How to open a cosmetology salon from scratch. What do you need to open a cosmetologist's office? How to open your own beauty salon. Collection and use of personal information

What associations do the word “business” evoke for the majority of the population! More than 75% of the population of our country will answer without hesitation: “business is when you don’t have to do anything, and still earn millions.” What about the remaining 25%? These are precisely the ones who are engaged in this very business. They will say the opposite: “business is when you have to work around the clock, every minute regretting that there are only 24 hours in a day, and not, for example, 36 or more, hoping for a positive result that can be felt no earlier than a few months after opening ".

What about those who open luxury establishments and earn huge sums almost immediately after opening? These are those who invested 2 times more money in opening their business than the minimum required to start this business, and such money can be received either from rich relatives or earned by doing another business. What should the rest of us do - work for “Uncle Sam” all our lives? Not at all. Open what you have enough money for and try to achieve astronomical income, gradually expanding.

Naturally, if there is a catastrophic lack of funds, it will not be possible to open a business from scratch, acting as a manager. There will always be a shortage of money, your business will develop too slowly, in which case you will become uninteresting to potential clients. The only option left is to open a business based on your professional skills, having worked for some time in some well-known company before opening. Then you have the opportunity to gain experience, observe the work of management, and most importantly, get clients. Cosmetology can become such a business. But, again, it’s too early to think about opening a cosmetology salon. It’s better to start small, with a beauty salon. How to open a cosmetology salon?

Registration and premises

Why register, because at first you do not plan to attract additional staff, and taxes will take away some of the profit? Most people who start their business from scratch without registration can be left with practically nothing after just a few months, that is, even without a large part of their personal property. After all, the fine for illegal business activities often reaches 300,000 rubles, and since this is an economic crime, in the event of a lack of financial assets, within the framework of enforcement proceedings, bailiffs have the right to confiscate your property. If you own a living space exceeding 21 m2, you will have to exchange the apartment. This is such a fun prospect, and the first candidate for “forgery of such a pig” is the cosmetology office or salon in which you worked previously. A client comes to you, receives the full range of services offered, and a few hours later, representatives of law enforcement agencies come to you with evidence of your illegal activities.

But a registered entrepreneur acts within the framework of the law. Moreover, the owner of a cosmetology salon, an individual entrepreneur, pays a single tax of no more than 3% of total profit.

But there are no special requirements for the premises. If no one lives in your apartment or you have ownership rights to the apartment that you are renting out, you already have premises for a cosmetology office. Receiving clients at home will not bring you much profit, because most wealthy clients will not go to your apartment, but to a separate room, decorated according to all the rules. So, you can host the first few months after starting your business in your apartment.

In about 3 months, taking into account that you will provide cosmetology services: waxing or sugaring; applying makeup and other minor cosmetic procedures that do not require the use of special lamps and chemical solutions for three clients a day, 5 days a week, you can earn about 100,000 rubles. This should be enough to convert a separate room into a cosmetology room with an area of ​​20 m2. Now you can provide peeling services, eyelash extensions, wart removal, etc.

But with your, so to speak, industrial waste, not everything is so simple. Many areas of business activity are interconnected. There are many companies whose services themselves are not in demand. Well, why hand over broken lamps, and even pay for it, if you can just throw them in the trash? It turns out it's impossible. Contracts for the disposal of ultraviolet and fluorescent lamps, as well as for garbage removal, disinfection services with companies providing these services must be concluded by any entrepreneur. How much do such companies earn? This will be discussed in other articles.

Important! Cosmetology and medicine are closely intertwined. A license is required to provide medical services, but no license is required to provide cosmetology services. Therefore, in order not to give your competitors a reason to nip your business in the bud just because instead of a cosmetic one, you do a therapeutic massage and... Oh my God! Without a license, check with the licensing authority for a clear delineation of your activities. To avoid spending a long time searching for where to go in your region, contact your local administration.


Since the number of services you provide has increased significantly, and besides, the services are diverse, you will have to employ 2-5 craftsmen. You have 2 ways to develop further business - provide a narrow range of services to a larger number of clients; provide a variety of cosmetology services. In the first case, it is better to hire inexperienced cosmetologists and train them yourself. In the second, you will have to hire experienced cosmetologists, because you cannot teach something that you yourself only have a general idea about? How can you make sure that your business is not stolen from under your nose?

So that no one is tempted to hide revenue or lure clients, you will have to rent a new premises with a total area of ​​at least 50 m2 and pass all orders through the administrator. Before getting an appointment with a cosmetologist, the client must pay the required amount for the services provided not to the cosmetologist, but to the cashier.

You will say that this is no longer a beauty salon, but a beauty salon, and you will be absolutely right. You have moved to a new level of doing business!

Don't stop there! Install several solariums. Solariums are not licensed. You just have to find an experienced gel consultant, and since you will have a stable flow of clients a year after opening, it is unlikely that this specialist will “conduct subversive activities,” because it is unknown whether you will be able to open your own business on your own, and you already have everything established and the profit is not somewhere in the future, but at the end of the current week! Solariums increase the net profit of a beauty salon by 1.5 and the office by 3 or more times.


Organizing a business providing cosmetology services requires various investments. If you work from home, then you only need to invest about 25,000 rubles in equipment and consumables. In this case, you will pay for yourself in 2-3 months. A cosmetology office for skin rejuvenation and skin care with solariums can cost the owner 900,000 rubles or more and pay for itself in 9-12 months.

Before you start choosing equipment, decide what services you will provide. The set of furniture and devices that will need to be present in the room largely depends on this. We can talk about a cosmetology laser, a massage table with the necessary add-ons - for example, shelves for essential oils, as well as a device for pressotherapy, cavitation, ultrasound therapy, and a wax melter. You should have all the necessary equipment for each service you plan to provide. At the same time, of course, all products must be reliable and of high quality.

When arranging, you need to take care of installing the sink. It is important that employees have access to both hot and cold water. Remember that this is not only about the convenience of the staff: the presence of such communications can be checked by the controlling services, and if there is no hot or cold water, we will talk about a violation of the basic requirements. In addition, it is necessary to install furniture in the room where sets of working clothes for staff, disposable gloves, sheets and other things will be stored, the presence of which is also checked by special services. Also be sure to purchase equipment for disinfection of instruments.

Features of the design of a cosmetology salon

Make sure that the room is spacious enough, and that visitors feel comfortable. There is no need to clutter your office with equipment if there is not enough space in it. Do not forget about the separation of functional areas: epilation or massage are not the procedures that should be attended by someone other than the master and the client.

If you do not have the funds to immediately equip a full-fledged beauty parlor, and you plan to improve it gradually, choose those devices that will be most in demand in the near future. For example, epilation and depilation, as well as permanent tattooing, are very popular in late spring and summer. In early spring, the demand for body shaping services rises sharply, which means that customers will order lymphatic drainage, electrolipolysis, infrared pants and other procedures, for which you need to buy special equipment. In winter, you can carry out massages, especially with essential oils, do hot wraps, offer a mini-sauna using biologically active components that promote health.

Unlike medical services, cosmetology always requires expenses on the part of clients. The services provided by cosmetology salons have always been extremely popular, but nowadays there is a steady trend of increasing demand for them, since environmental conditions in megacities negatively affect the appearance of women, and cosmetologists help slow down and hide the aging process. It is worth noting that men who also want to look good are increasingly becoming regular clients. Taking all this into account, we can safely say that opening a beauty salon, although it is a highly specialized type of business, is quite promising.

You can open your account from scratch, as a franchise, or purchase an already existing business. By choosing the latter option, you will need to carefully study all the documentation, reputation among clients and the presence of debts. As a franchise, it is best to start a cosmetology business for those who do not want to devote a lot of time to developing a marketing strategy, supplying consumables and promoting in the market. The disadvantage of this method is the complete dependence on the pricing policy and products of the franchise seller. Entrepreneurs who want to carve out a niche in the cosmetology services market and build on their reputation are best off starting a business from scratch.


The profitability of a beauty salon directly depends on the correct choice of premises. It is worth giving preference to residential areas of the metropolis, they are considered the most profitable. You can easily choose: the first floors of residential buildings, areas near mini-markets, premises in shopping centers, as well as premises that are located near beauty salons and fitness centers, but only if such services are not already provided there.

Remember that the area of ​​the beauty salon must be at least 60 square meters. m, and one workplace should occupy at least 8 square meters. m. This area will be enough to accommodate all the necessary equipment. It is advisable to open an office for 5 jobs, otherwise a queue may form among customers, which will negatively affect the reputation of the salon. In addition, for the normal functioning of the cabinet, it is also necessary to organize: a wardrobe, a utility room, a waiting room and a toilet room.

As soon as you conclude a lease, the premises must be renovated, and it is advisable to choose materials in light soothing colors so that visitors can relax and tune in the right way. And each workplace must be equipped with a good light source, otherwise the specialist will not be able to provide quality services.

When arranging an office, it is desirable to choose furniture that is well cleaned and washed. Purchase a mobile tool cart, craft table, vanity table, beauty chair, special steam bath chair, screw chair, clean linen cabinet and wash basins (with hot and cold water). The main equipment is a chair, because almost all procedures are carried out in a lying or sitting position, and the client must feel comfortable during them. In addition, special cosmetics and underwear should be used during work: lotions, sanitary tampons, aprons, masks and tonics. The final set of all necessary products and equipment is formed based on the requests of the cosmetologist and your personal ambitions.

Legal aspects

Before opening a beauty salon, you must obtain a license for those types of services that are classified as medical. These include: cryomassage and other types of therapeutic massage, callus removal and peeling, comprehensive skin care, invasive and anti-cellulite procedures, lymphatic drainage and electrolysis, removal of ingrown nails, as well as mesotherapy, skin tightening, microdermabrasion and cryodestruction.

After identifying the services that require mandatory licensing, entrepreneurs need to obtain a license for a cosmetology salon. This document is issued by the Ministry of Health. To receive it, you need to prepare the following documents: a contract for the maintenance of medical equipment, a certificate of registration with the tax service and constituent documents, title documents for premises and equipment (lease agreement, certificates and certificates for equipment), as well as certificates and diplomas of education specialists. Permission to open a cosmetology salon must also be obtained from the SES and fire department.

The salon owner must have special education. If it is not there, then in this case you should hire a specialist with the education of a dermatocosmetologist and make him a manager or chief physician. In addition, you also need at least five years of experience in your specialty. The business plan for a cosmetology salon must include information about personnel and equipment. It is necessary to hire only those specialists who have specialized education. To the Ministry of Health you will have to provide diplomas of their education, certificates of primary specialization or basic education, and advanced training. A cosmetology salon will require special equipment, which also requires documents. All consumables and equipment must have registration certificates, certificates or passports, which can be obtained from the supplier when purchasing devices. It is recommended to enter into an agreement with a licensed company to service your equipment.


The level of a beauty salon, its prestige and popularity directly depends on the masters who work in it. Many specialists have their own regular client base, so by hiring a professional on staff, you gain both in status and in profit. In order for the work of the cabinet to be as efficient as possible, preference should be given to generalists (combined master: female-male-children). You have the right to hire only those persons whose professional level is confirmed by a diploma of appropriate training. It is desirable that the manicure-pedicure specialist can also provide additional services - nail extensions, painting. Certificates that confirm this can and should be hung near the workplace: this will inspire more confidence. It is very good if the cosmetologist has a medical education, since many clients refuse the services of a master who has completed only courses. In addition, such a specialist will be able to provide a wider range of services, for example, only a physician can give beauty injections.

Employees of beauty salons rarely have an official salary; specialists are mainly motivated by a percentage, depending on their daily income and qualifications. Cosmetologists receive approximately 30-50% of the daily revenue they bring in, manicurists and pedicurists - 30-40%, massage therapists - 30-50%.

To open a beauty salon, you will have to use your own funds - it is quite difficult to find a partner, and banks do not issue targeted loans. You should be prepared for the fact that for the first couple of months, until the salon has regular customers, you will lose money. In the best case, the business will reach its current payback in 3-4 months, on average - in a year and a half. To determine the prices of services, you should calculate your costs, the interests of the specialist and evaluate the competitive environment. At first, prices should be made a little lower, it is advisable to hold a number of promotions, and when your own customer base is formed, prices can be raised a little, and discounts can be given to regular customers. It should be noted that the demand for cosmetic services is seasonal. The first peak of attendance occurs in the very early spring, and the second peak in the autumn, after the holidays.

Cosmetology is a rapidly growing business, new offices are constantly opening, creating competition for you, so you need to take care of your regular customers. Opening a salon from scratch is a rather risky undertaking. Just as a good restaurant needs a chef, a beauty salon needs a master with a good reputation. Remember that with the right approach you can turn your cosmetology business into a stable source of good income.

There is a little trick when opening a beauty salon.

Everyone knows, and if anyone doesn’t know, they will now find out that the first peak of customer flow occurs in the spring, when people take off their hats, and the second peak on September 1 (give or take a week), when people come from the sea.

Option 1 is fast.

If you manage to do everything over the summer, then your costs will begin to “recoup” in the fall.

Option 2 is lazy.

If you don’t have time, you can acquire more clients by spring.

When starting a cosmetics business from scratch, forget about what “profitability” is, at least in the first weeks of work. When setting the cost of services, you will have to take into account the prices of competitors, so to attract clients you will have to work even at a loss.

Payback period for beauty salons is from three to five years

Beauty salon

It differs from a beauty salon only in the smaller range of services offered

1. To open an office – $10-15 thousand,

2. to start a salon - $60-80 thousand,

3. clinic – more than $250 thousand.

Are we talking about a beauty salon?

2) We reduce the cost of equipment, namely, we buy domestic tables for manicure and pedicure. They are cheaper than foreign ones.

For comparison: a German manicure table costs $1.6 thousand, a little mermaid costs from $120 to $200.

Teach?.. Or will he die ignorant?

You can save on chairs, but you cannot save on staff. Especially in terms of improving his qualifications.

Specialists with medical education are now being retrained as cosmetologists at the same pace as in 1941, medical students were retrained as military field surgeons.

Basic training – from $300 to $1000.

Retraining and advanced training - training in hardware cosmetology, and all other tricks - requires additional costs.

You or your master can pay for the training. If you pay, then do not forget to conclude an agreement under which he undertakes to work for you, as “assigned,” for at least one year.

-And pay? -To whom how much?

So, 1) Cosmetologists can receive from 10% to 30% of the daily revenue they bring in,

2) manicurists - 20-30%,

3) pedicurists - 30-40%,

4) massage therapist - 20%.

It is best to open a salon with five workplaces.

The most common services:

a) facial skin care,

b) body care,

c) manicure,

d) pedicure,

d) hairdressing services.

If you are not a beauty salon, but a hairdresser with a beauty salon component, then the opposite is true for you. First - hairdressing services and at the end - facial skin care.

And further…

Equipment costs – $3-4 thousand.

$0.7-1 thousand for the purchase of consumables,

Rent is about $150-200 per month.

Let's clarify...

Salon for wealthy clients. Initial costs – at least $60-80 thousand.

They consist of:

rental in the city center (per month for 1 m - from $10),

stylish renovation (from $100 per 1 sq. m),

equipment of famous German brands - Italians - break down, keep in mind. ($40-50 thousand without laser). A laser system for removing pigmented lesions costs $54 thousand.

cosmetics from expensive brands, an entire line worth $4-5 thousand at once.

Arrangement of a manicure and pedicure room – $5 thousand.

massage room and administrative room – $1.5-2 thousand.

middle class,

rent in the bedroom sector for 1 sq.m – $5 per month. That is, for 60 sq. m monthly $300,

repairs – $1.5-2 thousand,

Polish or Taiwanese assembled equipment

for a beauty salon - $2-4 thousand,

for a manicure/pedicure salon - $2 thousand,

for a massage room - $300).

But the main thing you always need to remember is that a beauty salon is opened “under the guidance of a master with golden hands,” like a restaurant under a chef. And therefore, if you do not have connections in the world of cosmetology, then it is better not to take risks. It’s just that people who don’t respect themselves go to unfamiliar salons only for eyebrow correction.

Beauty salons are profitable all over the world, but our market for these services is not yet full. Study the offer in your city, find a place without competitors, and you will be provided with work. The list of services may be standard, but you should be responsible when recruiting personnel.

A beauty salon is a promising, profitable business. We are still far from Italy, where there are 160,000 salons, and in order to somehow stop their further spread, the government passed a law according to which there must be a distance of at least 200 meters between salons.

And yet, in Russia there are more and more people who consider visiting a beauty salon as necessary as regular visits to the dentist.

We will try to figure out how to start opening a beauty salon from scratch. A beauty salon differs from a beauty salon in a narrower range of services and lower initial investments. For comparison, you need to invest more than $250 thousand in opening a cosmetic clinic, $60-80 thousand in a salon. $10-15 thousand is enough to open your own beauty parlor.


If you are not a cosmetologist, select a highly qualified specialist to work in your office in advance - without such a person your business cannot be successful.

Professionals working in beauty salons usually do not have a fixed salary; they receive a percentage of revenue. For cosmetologists, the salary is 30-50% of revenue, for manicurists - 30-40%, for a pedicurist the salary is 30-40%, and a massage therapist receives 30-50%.

Beauty salon services

You may well start with an office that provides cosmetic skin care services. To provide this service, you just need to rent a room consisting of a cosmetologist’s office, a waiting room and a bathroom. You will need equipment:

  • cosmetic processor;
  • cabinet for cosmetics, towels, tools, etc.;
  • couch;
  • chair for the master;
  • sink;
  • mirror.

The cost of purchasing the listed items will be about $3-4 thousand. In addition to equipment for the work of a cosmetologist, you need a set of cosmetics, replenished as needed, its estimated price is $0.7-1 thousand. Rent of the premises will cost about $150-200 per month.

Experienced cosmetologists believe that ideally a beauty salon should provide the following range of services:

  • facial skin care combined with hair removal;
  • body care supplemented with massage;
  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • hairdresser services;
  • solarium.

You can add these services gradually as your business grows.

Options for opening a beauty salon

1. Buying an existing business

With this form of business organization, you will avoid the labor-intensive process of creating an office. Another advantage is that by purchasing a ready-made beauty salon, you will “inherit” regular customers.

The downside of this method is the risk of acquiring a bad reputation, which will take time and additional money to correct. Quite often, salons with outdated equipment, premises requiring expensive repairs, and dubious reputation are put up for sale. As a result, having saved on setting up a business, you will invest even more money in its restoration.

2. Franchising

You need to buy the right to a name, for example, “Jacques Dessange”, purchase equipment, receive invaluable parting words from the parent company. The rest is in your hands. Seeing the famous brand, customers will come to you, confident in the excellent service.

When choosing a franchise, pay attention to the reputation of the company whose name you will use. Consider also how many beauty salons other than you have purchased this franchise. Compare the cost of the franchise, your financial capabilities and the service that the partner promises.

3. Starting a business on your own

Competitors can destroy you even at the organization stage. To avoid such troubles, enlist the help of experts in the field of starting a business or get training.

Opening a beauty salon in numbers

You will need a small room. It is very good if you manage to get a job in a shopping center or business center, however, a room on the ground floor of a residential building is also suitable.

Let's talk about competition in this market. There are 5,500 beauty salons and beauty salons in Moscow. In Russia, 500-700 new salons open every year. The growth of this market in Russia per year is 15-20%. For comparison, in the US the figure is 5.5%. The margin of salons in Russia is from 20 to 40%, i.e. business is profitable.

How not to go broke opening a beauty salon

Until you acquire regular customers, your business will not be profitable. The initial period lasts 2-3 months at best, sometimes it drags on for a year and a half.

When choosing a location for a salon, make sure that the owner of the premises is not interested in opening a similar business. If after a few years of work your lease on the premises is not renewed, a new salon may appear in your place, to which your clients will continue to go.

When drawing up a price list, provide a net profit of at least 40%. All types of services in your salon should have this profitability.

A household license is required when providing haircutting, hair coloring, manicure, and pedicure services. A medical license is required to operate a cosmetology salon, perform massages, body wraps, Botox injections and mesotherapy.

Ensure the cabin has an uninterrupted water supply, reliable electrical wiring and a working sewage system. After a year of working in your salon, 50-80% of clients should become regulars - this is a clear indicator of business success. A beauty salon exists thanks to a good master, just as a restaurant thrives only with a good chef. The key to your success is professionals.