What kind of character is he? List of positive and negative qualities of a person. Character traits. General Character Traits

Gray and white matter, with the cerebellum, various sections and appendages, with its own structure and functions. The psyche also “lives” there, where there is consciousness and subconsciousness, and even deeper - the unconscious.

Oh...the head, this is the most important part of the body - it contains the brain with the psyche with consciousness and subconsciousness. There is control over my body, my thoughts, emotions and behavior.

It is in my head that I feel and sense the joy of existence and the bitterness of my suffering. And when I find myself in a psychological dead end - psychological - it means in my head, that is, I’m not lost somewhere in the forest, in the stone jungle, but I’m lost in my own head: in my fantasies, illusions and ideas; in your thoughts, possibilities and desires; in my feelings and emotions... - I don’t know what to do...

Some psychologists (or parapsychologists) believe that there is also a fourth part - superconscious- where does intuition, inspiration, creativity and creativity come from, as well as something esoteric - clairvoyance, telepathy, extrasensory perception, etc. - in an iceberg picture it would probably be Sky

Human consciousness - logical analysis

With its help, I realize and understand what is happening or what I am doing right here and now, I comprehend what exactly I am focusing my attention on.

For example, I type this text on the keyboard and consciously focus my attention on constructing a sentence (phrase) to convey the essence. But because Human consciousness is very narrow (RAM works like in a computer), although I look at the entire laptop, and even more at the monitor, but “here and now”, at one moment in time I am aware only of the text on the monitor.

I press the buttons unconsciously (this memorized information - where to press - comes from the subconscious). If I turn my attention to the keyboard and look for the necessary buttons, then from my consciousness the information about constructing a sentence will go into the preconscious (as if into a swap file) and I may forget what I wanted to write.

But, switching again to the text, information about it from short-term memory (from the preconscious) will enter consciousness, and I will be able to continue without straining.

However, if this sentence of the text is not important to me for storing it in long-term memory (in the depths of the subconscious or even deeper - in the unconscious), and my phone suddenly rings and I am distracted by a long conversation, then information will leave consciousness and preconsciousness, i.e. .To. this period of time will be focused on other activities.

Check how your mind works right now- first try to switch your attention one by one from one object, phenomenon or thought, emotion, action to another, and then try to realize all this at the same time.

And you will see how narrow it is, and that our lives, thinking, emotions and behavior are controlled to a greater extent (80-90%) by the subconscious and unconscious.

Human subconscious - psychological analysis

This is a repository of a lot of information from childhood. The subconscious is in charge - it is both a storehouse and a source of our knowledge and skills, our feelings and emotions, unfinished situations, unprocessed negatives, our thinking and behavior strategies in certain similar situations.

Check right now how your subconscious mind works

How to control the subconscious

To be able to manage yourself (thoughts, emotions, behavior) and your life (destiny, success, happiness) means to be able to manage your subconscious.

To do this, you need to know yourself, your inner “I”, your depths of the psyche, with various unconscious attitudes, prescriptions, beliefs and beliefs, stereotypes and biases embedded there from the outside.

A true story from the life of a man who worked with his subconscious. Ivan lived a calm and measured life. It seemed to him that he would not be able to achieve the desired heights, due to his shyness and indecision. His plans rarely ended in success, as anxiety and fear of the unknown spoiled his entire mood.

By the age of 30, he had failed to fulfill a single serious plan. Giving up at the last moment is a way out that Ivan used for many years, until he decided to change himself and his perception of the surrounding reality.

He began the process of implementing his plan by studying literature on the topic of self-development. The works of John Kehoe were a real discovery for the young man. He re-read book after book, and over time began to practice the presented techniques for working with the subconscious.

After a month, Ivan was able to build a scheme of action that perfectly suited his personality. They selected the optimal methods for studying their inner world. And after a couple of weeks, communication with the subconscious began to bring results.

Ivan changed his place of work, but remained devoted to his specialty (banking). The authorities immediately noticed his fighting spirit and activity. A promotion was just around the corner, as he was entrusted with the management of a serious project.

But the changes did not end with career growth. The young man was able to meet a woman with whom he began a romantic relationship. He began to think about starting a family. Ivan does not want to stop there, as he strives to know all the facets of his subconscious.

The subconscious has limitless power and influence. If a person does not know how to handle his inner self, he can bring endless problems upon himself. Most of the actions taken, ideas conceived and emotional experiences are directly associated with the subconscious.

Often one gets the impression that some unknown force forces one to think in a certain direction, controlling all subsequent actions. Such actions are explained by the fact that specific attitudes and programs are formed in the subconscious. They are laid down by the person himself, based on different views, fears, experiences and strong emotions.

An important role in the development of the subconscious world is given to the process of education. Parents have a close bond with their children. Adults convey to them their own understandings and moral views, which are internalized in the person’s subconscious for life.

Society plays an equally important role. The media can program people's subconscious without any extra effort. Such influence does not always have a positive effect on a person’s life.

To create special settings, various NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques are used. This psychotherapeutic direction is based on the technique of modeling all types of human behavior (verbal, non-verbal).

It is important to note that many creative individuals are people who have learned to direct their internal energy in the right direction, while creating positive attitudes that have a beneficial effect on the life of a member of society.

“To be a creative person means to be able to see or imagine various favorable opportunities for solving life's problems. Creativity gives you the right to choose.” (Ernie Zielinski)

The initial steps of working with the subconscious are based on a detailed analysis of your own inner world. The deeper you can dig, the more opportunities you can find.

Methods of working with the subconscious

Working with the subconscious requires an individual approach to the matter, since the characteristics of the character and perception of reality of each person individually are taken into account. To facilitate the process of self-knowledge, specialists have developed special techniques.

  • Reprogramming

It is based on changing subjective experience and replacing habitual patterns. The main task is to form new behavior patterns that contribute to the discovery of new opportunities. The reprogramming process helps to get rid of negativity, so all attitudes are positive or neutral. A prime example would be meditation or affirmation.

  • Deprogramming

This method abandons the standard avoidance of stereotypical views. Its goals are aimed at effectively solving existing problems. A person must face his fears and learn to overcome them. Initially, you need to find the reason for the deviation, then analyze it and find a rational way out of the situation. Among such techniques one can note Dianetic auditing or the BSFF technique.

  • Programming

Programming is characterized by working with a person in a trance state. The technique strives to ensure that consciousness can fully penetrate the sphere of the subconscious, as well as rationally control it and ensure high-quality results. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis is the best choice.

12 rules for working with the subconscious

The human subconscious makes it possible to discover secrets that were previously unknown to people. Having learned to work with it, a person will find new talents in himself, become smarter and more receptive to the world around him. To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  1. Down with negative emotions! Anger, resentment, irritation, dissatisfaction and other negative feelings contradict logical decisions, which are essential when working with the subconscious.
  2. Force your thinking to work in the right direction. Every day you should get rid of the negative thoughts that have accumulated during the day. Ideally, you need to learn to control your thoughts and periodically correct them.
  3. Get rid of stereotypes. Don't take all the advice from other people. One person's life experience will not always suit another. Self-development requires spiritual transformation, and not submission to established concepts.
  4. There's no need to rush. Managing the subconscious is not the easiest task. It takes time and careful work on yourself. Instant reaction is a rare occurrence in the initial stages.
  5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a source of vitality and energy that is necessary to accomplish great things. The fatigue that accumulates over the course of a day slows down the body's functionality.
  6. Take breaks to rest. You can’t get hung up on work for too long. It is recommended to periodically arrange moments of relaxation for yourself (the optimal number of times is 3-4 per day). 10-20 minutes will be enough to put your thoughts in order. The ideal companions for this process are pleasant music (sounds of nature, classical compositions, songs of your favorite bands) and a cozy atmosphere.
  7. Do things that make your soul happy. The subconscious will be grateful for pleasant emotions. The more the body receives pleasure from what it has done, the easier it will be to connect the external world with the internal.
  8. Treat your subconscious mind like a business partner who provides its services in exchange for certain actions. Don't forget to pay yourself. The payment may be a banal word of praise or a small gift. Please yourself = satisfy your subconscious.
  9. Treat yourself in advance, not at the last minute. A good mood is a great motivator. You don’t need to reward yourself only after completing work; it’s better to do it before your planned task.
  10. Say “no” to other people's desires! The priority should be on the things you crave, not anyone else. To make it easier to navigate your thoughts, you can select a small notebook to write down all your desires and thoughts for the future. When you want to complete a task, make sure that it does not contradict the list.
  11. Practice trance (a process during which the state of consciousness changes). Complete relaxation is recommended not only during periods of physical or mental stress, but also on vacation. The brain is always working! You need to remember this. Regular trances will help you better focus on the sensations and emotions that a person experiences at one time or another.
  12. Evaluate your life. You can use a 10-point or 100-point scale. If you are completely satisfied with your life activity, do not hesitate to put the maximum. If the scores do not suit you, they seem too low, think about which area of ​​your life is working in the wrong direction and try to correct the situation.

List of books that will help you learn to control your subconscious mind

There are many literary sources that can help a person find an approach to his subconscious. Each of the authors provides the reader with effective techniques that can be used in the process of self-development.

  • “The subconscious can do anything” John Kehoe

The book will become a guide to your inner world. The author talks about how consciousness can change external reality and reveals the secrets of the successful lives of celebrities of the twentieth century. Kehoe compiles a list of tips that you can try in practice.

  • "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" Joseph Murphy

The work provides a number of thoughts that trouble modern people. Why do some manage to achieve the desired heights, while others fail to get out of the gray everyday life? How can you learn to manage your life? Is it possible to move into the future with confidence? The author tries to find answers to these questions.

  • "The Secret" Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda is of the opinion that the mind has limitless possibilities, but not everyone knows how to use them. If you pay due attention to this issue, you can learn to control all thoughts, directing them in the right direction. There is a film adaptation of the book that will help you delve deeper into the topic.

  • “Reality Transurfing” Vadim Zeland

The author gives clear recommendations regarding the process of self-development. All the examples he talks about in his book are part of his own life experience. Zealand provides enough facts regarding the capabilities of a person who was able to conquer his subconscious.

  • “The book is a dream. Everyday Magic" by Jill Edwards

In her work, Jill says that getting out of dull everyday life into a bright, colorful world is much easier than it might initially seem. Everything is possible if you pay attention to those areas of life that need change. Consciousness and subconsciousness must be in harmony.


Learning to work with the subconscious without leaving your comfort zone is almost impossible. To achieve the desired result, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Today, there are various techniques that take into account the individual characteristics of each person. Anyone can control their inner self. It’s worth trying to choose the best way to realize your plans.

Not everyone can clearly formulate what consciousness is. What can we say about the subconscious? Why did you even have to come up with such a confusing word? How to differentiate between consciousness and subconscious? What is the subconscious and how does it differ from other mental processes? Can it be controlled? What are the capabilities of the subconscious? Is it equally developed in all people? How to penetrate your subconscious to better understand yourself?

What is the subconscious

The subconscious is mental processes that occur without reflection in consciousness, which does not allow them to be consciously controlled. It turns out that the subconscious is a real entity, not covered by social “masks” or roles.

Three interconnected levels of mental activity:

  • Unconscious;
  • Subconscious;
  • Conscious.

They differ in the depth of penetration into the psyche, the automaticity of reaction to changes in the surrounding or internal environment. This classification is arbitrary, since the subconscious and unconscious behavior are very often confused when trying to interpret them. For example, one of the fathers of psychology, Sigmund Freud, in his early works used the word “subconscious”, which was later replaced by “unconscious”. But other scientists, such as Carl Jung, again used the concept of the subconscious to identify stereotypical human behavior.

The unconscious, consciousness and subconscious are the levels of mental processes:

  1. The unconscious level is the instincts and reflexes that are inherent in us even before birth, manifesting themselves in response to the appearance of a stimulus.
  2. The subconscious level is a generalized experience consisting of behavioral stereotypes repeated in familiar situations or conditions.
  3. The conscious level is the sphere of socialization of the individual, his knowledge, culture of behavior, moral qualities and principles corresponding to the chosen role in society.

There are concepts of the preconscious and the unconscious. The first is information that can be perceived in the future, but is not yet realized. The second refers to all processes that a person has not realized, regardless of his ability to do so.

By the way, the human subconscious also has its own levels, the highest of which is considered to be intuition - the ability to make decisions unconsciously, bypassing logic.

The role of the subconscious in human life

The subconscious and its capabilities are the subject of heated scientific debate and debate. Some scientists classify the subconscious as a pseudoscience, while others try to see in it the deep foundations of the psyche. Be that as it may, the subconscious determines nature, the real “I”, free from “masks” and conventions.

Because the intuition manifests itself on a subconscious level, then even this alone confirms the great importance that the subconscious has in a person’s life. It is necessary for dialogue with people, especially when choosing a partner for life.

All previous life experience, multiplied by “natural instinct,” helps not to step on the same “rake,” although a person is capable of much. For example, trampling on this “agricultural tool” contrary to your intuition or common sense.

In addition to the benefits the subconscious can play a destructive role. Since it manifests itself contrary to awareness, by influencing the subconscious, people can be manipulated. Many technologies are built on this principle, including NLP - neuro-linguistic programming, which is gaining popularity in the service or sales sector.

Influencing the subconscious can be beneficial, but if done with evil intentions, it can also cause harm. The vulnerability of people to manipulators makes us think about the need to understand our subconscious.

How to penetrate your subconscious?

Informed means armed. Protection against any threats in one’s direction is built on this principle. It is much more difficult for manipulators to influence someone who understands their weaknesses and shortcomings. Is it possible to learn to control your subconscious yourself? Is it developed equally in all people? The answer is yes to both questions. The subconscious is the same part of the body as organs or systems. Accordingly, everyone has it, it’s just that the degree of its manifestation is individual.

Everyone has the ability to control their subconscious, but not everyone starts to do it. The best technique is considered to be self-hypnosis - consciously programming oneself for certain actions and events. A positive example is affirmations - psychological attitudes to oneself for success and well-being. The placebo effect works according to this principle - when someone treats themselves with the power of belief in the possibility of this. But there is also a dark side of the coin - the nocebo effect - the attraction of negative events by thoughts about them. This case demonstrates the role of the subconscious in health. With the power of thought, people can both heal themselves and kill.

In order for the subconscious to work for the benefit, you should first understand yourself, understand your hidden essence. To do this, you can use the following techniques:

  • Meditation is a way of self-knowledge and calming your mind, through solitude from the bustle of the city;
  • “Stream of consciousness” – recording on a piece of paper all the words that randomly come to mind, followed by their analysis;
  • Fine art is an opportunity to give shape to your inner experiences and emotions;
  • Consulting with a psychologist - if he is professional, greatly simplifies the process of self-analysis;
  • Visualization is the embodiment of your thoughts and emotions in certain forms that help you understand their nature;
  • Coaching session – since the subconscious is manifested in socialization, with the help of a coach it is easier to find answers to many questions;
  • Pay attention to your dreams - after all, dreams are an effective tool of the subconscious in dialogue with a person.

Using these simple techniques, you can simply penetrate your subconscious. Once this happens, consider that half the battle is already done. Next, you should build your life, taking into account the information received. In addition to understanding yourself, it is also advisable to tune your subconscious in the right direction, which affirmations and a positive attitude will certainly help with.

The subconscious is an important tool in development and socialization. But, like other tools, it requires skillful and careful handling. For the subconscious to become an ally, it is necessary to study and understand it, and then take care of your mental health, which includes consciousness and subconscious. You should learn to hear your “inner voice” and follow its prompts and advice. After all, human nature is like an iceberg, in which consciousness is just the tip.

Character is the manifestation of an emotional reaction in a person’s behavior in various relationships and specific situations. The character of a certain person and all his particular manifestations of qualities are a consequence of upbringing and living conditions in a social society.

Of course, individual adjustments and various life circumstances influence human psychology, but the formation and development of higher mental functions and genetic characteristics are laid down and formed in the womb, so when a person is born, he shows his individual characteristics almost from the first days. Any person can be characterized and assigned a certain personality type.

Also, you can pay attention to the manifestation of characteristic typical features of different peoples, i.e. There are general definitions of specific nationalities. For example, the character of the Russian is clearly different from other national mentalities.

Temperament of a Russian person:

  • “Breadth and generosity of soul”, which is absent among most peoples.
  • Patience, perseverance and endurance.
  • Craving for justice and compassion.
  • Among the negative ones: laziness, pessimism, hypocrisy and foul language.

It is easy to identify a Russian person by temperament; foreign nations associate a Russian person as someone who loves to go out in a big way; they have always been amazed by the generosity, resilience and dedication of the Russian people. Only a Russian person has an original sense of humor, which bewilders his foreign brothers. Many foreign men believe that a Russian woman is the best companion for life, as she is responsive, humane, faithful and compassionate.

Also, a significant barrier for foreigners is learning the Russian language; it is considered the most difficult due to excessive emotionality and double meaning of the same words. The qualities in people of the Russian type, their attitude towards other people in the social environment, are more inclined to honor religious traditions. The attitude towards Christianity and the observance of religious rituals begin with the origins of the formation of the Slavic race.

8 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE BEING LYING! How to recognize a lie?

Individual characteristics in people, identifying their signs are an indicator of the true face of a Russian person, what qualities and abilities can manifest themselves in non-standard situations in social society. The psychology of the Russian person, flexibility of mind, extraordinary endurance, selflessness, love for the fatherland, and manifestation of compassion have more than once convinced opponents of their strength and steadfastness.

Classification of character traits

Character traits
Emotional Strong-willed Moral Intelligent
Emotionality Perseverance Honesty Curiosity
Cheerfulness Independence Responsiveness Quick wit
Impressionability Uncertainty Kindness Resourcefulness
Determination Cruelty frivolity
Courage Thoughtfulness

The psychology of varying degrees of manifestation of the character of each person is individual and is formed throughout life, changing depending on the social environment. There is a certain classification into which a particular person can be classified.

List of manifestations in human behavior and assessment of qualities in social situations.

  1. Volitional qualities are features of the properties of a particular person that manifest themselves in non-standard situations (restraint, patience, stubbornness, courage, cowardice, courage, discipline, etc.)
  2. Emotional manifestations are the duration of mental processes in a certain person in specific situations (negative, positive, dynamic, neutral, statistical, unconventional).
  3. Intellectual characteristics of an individual person, the quality of a person’s thinking (breadth, depth, flexibility, criticality, stupidity, etc.)

List of manifestations of human qualities

Attitude to the surrounding world is divided into four types:

  • I am good - everyone is good.
  • I am good - everyone is bad.
  • I'm bad - everyone is good.
  • I am bad - everyone is bad.
  • Attitude towards one’s personality (self-respect, self-criticism, arrogance, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Attitude to work (laziness, hard work, accuracy, tolerance, negligence, punctuality, responsibility, etc.).
  • Attitudes in groups of the social environment (sociability, isolation, truthfulness, deceitfulness, politeness, rudeness, etc.).

Types of human temperament

Temperament is the constant characteristics of the individual behavior of a particular person, which are equally manifested in various activities. There are four types whose definitions are:

  1. A sanguine person is distinguished by increased mobility, efficiency, pronounced facial emotional manifestations in facial expression, responsiveness, sociability, poise, optimism, cheerful disposition, rapid fatigue from hard work, carelessness.
  2. Choleric – sudden changes in mood, short temper, hysteria, quick response, impetuosity, outbursts of anger.
  3. Melancholic – anxiety, pessimism, vulnerability, excessive worries about any reason, restraint, self-control, lack of trust in others.
  4. Phlegmatic - cold-blooded, low activity, prudence, creates the impression of a wise person, always gets things done.

Human temperaments. 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Manifestations of character traits in men and women

Manifestation of character traits in men

The same character trait in men and women, their attitude to actions manifests itself in different emotional reactions, causing completely different feelings.

For example, a woman’s touchiness manifests itself in a man in the form of angry outbursts.

  • Women are characterized by manifestations of excessive emotionality, sensitivity, understanding and compassion; practicality, they are more susceptible to sudden changes in mood. The psychology of men, their attitude to values, is based on restraint and the desire for power and leadership. Each period of an era is characterized by the presence of certain qualities in men and women.

Manifestation of character traits in women

  • So, for example, the qualities in modern people have minor differences; associations of male and female professions are increasingly being formed. Today it is not uncommon to find the fair half of humanity driving, and a man being a stylist, hairdresser or conductor, which several decades ago would have greatly surprised them.

The main character traits of a person are the prevailing stable, innate or acquired qualities that are constantly manifested in the behavior of an individual. Having found out what signs correspond to a certain person, you can create a psychological portrait, attitude and opinion about him, as well as assign a type of temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic).

Classify which individual qualities are characteristic in order to determine positive and negative character traits and draw general conclusions. This will help, for example, when applying for a job, in choosing a position, and sometimes in choosing a life partner, by determining the criteria that you value.

Negative and positive human character traits

The psychology of any person is the continuous formation of character qualities, depending on what conditions, therefore it is common for him to exhibit negative traits, they can change depending on what conditions, for the worse or for the better.

There are also constant negative qualities that manifest themselves in an individual person, which do not change throughout life.

Negative character traits cannot always be regarded as negative; their characteristics and qualities can emphasize advantages:

  1. Self-confidence - self-satisfaction, can provoke a craving for performance and improved performance, to realize self-satisfaction.
  2. Stubbornness provokes the achievement of the goals set for oneself.
  3. Selfishness - ignoring others is bad, but trying to please others is not always beneficial. Sometimes you need to think about yourself in order to be able to help others.
  4. Envy, for some people, can provoke them to want to achieve a better result than others.

There are such character traits in people as cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, laziness, stinginess, rudeness, gloominess, etc., which will never provoke them to good deeds.

Positive and negative character traits are present to a greater or lesser extent in every person. Positive ones can cover up negative character traits of an individual. For example, people can be lazy, but good-natured, or selfish, but neat and hardworking, rude, but sympathetic and generous, etc.

List of positive qualities and their signs:

  1. Endurance and patience.
  2. Gratitude and morality.
  3. Initiative and originality.
  4. Cheerfulness and talent.
  5. Sensitivity and optimism, etc.

The main character traits of women

List of predominant qualities and their distinctive properties:

The main character traits in men

List of predominant qualities and their properties:

4 main psychotypes of personality. How to determine and recognize a person’s character?