Self-treatment of farsightedness. Treatment of farsightedness with folk remedies

They do not replace treatment with an ophthalmologist; they act as additional measure impact on the disease.

Pick up a manual test chart and light it up well. Read Sivtsev’s table in the distance, then quickly move your gaze to the white stripes between the lines in the table, glide your gaze over them, not forgetting to blink slightly. You can alternate reading the near and far tables. The tension that arises when looking at a deleted table will contribute to recovery normal vision. While reading the table you are holding in your hands, alternately look at homogeneous surfaces such as the floor, wall, etc.

Watching movies, where you can follow with your eyes flying birds, a kite, etc., is also beneficial for vision with farsightedness.

An effective method of combating farsightedness is one that involves concentrating your gaze on a candle flame. If the visual acuity of the eyes is the same, then similar training is carried out for both eyes. If one eye sees better than the other, cover it with paper and train the weaker eye until it is the same. Exercises with a candle are needed seven to eight times a day, the interval is at least ten minutes.

You can also use the exercises provided to combat myopia. With their help you can also cure farsightedness.

Exercise No. 1
It is performed sitting on a chair in a relaxed position with a straight back. Look ahead. Slowly turn your head to the left, move your gaze. Take the starting position and turn your head to the right, strain your eyes a little. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise No. 2
Sitting on a chair, bend either arm at the elbow, place the tip index finger 30 cm in front of your eyes, look past it into the distance for 2-3 seconds, then shift your gaze to your finger and look like that for about 3-5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise No. 3
Do a self-massage of the back of your head with your fingertips from top to bottom. Raise it to eye level right hand, so that it remains to the side, and make circular movements with your fingers. The distance from the eyes should be approximately 50 cm. Try to follow your fingers without turning your head. Do the same exercise now with your other hand. Repeat 7-10 times a day.

Farsightedness is a common vision disorder that interferes with comfortable life person. Modern ophthalmology offers several solutions to this problem, including laser correction and microsurgery. But not all patients are ready for such interventions in the visual organs, especially since these methods are quite expensive. Is it really possible to wear glasses or glasses all my life? contact lenses? Not at all! There are other ways to cure farsightedness at home, especially on early stages diseases.

Basic information: causes, types, symptoms of farsightedness

Farsightedness, or, in medical terms, hyperopia, is a pathology in which, due to impaired focusing of light rays on the retina of the eye, vision deteriorates and the size of the image becomes distorted. This is caused by a shortened ocular axis and the fact that the ray is not refracted enough in the cornea, and the image is focused beyond the retina, which is an abnormality.

The brain “reads” only the image that is displayed on the retina. This is why a person with farsightedness sees a blurry image. This disease is prevalent mainly among adults; Childhood and congenital farsightedness are less common.

There are many reasons for its occurrence and development, among them:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • age-related changes in the organs of vision;
  • eye injuries;
  • unfavorable conditions (poor hygiene, constant visual work, increased workload);
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle, poor nutrition, bad habits.

You can suspect farsightedness based on the following signs:

  • difficulty focusing on close objects;
  • increased tearfulness, redness;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • headache, dizziness after prolonged visual strain;
  • emergence discomfort: “sand in the eyes”, burning, etc.

Clinical cases of farsightedness are classified according to different criteria. For example, it can be congenital or acquired. In infants, the eyeball is often shortened, but as the child grows up, the visual organs gradually return to normal, and by the age of 7 there is no longer any reminder of farsightedness. If there is a hereditary pathology of the lens, then spontaneous healing does not occur. In adults, destructive changes occur around 45–50 years of age, when the eye tissues lose their elasticity. This phenomenon is called “presbyopia”.

It is quite difficult to predict the development of the disease in advance. But compliance general recommendations on eye health, following the rules healthy image life and regular examinations with an ophthalmologist will help prevent farsightedness or slow down its development.

There are three degrees of farsightedness based on optical power:

  1. Weak - up to 2 diopters. Visual impairment is mild.
  2. Average - approximately 2 to 4 diopters. With this pathology, a person clearly sees an object located at a distance, but perceives close objects in a distorted form.
  3. High – from 4.2 diopters and above. In addition to a decrease in near vision acuity, distant vision also deteriorates.

With absence special measures correction and recovery is impossible. Inaction may provoke further progression pathological processes, and correcting this in the future will be quite difficult. There are a number of ways to help people get rid of such disorders at home and restore the functioning of their visual organs. Such methods are available to every patient.

Color therapy is another way independent struggle with farsightedness:

Treating farsightedness on your own

Millions of people around the world are interested in how to improve vision with farsightedness without laser correction or surgical intervention, because getting rid of the disease will allow you to give up glasses and lead a more comfortable lifestyle. This can be done using the tools traditional medicine, using eye strengthening medications, changing your diet and special exercises.

Vitamins to combat farsightedness

Today in pharmacies you can see many vitamin complexes, one of the effects of which pharmacists call is improved vision. Indeed, providing eye tissue with the necessary micro- and macroelements helps to get rid of disturbances in the functioning of the visual organs. But similar drugs noticeably lose in comparison with natural products nutrition. The latter contains a large number of natural vitamins, natural to the human body. They are easier to digest and bring more benefits.

Vitamin A plays a special role in eye health. Its consumption has a positive effect on the condition of the retina. Therefore, it is necessary to include in your menu foods rich in this substance: vegetables, fruits orange color and blueberries, healing properties which is also recognized by official ophthalmology.

A proper diet is the correction of errors in metabolism and nutrition of all organs. To restore vision in case of farsightedness, the menu should include:

  • milk;
  • dairy products, rich in riboflavin and calcium;
  • vegetables: especially onions, cabbage;
  • fresh greens (spinach is very healthy);
  • various fruits and berries.

Such nutrition will certainly have a positive effect on general condition body. It should be remembered that it is necessary to minimize the use of alcohol and tobacco - in otherwise all efforts will be ineffective. If you cannot provide a diet rich in vitamins, you can purchase medications at the pharmacy. For example, “Blueberry Forte”, “Visioned”, “Adruzen Zinko” and others.

Gymnastics for the eyes

One of the ways to get rid of farsightedness and restore vision is a complex special exercises for eyes. They should be performed regularly: after eye strain or a couple of times a day. This does not require special preparation and will not take much time - it is enough to spend 10-15 minutes “charging” your eyes.

An approximate set of exercises:

  1. To relax the muscles and normalize blood circulation in the eyes, you need to close your eyes and gently massage your eyelids with your fingertips. Movements should be soft and circular. Don't overdo it or press too hard.
  2. Close your eyes 10–15 times and open your eyes wide.
  3. An excellent warm-up would be to blink intensely for 2 minutes.
  4. Circular movements of the eyes to the right and left 10–15 times in each direction. They should be repeated at least 5 times.
  5. For a minute you can move your eyes around, as if trying to examine the entire surrounding space.
  6. You need to sit on a chair and, holding your head straight, turn it left and right, focusing your gaze on appearing objects - both close and distant. 8-10 times for each side will be enough.
  7. Try to look at the bridge of your nose for no more than 2-3 seconds, then return your eyes to their original position. Perform 5 times.
  8. Keep your index finger at a distance of 15 cm from your eyes and make circular movements with it, which you need to follow with your eyes. Perform 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise.
  9. An exercise familiar to many: go to the window and fix your gaze on some point on the glass for 15 seconds (you can put your finger on it). Then sharply turn your gaze to a distant object outside the window, peering into its details. It's okay if the picture is blurry - after regular exercise, the image quality will improve.

Such simple exercises Not only good way get rid of already existing violations vision. This is also an excellent prevention of farsightedness, which is recommended for all those whose eyes are often subjected to excessive stress.

If you experience a headache or dizziness during exercise, you should stop exercising. It is necessary to choose exercises that suit the individual.

Vision is one of the the most important feelings person. With its help, a person receives up to 90% of information about the world around him. IN Lately All more people suffers from various diseases eyes, in particular from farsightedness. More than half of the world's people have a disorder ocular apparatus and are wondering how to improve vision?

Many clinics offer to quickly solve the problem surgically. But any surgical intervention It is fraught with consequences and no one will give a 100% guarantee. Many people are interested in the question of how to cure farsightedness at home.

Farsightedness is called ophthalmic disease accompanied by loss of ability to see clearly at close range. The scientific name of the disease is hypermetropia. Light rays with farsightedness, they focus beyond the level of the retina. This occurs due to the weakening of the optical apparatus that collects rays on the surface of the retina with good vision.

Symptoms indicating the development of hypermetropia:

  • increased eye fatigue while reading;
  • overexertion during work, accompanied by headaches, burning eyes;
  • blurred visibility near;
  • frequent infectious diseases eye: stye, conjunctivitis, chalazion.

Farsightedness is divided into three stages of development:

  1. weak degree. This is the initial form of the disease, when the clarity of vision has not yet deteriorated, but long work with an object close, the eyes quickly get tired, and a headache begins;
  2. average degree. Characterizes a situation when a person clearly sees distant objects, but distinguishes nearby objects less well;
  3. high degree. A person sees nearby objects extremely poorly, with a gradual deterioration in distant vision.

Causes of farsightedness

There are many reasons leading to the occurrence and development of farsightedness.:

All newborn children are farsighted and by about three years of age their vision becomes clear.

  • age. After about 25 years, the lens's ability to change curvature decreases. Working at close range or reading gradually becomes difficult;
  • genetics. Heredity often causes the development of farsightedness in children. If both parents suffer from this disease, then the child’s vision should be given Special attention.
  • diabetes. This disease causes damage to the retina;
  • presence of tumors;

All newborn children are farsighted; their eyeball is disproportionate in size. As the baby grows, the length of the eye increases. Around three years of age, vision becomes clear. And the question of how to improve a child’s vision loses relevance.

Good Habits to Maintain Eye Health

To avoid having to treat your eyes and try to restore lost vision, it is necessary to take preventive measures in a timely manner. It is necessary to develop good habits and a lifestyle that improves eye health:

Yours workplace should be well lit so that the eyes do not experience strain

  • there should be good lighting during work. If there is not enough light, your eyes will strain and get tired. Consequences: loss of visual acuity;
  • lighting should be normal, but not excessive. Direct hits bright light from a table lamp or the sun on the lens of the eye, causes tension;
  • to maintain eye health, great importance has a good blood supply to the part of the brain responsible for vision. If the head hangs over the table for a long time, a violation occurs. For this reason, schoolchildren are recommended to prepare their lessons at a desk that has a slope.

We can name many more reasons that can influence the appearance and progression of eye diseases: unhealthy lifestyle (sedentary work, lack of walks in the fresh air, unbalanced diet, stress), bad ecology region of residence, neglect of the most simple rules when reading, writing and working on a computer.

Ways to treat farsightedness at home

To treat farsightedness at home, there are many known effective means. Physiologically, it is much easier to cure hypermetropia in children, which is associated with the continuous growth of the young body, which is quite easy to correct. But also in adults, treatment of farsightedness folk remedies may well be effective. The key to success should be perseverance, regularity and faith in recovery.


The simplest preventative and in a therapeutic way for farsightedness, is the systematic implementation of a set of developed exercises. Specific gymnastics for vision are designed to relieve tension, and when constant use significantly improve vision clarity.

Gymnastics for treating farsightedness at home:

  1. close your eyes and massage them in a circle with your fingertips without pressure. This exercise will help relieve fatigue and improve blood flow;
  2. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds and then open them. Repeat up to 15 times;
  3. blink quickly for a few minutes;
  4. make circular rotations with your eyes to the left and right side 10 seconds each. Repeat up to 5 times;
  5. move your eyes for one minute different sides;
  6. slowly turn your head alternately to the right and left. The gaze should follow the trajectory of the head movement. Repeat 10 times;
  7. pull out the right one in turn, and then left hand. The gaze focuses on the fingertips. The hand should be moved to the side, without turning the head; only the eyes follow the hand. Do 10 repetitions;
  8. bring your eyes to the bridge of your nose for a few seconds. Repeat up to 5 times;
  9. Place your finger at a distance of about 15 cm from the eyes, slowly making circular movements with it, first in one direction and then in the other. The eyes must closely follow the movement. Repeat up to 10 times;
  10. Place a dot on the window with a marker. Hold your gaze at this point for a few seconds, and then move it to the most distant object outside the window. Repeat up to 20 times.

If there is no improvement after the exercises, but discomfort appears, it should not be used.

Folk remedies

Farsightedness can be eliminated using folk remedies. Decoction of medicinal herbs, fruits and leaves, this is a natural and low-cost remedy.

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed cherry leaves are poured with two glasses of boiling water, then left for one hour. You need to take the decoction 30 minutes before meals, half a glass.

Rose hips are filled with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Cook over low heat until the fruits become soft. Then the berries are crushed with a blender and boiled again for only 5 minutes, but this time in a ratio of 1 to 2. Honey is added to the cooled broth. Take half a glass several times a day.

Rose hips are often used in the treatment of farsightedness.

5 tbsp. Grind a tablespoon of pine needles, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for half an hour. Pour the resulting broth into a jar, wrap it and leave overnight in a dark place. Take the filtered liquid 5 times a day, one tablespoon.

Tincture is useful for restoring vision Chinese lemongrass. To do this, grind 5 tbsp. spoons of fruits and pour 500 ml of them ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture should be infused in a dark place for 10 days. Should be taken once a day, 20 drops.

Calamus root tincture is excellent for eliminating disorders visual apparatus. For 250 ml of alcohol take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed calamus root. The mixture is infused for 8 days and taken 20 drops three times a day.

Strong therapeutic effect has juice from equal parts lemon, grapefruit and orange. Take half a glass before meals.

Products that help improve vision

A properly adjusted menu will help you treat farsightedness at home. It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods containing vitamin A: liver, apricots, eggs, vegetables, spinach. Foods rich in vitamins B and C are also useful. Among them citrus fruit, berries, especially blueberries, kidneys, liver, dairy products. It is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamin E; legumes and sprouted wheat are rich in it.

Enrich your diet with foods containing vitamins of various groups

It is necessary to ensure saturation of the body necessary minerals and microelements, in particular lutein, there is a lot of it in bell pepper. Omega-3, aka fish fat, essential for retinal health, obstacles inflammatory processes and improving blood circulation. Selenium and zinc deficiency leads to the destruction of the visual apparatus with age.

Perforation glasses

As an effective preventative measure, wearing specialized perforation glasses may be considered. A special feature of these glasses is the presence of black plastic plates with holes placed in a certain order, instead of glasses. The mechanism of use is to increase clarity, with regular observation through small holes with a diameter of 1 mm.

Specialized perforation glasses are prescribed as effective prevention vision

The device relieves eye strain after exercise. Recommended wearing time is 2 – 3 hours a day. You can use glasses to work at a computer, write and read. However, your ophthalmologist will advise you on how to improve your vision with the help of perforation glasses and whether they can be used for certain eye diseases.

Good vision is priceless gift. To improve vision with farsightedness at home, you need a competent approach, patience, you need to undergo timely and regular preventive examinations, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Dec 18, 2016 Doc

Ability to see the world– this is what nature has endowed us with. But not everyone can boast good eyesight. If a diagnosis of farsightedness is made, then a person who does not have medical education, the question arises as to why the disease develops and how to restore vision with farsightedness at home.

Disease and causes

If a person sees objects in the distance better than near, then this is a disease of the organs of vision, which can appear due to two reasons. One of them is the shortened shape of an apple, and the second is that light is refracted incorrectly inside the visual organ. In addition to all of the above, the disease can occur due to a disturbance in the production of ocular fluid. How to check for the disease? In this case, it is not necessary to consult a doctor. People suffering from farsightedness see objects far away better than nearby objects. Of course, if you discover such a problem, then it is better to consult a specialist to make a diagnosis.

If speak about initial stage disease, it is characterized by rapid eye fatigue. This can be especially noticeable when reading printed text. If the disease is advanced, then inflammatory processes develop against its background.

Farsightedness can occur not only in adults, but also in children. If the disease is not treated, strabismus will develop.

Disease of the elderly. Most often it occurs due to a change in structure eyeball, this is due to age. Vision can be restored, but it requires effort. Reach positive effect possible, but treatment is prescribed in combination:

  • performing specialized physical exercises;
  • folk remedies are widely used;
  • are prescribed, they will help cope with the disease.

Causes of the disease

The development of a disease such as farsightedness can be triggered by factors that a person cannot influence. Among them:

  • genetic reasons - of course we cannot say that the disease is inherited, but that hereditary factor is attracted to its appearance and development, that’s for sure;
  • patient's age - than older man, those more likely that the disease may develop;
  • injuries associated with damage to the organ of vision;
  • Not proper nutrition, failure to maintain eye hygiene, all this entails the development of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

When conducting medical research, it was found that out of 100 people, 50 at 30 years old suffer from the disease. It turns out that every second person is farsighted. This occurs due to overvoltage muscle fibers in the visual organ. With farsightedness, headaches and eye fatigue appear.

Among the symptoms that are characteristic of the onset of the disease are:

  1. Spending a long time at the computer;
  2. Overwork, burning sensation in the eyes;
  3. Constant migraine-like headaches;
  4. Inability to focus vision on an object that is nearby;
  5. The eyes get tired much faster than the average person;
  6. Dizziness.

When making a diagnosis, it is customary to distinguish three stages of the disease:

  • high, when when testing the equipment, deviations of more than 4.0 diopters are recorded;
  • average - on the device deviations from 2.0 to 4.0 diopters;
  • weak degree of the disease - up to 2.0 diopters.

It is possible to get rid of the disease at a medium and high stage only if prescribed specific treatment. The weak stage can be compensated by the optical system of the eyeball.

The main symptom that distinguishes this disease is the ability to see objects at a distant distance better than close-up. To make a diagnosis, testing on the Sivtsev table is used, and various lenses are also used. Only after examination can the patient be diagnosed and treated.

  1. You cannot write or read while lying down. It is necessary to sit at a table and in good lighting;
  2. Speaking about lighting, it is worth noting that the light, especially in case of illness, should be such that the visual organ is comfortable. And not bright, so as not to irritate the eyes;
  3. Maintain distance between the book and your eyes. It should not be less than 30 cm.
  4. Place the computer monitor below the level of the visual organs;
  5. The light should fall from the left if you are right-handed and vice versa if you are left-handed;
  6. Organize your activities in such a way that your eyes do not get tired;
  7. If your activity involves a computer, then you should take breaks from work every 40 minutes. The same applies to schoolchildren who have to read a lot.

Time spent at the computer should be limited, especially if we're talking about about the child.

Hypermetropia and its treatment

Like any other disease, initial stage treatment offered conservative methods, and if it does not help, then surgical intervention may be suggested.

A more loyal method is conservative. It involves the appointment and use of corrective optics. If the stage of development of the disease is weak, then wearing glasses will help restore vision. If the patient categorically refuses glasses, then he may be offered lenses.

If conservative treatment it did not help the patient, then surgical intervention is required. Laser correction can also be done. During this operation, the shape of the cornea is changed, then a layer of eye tissue is removed. This is necessary in order to change the angle of refraction.

In addition to laser correction, the patient may be prescribed a lens implantation, which will help restore vision and relieve the disease.

Along with medical methods, you can treat farsightedness at home using folk remedies.

How to improve vision using folk remedies

Folk remedies always come to the rescue, even when medicine is powerless. Of course you can't treat similar diseases only recipes that we got from our grandmothers, but how additional therapy Even medical professionals can prescribe them.

Let's look at several recipes that help restore vision.

  1. How to improve vision with cherries? To do this, it is enough to drink a decoction made from cherry leaves three times a day (2 tablespoons per two glasses of boiling water). You need to drink this decoction half a glass before meals 30 minutes;
  2. Rosehip is known for its medicinal properties. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour one portion of rose hips with three portions of boiling water. Put everything on the fire and cook until the fruit becomes soft, then the rose hips are crushed and poured clean water in a ratio of 1:2. Boil the broth for about 5 minutes. After the drink is ready, honey is added to it. If you are ill, take this remedy 4-5 times a day, regardless of food intake.
  3. Pine decoction also helps. To prepare it you will need 5 tablespoons of chopped pine needles. Pour half a liter of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes in a water bath. Next, the composition is poured into a jar and wrapped in a towel. You need to leave it overnight. Take a tablespoon of decoction at least 5 times a day.

The improvement is due to the fact that the patient consumes a large number of decoctions based on natural herbs. If you decide to use folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor.

The use of vitamin complexes

Vitamins will help improve vision with farsightedness. It’s good if a person consumes products in which great content vitamin A. To prevent your eyes from hurting, just eat a handful of blueberries and grated carrots every morning. They can be added to porridge or eaten in their natural form.

Important! If this is not possible, you can buy it at the pharmacy. vitamin complexes, for example, “Blueberry Forte”. It is not recommended to choose vitamins on your own; it is better to consult with your doctor.

Perforated glasses differ from regular glasses in that instead of the usual glass, they have plates with holes of approximately 1 mm each. They are located in a checkerboard pattern. Once the glasses are put on, the eye focuses its attention on an object or television by focusing its vision through small holes. These glasses should be worn when watching TV or working at the computer, as they help relieve eye strain. But there are restrictions - they cannot be worn more than 3 hours a day. Manufacturers of such glasses claim that they can cure vision. But in fact there is no evidence of this. But how preventative method they will suit everyone.

Contrast baths for farsightedness

Regular exercises help improve vision in case of illness. contrast baths. To carry out the eye bath procedure, you will need two glasses. One of which is filled with tap water (cold), the second hot water, the water should not be very hot.

Then bring the glasses to your eyes one by one. Try to make sure that visual organ first found himself in hot, and then in cold water. If you can, try to open your eyes so you can see the bottom of the glass. Initially, the eyes are immersed in water for a maximum of 5-10 seconds, and then the time can be increased. Such baths should be done regularly and for at least 6 months. After 3 months you will feel improvement.

With the help of proven remedies, you can preserve your vision for a long time.

The assertion that treating farsightedness at home is possible is not at all unfounded, as it might seem at first glance. Farsightedness, common in modern conditions, requiring maximum eye strain from monitors and screens, has become too large a disaster to be ignored.

More and more people are forced to wear glasses and contact lenses in order to correct noticeably deteriorated vision, which does not allow them to clearly see objects and lines at a certain distance.

Lenses require special care and caution, glasses create certain everyday inconveniences, but meanwhile there are ways to improve vision, and this is not always possible surgery or radical measures like laser correction.

What is farsightedness

This is a noticeable deterioration of vision in which a person has difficulty distinguishing objects at close range. It is a common belief that farsighted people see distant objects well, but in fact, distant objects also become difficult to distinguish depending on the degree of farsightedness and the age of the person.

Naturally entails not only problems with reading or distinguishing something close, but also increased fatigue, headaches, eye inflammation, and in children - strabismus or “lazy eye” syndrome.

The cause of farsightedness is usually poor quality or insufficient functioning of the lens, which results in poor refraction of light in the eye. No need to think about how to get your eyes checked. You should regularly consult an ophthalmologist.

Types and methods of treatment

In the treatment of farsightedness ( scientific name diseases - hypermetropia) there are several proven and quite effective remedies in our arsenal. These include:

  • massage glasses;
  • photostimulation;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • surgical treatment;
  • laser correction;
  • hardware therapy of different types.

In addition to complex and time-consuming procedures for both implementation and rehabilitation of hardware and operational methods treatment of hypermetropia, there are many proven ways to correct farsightedness using folk remedies.

Proven and effective treatment methods

Folk remedies consist not only in the most simple actions, like gymnastics for eye muscles. They also mean various kinds eye lotions, the use of tinctures of certain components. For effectiveness when using eye muscle gymnastics, the following actions are recommended:

  1. Monitor the quality of lighting, do not combine natural and artificial. At the table, it is necessary to perform labor-intensive work with a table lamp; avoid fluorescent lamps.
  2. Alternate mental work with physical activity, active recreation and drink a complex of vitamins to maintain the balance of microelements in the body.
  3. Use special medications in case of inflammation and compliance with all norms of a healthy lifestyle, including Fresh air and proper nutrition.

If all points of the conditions are met, you can perform gymnastics for the eye muscles, and it will give tangible results for both adults and children. The developed set of exercises is the simplest and does not require any other costs, a way to maintain the tone of the eye muscles and prevent the development of farsightedness on your own.

Complaints about the poor quality of vision correction surgery, due to the fact that it has begun to deteriorate again, are nothing more than a consequence of the fact that a person does not pay enough attention to his vision.

At active work associated with eye strain, visual gymnastics must be done every 30-40 minutes. It includes:

  • turning the head from side to side while simultaneously turning the gaze 10-15 times in each direction;
  • 10-fold repetition of the exercise to move the gaze from the tip of the index finger located near the nose to the distance;
  • placing the arms bent at the elbows behind the head and sharply straightening, simultaneously with straightening the legs 7 times;
  • when looking at a hand located at a distance of 40-50 cm, rotate the eyes, directed at the right and left hand alternately;
  • focusing the gaze on a certain point for as long as possible, followed by a sharp aversion of the gaze to the other side;
  • perform the exercise with your eyes without moving your head left and right or up and down.

Exercises can be done both at home and at work. Provided you perform this gymnastics regularly, the results will not be slow to manifest themselves in concrete improvements.

This is far from the only one effective gymnastics for treating farsightedness at home, and if desired, you can find several more equally successful complexes. Another option is yoga.

Lotions, solutions and tinctures

Any traditional methods Treatment of farsightedness is impossible without the use of proven and healing medicinal plants.

1 method. A common tincture of walnuts with the addition of burdock root, lemon, cinnamon, nettle and Icelandic moss. Prepared in the proper proportions and aged according to the recipe, it is taken 2 times a day between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Method 2. Rosehip tincture has been tested many times, and should be prepared only from fresh fruits. Once prepared, it can be stored for some time and taken 3-5 times a day.

Method 3. An infusion of pine needles, taken 4 times a day, a tablespoon, improves vision.

4 method. The juice of exotic fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) mixed with boiled water. The only obstacle may be the presence allergic reaction. Its presence or absence can be checked in advance.

5 method. Calamus root is infused with vodka; it is effective for vision, but is contraindicated for hypertension and stomach diseases.

6 method. It is common knowledge therapeutic effect on the visual organs of blueberries, which can not only be consumed in fresh or in jam, but also use dry leaves, collected yourself or purchased at a pharmacy. The leaves are poured with boiling water, the resulting drug is taken twice a day.

7 method. The use of motherwort tincture will give a pronounced result after some time of regular use.

Diseases of this kind can be avoided, or at least delayed, by taking simple and effective steps to take care of your own health.

To cure farsightedness at home, basic prevention is required: proper nutrition, avoidance bad habits, physical exercise, change of activity. Fresh air and vitamins can prevent disease, as well as the absence of stressful conditions.

Treating with care and concern your own body and its most important components, for example, vision, a person is able to avoid many unpleasant moments, the need to treat the disease and loss of vitality.

Prevention is always more effective than any treatment, because it does not eliminate the consequences, but eliminates the causes that can cause the disease. This is the main folk wisdom.
