Infrared heat in medicine. Impact of infrared radiation on the body. Methods of using infrared rays

Infrared irradiation
– use of infrared radiation or infrared rays for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Infrared rays discovered by F. Herschel in 1800 and, due to their beneficial biological effects, they soon began to be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Hippocrates wrote about the method of using infrared rays for processing various wounds, skin damage, frostbite, etc. Since ancient times, infrared rays have been used in medicine; in those days, doctors used heated salt, clay, iron, sand and even burning coals to treat diseases. In this way, bruises, bruises, frostbite, ulcers and boils were cured. In 1984 Thanks to Dr. Kellogg, who introduced incandescent electric lamps into medicine, infrared rays were successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gall bladder, joints, lymphatic system, pleurisy, organs abdominal cavity. Infrared rays have a beneficial effect on human body in general, contribute to the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Infrared rays have healing effect in the treatment of fractures, they activate metabolism in paralyzed organs, improve metabolism, stimulate the endocrine glands, promote wound healing, improve metabolism and help in the fight against obesity. A variety of medical equipment has been created to use infrared rays by a group of scientists. Using infrared rays, devices were created to create perspiration, take sunbathing, tanning. Simple emitters have also been created that use lamps at high temperatures: infrared lamps, solar concentrators. Previously, it was believed that infrared rays did not have any effect on tissue, neither physical, nor biological or chemical. It was believed that the effect produced by infrared rays has a mainly thermal role. Infrared rays have beneficial effect on plants, animals and cell cultures. Metabolic processes improved in humans and animals due to increased blood flow. Experienced doctors and scientists have confirmed that infrared rays have a stimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect on the body. Hyperemia caused by infrared rays has a pain-relieving effect on the body, and infrared radiation also helps improve blood circulation. Doctors confirm the fact that operations performed under infrared radiation are much easier to tolerate. postoperative pain and the process of cell regeneration is accelerated. Infrared rays help to almost completely eliminate the possibility of internal cooling during open abdominal surgery. Also, when using infrared rays during surgery, the likelihood of surgical shock is reduced. The use of infrared rays in patients with burn injuries to the skin creates favorable conditions to remove necrosis and perform autoplasty. This therapy also reduces the duration of fever, hypoproteinemia and anemia. The likelihood of complications and nosocomial infection is reduced. Infrared radiation significantly improves the condition of joints and muscles. Has an excellent effect of warming up the muscles before physical activity, reduces the risk of injuries and sprains, reduces neurological pain. Also, infrared rays reduce pain from injuries, promote blood flow to the muscles, reduce spasmodic muscle contractions and cramps. Also, the use of infrared rays significantly improves mobility connective tissue and joints. Infrared therapy with proper and moderate use, it will improve your health and will be an excellent addition to wellness and restorative procedures! Thus, we can conclude that currently infrared rays are indicated for the treatment of:

  • subacute and chronic inflammatory processes non-purulent in various tissues (respiratory organs, kidneys, abdominal organs),
  • sluggishly healing wounds and ulcers,
  • bedsores,
  • burns and frostbite,
  • itchy dermatoses,
  • contractures,
  • adhesions,
  • injuries of joints and ligamentous muscles,
  • diseases mainly peripheral part nervous system(neuropathy, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuromyositis, plexitis, etc.), as well as spastic paresis and paralysis.

After reading this article, I purchased two strips of PLEN (a heating system based on infrared heat emission) for my mother as a local heater, and check it out medicinal properties infrared radiation. Due to illness, my mother is driving sedentary lifestyle Life is particularly sedentary, so there is a high risk of bedsores. For this purpose, I started using PLEN strips in the place where my mother always sits. The effect was not long in coming; after about a week of use, my mother stopped experiencing strong painful sensations. We’ve been using it for the second year now, I really like it, and most importantly, it’s not only warm, but also useful. Another similar incident happened to my cat. He became seriously ill with dermatitis, the hair on his side began to fall out, and an ulcer appeared. So, I began to observe how he often began to lie down on this plane, and on exactly the side where his fur fell out. At first I didn’t attach any importance to this, but after a week I noticed how the affected area began to be overgrown with new hair. And a week later the cat was absolutely healthy. I am sure that all this was influenced by the infrared radiation of PLEN. Infrared (IR) radiation in medicine Infrared (IR) radiation They began to be used to treat diseases a very long time ago. Hippocrates also described the method of using burning coals, heated sand, salt, iron to treat wounds, ulcers, damage from cold, etc. Ancient and medieval doctors used them to treat tuberculosis, bruises, the effects of frostbite, etc. Doctors of the 19th century began to use incandescent electric lamps as infrared heaters and use them for diseases of the lymphatic system, joints, chest(pleurisy), abdominal organs, liver and gall bladder. Infrared heaters have found application as a means for activating metabolism in paralyzed organs, accelerating oxidation, affecting the overall metabolism, stimulating the endocrine glands, and correcting the consequences poor nutrition(obesity), wound healing, etc. Later, various medical equipment was developed, the operating principle of which was based on infrared radiation: to create perspiration, sunbathing, and tanning. Previously it was believed that infrared rays do not have any chemical, biological or direct physiological effect on tissues, and the effect they produce is based on their penetration and absorption by tissues, as a result of which infrared rays play mainly a thermal role. The effect of infrared rays was reduced to their indirect manifestation - a change in the thermal gradient in the skin or on its surface. First biological effect infrared radiation has been detected in relation to cell cultures, plants, and animals. In most cases, the development of microflora was suppressed. In humans and animals, metabolic processes accelerated, as a result of increased blood flow. It has been proven that infrared radiation has both analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, circulatory, stimulating and distracting effects. The researchers noted that infrared radiation improves blood circulation, and the hyperemia caused by infrared rays has an analgesic effect. It is also noticed that surgical intervention, carried out under infrared radiation, has some advantages - postoperative pain is easier to bear, cell regeneration occurs faster. In addition, infrared rays avoid internal cooling in the case of an open abdominal cavity. This reduces the likelihood of an operational shock and its consequences. The use of infrared radiation in burned patients creates conditions for removing necrosis and performing early autoplasty, reduces the duration of fever, the severity of anemia and hypoproteinemia, the frequency of complications, and prevents the development of nosocomial infections. Infrared radiation also makes it possible to weaken the effect of pesticides and g-radiation, helping to increase nonspecific immunity. It has been established that procedures for exposure to infrared radiation accelerate the recovery process of patients with influenza and can serve as a preventive measure colds. The advantage of therapy using infrared radiation over other thermal treatment methods is deeper heating. In addition, there is no contact between the heat source and the organ, which eliminates tissue irritation and contamination, which is especially important for open injuries. Infrared irradiation through thin bandages is also possible, since it penetrates through ordinary dressings. Also wide application Infrared radiation has been used in cosmetology for procedures related to facial and body skin care. Very important acquires in Lately thermography, based on registration using electron-optical converters of infrared radiation emitted by human and animal tissues. Infrared radiation carries information about the tissues under the skin and allows you to see details that are indistinguishable during visual inspection. Veins located close to the skin are clearly visible on infrared photographs or on television screens, since the temperature of the blood is slightly higher than the temperature of the tissues surrounding the vessels, and they create more intense infrared radiation. Images of veins make it possible to detect areas of blockage of blood vessels, since the foci of inflammation have a higher temperature than the surrounding tissue. Modern methods registration of infrared radiation allows you to detect localization of blood clots or malignant tumors, even if their temperature exceeds the ambient temperature by hundredths of a degree. Outputting information to a computer makes it possible in a matter of seconds to obtain a kind of thermogram-silhouette of the organ area under study with numbers corresponding to the temperatures inside the tissue. Infrared light is one of the types electromagnetic radiation. In the series of radiations, it is located, on the one hand, after visible light; on the other hand, with microwaves. The wavelength of the infrared spectrum starts at 0.76 microns and continues up to 1000 microns. In this case, waves up to 2 μn are classified as short infrared waves, from 2 to 4 μn - as medium waves, and over 4 μn (according to some authors, over 5 μn) as long IR waves. Infrared rays are invisible to the human eye. They arise due to the movement of molecules and atoms around their equilibrium position. These movements can only stop completely when absolute zero(-273˚С), and, accordingly, only then will invisible infrared radiation disappear. Since the movement of molecules occurs constantly, the source of infrared radiation is any body, including a person. Feature of rays infrared range lies in the fact that any object, including the human body, not only absorbs or reflects radiation, it itself is its source. The human body has a maximum radiation in the range of 9.3-9.53 micron. Infrared radiation is a factor affecting the human body environment. Its action is due to the thermal effect. An increase in temperature as a result of tissue absorption of infrared rays causes local reactions (hyperemia, increased vascular permeability) and general reactions (intensification of metabolism, thermoregulation, etc.). Invisible to the human eye, infrared radiation has very strong thermal energy, which penetrates tissue to a depth of 3-7 centimeters. When infrared rays enter the human body at the chemical level, water molecules react first (as is known, human body 70% consists of water). These activated molecules reanimate cells and stimulate blood circulation, which ultimately affects metabolism, because. oxygen saturation of the body's cells improves. Fats are broken down and acidity levels decrease. Infrared radiation has found wide application in medical practice, cosmetology. This good helper in maintaining health and Have a good mood, relieving fatigue and maintaining efficiency and good spirits. Treatment with infrared radiation takes important place in therapy and treatment in many countries. Japanese medicine, as, for example, Dr. Yamayaki writes in his book “Infrared Therapy,” has reached significant results: in the temperature range from 40 to 50˚C, pain during burns is reduced, treatment time is reduced, fewer scars remain, and increased arterial pressure. Other results achieved with infrared therapy:

  • regulation of blood pressure due to regular stimulation of blood circulation;
  • rapid improvement of short-term memory;
  • elimination of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • effective effect on tissue during treatment, which leads to rapid recovery;
  • significant improvement in condition with sudden and chronic arthritis, pain reduction;
  • reduction of menopausal syndrome caused by frostbite, nervousness and depression;
  • deodorizing, cleansing, antidote effect;
  • stimulation of growth and development;
  • maintaining balance in the body, improving metabolism;
  • DICL helps regulate the level of fluid saturation in the body;
  • helps relieve the body of harmful substances: destroys harmful metals, toxins and helps remove them from the body;
  • stops the spread of harmful microbes and fungi in the body;
  • promotes the production of the hormone melatonin in the body;
  • Infrared rays warm our body and help maintain its temperature.
  • Melatonin is considered by many doctors to be the most sensational hormone. It is produced by the pineal gland, located in the subcortex of the brain; the gland is the size of a pea. Experiments have shown that melatonin reduces the risk of cancer, slows down the aging process, and improves mood. Our body is independently capable of producing this substance when exposed to sunlight. It has been noticed that this process occurs most actively in the morning hours in the rays rising sun. So the old saying “He who gets up early, God gives him... health and youth,” is more than fair.
  • A number of scientific laboratories (report the effects obtained during research:
  • destruction of certain types of hepatitis virus;
  • neutralization harmful effects electromagnetic fields;
  • cure dystrophy;
  • cure hemorrhoids;
  • increasing the amount of insulin produced in patients with diabetes;
  • neutralization of the effects of radioactive exposure;
  • reversal of liver cirrhosis;
  • softening, and in some cases, resorption of colloidal scars.

Every day a person is exposed to infrared radiation and its natural source is the sun. Incandescent elements and various electric heating devices are classified as unnatural derivatives. This radiation is used in heating systems, infrared lamps, heating devices, TV remote controls, medical equipment. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the benefits and harms of infrared radiation for humans.

Infrared radiation: what is it?

In 1800, an English physicist discovered infrared heat, expanding sunlight into the spectrum using a prism. William Herschel applied a thermometer to each color until he noticed an increase in temperature as he went from purple to red. Thus, the area of ​​​​sensing heat was opened, but it is not visible to the human eye. Radiation is distinguished by two main parameters: frequency (intensity) and beam length. At the same time, the wavelength is divided into three types: near (from 0.75 to 1.5 microns), medium (from 1.5 to 5.6 microns), far (from 5.6 to 100 microns).

It is long-wave energy that has positive properties, corresponding to the natural radiation of the human body with the longest wavelength of 9.6 microns. Therefore every external influence perceives the body as “native”. The most best example infrared radiation is the heat of the sun. Such a beam has the difference that it heats the object, and not the space around it. Infrared radiation is a heat distribution option.

Benefits of infrared radiation

Devices that use long-wave thermal radiation affect the human body in two different ways. The first method has a strengthening property, increasing protective functions and preventing early aging. This type allows you to deal with various diseases, increasing the body’s natural defenses against illnesses. It is a form of treatment that is health-based and is suitable for use at home and in medical settings.

The second type of influence of infrared rays is the direct treatment of diseases and general ailments. Every day a person faces health-related disorders. Therefore, long emitters have therapeutic properties. Many medical institutions in America, Canada, Japan, CIS countries and Europe use such radiation. The waves are able to penetrate deeply into the body, warming internal organs And skeletal system. These effects help improve blood circulation and accelerate the flow of fluids in the body.

Increased blood circulation has a beneficial effect on human metabolism, tissues are saturated with oxygen, and muscular system receives food
. Many diseases can be eliminated by regular exposure to radiation that penetrates deep into the human body. This wavelength will relieve such ailments as:

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • pain in the back;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • depression, stress;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia;
  • arthrosis, joint inflammation, seizures;
  • malaise, weakness, exhaustion;
  • bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • muscle and lumbar pain;
  • problems with blood supply, blood circulation;
  • otorhinolaryngological diseases without purulent deposits;
  • skin diseases, burns, cellulite;
  • renal failure;
  • colds and viral illnesses;
  • decline protective function body;
  • intoxication;
  • acute cystitis and prostatitis;
  • cholecystitis without stone formation, gastroduodenitis.

The positive effect of radiation is based on the fact that when the wave hits the skin, it acts on the endings of the nerves and a feeling of warmth occurs. Over 90% of radiation is destroyed by moisture in top layer skin, it does not cause anything more than an increase in body temperature. The exposure spectrum, the length of which is 9.6 microns, is absolutely safe for humans.

Radiation stimulates blood circulation, bringing it back to normal blood pressure and metabolic processes. By supplying the brain tissue with oxygen, the risk of dizziness is reduced and memory is improved. An infrared ray can remove salts heavy metals, cholesterol and toxins. During therapy, the patient's immunity increases and normalizes. hormonal background and is restored water-salt balance. Waves reduce the effect of various toxic chemicals, have anti-inflammatory properties, and suppress the formation of fungi, including mold.

Applications of infrared radiation

Infrared energy is used in different areas, positively influencing a person:

  1. Thermography. Using infrared radiation, the temperature of objects located at a distance is determined. Heat waves are mainly used in military and industrial applications. Heated objects with such a device can be seen without lighting.
  2. Heating. Infrared rays contribute to an increase in temperature, having a beneficial effect on human health . In addition to useful infrared saunas, they are used for welding, annealing of plastic objects, and curing surfaces in the industrial and medical fields.
  3. Tracking. This method of using thermal energy is to passively guide missiles. These flying elements have a mechanism inside them called a “heat seeker.” Cars, planes and other vehicles, as well as people, emit heat, helping rockets find right direction flight.
  4. Meteorology. Radiation helps satellites determine the distance at which clouds are located, determines their temperature and type. Warm clouds are shown in gray, and cold clouds are shown in white. Data is studied without interference both day and night. The Earth's hot plane will be indicated in gray or black.
  5. Astronomy. Astronomers are equipped with unique instruments - infrared telescopes, which allow them to observe various objects in the sky. Thanks to them, scientists are able to find protostars before they begin to emit light visible to the human eye. Such a telescope will easily identify cold objects, but planets cannot be seen in the infrared spectrum being viewed due to the muting light from the stars. The device is also used to observe galactic nuclei that are obscured by gas and dust.
  6. Art. Reflectograms, which work on the basis of infrared radiation, help specialists in this field examine in more detail the lower layers of an object or an artist’s sketches. This method allows you to compare drawings of a drawing and its visible part to determine the authenticity of the painting and whether it was restored. Previously, the device was adapted for studying old written documents and making ink.

These are only the basic methods of using thermal energy in science, but new equipment operating on its basis appears every year.

Harm from infrared radiation

Infrared light brings not only positive action on the human body, it is worth remembering the harm that it can cause if not correct use and be dangerous to others. It is the IR ranges with a short wavelength that negatively affect. Bad influence Infrared radiation on the human body manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the lower layers of the skin, dilated capillaries and the formation of blisters.

The use of infrared rays should be immediately abandoned in case of the following diseases and symptoms:

  • diseases circulatory system, bleeding;
  • chronic or acute form purulent processes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pulmonary and heart failure;
  • acute inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • With prolonged exposure to infrared radiation, the risk of developing photophobia, cataracts and other eye diseases increases.

Strong exposure to infrared radiation leads to redness of the skin and burns. Workers in the metallurgical industry sometimes develop heatstroke and dermatitis. The shorter the user's distance from the heating element, the less time he should spend near the device. Overheating of brain tissue by one degree and heat stroke is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, and darkening of the eyes. When the temperature rises by two degrees or more, there is a risk of developing meningitis.

If heat stroke occurs under the influence of infrared radiation, you should immediately place the victim in a cool room and remove all clothing that is constricting or restricts movement. Bandages soaked in cold water or ice bags are applied to the chest, neck, groin, forehead, spine and armpits.

If you don't have an ice bag, you can use any fabric or item of clothing for this purpose. Compresses are made only with very cold water, periodically moistening the bandages in it.

If possible, the person is completely wrapped in a cold sheet. Additionally, you can blow a stream of cold air onto the patient using a fan. Drink plenty of fluids cold water will help alleviate the condition of the victim. At severe cases exposure needs to be caused ambulance and perform artificial respiration.

How to avoid the harmful effects of IR waves

To protect yourself from negative impact heat waves, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. If the work is directly related to high temperature heaters, then The use of protective clothing is required to protect the body and eyes.
  2. Domestic heaters with exposed heating elements are used with extreme caution. You should not be close to them and it is better to reduce the time of their influence to a minimum.
  3. The premises should contain devices that have the least impact on people and their health.
  4. Don't stay in the sun for long periods of time. If this cannot be changed, then you need to constantly wear a hat and clothing that covers open areas bodies. This especially applies to children, who cannot always detect an increase in body temperature.

By following these rules, a person will be able to protect himself from unpleasant consequences excessive thermal influence. Infrared rays can cause both harm and benefit when used in certain ways.

Treatment methods

Infrared therapy is divided into two types: local and general. With the first type, there is a local impact on a particular area, and with general treatment waves treat the entire human body. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 20 sessions. Must be worn protective equipment upon radiation. Cardboard covers are used for the eyes or special glasses. After the procedure, redness with blurred boundaries appears on the skin, which disappears after an hour after exposure to the rays. Infrared radiation is highly valued in medicine.

High radiation intensity can cause harm to health, so you must follow all contraindications.

Thermal energy accompanies a person every day in Everyday life. Infrared radiation brings not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to treat infrared light with caution. Devices that emit these waves must be used safely. Many people don’t know if it’s harmful thermal effect, but with the correct use of devices, you can improve a person’s health and get rid of certain diseases.

< 1400 нм). Эти лучи проникают на 3-4 мм в ткани и только 25-30% этих лучей проникают глубже – до 3-4 см.Остальные ИК лучи (с длиной волны >

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Light therapy or phototherapy, a branch of physiotherapy that deals with the study and application of therapeutic and for preventive purposes artificially obtained radiant energy of the optical part of the spectrum. In its physical essence, light is electromagnetic oscillations (waves) that propagate linearly in the form of individual light particles (quanta or photons).

The formation of light is explained by the theory of light emission from an atom, put forward by Niels Bohr. According to this theory, the energy of electrons in an atom increases towards the outer orbits. Therefore, each electronic layer is called an energy or quantum level of the atom.

If an atom is given additional thermal, mechanical, chemical energy from the outside, then it comes into a state of excitation. In this case, electrons can move to external orbits that have a different, higher energy level. The excited state of the atom is unstable; electrons quickly return to their main energy level. When the electrons return to their previous energy level, a photon is emitted, carrying away the excess amount of energy. Therefore, a photon is the energy emitted by an electron when it returns to its previous orbit. Thus, Niels Bohr combined the wave and quantum theories of light into one unified theory of light. Optical light consists of three areas.

Infrared rays (IR) -400 microns – 760 im

Visible rays (VIS) – 760 nm – 400 nm

Ultraviolet rays (UVR) – 400 nm – 2 nm

Infrared rays are called heat rays. Their source is any heated body. How bigger body heated, the greater the radiation intensity, the shorter the wavelength. In physiotherapeutic practice, a shorter part of the IR beam is used (< 1400 нм). Эти лучи проникают на 3-4 мм в ткани и только 25-30% этих лучей проникают глубже – до 3-4 см.Остальные ИК лучи (с длиной волны >1400 nm) do not penetrate the skin, as they are absorbed by the water contained in the skin.

Absorbed by the tissues of the body, the energy quantum of infrared rays is converted into warm energy due to the rotational and vibrational movements of entire atoms and molecules. In this case, there arises vascular reaction, thermoreceptors are excited, impulses from them enter the central nervous system and cause a response.

The vascular reaction manifests itself in two phases: at the beginning there is a short-term spasm, which then changes to a phase of active hyperemia (vasodilatation), as a result of hyperemia, the amount of blood supplying the tissue increases. Heat accelerates metabolic and biochemical processes in tissues.

Under the influence of IR irradiation, thermal erythema occurs, which disappears after 30-60 minutes.

Under the influence of infrared rays, skin sensitivity changes, tactile sensitivity increases, pain sensitivity decreases. The analgesic effect of infrared rays is due to a decrease in the sensitivity of the muscles, a decrease in muscle tone, and the removal of spasms. Vessels also dilate in those organs and tissues that are innervated from the irradiated area of ​​the skin.

All of the above determines the anti-inflammatory effect of infrared rays. Active hyperemia created by infrared radiation helps accelerate the healing of flaccid granulating ulcers and wounds.

In physiotherapy, sources of IR radiation are irradiators with heating elements or incandescent lamps. This is an IR lamp on a tripod (LIC) with a power of up to 300 W, t -400-500 degrees. We heat the lamp for 2-3 minutes, place it on the side of the patient at a distance of 50-100 cm from the surface of the body. We irradiate for 20-40 minutes until a pleasant warmth is felt, from 5-6 times to 20 times per course.

INDICATIONS FOR TREATMENT WITH INFRARED RAYS acute, acute and chronic non-purulent inflammatory diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, gastritis, cholecystitis. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteoarthrosis, myositis Diseases of the nervous system peripheral system: neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis, plexitis. Burns, frostbite.

CONTRAINDICATIONS TO TREATMENT WITH INFRARED RAYS malignant neoplasms, tendency to bleed, hypertonic disease III stage, severe atherosclerosis, circulatory failure III stage, active pulmonary tuberculosis, acute purulent diseases, encephalitis, arachnoiditis, pregnancy.

There are 7 primary colors in the visible radiation spectrum:

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

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Visible rays have a shorter wavelength than IR. The main effect is thermal. VISIBLE rays penetrate tissue to a depth of 1-2 mm; practically the body is never exposed to visible rays alone, since the spectrum of the incandescent lamp with which these rays are received contains more than 85% ICL. Therefore, when irradiated with visible rays, reactions occur in the body that are close to those that occur when exposed to infrared radiation, and the indications and contraindications are the same. However, given that the visible spectrum represents a range of colors, their use in medicine is very interesting. Even in ancient times, they tried to treat smallpox and measles with light.

V.M. Bekhterev substantiated the treatment with light of a number neuropsychiatric diseases. He attributed to the color white an anesthetic and calming effect, blue a very calming effect, and red a stimulating effect. He recommended that patients in a state of severe mental agitation be placed in wards with blue lighting or the color of the walls, and patients with a depressed psyche - in wards with pink walls. It has now been established that red and orange colors excite cortical activity, green and yellow - balance the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, blue - inhibits neuropsychic activity.

Recently, the method of treating jaundice of premature and newborn babies with purple has become widespread. It is believed that under the influence of violet color, bilirubin decomposes, causing jaundice.

Infrared rays have a different range, which facilitates their penetration into the human body in different layers. Their length can vary from 780 to 10,000 nm. For medicinal purposes, waves with a length of no more than 1400 nm are used, penetrating to a depth of 3 cm.

Concept of method

Infrared treatment involves exposing affected areas of the body to powerful light. It can be used either as a supplement or as a stand-alone therapy. Unlike IR rays, they do not contain ultraviolet radiation, which minimizes side effects.

During the procedure, narrow direction polarized light is used. The duration of one session depends on the complexity of the diagnosis and the expected result.

On average, one treatment procedure with infrared rays lasts from half an hour to 2 hours.

Long waves of infrared radiation are a source of health and beauty. The video below explains this:

Its types

Therapy using infrared rays can be of two types:

  1. Local;
  2. General.

In the first case, the rays are directed to a specific area of ​​the body, in the second - to the entire body. The duration of the session can be 15-30 minutes and occur up to two times a day. The course of treatment is usually 7-20 procedures.

If exposure to rays occurs on the face, it is necessary to protect the eyes with special pads or glasses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to its properties, infrared rays are actively used in modern medicine. Their effect on the body consists of the following processes:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation, including the brain;
  • Memory improvement;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Removing salts and toxins from the body;
  • Blocking the effects of harmful fungi and microbes;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • Improving immunity;
  • Normalization of water-salt balance.

With all its advantages this method treatment also has disadvantages. So when using rays wide range observed and in some cases develops. Short beams are dangerous to the eyes. With prolonged use, cataracts, fear of light and other visual impairments may develop.

Indications for testing

Main indications for use infrared treatment are:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that are degenerative-dystrophic in nature;
  • Complications of injuries, joint diseases, as well as infiltrates and contractures;
  • Poorly healing wounds;
  • Inflammatory processes in subacute and chronic forms;
  • Various vision pathologies;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs (including tonsillitis, for example, etc.)
  • Burns (including) and;
  • , and other skin diseases (including).
  • Hair problems (cosmetology).


The procedure for treatment with infrared rays is contraindicated in following cases:

  • , having no content outflow;
  • Exacerbation of diseases in chronic form;
  • Availability ;
  • Tuberculosis in open form;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Individual intolerance.

Preparing for infrared treatment

No preparation is required before starting the procedure. If infrared rays are used in the field of cosmetology, the doctor may recommend additional facial cleansing before the scheduled procedure. Also at this stage, it is determined whether the patient has contraindications to the procedure.

In order for the rays to penetrate the skin better and not cause burns, the skin must be lubricated with a special gel. After which it happens direct preparation area of ​​the body being treated. At the end of the session, the remaining substances are removed from the surface of the skin, and the medicine against irritation and swelling.

How is the procedure performed?

In special institutions

During infrared therapy, no significant heat should be felt. At correct implementation treatment, the patient feels a light and pleasant warmth. Thermal wraps using electric bandages, lamps with infrared rays, IR cabins and other equipment can be used for therapy.

In any case, working with rays warms up the surrounding air to 50-60°C, which makes it possible to carry out a session quite long time. Thus, a visit to a cabin or capsule is allowed for 20-30 minutes, and with local effects on the body, the duration of the procedure increases to an hour.

This technique can be combined with other physiotherapeutic treatment. In this case, the procedures are prescribed both simultaneously and sequentially.

This video talks about IR treatment:

At home

Most often for home treatment these rays use a special infrared lamp. Plot skin, which is amenable to irradiation, is actively supplied with blood, and an increase occurs on it metabolic processes. These changes in the body have a healing effect.

All medical devices that involve exposure to infrared rays on the body have their own standards and operating technologies, as well as limitations. That is why the technology of the session depends on the specific device.

Consequences and possible complications

Complications during therapy with infrared rays occur extremely rarely and are expressed in the following undesirable effects:

  • Temporary visual impairment;
  • Excitability;
  • Anxiety.

When using rays in the field of dermatology and cosmetology, in rare cases the following may be observed:

  • Excitement;
  • Rapid eye fatigue;
  • Migraine;
  • Nausea.

Infrared device for home treatment

Recovery and care after therapy

At the end of the session, a red spot without clear contours may be observed on the treated area of ​​skin (). It goes away on its own, usually 1-1.5 hours after the procedure.

Infrared irradiation is the use of infrared radiation for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes.

Infrared radiation is a spectrum of electromagnetic waves with a wavelength from 400 microns to 760 nm. It was discovered in 1800 by the English physicist William Herschel. In physiotherapy, near-infrared radiation with a wavelength range from 2 microns to 760 nm is used; these rays are absorbed at a depth of up to 1 cm. Infrared rays with a longer wavelength penetrate to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Mechanism of action of infrared irradiation

The energy of infrared rays is relatively low, therefore, when absorbed in tissues, there is mainly an increase in the vibrational and rotational movements of molecules and atoms, Brownian motion, electrolytic dissociation and ion movements, as well as accelerated movement of electrons in orbits. All this primarily leads to the formation of heat, which is why infrared rays are also called caloric or thermal.

With local irradiation, the temperature of the skin and underlying tissues can increase by 1-2° C. As a result of the direct action of heat and excitation of thermoreceptors, a thermoregulatory reaction develops. It develops in phases: after a short-term (up to 30 s) spasm, hyperemia occurs, associated with the expansion of superficial vessels and an increase in blood flow to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles The indicated vascular reaction and increased blood supply in the irradiated area lead to the appearance of severe skin hyperemia (thermal erythema), which has an uneven spotty color and disappears 30-40 minutes after cessation of irradiation. When using IR radiation sources, pigmentation does not occur on the skin.

Intense heating of the skin leads to the breakdown of its protein molecules and biological release active substances, including histamine-like. They increase permeability vascular wall, participate in the regulation of local and general hemodynamics, cause irritation of skin receptors.

In development general reactions the body and reactions from deeper organs play the role of a predominantly reflex reaction. Heat, as is known, is a catalyst that accelerates biochemical processes in tissues, increases metabolism, the vital activity of biological structures, and activates the redox reactions of the body.

As a result of exposure to infrared irradiation, the phagocytic activity of leukocytes is enhanced, immunobiological processes are activated, metabolic products are resolved and removed, which causes an anti-inflammatory effect. Some of the liquid is released through sweat and evaporates, which leads to detoxification and dehydration of tissues. Activation of proliferation and increased differentiation of fibroblasts leads to accelerated granulation of wounds and trophic ulcers, and also activates the synthesis of collagen fibers. The effect of IR radiation on mitochondria has been revealed, energy center cells, in the form of stimulation of ATP synthesis, which is the “fuel” for a living cell.

Therapeutic effects: vasodilator, decongestant, catabolic, lipolytic.

Indications for infrared irradiation:

  • treatment of subacute and chronic inflammatory processes of a non-purulent nature (in the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, muscles);
  • slowly healing wounds, ulcers, burns, bedsores, frostbite;
  • itchy dermatoses;
  • post-acne infiltrates;
  • congestion in the postoperative period;
  • care for dry, aging skin (face, neck, décolleté, hands);
  • excess body weight, cellulite;
  • neuroses, chronic depression, fatigue, sleep disorders.

Methodology of procedures

When carrying out treatment with infrared rays, the patient should not feel pronounced, intense heat (it should be light and pleasant). For procedures on the face, IR irradiation is carried out after makeup removal and peelings (chemical peels are not performed on the same day as IR irradiation). It is recommended to apply active serum, cream or mask to the skin before starting the procedure and carry out therapy according to massage lines at a slow pace. The course of procedures is 10-20, duration is 4-8 minutes. Irradiation is prescribed daily or every other day.

In figure correction courses for IR therapy, thermal wraps (using electric bandages), free sources of IR radiation (lamps with an IR spectrum), and infrared cabins are used. Warming up of tissues is carried out by general methodology(IR cabin) or locally (by problem areas). When using IR radiation sources, the surrounding air warms up to 45-60 ° C, which allows the procedure to be carried out for a longer time: staying in the capsule is recommended from 20 to 30 minutes, and when using local influences the procedure lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. IR radiation can be combined with other physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at body correction, such as massage, electromyostimulation, electrolipolysis, vibration therapy, endermology, etc. The procedures can be performed either simultaneously or sequentially. Depending on the purpose of the combination of procedures, the first one performs the main purpose, and the second one fulfills the secondary purpose. For example, when treating obesity or cellulite, the first procedure will be lipolysis, and then IR therapy to enhance and prolong the effect. If it is necessary to perform a myostimulation procedure, and the patient has reduced pain threshold or muscle spasm in the area of ​​the procedure or adjacent, IR therapy is first prescribed, and after completion of the procedure it is maintained for now elevated temperature myostimulation is performed in the affected area.