal properties

Many people grow this flower in their flower beds. Its bright inflorescences captivate with their beauty and add some sophistication. Interestingly, at sunset, the flower closes and blooms again at sunrise. You can use them to determine the weather: before the rain, its inflorescences close and the leaves fold.

And yet, the medicinal properties of the plant are of greater interest, which also attract the scientific world. The main interest in it arose because of its similar properties to soybeans. But, as some studies show, the properties of red clover are superior to soybeans in many respects.

Red clover flowers have the following properties:





Wound healing;






The substance trifolyrizin, isolated from the roots, has antifungal properties.

Scientists consider it as a means of:

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause;

Improving the state of the cardiovascular system;

Prevention of osteoporosis and increasing bone density;

Prevention and treatment of cancer.

Red clover application

Its flowers, leaves and roots help against dozens of diseases, ranging from simple colds to more serious ailments.

Traditionally, we used the flowers of the herb as an expectorant for coughs and bronchitis. Traditional healers recommended it for the treatment of breast cancer. The use of clover for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and rashes is relevant.

Decoctions, infusions, tea, alcohol tinctures are in no way inferior in effectiveness to many medications.

Currently, herbal teas, tinctures and juice from it are used to prepare medicinal baths, compresses, and throat irrigation for pharyngitis.

The decoction is used for pathologies of the gallbladder and bladder. It has a strong diuretic and mild choleretic, diaphoretic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Medicines prepared from it can be used to treat bronchitis and other upper respiratory tract problems as it has excellent expectorant properties.

They can be used to treat wounds to stop bleeding.

It helps clear cholesterol from blood vessels. With regular use of clover decoction, the level of high-density lithoprotein cholesterol increases to normal levels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. The first effects become noticeable even after a short course of treatment.

The decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties of clover flowers allow it to be used for varicose veins. Flower poultices, when used regularly, significantly improve the appearance of veins.

It is recommended to take red clover during menopause. It contains substances similar to hormones, which makes it much easier for women to endure the difficult period of menopause and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol leads to an improvement in the cardiovascular system. In addition, red clover has a positive effect on blood composition, hemoglobin is normalized.

Red clover has another amazing property - it helps fight cancer and fungal diseases. But in such cases it is impossible to completely trust traditional medicine, which can lead to unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is better to take it as an additional blood cleanser.

Drinking decoctions and infusions with red clover will help reduce high blood pressure. For greater effect, it can be brewed with alfalfa.

Red clover, brewed as tea, improves breast milk production in women.

A tincture of vodka or alcohol is successfully used to treat acne and pimples on the skin. By adding honey, you can only enhance its effect.

What does red clover cure?

The healing properties of red clover are recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by traditional medicine. It can be used to treat:

Digestive system disorders;

Gastrointestinal diseases;

Irritable bowel syndrome;

Cleansing the body;


Skin diseases, including eczema and psoriasis;




Varicose veins;


Throat diseases;


It is also used in gynecology to treat:

Hormonal imbalances;

Premenstrual syndrome;

Menopause symptoms;


Red clover contraindications

The use of red clover for medicinal purposes usually does not cause any side effects or adverse reactions, provided it is taken in a strictly recommended dose. In case of individual intolerance or overdose, it can cause headache, rash, nausea, and loss of appetite.

Its use is contraindicated for people who take anticoagulants. They should definitely consult a doctor about the advisability of using clover.

This herb should not be used by people with estrogen-dependent forms of cancer, such as:

Uterine cancer;

Endometrial cancer;

Mammary cancer;

Ovarian cancer.

Contraindications are:

Pregnancy (phytoestrogens may affect the fetus);



Exacerbation of gastric ulcer;

Conditions after heart attack and stroke;

Stones in the kidneys;

High blood pressure;

You should also not be treated with clover while taking oral contraceptives or hormonal drugs, including progesterone.

Caution should be used for people with bleeding disorders, as this plant contains coumarins, which can thin the blood. In any case, before starting treatment with drugs based on this medicinal plant, you should definitely consult your doctor.

When carrying out a course of treatment with red clover, you need to remember that long-term use can cause menstrual irregularities in women and weaken potency in men. Therefore, you need to take it in courses and take breaks.

How to Harvest Red Clover

Red clover flowers should be harvested during their active flowering period. The collection of raw materials is carried out in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.

Dry them in a ventilated area, away from the sun, laying them out in one layer. To ensure even drying, the inflorescences can be turned over. Clover leaves are prepared and dried in the same way.

The dried raw materials are stored in a tightly closed opaque jar at room temperature.

Do not collect flowers and leaves of the plant near roadways, highways, or hazardous enterprises.

Do not cut or uproot the entire plant. It is enough to cut off only the inflorescences with a pair of upper leaves with scissors. Clover reproduces mainly through the root system.

How to take red clover

As dietary supplements to replenish the body with isoflavones, it is recommended to take no more than 40-80 mg per day, which is 2 tablets.

How to brew tea

To take clover as a tea drink, brew 1-2 teaspoons of inflorescences and leaves per glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Drink 3-4 glasses a day.

Red clover tincture

Compress with clover

Steep the inflorescences in a small amount of boiling water and let stand for a few minutes. While it is still warm, place it on a cloth and apply it to the affected areas.

Red clover in cosmetology

Like many other herbs, clover is also used in cosmetology. Lotions, ointments, poultices and compresses are made from it. It will help cope with boils and acne, ulcers, get rid of dandruff and strengthen hair follicles.

If you have purulent wounds or acne, prepare a decoction by steeping 3 tablespoons of crushed inflorescences in a glass of boiling water. Place over low heat and boil for 1 minute. Remove and leave to sit for 2 hours. Then filter.

Powdered leaves and inflorescences of red clover can be added to salads and other dishes as a vitamin supplement, which will also help preserve beauty.

Red clover can be called a storehouse of vitamins and many other useful substances. its use in maintaining and preserving health is truly invaluable. In addition, it is very easy to brew and take in the form that suits you best.

But we must not forget the contraindications that this medicinal plant has.

How red clover is useful, watch the video

Meadow clover is a familiar plant, which many call porridge or trefoil, and grows everywhere in clearings and forest edges, in meadows. When clover blooms, the air is filled with a delicate aroma emanating from the flowers and rings with the buzzing of hardworking bumblebees who simply adore clover.

Description and chemical composition of red clover

- a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant from the legume family. Clover stems are branched, up to fifty centimeters high, the leaves are trifoliate, the lower leaves are on long petioles, and the upper ones are short. The flowers are small, dark pink or red, collected in capitate inflorescences. Clover has a tap root, branched with small nodules at the ends. The fruit is a bean with ovoid yellowish seeds.

Clover blooms from May to September and is an excellent honey plant. The medicinal raw materials are grass, flowers and plant roots. Flowers are harvested during flowering, picked along with the upper leaves and dried in the shade.

Clover is considered the most valuable medicinal plant, as it has a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Clover leaves and inflorescences contain vitamins and minerals, carotene, salicylic acid, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, tannins, essential and fatty oils, proteins, fats, fiber and many other useful substances.

Useful properties and uses of clover

Clover is a medicinal plant and has long been used in official and folk medicine, in homeopathy. Medicines, dietary supplements, syrups and mixtures are produced based on clover, and clover is also included in preparations for the treatment of various diseases.

Decoctions and infusions, juice, and tinctures are prepared from clover, which are taken orally and used externally for rinses, lotions, and medicinal baths. Clover is included in ointments, powders, cleansers and treatments for skin diseases, shampoos, and lotions.

Preparations from clover have choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, hemostatic, astringent effects and treat many ailments.

Clover decoctions treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidneys, urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and appendages.

Clover flowers relieve swelling and inflammation, cleanse the blood, and improve the functioning of the entire body.

Steamed porridge flowers applied to sore spots help with varicose veins.

Decoctions and infusions from inflorescences and leaves are drunk for asthenia and anemia, for headaches and dizziness, for rickets, pulmonary tuberculosis, for bleeding and hemorrhoids, and for poisoning.

Clover has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant properties and is successfully used to treat acute colds, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, sore throat and cough, as well as to treat skin diseases, diathesis, abscesses and burns. Meadow clover is used to treat gout and rheumatism.

Decoctions and infusions from clover remove excess fluid from the body, promote better mucus separation, improve sweating, destroy harmful microorganisms, relieve swelling, they are used for rinsing - for gingivitis, stomatitis, sore throat, as well as for washing wounds.

Red clover has an antisclerotic effect and is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levels, lowers intracranial and blood pressure, and relieves headaches.

Clover decoction normalizes blood composition and improves the condition of veins.

This amazing plant has hemostatic properties and helps stop bleeding, relieves the condition of heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Phytoestrogens found in clover greens have a beneficial effect on the female body during menopause; they help alleviate menopause and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Flavonoids contained in clover saturate tissues with oxygen, protect the body from aging, and normalize fat metabolism and metabolism.

Clover also helps in the fight against fungal and cancer diseases.

Clover tea is a wonderful remedy for breastfeeding mothers, it promotes milk production.

Clover preparations are used in dermatology, boils and pustules are washed with decoctions, and hair is rinsed against hair loss and dandruff.

In cooking, clover leaves are added to salads and green cabbage soup.

Clover is an excellent honey plant and clover honey is a valuable food product and is considered one of the best. It tastes good, has a delicate aroma and has healing properties.

Clover honey is recommended for the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is also effective in treating colds and coughs, as it has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Honey cleanses the blood and restores strength after illness.

Meadow clover is a valuable forage grass and is used in livestock farming as nutritious green fodder and for making hay.

After mowing the grass, the roots accumulate nitrogen and increase soil fertility.

Contraindications for use

Red clover is an excellent remedy for many diseases and helps cope with multiple ailments. Like any medicine, clover has contraindications for use.

Clover preparations are contraindicated

  • for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis,
  • with extragen-dependent form of cancer,
  • patients who have had myocardial infarction and stroke,
  • pregnant women.
  • with diarrhea,
  • with individual intolerance.
With long-term use of clover in large doses, it can cause a delay in menstruation in women and reduce potency in men.

It should also be noted that treating children under two years of age with medicinal herbs poses a certain danger and before using clover preparations, you should consult a pediatrician. And adults do not need to self-medicate.

Traditional methods of treating clover

Traditional medicine widely uses red clover to treat various diseases. Decoctions, infusions, and alcohol tinctures are prepared from medicinal raw materials. We have selected for you recipes from traditional healers that are easy to prepare at home. You can prepare meadow clover yourself, or you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Clover flower infusion

Pour a tablespoon of flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and take 70 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
This infusion treats kidney diseases, urolithiasis, and eases painful menstruation.

Infusion for menopause

Pour three teaspoons of crushed clover flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for one hour. Strain and drink the infusion half a glass four times a day twenty minutes before meals.

Infusion for hypertension, migraine, neuralgia

Pour 20 dried clover flowers into a liter of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink a glass of infusion 2-3 times a day for one month. The infusion cleanses blood vessels, strengthens the heart, and removes cholesterol.

Infusion for diabetes

Pour 5 grams of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain and drink the infusion three times a day, one tablespoon. After three weeks you need to take a ten-day break and repeat the course of treatment.

Clover infusion for the treatment of skin diseases

Grind 400 grams of herbs with flowers, pour two liters of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Strain and pour into a bath at a temperature of 36-38 degrees. Take a bath for 30 minutes every other day. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths.

Clover root decoction for stomach ulcers

Pour 20 grams of crushed dry roots into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and add boiled water to the original volume. Take one tablespoon of decoction 4-5 times a day before meals.

Clover flower decoction

Pour three tablespoons of flowers into a glass of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for one minute, leave for two hours, strain and wash purulent wounds, boils, apply lotions to sore spots.

This perennial legume family is found everywhere in meadows, along the banks of reservoirs, on small slopes, pastures and pastures. Clover is cultivated exclusively as a forage plant (due to its high protein content). Beekeepers also value it, since clover is an excellent honey plant. But the medicinal properties of the plant are used exclusively by traditional medicine and ignored by traditional medicine.

Clover flowers are small, pinkish-red (hence the name of this species). The inflorescences are loose and can be oblong or round. There are single heads, but more often you can see paired heads, wrapped in 2 small leaves. After flowering, clover produces a single-seeded, ovoid bean.

This plant is also called trefoil - indeed, its leaves are trifoliate, broadly ovate, petiolate. The upper leaves are more elongated, with small teeth visible along the edge of the lower ones. As the sun sets, the leaves fold.

Clover flower stalks can grow to different heights ranging from 15 to 60 cm. They are not located on the main stem, which is very short, but grow from the axils of the basal leaves. The root itself is taproot, but quite branched.

Are red and meadow the same thing?

There are 2 varieties of trefoil found in nature – red and white. It is the first one that is called meadow. The other type is popularly called porridge or white creeping clover.

In folk medicine, red meadow trefoil is mainly used. It contains a richer composition of useful components.

For medicinal purposes, inflorescences with upper leaves are taken. They contain a large number of various glycosides, organic acids (the main ones are coumaric and salicylic), carotene, sitostyrols, essential oils, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins. Clover is especially valued for components such as starch, ascorbic and folic acids, and B vitamins.

Clover is used in folk medicine as an antiseptic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic and hemostatic agent. The inflorescences are used in various forms to treat many diseases:

  • fresh raw materials are crushed and used externally for burns, abscesses, and wounds; with the help of this remedy they stop bleeding and treat conjunctivitis;
  • Fresh juice squeezed from the grass has the same properties;
  • tea from red inflorescences is recommended for women with uterine bleeding;
  • A water infusion of clover will help cope with vitamin deficiency;
  • decoctions give good results for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, anemia, scrofulosis and malaria.

Regular consumption of drinks will prevent cholesterol plaques from settling on the walls of blood vessels, which helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Clover in any form relieves pain and reduces fever.

The herb disperses bile and cleanses the lymphatic system. Helps with various skin diseases and also gets rid of fungus. Clover drinks are also an excellent tonic and immunostimulant.

In folk medicine, clover is recommended as a generally applicable recipe for treating diseases, and an individual approach is also taken into account, based on gender. With the help of the preparations of this plant, you can quickly solve women's and men's problems.

Help with heavy bleeding has already been mentioned above, but this is not all the benefits of clover for women. The herb helps regulate the menstrual cycle and cope with its syndrome (PMS). Various gynecological diseases are effectively treated and internal inflammation is eliminated.

Drinks from inflorescences are used for sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, infusions are used externally as a means for douching. And for women during menopause, clover will help them enter menopause more easily by eliminating hot flashes and relieving chest pain.

Men can use folk remedies with clover to solve any health problems. But drugs are especially indispensable for “male weakness.” Clover-based products can compete with the popular Viagra, while being more useful for impotence due to their naturalness.

By taking clover decoctions, vodka or red wine tinctures, a man will not only regain his erection, but will also begin to show greater interest in the opposite sex. So these remedies can be considered a kind of aphrodisiac and can be used even in cases where there are no problems with potency - for prevention.

How to brew correctly

When resorting to folk recipes, you need to know how to properly prepare this or that clover remedy. Only then will it bring the greatest effect.

In ancient times in Rus', clover was called a herb for the soul and invigorating teas were actively brewed from it. You can take the classic version as a basis (steam dried herbs with boiling water), and then vary the composition of the tea leaves to suit your preferences:

  • mix clover with St. John's wort in a ratio of 4:2:2;
  • For 5 parts of meadow inflorescences take 1 part of St. John's wort and;
  • the aroma and taste of this composition are unique: 4 parts clover, 2 parts each St. John's wort, currant leaves and mint, 1 part oregano.

– it enhances the properties of clover. It is better to sweeten tea with honey rather than sugar - this way it will be more healing.

To prepare a decoction, just pour a glass of boiling water over the inflorescences and clover leaves (3 tbsp) and put on fire. When it boils, simmer for another 1-2 minutes, remove and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take according to the recipe, after straining. The drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Preparation of red clover decoction: video

To use the infusion in each specific case, specific proportions of water and clover inflorescences are recommended, which should be taken into account. As a general strengthening and preventive remedy, they drink this infusion - 1 tbsp. per glass of boiling water. Leave covered for half an hour, strain and consume 1/3 cup before meals.

Dried and fresh clover inflorescences can be infused with medical alcohol, vodka and wine:

  • 4 tbsp raw materials are poured with alcohol (0.5 l), left for ten days at room temperature in a dark container;
  • a liter jar is filled to the top with fresh clover heads, filled with vodka (0.5 l) and left for 2 weeks in the dark;
  • and here you will need clover heads at the stage of seed formation - 1 tbsp. pour a glass of hot red wine and leave for at least a week.

Before use, all prepared tinctures must be filtered by squeezing out the clover raw materials.

As already mentioned, clover is an excellent folk remedy for many diseases. Here is only a small list of recipes that make it easy to cope with these diagnoses.

Prepare clover vodka tincture according to the recipe given above. Take 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach and before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts 3 months, and as a result, headaches go away, dizziness and tinnitus disappear, and intracranial pressure stabilizes.

You can remove cholesterol plaques using this product. Fresh inflorescences (100 g) are poured with boiling water (0.5 l). After boiling, cook for another 5-6 minutes and leave for 3 hours. The strained drink should be drunk during the day in several doses, adding 1 tbsp to the decoction. honey

During the inflammatory process, for greater effect, it is not the inflorescences that are used, but the roots of the plant. For one and a half glasses of water take 3 tbsp. raw materials, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, then filter. It is necessary to add boiled water to the decoction to restore the original volume, and only then take it 3-5 times before meals. The maximum duration of the course is 3 weeks, then a break of at least a month.

Pour a liter of boiling water over 20 heads of dried inflorescences and leave for 15 minutes. For a month, drink a glass of tea 2 or 3 times a day, after which not only the pressure will normalize, but the blood vessels will also be cleansed, which will strengthen the functioning of the heart.

Drinks from clover, consumed internally, help cleanse blood vessels and restore metabolism. This has a positive effect on the treatment of many skin diseases. But it is also recommended to use the products externally, washing problem areas with decoctions and infusions, and making lotions and compresses from them.

Fresh crushed grass gives a good effect - it is applied to sore spots. And fresh clover juice is used to wipe the inflamed skin.

Dried clover flowers (2 tbsp) are poured with 2 glasses of boiling water, covered with a lid, wrapped and left for 5 hours. The strained drink is distributed into equal portions and drunk (warmed) throughout the day. After using this infusion, it is recommended to lie down under a blanket for a while - active sweating will occur, and with it the cold will go away.

The collection of meadow clover for medicinal purposes differs from that carried out in forage harvesting. Raw materials can be harvested throughout the entire flowering period - from late spring until frost. But the most valuable are the inflorescences collected in mid-summer. If the recipe recommends taking seed germs or roots, then preparations are made in mid-autumn.

You should not cut off all the inflorescences, carefully selecting the juicy heads. Collection time is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In this case, the weather should be dry and sunny. If there is moisture on the grass, you cannot collect clover - it will rot in the future.

It is necessary to dry the workpieces away from sunlight, choosing a dark, cool room with good ventilation. During the drying process, the grass laid in the 1st layer is mixed, checking the degree of readiness by touch.

Before dry grass is put away for storage, it is reviewed, discarding darkened inflorescences. After this, they are packaged in paper bags or fabric bags (not in jars or plastic!) and stored in a dark corner of the cabinet, away from moisture.

Beneficial properties of red clover and collection of raw materials: video

The composition of the plant not only brings benefits, but for some people the herb can be harmful. As always, everything depends on individual characteristics (or rather, intolerance to a number of components). There are also serious contraindications to the use of clover drinks:

  • Vessel cleansing should not be carried out in case of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • despite the beneficial effects of clover for hypertensive patients, it should not be used after strokes and heart attacks;
  • the herb can cause diarrhea, so it is not suitable for intestinal disorders;
  • not all forms of cancer are susceptible to clover drinks, and in the extragene-dependent form, the herb is generally contraindicated;
  • with long-term use in order to regulate the menstrual cycle, you can bring yourself to the point of delaying your period.

Clover products are contraindicated during pregnancy - the inflorescences can cause a miscarriage. Excessive enthusiasm for drinks to increase potency can cause the opposite effect, making a man dependent on this drug.