Vitamins for children with selenium. Selenium. Benefits for the human body. Selenium: why the body needs this microelement


  • is a component for thirty vital bioactive compounds synthesized by the body;
  • regulates metabolism, fats and carbohydrates;
  • helps the body to withstand salt poisoning heavy metals;
  • promotes reproductive activity. Its deficiency reduces the amount of testosterone and affects sperm quality. Therefore, selenium is included in, due to which potency increases and improves;
  • has a positive effect on;
  • participates in work endocrine system, is part of many, participates in the absorption of the body;
  • helps suppress inflammatory processes;
  • affects the condition, and. Therefore, they are often included in health complexes.
  • When do you need vitamins with selenium, and contraindications?

    Most of the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus has a deficiency of selenium in the soil. In Scandinavian countries, where the level of this element in soils is very low, the population is recommended to take selenium-containing preparations, and measures are taken to selenize certain segments of the population.

    First of all, selenium-containing preparations are necessary for people who are deficient in this element. In this condition there may be following symptoms :

    • dysfunction thyroid gland;
    • frequent condition;
    • muscle weakness;
    • skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema,);
    • increased;
    • plate degeneration;
    • poor immunity, frequent colds;
    • clouding of the cornea (cataract);
    • problems in the reproductive sphere;
    • slow and poor development;
    • the presence of a tumor, both benign and malignant;
    • premature;
    • the appearance of previously unobserved reactions, especially.

    The ability of selenium to influence oncology was discovered by chance in. Residents of one of its provinces suffered from cancer significantly more often. The search for the reasons for such a high level of cancer led to the discovery of very low levels of this element in soils. After conducting soil studies in all provinces, the Chinese learned that residents of areas with high soil content practically do not suffer from cancer. Experiments on mice taking selenium-containing drugs found a sevenfold reduction in cancer cases.

    Did you know? The Chinese physician Hua T'o, born in the second century AD, was the first famous doctor, who performed the operation under general anesthesia. The anesthesia drink was made from hemp and strong wine.

    One of the reasons for the insufficient amount of selenium in foods is the use mineral fertilizers s and , which prevent the plant from taking it from the soil.

    Its deficiency is often observed in the following segments of the population:

    • residents of places with a high level of Chernobyl victims;
    • population of large industrial areas;
    • children with artificial feeding;
    • women;
    • carriers of HIV infection;
    • aged people;
    • vegetarians and vegans (as selenium usually comes from organ meats and seafood).

    These segments of the population have indications for the use of selenium in the form of separate supplements - tablets.

    Separately, it should be said that its deficiency can cause miscarriages, late, weak labor, swelling and various pathologies in a newborn, which makes selenium supplementation especially relevant for a pregnant woman living in polluted areas of the country. But before taking any medications, a woman expecting a child should consult a doctor.

    In case of an overdose of this element, the following symptoms are observed: brittle nails and loss, nausea and vomiting, severe redness, smell, fatigue and decrease.


    • taking medications to thin the blood (aspirin, warfarin, heparin, etc.) is not advisable together with selenium, as it can cause increased bleeding;
    • undergoing chemotherapy. Reduces the effectiveness of this procedure, consult a doctor;
    • taking medications to reduce . There is a decrease in the effect of these drugs;
    • use birth control pills may cause high level this element. You need to consult a doctor.

    Forms of selenium

    For the use of selenium as a medicine, there are its organic and inorganic compounds.

    Organic selenium compounds

    Organic forms are better absorbed by the human body. Selenomethionine and selencysteine ​​are complex amino acid compounds that also have a prolonged effect. It is in this form that this element is contained in different products and is most accessible to the body. Organic forms include selenium glycinate, Selexen.

    The most natural organic preparation with selenomethionine is astragalus syrup. Since this herb has the ability to strongly accumulate this element, it is used to make prophylactic in the form of syrup, but with severe shortage it's a bit weak.

    Some preparations contain fortified selenium or other plant materials. Enrichment with it is considered promising, but during such processes up to a third of this element passes into organic form, the rest remains in inorganic form.

    Organic forms are much less toxic than inorganic ones, but their excess can also cause poisoning. In Venezuela, mass poisonings were observed due to the active consumption of Brazilian: diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, dryness and hair loss. It is believed that this was due to the ability of selenium to replace sulfur in compounds.

    Inorganic forms

    The very first people began to take such an inorganic form as sodium selenite for treatment and prevention (the drug “Selennov” and drinking water"Darida") Sodium selenate is also used.

    Excess inorganic selenium is toxic to the body. In this form, it is poorly excreted from the body.

    Selenium dosage

    It is very important to know the dosage when taking selenium preparations, since the gap between the therapeutic dose and the toxic one is small. At a dosage of 800-1000 mcg, it is considered toxic to the body if taken for a long time.

    A person’s daily need for this important element is about 70 mcg, but since a person still receives part of it from food, its amount in selenium for men and women and children is less daily norm.

    • children 0-6 months - 10 mcg;
    • 6-12 months - 15 mcg;
    • 1-6 years - 20 mcg;
    • 7-10 years - 30 mcg;
    • boys 11-14 years old - 40 mcg;
    • girls 11-14 years old - 45 mcg;
    • men 15-18 years old - 50 mcg;
    • men over 19 years old - 70 mcg;
    • women 15-18 years old - 50 mcg;
    • women over 19 years old - 55 mcg;
    • women - 65 mcg;
    • - 75 mcg.

    Large doses are recommended to be taken only under medical supervision.

    Did you know? Basically, a person gets selenium by eating offal and seafood, grains, legumes, consuming brewer's yeast, olives and olive oil. But the record holder for its content is the Brazil nut. By the way, contrary to the name, its largest exporter is not Brazil, but Bolivia (50% of world exports).

    Such doses (200-400 mg) are used for the prevention and treatment of cancer in the USA and Germany. It is believed that when viral lesions(, HIV infection and others) the body also needs increased doses of selenium-containing drugs. But, despite the positive dynamics recorded (a drop in mortality from prostate cancer to 50%), in the clinics where such treatment was carried out, there are also opponents of this therapy. But even they confirm the importance of this element for the body’s defenses and its preventive role against cancer and other diseases.

    Selenium absorption - features

    Also, vitamins with selenium will be useful after 40 years. After all, this period before is characterized by strong hormonal changes in organism. In vitamin complexes, it is also desirable to have vitamins B12, C, and C.

    For women and men over 50, vitamins with selenium should be taken to protect and prevent cancer with the following complex: , C, E, .

    Review of effective vitamin-mineral complexes

    Now many offer enough wide choose selenium-containing drugs. Such drugs contain a certain dosage, which does not always correspond to the daily dose. Let's dwell on the most popular vitamins with selenium for women, men and children, their names, brief description and price:

    1. "Complivit Selenium"- a complex dietary supplement containing a daily dose of this element. Based on a special technological process, all its elements have excellent compatibility with each other. This dietary supplement is taken as a dietary supplement. It also contains vitamins and nails, and also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increases blood clotting. Antioxidant plus - selenium (70 mcg) with a complex of vitamins strengthens, protects against bad ecological environment. Iron plus - prevents anemia, increases hemoglobin. The tablets are taken one at a time with an interval of five hours. The course of admission is one month. Estimated cost - about 5.4-5.9 USD.

    2. - a complex consisting of vitamins and minerals. Reception occurs during meals as prescribed by the doctor. These vitamins, containing selenium (50 mcg), are suitable for children from five years of age, as well as for adults. This complex includes vitamins D, B, A, E, C, folic acid, as well as the minerals copper sulfate, iron, zinc, magnesium, nicotinamide, manganese, pantothenate, chromium, iodine. Estimated cost - about 3.9-4.2 USD.

    3. "Selenium Forte" with Vitamin E tablets 240 mg No. 20 - each tablet contains 70 mcg of this element in the form of selenoxanthene, price about 1.5 USD.
    4. "Centrum"- vitamin and mineral complex. Includes an extensive complex of B vitamins, vitamin C, A, D3, E, K1, as well as minerals - iron, iodine, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium (30 mcg), nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, biotin, lutein. Take one tablet once a day. Estimated cost - about 26.4-52 USD

    5. tab. 100 mcg N20 - contains therapeutic dose(100 mcg) and is used for proven selenium deficiency, a new generation drug with selenocysteine, price about 9.6 USD.

    6. Selenium from Solgar (USA) 100 mcg tablet No. 100 - contains 100 mcg of this element in the form of L-selenomethionine, as well as calcium and phosphorus, calcium phosphate. The cost is about 13.6 USD.

    Important! When buying vitamins or other preparations with selenium, pay attention to the expiration date, carefully read the instructions and contraindications. Not all of them are indicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

    Residents of polluted industrial centers, elderly people, people with thyroid diseases and the presence of tumors should pay attention to preparations and vitamins with selenium. The protective and preventive abilities of selenium may be beneficial for them invaluable role. But you should use selenium-containing drugs above the WHO recommended doses only under the supervision of a doctor. For prevention, do not forget to include in your diet foods rich in this element.

    The importance of selenium for the body

    Selenium, like the Moon, after which it is named, has two sides of the coin - one light - positive for the body, the other dark - negative. The fact is that it, as a substance, is a strong poison that can cause poisoning from fatal. But, in microscopic doses, it is necessary for all organs and systems as a powerful antioxidant and necessary factor For normal operation immune and hormonal systems. Its benefits to the body are as follows:

    • It is part of certain proteins, hormones and enzymes involved in the life support processes of the body;
    • Helps improve immunity;
    • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
    • Is powerful protection in the degeneration of cellular structures into malignant neoplasms;
    • Increases the efficiency of metabolic processes;
    • Regulates reproductive function, since it is part of sperm;
    • Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
    • Maintains the stability of the functioning of the NS;
    • Improves condition skin, nails and hair;
    • Protects the body from the action of toxic minerals - arsenic, lead, cadmium, thallium, mercury.

    But the main importance of selenium is its powerful antioxidant mission, which is to fight free radicals. It neutralizes them, thereby preventing their destructive effect on cells, thereby slowing down the aging process of cells and body generally.

    Another one most important function Selena - his positive influence on reproductive function. This microelement “monitors” the integrity of nucleic acids - the main units of storage, transmission and implementation of hereditary information. Se deficiency makes it impossible to reproduce, grow and develop new body.

    Risk group for selenium deficiency

    Se deficiency in the majority of people is insignificant. But, there are certain categories of people for whom a deficiency of this microelement is quite likely. This group includes:

    • Elderly people (over 90 years old);
    • People with gastrointestinal diseases;
    • People taking statins contraception, and laxatives;
    • Vegetarians and people following a low-calorie diet;
    • Smokers;
    • Population living on selenium-poor soils.

    What are the symptoms of selenium deficiency?

    The body's need for Se is insignificant and amounts to 1 μg per 1 kg of weight. And if there is a deficiency, then the main reasons may be two factors. The main cause of Se deficiency is its low content in food products, mainly in grains and vegetables. This, in turn, is due to the depletion of soils in this mineral. Thus, food products with a low content of this vital substance end up on a person’s table. important microelement. Another cause of Se deficiency in the body is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and intoxication with heavy metals and arsenic. The overwhelming majority of selenium is concentrated in the spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, and male testes. People with selenium deficiency may develop the following symptoms:

    • A sharp drop in performance (both physical and mental);
    • Decreased immunity, accompanied by frequent colds and inflammatory diseases;
    • Slow tissue regeneration after injury;
    • Development of liver diseases (necrosis);
    • Visual impairment;
    • Sexual dysfunction.

    Selenium deficiency can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle pain, and increased blood cholesterol levels. If selenium fasting lasts for a long time, then more serious consequences may appear: development malignant neoplasms, coronary disease heart, myocardial infarction, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

    Products containing selenium

    The human body needs a daily supply of this microelement. To replenish it, you need to include it in your diet. following products power supply:

    • Fish and seafood;
    • Meat and offal;
    • Mushrooms (white);
    • Whole grain cereals;
    • Egg yolks;
    • Sunflower seeds;
    • Almond;
    • Garlic;
    • Olive oil;
    • Legumes;
    • Pistachios, cashews;
    • Dairy products.

    It is important that Se contained in products does not undergo heat treatment,

    so its amount upon exposure high temperatures, is reduced by 2 times.

    Signs of excess selenium

    The toxic dose of Se for humans is 5 mg. This is enough for signs of selenium intoxication to appear:

    • Psycho-emotional imbalance;
    • Garlic odor from skin and mouth;
    • Nausea, vomiting;
    • Liver dysfunction;
    • Redness of the skin;
    • Brittle nails and hair loss;
    • Runny nose;
    • Pneumonia and pulmonary edema.

    Preparations with selenium

    Selenium deficiency can be compensated for using selenium-containing preparations. Taking such drugs will prevent many diseases, and primarily cancer. Preparations containing Se can be divided into 4 groups:

    • Mineral Se. An example of such drugs is Neoselen;
    • Yeast Se, in the form of dietary supplements. They contain about 30% organic selenium and are better absorbed;
    • Selenium organic, artificial – “Selenium-Active”;
    • Organic natural selenium-methionine in the form of fruit and berry syrups.

    All four groups of drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, after undergoing the necessary examination.

    The last decades in the world have been marked by a “selenium boom” due to the discovery beneficial features this element for human life and health. Selenium-containing proteins were discovered that participate in the antioxidant and immune processes of the body. Mutations of selenoprotein genes have been identified leading to the development cardiovascular pathology, autoimmune diseases, myopathies, malignant tumors. Nowadays, selenium is included in the list of essential nutrients, so it is present in many multivitamin-mineral complexes. Let's study in more detail which vitamins contain selenium by looking at popular foreign and domestic brands.

    In our review we will touch upon Russian drugs Selenium Forte, Complivit and AlfaVit, as well as imported vitamins Vitrum, Centrum, Multi-Tabs, Perfectil, Duovit and Doppelherz, each of which contains selenium.

    Why is this micronutrient so important? Let's try to briefly describe its effects. Selenium in the human body is included in the structure of two main types of proteins:

    • selenoproteins, which are a storage and transporter of microelements,
    • specific enzymes involved in various biochemical reactions.

    Several dozen selenium-containing biological molecules have been identified. Particularly important for life are those that participate in the neutralization harmful products free radical oxidation (glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, selenoprotein W), detoxification (selenoprotein P), synthesis of thyroid hormones (iodothyronine deiodinase) and nucleic acids (thioredoxin reductase).

    When the biosynthesis of selenoproteins is inhibited due to mineral deficiency, stability is impaired immune system to pathogens, male fertility decreases, the risk of autoimmune reactions, pathologies of the thyroid gland, prostate, lungs, colon and bladder increases.

    Selenium in vitamins can be in organic or inorganic forms. Traditionally, inorganic salts of selenic acid are used - selenates and selenites.

    • AlfaVit, Doppelhertz and Complivit contain sodium selenite.
    • Vitrum, Centrum, Multi-Tabs, Perfectil, Duovit, Perfectil Plus contain sodium selenate.

    From this point of view, the drug Selenium Forte is of interest, in which this mineral is presented in the form organic compound based on xanthene – selenoxanthene.

    It is believed that selenium compounds with organic molecules (amino acids, hydropyran derivatives) are less toxic than with inorganic ones. There are known cases where an overdose of selenite in low-quality dietary supplements led to consequences characteristic of poisoning with salts of heavy metals. It is safe to consume organic forms of selenium. Of course, this does not mean that consuming vitamins containing selenium in the form of sodium selenites and selenates will pose a health risk. Just trust well-known and reliable manufacturers vitamin complexes.

    Domestic mineral and vitamin complexes with selenium

    Considering which vitamins Russian production selenium is found in the largest quantities, you need to pay attention to the AlfaVit complex. In a preparation intended for a wide range of age category, called “AlfaVit Classic” its concentration is 70 mcg. The same dose of microelement is available in another Russian brand Complivit Selenium and Selenium Forte from Evalar.

    Vitamins with selenium for men are necessary to maintain normal spermatogenesis. Two critical selenium proteins, glutathione peroxidase 4 and sperm specific selenoprotein, are responsible for sperm production and viability. Therefore, a reasonable decision was to increase the amount of selenium to 100 mcg in AlfaVit for men.

    Complivit Radiance is positioned by its developers as a product for improving the condition of hair and skin. Among the nutrients necessary for this, it contains selenium. True, its amount is insignificant - 25 mcg.

    Imported mineral and vitamin complexes with selenium

    To make it easier to characterize foreign drugs Based on the following criteria: selenium - which vitamins contain more of it, we will create a kind of rating. Vitrum and Duovit Energy will be at the bottom step of our rating. They contain only 25 mcg of this micronutrient. 5 mcg more is contained in the vitamin complexes Doppelhertz active from A to Zn and Centrum from A to Zinc.

    IN middle category with a selenium concentration of 50 mcg, Doppelhertz active Selenium + Beta-carotene and Multi-Tabs Classic are included. And at the top of the ranking are the drugs Perfectil and Perfectil Plus (100 mcg each).

    All of these complexes contain the “magnificent trio” of antioxidants: vitamin E, ascorbic acid and selenium. It has been repeatedly proven that many substances act synergistically, that is, they enhance each other’s effect. For example, in laboratory research Animals deficient in vitamin E and selenium develop cardiomyopathy, and consuming selenium alone does not cure it.

    Taking care of hair, skin and nails is especially important for the fair sex, so Perfectil can be safely described as vitamins with selenium for women. Indeed, selenium along with biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin C helps maintain these attributes female beauty in great shape. In addition, the role of selenium is indirectly evidenced by the fact that episodes of skin cancer are much less common in areas where the soil is rich in this mineral.

    Vitamin complexes with selenium - comparison table
    Complex Amount of selenium in 1 tablet (mcg) Production:
    AlfaVit Classic 70 Russia
    AlfaVit for men 100
    Vitrum 25 USA
    Doppelhertz active from A to Zn 30 Germany
    Doppelhertz active Selenium + Beta-carotene 50
    Duovit Energy 25 Slovenia
    Complivit Selenium 70 Russia
    Complements the radiance 25
    Multi-tabs Classic 50 Denmark
    Perfectile 100 Britannia
    Perfectil Plus 100
    Selenium Forte with Vitamin C 70 Russia
    Centrum from A to Zinc 30 USA

    However best vitamins With selenium, you cannot choose only on the basis of quantitative content, because a lot depends on where you live and eat. For example, in richly populated areas additional additives, especially in the form of inorganic salts, can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, there is evidence of genetically determined selenium absorption, which can also affect the results of its intake. All this speaks to the need medical consultation, especially with long-term use of drugs with an increased dosage of the mineral. Don't be indifferent to your health, but don't overdo it either!

    Vitamin E and selenium are substances with antioxidant activity. They are necessary for the human body not only to increase life expectancy, but also to improve its quality.

    Effect of selenium

    The action of the antioxidant is to prevent the formation of free radicals, which accelerate aging and cause cancer. The microelement is part of the biological processes of the body and directly affects:

    • on the formation of coenzyme Q-10, which increases the regenerative abilities of the heart muscle;
    • on testosterone production and men's health;
    • on the condition of the retina;
    • to remove toxic substances and heavy metals;
    • on liver health;
    • to prevent thyroid diseases;
    • for normal cell division and tissue renewal.

    Effect of vitamin E

    Vitamin E (tocopherol) stabilizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, promoting weight loss. With its deficiency, the condition of hair, skin and nails worsens. But main function consists of strengthening the immune system and preventing atherosclerosis. Antioxidants complement each other’s action and enhance the absorption of other microelements (zinc, magnesium, potassium, etc.). Lack of tocopherol reduces the absorption of selenium.

    Where are they kept?

    Get required amount useful substances possible from products.

    But with an insufficiently balanced and irrational diet, it will be possible to quickly replenish the body’s need for antioxidants with the help of medications and dietary supplements.


    You can buy vitamin complexes at the pharmacy. Among them:

    1. Complements selenium. The drug contains optimal daily amounts of 10 vitamins and antioxidants, copper, zinc and manganese.
    2. AlphaVit classic. Designed for separate reception tablets with incompatible components. Includes necessary substances in a daily dosage.
    3. Multi-tabs. Contains vitamins A, B, C, E, folic acid, selenium, iodine and mineral complex.
    4. Dynamisan. This is a combination of different antioxidants, including both components.

    You can choose the right drug only in consultation with a therapist. Vitamin complexes may have age restrictions and should be taken in determined by the doctor dosage.


    The easiest way to get your daily amount of antioxidants is from foods. Both useful components contains:

    • in poultry eggs;
    • in products including wheat bran(cereals, grain bread, 1-2 grade flour, etc.);
    • in sprouted grains of different types;
    • in liver;
    • in nuts and seeds, corn.

    Garlic, yeast and mushrooms, and spinach are rich in selenium. It is not present at all in products made from premium flour.

    Indications for the simultaneous use of vitamin E and selenium

    Preparations containing vitamins and minerals, which include selenium salts and tocopherol, are prescribed for immunodeficiency states and during menopause (for women). In addition, medications and dietary supplements are prescribed:

    • for diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands;
    • with multiple sclerosis;
    • for asthma;
    • for pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • when working in industries where people are exposed to chemicals and toxins;
    • for psoriasis;
    • with slow skin regeneration;
    • for vision problems.

    Prescribing selenium and vitamin E preparations is not independent therapy, but is included in general schemes treatment. But to prevent pathologies, the doctor may prescribe the intake of vitamin complexes against the background of the general good condition of the body.

    Joint effect

    The components of multivitamin preparations with selenium act in a complex manner: vitamins A, C and E affect the absorption of the mineral and each other.

    Microelements participate in metabolism and enhance the absorption of vitamins, including tocopherol.

    How to take vitamin E and selenium

    Drugs are divided into groups:

    • medicinal replenishes the lack of microelements, contains more than 100% of the daily requirement, the course of administration is 7-14 days;
    • maintenance is intended to maintain the level of selenium in the body or to compensate for a small deficiency, the intake is carried out in courses of 60 days;
    • preventive includes no more than 45-50% daily requirement and is used to prevent selenium and vitamin E deficiency.

    The dosage and method of administration are indicated in the instructions for the drugs or prescribed by the doctor individually. The dosage must not be exceeded.


    Only some drugs have contraindications. For example, Selenium forte (“Evalar”) is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years of age. Multi-tabs vitamins with selenium are prescribed only to children over 5 years of age and adults. The drug Dynamizan (Novartis) is used only after 13 years.

    Side effects of vitamin E and selenium

    Subject to dosages side effects does not arise.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    The drugs are sold without a doctor's prescription, in the departments of vitamins and dietary supplements.

    Selenium is a chemical element necessary for the normal functioning of many organs and systems, the preservation of youth, activity, and health. The substance does not give free radicals destroy cells, resulting in a reduced likelihood of developing malignant tumors and many others dangerous pathologies. Therefore, vitamins with selenium are recommended for pregnant women, children, the elderly, as well as people on strict diets and living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

    The benefits of selenium for the human body

    Trace element supports correct work organs and systems, strengthens protective forces body, as well as:

    • has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
    • activates the immune system;
    • reduces the likelihood of developing heart pathologies;
    • prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors;
    • regulates metabolism, participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
    • reduces symptoms of poisoning with heavy metal salts;
    • normalizes reproductive ability, increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood;
    • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
    • controls the functioning of the endocrine glands;
    • is integral part many hormones;
    • extinguishes allergic and inflammatory reactions;
    • has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nail plates.

    For the most part of Eastern Europe There is a microelement deficiency in soils. This phenomenon is associated with active use sulfur and phosphorus fertilizers for processing agricultural land. Fertilizers prevent plants from sucking selenium out of the ground, resulting in agricultural products containing low amounts of the beneficial microelement.

    But it is not only improper soil cultivation that is to blame for the fact that there is little selenium in the human body. Often people themselves create a mineral deficiency in their body by abusing alcoholic drinks, including too many carbohydrate foods in the menu. You should know that alcohol, carbohydrates, as well as some pathologies of the stomach and intestines interfere with the normal absorption of selenium in the digestive tract.

    Microelement deficiency is most often observed in the following categories of people:

    • residents of large industrial centers;
    • carriers of the immunodeficiency virus;
    • old people;
    • pregnant women;
    • vegetarians;
    • children fed with artificial formula.

    It should be noted that a lack of selenium in a pregnant woman can provoke severe toxicosis, swelling, miscarriage, low labor activity, and developmental pathologies in the embryo. It is extremely important for expectant mothers living in areas with unfavorable radiation and environmental conditions to take preparations with microelements. But before taking vitamins with selenium, a pregnant woman should consult a medical specialist.

    Symptoms of Selenium Deficiency

    Drugs characterized high content selenium are prescribed mainly to patients who have a deficiency of this chemical element in organism. Lack of a substance is manifested by severe symptoms:

    • disruption of the thyroid gland;
    • weakening contractile function hearts;
    • depression;
    • chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • weakened immunity;
    • cataracts;
    • deformation of the nail plates;
    • psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases;
    • baldness;
    • early aging of the body;
    • allergic reactions;
    • disruption of the reproductive organs;
    • the formation of malignant tumors;
    • slow development of the child's body.

    Symptoms of excess selenium and contraindications for use

    An overdose of selenium-based drugs is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • nausea;
    • smell of garlic from the mouth;
    • decrease in body weight;
    • thinning and fragility of the nail plates;
    • baldness;
    • redness of the skin;
    • nervousness, apathy.

    It is prohibited to use medications containing microelements if:

    • taking aspirin and other blood thinning medications;
    • undergoing chemotherapy;
    • taking medications that reduce cholesterol in the blood;
    • using contraceptive pills.

    Before taking selenium supplements, you should consult a medical specialist.

    Forms of the mineral in medicines

    IN human body Selenium is found in the form of selenocysteine, a proteinogenic amino acid. In medicines, the mineral is contained in various organic and inorganic forms.

    1. Organic forms. Selenium glycinate, selenomethionine, and selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine ​​are characterized by the best digestibility. It must be said that selenomethionine is a natural form of the mineral and is included in the structures plant organisms. Mineral medicines and dietary supplements typically contain the trace mineral in the form of Selexen, a compound with antioxidant properties. In some dietary supplements, selenium is present in combination with yeast. However, preparations containing the yeast form of the mineral should be taken with caution, as there is a risk of developing dysbacteriosis or thrush.
    2. Inorganic forms. These are selenite and sodium selenate. These forms are not absorbed as actively as organic ones. It should also be taken into account that sodium selenite can provoke poisoning if a person receives the mineral in sufficient quantities both from food and pharmaceuticals. Sometimes a microelement in inorganic form negatively affects the functioning of the intestines, causing allergic rashes on the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate the use of drugs with inorganic selenium with your doctor.

    Daily dosage of the mineral for different categories of patients

    The daily intake of selenium is determined by the patient’s body weight, his lifestyle, and living conditions. For women, the optimal amount of the substance per day is 50 mcg, for men – 70 mcg. For children daily dosage is set at the rate of 1 mcg per 1 kg of body weight.

    Pregnant women are recommended to consume about 75 mcg of the substance per day. Selenium provides proper development embryo in the womb. Women over 50 years of age should receive up to 100 mcg of microelement. Selenium inhibits the aging process of the body, improves the condition of the skin, nail plates, and hair.

    People involved in strenuous sports, intense physical training, you are allowed to take up to 200 mcg of the substance per day. If there is a deficiency of the mineral in the body, the daily dosage increases to 400 mcg. A dose of 900 mcg per day is toxic to humans.

    Listed below are the best selenium vitamins for adults and children.

    Complivit Selenium

    Vitamin and mineral complex including 70 mcg of selenium - a standard dose for healthy person. Does not apply to medications, is taken as food supplement. In addition to selenium, the drug contains vitamin E, group B, ascorbic acid, retinol, zinc, manganese, copper.

    The complex has an antioxidant effect on the body, prevents toxins from destroying cell membranes, cleanses tissues of heavy metal salts, and prevents the development malignant tumors. The drug is intended to eliminate vitamin and microelement deficiency. The only contraindication is sensitivity to any component of the complex. Recommended for people involved in physical work having bad habits, prone to oncological diseases. Pregnant women are allowed to take the drug, but only after the approval of a medical specialist.

    The therapeutic course lasts a month. Taking the drug can be repeated after a short break. Daily dose for an adult patient – ​​1 tablet with meals.

    An effective complex containing 50 mcg of selenium. The medication is well accepted by the body, so it is recommended for both adult patients and children over 4 years of age. There is only one contraindication – intolerance constituent elements complex.

    The drug contains vitamin E, which, in combination with selenium, regulates the synthesis of enzymes that are essential for the body. The medication also contains retinol, ascorbic acid, group B, vitamin D, copper, zinc, iron, iodine, magnesium.

    The complex is recommended for patients living in environmentally unfavorable areas, constantly faced with stress, who have suffered surgical intervention or an infectious disease with bad habits. The drug is also suitable for people suffering from dysbiosis and other intestinal disorders that lead to deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and microelements in the digestive tract.

    The drug must be taken once a day after meals.

    Antioxicaps with selenium

    A complex drug that eliminates vitamin and selenium deficiency. Contains, in addition to selenium, tocopherol, retinol and ascorbic acid. When these substances interact in the body, metabolism is normalized, the aging process is inhibited, collagen synthesis is activated, the condition of the skin improves, the immune system is strengthened, the work of the heart muscle is optimized and circulatory system. The complex includes 30 mcg of a mineral element.

    The medication is prescribed when infectious diseases, eczema and other skin pathologies, burns, frostbite, disorders of the digestive and visual organs, poor regeneration of injured tissues. The complex is also recommended for people who eat poorly and follow a strict diet, and women over 40 years of age.

    To prevent hypovitaminosis, take 1 capsule per day for 2 months. The drug is intended for adults and adolescents over 14 years of age.

    Vitamin-mineral complex recommended for people who have experienced stress, have hypovitaminosis and microelement deficiency, and suffer from chronic fatigue. The amount of selenium per tablet is 50 mcg. The drug contains tocopherol in significant concentration, which is necessary for the normal absorption of the mineral element.

    What other substances are included in the medication? The complex consists of lipoic acid, which belongs to strong antioxidants, vitamin C, group B, rutin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

    The drug reduces symptoms insulin-dependent diabetes, stimulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer, accelerates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, and improves reproductive function. The complex is useful for the prevention and treatment of certain disorders of the nervous system.

    Selmevit should not be taken by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, or children under 12 years of age.

    A line of vitamin complexes intended for different categories of patients. Children's versions of the Alphabet are produced for children and teenagers; there are options for pregnant women, the elderly, and men. There are complexes for the prevention of colds, including prebiotic substances and dietary fiber.

    The drug is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day.

    Selenium-based drug. Contains an organic form of the mineral. One tablet contains 70 mcg of microelement. The drug is useful during high physical activity to eliminate selenium deficiency. It does not contain tocopherol, so this vitamin must be taken additionally for better absorption of the mineral.