Balanoposthitis: how to cure different forms of the disease. Candidiasis, erosive balanoposthitis in men: treatment at home How to treat balanoposthitis in men what medications

How healthy an intimate relationship will be depends on the condition of the genitals. The inflammatory process in any of its manifestations is unpleasant and dangerous. Getting rid of the problem is quite difficult, especially if treatment begins untimely.

Many men who are faced with a problem consult a doctor untimely. Only when the symptoms of the disease interfere with leading a full life do they rush to the hospital.

One of these insidious diseases is balanoposthitis. We will consider below how balanoposthitis is treated in men with drugs and other means.

The inflammatory process that affects the foreskin, as well as the head of the penis, is called balanoposthitis. Two diseases are combined at the same time - balanitis and posthitis, but their source of origin is the same. The disease is transmitted to women through sexual contact and can appear at any age; even small children are not immune.

The reasons for the development may be the following:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules– this is the main reason for the development of the disease;
  • physiological characteristics of the foreskin– excess fabric, inelasticity, etc.;
  • mechanical damage to the glans penis;
  • consequence of drug treatment, when excreted in urine, they can cause the development of balanoposthitis;
  • infectious diseases, occurring in the body.

Allergies, as well as sex with a woman suffering from thrush, can lead to balanoposthitis in a man.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of the disease can be numerous, but the general ones accompanying each patient are the following:

  • itching sensation;
  • the head of the penis turns red and swells;
  • feeling of pain during urination and ejaculation;
  • purulent discharge is observed along the edges of the tissues;
  • lymph nodes in the groin area increase in size.

If you do not consult a doctor at this stage, you may encounter numerous unpleasant complications. Balanoposthitis can be primary and secondary.

In the first case, the disease develops due to the penetration of fungi and bacteria, and in the second, the infection enters the body through the urinary canal.

Forms of balanoposthitis

Today in urology there are several forms of the development of the disease, each of which we will consider below.


This form is classified as acute. Symptoms that occur in men may be as follows: the glans penis and foreskin itch.

Immediately after the appearance of such symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical facility. At this stage, everything can be easily corrected: the patient undergoes an examination, takes tests, and is prescribed appropriate treatment.


The disease occurs in an acute form, the symptoms accompanying it at this stage:

  • formation of painful erosions;
  • lesions with scaly white flakes form;
  • body temperature rises slightly, general condition becomes weakened;
  • the foreskin becomes inflamed, the penis increases in size due to severe swelling.

In medicine, this form may be called candidal balanoposthitis. After the death of scales and epithelial cells, phimosis may develop. If you ignore the symptoms of the disease in the future, you may encounter gangrenous balanoposthitis.


The advanced form of the disease is associated with the development of gangrene of the penis. Treatment measures must be radical.

Symptoms accompanying the stage:

  • signs of intoxication of the body;
  • formation of hypermic zones;
  • ulcers appear with a purulent manifestation;
  • necrotization of the foreskin of the penis;
  • bleeding occurs periodically.

There is a constant discomfort and a pungent smell. The man's condition may be feverish.


This is a consequence of an infectious lesion of the body and is common. Symptoms depend on how old the patient is and how long the disease has lasted.

Burning and redness of the head of the penis, as well as other symptoms:

  • after contact with the head of the penis, bleeding develops;
  • hypermia;
  • formation of cracks;
  • adhesions and scars develop.

Against the background of the underlying disease, this type becomes chronic. Interesting! About two hundred types of balanoposthitis are known in medicine; they are all contagious and can be transmitted through sexual contact.

The video in this article explains in more detail how the disease develops.

The feasibility of antibiotic treatment

Balanitis or balanoposthitis can appear in chronic or acute form. Each option requires a special approach to treatment. A doctor must monitor every move. Antibiotics for balanoposthitis in men are prescribed in order to relieve the inflammatory process and destroy pathogenic flora.

Most often, ointments are prescribed for local treatment, which contain antibiotics. In some cases, when the form of the disease is acute, injections may be recommended. Instructions for use and course of treatment are individual for each patient.

There is no universal medicine to treat the disease. Each drug is designed to destroy a specific pathogen. You can begin treatment only after identifying the nature of the disease.

Immediate therapy should begin in the case of a sexually transmitted infection at any stage, as well as in advanced balanoposthitis.

However, in some cases it is not recommended to use such drugs; there are the following contraindications:

  • presence of allergies to medications;
  • development of a viral or fungal infection;
  • balanitis or balanoposthitis is at the initial stage of development.

In this case, other remedies for balanoposthitis in men are selected.

Which treatment should I choose?

The cure for balanoposthitis, namely antibiotics, can destroy only one type of pathogen. That is why self-medication is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor can prescribe medications, select the dosage, and determine the duration of therapy.

When a sexually transmitted infection develops, a venereologist deals with the treatment; in case of balanoposthitis of a different nature, a urologist deals with the problem. Most often, tablets are prescribed for balanoposthitis in men.

In order for the products to be effective and not lose their medicinal properties, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • The tablets cannot be chewed unless this is provided in the instructions;
  • medications are taken one hour before meals, or two hours after you eat;
  • Taking medications before bed is not recommended;
  • Take your medications with plenty of water, at least one glass;
  • You can only drink it with still water; coffee, milk, tea and other drinks are prohibited.

Below we will look at the most effective drugs for the treatment of balanoposthitis in men.


This is the most effective remedy for treating the disease. An antibiotic drug with this composition acts on many pathogens. The main active ingredient is quickly absorbed into the blood; within a few hours after administration, maximum effectiveness is achieved.

The main advantage of the medicine is that microorganisms slowly get used to the tablets; they can not only kill pathogenic flora, but also do not have a negative effect on healthy flora. The course of drug treatment and dosage is prescribed individually for each person.

The drug is most often prescribed at the initial stage. After completing the course of treatment, narrower drugs are prescribed, for example, from the penicillin group.


These are tablets belonging to the tetracycline group. Allows you to get rid of most types of disease. They are absorbed quickly by the body and have virtually no effect on the digestive organs.

The drugs can be prescribed for treatment in elderly people, as well as those with weakened immune systems. There are practically no contraindications. It is not recommended to take simultaneously with drugs from the penicillin group.


This is a fairly effective remedy against balanoposthitis. The antibiotic is allowed to be used for the treatment of non-infectious balanitis, venereal and diabetic. The drug is produced in the form of capsules, containing the active substance of the same name, which is part of the azalide group.

The duration of treatment depends on what type of infection develops, as well as what age the patient is. Combination with other antibiotics is not recommended. The photo below is an example of what the drug looks like.


The drug is prescribed for the treatment of venereal balanoposthitis. Available in capsule form, the main active ingredient is cefixime. It is resistant to enzymes that destroy the antibiotic.

Effectively destroys E. coli, pneumococci, salmonella, gonococci, etc. You can drink no more than one capsule per day; the duration of therapy is calculated individually for each person.


Medicine for external use. The composition contains hormones, antifungal components and the antibiotic gentamicin. The ointment is gently rubbed into the pathological area, the course of treatment is about two weeks.

The drug combines well with oral medications, avoiding complications and other infections.


Treatment of balanoposthitis in men with antibiotics is not always possible, as there are a number of contraindications. It all depends on what drug is taken. The latest generation of medicines have a gentler effect on the body and have fewer side effects.

  • the presence of malignant tumors in the body;
  • development of autoimmune diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • hepatitis, including if it was previously suffered;
  • presence of heart failure;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • allergy to a specific drug.

In case of overdose or improper treatment, numerous unpleasant consequences can occur: dizziness, headaches, vomiting and nausea. In addition, patients may experience stool upset.

How to supplement treatment

If a man has been diagnosed with balanoposthitis, treatment with antibiotics may not always be beneficial. By getting rid of pathogenic microflora, drugs suppress the immune system, promoting the development of other infections and other unpleasant consequences. In order to reduce the negative effect, it is recommended to combine drugs for treatment.

While taking antibiotics, susceptibility to fungal infections will begin to develop. In order to prevent such complications, it is necessary to take antimycotic drugs: Candida, Pimafucort, Pimafucin, Miconazole.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine recipes go well with medications. Natural components are good antiseptics, but their effect is slightly weaker than drugs from pharmacies.

Below are those plants that can be used against balanoposthitis:

  1. Chamomile– relieves inflammation, swelling, soothes itching. Pour a tablespoon of the plant into a liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. Use the cooled product as baths for the penis.
  2. Oak bark. Baths are prepared based on the plant; they help relieve itching, burning, and also accelerate regeneration processes. You can prepare the baths according to the recipe presented above.
  3. Series. The plant allows you to destroy the virus; just prepare the tincture in boiling water and let it brew for half an hour.
  4. Aloe. Leaves from the plant can be used, and baths are prepared on their basis. In addition, you can apply the plant itself, cleared of film, to the pathological area on the genital organ.
  5. Sage– the plant helps get rid of the inflammatory process. Pour half a liter of boiling water over two tablespoons of dry herb, let it brew, use for lotions.

Despite the fact that such recipes are effective and can get rid of the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them.

Regardless of what course of treatment a man undergoes, vitamin complexes must be included in it. Vitamins B and C are especially important. With their help, it will be possible to increase the body's defenses, as well as neutralize the effects of antibiotics.

Vitamins should be taken for several months. After completing the course of treatment, it can be repeated again, up to two or three times a year.

During the treatment period, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition. All dishes should be light and easily digestible. Give preference to fish, lean meats, fruits and vegetables. Alcoholic drinks, spicy foods, seasonings, smoked foods and fast food must be completely excluded.

In addition, you should drink as much liquid as possible - water, compotes, fruit drinks. All this accelerates regeneration processes and improves the effects of antibiotics. For the entire period of treatment, you should abstain from sexual intercourse, and also observe the rules of personal hygiene.

The therapeutic course is prescribed by the doctor, who also decides what the most effective remedies can be used for balanoposthitis. With the right approach to treatment, the patient can quickly get rid of his problem, and he can return to a full life.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Drugs for treatment

My son, who is 2 years old, was diagnosed with balanoposthitis, and furatsilin was prescribed for treatment. Tell me, can I treat my foreskin with Miramistin?

Miramistin can be used to treat the penis, however, the main treatment is regular washing of the glans penis; physiological solutions can be used for this.

How to treat

Tell me, what is the most effective medicine for balanoposthitis in men?

There are many drugs to treat the disease. Men are primarily prescribed antibiotics. It is impossible to single out any specific remedy, since everything depends on the individual case, the age of the patient, the presence of complications, etc.

What is balanoposthitis? This is a common disease of the male genitourinary system, a combined term.

With balanitis, the head of the penis becomes inflamed. During fasting, the inner layer of the foreskin becomes inflamed. These two pathologies often accompany each other.

What are the symptoms and causes of the disease? And what treatment for balanoposthitis at home will help get rid of it?

Symptoms, causes, classification

Different stages of balanoposthitis (ICD-10 code N48.1) manifest themselves in different ways. Symptoms of the acute form are divided into three groups:

  1. Discomfort appears:
  • itching, pain, pain, burning in the area of ​​the head of the penis;
  • redness appears on the skin, it becomes swollen;
  • The duration of sexual intercourse may decrease and premature ejaculation may occur.
  • The skin of the glans penis changes:
    • becomes dry;
    • ulcers and cracks appear on it;
    • the mucous membrane of the head becomes thinner;
    • the foreskin narrows, the head is exposed with difficulty;
    • There is pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Discharge:
    • Excessive smegma is released;
    • cheesy white discharge;
    • pus is discharged from the urethra.

    In the absence of disease, a small amount of secretion from the sebaceous glands of the glans mucosa appears on the head of the penis. This is smegma. She does not disturb the man and does not interfere with him.

    But inflammation provokes intense secretion, which can soak the laundry. A man may also experience weakness and a rise in temperature.

    Balanoposthitis in men


    What causes balanoposthitis? The main factors influencing the occurrence of the disease:

    • with a partner suffering from vaginal dysbiosis (the vaginal microflora is disturbed, various pathogenic bacteria develop in the female body, which land on the head of the penis);
    • oral sexual intercourse with a partner suffering from diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
    • anal without a condom.
  • Poor hygiene. Smegma accumulates and creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Phimosis, in which the release of the glans penis is difficult and cannot be washed properly. This is a common cause of balanoposthitis in children.
  • Diabetes. Metabolism is disrupted, and bacteria can develop on the head of the penis.
  • Also, the causes of pathology are associated with the following factors:

    1. Presence of infectious agents: fungi, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, HIV, pathogens of gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.
    2. Presence of urolithiasis and urinary tract infections: cystitis, urethritis and others.
    3. Chronic skin irritation from urine, abrasions of the skin, frequent masturbation, dryness of the partner’s vagina.
    4. Immune system diseases: thyroid gland, systemic lupus erythematosus and others.
    5. Hormonal imbalance.
    6. Heredity.
    7. Skin diseases: lichen planus, psoriasis with scaly papules and plaques and others.

    If all the conditions for the development of infection appear on the head of the penis, any pathogenic microorganism that gets there will begin to actively reproduce.

    Disease in the early stages is easier to treat than advanced disease.


    Balanoposthitis can be acute or chronic. The acute nature of the course is divided into simple, erosive, gangrenous forms (pustular-ulcerative):

    Candidiasis balanoposthitis can appear due to prolonged use of hormonal drugs, uncontrolled use of medications, trauma to the penis, obesity, elongated foreskin and other factors.

    Delayed treatment or independently and incorrectly selected treatment methods will lead to complications:

    How to treat balanoposthitis?


    Treatment is prescribed by a urologist. Therapy should include several tasks:

    1. Improved hygiene. The head of the penis should be washed several times a day with soap. If pathology is detected early, symptoms may subside after hygiene measures are followed. No further treatment may be required.
    2. In more advanced cases the head of the penis is treated with antiseptics. Treatment is carried out immediately after washing for one week.
    3. What to do if balanoposthitis does not go away? Possibly weakened immune system skin and mucous membrane of the glans penis. Then the doctor will select a remedy that will increase immunity.


    Preparations for balanoposthitis have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Able to reduce inflammatory manifestations and painful symptoms of the disease in men.

    Synthomycin ointment is an effective and common drug for the treatment of the disease.. It contains an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

    Synthomycin liniment is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative cocci. The drug is applied at night.

    The genitals must be thoroughly washed beforehand. Do not use for more than five days. Contraindications: individual intolerance and toxic reaction to chloramphenicol.

    Side effects:

    • itching, burning;
    • redness, swelling;
    • rash, irritation.

    Tetracycline ointment for balanoposthitis in men is used if the chlamydial form of the disease is diagnosed. Effective against chlamydia.


    Triderm ointment is one of the best ointments, a combination preparation with hormonal, antifungal, antibacterial substances.

    After use, inflammatory processes decrease, the medicine relieves itching.

    Apply to the affected area twice a day. After use, you must wash your hands thoroughly to avoid getting the medicine into your eyes and mucous membranes.


    The main substances of the drug are antibiotic and methyluracil, which stimulates skin regeneration. The components actively act against many pathogenic organisms and are able to stimulate the healing of damaged skin areas.

    The ointment is applied to the organ before going to bed, covered with a sterile napkin and left overnight.

    Contraindications: allergy to the components of the drug.


    Fukortsin - solution for external use with antiseptic and antifungal effects. The affected organ is treated with the drug up to four times a day.

    Afterwards, it is necessary to use special ointments and creams for balanoposthitis in men, which will not only have an antibacterial effect, but also moisturize the skin and mucous membrane, which will reduce the burn effect of Fukortsin.

    The drug contains phenol and is also red in color. It is persistent, eats into the skin, and can leave a red mark for a long time. Sometimes the solution is used in surgery as a marking agent on the skin.

    The drug cannot be used to treat the entire organ. Possible toxic poisoning of the body, since the phenol content is increased.


    • individual intolerance to components;
    • allergy;
    • chronic dermatoses;
    • use with caution on mucous membranes;
    • children under 12 years of age;
    • the consequences of combined use with other drugs for external use are unpredictable.

    Side effects:

    • allergy;
    • dermatitis;
    • burning, pain;
    • blurred vision;
    • addictive effect;
    • dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • change in blood pressure.


    This is a drug with an antimicrobial effect. Effective against balanoposthitis if the disease is caused by Candida fungi or mold fungi.

    Apply a thin layer to the affected areas three times a day after thoroughly washing the genitals.

    Side effects:

    • burning;
    • slight redness;
    • allergy;
    • contact dermatitis.


    • hypersensitivity;
    • intolerance to clotrimazole;
    • children up to three years of age.

    How else to treat balanoposthitis?

    Ointment for balanoposthitis

    Solutions and tablets

    Hydrogen peroxide works well as an antiseptic. Available in the form of a three percent solution. They treat small wounds.

    When it comes into contact with damaged areas of the mucous membrane or skin, it releases active oxygen. This chemical reaction promotes mechanical cleaning of the surface and reduces the activity of organic substances.

    At an early stage, the drug can be a fairly effective remedy for balanoposthitis. When interacting with smegma, it helps reduce the number of bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms.

    But in the early stages, peroxide therapy can be painful. If the disease is accompanied by phimosis, a positive trend from the use of hydrogen peroxide will appear after surgery, during which the affected foreskin will be cut.


    This is a synthetic drug with a good therapeutic effect. To treat balanoposthitis, it is used as follows: a gauze bandage is soaked in the solution and applied to the affected areas of the penis for five minutes.

    Using a special nozzle, you also need to inject 3 ml of the drug into the urethra. The entire organ can be treated externally.

    The first few minutes may cause a slight burning sensation. But after using the product, it is possible to reduce the sensitivity of bacteria to many antibiotics used.


    Used to prepare baths for balanoposthitis.

    There is also an alcohol solution called furatsilin, but it does not treat balanoposthitis.

    The drug is not addictive, there are practically no contraindications.

    Two tablets are dissolved in a glass of boiled warm water and inserted under the foreskin using a syringe, but without a needle.


    Since balanoposthitis often occurs against the background of phimosis, urologists practice circumcision. This is a fairly quick and effective procedure. In a short time, the cause of the disease is eliminated.

    After partial or complete removal of the foreskin, the head of the penis is exposed. There is no injury to the frenulum.

    Timely circumcision can guarantee a favorable prognosis.

    But if the diagnosis was made more than a year ago, chronic prostatitis, erectile dysfunction and other dangerous consequences are possible.

    Balanoposthitis can even occur in newborn boys. Causes of balanoposthitis in a child:

    • endocrine diseases;
    • obesity;
    • hypothermia;
    • vitamin deficiencies;
    • insufficient hygiene;
    • deposition of urine salts.

    Quite often, the disease can appear in boys in a healthy state.. The child will complain in the morning of itching in the penis area. The foreskin will be swollen. At an advanced stage, urination will be difficult. Purulent discharge may appear.

    In the acute form of balanoposthitis, the child will not be able to go to the toilet due to the urethra being blocked by the swollen foreskin, or he will refuse on his own, as he will be afraid of the accompanying pain. The latter option can lead to enuresis.

    The disease may also be accompanied by fever, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin and weakness. Such manifestations will develop in the first five days.

    If during this period the cavity opens and spontaneously clears it of smegma, the symptoms may go away. But it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible at the first symptoms, otherwise the acute form of balanoposthitis will turn into chronic.

    You cannot push back the foreskin yourself and expose the baby’s head.. Careful hygienic care is required. Sitz baths are prepared for the boy by adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

    If the inflammation has subsided, you can carefully try to remove the head and rinse it. After water procedures, the foreskin and glans should be carefully dried with gauze and treated with an antiseptic.

    If the pediatric surgeon or pediatrician allows, you can treat the head with Levomekol ointment at night. The penis is washed using also a solution of furatsilin or baths with furatsilin. Chlorhexidine can also be used.

    Ibuprofen will help improve your child’s well-being and relieve swelling and pain.. If a fungus is detected, Clotrimazole ointment is used. But it should be noted that any drugs for local treatment in children should be started after tests.

    The following preventive measures are necessary:

    • washing the boy after stool;
    • timely change of diapers;
    • purchasing diapers that match the weight and size of the child;
    • change the diaper every 4 hours or immediately after bowel movement;
    • if the skin of the perineum dries out after bathing, it is necessary to treat it with a moisturizing emulsion;
    • carrying out air baths before changing a diaper;
    • The foreskin of the penis should not be retracted by force.

    Considered to be inflammation of the inner part of the foreskin of the penis. Often, this disease is a consequence of balanitis - an inflammatory process in the head. Treatment of the disease is a complex of medications, as well as folk remedies that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. However, successful therapy requires a preliminary consultation with a urologist, who will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications.

    The first priority if pain and redness of the foreskin occurs is to contact a medical facility for help. After all, self-medication is quite dangerous; it can lead to many complications, even amputation of the penis - in the most advanced cases. The most effective treatment for balanoposthitis at home is considered:

    • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
    • The use of antibacterial creams and ointments.
    • Baths with antiseptics such as chamomile or furatsilin.

    In the treatment of the disease, special attention should be paid to the choice of ointment. The outcome of the disease depends on its quality, properties and components. List of the most prescribed drugs for balanoposthitis:

    • Levomekol- refers to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs, has antibacterial properties. However, its ability to penetrate tissue leaves much to be desired, so the ointment is used in combination with others.
    • Lorinden-S- has a wound-healing effect, used for erosive balanoposthitis.
    • Clotrimazole- antifungal drug, kills pathogenic colonies, blocks the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
    • Lokasalen- has proven itself in the fight against autoimmune diseases, and is also an antihistamine.

    The method of using ointments is quite simple: you need to rub a little of the prescribed drug directly into the affected area. No dressings should be applied on top, this leads to a greenhouse effect, and a humid and warm environment is favorable conditions for the spread of infection.

    Expert opinion

    Artem Sergeevich Rakov, venereologist, more than 10 years of experience

    To speed up the healing process, you can take antiseptic baths: you will need to dilute furatsilin or chlorhexidine with boiled water in a clean container, according to the instructions. After which you can make lotions using a bandage. Hold for a few minutes.

    Folk recipes

    Decoctions for baths, compresses and rinsing the penis are prepared from all kinds of herbs, plants and tree bark. The main function of these ingredients is to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, swelling and redness. These remedies belong to traditional medicine recipes.

    Do you think that if you leave the herbal infusion for a long time, it will become much more beneficial?


    Chamomile infusion

    You will need to brew 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers with one glass of boiling water. Next, cover the broth with a lid and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain through a sieve and dip a piece of gauze in chamomile water and apply to the foreskin for 15-20 minutes. It is worth carrying out the procedure 3-4 times a day.


    You need to pour one hundred grams of vegetable oil into 10 g of raw material, place it in the sun and leave for 2 weeks. As time passes, you will need to strain the infusion and lubricate the affected areas with it.


    Steam 1 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, use for rinsing, after straining the broth.

    Medicinal collection

    It is necessary to take equal quantities (for example, 1 tbsp) of the following plants: plantain, St. John's wort, string and oak bark. Then pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and place in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain, and cool. Apply a piece of gauze soaked in the broth to the penis for 10-20 minutes. The course of treatment is a week.


    You need to take 2 medium-sized leaves, wash them thoroughly with hot water, cut off the spines and skin. Apply the pulp to the foreskin 2 times a day until complete recovery.


    You need to wash a fresh, just picked leaf of the plant, lightly beat it with a hammer and make applications on the head. Keep for 20 minutes, 3-5 sessions per day are recommended.


    It is advisable to chop the young bark as finely as possible, pour 250 ml of boiling water over it, put it on the fire and cook for half an hour. Then let it sit for an hour and strain. A decoction is used for washing, which is done 2 times daily for 10 minutes.

    Willow with linden

    Pour three parts of the bark of the first ingredient and 2 parts of the flowers of the second into a container. Pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, after which you can dip the bandage in the broth and apply it to the head until almost completely dry.


    Mix 20 g of leaves with 50 g of oak bark and 1 g of knotweed, pour in a liter of water and cook for 20 minutes. Turn off the stove, cover with a lid and leave until completely cool. Strain and make medicinal baths for 25 minutes daily.


    Mix 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers of the main component with wormwood, bird cherry flowers and marigolds, add a teaspoon each of sage and horsetail. Now you need to take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour 100 g of boiling water over it, cool after 5 minutes, strain. Do daily washing of the penis after each trip to the toilet.


    You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you how to cure balanoposthitis with folk remedies.

    Traditional treatment of balanoposthitis is quite effective only if used systematically. It is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to any of these ingredients, because they can cause deterioration in the form of an allergic reaction. If the disease has developed into a more complex form, consult a doctor immediately, otherwise it will be too late. But the most important thing to remember is the methods of preventing the disease: compliance with intimate hygiene standards in combination with the use of a condom during coitus.

    Antibiotics for balanoposthitis are a mandatory means of therapy. They quickly eliminate symptoms, relieve pain, fight inflammation and prevent the development of complications. The medication is prescribed by a urologist depending on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. The doctor determines the dose and duration of use of the drug.

    Indications for antibiotic therapy

    Before starting treatment, the specialist must find out the cause of the disease. Indications for urgent treatment with antibiotics are:

    • balanitis caused by a sexually transmitted infection;
    • advanced balanitis;
    • consequence of tissue injury.

    Antibacterial agents for the treatment of disease

    Any antibiotic copes with only one type of balanitis or posthitis bacteria. Patients should not self-medicate. The urologist selects medications based on diagnostics and laboratory tests.

    If a sexually transmitted infection is detected, the medicine is prescribed by a venereologist; in other cases, therapy is recommended by a urologist. Antibiotics should be taken following the following rules:


    There are contraindications for the treatment of balanoposthitis with antibiotics, which depend on which drug is used. New generation medications are gentle and have fewer side effects.

    Contraindications for taking antibiotics are:

    • malignant tumors;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • severe course of chronic diseases;
    • hepatitis;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • thromboembolism;
    • allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

    Antibacterial agents for balanoposthitis are not prescribed for viral infection or fungus, initially for non-infectious balanitis and balanoposthitis.

    If the treatment regimen is violated, side effects may occur:


    Antibiotic therapy for balanoposthitis can negatively affect the immune system, cause the development of fungus or other consequences. To make the drugs work more effectively, you should combine different medications. While taking antibiotics, susceptibility to fungal diseases may appear. To prevent complications, take antimycotic drugs Miconazole and Pimafucin.

    During treatment, patients should take vitamins B and C, which improve immunity and eliminate the negative effects of antibiotics on the body. Vitamins should be taken 1-2 months after finishing a course of antibiotics. For preventive purposes, 1-2 courses of vitamin therapy are recommended. Patients are prescribed a diet consisting of nutritious light meals that are well digestible.

    Fruits, boiled vegetables, herbs, kefir, and lean meat are healthy. You should not consume alcoholic beverages, spicy, smoked or pickled foods. You need to drink more fluids. During treatment, you should maintain hygiene and avoid sexual intercourse. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. If all therapeutic measures are performed, the patient can be completely cured of balanoposthitis.

    Which doctor to go to for balanoposthitis is a pressing question for many patients who are experiencing pain and discomfort in the groin area for the first time. As a rule, the first symptoms of balanoposthitis - itching, burning, cracks, skin hyperemia, the appearance of ulcers, swelling of the head and foreskin of the penis - force a man to seek medical help.

    Many patients, when the symptoms described above appear, mistakenly seek help from a dermatovenerologist. But this is wrong, since the doctor does not diagnose and treat inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the penis. Only a urologist should conduct a visual examination, diagnosis, differentiate balanoposthitis from other inflammatory diseases and prescribe a treatment regimen.

    A urologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, therapeutic and surgical treatment of diseases of the male genital organs and urinary system. Also, a urologist deals with the prevention of inflammatory diseases, including balanoposthitis.

    Treatment regimen for balanoposthitis

    The treatment regimen for balanoposthitis completely depends on the type of inflammation, its stage, neglect, and involvement of the pelvic organs and lymph nodes in the pathological process. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used as systemic therapy. But before drawing up a treatment regimen, the urologist must establish the etiology of the disease. So, if the disease is caused by staphylococcal infections, then treatment is simple and takes no longer than 7-10 days. But if balanoposthitis occurs due to gonorrhea, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, then treatment is complex and takes more than one month.

    In addition, if balanoposthitis has a secondary form, that is, it arose against the background of chronic and pre-existing diseases, then in order to eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to cure the primary cause of the disease. But do not forget that prolonged irritation of the glans penis due to a pathological inflammatory process can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve endings located on it.

    Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments

    Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments refers to local therapy. As a rule, patients with balanoposthitis are prescribed antiseptic ointments. One of these drugs is Levomekol ointment. The disease is also treated with broad-spectrum antimycotic ointments. For example, Clotrimazole and Batrafen ointment. Triderm ointment is a complex of antibiotics, corticosteroids and antimycotics, that is, the drug is effective in the treatment of balanoposthitis and other infectious and inflammatory lesions of the genital organs.

    If balanoposthitis has a mycotic etiology, then broad-spectrum topical antimycotics, Candide, Candibene, Batrafen, Canesten, Clotrimazole ointments are used for treatment. If catarrhal balanoposthitis is subject to treatment, then topical steroid ointments are used, for example, Laticort.

    Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments is an effective therapy that is effective both in the first stages of the disease and as a complex treatment for balanoposthitis. Ointments must be used until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. In addition to using ointment, the urologist may prescribe immunomodulatory drugs to speed up the healing process.

    Cream for balanoposthitis

    Balanoposthitis cream allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in the first stages. The cream for inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the penis can be used both as monotherapy and used for complex treatment.

    With the yeast etiology of balanoposthitis, both partners should undergo treatment using creams. The most popular antifungal creams effective for balanoposthitis: Clotrimazole, Nizoral, Lamisil. Very often, treatment of balanoposthitis using creams is supplemented with therapy using antibiotics to improve the effectiveness of the drug and the patient’s rapid recovery.

    Treatment of balanoposthitis at home

    Treatment of balanoposthitis at home is possible only after consultation with a urologist and in the case when the inflammation has not taken a pathological form and has not caused phimosis. The simplest and most effective method of treating balanoposthitis at home is maintaining intimate hygiene and regularly changing underwear. In addition to basic self-care rules, patients are advised to treat the affected glans and foreskin using disinfectant solutions. For these purposes, a solution of furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, as well as special ointments and creams are suitable.

    Do not forget about traditional medicine, which also allows you to stop the inflammatory process. I use medicinal herbs to prepare solutions and medicinal baths. Let's look at a few recipes that can be used to treat balanoposthitis at home:

    • Sage decoction. Pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons of dry herbs and place in a steam bath for 10 minutes. As soon as the broth has cooled, it must be filtered through a gauze compress and rinsed the affected genital organ.
    • You can also prepare a disinfectant solution from oak bark to treat balanoposthitis at home. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of oak bark and place on fire for 20 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it can be used for compresses and medicinal baths, 2-3 times a day.

    Remedies for balanoposthitis

    Remedies for balanoposthitis can cure the disease. There are many medicines and drugs that help in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Let's look at the main remedies for balanoposthitis.

    • Antiseptic ointments

    Ointments have a disinfecting effect and help get rid of the painful symptoms of the inflammatory process. The most popular and effective antiseptic ointment for balanoposthitis is Levomekol. The ointment contains active ingredients that penetrate deep into the tissue, so the ointment is recommended for use at any stage of balanoposthitis.

    Another popular remedy with a wide spectrum of action is Clotrimazole cream, Batrafen and other composite ointments, which consist of antibiotics, corticosteroids and antimycotics. In some cases, therapeutic therapy is carried out using Lamisil ointment, and in case of simple or erosive balanoposthitis, Dermozolon, Gioksizon or Lorinden-S ointments are used.

    • Therapeutic baths

    In addition to ointments, other medications are also used to treat balanoposthitis. Thus, Miramistin bath solution has proven itself well. The product has high bactericidal activity against pathogens. The solution is used for compresses, baths and injection into the urethra. In addition, the entire genital area is treated with Miramistin for disinfection. A solution of Sangviritrin, Rotokan and Furacilin has antimicrobial effects. After therapeutic water procedures, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area with antiseptic ointment.

    • Antibiotics

    These are the remedies for balanoposthitis that are prescribed in advanced cases of the disease. In particularly severe forms of the disease, the urologist prescribes a course of intensive antibacterial therapy. Most often, patients are prescribed: Nevigamon, Oletrin, Biseptol, Levomycetin, Furagin and other antibiotic drugs.

    Miramistin for balanoposthitis

    Miramistin for balanoposthitis is an effective bactericidal agent that has proven itself to have a quick and effective effect in therapeutic therapy. The wide spectrum of action of Miramistin allows you to treat balanoposthitis of any etiology. The drug is a synthetic drug with high bactericidal activity against harmful microorganisms.

    Main indications for use of the drug:

    • Prevention in venereology of sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, candidiasis, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).
    • Treatment and prevention in dermatology of diseases such as streptoderma, staphyloderma, candidomycosis of the skin and mucous membranes and others.
    • In obstetrics and gynecology for the treatment and prevention of wounds and inflammatory processes.
    • In urology, for complex treatment of urethritis, urethroprostatitis, balanoposthitis, balanitis and posthitis.
    • Miramistin is also used in surgery, otorhinolaryngology and dentistry. The drug is also effective for superficial skin damage due to household injuries, for the prevention of infectious infection.

    The drug is available in the form of a solution and ointment. Miramistin for balanoposthitis is used for baths and compresses. A gauze bandage is moistened with the solution and applied to the affected part of the genital organ for several minutes. In addition to baths, it is recommended to administer Miramistin into the urethra, but not more than 3 ml. It is necessary to treat the entire pubic area with the solution.

    The peculiarity of this medicine is its side effects - a short-term burning sensation that goes away after a couple of minutes. But this kind of reaction does not require discontinuation of the drug. Miramistin is contraindicated for use in patients with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug. Miramistin can be used during pregnancy and lactation. To date, no cases of Miramistin overdose have been recorded, so the drug is considered a safe and effective remedy in the treatment of balanoposthitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.

    Levomekol for balanoposthitis

    Levomekol for balanoposthitis is used to speed up the healing process. The ointment is a combination preparation that contains the immunostimulating substance methyluracil and the antibiotic chloramenicol. The drug is effective against most bacteria. And the bactericidal effect consists of inhibiting protein biosynthesis in the cells of harmful microorganisms.

    • Levomekol is effective against: gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including Clostridium perfringens, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp.; gram-negative anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
    • Indications for use of the drug are based on the action of its active components. Levomekol is prescribed for purulent wounds, boils, trophic ulcers and 2-3 degree burns, as well as for purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.
    • It is recommended to apply the ointment to gauze bandages or sterile napkins and apply to the affected areas. The dressings must be changed every day, applying a new ointment. For purulent abscesses, it is allowed to inject the ointment into the wound cavity using a syringe, after warming the medicine to 36 degrees.
    • Side effects of Levomekol for balanoposthitis manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. This is only possible if there is an individual intolerance to the active components of the drug. It is hypersensitivity that is the main contraindication to the use of the ointment.
    • When using Levomekol during pregnancy, there is a possibility of resorptive action and absorption. The drug is produced in aluminum tubes of 25, 30 and 40 g of the drug. Levomekol is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    Triderm for balanoposthitis

    Triderm for balanoposthitis works effectively both in the early stages of the disease and in complicated and advanced forms. Triderm is a combination drug that contains clotrimazole, betamethasone dipropionate and gentamicin. This composition of the ointment has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiexudative, antiallergic, antifungal and antibacterial effects.

    • The ointment is recommended for use in various forms of bacterial and infectious skin lesions. Triderm is effective in the treatment of eczema of any location, including inflammation in the groin area.
    • A small amount of ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, rubbing thoroughly. As a rule, the duration of treatment using ointment takes from 2-4 weeks, and the frequency of use is up to three times a day.
    • In case of individual intolerance to the active components of the ointment or with prolonged use of the drug, adverse reactions are possible. The ointment can cause and intensify itching, irritation, burning, and dry skin. In some cases, Triderm causes inflammation of the hair follicles, hypertrichosis (hair growth), acne and other skin reactions.
    • The ointment is contraindicated for use in patients with hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in case of chickenpox, tuberculosis and syphilis of the skin, skin reactions after vaccination.
    • The drug is produced in aluminum tubes of 10 and 30 g. The ointment is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

    Furacilin for balanoposthitis

    Furacilin for balanoposthitis is used for therapeutic baths and lotions. Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that is active against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

    • Furacilin is used to treat wound infections, purulent-inflammatory processes, and bacterial dysentery.
    • The method of use of the drug depends on the type of skin lesion. So, for purulent-inflammatory diseases, the drug is dissolved in aqueous or alcoholic solutions. For bacterial dysentery, it is prescribed to be taken orally. It is possible to apply compresses with furatsilin to the damaged surface.
    • The drug may cause adverse reactions such as dermatitis and skin inflammation. If taken orally, vomiting, loss of appetite, allergic rashes and dizziness may occur. Long-term use of the drug can cause neuritis, that is, inflammation of the nerves.
    • Furacilin is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to nitrofuran and its derivatives. The drug is prescribed with extreme caution to patients with kidney disorders and diseases.
    • Furacilin is produced in the form of powder and tablets for the preparation of solutions. The drug is available over-the-counter.

    Chlorhexidine for balanoposthitis

    Chlorhexidine for balanoposthitis is used for washing, as well as medicinal baths and compresses. Chlorhexidine is a local antiseptic with a bactericidal effect. The drug is effective against: Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamidia spp., Bacteroides fragilis, Treponema pallidum, Gardnerella vaginalis, Ureaplasma spp. and is moderately active against Proteus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. The peculiarity of chlorhexidine is that the drug does not have a systemic effect and is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

    • The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active components of the drug. Chlorhexidine is used for infectious diseases, in ENT and dental practice, before and after surgery, to disinfect mucous membranes and skin. The drug is used in gynecology and urology to treat inflammation and infections.
    • Chlorhexidine for balanoposthitis is used as a solution for preparing baths, compresses and washes. Perhaps introducing a solution into the urinary canal. As a rule, in urological practice this drug is used to flush the bladder.
    • In rare cases, Chlorhexidine causes adverse reactions, such as skin rash and itching, dermatitis, dry skin and photosensitivity. The drug is contraindicated for use in cases of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as for patients suffering from dermatitis. An overdose of the drug is impossible.
    • Chlorhexidine is produced in the form of a solution in 100 ml bottles made of polymer material with a nozzle. The drug is produced in 0.05% and 20%. Available without a prescription.

    Hydrogen peroxide for balanoposthitis

    Hydrogen peroxide is used as an antiseptic for balanoposthitis. I produce peroxide in the form of a 3% solution for treating wounds and affected skin surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. The medicinal solution is an oxidant. When it comes into contact with the affected area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane, the drug begins to release oxygen. Thanks to this chemical reaction, the activity of organic substances decreases and mechanical cleansing of the skin occurs. The only drawback of hydrogen peroxide is its temporary effect, which disappears a couple of hours after treating the wound.

    • Hydrogen peroxide is recommended for use in the initial stages of balanoposthitis, that is, at the first symptoms of the disease. Peroxide interacts with smegma and helps reduce the number of fungi and pathogens that cause the disease.
    • When using hydrogen peroxide for balanoposthitis, it must be taken into account that the chemical reaction of the substance can cause a burning sensation. And given that the affected glans and foreskin of the penis are sensitive in themselves, the use of the drug can even cause pain. To reduce pain, you can use diluted hydrogen peroxide, 1-2%.
    • If balanoposthitis is accompanied by phimosis, then hydrogen peroxide will not bring the expected therapeutic effect. A positive result from treatment can be achieved only after excision of the affected foreskin.

    Clotrimazole for balanoposthitis

    Clotrimazole is used as an antimicrobial agent for balanoposthitis. The ointment is used for external use. The composition of the drug includes clotrimazole, paraffin, methylparaben, cetostearyl alcohol, microcrystallin. Clotrimazole in the treatment of balanoposthitis is effective when the inflammation is caused by Candida fungi. Clotrimazole can be used to treat balanitis, mycoses, pityriasis versicolor, vulvovaginal candidiasis and urogenital candidiasis.

    • The ointment must be applied to the affected area of ​​skin in a thin layer, 2-3 times a day. It is best to use the ointment after hygiene procedures, applying to dry skin. The duration of use of the ointment depends on the degree of damage, but, as a rule, Clotrimazole is used for balanoposthitis for 2-4 weeks.
    • The drug may cause adverse reactions such as skin redness, allergic or contact dermatitis and burning at the application sites. If the above-mentioned symptoms appear, you should stop using the ointment and the painful symptoms will subside in a few days.
    • Since Clotrimazole has low absorption, an overdose is excluded. The ointment is not recommended for the treatment of balanoposthitis in patients with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug. The ointment is not prescribed to patients under three years of age, as well as to women during pregnancy and lactation.

    Potassium permanganate for balanoposthitis

    Potassium permanganate for balanoposthitis has proven itself as an effective antiseptic. With the help of potassium permanganate, that is, potassium permanganate, you can cure balanoposthitis and other diseases caused by pathogens, and also significantly accelerate wound healing. Potassium permanganate is used to treat inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the genital organ, both in the early stages and in advanced cases.

    • Potassium permanganate is used for baths, lotions and douches. It is very important to observe the dosage of the drug, since a highly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate can cause burns to the genitals.
    • Potassium permanganate is used to treat acute, recurrent and chronic forms of balanoposthitis. There are no contraindications to the use of the product.

    Pimafucort for balanoposthitis

    Pimafucort for balanoposthitis is considered one of the most effective antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug contains a combination of hydrocortisone, neomycin and natamycin. The medicine is used only for external use. Pimafukort is active against bacteria with gram-negative properties (Proteus spp., Klebsiella, E. Coli), as well as microorganisms with gram-positive characteristics. The drug has antifungal effects and is effective in the treatment of balanoposthitis and infectious skin lesions caused by Aspergillus, Candida, Microsporum, Trichophyton, Torulopsis, Trichomonas and Fusarium.

    • Pimafukort is prescribed for otomycosis and mycosis of the skin, superficial dermatoses, pyoderma, inflammatory and infectious skin lesions.
    • The ointment is applied to the mucous membranes and skin 2-4 times a day. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the urologist, but may be more than a month.
    • The drug causes side effects that manifest themselves as an exacerbation of the underlying disease. But after stopping the ointment, the symptoms go away. Long-term use of Pimafucort can cause the development of stretch marks on the skin, in areas where ointment or cream is applied. In rare cases, the drug causes thinning of the skin, contact dermatitis and hypertrichosis. But all side effects are temporary and disappear after discontinuation of the drug.
    • Pimafucort is contraindicated for patients under one year of age with allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Pimafukort ointment and cream are contraindicated for use in the treatment of ulcerative skin lesions, anogenital itching, skin tumors, open wounds and acne.
    • The drug is produced in the form of ointment and cream. Both forms of release have an aluminum tube and are available in a dosage of 15 g. Pimafucort is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

    Fluconazole for balanoposthitis

    Flucanazole for balanoposthitis is used if the inflammation is caused by the candidiasis form of the disease. The advantage of fluconazole over analogue drugs is that it is a single dose (dosage of 150 mg). The drug has an antimicrobial effect and inhibits the synthesis of fungal microorganisms. Flucanazole is rapidly absorbed and remains in the blood plasma for a long period of time.

    • The main indications for the use of the drug: cryptococcosis, cryptococcal meningitis, systemic candidiasis, candidal balanoposthitis, treatment and prevention of fungal diseases.
    • The drug is taken orally and intravenously. The daily dose in both applications is 150 mg. The duration of use of the drug depends on the nature of the disease. Flucanazole is usually taken for 7 to 30 days.
    • As a rule, Flucanazole is well tolerated, but adverse reactions are also possible. The drug causes flatulence, skin rash and diarrhea. The drug is available in 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg, 0.2% solution and 5 mg syrup per 1 ml.

    Lamisil for balanoposthitis

    Lamisil for balanoposthitis is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. The drug belongs to the group of allylamines. Lamisil is used to treat fungal infections of the nails, skin and hair. Active against Trichophyton tonsurans, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton violaceum), fungi of the genus Candida, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis, Pityrosporum orbiculare.

    • The main indications for use of the drug are based on the action of its active components. Lamisil is prescribed for mycoses and onychomycosis, yeast skin lesions, and lichen versicolor.
    • Lamisil is used 1-2 times a day, depending on the type of pathogen and the severity of the disease. Before applying the drug, the affected area of ​​the skin must be dried. For severe skin lesions, the drug can be applied to the skin with gauze bandages at night. A positive therapeutic effect is observed after 3-5 days of using Lamisil. For extensive skin lesions, it is recommended to use Lamisil in spray form.
    • As a rule, the drug is well tolerated, but allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, burning, and skin hyperemia are possible. To eliminate side symptoms, you must stop using the drug. In rare cases, Lamisil causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and liver dysfunction.
    • Lamisil is contraindicated for use in cases of hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.
    • In case of overdose, Lamisil causes headache, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. The drug is produced in the form of 1% spray 30 ml and 1% cream in tubes of 15 and 30 ml.

    Pimafucin for balanoposthitis

    Pimafucin for balanoposthitis is used to treat the inflammatory process. Pimafucin is an antifungal drug, a group of macrolides, which has a detrimental effect on yeast and dermatophyte fungi. The peculiarity of this drug is that resistance does not develop to it. The drug does not affect the entire body, but only affects the affected area - the skin and mucous membranes. Pimafucin is produced in the form of tablets, cream and vaginal suppositories. As a rule, for balanoposthitis in men, the drug is used for baths and rinses, but women are prescribed vaginal suppositories.

    • Pimafucin is used in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis, candidal otitis, fungal infections of the skin and nails, balanoposthitis, vulvaginitis and other inflammatory lesions of the genital organs caused by yeast fungi.
    • The drug is contraindicated for use in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects of the drug manifest themselves in the form of nausea, unstable stools, and burning in the genital area.
    • Pimafucin for balanoposthitis is used in the form of a cream. The frequency of use of the drug is prescribed by the urologist. Treatment lasts until the symptoms of inflammation disappear.
    • If Pimafucin is used to treat chronic balanoposthitis, then in addition to the cream, the use of tablets of the drug is mandatory. As a rule, both partners undergo preventive therapy for balanoposthitis.

    Akriderm for balanoposthitis

    Akriderm for balanoposthitis is used as a local drug with pronounced antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-edematous, and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of the drug includes the substance and group of corticosteroids - betamethasone dipropionate.

    • Akriderm is used in the treatment of patients who suffer from skin diseases of inflammatory or allergic etiology. The drug is effective in the treatment of chronic and acute forms of balanoposthitis. Akriderm ointment and cream are prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis and non-allergic forms of dermatitis.
    • The drug is used for external use. Akriderm is not recommended for application to mucous membranes and large areas of skin. The ointment is applied in a thin layer, gently rubbing into the skin. The duration of use and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the urologist. As a rule, the drug is applied to the affected skin 2-3 times a day, and the duration of use is 2-4 weeks.
    • Akriderm causes local adverse reactions - itching, burning, stretch marks, dryness and irritation of the skin. With prolonged use of the drug in occlusive dressings, the development of maceration and skin atrophy, secondary infection and hirsutism is possible.
    • The drug is contraindicated for use in the treatment of balanoposthitis in patients with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for patients with skin diseases of bacterial, fungal or viral etiology. And also for patients with trophic ulcers, skin cancer, sarcomas and acne vulgaris.
    • Akriderm is contraindicated for use on open wounds and for patients with diabetes or tuberculosis. The drug is used with extreme caution for the treatment of balanoposthitis in children over one year of age. An overdose of Akriderm for balanoposthitis manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions and a reversible decrease in the functions of the adrenal cortex.
    • The drug is produced in the form of an ointment in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 g, and also in the form of a cream, in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 g. The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription.

    Bepanten for balanoposthitis

    Bepanten for balanoposthitis is prescribed to patients to accelerate the regeneration process of damaged skin. The active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol. The drug has regenerating, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Bepanten cream and ointment can be used on any area of ​​the skin, including for the treatment and prevention of weeping wounds that do not heal. The drug penetrates the systemic bloodstream, binds to plasma proteins and destroys pathogens. Bepanten is excreted unchanged in feces and urine.

    • Bepanten is used for the treatment and prevention of balanoposthitis, diaper rash, and diaper dermatitis in children. Bepanten cream is recommended for preventive care of the mammary glands, when cracks and irritation of the nipples appear. Bepanten ointment effectively relieves irritation and mechanical damage to the skin, accelerates the healing process of minor wounds, burns and scratches. The drug can be used to treat chronic ulcers, after skin grafting and anal fissures.
    • The ointment must be applied to clean, dry skin and damaged areas. It is recommended to use the drug 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the form and severity of balanoposthitis, on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the doctor’s prescriptions.
    • Bepanten causes side effects that manifest themselves in the form of allergic skin reactions. The drug is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. An overdose of Bepanten when applied topically is not possible.
    • The drug is produced in the form of ointment 5%, 30 g each in aluminum tubes, cream 5%, 30 g each, and lotion 2.5%, 200 ml each in a bottle. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    Lamisil spray for balanoposthitis

    Lamisil spray for balanoposthitis is used for external use. The spray is a topical antifungal drug. The active ingredient of the drug, terbinafine, has a wide spectrum of action. Lamisil is active against yeast fungi. When applied topically, the drug is not absorbed and begins to quickly act on damaged areas of the skin. A positive therapeutic effect is observed after seven days of regular use of the drug.

    • Main indications for use: fungal infections caused by dermatophytes Trichophyton Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton floccosum. Various lichen Pityrosporum orbiculare and inflammatory skin lesions.
    • The spray is used 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease and the doctor’s recommendations. Before applying the spray, the skin must be cleaned and the affected areas of the skin dried. It is recommended to spray the drug only on wounds in order to moisturize them.
    • Lamisil spray may cause side effects that include skin redness, burning, and itching. But when you stop using the drug, the unpleasant symptoms go away.
    • Lamisil spray for balanoposthitis is contraindicated for use in patients with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis in pediatric patients. Local application of the spray does not cause an overdose. But if the spray gets into the eye or mouth, the drug causes a burning sensation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Treatment of the above-described manifestations is symptomatic.
    • Lamisil spray must be stored out of the reach of children and away from sunlight, at a temperature not lower than 30°C. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    Hyoxysone for balanoposthitis

    Hyoxysone for balanoposthitis is used as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. The main indications for use of the drug are based on the action of its active components. Hyoxysone is used for the treatment and prevention of infected eczema, wounds, pustular skin lesions, erosions, mucosal defects and neuroallergic skin inflammations. The ointment contains oxytetracycline hydrochloride and hydrocortisone acetate.

    • Hyoxysone is used externally. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin 1-3 times a day. The duration of use of the drug depends on the form of balanoposthitis and its stage, as well as on the recommendations of the urologist. Please note that before using the drug, it is recommended to determine the sensitivity of the disease microflora to it. To do this, you can apply a little ointment to the affected area and wait a couple of hours. If an allergic reaction does not occur and an improvement in the condition of the skin is observed, then the ointment can be used.
    • Side effects of Hyoxysone manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions on the skin. The drug is contraindicated for use in viral and allergic skin diseases, skin tuberculosis and mycoses. With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed for patients with a history of the diseases described above.
    • Gioksizon is produced in aluminum tubes of 10 g. The drug must be stored in a cool, dry place and used only as prescribed by a urologist.

    Fukortsin for balanoposthitis

    Fukortsin for balanoposthitis is prescribed for external use. The drug has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. The solution for external use contains phenol, boric acid, resorcinol and basic fuchsin.

    • Indications for use of the drug are fungal and pustular skin lesions, superficial defects of the mucous membranes, erosions, cracks, superficial wounds, abrasions. For balanoposthitis, the solution is used to heal cracks and erosive wounds on the head and foreskin of the penis.
    • Fukortsin solution is used 2-4 times a day, making medicinal baths, lotions or compresses. After applying the drug and drying the skin, creams and ointments must be applied to the treated area of ​​skin.
    • The drug may cause side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of short-term pain and burning. Fukortsin is contraindicated for use in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. The solution is not recommended to be applied to large areas of the skin, as some substances of the drug penetrate into the blood and cause toxic side reactions (breathing disorders, decreased blood pressure, dizziness).
    • Fukortsin solution is produced in 10 ml bottles. The drug must be stored in a place protected from moisture and inaccessible to sunlight. Fukortsin is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    Syntomycin ointment for balanoposthitis

    Synthomycin ointment for balanoposthitis is the most popular medicine that is in every medicine cabinet. The ointment contains synthomycin or chloramphenicol, as well as excipients: sorbic acid, castor oil and others. The ointment is used for external use. The drug is a topical antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action.

    • Synthomycin ointment is active against gram-positive (staphylococci and streptococci) and gram-negative cocci (gonococci, meningococci), many bacteria (Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae, salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Seratia, Yersinia, Proteus), rickettsia, spirochetes, and some large viruses.
    • Syntomycin ointment for balanoposthitis is used to treat pustular skin lesions and ulcerations. The ointment is effective for furunculosis, long-term non-healing wounds, 2-3 degree burns, purulent-inflammatory diseases and deep skin infections.
    • The ointment is applied in a thin layer to damaged areas of the skin. You can use bandages and compresses with ointment, changing them every day. The duration of treatment using the product takes from 2 to 5 days.
    • Adverse reactions of synthomycin ointment occur with prolonged use of the drug, which causes contact sensitization. The ointment may cause burning sensations, redness, itching, swelling and rashes on the skin. Adverse symptoms disappear after stopping use of the ointment.
    • Syntomycin ointment is contraindicated for use in case of toxic and allergic reactions to the active ingredients of the drug. Local application of syntomycin ointment does not cause an overdose.
    • The drug is available in aluminum tubes and is sold without a doctor's prescription. Syntomycin ointment is recommended to be used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of symptoms of balanoposthitis at the first signs of inflammation.

    Cycloferon for balanoposthitis

    Cycloferon for balanoposthitis is used as an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. The effectiveness of the drug is due to its wide range of biological activity. Cycloferon has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitumor and antiproliferative properties.

    • The drug is prescribed for viral infectious diseases and fungal skin lesions. Cycloferon is produced in the form of a solution, tablets and ointment. Cycloferon for balanoposthitis is effective both in the first stages of the disease and in the treatment of advanced and complicated forms of inflammation.
    • Cycloferon causes allergic reactions in patients with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.
    • The drug is contraindicated for use in case of liver cirrhosis and allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Cycloferon fully interacts with other drugs that are used in the treatment and prevention of balanoposthitis.
    • Cycloferon is produced in the form of tablets, injection solution and ointment. When drawing up a treatment regimen, the doctor chooses the most suitable form of release of the drug.

    Baths for balanoposthitis

    Baths for balanoposthitis are used to treat an inflammatory disease that is not complicated by phimosis. To prepare baths I use Miramistin, Furacilin, Dioxidine Solution and warm baths with potassium permanganate. The duration of this procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes. During the bath, the affected genital organ must be moistened and gently watered with the solution to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. After the bath, the foreskin and head of the penis must be carefully dried using a sterile gauze pad and lubricated with an antiseptic.

    • If balanoposthitis is caused by yeast, then warm baths with a solution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) are especially effective. But the use of antibiotics is prohibited.
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      Antibiotics for balanoposthitis

      Antibiotics for balanoposthitis can be used to treat severe forms of the disease. But many urologists do not support the practice of using antibiotics. This is because antibiotic drugs have many side effects that can cause additional health problems in other organs and systems.

      But in some cases, antibiotics for balanoposthitis are the only way to cure the disease. Antibiotics can be prescribed at very advanced stages of the inflammatory process or when test results confirm infectious balanoposthitis. The drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, individually for each patient. Self-administration of antibiotics can cause uncontrolled adverse reactions. Treatment with medications is effective when the drug is chosen correctly. Broad-spectrum drugs are less effective, so they require a long period of use, but have a negative impact on the general condition of the body.

      Injection of antibiotics can also be used to treat balanoposthitis. But the dosage and duration of such treatment are individual for each individual case of balanoposthitis. Antibiotics are not a universal remedy that can replace local therapy or hygienic measures. Moreover, in some forms of inflammation, antibiotics are ineffective and leave negative consequences.

      Folk remedies for balanoposthitis

      Folk remedies for balanoposthitis allow effective and safe methods using medicinal plants to cure inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the penis. Let's look at the most popular and effective remedies for balanoposthitis:

      • As an anti-inflammatory agent, it is recommended to apply washed, fresh aloe leaves to the affected organ. To do this, the leaves need to be peeled and mashed a little.
      • Chamomile compresses are one of the most popular methods of treating inflammation. Dried chamomile flowers should be poured with boiling water and simmered over low heat. As soon as the broth has cooled, strain it and use it as compresses or baths, applying it to the sore spot.
      • If balanoposthitis is accompanied by ulcerations and erosions, then for treatment it is recommended to use an infusion of calendula flowers and olive oil. Mix a third of a glass of oil with a spoon of calendula flowers, cover with a lid and leave in the sun for 21 days. Use the resulting mixture to wipe the areas of erosion, after filtering the oil.
      • Plantain is also an effective remedy in the treatment of balanoposthitis, which relieves inflammation well. Take a few plantain leaves, wash them and apply them to the affected surface, securing them with a gauze bandage. It is recommended to change dressings every 30 minutes. In this case, the maximum therapeutic effect can be obtained if the bandages are applied every 3-4 hours.
      • Sage tincture can be used as a remedy for medicinal baths. Pour a couple of tablespoons of sage into 500 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat. As soon as the broth has cooled, strain through cheesecloth and use as a lotion or wash.
      • St. John's wort decoction baths also have a healing effect. Grind a spoonful of dried St. John's wort flowers to a powder and pour a glass of boiling water. After 20-30 minutes, strain the solution and use as compresses or baths.
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        Chamomile for balanoposthitis

        Chamomile for balanoposthitis is one of the most popular medicines for the treatment of inflammation. Chamomile has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, and sedative properties. If the plant is taken orally, it activates the digestive glands, since chamomile also has choleretic properties, relieving intestinal spasms. Chamomile has vasodilating and disinfectant properties.

        Chamomile can be used as a decoction for balanoposthitis. To do this, pour boiling water over a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers and simmer over low heat until it becomes mushy. As soon as the broth has cooled, it must be placed on gauze and applied to the inflamed foreskin and glans penis. The broth can be filtered and used for medicinal baths and washes.

        Thus, there are several methods for treating balanoposthitis, each of which depends on the type and stage of the inflammatory process, the manifested symptoms and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.