How to improve your hearing: useful tips. Eastern gymnastics for the eardrum. Charging and general improvement

Hearing is a very precious quality, although ordinary life people pay little attention to him. Only those who have personally encountered such a problem as can truly appreciate its importance.

Hearing problems can manifest themselves in different ways. age categories, and not just in older people. Sometimes hearing loss occurs even in children various reasons. It is very important to detect this problem in a timely manner, undergo high-quality diagnostics, and effective treatment.

How to improve your hearing at home

To improve hearing in medicine, there are now many effective ways(drops, tablets, use,).

In addition to these methods of hearing restoration, people also try to solve their hearing problem at home. This is, of course, quite possible, but the main thing is not to cause even more harm to your body.

Even if you are planning to improve your hearing at home, you should initially establish the cause of its decline. Let's look at the main ways you can restore your hearing without leaving home:

  1. One of these methods is to use. It can be purchased at finished form or cook it yourself. At self-production of the drug, a particularly important point is the naturalness bee product. You will need 50 grams of it. Three propolis on a grater, pour the pulp from the beekeeping product with alcohol. After infusion for 2 weeks, you need to add to the resulting product vegetable oil(it should be 4 times more than the tincture). A cotton wool moistened with this product is inserted into the ear and left for 9 hours. After this time has expired, the cotton ball is replaced with a new one. The therapeutic course lasts for half a month.
  2. Another method that is popular among people is to combine camphor oil with garlic. Grind a clove of garlic, mix the porridge with camphor oil(3 drops). We put this mass on gauze, wrap it, and place it inside the ear. You need to hold this compress until a barely noticeable burning sensation appears. The therapeutic course lasts until the condition improves. The procedure is performed before bedtime.
  3. Using oil from homemade milk. This oil is instilled through a pipette into the ear for 30 days.
  4. A very effective, but unpleasant way is to use onion juice. It is instilled inside the ear. Therapy lasts about a month. Then, after a break (about 2 months), the course of therapy is continued.

Traditional methods

Among the most effective are the already mentioned propolis tincture, garlic with. In addition to these tools, you can also use:

  • viburnum juice. It is initially squeezed out of viburnum berries and mixed with honey (1:1). The product is blotted with a cotton bud containing a thread inside. Such a flagellum with medicine is inserted inside the ear at night, and in the morning it is removed using a thread. To improve hearing, 10 procedures are enough, and for full recovery — 20;
  • almond oil. It is used in cases where hearing loss is caused by cerumen. You need to instill 7 drops of the product (warm) inside the ear;
  • anise seeds. They are initially crushed into powder, placed inside a bottle (1 tbsp), rosehip oil (100 - 120 grams) is added, placed in the cold, the mass should be shaken after 2-3 days. Use oil for instillation into the ear, the procedure is performed before bedtime.
  • aloe + honey This medicine it’s boring to eat, oddly enough, and not to bury it inside the ear;
  • lemon. You need to eat a quarter of this exotic fruit daily for those who have hearing problems, infections in the hearing organs;
  • calamus root. It is used when hearing loss is caused by a sore throat, cold, or flu. The juice from the root is used and squeezed out. The squeezed juice is mixed with medical alcohol(diluted to 20%). This medicine is taken 1 tsp. Before meals, drop 2 drops into the ear. Therapy lasts 3 months;
  • Grape vinegar (2 parts) + water (1 part). The resulting liquid must be heated. The steam from this mixture will help remove noise and ear pain;
  • beet juice The squeezed juice from this vegetable is dripped at night and three more times a day. Thanks to this remedy, swelling is relieved and the patency of the nerve impulse is improved. Beets have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • tincture of golden mustache. We fill 1/3 of the bottle with crushed plant stems, fill everything with vodka, and let it brew for 21 days. You need to take the medicine three times a day, initially with a teaspoon, then with a dessert, and finally with a tablespoon.

Music to improve hearing:

Physical exercise

To restore lost hearing, you can also use the exercises offered by the Chinese physiotherapy Qigong. They can improve hearing and restore it. Let us describe the basic exercises that experts recommend performing 15–20 times daily:

  • Exercise No. 1. Initially, insert your finger inside the ear so as to close it as tightly as possible. ear canal. Then we sharply pull out the finger. This movement causes the eardrum to vibrate. This improves blood supply to the area.
  • Exercise No. 2. Initially, we press our palms to our ears, after which we sharply remove our hands.
  • Exercise No. 3. We perform ear massage movements in the morning. They should be directed clockwise, in a circular motion. When performing this exercise, your ears should be pressed tightly to your head.

Gymnastics to improve hearing in our video:

You can perform it aimed at restoring hearing. Here are the basic movements:

  1. You need to grab your earlobe and pull it from top to bottom.
  2. We place our thumbs behind the auricle, and place all other fingers in front. With this arrangement of fingers, we massage the ears until they are hot.
  3. We pull the ear back, to the side.
  4. Pull the earlobe forward.
  5. Taking your ear auricle(its center) pull the ear up and down.
  6. We perform rotating movements with the auricle (clockwise/counterclockwise).

You can also restore lost hearing by performing breathing exercises. This yoga exercise (bhastrika pranayama) should be performed in a clean, ventilated room with the appropriate attitude. Initially, we exhale through the nose. At this moment, we strongly retract our stomach. As we inhale, we round our belly; it becomes round, like a ball.

According to reviews, the most popular treatment methods aimed at restoring lost, decreased hearing are: ethnoscience, therapeutic exercises, yoga. massage, mudras, healing music

Consider a mudra that helps improve hearing:

Mudra of the sky. If you practice for long period, many can be almost completely cured. Need to bend middle finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad. Thumb at the same time presses the middle one. The remaining fingers are straight and not tense.

Mudra of Heaven to improve hearing

Healing music and other alternative techniques

Modern medicine is developing alternative methods hearing restoration. These include:

  • physiotherapeutic methods (electropuncture, acupuncture, Darsonval currents, Tibetan acupuncture, pulse);
  • acoustic method using music. Typically, acoustic stimulation is associated with acoustic stimulation that is directed to the fibers auditory nerve.


A diet aimed at improving hearing is known as a cholesterol-lowering diet. Experts have identified a number of products that can restore hearing. They also noted whole list products whose consumption should be limited.

  • dried fruits;
  • kidneys, liver;
  • dairy products;
  • meat (lean);
  • citrus;
  • fish;
  • products made from whole grains;
  • leafy vegetables.

This diet helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

The following foods should be removed from the diet:

  • salt;
  • caffeine;
  • animal fats;
  • alcohol.

Since salt must be limited to 2 grams per day, it is forbidden to consume foods that already contain salt (soy sauce, smoked meats, canned food, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, pickled vegetables).

Exercise to restore hearing according to Norbekov:


Treatment of such a pathology as is considered very painstaking work. Usage folk remedies, gymnastics requires a lot of time and patience. IN in rare cases noted complete cure hearing loss exclusively with folk remedies.

Rumor is one of the five important organs feelings. In infants it is more sensitive and becomes weaker with age. Noise, colds, careless treatment of the ears - directly affect human hearing. More than 50% of pensioners suffer from hearing loss. One of the most popular ailments in children is otitis media.

Since diseases have different causes, the ear massage technique is different in each case and helps to effectively get rid of many diseases.

As you know, otitis media can be external, middle and internal. Massage will only help with inflammation of the middle ear. However, according to statistics, children and adults most often suffer from it. 80% of children experience the disease in preschool age.

The disease most often occurs after a viral or infectious disease, for example, sore throats, ARVI, measles.

The middle ear itself is tympanic cavity. This cavity is responsible for the sound conduction function. That is why, with inflammation, the patient feels stuffiness in the ear. Otitis media occurs when fluid gets into the middle ear. Along with illness comes pain and hearing loss. Massage in in this case helps to remove painful sensations and reduces inflammation.

Is it possible to restore lost hearing?

If this is most often a temporary phenomenon, then with hearing loss the situation is more serious. Poor hearing is a defect that a person has to live with every day. It seriously interferes with communication.

According to statistics, already at the age of 40, hearing declines in 6% of people. At the age of 55, hearing loss is noted in every fourth person; after 70, more than half of pensioners suffer from hearing loss.

ATTENTION! Cases of hearing loss have increased in at a young age. More often people suffer from the disease who spend a long time in noisy rooms (factory, construction site) and love loud music(especially with headphones).

Hearing may drop sharply or decline gradually. There are several signs of hearing loss:

  • the person begins to hear poorly;
  • there is ringing or noise in the ears;
  • balance is disturbed;
  • dizziness is observed.

A massage will not restore completely lost hearing, but it will help restore it partially and also relieve ringing in the ears.

Indications and contraindications

Massage for hearing loss or otitis media, as well as colds, will help when it comes to:

  • about otitis media;
  • about the accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity;
  • about inflammation of the auditory mucosa (eustachitis).

Known techniques will help with hearing loss. They are able to “awaken” reserves and restore the mobility of the auditory ossicles.

When exercises should not be done:

  • with purulent otitis media;
  • if the eardrum is damaged;

IMPORTANT! Massage does not replace traditional therapy. Refusal of medications is unacceptable.

For colds

Before each procedure, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly. Warm them by rubbing your palms. For otitis media, the following technique will help relieve inflammation and pain:

  1. The ear is squeezed in your palms and massaged in a circular motion.
  2. Then the already warmed ears should be pulled into different sides, up and down.
  3. It is recommended to place the tips of the index and middle fingers in the middle of the ear and pull from bottom to top and vice versa.
  4. Gently massage your earlobes.

To feel the effect, the exercise must be done in the morning for 1-1.5 weeks.

This ear massage not only helps with congestion, but is also a good prevention of colds.

Massage for hearing loss

To regain your hearing, you need to be willing to do the exercises for an extended period of time. It is recommended to start every morning with exercise.

So, exercises for hearing loss:

  1. The thumb is placed behind the auricle, the other four remain in front. In this position, the ear is actively massaged until the organ becomes hot.
  2. It is recommended to pull the earlobe up, then down.
  3. Do the same with the auricle.
  4. Repeat both techniques, but pull in different directions.
  5. Then the auricle is carefully rotated, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

The movements are repeated up to 20 times. At the same time, they help not only improve hearing, but also eliminate ringing in the ears and dizziness. According to reviews, even vision becomes sharper.

Eastern gymnastics for the eardrum

Traditionally in Chinese medicine practice gymnastics for eardrum. IN currently it is done both in the hospital, with the help of drugs, and at home. According to experts, massage can combat both inflammatory processes in the ears and hearing loss.

You can do it at home in the following way:

  1. The ears are covered with the palms so that the fingers can close at the back of the head. Now you can tap the back of your head with all your fingers at the same time 10-12 times.
  2. After this, your palms need to be pressed firmly against your ears and quickly removed.
  3. Next, carefully insert your index finger into the auricle. It is recommended to turn it back and forth 3 times, and then sharply remove it from the ear.

The exercise is repeated up to 12 times. Also from oriental medicine you can take it chiseled massage.

It helps the body start the body's regeneration process and relieve pain. To carry it out, you need large and index finger gently press on active points auricle.

Any type of massage should not cause discomfort, and even more so pain. If this happens, the exercise should be stopped. When performed correctly, massage quickly brings relief.


To summarize, it is worth noting that best treatment is prevention. Every preschooler should know that they should not watch cartoons or listen to music loudly, or stick various objects into their ears.

  1. You find it difficult to talk in noisy places or in crowds. You prefer to interrupt such a conversation or not communicate with people at all in such situations.
  2. The volume level you set when listening to music on headphones is higher than before. But otherwise, the drum rhythm or guitar in your favorite songs, in your opinion, sounds somehow wrong.
  3. You turn up the TV volume.
  4. Quite often, ask others to repeat what they said or speak more clearly because you cannot hear them the first time.
  5. Avoid talking on the phone because the sound is not enough for you.

If you find yourself with at least 2-3 of the listed symptoms Hearing loss, it means your ears are malfunctioning. To understand how serious it is and whether it is possible to restore disappearing hearing, you need to understand some details.

Why do we hear

The ear is a thinner and more sensitive structure than many are accustomed to thinking.

It consists of three parts(We won’t go into details, the description is schematic).

1. Outer ear

Includes auricle and auditory canal. They capture and concentrate sound waves, sending them deeper.

2. Middle ear

It contains the eardrum and three tiny bones associated with it. membrane under action sound waves vibrates, the moving bones catch and amplify these vibrations and transmit them further.

A separate nuance: the middle ear cavity is connected to the nasopharynx through the so-called Eustachian tube. This is necessary to equalize the air pressure before and after the eardrum.

3. Inner ear

It is a so-called membranous labyrinth inside the temporal bone. The cochlea is one of the most important parts of the bone labyrinth. It got its name because of its characteristic shape.

The labyrinth is filled with liquid. When the bones of the middle ear transmit vibrations here, the fluid also begins to move. And it irritates the thinnest hairs that cover the inner surface of the cochlea. These hairs are connected to the auditory nerve fibers. Their vibrations turn into nerve impulses, which our brain interprets as: “Oh, I hear something!”

Why does hearing deteriorate?

There are hundreds of reasons. Any damage, inflammation, or modification in each of the three parts of the ear leads to the fact that the organ loses the ability to correctly capture and send sound signals to the brain.

Here are the most common causes of hearing loss.

1. Aging

With age sensitive hairs in the cochlea wear out and cease to accurately respond to fluid fluctuations inside the membranous labyrinth. As a result, they often suffer from a constant indistinct hum in the ears and increasing deafness.

2. The habit of listening to loud music on headphones

Loud noises, like age, damage sensitive hairs and nerve cells inner ear.

3. Barotrauma

Powerful sonic attack(for example, fireworks going off very close, a rock concert, a very loud party in a nightclub) can cause barotrauma - stretching or even rupture of the eardrum. When stretched, the ability to hear returns on its own after some time. But if the eardrum ruptures, you will have to go to the ENT specialist for a long and tedious time.

4. Wax or other foreign objects in the ear canal

These can be, for example, inflamed to the point of formation of an abscess sebaceous glands or the same water that got into the ear after swimming. All this blocks the auditory canal, preventing the correct penetration of sound waves to the eardrum. A feeling appears.

5. Infections of the external auditory canal

They cause inflammation and swelling, again narrowing the ear canal.

6. All kinds of otitis

Otitis is an inflammatory process of a viral or bacterial nature that develops in the ear. Depending on what part of the ear is affected by the disease, doctors distinguish between external, middle and internal (labyrinthitis) otitis.

This dangerous illness, which is fraught with not only temporary, but also total loss hearing Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of otitis media, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

7. Mumps (mumps), measles, rubella

These infections attack aggressively inner ear and can also lead to complete deafness.

8. The habit of cleaning your ears with cotton swabs

11. Physical head trauma

Impacts can cause damage to the middle and inner ear.

12. Otosclerosis

This is the name for a middle ear disease in which auditory ossicles increase in size, and their movements become more difficult. This means that they cannot correctly “tap” the vibrations of the eardrum into the inner ear.

13. Autoimmune and other diseases

Autoimmune diseases of the inner ear, Meniere's disease, all kinds of tumors - a spectrum of diseases, side effect which hearing loss becomes is quite widespread 7 diseases that can cause hearing loss.

How to improve your hearing

To answer this question, you need to discuss your specific case with a therapist, ENT specialist or a specialist - an audiologist. They will find out what exactly led to the hearing loss.

If the reason lies in sulfur plugs, inflammatory processes and other injuries affecting the outer ear, the prognosis is favorable. In most cases, it is enough to eliminate the cause: wash the plug, remove ear canal from the water that got into it, cure the inflammation, and your hearing will be restored.

If the cause affects the middle ear, some difficulties may arise. Damage to the eardrum or otosclerosis, for example, may require surgical intervention and long-term rehabilitation. Fortunately, modern medicine Still, I learned to cope with these problems quite successfully.

The inner ear is the most difficult case. If labyrinthitis is still treatable, then it is impossible to restore hairs and nerve cells that have worn out with age or from excessive love of loud hair. Therefore they resort to radical methods- installation hearing aid or a cochlear implant (a prosthesis that takes over the work of a worn-out cochlea). These are quite expensive devices and procedures.

How to prevent hearing loss

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Genetics, autoimmune diseases, head injuries - it will not be possible to influence these factors in advance.

However, something can still be done.

  1. Avoid loud concerts and shows.
  2. Don't turn your headphones on loudly.
  3. If you work in a noisy industry, are fond of shooting or riding a motorcycle, be sure to use earplugs or ear protection.
  4. Let your ears rest - spend more time in silence.
  5. Do not catch colds, and especially do not try to endure the ear pain that otitis media makes itself felt.
  6. If you have a runny nose, blow your nose outward. Drawing in mucus can cause infection to develop in eustachian tube to the ear.
  7. Don't clean your ears with cotton swabs!
  8. Make sure you are vaccinated MMR vaccine (complex preparation from measles, mumps, rubella). If not, .
  9. Take a hearing test from time to time. This can be done either at an appointment with an audiologist or.

I am a doctor. I have been leading hearing restoration groups for over 10 years. According to the M.S. system Norbekova I have been working since 1993. I always thought - does a person’s health really depend only on the doctor and the person is so weak that he cannot restore his health on his own? In 1993, she joined the M.S. group. Norbekova out of curiosity - to see if there really are such good results that they are talking about. After I took the course, I realized that this is what I was looking for - a self-healing system. Since then I have been working in the M.S. group. Norbekova and took on the most difficult topic - hearing restoration, which in medicine is considered incurable. Acoustic neuritis and sensorineural hearing loss are “dead diagnoses” in medicine. Be grateful that you hear this way and not worse. Having worked using self-healing methods for 18 years, I realized that there are no incurable diseases. Many people want to be healthy - our method is the path to restoring health, it’s working on oneself, it’s a great desire to be healthy and win, no matter what, believing in yourself. Since most have the sad, fruitless experience of going to doctors, and this heavy burden and lack of faith in their strength pulls them back down. But many people dream of a big white pill that will cure all diseases at once; this does not happen. In my groups, no one leaves without results. It is important here what kind of hearing condition the person comes with. With 1 degree of hearing loss or with 4 degrees. Depending on this, a person receives his result on the 10th day of the course. Grade 1-2 hearing loss was restored within 10 days, grade 3-4 - longer. The most important thing here is that the structure of the inner ear is not destroyed (trauma, radical operations). In other cases, a person must hear.

One of the directions in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss is working with the spine and joints. People who come to a hearing restoration course are surprised why they need to work on the spine; they need to work on hearing, but we waste time on gymnastics. Treatment of any disease begins with treatment of the spine - restoration of the muscle corset, flexibility, and mobility. With sensorineural hearing loss, hearing loss is the tip of the iceberg, down there under the water there is an unhealthy spine and joints, internal organs, depression, fears, lack of self-confidence, fear of the future, loneliness, inability to quickly recover emotional condition after stress. (for example, stress at work and a person lives in this situation for several days, and then has difficulty regaining his strength. How much energy and health was spent on this).

We start with treating the spine. Everyone knows that osteochondrosis is a disease of a city dweller. We go to work - we sit, we arrive - we transfer our body from the car to the elevator, and from the elevator to the chair, and then the same thing in reverse order. We sit, are inactive, muscles work at minimum - physical inactivity develops. Physical inactivity means the entire body, organs, and systems are in a semi-sleeping state. We live at the minimum of our capabilities. We make discoveries in the profession, but we don’t care at all about the health of the body, the treatment of the spine, until it screams, “It hurts me.” And then we start fussing and asking traditional questions - what to do? To a therapist, to a surgeon? We were not taught how to heal ourselves.

And it's simple- 20 minutes of gymnastics daily and for life and all problems in the spine will go away and work will be restored internal organs. And then I’m lazy - I’ll start on Monday.

Osteochondrosis- this is not only pain in the spine. This is a violation of blood supply, nutrition, and innervation of all organs and systems. And the heart works with increased load in order to “push” blood through the vessels deformed by osteochondrosis, as a result of pain in the heart, the arterial pressure, headaches, dizziness, etc. Innervation is disrupted ( neural regulation) internal organs, lymphatic drainage becomes difficult, and swelling appears. The human body is a strong, regulated system; how much effort needs to be put in (not taking care of yourself) for it to finally get sick. We run forward, not paying attention to the warning signs - slight pain in the spine. A - it will pass, but if it doesn’t pass, it will be worse, i.e. the muscles that support the spine become weaker every year and diagnoses appear - hernias, displacements, protrusions, pinching, etc. We've arrived. All you need to do is treat yourself every day - do gymnastics. Laziness, no need to tell how busy you are, everyone is working. When the real pain starts, you won’t need anything, just for the pain to go away and to sleep at night.

Our gymnastics for sensorineural hearing loss strengthens the muscles that support the spine, restores mobility and flexibility, blood supply, innervation of internal organs, lymph flow, which makes it possible to restore the functioning of internal organs and systems.

And we take a bunch of pills and wait for it to go away. It won't work. Most often the cervical and lumbosacral regions are affected (sitting). Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes disruption of the blood supply and innervation of organs located on the head - their functioning is disrupted, increases blood pressure, intraocular pressure, headaches, dizziness, decreased visual acuity, ringing (noise) in the head and ears, and finally - decreased hearing. If you constantly do gymnastics, 50% of your sores will go away. The state after our gymnastics is magical, the body is warm, pleasant goosebumps and needles, cheerfulness, flexibility, shoulders are straightened, posture is formed. The body becomes like a ball, you don’t walk, you dance because every muscle in the body is warm, elastic, plastic. This starts to appear around the 5th day of work. You will feel your body come to life, you breathe easily and joyfully, you smile at the world and at yourself - nothing hurts. Age and health status do not matter - the loads are given according to age and diagnosis. The most important thing is the desire to heal yourself and be healthy. It's hard to start, but it must be done. There are many ways to restore the spine, from massage to surgery, but gymnastics will have to be done in any case. Life will force you. That is why we begin hearing restoration for sensorineural hearing loss with gymnastics. Let's start right now with the cervical spine. The exercises should be done gently, until you feel slight pain - this is a signal, stop, you can’t go any further today, the movements should be the same as you stretch. It is forbidden to do it sharply and harshly. The body is fixed, only the cervical region works.

1. Pull your head towards the right (left) shoulder

2. Pull the head down along the sternum.

3. Pull the back of the head towards the back.

4. Turn your head to the right (left) by pulling.

5. We look forward, the chin goes right (left) up.

6. Place your chin on your chest, pull up to the right (left).

7. Circular movement of the head clockwise (counter)wise.

This is part of the exercises cervical spine for sensorineural hearing loss of 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees. Each exercise is done 4-6 times - this is the initial version. If you did it correctly, warmth and slight goosebumps appear in the neck area. If pain appears, you did it wrong.

I wish you success and overcome your laziness!

25 magic points for managing the psyche and maintaining health Alexander Nikolaevich Medvedev

Hearing Improvement Point

Hearing Improvement Point

A periodic harmonizing effect on the Ting-hui point (Fig. 10) has positive effect with hearing loss, it helps prevent or delay age-related hearing loss. Pressure on this point also helps with noise and ear pain.

Rice. 10

The Ting-hui point is located anterior and inferior to the tragus of the ear, where a depression appears when opening the mouth.

The point should only be affected by massage.

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