Properties of anatomical implants and advantages compared to round ones. Anatomical implants as a way to restore the natural appearance of breasts Video about breast implants

Round implants are the most popular among all types of endoprostheses, which are designed to correct and enlarge the shape of the breast. Their main advantage is their inability to significantly spoil its appearance when rotated or shifted. This is why plastic surgeons prefer them in most cases.


Generation of implants

Now third-generation implants are used for operations, which have become much safer compared to their predecessors and do not require routine replacement.


It could be:

Saline products still retain market share due to the existing and supported in the media idea about the dangers of silicone for the body.

In fact, it is these implants that cause the most inconvenience to their customers, since water seeps through the shell of the prosthesis, the prosthesis loses volume and gradually “deflates.”

And due to the fact that the saline solution easily overflows into the implant, they can gurgle so that it can be heard by people nearby.

If we talk about silicone gel, then modern gel is cohesive, i.e. non-fluid. It sticks to the shell and even if it is damaged does not leave the implant cavity. The video below shows just one such implant, which is cut with scissors in order to check the declared properties of the gel.

Additional safety is provided by a special three-layer shell that blocks the gel from leaking out. Multi-chamber implants are two spheres, one inside the other. In the first, outer chamber, there is a layer of silicone. There is a cavity inside that is filled with saline solution.

Such implants are better than saline implants in that the risk of liquid splashing or gurgling noise is much less. They are better than silicone ones because the solution is injected into the implant during surgery. This means that the size of each breast individually can be adjusted in order to obtain a symmetrical bust in the end.

Biocompatible or bioimplants are implants that are filled with a gel based on the natural polymer carboxymethylcellulose. When the polymer gets into the tissue from a ruptured implant, it dissolves without a trace.

Their only drawback is the gradual seepage and resorption of the gel, as a result of which they lose volume and begin to require replacement.


The profile of the implant is determined by the ratio of its thickness to the length of the base. A high profile means that the implant itself is more convex. A low profile usually means it will be flatter. The presence of several options for the thickness of endoprostheses allows you to choose the best option, taking into account the structure of the patient’s chest, in order to obtain the most natural breast in each specific case.

Video: Silicone implant in section

Round breast implants after installation

There is a common belief that round implants are suitable only for very young girls, and for those who are older, it is better to have anatomical endoprostheses. In fact, all women are very different. And physical parameters such as shoulder width, chest size, height, weight are very different. Similarly, women's expectations regarding the final result of breast augmentation differ.

For some, at their first breast size, 250 ml will be more than enough, but for others, at their third breast size, 320 ml will not be enough. Therefore, some will need an anatomical implant, while others will be fine with a round one.

When choosing, consider the following. When a round implant is placed vertically on the chest, it changes its shape, since the gel in its cavity moves more towards the lower pole, i.e. its shape approaches teardrop-shaped. And then add pressure on the upper pole of the prosthesis of the pectoralis major muscle, under which it is partially located. This brings the final shape of the implant even closer to teardrop-shaped.

Therefore, if you are at a crossroads and cannot decide whether it is better to choose round or anatomical ones, then it is better to choose for yourself the size and shape of the breast that you want, and leave their choice to your surgeon.

Which ones are better to choose?

The most popular products on the thoracic endoprosthesis market are products from companies such as Mentor, Eurosilicon, McGan. If we compare prices, the products manufactured under the McGan brand belong to the highest price category. This is due to the large number of innovations that the manufacturer uses when releasing its products.

In particular, McGan endoprostheses have:

  • a special shell that prevents the displacement and rotation of implants;
  • a special form of silicone gel - a highly cohesive gel, which after vulcanization retains its elasticity, but always returns to its original shape after deformation;
  • a huge range of implants, which allows you to select an individual prosthesis for any woman with any needs.

Photo: McGan endoprostheses

According to statistics, Mentor has the lowest risk of developing capsular contracture. Eurosilicon has proven itself well in Europe and the world as consistently high quality and safe. If you are planning to buy implants from other companies, then first of all read the information about the manufacturer, manufacturing plant, and the availability of product quality certificates. And under no circumstances fall for phrases like “This is a trade secret” in response to your questions.

Photo: Mentor implants

The origin of a product becomes a trade secret when it is not profitable for the seller to disclose any information about the product. Well-known European and American manufacturers are proud that they not only have head offices, but also production itself is located in Europe or the States. They will be happy to tell you the country and city where the production is located.

Video: Mentor implants

How to decide to have surgery

12 simple rules that will allow you to get the best results from mammoplasty and a minimum of problems in the future.

  • Rule one: breasts are constantly changing.

This means that you need to take into account possible changes in the shape and size of the breast in the future under the influence of changes in body weight, pregnancy and breastfeeding, care, age and other reasons. And you shouldn’t expect that plastic surgery will preserve the desired breast shape for decades.

This will avoid disappointment in the future due to the possibility of ptosis of the operated breast, displacement of implants, flattening of the breast, contouring of the implant and other changes.

Also, taking into account possible changes in the shape of the breast in the future allows you to choose a volume and configuration of implants that will allow the breasts to look natural not only at a young age, but also at a more mature age.

  • Rule two: you need to take the choice of a surgeon and clinic seriously.

It's no secret that in most clinics, breast augmentation operations are routine and are performed one after another with virtually no interruptions. It is better for yourself to choose a clinic and a surgeon who still leave time to complete all the necessary manipulations in full, even when it takes more time.

A simple example is capsular contracture. One of the factors why it develops is the discrepancy between the size of the pocket that is formed under the implant and the implant itself. A large prosthesis is pushed into a small pocket, which ultimately does not contribute to the normal healing and beauty of the breast, leading to the development of connective tissue, cutting of seams, and tissue necrosis.

Photo: capsular contracture

The second simple example is implant displacement. It happens when the pocket is very large for a particular implant. In order for the pocket to fit, the surgeon must have a set of sizers - special prostheses that are inserted into the pocket during its formation in order to control its compliance with the implant. And several sizes to choose from, slightly larger and slightly smaller than those that need to be installed, in order to be able to select the optimal size during the operation, instead of stuffing an inappropriately sized prosthesis into the formed pocket.

Photo: implant displacement

It would seem that everything in the description is logical. But such an operation can take up to an hour and a half, and most plastic surgeons want to reduce this time to 40 minutes. It’s good if it’s a matter of concern for the patient’s health in order to shorten the anesthesia time. It is bad if operations are put on stream in order to bring maximum profit to the clinic.

  • Rule three: the patient must know everything. Forewarned is forearmed.

The required amount of information about augmentation mammoplasty, features of pain relief, types of implants, and the course of the postoperative period enable a woman to more consciously approach the problem of choosing the required volume and future shape of the breast.

In the postoperative period, informed patients can quickly navigate if something goes wrong, they know by what day the swelling will go away, they know that violating the doctor’s recommendations is the best way to harm themselves.

Some surgeons during the consultation refrain from discussing such details as how swelling affects the shape of the breast, when the long-awaited “slope” will appear instead of the convexity of the upper pole, which spoils the whole picture, how contractions of the pectoralis major muscle affect the shape of the implant, what there may be complications from the surgery and when to start worrying. As a result, those patients who do not have information find themselves helpless in a number of situations and begin to look for answers on forums and from people far from the topic, which only adds fuel to the fire of doubts and fears.

  • Rule four: the larger the volume of the implant, the worse the long-term results.

Each implant has its own weight. This weight is added to the breast's own weight. As a result, the process of breast drooping only accelerates.

Photo: correct selection of prosthesis

Also, a large implant may begin to be palpated or contoured if there is not enough soft tissue to cover it.

  • Rule five: it is better to leave the choice of implant location to the surgeon.

Depending on the shape and size of your own breast, the patient’s body structure and her physical activity, the surgeon can choose the optimal option for its placement in order to ensure the best result of the operation.

  • Rule six: the patient chooses the type, shape and size of the implants together with the doctor.

This is due to the different costs of different manufacturing companies and their different characteristics, such as the degree of elasticity/stiffness. For some, it will be important that the softness of the implant is no different from the softness of natural gland tissue, and for others, it will be important that the implant holds its shape impeccably. In the second case, you will have to choose a more rigid implant.

  • Rule seven: the shape of the breast changes under the influence of the volume of the implant, but does not always exactly match its shape.
In order to ultimately obtain breasts of a certain shape, it is necessary to take into account many characteristics when choosing implants, such as the thickness of the glandular tissue, the amount of subcutaneous fat, the height and width of the mammary gland, the structure of the chest and much more.

Therefore, before the consultation, it is best for the client to decide not so much on a specific implant, but on what kind of breast she wants. And the surgeon will select the implant for the result that the woman needs.

  • Rule eight: it is better to approach the choice of the location of the incision competently.

Incisions can be performed:

  1. Under the breast: the most convenient access for performing the operation and the safest in terms of the possible risk of damage to the glandular tissue;
  2. Around the nipple: there is a risk of damage to the ducts and glandular tissue, it is difficult to form a pocket for the prosthesis, scars remain along the contour of the areola;
  3. From the armpit: there is a risk of contouring the implant, since the lower points of fixation of the chest muscles are damaged during the formation of the pocket, it is difficult to form a pocket, there is no 100% guarantee that the seam in the armpit will not be noticeable.
  • Rule nine: in the first days after surgery, your breasts may look terrible, but this is not a reason to be upset.

During the first week after surgery, your breasts may become almost twice their expected size due to swelling. Plus, there is a period when the implant stands above its intended placement. There is no need to panic in this situation. You just need to give your body time to recover. Surgeons even came up with a metaphorical description of this process, which they called the “Melting Island”: the ice around the island will melt, but the island will remain.

  • Rule ten: everyone can have complications.

Here it is better to act consciously, instead of hoping for chance or shifting responsibility to the surgeon.

This means that there is no need to hide from the doctor the presence of diseases or conditions that can lead to complications of anesthesia or surgery, or to go for surgery with malaise or symptoms of a disease that occurs in an acute form or is an exacerbation of a chronic process.

What does this mean in practice:

  1. You should not go for surgery if you feel like you have a cold or have recently had an infectious disease such as influenza, herpes of the lips, any infections of the skin, eyes, oral mucosa or genitourinary system;
  2. You should not agree to surgery at those moments in your life when something is greatly bothering you: serious problems at work or in the family, divorce;
  3. You should inform your doctor about all your chronic or acute diseases of the internal organs; it is better to undergo treatment and stabilize your health condition than to risk immediately undergoing surgery;
  4. Tell your doctor about your bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, taking medications, homeopathic or hormonal medications, cases of allergies and intolerance to any substances or drugs;
  5. Do an ultrasound of the mammary glands even when nothing worries you.
  • Rule eleven: the results of an operation change over time.

Weight changes, pregnancy, sports and many other reasons will constantly affect the skin and soft tissue of the mammary glands, so over time you may need a repeat operation aimed at a breast lift or a simultaneous lift and replacement of implants. This is a common practice for plastic surgeons and a certain portion of their patients.

Author Reviewer: Update: 04/05/2018

Men won't let you lie - a woman's breasts are the most attractive part of the body. Of course, many women strive to give this paired organ a perfect shape (we don’t take into account man-haters, feminists and people with unconventional orientation). But what is the ideal shape, or, in other words, an anatomically shaped breast - what is it like?

Let's say right away - the perfect breast does not exist. There are millions of women, and each of them has different mammary glands with their own characteristics. However, plastic surgeons use several parameters simply so that they have a starting point in their work. This is called “breast aesthetic criteria”. These are the parameters:

  • the distance between the nipples and from each nipple to the jugular notch is 21 cm (an equilateral triangle is formed);
  • the distance from the nipple to the middle of the collarbone on the corresponding side is also 21 cm;
  • distance from the nipple to the inframammary fold – 5.9 cm;
  • the outer edge of the mammary gland protrudes somewhat beyond the chest;
  • the distance between the outer edges of the mammary gland is equal to the width of the hips.

Is it possible to achieve ideal breast parameters?

Considering the desire of many women for the ideal, it is not surprising at all the efforts they make to make their breasts ideal. Everything comes into play: physical exercise, refusal of breastfeeding, traditional medicine, Chinese means for tightening, etc. Unfortunately, the only thing that somehow improves the appearance of the mammary gland is physical exercise. By increasing the volume of the pectoral muscles, they lift the glands, making the chest slightly higher. This looks like an increase in its volume, although in fact it is not.

The only really effective way to enlarge the breasts and give them an ideal shape is augmentation mammoplasty. In other words, installation of implants. And this is where the fun begins.

Breast augmentation with implants: anatomical or round

We would like to say right away one thing that works everywhere in medicine: what suits one patient may not suit another. If you know a woman whose breasts became ideal after installing an anatomical (more correctly, teardrop-shaped) implant, this does not mean that the same one will suit you. That doesn't mean he's better. It doesn't mean anything at all. Everything is individual and the selection of an implant is carried out taking into account many factors:

  • the presence of ptosis (sagging breasts);
  • nipple position;
  • breast volume;
  • potential capacity of the “case”;
  • presence of asymmetry;
  • chest shape;
  • the presence of tubularity (narrow base of the cone of the mammary gland);
  • the presence of micromastia (exceptionally small breast sizes), etc.

The difference between round and anatomical implants

Round implants have the shape of a ball or ellipse segment, and anatomical ones have a drop-shaped shape. The top of the latter is narrow, the implant widens downwards. There is an opinion that anatomical implants are better than round ones, since their shape follows the shape of the breast.

The practice of plastic surgeons shows that, with rare exceptions, teardrop-shaped implants do not have any advantages over round ones. Moreover, the cost of anatomical ones is much higher, the surgical technique is much more complicated, which also increases the cost of the intervention.

Finally, round implants do not have such a complication as rotation - rotation of the implant around its axis. This complication severely deforms the mammary gland and is an indication for repeated expensive surgery. Breasts with round implants look no worse, if, of course, they are treated by an experienced doctor.

Features of preoperative preparation

First you need to determine exactly what a woman needs. Preparedness for the result is the main component of success. It should be remembered that sometimes you have to “pay for” beautiful breasts with the appearance of pain, impaired skin sensitivity, etc. Yes, you can just feel the endoprosthesis to the touch. Is the woman ready for this? Here's an important question.

It should be understood that there is no “flawless” implant. For example, when using a dense endoprosthesis that maintains the shape of the breast when a woman stands, her breasts will also “stand up” when the woman lies down. This is unnatural, and this is a “payment” for the result. A softer implant will not hold the shape of the mammary gland so clearly in a standing position, but lying down it will look perfect.

There are other subtleties that a surgeon should talk about, and this is a criterion for assessing his professionalism and “focus” on the result, and not on simply making money. The decision is still made by the woman, she just needs to be given all the information for this.

Before the operation, an imitation of mammoplasty is carried out by placing special inserts in the bra cups. This is done so that the lady can determine in front of the mirror what her breasts will look like. Most often it turns out that breast enlargement is not as important to a woman as improving its contour.

After determining the volume of the prosthesis, a decision is made on the location of the incision. There are also nuances here. For example, with a poorly expressed submammary fold (SMF), an incision cannot be made in it, and then they resort to axillary access (under the armpit), in which the scar can be noticeable for six months, and the course of the operation is more complicated. On the contrary, with severe SMS, a submammary incision is made, which provides more opportunity for viewing the surgical field. But it also has disadvantages: a longer scar, and if healing is problematic, the implant may slip out of the incision site.

The location of the implant can be subglandular (inserted between the mammary gland and the chest muscles) and subpectoral (inserted under the pectoral muscles). The latter method is considered more correct because it achieves a more natural breast shape and reduces the likelihood of contracture, the most common complication of mammoplasty.

My question is this: do Allergan anatomical implants cause breast cancer?

Neither Allergan (correctly called Natrelle) nor any other implants increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. Moreover, in women who have undergone implantation, the likelihood of developing breast cancer is approximately one and a half times lower. Reason: such women are much more attentive to any processes in the mammary gland and precancerous conditions are identified and treated earlier.

Before the operation, most doctors photograph the woman in different projections. This is done for this purpose. to study the situation “before” and “after”, make a prognosis for the postoperative period, and simply “please” the patient with how the shape of her breasts has changed.

After this, the mammary glands are marked. This is necessary for the convenience of the surgeon, who must know how and where to insert the implant to achieve the desired result.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia using local anesthetics. No endoscopic methods are provided here, because it is impossible to insert an implant through a thin tube! Before this, antibiotics are administered to prevent infectious complications. At the end of the operation, drainage tubes are inserted into the wound, through which wound discharge flows out within 2-3 days. This is a normal process and the tubes are removed on the third day (usually).

After discharge, the patient should continue to take antibiotics for another three days, painkillers as needed, and if the slightest complications arise, she is advised to call the doctor at any time of the day.

Good afternoon. Tell me, which breast implants are better - round or anatomical? Emma, ​​34 years old

Hello Emma. Experts believe that in the vast majority of cases, neither anatomical nor round silicone implants have any special advantages. Moreover, researchers show that anatomical ones have more problems, the surgical technique is more complex, due to which their cost is higher. Don't fall for marketing campaigns, listen to your surgeon's opinion...

Ask a free question to a doctor

One of the most popular plastic surgeries today is breast replacement or mammoplasty, which has brought a real dawn to cosmetic medicine.

Statistics show that plastic surgeons perform more than 100,000 operations per year related to changing and correcting the size of the mammary glands.

What are implants?

These are endoprostheses made of high-quality biocompatible material that give the breast a larger size or change its shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast prostheses


The advantages of using any endoprostheses include:

It is important to know that there are cases when, due to mechanical stress, the implant still breaks, then it can be replaced at the expense of the manufacturer of this prosthesis. As a rule, this item is specified in the product document in the warranty section.


Disadvantages mainly occur when unforeseen cases occur, for example:

Implant classifications

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages can form a large list if we consider them by filler, installation options, shape or technical characteristics. The information above refers to generally accepted factors.

By filler


The world met them in 1991. They look like a silicone bag with a multilayer elastomer shell and gel inside. The filler can be:

Why are silicone implants better than others?

The most natural and best breast implants are silicone. They perfectly imitate female breasts, have a wide range of models, and look natural. Installation over the pectoral muscle is possible, as there is no wrinkling effect.

If the prosthesis is damaged, the internal filling will not enter the mammary gland, but will remain in its place. It is this factor that makes silicone implants completely safe. Therefore, they have gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology medicine.

The disadvantages include a large incision when installing the prosthesis and regular (once every 2 years) magnetic resonance imaging to exclude the presence of an implant defect, since it is impossible to identify the problem by touch.



Working with anatomical shapes is more labor-intensive and they are more expensive than round shapes. This implant can move and distort the contours of the breast. But this can be avoided by giving preference to the textured surface of the prosthesis. It should also be noted that anatomical implants are quite dense in structure and even in a supine position, the breasts retain their shape, which looks unnatural.

Yes, and you will have to forget about corrective and breast-lifting bras. Even the best teardrop shaped breast implants often deform into a round shape!

Both shapes are available with different profiles: low, medium, high and extra high. The height is selected by the plastic surgeon after analyzing the client’s physique.

By size of endoprostheses

In addition, the anatomical features of the patient should be taken into account:

  • natural breast size;
  • skin condition and tissue elasticity;
  • chest size (asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic);
  • body proportions;
  • breast density.

After analyzing all the data, the plastic surgeon advises the patient on the shape and volume of the implant, which will look as natural and beautiful as possible.

Even if the patient has a flat chest, enlargement will help to acquire beautiful shapes. Special measurements are taken to determine the exact size and volume of the prosthesis. To do this, not only the volume of the chest is determined, but also the thickness of the breast, the location of the nipples, and the distance between the mammary glands.

The nuances associated with the incision for the implant are also discussed. In modern clinics, you can simulate the result on a computer. Of course, the patient’s wishes are always taken into account, but the doctor has the final say.

Breast implant lifespan

Theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in unforeseen cases. Repeated surgery may be required only if the breast becomes deformed after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a significant change in weight, and if a defect in the prosthesis is detected.

The manufacturer of endoprostheses gives a lifetime guarantee without harm to human health, and if the implant needs to be replaced, it will be done at the expense of the manufacturer!

Implant manufacturing companies

is a French company that produces anatomical and round implants with hydrogel and silicone filling.

Allergan— the American manufacturer offers implants with a special pore size of a textured surface. This allows the connective tissue to be absorbed deep into the prosthesis. They fit in the chest like a glove. They are filled with soft gel, which allows the breasts to look natural. The company also offers saline-filled implants.

According to reviews from plastic surgeons, implants from this company have a very small percentage of cases with complications, only 1-4%.

Nagor— British implants with a huge selection of shapes and sizes. Producing prosthetics since the 1970s. Over the course of 5 years, the percentage of gaps was 0%! The products are textured and filled with gel content. The product is distinguished by a special casing.

Polytech— implants with memory effect from Germany. A product with a highly cohesive gel practically does not change shape, and the shell consists of many layers. May be smooth or textured.

Mentor- The American manufacturer has been producing some of the elastic prostheses in both anatomical and round shapes since 1992. The shell is durable and textured, and is filled with a highly cohesive material. This company also offers saline implants, which can be adjusted during surgery.

A professional plastic surgeon in a good modern clinic will always help you choose the right implant and tell you which breast implants are the best today.

October 06, 2018. Today is the birthday of a very talented person who, a little over 3 months ago, made me a little happier and more beautiful😻❤️

Alexander Viktorovich, happy birthday!

Thank you for your work, individual approach and sense of taste😉🙏

Breast augmentation was performed using Natrelle 295 g anatomical implants.

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August 24, 2018. The consultation and examination were completed, everything looked and felt great, the seams were almost invisible. Almost 2 months have passed since the operation.

There’s probably no point in describing your emotions now, when nothing hurts anymore, when the swelling has subsided, when your breasts are beautiful in any clothes and in any swimsuit. I’ll say one thing - I’m incredibly happy that I took this step, and most importantly, my man likes my breasts. It's all for him❤️if he's happy, I'm happy🙏

Perhaps my breasts were the only thing I lacked for external harmony and proportions. I in no way encourage everyone to run and have an operation, but if you feel that something is missing, or something gives you discomfort, then do it, and do not listen to what others tell you, excuses, terrible consequences after operations, some problems, etc., just listen to yourself and your true desires.

Of course, no one is immune from unwanted consequences, but it’s better not to think about it at all and not to stress yourself out, everything is in our head, thoughts are material. Tune in for a positive result and everything will be OK👌🏼

July 30, 2018. A month has passed since the operation and I finally took off this bandage. Nothing hurts anymore, there is practically no discomfort, the only thing is, when driving over bumps and holes on the road, I hold my chest😅

Now, I am happy with the shape and size of my breasts, even despite the swelling that is still naturally present. Although, for the first couple of weeks, I really thought that the doctor and I had gone too far with the size. I even panicked a little about this, because I really didn’t want “balls under my chin.”

Regarding the choice of implant size - I had no idea what size I needed, I just wanted my breasts to be as natural and proportional as possible, relative to my build. On the day of the consultation with Alexander Viktorovich, after the examination, he said that anatomical implants would be optimal for me, 295. I agreed with the doctor, but leaving the office, I said: “Or maybe they’re all 345 g?” To which he replied that this would be a lot.

Lord, it’s so good that I listened to him, because now it’s really perfect, exactly what I wanted, and 345 would have been too much. And I thought about 345, because a friend of a similar build made 345 and I liked it. Conclusion - the doctor knows better, if you have chosen a surgeon, then trust him to the end, and do not set your own rules, and especially do not focus on the size of a friend, acquaintance or “blogger”. We are all individual, and accordingly the same shape and size will look different on everyone. To each his own.

July 02, 2018. 7th day after surgery. There is practically no pain anymore, only when I sneeze... a strange feeling in my chest 😅 Of course, there is swelling on the chest and stomach, the waist is simply not there, like a nightstand. The doctor said that my stomach would return to normal in 2 weeks, not earlier. Well, okay, that's not the worst thing.

The last time I took painkillers was on the plane, 2 days ago.

For the first 2 days I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning on my own, my man got me up. Then I managed on my own, now it’s no problem at all to get out of bed, sofa, etc.

And in general, now I am in a state of full physical capacity, I could have taken the child from the nanny straight from the plane, but still, one should not neglect the doctor’s recommendations for the rehabilitation period, so the child is still in “exile”, and I have complete peace, I sleep , eat, and sleep again, without any strain.

No walking, shopping, driving, etc., maximum peace, and tomorrow will probably be the best day of my life - tomorrow I will be able to take a shower in full🙏 and not in parts😂

Briefly about the operation, it’s not as scary and painful as many people say. Childbirth and the first days after were 100 times harder for me than mammoplasty.

June 26, 2018. I would like to express my deep gratitude to my Grudko Alexander and the clinic staff. Everything is on the level👍🏽cleanliness in the room and restroom, interior, comfortable bed, air conditioning, plasma, and most importantly - delicious food and coffee🖤 The medical staff is incredibly attentive, I feel like a child here, the care is off the charts😌

The operation was successful, and quite quickly, we also managed to reduce the distance between the breasts, as planned, Doc said that it turned out very beautifully☺️

Regarding the pain after surgery and anesthesia - oh, I don’t know who had hellish pain, for me personally everything is very comfortable, I feel like I’ve trained my pectoral muscles well 💪🏼 I haven’t even asked to inject me with painkillers yet.

I recovered from the anesthesia quickly, after 15 minutes I was already recording stories, after 20 minutes I got up and went to the restroom, and an hour later I already begged for food 😂 and ate my fill - I ate both the first and second, and salad, and coffee with chocolates. 🐷

I am sincerely glad that I decided to take this step, in which I was supported by the most important people - my man, mothers and fathers.

Well, from the photo, it’s immediately clear that I will soon become the owner of beautiful breasts, and that I have found a common language with the doctor🙏

We already flew home this morning✈️

If before the consultation, I was not yet sure what exactly I wanted, what shape, size, etc., then after, everything fell into place 😻

And so, we came to a common opinion👌🏼 These will be Natrelle anatomical implants, 295 g, access through the areola and installation under the muscle💪🏼

And Alexander scheduled the operation, I honestly can’t even believe that this will happen so soon 😱 In the meantime, I need to undergo the necessary examinations and get tested before the operation 🔪

And thank you very much for your support and a huge number of kind words and wishes in the direct message 🙏 It’s true, you are my most adequate readers 😻

And since this topic is interesting to many, I will be happy to share with you all the details of my mammoplasty🍒 under the hashtag 👉🏼 #grudko_for_stasya

It's time to reveal the secrets. My husband and I are flying to Moscow this Wednesday✈️

By the way, when I wrote a post about changes and asked you, many hit the mark 🎯 and assumed the right option 😉 My changes, which I hope are definitely already awaiting me, are breasts 🍒

Why do I hope? Because the day after tomorrow my husband and I are flying only for a consultation, and not for the operation itself 😉

I don’t want to offend our Novosibirsk surgeons, but I didn’t even consider anyone🙈 I was looking for doctors in St. Petersburg and Moscow🙌🏼 I searched for a long time, looked at works, reviews, education, diplomas, experience, etc. And in the end I chose a plastic surgeon from Moscow - Grudko Alexander Viktorovich.

I hope that I was not mistaken with my choice, and after the consultation, I will be even more confident in my choice🙏

Why did I choose him? Yes, look at his work! His work is natural and neat, no balls under the chin, etc.😂

P.S. For me, the ideal version of having breasts done has always seemed ideal - when you look at a girl in a swimsuit or underwear, and you sincerely don’t understand whether her breasts were made or your own, so gorgeous 🤔🤔

We welcome to our website all girls and women who dream that when looking at their breasts, every man would be ready to exclaim after the Italian signore: bella donna (beautiful woman). Today we will talk about teardrop-shaped implants. About the main advantages of this and its disadvantages. About who chooses drop implants and why.

Size and features of drop-shaped endoprostheses

The size of the implant is calculated in milliliters. For "" 1 size corresponds to 200 ml. Do you want to know what size your breasts will be after a miracle-working surgeon works their magic on them? To calculate it, elementary arithmetic operations are enough. We use the formula:


where OG is the volume that a woman will have after surgery, OSG (own dimensions) and OP (size of the prosthesis). And we get the desired sizes.

Modern dentures can be either fixed size or adjustable. The doctor has the opportunity to adjust the volume directly during the operation.

Based on the structure of the outer shell, implants are distinguished:

  • smooth;
  • porous/structured.

According to a number of surgeons, porous ones are preferable because they more “steadily” retain their shape and position at the site of their introduction. Endoprostheses are classified according to their filler:

  • saline;
  • gel.

Teardrop-shaped prostheses are more expensive for the client and more difficult for the surgeon to implant, but they look great. You can evaluate the effect of the operation by comparing before and after photos.

Who chooses teardrop implants?

The choice depends on the patient’s preferences and some additional factors:

  • skin condition;
  • general condition of the body and its proportions;
  • chest size.

Ideas about the beauty of the mammary glands among different nations are by no means identical. For example, Latin women often choose, preferring tall and curvy shapes that immediately catch the eye. Our beauties, in almost 99% of cases, vote for naturalness and opt for the anatomical option. It is the one that has a teardrop shape.

Women prefer teardrop-shaped implants:

  • those who wish;
  • maintain smooth lines and natural contour of the mammary glands after surgical correction;
  • not afraid of losing naturalness in a lying position. Teardrop-shaped dentures retain their shape in this position, which is considered by some experts to be not natural enough;
  • for whom it is not a problem to change the shape of the prosthesis, and its acquisition of roundness (when choosing a smooth-surface option).

The size and shape of the implant is chosen by the patient and the surgeon together. The priority for the surgeon is to preserve the natural contours of the figure and the maximum naturalness of the shape of the mammary glands.

Advantages of modern endoprostheses

New generation implants are usually made of durable material, have a multi-layer shell and a warranty from the manufacturer for lifetime installation. This means that ideally the beauty will not need to go under the surgeon’s scalpel again. using modern implants and performed by a competent surgeon is not an obstacle:

  • for conception;
  • breastfeeding;
  • sterility;
  • biological compatibility/harmlessness (safety) of the filler (saline - similar to saline solution, gel - not absorbed by the tissues of the human body);
  • low probability of capsule rupture. This usually occurs with a serious injury to the thoracic area.

But even the high quality of endoprostheses and the magic hands of a surgeon, which turn any woman into a queen, do not guarantee possible troubles. Therefore, beauties who have “enlarged” their breasts, be sure to visit your doctor according to the schedule established by him. And get tested.

When might revision surgery be necessary?

Just a few cases can force the patient to undergo a second operation. There are few such cases, but it is better to know about them in advance:

  1. Defect of the endoprosthesis shell.
  2. Displacement, rotation, ripples of the implant.
  3. Sudden weight changes (in any direction).
  4. Changing the shape of the prosthesis.
  5. Deformation of the mammary glands with the formation of an additional fold () in the postoperative period.

Each complication has its own reasons. For example, pregnancy and lactation can cause changes in the shape of the implant. Dentures rotate due to the formation of a pocket or film on the surface of the shell. This prevents their ingrowth.

The saline endoprosthesis often “ripples.” Any version of the “artificial endo-breast” can shift for a variety of reasons. At the same time, the mammary glands lose their attractive shape and their asymmetry is observed. In fact, not everything is so terrible and the doctor can correct such complications. In addition, not all patients of plastic surgeons develop them.

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