Review of the most effective diets for cellulite: different options with sample menus and product lists. Proper nutrition is the main weapon to fight cellulite

The most powerful factor in the fight against cellulite is “diet” - healthy and proper nutrition.

In the USA the most high level cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes in the world. Standard diet The average American is characterized by high content fat, salt and sugar. Much of this has to do with our dependence on processed, pre-packaged food products. These types of foods contain additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers, and colorings. All these elements are considered toxic waste and are not absorbed by the body.

If the body cannot use (identify) or eliminate an element that enters it, it will store it in fat cells as a protective mode.

If we add to this “equation” the broken lymphatic system(which remains at the same level due to lack of exercise and cannot effectively respond by removing waste and toxins), then the body has no choice but to send toxins into fat cells for storage.

If this "American" (or modern more accurately) type of diet continues on a daily basis, the fat cells will eventually become so full that they will begin to burst like Balloons filled with too much air. Toxic waste from fat storage will spill into the intercellular fluid. A intercellular fluid is a liquid that washes our cells, organs and tissues.

The human body consists of 70% water and a significant part of it is intercellular fluid.

The human body has the ability to fight toxicity. But a person gets old and it becomes more and more difficult for the body to do this every year.

Therefore, the sooner you change your diet, the more strong results you will achieve it. If you change the food system to the most early stages cellulite - you will simply never be among the absolute majority of modern women.

Nutrition for cellulite - 3 main rules

It is best to give preference complex carbohydrates having glycemic index less than 40. These products include:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • whole grain;
  • legumes

Drink a lot of clean water - rule No. 1

In addition, you need to drink plenty of clean water(6 - 8 glasses per day or 1.5-2 liters).

And this is not tea and coffee - this is pure, simple and non-carbonated water. And it’s better to put coffee on your butt. And there will be no harm additional remedy in the struggle for how to get rid of cellulite will appear.

Eliminate some foods - rule number 2

It is necessary to minimize the use of:

  • processed food products
  • fatty meat
  • fat,
  • dairy products,
  • salt,
  • Sahara.

Nuances on food products - rule No. 3


Red meat contains a lot of calories, smoked meats and sausages contain a large amount of salt and various unhealthy chemical additives. Therefore, it is recommended to eat chicken breast and turkey meat. This should be done no more than twice a week. The meat is prepared stewed or boiled.


Dairy products are the main source of calcium and protein. However, they also include a lot of fats that are unhealthy for the development of cellulite. It is recommended to consume dairy products that contain least amount fat It is also necessary to remember that many vegetables are sources of calcium and can replace dairy products. These include: spinach, parsley, kale, sprouted grains, watercress, carrots, turnip and beet leaves, as well as seeds and nuts.


It is best to eat yogurt that does not contain fat and various flavoring additives. You can sweeten it a little, add fresh fruits, berries or a little jam.


Cheeses can be added grated to vegetable salads as a flavoring. Use no more than 30-40 grams at a time.


Use skim or reduced fat milk.

Eating fats

Eating fats is very important for human health, as they are necessary for the synthesis of hormones and the production of thin cell membranes. In addition, fats are used by the body for absorption and transport. fat-soluble vitamins such as: K, E, D, A.

However, fats make a person more obese and interfere with proper metabolism and the removal of free radicals.

You should avoid eating any deep-fried foods: fish fries, French fries, donuts, fried onions, potato chips, donuts, as high heat chemical structure fat changes and it loses its nutritional properties, and sometimes becomes poisonous.

Always use pans that have non-stick coatings, which allows you to cook food using minimal or no fat.


Mayonnaise should be minimized as much as possible when consumed. You should not pour it into food and avoid oversaturating various salads with mayonnaise. If possible, you should give preference to mayonnaises containing a small amount of sodium and calories. It would be ideal if, in an effort to achieve health benefits, you completely stop eating mayonnaise and replace it with yogurt, which does not contain any flavoring additives.

Mayonnaise, on top of everything else, is very high-calorie product and so that the calories you eat go away simple exercises(like 5 minutes of production charging) will not be enough. You will need a complex and a good oak broom in the bathhouse.

Vegetable oils

The best is unrefined oil obtained by the “cold pressing” method, since it does not undergo any chemical changes during the manufacturing process. It is recommended to store vegetable oil in the refrigerator.


The human body has no need for refined sugar. Apart from unnecessary calories, a decrease in potassium and an irresistible desire to consume as much of it as possible, sugar does nothing for the body. Therefore, it is necessary to eat sweets with great caution. In addition, you should not use large quantities various synthetic sweeteners, as they are addictive and not safe for health.

If you really want to eat something sweet, it is best to use fresh fruit instead of sweets. Also, if possible, it is advisable to eat canned fruits as little as possible and give preference to fruits canned in own juice and without adding any synthetic additives.

Try to drink tea and coffee with minimum quantity sugar or no sugar at all.

Sugar can be completely replaced with honey. This is a product that has a completely different structure and, accordingly, an effect on the body. Plus, honey makes excellent anti-cellulite wraps.


Eating too much salt leads to a lack of potassium in the body and fluid retention. It is because of this that swelling occurs and cellulite tubercles form.

Salt intake should not exceed more than 2 grams per day. This is a serious reduction in salt intake, because even according to medicine, a person should consume a maximum of 4 grams per day. A modern man We consume an average of 15-20 grams of salt.

So 0.2 grams is the salt contained naturally in products and no additional salting!

It is recommended to prepare food from products in their natural state. Food should not be salted during cooking. It is best to salt the finished food immediately before eating. Instead of salt, it is advisable to use all kinds of spices (pepper, garlic, lemon juice, cherry tincture, wine and onion) and dry herbs in order to increase taste qualities variety of dishes.

It is prohibited to use seasonings rich in salt, such as onion salt, garlic salt, celery salt, bouillon cubes, flavored salt and meat sauce.

Too salty foods, such as sour cabbage, canned beans, peas and others must be rinsed with running water for 40-60 seconds. This will help significantly reduce their sodium content.

It’s better to exclude it completely!

And in conclusion brief instructions for those who are serious about fighting cellulite. During the struggle to achieve visible results and for at least 2-3 months and only in combination with other control methods, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet:

  1. mayonnaise;
  2. ketchups;
  3. store-bought sauces;
  4. canned vegetables, fish and meat;
  5. industrial sausages;
  6. carbonated drinks;
  7. sugar in any form.

The more radical your changes, the more radical your results will be!

How I lost 10 kg and got rid of cellulite - video

Main thoughts from the video: after 2 months of switching to healthy eating Cellulite is gone!

What are the main (radical) principles of nutrition:

  • do not eat 3 hours before bedtime;
  • fats are completely excluded (maximum 1 tablespoon per day in salad);
  • nothing fried.

“No exercises, no cupping massages helped me. Although cupping massage brought its result at some time, but it all came back immediately. Because the diet was not cleaned. As soon as I cleaned out all the junk from my diet, cellulite just took up and went away. He probably left for someone else)))"

It's safe to say that most health problems are related to improper balanced diet. And cellulite is no exception. To get rid of it you need to critically evaluate the seriousness of the situation. First of all, you need to reconsider your diet. The most acceptable option would be to establish proper nutrition and change your daily routine to get rid of cellulite.

Cellulite represents all the toxins, wastes and impurities in the body that come in the form of food and drink. But proper nutrition against cellulite does not mean complete failure from food. Also, the techniques do not require complete time control. If you lose weight quickly, cellulite will still not leave you. The basic principle is balanced fractional meals. This should be achieved gradually, step by step giving up bad habits.

Proper nutrition for cellulite

Before you adjust your diet, you should change your lifestyle. It is important to fight against cellulite active image life. If work activity associated with sedentary work, requires regular warm-ups or some kind of sport. Thus, subcutaneous fat will be converted into muscle mass, thereby eliminating aesthetic imperfections of the skin.

It is worth noting that experts recommend drinking a small amount of dry red wine. Provided that you consume no more than one hundred grams per day, toxins and waste will be gradually eliminated from the body. For cellulite, it is necessary to consume foods with a maximum potassium content. Potassium is known to promote excretion excess liquid from fabrics. After this, the skin will become more elastic and firm. Because of this, cellulite will gradually disappear completely.

This microelement is found in the following products:

Main part daily diet Your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. They are great against cellulite. Such food will help speed up metabolism, which helps eliminate toxins and break down fats. Nutritionists advise eating one apple or orange before bed. This way the body will be cleansed during the night. It is better to eat fruits on an empty stomach. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is dulled, and the body receives required amount fiber.

To improve the condition of the skin after cellulite, you need a sufficient amount of vitamin E. This component helps cleanse, strengthen and elasticize the skin. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, or in the following products: eggs, olive, flaxseed, corn oil. And the necessary antioxidants are found in foods such as seaweed, seafood. This will help give the skin a natural glow and elasticity.

Fat deposits can be broken down using freshly squeezed juices. Both fruit and vegetable are suitable. Against cellulite, you need to drink at least one glass on an empty stomach or before meals. It is very important to consume enough fluid. To do this, it is better to choose simple purified water or green tea without sugar. Daily norm should be about two liters. Water promotes quick cleansing.

Improves metabolism and improves work digestive system oatmeal and . They are rich in fiber and other micro and macro elements. Oatmeal useful for breakfast with a variety of fruits and dried fruits: dried apricots, peaches, raisins, prunes, honey and nuts. Only by eating cereals, and not pasta and fried foods, can you get rid of cellulite.

If you have cellulite, it is very important to adjust and distribute your diet in such a way that after 18:00 you no longer have to eat. It is evening snacks that are deposited in the body in the form excess weight and cellulite. At the first stages of entering a proper nutrition regime, you are allowed to drink a cup of green tea without sugar in the evening, eat a couple of spoonfuls of muesli porridge or some fruit.

To overcome cellulite, you will have to give up a lot familiar products nutrition. At the same time, it is worth looking for new sources of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. Thus, protein can be found in boiled or steamed fish, chicken, beans, buckwheat and nuts. These products will make up for the lack of protein and help speed up everything metabolic processes. You should look for fats in vegetable oil, especially corn oil. Exactly vegetable oil should be added to fresh vegetable salads, but not sour cream or mayonnaise.

Carbohydrates in the cellulite diet can be found in:

  • Cereal porridges;
  • Boiled potatoes;

What should you give up?

If you decide to finally get rid of cellulite, you must not just give up usual diet, but also from other bad habits. Thus, smoking and alcohol simply destroy vitamin C, accelerating the aging process of the skin. In the absence of this vitamin, cellulite develops. Therefore, you need to overcome yourself and start leading healthy image life.

Although water is very useful, it is strictly prohibited immediately before bedtime. Try not to drink water after 19:00. It is very harmful to eat salty and smoked foods when fighting cellulite. This diet retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling and cellulite. Therefore, the following are prohibited:

  • Canned food;
  • Marinades;
  • Smoked meat and fish;
  • Fast foods;
  • Pickles.

It is worth minimizing the consumption of sweets and fatty foods. The more of this unhealthy diet, the more fats are deposited under the skin. You should also avoid drinking black tea and instant coffee. Such liquid provokes stagnation of water in the tissues. As for natural brewed coffee, you can drink it in the amount of one cup per day, preferably in the first half of the day.

When getting rid of cellulite, it is important that the morning begins with a normal full breakfast, preferably from cereals or fruits. Cellulite disappears only when the system is running metabolism. It only works when food enters the body. Fruits should be consumed separately from the main diet.

An anti-cellulite diet will help you get rid of “ orange peel"on the thighs and abdomen. In addition, when followed, a feeling of lightness appears. And if you learn to choose the right products, cellulite will very soon stop bothering you.

Every girl dreams of always being irresistible. With your head held high, walk along the beach, go to the pool, wear short skirts And open dresses. But there are unpleasant situations when plans collapse, mood deteriorates, and self-esteem drops due to “orange peel” on the legs and stomach. Such trouble can await every woman, regardless of age and weight. However, you can combat this problem with the help of an anti-cellulite nutrition program.

Causes of cellulite

What are the main causes of cellulite on the legs? This problem is relevant for girls and women at any age and at any weight. Many nutritionists believe that the main reasons for the appearance of “crust” are:

Most often, a combination of several of the above reasons leads to the formation of cellulite. But the owners of such sensitive issue More often than not, one is not interested in why it appeared, but in ways to combat it.

Will diet help?

When the appearance of cellulite brings you discomfort, you need to get rid of it urgently. Of course, nutrition plays a role in cellulite. key role in the fight against him. anti-cellulite Proper nutrition And physical exercise will reward a courageous woman with excellent results.

Metabolism and skin condition will improve, and several kilograms will definitely go away. You just have to clearly go towards your goal, which certainly appears in the presence of cellulite.

What not to eat

What foods should you eat for cellulite on your legs, and what diet is the most effective? An anti-cellulite nutrition program involves a complete rejection of harmful foods that can affect water-salt balance body. First of all, for those who want to quickly apply this nutrition model, it is worth noting that you will not have to starve, since the main emphasis is on the calorie content of food and its quality.

To get the desired result, you cannot eat certain foods that are closely included in the diet of a modern person.

Foods that cause cellulite:

  • salt (which promotes fluid retention in the body);
  • fatty and fried;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats;
  • conservation;
  • sugar;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • pasta;
  • bakery products.

It is necessary to apply such anti-cellulite dietary restrictions not for a few days, but for a long time. Girls need to remember that such “harmful things” can have a detrimental effect on the beauty of their legs, even if they are currently look perfect.

Basic nutrition rules

To prevent the formation or stop the appearance of cellulite, you must adhere to certain standards:

  • Water consumption should be about 2 liters per day (most of it in the first half of the day).
  • Use rosehip decoctions, green tea, oxygen cocktails.
  • Don't do it. This is stress for the body, which can only worsen the problem.
  • Eat right. Anti-cellulite fasting diet requires its strict adherence.
  • Eat little and often.

Healthy foods

The anti-cellulite diet includes in its menu low calorie foods(or), which allow you to improve the health of the skin and the body as a whole, remove toxins and impurities. It is recommended to eat the following anti-cellulite foods:

  • fruits vegetables;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • beans;
  • lean fish, meat;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • compotes;
  • juices (no added sugar);
  • Herb tea.

Good helpers in the fight are such anti-cellulite products as:

  • oranges;
  • grapefruits;
  • bananas;
  • pineapples;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • kiwi;
  • seeds;
  • seaweed;
  • cocoa.

You need to beware of dairy products during the anti-cellulite diet. You can only consume low-fat ones and in limited quantities.

Diet features

For those girls whose purse contains a last-minute ticket to a long-awaited resort, there is a special anti-cellulite diet for 10 days.

Anti-cellulite nutrition is designed for 10 days, even and odd days matter.

Rules for odd days

  1. On odd days during the anti-cellulite diet, you are allowed to eat anti-cellulite foods, raw fruits and vegetables.
  2. For breakfast you can eat any unsweetened fruit: apples, oranges, papaya.
  3. For lunch, you should prepare a vegetable salad, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  4. For dinner you can eat fruits and vegetables, sesame seeds, soy sprouts, beans, and wheat germ.

Rules for even days

  1. On even days, against cellulite, it is recommended to eat raw fruits and vegetables, but you are also allowed to eat boiled vegetables, also adding some cereals to your diet, such as lentils, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  2. An anti-cellulite diet almost completely eliminates the consumption of dairy products. Only low-fat yogurt is allowed.
  3. The first meal should start with eating raw fruits, only then can you eat boiled ones.

This is an indicative diet for cellulite, which opposes the appearance of the “orange peel” and helps get rid of its minor manifestations.

Sample menu

Odd day

Even day

Before experiencing all the delights of the 10-day anti-cellulite diet for yourself, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because such a diet is not suitable for everyone.

What to do after 10 days

Every sane woman understands that after 10 days of a diet there will be a result, but how to ensure that it not only lasts, but also improves? Anti-cellulite diet should not be used a long period because it is low in calories. Therefore, the rest of the time, try to avoid harmful foods. After all, there is no benefit from pasta or sweet flour dishes, but unnecessary “ballast” in the form of cellulite can easily be purchased.

Don’t convince yourself that if you really want it, then a little bit is possible. After all, the legs and butt react instantly, they will not succumb to persuasion.

The anti-cellulite weight loss program will force you to give up bad eating habits.

Women share their experiences

For almost five years I struggled with extra pounds, all to no avail. I can’t play sports, I just don’t have enough time, since I have Small child. There was such cellulite on my butt and stomach that I was embarrassed to go to the mirror, let alone undress on the beach. Poor nutrition, sedentary work. I decided to try what an anti-cellulite program is for 10 days, otherwise I could end up as a single mother. She did everything clearly and did not allow herself any deviations. In ten days - minus 5 kg! I “rested” for two weeks, then again 10 days of the anti-cellulite diet, in total I lost 9 kg in a month! The skin condition is not perfect yet, but much better. I plan to continue in the same spirit.

Christina, 28 years old

I have three children. Many friends say that I look very young, overweight No. But cellulite appeared on my legs about 10 years ago, first tubercles, and then a complete nightmare. I even stopped going to the seaside because I was embarrassed own body. But the anti-cellulite fasting diet, massage sessions and physical exercise did their job: cellulite began to slowly recede. Yes, I understand that this is daily work, but I have enough strength, energy and desire to fight this disaster, and the result definitely pleases me.

Lena, 38 years old

I have always had cellulite on my butt since I was young. Diet is very difficult for me, and stomach problems don’t allow it. But it’s been a year since I eliminated harmful foods that cause cellulite from my diet. Occasionally I treat myself to something tasty, but otherwise I’m a rock! Additionally, I go in for sports and periodically undergo anti-cellulite massage courses. The result is amazing!

Inna, 44 years old

Just diet?

Every woman faced with this problem must remember that treatment must be comprehensive.

  • First of all, you need to remember what foods cause cellulite, think over your diet and prepare the appropriate grocery basket. But diet alone won't help.
  • You can sign up for. Good specialist knows how best to influence problem areas of the body.
  • If your financial capabilities do not allow you to go to a salon, you can do a massage at home yourself using anti-cellulite cream.
  • It is worth paying attention to regular physical exercise.

Have a stunning figure and Beautiful legs, while not denying yourself anything, is given to not many people. Most of the models who shine on the covers of elite magazines, flaunting all their seductive body parts without a drop of cellulite and coquettishly convincing all women that “Mother Nature” awarded them with this, most often lie shamelessly. These include daily workouts and proper anti-cellulite nutrition. You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. This is the truth.

The problem of cellulite today is very common in both women and men. To combat it, you can use many methods, and one of the most effective for this is dietary nutrition. This article will tell you what the anti-cellulite diet includes.

Reasons for appearance

Cellulite on legs And on the butt usually develops due to the influence of the following factors:

  1. Hormonal imbalances in the body- this is one of the most frequent, and at the same time complex reasons, due to which a person develops launched form cellulite. Hormonal changes can occur in women during pregnancy, menopause, or long-term use hormone-containing drugs.

Teenagers also experience frequent hormonal imbalances, so this problem they also have a place to be.

  1. Badly balanced diet, in which easily soluble fats predominate. It could be frequent use sweets (cakes, candies, pastries, etc.), fatty foods, baked goods, rich broths and ice cream.

In this state, the body receives an excess of fats, which is why it immediately “deposits” them on the thighs and buttocks of a person. If unhealthy diet If this is the norm for a man or a woman, then the problem of cellulite will naturally arise in them.

Moreover, an incorrect menu significantly impairs the functioning of the digestive system and disrupts metabolism. This also greatly affects the process of cellulite formation.

  1. A constant lack of fluid in the body leads to a slowdown in metabolism and rapid absorption of fats. That is why you should always monitor your water balance.
  2. Smoking and drinking alcohol lead to oxygen starvation cells and fluid retention in the body. Moreover, these habits impair the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism, which together guarantees the rapid development of cellulite.
  3. Absence physical activity or its deficiency impairs metabolism and blood circulation. At the same time, some people, even without a month of training in the gym, immediately gain excess weight, since their body is very dependent on constant stress.
  4. The influence of chronic severe pathologies can have an extremely negative impact on a person’s overall health and contribute to excess weight gain. Such a disease usually becomes diabetes, which literally “hits” all systems of the body. Hepatitis, asthma and gastrointestinal pathologies also worsen its functioning.
  5. Usage high heels interferes with blood circulation, which is why women have signs of cellulite on their thighs. In addition, wearing tight, uncomfortable clothes also does not contribute to weight loss.
  6. Stress and frequent emotional experiences contribute to the production of hormones and metabolic disorders. All this has an extremely negative effect on the body, making it more susceptible to the formation of cellulite.

In addition to this, there is another factor that affects cellulite - this hereditary predisposition person to this disadvantage. Unfortunately, only proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can prevent the formation of cellulite in this case.

What foods should you exclude?

Diet against cellulite provides for complete abstinence from the following products:

  1. Alcoholic drinks in any form.
  2. Chocolate and coffee.
  3. Lard and fatty meat.
  4. Smoked meats and sausages.
  5. Salty fish.
  6. Candies and sweet pastries.
  7. White bread.
  8. Fatty cheeses and fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content.
  9. Waffles.
  10. Semi-finished products.
  11. Mushrooms.
  12. Fried egg.

Video: Proper nutrition

Products for the basis of the diet

The basis of the menu for an anti-cellulite diet should be the following products:

  1. Porridge. They are very nutritious, but at the same time light and healthy. For your diet, you can eat almost all types of cereals. The main thing is that they are cooked in water.
  2. Bananas will help you quickly fill up, but will not overload your body with fats. At the same time, bananas and nuts can easily replace one full meal during a diet.
  3. Boiled meat and fish. They should be on the menu regularly.
  4. Greens and vegetables. They can be used to make salads, stews and casseroles.
  5. Avocado.
  6. Dried fruits can easily replace sweets and will be much healthier.

Drinking regime

Subject to correct drinking regime It will be easier for the body to remove toxins and improve metabolism.

Thus, you need to drink at least two liters of water a day, not counting liquids from soups and juices.

Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is very beneficial. This will reduce the feeling of hunger, so the person will not overeat. As for drinking water during meals, this is not recommended, since this will impair digestion.

It is important to know that only after the doctor’s permission you can drink a lot of fluids if you have kidney and heart diseases.

Fasting days

Practice fasting days- This is a great way to “teach” your body to rest. Thus, at least once a week you need to drink only green tea and eat salad. After just a month of this regime, a person will feel better - he will feel less heaviness in his stomach, digestion will improve, and bloating will go away.

Fasting days help eliminate toxins.

This regimen should be practiced with caution in diseases of the digestive system and diabetes.

Diet options for cellulite

There are the following most effective options diets for cellulite:

  1. Diet No. 1- classic. It involves the use lean meat, rice, buckwheat, vegetables, fruits and freshly squeezed homemade juices. Sweets, sugar, salt, mayonnaise and fried foods are prohibited.

Every day in such a diet you need to eat porridge - no more than three tablespoons. Duration of compliance given food should be three weeks. After this, cellulite will noticeably decrease.

  1. Cleansing- against cellulite can also eliminate toxins. It must be observed for ten days. This diet involves eating exclusively fruits for breakfast, vegetable salads for lunch, and porridge for dinner. You can also drink green tea and juices.
  2. The grapefruit diet is based on the knowledge that this fruit normalizes metabolic processes, so subcutaneous fat is eliminated faster. Statistics show that during a week of this diet, women lost 2-3 kilograms, which is an excellent result.

This diet provides daily use grapefruit 200 g. As a supplement to the diet, it is allowed in small quantities eat eggs, boiled fish and vegetables.

Approximate menu

The approximate diet menu for cellulite is as follows:


  1. Breakfast: muesli, orange, avocado.
  2. Second breakfast: yogurt, nuts.
  3. Lunch: soup, fish cutlets.
  4. Afternoon snack: tea, cucumber salad.
  5. Dinner: rosehip decoction, boiled chicken meat, greens.


  1. Breakfast: fruit juice, porridge.
  2. Second breakfast: kefir, diet bread.
  3. Lunch: boiled egg, apples with nuts.
  4. Afternoon snack: vegetable stew, compote.
  5. Dinner: baked fish with vegetables.


  1. Breakfast: green tea, semolina porridge.
  2. Second breakfast: yogurt, avocado.
  3. Lunch: meatballs with porridge.
  4. Afternoon snack: decoction of dried fruits, banana.
  5. Dinner: baked potatoes with vegetables.


  1. Breakfast: milk soup, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: yogurt, fruit.
  3. Lunch: boiled liver, vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack: nuts, kefir.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew, chicken cutlets steamed, porridge.


  1. Breakfast: fruit puree, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: nuts, dried fruits.
  3. Lunch: grapefruit, meatball soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: kefir.
  5. Dinner: baked beef with vegetables.


  1. Breakfast: their salad bell pepper, greens and tomato, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: cottage cheese with tea.
  3. Lunch: boiled beans with vegetables and potatoes.
  4. Afternoon snack: apple, banana.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish with vegetables.

Sunday: fasting day. You can only drink tea and eat vegetable salads.

To diet against cellulite was really effective and “worked”, it is additionally recommended to follow the following tips:

  1. In parallel with the diet, it is recommended for a person to provide physical exercise on the body. Of course it doesn't have to be professional sports, however, several workouts a week will definitely not be superfluous.

Experts note that running, swimming, cycling and gymnastics have a very good effect on losing weight. The main thing is that such training makes a person move and is regular.

  1. Complete cessation of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol). This will not only help you lose weight, but will also have a favorable effect on your appearance. general condition human health.
  2. Normal should be maintained water balance in the body and drink at least two liters of water per day. In fact, this is not difficult to do. For example, if you drink five cups of green tea a day, you won’t even notice how you’ve completed your “daily water plan.”
  3. It is important to limit or completely avoid eating foods with salt, as they retain fluid in the body, which ultimately causes swelling.
  4. In the event that cellulite was caused by a disease, then until a person eliminates its main problem, trying to get rid of fat accumulations simply does not make sense. In this condition, a person is advised to contact to the right specialist, and start treatment.
  5. It is important to avoid worries and have proper rest. To a healthy body It will be much easier to lose weight and get in shape.
  6. You need to choose the right clothes that will not squeeze your legs.
  7. Over the entire compliance process dietary nutrition It is imperative that you follow up with a nutritionist who can correctly select the subtleties of the diet for a particular person.
  8. People who have significant contraindications for this should not adhere to the diet.

How to return to a standard diet correctly

To make exiting the diet unnoticed and easy, you should adhere to the following tips nutritionist:

  1. You should always exit your diet gradually. This is a long process that should take at least a week. In this state, the body needs to adapt to new mode, because if a person immediately starts eating regular food, this can easily cause stress in digestion, which will be accompanied by terrible diarrhea, nausea and diarrhea.
  2. It is important when switching to a regular diet to eat meals in small portions. This will not overload the stomach, so it will not be such a big problem for the body.
  3. Even after quitting the diet, the menu should be dominated by dishes made from vegetables, fruits and fish. Also eat soups and cereals every day.
  4. Nutritionists do not recommend completely returning to your previous diet, which led to cellulite. It is better to adhere to the new principle of nutrition. This way you can control your weight and prevent obesity.

According to experts, most human health problems arise due to an unbalanced daily diet. Cellulite is no exception here, and if you decide to get rid of it, you must critically analyze your daily meals. If someone tells you that you can get rid of cellulite or excess weight without changing your eating habits, then this person plastic surgeon. Using any other, less drastic methods of figure correction, you definitely need to review your daily diet.

What cellulite loves, or eating habits that contribute to the development of cellulite

    Plenty of food for the night. No matter how much people justify this habit, it is still harmful to health, contributes to body pollution and the formation of cellulite. Accustom yourself to having a light dinner before 6 p.m. or, at as a last resort, until 7 p.m.

    Lack of a full breakfast. If breakfast consists only of a cup of coffee, although you have already woken up, your metabolism is still sleeping. Cellulite can only burn and disappear in the furnace of your metabolism, so activate it as early as possible with a nutritious breakfast.

    Smoking. Even if you use lightweight cigarettes, this is not a solution, but self-deception. Smoking disrupts the blood supply to tissues and impairs the delivery of oxygen to cells.

    Drink little fluid (water) during the day. Water dissolves and removes salt from the body, the excess of which contributes to swelling. The water we drink helps remove metabolic products and improves skin function. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day, and in summer up to 3 liters. You should drink water before meals and 1.5 hours after meals.

    Foods that contribute to the development of cellulite - salty and fatty food: pork, sauces, including mayonnaise, sausages, smoked meats, fried potatoes and generally anything fried, pickles, caviar, milk chocolate, bread, alcohol. Products instant cooking(semi-finished products). Sweet carbonated drinks (citro, Fanta, Pepsi-Cola).

    Uses large quantity instant coffee and black tea, as well as sweet carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, etc.).

Nutrition against cellulite, or what cellulite doesn’t like

    If you drink 2.5 - 3 liters of pure non-carbonated water a day.

    For breakfast you have a vegetable salad (beets, carrots, peppers, cabbage) and a second course.

    During the day you eat 3-4 times with an interval of 3-4 hours and there are no snacks between meals.

    Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Fruits 15 - 20 minutes before meals, and vegetables in the form of salads with the main meal. Vegetables contain fiber, which helps normal operation intestines and natural removal of toxins from the body.

    Products containing potassium (melon, oranges, bananas, potatoes, carrots) are very useful.

  1. Contrast procedures to help eliminate cellulite

    Contrast procedures may vary and this technique doesn't make you wet yourself in the morning ice water, or you can help your body get rid of cellulite in comfortable conditions.