How badger fat affects the lungs. Badger fat. Application. Treatment with badger fat. Application in cosmetology

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If badger fat is mixed with beef or pork fat and put on fire, it will melt much worse than other fats. The melting point of badger fat is very low, so it hardens quite quickly in the refrigerator, and at room temperature it begins to melt quickly.

Composition of the product

Badger fat is a rich source necessary for the body human substances.

  1. The easily digestible badger fat contains especially high levels of vitamins A, E and unsaturated fatty acids. Badger fat also contains some B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), vitamin K, organic acids, various macro- and microelements, cytamines Vitamins A and E contained in badger fat enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of unsaturated fatty acids, exhibit high antioxidant activity, activate the healing processes of damaged tissues, and contribute to increased immune defense, participate in the processes of growth and production steroid hormones, play an important role in the work of women and men reproductive systems, in the processes of embryonic development, take part in the natural synthesis of fibrillar proteins (collagen and keratin).
  2. Unsaturated fatty acid(including Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids), the high concentration of which badger fat has, helps improve metabolic processes and tissue trophism, have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, have a beneficial effect on functional state cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive, endocrine, digestive and muscular system, improve skin condition, help strengthen the immune system, take part in regulating blood sugar, and prevent the development of cancer.
  3. Organic acids present in badger fat enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins A, E and fatty acids, and prevent salt deposition uric acid in joints and organs urinary system, and also largely determine the bactericidal property of badger fat and help improve the digestion process (increase the secretion salivary glands, enhance the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices, have a choleretic effect, and activate intestinal peristalsis).


  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to recover from injuries serious illnesses and surgical operations;
  • used in the treatment of purulent processes - abscesses, cellulitis, boils, carbuncles, acne;
  • cures for a long time non-healing wounds, bedsores;
  • helps with general exhaustion of the body;
  • during acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • in the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenum;
  • normalizes blood counts;
  • effective in the treatment of thrombophlebitis (blockage of veins with blood clots and inflammation of the vein walls);
  • with skin aging and various skin diseases(psoriasis, neurodermatitis, burns, frostbite);
  • normalizes metabolism.

Treatment with badger fat

Badger fat is most useful for bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and others. pulmonary diseases. We can safely say that problems with the respiratory tract are the most promising area of ​​application for badger fat. The suppression of pathogenic microflora of the lungs and bronchi is so radical that badger fat turns from a cough remedy into a natural salvation.

The low price of badger lard makes it an indispensable drug for getting rid of many organic problems of varying severity:

  1. Operational disruptions immune system
  2. Respiratory diseases and respiratory tract
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases
  4. Open wounds and burns
  5. Joint diseases and injuries
  6. Diseases of the skin of the body and head, hair problems
  7. Infection of wounds from insect and animal bites

And all this is done with virtually no side effects. Fat is quickly absorbed by the body, the main thing is to know the dosage (calculated individually for the disease, the severity of the disease and the person’s body weight).

Action and application

It is useful for colds. To do this, you need to smear your chest with a sufficient amount of badger fat and cover with a warm towel. Badger fat has a weak characteristic odor. Its properties are similar to those of human adipose tissue, which is why it works so well.

It has a regenerative effect and is used when there is pain in joints, arthritis, tendinitis, helps and has a warming effect for problems with the spine.

Badger fat is an excellent remedy for massage to relieve muscle tension. It softens dry and cracked skin and also helps the skin self-cleanse from pollutants (for example, if you have vein problems). To keep your skin fresh and protect it from sun damage, you need to apply a thin layer of badger fat to your skin.

When taken orally, it is completely absorbed in the blood, enriching the body essential microelements, organic acids and vitamins. In addition, it increases immunity, improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system, enhances protein metabolism. Taking badger fat helps prevent the development of various types tuberculosis, normalize the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, improve mood. In addition, purulent processes slow down, fistulas and foci of infection close, wounds are cleaned, and recovery begins.

How to take badger fat internally?

Badger fat is traditionally used as tonic after serious illnesses and injuries, with diseases of the bronchi and lungs (including tuberculosis), erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis and diseases arising against its background (for example, with coronary disease heart, disorders cerebral circulation and so on).

Traditional medicine recommends taking a tablespoon of badger fat three times a day for three to four weeks. If badger fat is taken to treat bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases or as a general tonic, it can be taken with meals.

For diseases of the stomach and duodenum (for example, peptic ulcers), badger fat is taken 30 minutes before meals, as well as at night. For ulcerative colitis (inflammatory processes with ulceration of the wall of the large intestine), badger fat is prescribed an hour before meals and also at night.

External use

Badger fat is widely used externally. As a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, it is used for wounds, burns, trophic ulcers (for example, against the background of venous insufficiency), bedsores in bedridden patients. In all these cases, badger fat is applied to the edges of wounds, sometimes under a bandage. Burns can simply be lubricated with melted badger fat. During the war, when there was a shortage of medicine, hunters in Siberia and the Far East extracted badger fat, which was then used in hospitals to treat gunshot wounds.

  • Badger fat is also used to treat diseases of the joints and spine. For inflammatory processes (arthritis, spondylitis), it is recommended to apply compresses with warm badger fat - this relieves swelling and pain well.
  • At metabolic disorders(arthrosis, osteochondrosis) badger fat is added to the composition of rubbing. For example, you can use this recipe: take half a glass of badger fat, melt in a water bath, add 1.5 tablespoons vegetable oil, 10 drops each of lavender and any pine essential oil and 5 drops of essential oil tea tree; mix everything thoroughly, use as a rub, store in the refrigerator.
  • For chronic skin diseases, badger fat should be used with caution, as it can cause allergic reactions, which will aggravate the underlying process. But if there is no allergy, then pure badger fat will help with atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and psoriasis. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin two to three times a day.
  • Finally, in badger habitats, women traditionally used badger fat as a cosmetic to prevent aging, chapping and frostbite of the skin, strengthen hair, and even against baldness. Creams based on badger fat softened the skin of the hands and feet and promoted the healing of microtraumas and cracks.
  • Based on badger fat, you can prepare the following nourishing mask for aging dry skin: melt a tablespoon of badger fat in a water bath, add a teaspoon of rosehip essential oil, 10 drops of vitamins A and E (buy at a pharmacy) and the yolk of one egg, beaten with a teaspoon a spoon of honey; The mask is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 15–20 minutes, then washed off with slightly warm water without soap.

Internal use for colds:

For adults It is advisable to take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2 weeks.

For children from 12 years: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. For children, badger fat can be washed down with hot milk, adding honey or jam to taste, or spread on black bread in a thick layer and washed down with hot tea with rose hips or raspberries. After this period, it is enough to switch to taking fat twice a day - morning and evening. General course 1 month.

Internal use for severe chronic diseases

For adults take 1-3 tablespoons 3 times a day for 1 month. Then take a break from 2 to 4 weeks. Then repeat the course. Such courses are repeated until complete recovery.

For tuberculosis

1) Take 100 g of badger fat, 100 g good honey, 50 g of three-year-old aloe juice (before this, it is advisable to keep the aloe for 3 days in the refrigerator in a plastic bag).

Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

2) Take 10 pieces of lemons, 10 pieces of eggs, 0.5 liters of cognac, 1 liter of badger fat, 1 liter of honey.

Pass the lemon and zest through a meat grinder, pour this mixture over the eggs for 3-5 days, mash the shells and mix all the ingredients. Take 1/3 glass per day.

For lung cancer

Take 0.5 liters of badger fat, 0.5 liters of cognac, 0.5 liters of five-year-old aloe juice, 0.5 liters of honey (herbs).

Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Badger fat for cough

For adults Badger fat is rubbed on the chest, back, and legs at night. At the same time, take fat orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Children from 12 years old At night, rub badger fat on the chest, back, and legs. At the same time, fat is taken orally, 1 teaspoon 30-40 minutes before meals.

For small children At night, rub badger fat on the chest, back, and legs.

After 3-5 days, a noticeable improvement is observed, but it is better to continue treatment for at least a week.

To support immunity in children

Take 100 g of badger fat, mix with 100 honey, add minced walnuts(100g), raisins (100g) and dried apricots (100g). This mixture is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. Adults are recommended to take 1 tablespoon.

Badger fat in cosmetology

Cosmetic masks made from it can be very effective: the skin becomes more elastic and soft, the complexion improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out. And all this is due to the enrichment of fat with vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, E, K, PP, organic acids and microelements. IN winter time years, the use of fat protects the skin from peeling, chapping and frostbite.

Nourishing night cream with badger fat for dry skin

  • 50 ml fat and cocoa butter (shea);
  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or wheat germ oil;
  • 8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 8 drops of geranium;
  • 5 drops of rosewood oil.

Heat badger fat and cocoa butter in a water bath. When they melt, add jojoba oil and remove from heat. Cool with constant stirring, then add essential oils, mix and pour into glass jar. The cream can be used before bed on the face, neck, hands, elbows and any areas of the body where the skin is dry. This cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Hand and foot cream based on badger fat

Add 1 teaspoon of lecithin to 30 ml of vodka in the evening. In the morning, melt 50 ml of badger fat in a water bath along with 25 ml of almond oil and 10 grams of beeswax. Add dissolved lecithin there and remove from heat. Mix everything thoroughly and add 20 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil to the mixture. This wonderful remedy for healing cracks on the legs and arms, and for softening rough skin. The cream should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Nourishing mask for aging skin

Melt 1 tablespoon of badger fat in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil, 10 drops of vitamins A and E, separately beat 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to face and neck. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Mask for dry and normal skin

Melt a little dark chocolate (cocoa at least 70%) in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon of badger fat so that it has the consistency of thick sour cream.

Cool and apply a warm mask to the face and neck for 10 minutes.

Mask for dry and aging skin

Take honey, badger fat and fish oil melted in a water bath in equal proportions, mix everything well. Apply a thin layer to the face, neck, back side palms for 15-20 minutes.

Mask against dry, falling out, depleted hair No. 1

Take 50 grams of bear, badger, mink fat and melt everything in a water bath. Add 1 jar to fat Vietnamese balm“Star”, mix everything well. Before each wash, apply to the hair roots while warm, under film and insulation for an hour and a half. Store in the refrigerator and warm slightly before use.

Mask against dry, falling out, depleted hair No. 2

Mix 1 tablespoon of slightly warmed badger fat with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of onion juice. Add 10 drops of clove essential oil and 10 drops of mint essential oil. Apply to hair roots 1.5-2 hours before washing.

Mask against dry, falling out, depleted hair No. 3

  • 1 tablespoon badger fat;
  • 1 tablespoon aloe juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of colorless henna;
  • 2 tablespoons of warm whey;
  • 3 drops of geranium essential oil.

Mix all components and apply to hair for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Contraindications for use

  • Diseases of the pancreas and liver.
  • Pancreatitis in acute form.
  • Cholelithiasis in the acute stage.
  • Age up to 3 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance.

It is important to know that badger fat may cause allergies or adverse reaction in the form of nausea. Then you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Badger fat for children under 3 years of age should be used exclusively on the recommendations of doctors and only after consultation with them. When taking badger fat, symptoms may appear: side effects, such as allergic reactions, diarrhea, nausea, rash or itching.

Popular questions

Where to buy badger fat

Where is the best place to buy badger fat? Many people buy it from hunters who are the direct producers of this natural product. However, in this case, the fat cannot be purified using modern technologies, and it is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish real fat from a fake. So it's better to buy badger fat in large pharmacies, where you can see a certificate for this product, and find out which manufacturer it was produced by. Store badger fat in a dark, dry and cool place.

How to drink badger fat if it smells very unpleasant?
Dilute it in honey and milk, add blackcurrant jam to it (maintaining a 3:1 ratio), wash down the fat with special vitamin decoctions from rose hips, St. John's wort, field herbs. If you still can’t drink fat, buy gelatin capsules at pharmacies.

How to replace badger fat?

For treatment, you can also use marmot fat or dog fat. Dog fat, by the way, is almost universally used in oriental medicine. It helps cope with colds and tuberculosis, helps maintain the vitality of the human body even in very bad weather. It is believed that red dog fat has the best beneficial healing properties.

Compositions based on badger fat have long been used for prevention and restoration of health. Its medicinal properties strengthen the immune system and help with diseases of the lungs, joints, and digestive system. The useful product is used in folk recipes and traditional medicine. Before hibernation, the animal's body accumulates mass useful substances and vitamins.

Polyunsaturated acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic) are not produced in the human body. They promote the formation of “good” cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and prevent the destruction of healthy cells, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and blood clots.

Retinol (vitamin A) improves visual acuity, condition of the skin, hair, nails, and the skin looks younger. Therefore, badger fat is used in cosmetics.

B vitamins help cope with the syndrome chronic fatigue, eliminate depression, anxiety, headaches, help with migraines.

Vitamin E prevents intense oxidation, helps enrich the blood with oxygen, which helps to quickly relieve fatigue and restore strength. Improves cell nutrition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes the resorption of blood clots. In chronic bronchitis, it reduces the intensity of the infectious-inflammatory process and has a sputum-thinning effect.

The healthy product is also a source of vitamins PP, K, folic acid, microelements and organic acids, are completely absorbed.

What does badger fat help with?

Badger fat is used to treat diseases of the lungs, bronchi, upper respiratory tract, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, coughs, and acute respiratory infections. It helps in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This useful product has a beneficial effect on men, helps strengthen potency, and tones. Natural badger fat, used in capsules or after reheating, enhances protective forces body, stimulates blood circulation processes.

It is especially useful in postoperative period or after illness, when the body needs an additional source of nutrition. It is taken to reduce side effect chemotherapy. Helps in the treatment of skin diseases; it is used for external rubbing or compresses.

The healing properties of badger fat help in cases of frequent colds, physical or nervous exhaustion of the body, including chronic bronchitis associated with smoking. They treat gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis, ulcers and wounds on the mucous membranes, bedsores, psoriasis, eczema.

Badger fat is used in cases of heart and vascular diseases, for prevention and treatment high blood pressure (arterial hypertension), stroke, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, to normalize hemoglobin levels. In cosmetology, masks are prepared from it for the skin and to improve the condition and growth of hair.

Treatment of cough, runny nose, colds. Badger fat is taken orally after gargling to treat the throat, as well as for coughs and sore throats. In case of a runny nose, mix in equal parts with aloe juice, instilled into each nostril. The healing properties of badger fat and honey (mix in equal parts) are used for colds, sore throat, flu, and bronchitis. Accept useful product 1 tsp each several times a day. In case of a cold at a not very high temperature, rub the shoulder blades with fat overnight and rub into the feet.

Pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. When chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, take 1-3 tbsp. an hour before meals three times a day for a month. After a break of 2-3 weeks, repeat the course 2-3 times until recovery occurs. In case of a complicated form of pneumonia or tuberculosis, the course should be more intense and longer.

Folk recipe for treating bronchitis: Mix 100 g of badger fat and lard, melt the mixture, let cool to +30C. Get 100g of juice from aloe leaves, finely grate 100g of chocolate. Mix melted fat, aloe juice and chocolate with 200g of honey. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals three times a day.

Folk recipe for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: Add to 2 tablespoons. badger fat 2 drops of birch tar, mix thoroughly. Take with a drink warm milk, three times a day before meals for three months. After a week's break, continue treatment.

Diseases of the digestive system. The medicinal properties of badger fat are used in the following recipe: Mix 200 g of badger fat, honey, unsalted butter, 50 ml of aloe juice (the plant must be at least three years old), 2 tbsp. cocoa or finely grated chocolate. Melt the fat over low heat, add honey, butter, aloe juice and cocoa, mix thoroughly. Use by stirring or drinking 1 tsp. finished product a glass of hot milk half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After two to three weeks, repeat the intake of badger fat.

During treatment, warm teas made from coltsfoot, oregano, and thyme are useful. You should avoid eating sour, bitter, and salty foods.

Rubbing children with badger fat. Externally, the medicinal properties of badger fat are used to eliminate lingering cough in children and adults. The procedure has a warming effect, so it should not be used at high temperatures and at the beginning of the disease, so as not to aggravate the active inflammatory process (for example, in the bronchi). Rubbing is indicated during the recovery stage. It is better to rub badger fat into a small area so as not to disturb skin respiration. At the beginning of treatment, you should make sure that there is no allergy. Rub the fat overnight into the shoulder blades or chest area, into the feet.

Diseases of joints, muscles, nerves. Badger fat is used to treat osteochondrosis, arthritis, and rheumatism. They rub it on joints or use it as compresses. To enhance useful action Before the procedure, visit the sauna or take a hot bath.

Recipe for treating joint and muscle pain: Melt 100g of badger fat, add 30ml of wheat germ oil, 10 drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils, 5 drops of mint essential oil, mix. Apply the composition to sore muscles and joints, preferably after a bath or hot bath.

Recipe for treating radiculitis: Warm up in a bathhouse, rub badger fat into the joints, massage, wrap in a terry towel and lie on the bottom shelf. It is advisable to rub in the fat every day.

Recipe for treatment of sciatica, neuritis: Cool 40 g of propolis, chop, pour into cold water, mix well so that wax and other light particles float to the surface and remove. Melt 100g of badger fat in an enamel bowl, heat until it boils, let cool to +60C, add propolis, heat until it boils, stir continuously for 10 minutes. While hot, strain the mixture into a glass container. Store in closed in a dark, cool place. Use to rub the affected areas, then warm them with a blue lamp.

The use of badger fat in for cosmetic purposes. Badger fat is used to treat the initial stage of psoriasis, baldness, as well as eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, rashes, purulent focal inflammation, skin itching associated with allergies. It softens and nourishes the skin, helps smooth out wrinkles, and has a rejuvenating effect. Before using this or that mask, you should check for the absence of an allergic reaction by applying a little fat to the crook of your elbow. Store the composition in the refrigerator.

The healing properties of badger fat help against hair loss, baldness, and nourish the scalp: To 1 tsp. add 1 tsp of melted badger fat. honey, burdock oil, onion juice, 10 drops each of mint and clove essential oils, mix. Apply to hair roots twice a week for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo with warm water.

Mask for dry skin: 1 tsp. add a drop of melted fat fish oil. Apply to hands, face, neck and décolleté for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for the skin around the eyes: Stir 1.2 tsp. warm melted badger fat, two raw chicken egg yolks, 2 tbsp. almond oil, 1 tsp. honey, 50 ml distilled water. Apply the composition with a swab for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Badger fat contraindications. Despite the numerous medicinal properties of badger fat, in some cases it can be harmful. It should not be used in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications for treatment are cholelithiasis, inflammation of the biliary tract and gallbladder (especially if there are stones), diseases of the liver and pancreas. Before treating children of any age, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Children under three years of age should not take fat orally.

Unique folk remedy with a composition that is practically never found in nature - badger subcutaneous fat. Medicinal properties, contraindications for this remedy are known folk medicine for several hundred years now, and modern world have not lost their unique significance for human health.

Badger fat - medicinal properties

Are being formed beneficial features badger fat due to the natural state of the animal’s body: before hibernating, the body deposits all the useful substances into fat, and using it in a state of suspended animation, the animal will be able to provide itself with everything it needs. How is badger fat useful for humans, what are the contraindications? External and internal use helps get rid of the most various problems with health:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • wounds, burns;
  • skin diseases;
  • joint problems, injuries;
  • potency disorders in men.

Instructions for use

The insert for regular rendered badger lard describes various applications, which depends on existing disease. To treat gastrointestinal problems, to boost immunity and for dry coughs, take the folk remedy orally without additives or with milk as indicated in the instructions. To treat pneumonia, colds, and bronchitis, rub it in the chest area to achieve a warming effect. Badger fat can easily heal wounds - the instructions for use advise applying the product twice a day, after washing the wound, to enhance the healing properties.

In capsules

The use of badger fat for medicinal purposes is more pleasant if you drink it in a processed form in capsules, the price of which is no more than other dosage forms. The properties of the folk remedy remain the same, but do not cause inconvenience or unpleasant sensations. Badger fat in capsules is suitable for those who often experience stress and need to support the body from the inside. It is useful to give capsules to a child: the form of the tablets is much more pleasant, and the medicinal properties for child's body irreplaceable:

  • enriches fat-soluble vitamins;
  • saturates with beneficial lipids, essential amino acids;
  • nourishes with B vitamins, carotene, tocopherol, therefore has a strong tonic effect on the child’s body;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps resist hypothermia and viruses.

Ointment Badger

What does badger fat cure if used externally? Pharmacies sell an effective remedy for affordable price and salvation for many mothers - Badger cream for children. The cream is used for the prevention and treatment of pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, severe cough. Badger ointment is made on the basis of natural rendered lard, but has a milder effect and a minimum of side effects on the child’s body.

Barsukor - instructions

Badger fat - solution in pure form or in capsules. It is produced under the name Barsukor - its instructions provide for oral use only for children from three years of age. Prescribed to drink this medicine pediatricians for the treatment and prevention of rickets, dystrophy, as well as bronchitis, atopic dermatitis The child has. Before taking it, you need to carefully read the instructions, contraindications, medicinal properties, because individual intolerance is possible.

Sustamed with badger fat

What does badger fat, which is part of medicinal creams, help with? Sustamed with badger fat is an indispensable savior in many home medicine cabinets, because the healing properties of the balm help adults and children. Sustamed balm is used:

  • to relieve swelling of muscles and joints;
  • for a runny nose - apply to the sinuses;
  • in case of hypothermia - to warm the chest and feet.

The balm has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve muscle tension, and improves blood circulation. It is recommended to use Sustamed as prophylactic for those who are predisposed to colds and hypothermia. The balm has a beneficial effect on joints: relieves fatigue, improves microcirculation of joint tissue, enriching it with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Badger fat - application

Natural badger fat treats many diseases - its medicinal properties and contraindications have been known to folk medicine for hundreds of years and do not lose their relevance. How to take badger fat in a particular case depends on the form of release and the disease:

  • for colds in children, rub the chest and feet; given orally with warm milk and honey (3:1:1);
  • for adults with weakened immunity, take a tablespoon orally per day, washed down with milk or tea;
  • according to many reviews, it is effective as part of others medicinal products for the treatment of tuberculosis - a mixture of rendered lard, aloe juice and honey (2:1:2), taken three times a day;
  • restoring strength after illness, a mixture of the main ingredient and propolis (1 g), a teaspoon of medical alcohol, butter 50 g, honey 100 g - mix the composition 1:1 with milk and take orally 2-3 times a day (for rubbing for joint diseases this composition is mixed not with milk, but with alcohol);
  • in its pure form it is used for dermatitis, wounds and ulcers, applied to pre-antiseptically treated skin.

When coughing

Badger fat helps adults and children with coughs, which can be used from the age of 3. By rubbing the fat mass in the area of ​​the chest and feet, you can warm up the body tissues well, and the heat is retained for a long time and acts like a medicine, because tissues are saturated with vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, thereby increasing immunity.

For bronchitis

Judging by many reviews, it is beneficial and effective to treat lung diseases with badger fat, using it externally and internally. Badger fat helps against bronchitis if you drink it this remedy melted, mixed with milk, or with honey. This composition soothes coughs, softens mucous membranes, increases local and general immunity. If there are contraindications to use, then medicinal properties can be obtained from external use by rubbing the chest at night.

Badger fat for pneumonia

In parallel with traditional treatment Badger fat is used for pneumonia. The main role of the folk remedy is to support the body’s defenses, enhanced nutrition with vitamins and essential amino acids. The effect of warming up tissues and improving blood microcirculation when rubbing the skin is not least important in the treatment of pneumonia. Read the instructions for correct use.

During pregnancy

Official medicine does not recommend using badger fat during pregnancy, because its effect on a woman’s body during such a period has not been fully studied. But sometimes the expected benefit from use is much greater than the possible harmful effects. The main benefit for pregnant women is its immunostimulating properties. badger fat, which are necessary for a woman’s body during such a period.

In cosmetology

Badger fat is widely used in cosmetology - creams are made based on it to care for the skin of the face, hands and the whole body. These creams treat acne, get rid of allergic rashes, redness and dryness. The most popular application such compositions are for rejuvenation. The secret of the effect lies in the antioxidant composition of fat, on the basis of which not only creams, but also masks are made. The price of such home remedies is pleasantly surprising.

For hemorrhoids

To treat a delicate disease, fat-based capsules and suppositories are often used. Badger fat for hemorrhoids in capsules is prescribed as an independent remedy for initial stages or in parallel with drug treatment. Natural capsules act as a sedative, have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and support local immunity.

For psoriasis

Thanks to the biologically active substances in its composition, badger fat is effective for psoriasis - it has a strong healing effect. Before using any product to treat skin diseases, you must find out if you have an allergy. If the body reacts well to the folk remedy, you can treat the skin by applying the composition to the affected areas in a sufficient layer, preferably in its pure form.

For burns

Making ointments with extracts from medicinal herbs– plantain, chamomile, celandine – to enhance the healing properties in folk medicine, badger fat is used for burns. Such remedies cope well with pain and prevent the appearance of blisters. Burns are simply treated with melted fat to completely cover the affected skin. There is no need to apply bandages or dressings after treatment. At severe cases and extensive skin damage, you should definitely consult a doctor; under no circumstances should you treat yourself.

For tuberculosis

Badger fat helps against tuberculosis and general exhaustion of the body. More pronounced healing effect observed when using such a folk remedy in combination with other, no less powerful folk remedies: honey, propolis, infusions of medicinal herbs. The price-quality ratio for such a medicinal product is the most favorable: record-breaking useful composition for a weakened body, it is difficult to find among traditional medicine medicines with similar properties and price.

How to take badger fat for prevention

It is known that subcutaneous deposits are obtained at a time when the animal is preparing for hibernation: by this time it has accumulated maximum amount useful substances. Scientists have even found that body fat hibernating animals are immune to snake venom, remove decay products, salts heavy metals, significantly strengthen the immune system. How to take badger fat for prevention correctly? It is useful in its pure form: you need to drink a tablespoon a day. Before prophylactic use You need to consult your doctor and find out about contraindications.

Badger fat - contraindications

Even this useful remedy, like badger fat, has contraindications and warnings for use. The instructions for use describe in detail how badger fat works - contraindications, indications and possible side effects will help you understand the specifics. Contraindications are:

  • chronic pancreatitis – people suffering from pancreatitis do not have enough enzymes that break down lipids;
  • liver dysfunction – for a weak liver, fat can become heavy;
  • disruption of the biliary tract - disruption of the breakdown and absorption of lipids occurs;
  • people who have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract - any heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract causes disruption for the whole body.

It is not recommended to take badger fat orally to children under 6 years of age due to the fact that it can put a huge burden on the liver and digestive system; the harm from this may outweigh the expected benefit. For the same reason, doctors do not recommend the product to some pregnant and lactating women. It is worth remembering that, as with other medications, individual intolerance may occur, especially in people who live in areas where the badger does not live and have not eaten its fat.


The retail cost of badger fat depends on dosage form: the price of capsules varies from 120 to 300 rubles, in its pure form in bottles - 400-500 rubles. for 250 ml. If you need large volumes for preparing creams, masks and treating the whole family, then it is better to buy such volumes in an online store, where a liter of rendered lard can be found at a favorable price - up to 2000 rubles. Creams based on this combined composition have small price– from 100 rubles per tube of 30 ml. You can order them inexpensively in specialized stores, whose catalogs often have a much wider selection.


The unique composition and healing power of fatty deposits in the tissues of animals that can sleep for several months at a time have been used by people for healing since ancient times. Stock nutrients, which helps the animal survive without eating anything during the long and frosty winter, by definition must be a special and very valuable product.

The fat rendered from the carcasses of a bear and a badger has similar properties, but the fat reserves of a badger are especially valued because of the amazing vitality of a small and relatively harmless animal.

People have noticed that these small predators are not afraid of snake bites. Their body easily copes with poison. Wounded animals can dissolve and remove even metal pellets from tissues. Laboratory studies have confirmed the ability of natural raw materials to cleanse cells of toxins, remove heavy metal salts, and strengthen the immune system.

The healing composition of badger fat

The composition of the raw materials is a pharmacy of useful substances collected by nature itself, a medicinal elixir that heals a large number of diseases and restores the strength of an organism exhausted by labor.

Prices for the unique forest elixir of health are directly related to the time of its extraction. The most useful product will be the one obtained at the end of autumn, when the animal is preparing for long sleep and accumulated the largest amount of fat reserves.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids are supplied to human body only with food. The medicinal fat is concentrated a large number of valuable acids that strengthen the condition of the heart and blood vessels, even inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.
  • Vitamins A and E take care of the regeneration of skin cells, strengthen the protective barrier, and synthesize collagen and keratin proteins.
  • Acids increase the benefits of badger fat and are responsible for its bactericidal properties.
  • Vitamins are responsible for activating protein metabolism. Helps improve vision and hematopoietic processes.

Preventive and healing properties have been tested for centuries active use remedies by healers and healers, confirmed by comprehensive laboratory research medical specialists.

The healing properties of badger fat for health

The elixir, given by nature itself, accelerates the metabolism in the body, increases the amount of red blood cells, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Biochemical studies have proven a positive effect on human reproductive capabilities.

The concentration of nutrients determines the effectiveness of the healing effect. The product collected in the fall, before the animal goes into its hole, is most powerful. It is suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

  • At internal use An easily digestible natural product improves protein metabolism.
  • Compensates for failures in the formation of enzymes in an exhausted body, activates digestive processes.
  • B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the percentage of hemoglobin.
  • Increases resistance to various infectious agents, even to Koch's bacillus, which provokes the development of tuberculosis.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and intestines heal faster. Healing potion protects and envelops the gastrointestinal mucosa, has a wound-healing effect.
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids reduce the amount cholesterol plaques, which prevents the development of heart diseases: atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  • It can be used to treat infertility and improve the condition of eggs and sperm.
  • Antioxidants included natural remedy strengthen and tone the cells of the dermis, nail plates and hair.

For complex use, a combination of internal and external use is recommended. Lubricating the wound surface increases the effect of healing, disinfection and pain relief. A thin layer of product applied to the skin protects against the aggressive external environment.

The use of badger fat in folk medicine

The benefits and effectiveness have been confirmed by numerous examples. Traditional medicines can compete with classical therapy, but even the most effective remedy cannot be considered an absolute panacea. It is more reliable to improve the patient’s condition by combining the use of forest balsam taken from badgers with drug therapy.

The remedy heals an organism weakened or exhausted by disease. The unique components of the drug restore strength and fill the body with energy.

Badger fat for skin diseases and injuries

The ability to heal open wounds is in demand in the treatment of skin lesions. During the Great Patriotic War wounded soldiers were quickly put back on their feet with the help of simple fatty ointments.

Traditional therapy improves the condition of trophic ulcers and bedsores. Scars and stretch marks fade and practically disappear. Treatment of frostbite, burns, fistulas, acne is painless. The course of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema is alleviated if external use is accompanied by internal use.

The recipe for healing ointment is extremely simple. The edges of an open wound or injury are covered with purified fat several times a day. On deep wounds and the damaged ointment is applied under the bandage. Treatment of skin lesions is painless and comfortable for patients of any age.

Rubbing is effective for muscle and joint problems: arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis. Vigorous rubbing or compresses are especially effective after a steam room or hot bath.

The rubbing ointment is prepared from 100 grams of fat and 30 grams of jojoba oil. For aroma and pain relief effect, add a drop of essential oils: rosemary, lavender, mint. You don’t have to rub the ointment in, but apply a thick layer and bandage the sore spot.

Badger fat for diseases of the cardiovascular system

The use of the product enhances the effectiveness of the fight against cardiac and vascular problems: varicose veins, thrombosis. When consumed internally, the blood is saturated with healing substances and minerals. The vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques, and the lumen of the vascular bed increases.

The application regimen is similar to the treatment of problems with respiratory system or prophylactic use. dessert spoon The drug is enough for one dose during meals.

Badger fat for diseases of the digestive system

Natural healing ointment heals wounds, is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastritis. The fatty component envelops the mucous membrane digestive organs, softens the friction of food pieces and the irritating effects of digestive juices. Medicinal components have wound-healing and bactericidal effects.

For ulcers, the folk remedy is taken half an hour before a meal and shortly before resting at night. With ulcerative colitis, when ulcerations form on the walls of the large intestine, a longer interval between intake and food is required. One serving is 30 grams.

Badger fat for respiratory diseases

Taking badger fat for coughs is effective. It is better to discuss the method of recovery with your doctor. The strength strengthening product does not replace traditional therapy. Forest elixir complements and enhances the effect of antibiotics.

The amino acids in its composition dilute mucus and remove it from the bronchi, regenerating lung tissue. The bactericidal effect suppresses the vital activity of Koch's bacillus, helping to cope with the tuberculosis process in the lungs. Using specific food additives even heavy smokers and asthmatics get rid of painful attacks of dry cough.

For treatment, the product is consumed before each full meal. The product is mixed with honey and jam to soften the specific taste. Badger fat is used for coughs in children after the child reaches three years old. To mask the natural odor, the melted mass is mixed with honey, tea, and chocolate. It is useful to drink the drug not with milk, which increases the formation of sputum, but with a vitamin decoction of berries.

Badger fat for cough externally

A small amount of ointment is vigorously rubbed into the skin on the back and chest. Massage and light warming effect increases blood circulation in the lung area. Biologically active substances are absorbed through the skin into the blood, which carries them to diseased organs. Rubbing your feet with fat gives a good warming and healing effect.

Badger fat for cough inside

The Tibetan cough recipe is taken in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to combine 100 grams of fat, cocoa, honey. Add 50 grams of aloe, butter, 2 grams of mumiyo and gram. Dilute the composition with a teaspoon of alcohol. It is most convenient to store the composition in the refrigerator. A spoonful of the mixture is diluted in a glass of hot drink and drunk slowly.

The greatest effect is achieved by combined indoor and outdoor use. For the fortress vocal cords and preserve the sonority of your voice, spread a piece of bread and eat it before an important performance.

Cosmetic use of badger fat

Cosmetologists add fat mass to various creams that improve skin well-being, rejuvenate dermal cells, strengthen hair follicles and stimulating hair growth.

With the help of badger fat, cosmetologists enrich the skin with vitamins A, B, E, nourish and rejuvenate it. The most effective use of face masks and body creams.

Badger fat face masks

Nourishing, rejuvenating and renewing masks can be made at home. Bactericidal properties medicinal product helps to cope with acne, cleanse your face of inflammation and blackheads.

  • A mixture with jojoba and cocoa oils, enriched with the aromas of essential oils, will moisturize the skin.
  • Badger and, mixed with honey until a viscous paste is obtained, will refresh and rejuvenate the face and neck.
  • Mixed with almond oil, beeswax, glycerin and a drop of delicate basil oil will soften chapped skin.

Large amounts of retinol act as a mild anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. Acne, inflammation, abrasions will disappear without a trace if you regularly use useful masks.

Body cream with badger fat

Nourishing body products will protect the skin from ultraviolet burns, chapping, and frostbite. The unique composition of the creams will help restore hair thickness, get rid of cracks on the feet, dry skin on the elbows.

  • A cream with the addition of burdock oil and onion juice will restore the strength and thickness of your hair.
  • For gentle care of your hands and feet, use a cream made from a mixture of almond oil, wax, glycerin and a few drops of alcohol.
  • Stretch marks on the stomach and chest will disappear if you regularly rub cream with almond oil into the skin.

A natural remedy will provide quick results. Dream cosmetic smell natural product is combated by adding aromatic essential oils.

Contraindications to the use of badger fat

Despite its effectiveness, natural medicine should be used carefully, taking into account real contraindications and the possibility of side effects.

Purified fat mass It is easily absorbed if the patient’s body is accustomed to consuming fat. In the absence of a habit of using them active treatment can cause digestive upset, nausea and even vomiting.

  1. Patients with chronic pancreatitis The product cannot be treated. Taking it will only exacerbate the inflammatory process and increase abdominal pain.
  2. Taking forest medicine will cause an exacerbation of liver diseases and disrupt the functioning of the pancreas. It is the liver and the bile-making gland that are responsible for the breakdown of fats and their absorption. You should not burden your internal organs with additional work.
  3. Sign of appearance allergic reactions can be skin rashes, urticaria, Quincke's edema. Even minor symptoms should be a signal to completely abandon a product containing an allergen in one of the components.

Medical experts do not recommend pregnant women and young children to take barskaya fat. Infants have not yet developed enough internal organs to digest pure fat. The pregnant body already works for two and may not be able to cope with the additional work.

Rules for use and dosage of badger fat

All natural medicinal product not completely safe due to side effects. Like any other fat, it can cause digestive upset. Bio-rich active substances composition is a source of allergens.

Caution is necessary when using a health-improving product for children. Up to three years, only external treatment is indicated. To get rid of colds, children rub their back, chest, and feet. Older children are given a little of the product internally, mixed with honey or jam to improve the taste. It is more convenient to treat schoolchildren with a capsule preparation.

  • Children's dosage is a third of a teaspoon three times a day.
  • From 6 to 12 years – half a teaspoon.
  • For teenagers - a spoonful.

Before starting therapy, you must consult a pediatrician to make sure there are no contraindications or allergic reactions in your baby.

Tips for choosing and purchasing quality badger fat

The healing properties depend on a number of parameters. You should only buy the product from a trusted and reputable seller or go to pharmacies for a certified drug. Pharmacies sell badger fat in capsules made of gelatin that dissolves in the stomach. The capsules are easy to take and no more difficult than regular tablets.

The most valuable product is obtained at the end of autumn, when the animals are about to hibernate. The amount of useful substances in the animal’s body is as high as possible, and the nutritional reserve has not yet been used up during the long winter.

  • For the preparation of medicinal products, not only subcutaneous, but also internal fat, located on organs.
  • It is necessary to melt carefully, without exposing the raw materials to heating above 100 degrees.
  • A properly prepared fusible mass has a snow-white or soft cream color.
  • A musty smell and a bitter-sour taste are a sign of spoilage.

Store badger fat in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 2 years. The specific smell can be muffled by mixing a folk remedy with honey, blackcurrant jam or washing down fat with berry decoction.

Badger fat has been used in folk medicine for more than two centuries. The beneficial properties of the product were used to treat respiratory diseases, heal wounds, and increase the body's defenses.

Currently, the healing product has not lost its relevance for health. Compared with medicines, badger fat has no absolute
contraindications and side effects, has a gentle effect on the body, while being effective and inexpensive. The healing product is prescribed not only to adults, but also to young children who often get sick and do not tolerate medication well. Later in the article we will look at what badger fat is, its medicinal properties and uses.

What is badger fat?

The badger is a wild mammal from the mustelidae family. The animal lives in Europe (except for the extreme northern regions), Asia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The badger is the only representative of the mustelid genus that hibernates during the cold season. Hibernation usually begins in October-November, the animal wakes up in March-April. The badger sleeps for 5-6 months, during which it feeds on substances stored during the warm season. The necessary components for maintaining the life of an animal during hibernation accumulate in visceral fat - adipose tissue that is localized around the internal organs.

Internal badger fat is rich in nutritional ingredients, vitamins, and mineral complexes. The product has the greatest biological value if it is harvested on the eve of the cold period before hibernation. This fat contains the maximum concentration of substances beneficial to health. This is the only product doctors recommend using for various diseases and to strengthen the immune system.

Badger fat has a white or cream color and a slight specific odor. If the expiration date or storage conditions are violated, the product acquires a yellowish tint, rancid taste, sour or putrid smell. This kind of fat loses healing properties, can cause poisoning and allergic reactions.

To improve your health, you need to consume only fresh food that has been properly prepared and stored in a refrigerator. At a temperature of +4-+7, the fat hardens and acquires a solid consistency, at room temperature it turns into liquid. This indicates the natural composition of the product, without chemical additives, preservatives or fragrances.

Composition and beneficial properties of the healing product

Badger fat is a source of biologically active ingredients for the human body. The unique composition and high concentration of nutrients allows the product to be used not only for preventive, but also for medicinal purposes without harm to health. Doctors recommend using a folk remedy to strengthen the body of children, the elderly, and weakened patients after serious illnesses.

The benefits of badger fat for the human body are determined by its unique composition.

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids (primarily omega-3, omega-6, omega-9) are found in the product in high content and optimal ratio. These substances normalize cholesterol metabolism, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize tissue trophism, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. Omega acids improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine, sexual, nervous system, normalize blood sugar levels, prevent the formation of tumors, and strengthen the body's defenses.
  2. Organic acids. They have an antioxidant, bactericidal, and vascular strengthening effect. They normalize the secretion of digestive juices of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and liver, which improves the digestion and absorption of food. Organic acids prevent the deposition of uric acid salts in the kidneys, gallbladder, in the joints.
  3. Vitamins A and E. Participate in the process of rejuvenation of the skin and the body as a whole due to a powerful antioxidant effect - neutralization in tissues free radicals. They normalize the functioning of the sex glands - they activate the synthesis of sex hormones, restore the activity of sperm and the maturation of the egg. They have a beneficial effect on the process of conception and intrauterine development of the fetus. Strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections.
  4. B vitamins. Improve the condition of hair, nails, facial skin and body. Regulate the functioning of the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems, heart and blood vessels. Normalize the functioning of muscles and hematopoietic organs. Improves the processes of protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism and water-salt balance.

The product contains micro- and macroelements, cytamines, vitamin K. All components in the fat provide its high biological value and versatility for use in almost all diseases in adults and children.

Indications and contraindications

The beneficial properties of badger fat are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of all organs and systems. The folk remedy is most effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases and strengthening the immune system.


  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis);
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia);
  • pathology of the hematopoietic organs (anemia, low hemoglobin in the blood);
  • prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • recovery hormonal levels in men and women, activation of spermatogenesis and potency in men, increase in the fertile period in women, treatment of infertility;
  • increased risk of blood clots, myocardial infarction, stroke of the brain and other internal organs;
  • injuries and diseases of joints, bones, violation of skin integrity (arthritis, arthrosis, healing after fractures, trophic ulcers, wounds, abrasions, dermatitis of various nature);
  • prevention of cancer;
  • strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infectious and allergic diseases;
  • prevention of early aging, skin rejuvenation, improvement of hair and nails;
  • restoration of the body after serious illnesses and infections, exhaustion, depression.


  • early childhood(from birth to 3 years);
  • idiosyncrasy (individual intolerance) of product components;
  • gestation of the fetus early stages(when consumed orally);
  • lactation period;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract (if consumed orally).

The medicinal properties of badger fat for children are aimed at strengthening the immune system. The product is especially useful for frequently and long-term ill children (CHI), susceptible to colds and infectious diseases. Application visceral fat allows you to restore normal functioning of the immune system and prevent the development of complications.

Application of a healing product

Badger fat is used for oral administration, for local treatment and is used to prepare cosmetics. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor about possible contraindications, especially the dosage and duration of the course of therapy.

Standard dosages and duration of treatment when prescribing visceral fat orally.

  1. The frequency of administration is 2 or 3 times a day.
  2. Time of administration: one hour before meals.
  3. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks, a break of 3 weeks, then the course of therapy can be repeated.
  4. The dose of the drug per dose is 1 tablespoon for adults, 1 teaspoon for children aged 12-16 years, 1/2 teaspoon for children aged 6-12 years, 1/3 teaspoon for children aged 3-6 years.

For improvement taste qualities badger fat can be mixed with milk, honey, syrup or jam. It is especially important to get rid of the specific taste of the product when administered to children who are reluctant to agree to take the drug.

For local treatment, rubs and compresses are used on wounds, chest, back, and joints. For this required amount The products are left at room temperature until a liquid consistency is obtained. For cosmetic purposes, the product (50 g) is mixed with beeswax (10 g), almond oil (25 ml), vodka or alcohol (30 g), pharmaceutical lecithin (5 ml), essential oil(20 drops). The resulting product is applied to problem areas of the skin three times a day.

Now you know what badger fat is - benefits and harm to the body. The healing product must be correctly selected and used, taking into account appearance, smell, taste, dosage and duration of use. The use of natural fresh viscera fat in accordance with doctor's recommendations guarantees long-lasting positive effect and health benefits.

A short video about the benefits of badger fat:

See you soon.
I wish you happiness and health.