Is it possible to treat open wounds with brilliant green and how to do it correctly. Features of using brilliant green for open wounds

Adults and children are familiar with the medicine for treating scratches and abrasions - brilliant green (popularly called brilliant green).

Folk instructions for brilliant green

What is brilliant green made of?

In the production of brilliant green, an aniline dye of the triphenylmethane series is used. This discovery occurred in 1879 in Germany. The dry substrate consists of small lumps or is a green powder with a glossy surface. The liquid preparation we are familiar with is prepared by dissolving this solid dye in water or medical alcohol.

An aqueous solution of brilliant green is used mainly for treating mucous membranes, and the pharmacy accepts orders for its production. An alcohol solution is constantly available for sale.

About the release form

The product is produced in the form of a 1-2% alcohol or aqueous solution in 10 ml bottles.

About the shelf life of the solution and powder

The shelf life expires after 2 years; the powder has no expiration date.

Effect of brilliant green

The demand for the product lies in the fact that its use leads to immediate sterilization and destruction of all pathogens. In this case, however, undesirable consequences may occur - irritation and burns. This explains the reasons for its exclusively external use.

What do they smear with brilliant green? Application

The drug is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of pustular infections, for example, pyoderma (pustular skin lesions).

The drug is used in the treatment of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids). Diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis and AIDS are also subject to it, however, if it is possible to neutralize them externally. In addition, “green medicine” is widely used in gynecological procedures. Zelenka remarkably sterilizes wound surfaces. It is noteworthy that thanks to these properties, brilliant green also finds its place in surgery.

The surgical field and postoperative post-traumatic scars can be treated with this antiseptic.

If a stye begins to appear, spot-smear the eyelids with an alcohol solution of brilliant green. In the treatment of meibomitis (internal stye), “our” drug also plays a role. Its inclusion in the number of medications can reduce treatment time.

An aqueous solution of brilliant green 1% is indispensable when caring for a child at any age: it is used to lubricate the umbilical wound of a newborn, diaper rash, and pimples. In addition, they cannot do without it when treating chickenpox, which helps reduce rashes, itching and residual effects.

Brilliant green has bactericidal capabilities, has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, and stops the growth of yeast fungi of the genus Candida.

Zelenka or iodine?! Note!

Brilliant green is recognized by experts as having a milder action compared to iodine and manganese, which is why it has been used since birth.

Zelenka is an antiseptic and acts as an analogue of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic tincture of iodine. But brilliant green should not be equated with iodine-containing medications. Their difference lies not only in color. Yes, iodine and brilliant green are antiseptics. But iodine has a more pronounced drying effect.

Zelenka - belongs to the category of softer and weaker antiseptics, has the ability to stimulate wound healing and does not dry out the skin. It is recommended to use brilliant green in cases where fabrics the size of a five-ruble coin or more are processed. However, brilliant green is prohibited when it comes to bleeding or allergies.

It should be noted that this remedy has no practical application in international medical practice. In other countries, a product such as Mercurochrome is used instead. Like Miramistin, this replacement is not entirely correct, due to the fact that Mercurochrome is also a flawed drug.

About application

The instructions for using brilliant green prescribe the use of the designated drug for external use only. Brilliant green is used externally in the form of 1–2% alcohol and aqueous solutions. The area of ​​skin requiring medical intervention must be treated 2-3 times a day.

For small patients and for injuries to the mucous membranes in adults, lubricate with a 1% aqueous solution of dye.

What does brilliant green cure?

The drug is used for eye diseases, minor skin lesions, and viral diseases such as herpes, chicken pox. In addition, there are indications for the use of brilliant green when the following diagnoses are established: folliculitis, boils, abscesses, aphthae, streptococcal infections.

Includes treatment with antiseptic agents and ointments directly. The first therapeutic measures include brilliant green.

The solution in scientific terminology is called brilliant green. It is a synthetic aniline dye in liquid or powder form.

What is green stuff?

Zelenka is a fast-acting antiseptic that is used to treat the skin for various chemical and mechanical damage and diseases.

Shows activity against gram-positive microorganisms, diphtheria bacillus, and fungi. Less effective against gram-negative bacteria.

For medical purposes, it is used to disinfect wounds and treat medical instruments. In EU countries, brilliant green is practically not used; attention is directed to more modern drugs with similar properties.

Indications for the use of brilliant green are:

  • cuts, abrasions;
  • postoperative scars, stitches;
  • purulent wounds on the skin;
  • staphylococcal skin infection.

Complex treatment

Is it possible to burn rashes with brilliant green? Some people resort to such treatments. Antiviral external agents are considered more effective therapy.

The product itself does not have an effect on viruses, but only exhibits a disinfecting effect. For aesthetic reasons, many do not cauterize wounds on the lips.

The advantages of treatment include the availability of the product, good antiseptic effect, and safety.

Disadvantages of treatment with diamond solution:

  • bakes when applied;
  • irritates the skin;
  • unaesthetic appearance when applied;
  • possible allergic reactions.

You can treat herpes with diamond solution as follows:

  1. Dip a cotton swab into the solution (you can use a cotton swab depending on the size of the lesion).
  2. Treat the surrounding healthy tissue first, then the wound itself.
  3. Once dry, apply herpes paste or ointment.

Frequency of use: The procedure is carried out 2-4 times a day.

Attention! Zelenka is applied only to the skin. When not used. In case of contact with mucous membranes, it can cause a burn.

What else can you do to treat rashes?

For those who are not suitable for treating herpes with brilliant green, another similar remedy is recommended. It is also an antiseptic solution only with a characteristic bright crimson color. Like brilliant green, it burns and irritates the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antiseptic for herpetic eruptions on the mucous membranes and skin. Provides an antiseptic, cleansing and softening effect without damaging the skin.

Disadvantage: prolongs healing time. Used in the form of compresses. To do this, a cotton swab is moistened in liquid and applied to the site of the rash. The solution can be diluted in the following proportion: 2 tsp. peroxide per 50 ml of water.

Treat rashes. The elixir has a wound-healing, antibacterial effect, and helps cope with viruses. Well relieves inflammation, swelling and accelerates healing. Used in the form of applications and compresses.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky about herpes:

Zelenka is an antiseptic that is used to treat herpes.

The solution dries out inflammation and prevents additional infection, prepares the wound for antiherpetic ointments. With the advent of new antiseptics, the medicine began to be used much less frequently.

Dogs of any breed most often lead a very active lifestyle, in which scratches, cuts, and sometimes serious injuries cannot be avoided.

Many owners are concerned with the question of how to treat scratches and wounds; the most often asked question is whether brilliant green can be used for treatment.

Most people who get scratched or cut resort to treating the wound with a solution of brilliant green. Dog owners have the same thoughts.

Veterinarians confirm that it is possible to treat your pet’s damaged skin with brilliant green. However, as is the case with humans, animal injuries should only be treated along the edge of the wound.

This use is explained by the fact that brilliant green is an alcohol solution that can cause burns and irritation in the wound. To ensure that the animal does not suffer from severe pain if it is not treated correctly with brilliant green, only the edges of the damage should be lubricated with this product.

Precautionary measures

A dog's licking of green stuff from a damaged skin surface will negate all attempts to treat the animal. To prevent this from happening, owners of four-legged friends have to resort to various tricks.

Some owners treat the dog’s wounds just before feeding or after treatment treat him with his favorite treat. In this case, the pet is distracted by tasty food and forgets that there is a foreign substance on its skin.

If you can’t change your dog’s attention to food or other activities, you can resort to other methods. For example, cover the treated surface with a sterile bandage, carefully securing it, or put an Elizabethan collar on the animal.

What to do if you lick it?

If the dog does lick off the green stuff, there is no need to panic. A small amount of green stuff will not poison your dog; it will only cause indigestion. To avoid all sorts of problems, you should dilute potassium permanganate in water and pour it down the animal’s throat. In the absence of potassium permanganate, the pet should be given a large amount of warm water.

How to wash it from wool?

Washing brilliant green solution from animal fur is not so easy. Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders recommend waiting until the green stuff washes off on its own over time or a new coat grows.

You can try washing your pet with dog shampoo and conditioner, or using a special cleansing paste made for dogs. It needs to be rubbed into dry hair, wait about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

If you get it in the eye

If, while treating wounds on dogs, brilliant green gets into the animal's eyes, you should immediately rinse the eyes with plenty of cold water and wipe the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in strong black tea. If there is no improvement, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Treating wounds to a special group of dogs - puppies, pregnant and lactating females - can be done with some caution. It should be remembered that the body of such animals is weakened and more vulnerable to the effects of any medications, including brilliant green.

If it becomes necessary to lubricate damaged skin of small puppies, whelping dogs, or pregnant dogs, you need to make sure that the brilliant green does not get inside during licking. Treatment of the skin surface will not harm this group of animals.

Special aerosols

There are a large number of special sprays available for treating wounds in dogs. Pet owners can choose the appropriate remedy based on their own desires or the characteristics of the drugs.


This drug is an antibiotic. It is green in color and is used in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases, for the treatment of traumatic and surgical wounds, abrasions, and scratches.

The effect of the spray lasts for a week. It has no side effects unless you exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to any component of the spray. When using, avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Second skin

Used at a distance of 15-20 cm for 2-3 seconds. The duration of the course is no more than two weeks. It is a low-hazard substance if you do not exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the component; side effects include skin irritation.

Chemi spray

It is a solution, available in vials with a spray nozzle. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The disadvantage is that it has a pungent odor. The duration of the course of use is no more than 10 days.


A universal remedy. They can treat any wounds. Has a healing and antimicrobial effect. Spray on an open wound or under a bandage. The duration of the course of use is until the wound heals.


This product can treat any type of wound. Has an antiseptic and enveloping effect. Directions for use: Apply to damaged skin once a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


It has an antibacterial effect, fights any pathogenic microflora, and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. After treatment with this product, pus and inflammation do not form in the wound.

What to replace it with?

Instead of brilliant green, you can treat your pet’s wounds with the above-mentioned sprays or other means.

The following drugs are suitable for this purpose:

  • Furacilin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cephalen;
  • Levomekol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • hydrogen peroxide.


It is quite possible to treat wounds on dogs with green paint. The main thing to remember is that it is not the wound itself that needs to be lubricated, but its edges. There are also a huge number of products that can replace brilliant green. However, in any case, you should not rely only on brilliant green or a special spray; in case of severe injuries, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian.

In contact with

Zelenka(second name - brilliant green solution) has been the most popular for a long time . Relative cheapness, availability for use at home, and high efficiency make brilliant green almost the most popular remedy for treating skin damage.

Photo 1. Zelenka is used to cauterize wounds in children, as it is less allergic than iodine. Source: Flickr (Antonauskaya + Voronische).

Useful properties of brilliant green

Use aqueous or alcoholic solutions of brilliant green in one or two percent concentration.

This is an antiseptic kills most pathogenic microorganisms, has a pronounced drying and astringent effectT. Therefore, it has been used for a long time as an antiseptic in surgery. Zelenka is used to treat sutures, ulcers and suppuration on the skin. Although, this is an ordinary synthetic dye, creating which no one initially expected that it would become a popular antiseptic.

This is interesting! Brilliant green dye was first synthesized in the 19th century. And we learned about its healing properties by accident: scientists noticed that it destroys microbes in preparations colored with it.

The name "diamond green" is a mechanical translation from French. Nowhere, except Russia and the CIS countries, is brilliant green used in medicine, due to insufficient knowledge: to this day there is no accurate information whether the product is carcinogenic. In addition, the coloring properties make brilliant green an unaesthetic drug; traces of its use remain on the body for a long time.

Is it possible to apply brilliant green to an open wound?

There are some peculiarities in the use of wound treatment.

For fresh, minor skin damage (abrasions, scratches, cuts), you can safely use a solution of brilliant green to treat wounds. However, the product has cauterizing properties, so application to the area of ​​an open wound is fraught with. An alcohol solution is especially dangerous in this regard.

It is important! You can only treat the skin around wounds with the product. Do not pour the solution from the bottle directly into the wound cavity, this stimulates the appearance of pathological granulations. In this case, wounds heal slowly and rough scars form.

What to choose: iodine or brilliant green

Often zelenka and vie for the palm among antiseptics. These products are equally often present in home medicine cabinets. Therefore, sometimes you have to make a choice between these two popular antiseptics. Which drug is preferred determines the nature of the wound.

Photo 2. Iodine, unlike brilliant green, is used all over the world. Source: Flickr (kenga86)

Fresh skin lesions are best treated iodine tincture, which has stronger aseptic properties.

Solution brilliant green suitable for treating wounds with signs of suppuration, since it has a more gentle effect.

However, no one forbids treating a newly received wound with it if iodine is not at hand.

Iodine often after use causes allergic reactions skin - rash, redness, dermatitis, again due to the strong cauterizing effect.

It is worth considering the coloring properties of brilliant green. From an aesthetic point of view, it is better to treat exposed areas of the face and hands with iodine; the brownish tint after application to the skin disappears in an hour or two, while the brilliant green takes a very long time to wash off.

It is important! Doctors also do not advise using a solution of iodine and brilliant green at the same time; such treatment leads to severe chemical burns.

How to apply brilliant green correctly

To treat a wound with brilliant green, in addition to the bottle with the drug itself, you will need a sterile cotton swab and a bandage. Wound treatment procedures should be carried out in a well-lit place.

  • First of all, it is necessary to free the wounded area from clothing and examine the wound. If any foreign bodies are visualized in the wound cavity (dirt, fragments of objects and other particles), then they must be removed. This is done using washing the wound running water.

Note! If foreign bodies are stuck in a wound and cannot be removed under the pressure of water, you should not try to pull them out with your hands or improvised means. These actions can introduce even more infection into the wound or further injure the tissue.

  • The next important step is washing. In addition to disinfecting tissue, this remedy effectively stops bleeding. When peroxide comes into contact with blood, it forms a rich foam, which must be carefully blotted off with a clean napkin or piece of bandage.
  • A piece of cotton wool should be carefully moistened with the solution brilliant green And apply to the edges of the wound, it would not be superfluous to treat nearby areas of skin. There is no need to reapply the product so as not to dry out the skin. This is especially true for an alcohol solution of brilliant green.
  • The treated area needs cover with a sterile bandage and cover with adhesive tape.

Note! You can reapply the brilliant green no earlier than a day later.

To treat the skin of children, a less concentrated 1% solution is used.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicine, brilliant green is not suitable for everyone. Its use is prohibited if:

  • The victim has individual intolerance drug.
  • If the patient's skin has irritation.
  • Use extremely carefully with brilliant green for processing mucous membranes.
  • It is important to avoid contact with this product. eyes, this is fraught with chemical burns to the eyes. If the product gets on the mucous membranes, rinse your eyes thoroughly with plenty of water and consult a doctor. As an emergency aid in this situation, you need to take Ibuprofen and drop artificial tears into your eyes.