How to treat fungal tonsillitis in a child. How to treat fungal tonsillitis in children, treatment and symptoms. Diagnosis of fungal sore throat

Tonsillomycosis in a child does not occur as often as ordinary tonsillitis, and is an inflammatory and infectious process in the tonsil area caused by Candida fungi. The disease can begin due to improper treatment with antibiotics or due to a disruption of the immune system. Fungal tonsillitis, another name for tonsillomycosis, sometimes develops in adults. Treatment differs from the treatment of viral or bacterial sore throat, so you need to know the symptoms of this disease and diagnostic methods.

Tonsillomycosis is a fungal disease of the throat. The disease is dangerous because the child’s strength and immune system weaken. If you complain of a sore throat, you can initially try to independently determine in children whether the inflammation is associated with tonsillomycosis. For this:

  1. Ask the child to open his mouth wider, while assessing the condition of the tongue, palatine and arch tonsils.
  2. If there are fungal infections, the surface of the tonsils and tongue will be covered with white formations. You will be left with the impression that these are leftover food.
  3. These curdled scabs indicate the presence of Candida fungus.

Fungi from this group negatively affect the entire body. Such a sore throat makes the child’s life unbearable. But unlike acute tonsillitis, tonsillomycosis is sluggish. General health worsens, drowsiness, apathy, and aches throughout the body appear. It seems that my strength is running out.

Symptoms of tonsillomycosis

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. There is slight pain when swallowing.
  2. Tingling sensation in the throat.
  3. Dry cough.
  4. General weakness and malaise.
  5. Headache and slight increase in body temperature.

If the inflammatory process is superficial, then hyperemia of the mucous membrane with a dense or translucent coating develops. If the damage to the mucous membrane is deeper, the body temperature reaches +38°C or higher, and sharp pain appears when swallowing.

There are a number of diseases in which tonsillomycosis develops more often in children:

  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • increased lack of vitamins;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs.

Reasons for development

There are many reasons why a fungal sore throat can develop, first of all it is dysbacteriosis, which provokes the growth of the fungus. The following actions can disrupt the balance of microflora:

  1. Poor quality of food.
  2. Frequent dieting or malnutrition.
  3. If we talk about adults, these are bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.
  4. Inflammation in the body.
  5. Low local and general immunity.
  6. Lack or excess of vitamins in the body.
  7. Chronic inflammation of the tonsils, pharynx or mouth.
  8. Long-term use of antibiotics, etc.

The reasons for the frequent occurrence of tonsillomycosis in children are the imperfections of the developing immune system.

Treatment of the disease

You should not treat your baby yourself; only an experienced doctor can diagnose tonsillomycosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Otherwise, complications of the disease may develop, which will be more difficult to get rid of. In addition, the waste products of the fungus can enter the circulatory system and spread throughout the body.

The basis of treatment for tonsillomycosis is taking drugs that suppress the growth of the fungus. Then the child’s immune status should be adjusted. For this purpose, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  1. Work and rest schedules are normalized.
  2. A normal diet is being introduced that includes a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. It is advisable to take the drug "Wobenzym", it can increase the body's defense response.
  4. Taking immunostimulants, in this case you need to contact an immunologist.
  5. Physical activity is recommended only after complete recovery.

The first 5-7 days require bed rest. After returning to school, the doctor must issue a certificate of exemption from physical education classes for a period of 15 days.

First, local and general fungicidal agents are prescribed. These include Nystatin, Levorin, Fluconazole, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, etc. The doctor may recommend irrigating the mucous membrane with drugs such as Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. As an additional gargle, use a decoction of chamomile, a soda solution, or treat the throat with methylene blue.

Next, treatment is carried out to normalize the intestinal microflora; for this purpose, probiotics are prescribed. The child should also eat natural fermented milk products. The diet at this time should exclude or reduce to a minimum the consumption of sweet foods.

Vitamins and minerals should be taken even after the child has recovered for 4 months. Maintaining personal hygiene is considered an important point. Do not forget that tonsillomycosis is a contagious disease; anyone who has contact with the patient can become infected. Therefore, follow protective measures.

Fungal tonsillitis in children (candidal tonsillitis) is an infectious disease that develops gradually, without obvious manifestations. The causative agent of the disease is microorganisms of the genus Candida. Before starting treatment, you should make sure that there are symptoms that confirm the diagnosis. The disease can be confirmed using a bacteriological examination (throat smear).

The main reason for the development of candidal tonsillitis in children is dysbacteriosis. Therefore, an infectious disease doctor will first of all treat the symptoms of dysbiosis. The development of sore throat is possible against the background of:

  • lack of sufficient vitamins (vitaminosis);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • untreated colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • suffered serious illnesses (flu,);
  • local or general hypothermia (drinking cold juices, milk, ice cream, keeping the baby in the cold for a long time);

Risk group

  • newborns (prematurity, incompletely formed immune system, if the mother had sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy, including AIDS, HIV, infectious diseases ());
  • children sharing utensils;
  • malnutrition;
  • contact with patients.


  • sore throat;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • white, pimply blisters on the tonsils;
  • temperature 38 – 40 degrees (sometimes absent);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • insomnia.

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Treatment is carried out by a pediatrician in accordance with test results, age and condition of the baby.

At home

  • bed rest;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • regular gargling (apple cider vinegar solution diluted with water, furatsilin, propolis, Kalanchoe, aloe, saline or soda solutions);
  • keeping the air moist during the visit where the child is;
  • feed the child soft foods (chicken broth, semolina), fruits and vegetables;
  • stop antibiotics if the child took them and they caused dysbacteriosis.

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The symptoms of the disease and its cause can be eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by the pediatrician :

  • antiseptic (, Givalex, Tantum-Verde,);
  • throat irrigation (quinozole, iodinol or povidone iodine);
  • vitamins (B and C);
  • high consumption of immunostimulating agents;
  • irradiation of the palate and tonsils with ultraviolet light;
  • treatment of affected skin areas (5% solution of silver nitrate, Iodinol, 2% methylene blue, 5% gentian violet);
  • antifungal (Itraconazole,);
  • anti-temperature (, Paracetamol, etc.).

Folk remedies

  • herbal decoctions (gargling with chamomile, sage, calendula will not only eliminate symptoms, but will disinfect and relieve pain);
  • infusions of rose leaves, horsetail, violet, string. Pour boiling water over the dried herbs, leave for 4 hours, cool, gargle four times a day;
  • honey + pepper (children over 7 years old). Take a pod of red pepper and three tablespoons of honey, wrap it in parchment paper, heat it from below so that the honey melts. Pour the resulting mixture into a clean bowl and give the baby a tablespoon twice a day;
  • infusion of propolis and Kalanchoe. at least 10 days, three times a day;
  • dilute honey with water and lemon juice, gargle with the mixture 3 times a day;
  • inhalation with fir oil (add 3 drops of fir oil to boiling water, tilt the baby over the vessel and let him breathe in the vapor (be careful not to get burned);
  • raspberry jam or a decoction of raspberry branches helps lower the temperature;
  • onion juice 1 teaspoon;
  • boiled warm milk with honey;

Treatment of fungal sore throat with folk remedies has no contraindications, except for intolerance or allergies to a particular substance in children. If allergy symptoms appear, you should stop giving your baby the medicine.


In this article we will look at what tonsillomycosis is, the causes of its occurrence and methods of combating this disease. This is especially true for parents of young children, since they are diagnosed with this pathology more often than other people. Therefore, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the clinical picture and consult a doctor if characteristic symptoms appear.

This pathology means damage to the mucous membrane of the throat and palatine tonsils by a fungus. Tonsillomycosis is more often diagnosed in pediatric patients, which is associated with the incomplete formation of the body's immune system.

This group of patients is still only encountering pathogenic microorganisms and does not have the protective forces to resist. For these reasons, the incidence in children is higher than in adults.

Reasons for development

In the vast majority of cases, the causative agents are yeasts from the genus Candida. Often these pathogens are accompanied by bacteria from the genus streptococci, which complicate the course of the disease.

Important importance is attached to the general condition of the patient. Tonsillomycosis usually affects people with a weakened immune system. Also There are other predisposing factors:

Also at risk are patients suffering from the immunodeficiency virus and undergoing chemotherapy.

Characteristic symptoms

With tonsillomycosis, patients begin to complain of pain, which intensifies. They are also worried about general weakness, headaches and dizziness, and increased body temperature (usually up to 38 degrees). In addition, there are complaints of feeling and an unproductive cough.

Tonsillomycosis occurs within 7-10 days. After this period of time, if treated correctly, the patient gradually recovers. If inadequate therapy was carried out, the doctor’s recommendations were ignored, then there is a risk of chronicity of the disease.

It is also worth noting that the inflammatory process can spread to nearby lymph nodes, which increase in size and become somewhat painful on palpation.

As for infants, with tonsillomycosis they become restless, sleep poorly, and refuse to eat. Parents in such situations need to visit a doctor.

What does tonsillomycosis look like?

It is important to know what the disease looks like. In cases where the inflammation is superficial, hyperemia of the oral mucosa is observed, on which the presence of plaque has a translucent and dense consistency.

With a more pronounced inflammatory process, intense deposits in pathological areas are diagnosed. They look like white plaques that cover the back wall of the pharynx and the palatine tonsils. This clinical sign is very characteristic and can be easily distinguished in photographs of patients.

Treatment options

Symptoms and treatment of tonsillomycosis in children are inextricably linked. Based on the signs of pathology, a treatment regimen is determined. It is necessary to restore the balance of the oral microflora and strengthen the patient’s immune system. For this purpose, both medications and traditional methods of treatment are used.


The main medications used for tonsillomycosis are antimycotic drugs. Patients are prescribed Nystatin or Flucanozole. Usually 7-10 days of use are sufficient, the timing and frequency are determined by the attending physician.

You should also gargle antiseptic solutions(), remove plaque using a cotton pad previously moistened with an antimycotic solution (for example, Livaron).

Patients may be prescribed immunostimulants, vitamin complexes, a gentle diet, and plenty of warm drinks. Physiotherapy has a good effect.

If a bacterial infection occurs, patients need to take antibacterial drugs( , ). Such treatment is prescribed and adjusted only by a doctor; independent use is unacceptable.

Folk remedies

Treatment of tonsillomycosis in children with folk remedies is widely used. These methods boil down to rinsing the throat and mouth with various solutions.– soda, chamomile, with the addition of tea tree or fir oil.

The preparation methods are the same - 200 ml of boiled water requires 1 tablespoon of medicinal substance.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the solution cools slightly and is then ready for use. The frequency of rinsing is usually 4-6 times a day after meals.

In case of tonsillomycosis, Dr. Komarovsky advises spending more time in the fresh air, moisturizing the oral mucosa with a warm temperature liquid, and in general, drinking plenty of fluids is important.

The use of antimycotic drugs is also necessary; the use of antibiotics should be strictly according to indications. In the future, it is recommended to strengthen the body’s defenses, which will help avoid relapses of the pathology.


The causes of tonsillomycosis in a child are usually associated with imperfect functioning of the immune system of the small organism. It is important for parents to exercise caution and consult a doctor at the first signs of pathology, as there is a risk of complications and chronicity of the disease.

For these reasons, it is necessary to carry out full treatment of tonsillomycosis and follow all the recommendations of a specialist. It is important to note that self-therapy of the pathology is unacceptable, since it also threatens the appearance of various complications.

How worrying it is for parents when the baby is not healthy, and especially if these are diseases associated with the throat and respiratory tract. Fungal tonsillitis in children is difficult, since they cannot explain what is bothering them, and urgent measures are often not taken, which leads to complications.

It is important for parents to determine that the child is behaving unusually, refusing to eat, or being capricious. It is worth examining your throat, and if you suspect redness, consult a doctor. In acute inflammation of the tonsils, the disease is caused by microorganisms of various origins. The most common are pathological bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci. Diseases associated with these microorganisms are the most common. The second place among the causes of sore throat is occupied by fungi, both putrefactive and yeast.

How the disease will progress and how quickly it can be dealt with depends on how correctly the type of pathogen is determined. This is due to the fact that the treatment is different, and you can lose quite a lot of time during treatment, but there will not be a positive result.

When the tonsils are infected with Candida fungi, the child most often develops a sore throat.

As scientists have found, fungi of this type are not always the causative agent of the disease, but can exist safely on the human mucosa and not harm him. That is, in some cases, these microorganisms can be called pathogenic rather conditionally, and, being part of the child’s normal microflora, they do not manifest themselves in any way.

To initiate a fungus, a number of conditions are required, such as:

  • age of the child (babies have an undeveloped immune system);
  • diseases associated with immune system disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • long-term drug treatment and procedures associated with chemotherapy and some others;
  • bad habits, alcohol, smoking;
  • weakening of the body from malnutrition;
  • chronic forms of tonsil throat diseases;


The main sign that a sore throat is beginning is considered to be a sharp deterioration in health, the patient experiences severe pain in the throat and larynx. At the same time, fungal tonsillitis has a more blurred picture, the symptoms are milder and do not make themselves felt so clearly. This is a certain insidiousness of the disease, sore throat develops slowly, the general condition of the body does not cause concern. Low temperature, mild headache, weakness, fatigue. Sometimes the thermometer readings do not exceed the norm, fungal tonsillitis is hidden. In severe cases, acute pain appears, intoxication of the body occurs, which immediately affects general well-being.

Patients note severe pain in the throat, the tonsils look reddened, and there may be plaque in the form of cheesy inclusions. At the same time, they can be easily removed with a cotton swab, and underneath them a shiny, bright surface of the tonsils appears.

Plaque spreads throughout the entire oral cavity, and can be observed not only on the tonsils, but also on the “uvula”, palate, and on the surface of the pharyngeal mucosa. Usually both the left and right sides are affected. Fungal tonsillitis usually affects the entire pharynx area.

Features of the disease

As for children, in infants the disease is associated with an imperfect immune system, since it has not yet fully formed. In children over three years of age, the disease occurs against the background of a long illness, when using antibiotics that cause dysbacteriosis. Also if immunosuppressive drugs are used.

Often with fungal tonsillitis, there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes, which are located in the jaw and neck area. The child is capricious, refuses to eat, cries, and nervous tension occurs. Experiencing painful sensations, the baby cannot eat properly, experiences constant discomfort, and becomes whiny.

A bacterial infection can also join a fungal infection, especially if the fungal infection occurs in a latent form, without obvious symptoms, which is not uncommon. Only after a complication, an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any, are the necessary measures taken, but time is lost.


The main condition for the disease to proceed in a mild form, without complications and other troubles, is how quickly an accurate diagnosis is determined and treatment of fungal tonsillitis in children is started. At an early stage, when the disease has not yet become stronger, and the internal forces of the body strive to overcome the infection with maximum efficiency, localization of the disease occurs. With early diagnosis, the duration of the disease and its severity are reduced. In this case, the treatment will be more successful, it will take less time, you will not have to take medications or undergo painful procedures.

It is not always possible to pay attention to a child’s discomfort in a timely manner, but it is still worth trying to do this as quickly as possible. Having been ill once, a child can get a sore throat again and again, especially if it is provoked by chronic, systemic diseases. During the cold season, relapses of the disease occur especially often.

Treatment will be difficult if contacting a specialist was untimely, fungal tonsillitis has affected most of the pharynx and is accompanied by a bacterial infection. And if the diagnosis is incorrect and treatment is carried out for a bacterial infection, then this only contributes to the development of the disease. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is so important, and self-medication is strictly prohibited. All traditional methods of treatment should be excluded until a specialist determines the type of sore throat.

Often, when carrying out procedures related to immunosuppression of the body, prophylactic drugs are prescribed, which help ensure that the treatment of fungal tonsillitis occurs at a very early stage.

  1. Decamethoxin. An excellent remedy for fighting fungi and bacteria.
  2. Ambazon. Well proven as an antiseptic;
  3. Amylmetacresol. There is a wide range of different bacteria within the impact radius;
  4. Chlorhexidine. Effectively used as an antibacterial agent;
  5. Miramistin. Also good in the treatment of fungal tonsillitis.

But not all of these drugs are suitable for children, especially infants. Only Miramistin and Hexoral can be included in the list of drugs that are acceptable for use as an antibacterial agent. Prescription of drugs can only be carried out by a qualified doctor.

Fungal tonsillitis, as sore throat caused by fungi is also called, can cause complications if proper treatment is not started. Diseases such as:

  • meningitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • otitis;


The increased growth of fungi, which have the Latin name Candida, causes damage to the tonsils with this disease. Among the patients, there were also those who suffered from frequent relapses, and associated them with eating large amounts of sweets, so this fact is important when following a diet. By the way, diet can also provoke illness, since an incorrect diet can weaken the body.

In percentage terms, only 5% of people with the chronic form have fungal tonsillitis. A yellowish coating forms on the tongue, the first unpleasant symptoms appear when swallowing, and this is a reason to immediately begin to localize the disease, especially if the child has previously suffered from this disease. Loss of sensitivity to the smell and taste of food, headache, and soreness also indicate an approaching illness.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies, and only based on the results will the doctor prescribe treatment. A smear is taken from the inflamed tonsils; it is required when making a diagnosis.

Features in children

For young patients, there is a high risk of getting a fungal infection from the mother, especially in the first days of life. The fungal pathogen is often found in maternity hospitals, as it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

It is necessary to monitor the baby, and if a yellowish coating appears in the oral cavity, contact a pediatrician. Breastfeeding is an important stage in a child’s life, but infection occurs mutually, and this disease easily becomes chronic. It is often recommended to stop breastfeeding to prevent infection.

Diagnostics, nutrition

The pediatrician you should contact will first of all refer the little patient to an ENT doctor, who will carry out diagnostic procedures. They will take a culture, which is one of the most accurate research methods, and a smear from the tonsils to check for the presence of fungus.

In order for the child’s general condition to quickly normalize, it is important to correctly identify the foods that can be consumed, they will help cope with a sore throat. The fungus does not like an acidic environment, so vitamin C will do its job perfectly and speed up recovery. In addition to antifungal drugs, which are taken in a course of 2 weeks, rinses can be used. For older children, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage can be recommended. Sprays and special preparations for rinsing (Hexoral) are widely used.

You should use decoctions with a high content of vitamin C, such as rose hips, or tea with lemon, sour fruit drinks. Sauerkraut, cranberries, and citrus fruits have proven themselves well. If you regularly consume such products, especially in winter, you can prevent the initiation of the disease; this is the prevention of this disease.


The main condition under which the disease does not make itself felt is the child’s lifestyle. It is impossible to allow him to be constantly in the house, not looking away from the monitor and TV, and leading a passive lifestyle. Be sure to accustom him to sports, spend more time in the fresh air, and toughen him up. Without excluding medical assistance, help the body cope with the disease on its own. After all, it is easier to prevent a problem than to undergo long-term treatment later.

Strengthening the immune system is the main condition for preventing pathogens from becoming active, especially if the child has a chronic form. Gradually accustom the body to the cold, harden the child, competently carry out jogging and other physical activities in the fresh air.

It is important to create for him a calm, stress-free environment in which he will be comfortable. Adequate rest will help the body recover from an illness and prevent a new one. Choose a schedule in which the child does not overwork, but also actively leads a full life, helps around the house, studies, and plays sports.

It is necessary to protect all household members from communicating with the patient, whenever possible. Ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning, and thoroughly wash the sick child’s dishes.

Not really

The body of a healthy person constantly contains various fungi and microorganisms. They practically do not manifest themselves, being an integral part of the opportunistic microflora. With a decrease in immunity or health problems, they can begin to actively reproduce, causing serious internal diseases and inflammation. One of these is fungal tonsillitis - a special type of infection of the throat mucosa that requires specific treatment.

Causes of the disease

Despite the infection and inflammation in the throat, you should not call this type of mycosis a fungal sore throat. The second name of the disease is tonsillomycosis. The disease visually resembles the more common streptococcal sore throat and is a fungal infection of the tonsils.

The main pathogens that cause tonsillomycosis are yeast or putrefactive fungi from the genus Candida. That's why doctors sometimes call it a disease. In rare cases, mycoses such as Saccharomycetes are isolated. It always develops without a pronounced acute period, but can be complicated by interaction with pathogenic streptococci.

Almost always, fungal tonsillitis occurs against the background of severe weakening of the body after any colds or viral diseases.

Other common causes and predisposing factors are:

  • weakening after a diet or vitamin deficiency;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx or tonsils;
  • hidden inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • poor nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled use of strong antidepressants;
  • oncological diseases.

Due to the characteristics of age and immunity, candidal tonsillitis is more common in young children. Cases of the disease in the first year of life are directly related to the familiarity of the child’s body with pathogenic microflora. The main reason in this case is complications after or dysbacteriosis.

More often than others, fungal tonsillomycosis is diagnosed in patients with certain problems:

  • those suffering from HIV;
  • having;
  • leading an antisocial lifestyle;
  • using dentures;
  • who have undergone radiation or chemotherapy.

Experts emphasize that this type of mycosis always occurs against the background of a combination of two factors:

  • the body's defenses cannot restrain the development of pathogenic fungi;
  • the number of beneficial bifidobacteria, which inhibit the growth of candida, decreases.

Fungal tonsillitis symptoms

Most experienced otolaryngologists can distinguish fungal tonsillitis in children and adults by the appearance of the throat mucosa. A large number of small white spots appear simultaneously on the palate and tonsils. They can cover almost the entire inner surface of the pharynx, tonsils and posterior wall. When the candida pathogen predominates, this plaque has a white, milky tint. If the fungi are moldy, it takes on a greenish color.

Other characteristic symptoms are:

  • unpleasant sourish odor from the mouth;
  • painful sensations when swallowing;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, soreness;
  • weakness of the body;
  • violation of taste perception;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

The acute period for mycosis lasts from 7 to 10 days. It is characterized by an increase in temperature, loss of appetite and a general deterioration in well-being. If the patient self-medicates or the therapy is incorrectly selected, tonsillomycosis develops into a chronic form. It is characterized by a constant alternation of complete rest and a sharp relapse, especially after a cold.

If the disease affects the baby's body against the background of thrush, the child becomes restless, refuses to drink or bottle, and sleeps restlessly. It is difficult for parents to understand the reason for the sudden change. And when breastfeeding, the fungus is constantly transmitted from mother to baby. A hint may be flaking on the mammary gland, itching or redness.

Possible complications

With a severely weakened body and low level of immunity, the disease becomes chronic. The fungus spreads through the lymphatic system and multiplies in soft tissues and internal organs. In an advanced state, fungal tonsillitis can cause inflammation of the heart muscle and kidneys, disrupt the functioning of the liver, and provoke rheumatic changes in the joints.

The absence of complex antimycotics in therapy leads to inflammation of the appendix, otitis media with complications, abscesses and cervical lymphadenitis. Therefore, the disease requires careful systemic diagnosis and compliance with all instructions of the attending physician.

Diagnostic methods

Any sore throat can lead to complications, so at the first symptoms you should consult an otolaryngologist. He determines the necessary studies and tests that will help identify the main pathogen and select an antifungal agent.

After a preliminary examination, a scraping of plaque on the tonsils and larynx is taken through a laryngoscope. Additionally carried out:

  • sowing material to determine mycosis;
  • microscopic examination.

The main difference from ordinary sore throat is the rapid spread of whitish plaque throughout the entire oral cavity, including the tonsils and pharynx, which is not typical for the bacterial form.

Fungal tonsillitis treatment

An integrated approach to the treatment of fungal tonsillitis is aimed at restoring the balance of healthy microflora and strengthening the immune system. The basis is the use of special antimycotics: Fluconazole or Nystatin. In case of severe allergies, they can be replaced with Pimafucin or Pimafucin, which are effective in the presence of candida fungi.

The treatment plan must include the following procedures:

  • taking immunostimulants;
  • treatment of the infected throat mucosa with anti-inflammatory sprays (Hexoral or Chlorphillipt);
  • removing plaque with antifungals, Livaron or;
  • irradiation of the zone of formation of fungal tonsillitis with ultraviolet light;
  • additional antibiotics (if necessary).
  • gargling with the addition of fir, tea tree or sage oil;
  • treatment with chamomile decoctions or;
  • use propolis tincture, honey with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

A simple soda solution removes plaque well and helps reduce fungal activity. Rinsing with such an alkaline composition kills the pathogen and reduces unpleasant symptoms, especially in the presence of candida.

To prevent relapse, you need to pay more attention to your immunity and treat any inflammation in a timely manner. The condition of the intestines and the absence of dysbiosis are of great importance, so regular nutrition with fermented milk products should become a pleasant and tasty habit.