How to give a subcutaneous injection to yourself. The structure of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Is it worth giving yourself injections yourself?

When giving an injection, you need to know how to administer subcutaneous injections; the needle must be inserted under the skin very carefully, because the effect of the injection and the patient’s condition depend on this. How to administer subcutaneous injections, read further in the article.

How to administer subcutaneous injections - rules

Follow the following rules for administering a subcutaneous injection, and your help will definitely be appreciated by the patient.

First, prepare yourself and the patient for the procedure: wash your hands with soap and disinfect the injection site with alcohol. Draw the medicine only into a sterile syringe and only from a sealed ampoule.

The ampoule is opened by breaking off the cap with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. If the ampoule is closed with a rubber cap, then draw the medicine through it, having first disinfected the cap.

To administer subcutaneous injections, you can inject no more than 2 ml of the drug at a time.

The injection site cannot be an area with large vessels and nerve trunks. The lateral wall of the abdominal cavity, the subscapular region, the middle third of the outer surface of the shoulder and the anterior outer part of the thigh are the most convenient areas for inserting a syringe. Also avoid places of compaction in the tissues, otherwise bruising and swelling will appear on the body after the injection.

So, instructions on how to administer injections subcutaneously:

After drawing the medicine into the syringe, change the needle to another sterile needle with a length of 20-30 mm.

To administer a subcutaneous injection, raise the syringe to eye level and carefully remove the air by slowly pressing the plunger until a drop of medicine appears.

Inject with medical gloves. Take a good look at the injection site for any complications.

Use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to cover a large area of ​​the skin and the immediate injection site with a second swab containing alcohol. The last cotton swab should remain in the hand under the little finger of the left hand.

Gather the skin into a fold with the thumb and index finger of your left hand in the area where you will inject the injection subcutaneously.

To inject subcutaneously, hold the syringe with your right hand. In this case, the index finger holds the needle, and the little finger fixes the syringe plunger. Place the rest of your fingers on the cylinder.

Quickly insert the needle into the apex of the skin fold at an angle of 4 degrees. Insert the needle 2/3 of its length (about 1 cm).

Unclench the fold of skin. Now slowly inject the injection subcutaneously, moving the syringe plunger all the way with your left hand.

After the medicine has been administered, apply a cotton swab held in your little finger to the puncture and quickly remove the needle from the patient.

Lightly massage the injection site with the attached cotton swab. Then the cotton wool should remain at the injection site for another 2-3 minutes.

If the drug that needs to be administered to the patient is oil-based, then it should be preheated to 38 degrees, and after the procedure, put a heating pad on the puncture site or make another warm compress.

How to administer subcutaneous insulin injections?

If the medicine you are injecting is insulin, then pay attention to the following important points: where and how to administer subcutaneous injections:

You do not need to inject insulin in the same place several times in a row. The skin needs time to recover after the injection.

If the injection site is the abdomen, then inject the injections, alternating the puncture sites in a circle so as not to hit the same point for 6 weeks.

  • Also, when injecting insulin into the thigh, it is necessary to alternate puncture sites so as not to end up at the same point within 6 weeks.
  • To administer subcutaneous injections, remove air bubbles from the insulin cartridge and check the needle for patency by releasing 2 units of medication into the air. If the needle was placed on the pen several hours before the injection, then air may get into the insulin cartridge.
  • To administer subcutaneous injections, Novofine needles can only be used once.
  • It is not recommended to use a bent needle.
  • Calculate the dosage accurately.
  • Throw away capped needles to avoid injuring others.
  • Half an hour after administering a subcutaneous injection with insulin, feed the patient.

If you need to inject yourself, it is important to know how to do it easily and painlessly. After all, doctors often prescribe a complex of drugs for treatment, including injections.
And problems do not arise if one of the relatives has a similar skill.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article checked by doctor

Injections under the skin

Injecting the medicine subcutaneously involves placing an injection into the fatty layer located directly under the skin.

First of all, determine the injection site.

Most often, a subcutaneous injection is performed in the following places:

  • in the hand between the elbow and shoulder from behind or from the side;
  • in the anterior abdominal region above the hip and below the ribs, excluding the navel area;
  • into the area of ​​the leg between the knee, thigh and groin.

The process of giving a subcutaneous injection to yourself includes the following steps:

  • wash your hands methodically with soap;
  • wipe the selected area with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab;
  • take a syringe with the drug prepared in advance, remove the cap;
  • carefully gather 2.5-5 cm of skin into a fold to increase the thickness of subcutaneous fat and more accurately deliver the substance into the fat layer and not into the muscle;
  • With a quick movement, insert the needle at an angle of 90 degrees into the entire length of the fold and release the skin;
  • at the same speed, pressing the piston, inject the drug;
  • Apply an alcohol-soaked cotton pad, remove the needle and hold the cotton pad for a while.

Identification procedure

Before administering the medicine, you will need to select a site.

To do this, you need to imagine a cross on the buttock, dividing it into 4 parts.

The injection should be carried out in the upper outer quadrant; here the risk of injury to the sciatic nerve is low.

After determining the site, you need to follow simple rules for placing an injection:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • take a comfortable position standing or lying down;
  • bend your leg to relax the muscle;
  • wipe the injection area with an alcohol-soaked cotton pad;
  • remove the cap from the syringe;
  • insert the needle perpendicularly into the injection area 2/3 of its length;
  • inject the drug by gently pressing on the piston;
  • quickly remove the needle;
  • Press a cotton swab treated with an alcohol solution onto the area.

To avoid lumps, bruises and ensure better absorption of the medicine, you can gently massage and knead the injection site with your fingers.


The procedure is not complicated. The main thing is to overcome uncertainty and follow some rules for giving injections yourself.

Immediately before the process, you should prepare everything you need.

For the procedure you will need:

  • disposable syringe with a volume of 2.5–11 ml, depending on the amount of the drug administered. When choosing a syringe, you should be guided by the injection site. If the substance is administered intramuscularly, you should choose syringes with the longest needles. When injecting subcutaneously, for example into the arm, the needle should be short;
  • ampoule with medicine;
  • alcohol to disinfect the injection area;
  • cotton balls, disks or napkins.
  1. After methodically washing your hands, you need to take the ampoule, treat it with an alcohol solution, shake the contents and file the tip with a special nail file. You should file at a distance of approximately 1 cm from the beginning of the ampoule.
  2. Then wrap the tip with a cotton pad and carefully break it off.
  3. Next, remove the cap from the syringe needle and immerse it to the bottom in the ampoule.
  4. Draw up the medicine and, holding the syringe in a vertical position, tap it with your fingertip. This is necessary so that the air remaining in the container collects in its upper part.
  5. Next, gradually pressing on the piston, you should push the air bubble out of the syringe through the needle and wait until a drop of the drug appears at its tip.
  6. Close the prepared syringe with a cap, set it aside and select places to inject the product.

Medical experts advise giving injections intramuscularly in the buttock. Inject into the arm or thigh, but in the first case, a lack of muscle mass is likely, and in the second, an unpleasant pulling sensation in the leg after the injection.

The part of the body where the injection site is located should be in a relaxed state.

The position when giving the injection should first of all be comfortable. It is recommended to carry out the procedure while standing half-sided towards the mirror, but it is also possible to administer the drug while lying on your side. The main thing is that the surface is hard enough.


Safety regulations

How to give an injection intramuscularly, observing the necessary safety rules:

  1. The injection site should not have any damage, wounds, or purulent inflammation. If any, it is necessary to determine another injection site.
  2. Mandatory alternation of injection areas to avoid damage to the skin.
  3. Do not reuse a needle or syringe. At the end of the procedure, used instruments should be disposed of.

The most common problem after an intramuscular injection is a hematoma or bruise.

It can occur when small vessels are damaged by a needle or the drug is administered too quickly.

The bruise goes away on its own and does not require additional treatment.

If the medicine injected into the muscle is not completely absorbed, a compaction may form under the skin. Here it is possible to use pharmaceutical ointments to speed up resorption or apply warm compresses.

The most unpleasant complication may be the appearance of an abscess.

It is an abscess that forms when harmful microbes enter the skin at the time of injection. This happens in case of insufficient disinfection of the injection area, hands and non-compliance with general safety rules.

Signs of such a phenomenon are:

  • compaction;
  • redness;
  • throbbing pain.

In such a situation, you should consult a doctor. In this case, you should not touch the sore spot with your hands for the purpose of massage or applying compresses. Therapeutic actions are carried out only as prescribed by the doctor. If the problem is advanced, surgical intervention may be required.

Carrying out the procedure for giving injections to yourself generally does not pose any significant difficulties. The main thing is to follow the rules of disinfection, hygiene and the right choice of injection site. But if you have the slightest uncertainty, consult a specialist for the procedure to avoid possible complications.

Procedure for a child

Also, some parents are faced with the question of how to give an intramuscular injection to their child’s buttock.

Almost all children are terrified of any injections and are sensitive to pain, so special preparation is required here.

For intramuscular injections, the baby needs to choose a syringe with the thinnest needle, and before the procedure itself, you can do a light massage of the soft spot. This way the child will feel virtually no pain and will stop feeling fear.

It is best to put the baby on his stomach. It is desirable that the surface is solid. If there is no such place in the house, then you can place it on your lap.

If the child resists, it is better to ask one adult to hold him. If the baby has been restrained, it is necessary to carefully and confidently insert the syringe in the same way as an adult.

You can’t feel sorry for the baby and be distracted by screams. By feeling sorry for the child, you can break the technology, which will lead to unpleasant sensations.

There are several tips on how to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock without outside help. They will help you learn quickly and make the process as painless as possible:

  1. For the procedure, it is desirable to choose modern syringes with a rubber tip on the piston.
  2. The syringe is intended for single use only.
  3. If a course of injections has been prescribed, you should not inject in the same place.
  4. Ampoules with oily solutions should preferably be warmed up in the hands or under a stream of warm water.
  5. After the needle is inserted into the muscle, you need to slightly pull the piston up. If blood enters it, it means that the vessel has been touched. The fix is ​​simple. You just need to deepen the puncture a little.

How to easily inject yourself

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An injection into a muscle or vein is often used as the main medical procedure. The procedure is performed at home or in a clinic.


An intramuscular injection into the thigh is necessary to administer the medicine, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and to ensure rapid delivery of the necessary substances to the affected area using the bloodstream.

The injection area should have sufficient muscle tissue and should not have large vessels, nerves or a fatty layer nearby.

The following places are used for the procedure:

  • anterior thigh;
  • upper outer quadrant of the buttock;
  • deltoid muscle.

An intramuscular injection into the thigh often saves a life when assisting a victim and when it is impossible to turn him over or free his hands for intravenous administration of the drug.

Execution technique

Before making injections in the thigh, you should carefully read the name of the substance on the ampoule and its expiration date. If the integrity of the container or packaging is damaged, the medicine must be replaced.


To perform the manipulation you will need:

  • alcohol or aseptic solution;
  • sterile cotton balls or napkins;
  • a disposable syringe with a volume of 5 to 10 ml (if the injection is given to a child or an exhausted person, then a smaller syringe is taken);
  • medicine in a bottle or glass ampoule.

Solution collection technique:

  • Wash your hands with laundry soap, treat them with an antiseptic, or wear rubber gloves.
  • Wipe the neck of the ampoule with the drug with alcohol. If the substance is in a bottle, treat its cap.
  • Open the container and take the ampoule, holding it between your fingers.
  • Draw the medicine into the syringe without touching the needle to its walls.
  • Put on the cap and carefully remove any air bubbles by holding the cannula with your index finger.

After diluting the dry substance, it is necessary to replace the needle and perform the injection with a sterile instrument.

Selecting a location

The place for an injection in the thigh is its outer surface in the upper third.

Before carrying out the manipulation, it is necessary to carefully examine and palpate the affected area. There should be no purulent rashes or tumor-like formations on it.

Direct injection

How to give an injection into the thigh:

  1. Sit or lay the patient down so that he is as relaxed as possible.
  2. Lubricate the injection site with alcohol: first the large surface, then the area of ​​direct injection.
  3. Take the syringe with a brush so that your little finger is on the needle cannula. Using the fingers of your other hand, stretch the skin in the injection area (for the procedure for a child, the skin is gathered into a fold).
  4. Insert the needle at an angle of 90 degrees, leaving a small part of it above the skin.

When introducing an oil solution, pull the piston towards you to check whether the vessel is touched.

  1. The drug must be injected slowly, pressing the plunger with your thumb or using your free hand.
  2. After the medicine is completely in the muscle, remove the syringe and press the injection site with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  3. For better absorption of the drug into the blood, massage your leg in a circular motion.

Correct placement of injections in the thigh

An important factor influencing the effectiveness of the procedure is the differentiation of different injection techniques.

Into the lateral muscle

To administer an injection in the leg, the right hand should be held below the trochanter of the femur, and the left hand should be positioned 20 mm above the knee. The thumbs should be in line and touching. In the center between them there is an area for giving an injection.

The correct position for the patient is lying on his back with a slightly bent leg or sitting.

Into the deltoid muscle

If it is impossible to inject in other places, it is carried out in the area of ​​this muscle.


  1. Remove clothing from the arm and provide access to the patient's shoulder blade.
  2. The elbow joint is bent, the patient is as relaxed as possible.
  3. The injection area is 5 cm below the acromion process of the scapula.
  4. Lubricate the manipulation area with alcohol or an aseptic solution and palpate for the presence of subcutaneous formations.
  5. Draw the substance into the syringe and insert the needle at an angle of 45°.
  6. After completing the procedure, apply a napkin or cotton wool to the needle exit site.
  7. Give a massage to better distribute the medicine.

Performing a subcutaneous injection

This type of manipulation involves getting the drug into the fat layer, which is located under the skin.

Places for the procedure:

  • outer surface of the shoulder in the middle third;
  • belly in the navel area;
  • thigh at the top.


  1. Wash your hands well and treat them with antiseptic.
  2. Feel and disinfect the injection site.
  3. Draw up the medicine and deflate.
  4. Make a fold of leather, gathering about 2-3 cm.
  5. The needle is inserted into the base of the skin fold at an angle of 45°.
  6. After the procedure, the injection area should be treated.

How to inject yourself?

You can give yourself intramuscular injections in the thigh as follows:

  • Before performing the manipulation, determine the injection area in front of the mirror; you can mark it with iodine.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, dry with a clean towel, and if desired, wear sterile rubber gloves.
  • Wipe the ampoule with alcohol and take the medicine.

For convenience, you should take imported syringes with thin needles and a sharp cut.

  • Sit on a chair, lower limb bent at the knee joint. The part of the thigh that hangs slightly over the edge of the seat is the injection area.
  • Treat the injection area with alcohol or vodka.
  • Before inserting the needle, try to relax the muscles.
  • The syringe must be inserted into the skin at a right angle.
  • The drug should be administered slowly to avoid sudden pain.

The oil preparation should be held in your hand for a while so that it warms up: this will make it easier to move under the skin and reduce pain during manipulation.

  • After removing the needle, apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to the wound. If desired, you can secure it with a bandage for a short time.
  • Gently massage the muscle on the thighs that has been manipulated.

Safety regulations

To know how to properly give yourself injections in the thigh, you should consider some points:

  • To reduce pain, it is necessary to change the injection area and body parts.
  • Carefully check the syringe packaging for tears or expiration.
  • Do not perform manipulation if there are abrasions, hematomas, skin diseases or large moles on the skin.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, stop administering the medication, take an antihistamine tablet, and monitor how you feel further. In cases of Quincke's edema, call an ambulance.
  • Do not use the same syringe twice. After the injection, the needle should be placed in a cone and discarded.

Complications after an incorrect injection

Consequences from incorrect injection occur in the following cases:

  1. Carrying out the procedure with a small needle and getting the medicine into the skin.
  2. Penetration of bacteria into the body due to poor sterility of hands, syringe or injection area.
  3. Introducing too quickly.
  4. Long-term use of the medicine.
  5. Allergic reaction of the body.

The main complications after the injection:

  • An abscess is an accumulation of pus in muscle tissue.
  • Infiltrate is a dense formation.
  • Hyperemia, burning sensation, hematoma and skin rashes.

If the patient begins to show signs of intoxication of the body (lethargy, fever, convulsions), then it is necessary to provide him with emergency assistance.

Treatment of post-injection consequences:

  1. Treatment of an abscess should be carried out under the supervision of specialists in order to prevent purulent lesions and infection from entering the blood. The patient is prescribed physiotherapy and antibiotics. In case of complications, surgical intervention with opening of the capsule with pus and a course of dressings and antibacterial therapy are indicated.

After removing the purulent discharge, ointments (Bepanten, Solcoseryl) are used to heal the wound.

  1. You can get rid of the infiltrate using alternative medicine methods (compresses with cabbage leaves and honey, baked onions), as well as using pharmaceutical preparations. Bandages with Dimexide, magnesium sulfate, and camphor oil heal well. Applying an iodine grid to the area where the injection is given is effective.

If hyperemia occurs and the condition worsens, you should consult a surgeon.

  1. Hematoma is bleeding under the skin due to damage to small vessels. This is one of the common side effects after injections. A bruise does not cause harm to human health, but causes inconvenience for aesthetic reasons. To get rid of the hematoma, you can apply heparin ointment or Troxerutin.

Making an intramuscular injection is quite simple, but performing the procedure yourself is not recommended due to insufficient sterility and a high risk of side effects.

Medicinal injections can be done at home, observing all precautions and the administration algorithm.

Features of intramuscular injections

Intramuscular injection (injection) is a parenteral method of administering a drug, previously converted into a solution, by injecting it into the thickness of the muscle structures with a needle. All injections are classified into 2 main types - intramuscular and intravenous. If injections for intravenous administration must be entrusted to professionals, then intramuscular administration can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. Intramuscular injection can also be practiced by people who are far from medicine, including teenagers, if constant injection treatment is necessary. The following anatomical zones are suitable for injection:

    gluteal region(upper square);

    hip(outer side);

    shoulder area.

Administration to the femoral region is preferable, but the choice of injection site depends on the nature of the drug. Antibacterial drugs are traditionally placed in the gluteal region due to high pain. Before the injection is administered, the patient needs to relax as much as possible, sit comfortably on a couch, sofa, table. Conditions must be conducive to the administration of the drug. If a person injects himself independently, the muscles of the injection area should be relaxed while the arm is tense.

Intramuscular injections are the best alternative to oral medications due to the rapidity of action of the active substance and minimizing the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

Parenteral administration significantly reduces the risks of allergic reactions and drug intolerance.

Pros and cons of injections

The rate of maximum concentration of drugs for intramuscular injection is slightly lower than for drugs for infusion (intravenous) administration, but not all drugs are intended for administration through venous access. This is due to the possibility of damage to the venous walls and a decrease in the activity of the medicinal substance. Aqueous and oily solutions and suspensions can be administered intramuscularly.

The advantages of drugs for intramuscular administration are the following:

    the possibility of introducing solutions of different structures;

    the possibility of introducing depot preparations for better transport of the active substance, to provide a prolonged result;

    rapid entry into the blood;

    introduction of substances with pronounced irritating properties.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of self-injection into the gluteal region, the risk of nerve damage when inserting a needle, and the danger of getting into a blood vessel with complex medicinal compositions.

Some drugs are not administered intramuscularly. Thus, calcium chloride can provoke necrotic tissue changes in the area of ​​needle insertion, inflammatory foci of varying depth. Certain knowledge will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences from improper administration of injections in violation of technology or safety rules.

Consequences of incorrect setting

The main causes of complications after erroneous administration are considered to be various violations of the technique of administering injection drugs and non-compliance with the antiseptic treatment regimen. The consequences of errors are the following reactions:

    embolic reactions, when a needle with an oil solution penetrates the wall of a vessel;

    the formation of infiltration and compaction due to non-compliance with the aseptic regime and constant administration in the same place;

    abscess due to infection of the injection site;

    nerve damage due to incorrect choice of injection site;

    atypical allergic reactions.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you should relax the muscle as much as possible. This will avoid breaking thin needles when administering the drug. Before administration, you need to know the rules for the injection procedure.

How to do it correctly - instructions

Before insertion, the area of ​​intended insertion must be inspected for integrity. It is contraindicated to inject into an area with visible skin lesions, especially those of a pustular nature. The area should be palpated for the presence of tubercles and compactions. The skin should come together well without causing pain. Before administration, the skin is folded and the drug is injected. This manipulation helps to safely administer the drug to children, adults and malnourished patients.

What is needed for the injection?

To streamline the procedure, everything you need should be at hand. Also, a place for treatment must be equipped. If multiple injections are necessary, a separate room or corner for administering the injection is suitable. Giving an injection requires preparation of the site, the working area and the injection site on the human body. To carry out the procedure you will need the following items:

    medicinal solution or dry substance in an ampoule;

    three-component syringe with a volume of 2.5 to 5 ml (according to the dosage of the drug);

    cotton balls soaked in an alcohol solution;

    ampoules with saline and other solvent (if necessary, the introduction of powder).

Before the injection, you should check the integrity of the drug package, as well as the ease of opening the reservoir. This will avoid unforeseen factors when administering an injection, especially when it comes to young children.

Preparation for the process

To prepare, you should use the following step-by-step algorithm:

    the workplace must be clean, the paraphernalia must be covered with a clean cotton towel;

    the integrity of the ampoule must not be compromised, the expiration dates and storage conditions of the medicine must be observed;

    The ampoule should be shaken before administration (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions);

    the tip of the ampoule is treated with alcohol, filed or broken;

    After taking the medicine, it is tedious to release excess air from the syringe container.

The patient should be in a supine position, which reduces the risk of spontaneous muscle contraction and needle fracture. Relaxation reduces pain, risks of injury and unpleasant consequences after insertion.

Administration of the drug

After selecting a location, the area is cleared of clothing, palpated and treated with an antiseptic. When inserting into the gluteal region, it is necessary to press your left hand to the buttock so that the area of ​​intended insertion is between the index and thumb. This allows the skin to be fixed. With your left hand, slightly stretch the skin at the injection site. The injection is made with sharp, confident movements with a slight swing. For painless insertion, the needle should enter 3/4 of the length.

The optimal needle length for intramuscular injection is no more than 4 cm. The needle can be inserted at a slight angle or vertically. The protective cap from the needle is removed immediately before the injection.

After insertion, the syringe is intercepted with the left hand to securely fix it, and the piston is pressed with the right hand and the medicine is gradually injected. If you inject too quickly, a lump may form. After completion, alcoholized cotton wool is applied to the injection area, after which the needle is removed. The injection site should be massaged with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball to prevent the formation of a lump. This will also eliminate the risk of infection.

If the injection is given to a child, it is better to prepare a small syringe with a small and thin needle. Before conducting, it is recommended to grab the skin into a fold along with the muscle. Before injecting yourself, you should practice in front of a mirror to choose the optimal position.

Features of insertion into the buttock

Insertion into the buttock is considered the traditional injection site. To correctly determine the area of ​​intended injection, the buttock is conventionally divided into a square and the upper right or upper left is selected. These areas are safe from accidental needle or drug entry into the sciatic nerve. You can define the zone differently. You need to step back down from the protruding pelvic bones. This will not be difficult for slender patients.

Intramuscular injections can be water or oil. When injecting an oil solution, the needle must be inserted carefully so as not to damage the blood vessels. Drugs for administration should be at room temperature (unless otherwise indicated). This way the medicine disperses throughout the body faster and is easier to administer. When injecting an oil preparation, after inserting the needle, the piston is pulled towards itself. If there is no blood, the procedure is completed painlessly. If blood appears in the syringe reservoir, you should slightly change the depth or angle of the needle. In some cases, it is necessary to replace the needle and try again to inject.

Before inserting a needle into the buttock, you should practice yourself in front of a mirror and completely relax during the manipulation.

The following step-by-step instructions should be followed:

  1. inspect the ampoule for integrity and expiration dates;
  2. shake the contents so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the ampoule;
  3. treat the intended injection site with alcohol;
  4. remove the protective cap from the needle and the drug;
  5. inject the medicine into the syringe reservoir;
  6. gather the skin into a fold and press the buttock with your left hand so that the injection area is between the index and thumb;
  7. administer the drug;
  8. apply alcohol-soaked cotton wool and pull out the needle;
  9. massage the injection area.

The alcohol cotton wool should be thrown away 10-20 minutes after the injection. If the injection is given to a small child, you should seek the help of third parties to immobilize the baby. Any sudden movement during injection can lead to a broken needle and increased pain from the injection of the drug.

In the thigh

The insertion zone into the thigh is the vastus lateralis muscle. Unlike insertion into the gluteal muscle, the syringe is inserted with two fingers of one hand using the principle of holding a pencil. This measure prevents the needle from entering the periosteum or sciatic nerve structure. To carry out the manipulation, the following rules must be observed:

    muscles should be relaxed:

    patient's posture - sitting with knees bent;

    palpating the area of ​​intended injection;

    antiseptic surface treatment;

    insertion and fixation of the syringe;

    injection of a medicinal product;

    clamp the insertion area with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol;

    massaging the injection area.

With a pronounced volume of subcutaneous fat in the thigh area, it is recommended to take a needle of at least 6 mm. When administering the drug to children or malnourished patients, the injection area is formed in the form of a fold, which necessarily includes the lateral muscle. This will ensure that the drug reaches the muscle and reduce the pain of the injection.

In the shoulder

The introduction into the shoulder is due to the difficult penetration and resorption of the drug during subcutaneous administration. Also, localization is chosen if the injection is painful and difficult to tolerate by children and adults. An injection is placed in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, provided that other zones are not available for manipulation or several injections are required. Insertion into the shoulder requires skill and skill, despite the availability of the intended insertion zone.

The main danger is damage to nerves, blood vessels, and the formation of inflammatory foci. The basic rules for giving an injection in the shoulder are as follows:

    determination of the area of ​​intended introduction;

    palpation and disinfection of the injection area;

    fixing the syringe and confidently inserting the needle;

    injecting the solution, applying alcohol wool and withdrawing the needle.

To determine the zone, it is necessary to conditionally divide the upper part of the arm into 3 parts. To inject, you need to select the middle lobe. The shoulder should be free of clothing. At the moment of the injection, the arm should be bent. The subcutaneous injection should be made at an angle at the base of the muscle structure, and the skin should be folded.

Security measures

Injections are a minimally invasive procedure, so it is important to follow all precautions. Knowledge will help prevent the risks of complications in the form of local reactions and inflammation. The basic rules include the following:

    If there is a series of procedures, then the injection area should be changed every day. You cannot give the injection in the same place. Alternating the injection zone reduces the pain of injection and reduces the risk of hematomas, papules, and bruises.

    It is important to ensure the integrity of the packaging of the drug and the syringe. You only need to use a disposable syringe. Sterility in injection matters is the main aspect of safety.

    If there are no conditions for unhindered administration of the drug on the patient’s body, it is better to use a 2-cc syringe and a thin needle. This way there will be fewer seals, less pain, and the drug will disperse faster into the bloodstream.

    Used syringes, needles, and solution ampoules should be disposed of as household waste. Used cotton wool, gloves, and packaging must also be thrown away.

If the oil solution gets into the blood, an embolism may develop, so before injection you should pull the syringe plunger towards you. If during this manipulation blood begins to enter the syringe reservoir, this indicates that the needle has entered a blood vessel. To do this, you need to change its direction and depth without removing the needle. If the injection does not work, you should replace the needle and inject in another place. If no blood enters during the reverse movement of the piston, then you can safely complete the injection.

You can learn how to give injections at special courses at medical colleges or institutes. Self-education can help you start treatment long before visiting a doctor, during a remote consultation. Also, this can help organize early discharge from hospitals, as there is no need for constant assistance from nursing staff. Self-prescription of drugs and determination of the injection zone without consulting a doctor is prohibited. Before administering the medicine, you can read the instructions again.

Injections or injections are one of the most common medical procedures.

Syringes (the devices used to carry out this procedure) are constantly being improved, but practically nothing has changed in the injection technique.

It is important not only to feel the muscle itself, but also to insert it at a certain speed and at a certain angle.

Types of injections

An injection is an invasive medical intervention using a hollow needle and syringe. A needle is used to pierce the skin with its further advancement into soft tissues, a vein or artery in order to inject the drug or take blood for research.

Any injection is carried out after damage to the skin with a special needle into the tissue or body environment, after which the drug liquid, vaccine is removed from the syringe, and blood or other medium is taken for research. To date, there are many types of injections, the main of which are:

  • intravenous;
  • intradermal;
  • subcutaneous;
  • epidural;
  • intra-arterial;
  • intracardiac;
  • intraosseous;
  • intra-articular;
  • intra-abdominal;
  • intracavernous;
  • intravitreal.

Intramuscular injection

Intramuscular administration is the most popular. The medicine is injected into the muscle. There are many vessels in muscle tissue, due to which the rate of drug administration is significantly increased when compared with subcutaneous and intradermal administration. The average dose of the drug administered intramuscularly is five milliliters.

The drug for treatment or vaccination is usually injected into the following muscles:

  • gluteal;
  • deltoid;
  • femoral

During an injection in the buttock, it should be remembered that it should not be made anywhere, but the upper outer quadrant. Injection in other places is fraught with serious complications, such as damage to blood vessels or nerve endings.

Intravenous injection

Intravenous administration is performed directly into the venous bloodstream. This procedure requires medical personnel with certain practical skills. The medication can be administered not only with a syringe, but also using a special system - drip. It is worth considering that not only medications, but also blood and blood substitutes can be administered.

Intravenous injections can be prescribed for the following purposes:

  • normalization of electrolyte and water balance;
  • administration of medications;
  • blood transfusions;
  • restoration of blood volume.

With the help of intravenous injections, the drug is delivered into the bloodstream quickly, and its bioavailability is one hundred percent, but complications can occur at the same speed.


A subcutaneous injection involves injecting the product under the dermis. Vaccines and some medications (insulin, morphine, aloe) are most often injected under the skin. This route of administration is chosen when a sustained and delayed effect is required. Substances administered subcutaneously are absorbed more slowly than intramuscularly, but faster than when administered intradermally.

Places where subcutaneous injections can be given:

  • anterior surface of the abdomen;
  • shoulder;
  • hip;
  • subscapular region.


With intradermal administration, the drug is injected into the skin itself. This type of injection is used for diagnostic or analgesic purposes. A correctly administered injection leaves a bump on the skin that looks like a lemon peel.

Other varieties

Intraosseous injections involve the injection of the drug into the bone marrow. This administration is an alternative to intravenous administration. It is used if for some reason there is no access to the veins. The rate of absorption of the drug in the body when administered into the bone is equal to intravenous injections.

With intra-abdominal injections, drugs are injected into the abdominal cavity. Such injections are rarely used. It is acceptable to administer large volumes of fluid in case of massive blood loss, if access to the vein is difficult. This method is rarely used due to the high risk of pathogenic microflora entering the bloodstream. In the past, chemotherapy drugs for ovarian cancer were administered this way.

Epidural administration involves the drug entering the epidural space in the spinal cord. Such injections are widely used in anesthesiology, during diagnostic procedures for the administration of contrast agents, for therapeutic purposes. Such injections were first used at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Spaniard F. Pages.

Intercardial is most often used in cardiology practice for the introduction of adrenaline directly into the myocardium. The injection is made in the fourth intercostal space.

Intra-articular injections are used quite often both for the purpose of diagnosis, when intra-articular fluid is required for research, as well as for the treatment of joint diseases, such as arthritis, bursitis, gout, rheumatism. During this injection, a needle is inserted directly into the joint.

Intravitreal injections are made into the eye. They are used only in ophthalmic practice.

This procedure should only be performed by specially trained healthcare professionals.

An intracavernous injection is used to test erectile function in men.

It is done into the male external genitalia.

Injection technique

There are general requirements for any type of injection. Ideally, all injections should be performed in a healthcare facility by specially trained personnel. Only in such conditions can all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics be observed. But there are situations when the injection needs to be given at home or elsewhere.

Microorganisms are constantly mutating and adapting to different environments and different substances that previously had a detrimental effect on them. But medicine does not stand still; treatment means are also being improved. Routine and general cleaning is carried out in the manipulation cabin, even the air is disinfected with a special bactericidal lamp.

Perform injections wearing gloves. All this is done in order to protect the patient from infection, which is possible during these procedures.

Before the injection, the health worker thoroughly washes his hands with soap and warm running water, according to the instructions.

To perform the procedure, the patient must lie on the couch.


This type of injection is one of the most common among those that a person not related to medicine can perform on their own. People with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus inject a vital hormone into their bodies in this way.

For this purpose, the injection site is treated several times with sterile cotton balls soaked in alcohol. After this, the skin is pulled back with two fingers of one hand, a syringe is held in the other and the needle is inserted parallel to the skin. Next, the drug is administered from a syringe. Cotton is pressed to the puncture site and the needle is removed from the skin.


This is the most common type of injection. Often it has to be done at home. The puncture site and the personnel's hands are treated in the same way as for subcutaneous injections. The syringe with the needle is placed perpendicular to the skin.

For convenience, the skin is pulled back with the fingers of your free hand. The needle is sharply inserted into the patient's muscle. Then the medicine is administered. After this, a sterile ball soaked in alcohol is applied to the puncture site and the needle and syringe are sharply removed. The consistency of the drug in this case affects the rate of administration. So, oil solutions are introduced heated, very slowly. Aqueous solutions can be administered somewhat faster.


The skill of intravenous injection is not easy to master. And you shouldn’t risk doing it at home yourself, as this is fraught with many complications. Personnel's hands are sanitized in accordance with current orders and gloves are worn. Before performing the injection, a special tourniquet is applied above the injection site, and the patient is asked to work with the hand, squeezing and unclenching the fist with force. If possible, it is advisable to keep your fist clenched while piercing with a needle.

The injection site is treated more carefully, as the needle goes directly into the bloodstream. First, the skin is pierced along with the vein wall. If the needle is in a vein, blood will appear in the needle cannula.

After this, the patient unclenches his fist, and the health worker pulls the syringe plunger, blood should flow freely and easily into the syringe. After this, the drug is slowly injected into a vein, or blood is drawn for testing.

At this time, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition; if the drug enters the blood directly, complications develop tens of times faster than with intramuscular and even more so subcutaneous injections.

When connecting a dropper, all the steps are performed as with an intravenous injection, but the puncture is made with a needle attached to an intravenous infusion system, which is pre-filled.

Possible complications

The most common complication after any injection is an abscess, which develops when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, leading to the entry of pathogenic microbes into the subcutaneous or intramuscular area. This is manifested by pain and redness at the injection site, fever, and general malaise. This complication has only surgical treatment.

Often an infiltrate occurs, in other words, an inflammatory process at the injection site. They arise for various reasons. This can be caused by poor absorption of a medication that was administered too quickly. Hypothermia after injection is also undesirable. They often lead to infiltration. The infiltrate is treated with a resolving compress, but you still need to see a doctor. Sometimes anti-inflammatory therapy is required.

If large vessels are damaged during an intramuscular injection or the patient has reduced blood clotting, blood can accumulate in the tissue - a hematoma is formed.

Depending on the circumstances, the body’s immune forces, size, it either resolves or festeres and leads to an abscess and even phlegmon.

One of the rare complications is a needle fracture, which can occur either from a sharp muscle contraction or from poor quality of the syringe. If you give the injection while lying down, this complication is rare.

With all types of injections, the development of anaphylaxis is possible - an allergic reaction that develops when the patient is intolerant to this drug. Characterized by cold sweat, flickering of spots before the eyes, pallor, loss of consciousness. The procedure should be stopped and emergency care should be provided to the patient, which consists of administering antihistamines and symptomatic treatment.

With intravenous injections, thrombophlebitis can develop - an inflammatory process in the vein and its blockage by the resulting blood clot. If a large amount of air enters a vein, an air embolism may develop.

Injections are a necessary component of many therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. There are many types of injections, which require practical skills and sterility. Violations of these rules can lead to very serious complications.