Treatment of cough with badger fat. When should you limit use? Contraindications and features of product selection

The fat extracted from a badger caught in the pre-winter period has a particularly valuable biologically active composition, which has been known to the folk medicine of our region for more than two centuries. The substance is endowed with the ability to protect against cancer and atherosclerosis, improve the functioning of the heart and stomach, but badger fat is most often used for coughs. Even some doctors recognize the healing properties of the product and recommend including it in the composition. complex therapy lung diseases.

Surprisingly, the most valuable product of animal origin, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by the experience of more than one generation, is still not included in the list of official medicines. Fat serves as the basis for the preparation of home medicines, and in pharmacy - for the manufacture of dietary supplements. In the instructions for the latter, cough is often not even mentioned, creating additional doubts about the advisability of using the product.

When will it help?

Badger fat best known as a performance stimulant immune system. But its ability to eliminate cough at all stages of development often remains behind the scenes. At the same time, treating cough with badger fat is advisable for:

  • colds;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • lung cancer;
  • sore throat;
  • smoker's cough.

The effectiveness of the product is the same for dry and wet coughs. Fat relieves soreness and irritation in the throat, eliminates the infectious factor of origin, and softens the mucous membranes. When taken regularly, the product restores the function of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and helps remove accumulated mucus.

Why badger fat helps with cough

The healing properties of badger fat for coughing are due to its chemical composition. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood and blood vessels. Due to this, the product has the following effect:

  • improves peripheral blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood flow in the smallest capillaries;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • stimulates the saturation of all body cells with oxygen.

As a result, all tissues and organs begin to perform their functions better physiological functions and the lungs are no exception. Under the influence of fat, metabolism is normalized, metabolism is accelerated, and protein metabolism. What does this do for a cough? Sputum increased viscosity is formed from mucopolysaccharides of a special composition that disrupt gas exchange. Normalization of protein metabolism causes the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi to produce sputum of normal viscosity, as a result of which the movement of the cilia of the bronchial mucosa is normalized, and accumulations of thick sputum are removed.

The immunostimulating properties of badger fat, its ability to activate protective cells and the production of interferon, significantly accelerate recovery and prevent bronchitis from becoming chronic.

Healers claim that badger fat quickly acts against inflammatory processes and eliminates infection. This happens by stimulating blood flow and increasing local immunity at the site of application of the substance. Action results:

  • anti-inflammatory effect– improved blood supply to the lungs ensures rapid elimination of toxins and inflammatory mediators;
  • decongestant effect– tissue swelling is eliminated, due to which the blood supply to individual fragments is normalized respiratory system;
  • antibacterial effect– a sufficient number of immune cells enter the source of infection, completely eliminating foreign agents.

External and internal use of fat helps to overcome cough due to two actions - improving blood circulation and increasing immunity. The content of antioxidants significantly accelerates the body's elimination of toxins accumulated during illness, which shortens the recovery time after illness.

Are there any contraindications

Badger fat is a completely natural product, however, its origin determines some specificity. Fat may contain special protein compounds, causing allergies. Allergic reactions that occur to badger fat can be delayed or reactive. The latter is indicated by redness and an allergic rash when testing the product. In this case, any methods of using fat should be abandoned. Delayed reactions do not threaten the patient’s life. They manifest themselves as urticaria, occur after several uses and require discontinuation of the drug.

Pregnant women, as well as those who are breastfeeding, should avoid using this natural remedy. The reason for this is insufficient knowledge of the effect of the substance on the development of the fetus, the condition of the pregnant woman, as well as the degree of its penetration into mother's milk. Regarding the use in children, expert opinions vary, but:

  • fat should definitely not be given to babies;
  • internal admission is possible only after three years;
  • external use is theoretically possible from one year onwards;
  • Different doses are used for different ages;
  • It is better to coordinate the use of the product with your pediatrician.

Doctors warn against consuming fatty foods for chronic liver problems, renal pathologies and diseases of the pancreas.

How to take for adults...

Treatment of pulmonary problems accompanied by cough using badger fat follows the basic rules prophylactic intake facilities. Important Feature: continuation of the course of treatment until symptoms are completely eliminated - for 10-14 days. At this time, adults are recommended to drink badger fat for cough. dessert spoon three times a day. Be sure to take it half an hour before meals so that all healing components are fully absorbed. After the symptoms have subsided, you can switch to a double dose.

You should drink fat that has stood for some time at room temperature. This will ensure its transition to liquid form and ease of dosing. According to reviews, some people have problems swallowing the product (due to the specific smell and oily taste). Make it easier to use natural medicine possible in the following ways:

  • add to milk– carefully crush a dessert spoon of the product with milk heated to body temperature;
  • mix with honey - the amount of honey should be equal to a third of a dessert spoon; it is more convenient to mix the product immediately for the whole day;
  • apply to bread - this method is recommended for those who experience bouts of vomiting when trying to swallow fat.

You should take the medicine with sweet tea, herbal infusion or water with lemon juice. This will allow you to get rid of it faster bad taste. It is easier to drink badger fat in capsules when coughing. The dosage and regimen are indicated on the packaging and may differ for supplements from different manufacturers. The product should only be purchased at a pharmacy.

...and children

In the treatment of cough in children, it is important to adhere to age restrictions. Internal fat intake is possible only after the child reaches three years old and only after consultation with a specialist. Badger cough oil for children is dosed as follows:

  • a third of a teaspoon– for ages up to six years;
  • half a teaspoon– for children from seven years old;
  • teaspoon – for children from 12 to 16 years old.

The dosage regimen corresponds to an adult: three times a day in the first week of therapy, twice - from the second week of treatment. Give so much fatty product It’s even more difficult for a child than for an adult. For these cases, folk craftsmen have come up with cunning recipes:

  • add jam - the amount of the additive is equal to a third of the child's dose;
  • add onions - suitable for older children, you can use a little vegetable salad;
  • add chocolate– also recommended for older children.

The listed methods will help make it easier for your baby to take the medicine, but you should use sweet additives only in medicinal purposes and in limited quantities, since the product must be ingested on an empty stomach.

Features of external procedures

The external method of using badger fat for cough involves rubbing with the product chest, area of ​​the shoulder blades, neck, and feet. This improves blood circulation at the local level and accelerates tissue warming. The advantage of rubbing with badger fat when coughing is that the procedure is possible even with elevated temperature body, which cannot be said about herbal and warming balms or compresses. They operate according to the following scheme:

  • fat is removed from the refrigerator in advance– for ease of application;
  • applied to the chest and shoulder blade area– rub until completely absorbed, but avoid the heart area;
  • put on a T-shirt - and if there is no temperature, a warm jacket;
  • rub it into the feet - and insulate the feet with cotton socks;
  • go to bed– before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a warm drink (milk, tea, infusion).

External use itself is a good complement to taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Even if you take fat internally, evening procedures will not be superfluous; on the contrary, they will speed up recovery.

Anti-tuberculosis prescription

In ancient times, badger fat was a popular remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis. The antimicrobial properties of fat, combined with its immunostimulating qualities, made it possible to put almost hopeless patients back on their feet. Anti-tuberculosis recipes for using the drug have survived to this day. The most common one is:

  • mix one and a half tablespoons of fat and a spoonful of aloe crushed into porridge;
  • add a couple of teaspoons of cocoa, as well as one spoon of high-quality cognac;
  • The mixture is eaten in one go - in the morning on an empty stomach or before bed.

This recipe at home can only supplement the therapy prescribed by the doctor. Reception folk remedy It is better to agree with a specialist.

Choosing a quality product

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is necessary to purchase fresh, high-quality badger fat. Purchasing at a pharmacy requires the buyer to carefully study the following points:

  • production and storage periods;
  • storage conditions;
  • compliance with these conditions in the pharmacy;
  • manufacturer data;
  • product composition.

If the fat is packaged in the pre-winter months, has a shelf life of no more than a year, does not contain preservatives, and the container is filled with a whitish mass, then the product can be purchased. All specifications meet the standard, and in the pharmacy the fat is stored in a refrigerator.

You can only buy fat from your hands from hunters you know well. IN otherwise there is a risk of buying a counterfeit or spoiled product. After all, the badger as a trophy is now a phenomenon common only in certain latitudes. When purchasing the product, you should open the container. The mass in it must have the following characteristics:

  • White color;
  • characteristic aroma;
  • viscous consistency, but not hard;
  • homogeneous structure;
  • no impurities.

If the seller offers yellowish fat that frankly smells like rot, carrion, and tastes sour, this is a clear sign of deception. The product, even if it is badger fat, is spoiled.

Before taking badger fat for a cough, you should make sure of its quality, as well as the patient’s absence of allergies. Can be done skin test, or carefully monitor the body's reaction after the first day of treatment. In addition to cough, the product will cure vascular disorders, increase immunity, strengthen nerves, and improve skin health. Treatment with badger fat, if all the rules are followed, will only bring benefits.

Cough is a protective reaction of the body in diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Thanks to it, the body removes mucus that makes breathing difficult. Many people prefer to use natural products to get rid of this symptom, including badger cough oil.

One of the best natural products for cough and bronchitis is badger fat. It can be used both as a mixture and smeared externally. Badger fat is a unique natural medicine.

The animal accumulates its valuable fat layer throughout the spring and summer period. And already at the end of autumn it contains the maximum amount of biologically beneficial active substances, which are vital for the badger to hibernate without food or water. This natural product obtained by reheating and purification internal fat animal hunted in late autumn.

It contains the following elements:

  • vitamins E, K, A;
  • B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (including Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 acids);
  • organic acids;
  • citamines;
  • various micro- and macroelements.

The complex of these substances has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Due to its unique components badger fat copes well with various types of cough and can defeat smoker's bronchitis. Vitamins and microelements help increase the body's immunity and make it possible to use fat with other medications.

Indications for use

Badger fat will help cope with coughs for both adults and children. You need to know that this symptom occurs against the background of the following diseases: ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia. The healing properties for coughs are due to the valuable composition of the product.

Types of coughs for which badger fat can be consumed:

  1. Non-productive (dry) cough - no sputum is produced. It occurs with tracheitis, pharyngitis.
  2. Productive (wet) cough – there is copious sputum production (pneumonia, bronchitis).
  3. Unproductive cough - the presence of sputum in the respiratory tract is felt, but its release occurs after a painful and prolonged painful cough.
  4. Rough (barking) occurs with laryngitis.
  5. Paroxysmal cough - with whooping cough.

Important! Consultation with a doctor is required. You should not self-medicate.

How to drink badger fat

You can take badger fat orally for any type of cough. For bronchitis, you need to consume 2 tsp. three times a day. For dry cough, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. If you take the medicine after meals, the results may be less than expected.


When used externally for coughs in adults, badger fat is applied to the back, chest, feet, treatment can be combined with ingestion of fat. Directions for external use: gently rub into the skin until a film forms. After this, the patient is wrapped to keep him warm. It is advisable to treat an incipient cough by rubbing, as the method can cause an increase in temperature.

For children

For coughs, this method is available to children from two to three years of age. The fat is rubbed on the chest, back and feet at night for two weeks. It is recommended for massage to make a mixture of lard with the addition of aloe juice, propolis, cocoa, mint, and jojoba oil.

Important! Doctors advise treating coughs with badger fat in children as a complementary therapy. At developing cough it is used internally. But we must remember that fat is a burden on digestive system child. Such treatment should be carried out with caution.

For adults

For coughs, adults dilute the fat with milk with the addition of honey, drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l. It can be spread on bread with jam - eating it in this form is much more pleasant. The use of milk with badger fat is popular and effective method fight against cough.

To prepare the mixture, you need to melt the fat. You can add honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins to it in equal proportions and use the medicinal recipe for 1 tsp. three times a day.

Adults consume the mixture half an hour before meals, children during meals. If you cannot drink the drink on an empty stomach, you can drink it three hours after lunch or dinner. The duration of use of the folk remedy is a month. Then 2-4 weeks of rest, and the course is repeated.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, any medications affect the health and growth of the fetus. Doctors recommend not using badger fat internally until the 13th week. Then, up to 24 weeks, you can use it in in moderation. External use has no restrictions. You can rub the chest at any time.

Important! Cough on early stages pregnancy can be dangerous for the development of the fetus, so it is necessary not to delay treatment and immediately help the body fight the disease.

Where to buy and how to choose

The pharmaceutical industry offers various shapes release: for oral administration - in capsules, for external use - creams and ointments. Capsules are very convenient to store. In this form, you can always have the medicine with you. Shelf life 2 years. How to take it correctly is described in the instructions. The price at the pharmacy may vary depending on the manufacturer and region. On average, the cost of 100 capsules of 0.25 g is 100 rubles. Bottle 100 ml - 160 rub.

To choose a fresh and high-quality product, you need to know a few rules:

  • The color of the fat can be white or creamy - it depends on what the animal eats. If the shade is too yellow, the product is not fresh;
  • the fat smells like a specific animal odor;
  • at normal temperatures it resembles sour cream, it hardens in the refrigerator;
  • The containers in which fat is sold must be made of glass, since harmful mixtures are formed in plastic packaging due to violation of storage standards.

Important! When choosing, you need to pay attention to the cost. The price should not be too low. This may indicate that the product contains synthetic additives.

Badger fat must be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 0-6 degrees. At proper storage their useful qualities fat can be retained for 1.5-2 years.


Despite the fact that fat is a natural product, not all patients can use it. Contraindications include:

  • allergies and intolerance to the drug;
  • childhood up to 6 years (for oral administration);
  • problems with the pancreas, stones in the bile ducts, tract, liver;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis.

In any case, consultation with your doctor is required. If there chronic diseases, you need to use fat very carefully.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur when treated with badger fat:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • various skin rashes and redness.

If one of the above symptoms appears after badger fat, you must immediately stop using it. this remedy. You should visit a doctor who will prescribe other medications and help you cope with the disease.

Badger fat is not a medicine, but only food additive, but some patients use it as their main medicine. This is due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

To treat diseases of the respiratory tract, bronchi, and lungs, it is better to use natural remedies. Doctors recommend badger fat for these purposes (internally, externally). This product has a number positive qualities and gives a strong therapeutic effect. For getting maximum benefit From its use you need to know who can use the useful product and how to do it correctly.

What is badger fat

Natural medicine with wide range actions are badger fat. The product is available in the form of capsules for oral and in kind. It looks like a yellow-white mass with a specific taste and smell. In cold conditions it actively hardens and melts at temperatures above 17 degrees. During the spring and summer, the badger heats up the fat layer, and by autumn it becomes heated a large number of useful substances. The product is mined, melted and purified. Capsules are made from it or sold in pure form.

Badger fat contains many useful substances. Components natural product:

    Polyunsaturated acids (linolenic, linoleic). They activate tissue nutrition and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

    Microelements that improve metabolism.

    Unsaturated oleic acid.

    Vitamins A, B, E.


The main beneficial qualities of the product are determined by the badger’s nutrition. He eats roots, insects, herbs. Thanks to this diet, biologically active substances accumulate in the layer of fat, which are easily absorbed by the human body. Useful qualities:

    removal of heavy metals and waste;

    cleansing the lungs;

    destruction of the tuberculosis bacillus;

    prevention of relapse of diseases;

    healing of skin damage;

    treatment of colds during pregnancy and lactation;

    prevention of cancer development;

    restoration of strength in case of exhaustion, decreased immunity;

    anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect;

    cough treatment;

    normalization of metabolism;

    improving the appearance of the skin;

    therapy of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Use of badger fat for coughing

The therapeutic effect of a natural product for cough is explained by its chemical composition. Beneficial substances that accumulate in badger fat act on the body as follows:

    blood flow is normalized in small capillaries;

    oxygen saturation of all cells is stimulated;

    peripheral blood circulation improves;

    the amount of hemoglobin in the blood increases.

As a result, organs and tissues function better (including the lungs). Badger fat activates metabolism and optimizes protein metabolism. If a person has a cough, viscous sputum is formed from mucopolysaccharides with a special composition; they seriously disrupt gas exchange. The product normalizes protein metabolism, which causes the bronchial ciliated epithelium to produce sputum of normal viscosity. Result: the movement of the cilia of the bronchial mucosa is normalized, and the thick accumulated mucus is actively removed.

The natural medicine strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of interferon (a protein that protects against viruses), which speeds up recovery and prevents the development of chronic bronchitis. There are several types of cough that are treated with badger fat. Natural medicine is used in such cases:

    dry (non-productive) cough occurs with pharyngitis, tracheitis;

    barking, rough cough indicates the development of laryngitis;

    wet, productive with active sputum discharge causes bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia).

How to use badger fat for coughing

There are several main uses for badger lard. It is consumed internally, used for rubbing and compresses. To achieve a positive result, treatment must be carried out correctly and the dosage for children and adults must be observed. Before starting antitussive therapy, it is advisable to consult a qualified physician.


The duration of treatment is approximately two weeks. The medicine is taken until the cough goes away. Dosage for an adult is 1 dessert spoon three times a day. To ensure that all beneficial substances are well absorbed, the product is consumed 30 minutes before meals. When the symptoms become less pronounced, use 2 times a day. Before ingestion, the lard should melt a little at room temperature, it will acquire a liquid consistency and it will be easier to drink the medicine.

Fat has a characteristic odor and oily taste, so not everyone can cope with disgust and discomfort when swallowing. There are ways to consume natural products that greatly facilitate the therapeutic process:

    badger fat with honey (bee product - 1/3 of a dessert spoon + 1 spoon of lard);

    spreading the medicine on bread (helps overcome vomiting reflex when swallowing);

    badger fat with milk (proportions 1:1);

    washed down herbal infusion, water with lemon juice, sweet black tea (gets rid of a specific taste);

    a good alternative is the product in capsules (sold in a pharmacy, follow the dosage according to the instructions or taking into account the doctor’s recommendations).

Children can use badger fat internally for cough only from 3 years of age. Compresses and rubbing are allowed with more early age, but in this case it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Can be combined with jam, preserves, milk, not big amount vegetable salad, chocolate. First, the medicine is taken 3 times a day (the first week), then twice a day. The dosage for a child looks like this:

    from 3 to 6 years - 1/3 of a teaspoon;

    7-12 years - ½ tsp;

    from 12 to 16 years old - 1 teaspoon.


Cough is effectively treated by rubbing with badger fat. The surface of the chest, neck, shoulder blades, and feet are treated. Thanks to the properties of the natural medicine, local blood circulation improves and the tissues warm up well. The procedure can be carried out even at elevated temperatures, unlike compresses. Rubbing with badger fat when coughing in children and adults is performed according to the following scheme:

    The product should sit at room temperature for a while to make it easier to apply.

    Fat is collected by hand, rubbed on the chest (except for the heart area), shoulder blades, feet until completely absorbed

    Next, you need to put on a T-shirt or a warm jacket (if there is no elevated temperature), and insulate your feet with cotton socks.

    It is better to perform rubbing before going to bed, so that you can immediately lie down under the covers (the product will warm you more effectively).


Effective therapeutic agent- compresses. The product relieves inflammation, eliminates cough, improves general state sick. At elevated body temperature, this remedy is not used, as the situation may worsen. Treatment with badger fat for cough and bronchitis is carried out as follows:

1. In a deep container, combine melted lard (2 tablespoons), vodka (50 grams), honey (2 tablespoons). Mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

2. Fold a piece of gauze in several layers and place the medicine on it.

3. Place the compress on the chest and back (it is advisable not to treat the heart area). Wrap the gauze in cling film so that the compress holds well. Wrap yourself in a warm thing on top.

4. The drug is kept for at least 4-5 hours.

Treatment with badger fat for cough and bronchitis

Treatments for wet and dry coughs often involve the use of animal fat. The duration of the process is determined depending on the disease that caused the unpleasant symptoms. The dosage of a natural product for children and adults differs. To get the maximum effect from using badger fat, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of therapy at home.

This symptom is characteristic of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or initial stage bronchitis. A dry cough causes very unpleasant sensations and does not at all alleviate the patient’s condition. If you do not take treatment procedures seriously, complications may arise. Badger fat perfectly helps get rid of dry cough and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Dosage: adults - three times a day, 1 dess. spoon 30 minutes before meals, children - from 1/3 to a whole teaspoon of the product. Rubbing is also effective for dry coughs.

A prolonged dry cough can turn into a productive (wet) cough. The situation is caused by the development of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis. Sometimes such a transition is associated with improper treatment of the disease. Features of using badger lard for wet cough:

1. Natural remedy is absorbed into tissues and blood, so it is better not to use it on an empty stomach.

2. Medium daily dose for an adult it is 3 tbsp. spoons. A child from three years of age is given 2-3 teaspoons per day.

3. When the disease is severe or causes complications, badger fat is recommended to be used as an additional remedy for drug therapy.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of badger fat. N natural medicine cannot be used in the following cases:

    drug intolerance, allergy;

    diseases of the pancreas, stones in the liver, bile ducts;


    child's age up to 6 years (oral intake);

How to choose badger fat

To purchase a high-quality, natural product, you need to know about the nuances of its choice. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The product must not contain unnecessary impurities, additives or similar components.. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of the medicine.
  2. If the color and aroma of the product is suspicious, then you should refuse to purchase it.
  3. The product from the pharmacy should have detailed instructions.
  4. The price of fat in jars and capsules is almost the same.
  5. The pharmacist is required to provide a quality certificate and documents with information about the manufacturer.

How to use badger fat to treat cough in adults and children - beneficial properties, dosage and rubbing

During treatment pulmonary diseases better to apply natural preparations– this is the remedy badger fat for cough, used internally or in the form of rubbing. The natural substance can be obtained by melting the internal fatty tissue of an animal; lard is sold in pharmacies and used to treat bronchitis and tuberculosis. It is useful to know how to use it correctly.

What is badger fat

The inner fat layer of the animal is melted, cleaned and a natural medicine is obtained. In addition to using its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, badger fat for cough is good for normalizing the acceleration of protein metabolism in the body. For colds, it strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin, and can be used by pregnant women and children.

The most useful product is considered to be one obtained at the end of autumn, because in spring and summer a layer for winter is deposited in the animal’s body. It contains the maximum concentration of substances that help protect against hypothermia, fast healing wounds, treatment of coughs and colds, enhancing functions digestive tract, respiratory and reproductive systems. Salo also helps to quickly restore the skin and facilitate recovery.

Treatment of lungs with badger fat

Due to useful composition Badger fat perfectly cures lung diseases. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements increase the body’s resistance and make it possible to combine the product with others medicines strong action. For bronchial asthma, bronchitis or pulmonary tuberculosis, badger fat removes inflammation and can cure the cough of even a long-term smoker. According to reviews, the substance softens the lungs and copes with tuberculosis and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract within a month.

The course of application lasts a month, then the patient rests for two weeks and repeats the procedure. The substance has an unpleasant taste, so taking it on an empty stomach can cause a gag reflex. To avoid this, drink badger lard with a decoction of rose hips and St. John's wort. For children, it is better to add jam or honey or currant jam to the substance. Systematic consumption of badger fat for prevention is more beneficial than one-time use. To strengthen the immune system, it is good to take it three times a day, half an hour before meals, and after half a month switch to twice a day.

Use for cough

Badger fat is often used to treat coughs; for this, it is applied to the chest at night and rubbed in a little. It is better to do this procedure daily. Massage until completely absorbed, wrap the patient and let him warm up. It is useful to drink warm tea or light herbal tea after rubbing. breast collection. This method can only be used to treat an early onset cough, but cannot be used for a developing disease:

  • Rubbing has the ability to warm, so be careful not to increase the temperature.
  • After the cough appears on the second or third day, start treatment with badger fat to shorten the period of illness to 4-5 days.
  • When treating a dry cough, take orally in a dosage of a tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • Warm the mixture with milk and honey, drink three times a day.
  • It is better to store the product in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity.

Medicinal properties for coughs

The beneficial effect of badger fat in the treatment of cough is due to the animal’s nutrition. The animal eats insects, roots, herbs and accumulates biologically valuable substances that are easily digestible in the fat layer. human body. Here are just some of the beneficial properties of badger fat:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes heavy metals;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • kills the tuberculosis bacillus;
  • rich in fatty acids;
  • vitamin A prevents the development of relapses of diseases;
  • has a positive effect on the skin;
  • helps prevent cancer development;
  • B vitamins in the composition enhance metabolism, treat the nervous system and heart;
  • useful for exhaustion of the body;
  • cleanses the lungs;
  • reduces the severity of cough.

Badger fat for cough is drunk three times a day, a tablespoon (15 ml) during or half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is a month, after which a rest period of 2-4 weeks is taken, and the course continues. For rubbing, a small amount of fat is applied to the chest or damaged areas. skin until a protective film forms.

Badger lard for cough is taken only on an empty stomach to quickly absorb its beneficial substances. in advanced cases of bronchitis or asthma, it is useful to drink fat with milk and a small amount honey This also prevents the gag reflex. If you cannot drink badger lard on an empty stomach, take it three hours after lunch, but do not make your meal too heavy. Modern pharmacies offer to buy fat in capsules to eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste. They should be drunk according to the instructions from the package.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers will benefit from information telling them how to drink badger fat when coughing without harming the baby’s health. This substance, along with bear lard, is considered a safe remedy for treating pregnant women from pulmonary diseases. What makes him different is natural composition, rapid digestibility with proper melting. The amount of badger fat taken depends on the woman’s body weight:

  • less than 60 kg – a dessert spoon three times a day;
  • less than 100 kg – a tablespoon;
  • over 100 kg - 1.5-2 tablespoons or the number of capsules indicated in the instructions.

Badger fat for coughs for children is natural effective remedy, take it twice or thrice a day an hour before meals, mixing it with milk, honey or spreading it on black bread with sour jam. Such use will not allow the child to refuse the medicine, which in its pure form tastes unpleasant. When giving your son or daughter medicine, melt the fat at room temperature naturally, but do not reheat. You can mix lard with chopped walnuts, honey, raisins and dried apricots in equal portions and eat a teaspoon three times a day.

For children, the amount of badger fat consumed at one time depends on age, but it should be taken at the age of 2-3 years; doctors do not recommend drinking lard for infants:

  • 3-6 years – a third of a teaspoon;
  • 6-12 years – half a teaspoon of product;
  • 12-16 years – a teaspoon or the number of odorless capsules indicated in the instructions.


Treatment with badger fat for cough and bronchitis by external rubbing is available for children from two years of age. Until the age of three, this is the only possible way to use the medicine for diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Children rub their chest, back and feet at night, after 5 days an improvement is observed, but for a cure it is worth adding at least another week. Adults rub their chest, back and legs at night, combining massage with ingestion of lard.

Traditional healers highlight several more useful well-known recipes for rubbing with badger fat with a pronounced effect:

  • a mixture of lard, cocoa, honey, aloe pulp, butter, mummy extract, propolis and alcohol - a teaspoon dissolves in water, used for rubbing and internal use in combination with milk;
  • lard, jojoba oil, essential oil of lavender, rosemary, tea tree and mint - used for rubbing against long-term muscle pain.

Badger fat is good for treating bronchitis using compresses. Timely treatment helps prevent the spread of pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Rub the patient with lard after a bath or warm bath, wrap him in a warm blanket or woolen cloth to keep warm and leave him overnight. Alternate compresses with rubbing and taking fat orally until complete recovery.

Badger fat for tuberculosis

Healthy badger fat kills the tuberculosis bacillus and restores the body depleted by the disease. Due to this, fat is considered the best medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis among folk recipes. Doctors advise using it as a adjuvant therapy– mix one and a half tablespoons of lard with a tablespoon of ground aloe, two teaspoons of cocoa and one cognac. You need to take the mixture once a day.

Contraindications for use

Badger fat is an extremely useful remedy for treating cough, but has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • problems with the liver, pancreas, stomach.

Doctors do not recommend taking badger lard without consulting a specialist. Do not give the product to children and adolescents without confidence in the result of treatment, do not make cough syrups and ointments from fat for pregnant and lactating women. If an allergy occurs during consumption in the form of a rash, scabies, stomach upset or nausea, stop self-medication and visit a doctor: he will prescribe anti-allergy medications and advise you to drink more fluids.

Video: how to treat cough with badger fat

How to use badger fat for coughing

People began using badger fat for medicinal purposes more than two centuries ago. At first, its ability to quickly heal wounds was noticed, then others beneficial features. But badger fat has shown the most effective use for coughs. With long-term internal use, it can even cure a person of tuberculosis. What is his secret?

Amazing badger

Let's first take a closer look at the badger himself. This amazing animal lives exclusively in ecologically clean areas, in dry areas near fresh water bodies: rivers or lakes. He mainly lives in forests or taiga, sometimes in steppes or semi-deserts with a temperate climate.

The badger is an omnivorous animal, but it won’t eat just anything. Its protein diet consists of amphibians, bird eggs, earthworms, small rodents, and insects. Among plant foods, the badger prefers edible roots, useful plants, mushrooms, berries. He will not eat carrion or spoiled food. Even if during the hunt he managed to catch more prey than he can eat, the excess will remain untouched.

The badger overeats only at the very end of summer, when it begins to intensively accumulate fat reserves in order to support its body for several months of winter hibernation, into which it falls already in November and can sleep until April. It is during this period that badger fat contains the maximum of biologically active and valuable nutrients.

There are legends and hunting tales about badgers. It is believed to have fantastic vitality and is able to survive even in very harsh conditions. Hunters say that in the body of a wounded badger, small shot does not cause suppuration, but is slowly pushed out by the body. This fact is controversial, but badger fat really heals wounds very quickly.

And he can also eat poisonous mushrooms and does not die from snake bites, recovers from rabies and tuberculosis. Such an amazing animal.

Properties of fat

There is nothing strange in the fact that modern scientists are extremely interested in the composition and properties of badger fat. And after a series of studies, they discovered many new facts. The composition of badger fat includes:

  • vitamin A – responsible for restoration processes in the cells and tissues of the body and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties;
  • B vitamins – accelerating metabolic processes, stimulating the work of all organs and systems;
  • natural antibiotics – harmful to most pathogenic microorganisms, including tubercle bacilli;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids – strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the immune system;
  • minerals and trace elements – necessary for the active, balanced functioning of the body;
  • antioxidants – capable of neutralizing the effects of free radicals and stopping the development of malignant tumors.

In addition, it has excellent enveloping properties, creating a thin but durable protective film on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, which relieves inflammation and protects against irritating factors.

Indications for use

It is thanks to the unique healing qualities many ways have been invented to use badger fat for the most various diseases. But three main areas of its application still remain priority:

  1. As a wound healing agent for burns, wounds, skin diseases, bedsores, abscesses, boils, dermatitis, etc.
  2. As a general tonic for recovery period after severe operations or long-term illnesses, reduced body resistance to infections, severe exhaustion, metabolic disorders, after prolonged fasting.
  3. As an antitussive for any diseases of the upper respiratory tract, both infectious and non-infectious.

Rubbing with badger fat has an excellent warming effect and can help with hypothermia and even frostbite. individual parts bodies. The product is environmentally friendly and can be used to treat pregnant women and small children.

Use for cough

Treatment of cough with badger fat is very effective, since it simultaneously exhibits all three of its healing properties: it kills pathogens and at the same time protects the throat from their further penetration, relieves inflammation and heals wounds and microcracks in the throat, activates the body's defenses. When taken internally properly, badger fat for coughs can easily replace most traditional medications.

If you regularly drink badger fat, you can completely get rid of:

  • smoker's cough;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • dry lingering cough;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • severe allergic cough.

Taking badger fat is also useful for bronchial asthma. It reduces the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks, although it is not able to completely cure this serious disease.

Methods of application

There are several tested traditional methods treat cough with badger fat. It can be used for both outdoor and internal use. It all depends on the disease itself and what kind of effect you want to get from treatment. It is quite difficult to get young children to take badger fat, so rubbing is more effective for them.

If you buy badger fat at a pharmacy, the package always contains instructions for use. As a rule, it prescribes the use of the product in its pure form for rubbing or internal use. But in combination with other healthy products, the properties of badger fat are revealed with renewed vigor, so it is better to try proven folk recipes.

  1. Ancient Tibetan. Contains a small amount of alcohol and is therefore only suitable for adults and children over 12 years of age. Helps against any acute respiratory diseases and long painful cough. An additional bonus is a strong strengthening of the immune system. To prepare a healing mixture, you need to take: half a glass of badger fat, 100 grams of dry cocoa powder, pulp from three large aloe leaves, half a glass of natural bee honey. Mix all components well until smooth. Melt 2 tbsp in a water bath. spoons of melted cow butter, add 1 gram of mumiyo extract and a teaspoon of propolis tincture, remove from heat and pour in a tablespoon of alcohol. Add warm oil to the badger fat mixture in a thin stream, stirring all the time. Cool the finished mixture, cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Take as a cough medicine, dissolving a teaspoon in half a glass of warm milk (3-4 times a day). Can be used for rubbing if you dilute the mixture in half with vodka.
  2. Classic recipe. In Rus' there were no such exotic products as mumiyo and aloe, so in our latitudes they used a simpler, but no less effective recipe. Three parts of badger fat were mixed with one part of any of the following products: pureed raspberries or currants with sugar, honey, alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort or propolis, or rosehip decoction. How to take it depends on individual preferences: you can dissolve it in a glass of warm milk, tea, or simply eat a teaspoon of the product. While the cough is strong, this should be done 3-4 times a day, after 14 days for preventive purposes - one spoon in the morning and in the evening for up to a month.
  3. Warming rubbing. Perfectly helps with colds, lingering cough, bronchitis and even chronic inflammation lungs. It has a good therapeutic effect, since the finished ointment contains essential oils, whose molecules are capable of flying over distances of up to several meters when heated. It turns out at the same time heat treatment and inhalation. Can even be used for rubbing children older than 6 months. To prepare you need to take: 100 ml of badger fat, 2 tbsp. spoons natural oil(wheat germ, sea buckthorn or jojoba), 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of mint oil. Melt the fat and butter in a water bath, remove from heat and add essential oils. For adults, you can add another tablespoon of vodka or cognac. Cool, whisking constantly with a plastic or wooden spatula. Rub at night, every other day, avoiding the heart area and trying to ensure that the essential oils do not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.

There are other ways to use badger fat. Your doctor may be able to tell you how to use one of them correctly, since it is often recommended as an additional treatment to drug therapy.


There are few contraindications to the use of badger fat. First of all, you need to make sure that this product is fresh and of high quality. Therefore, it is not worth buying it on hand. No one on the market will give you a guarantee that this is really pure badger fat, and not lamb or goat fat with badger added. And it is very difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish it.

But even when purchasing a pharmaceutical product, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, integrity of the packaging and appearance product. Real badger fat has a uniform consistency (it is already melted), white or slightly yellow in color. When you open the package, smell it. Quality fat It has a specific, but not sour, odor; the taste is not bitter, rather it is neutral.

If you are convinced of high quality product, its use is not recommended for:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • liver diseases;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • gastrodudenite.

IN in rare cases An allergic reaction occurs to badger fat taken orally. To ensure its absence, before treating a cough in this way, it is recommended to do a test. Apply a little fat to the back of your wrist and rub it over the skin with your finger. If within two hours there is no redness or other skin reactions, you can safely use the product for treatment.

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Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

Badger fat - use for cough

Badger fat has long been considered valuable medicinal product and is still used in both traditional and folk medicine. It contains great amount various vitamins, minerals, other useful substances, including a large amount of vitamin A, B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Badger fat is widely used for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, stomach and duodenal ulcers, arthritis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, joint diseases, burns, frostbite and other diseases.

Useful properties and contraindications

Badger fat has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, helps accelerate protein metabolism in the body, strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin levels, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The therapeutic effect of badger fat directly depends on the concentration of various beneficial substances in it, therefore for treatment it is necessary to use the fat of an animal obtained in late autumn, just before the start of hibernation, when the concentration of biological active substances is maximum. Badger fat obtained in Bol early period time (spring-summer), has much less healing properties. Badger fat is used to treat many diseases, but its most common use is as a cough remedy, regardless of the cause. Badger fat helps with coughs caused by colds, as well as with bronchitis, tracheitis and even smoker's cough.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are individual intolerance, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and early childhood. Restrictions (with the exception of allergies) apply only to taking badger fat orally. But for rubbing it can be used by everyone, except those who have allergies.

Treatment of cough with badger fat

Rubbing with badger fat when coughing

Since the drug in its pure form does not taste very pleasant, and its ingestion is not recommended for children under 6 years of age, it is often used externally as a rub, which also gives a warming effect. Rub the patient's chest or back in a limited area during the recovery stage. When the disease is in its early stages, such rubbing can increase inflammation, and the warming effect can further increase the temperature.

Badger fat for dry cough

Badger fat for bronchitis

IN in this case fat is taken internally and used externally for rubbing. Adults take 2 teaspoons, and children take 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. At acute bronchitis the course is limited to two weeks, and in chronic cases, after the first weeks, the frequency of taking the drug is reduced to twice a day and taken for another month and a half. Since the taste of the product is quite unpleasant, you can prepare chocolate butter for children based on it, consisting of badger fat (8 teaspoons), butter (100 grams), cocoa powder (5 teaspoons) and chocolate (100 grams).

Instructions for using badger fat for coughs are relatively simple. The drug can be taken in its pure form, washed down with a decoction of rose hips or St. John's wort, or warm milk with honey. The basic rule is that badger fat should be taken only on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before meals, otherwise it will not be absorbed into the blood properly and will not have the required therapeutic effect.

And, as with any product of animal origin, you should not take risks when purchasing badger fat. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, it is best to buy it at the pharmacy in capsules or bottles.


Cough is a protective reaction of the body in diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Thanks to it, the body removes mucus that makes breathing difficult. Many people prefer to use natural products to get rid of this symptom, including badger cough oil.


One of the best natural products for cough and bronchitis is badger fat. It can be used both as a mixture and smeared externally. Badger fat is a unique natural medicine.

The animal accumulates its valuable fat layer throughout the spring and summer period. And already at the end of autumn it contains the maximum amount of useful biologically active substances that are vital for the badger to hibernate without food and water. This natural product is obtained by melting and purifying the internal fat of an animal harvested in late autumn.

It contains the following elements:

  • vitamins E, K, A;
  • B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (including Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 acids);
  • organic acids;
  • citamines;
  • various micro- and macroelements.

The complex of these substances has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Due to its unique components, badger lard copes well with various types of cough and can overcome smoker’s bronchitis. Vitamins and microelements help increase the body's immunity and make it possible to use fat with other medications.

Indications for use

Badger fat will help cope with coughs for both adults and children. You need to know that this symptom occurs against the background of the following diseases: ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia. The healing properties for coughs are due to the valuable composition of the product.

Types of coughs for which badger fat can be consumed:

  1. Non-productive (dry) cough - no sputum is produced. It occurs with tracheitis, pharyngitis.
  2. Productive (wet) cough – there is copious sputum production (pneumonia, bronchitis).
  3. Unproductive cough - the presence of phlegm in the respiratory tract is felt, but its release occurs after a painful, prolonged and painful cough.
  4. Rough (barking) occurs with laryngitis.
  5. Paroxysmal cough - with whooping cough.

Important! Consultation with a doctor is required. You should not self-medicate.

How to drink badger fat

You can take badger fat orally for any type of cough. For bronchitis, you need to consume 2 tsp. three times a day. For dry cough, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. If you take the medicine after meals, the results may be less than expected.


When used externally for coughs in adults, badger fat is applied to the back, chest, feet, treatment can be combined with ingestion of fat. Directions for external use: gently rub into the skin until a film forms. After this, the patient is wrapped to keep him warm. It is advisable to treat an incipient cough by rubbing, as the method can cause an increase in temperature.

For children

For coughs, this method is available to children from two to three years of age. The fat is rubbed on the chest, back and feet at night for two weeks. It is recommended for massage to make a mixture of lard with the addition of aloe juice, propolis, cocoa, mint, and jojoba oil.

Important! Doctors advise treating cough with badger fat in children as an additional therapy. When a cough develops, it is taken orally. But we must remember that fat is a burden on the child’s digestive system. Such treatment should be carried out with caution.

For adults

For coughs, adults dilute the fat with milk with the addition of honey, drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l. It can be spread on bread with jam - eating it in this form is much more pleasant. Using milk with badger fat is a popular and effective method of fighting cough.

To prepare the mixture, you need to melt the fat. You can add honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins to it in equal proportions and use the medicinal recipe for 1 tsp. three times a day.

Adults consume the mixture half an hour before meals, children during meals. If you cannot drink the drink on an empty stomach, you can drink it three hours after lunch or dinner. The duration of use of the folk remedy is a month. Then 2-4 weeks of rest, and the course is repeated.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, any medications affect the health and growth of the fetus. Doctors recommend not using badger fat internally until the 13th week. Then, up to 24 weeks, you can use it in moderation. External use has no restrictions. You can rub the chest at any time.

Important! A cough in the early stages of pregnancy can be dangerous for the development of the fetus, so it is necessary not to delay treatment and immediately help the body fight the disease.

Where to buy and how to choose

The pharmaceutical industry offers various forms of release: for oral administration - in capsules, for external use - creams and ointments. Capsules are very convenient to store. In this form, you can always have the medicine with you. Shelf life 2 years. How to take it correctly is described in the instructions. The price at the pharmacy may vary depending on the manufacturer and region. On average, the cost of 100 capsules of 0.25 g is 100 rubles. Bottle 100 ml - 160 rub.

To choose a fresh and high-quality product, you need to know a few rules:

  • The color of the fat can be white or creamy - it depends on what the animal eats. If the shade is too yellow, the product is not fresh;
  • the fat smells like a specific animal odor;
  • at normal temperatures it resembles sour cream, it hardens in the refrigerator;
  • The containers in which fat is sold must be made of glass, since harmful mixtures are formed in plastic packaging due to violation of storage standards.

Important! When choosing, you need to pay attention to the cost. The price should not be too low. This may indicate that the product contains synthetic additives.

Badger fat must be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 0-6 degrees. If stored properly, fat can retain its beneficial qualities for 1.5-2 years.


Despite the fact that fat is a natural product, not all patients can use it. Contraindications include:

  • allergies and intolerance to the drug;
  • children under 6 years of age (for oral administration);
  • problems with the pancreas, stones in the bile ducts, tract, liver;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis.

In any case, consultation with your doctor is required. If you have chronic diseases, you need to use fat very carefully.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur when treated with badger fat:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • various skin rashes and redness.

If one of the above symptoms appears after taking badger fat, you should immediately stop using this remedy. You should visit a doctor who will prescribe other medications and help you cope with the disease.

Badger fat is not a medicine, but only a dietary supplement, but some patients use it as their main medicine. This is due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Badger cough oil is recommended for use in adults and young patients as an addition to the main treatment plan. This natural medicine speeds up the healing process and increases the effectiveness of drug therapy. And a huge list of useful substances from its composition strengthens the immune system.

The healing properties of badger fat for cough

The benefits of the discussed fat for coughing are explained by the peculiarities of wintering animals. They eat roots for three seasons, healing herbs, berries, nuts.

As a result, a large volume of useful substances accumulates in their subcutaneous fat layer, which allows them to survive a long winter in their sleep without harm to the body:

  • macro- and microelements;
  • fatty acids (eg Omega 3);
  • a whole complex of various vitamins.

Vitamins from the product allow the body to better resist infections, accelerate the process of tissue renewal and healing, and normalize work nervous system and metabolic processes.

Linoleic and linolenic acids from the composition of the product stop the development of inflammatory processes. This is especially true when treating cough in children.

The complex of fatty acids effectively fights tubercle bacillus. Badger lard is actively used in the treatment of asthma (bronchial) and smoker's cough. It reduces the viscosity of sputum, thereby preventing the formation of stagnant purulent processes in the bronchi and lungs. And retinol from the composition natural medicine stops the disease from becoming chronic.

How to take for cough for adults and children?

Before using such a medicine, each patient should find out how to take badger fat for cough in adults correctly. The dosage regimen is universal for almost all ailments.

To ensure that the nutrients in the product are instantly absorbed, it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach. For asthma or bronchitis, lard is mixed with warm milk or a small amount of natural bee honey. Such tasty additives will also prevent the gag reflex. If you cannot take the medicine on an empty stomach, you should do it 2-3 hours after a light lunch.

A full tablespoon of fat is consumed three times a day. Full course treatment - 2 weeks without a break.

As soon as signs of improvement appear, the dose can be halved. You can take the medicine with a herbal decoction.

If you decide to give badger fat for cough to children, then you need to think in advance about how to mask the unpleasant bright taste of the product. For example, make chocolate paste from it. For this, use 6 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 80 g of fatty butter, 90 g of dark dark chocolate and badger lard.

  1. Melt the chocolate and fat in a saucepan.
  2. Butter and cocoa are added to the mixture.
  3. The mixture is mixed well and heated for a couple of minutes.

The child can spread the finished product on toast or eat it with tea. At one time, a child 3-6 years old should consume no more than 1/3 tsp. badger lard, from 6 to 11 years - half a tsp. You can also mix the product for your baby with sour berry jam, crushed dried fruits or honey in equal proportions. The resulting medication is repeated three times a day.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Women in an “interesting situation” are also allowed to take badger lard as a cough medicine. This is one of the few remedies that pregnant girls can safely choose without fear of harming the baby. The main thing is to eat fat correctly.

The amount of badger fat that expectant mothers are allowed to eat per day depends on their weight:

  • less than 59 kg - 1 dessert. spoon three times a day;
  • less than 90 kg - 1 table. spoon with the same frequency;
  • over 90 kg - 2 tables. spoons three times a day.

Pregnant women find it difficult to take this medicine due to its specific taste and smell. Especially during the period of toxicosis.

If desired, you can replace fresh lard pharmaceutical product in ampoules and take it strictly according to the instructions included with the package.

Recipes in folk medicine

To mask the taste and smell of badger fat, you can combine it with additional components. Some of them will also increase the effectiveness of natural medicine.

Vitamin mixture

Ingredients: 90 g each of fat, dates and light seedless raisins. Instead of dates, you can also use dried apricots.

  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. The resulting mass is passed through a meat grinder.
  3. The finished product is taken by adults 1 tsp. on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day. For children its common daily norm is 1 tsp.

The mixture softens cough and strengthens the immune system.

Tincture with cognac

Ingredients: 5 pcs. chicken eggs and lemons, 0.5 liters of liquid bee honey and badger lard, a glass of high-quality cognac.

  1. Citrus fruits are passed through a meat grinder along with the peel.
  2. The lemon mass is combined with eggs and sent to a warm place for 5 days.
  3. Next, the remaining components are added to the mixture.

The resulting tincture is taken exclusively by adult patients, 40 ml before meals, 3 times a day. The product quickly relieves the condition of a patient with a strong dry cough.

Ancient Tibetan recipe

Ingredients: 80 g each of liquid honey and badger lard, 40 g butter, 1 small. a spoonful of alcohol, 2 g of ground mumiyo, 2 aloe leaves, a little cocoa.

  1. Honey is mixed with fat.
  2. Aloe juice, crushed mumiyo, alcohol and cocoa are added to the mixture.
  3. Lastly, softened butter is added to the mixture.

One tsp. the finished composition is diluted in a glass of warm cow's milk and taken before bedtime.

The benefits of rubbing and compresses with badger fat

Badger lard can not only be taken orally, but is also used externally. Such methods are allowed for patients from two years of age.

For children to sleep, rub their back, chest and legs (feet) with warm melted fat in its pure form. The procedure is repeated at least 5 times daily. The full course of treatment is 7 days.

Adults can use a mixture of badger lard with additional components for rubbing at night. For example, with mumiyo extract, propolis, alcohol and essential oils.

If the disease is only at an initial stage and the patient heat, the procedure will have to be abandoned.

Under such conditions, rubbing with lard can increase inflammation and worsen a person’s condition.

For bronchitis the best option Using badger fat will make compresses. After warm hygiene procedures the patient is rubbed with melted hot lard. On top he should put on warm pajamas and wrap himself in a blanket. The procedure is repeated until the patient's condition improves.

How to use for tuberculosis?

Badger fat is considered one of the most effective natural remedies against tuberculosis. Its unique components not only completely destroy the tuberculosis bacillus, but also accelerate the recovery of the body weakened by the disease.

Doctors note that badger fat is best used as an additional remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis in parallel with complex drug therapy.

To prepare medicine from it, you need to take:

  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of lard;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground aloe leaves;
  • 1 tsp. quality cognac;
  • 2 tsp. cocoa powder.

All of the listed ingredients are combined and mixed thoroughly. The resulting product is taken 2 tsp. once a day. Be sure to take it on an empty stomach, otherwise the product will not be absorbed into the blood properly and achieve the desired result. therapeutic effect it won't work.

Contraindications for use

It is strictly forbidden to use badger lard not only if you are individually intolerant, but also if you have the following ailments:

  • for severe diseases of the pancreas, liver and urinary system;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

The product should be used with caution in patients prone to allergies. It should not be chosen as a rubbing treatment for hyperthermia and various serious skin diseases. When breastfeeding, the use of badger fat for treatment is allowed only after prior consultation with a doctor.

No matter how many options are offered by modern pharmacology, treatment with badger fat for cough remains an alternative for centuries.

Previously - due to the lack of antibiotics in the form in which pharmacies now offer us, at the moment - due to many years of experience and proven reliability traditional medicine. And this is far from the only case use of this natural substance in medical practice. Prevention and treatment of skin and joint diseases, internal systems Gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular pathologies, immune support - all this, so to speak, is within the purview of this remedy.

So what is this substance - badger fat, and why is it so useful? What are its healing properties that help get rid of not only colds, but also skin diseases, problems musculoskeletal system etc.? Why should it be used not only during an exacerbation, but also as a prophylactic agent? Main secret– in its constituent components, including:

  1. Oleic fatty acid is a component that stabilizes metabolism and inhibits the formation of malignant tumors.
  2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA): linoleic and linolenic, which our body cannot synthesize on its own, although for it normal operation they are necessary. They are also responsible for the formation of “correct cholesterol” to keep blood vessels “clean”.
  3. Vitamin A is essential for the prevention of chronic diseases, as well as the health of hair, nails and skin in general. It is also called the “women’s” vitamin.
  4. Minerals - they are necessary for a person of any gender and at any age.

On a note! It is noteworthy that the body needs these acids and vitamins not only during the fight against a painful condition, but also every day - for the proper functioning of all systems as a whole and each individually.

But still, the most famous treatment with badger fat is for cough and bronchitis, and this remedy is equally suitable for both adults and children. You just have to pay attention to the form of the medicine and how to use it.

The general principle of the action of badger fat on the body

The badger feeds exclusively natural food- insects and plants. And since winter is a time of hibernation for him, then summer period the animal stores up a large amount of nutrients and “fats up” the fat in which they are deposited. Therefore, the fat of a badger caught at the end of autumn is the most useful substance, which is suitable for both the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is the end of summer that is considered the most successful hunting season for this animal, which makes it possible to obtain a substance that is most valuable for human health.

The most famous properties:

  • normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • strengthening protein metabolism;
  • negative impact on bacteria and tuberculosis bacillus;
  • increasing potency;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines;
  • increasing immunity.

Distinctive feature is also 100% digestibility of fat by the human body, which guarantees positive influence at the most various diseases and their prevention. And representatives of traditional medicine have long noted that badger fat is one of the most effective medicines, used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, especially when it bothers coughing– dry or wet.

On a note! The use of such a medicine can be either internal or external - like a regular cough remedy or an ointment for rubbing the chest or back in the lung area.

Treatment of cough with badger fat in adults, reviews of which are mostly positive character, has some differences, depending on the disease and the type of cough.

Treatment of dry cough with badger fat

The appearance of a dry cough, as a rule, indicates the onset of an acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection, less often - bronchitis. This symptom does not bring relief and is characterized by very unpleasant sensations. Less commonly, it is a symptom of more serious diseases or chronic illnesses. At improper treatment or ignoring the problem, the situation may worsen and lead to loss of voice. But also a dry cough over time can turn into a wet one, with the release of viscous sputum.

In this case, treatment of cough with badger fat in adults will be alternative option, because the medicinal substance will not only get rid of the problem, but will also have a positive effect on the body as a whole weakened by the disease.

The recipe for use can be as follows: for two weeks, 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals, you need to take a spoonful of badger fat orally. If the condition improves and the cough changes from dry to wet, you can reduce the dose to 1-2 spoons per day.

Advice! If the cough is chronic, it is appropriate to extend the course of treatment to 2 months.

And also useful in this case are rubs based on badger fat, which are applied to the chest with soft massaging movements, after which the patient should be wrapped in natural fabric and wool on top of it.

Treatment of wet cough with badger fat

Often a dry cough, after protracting, turns into a wet one. This can occur due to improperly selected treatment, as well as more serious illness than ARVI - tracheitis, bronchitis or even tuberculosis. In any of these cases, badger fat is an effective and proven remedy that can quickly get rid of the problem and saturate the body. useful substances and minerals.

The method of application is identical to that for dry cough. But it’s also worth considering following features uses of badger fat:

  1. The substance is absorbed directly into the blood and tissues of the body, so it is important to apply it before meals, and not after, in the latter case desired effect not reach.
  2. Recommended optimal dose for children over 3 years old – 3 tsp/day. It is not recommended to give this medicine to children under 3 years of age, but in special cases it is permissible.
  3. At severe forms diseases and complications, fat can be used as an additional drug to the main drug treatment.

On a note! Besides internal use and rubbing, there is an option for treatment with compresses.

For example, you can mix 2 tablespoons of fat, honey and vodka, apply the mixture to your chest and top part back, wrap the patient with a warm cloth. The only contraindication to this treatment is fever. Fat and vodka have a warming effect, so during a fever the situation can only get worse.

It is worth considering in more detail the issue of treating cough with badger fat in children.

Features of the treatment of children's cough

As already mentioned, badger fat is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Although the substance is healing, it still has some contraindications, so consultation with a pediatrician is necessary in any case - even if the child is already 4-6 years old. It is recommended that adults do the same: consult a doctor before using any medicine, either pharmaceutical drug or traditional medicine.

The recommended dosage for a child per day is 1–3 teaspoons. And if such treatment is nevertheless found to be effective in a particular case, very often it is difficult for children to swallow even a small part of the fat due to the specific consistency and taste. Therefore, it is recommended to use the well-known recipe for chocolate paste based on badger fat.

For preparation you need: 100 g chocolate chips, 6 tsp. cocoa and 8 tsp. fat All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. Kids will definitely like the paste, and the healing properties of the main component will soon make themselves felt. But do not forget about the dosage: the delicacy is spread on bread, and only 3 slices can be given per day.

But there is also the option of using fat along with warm milk, in a proportion of 1/1 fat and honey per glass of liquid. The drink will also have all the beneficial properties, but its specific taste will be much softer and will take less time to prepare than chocolate paste.

If there are doubts whether it is worth giving your baby fat internally, it is better to use it externally: there are practically no contraindications in this case (except for individual allergic reaction on the skin), and the therapeutic effect will be no worse.

Contraindications and features of product selection

The main and few contraindications to the use of badger fat include:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • individual intolerance, pregnancy;
  • possible problems in children (consultation with a pediatrician is required).

As a rule, badger fat is bought from hunters in its pure form. But do not forget about precautions: you should only buy from trusted people, because the absence of any impurities in a natural product is of considerable importance, this directly affects its healing properties. On the one hand, such fat is the most natural product, on the other hand, it is devoid of appropriate processing, which can only be provided by modern equipment used in pharmaceutical enterprises.

You can purchase the product at a pharmacy, where it must have a quality certificate indicating the origin of the product and a quality guarantee from the manufacturer. But even here you can stumble upon drugs of dubious quality, and, at first glance, distinguishing the original from the fake will not be easy.

When purchasing badger fat, be sure to know about the following nuances:

  1. It may have 2 forms of release: the original form in jars or in capsules, which make it easier to take the medicine.
  2. It should not contain foreign impurities or any additives, as they reduce its effectiveness.
  3. A pharmaceutical product must have detailed instructions, which you should definitely read before taking it.
  4. If, when purchasing a homemade product, you have doubts about its freshness, or are concerned about its appearance and smell, pass by.
  5. As with any other medicine, there must be an appropriate quality certificate and documents from the manufacturer.
  6. The cost of the product in jars and the encapsulated product is almost the same.

When treating coughs separately and colds in general, you should also follow one simple rule: enduring the disease “on your feet”, in an active mode, is a big mistake that many people make. modern people. This approach not only complicates the condition and negatively affects the body, but also interferes with the healing process, no matter how strong the medications taken.

Badger fat contains a large amount valuable substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body as a whole. Badgers accumulate fat in order to use it to maintain strength and energy during the long winter hibernation, as well as in early spring, when there is still practically no food.

What are the benefits of badger fat?

Badger fat contains many unsaturated fatty acids - essential substances that support the immune system and ensure the “longevity” of cells and the body as a whole. A sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids from food normalizes metabolism, protects against chronic diseases, and reduces the risk of oncological diseases and promotes longevity.

Linoleic and linolenic fatty acids are not produced independently by the human body, so their intake from food is prerequisite health. With a lack of these substances, there is a rapid accumulation of “bad” cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels, settling on their walls in plaques. Polyunsaturated fatty acids serve as the basis for the formation of “good” cholesterol, which eliminates metabolic imbalances, ensures the normal supply of nutrients and energy to cells, and reduces the likelihood of inflammation.

Badger fat also contains a lot of:

  • carotene, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases, especially of the respiratory tract (blackouts in the lungs, asthma, tuberculosis) and genitourinary area, reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms, helps maintain healthy condition hair, skin and nails;
  • B vitamins that support normal hormone production and metabolism;
  • minerals.

Due to this, badger fat is a powerful immunostimulating, restorative, anti-inflammatory agent, promotes faster tissue regeneration, and reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. When taking fat internally, organic acids, vitamins and minerals quickly absorbed into the blood.

Their digestibility is 100%. Due to this, badger fat helps improve protein metabolism, stimulate the immune system and the hematopoietic system. He has antibacterial properties, normalizes secretory function stomach and intestines, fights inflammation and promotes rapid healing of the skin during purulent processes such as acne, infected wounds, carbuncles, abscesses, phlegmons, raises the overall tone of the body, improves the emotional background.

Treatment of cough with badger fat

Badger fat is a very effective cough remedy, but it is usually used not independently, but as part of a whole complex therapeutic measures. It is important that the product was purchased not from hand, but through a pharmacy chain and was manufactured by a pharmaceutical company, that is, it was pre-processed and purified.

Badger cough oil is usually sold in capsule or liquid form. Fat purchased from private traders does not guarantee quality, since even if it turns out to be natural badger fat, it will be impossible to verify its origin, method of purification and preparation. Also, artisanal badger fat does not undergo laboratory testing.

Fat is consumed by adding one or two teaspoons to hot milk. With this method, a dry cough quickly softens and sputum begins to be discharged. If the taste of milk with fat seems too unpleasant, you can add honey to the drink.

By the way, the use of badger fat with honey in the treatment of cough is one of the old traditional folk recipes. The greatest effect can be achieved with simultaneous internal and external use. Fat should be mixed with honey in a 3:1 ratio (three parts fat to one part honey). You can also use the drug in its pure form: two teaspoons of fat are washed down with tea or water, or even better, a decoction of St. John's wort or rose hips.

Children can take badger fat orally to treat cough from the age of five. It can be taken in combination with strawberry, raspberry or currant jam and warmed milk. One year old babies and older, you can rub the fat of the back and chest, as well as the hands and feet. Before use, badger fat must be heated in a water bath.

For treatment serious illnesses respiratory system, including tuberculosis, the following therapeutic mixture is used:

  • 100 g badger fat;
  • 100 g honey;
  • 100 g ethyl alcohol;
  • 100 g of lemon, grated through a meat grinder, along with zest and aloe leaves.
Mix the mixture well and refrigerate for at least a day. Take a dessert spoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. For respiratory diseases that are difficult to treat, for example, chronic bronchitis, the mixture should be used within a month. For tuberculosis, its regular use at rare intervals of seven days is indicated. If you are prone to colds of the upper respiratory tract during the cold season, a mixture based on badger fat can also be used regularly for preventive purposes.

Both adults and children take badger fat for cough. It also copes with bronchitis in smokers, distinctive feature which is regular irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa with toxic tobacco tars and nicotine. As a result, a constant, mildly manifested inflammation of the bronchi develops in the bronchi, which makes itself felt against the background of infection. In such cases, badger fat gradually removes inflammation, stimulates the immune system and eliminates cough.

Side effects and contraindications

Badger fat has the following contraindications for use: allergic skin inflammations, chronic diseases liver, pancreas and gall bladder in the acute stage, individual intolerance. Before using the drug to treat children under five years of age, you should first consult with a pediatrician. For adults, it is also best to consult your doctor before starting badger fat cough treatment.

When taking fat orally, side effects such as the appearance of skin rashes, itching, nausea, upset stomach and intestines, swelling, allergic reactions.