What to do if an adult’s diaskintest is positive. What is Diaskintest and why is it better than the Mantoux test? Diaskintest results are normal for the child

The Diaskintest test is an injection of a synthetic drug, the constituent parts of which are tuberculosis antigens. The latter provoke the production of antibodies in the body, which are responsible for immunity. But, like any injection, this injection has its own characteristics. What is a papule that appears after diaskintest and what are its norms?

What is and features of the Diaskintest test

The Mantoux test has a significant drawback: tuberculin, injected under the skin, reacts to all tuberculosis bacteria, the carriers of which are more than half of the population. The Koch wand, being in a sleeping (latent) state, does not pose any danger to its owner or others. Diaskintest, on the other hand, manifests itself as a positive reaction only in the presence of active pathogenic bacteria in the blood, which eliminates the need for further examination for people with dormant bacteria in the body.

Tuberculin is a protein substance obtained from bacteria, which are the causative agent of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed thermally and separated from the protein composition. It is this substance that is injected under the human skin. If the substrate is recognized by the body, confirmed by a positive vaccination reaction, then the person is a carrier of Koch’s bacillus.

In Diaskintest, these artificial foreign substances are similar to the antigens of tuberculosis pathogens. This distinguishes its protein composition from tuberculin, which lacks the necessary antigens for the accuracy of the test result. The vaccine used for the Mantoux test has a number of side effects and allergenic components that affect the well-being of people who are not infected with Koch's bacillus.

The Mantoux test reacts positively not only to the pathogens themselves, but also to the BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin), while the second drug shows an affirmative reaction only in a tuberculosis-infected person. If the papule formed after diaskintest exceeds the permissible norm, this fact is evidence that a person has been infected with Koch’s bacillus.

Why do they occur after testing?

The appearance of redness and swelling after a tuberculosis test is the body’s reaction to the introduction of the antigen. Human white blood cells - leukocytes, carrying out the immune response to the invasion of a foreign substance, accumulate at the injection site. A slight inflammation and formation of a compaction at the injection site is a papule. However, the intensity of the body’s response to the preventive method depends on the activity of the immune system and the person’s health status.

Hyperemia with diaskin can appear within a few hours. Sometimes a papule and change in skin color occurs on the second day. Over the course of three days, the reaction will progress, reaching its peak 72 hours after the injection. On the third day, they check what the injection site looks like. Further, the effect of leukocytes on antigens will decline and it will be impossible to adequately assess the test result.

There are contraindications to performing a preventive test:

  • epilepsy of any stage, since the injection can provoke a seizure in the patient;
  • pregnancy;
  • colds and skin diseases;
  • an allergy to any component of the drug or a condition of exacerbation of an allergic reaction in a person;
  • quarantine period associated with any disease.

A complete lack of reaction to the test may indicate a malfunction of the immune system, since redness and the appearance of a papule indicate the body’s fight against antigens. In this case, it is worth checking for HIV infection. However, if a person has once had tuberculosis and was completely cured, then the infiltration and reaction may be absent, since the body is familiar with the antigen and the leukocytes have accepted it as “one of their own.”

How to get rid of hyperemia

When conducting a preventive test for tuberculosis, inflammation manifests itself in 90% of cases and is a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of substances unusual for it. Local inflammation of the skin at the injection site is a slight allergy to the components of the drug. It is not taken into account when assessing the result of the test.

To interpret the reaction, the size of the papule is taken into account, which is recorded on the third day after the introduction of antigens. After a few days, the redness will go away on its own, and the infiltrate will disappear without leaving a mark on the skin. There is no need to wipe the injection site with disinfectants or use other drugs to remove hyperemia.

Acceptable papule size during diaskintest

The reaction to Diascantest is assessed by a doctor using a transparent ruler. The papule is measured directly, not the general area of ​​redness. However, there are cases when there is no infiltrate, then the boundaries of hyperemia are taken into account.

The result of the preventive procedure is assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. The body's response is considered negative if the papule is absent or there is a slight swelling (up to 2 mm) at the injection site. There may also be a small compaction of natural color (1-2 mm) or a small hematoma around the skin puncture.
  2. The test result is questionable if redness is observed without the formation of an infiltrate. In this state of affairs, the patient may be referred for additional examination to clarify the cause of a false-positive reaction during the diaskintest. This may include fluorography or repeated administration of the drug.
  3. A positive result is the presence of a red papule that exceeds 2 mm in diameter. This condition of the injection site indicates that a person is infected with Koch’s bacillus. The assessment of this reaction is divided into the following points:
  • mild (papule does not reach more than 5 mm in diameter);
  • moderate (compaction ranging from 5 to 9 mm);
  • pronounced (infiltrate more than 10 mm);
  • hypergic (the papule reaches more than 15 mm in diameter. In this case, other changes in the skin may be present, for example, the formation of blisters or pustules).

The size of the swelling on the arm indicates the concentration of pathogenic active bacteria in the blood. The larger the papule, the higher the degree of infection.

If the diaskintest is positive, additional examinations and tests are mandatory. Depending on the degree of the disease, the method of drug treatment in the hospital is determined.

A positive Diaskintest may mean that a person has an inflammatory process, in some cases this may indicate infection with the tuberculosis bacillus. If such a reaction occurs in a child, parents become desperate, but they should not make hasty conclusions about the child’s health condition, but immediately contact the clinic for additional tests.

Diaskintest - what is it?

Diaskintest is considered a modern drug that is used to detect latent forms of tuberculosis. And if earlier the Mantoux reaction test was used for this, now this method is gradually becoming obsolete. At the same time, a modern test can carry out diagnostics and almost accurately determine whether a person is infected with tuberculosis bacteria or not. This test is a quick diagnosis without the use of fluorography and other tests.

These bacteria also have another name - Koch's bacillus. They can be transmitted from a person who has tuberculosis. Bacteria are transmitted through the air, through contact, through dishes, hygiene items and other various household items. It is Diaskintest that allows you to see the presence of the disease at a stage when it has not yet manifested itself in a person.

Many people think that Diaskintest is a vaccination, but this is not so. This is considered a test that determines active or inactive forms of tuberculosis. A positive diaskintest in a child or adult may mean the start of chemotherapy to prevent the disease from becoming active.

The test is considered an immunological test; protein allergens or antigens are injected under the skin to detect the body's immune response. If the answer is positive, then the immune system is already familiar with that particular antigen. The test almost directly indicates the presence of an active stage of the disease.

How to do the test

Testing for tuberculosis is done traditionally, like other similar tests.
The Diaskintest is done on any arm, just like the Quantiferon test, the injection is given in the forearm. If a person is right-handed, it is better to do the test on the left hand and vice versa. This is done in order to reduce the risk of mechanical damage. There are cases when the test is carried out simultaneously with the mantoux reaction and tests are performed on different hands. But in general, it doesn’t matter on which hand the test will be performed, the main thing is that the person himself does not provoke irritation and does not scratch the injection site, thereby causing a reaction on the skin. The test is carried out with a thin needle, the drug is administered intradermally.

How often to test

The Ministry of Health now constantly uses this test, as it considers it the most accurate. Testing can be done at least once a year. The test is mandatory for children aged 8 to 17 years old every year. If the question arises about when to conduct a test for a child or an adult, you can use the following standards:

  • if the test is negative, the next one can be carried out no less than 2 months later;
  • one month after any vaccination;
  • if there were serious acute infectious diseases, the test can be done a month after recovery.

Those who are registered with a phthisiatrician or at an anti-tuberculosis dispensary are tested once every 3 or 6 months. The test can be performed from the age of 1 year if a positive reaction to the Mantoux test was obtained.

Where to take the test

Diaskintest can be performed in:

  • school;
  • kindergarten;
  • in a clinic or private clinic for adults and children;
  • in anti-tuberculosis dispensaries and clinics;
  • in anti-tuberculosis centers and institute.

Since children are most susceptible to the disease, the Ministry of Health places special emphasis on conducting the test in children's institutions. Adults, including pregnant women, can undergo the test if they are in contact with infected people, as well as if they are registered at a tuberculosis dispensary.


After the sample has been administered, the test takes place within 2-3 days.
There are several evaluations of the result:

  1. Negative (considered normal);
  2. False positive (considered doubtful);
  3. Positive.

The test norm means a complete absence of reaction: no redness, swelling or swelling.
The reaction depending on the day does not really matter, because redness can appear on the first and second day. In any case, this is considered a bad result. In some cases, this reaction turns out to be a false positive.

The test result is the response of the immune system; if a person has a latent form of the disease, the response will be dynamic. And redness and papule formation can be observed even a few hours after administration of the product. The strongest reaction in both children and adults occurs after 72 hours.

A negative result may also have external manifestations, including: a visible mark from the injection, a small bruise at the injection site, a small colorless lump. But, most importantly, there is no redness or papule.

False positive or doubtful. This means that the person has some redness but no papule. To make a final diagnosis, the person is sent to a tuberculosis clinic, where additional tests and fluorography are performed. Diaskintest is then repeated after 2 months.

Positive reaction. Many people, before conducting the test, immediately clarify what a positive Diaskintest looks like. Doctors warn that if there is a papule and redness, the person is most likely infected. In adults, the size of the papule does not matter; the fact of its presence is important. But, there are certain parameters for the size of the swelling at the injection site:

  • up to 5mm – weak;
  • up to 9mm - moderate;
  • 9 mm and more – pronounced.

The more pathogens in the human body, the greater the formation.

A logical question for parents who are worried about their child is: what to do if the child’s diaskintest is positive. To determine the form of the disease, it will be necessary to undergo tests. In any case, the doctor must prescribe a course of treatment for at least 3 months.

If the stage of the disease is advanced and is in a complex form, the child may be left in the hospital. This will allow for constant medical supervision, proper treatment and enhanced nutrition. Now there are a large number of kindergartens where children receive additional anti-tuberculosis treatment. There are cases when children are treated at home and do not visit places with large crowds of people, including children.

In some cases, parents are interested in the question: if the mantoux is positive and the diaskintest is negative, this also often happens. In this case, a negative diaskintest result is more credible, because the test does not respond to any other changes, while at the same time Mantoux can change even from minor mechanical damage or a slight decline in the immunity of an adult or child.

Side effects from the test

Usually there are no side effects. But the drug can affect the body and in rare cases causes intoxication, causing the following symptoms:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • headache (in rare cases, nausea).

This is considered a normal reaction of the body and can occur regardless of the result of the test itself: it turns out to be positive or negative.

Positive Diaskintest and subsequent actions

If the result is positive or even questionable, the doctor will send you for additional tests. They may send your loved ones with whom you have had recent contact for tests, especially if there are children among them. To determine the cause of the disease, the doctor will need to know the true conditions of your residence, which most often turns out to be the causative agent of the disease.

You can get sick not only because of poor living conditions, but also because of smoking, poor and untimely nutrition, and a decline in the immune system. There are many more reasons why you can get sick. There are cases when a person who follows a healthy lifestyle becomes ill with tuberculosis.

After conducting the test and receiving a positive result, the person must contact a phthisiatrician who will conduct tests and examinations and prescribe treatment. If tuberculosis is at an early stage, it can be cured completely. Modern medications and therapy make it possible to cope with the disease in a short time. There are cases when even after treatment Diaskintest shows a positive reaction. This may mean that the disease is not completely cured or is resistant to the medications used during treatment.

Tuberculosis is quite difficult to treat, because the disease develops resistance to certain drugs. It is not possible to use the same remedy during treatment, which affects the treatment time. This means that the doctor needs to select several treatment options for rapid treatment.

Many people sometimes ignore tuberculosis, believing that it will not affect them because of a healthy lifestyle and good living conditions. But Diaskintest is now available in almost every medical institution. This test is considered accurate and truthful, as it does not react to other pathogens. If the test result is positive, the person is most likely infected and needs to see a doctor. You should not be afraid of the disease; you need to find out the cause, diagnose it and begin treatment. In most cases, people overcome the disease and feel great.

It is used primarily in children, although in some cases it is also indicated for adults.

The technique has become widespread relatively recently. The impetus for its creation was that the Mantoux reaction did not provide accurate information regarding which antibodies to which strain of mycobacteria are present in the body (since it determines sensitivity to two subspecies - human and bovine mycobacteria).

The specificity of the injection is almost 90 percent, while the sensitivity of the tuberculin test does not exceed 50. Because of this, the incidence of false and incorrect results is high.

It is necessary to understand how the diaskintest is carried out, and also to determine the contingent for whom this reaction is indicated.

How is the procedure performed?

Diaskintest itself, reviews of which are currently mostly positive, is no different in method from the Mantoux reaction. The test is performed on the inside of the forearm. The needle is inserted intradermally a few millimeters. After administration of the drug, a papule with a “lemon peel”-type surface forms at the injection site. After some time (usually after two days), the formed papule is assessed.

Diaskintest for tuberculosis must be carried out in specially equipped rooms or it is prohibited to carry out the injection at home, as well as by untrained personnel without created sterility conditions. This may lead to complications after the procedure.

To determine the results of the study, changes in the area where the diaskintest was performed are assessed.

The test results are assessed according to certain criteria. If a negative result is obtained (none of the criteria are identified), the study is repeated or sent for further examination to specialized institutions.

What signs are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure and health status?

Criteria for evaluation

After the diaskintest has been carried out, the results are assessed by the presence of changes in the injection area.

Normally, a zone of hyperemia should form at the site of drug administration. Its appearance is due to increased blood flow to the injection site, as well as a local allergic reaction.

The size of the papule depends on the degree of the immune response. The larger the diameter of the formed papule, the stronger the reaction of the immune system. However, too small or, on the contrary, excessively large size of the papules are unfavorable signs, as they indicate a weakened or overly active immune system and its response to the introduction of foreign antigens.

In addition, the formed papule is compared with previous results, determining the dynamics of changes. If there is a positive reaction to the Diaskintest, the photo and size of the papule must be compared with previous results. It is quite possible that during a given period of time (a year since the last reaction) a person had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. In this case, comparison with past results is required.

Diaskintest for tuberculosis is considered to be carried out in accordance with all rules and regulations if the two above criteria are met.

Interpretation of results

How can one judge the presence of antibodies to mycobacteria?

Diaskintest is assessed according to two criteria - redness in the injection area and size.

If there is no zone of hyperemia at the injection site, this indicates that either the procedure was performed incorrectly, or the immune system is so weak that it cannot respond to the introduction of antigens. This is also indicated by the absence of a papule at the injection site.

If there is hyperemia and the papule is small (up to 4 mm), a weak immune system is judged. Such a result may also indicate that there are very few antibodies, and the body, if mycobacteria enters it, will not be able to cope with it.

What is the result of a diaskintest for a healthy person? Its normal range is from 4 to 12 mm, which indicates normal function of the immune system and the presence of the necessary antibodies.

If a papule larger than 12 mm in size suddenly forms at the injection site, this indicates hyperreactivity of the immune system, i.e. in response to the penetration of mycobacteria, an allergic reaction may develop.

However, it should be remembered that results in adults and children may differ slightly from each other. In adults who have undergone diaskintest, the norm will be slightly higher - from 4 to 16 mm. This phenomenon is observed due to the fact that there are more antibodies in the body of an adult than in a child. Some of them can be activated in the presence of antigenic mimicry - a mycobacterial antigen can be recognized as a foreign protein of another microorganism, and in response to this, other cells can be activated, which will somewhat intensify the allergic reaction.

Sometimes the absence of a papule or its large size may indicate that the procedure was performed incorrectly. You should definitely do another one to clarify. If the result is repeated (repeated negative or positive diaskintest), a consultation with a phthisiatrician is indicated.

Survey population

Who is indicated for this procedure?

This study is mandatory for children under 17 years of age. This happens because the main method of screening for tuberculosis - fluorography - is associated with x-ray radiation, which can affect the development of the child’s body. That is why preference is given to the introduction of antigens rather than irradiation.

The injection is given to children approximately six months after administration. During this time, antibodies to mycobacterial antigens have time to form, which makes the study advisable.

In addition, people who are registered with an endocrinologist for diabetes should definitely undergo the procedure.

Everyone, without exception, undergoes a diaskintest if there are significant changes in the papules compared to the previous study (the procedure is carried out once a year, but the study can be carried out unscheduled up to 3 times).

A positive diaskintest is often determined in people serving sentences (in prisons, colonies), so they are examined several times a year.


Diaskintest, like the Mantoux test, is a purely diagnostic procedure aimed at mass monitoring of the development of tuberculosis in childhood.

Usually this study is carried out as planned, but there are some indications for its extraordinary conduct.

Such predisposing factors are the turn of the Mantoux reaction, a significant change in the formed papule compared to previous results. Children with long-term (more than a month) low-grade fever and the presence of a dry cough should definitely undergo a re-examination, including a diaskintest. In this case, a photo of the chest organs (fluorogram) is taken with the permission of the child’s parents and is used to clarify the diagnosis.

In addition, the study is mandatory in children and adults suffering from diabetes (since this disease provokes the development of immunodeficiency, facilitates the penetration of the pathogen into the body and the development of the infectious process).

An unscheduled test is required for children whose parents have been diagnosed with tuberculosis.


Like any procedure, Diaskintest has some contraindications. These include increased sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, as well as the presence of an active infectious process in the area under study (diaskintest is somewhat limited in use, since the injection is carried out on the forearm, where the skin is quite thin, which allows the formation of papules. On the skin of another area of ​​the body it is not always manages to get the required results).

There is also some age restriction. The procedure is not performed on newborns and children who have not previously been vaccinated with BCG.

The study is carried out with caution in people with immunodeficiency, since the introduction of antigens may provoke an abnormal response from the body.

Benefits of Diaskintest

As you know, Diaskintest replaced the Mantoux reaction. This happened due to the fact that the Mantoux test does not give accurate results regarding antibody formation against human Mycobacterium tuberculosis (determines the presence of antibodies against two strains of Mycobacterium). Diaskintest, reviews of which from TB specialists are mostly positive, is a more narrowly targeted procedure, since the injected drug contains only m antibodies. Tuberculosis.

There are isolated cases where active tuberculosis developed after an injection during the Mantoux reaction. In epidemiological terms, Diaskintest is safer, since it does not contain active mycobacteria, but only their antigens that promote antibody formation. A hypersensitivity reaction almost never develops when the drug is administered.

Since the procedure is no different from standard tuberculin diagnostics, most trained procedural nurses can perform it.

Opinions of patients and doctors

During the short time that Diaskintest has been used, it has received a considerable number of reviews from both patients and doctors.

When studying the majority of forums where patients with tuberculosis or their relatives who underwent diaskintest communicate, the reviews in most cases were positive. According to people, the procedure is quite simple to implement and does not require any preparation from them.

What do doctors think about this? Many phthisiatricians are inclined to believe that Diaskintest is a more universal procedure than the Mantoux or cutaneous test (not currently used). The high specificity of the drug makes it possible to confirm with almost one hundred percent certainty the presence of mycobacteria in the body and begin treatment in a timely manner. Many people encourage patients to give preference not to a fluorogram (which only reveals the disease itself), but to undergo a diaskintest. Reviews from doctors about the procedure are almost always positive, only a small part of them prefer radiography or Mantoux.

Where can I have the procedure?

If you suspect that you have tuberculosis, the question often arises about where to turn. Such thoughts usually appear after the radiologist notices a shadow on an image of the lung, or you have been coughing for quite a long time, feeling weak and tired. All this indicates the possible presence of active tuberculosis, and diagnosis should not be delayed.

First of all, Diaskintest can be taken in specialized institutions - anti-tuberculosis dispensaries or clinics. Usually the procedure is carried out for everyone for a fee, although it is possible and even necessary to go there with a referral from a local therapist.

In addition, to carry out this procedure, you can contact regional health centers (for example, district hospitals) or the sanitary service. Usually there must be at least one TB specialist in the area who can competently examine you and, if necessary, diagnose tuberculosis using a diaskintest.

Diaskintest is a modern alternative to the outdated and insufficiently reliable Mantoux test. It is used to accurately diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children at any stage. The advantage of this drug is that it reacts only to viable Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and not to weakened strains that are administered during BCG vaccination. In other words, with the help of Diaskin it is possible to determine with high accuracy whether or not a person is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT), and if so, then immediately assess the activity of the causative agents of the disease. To correctly decipher the test results, a trained specialist must check Diaskintest no later than 72 hours later.

Diaskintest differs in its composition and effectiveness from the Mantoux test, which is more familiar to the population. But the execution technology is similar. The drug is also administered intradermally into the right or left forearm. Diaskintest testing is carried out in a medical institution on the third day after the procedure, that is, after 72 hours. The time for symptoms to appear with Diaskintest depends on the number of bacteria in the body and their activity. Normally, the reaction should improve.

Why Diaskintest is checked after 72 hours

The sample is checked after 72 hours, since it is after this period of time that the first signs of the open form appear if the patient is sick with tuberculosis. Immediately after the injection and on the first day, redness, slight swelling, and bruising may occur at the injection site - this is considered a normal reaction.

If the procedure was carried out correctly, there were no contraindications at the time of the test, and the person is not allergic to the active substance of the drug, after some time the redness and swelling go away on their own. If the body’s response to the tuberculin test begins, it will develop progressively and reach its peak after 3 days. The final result will be visible in approximately 72 hours. By this point, it will be possible to accurately judge by the reaction whether the person being examined is infected with Koch’s bacillus or not. Then the symptoms will gradually begin to decrease, so the assessment of the results of the reaction on the 4th day and later cannot be considered reliable.

Sometimes, immediately after administration of the drug, the patient experiences severe hyperemia, a large papule swells, and after 72 hours everything goes away. This indicates that the immune system is not functioning properly. It is urgent to carry out additional analysis and conduct further thorough research to accurately establish the cause of this phenomenon.

Briefly about deciphering the test result

The reaction results are assessed similarly to the Mantoux test. First of all, the size of the papule is taken into account.

  1. If the spot is without infiltration, no larger than 0.2 cm in size, or there is only a small mark from the injection, the Diaskintest is negative. This means that there is nothing to worry about, there are no mycobacteria in the body, or there are negligible numbers of them and they are dormant.
  2. Redness up to 0.5 cm in diameter without pronounced induration indicates a questionable reaction to Diaskintest. Perhaps the technique for placing Diaskintest was broken or there were hidden contraindications - for example, the initial stage of a cold or viral infection, which the patient himself did not know about.
  3. A pronounced red papule with a diameter of more than 0.5 cm, infiltration, the presence of other symptoms (fever, weakness, rash, general deterioration of condition) – we are talking about a positive reaction. This means that a person is a carrier of a large number of MBT, and they are active.

A positive reaction is also divided into several categories depending on the size of the papule and other signs.

  • weakly positive – papule no more than 0.5 cm;
  • moderately positive – papule measuring from 0.5 to 0.9 cm;
  • pronounced positive reaction - papule diameter from 1 to 1.5 cm;
  • strongly expressed - papule more than 1.5 cm.

A strongly expressed reaction is also called hyperergic. It is often accompanied by inflammation and suppuration of the papules at the site of drug administration, a strong increase in body temperature, and enlarged and painful lymph nodes. In any case, further, more in-depth studies will be required to make a final diagnosis.

The absence of any reaction at all after testing indicates the presence of immunity to tuberculosis in the subject. This happens in cases where a person has already suffered a tuberculosis infection and was successfully cured, or tuberculosis has passed into a latent form (development).

Is it possible to reduce the result of Diaskintest?

If, after performing the test, severe redness and swelling occur, patients get scared and begin to look for a way to reduce Diaskintest. You should absolutely not do this. If you violated the regime after the procedure (took a hot shower or bath, injured the injection site), it is wiser to inform the doctor about this and, if necessary, do the Diaskintest again.

It is strictly forbidden to wipe the papule with alcohol solutions, smear it with ointments, glue it, bandage it, apply cold or heat. This may lead to increased reactions and false results. If the reaction is pronounced, then there is no point in turning away from it. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a course of treatment.

Even if a child is allergic, you should not give him antihistamines before the test - after all, an allergen is introduced into the body, and with the help of antiallergic drugs you deliberately distort the reliability of the results. Carrying out Diaskintest does not require following a gentle diet, giving up sweets, etc., unlike the Mantoux test. All that is required is not to comb, warm or smear the papule with anything until the result is assessed. Your doctor will tell you what to do next to reduce hyperemia.

How reliable is the Diaskntest result?

The reliability of Diaskintest in comparison with the Mantoux test is an order of magnitude higher. Diaskintest may be wrong if the test technique was violated or the patient is allergic to Diaskintest. If the tuberculin test was performed correctly, the accuracy of Diaskintest is more than 90%, the sensitivity of the drug is more than 80%.

That is why Diaskintest is recommended for everyone who has had a questionable or positive Mantoux reaction. The test allows you to accurately determine whether it was a reaction to BCG or to the presence of a true tuberculosis infection in the body. But at the same time, Diaskintest cannot completely displace and replace the Mantoux test. With its help, it is impossible to determine whether revaccination against tuberculosis is required at 7 and 14 years of age, since the drug simply will not “see” dead MBT strains that are administered during vaccination to form immunity. In these cases, the Mantoux test will still be performed before vaccination.

Is a positive Diaskintest tuberculosis?

Yes, if the reaction was positive, this is an almost 100% indicator that the person has tuberculosis. There's no need to panic. It will be necessary to conduct additional examination and determine a course of treatment as soon as possible. In the initial stages, with the help of antibacterial drugs, you can get rid of tuberculosis in 3-4 months.

Doubtful Diaskintest - what should be done?

The accuracy of the Diaskintest result is much higher in comparison with the traditional Mantoux test. This is not a vaccine, as many uninformed parents believe. But only an immunological test, checking how close the body came into contact with mycobacterium tuberculosis. Diaskintest makes it possible to determine almost 100% whether a person has tuberculosis or not, and also to determine with great certainty the risk of developing the disease in the next 12-24 months.

Who said that it is impossible to cure tuberculosis?

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Diaskintest is a modern drug for identifying latent forms of tuberculosis. Compared to the one known and used for almost 100 years, the new primary diagnostic tool makes it possible to almost accurately determine whether a person is infected with tuberculosis bacteria or not.

Let us remember that these bacteria are also called. They are transmitted from a sick person through the air, through contact, through shared dishes and other household items. The Diaskintest test allows you to detect the presence of bacteria in the body at a stage when the disease does not manifest itself.

In contact with


What kind of test is this?

Sometimes people wonder what kind of vaccine Diaskintest is. But this is not a vaccination, but a test sample. The Diaskin test shows the body's response to tuberculosis in inactive or active forms. A positive result on this test is an absolute indication for starting chemotherapy to prevent the disease from becoming active.

The Diaskin test is an immunological test in which protein allergens (antigens) are introduced into the skin to detect the body's immune (interferon) response. If the answer is yes, then the human immune system is familiar with these protein allergens. This indicates that the person is either infected or is in an active stage of the disease.

How is it done?

The test for tuberculosis is carried out in the traditional way like all other tests.

Diaskintest is done on any hand in the forearm area (the space between the wrist and elbow). If a person is right-handed, they try to place the test on the left hand (and vice versa, for a left-handed person - on the right), as it is less active, in order to minimize possible external mechanical irritation. But there are cases when the Mantoux and Diaskin tests are performed simultaneously on different hands. In general, the main thing is that the person does not scratch the injection site and does not accidentally provoke an irritating reaction.

The test for tuberculosis is administered intradermally with a special tuberculin syringe with a thin needle.

Why do they do it?

Since many are still confident that the Diaskin test is a vaccination, and today there is an increasing irrational negative attitude towards vaccinations, for example, parents often wonder whether or not to do the Diaskin test for their children. The following judgments can be made here.

In fact, up to 95% of adults are infected (carriers) with Koch's bacillus. Today, such carriage is commonly called the latent form of tuberculosis. This is not a disease, but under certain conditions it can develop. And this happens in less than 1% of people. At the same time, the infectious process proceeds covertly and asymptomatically for a long time. It is not possible to identify it by external signs without performing allergen tests. Early detection of the tuberculosis process significantly increases the chances of recovery.

How often can I do it?

Diaskintest is done as often as required by the recommendations of the Ministry of Health: the test is mandatory for all children from 8 to 17 years old once a year.

When deciding how often a diaskintest can be done for a child or an adult, they are guided by the following standards:

  • After a negative test, the next one can be done after 2 months;
  • after any vaccination – in a month;
  • after suffering acute infectious diseases - in a month.

For those who are registered with a phthisiatrician at an anti-tuberculosis dispensary, a control test is performed once every 3-6 months.

Diaskintest can be done from the age of 1 year upon receiving a positive Mantoux test.


No preparation is required for the Diaskintest analysis. A necessary condition is the absence of any infectious diseases during the month before and at the time of the test.

Composition of the drug

The drug Diaskintest contains:

  • Specially prepared proteins of tuberculosis bacteria CFP10 ESAT6;
  • preservative – phenol;
  • stabilizer – polysorbate;
  • sodium and potassium phosphates;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water.

Country of origin and manufacturer: Russia.

Where can I do it?

The Diaskin test is carried out in:

  • Schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • children's clinics;
  • anti-tuberculosis dispensaries;
  • anti-tuberculosis centers and institutes.

The emphasis on children's institutions is explained by the fact that modern health care standards require Diaskintest to be performed on a child. Since children and adolescents are most susceptible to infection with tuberculosis bacteria.

Adults, including pregnant women, are examined if they have contact with infected people, or if they are registered with the PTD.

Correct assessment of results

Diaskintest is checked 2-3 days after placement.

How to evaluate the result:

  • negative (normal);
  • doubtful (false positive);
  • positive.

Normal for children and adults

The norm according to Diaskintest is complete absence of reaction: no redness, no swelling (papules).

Reaction by day

The reaction to Diaskintest by day is not significant. Redness may occur on both the first and second days. This is not a very good sign, but a false positive reaction is quite likely.

The first reaction may appear 6 hours after the injection.

The result of diaskintest is the body’s immune response. The intensity of this response is influenced by the general immune status. For a person who is not in an immunosuppressed state, the response to an introduced allergen in the presence of a latent form of tuberculosis will be dynamic. Redness and the appearance of an inflammatory reaction in the form of a papule are possible already on the first day after the Diaskin test. Over the course of 72 hours, the reaction will increase, showing maximum results in both children and adults on the third day. Further, the reaction will begin to fade, after which it will not be possible to make a correct assessment.

Negative result

Of the visible signs, the following are considered normal (i.e. the Diaskin test is negative):

  • Injection mark;
  • possible 1-2 mm bruise at the injection site;
  • a colorless compaction with a diameter of no more than 1 cm at the site of the sample (“button”, “lemon peel”).

Thus, the Diaskin test should not show redness or papule.

False positive

The test may be false positive or questionable. This is how the presence of redness without the formation of a papule is classified.

In case of a false-positive Diaskintest, the person should be referred for further consultation to an anti-tuberculosis dispensary, where he undergoes additional tests, fluorography, and also undergoes a repeat Diaskin test after 2 months.


If a person has a positive diaskintest result - that is, an inflammatory papule of any size is present - this means that such a person is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus.

In an adult

With a positive diaskintest in an adult, the size of the papule does not matter; the fact of its presence is important. For classification purposes, the conventional sizes of swelling at the injection site were established:

  • Up to 5 mm. – weak;
  • up to 9 mm. – moderate;
  • more than 10 mm. – expressed.

The more pathogens there are in the body, the larger the inflammatory process at the injection site.

What to do if the diaskintest is positive: treatment and registration at a dispensary is necessary.

The child has

A logical question for any parent: what to do next if the diaskintest shows a positive result. Additional tests will be required to determine whether the disease is latent or active. But in any case, at least 3 months of treatment will be prescribed, for example, Isoniazid.

Complications and side effects

Diaskintest does not cause any harm or complications. The bacterial fragments it contains are not harmful to either a child or an adult.

Very rarely, the side effect of Diaskintest can manifest itself in the form of symptoms of general intoxication:

  • Temperature increase;
  • malaise;
  • headache;

This is a normal immune reaction to the administration of a protein drug.

Hyperergic reaction

A hyperergic reaction to Diaskintest is a positive result with the formation of a large papule more than 15 mm, irritation and inflammation of the tissue around it.

Bruise at the injection site

A slight bruise after diaskintest is not dangerous and is considered a normal side effect of the procedure.


Diaskintest has contraindications:

  • Any acute disease or in the acute phase;
  • skin diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergic conditions;
  • vaccination (including) within 1 month. before testing.

Can this be done if you have a cold?

Colds, coughs and runny noses are classified as acute infectious diseases. Diaskintest cannot be performed with these symptoms.

Allergy to Diaskintest

The drug contains a foreign protein. Therefore, it itself is an allergen. Diaskintest can cause allergies and allergic reactions. Allergic conditions are a contraindication for testing.

Contraindications for children

In addition to the above, there are no other contraindications, including for children.

What can and cannot be done?

What not to do after vaccination with Diaskintest:

  • Apply detergents, cosmetics and perfumes to the sample site;
  • apply any medications to the injection site;
  • rub and scratch the injection site;
  • cover the sample with a plaster or wrap it with a bandage.

Otherwise, you may get redness on the first day and have an incorrect assessment of the results.

Is it possible to wet your hand?

It is not prohibited to wet your hand after the diaskintest.

Can I shower after the test?

Can. But you should avoid getting detergents on the sample site.

Is it possible to eat sweets?

There are no restrictions that the Diaskin test imposes in this regard.

What should you not eat during diaskintest?

There are no dietary restrictions. You can eat the foods you normally eat.

Useful video

The video describes a new method for diagnosing tuberculosis - diaskintest:


Diaskintest can make mistakes, like any medical test technique. The sensitivity of this method is about 80%. Accuracy – almost 100%. The Diaskintest tuberculin test is an order of magnitude more accurate than. Mainly due to the fact that it does not show a positive reaction in individuals with acquired anti-tuberculosis immunity.

Therefore, Diaskintest tuberculin diagnostics is the most reliable and safe way to find out not only whether a person has tuberculosis, but also to tell whether he will get sick in 1 or 2 years.

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