How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche. Therapeutic and preventive effects. Run away from neurosis

We all strive to be happy and productive, but stress, irritability, and constant depression prevent us from achieving what we want.

The human nervous system today suffers not so much from high loads and a broken rhythm, but from junk food, leading to slagging of the body.

“Since we are forced to eat regularly, we will eat well” (Anthelme Brillat-Savarin).

Look at athletes dieting. They eat right and feel energetic. A nervous and tired person is rare among them.

We conclude: good food- the key to joy, peace and mental clarity. Below you will learn how to strengthen your psyche and nervous system folk remedies.

Why shouldn't you take sedatives?

Imagine, instead of washing the dishes, you cover them with a towel. It will not become clean, it will simply disappear from view. The same goes for sedatives, including everyone’s favorite alcohol.

They do not cure, but only relieve symptoms. Our goal is to improve the health of the body. Give him the tools to cope with the hardships of life himself.

About vitamins and minerals - find products in stores yourself

When thinking about how to strengthen the nervous system at home, you need to direct your mind towards the use of vitamins. These are what the body often lacks.

  • B1- With its deficiency, fatigue, depression, insomnia appear, and memory deteriorates. When taking products with it, you should avoid coffee and tea, as they neutralize the beneficial properties;
  • B6- the advantages are the same as those of the “relative” above. In children, if there is a lack of this vitamin, seizures and growth retardation may occur. Therefore, it is found in abundance in any milk, being an important component of life.
  • B12- Why do doctors praise chicken meat and sea plants in unison? They contain a lot of Cobalamin, which improves mental activity, especially in old age.
  • Group C: It’s not for nothing that pharmacies used to give ascorbic acid for donation - pharmacologists know about its beneficial properties not only for the nerves, but also for the body as a whole. Eat citrus fruits.
  • Group D: A catastrophic lack of this vitamin is observed in modern man. Are being produced organic compounds while in the sun. Remember the sad ones office workers, similar to fish from a can - the reason for their condition is not in processing, but in the lack of live lighting.
  • When looking for ways to strengthen the autonomic nervous system, pay attention to group E and A - products containing vitamins with this designation cope well with fatigue.

    What's good to drink?

    Nobody canceled tinctures and herbs. They contain rare elements that are not found in ordinary food - the benefits of field and wild plants are colossal.

    You can buy ready-made mixtures or make them yourself, as most of the ingredients are compatible with each other.

    Calming effect. It is provided by motherwort, valerian, dandelion roots and chamomile. Chicory, wheatgrass and clover also work well.

    Don’t ask the question how to strengthen your psyche, just brew any of these plants and drink 2-3 times a day. You won't be able to get anything but benefit.

    For most herbs, it is enough to pour water at a temperature of up to 70 degrees (no more, as the beneficial properties will disappear) and leave for 15-60 minutes.

    Invigorating effect. We remove tea, coffee, ginseng and golden root from the diet. These are stimulants and stimulants. We need clean energy that works constantly. The previously mentioned dandelion, as well as ginger root, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom will help accumulate its supply.

    The only disadvantage of herbs is the need for regular use. Many people fail to discipline themselves - they drank for 3 days and forgot for 2 weeks.

    There is some benefit, but it is not enough. The child may develop a negative reaction to the unusual taste, so juices made from cabbage, carrots and broccoli are suitable for children.

    How to improve the functioning of the nervous system with regular food? This is the most interesting topic. You just need to diversify your diet to get results. No restrictions, just additions.

    Look at useful products:

    Now we come to the important thing - cereals. Wheat, barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, and corn contain full list substances we need. These are seeds, and therefore they contain everything that the plant took from nature while growing.

    Are you thinking about how to strengthen a weak nervous system? Eat cereal, make porridge, eat raw, soaked grains. The last method is especially effective.

    Eating cereals will not only relieve fatigue and irritability, but also improve thought processes, improve skin health, make hair silky and eyesight good.


    Let us remember that, in addition to healthy products, we also accept harmful ones - these are mayonnaises with high content flavoring additives and fats, sweets with preservatives and carbonated drinks stuffed with chemicals.

    Hence hyperexcitability and overwork, along with which come stress and neuroses.

    No need to deny yourself your favorite treats. The body has a wonderful ability to change tastes.

    Fill your stomach with good things, reduce the amount of bad things, and very soon you will notice that you want good things, and bad things cause rejection. Take care of your health.

    The nervous system is a complex network that controls all actions human body: breathing, digestion, movement, temperature, etc. Problems with the nervous system can arise due to impaired blood circulation, nerve function, injury, exposure to toxic substances, lack of vitamins.

    Moreover, chronic stress increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and negatively affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This leads to hyperactivity excessive load for the heart and blood vessels, muscle tension and other problems. To prevent this from happening, you need to not only know how to strengthen the nervous system, but also constantly do it.

    How nervous system disorders affect our lives

    Walking barefoot is a pleasant and beneficial activity for the nervous system. Walking barefoot on the ground, soft grass, sand or pebbles at the beach is very beneficial. A study published in 2012 found that half an hour of barefoot walking a day could:

    • improve blood viscosity;
    • stabilize heart rate;
    • suppress inflammation;
    • reduce cortisol levels;
    • improve sleep quality.

    Sun rays help the nervous system because vitamin D is produced under their influence. A lack of the “sun” vitamin is associated with increased risk diseases of the central nervous system, in particular schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis.

    Walking barefoot, walking in the sun, exercise, meditation, yoga and relaxing baths are great ways to strengthen the nervous system.

    To increase your vitamin D levels, walk in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes every day, and eat seafood, eggs and milk.

    Yoga and meditation - best friends nervous system. Daily yoga and/or meditation helps strengthen the peripheral nervous system, improve protective forces body, as well as improve mood and physical state body. The following asanas are especially beneficial for the nervous system:

    • inverted staff pose;
    • handstand;
    • bridge pose;
    • shoulder blade stand;
    • leaning towards your feet while sitting;
    • bent candle pose;
    • corpse pose.

    Regular exercise can strengthen the nervous system and improve the condition of almost every body system. Walking, walking, swimming, cycling - any activity will benefit the nervous system. However, when choosing exercises, it is also important to consider the availability possible contraindications and choose the load level wisely.

    Relieve tension after have a hard day A bath with Epsom salts will do. This procedure is beneficial for nerves and muscles, and also has a detox effect. To prepare such a bath, just add 1 cup Epsom salts V warm water and stir well.

    Foods that help strengthen the nervous system

    Magnesium - important mineral for the health of the nervous system, the lack of which suppresses some neurotransmitters necessary for the transmission of signals between nerve cells. Magnesium is also necessary for the production of serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and improves mood. Therefore, be sure to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet.

    For the health of the nervous system it is necessary to consume rich in vitamins food, and chamomile tea is good for relieving stress.

    Green tea and chamomile decoction are two amazing drinks that will have a positive effect on the nervous system. Make sure you always have these two drinks on hand because:

    1. The amino acid L-theanine in green tea helps increase dopamine and serotonin levels, which helps improve mood and relieve stress. Caffeine improves concentration and focus, and antioxidants reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, including neurological ones.
    2. Chamomile has proven itself well as a sedative Therefore, I recommend drinking chamomile tea for insomnia, irritability, and stress.

    To better cope with stress and reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. In addition to the above methods, the site recommends refusing bad habits, drink plenty of fluids, avoid excess caffeine, enjoy your favorite hobbies and socialize with friends more often - this will significantly improve your ability to withstand the effects of negative factors.

    The central nervous system is one of the most complex and important in our body. She takes part in the formation of an adequate response to external stimuli through the various senses, and is also responsible for the control of most vital important functions, for example, breathing, heartbeat, feelings of hunger, thirst, etc. The nervous system also underlies all emotions: sadness, joy, happiness, etc. Therefore, it is very important to know what methods and methods can be used to strengthen it. It is doubly important to do this from childhood.

    It often happens that children grow up disobedient, cry a lot, and are afraid of ordinary things. Such problems mainly occur due to a weakened nervous system in the child. If you notice that your child is not able to behave as you require, and is also constantly capricious, complaining and cannot control himself, then it is necessary to take certain measures. TO How to strengthen a child’s nervous system and psyche? We will talk about this in the article.

    How to strengthen a child’s nervous system and psyche

    Unfortunately, there is no one universal method or remedy that could help instantly. For general positive result the problem must be approached comprehensively: try to change the child’s usual daily routine, it is necessary to accustom him to healthy nutrition, playing sports, you should also organize everything the necessary conditions for sound sleep, and also try to maintain a positive emotional background.

    Vitamins and minerals

    It's no secret that regular use contributes to healthy micro- and macroelements in food good health, but not many people know that such a diet also has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. What foods strengthen the nervous system and psyche? Doctors strongly recommend increasing the percentage of consumed essential fatty acids, which are found in fish, such as salmon. You should also eat more green vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and regular cabbage, spinach; besides, it wouldn't hurt olive oil, dried fruits. Obviously, every child will hardly like such a diet, but the importance and usefulness of these products should be strictly explained to him. as a last resort, you can in game form force him to use these substances.

    Vitamins also significantly affect the health of the child’s psyche. The child’s diet must contain vitamins such as B, C and E. To meet the needs child's body these elements must be eaten regularly fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals cereal crops. B vitamins are especially beneficial for children's psyche, as they help reduce emotional excitability, relieve fatigue and improve concentration and attention. Their consumption also increases learning abilities, improves memory and prevents stress. Best sources This vitamin includes fruits, dairy products, fish and seafood.

    Nutrition and daily routine

    For small child breakfast is one of the most important techniques food. Therefore, you should not linger with it, much less skip it, since in the morning children spend more energy on perceiving and processing the information received.

    However, dinner plays an equally important role for the health of the nervous system. It must be light, and you should not eat less than two hours before bedtime. If a child goes to bed with full stomach, this will negatively affect his sleep, and we remember that healthy sleep- this is one of the mandatory conditions for a strong psyche.

    The child's diet should mostly consist of natural products. Do not use preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers or flavor stabilizers. All these additives guarantee negative effect on the child's health. More


    Disorders of the child’s psyche can sometimes take the form of a disease, while emotional insolvency requires specific treatment. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one such disorder in which the child is unable to concentrate on a certain form activities (for example, study) and control their emotional condition. In such cases, doctors often prescribe drug therapy, which includes a drug such as Atomoxetine. However, in most cases it is enough to simply give vitamins for the child’s memory and performance.

    Folk remedies

    How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies? Fortunately, centuries of experience in treating nerve problems and mental imbalance offers a lot healthy recipes and funds. We will look at some of them below.

    • Chamomile tea or infusion is one of the most popular folk recipes to combat an excited emotional state. The fact is that chamomile calms a nervous state and also reduces the risk of repeated emotional outbursts. It is advisable to drink one cup chamomile tea before bed, but in no case should you abuse this infusion.
    • Linden tea is another infusion that is recommended for people with unstable psyche. It helps your whole body relax and unwind.
    • Cabbage salad helps calm the nervous system and allows you to sleep soundly. The whole secret is that the leaves of the vegetable contain natural substances with sedative and hypnotic properties.
    • Passionflower. The leaves of this plant contain natural sedatives that help fight nervousness and irritability and calm the nervous system. Passionflower leaves must be boiled for 50-10 minutes, then cooled and eaten as a salad with honey or sugar.

    How to strengthen your nervous system

    Often this problem extends not only to children, but also to adults. In such cases, it is also necessary to take a number of measures aimed at restoring one’s own nervous system and psyche.

    How can you strengthen your nervous system and your psyche? First of all, you need to give up cigarettes and alcohol. These toxic substances are not only harmful to the body, they also constantly affect the nervous system, each time causing artificial euphoria. Also give up very sweet food, drink less coffee, avoid processed foods and fatty foods.

    Deep sleep

    Insomnia, constant stress, anxiety and exhaustion of the body completely kill the ability to indulge sleep soundly. This condition does not allow the body and brain to fully recover, which also affects the nervous system. For have a nice rest you can take a warm bath before bed, drink some herbal infusion(see above) and go to bed.

    Physical exercise

    Another way to strengthen your psyche is to exercise. Morning exercises or regular yoga classes will also be a sufficient load. Such procedures allow not only to relax and strengthen the nervous system, but also to maintain mental health and balance. A great alternative physical activity meditation can become.


    Natural methods are widely used to strengthen the nervous system, and aromatherapy is considered one of these. For this, various essential oils are used: tea tree oil, lavender, rosemary, chamomile, sage and other plants. Just one drop of this oil allows you to add variety to everyday life, thereby distracting from problems and reducing mental stress.

    Fruit and vegetable smoothies

    Fruit and vegetable smoothies also help strengthen the nervous system because they are very nutritious and healthy. You can prepare a mix of pear, strawberry, melon and apple. If desired, you can add nuts and raisins, as these products help the body accumulate the necessary energy. In general no strict recipes preparing such cocktails, so you can safely experiment with the ingredients.

    Nutritional supplements

    You can also resort to special food additives, which also have a positive effect on the health of the nervous system. Nutritionists recommend using supplements such as ginseng root, as well as supplements containing iron and magnesium.

    How to strengthen the nervous system and stop being nervous? In these matters, you should not underestimate the most ordinary, but no less pleasant, actions and activities. Walk barefoot frequently on wet ground, young grass, beach sand, or shallow water. This is one of the most pleasant and economical ways to strengthen the psyche.

    Also take a contrast shower. It helps thin the blood and direct it to the brain area, which is especially useful for active nervous activity. In winter you can harden yourself and wipe yourself off with snow.

    How to strengthen the nervous system: master class

    So, summing up all of the above, we can put together a short master class. Focusing on it, you will be able to special labor restore your mental condition and strengthen the nervous system.

    1. Give up bad habits.
    2. Compose healthy diet: Eat more vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy and whole grains.
    3. Take vitamins.
    4. Play sports.
    5. Try to always get enough sleep.
    6. Diversify your daily life: go for walks more often fresh air, accept cold and hot shower etc.
    7. Refer to folk recipes.

    Agree, this list does not include anything extraordinary; you just need to take a strong-willed step above yourself and your habits. By implementing even half of the above list, you can significantly improve your mental state, including your child’s. Now you know how to strengthen your nervous system and psyche. Take care of yourself and your family. The health of our nervous system depends solely on us.

    When a person is very worried, they say to him: “breathe deeply.” During severe stress processes occurring in the body begin to accelerate, so it needs more oxygen. Or, conversely, in situations where a person is in a nervous, tense state that requires increased attention, breathing slows down and becomes rare. For example, while watching an exciting circus trick, the audience is in a state that is usually described as “watching with bated breath.” This relationship between the psyche and breathing allows the use of regular breathing exercises to calm the nerves. People who own technology correct breathing, have the ability to control their mood, mental state, and relax the nervous system.

    • What breathing is used for relaxation?
    • Basic breathing techniques
    • Rules for performing breathing exercises
    • Simple breathing exercises
    • Exercises to calm the nervous system
    • Breathing to Relax and Clear the Mind
    • Breathing exercises for sleep

    What breathing is used for relaxation?

    Any breathing exercises to calm the nervous system of an adult are based on setting a strict rhythm. After all, it is important to understand that the effect of breathing exercises on the body depends on the strength and frequency of breaths, their depth, and the duration of breath holding. If you breathe shallowly, too often, then the lungs will receive small portions oxygen, and the calming effect will not be achieved. Moreover, the nervous system will be stimulated, which will cause an increase in its activity.

    Therefore, any breathing exercises are based on measured and deep breathing. In this case, the lungs are more fully filled with air, which leads to the enrichment of all tissues of the body with oxygen, due to which normalization arterial pressure, removed muscle spasm, the brain begins to work better, and the nervous system relaxes.

    Basic breathing techniques

    There are 4 types of breathing in breathing exercises:

    • filling with oxygen upper sections lungs, when inhalations are made by movements of the collarbones;
    • chest breathing, when the ribs open and contract;
    • abdominal breathing using the abdominal muscles, thanks to which the diaphragm begins to move, the internal organs are massaged and oxygenated;
    • a wave-like breathing method, in which the three breathing methods described above are sequentially used.

    These breathing methods are basic, and on their basis other breathing techniques have been invented that are used to strengthen and calm the nerves.

    Rules for performing breathing exercises

    When choosing sedatives breathing movements You need to learn the most important rules for any technique, failure to comply with which will bring all your efforts down the drain:

    • Any breathing exercises to calm the nervous system should be performed in a lying or standing position, in which the back is completely straight.
    • Exercises are best done with eyes closed, meditating and imagining pleasant pictures and images.
    • You need to fully concentrate on the breathing process; at first you will have to control it consciously. Gradually, there will be a need for conscious control of inhalation and exhalation, but you will still need to concentrate on the breathing process itself.
    • The mind should be freed from any negative thoughts, and completely relax all muscles. Muscle relaxation should be done smoothly - from the tips of the toes and further up the body, paying attention special attention face, neck and shoulders, where the muscles are most tense.
    • Calming exercises need to be repeated 5-10 times, but do not overexert yourself. Before moving on to the next exercise, you need to wait a little so that the body has time to adapt.
    • While inhaling, you need to imagine how the body, along with oxygen, is filled with calmness and pure energy. As you exhale, you need to imagine how the accumulated tension is “squeezed out” from the body.
    • It is also useful during breathing exercises to repeat to yourself attitudes such as “I am calming down”, “I am calm”, “I am relaxing”, etc. Such formulations should not contain negative particles “not” and simply negative content (“I am not worried "), and forms of the future tense ("soon I will calm down").

    Simple breathing exercises

    The first breathing exercises are based on nasal breathing; they need to start with a full exhalation, using complex breathing.

    • Belly breathing. The abdomen inflates during a deep breath and falls when exhaling slowly. The duration of inhalation is 3-4 seconds, after which you need to hold your breath for a couple of seconds and then exhale for 4-5 seconds. The interval between breathing is 2-3 seconds.
    • Breathing through the chest. Inhale – the ribs “open” for 3-4 seconds, then hold your breath for 2 seconds. Then comes the exhalation, rib cage“compresses” for 4-5 seconds. Then a 2-3 second break, and the exercise is repeated.
    • Clavicular breathing, in which the collarbones rise when inhaling and lower when exhaling. The intervals and duration of the exercise are the same.
    • Wave-like breathing, in which the inhalation begins from the abdomen, then continues through the chest and ends at the collarbones. Exhalation occurs in the opposite direction. The final stage should be performed especially measuredly.

    Exercises to calm the nervous system

    Often in everyday life you can hear a fairly common phrase: “All diseases come from nerves.” Indeed, the state of the nervous system has a close relationship with the state of health. And among those people who do not know how to control their nerves, there are very often people with hypertension, ulcers, and heart patients.

    Exercise No. 1

    This stress-relieving exercise can be performed in any position convenient for you - sitting or standing. First you need to take a deep breath. Then you need to hold your breath, mentally imagine a circle and slowly exhale it. Exhale three more circles in this manner, and then imagine a square and also mentally exhale it twice.

    Exercise No. 2

    The exercise is done lying on your back. It is necessary to establish a rhythmic calm breathing and imagine that with each inhalation your lungs are filled with vitality, and as you exhale it spreads throughout all parts of the body.

    Exercise No. 3

    According to many experts, a yawn helps fill the blood with oxygen and relieve it of excess carbon dioxide. Also, during a yawn, tension in the muscles of the mouth, face, and neck occurs, which leads to an acceleration of blood flow in the vessels of the brain. Yawning helps improve blood supply to the lungs and push blood out of the liver, increasing body tone and creating impulses of positive emotions.

    These positive properties Yawning is used by the Japanese who work in the electrical industry - every half hour they do breathing exercises, which greatly help with tension. They collectively break away from work for a short break to have an organized yawn as a group, and then get back to work.

    A healthy yawn must be correct: it must be done with your eyes closed, and as wide as possible open mouth. Oral cavity it should be tense. In this position, try to pronounce the sound “oo-oo-oo-oo” low and extended and imagine that a cavity is forming inside your mouth, going down.

    While yawning, you should stretch your whole body. To make the exercise even more effective, you can do it while smiling. A smile is known to contribute to the formation of a positive emotional impulse and perfectly relaxes the facial muscles.

    Exercise #4

    If you have to go through a psychologically stressful situation, then in order to maintain composure, self-confidence, and conscious control of the situation, it is recommended to do this exercise. Imagine that there is a powerful press in your body at chest level. Take short and energetic breaths, clearly feeling the presence of this press in your chest, its strength and heaviness. Then take slow, long exhalations, imagining that the weight is falling down and displacing emotional tension and unpleasant thoughts from the body. When finishing the exercise, you need to mentally “shoot” everything with the press negative emotions into the ground.

    Video with exercises to calm your nerves:

    Breathing to Relax and Clear the Mind

    Exercise No. 1

    Make pretty deep breath through the mouth, lips tightly pressed. You need to exhale the air in short bursts, as if pushing it out from the inside, also through pursed lips.

    Exercise No. 2

    Take a deep breath, sucking in your stomach. Exhalation is done in short bursts, in portions, through pursed lips. It is necessary to exhale until the lungs are completely empty. Then wait a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

    Exercise No. 3

    Place one palm on your forehead and the other on the back of your head. This position helps to increase blood flow, cleanse the consciousness and mind, and relieve stress and anxiety. Holding your palms in this position, inhale and exhale measuredly, holding your breath briefly between inhalations and exhalations.

    Exercise #4

    This technique uses the technique of sequentially pinching the nostrils using right hand. Thumb you need to apply it to the right nostril, and the little finger to the left. Alternately through both nostrils you need to take calm inhalations and full exhalations. When the right nostril is pinched, it is stimulated left hemisphere brain and vice versa.

    Exercise #5

    This exercise is used to relieve stress. First, you should take a fairly deep but short breath, after which you need to hold your breath for 4 seconds and proceed to a deep, complete exhalation. Then there is a 5 second pause before the next inhalation.

    Video with calming breathing exercises:

    Breathing exercises for sleep

    People who suffer from insomnia are advised to breathing exercises for sleep, the exercises of which are aimed at training the correct breathing rhythm and normalizing not only sleep, but also the general mental state.

    Exercise No. 1

    Take a calm, deep breath, slowly pushing your stomach out, opening your chest and filling it with air. The chest, filling with air, should rise and tighten the stomach. This way all parts of your lungs will be filled with air. Then slowly exhale air from them in reverse order: empty first lower sections lungs, then the rest, simultaneously deflating and lowering the stomach, and then the chest.

    Exercise No. 2

    When performing this breathing exercise to improve sleep, you need to make sure that your chest remains as still as possible. Take deep breaths, pushing your stomach out, and then exhale the air from your lungs, drawing your stomach back in.

    Exercise No. 3

    These breathing exercises are for deep sleep will allow you to relax and cope with insomnia. Here it is used very simple technique: Take 5 minutes of light, slow inhalations and exhalations, concentrating on the breathing process and listening to your own internal sensations. To make this exercise more effective, it is advisable to press your palms towards solar plexus, and breathe through your chest and stomach.

    In the first days, breathing exercises before bed should be done for no more than 2-3 minutes. In the following days, gradually increase your practice time.

    Excessively intense training can lead to excessive alertness and a deterioration in the process of falling asleep.

    When doing gymnastics, you need to carefully monitor your sensations. If you feel tired and tense, you should stop exercising immediately. Do breathing exercises in a good, calm mood, mentally setting yourself up for a healthy sleep.

    Do you use breathing exercises to calm your nerves or improve sleep? Do they help you? Tell us about it in the comments.

    It is important to know how to strengthen the nervous system, as it is constantly exposed to harmful effects. The nervous system is one of the critical systems human body ensuring its full functioning.

    The human nervous system permeates all organs and tissues and is involved in all human processes and life phenomena. Laughter, tears, joy, sadness, excitement, fatigue, depression, happiness - all these feelings directly depend on the state of the human nervous system. Therefore, you need to take care of your nerves and be able to restore your emotional state in time so as not to spoil your nervous system.

    Why is it important to take care of your nerves?

    Many medical experts confidently believe that all human diseases arise from nerves. But indeed, when the functioning of the nervous system malfunctions, all human organs begin to work incorrectly: nervousness, twitchiness appear, blood pressure rises, tremors of the hands, legs, fever, tension appear - all other systems of the human body begin to suffer from this, as a result of which various diseases develop .

    Strengthening the nervous system is a very important measure for maintaining health.

    When a stressful situation arises, a person tries to drown out his emotional state with internal forces, often resorting to alcohol and cigarettes, which contributes to the development alcohol addiction and even greater instability of the nervous system.

    Factors influencing the state of the nervous system

    The human nervous system is very sensitive to many factors. It is not difficult to disable it. Factors leading to disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system are:

    • lack of vitamins and minerals. B vitamins are especially important for the functioning of the nervous system, since they suppress the effects of negative factors and have a relaxing and calming effect;
    • Availability constant stress, chronic fatigue, causes nervousness irreparable harm the entire body, its individual organs, disrupting their normal functioning;
    • lack of oxygen in the body. Oxygen has important for the body to function. Entering cells, it contributes to the production of energy necessary for the functioning of all human systems. If there is not enough oxygen in the body, the work of cells slows down significantly, a person begins to feel tired, drowsiness, lack of strength, and respiratory diseases may appear;
    • constant background noise, which is irritating factor providing negative impact on the human nervous system;
    • bad dream. Chronic lack of sleep, shallow sleep leads to a state of fatigue, irritability, decreased performance, which is a direct consequence of the deterioration of the human nervous system;
    • various viral diseases which are accompanied general intoxication body.

    All these factors, acting on a person, begin to gradually undermine his nervous system, resulting in nervous overstrain, breakdowns and depression.

    It is very important to monitor your psycho-emotional state, your actions external factors as sources of irritation and take appropriate measures in time to suppress the negative impact.

    Maintaining the nervous system in good condition The following factors contribute:

    • daily walks. Regular stay in the fresh air saturates the body with oxygen, restoring the nervous system;
    • normal sleep. It is believed that an adult needs about 8-9 hours good sleep for normal well-being. Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room;
    • receiving positive emotions;
    • conducting active image life, as a result of which hormones are produced that strengthen the nerves;
    • taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

    Folk remedies for strengthening nerves

    Strengthens the nervous system by taking infusions from medicinal herbs, soothing teas. Strengthening the nervous system with folk remedies is widely used by patients instead of medicines and antidepressants.

    Yes, very good sedative effect Tea with lemon balm has an effect on the nervous system. It stimulates the human nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, and has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. It is best to take it in the evening before bed to allow the body to recover overnight.

    Very beneficial properties also has a drink based on viburnum berries. To prepare it, you need to mix pureed viburnum with honey, then dilute this mixture hot water and take daily before bed. This drink has a special sedative effect on the nervous system, relaxes and relieves stress.

    Tea with mint added too excellent remedy to strengthen the nervous system, since this herb has long been considered a source of calm and tranquility.

    At the end of a working day filled with bustle and stress, a drink based on valerian with orange, mint and basil would be useful. The components included in this drink allow the nervous system to recover and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

    Breathing exercises and proper nutrition

    To strengthen the nervous system, you can perform certain exercises aimed at stabilizing the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.

    The most effective are breathing exercises that you can safely do at home, at work, or on the road:

    • for 4 counts (or pulse beats), take a slow, deep breath;
    • for 2 counts (or pulse beats) you must hold your breath;
    • for 4 counts (or pulse beats), exhale slowly;
    • hold your breath for 2 counts (or pulse beats) and then repeat the exercises from the beginning.

    The optimal time to perform the exercise is no more than 3 minutes. Regularly performing this exercise helps complete relaxation body, gives calm and confidence, and also helps after stressful situations.

    In addition to this exercise, there are also breathing exercises:

    1. While inhaling slowly, you need to gradually raise your arms up until. Until they meet above your head, then hold your breath for a few seconds and slowly lower them again. You can repeat this action 2-3 times to achieve a calming effect.
    2. Taking a deep breath, you need to raise your arms to shoulder level, then, holding your breath, begin to rotate your arms back and forth in 3 circles, then exhale sharply and lower your arms.

    Breathing exercises are very useful for the human nervous system, in stressful situations Simple breathing exercises help you calm down and relieve accumulated tension.

    On normal work the nervous system still has big influence And proper diet. It is necessary to ensure regular balanced diet avoid eating food instant cooking, fatty foods, carbonated drinks. To strengthen the nervous system, you need to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Calcium is especially important for nerves, as it has a beneficial effect on general state and strengthens the nerves, increases the body's resistance to stress.

    In addition to consuming calcium, it is necessary to include foods rich in B vitamins. Vitamins of this group help the body fight increasing stress pressure and tension and reduce irritability. Daily requirement B vitamins are found in 3 glasses of orange, tomato or grapefruit juice. It is also necessary to include in your diet the consumption of meat, cereals, legumes, eggs, cabbage, since these products contain a large number of vitamin B.

    Strengthening the nervous system at home also helps herbal baths. In addition to the tonic effect on the body, such baths strengthen the hair, nourish the skin and have a general relaxing effect.

    Herbs such as chamomile, celandine, motherwort, mint, hawthorn, calendula, string, lavender, oregano, and horsetail are well suited for preparing herbal baths. Today there are many recipes for preparing medicinal baths to strengthen the nervous system and invigorate the body.

    In addition to the herbs listed good effect They give baths based on currant and birch leaves, nettles, and pine needles.

    You must first take a regular shower, and then take baths with medicinal herbs.