How to increase your biofield, energy, strength. Techniques for strengthening and protecting the aura. Increasing the energy level of individual areas of the aura

Strengthening the biofield and energy. Practice.

When the ancients reaped wheat, inhaled the aroma of a fragrant flower, found beautiful shiny shells on the seashore, they felt: in all these things there is something more than their external form. Everything around was full of ENERGY. Everything, everything, everything! Minerals, plants and animals, smells and colors, fire, water, air, earth, space. As restive as an unbroken horse, as lazy as a dozing cat, as dangerous as a disturbed snake. But those who learned to use it could increase their capabilities and strength tenfold.
And in the people themselves there was also ENERGY hidden, and it was so different. From the strong and strong come strength and health, from the sick and weak comes sadness. A lover, full of tenderness and passion, radiates a completely different energy than one who is plotting murder.
The central category of magic is ENERGY. The Universe is full of it. This is the energy of life. The stars, the solar system, the Earth are all the result of this energy (or force). Intelligent beings, like plants, animals, water, rocks, clouds, are creatures of great energy. Our bodies are its receivers and converters. We extract energy from food and drink, from sunlight and air. We release it during physical activities (work, games, love) and mental stress (thought work, meditation, prayer, magical rituals). Therefore, witchcraft can be called a way of releasing a person’s personal energy.

Structure of human biofields

We, as doctors, do not really understand the intricacies of planetary and mathematical laws of cosmology. Maybe there's something wrong there. But for us, the statements of very and not very ancient, but no less great religious and scientific figures who affirmed the unity of processes in Heaven and on Earth, above and below, are convincing. Moreover, every religion and Eastern science views man as a cosmic being in miniature (microcosm), having a common material basis in a single open energy and information system of the Universe.
Western science, although it recognizes the existence of such artifacts as “places of power” according to Don Juan Castaneda or Hartmann’s geopathogenic zones without explaining their scientific essence, the presence of biological rhythms in all physiological systems of animals and humans, but does not recognize anything supernatural in them - it gives prefers facts over wisdom, and in medical terms treats the stele like a machine in need of repair. The modern technogenic paradigm, until recent years, has criticized the ancient Russian theory of vital force, supposedly present in all living things and leaving the body only after its death. To some extent, modern scientists have had to promote elements of a holistic paradigm in Eastern medicine, which more fully takes into account the influence of the social and spiritual aspects of man during the scientific and technological revolution. Indeed, the issues of human bioenergy are discussed in more detail than in Russian manuals in various health and healing systems of oriental medicine: acupressure, shiatsu, various types of yoga, etc.
You should immediately understand the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards bioenergy and bioenergetics, since there is an opinion that the Church does not support psychics. What is not true is not true. Supports, but purely individually. Priest Rodion in his book “People and Demons” indicates that energy treatment is possible, but healing can only come from a certain icon, a saint, from healing prayer and conspiracy. A person who directs healing energy from God through himself must be clean and healthy, since this energy carries information about its owner and his state of health. According to priest Rodion, if a healer does not work from God, then he certainly works from the Devil.
Human psychic energy is a synthesis of all the nervous radiations of human fields in combination with the harmonious sound of vibrations of the external world. This energy reacts to all phenomena of life, has the properties of waves and particles, penetrates all organs and tissues, forming a single energy field. Therefore, at every point in space you can obtain information about everything and influence any other point in space. These qualities provide the wave properties of energy; the properties of particles give it strength.
The human energy field is multi-layered, varying in the quality of radiation, nature of action and purpose. Each field is permeated by another, like sand, water and air in one vessel, while the gross field (physical) is permeated by all subtle fields. However, each field has its own shell, which acts as a membrane. Based on the nature of the action, seven fields are distinguished.
- The physical body is a real person on the physical plane, perceived by all senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch), it perceives only hard energies.
There is a close relationship between the physical and subsequent bodies. In a healthy body healthy mind. By strengthening the physical body, we strengthen our mental energy. In turn, diseases of the physical body manifest themselves primarily at the energy level.
The radiation projecting beyond the physical body is called an aura. It can be of different colors. Each subsequent body has a more subtle character according to the law “the subtle controls the dense” and carries out its connections.
- The etheric body is the lowest of human energy bodies (etheric double), in shape it repeats the human figure in the form of a light gaseous cloud - a radiance around the physical body. Connects the physical and astral bodies. Its size depends on the health and amount of vitality in a person.
- The astral body (emotional, desire body) is more subtle than the previous one. Corresponds to the subcortex, it contains energy channels, chakras, and biologically active points. This is the storehouse of the past, the mind of the spinal cord, the solar plexus, this is the mind of physiology and habits, automatism, it never sleeps. This is the storeroom of our brain, and a lot is stored in it. A matrix is ​​formed in this storeroom, which attracts subsequent events. All psychoprophylactic work, auto-training, magic, witchcraft, meditation, clairvoyance and energy treatment are calculated at the Astral level. The astral body can be separated from the physical - then a person sees himself as if from the outside.
- Mental body - corresponds to the human intellect, the cerebral cortex. This is a concrete mind, high-frequency streams of thought. But intelligence is not wisdom; it contains egoism and antagonism, it is directed not towards perfection, but towards pleasure, which can lead to the “brutality” of people. Therefore, the issue of controlling your thoughts is paramount. The mental constantly releases mental energy - creative or destructive, it is a factory of good and evil. Consciousness controls power, after thought comes energy and movement. A thought form sent for evil and not accepted by the recipient returns like a boomerang. Involuntary thoughts are the most harmful, so the most important task is to train thinking in a certain direction.
- Karmic body (casual, body of abstract thought). Karma and Nirvana are two of the seven secrets of Buddhist metaphysics; in Christianity it is called Providence. Muslims mean by Karma Fate or Fate.
Figuratively speaking, Karma is a “book of records” in which all a person’s actions are entered in the columns “debit” and “credit”; it notes all the actions of the owner during his earthly present and previous lives (separately good and evil according to Karma) in the physical (actions), astral (desires) and mental (thoughts) planes. Everything returns in a subsequent life during reincarnation on the same plane (physical, astral and mental). Karma is the law of retribution, but not for the sins of the fathers (not a hereditary disease), but for one’s previous life. Do good, and you will receive good. As it comes back, so will it respond.
The karmic body, together with two subsequent bodies (spiritual and Divine), form a Monad, which does not disintegrate after the death of the physical body and passes into other incarnations.
Personal karma can be combined into group, collective, party, religious, national, etc. (Egregor). This gives significance to the influence. public morality on the actions of an individual and the responsibility of the collective (party, people) for its behavior. This energy can be sent over a distance, and always in resonance. In Christianity, there is no concept of Karma, since the soul of the deceased goes to Heaven or Hell as the highest region of the mental plane.
- Spiritual body - higher mind, superknowledge, intuition. Very subtle vibrations that ensure the trinity of soul, spirit and body. A high level of consciousness and humanity, supported by great strength and foresight of the future. It does not have an anatomical substrate, therefore science does not recognize superconsciousness.
- Atmic, Divine body, God's spark. It controls the consciousness of man, the union of the will of God and man, leading to higher consciousness and insight, the reflection of God in man.

Energy in chakras and meridians. YIN and Yang - energy

The energy (prana, chi, qi) of each layer has specific qualities inherent only to it, which is externally manifested in its different layer-by-layer colors. The possibility of obtaining energy through special means cannot be ruled out. It is known that solar energy comes with inhaled air, the energy of stars and constellations - through the skin, and the energy of animals and plants - through the gastrointestinal tract.
Common places where energy is concentrated are the solar plexus, spleen and mediastinum. However, it can accumulate for a long time in other organs and tissues. This is facilitated by regular training to accumulate and release energy.
Functionally, all energy is divided into hereditary, protective, nutritional and pathogenic.
The hereditary or ancestral energy that defines human individuality exists as a special chromosomal type of energy, the depletion of which leads to old age and death. It originates in the kidneys and heart, then circulates along the main meridians, throughout all organs and systems, and along the wonderful meridians it reaches the bones and skin, where it participates in the functions of protective energy. The main reserves of this energy are located at the Kundalini point and in the spleen.
Protective energy circulates in the superficial tendon-muscle meridians and regulates the opening and closing of skin pores, which allows the body to be in balance with the environment. She communicates with the energy of the internal organs through the main central meridian Du Mai with the feng fu control point in the center of the first cervical vertebra. If the protective barrier is breached by environmental factors (cold, wind, heat, fire, humidity, dryness) and pathogenic energy, a disease develops.
Nutrient energy performs the functions of life support, nutrition, stability and regeneration, is assimilated from air and food, circulates along the main meridians, accumulates in the solar plexus and liver. One of the principles of Eastern medicine is the “Great Law of Double Universal Alternation and Complementation” YIN-YANG, and if according to Marxist philosophy - the law of the unity of the struggle of opposites. According to these laws, everywhere and in everything, including the classification of energy, there are two antipodes that complement each other.
In the book of changes "Ai Ching" the following are indicated as the opposites of the world, turning into each other: sky-earth, summer-winter, youth-old age, day-night, life-death, land-sea, light-darkness, etc. All things are composed of YIN and YANG energies in various proportions, and nothing is neutral. YIN displaces YANG, YANG displaces YIN; YIN gives birth to YANG, YANG gives birth to YIN. But everything is relative: nothing is completely YIN or completely YANG. In the book "Huangdi Neijing" YANG includes the sky, the Sun, day, top, movement, strength, activity, males, fast, increased function, male (positive) energy, and YIN includes the Earth, Moon, night, bottom, peace, weakness, passivity, females, slow, decreased function, feminine (negative) energy. Mutually conditioning and interpenetrating connections of opposite energies create harmony of life.

From the point of view of the predominance or lack of YANG/YIN energy in the Cosmos and in the body, the following situations can arise:
Excess YANG with insufficient YIN;
Lack of YANG with excess of YIN;
Excess YANG and YIN at the same time;
Lack of YANG and YIN at the same time;

As a result of the predominance of any one type of energy in the body, the corresponding symptoms develop (Table 1). It should be noted that the protective energy on the surface of the body also has a corresponding YANG/YIN direction. YANG - energy is located on the surface of the head and the right half of the body, and YIN - energy is on the left limbs and the left half of the body.
The ancestral energy also has a corresponding YANG/YIN orientation. The wonderful meridians (there are 8 of them in total) through which it circulates are connected to the main and tendon meridians.
As for nutritional energy, it is formed in the required quantities depending on the raw materials and circulates through the YANG and YIN channels. The operating cycle of these channels is strictly regulated in time and direction.

In an antagonistic relationship, YANG/YIN are located in the channels:

1 - Lungs, YIN - 7 Bladder, YANG;
2 - Colon, YANG - 8 - Kidney, YIN;
3 - Stomach, YANG - 9 - Pericardium, YIN;
4 - Spleen, YIN - 10 - Three heaters, YANG;
5 - Heart, YIN - 11 - Gallbladder, YANG;
6 - Small intestine, YANG - 12 - Liver, YIN

Vital energy comes from the macrocosm to biologically active points (BAPs) and chakras - unique resonant windows; it is then distributed along the meridian system at the astral level into the organs and tissues of the body. A person has 14 main (main), 15 secondary and 8 wonderful channels, which contain more than 700 BATs. The main channels are named after organs: lungs, colon, stomach, etc. Energy enters them throughout the day in a strictly defined sequence.
On each channel there are six points that have specific functions: tonic (stimulating), inhibitory (sedative), facilitator (to enhance the exciting or tomatous effect), stabilizing (for the transfer of energy from the meridian to others), sympathetic (consent), anxiety ( herald). The function of the points is determined by the name.

Numbering of points on the channel:
- tonic, strengthening activity;
- inhibitory, weakening;
- accomplice - amplifier of the main action;
- stabilizing;
- sympathetic;
- herald - pain at the point - alarm signal.

As can be seen from the data presented in Table 2 on the topography of the meridians, all of them, with the exception of the seventh, begin on the fingers and toes, which is important for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Human energy can be in different states, but any of them affects health and mood. By restoring your biofield, you can restore good luck and good spirits.

It is not always possible for a person to remain strong 24 hours a day.

At times we are overwhelmed by weakness and doubt. This is absolutely normal, but not all people can quickly restore peace of mind. Meanwhile, this is very important, because most of the reasons for problems in life are energetic. By increasing your energy, you increase your chances of success in all areas of life.

Every living organism on Earth has its own biofield. We may feel anxious around a certain person. This is due to the fact that this person is an energy vampire. It is easier for us to be around other people, because their biofield is creative. It’s not very comfortable to be with someone because their energy rejects other biofields. Because of this, a person seems closed and difficult to communicate.

Aura is the same thing, but with a more esoteric slant. The concept of “aura” is common among people who study human energy in depth. Various properties are attributed to the aura. For example, each of us has our own aura color - for some it is darker, for others it is lighter. Unlike the biofield, this is something unique and personal. Even stones have a biofield, but only people have an aura.

The aura and biofield serve to build connections with the planets, with other people, with talismans, with our homes. The strength of the biofield and the health of our aura depend on what we think, say, and feel. They are influenced by our physical condition, as well as the people with whom we interact.

How to restore the biofield and aura

First you need to understand that your biofield has weakened. Here are the main signs:

  • Bad mood;
  • failures in all areas of life;
  • apathy, depression;
  • bad feeling.
  • Based on the reasons, we can already talk about ways to improve energy health and restore the aura. The first and best way to strengthen your biofield is to get rid of negative thoughts. This can be done through affirmations, spiritual practices, and meditation. Many people note an improvement in their condition after meditation and prayer. This is not accidental, because it is human nature to receive healing from oneself. The strength of your self-confidence plays an important role here. Repeat to yourself that you are happy and can achieve more in life, then it will actually happen.
  • The second way is physical training. Your body is connected to the biofield, so physical health determines spiritual health and vice versa. Get outdoors more often and walk for at least half an hour a day. If you have time, it is better to do stretching or simple exercises at home. Keep your body toned so that your spirit will be strong.
  • The third way is to meet positive people. Stop surrounding yourself with people you don't like. If you have big problems with communication at work or in some group of people, try to correct the situation. Until your environment matches your mood and goals, you will remain at risk and your biofield will not become stronger.
  • The fourth way is to go towards your goals. By doing nothing, you allow negativity to stagnate within you. Every person should have at least a local goal to force himself to get out of bed every morning. If this is not the case, a person’s energy is depleted.

Start working on yourself in all aspects. This should enhance your aura and help you become more successful. A positive attitude will always be the best way to start moving towards happiness. Positive people themselves will be attracted to you - you just need to get rid of the destructive influence of those who bother you.

Each of us can make mistakes in life, but you don't have to let them control you. If you stumble, this is not a reason to give the green light to negativity. Let every mistake you make in life become an invaluable experience, and not a heavy burden pulling you down. By living by this principle, you can strengthen your biofield and become an independent and strong person.

There are many techniques, but not all of them strengthen your biofield or restore it by closing holes in the aura. In this material we have selected the most effective methods.

In the article:

How to strengthen your biofield and aura

Topics about how to strengthen your biofield and how to strengthen your aura are closely interrelated. To understand this, you need to understand the definitions. What is a biofield? Biofield- a thin, energetic layer that surrounds every living being. If you do not go into details, you can notice with the naked eye a great similarity between the biofield and the aura. Moreover, the effects on the aura and the effects on the biofield are similar. By the nature and the effect it has on a person.

So how to strengthen the human biofield? - Through the aura, naturally. There are several effective techniques, which we will list. First, and the simplest is breathing. Breathing is an important component of any meditation. It affects not only the body, but also the emotional state. When stressed, they advise you to go out and breathe - and for good reason. But in order to strengthen the aura, you need to breathe in a certain way.

Take a deep breath through your left nostril. Suck in air until you feel full. Now you need to close both nostrils with your fingers and wait for 16 seconds. Feel the air with every part of your lungs and body. Now - exhale. But through the right nostril. Exhale completely until you feel that your lungs are empty. Repeat the procedure for several minutes. Simple and effective, the main thing is to maintain a clear rhythm.

Second practice directly refers to yoga. It will take time to complete it. It is intended for those moments when you can concentrate on strengthening. Take a comfortable position - no matter what. The main thing here is purely your convenience. You can breathe as described above. This will make the whole operation easier. Then close your eyes and imagine a meter above your head a point consisting of a scorching white flame. Mentally clasp the point with your hands and stroke it.

The light should change from white to golden. It no longer burns, its light is pleasing to the eye. Let the fire stretch out like a stream and begin to slowly flow into your biofield. After a few minutes, you will feel warmth surrounding your head and chest. When all the fire flows into the biofield, sit there for a few more minutes. Let the process calm down. This method can not only strengthen, but also close holes in the aura.

A common problem with the aura is its excessive compression, or, conversely, stretching. Both of these conditions are harmful to humans. In the first case, you will feel too constrained. Any decision will be made hard, with a lot of thoughts and doubts. In the second - absent-mindedness, a desire to escape from the real world. Any problem encountered will seem like an insurmountable obstacle. In order to cope with this problem, there is the following technique.

Find a comfortable position. To prepare, you can do the first two exercises - this will make the task much easier. Close your eyes, concentrate. Try to imagine your aura, let it surround you. Here you need to give in to your inner feelings. Let your subconscious tell you - what is your aura? Stretched? Compressed? What feelings appear in your chest when you try to imagine it? Trembling and emptiness, or tightness, like a belt? Sensations will tell you exactly what problems are going on with your aura.

Now let’s learn more about what to do if the aura is compressed. Inhale deeply. Let the compression belt stretch to its limit, running like a hot strip across your chest. Continue to breathe, pulling it tighter and tighter each time. And when you feel that it will burst soon, hold your breath. Draw a mental line, as if cutting a belt. If you do everything correctly, the pressing sensation will disappear.

What to do if the aura is stretched? The relaxed position is occupied, you clearly imagine it. Now mentally squeeze the aura with your hands. But not roughly, but gently, as if stroking. Walk over it with your palms, like clay on a potter's wheel. Let this shapeless lump return to its original state. Continue to do this for several minutes until your aura takes the form of a neat cocoon around your body.

A method to restore a person’s aura and close holes

Just as in the last section, answering the question of how to restore a person’s aura, we will also answer the question of how to restore a person’s biofield. You need to approach this task comprehensively, because at such moments everything needs to be patched up. holes in the aura person. Energy will flow through them. Dissolving in the atmosphere, it will deprive you of a piece of happiness. You need to stop the loss as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences can be the most dire. Moreover, diseases, both physical and psychological, penetrate precisely through such holes. Weaknesses in your defense.

Firstly, it’s worth figuring out why this happens? Holes in the aura are caused by strong negative emotions, as well. Fear, hatred, grief - all this can damage the energy shell. At such moments, a person seems to be emotionally shaken. Severe stress arises, which can turn life into sheer suffering. How to deal with these troubles?

This technique can be performed either with your hands or. The second option is more effective, but only if the crystal is selected correctly. How exactly to choose it is a broad question, so we won’t consider it here.

Choose an empty seat. Stand up, close your eyes and even out your breathing. Listen to yourself, disconnect from the rest of the world. Shake your hands several times until a feeling of uniform warmth settles in them. Now start moving your palms next to your body, from top to bottom. Start the movement from the top of your head and end at the level of your feet. Listen carefully to what your hands feel. Soon you will come across holes - gaps where your palms will feel cold. After each such pass, shake your hands or the crystal. After a few minutes of such exercises, the feeling of failure will disappear - the aura is restored.

Protecting the biofield from negative influences

After restoration and strengthening, you need to make sure that these problems no longer occur. At least for a while. And here the question arises - how to protect your biofield? Emotional garbage will gradually destroy him. And then they appear new holes, violations and much more. So the biofield needs to be protected and preserved. After all, by protecting him, you are protecting yourself. Help ensure that life will never throw you off track again.

The answer is quite simple - along with the biofield, you need to know how to protect your aura. One is impossible without the other. If you don’t take care of the foundation, the building will collapse, and if you don’t strengthen the walls, the house will fall apart. By supporting one, you also monitor the other. Such operations work comprehensively, in close connection - spiritual symbiosis, so to speak.

How to protect your aura and your biofield? You can use amulets and amulets. They are quite versatile, but you need to carefully ensure that they do not deteriorate. The basis for any such artifact must be a mirror surface. Thus, they seem to reflect any negativity that flies in your direction. The main thing is not to forget to feed it with the right mantras and thought forms. Do them at least two or three times a day. Thus, they will always be on guard, saving the biofield from foreign influences.

The second option is mental. It requires a lot of experience and at least initial inclinations. At the very beginning of the day, you should take a few seconds to reflect. Visualize your aura, let it cover you with a cocoon, protecting you from the outside world. Now slowly but surely begin to create a ball around the aura and biofield. Imagine it in every detail. Feel its weight, density. Weigh it in your hands. It must become as real as possible. Lie down for a few minutes and let this image settle in your head. Everything is ready, you are protected. But throughout the day, do not forget to restore the ball. Remember the morning image where the ball is safe and sound.

It has been scientifically proven that the biofield occupies 9/10 of a person. And only 1/10 of it is the body.

The physical body serves as the core around which the biofield is located. It is the biofield that has intuition - with the help of it a person reads information.

For example, you met a person and immediately felt that you had no desire to communicate with him.

This happens because you, having not yet learned anything about a person, have already come into contact with biofields and felt vibrations that are not comfortable for your biofield.

Love at first sight happens in exactly the same way. You met a person, you haven’t said anything yet, but you have already come into contact with biofield structures and understood - this is your person! You want to be close to him, you feel comfortable and good with him. In this case, they say, “the spark has flown”

What happened is that your biofield has already scanned the biofield of that person and found similar vibrations in him. And you felt that this person was very close to you. Bioenergy is actually a very serious thing.

Interest in metaphysics is very often provoked by the desire to protect oneself and one’s family from the attacks of energy pests. Damage, evil eye and other attacks. Every day we encounter negative energies and in order to live peacefully and harmoniously we must be able to protect ourselves, and also try not to be lazy and do the exercises daily. Those who will work, I think, will definitely notice an improvement in their mood, luck and health! So, let's learn:

Learning to protect ourselves

1. Material objects.
They can be: a bag of salt. Mirror. Pin. Aroma pendant with natural essential oil. Stones.
1) Pouch. This is a bag made by you from natural cotton fabric. Size 4*7 cm. Red fabric is often chosen as a good color. Then ordinary salt is poured in there, tied with a red woolen thread and put in your pockets or, better yet, near your chest, opposite your heart.

2) Place the mirror in your pocket and carry it with the side of the mirror facing people.

3) Pin, attach it head down to the clothing.

4) Protective stones. We use: carnelian, chrysoprase, jadeite. The most neutral are carnelian, tiger's eye, and hawk's eye. We wear them as an amulet, pendant, in a ring or on the hand as a bracelet on the hands.

5) Aroma pendant. We drip shield oil into it: incense, rosemary, juniper, sage. You can choose what you like. But one thing. Every day we drip 2 drops.

Mental projections of shields:

These are shields that arise through the effort of your thought. Basically, such shields are used as protection from attacks by vampiric creatures, or from enemy attacks. Their main advantage, and at the same time disadvantage, is that the energy used by this shield must be yours. And she is quite exhaustible.

Special protections for serious cases. We use it while there are magical battles or strong influences on you. I don’t recommend using it all the time, since protections fence you off from all energies and don’t allow positive ones into the aura.

Imagine a ball around your body, a meter from your body in circumference, and imagine how it has a golden dense glow around the edges.
Along the edges of the golden color there is a dense violet color... For greater protection, after the violet, you can also visualize the blue layer.... Update and check the boundaries every day... The ideal distance is a meter around the entire circumference of the body...

When you feel negative, imagine how an energetic rain washes you from above, right through your aura... Through your auras and bodies... this is done for 2-3 minutes.... If you feel someone else’s influence or someone else’s will in you, imagine how it is inside you and your aura burns with a violet flame and burns everything foreign, mentally say that everything that is not your divine will goes away and is burned... 1-2 minutes is enough.

Do this as often as possible and it will become a habit; you will do it instantly and without extra effort. This will help you find harmony with yourself and the world around you. I do this several times a day and always feel happy and protected.


You need to imagine yourself surrounded on all sides and from above by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. On the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world. And no matter from which side the attacker tries to attack you, he will always receive a retaliatory blow reflected and reinforced by the mirror.

This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once. When using the mirror wall, never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are defending yourself. Your calmness and friendliness will force him to deliver even stronger blows, which will come back to him with increasing force. Very strong protection. Since the arrows come at you and reflect from the shield, they go with 3 times the force on the one who sent the negativity.

3. EGG

To perform this technique, it is necessary to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance. First you need to master “gaze touching”, i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the feeling from them (you can touch the object with your hand, and then try to reproduce this feeling in your mind without touching the object). Having mastered “touching with your gaze” without looking at the object, “touch” it again. You should not close your eyes while doing this.

This is how you develop clarity of visualization. After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”: you need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of 2 fingers below the navel, in front, behind and on the sides, at arm’s length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. the result is a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body. When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can easily be turned into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside.

The walls of the egg are very dense; the biofield layers wrap around each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary). It is advisable to use colors such as gold, blue, and orange. It is very important to clearly spatially sense all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training in “probing” objects should not last longer than 1-2 minutes and more often than 5-7 times a day.


There is a rather interesting shield that has not only protective properties, but also healing ones. Create a mental image in the form of a pyramid, golden, quite bright in color. By the way, you can increase it. At least cover the whole house with it. It all depends on the amount of strength. The most optimal thing is to end the pyramid about half a meter above you. Of course, the bottom of the pyramid will be at your feet. It is desirable that the pyramid be regular and tetrahedral. The corners of the lower base of the structure should be directed towards the four cardinal directions (it is better to navigate using a compass, since the magnetic field is constantly changing, and accuracy must be high)

Such a pyramid is known to have healing properties. Especially gold) + creation of positive energy in the very center of the pyramid: where you are. Well, some, but still protection from unpleasant influences. If you are sick, this is very useful. This kind of structure works on the principle of accumulating positive energy.

The note:
The pyramid changes the internal circulation of energy even in a positive direction. This cannot be called a shield, but more just a healing variation, but it works great. It is important that in case of illness it actually protects others from you.

5. Vortex protection

Vortex protection is a technique that, due to its great power, is recommended to be used only in special cases. Enter an altered state of consciousness (in this case, we mean strong concentration and calm, accompanied by a clear head). Raise your hands up (while standing), imagine that downward flows of energy (from space - from top to bottom) are penetrating into the body through them.

At the same time, imagine that upward flows of energy enter through your legs (from the ground - from bottom to top). These two flows meet in the body at the level of the navel and wrap themselves in a clockwise vortex. The vortex spins stronger and stronger, becoming larger and larger. Soon it completely covers the entire body, and you feel that a luminous cocoon is spinning around you, which throws away everything negative and negative.

6.Energy cocoon

Sit down, close your eyes, imagine that a luminous point stands out from the crown of your head. Slowly make it rotate clockwise around your head. Then direct the movement in a downward spiral, without stopping the movement of the point around you. In the same way, move it clockwise and in a spiral from bottom to top to the starting position.

Do this exercise several times, each time accelerating the movement of the point. After some time, you will notice that the point leaves behind a luminous trail in the form of a cobweb. When you reach a certain rotation speed, the cobweb trails will merge around you into a luminous cocoon.
Learn to create a cocoon without making any effort, and in the future, install it automatically - unconsciously.
The note:
Provides, oddly enough, a dense, good fibrous base. The method is not easy, both in creation and in destruction by the enemy.

7. Cocoon

Human exposure is most likely at night. Having plunged into an altered state of consciousness, imagine that your bed is shrouded in a golden translucent cocoon. Imagine that the walls of this cocoon are capable of protecting anyone who is inside it from energetic influences. In the morning, when you leave your bed and emerge from your protective cocoon, you will be able to fully contact the world.

The note:
This method of protection is very good in the long term. It gives access to metabolic processes in your body, while protecting you from negative effects. This method will not save you from direct exposure to the battlefield, but it will provide you with a restful night's sleep.

Protection from spirits:

Introducing a transparent wall on 3 sides. Like a triangle. The walls are full height.

Protection for every day.

It is unique in that it protects against the bad, but lets in all the good. What does not cut you off from the energies of the outside world.

But these techniques can be used every day. They do not block you from the influence of the outside world and allow you to fully coexist with the outside world:

Magic shield -
This is an energy field that is mentally exposed in front of you in order to protect yourself from negative thought forms, energy vampires who use their energy to suck out your own, very often without noticing this, as well as spirits and entities that have attached themselves to you for one purpose or another. Everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves, are made of energy. Therefore, the only logical way to protect yourself from negativity is to use your own energy to close yourself off from the external influence of negative forces.

Many truly serious professional magicians constantly use a magical shield to protect themselves from negative attacks while working with the energy of other people. At first glance, this will seem strange, but once you get used to using a magic shield in everyday life, you will understand how convenient and simple it is.

In order to create a magical shield, you need to mentally imagine the energy field surrounding the entire body. The magic shield will look different for everyone, it all depends on the level and power of imagination. Before creating and installing a magical shield, you must undergo a cleansing ritual.

The cleansing ritual will help remove all the negative energy that has been sitting in you for a long time. We know many such rituals and you have the right to choose the one that is most convenient and appealing to you. How often you perform a cleansing ritual is up to you. Some people prefer to do this every day, while others prefer to do it once a week. There are also people who perform a cleansing ritual once a year. And only after completing the cleansing ritual can you start creating a magical shield.

In fact, the process of creating a magic shield is quite simple. When doing this for the first time, it would be right if you tried to set aside a certain period of time for it, so that no one would bother you or interrupt you, but when installing a magical shield becomes a habit, you will be able to perform this ritual anywhere and in any environment.

Thoughts can create reality - this is a well-known fact. You will use your thoughts to create a powerful, strong and beautiful energy field around your body. Your own magical shield can be of any shape, size and color, it can consist of any material.

One of the most common simple magical shields is usually white, round in shape, and protects the entire body. Such a shield can also be presented around other people in order to transfer part of its protection to them in some situations.

Having finally decided on how your own magic shield will look, you need to spend a little time imagining it in great detail, as if it were surrounding your body. You need to fantasize until you really feel its strength and power and make sure that your magical shield has become absolutely real. Now you are ready to use it every day.

When you wake up in the morning, immediately imagine that you are surrounded by your protective magical shield and tell yourself that it will always be like this. Throughout the day, think about your protection - this will give you more strength and confidence.

Despite the fact that the magic shield was constantly used during healing sessions and when working with negative energies, only recently has it become popular among non-professionals

Remember that just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The energy is real and a magical shield simply uses your own energy to block the negative energy of those around you. Many people find that using a magical shield really helps them in their daily lives. By following their example, you will no doubt one day find that the negative energy of others no longer bothers or interferes with you.

Now you are able to let only positive forces pass through your own magical shield. Imagine how good it is to be constantly surrounded only by the positive energy of love and happiness. When this happens, your life will definitely change for the better, and the magical energy dormant in you will awaken and increase every day.

An ancient technique of Buddhist monks.

It's called the TREE OF LIFE.

Start with grounding, centering, and complete body relaxation exercises. Then imagine that you are an ancient mighty tree with spreading branches, whose roots, starting right from your feet, powerfully grow into the ground. Feel how these roots go deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Earth until they reach the golden core of the planet. Through these roots, the golden energy of the Earth fills your feet, your legs, rising higher and higher through the spinal channel. Imagine that your spine is the trunk of a tall wise tree, and fill every part of your body with this energy. Let the golden energy of the Earth rise through the neck and head to the very crown (crown) and go beyond the physical body.

Then feel your branches, which, like arms, radiate upward and outward from the trunk, branching into many smaller branches, twigs and shoots. And on these branches green leaves and golden flowers with delicate petals bloom. Feel how these flowers, having hatched as buds, then open wider and fuller until they open completely and the petals break away from the branches and fall to the ground. Imagine how a golden rain of petals falls on the surface of the Earth and their substance, dissolving, penetrates under the crust and descends to the core of the planet.

This substance becomes one with the golden center of the planet and is then reabsorbed by the roots. and rises through them. Always end your meditation in the center of the Earth and slowly return to reality. Stretch and do a few movements; Before standing up, be fully aware of yourself in the present.

People's thoughts do not disappear anywhere, because thought processes occur at the level of energy fields. A thought generated by the human brain goes into general mental fields, which are an integral part of the Earth’s energy field, and lives there in the form of energy waves.

Identical thoughts at the level of any involvement (family, spontaneous group, cultural group, professional, ideological, national, religious) vibrate resonantly, merging into a single whole - an egregor.

People, thinking about the topic of egregor, charge it with their bioenergy. In this case, the connection exists both direct and inverse, that is, the egregor, in turn, can charge with energy a person loyal to it.

Therefore, if you feel like a convinced and honest supporter of any community, you can, at important and difficult moments in your life, reinforce yourself energetically at the expense of the egregor of this community.

To do this you need:

Take a comfortable position or lie down;

Relax your whole body;

Tune in to the egregor of a given community and mentally imagine how energy flows from this egregor into your energy field;

in order to excite the energetic connection between your egregor and you, you can pronounce certain mantras (statements or suggestions that in some way express the essence of a community);

connect to one of the most powerful egregors - religious - unconsciously, thanks to prayer, but with conscious connection to the egregor, the energy return from it is more significant; a Christian connects to a religious Christian egregor with the help of, for example, the following prayers (the shortest prayers are taken): Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” Pronounced 3 times. The Lord's Prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts ours, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

supporters of Krishnaism (in Krishnaism, the Supreme Deity or the Supreme Personality of God is represented as God - Krishna) believe that as often as possible one should chant the maha-mantra, consisting of sixteen words: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama , Hare Rama, Rama Rama; Hare Hare", proponents of yoga, who treat all types of religion with equal respect, call the Supreme Power, the source of everything in the Universe (God) the Absolute. United by a certain community of ideas and thoughts, they also have their own egregor and connect to it during meditation.

Reasoning during meditation is essentially mantras that stimulate the energetic connection between the egregor and the biofield.

For example, a jnani yogi (jnani yoga) strives to satisfy the needs of those who are on the path of striving for spiritual knowledge. Jnani yoga promotes knowledge of the Universe and answers the questions: “Where are we from?”, “Where are we going?”, “What is the purpose of our existence?”

The main thing in jnani yoga is the knowledge of the essence of the Absolute. During your meditations you can recite the following mantra:

- “The Absolute exists. He is the basis of the single life of the Universe, its real “I”, its essence, its spirit. It lives, feels, suffers, rejoices in us and through us. The Absolute is what really exists: the entire visible world and everything "The forms of life are his expression. Man lacks suitable words to describe the nature of the Absolute, but he can use two words to indicate the essence of his nature: the word 'life' expresses the outer side of his nature, the word 'love' the inner side."

Therapeutic effect:

Mobilizes protective forces;

Raises vitality;

Increases self-confidence;

Speeds up the healing process.

Cleansing the main energy channel

This remedy uses the energy of the Muladhara chakra (in the form of Kundalini Shakti), which, passing through the chakras due to its enormous capabilities, cleanses

chakras and restores connections between the chakras and the main energy channel. The technology of performing the method, although similar to the technology of kundalini yoga, which aims to merge our “I” with the Absolute, allows us to limit the scope of work of Kundalini Shakti only to cleansing the chakras and the main energy channel.

Let us imagine in the middle of Muladhara-chra Kundalini Shakti in the form of a snake.

At your command, a gold-colored snake begins to unfold and slowly crawl up the main energy channel.

Watch the movement of the snake, track its every movement (you see how it, folded into a spiral of three and a half turns, straightens, slowly moves along the channel, touches each chakra with its head, and then passes through it).

Under no circumstances should you be distracted by anything extraneous, all your attention should be on the movement of the snake, cleansing the channel and chakras and at the same time restoring connections between the chakras and the channel.

Do not interfere with the snake’s movement in any way: do not slow down or speed up its movement.

Listen to yourself and record your feelings. When the snake passes into the Sahasrara chakra, reverse its movement and let it reach the place from where it came.

Imagine that in the Muladhara chakra it has again assumed the position of a spiral of three and a half turns.

It is necessary to take into account that in order for the method to have the expected effect (erasing records through cleansing the chakras), it is necessary to ensure that you clearly, almost physically feel the snake and its movement.

To do this, you need to train, but no more than once a day, and remember, training should be careful: at the slightest sensation that seems unusual to you - spontaneous, uncontrollable powerful movement of energy along the channel, complete loss of control over the movement of the snake, and the like, - immediately stop the exercise, having first directed the snake to its original place and coiled it into a spiral of three and a half turns.

When you feel the unusual sensations mentioned, stop training for a while and strengthen your chakras with the following exercise:

Focus your attention on the tip of your index finger (after a while you will feel a pulsation in the tip of your finger. Transfer this pulsation to the Muladhara chakra and through this pulsation feel and sense this chakra;

Then transfer the pulsation to all other chakras one by one.

After strengthening the chakras, resume the main exercise.

Therapeutic effect:

Raises vitality;

Helps get rid of many psychosomatic diseases.

Opening the chakras

There is a close connection between the state of a person’s biofield and the state of his physical body. Biofield distortions:

Irrhythmic movement and low speed of rotation of cones in the chakras, indicating a low level of energy in the chakras;

Insufficient flow of energy between the chakras (the chakras are united by the Sushumna channel, running from the coccyx through the medulla oblongata region to the Sahasrara chakra and conducting a wide range of energy; the diameter of the channel corresponds to the diameter of the spine);

Confusion in the lines of force (in the tissues of the energy field);

The flow (leakage) of energy both in the chakras and in the tissues of the energy field indicates a violation of health (a disorder of organs, systems in the physical body).

That is, the human biofield is in close interaction with all organs and systems of the physical body. This especially applies to the interaction of energy centers (chakras) with the human body.

Each chakra is responsible for providing free, that is, not enclosed in biochemical bonds, energy to all organs within the part of the body adjacent to it.

Muladhara, located in the coccyx area, is the chakra of the lower part of the pelvis;

Svadhisthana - chakra of the lower half of the abdomen;

Manipura - chakra of the upper abdomen:

Anahata - thoracic chakra;

Vishuddha - the chakra located in the lower part of the neck, covers the space from the spine to the thyroid gland inclusive;

Ajna is a chakra located in the middle of the head, this chakra spatially corresponds to the central parts of the brain;

Sahasrara is a chakra located above the parietal bone; it spatially corresponds to the region of the forebrain hemispheres.

Chakras play a big role not only in physical health, but also in the emotional and mental spheres of a person’s life. Moreover, the more developed this or that chakra, the more pronounced this or that psychological feature of a person, determined by this chakra.

The degree of development of the Muladhara chakra determines the degree of productive function.

The degree of development of the Manipura chakra is the degree of ability for energetic actions.

The greater the development of the Anahata chakra, the greater the ability for emotional love (love from the heart).

A developed Vishuddha chakra is the ability for aesthetic perception (this primarily applies to musicians, artists, poets).

Developed A jna chakra is the ability for tactical thinking, which allows one to successfully solve narrow, private issues in everyday life, production, and science.

The Caxacpapa chakra determines the ability for strategic thinking: the more developed the Caxacpapa chakra, the more a person is able to mentally grasp the entire situation with a single view (this should be characteristic of major leaders).

Having mastered the techniques of working with chakras, the goal of which is the development or, as they say, opening of the chakras, you can transform yourself within 6-7 months - improve your health, stabilize your psyche, and rejuvenate your body. During these months, you can go from a state of despondency, unsociability, irritability to a state of vigor, cheerfulness, and sociability.

From an energetic point of view, chakra opening is the creation of a stable flow of energy between this and the lower chakra. The more developed a chakra is, the greater the flow of energy it receives.

Opening the chakras is a rather complex process and requires caution: when working on the chakras, an uncontrolled flow of energy can damage them. Therefore, before you begin to open the chakras, you need to prepare yourself.

To do this, within a month you should become familiar with yoga breathing exercises, which will give you the opportunity to feel and regulate the movement of prana in the body.

The chakras can be opened sequentially - from the lowest to the highest chakra. Working with each chakra takes several weeks. In this case, you need to practice every day for 10-15 minutes.

The yoga breathing exercise Sukh Purvak can be used to open the Muladhara chakra.

The method of awakening the Svadhisthana chakra is similar to the method of awakening the Muladhara chakra. The difference in actions during the delay after inhalation:

Here, during the delay after inhalation, we direct the energy along Ida (or Pingala) to the Muladhara chakra;

We hit this chakra with energy, accompanied by the mantra “Lam”;

Then we quickly transfer the prana through the central Sushumna channel to the Svadhisthana chakra, where we hold it for a few seconds, all the time repeating the mantra “You”;

After this, we return the prana to Muladhara-chak-ra with mental repetitions of the mantra “Lam”.

Awakening the Manipura chakra is carried out in the same way as in the previous case, only during the delay after inhalation, another chakra is added to delay the energy:

We direct along Ida or Pingala to the Muladhara chakra, striking this chakra with energy, accompanied by the mantra “Lam”;

We conduct prana to the Svadhisthana chakra, saying “You”;

After this, we return the flow of energy to the Muladha-ra chakra with the mental repetition of the mantra “Lam”.

Another exercise that can be used to awaken this chakra is:

Having assumed a horizontal position, slowly inhale, expanding the chest and contracting the stomach;

While holding your breath after inhalation, air is transferred from the chest cavity to the abdominal area (to the lower part of the lungs), and the chest should fall and the stomach move forward;

Then the air is returned to the chest cavity again, contracting the stomach and expanding the chest;

Repeat this 3-5 times and then exhale.

This will be one exercise. Such exercises should be performed within 3-5 days, devoting 5-10 minutes to them daily.

The effect on the Anahata chakra using the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna channels is similar to the above effect on the Manipura chakra:

Then along Sushumna to Svadhisthana chakra, Manipura chakra and finally to Anahata chakra, repeating the mantra “Pam”;

After a few seconds of focusing and concentrating energy in the Anahata chakra, we send energy to the Muladhara chakra through the Ma-nipura chakra and the Svadhisthana chakra.

Another exercise for awakening the chakra:

Take a full yogic breath and, while holding your breath, concentrate on the heart, listening to its beating and mentally seeing the work of the heart;

Repeat the mantra “Pam” with every heartbeat. Try not to let your attention be distracted for a second from the desire to mentally see the heart. You can imagine a shiny point inside your heart and focus your attention on it;

Then take a full yoga exhale. Similar to the previous exercises, use

Ida, Pitala and Sushumna channels during the movement of prana to awaken the Vishuddha chakra:

During the delay after inhalation, we send prana along Ida or Pingala to the Muladhara chakra;

Then, along Sushumna, we carry out prana through all the chakras from bottom to top up to the Vishuddha chakra, where we concentrate our attention for a few seconds and repeat the mantra “Ham”;

Then, through Sushumna, sequentially through the chakras, we lower the energy down to the Muladhara chakra.

When awakening the Ajna chakra:

Prana, while holding the breath, is brought along Sushumna to the Ajna chakra, where attention is concentrated for several seconds;

Then the prana is lowered down the chakras. When awakening the Sahasrara chakra:

Prana, while holding the breath, is carried along Sushumna through all chakras to the Sahasrara chakra, concentrating attention there for several seconds;

Then the flow of energy is lowered sequentially down the chakras.

Therapeutic effect:

Awakens defenses;

Increases vitality;

Heals the entire body as a whole;

Harmonizes mental state;

Rejuvenates the body.

Chakra cleansing

Imagine that you are in the tailbone area (in the Manipura Chakra), and with the help of your mental efforts, psychic debris moves along the Manipura-Svadhistha-on-Muladhara-grounding rod-Earth path.

Consciousness moves to the Anahata chaktra, and psychic debris moves along the Anahata-Vishuddha-Ajna-Sahasrara-Cosmos path.

After this, each of the seven chakras is connected to the main energy channel:

Let us imagine, for each chakra, the trunk of the chakra and the main energy channel, and if the connection between the chakra and the channel is fragile, imagine how we tie the ends of the connections with our own hands;

Let's correct each chakra with our imaginary hands (if the pistil of the flower, the symbol of the chakra, is not visible);

Let's straighten each chakra;

After some time, we will remove this energy through the grounding rod;

Let's dissolve the picture.

Therapeutic effect: o mobilizes protective forces;

Raises tone;

Helps treat psychosomatic diseases.

Mastering every part of your body

Our body is a temple for our spirit (for our “I”). This temple should be convenient and comfortable for the spirit. To do this, we need to control our body, control every organ, every part of the body.

Owning the body or each part of it means periodically consciously being there (sending your consciousness there) and not just like that, but with a benevolent mission of strengthening, some help to the body and organs separately.

This tones the healing forces within us, keeping the whole body and individual organs and cells in good condition. Otherwise, the organs or their cells may begin to go on strike (as a result of which disease may arise), as if telling our “I”: “You take bad care of us, you make us overwork, we work in an unfavorable mode for us. We are forced to take measures and strike".

A good example of body control is yoga practice. In it, mastery of one’s body is served by performing asanas - exercises performed consciously, with concentration of attention on a certain part of the body.

This is also what breathing exercises do, and especially full yogic breathing, in which consciousness is sent to every cell of the body, along with prana (cosmic energy), also sent to every cell of the body.

If consciousness is not sent to any part of the body through physical or mental exercise, that part of the body either becomes ill or tends to atrophy.

From an energetic point of view, the aura in this place may be absent or very thin, and when you try to pass earthly and cosmic energies through you, their flows will be blocked - these are those parts of the body that you do not control.

If you do not perform yoga poses or if doing yoga or any other exercises is not enough for you to fully control your body, use the following remedy.

Consistently send your consciousness to each part of the body: toes, feet, legs, lower back, thighs, buttocks, genitals, stomach, chest, shoulders, upper arms, elbows, forearms, fingers, lower back, upper back, neck, chin, lips, tongue, teeth, nose, cheeks, head, hair.

Spend so much time on each indicated part of the body that you can realize that you are in this part of the body (just as you can be in any chakra or in the center of the head). At the same time, determine how this part of the body feels (lightness, heaviness, numbness or soreness). In some parts of your body you will feel comfortable and pleasant, while in others you will feel tense, heavy, and boring. A sign that you own your body is the feeling that you can determine in which part of the body you feel good and comfortable, and in which you feel uncomfortable.

Once you've identified the body parts you don't own, enter each one again and talk to it (each body part has its own mind), asking if it has any desires. You may become aware of the response of this part of the body. For example, the stomach may ask you to limit your consumption of meat or candy, your feet may advise you to wear more comfortable shoes, and so on.

Then look to see if pathogenic images (records in the astral part of the biofield adjacent to the indicated areas of the body) have accumulated in each of the areas.

If these images are present there, then use the technique of harmonizing the psyche.

Picture in your mind a picture of an unpleasant incident that happened recently.

Achieve a clear image and then dissolve it after 1-2 minutes.

As the picture dissolves, allow the persons who, in your opinion, are the source of the unpleasant incident to appear.

Express to these persons or person what you think about them, dissolve the picture and forgive them (to prevent an energetic blow to these persons from your side).

Return to the center of your head and recreate the picture of your body on your mental screen.

Try to show as much love and tenderness as possible to this image of your body, then dissolve the mental image.

Therapeutic effect:

Promotes liberation from diseases of many organs and parts of the body by contacting the subconscious through the chain: consciousness - body parts (body organs) - subconscious.

Establishing closer contact between the higher self and the body

Imagine how golden-colored cosmic energy passes from above through Sahosrara-chgkra and all the main chakras and further through your entire aura.

Then imagine a rose on your mental screen that represents you.

Study all its elements (petals, stamens, color, aroma).

At the top of the screen, place a rose for your "I" (representing your "I").

This rose is carefully studied in the same way as the first rose.

Then the second rose is placed directly above the first rose, after which they merge.

Dissolve the picture.

Due to the fact that the higher “I” merges with the body, it, being a particle of the omnipotent Absolute, has a direct healing effect on the body.

Therapeutic effect:

Helps improve the health of the endocrine system, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system;

Defenses are awakened;

Increased vitality;

helps to develop (or rather, free) intuition, which contributes to an increase in spiritual level.

Cleansing the aura with fire

Here you don’t need to sit, but you need to stand with one hand on the other, thereby forming a ring.

A flow of golden-colored energy arises on the left side of the body (imagine this); it begins to move around the ring in the form of a whirlwind, with ever-increasing speed.

Then imagine that there is a fire burning in your body. This flame grows and grows, and in the end it rages as if in a furnace.

At some point, as a result of the burning of all your ailments, troubles and fatigue in the flames, black smoke bursts out through the Sahasrara chakra, which dissipates in neutral cosmic energy.

Then we repeat the process described above (a vortex of energy around the ring, a flame in the body), as a result of which gray smoke is released through the Caxcpapa chakra.

We repeat the process a third time, and white smoke is released through the Caxacpa-ra-chakra, that is, our aura has been cleansed.

Therapeutic effect:

Helps treat many diseases, but this remedy is especially effective in critical situations when you urgently need to help yourself.

Increasing the energy level of individual areas of the aura

A person striving for recovery must convince himself that the healing process first of all gives the opportunity to function to what is natural (for, by placing the main and constant emphasis on the corrective side of healing, we willy-nilly concentrate attention on the disease, which somewhat slows down the healing process) .

In this regard, the following remedy is interesting and effective.

Let's imagine our silhouette on our mental screen.

When the silhouette becomes visible, we will mentally see how our aura appears around the silhouette.

Let's explore it and try to find areas that emit healthy, clean, vibrating energy of a golden color. This energy is of a high level; all other areas (especially painful ones) have a lower level of energy.

Convince yourself that the energy in the remaining areas will rise to the level of golden energy if you command it, and raise it so high that it corresponds to the high energy.

Then imagine the energy circulating through your chakras and into your aura.

If, when examining the aura, you cannot find areas of golden color, but see mostly gray energy, you will have to ask yourself how much you would like to raise the energy level and ask the subconscious mind to express the answer in a certain color.

Then imagine how you conduct the energy of this color from the Sahasrara chakra to the Manipura chakra.

After this, combine the existing energy with the added one.

Follow the described procedure in the following days.

On the third day you will no longer see a gray color, but another, higher level.

It will take 10-15 days for the golden color to appear.

Therapeutic effect:

Increases vitality;

Mobilizes protective forces;

Helps treat many diseases.

Strengthening the biofield through breathing and nutrition

The biofield is strengthened by absorbing cosmic energy (prana). It easily succumbs to thoughts and desires directed at it, both in those cases when a person wants to attract more prana to himself, and in those cases when he wants to absorb it into himself. Therefore, the amount of prana absorbed by a person can be greatly increased.

Generally speaking, a thought, desire or expectation lying in the soul of a person will in itself increase the amount of prana, and in the same way the will or desire of a person, increasing the amount of prana with which the sent thought is saturated, will significantly increase the power of action of this thought on others and on yourself.

More precisely, if a person, while breathing, drinking or eating, forms a mental image of the absorption of prana, that is, draws a picture of how his body absorbs prana, he will thereby bring into action certain occult forces, on the basis of which matter introduced into the body actually releases a large amount of prana. As a result, the body will receive a great strengthening, an increase in its vitality.

When we perform full yogic breathing, when we inhale, we mentally imagine that we are absorbing a large amount of prana, and when we exhale, we send prana to the energy storehouse - the solar plexus. As a result, we feel energized.

In the same way, drink a glass of water in small sips, imagining that you are extracting the prana contained in it from the water, and you will get the same result as in the first case.

In the same way, while eating, chew your food slowly, keeping in mind that you are trying to extract from the food the prana that is in it, and you will receive much more reinforcement and strengthening from food than usual.

All food, especially green vegetables, fruits, milk, dairy products, honey, are filled with prana, which is necessary to maintain life, energy and health.

This prana (food), as well as atmospheric, comes to various nerve centers. Food and atmospheric prana are the same, but they set in motion different functions of the body. The nose serves to absorb prana from the air, the mouth from food.

Atmospheric prana is effectively released from the air by full yogic breathing, food prana is effectively released from food by thorough chewing. Food must be thoroughly chewed and mixed with saliva so that the stomach has a chance to digest it.

Therapeutic effect:

Raises vitality;

Mobilizes protective forces.

Accelerating the fulfillment of your desires, including the desire to get well

Imagine on your mental screen (in front of your mind's eye) 3 circles representing you: each circle corresponds to a certain time interval (six months, 1 year, 5 years).

Anyone who is close to the “sapper” for too long begins to feel exhausted and irritated, and there is a desire to leave communication with him.

Usually energy is pumped out through the weakest energy vortex of the biofield.

A person with a disturbed energy vortex in the heart area loses energy precisely through this vortex, and an individual with a disturbed vortex in the throat area loses energy in this area.

Sensitive Diana, who studied bioenergy fields together with Sh. Karagulla, describes the energetic interaction between the “sapper” and his victim:

In the area of ​​the solar plexus of the “sapper’s” energy field, a rather wide hole appears, and around this hole there are long patterned ribbons, or tentacles, which penetrate the field of the individual nearby and cling to this field;

at the same time, the “sapper” strives to be as close as possible to the victim and, if possible, to touch him.

When communicating with a “sapper” or, as they are also called, a “vampire”, you need to behave as follows:

If possible, immediately say goodbye and leave;

If there is no way to leave, you need to use psychic protection that will interrupt the pumping of energy from your biofield.

One of the simplest ways to create psychic protection:

Take 7-8 full yoga breaths;

While inhaling, we mentally imagine how prana from the air accumulates in the solar plexus (in the Manipura chakra);

Together with the exhalation, energy in the form of golden threads wraps around your body in a spiral from top to bottom, forming an energy cocoon that protects the “sapper” field from your biofield.

Avoid being in the company of unkind people, for thought is not only a dynamic force that produces vibrations of the ether, it is a real thing, thought is material.

When we think, vibrations of the subtlest substance, the subtlest matter, which is as real as gas or steam, spread from us.

This substance often remains in place for a long time, sometimes for many years, permeating the air, so to speak.

Harmful, poisonous gases have a harmful effect on us, they poison us. For example, in a room where there is a lot of carbon dioxide, a living creature suffocates.

In the same way, harmful, evil thoughts have a harmful effect on us. In buildings where there were prisons, in places of various crimes, people feel some kind of unaccountable fear, something oppressive, unpleasant. You experience the opposite feeling in temples, churches, and in the apartments of good people.

Avoid being in the company of unkind people, because their thoughts, their magnetism saturate the surrounding air and have a harmful effect on you. If, out of necessity, you had to be in such a society, then inspire yourself that it is not their thoughts on you, but yours on them, that will have a greater influence. Decide to correct them with kindness and love.

Therapeutic effect:

Affects the health of the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Mental protection from the mental influence of people, energy strikes and from energy pumping

A person is constantly exposed to the mental influence of the people around him. Some deliberately direct their influence, others involuntarily. Some of the suggestions that influence us are useful, necessary, and must be perceived consciously.

But some people around us can constantly spread thoughts of fear, despair, helplessness, etc. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes we experience these feelings without realizing that their source lies in the influence of others.

A person who is aware of his “I” can, with a simple exercise, surround himself with an energy shell, an emanation, which will reliably protect him from the harmful mental influence of others. Moreover, awareness of the Self and a few minutes of daily reflection