How to keep fit. How to keep yourself in good physical shape

Let us recall that World organization Health recommends maintaining weight within the normal body mass index (BMI) range.

Body mass index is calculated using the formula I = m/h 2, where m is body weight in kilograms, h is height in meters.

A value from 18.5 to 25 is considered normal. If the BMI is less than 16 and more than 30, then this indicates serious violations in metabolism.

Wherein skinny person may have excess fat, and what is in the body may be dense and pumped up. IN in this case The ratio of muscle to fat in the body is important. To achieve more muscle mass and reduce your body fat percentage, you need to consider your body type.



Ectomorphs have long limbs and a not very muscular physique. Even when overeating, people of this type rarely gain weight, as they have a fast metabolism.

Potential problems

Often ectomorphs do not particularly monitor their diet, since they are not concerned about excess weight problems. At the same time, the percentage of fat in their body can be quite high if you do not care about the quality of food consumed. It is also worth remembering that unhealthy food is harmful not only to your figure, but also to the condition of your skin, hair and well-being in general.

  • Meals should include moderate protein intake: 25-30 grams four times a day, as well as a pre-workout snack. On rest days, you can do without snacks or make a lighter dinner, but eat an afternoon snack.
  • To build muscle mass, ectomorphs should give preference to strength training.


The most proportional body type. The legs and arms are not particularly long, the posture is good. Mesomorphs are usually strong and athletic. They gain and lose weight quickly.

Mesomorphs tend to have a high percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Thanks to this, they recruit faster muscle mass than other types of people.

Potential problems

The mesomorph, one might say, is lucky - nature has balanced the body as it should. But under the influence fashion trends Diets and exercise can upset this balance.

  • In your diet, you should moderately limit your carbohydrate intake. To increase your protein intake, you may consider taking branched chain amino acids (BCCAs). On rest days, you should give up one snack during the day in favor of green tea or coffee. There is no need to limit your evening meal.
  • The best workouts for a mesomorph are endurance training and plyometrics. But the load should be moderate.


The metabolism of endomorphs does not forgive overeating and mistakes in the diet. Often these are women with wide hips and an undefined waist and short, stocky men. The limbs and neck are short, the face is rounded.

Potential problems

For people of this body type, the most difficult thing is to accept their constitution. After all, model parameters cannot be achieved, no matter how hard you try. But that shouldn't be an excuse overweight and a flabby body.

  • In your diet, you should give preference to proteins and fats, and carbohydrates should be distributed evenly throughout the day to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels. It is better to train yourself to have a good breakfast and moderate your appetite in the afternoon.
  • Regular physical exercise should become your habit for life. In the gym you should give preference to high-intensity interval training and.
Anna Krachek | 04/28/2015 | 5003

Anna Krachek 04/28/2015 5003

You don't have to go on strict diets and exhaust yourself with workouts to stay healthy. It is enough to follow these recommendations.

Often, maintaining good physical shape is perceived by people as some kind of feat, although in fact there is nothing difficult, much less heroic, about it.

If your health is important to you, beautiful figure And good mood, follow our tips to help you stay in shape regardless of your age or physical fitness.

Stop making excuses

Bad weather. Are you tired. You don't like the taste of eggs early morning. Drop all excuses that prevent you from exercising and eating healthy. Time and energy to maintain health should always be available. After all, you know you'll feel much better as a result.

Walk more

If you want to support throughout your life good shape, just take more... walks. Even hours spent in the gym several times a week are less effective than regular walks. Because after training with dumbbells you still come back to sedentary style life.

Try to go all the time: to work, to the store, to visit. The less often you use public or personal transport, the healthier you will be.

Plus, walking is a great way to relieve stress. Its effectiveness is comparable to meditation.

Have fun

It's no wonder you don't want to walk on a treadmill for an hour - it's so boring. Bring a little joy and fun into your workouts. The easiest way to do this is to play sports that you really enjoy. Tennis, dancing, cycling, yoga, boxing - do whatever makes you happy. If you like some kind of sport, then playing it is no longer a necessity, but a kind of hobby.

Spend less time training

“I don’t have time” should not become a reason to cancel classes. Latest Research in the field of sports medicine have proven that a few high-intensity but short workouts are much more effective than long, grueling hours spent in the gym.

Every 10-20 minutes of free time can be turned into a full workout. The only condition is that it must be very intense with minimal rest breaks.
If this option doesn’t suit you for some reason, at least take 10-minute walks several times a day.

Get enough sleep

Significance good sleep difficult to overestimate. Sleep deficiency by negative consequences comparable to poor nutrition and alcohol abuse. It promotes premature aging, and also emphasizes all the flaws in appearance.

If you want to stay fit throughout your life, make sure you get enough sleep.

Staying in good shape is much easier than you think. Of course, you will need a little determination and willpower, but in the long run you will get an excellent result. By changing several aspects of your lifestyle, you will maintain health, youth and beauty for many years.

Based on materials from the site

Freelancers are recruiting one or two times excess weight. And when the time comes to reset it, they do not always act adequately. Some people exhaust themselves with hours of training in the gym without proper preparation, someone goes on a starvation diet, loses 5-6 kilos, and then breaks down and gains 8-9. Do not do it this way.

All recommendations in this article are given by a coach who works with bodybuilders (including preparing professionals for competitions). They are designed specifically for freelancers who do not have the time or ability to attend Gym. These recommendations are part of an expensive professional program. I'm sharing with you. For free.

The essence of proper nutrition and lifestyle: we follow the basic principles

  • After waking up, be sure to drink a glass cold water. If you forget about it in the morning, place the glass near your bed or on your desk before going to bed.
  • No more than 2 hours should pass between waking up and breakfast. Even if you don't want to eat in the morning. That's how I am, for example.
  • You need to eat every 2.5 hours. For us freelancers, this is not a problem. It's ideal if you eat at the same time every day. At first it may seem like there is too much food, but over time you will learn to cut back on portions and it will be just right.
  • Are you used to overeating? Buy smaller plates. This really helps.
  • Try to develop the habit of falling asleep around the same time every day.
  • If possible, protect yourself from stress, including those related to food (throw the thoughts “oh Christmas trees, I’m on a diet, what a nightmare” - out of your head). We don’t need the stress hormone, cortisol, because it promotes fat accumulation.
  • No hunger strikes. In no case. Reduce your calories gradually.
  • No “I’ll start living in a new way on Monday.” The trainer gives you 2-3 weeks to transition to a new lifestyle. Remember - no psychological discomfort it shouldn't be!
  • Do you like sweets? Eat, but only a little in the morning.
  • Prohibited: fast food, canned food, as well as everything that was fried in large quantities oils The oil itself, of course, can be eaten, but it is recommended to use it after preparing the dish. For example, it is appropriate to add butter to porridge or olive oil to salads.
  • To reduce stress levels. Twice a month you can indulge in absolutely any kind of revelry - overeat with pizzas, burgers, cutlets dripping with fat, and anything else. When to arrange for yourself loading days, you decide for yourself.

Proper home nutrition: hourly schedule

The trainer advises: to maintain good shape at home, you need to choose dishes depending on the time of day. The example I will give is designed for a person who is used to getting up at 9 am. If you wake up later or earlier, adjust it to suit your schedule.

General rule: Vegetables and fruits can be eaten anytime, but not before bed.

Before 10 am - any cereals, legumes, pasta, bread. At all optimal time for carbohydrate foods.

Until 13:00 – dairy products, protein foods.

Until 15:00 – eggs, poultry, fish, any meat.

Until 18 o'clock - everything is the same as in the previous paragraph, plus cottage cheese, porridge and cheese.

Until 20:00 – only meat, fish and vegetables.

The last meal is half an hour before bedtime. Optimally - a little cottage cheese or kefir, an apple.

If you need a simpler option to make it easier to switch to new nutritional principles: before 2-3 o’clock in the afternoon - carbohydrates (legumes, cereals, pasta, bread, etc.), after - proteins (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) Vegetables and fruits - whenever. That's all.

Fasting days without bullying yourself

Important! Fasting days cannot be done more than once a week. And less often – it’s possible.

To keep you from getting bored, I will offer several options:

Vegetable day

We take 2.5 kg of our favorite vegetables (for men, 3 kg is better) and eat them all day. In any form. Salads, soups, stews, steamed vegetables - whatever you want. By the way, the beauty is that the trainer does not limit your choice of foods and dishes. If you hate carrots and cabbage, just don't eat them.

Meat day

It's a little more complicated here. The point is to eat chicken fillet all day (you can steam it, fry it without oil, boil it, chop it and make cutlets - whatever you want). But the number of fillets needs to be calculated. Take your weight, multiply it by 2, and then divide by 25 and multiply by 100. You will get the optimal fillet weight. For example, if your weight is 60 kg, you are entitled to 480 g per day chicken fillet. To this you can and even should add meat broth with crackers.

Sweet day

This is absolutely lovely. The point is to make a cake and eat it all day, washed down with tea, fruit drinks, juices or compotes. It is very filling, you won't be hungry.

Cupcake recipe:

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a third of a glass of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream or 2 tbsp. l. kefir (note: we write “tablespoons” with spaces);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • fresh or frozen berries or fruits - a little, literally to cover the bottom of the mold.

We put berries or chopped fruits in a mold, prepare a dough from the remaining ingredients, pour it into the mold and put it in the oven, bread machine or slow cooker. Cook for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

I warn you right away, after cooking the cake may seem damp in appearance. It's all the cottage cheese's fault. Cool the resulting mass, then let it stand for at least an hour in the refrigerator and only then eat. By the way, it is for this reason that the cake is best prepared in the evening.

Physical exercise

How to maintain good physical shape without stress? No way. Unless, of course, you are asthenic.

I have an elliptical trainer and a yoga mat at home. I train on average 3-4 times a week. But the nice trainer has prepared recommendations for people who do not have the time or even the opportunity (due to health problems, for example) to fully train.

To keep fit at home, you need to do a short warm-up for a couple of minutes every evening (namely the evening, not the morning), and then perform the exercises in the following sequence (each for 2 minutes):

  1. Supported squats. Hold onto a table or chair with your hands and squat down as quickly as you can. If you can’t squat completely, don’t worry, let it be at least halfway. The main thing is that your heels and fifth point are at the same level.
  2. Push ups. If you cannot do the exercise fully, then also with support. You can do push-ups from the same chair or table, or from the wall. The main thing is to do it at a uniform fast pace, spreading your elbows to the sides.
  3. Lunges. Everything is simple here: legs are spread wide apart, one is straight, the other is bent at the knee. Rock on your bent leg 5-6 times, then smoothly change position - bend the second leg, straightening the first.
  4. Jumping. Legs and arms apart - jump - legs and arms together - jump - apart again. And we jump so quickly and fervently for two minutes.

If you do everything correctly, then after 10 minutes (two for warm-up and 8 for exercises) you will be breathing heavily, sweating and feeling how cool your muscles have warmed up. Then you can rest.

And now for the results. A person who, due to health problems and hormonal drugs I couldn’t lose even 1 kg, after a month of living on such a program (2 weeks - just switching to it) I lost 4 kg and the volume decreased significantly. Problems with the stomach, sleep and overall well-being have decreased.

Try it - it really works.

Celebrities often surprise audiences with their stunning appearance. But few people know how much effort they put into it. How do stars keep fit? ZdravCom has learned the diet recipes of seven famous beauties.

Text: Shelena Yarukhina

Celebrities are always in public, whether they're starring in movies, appearing on talk shows, or walking the red carpet at a premiere. They cannot afford to be indifferent to their appearance. After all, their income ultimately depends on how they look.

As a rule, every celebrity has their own secret on how to support themselves. Usually this is not just for weight loss, but a whole program that includes a set of workouts and a diet. ZdravCom found out the secrets of the diet of Hollywood stars and famous models.

1. Jennifer Aniston, 43 years old

She charmed the audience not only with her delightful sense of humor. Jennifer Aniston, star of the popular television series Friends. Fans think she has the sexiest body in Hollywood. It is no coincidence that her photographs adorn the covers of numerous glossy magazines.

40% daily norm calories come from carbohydrates. She gets carbohydrates from non-calorie foods - fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes;

30% are proteins. As a rule, these are lean meats (chicken, turkey), fish, tofu and low-calorie dairy products;

At every meal, Jennifer chooses foods that provide the right balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. In her opinion, this promotes hormonal balance and maintenance optimal weight. As for, in addition to cardio training, Jennifer does yoga. According to the actress, it was yoga that helped her overcome the gap with Brad Pitt.

2. Kate Hudson, 33 years old

To the start of filming a new film Kate Hudson it was necessary - during pregnancy, the Oscar-winner’s daughter Goldie Hawn gained 24 kilograms.

Kate replaced her usual diet. She ate food from high content squirrel, but in small portions. The diet was supplemented by gym sessions, which included strength training and cardio exercises. And although Kate had a hard time after giving birth, she lost weight in just four months! In addition, she also pumped up muscles, which are the envy of many in Hollywood.

3. Oprah Winfrey, 58 years old

As the most successful TV presenter in the world, Oprah Winfrey forced to maintain her physical attractiveness for millions of television viewers. Agree, the TV star with overweight- this is quite a rarity. It's no secret that Oprah has been one of them for many years. However, not so long ago she brought hers and now, thanks to her diet, she looks much younger than her age.

Oprah's secret: Forbes magazine's most powerful celebrity of 2010 works out five times a week - she spends half an hour on a treadmill, and then does strength exercises. Her nutrition strategy is simple: beans, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, chicken and low-fat dairy are good, but white sugar and flour products- this is bad.

After seven in the evening, Oprah does not eat anything at all - neither healthy nor unhealthy foods.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow, 40 years old

It would seem, why does this slender blonde, who has an Oscar and several professional awards in her baggage, need a diet? However, Gwyneth carefully follows a similar nutrition strategy Oprah Winfrey. Like the TV personality, she also eliminated flour and white sugar from her diet.

Being a fan macrobiotic diet, Gwyneth loads up on vegetables and brown rice. If he eats meat, then only lean meat. But she removed dairy products from her diet. In addition, Gwyneth does yoga and fitness every day. Moreover, during training, the mother of two works so hard that the sweat flows like a stream.

5. Madonna, 53 years old

Have you been to Madonna's concert in St. Petersburg as part of the Sticky and Sweet world tour? If not, find the recording on the Internet and see how it works on stage: 24 concert numbers in two hours - not every performer can withstand such a load! The 52-year-old pop star's physical form is simply amazing.

Ask how she does it? Madonna has been practicing Ashtanga yoga for many years and follows a strict diet that excludes. As befits a true Material Girl, the singer follows a macrobiotic diet that includes organic foods rich in lean protein.

6. Claudia Schiffer, 41 years old

Perhaps this is how one can define the dietary credo of the 40-year-old German supermodel. In the morning the blonde with perfect figure(95x62x92) leans on fruits, for lunch she always eats salad, and for dinner she prefers steamed vegetables. Claudia Schiffer's diet is supplemented tomato juice And Herb tea in large quantities.

Staying fit is a great bonus in life and can lead to you being happy and healthy person. If you keep fit and healthy, you will not only look and feel better, but you will also reduce the risk of such medical complications like diabetes heart attack, high level cholesterol and hypertension. There are many useful strategies to stay fit and healthy that, with patience and ambition, can be used.


Part 1

Sports activities

    Start walking, jogging or cycling. Regardless of your speed, walking, jogging or cycling are very important parts healthy image life, as these are activities that engage your muscles and stimulate blood circulation. If you need to save your knees or avoid body pain, then cycling is the best solution.

    • Start with a daily walk, jog, or ride that fits your schedule (for example, go for a run every day at 6 p.m.). After some time you can increase distance, speed and time.
    • Make an extra effort to walk more. For example, if you're shopping at the store, try parking at the furthest point from the exit so you have to take a few extra steps on the way there.
    • Walk or bike to work/school. If you live close enough to work or school, then a good option– start walking or cycling.
    • If you jog, you should be running at least a kilometer to lose fat, but it's important to move at your own pace.
  1. Exercise at home. Not everyone has the time or money to go to the gym, nor is it necessary. Exercising at home is very simple and can bring great benefit. Home exercises include:

    • Push ups . Use your weight to push off the floor or wall to work on upper body strength.
    • Body lifts. Raises can be done while lying on the floor or, in more advanced techniques, with a chair or exercise ball.
    • Yoga. Yoga practices like downward dog and sun salutations are easy to do on a carpet or yoga mat.
  2. Work out at the gym. If you like the gym atmosphere and can afford a membership, then the gym is perfect place to maintain shape.

    • Use cardio equipment and weights, but be careful and never use too much heavy weight. Use small dumbbells and you will find that you move up to heavier weights very quickly.
    • Learn strength training and muscle-toning techniques from an instructor or professional.
  3. Join a local sports team. If you're not a fan of the gym or free exercise, then joining a local sports team might be great solution to get outside, move and have fun! Many cities have sports teams that meet to play on certain days.

    • The most popular city sports: dodgeball, pioneer ball, volleyball, basketball and eternal frisbee.

    Part 2

    Balanced diet
    1. Get rid of junk food. This is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Many people ignore this, but if you exercise and eat a lot junk food, then you won't get in shape. This happens because junk food turns into fat almost instantly. Junk food contains little or no nutrients, but a lot of salt and sugar. For this reason, the sugar level in your body drops after consuming them and you experience severe disadvantage energy. Foods to avoid:

      Eat right. Sometimes, it's difficult to stick to a balanced diet if you don't have time to cook for yourself every day. But also find healthy alternatives in restaurants and food delivery. You will find that you are healthy and balanced diet can increase your energy and productivity, speed up your metabolism, and make you a happier person because you'll be consuming the nutrients and vitamins your body needs. Products you need to eat:

      Understand the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are carbohydrates that consist of one or two sugar molecules that have little nutritional value. Complex carbohydrates are made up of a chain of sugars but are very high in fiber and contain healthy vitamins and minerals.

    2. Know when to eat. It's really important not to skip meals. Many people think that they will lose weight if they skip meals, but this is not true. In fact, skipping food slows down your metabolic rate and can cause you to lose nutrients your body needs. Here are some examples useful techniques meals and snacks, as well as the time of their consumption:

      • Light breakfast: egg whites(you can mix egg whites with vegetables such as onions or mushrooms, etc.) with grapefruit and a piece of toast.
      • Morning snack: yogurt with berries.
      • Lunch: Salad (be careful with dressing) with protein (grilled chicken or turkey).
      • Daytime snack: apple, orange or banana with almonds and a spoonful of peanut butter.
      • Dinner: Lemon baked salmon with brown rice and asparagus.
    3. Drink plenty of water. human body 50-65% consists of water, and you need to replenish its reserves. Your body releases this water as sweat, so you need to replenish it.