Thrush in children - treatment. Vaginal suppositories Clotrimazole. Candidiasis in guys: systemic drugs

Burning, discharge.

The sudden appearance of thrush can ruin weekend or vacation plans and prevents you from successfully completing an important project at work.

Every girl should have a supply of effective thrush remedies in her medicine cabinet.

Among doctors, thrush is called candidiasis. If the vagina is affected, it develops vulvovaginal candidiasis.

The disease is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It multiplies extremely quickly, which is the reason for the rapid development of thrush. The fungus affects absolutely any organ: with severe immunodeficiency, even candidal meningitis can occur. But the easiest way for Candida to take root is on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor after examination and research: when analyzing a smear under a microscope, fungi are detected. However, even once faced with manifestations of thrush, a woman can almost accurately identify the disease.

Using ointments for candidiasis allows you to quickly and easily get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Indications for the use of ointments for thrush

Means for local treatment of candidiasis come in the form of ointments, creams, and suppositories. They are used for mild forms of the disease.

Ointments are safer to use than tablets.

Many antifungal tablets are very toxic. They are neutralized in the liver, greatly loading its enzymes.

The medicine in the form of a cream is absorbed only locally, causing a minimum of side effects. Therefore, it is completely safe to use ointments during pregnancy and in children.

List of the most effective drugs

The effectiveness of ointments for candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is very high. The peculiarity of the Candida fungus is that it quickly develops resistance to tablets taken orally. Therefore, the latest recommendations from doctors are to use creams if there is no massive fungal infection.

The situation is simplified and complicated at the same time by a huge number of different ointments. Let's try to systematize them and make the choice easier.

One of the most common and well-known remedies. Clotrimazole preparations can be found on sale in the form of vaginal tablets, ointments, and creams.

The undoubted advantages of clotrimazole include:

  • very poor absorption from mucous membranes;
  • broad effect - the drug destroys several types of fungi, bacteria and protozoa;
  • Possibility of use in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

A small amount of the medicine can still be absorbed into the blood. It is not advisable to use clotrimazole in breastfeeding women, since there are no studies on whether the drug passes into breast milk. Clotrimazole is strictly contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy; it can negatively affect the unborn child.

For application into the vagina, a special applicator is used - it makes insertion somewhat easier. Apply the medicine twice a day to areas affected by the fungus.

The price of clotrimazole ointment or cream is low - within 30-50 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

There are several drugs with the same active ingredient, analogues of "Clotrimazole":

It comes in the form of a cream, solution or powder.

The cost of this medicine is slightly higher - about 250-300 rubles.

Produced in Germany.

Price for one tube of cream of 20 grams reaches 900 rubles.

An effective drug, but there may be problems with availability; it cannot be purchased everywhere.

The cream is produced in India.

Price per package approx. 50-60 rubles.

Candles or cream.

A fairly effective product made in Israel, the price reaches 700 rubles.

Less commonly found on sale are ointments like Yenamazole, Oronazole, Antifungol, and Lotrimil.

The oldest remedy for thrush is used less and less today.

The sensitivity of the fungus to nystatin gradually decreases. But there are people who can still benefit from the medicine.

The advantages include:

  • very low absorption - the drug is practically undetectable in the blood;
  • can be used by children from one year old;
  • low toxicity;
  • cost - 50-60 rubles;

The disadvantage of nystatin ointment in its narrow spectrum is only affects Candida, ignoring bacteria and protozoa.

This is a modern Italian remedy containing natamycin.

The antifungal drug is very effective and has been used relatively recently.

Its advantages:

  • possibility of use during pregnancy;
  • high efficiency;
  • relatively wide spectrum - acts, in addition to Candida Albicans, on other yeasts and fungi.

The disadvantage of Pimafucin is its high cost - 300 rubles per course.

There are cheaper analogues:

  • Ecofucin - 180 rubles;
  • Primafungin - 200 rubles.

A very strong drug.

Contains the antifungal natamycin, the antibiotic neomycin and the hormonal agent hydrocortisone.

Due to this, Pimafukort:

  • destroys fungi;
  • fights bacteria;
  • reduces inflammation and itching.

You can use the drug during pregnancy, under the supervision of a doctor in the first trimester - the antibiotic neomycin can have a bad effect on the hearing of the fetus. Pimafucort is used with caution for diabetes mellitus - the hormonal component can increase sugar levels.

The disadvantages of Pimafucort include the high cost of the cream: 500 rubles per tube. However, for chronic, recurrent lesions, such a combination ointment is irreplaceable.

Lomexin cream contains fenticonazole. This new antifungal agent is produced in Italy or Ireland. Lomexin is available in the form of cream and vaginal capsules. Destroys fungi and significantly reduces inflammation, very rarely causing side effects. Pros of Lomexin:

  • high efficiency even for chronic thrush;
  • impact on protozoa - trichomoniasis can be treated in parallel;

The disadvantage of Lomexin is its high price: 500 rubles per course of treatment.

The proven thrush remedy miconazole copes with acute or recurrent lesions. The drug is effective not only against fungi, but also other microorganisms and bacteria.

Miconazole is contraindicated:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant women in the second and third trimesters.

The most common form of miconazole is Mikazol. The price for the cream is about 150 rubles. An analogue of Mikazol is the American drug Ginezol - 400 rubles per course of treatment. You can also find analogues such as Daktar, Daktarin.

A cream called Zalain contains sertaconazole. The drug can be found in the form of cream or suppositories. Advantages of Zalain cream:

  • wide range of effects - fungi, bacteria;
  • not absorbed at all, acting only locally;
  • can be used during pregnancy;

Zalain is used only once. If symptoms persist, re-use is allowed after 7 days. The price for a course of Zalain cream is 450 rubles. An analogue has already been created called Sertamicol - 300-350 rubles per tube of cream.

Modern, very strong and effective cream. Triderm contains the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone, which reduces inflammation, the broad-spectrum antifungal clotrimazole and the strong antibiotic gentamicin. Therefore, the effects of Triderm are directed in many directions.

Triderm is contraindicated for children under two years of age and pregnant women in the first trimester. It is permissible to use small amounts of cream in the second and third trimesters only under the supervision of a doctor. The cream should not be used by breastfeeding women - most likely, the components are excreted in breast milk.

Ointments for thrush during pregnancy

The time when a woman is pregnant is accompanied by a natural decrease in immunity. This is necessary for normal fetal ripening. Against the background of changed hormonal levels, suppressed immunity contributes to the frequent appearance of thrush.

Tablets for candidiasis are used only in cases of severe fungal infections, when there is a serious threat to the health of the mother. All other situations are resolved with local remedies - ointments, creams, suppositories and vaginal tablets. However, not all creams and ointments are safe for a pregnant woman and her child.

Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, which are important from the point of view of prescribing medications. This is due to the fact that in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the placenta is not formed, which means that absolutely all substances that enter the mother’s blood will end up in the fetus’s body. In the future, the placenta will retain some of the molecules, ensuring the relative safety of the child.

According to modern clinical guidelines, doctors only allow natamycin during the first trimester of pregnancy. These are the drugs Pimafucin and Pimafucort. Natamycin is practically not absorbed; its use during pregnancy has been studied.

Starting from the second trimester you can use:

  • clotrimazole;
  • sertaconazole;
  • intraconazole;

The drugs should be used carefully, only as prescribed by a doctor, and in no case self-medicate. Any adverse events should be reported to your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of treating thrush with cream

Scientists have proven that the effect of treating candidiasis with tablets and local remedies is the same. This means that you should not worry if a woman cannot take an antifungal drug orally for health reasons. For candidiasis of the vulva and vagina, ointments and creams are sufficient. In addition, these drugs have several other positive aspects:

  • relative safety - less absorbed into the blood;
  • some of the creams and ointments are approved for pregnant and lactating women;
  • can be used for severe liver diseases when tablets are contraindicated;
  • a significant reduction in symptoms is observed after just two days.

But not everything is so smooth. There are situations where it is difficult to achieve an effect without pills, for example, severe recurrent candidiasis due to immunodeficiency. Thrush is considered recurrent if it occurs 4 times a year or more often. She requires maintenance antifungal therapy in the form of tablets for six months. Other disadvantages of ointments:

  • many of them are oil-based, which means they can cause the condom or diaphragm to rupture;
  • Some ointments and creams cause severe local irritation, which can worsen thrush symptoms.

How to choose an ointment for thrush?

If symptoms similar to thrush appear, it is best to confirm the diagnosis. For this, a one-time visit to the gynecologist is enough - candidiasis progresses clearly and does not raise any doubts in the doctor’s mind. When choosing an ointment or cream, all factors are taken into account:

  • severity of thrush;
  • other concomitant diseases;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • financial situation.

Your doctor will be the best person to help you choose the appropriate treatment. During pregnancy, you should choose only approved drugs, carefully double-checking the prescriptions. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications: there may be a cross-reaction to another substance.

Ointments and creams for thrush are applied to clean genitals and the vagina. For some medications, a single use is sufficient, for example, Zalain. Other ointments may require reapplication over several days. During pregnancy, Pimafucin is used for six days in a row.


There are a huge variety of ointments and creams for thrush. They differ in contraindications and degree of effectiveness:

  • There are old, proven drugs with a wide spectrum, for example, clotrimazole and its analogues.
  • There are also new creams with quick action: Zalain, Lomexin.
  • Some of the medications can be used during pregnancy - Pimafucin.
  • Among the ointments there are both cheap ones - clotrimazole and nystatin ointment, and expensive, complex ones.

Separately, it is worth mentioning combination creams, which, in addition to an antifungal agent, contain an antibiotic and a hormonal drug to reduce inflammation and suppress the growth of bacteria. These are Pimafucort and Triderm creams.

Knowing these facts makes it somewhat easier to choose an ointment or cream for thrush. But do not forget about the possible harm of self-medication and, if in any doubt, seek qualified help. Recurrent thrush is especially dangerous - it can lead to complications and hide immunodeficiency.

Many women underestimate the danger of thrush, considering it completely normal to suffer from manifestations of candidiasis several times a year. This is incorrect thinking - a healthy vaginal microflora does not allow the proliferation of fungi. If this happens constantly, it means there are serious changes and problems in the female body. They require careful diagnosis and treatment. After all, a woman’s health is the health of her future children, which cannot be neglected.

Thrush or genital candidiasis is a disease that causes noticeable discomfort. It is provoked by excessive growth of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Not venereal. In essence, this is an imbalance of microflora. With a high degree of probability, people of any age and gender are susceptible to this unpleasant disease.

The impetus for the development of the disease can be: long-term drug treatment, diseases of the endocrine system, weakened immunity, changes in hormonal levels, food addictions, unprotected sex, stress, hypothermia, the use of synthetic underwear and prolonged stay in wet clothes, violation of hygiene standards, allergic reactions, etc. .

When genital candidiasis occurs, a sensation of itching and burning occurs in the external genitalia, and a white, curd-like discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

I want to get rid of such symptoms as quickly as possible. But before you buy tablets for thrush at the pharmacy, you need to visit your doctor.

Thrush is the general name for a disease that can be caused by microorganisms of various families of the genus Candida. Each fungus has its own pill. If you use broad-spectrum medications to treat genital candidiasis, you can damage the body’s immune system, which is already weakened.

Determining the specific causative agent of the disease is only possible using a bacteriological culture test. It can only be done in medical institutions. The doctor takes a swab from the patient and sends it for laboratory tests. 2-3 days after collecting the material, the result becomes known and a specialist (gynecologist or urologist) prescribes treatment.

Another serious reason not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication: thrush can be a side effect of any other diseases or mask a sexually transmitted infection.

Only a medical specialist can understand such a complex problem. In some cases, thrush manifests itself as one of the symptoms of diabetes. Sometimes thrush is an allergy to sanitary pads, latex, food or synthetic fabric of underwear. It is not uncommon for an asymptomatic sexually transmitted infection to manifest itself with signs identical to genital thrush.

Treatment of men, women and children has its own specifics. It is necessary to approach therapy with caution for pregnant women who may develop vaginal candidiasis due to changes in the functioning of the endocrine system and a decrease in immune status.

During the treatment process, it is necessary to select a balanced vitamin and mineral complex; there is a high probability that you will need to take probiotics. It all depends on the form and intensity of the disease.

If thrush is mild, doctors try to use only topical agents. In cases of recurrent thrush with damage to other body systems, a therapeutic course of multi-level effects is developed.

For allergic thrush, it is enough to remove the cause of irritation and use antihistamines, and if systemic diseases are detected, treat the root cause.

Local preparations, methods of use

Drugs for the treatment of local thrush are available in the form of suppositories, ointments, and gels. For external influence on the causative agent of the disease in women, douching with special antifungal solutions is used, for the treatment of men and children - baths and washing of the genitals.

The goal of treatment is not to completely eliminate the microscopic fungus, but to reduce the colony size to the level of normal microflora.

In acute and chronic cases of the disease, different methods of using the same drugs are used. This applies to both the dosage and the duration of the therapeutic course.

Local medications for thrush in women

Preparations produced in the form of vaginal suppositories are popular and easy to use for women:

  • Nystatin is a popular and time-tested drug available to a wide range of consumers due to its low price.

The active ingredient in vaginal suppositories effectively inhibits the growth of the fungus without having any serious effect on other bacteria that are beneficial to the body.

Nystatin suppositories are used in complex treatment, and they help well in the acute period. At the same time, Nystatin is useless against infections associated with thrush and is little effective in treating the chronic form of candidal vaginitis.

The use of nystatin suppositories for the treatment of thrush requires additional hygienic care in the form of washing and douching.

For these purposes, infusions of medicinal herbs or solutions based on iodine, furatsilin or baking soda are used.

  • Livarol suppositories are well suited for the treatment of primary thrush in women suffering from hypersensitivity or allergies. Affordable vaginal suppositories are administered twice daily. The main active ingredient does not irritate the delicate vaginal mucosa. In rare cases, a skin reaction to the drug may occur, manifested as a rash similar to urticaria.

Livarol is used for preventive purposes and to normalize the vaginal microflora after a long antifungal course of treatment.

Recurrent vaginal candidiasis cannot be treated with suppositories. Complex therapy using tablets or capsules is required.

Self-medication with Livarol suppositories suppresses the manifestations of the disease and blurs the clinical picture. Thrush, after a while, will appear again, but in a chronic form.

An analogue of Livarol is Mycozoral.

  • Clotrimazole is available in the form of suppositories and tablets. Effective for acute and chronic thrush. Recurrent genital candidiasis requires intensive treatment, so simultaneous use of tablets and vaginal suppositories is recommended.

Allergic reactions are possible. If negative symptoms occur, you should stop using the drug and seek advice from a medical specialist.

  • Terzhinan in the form of vaginal tablets is a more expensive drug; its price can reach 500 rubles for a package of 10 suppositories. The main substance has such a mild effect on the body that it is allowed to be used to treat thrush by pregnant women. It is used for both treatment and preventive purposes.
  • Pimafucin is a widely known effective drug. Vaginal suppositories work well against chronic vaginitis. The main active ingredient of a wide spectrum has an inhibitory effect on the growth of fungal colonies. A combination drug that combines an antibiotic and substances that have a destructive effect on cells affected by the fungus has proven itself well among doctors and patients in practical use.

Pimafucin is acceptable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, which significantly increases its popularity.

The recovery process in the chronic form of the disease can be accelerated by simultaneous oral administration of the tablet drug of the same name.

A reason to use the drug may be increased sensitivity to the components of the drug Pimafucin or an allergic reaction.

Thrush in men: treatment methods

Thrush in men occurs much less frequently than in women and is easier to treat if you consult a specialist in a timely manner.

For local treatment of acute forms of genital candidiasis, antifungal creams, ointments and gels are used. The course of treatment is usually 7 days. The affected areas are treated twice a day. During the treatment period, it is especially important to carefully observe personal hygiene.

The most popular drugs available in cream form: Mycozon, Dermazol, Nizoral, Imidil. In ointment form: Mycoquet, Sebozol, Mycozoral.

Local antifungal agents contain substances that destroy the membrane wall of fungal microorganisms. In the treatment of thrush in men in acute and chronic form, Clotrimazole cream has proven itself. It is applied to the penis in a thin layer three times a day for a week.

To increase the effectiveness of thrush treatment, it is good to use herbal infusions for washing the penis and groin area, baths or applications.

Chronic candidiasis in men is treated with simultaneous oral administration of tablet medications.

Subtleties of treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis in children

Thrush in children is treated by a pediatric gynecologist. If there is a need to administer an antifungal suppository to girls, the procedure is performed by a medical specialist. A doctor or nurse uses a catheter to wash the vaginal mucosa with a solution of baking soda, boric acid or furatsilin.

In other cases, antifungal ointments and creams are used to treat the genitals, and the solutions are washed 2 or 3 times daily.

Tablets and capsules for thrush

When treating advanced forms of thrush, tablets or capsules are added to topical medications. The active substances, entering the bloodstream, destroy enzymes that promote the proliferation of the fungus. Circulating throughout the body, the drug destroys fungal cells that are inaccessible to local agents for thrush.

The duration of the course of treatment and dosage are determined by the doctor.

It should not be surprising that antimycotic tablets and capsules have different prices. The price is determined by the effectiveness and volume of the active substance, as well as the form of release and the number of tablets in the package.

Popular and effective remedies for thrush are Russian-made tablets: Diflucan, which is based on the active substance Fluconazole, as well as Mikosist, Orungal, Flucostat, created on the basis of Itraconazole. Domestic medicines for thrush are effective and available to a wide range of patients.

Fluknazole is not expensive and its use can be limited to just 1 tablet with a repeat dose after 2-3 weeks. In case of severe disease, the tablet is taken once every 3 days for a course of 2 weeks to six months. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation, Flucanazole tablets are contraindicated for women, and are recommended for men only if there are obvious signs or constant relapses of candidiasis in a regular sexual partner.

Nystatin tablets are another effective Russian remedy for thrush. It has proven itself excellent in the fight against superficial forms of candidiasis. Recommended for use by men, women and children. Often used in complex treatment for long-term use of antibiotics. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Flucostat tablets are also used against primary candidiasis and recurrent forms of the disease. It has an affordable price and a minimum of side effects.

Pregnant women are allowed to take tablets for thrush only as prescribed by a doctor. At different stages of pregnancy, it is permissible to use different drugs. Pimafucin in any form is recommended for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women at any stage. The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal walls and does not penetrate the placenta, therefore, it is completely safe for the fetus.

Treatment of thrush: aids

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of genital candidiasis and prevent relapses, it is necessary to follow hygiene rules.

During illness, it is recommended to use the following solutions for douching and washing the genitals:

  • Herbal. Chamomile and calendula in a 1:1 ratio are brewed with boiling water. 2 tbsp of collection per 0.5 liter of water. Leave for 40 minutes. Used for douching, washing, baths and applications 2-3 times a day.
  • Soda 2% solution. For a liter of warm boiled water, take 1 tsp of baking soda. If you are not allergic to iodine, you can add a few drops of iodine.
  • Eucalyptus infusion is used for compresses. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of leaves with 3 cups of boiling water and let it brew.

Diet for thrush

During the period of treatment of genital candidiasis, it is advisable to give up sweets and alcohol, as well as foods prepared with yeast. Drinking unsweetened yogurt and chamomile tea is beneficial.

The attending physician will definitely recommend vitamins to improve immune status. To strengthen the body's defenses, it is useful to eat wild berries, vegetables and leafy greens, and it is better to avoid sweet fruits and citrus fruits during the period of treatment for thrush.

If you have never encountered candidiasis before, it is better to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. The presence of the disease can be detected using blood tests and secretions that accompany the disease.

Thrush in adults

The first sign of thrush is a feeling of discomfort in the intimate area, accompanied by itching, burning and a light-colored cheesy discharge.


  • Swelling of the genital organs;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Discomfort during urination;
  • Sour underwear smell in the morning.

Symptoms of candidiasis can unknowingly be confused with signs of more serious diseases, so consultation with a doctor is advisable. Thrush in women can be passed on to the unborn child.

Thrush in children

Manifestations of candidiasis are possible at any age, including in the first days after birth. Usually, thrush in babies manifests itself in the form of stomatitis, that is, in the appearance of a white coating on the tongue and a cheesy discharge, but it also happens that the disease is present, but reveals itself not by obvious symptoms, but by indirect signs.


  • Increased body temperature (not always);
  • Poor appetite;
  • Sleep disturbance, moodiness;
  • Cloudy saliva.

If you notice the following signs of illness, look at your child's open mouth. If there is a cheesy white or yellowish discharge, remove it with a tissue and check your baby's mouth after an hour. This is necessary in order not to mistake the remains of food regurgitated by the child for discharge characteristic of thrush (we are talking about children in the first year of life).

Tablets for thrush

Don't self-medicate!

Before starting treatment, check the diagnosis with your doctor. The antifungal tablets listed below are for use in adult men and women. Before starting the course of treatment it is necessary make sure there is no pregnancy, and protect yourself in every possible way from conception while taking these medications.


Antifungal agent in tablets.

Instructions for use

Compound: Fluconazole (active substance), lactose monohydrate, pregelatinized starch, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Indications for use: Candidiasis of the mucous membranes (including the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and non-invasive bronchopulmonary infections).

Mode of application: For genital candidiasis, fluconazole is taken orally once at a dose of 150 mg, regardless of meals. In the chronic form of the disease, taking the drug is longer. The duration of treatment and dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications: Pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug.

A similar drug is Flucostat.


Antifungal agent in capsules.

Instructions for use

Compound: Fluconazole (active ingredient), lactose, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Indications for use: Genital candidiasis, cryptococcosis, skin mycoses.

Mode of application: A single dose of 150 mg of the drug (1 capsule may contain 50, 100 or 150 mg of diflucan) 30 minutes before meals. In the chronic form of the disease, taking the drug is longer. The duration of treatment and dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications: Concomitant use of medications containing cisapride, terfenadine, astemizole, hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug, pregnancy.

Fucis tablets are an analogue of Diflucan.


Tablets with antifungal effect.

Instructions for use

Compound: Nystatin (active substance), potato starch, lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, talc, food gelatin, partially hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol, talc, lecithin (soy), coloring food coloring, vanillin.

Indications for use: Infections, including genital ones, caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida, prevention of candidiasis (with long-term use of antibiotics).

Method of administration: Orally, 1 tablet, regardless of meals, 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. In the chronic form of the disease, taking the drug is longer. The duration of treatment and dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor.


Creams and ointments

External preparations for male and female candidiasis can only be used as an adjuvant to alleviate the general condition and speed up recovery. The active substance in tablets and ointments must be the same, so read the instructions for use and pay attention to the composition.


Antifungal ointment.

Instructions for use

Compound: Fenticonazole nitrate (active substance), water, glyceryl monostearate, disodium edetate, macrogol fatty acid ester, hydrogenated lanolin, almond oil, propylene glycol, cetyl alcohol.

Indications for use: Genital candidiasis, trichomoniasis.

Mode of application: Apply the cream to the affected areas of the mucous membranes of the genital organs 2 times a day (morning and evening). The average course of treatment is 3-6 days.



Antifungal cream for topical use.

Instructions for use

Compound: Nystatin (active substance), lanolin, white petrolatum.

Indications for use: Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the genital organs of fungal etiology.

Mode of application: Externally, the ointment is applied to the affected surface 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Antifungal cream for external use.

Instructions for use

Compound: Clotrimazole (active substance), propylene glycol, white petrolatum, liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol emulsion wax, benzyl alcohol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, butylated hydroxytoluene, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, purified water.

Indications for use

Mode of application: The cream is applied to the inflamed membranes of the genital organs 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.



Antifungal ointment.

Instructions for use

Compound: Clotrimazole (active substance), cetyl alcohol, petroleum jelly, glycerol, Tween-80, nipagin, distilled water.

Indications for use: Fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Mode of application: The cream is applied to the affected membranes of the genital organs 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug.

Candles for women


Vaginal suppositories with antifungal action.

Instructions for use

Compound: Clotrimazole 100 mg (active substance), solid fat.

Indications for use: Genital infections caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida (candidal vulvitis, vulvovaginitis).

Mode of application: The suppository is administered once a day, at night, before bedtime. The average course of treatment is 6 days.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, first trimester of pregnancy, menstrual period (for this dosage form).


Vaginal suppositories with antimicrobial effect. Used to treat gynecological diseases.

Instructions for use

Compound: Nifuratel, nystatin (active substances), dimethicone.

Indications for use: Vaginal candidiasis, bacterial infections in the urogenital area, urogenital trichomoniasis, chlamydial infections.

How to use: Macmiror suppositories are used for 8 days, using 1 suppository at night.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to nystatin and nifuratel.


Vaginal suppositories with antifungal action for topical use in gynecology.

Instructions for use

Compound: Natamycin (active substance), cetyl alcohol, solid fat, sorbitan trioleate, polysorbate, sodium hydrocarbon, adipic acid.

Indications for use: Vaginitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

Method of administration: The suppository is inserted into the vagina in a lying position, as deep as possible, 1 time per day at night. The average course of treatment is 3-6 days.



Vaginal suppositories with antiseptic and antimicrobial effects for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Instructions for use

Compound: Nystatin (active substance), butylocoinisole for medical purposes, butylated hydroxytoluene, edible citric acid, vaseline oil, semi-synthetic glycerides.

Indications for use: Diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

Mode of application: 1 suppository is inserted deep into the vagina 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the drug.


Vaginal suppositories with antifungal action.

Instructions for use

Compound: Ketoconazole (active substance), polyethylene oxide 1500, butyloxyanisole, polyethylene oxide.

Indications for use: Vaginal candidiasis. Used to prevent fungal infections while taking antibiotics and other drugs that disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

How to use: 1 suppository per day is inserted into the vagina at night, before bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 3-5 days. For chronic thrush - 7-10 days.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to ketoconazole and other components of the drug, first trimester of pregnancy.


Local antifungal suppositories.

Instructions for use

Compound: Sertaconazole nitrate (active component), vitepsol type H19, suppositir type NAI 50, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide.

Indications for use: Infections of the vaginal mucosa caused by fungi of the genus Candida(vulvovaginal candidiasis).

Mode of application: Intravaginally, once. One vaginal suppository is inserted deep into the vagina, lying on your back, before bed. If symptoms persist, the drug may be re-used after 7 days.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Treatment of children

Get a pediatrician's consultation!

Doctors recommend treating thrush in children with a solution of baking soda, chamomile decoction, etc. More serious medications should be used with caution, taking into account the health and age of the small patient. Do not try to treat thrush in a child on your own, without clarifying the diagnosis and receiving appropriate recommendations from a pediatrician! Only a doctor can choose the right drug and determine its exact dosage!

Oxolinic ointment

Antiviral agent for external use.

Instructions for use

Compound: 1 g of ointment contains oxolin (in terms of anhydrous substance) 2.5 mg. Excipients: mineral oil, white soft paraffin.

Indications for use: Prevention of viral diseases.

Mode of application: Oxolinic ointment is prescribed to children over 2 years of age. The drug is applied to the affected areas of the oral mucosa, which look like a white erosive surface of a round and oval shape. The ointment is applied with cotton swabs. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Antifungal agent in drops.

Instructions for use

Compound: 1 g of solution contains: clotrimazole 10 mg (active substance), propylene glycol, glycerol (glycerol).

Indications for use: Candidal stomatitis.

Mode of application: The substance is applied in a small amount to the affected areas of the oral cavity 3-4 times a day using a cotton swab. The exact dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Solution for external use.

Instructions for use

Compound: One bottle contains: active substance: iodine - 100 mg (active substance), potassium iodide, polyvinyl alcohol, purified water.

Indications for use: Chronic tonsillitis, purulent otitis, atrophic rhinitis (ozena), purulent surgical infections of the skin and soft tissues, trophic and varicose ulcers, thermal and chemical burns, candidal stomatitis.

Mode of application: Dilute 50 ml of solution in a glass of water, then rinse several times a day, preferably after meals. The exact duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In addition to drug treatments, there are also equally effective against candidiasis.

Many mothers have noticed a white coating on their children’s tongue or cheek mucosa. At the same time, the child became capricious and refused to eat. As a rule, such symptoms are a signal of the development of thrush.

Thrush in infancy is a common phenomenon that can be easily treated with proper treatment without causing serious consequences.


The symptoms of thrush cannot always be identified the first time. Parents often confuse it with the usual plaque that occurs after feeding a child artificial milk formula. The presence of thrush can be determined by specific signs:

  • raid has a cheesy character and is difficult to remove from mucous membranes;
  • when removing it hyperemic areas of the mucous membrane are exposed that may bleed;
  • the appearance of plaque is accompanied irritability and tearfulness child, since the affected areas are markedly painful;
  • Baby refuses food;
  • as inflammation grows, plaque gradually covers the entire surface of the oral cavity, forming a thin film. It then spreads to the lips and larynx;
  • the disease is accompanied abnormal stool and fever.


The cause of the development of thrush is a fungus of the family Candida. It is found in the body of every person and activated when immune functions decrease. Since infants’ immunity is not yet fully formed, the fungus, when it enters their body, quickly begins to multiply, leading to the appearance of thrush.

There are several options for infecting a baby:

  • during childbirth when a child becomes infected with urogenital candidiasis while passing through the birth canal;
  • by airborne droplets.

There are several factors that provoke the development of the disease:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • prescribing antibiotics to a child;
  • oral acidosis;
  • acute respiratory infection;
  • allergy;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • regular non-compliance with hygiene rules by the mother: licking a pacifier, using unsterilized bottles, etc.


Thrush, like any other disease of the oral cavity, is characterized by gradual development, which includes 3 stages:

  1. Easy. It is characterized by the appearance of small rare red spots on the mucous membrane, which are then covered with a white film. In this form, the disease does not cause discomfort in the child and responds well to treatment.
  2. Average. The affected areas become covered with a curd-like voluminous coating and become painful. Bleeding ulcers appear.
  3. Heavy. A dense coating covers the entire oral cavity and spreads to the larynx, the symptoms of intoxication intensify. At this stage, hospital treatment is required.


This disease is characterized by two forms of manifestation: acute and chronic.

Acute form characterized by dusting of the oral mucosa, a cheesy coating consisting of fungi, dead epithelium and food breakdown products. As the acute form develops, the area covered and the density of plaque increases.

As a rule, the pathology is accompanied by excessive dryness of the mucous membrane and appearance of cracks in the corners lips If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the acute form responds well to treatment.

The chronic form of this pathology proceeds a little differently. Appear on the mucous membrane small inflamed lesions round in shape, which are covered with a yellow or brown coating. The affected area has a noticeable thickening and elevation above healthy tissue.

These areas feel painful when palpated. Subsequently, it is observed swelling of the entire mucous membrane and hardening of the lymph nodes. This form requires long-term and serious treatment.


A peculiarity of the treatment of thrush in infants is that most drugs and agents that are effective against Candida fungi cannot be used at this age. Therefore, therapy should be prescribed only by a doctor. This applies not only to local or general treatment, but also to the use of traditional methods.

Local therapy

Local therapy is the most preferred option for treating thrush in infancy. It does not have an overall negative effect on the body, but at the same time effectively fights the symptoms and cause of the disease. The following agents are mainly used for local treatment:

  1. A slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate. Used to treat the baby’s oral cavity at least 5 times a day. To do this, wrap the finger in a bandage and moisten it in the solution, after which the entire mucous membrane is treated, paying attention to the inflamed areas.

    Potassium permanganate has aseptic properties, which stops the growth of fungi.

  2. Nystatin ointment, which has an antifungal effect. It is used to treat inflamed areas at least 2 times a day.
  3. Holisal. This gel is recommended for use to relieve pain in the mucous membrane; in addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. After application, the drug begins to act within 2 minutes. Most often it is used to facilitate the feeding process.
  4. Aqueous solution of 1% tannin. It is used to disinfect mucous membranes by applying to the affected area. For infants, the solution should not be used for more than 5 days.

    After each treatment, it is necessary to apply iodinol, gentian violet or lugol to the mucous membrane. The treatment is repeated every 3 hours.

  5. Levorin suspension, having an antifungal effect. It is prepared independently by crushing the tablet into 100 thousand units. and fill it with 5 ml of boiled water. The entire oral cavity is treated with the suspension every 6 hours. This remedy can be replaced with a suspension of pimafucin.
  6. Canesten in the form of a solution. It has pronounced antifungal activity. Used to treat mucous membranes no more than 3 times a day.

General therapy

As a rule, general therapy in infancy is prescribed only for advanced thrush or its chronic form, when local drugs have not had the desired effect. The following antifungal drugs can be used as general treatment in this age period:

  1. Fluconazole or its derivatives: diflazone, diflucan. In case of pronounced symptoms, a single dose is prescribed on the first day in a dosage calculated from 6 mg of the drug per 1 kg of the child’s weight.

    In the following days, the dosage is reduced by half. To facilitate the administration of the product, it is mixed with milk or water. On average, the treatment period is from 3 to 5 days.

  2. Amphotericin B. Available in powder form from which a suspension is prepared. Indicated for the treatment of children from one year old, but under the supervision of a doctor it can be used at a younger age.

    The dosage is determined depending on the child’s weight: per 1 kg there should be no more than 75 units of the drug. The drug is taken 1 time per day for 3 days.

  3. Flucytosine. It is a powder used to prepare a suspension that can be used to treat thrush from the moment the child is born. The average daily dose is 100 mg per kg. The course of treatment lasts about 7 days.

Folk recipes

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, traditional methods of treatment are also used. But before using them, you must definitely consult a specialist. The most popular means are:

  • baking soda solution, which is prepared as follows: dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiled water at room temperature. The resulting mixture is used to treat the inflamed mucous membrane 5 times a day;
  • decoction of a mixture of medicinal plants: oak bark, calendula, chamomile, sage. A tablespoon of each plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to cool.

    When treating the mouth, it is necessary to use a small amount of liquid to prevent its ingestion, as these plants can cause allergies;

  • paste made from raspberry juice and honey. To prepare it, you need to take both components in equal volumes and boil 3 times. The cooled mixture is applied to the areas of inflammation.

    Despite the fact that this recipe has become widespread, doctors do not recommend using it, since raspberry juice contains acid, which leads to additional irritation of the mucous membrane.

    In addition, honey is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, the proliferation of which will only worsen the overall clinical picture.

Possible complications

If left untreated, the infection can spread to other tissues or organs and cause a number of complications:

  • intestinal dysbiosis and gastric dysfunction;
  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media;
  • defeat genitourinary system in girls, in which vulvovaginitis or vaginal fusion may develop;
  • respiratory tract pathologies which quickly become chronic: bronchitis, asthma;
  • sepsis which occurs when an infection enters the blood or lymph system.

Dr. Komarovsky gives valuable advice about the disease in question in this video:


In order to avoid the development of thrush in infants, mothers must adhere to certain rules:

  • When breastfeeding, before putting the baby to the breast, it is necessary wash with boiled water;
  • after feeding or regurgitation it is necessary give the child something to drink to wash away food particles and neutralize the acidic environment;
  • before working with your baby, you must wash your hands;
  • cannot be given to a child unwashed toys and pacifier. They must be boiled or treated with soapy water at least once a day;
  • recommended Regularly clean all baby items intended for food or play, with aseptic solutions or soda;
  • preferably once a day clean the child's mouth using moistened gauze, put on a finger;
  • it is forbidden uncontrollably giving medications to a child and products that are inappropriate for the baby’s age.

The human body is populated by numerous bacteria and microorganisms, which are components of the microflora. We are also talking about Candida fungi, which normally do not pose a danger or threat to health. But there are a number of unfavorable factors, under the influence of which fungi begin to multiply en masse, irritate the mucous membranes, provoking the development of various diseases. Even the smallest children, in whom candidiasis is most often observed in the oral cavity, can be targeted by thrush. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will be able to choose the right remedy for oral thrush in children.

In order to be able to protect your child from candidiasis fungal infection, it is important to know the causes of infection, as well as the possible consequences of untimely treatment.

For reference! Only a qualified specialist can select an effective medicine for oral thrush in children, who also calculates the required dosage and treatment regimen. Self-medication usually leads to aggravation of the situation and complications.

Causes of candidiasis in children:

  • the appearance of thrush in the oral cavity is usually observed in infants who have a weak immune system that is unable to resist infections;
  • Most often, the infection process occurs in infants during labor, regardless of the method of birth;
  • another way of infection is through household items, be it a bottle, toys, unwashed hands, hygiene products;
  • If we are talking about older children, the cause of thrush in the mouth is the use of antibiotics, as well as hormonal drugs or due to a decline in immunity.

Knowing the most important reasons for oral candidiasis in children, you can find ways to prevent it. If you independently select medications for thrush in children without consulting a doctor, then the disease may become chronic. Then the baby will suffer not only from fungi, but also from allergic reactions and inflammatory processes against this background.

Insufficiently treated thrush in children, for which the medicine was not selected by a doctor, usually develops into a systematic disease that further affects other internal organs. Advanced cases can cause blood poisoning. If we are talking about premature babies, who have an even more weakened immune system, complications from candidiasis can be even more serious, even fatal.

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Picture of symptoms

When it comes to young children, only timely detection of the disease and a visit to the doctor can help correct the situation. Negligent attitude towards the child’s condition can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious consequences, including oral candidiasis. To identify it, you need to know the characteristic symptoms of the disease, namely:

  • white coating with a cheesy consistency;
  • under the coating the mucous membrane has a red, inflamed appearance;
  • baby's anxiety;
  • refusal of food.