The healing qualities of melt water and methods of obtaining it

For all women who care about their health and slim figure, it will be useful to learn about the properties of melt water, how to prepare melt water at home, and how you can use melt water for weight loss.

Properties of melt water

The phrase “melt water” does not hide any homeopathic secrets: when a piece of ice or a mountain of snow melts under the influence of heat, a puddle of melt water remains in its place. Meltwater remains after the melting of icebergs and ice shelves over the oceans. Melt water is often found in the zone where glaciers are washed away, where the level of their snow cover decreases. In addition, melt water can result from volcanic eruptions.

And it turns out that drinking this water is much healthier than ordinary water.

The main beneficial property of melt water is that it does not contain harmful impurities that are added, for example, to tap water for its purification, and its molecular structure is particularly ordered, which makes it a source of additional energy reserves.

Another useful property of melt water is that it accelerates metabolic processes in the human body. This is achieved due to the size of the melt water molecule: it is smaller than the ordinary water molecule, making it easier to penetrate the cell membrane. Unlike melt water, tap water, which we, of course, do not drink in its pure form, but still use for cooking, consists of molecules of different types, many of which are of a size that does not allow them to pass freely through cell membranes. Consequently, these molecules do not participate in metabolism. Therefore, when following a water diet, it is often not simple water that is used, but melt water.

The benefits of melt water

Due to the peculiarities of its molecular structure, melt water has certain health benefits for the body of any age. The benefit of melt water is primarily that its use helps the body fight the aging process. In the human body, the process of cell replacement does not stop for a second. At the same time, old, outdated cells prevent the formation of new ones. The benefit of melt water is that due to the metabolism it accelerates, dead cells leave the body faster, and young cells come to replace them.

This process causes the immune system to be strengthened and the functioning of all organs to improve. Another benefit of melt water is that it can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of melt water has a beneficial effect on brain activity and performance. Melt water has a positive effect on the recovery processes in the body; with its help, you can cope with the symptoms of allergic and dermatological diseases. And of course, drinking melt water has a beneficial effect on digestion, which means the benefit of melt water is that it can be used to fight extra pounds. But more on that below.

How to prepare melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. The most common one is as follows. You need to fill a liter container with ordinary water (it is better to choose plastic containers for this, since glass ones can crack in the freezer) and put it in the freezer. After turning the water into a piece of ice, the container must be removed from the freezer so that the ice cube thaws. The most common is not always the most effective, and this method is just such a case. The melt water that we obtained in this way is not completely purified from harmful impurities.

Another way to prepare melt water at home: the container filled with water must be placed back in the freezer, but there is no need to wait until the entire volume of water turns into ice. Freeze until the first ice crust forms. This ice needs to be separated and liquidated; it contains the bulk of harmful impurities, including deuterium. The water that remains in the container should be kept in the freezer until most of it turns into ice.

Now you need to get rid of unfrozen water, which also contains impurities, but of a different kind. The remaining ice, when melted, will give us clean melt water that can be consumed. It should be borne in mind that to prepare melt water you use tap water; it must sit for several hours so that dissolved gases leave it.

If you are planning to prepare melt water at home, you need to learn a number of things. Firstly, it is better to put water in the freezer in plastic containers. Metal utensils will interact with water, reducing its effectiveness, and glass may burst due to low temperatures.

Secondly, when you get melt water at home, use it in its pure form, do not add any flavoring additives to it.

Thirdly, unfortunately, you cannot prepare anything from such water, because when melt water is heated above 37 degrees, it loses its beneficial properties. It's best to just use it for drinking. Fourthly, it is obvious that melt water must be stored in a container with a tightly screwed lid, otherwise the water will absorb foreign odors. Finally, when you defrost ice, don't try to speed up the process by heating it, you're not helping the melting water, you're only making it worse.

Melt water for weight loss

The idea of ​​using melt water for weight loss is based on its properties, which accelerate metabolism. The methods may be different, but they all, in one way or another, repeat the same advice - periodically drinking melt water throughout the day. For example, drink a glass of melt water before each meal.

Some experts on the use of melt water for weight loss recommend drinking one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon and evening before meals, after which do not consume either water or food for an hour.

Remember that it is best to use melt water for weight loss that has just been thawed. It is at this moment that its beneficial properties are at their maximum.

Melt water is a liquid unique in its structure, which has beneficial properties and is recommended for use by almost every person. Let's consider what its features are, its healing characteristics, where it is used, and whether there are any contraindications for use. We will also analyze several options for how to freeze water so that it retains all its beneficial qualities, and what rules should be followed when freezing.

What is melt water

Scientists have proven that melt water contains a minimum amount of impurities and heavy metals, due to which it is considered natural and environmentally friendly. Regular consumption of such liquid leads to cleansing of the body, increasing its protective functions, and a surge of strength and energy. Water is indicated for use regardless of age, since, due to the structural features of its molecules, it has only a positive effect on the human body.

Melt liquid can be obtained by freezing ordinary running water, but it is important to adhere to some rules, since in the solid state water can have up to 11 different crystalline modifications, on which its properties and beneficial qualities directly depend.

Properties of melt water

By freezing, water has the ability to “renew itself” and restore its original energetic, structural and informational state. Thus, its molecular structure is strictly ordered. And since a person is 70% water, it is very important what kind of liquid he drinks and what properties it has.

When simple water freezes, it expands, not only the size of the molecules changes before freezing and after thawing, but also the structure: they become similar to the protoplasm of the cells of the human body. It is thanks to this property and change in size that molecules penetrate cell membranes more easily and quickly, accelerating chemical reactions and metabolic processes in the body.

The difference between ordinary water and melt liquid is that in the first case the molecules move chaotically, in the second they move in an orderly manner, without interfering with each other, therefore they generate more energy. In addition, melt water is much cleaner, since it does not contain deuterium (a heavy isotope), which negatively affects living cells. Also, defrosted water does not contain chlorides, salts and other dangerous substances and compounds.

The benefits of melt water

In order for a liquid to perform all its beneficial functions in the human body, it must be clean. It is this criterion that water obtained from melting ice meets. Even in ancient times, it was believed that it promotes rejuvenation.

The benefits of melt water for humans are as follows:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • excellent remedy against allergies;
  • removing waste and toxins from the body, reducing the amount of cholesterol;
  • strengthening the body's protective functions;
  • improving the process of food digestion;
  • increased performance;
  • improving memory and sleep quality;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • blood renewal;
  • anti-aging effect, since water activates metabolic processes in the body, which promotes cell renewal and regeneration;
  • weight loss

In addition to the fact that such properly structured water is taken internally, it can also be used externally. For example, for eczema, dermatitis or other skin diseases, special lotions help speed up the healing of wounds and reduce itching.

Scope of application

Due to the presence of a large number of useful properties, melting ice is recommended for use by almost every person. Three glasses a day before meals, and within a week a person will feel a real surge of strength and energy.

Melt water is used both as a prophylactic and for therapeutic purposes. For example, when treating diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to drink up to three glasses of liquid per day. The first one must be on an empty stomach, and the last one just before bedtime.

You can calculate the required dose for therapeutic use by taking into account up to 6 g of water per 1 kg of human weight. This volume is used in advanced forms of the disease, along with conservative treatment.

You can also prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs or make infusions with melt water. This will enhance the healing properties that the plants have and reduce the possible risk of developing allergic reactions in the body.

Achieve a rejuvenation effect, relieve puffiness or cyanosis under the eyes, and also make appearance You can become healthier by washing your face.

It is important to remember that water retains all its beneficial properties for 12 hours, then such qualities are lost.

Is there any harm from using melt water?

Before freezing water for further use, you should not only know how to do it correctly, but also become familiar with possible contraindications. Despite the large number of beneficial properties, if used incorrectly and the preparation process is disrupted, the liquid can be harmful to the human body.

It is not recommended to drink exclusively melt water, according to experts. It should also be introduced into the human diet gradually so that the body gets used to its correct structure. At first, you should consume up to 100 ml of liquid, then - no more than 1/3 of the volume of liquid food that a person consumes per day.

It is also worth remembering that melt water is not a medicine and cannot cure all diseases. You cannot refuse to use conservative or other treatment and switch only to drinking structured liquid without impurities. Melt water accelerates the healing process and has a positive effect on a person’s well-being only if taken in combination with accompanying medications.

How to freeze water correctly?

In order for melt water to retain all its properties, you should adhere to some rules.

  1. For freezing, only ordinary water is used, not natural snow or ice, since they contain many dirty components.
  2. The liquid is frozen in a plastic container or durable glass container.
  3. Although melt water is indicated for use only for 12 hours, its beneficial properties are retained for eight hours after defrosting.
  4. Before freezing water, do not boil it (when heated, the structure is disrupted and beneficial properties are lost).
  5. Spring water with a natural composition of elements, as well as settled or filtered tap water, are ideal for freezing.
  6. It is better to melt ice in a cool room, at a temperature slightly below room temperature.
  7. You should not heat melt water before drinking (its beneficial properties are preserved at temperatures below 37 degrees).
  8. Properly drink structured liquid in small sips between meals, on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to bed.

Cooking at home

There are several ways to freeze water at home.

Method 1 is the simplest.

Settled or purified water is poured into a container (a little more than half) and placed in the freezer for 8-12 hours. The result is ice, but if there is liquid left that has not frozen during this time, it is drained because it contains impurities of heavy metals. Next comes the process of defrosting and consumption. You can cook first courses, compotes, teas, coffee with this liquid, or take it in its pure form.

Method 2 - protium water.

This is a more complex freezing method. Water is poured into a container and placed in the freezer for 4-5 hours, as a result of which a thin crust of ice containing deuterium manages to form on the surface. The temperature of the ice and water is almost the same, the crust must be removed and then put the container in the freezer for another couple of hours. When the liquid is half frozen, the water is drained, leaving the ice to defrost. Thus, the water undergoes a double purification process.

Method 3 - degassed water.

The liquid heats up to a temperature of +96 ° C, when small bubbles begin to form. Next comes the process of rapid cooling. This can be done by placing the container in cold water or on the balcony. Then it is poured into containers and placed in the freezer for 12 hours. Next comes the standard defrosting process. As a result of evaporation, cooling, freezing and thawing, water goes through all phases of the natural cycle, and a biologically active liquid is obtained.

Method 4 - instant freezing of water.

Purified water is poured into a 0.5 liter container and placed in the refrigerator in a horizontal position for 1.5 hours. Then the bottle is taken out. A sudden movement (knock on the container or strong shaking) causes the liquid to instantly begin to crystallize before our eyes.

Method 5 - “table”.

This liquid is intended for external use. Water to which salt and vinegar are added is used to massage certain areas of the body. In this way, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes more even and smooth, the appearance of varicose veins is reduced, and painful sensations disappear. You can rinse your mouth with this water if you have a sore throat, stomatitis or dental disease, and also take a bath. For 300 ml of water you need to add 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. table vinegar. The freezing and thawing process is standard.

Double cleansing: is it necessary?

Having become familiar with the process of how to properly freeze water, some wonder whether it can be made more useful by double purification. This process is more complex, but the effect of application is higher.

How to purify water twice?

  1. The settled water is placed in a glass container without a lid for 24 hours.
  2. The liquid is poured into plastic containers or durable glass dishes and placed in the freezer.
  3. When the first thin layer of ice has formed on the water, it is removed because it contains harmful compounds that freeze quickly.
  4. Next comes the subsequent freezing process, but up to half the volume of liquid in the container.
  5. The unfrozen water, which makes up half, is poured out.

The rest is defrosted, double cleaned, and ready to eat.


It is worth remembering that melt water is not a panacea for all ills. But it can significantly improve a person’s quality of life and well-being. It is important to consume it in moderation and follow the freezing process correctly. It is also worth stocking up on a new portion every day, since its beneficial properties last only for 12 hours, no more.

Melt water can be called the elixir of health and youth. This is a high quality pure “product” containing a minimal amount of heavy and deuterium water. Melt water has invaluable benefits for the human body of any age. It is a natural energy booster, provides a significant boost of energy, saturates the entire human body with health and strength. Melt water can cause harm only if it is used in excess or if the cooking technology at home is violated.

What are the benefits of drinking melt water?

Properly prepared and properly taken melt water brings undoubted benefits to the body, which is expressed in accelerating metabolic processes, getting rid of allergies of any kind, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, removing toxins and waste from the body, strengthening the immune system, improving digestion, increasing efficiency, activating memory, improving sleep.

Also, drinking melt water has a positive effect on blood quality, heart function, and helps.

The use of melt water in the treatment of skin diseases, along with the prescribed treatment, helps eliminate itching, irritation and hyperthermia on the third or fourth day of treatment. At the same time, the period of transition of the pathological process to the regressive stage is accelerated.

Drinking pure liquid slows down the aging process of the body. Melt water helps to activate metabolism, remove harmful substances from the body, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, which helps get rid of extra pounds and gradual gentle weight loss occurs.

What structure do we get after defrosting?

Melt water is obtained from melted ice. When water freezes, its structure changes.

It has been proven that water absorbs information. To remove “bad” information, water needs to acquire energetic purity in order to return to its original structure. Freezing and its subsequent defrosting help restore its energy purity. As a result of simple actions, the composition of water is “reset to zero”, its original state is restored - energetic, informational and structural.

Drinking pure glacial water helps cleanse the blood in the human body. What does pure blood give? Blood carries useful substances to all organs. Purified blood in the body helps to activate immune processes, regulate metabolism, activate brain activity, cleanse blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. In order to start all these processes, it is necessary to consume at least 200 ml of melt water daily.

Properties of melt water

Ordinary water, after freezing and subsequent thawing, changes its structure. Its molecules become smaller and are similar in structure to the protoplasm of the cells of the human body. This allows molecules to easily penetrate cell membranes. Thanks to this process, the body's chemical reactions are accelerated.

The beneficial properties of melt water are improved due to the removal of deuterium, a heavy isotope, during the freezing process. Deuterium is present in large quantities in tap water. Its presence negatively affects the cells of the body, causing them significant harm. Even a small amount of deuterium removed from water helps to heal the body, free up energy reserves, and stimulate all life processes.

The main advantage of drinking melt water is its purity. It is completely free of chlorides, salts, isotopic molecules, and other dangerous substances and compounds.

Rules for using melt water

Daily intake of 500-700 grams of such water helps to gain a boost of energy and improve well-being. It is recommended to drink the first dose of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. During the day, drink the rest half an hour before meals three times a day.

Water must be drunk immediately after defrosting so that its temperature does not exceed 10 degrees. If for some reason you cannot drink cold water, do not let it heat above 30 degrees.

How to properly prepare melt water at home

Melt water is not just defrosted water or defrosted ice. By the way, snow and ice taken from the street or in the refrigerator and then thawed are not melt water. Rather, such a composition can be called a bacterial bomb. Natural snow or ice contains a lot of dirt and harmful impurities. Snow coats in the refrigerator may also contain refrigerants and other hazardous substances, as well as have an unpleasant odor.

Making the right melt water at home is not at all difficult. The container for freezing should not be glass, in order to avoid damage, even splitting, due to the increase in the volume of water during the freezing process. Metal utensils are also not suitable. The effect of its interaction with water will be low. A plastic box or other plastic container with a wide mouth is best for freezing.

  1. Pour filtered water or tap water that has been standing for several hours into the prepared container. It is better to take a container of 1 liter. It is convenient to freeze and freezing occurs faster. You can prepare several containers at once.
  2. Close the lid and place it (to prevent the container from freezing to the bottom of the freezer) on a cardboard stand in the freezer.
  3. After 1.5 hours the first crust of ice forms. This is deuterium that must be removed. Remove the ice crust and continue freezing.
  4. After about six hours, the water in the container will freeze to two-thirds of its volume. We carefully drain the unfrozen water inside the ice, breaking the ice - this is the so-called light water. It contains all the remaining harmful chemical compounds.

The ice remaining in the container melts naturally at room temperature, without forced heating.

Fresh melt water can be drunk as it melts.

The healing and healing properties of melt water are not lost for 8 hours from the moment of defrosting.

Is there any harm from melt water?

The benefits of drinking melt water are obvious, but it can cause harm to the body only if the cooking technology at home is violated and if it is used incorrectly. If you are prohibited from drinking cold drinks, be careful when taking it, start drinking, gradually lowering the temperature.

Also, you should not switch to drinking exclusively melt water. The body must gradually adapt to liquids without harmful impurities, additives, minerals, and salts.

It is better to start taking it with 100 ml per day, gradually increasing the volume to 500-700 ml.

You should also understand that melt water is not a medicine! When starting to drink it, it is not permissible to refuse prescribed medications. The healing properties of water serve as an excellent cleansing and prophylactic agent for the body. During the treatment process, drinking melt water increases the effectiveness of medications and promotes a speedy recovery.

I suggest you watch a very interesting video about an alternative method of extracting melt water, invented by Dr. Toropov:

This has been talked about for quite some time as one of the effective ways to obtain clean water. But many do not believe that water purification by freezing is possible in principle. "It's just ice!" - say the skeptics. And melted ice is the same water. This is true, only melted ice is water, which is much purer and healthier than itself before freezing. How to properly purify water in the freezer?

Purifying water by freezing is one of the simple and effective ways

Before reaching our homes, water has traveled a long way through treatment plants, water pipes, and chlorination. Have you ever had to take your kitchen tap water to a laboratory for analysis? Have you ever thought about what kind of water you drink? What do you know about your city's sanitary service reports, the composition of the water and the condition of the pipes? Even if your apartment has a good filter for water purification, you can prepare melt water for yourself to evaluate its effect on your body. Many people who are interested in purifying water by freezing claim that when drinking such water, the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems improves, in addition, a person becomes calmer and more balanced.

What is the essence of water purification by freezing?

Ordinary tap water always contains impurities. Firstly, this is the so-called dead (heavy) water, in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium (D2O). For such water to freeze, it is enough for the temperature to drop to 3.8 degrees C. Secondly, this is brine. This is the common name for various soluble salts, organic compounds, and pesticides. The freezing point of such water is -7 degrees C. Thus, part of the water with deuterium will freeze before the water with brine. Good living water freezes at a temperature of 0 degrees C. Water purification by freezing is based on this. First you need to wait until the water with deuterium freezes, drain the clean water, throw away the ice, put the water back in the freezer, wait for the clean water to freeze. The part of the water that has not frozen is poured out. This is brine - water with soluble salts. The remaining water is thawed and consumed.

Even after normal freezing (completely frozen in ice), water changes its structure. Its crystal lattice after defrosting is no longer chaotic, but ordered. Once in the body, water molecules have a beneficial effect on all organs, correcting their “liquid” content. Who knows, maybe it is in the sources of melt water that flow in the mountains that the secret of the longevity of the mountaineers lies.

It is believed that melt water has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Methods for preparing melt water at home

There are many methods for preparing melt water. According to some sources, it is necessary to freeze half the container with water, and after removing the finished ice, lower it under hot water so that it breaks through the ice plug and washes away the deuterium. According to other sources, it is recommended to remove ice immediately after it forms. How to properly purify water by freezing? Here are the most common authoritative methods.

Interesting facts about water

Purification of water by freezing according to the A.D. method. Labzy

Pour tap water into a 1.5-liter jar. But don't fill it to the top to prevent the jar from bursting. Cover it with a lid and place it in the freezer, placing a cardboard pad underneath (to insulate the bottom). This method of water purification requires some practice. Note the time it takes for half the jar to freeze. You can choose a convenient time or volume of the container for freezing. Well, if the freezing time is 10-12 hours, then you will have to repeat the water freezing cycle only twice a day. This will allow you to provide yourself with a supply of melt water for the day. You will receive a two-component system, which consists of ice (pure frozen water) and brine (non-freezing water under the ice, which contains impurities, salts). The aqueous solution should be drained into the sink, and the ice should be thawed and used for drinking and cooking. In winter, you can soak the water on the balcony.

Freezing water is a process that separates harmful impurities and substances

Preparation of protium water according to the method of A. Malovichko

Pour tap water filtered with a household filter into an enamel pan. You should remove the pan after a few hours. By that time, the walls of the pan and the surface of the water will already be covered with the first ice. Water that has not frozen must be poured into another pan. The ice remaining in the first pan is heavy water, which contains various impurities and freezes at +3.8 degrees C. Throw away the ice, and put the pan back in the freezer and wait until the water freezes by about 2/3. Drain the unfrozen water. This is light water and should not be consumed either. The ice remaining in the pan is frozen protium water. It is 80% free of impurities, but it contains 15 mg/l of calcium. Melt this water and consume throughout the day.

How to purify water by freezing using the Zalepukhin brothers' method

In fact, this is not even purification, but a method of preparing biologically active melt water. A small amount of tap water should not be brought to a boil, but to the “white key” - about 95-96 degrees. White bubbles appeared in the water, but the formation of large ones had not yet begun. The container in which the water was heated should be immediately removed from the stove and quickly cooled using a large vessel with cool water (for example, a basin or bathtub). Afterwards it is frozen and thawed according to the schemes described above. The authors of the method claim that such water goes through all stages of the water cycle in nature. It contains fewer gases (that’s why it is called degassed) and has a natural structure.

Melt water according to the method of Yu.A. Andreeva

In his book “Three Pillars of Health,” the author suggests combining the two previous methods, and then freezing and thawing the water again. According to him, there is no price for such water. It is especially useful for those who are concerned about any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Water purification by freezing according to M. Muratov’s method

Engineer M. Muratov proposed his new method for producing melt water. He designed a special installation that makes it possible to obtain light water of a given salt composition by uniform freezing. The water is aerated and cooled in a circulating flow until small ice crystals form. There was less than 2% ice left on the filter, which contains heavy water.

To prove the benefits of the resulting liquid, engineer M. Muratov conducted a study that confirmed his assumptions about a significant improvement in well-being thanks to purified water. The author consumed at least 2.5-3 liters of such water per day, and noticed positive changes already from the 5th day. Chronic fatigue and drowsiness disappeared, heaviness in the legs decreased. After 10 days, vision improved noticeably (by 0.5 diopters). A month later the pain in the knee disappeared, and after 4 months the manifestations of chronic pancreatitis disappeared. Over the course of six months, the manifestations of varicose veins have significantly decreased.

You can also purify water by freezing at home. Now you know how to do this, and nothing prevents you from trying the effect of melt water for yourself. The main thing is to have the time and desire to purify the water this way.

Video: how to prepare melt water

Water is vital for every body. Adults and children, plants and animals, everyone needs to drink every day. However, not all of it is beneficial for our body. Relatively recently, we drank water from the tap, but today no one wants to trust its purity. We began to buy various filters, jugs and multi-stage cleaning systems. Unfortunately, they are still not able to completely remove impurities - chlorine and other harmful substances. All that remains is to buy it in bottles, because industrial filters cope with these tasks much better.

However, not everyone can afford to buy water for drinking and cooking every day. But this is not necessary. Today we will talk about preparing melt water at home. This is a simple, fast and effective way to maintain your health.

For daily use

You've probably heard about it from your grandmothers. They most often prepare it at home, persuading their household members not to drink any other kind. And they are absolutely right. Preparing melt water at home does not require large time, and especially financial costs. In this case, the benefits are simply enormous. This is an ideal drink for daily consumption for both adults and children, even infants.

Pleasant taste

This is another pleasant bonus that preparing melt water at home will give you. It has a wonderful taste, somewhat sweet and very soft. It is the best balanced in its composition. In addition, the Internet is full of information that such a simple remedy can heal the body and give hope for getting rid of chronic diseases, even the most severe ones.

Scientists' opinion

Surprisingly, preparing melt water at home is a process that is recommended by doctors, known for their skepticism. The fact is that it contains much fewer impurities. However, there is another, somewhat pseudo-scientific explanation. Esotericists say that in this case, water changes its structure and becomes closer in its biological indicators to our body. This is precisely why many healers explain its positive effect on humans.

Conducted research

Not only scientists, but also ordinary people are interested in whether ordinary melt water can really heal the body. Preparing life-giving moisture at home is so simple that it immediately raises certain doubts. So easy and cheap - it can't be that effective! However, research shows interesting things. This water is informationally pure, because the freezing process completely erases all the information load that it managed to receive.

As it turns out, water is able to “remember” everything that happens around it. Emotions seem to be imprinted into its structure. Therefore, when it reaches our tap, it absorbs so much negative energy that not a single filter can remove it. The simplest research can be done at home. To do this, you need to take two pots of plants and place them on the windowsill. Now pour water into two buckets. One of them needs to be spoken to with different bad words every day, and the other needs to be praised. By watering the first plant from one vessel, and the second from another, you can observe how their condition changes. In about a month the result will be noticeable. One plant turns into a lush bush, and the second dries up.

Secrets of our great-grandfathers

Previously, there were no water pipes, and people went to the river to get ice from autumn until spring. By melting it at home, they received the healthiest water. Later it became known that it removes waste and toxins, and also allows you to get rid of excess weight.

In the old days, it was especially recommended to drink it in the spring season. In this case, it was enough to go to the outskirts of the village and collect ice. Such raw materials are not suitable for use in the city. We only need clean melt water. Preparation at home (this drink will definitely have benefits, especially if you drink it regularly, but you also need to prepare everything according to the rules) will require a little more time and effort, but it’s worth it. It should be made clear that simply freezing and thawing will not be enough to reap all the possible benefits.

Necessary equipment

It's time to consider ways to prepare melt water at home. We'll start by choosing the necessary equipment. We will need a plastic container. It is best to choose round-shaped dishes. Depending on your needs, you need to look at the volume. If you use water only for drinking, then two two-liter containers are sufficient. You can prepare two liters of drink at a time. This is exactly the amount that doctors recommend drinking every day.

In addition, you will need a freezer. In winter, you can place the freezing vessels outside or on the balcony. And for the final part you will need a decanter.

First step

Proper preparation of melt water at home will require some time investment from you. First of all, you will need to pour regular tap water into the prepared container. Now we remove the vessel for freezing. Here it is worth emphasizing once again that it is worth using plastic, and not glass or enamel dishes. Temperature changes do not affect the plastic in any way; the most important thing is that the container is made of high-quality material. Therefore, you should buy them only in specialized stores.

But plastic bottles are not suitable for these purposes. If you don’t cut off the neck, you won’t be able to extract precious ice from it. And with the top cut off, it turns into an open cup without a lid. In this case, the ice will absorb foreign odors.

Miracle number one

From this moment the preparation of melt water at home begins. The instructions emphasize that you should not go far, because the process will need to be constantly monitored. The time will have to be determined empirically, depending on the volume of the vessel and the temperature in your freezer. On average you will need to wait from 2 to 5 hours. The heaviest part, containing the most harmful impurities, freezes first. So, when the first ice has formed, you need to pour the unfrozen water into a clean container and throw away the ice. Now pour the clean residue back into the work container and put it back in the freezer.

Miracles continue

So, we have removed all the most harmful substances from our liquid, now it is time for a more subtle cleaning. After about 8-10 hours, the water in the container will freeze so that it forms transparent ice around the edges. And only in the middle will a small lake of liquid collect. It definitely needs to be drained.

Why does this happen? The fact is that all salts, minerals and dirt are forced to the center when freezing. This is very convenient, since it becomes possible to remove these impurities without using filtration. After this, clean and transparent ice remains in the vessel. This is the final raw material, which remains only to be melted.

When you are short of time

In fact, in this case it is also possible to prepare melt water at home. The harm that your body can receive from salt and other impurities can be minimized as follows. You still have to wait until the first ice forms, and it must be thrown away. But if you re-freeze, you don’t have to worry too much: if you didn’t have time to remove the “salt lake” from the center, it’s not so scary, because when it freezes completely, it will turn into a cloudy lump.

Two ways to remove it

In the first case, you just need to let the ice slowly melt at room temperature. The drained liquid can be poured into a carafe or drunk straight away. But as soon as the melting reaches the edge of the cloudy ice, the process must be stopped. However, this method is not convenient. As soon as you are distracted, the pure ice will again mix with the displaced residue.

There is another way - for those who do not want to spend several hours near the container. Just use a knife to scoop out the cloudy ice from the middle and then rinse it with warm water. You will be left with the purest “donut”, which you just need to melt.

Possible harm

In principle, we have fully examined what such a procedure as preparing melt water at home is. The benefits and harms of this water are regularly discussed in the media and on specialized forums. One thing is certain: your body will only suffer if you ingest the result of melting city snow or ice. Then you will get the entire periodic table in one glass. In other cases, melt water is an excellent option for quenching thirst.

How to use it for the greatest benefit

To get a healing effect, you need to drink it when it has just thawed. It is at this moment that melt water has the highest biological activity. But, of course, there is no need for fanaticism. You should consume life-giving moisture in small portions at intervals of 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day.

When drinking such water, the blood thins, which helps to better cleanse every cell of the body. In this case, stagnation in the blood is eliminated, and now it cannot serve as a medium for the development of infections. By the way, the beneficial properties of this drink are significantly reduced when heated. However, it still retains its purity.

Melt water = distilled?

This is another question that interests many people when they read about the method of its manufacture. In fact, the difference between them is very big. Distilled water is dead water, which cannot be consumed, since it is completely devoid of salts and draws calcium from the body. Melt water is living. Yes, you remove harmful impurities and salts from it, but at the same time it retains all the properties beneficial to the body, as well as minerals. Moreover, there are no more and no less of them left in it, but as many as necessary. Therefore, you can drink it every day without harm to your health.